1 00:01:35,656 --> 00:01:38,336 Achtung Achtung! Feind in Sicht. 2 00:01:38,492 --> 00:01:40,960 Alles in Stellung. Alles in Stellung. 3 00:01:42,537 --> 00:01:45,717 Alle Maschinen für den Kampf bereit. 4 00:02:45,934 --> 00:02:49,066 - You're off course by two degrees. - Yes Sir! 5 00:02:50,605 --> 00:02:53,109 You've got to watch them all the time... 6 00:02:53,650 --> 00:02:55,038 Captain... 7 00:02:55,360 --> 00:02:57,661 ...otherwise they'll become sloppy. 8 00:03:00,282 --> 00:03:03,129 They'll become very, very sloppy. 9 00:03:05,203 --> 00:03:07,209 I think we should join the party, Captain. 10 00:03:08,165 --> 00:03:09,921 Damn the passengers... 11 00:03:10,250 --> 00:03:11,971 ...to see, to become a Captain, 12 00:03:12,252 --> 00:03:13,593 ...not a party host... 13 00:03:14,004 --> 00:03:15,048 ...you take care of her. 14 00:03:16,548 --> 00:03:19,016 She'll be all yours in another three days. 15 00:03:20,594 --> 00:03:21,637 I will. 16 00:03:24,014 --> 00:03:25,853 Check her position every 30 minutes... 17 00:03:26,224 --> 00:03:29,772 ...and tell the purser I will NOT be attending the over 50s party tomorrow. 18 00:03:29,936 --> 00:03:30,979 Yes Sir! 19 00:03:31,772 --> 00:03:33,444 Unless you'd care to go... 20 00:03:33,774 --> 00:03:36,621 ...I'm told you're an excellent conversationalist. 21 00:03:37,486 --> 00:03:39,325 That depends on whom I'm talking to Sir. 22 00:03:41,198 --> 00:03:42,289 Bastard! 23 00:03:42,574 --> 00:03:43,997 Thank God it's his last trip! 24 00:04:04,054 --> 00:04:06,771 - Come on everyone, let's move! - Good evening Mrs. Marshall. 25 00:04:11,269 --> 00:04:13,855 Nick, I want to dance! 26 00:04:21,279 --> 00:04:23,035 I wish I was 20 years younger! 27 00:04:23,240 --> 00:04:25,245 You're not Cyril, you'll have to dance with me. 28 00:04:33,875 --> 00:04:36,841 Why don't you go to bed, you can't keep your eyes open? 29 00:04:37,045 --> 00:04:38,433 Yes I can! 30 00:04:39,131 --> 00:04:42,061 Another half hour Long John Silver and you're going to bed! 31 00:04:42,301 --> 00:04:43,343 That's not fair! 32 00:04:43,468 --> 00:04:45,473 She's staying up, why can't I? 33 00:04:45,679 --> 00:04:46,722 I'm older. 34 00:04:47,764 --> 00:04:49,485 Now that's enough, both of you. 35 00:05:02,529 --> 00:05:04,000 Ooh baby! 36 00:05:06,616 --> 00:05:08,040 You can come with me! 37 00:05:08,243 --> 00:05:09,286 Hey, great! 38 00:05:09,911 --> 00:05:12,629 Now we've all had lots of booze and what have... 39 00:05:12,789 --> 00:05:14,592 ...you all must be feeling very happy? 40 00:05:14,791 --> 00:05:16,428 Let me hear yah, happy? 41 00:05:16,960 --> 00:05:18,965 I can't hear you, a little louder, are you happy? 42 00:06:06,009 --> 00:06:08,388 Oh, Ladies and Gentlemen, I see our captain has joined us. 43 00:06:08,470 --> 00:06:09,513 Captain, welcome. 44 00:06:09,638 --> 00:06:10,812 On behalf of everybody, Captain... 45 00:06:10,973 --> 00:06:13,393 ...I would like to thank you for a very smooth trip... 46 00:06:13,558 --> 00:06:15,231 ...especially the overland section. 47 00:06:16,019 --> 00:06:17,360 Captain, how about a little bow? 48 00:06:18,855 --> 00:06:20,362 Let's hear it for the Captain! 49 00:06:24,277 --> 00:06:25,535 Thank you. 50 00:06:28,115 --> 00:06:30,914 Gentlemen, a little music if you please. 51 00:06:34,538 --> 00:06:38,334 Forty years at sea and you end up being a straight man for a smart-ass comedian. 52 00:06:39,501 --> 00:06:42,296 I wonder what sort of jokes he'll make about me when I take command? 53 00:06:42,421 --> 00:06:44,841 None darling. Nobody ever makes jokes about you. 54 00:06:46,675 --> 00:06:48,063 Am I as stuffy as that? 55 00:06:48,218 --> 00:06:49,429 I wouldn't know. 56 00:06:49,720 --> 00:06:51,476 I hardly ever see you out of your uniform. 57 00:06:53,765 --> 00:06:55,023 Wait until tonight. 