1 00:02:30,611 --> 00:02:36,371 Telephone for you, sir. Such a rough voice. He says it's someone from your garage. 2 00:02:36,571 --> 00:02:38,131 Right. 3 00:02:42,611 --> 00:02:45,571 Your rude mechanic has bad news for you. 4 00:02:53,131 --> 00:02:57,251 Personally, I find mechanics are bad news, by and large. 5 00:02:59,451 --> 00:03:02,411 - Which phone, Alwyn? - The one on the left. 6 00:03:13,411 --> 00:03:18,371 Get on to the head office and find out when they can supply the damn thing! 7 00:03:20,251 --> 00:03:25,211 Hang on. I think I've got the number. Alwyn, sling that bag across for me, please. 8 00:03:25,411 --> 00:03:27,171 I will, sir. 9 00:03:29,291 --> 00:03:31,651 There you go. 10 00:03:31,851 --> 00:03:34,571 - Open it for you? - No, thanks. 11 00:03:57,051 --> 00:03:59,211 Right, are you ready? 12 00:04:00,251 --> 00:04:08,011 The number you want is 4376299. 13 00:04:19,451 --> 00:04:22,891 - Seems to be going according to plan. - Thank you. 14 00:04:23,091 --> 00:04:27,051 He does sound jumpy. He might have overdone it a bit there. 15 00:04:28,011 --> 00:04:29,971 He was very loud. 16 00:04:32,531 --> 00:04:36,291 I've seen it happen before. Tough ones who crack at 40. 17 00:04:36,491 --> 00:04:42,771 They lock it away, then suddenly you find 'em at their desks, the tears pouring on the blotter. 18 00:04:44,091 --> 00:04:48,251 - I thought I ought to say what's on my mind. - Peter will manage. 19 00:04:49,891 --> 00:04:54,851 - You heard about his assignment in North Africa? - Something, whispers. 20 00:04:56,331 --> 00:04:59,131 Peter was overmatched and he lost. 21 00:04:59,291 --> 00:05:05,531 His agents were hanged. No one recovers entirely from that sort of thing. 22 00:05:07,011 --> 00:05:10,611 That is, I wouldn't trust a man ...who did. 23 00:05:37,691 --> 00:05:39,251 Bag, please. 24 00:05:47,491 --> 00:05:51,011 Peter, sorry to disturb you, but we have a tiny crisis. 25 00:05:51,491 --> 00:05:55,771 Percy Alleline would like a word with you. Can you come now? 26 00:05:55,971 --> 00:06:01,731 Of course, Toby. Have you been waiting? Didn't you tell Mr Esterhase where I was? 27 00:06:01,931 --> 00:06:07,371 We've only just got here, Peter. Your office told us you were doing a spot of devilling. 28 00:06:08,531 --> 00:06:12,291 Only...Percy's anxious to speak to you now, you see. 29 00:06:13,411 --> 00:06:15,451 Is there a shuttle to Brixton? 30 00:06:15,651 --> 00:06:18,971 - Yes. - Ask Transport to take that thing over. 31 00:06:19,171 --> 00:06:21,811 Will do, sir. Will do. 32 00:06:24,651 --> 00:06:27,051 Percy wants to consult you. 33 00:06:40,451 --> 00:06:45,011 How are the martial arts, Paul? Any new tricks you could show me? 34 00:06:45,211 --> 00:06:50,571 Paul and I were paired on a tough-guy course. Damn near killed each other. 35 00:07:04,691 --> 00:07:06,091 Peter. 36 00:07:06,771 --> 00:07:08,091 Please. 37 00:07:17,611 --> 00:07:19,371 Wotcha, Pete. 38 00:07:53,851 --> 00:07:56,811 Well, now, young Peter Guillam, 39 00:07:57,011 --> 00:08:02,131 welcome to my house, about which you've been making calls, I hear. 40 00:08:02,331 --> 00:08:05,131 Are you lonely in the Brixton outposts? 41 00:08:05,291 --> 00:08:11,411 Tired of chasing the local virgins? If there are any in Brixton, which I would doubt! 42 00:08:11,611 --> 00:08:17,971 Excuse my freedom, Mo. You DO know that Mo Delaware is our new Head of Research? 43 00:08:18,691 --> 00:08:23,451 Man with message in cleft stick does reach Brixton, does he? 44 00:08:23,651 --> 00:08:25,611 Barring the monsoon. 45 00:08:26,691 --> 00:08:31,811 I hear you have been hobnobbing with the late, lamented Ricki Tarr, 46 00:08:32,731 --> 00:08:36,891 formerly of your section, dispatched by you to Lisbon 47 00:08:37,091 --> 00:08:41,531 and, since then, listed by this service as a defector. 48 00:08:43,371 --> 00:08:48,651 - How is he? - We have tea at Fortnum's every afternoon. 49 00:08:50,251 --> 00:08:52,091 Jasmine. 50 00:08:52,291 --> 00:08:55,051 Peter Guillam, you may not be aware of this, 51 00:08:55,251 --> 00:08:59,811 but I am possessed of an extremely forgiving nature. 52 00:09:00,011 --> 00:09:02,651 I positively seethe with goodwill. 53 00:09:03,891 --> 00:09:07,691 All I require from you is the matter of your discussion with Tarr. 54 00:09:08,251 --> 00:09:12,291 I do not ask for his head or any other part of his offensive anatomy, 55 00:09:12,451 --> 00:09:18,331 and I will restrain my impulse personally to strangle him...or you. 56 00:09:19,291 --> 00:09:24,251 I would even consider bringing you back into the palace from hateful Brixton, 57 00:09:25,171 --> 00:09:30,371 where presently you linger in well-earned obscurity. 58 00:09:30,531 --> 00:09:33,251 I can't wait for him to turn up! 59 00:09:33,451 --> 00:09:37,971 And there's a free pardon for Ricki until I get my hands on him. 60 00:09:38,171 --> 00:09:41,851 I'll tell him that, word for word. He'll be thrilled. 61 00:09:42,891 --> 00:09:45,851 I'm very disappointed in you, young Peter. 62 00:09:46,051 --> 00:09:49,611 I pay you honest money and you stab me in the back. 63 00:09:50,931 --> 00:09:55,691 I consider that extremely poor reward for keeping you alive, 64 00:09:56,291 --> 00:09:59,971 against the entreaties of my advisers, I may tell you. 65 00:10:03,731 --> 00:10:05,531 Let us begin again. 66 00:10:06,411 --> 00:10:12,371 If you won't give me a straight answer, perhaps you'll unburden to somebody more persuasive. 67 00:10:18,611 --> 00:10:20,771 Roy. 68 00:10:26,331 --> 00:10:29,291 Tarr's got a daughter, hasn't he? 69 00:10:29,491 --> 00:10:31,651 Yes. Calls her Danny. 70 00:10:31,851 --> 00:10:36,251 - Talk about her a lot? - He told me he was fond of her. 71 00:10:37,411 --> 00:10:40,971 - That's all I know. - What are you shrugging like that for?! 72 00:10:41,171 --> 00:10:46,131 I'm accusing you of playing hooky behind my back with a damn defector, 73 00:10:46,331 --> 00:10:50,771 of playing damn-fool parlor games, and all you do is shrug at me?! 74 00:10:51,691 --> 00:10:56,811 There's a law against consorting with enemy agents! Want me to throw the book at you?! 75 00:10:57,011 --> 00:10:59,571 I haven't seen him! 76 00:10:59,731 --> 00:11:03,931 Who's playing games? Not me. You are. So get off my back! 77 00:11:16,411 --> 00:11:20,211 - Who's Danny's mother? - Eurasian girl. 78 00:11:20,411 --> 00:11:24,011 Tarr likes to think she passes for European. And the child. 79 00:11:24,211 --> 00:11:31,051 12 years old, long blonde hair, brown eyes, slim. Is that Danny? 80 00:11:32,651 --> 00:11:34,131 Could be. 81 00:11:35,411 --> 00:11:40,371 So if I told you Danny and her mother were due in London three days ago 82 00:11:40,571 --> 00:11:45,771 on a direct flight from Tunis, I take it you would share our perplexity? 83 00:11:46,691 --> 00:11:50,451 - Yes, I would. - Then you'd keep your mouth shut 84 00:11:50,651 --> 00:11:52,691 when we let you out of here? 85 00:11:54,851 --> 00:12:00,971 It isn't ordinary flight information, Peter. The source is very private. 86 00:12:01,171 --> 00:12:04,011 Ultra, ultra sensitive, in fact. 87 00:12:05,091 --> 00:12:08,891 In that case, Toby, I'll try and keep my mouth ultra, ultra shut. 88 00:12:13,051 --> 00:12:16,131 So...what do you make of it, young Peter? 89 00:12:16,331 --> 00:12:19,771 You're his boss, guide, philosopher, friend. 90 00:12:20,971 --> 00:12:23,371 Tell me why Ricki Tarr's in London. 91 00:12:23,571 --> 00:12:27,451 - You said his girl and his kid were expected. - Don't be obtuse, man! 92 00:12:28,691 --> 00:12:31,091 Where Danny goes, there goes Tarr. 93 00:12:31,291 --> 00:12:36,091 Except he'd move first and have his impedimenta follow, yes? 94 00:12:36,291 --> 00:12:41,011 That would be favorite. Tarr was supposed to be sitting in Moscow. 