58 00:07:27,466 --> 00:07:30,313 Sir... take a look a this. 59 00:07:36,558 --> 00:07:38,112 It's on a collision course! 60 00:07:38,602 --> 00:07:39,812 Twenty degrees port! 61 00:08:18,141 --> 00:08:19,981 Can I have that please? 62 00:08:20,310 --> 00:08:21,353 Ben! 63 00:08:23,605 --> 00:08:25,326 Is it past your bedtime? 64 00:08:25,983 --> 00:08:27,703 Ben, that's greedy! 65 00:08:28,151 --> 00:08:31,200 Robin, be an angel and take Ben below and put him to bed. 66 00:08:31,446 --> 00:08:32,205 Say goodnight, Ben. 67 00:08:32,322 --> 00:08:33,365 Come on! 68 00:08:36,660 --> 00:08:38,167 Good night mum. 69 00:08:39,830 --> 00:08:40,921 Good night son. 70 00:08:42,624 --> 00:08:43,667 I'm sorry! 71 00:08:53,802 --> 00:08:55,225 Thank you band, thank you. 72 00:08:55,762 --> 00:08:57,186 Now, Ladies and Gentlemen... 73 00:08:58,390 --> 00:09:01,238 ...we are coming to the end of a very long... 74 00:09:01,810 --> 00:09:04,491 ...and beautiful voyage. 75 00:09:08,233 --> 00:09:10,319 How about a little appreciation for a great band... 76 00:09:10,652 --> 00:09:12,159 ...Mal Diamond and the Boys. 77 00:09:18,452 --> 00:09:20,836 Maybe you'll get used to all of this. I never did. 78 00:09:22,456 --> 00:09:24,675 Cruising around in endless circles... 79 00:09:25,959 --> 00:09:29,637 ...blue-rinse ladies repeating "have a nice day!" over and over again... 80 00:09:29,921 --> 00:09:31,594 ...and then having to have dinner with them... 81 00:09:31,673 --> 00:09:35,137 ...so that they can go back to Akron or Toronto or wherever... 82 00:09:35,302 --> 00:09:37,054 ...and say that they ate with the Captain. 83 00:09:47,564 --> 00:09:49,035 I thought daddy was the Captain? 84 00:09:49,191 --> 00:09:51,278 No dummy, not till the next trip! 85 00:09:51,443 --> 00:09:54,291 Good! Then I can get all the cake I want! 86 00:09:54,905 --> 00:09:56,376 Ben, come back! 87 00:10:32,317 --> 00:10:33,788 Whatcha doing now? 88 00:10:34,027 --> 00:10:35,071 I gotta go! 89 00:10:35,237 --> 00:10:36,279 You've just been! 90 00:10:36,530 --> 00:10:38,451 Well I gotta go again. 91 00:10:38,740 --> 00:10:39,783 Ben. 92 00:10:40,617 --> 00:10:41,660 Women. 93 00:10:52,587 --> 00:10:54,806 It's as if it's deliberately trying to ram us. 94 00:10:56,258 --> 00:10:57,515 Full to port. 95 00:10:57,884 --> 00:10:58,927 Fast! 96 00:11:01,763 --> 00:11:03,187 Get me the Captain. 97 00:11:07,686 --> 00:11:10,486 My Husband was so anxious to come on this cruise. 98 00:11:11,315 --> 00:11:13,818 But, when God calls, you have to go. 99 00:11:14,192 --> 00:11:16,328 - Pardon? - He died, just before we sailed. 100 00:11:16,862 --> 00:11:19,994 I'm not grieving. I mean, he had a wonderful life. 101 00:11:20,365 --> 00:11:22,451 And he would have wanted me to come on this cruise. 102 00:11:22,576 --> 00:11:24,830 - Are you a religious man? - Excuse me. 103 00:11:26,121 --> 00:11:30,001 He's a wonderful man. But he's not religious. 104 00:11:30,334 --> 00:11:31,377 How many more days? 105 00:11:31,710 --> 00:11:32,753 Two and a half. 106 00:11:33,045 --> 00:11:34,172 Are you counting? 107 00:11:35,213 --> 00:11:37,717 Now listen, you promise you'll forget me! 108 00:11:38,050 --> 00:11:39,177 I promise. 109 00:11:41,678 --> 00:11:44,359 I know. You say that to all the girls. 110 00:11:44,514 --> 00:11:45,557 You're right. 111 00:11:46,642 --> 00:11:48,481 What do you want me to say? 112 00:11:50,395 --> 00:11:52,650 I don't want you to say anything. 113 00:12:10,123 --> 00:12:11,511 Signal him to alter course! 114 00:12:11,667 --> 00:12:12,960 We have, Sir! 115 00:12:13,210 --> 00:12:14,930 Well signal him again, dammit! 116 00:12:16,797 --> 00:12:18,387 Full astern! 