95 00:12:41,211 --> 00:12:45,171 Now he's back here on the Russian payroll. Why's it all so hot? 96 00:12:45,371 --> 00:12:49,331 What kind of plant is he when we know everything about him? 97 00:12:49,531 --> 00:12:53,971 Down to his attack of swine fever, from which he's only partially recovered! 98 00:12:54,171 --> 00:12:56,571 Excuse my freedom, Mo! 99 00:12:57,851 --> 00:13:00,291 What kind of plant is that? 100 00:13:01,491 --> 00:13:05,691 Never mind what sort. Muddying pools, poisoning wells. That damn sort. 101 00:13:05,851 --> 00:13:07,811 Pulling the rug out. 102 00:13:08,011 --> 00:13:10,571 Now, listen. Just remember this. 103 00:13:10,771 --> 00:13:12,931 At the first peep, the first whisper 104 00:13:13,131 --> 00:13:17,171 of Tarr or his lady or his wee bairn, young Peter Guillam, 105 00:13:17,371 --> 00:13:20,251 you come to one of us grown-ups. 106 00:13:20,971 --> 00:13:23,411 Anyone you see at this table. 107 00:13:23,611 --> 00:13:26,011 But not another damn soul. 108 00:13:30,211 --> 00:13:33,371 The name on the passport is Poole. 109 00:13:33,571 --> 00:13:37,771 P, double O, L, E. All three of them. 110 00:13:40,411 --> 00:13:46,371 Tarr told his woman, so we understand, in case of difficulties, she should come to you. 111 00:13:48,571 --> 00:13:51,131 Sign that, Peter, would you? 112 00:13:55,651 --> 00:13:57,891 Stupid bloody cabaret. 113 00:13:58,091 --> 00:14:03,051 - Percy gets more insufferable every day. - I wouldn't know, Bill, would I? 114 00:14:31,891 --> 00:14:36,851 "I certify that I have today been advised of Witchcraft Report No.308, Source Merlin." 115 00:14:38,531 --> 00:14:44,291 "I undertake not to divulge any part of this report nor to divulge the existence of Source Merlin." 116 00:14:44,491 --> 00:14:46,611 Get over, you sodding snail! 117 00:14:46,811 --> 00:14:48,771 - Peter... - That bastard Tarr! 118 00:14:48,971 --> 00:14:51,771 Peter, slow down. Slow down. 119 00:14:57,011 --> 00:15:01,771 The file on Testify seemed a bit thin. I hope it was worth the sweat. 120 00:15:01,971 --> 00:15:05,651 Ricki Tarr's not lied to us, not in any material way. 121 00:15:05,851 --> 00:15:10,811 He's simply done what agents the world over do. Failed to tell us the whole story. 122 00:15:11,011 --> 00:15:15,971 - On the other hand, he has been rather clever. - Are you actually pleased with him? 123 00:15:16,171 --> 00:15:21,731 Well, yes. We now know that Source Merlin works to Moscow Center, 124 00:15:21,931 --> 00:15:26,611 because that's where Merlin's information on Ricki Tarr must have come from. 125 00:15:26,811 --> 00:15:28,571 From Karla. 126 00:16:15,531 --> 00:16:19,691 Ricki's been a lot better today, sir. Not nearly so...nervy. 127 00:16:19,891 --> 00:16:24,851 He did his football pools this morning, then we planted some trees in the garden, 128 00:16:25,051 --> 00:16:27,851 and this evening we had a game of cards. 129 00:16:28,011 --> 00:16:29,971 - Has he been out alone? - No. 130 00:16:30,171 --> 00:16:32,451 - Used the telephone? - Wouldn't dare, sir. 131 00:16:32,651 --> 00:16:36,211 Has he talked about his daughter Danny or her mother? 132 00:16:36,411 --> 00:16:40,851 He did over the weekend, but he's cooled off about them since 133 00:16:41,051 --> 00:16:43,091 in view of the emotional side. 134 00:16:43,811 --> 00:16:48,491 Did he mention any arrangements for meeting them, anything about passports? 135 00:16:48,691 --> 00:16:51,691 - No, sir. - What has he talked about, for God's sake? 136 00:16:51,891 --> 00:16:57,291 Mostly the Russian lady, Irina. He mentions her name a lot. He likes to read her diary. 137 00:16:57,971 --> 00:17:03,491 He says he's gonna make Moscow Center swap the mole for Irina when the mole's been caught. 138 00:17:03,691 --> 00:17:08,011 Then he'll buy her a place in Scotland. He says he'll see me right. 139 00:17:08,211 --> 00:17:12,891 Get me a big job in the Circus. I just listen, of course. 140 00:17:13,611 --> 00:17:15,171 Right. 141 00:17:22,611 --> 00:17:25,851 You don't post those football coupons, Fawn? 142 00:17:26,051 --> 00:17:29,171 - No, Mr Smiley. - Let's hope he doesn't win. 143 00:17:29,371 --> 00:17:31,331 That would be expensive for us. 144 00:17:33,891 --> 00:17:38,451 - Thank you for your help. Sorry to impose. - He's gone to bed. 145 00:17:50,771 --> 00:17:52,731 I must ask you once more. 146 00:17:52,931 --> 00:17:58,491 What did you do with the two Swiss escape passports you took with you to Lisbon? 147 00:18:00,131 --> 00:18:03,051 I told you. Burned them. 148 00:18:07,651 --> 00:18:11,411 When you bought your fake British passport in Istanbul, 149 00:18:11,611 --> 00:18:16,731 a passport for yourself in the name of Poole, did you buy any others from the same source? 150 00:18:16,931 --> 00:18:19,091 Why? Why should I? 151 00:18:19,931 --> 00:18:23,811 To protect your child and her mother. That seems reasonable. 152 00:18:24,011 --> 00:18:29,571 It wouldn't be very gallant to leave them to the mercy of the Moscow hood on your tail 153 00:18:29,771 --> 00:18:34,291 while you escaped to all this ...VIP protection. 154 00:18:35,331 --> 00:18:37,091 It's horrible to think of. 155 00:18:38,291 --> 00:18:40,651 Truly horrible 156 00:18:40,851 --> 00:18:45,651 to contemplate the lengths Karla might go to in order to obtain your silence... 157 00:18:46,171 --> 00:18:48,131 or your services. 158 00:18:48,891 --> 00:18:53,171 But perhaps what you actually did and forgot to tell us about 159 00:18:53,371 --> 00:18:58,131 was to burn the British passports you obtained for Mrs Poole and Miss Danny Poole, 160 00:18:58,331 --> 00:19:03,531 but kept your own to convince Karla's footpads you thought it was still safe. 161 00:19:04,251 --> 00:19:06,211 Then, probably, 162 00:19:06,411 --> 00:19:11,171 you made travel bookings in the name of the Poole family for the same reason. 163 00:19:11,891 --> 00:19:15,771 You doctored the Swiss passports for Danny and her mother 164 00:19:15,931 --> 00:19:19,211 and made other arrangements for them... 165 00:19:19,411 --> 00:19:22,611 like staying in Marseilles, perhaps... 166 00:19:44,651 --> 00:19:49,651 I don't know where they are, but I'm sure no harm has come to them. 167 00:19:49,851 --> 00:19:52,811 Watch your own damn woman! Leave mine alone! 168 00:19:53,011 --> 00:19:55,171 No, Peter. 169 00:19:55,891 --> 00:19:59,171 It's just as well I shouldn't know where they are 170 00:19:59,371 --> 00:20:02,171 so long as you don't try to communicate. 171 00:20:02,331 --> 00:20:06,691 Unless, of course, you want me to help in some way. Money or whatever. 172 00:20:06,891 --> 00:20:09,851 No need. Let's trust each other, shall we? 173 00:20:10,011 --> 00:20:12,811 Are we friends again, Mr Guillam? 174 00:20:12,971 --> 00:20:14,931 It won't be long now. 175 00:20:15,691 --> 00:20:18,851 - Got all you need? - Can I have my gun back? 176 00:20:19,051 --> 00:20:20,611 Yes. 177 00:20:20,811 --> 00:20:22,771 Well, why not, Peter? 178 00:20:41,531 --> 00:20:43,931 - Do we buy that? - Oh, yes. 179 00:20:44,131 --> 00:20:46,291 I told you he'd been clever. 180 00:20:46,491 --> 00:20:51,451 A little bit of the truth is indispensable in the games agents play. You know that. 181 00:20:52,491 --> 00:20:58,171 Ricki put his family in safekeeping and found his own way home. He fooled the Russians. 182 00:20:58,371 --> 00:21:03,571 If Karla had a deal with him, would you and I be alive and living in hope? 183 00:21:03,731 --> 00:21:05,691 Not by now, I think. 