117 00:13:13,687 --> 00:13:15,490 Let's get the hell out of here! 118 00:13:15,856 --> 00:13:17,113 It's going down fast! 119 00:13:17,441 --> 00:13:18,483 Come on! 120 00:13:18,525 --> 00:13:19,568 Come on, let's go! 121 00:13:57,230 --> 00:13:58,903 We've got to hold our position. 122 00:13:59,316 --> 00:14:01,321 Make it easier for Air and Sea Rescue. 123 00:14:03,070 --> 00:14:05,241 They did get a distress signal off, didn't they? 124 00:14:08,450 --> 00:14:09,707 Of course they did. 125 00:14:57,207 --> 00:14:58,299 Daddy, daddy! 126 00:14:58,709 --> 00:14:59,302 What is it? 127 00:14:59,584 --> 00:15:00,925 There's something in the water! 128 00:15:08,635 --> 00:15:09,809 Give me a hand! 129 00:15:09,970 --> 00:15:11,013 Come on! 130 00:15:11,972 --> 00:15:13,146 It's the Captain! 131 00:15:14,641 --> 00:15:15,684 The poor man! 132 00:15:21,273 --> 00:15:22,316 Make some room. 133 00:15:25,610 --> 00:15:26,653 Give him air. 134 00:15:27,446 --> 00:15:29,036 He's breathing, He's alright. 135 00:15:29,239 --> 00:15:31,493 - Captain, you poor thing! - He'll be alright. 136 00:15:33,702 --> 00:15:35,339 Is he alright? 137 00:15:37,039 --> 00:15:39,126 What can we do for him? 138 00:16:26,630 --> 00:16:28,267 Wake up Margaret! 139 00:16:28,799 --> 00:16:29,973 Margaret, it's a ship! 140 00:16:30,342 --> 00:16:31,385 Wake up! 141 00:16:32,177 --> 00:16:33,220 Ahoy! 142 00:16:34,930 --> 00:16:35,973 Ahoy! 143 00:16:36,640 --> 00:16:37,683 Ahoy! 144 00:16:40,018 --> 00:16:41,572 Hello up there! 145 00:16:42,062 --> 00:16:44,067 Is anybody up there, Ahoy! 146 00:16:46,316 --> 00:16:47,870 Ahoy! 147 00:16:54,825 --> 00:16:57,624 Hello! Ahoy! 148 00:17:05,544 --> 00:17:07,050 Ahoy! 149 00:17:07,337 --> 00:17:08,725 Ahoy! 150 00:17:23,895 --> 00:17:25,070 Hello! 151 00:17:29,192 --> 00:17:31,114 Is anybody up there? 152 00:17:33,697 --> 00:17:36,414 Hey! Anybody home? 153 00:17:41,997 --> 00:17:43,040 Look! 154 00:17:43,540 --> 00:17:45,011 They've lowered the ladder! 155 00:17:45,167 --> 00:17:46,835 Well at least someone on board heard us. 156 00:17:50,172 --> 00:17:52,640 What would a ship be doing anchored out here? 157 00:17:52,966 --> 00:17:55,185 I don't know. Maybe some sort of engine failure? 158 00:17:58,722 --> 00:17:59,814 Steady! Steady! 159 00:18:00,557 --> 00:18:01,600 Right. I got it. 160 00:18:06,188 --> 00:18:07,279 Mind the Captain! 161 00:18:12,319 --> 00:18:13,991 Nick, go take a look. 162 00:18:35,884 --> 00:18:36,596 Hello? 163 00:18:36,718 --> 00:18:37,892 Hello, anyone on watch? 164 00:18:38,011 --> 00:18:39,222 Hello! Hello! 165 00:18:39,930 --> 00:18:40,973 Anybody here? 166 00:18:41,056 --> 00:18:42,099 Hello! 167 00:19:00,784 --> 00:19:02,670 There's no one here! 168 00:19:03,996 --> 00:19:05,206 Okay Ben, up you go. 169 00:19:05,580 --> 00:19:06,623 Careful now. 170 00:19:18,969 --> 00:19:20,143 You next. 171 00:19:23,974 --> 00:19:25,611 Come on Robin. Come on. 172 00:19:26,727 --> 00:19:28,483 Come on. Give me your hand. 173 00:19:33,025 --> 00:19:34,199 See where he's going. 174 00:19:34,443 --> 00:19:36,448 Ben! Come here! 175 00:19:44,328 --> 00:19:45,370 Ben! 176 00:19:48,832 --> 00:19:49,875 I had to go! 177 00:19:50,500 --> 00:19:52,719 You should wait till we find the washroom! 178 00:20:11,647 --> 00:20:13,319 Nick, give me a hand! 179 00:20:13,690 --> 00:20:14,983 Coming Sir! 180 00:20:21,740 --> 00:20:23,294 That's it... that's it. 181 00:20:24,159 --> 00:20:25,202 Easy! 182 00:20:38,053 --> 00:20:39,096 Hang on. 183 00:20:39,680 --> 00:20:40,723 Hang on! 184 00:20:49,440 --> 00:20:50,650 Trevor! 185 00:20:53,986 --> 00:20:54,781 Nick! 186 00:20:54,945 --> 00:20:56,238 The Captain! 187 00:21:07,750 --> 00:21:09,720 Nick! Come in here! 188 00:21:10,628 --> 00:21:11,885 Damn your ladder! 189 00:21:19,261 --> 00:21:21,101 We've got to get the rope around him. 190 00:21:25,810 --> 00:21:26,852 Hold him there! 191 00:21:27,019 --> 00:21:28,656 I'll pull him from above. 