184 00:21:44,891 --> 00:21:46,851 Let it breathe a little. 185 00:21:47,051 --> 00:21:50,011 Just leave it. We'll pour it when we're ready. 186 00:22:02,171 --> 00:22:06,331 Does anyone know Karla's real name? How old is he? 187 00:22:06,531 --> 00:22:10,571 Another mystery. Decades of his life unaccounted for. 188 00:22:11,451 --> 00:22:16,251 So many of the people he's worked with have a way of...dying off. 189 00:22:16,891 --> 00:22:20,331 He was in England in 1936 and '41. That's documented. 190 00:22:20,531 --> 00:22:25,891 We can assume it was some time during that period he recruited our mole Gerald. 191 00:22:27,971 --> 00:22:30,331 I met him once. 192 00:22:30,531 --> 00:22:32,091 In Delhi. 193 00:22:32,291 --> 00:22:36,091 Long before we came to know him as the legendary Karla. 194 00:22:37,211 --> 00:22:43,171 In the mid-fifties, Moscow Center was in pieces on the floor. Wholesale purgings and shootings. 195 00:22:43,371 --> 00:22:46,331 As a result, defection everywhere. 196 00:22:47,651 --> 00:22:50,611 I became a kind of commercial traveller. 197 00:22:50,811 --> 00:22:53,171 The whole world was my territory. 198 00:22:54,211 --> 00:22:56,971 Inspecting the goods, fixing the terms. 199 00:22:58,331 --> 00:23:03,531 Disposing as seemed best. On London's instructions, of course. 200 00:23:04,891 --> 00:23:07,171 Well, I found myself off to India, 201 00:23:07,371 --> 00:23:10,731 where the authorities had arrested, at our request, 202 00:23:10,931 --> 00:23:14,091 on some trumped-up immigration nonsense, 203 00:23:14,291 --> 00:23:18,651 a Mr Gerstmann...Karla's name at that time. 204 00:23:19,691 --> 00:23:23,651 He was on his way back to Moscow from San Francisco, 205 00:23:23,851 --> 00:23:27,451 except that he didn't know that he was Moscow-bound. 206 00:23:28,611 --> 00:23:32,891 He'd been told to rendezvous with a Tass correspondent in Delhi. 207 00:23:33,091 --> 00:23:36,771 The message from the Tass man was an airplane ticket 208 00:23:36,971 --> 00:23:41,131 and... "Don't ask me any questions, comrade." 209 00:23:42,011 --> 00:23:44,371 Karla was in disgrace. 210 00:23:44,571 --> 00:23:46,331 Summoned... 211 00:23:49,211 --> 00:23:50,771 and doomed. 212 00:23:53,931 --> 00:23:58,691 There were two things he didn't know... first, we'd intercepted the radio signal 213 00:23:58,891 --> 00:24:00,651 directing him to Delhi. 214 00:24:00,851 --> 00:24:03,851 Secondly, the San Francisco network he'd organized 215 00:24:04,051 --> 00:24:07,811 had been rolled up, hide and hair, the day he left. 216 00:24:13,731 --> 00:24:16,691 Could we take those things off his hands? 217 00:24:23,011 --> 00:24:25,731 I only have to shout for you, don't I? 218 00:24:41,731 --> 00:24:43,851 Mr Gerstmann... 219 00:24:46,211 --> 00:24:48,291 you are the Cold War orphan. 220 00:24:49,291 --> 00:24:54,251 If you go home to Moscow, you'll be shot or sent to die in a camp. 221 00:24:54,451 --> 00:25:00,411 Wouldn't you prefer to ask us for protection? We have no powers of permanent arrest. 222 00:25:00,611 --> 00:25:04,891 Our arrangement with the Americans was that they hit your agents 223 00:25:05,091 --> 00:25:08,051 and we make you this invitation. 224 00:25:10,251 --> 00:25:12,291 I can't see an alternative for you. 225 00:25:13,931 --> 00:25:15,891 If you cooperate, 226 00:25:16,091 --> 00:25:19,251 we can give you a new start, a new identity. 227 00:25:19,451 --> 00:25:22,611 Seclusion, a modest amount of money. 228 00:25:24,811 --> 00:25:29,051 Why don't you start by telling me your true name? 229 00:25:34,891 --> 00:25:38,971 Would you like a cigarette? I know you're a chain-smoker. 230 00:25:41,131 --> 00:25:44,811 Please. I know this is what you smoke. 