192 00:22:44,221 --> 00:22:45,894 Okay Sir... I've got you. 193 00:22:54,982 --> 00:22:56,655 - Is he okay? - Yes Sir. 194 00:22:58,694 --> 00:22:59,987 There must be someone on watch. 195 00:23:00,070 --> 00:23:01,572 - See if you can find 'em. - Yes Sir. 196 00:23:04,492 --> 00:23:05,535 Give me a hand! 197 00:23:09,580 --> 00:23:10,707 Let's sit him here. 198 00:23:13,083 --> 00:23:14,127 Here, let me. 199 00:23:14,460 --> 00:23:15,503 Are you alright? 200 00:23:15,544 --> 00:23:16,587 I'm fine. 201 00:24:04,176 --> 00:24:05,469 It's not so bad... 202 00:24:06,470 --> 00:24:07,894 ...we're out of the water... 203 00:24:08,514 --> 00:24:09,855 ...and it's a nice day, huh? 204 00:24:10,057 --> 00:24:11,315 We could clear this mess up... 205 00:24:11,559 --> 00:24:13,361 ...play a little shuffleboard, get a tan... 206 00:24:13,894 --> 00:24:15,567 ...we'll have a nice trip. Whaddaya say? 207 00:24:17,731 --> 00:24:18,942 What's going on! 208 00:24:20,484 --> 00:24:21,409 Oh my God... Jackie! 209 00:24:21,527 --> 00:24:22,570 Get me down! Please! 210 00:24:23,112 --> 00:24:24,951 For God's sake, can you get me down! 211 00:24:25,448 --> 00:24:26,740 Jackie, grab my hand! 212 00:24:27,032 --> 00:24:28,919 I feel so stupid up here! 213 00:24:29,201 --> 00:24:30,328 You can grab my arm! 214 00:24:30,536 --> 00:24:31,579 Grab it! 215 00:24:31,787 --> 00:24:32,998 What's the matter with you?! 216 00:24:33,414 --> 00:24:34,457 Oh Jesus... Jesus! 217 00:24:35,291 --> 00:24:36,333 Grab me! 218 00:24:37,168 --> 00:24:38,461 Grab my hand! 219 00:24:38,627 --> 00:24:39,719 Grab him! Come on! 220 00:24:43,174 --> 00:24:44,597 It's swinging me out! 221 00:24:44,925 --> 00:24:46,183 It's swinging me out! 222 00:24:46,927 --> 00:24:48,220 Don't let me drop! 223 00:24:49,555 --> 00:24:51,192 Hey... don't let me drop! 224 00:24:51,432 --> 00:24:52,475 Get me back! 225 00:24:53,434 --> 00:24:54,477 Get me back! 226 00:24:56,479 --> 00:24:57,866 Get me back! 227 00:24:59,774 --> 00:25:00,948 I'm going up! 228 00:25:02,359 --> 00:25:03,402 Help me! 229 00:25:03,652 --> 00:25:04,695 Please! 230 00:25:24,799 --> 00:25:25,973 Jackie, your hand! 231 00:26:06,549 --> 00:26:08,102 No Trevor, don't! 232 00:26:08,300 --> 00:26:09,474 The propellers! 233 00:26:09,718 --> 00:26:10,761 He's drowning! 234 00:26:10,803 --> 00:26:11,846 He's drowning! 235 00:27:15,201 --> 00:27:17,787 Come on darling, it's alright. It's alright. 236 00:27:17,995 --> 00:27:18,838 Up you go. 237 00:27:19,038 --> 00:27:20,959 Come on... let's see what's in here. 238 00:28:22,768 --> 00:28:24,191 Ben... is that you? 239 00:28:24,437 --> 00:28:25,479 Yes Dad! 240 00:28:30,818 --> 00:28:31,910 Come on. 241 00:28:32,945 --> 00:28:34,535 - Are you alright? - Yes. 242 00:29:11,400 --> 00:29:12,443 Dammit. 243 00:29:13,068 --> 00:29:15,619 What do we do now? Do we just go on? 244 00:29:16,280 --> 00:29:17,407 Be careful. 245 00:29:18,157 --> 00:29:19,201 Watch your heads. 246 00:29:33,714 --> 00:29:35,268 Herr Ashland... 247 00:29:36,550 --> 00:29:40,145 Kapitän Ashland... können Sie Mich hören, Kapitän? 248 00:29:42,598 --> 00:29:45,528 Dieses Schiff hat auf Sie gewartet. 249 00:29:47,228 --> 00:29:50,858 Es ist Ihr neues Schiff, Kapitän. 250 00:29:51,357 --> 00:29:52,994 Können Sie Mich hören, Ashland? 251 00:29:55,027 --> 00:29:56,498 Ashland... 252 00:29:57,363 --> 00:29:59,166 ...es ist lhre Chance... 253 00:30:00,032 --> 00:30:01,705 ...worauf warten Sie noch? 254 00:30:02,284 --> 00:30:05,049 Ein neues Schiff... Ein neues Kommand. 255 00:30:06,330 --> 00:30:07,623 Ashland... 256 00:30:12,586 --> 00:30:13,629 ...jetzt! 257 00:30:15,840 --> 00:30:17,809 ...Ihre Chance ist gekommen. 258 00:30:57,798 --> 00:31:01,346 This old ship... seems to have a life of it's own. 259 00:31:03,471 --> 00:31:04,764 Let's keep moving. 