231 00:25:56,051 --> 00:26:01,011 Look...I'm not offering you wealth ...or smart women 232 00:26:01,211 --> 00:26:05,091 or your choice of fast cars...things you haven't any use for. 233 00:26:06,091 --> 00:26:11,011 And I won't make any claims about the moral superiority of the West. 234 00:26:12,131 --> 00:26:17,331 I'm sure you can see through our values, as I can see through yours in the East. 235 00:26:18,691 --> 00:26:23,891 You and I spend our lives looking for the weaknesses in each other's systems. 236 00:26:25,131 --> 00:26:32,491 I'm sure each of us has experienced innumerable technical satisfactions 237 00:26:32,691 --> 00:26:34,651 in our wretched Cold War. 238 00:26:40,051 --> 00:26:44,251 But now your own side is going to shoot you...for nothing. 239 00:26:45,451 --> 00:26:48,811 For misdemeanors you have not committed. 240 00:26:50,051 --> 00:26:53,331 Because of a power struggle within your own hierarchy. 241 00:26:54,851 --> 00:26:59,291 Because, probably, of someone's treachery... 242 00:26:59,491 --> 00:27:02,051 or sheer incompetence. 243 00:27:21,491 --> 00:27:25,451 I'm sure both of us, when we were young, subscribed to great visions. 244 00:27:26,571 --> 00:27:28,331 Not any more. 245 00:27:28,531 --> 00:27:30,491 After all you've seen... 246 00:27:32,331 --> 00:27:36,011 you can't still be committed to that old grand design. 247 00:27:37,011 --> 00:27:41,531 It's achieved nothing...except new forms of the old misery. 248 00:27:43,451 --> 00:27:45,411 Don't destroy yourself. 249 00:27:47,931 --> 00:27:49,891 They're not worth it. 250 00:27:56,611 --> 00:28:00,811 Do you know where your wife is? I mean, at this moment. 251 00:28:01,771 --> 00:28:06,971 You have to think about her. She'll have to make a new life. 252 00:28:10,371 --> 00:28:14,131 She'll have a friend...one really good friend 253 00:28:14,331 --> 00:28:16,451 who could look after her. 254 00:28:22,731 --> 00:28:26,091 Perhaps we could get in touch with her secretly. 255 00:28:27,731 --> 00:28:31,411 If you stay with us, we might be able to arrange something. 256 00:28:31,611 --> 00:28:35,571 An exchange for someone your people want returned. 257 00:28:37,491 --> 00:28:39,931 But if you go back, 258 00:28:40,131 --> 00:28:42,851 it can do her nothing but harm. 259 00:28:45,691 --> 00:28:49,571 She'll be cold-shouldered ...suspected. 260 00:28:51,771 --> 00:28:57,131 The best she can hope for is to be allowed to see you before you're shot. 261 00:28:57,331 --> 00:29:00,131 Another meaningless firing squad. 262 00:29:04,651 --> 00:29:06,211 Guard. 263 00:29:44,851 --> 00:29:50,051 - What did Control say when you got back? - "I hope to God they do shoot him." 264 00:29:50,211 --> 00:29:56,651 But they didn't. His boss was the one who faced the firing squad, as it turned out. 265 00:29:56,811 --> 00:30:00,771 Mr Gerstmann survived...and thrived. 266 00:30:01,771 --> 00:30:07,691 How he thrived. He went on to build his legend and become the Karla we know. 267 00:30:07,891 --> 00:30:13,011 Who, all the time he sat looking at me, was thinking of Gerald the mole. 268 00:30:18,451 --> 00:30:20,411 Have you noticed, Peter... 269 00:30:20,611 --> 00:30:26,291 that whenever I really trouble one of our acquaintances with my questions, 270 00:30:26,491 --> 00:30:31,931 he'll raise the matter of my failure as a husband...to confound me. 271 00:30:33,131 --> 00:30:35,931 - Instructive. - Ricki Tarr tried it twice. 272 00:30:37,091 --> 00:30:39,811 Unimportant, in his case. Spite. 273 00:30:41,851 --> 00:30:44,571 Well...that was sumptuous! 274 00:30:46,891 --> 00:30:50,651 That boy Fawn...good at his judo, isn't he? 275 00:30:50,851 --> 00:30:52,251 Karate. 276 00:30:52,411 --> 00:30:56,771 Judo is what Fawn would call "Just your little cuddle, Mr Smiley." 277 00:31:36,931 --> 00:31:40,691 I don't think even Toby Esterhase's people would follow us here. 278 00:31:40,891 --> 00:31:44,651 The food's well below the standard they've come to expect. 