260 00:31:04,889 --> 00:31:06,609 Mummy, I'm frightened! 261 00:31:30,706 --> 00:31:33,257 Oh come on Robin, it's alright. 262 00:31:33,417 --> 00:31:35,588 Robin. Come on sweetie. 263 00:31:35,669 --> 00:31:38,297 Come on honey. Nothing can happen as long as we're all together. 264 00:31:38,839 --> 00:31:39,882 Come on. 265 00:31:40,549 --> 00:31:42,601 It smells a bit funny in here. 266 00:31:48,015 --> 00:31:49,308 I wonder where the crew are? 267 00:31:51,060 --> 00:31:53,610 Wherever they are, they certainly don't care about this ship. 268 00:31:53,729 --> 00:31:55,781 What nationality can they be? 269 00:31:56,107 --> 00:31:57,198 How about German? 270 00:31:57,441 --> 00:31:58,699 - German? - Yeah, look at this. 271 00:32:00,194 --> 00:32:04,666 It says... er... "Please replace games where you found them", I think. 272 00:32:04,949 --> 00:32:05,991 It's German. 273 00:32:06,534 --> 00:32:07,576 I'm thirsty! 274 00:32:07,701 --> 00:32:08,744 Me too! 275 00:32:09,537 --> 00:32:12,751 Come on, let's see if we can find the galley and get some water, hmm? 276 00:32:13,082 --> 00:32:14,505 Come on Robin, get up. 277 00:32:17,336 --> 00:32:20,718 Listen, I'm going to try and find some clothes for everyone - okay? 278 00:32:27,054 --> 00:32:28,644 I could use some help with Ashland. 279 00:32:28,848 --> 00:32:30,520 Well I... I'll try and help you. 280 00:32:37,606 --> 00:32:38,649 This it it, mum. 281 00:32:41,485 --> 00:32:44,867 Right Robin, you start over there, and Ben and I will start over here. 282 00:33:05,551 --> 00:33:08,481 Robin, now be careful and don't eat anything. 283 00:33:25,654 --> 00:33:29,166 No no darling! Don't drink that! No, not until we boil it, right? 284 00:33:29,325 --> 00:33:30,997 That's it, there's a good boy. 285 00:34:15,496 --> 00:34:16,588 Anybody there? 286 00:35:25,941 --> 00:35:27,662 The steam comes up here and runs down there. 287 00:35:27,735 --> 00:35:29,206 That's called condensation. 288 00:35:29,612 --> 00:35:30,739 That's right Robin. 289 00:35:30,988 --> 00:35:32,031 We learned it at school. 290 00:35:32,281 --> 00:35:35,211 Just proves that not everything you learn in school is useless, hmm? 291 00:36:38,848 --> 00:36:39,975 Oh look! 292 00:36:49,275 --> 00:36:50,901 Darling, there's some water over there. 293 00:36:51,110 --> 00:36:52,367 Oh, thanks. 294 00:36:56,490 --> 00:36:57,831 Has anyone seen Nick? 295 00:36:58,742 --> 00:36:59,785 No. 296 00:37:14,800 --> 00:37:15,843 Hello. 297 00:37:17,928 --> 00:37:19,020 Hello! Hello! 298 00:37:20,097 --> 00:37:20,643 Hello! 299 00:37:21,056 --> 00:37:22,480 Who's there? 300 00:37:25,478 --> 00:37:26,520 Hello! 301 00:37:33,277 --> 00:37:34,535 Probably Nick? 302 00:37:34,945 --> 00:37:35,988 Probably. 303 00:37:51,670 --> 00:37:53,142 Ashland... 304 00:37:53,464 --> 00:37:55,516 ...können Sie Mich hören, Kapitän? 305 00:37:57,676 --> 00:38:00,357 Sie sind hier endlich in Sicherheit. 306 00:38:02,056 --> 00:38:03,609 Ich erwarte Sie auf der Brücke. 307 00:38:05,101 --> 00:38:06,143 Sofort! 308 00:38:08,187 --> 00:38:09,741 Kommen Sie zur Brücke! 309 00:38:39,552 --> 00:38:41,224 These old ships'll row on anything. 310 00:38:41,887 --> 00:38:43,014 Even wet blotting paper. 311 00:38:50,688 --> 00:38:51,730 Nick! 312 00:38:54,567 --> 00:38:55,777 Nick, can you hear me? 313 00:39:00,030 --> 00:39:01,205 Coming! 314 00:39:04,201 --> 00:39:05,244 Nick! 315 00:39:09,248 --> 00:39:11,585 This door was locked. What the hell's going on here? 316 00:39:11,709 --> 00:39:12,503 Did you find anyone? 317 00:39:12,668 --> 00:39:13,712 No. There's nobody on board. 318 00:39:13,836 --> 00:39:15,129 Well, where are they? 319 00:39:16,005 --> 00:39:16,717 C'mon Nick. 320 00:39:16,881 --> 00:39:18,304 Don't let this door shut! 321 00:39:18,924 --> 00:39:19,967 What happened to you? 322 00:39:37,999 --> 00:39:40,335 What is it with this ship? It's like it's running itself. 323 00:39:43,630 --> 00:39:45,136 Take me to the chart room. 324 00:39:47,467 --> 00:39:52,640 Kapitän Ashland, Sie gehören zum Schiff. Sie müssen es sofort führen. 325 00:39:54,724 --> 00:39:56,361 Sofort! 326 00:39:58,395 --> 00:40:00,067 I've gotta get to the bridge. 327 00:40:01,606 --> 00:40:03,077 No Captain Ashland, No. 328 00:40:03,900 --> 00:40:05,621 What... ship is this? 329 00:40:06,319 --> 00:40:08,787 I don't know Captain Ashland. No-one knows. 330 00:40:09,197 --> 00:40:13,040 Captain Asland. No... No, you... must lay down. 331 00:40:13,660 --> 00:40:14,703 Rest. 332 00:40:15,704 --> 00:40:16,746 Rest! 333 00:40:18,164 --> 00:40:19,207 Rest. 334 00:40:21,543 --> 00:40:22,585 That's odd. 335 00:40:23,586 --> 00:40:24,630 The course marked on this chart... 336 00:40:24,754 --> 00:40:26,756 ...just goes around the Atlantic in huge circles. 337 00:40:31,177 --> 00:40:32,565 Captain, take a look at this. 338 00:40:42,313 --> 00:40:45,031 This equipment must be over forty years old. 339 00:40:51,364 --> 00:40:53,369 We can't use this junk to send out a signal. 340 00:40:54,993 --> 00:40:56,703 Let's hope our first message got through. 341 00:41:01,499 --> 00:41:02,591 Look at this! 342 00:41:03,418 --> 00:41:04,889 This one's about Hitler. 343 00:41:05,253 --> 00:41:05,930 Who is he? 344 00:41:06,254 --> 00:41:08,971 A rather unpleasant man, he started World War Two. 345 00:41:09,382 --> 00:41:10,723 Is this Hitler? 346 00:41:11,718 --> 00:41:12,761 Not quite... 347 00:41:13,053 --> 00:41:14,095 The King of England. 348 00:41:21,478 --> 00:41:23,565 ♪ I know a perfect recipe... ♪ 349 00:41:24,022 --> 00:41:25,774 ♪ ...and everything that worries me... ♪ 350 00:41:25,815 --> 00:41:29,244 ♪ ...it's simple, shall I pass it along? ♪ 351 00:41:30,278 --> 00:41:32,330 ♪ Well if you want to wear a smile... ♪ 352 00:41:32,530 --> 00:41:34,666 ♪ ...and be so happy all the while, just... ♪ 353 00:41:38,244 --> 00:41:40,047 Listen. There's that music again. 354 00:41:40,455 --> 00:41:41,048 He's wrong. 355 00:41:41,122 --> 00:41:42,415 There is someone else on board. 356 00:41:43,333 --> 00:41:44,376 Let's take a look. 357 00:41:44,459 --> 00:41:45,218 Come on Ben. 358 00:41:45,377 --> 00:41:46,551 Let's stay together. 359 00:42:03,937 --> 00:42:05,574 This is incredible. 360 00:42:06,314 --> 00:42:08,651 What the hell are those engines using for fuel? 361 00:42:14,614 --> 00:42:16,500 All these gauges read zero. 362 00:42:16,991 --> 00:42:18,332 Come on, let's get outta here. 363 00:42:18,535 --> 00:42:19,578 Lead the way! 364 00:42:21,037 --> 00:42:22,591 We've gotta get off this ship! 365 00:42:22,831 --> 00:42:23,958 The lifeboats! 366 00:42:32,424 --> 00:42:36,018 That's odd. I'm sure it was coming from this direction. 367 00:42:37,303 --> 00:42:39,474 - Not in there. - Maybe it's in the next room. 368 00:42:41,057 --> 00:42:42,611 It's a movie house. 369 00:42:43,017 --> 00:42:44,820 Movie house? It can't be. 370 00:42:45,895 --> 00:42:48,066 Can we run the film mummy? Can we? 371 00:42:48,732 --> 00:42:50,203 I don't know. 372 00:42:50,692 --> 00:42:51,735 Let's see. 373 00:42:57,991 --> 00:42:59,034 It works! 374 00:43:12,130 --> 00:43:14,265 ♪ I know a perfect recipe... ♪ 375 00:43:14,424 --> 00:43:16,263 ♪ ...and everything that worries me... ♪ 376 00:43:16,426 --> 00:43:19,772 ♪ ...it's simple. Shall I pass it along? ♪ 377 00:43:20,597 --> 00:43:21,765 ♪ Well if you want to... ♪ 378 00:45:14,294 --> 00:45:15,635 Mrs Morgan... 379 00:45:18,214 --> 00:45:19,257 Mrs Morgan... 380 00:45:20,800 --> 00:45:22,473 - What? What is it? - It's a movie. 381 00:45:22,802 --> 00:45:24,095 - Come quick! - A movie? 382 00:45:52,665 --> 00:45:54,421 It should work, It looks well greased. 