279 00:31:46,051 --> 00:31:49,611 So Karla's fireproof. He can't be bought or beaten. 280 00:31:49,811 --> 00:31:52,971 Not fireproof, because he's a fanatic. 281 00:31:53,171 --> 00:31:56,931 I may have behaved like the archetype of a flabby Western liberal, 282 00:31:57,131 --> 00:32:00,291 but I'd rather be MY kind of fool than his. 283 00:32:00,491 --> 00:32:04,611 One day, that lack of moderation will be Karla's downfall. 284 00:32:21,491 --> 00:32:25,251 He's never touched radio since the debacle in San Francisco. 285 00:32:25,451 --> 00:32:29,611 Cut it right out of his handwriting. His agents aren't allowed near it. 286 00:32:29,811 --> 00:32:33,171 That's something else you and Karla have in common. 287 00:32:33,371 --> 00:32:39,811 Yes, I am prejudiced against radio men. Tiresome breed. Overstrung, unreliable. 288 00:32:40,011 --> 00:32:43,291 - What's the other thing? - The cigarette lighter. 289 00:32:43,491 --> 00:32:46,851 - I assume he still has it. - As far as I know. 290 00:32:47,051 --> 00:32:49,211 - Sorry, George. - Not at all. 291 00:32:52,171 --> 00:32:56,131 - How do you feel, Peter? - I'm alright. 292 00:32:56,331 --> 00:33:01,291 After Delhi, you know, Control gave me three months' leave without any option. 293 00:33:01,491 --> 00:33:06,171 When this is over, I hope you'll take it easy for a while. 294 00:33:06,371 --> 00:33:09,731 We're not quite there, but nearly. 295 00:33:11,411 --> 00:33:14,371 Peter, have you got the handbrake on? 296 00:34:56,931 --> 00:35:01,131 Operation Witchcraft. Alleline to Minister. 297 00:35:01,291 --> 00:35:04,251 "Extremely secret and personal." 298 00:35:04,411 --> 00:35:10,171 "We spoke. Merlin, as you may have known for some time, is not one source but several." 299 00:35:10,371 --> 00:35:14,411 "It'll do the Treasury no harm to learn..." Percy was enjoying himself! 300 00:35:14,611 --> 00:35:19,371 "...to learn that Merlin's 10,000 Swiss francs a month in salary" 301 00:35:19,571 --> 00:35:23,531 "and a similar figure for expenses are scarcely excessive" 302 00:35:23,731 --> 00:35:27,051 "when the cloth has to be cut so many ways." 303 00:35:27,251 --> 00:35:30,051 "Nevertheless, I regard it as paramount" 304 00:35:30,251 --> 00:35:33,691 "that knowledge of the London house and its purpose" 305 00:35:33,891 --> 00:35:36,611 "remain absolutely at a minimum." 306 00:35:36,771 --> 00:35:42,211 In a sense, Alleline's quite right about Merlin. Of course Merlin represents several sources. 307 00:35:42,411 --> 00:35:44,771 Various departments of Moscow Center, 308 00:35:44,971 --> 00:35:50,531 with Karla cuing them in on the basis of the most timely material of the moment. 309 00:35:50,731 --> 00:35:56,491 Sometimes he likes to direct Circus attention to a topical subject, sometimes to deflect it. 310 00:35:56,691 --> 00:36:01,051 For example, after Ricki Tarr's encounter with Irina in Lisbon, 311 00:36:01,251 --> 00:36:05,971 Merlin delivered some vivid insights on the "ideological penetration" 312 00:36:06,171 --> 00:36:08,251 "of the United States." 313 00:36:08,451 --> 00:36:11,611 But Karla doesn't know what Tarr's done with Irina's information. 314 00:36:11,811 --> 00:36:15,371 Which brings us to your interrogation by Alleline 315 00:36:15,571 --> 00:36:21,131 and his reference to Tarr's probable role over here in "muddying pools" et cetera. 316 00:36:22,851 --> 00:36:25,771 Merlin's message on Tarr, I suggest, 317 00:36:25,971 --> 00:36:31,371 was that Ricki would be trying to sell to someone in London, on Karla's behalf, 318 00:36:31,571 --> 00:36:35,171 fictitious material about a traitor in the Circus. 319 00:36:36,011 --> 00:36:41,691 Nothing muddier than that, is there? Remember, Merlin is totally believed. 