383 00:45:56,628 --> 00:45:58,797 Let's go below, get cleaned up, and get the others... 384 00:45:59,005 --> 00:46:00,476 ...and get off this ship. 385 00:46:17,065 --> 00:46:18,821 Stop moaning and put the lights on. 386 00:46:18,900 --> 00:46:19,943 I'll get it. 387 00:46:30,120 --> 00:46:33,216 What's happening to... to me? 388 00:46:33,415 --> 00:46:34,457 Mrs Morgan! 389 00:46:39,170 --> 00:46:41,721 Don't touch her mummy! She's poisonous! 390 00:46:47,554 --> 00:46:49,440 Robin! Come back! Robin! 391 00:47:23,423 --> 00:47:24,716 Help me. 392 00:47:25,091 --> 00:47:25,850 Help... 393 00:47:26,134 --> 00:47:27,771 Töten Sie, Ashland... 394 00:47:28,511 --> 00:47:29,804 ...das ist das richtige! 395 00:47:33,516 --> 00:47:35,023 Töten Sie, Ashland... 396 00:47:35,727 --> 00:47:36,819 ...worauf warten Sie? 397 00:47:37,520 --> 00:47:39,157 Es tut nicht weh. 398 00:47:48,823 --> 00:47:49,748 What happened to you? 399 00:47:49,866 --> 00:47:52,998 Daddy, daddy, I'm real frightened. Can we all get off this ship please. 400 00:47:54,829 --> 00:47:56,301 Thank God. 401 00:47:56,456 --> 00:47:57,583 It's Mrs Morgan. 402 00:47:59,876 --> 00:48:01,003 Stay with them Nick. 403 00:48:01,336 --> 00:48:02,379 Oh Nick. 404 00:48:21,940 --> 00:48:22,982 She's dead. 405 00:48:25,694 --> 00:48:28,458 Of a seizure. It was quite quick. 406 00:48:29,531 --> 00:48:31,452 At least she won't be in pain any more. 407 00:48:32,742 --> 00:48:35,875 I suggest you assemble everyone for a burial at sea. 408 00:48:46,798 --> 00:48:49,515 We are gathered here to pay our last respects... 409 00:48:50,093 --> 00:48:51,896 ...to a wonderful woman... 410 00:48:53,012 --> 00:48:55,397 ...that sadly, we knew for such a short time. 411 00:48:55,724 --> 00:48:57,894 Those are quite the wrong words, Marshall. 412 00:48:59,102 --> 00:49:01,072 Perhaps you will allow me? 413 00:49:15,869 --> 00:49:17,043 Let us pray... 414 00:49:17,287 --> 00:49:19,873 ...for the soul of our dearly departed sister. 415 00:49:20,582 --> 00:49:22,421 O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered. 416 00:49:23,251 --> 00:49:26,264 Accept our prayers on behalf of our servant departed... 417 00:49:26,504 --> 00:49:29,138 ...and grant her entrance into the halls of light and joy... 418 00:49:29,299 --> 00:49:33,309 ...in the fellowship of thy saints through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 419 00:49:34,012 --> 00:49:35,055 Amen. 420 00:49:35,138 --> 00:49:36,181 Amen. 421 00:49:36,639 --> 00:49:38,395 Almighty God, we commend her spirit... 422 00:49:38,516 --> 00:49:40,185 ...and we commit her body to the deep... 423 00:49:40,268 --> 00:49:42,687 ...in the sure hope of the resurrection and eternal life... 424 00:49:42,937 --> 00:49:44,943 ...through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 425 00:50:16,638 --> 00:50:17,432 The boats! 426 00:50:17,680 --> 00:50:18,932 The boats are our last chance! 427 00:50:19,140 --> 00:50:20,183 Damn it I know it! 428 00:50:26,314 --> 00:50:27,357 Quick, the other boat. 429 00:50:56,511 --> 00:50:58,148 They're floating away, Dad! 430 00:50:58,263 --> 00:50:59,686 This damned ship! 431 00:50:59,889 --> 00:51:01,776 It's like it's alive, trying to kill us! 432 00:51:45,560 --> 00:51:47,281 Marshall! 433 00:51:52,859 --> 00:51:56,074 Can you step up to the Bridge please. 434 00:52:15,507 --> 00:52:17,594 Would you care to inspect the Wheel House? 435 00:52:35,151 --> 00:52:39,411 Charts, sextant, log book. 436 00:52:41,741 --> 00:52:43,034 Daily sailing orders. 437 00:52:44,619 --> 00:52:46,422 Main steering gear. 438 00:52:48,289 --> 00:52:50,129 How do you like my chair, Marshall? 439 00:52:50,333 --> 00:52:52,219 Ideal for long trips. 440 00:52:57,048 --> 00:52:58,555 Did you say "your" chair? 