320 00:36:44,291 --> 00:36:47,851 We have a connection between Merlin and the mole. 321 00:36:48,051 --> 00:36:52,171 And at the heart of this beautifully symmetrical plot 322 00:36:57,691 --> 00:37:01,651 Plus another 10 for making it more to Merlin's liking. Or Gerald's. 323 00:37:05,411 --> 00:37:07,971 Fascinating, George. 324 00:37:08,171 --> 00:37:10,171 Thank you. 325 00:37:13,091 --> 00:37:16,251 How do I explain to my Minister, least painfully, 326 00:37:16,451 --> 00:37:20,131 that Merlin's a fraud and he'll have to tell the Americans so? 327 00:37:20,331 --> 00:37:22,291 He's devoted to Merlin. 328 00:37:22,491 --> 00:37:28,051 Impress upon him that whatever he's buying from the Americans with Merlin's discredited currency 329 00:37:28,251 --> 00:37:31,011 is going to Moscow via Gerald the mole. 330 00:37:31,211 --> 00:37:33,371 That should do the trick. 331 00:37:37,451 --> 00:37:41,011 This document is not one you've asked me to bring. 332 00:37:41,211 --> 00:37:44,611 It arrived only today. Source unknown. 333 00:37:46,371 --> 00:37:49,491 "According to a recently released prisoner from Lubianka," 334 00:37:49,691 --> 00:37:53,651 "Moscow Center held a secret execution in March." 335 00:37:54,451 --> 00:37:59,211 "The victims, three of its functionaries, were shot in the back of the neck." 336 00:38:00,251 --> 00:38:05,451 - One was a woman. - Ricki Tarr mustn't know. 337 00:38:05,611 --> 00:38:11,211 It's vital he gets no wind of this. God knows what he'd do if he found out Irina was dead. 338 00:38:11,411 --> 00:38:16,091 - We may need to use him. - Do you believe Tarr's in love with her? 339 00:38:16,291 --> 00:38:20,571 A Highlands homestead, the avenging lover? The honorable Ricki Tarr? 340 00:38:20,731 --> 00:38:24,691 He may feel compelled, Peter. Everybody has a loyalty somewhere. 341 00:38:25,611 --> 00:38:28,411 - He mustn't know. - I agree. 342 00:38:30,251 --> 00:38:35,691 - I've brought all I could find on Jim Prideaux. - Thank you. 343 00:38:37,291 --> 00:38:42,051 Prideaux and Bill Haydon were really ...very close, you know. 344 00:38:42,251 --> 00:38:44,211 - I hadn't realised. - Yes. 345 00:38:45,651 --> 00:38:49,091 Thank you. Operation Testify. 346 00:38:49,291 --> 00:38:53,651 We need to understand what happened or, rather, why it happened. 347 00:38:53,851 --> 00:38:57,811 The file you borrowed gives us a nudge in the right direction. 348 00:38:58,011 --> 00:39:02,811 I think I know who to talk to next. Your day was hardly wasted. 349 00:39:03,011 --> 00:39:04,891 I am glad of that. 350 00:39:05,091 --> 00:39:09,811 We traced Prideaux. He's now a teacher. Thursgood Preparatory School for Boys. 351 00:39:10,011 --> 00:39:11,971 It's in the West Country. 352 00:39:13,131 --> 00:39:14,691 Right. 353 00:39:20,171 --> 00:39:25,691 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant 354 00:39:25,851 --> 00:39:30,611 Depart in peace 355 00:39:40,411 --> 00:39:46,371 According to 356 00:39:46,571 --> 00:39:50,531 Thy word 357 00:39:55,291 --> 00:40:01,651 For mine eyes have seen 358 00:40:01,851 --> 00:40:08,011 Thy salvation 359 00:40:12,731 --> 00:40:18,091 Which thou hast prepared before the face 360 00:40:18,291 --> 00:40:25,051 Of all people 361 00:40:28,891 --> 00:40:33,091 To be a light 362 00:40:33,291 --> 00:40:37,371 To lighten 363 00:40:37,571 --> 00:40:41,451 The gentiles 364 00:40:41,611 --> 00:40:46,531 And to be the glory 365 00:40:46,731 --> 00:40:50,691 Of thy people 366 00:40:50,891 --> 00:40:58,251 Israel 367 00:41:04,171 --> 00:41:08,531 Glory be to the Father 368 00:41:08,731 --> 00:41:11,891 And to the Son 369 00:41:12,091 --> 00:41:15,811 And to the Holy Ghost 370 00:41:16,851 --> 00:41:20,811 As it was in the beginning 371 00:41:21,011 --> 00:41:26,451 Is now and ever shall be 372 00:41:29,091 --> 00:41:34,051 World without end 373 00:41:34,251 --> 00:41:39,211 Amen