441 00:52:58,717 --> 00:53:01,896 Yes. You'll get one when you are a Captain. 442 00:53:03,054 --> 00:53:07,064 In the meantime, this is my ship, and I am the Captain. 443 00:53:11,312 --> 00:53:13,318 Would you like to steer her? 444 00:53:14,274 --> 00:53:17,323 All of my previous passengers liked to do that. 445 00:53:17,485 --> 00:53:19,537 They liked to pretend to be a Captain. 446 00:53:20,113 --> 00:53:21,156 Like you. 447 00:53:22,949 --> 00:53:24,372 But it's no so easy. 448 00:53:25,452 --> 00:53:26,494 Try it. 449 00:53:47,932 --> 00:53:50,151 You took my last ship from me. 450 00:53:50,477 --> 00:53:51,864 You won't get this one. 451 00:53:54,022 --> 00:53:55,742 I didn't take your ship from you. 452 00:53:56,483 --> 00:53:57,870 The company took it from you. 453 00:53:58,818 --> 00:53:59,992 And you know why? 454 00:54:00,403 --> 00:54:01,874 Because you can't deal with people. 455 00:54:02,113 --> 00:54:04,157 You don't know how to handle a crew or passengers. 456 00:54:04,824 --> 00:54:06,212 Maybe so Marshall. 457 00:54:07,035 --> 00:54:09,420 But I know how to handle ships. 458 00:54:20,131 --> 00:54:21,342 Engine room! 459 00:54:21,925 --> 00:54:23,313 Full ahead! 460 00:54:31,267 --> 00:54:35,858 A captain never leaves his post, even a pretend captain like you, Marshall. 461 00:54:38,316 --> 00:54:39,490 Ashland, you're sick. 462 00:54:40,652 --> 00:54:41,993 I'm taking command of this ship. 463 00:54:43,363 --> 00:54:44,455 You can't. 464 00:54:46,408 --> 00:54:49,622 No one can take this ship away from me! 465 00:55:01,172 --> 00:55:02,679 Where do you plan to sail her? 466 00:55:03,633 --> 00:55:05,223 Eternity, Marshall. 467 00:55:07,429 --> 00:55:08,472 Eternity. 468 00:55:16,563 --> 00:55:19,066 Come on Robin. I want you to try and get some rest. 469 00:55:19,232 --> 00:55:20,620 I can't. I'm too scared. 470 00:55:20,775 --> 00:55:23,575 Oh shhh... there's nothing we can do until tomorrow morning. 471 00:55:23,820 --> 00:55:26,703 Why? Why do we have to wait? I wanna go now. 472 00:55:26,865 --> 00:55:28,336 Quiet. You'll wake Ben. 473 00:55:29,909 --> 00:55:31,167 Now listen to me. 474 00:55:31,327 --> 00:55:33,664 I want to get off this ship as much as you do, but... 475 00:55:35,165 --> 00:55:38,712 ...we've got to wait until it's light so we can all see what we're doing. 476 00:55:39,044 --> 00:55:41,927 Daddy thinks it's best that we stay right where we are. 477 00:55:43,798 --> 00:55:45,768 We're warm, and dry and... 478 00:55:46,634 --> 00:55:49,268 ...we've got something to eat, and... well... 479 00:55:50,805 --> 00:55:52,016 Understand? 480 00:56:00,398 --> 00:56:01,442 What is it? 481 00:56:01,733 --> 00:56:03,323 Ashland's totally schizophrenic. 482 00:56:03,735 --> 00:56:05,822 He's taken on the role of a German naval officer. 483 00:56:06,613 --> 00:56:09,578 It's as if this ship has somehow taken possession of him. 484 00:56:09,991 --> 00:56:11,034 Where is he now? 485 00:56:11,076 --> 00:56:12,499 I left him in the Wheel House. 486 00:56:14,621 --> 00:56:16,211 - Ben's sleeping? - Yes, yes. 487 00:56:24,798 --> 00:56:28,093 We'll lock ourselves in for the night, til we figure a way to get off this ship. 488 00:56:29,344 --> 00:56:30,387 C'mon. 489 00:57:46,921 --> 00:57:48,013 Robin. 490 00:57:49,883 --> 00:57:50,926 Robin? 491 00:57:53,720 --> 00:57:55,143 What now? 492 00:57:55,346 --> 00:57:56,390 I gotta go. 493 00:57:56,598 --> 00:57:59,315 You can't, not now. Hold it til morning. 494 00:57:59,642 --> 00:58:00,685 I can't. 495 00:58:05,148 --> 00:58:07,865 Come with me Robbie. Please. 496 00:58:08,568 --> 00:58:09,779 Alright... 497 00:58:11,488 --> 00:58:12,781 Men! 498 00:58:34,928 --> 00:58:36,055 Where is it? 499 00:58:36,221 --> 00:58:38,142 I don't know, but we'll find it. 500 00:58:42,102 --> 00:58:43,692 No Ben. 501 00:58:44,145 --> 00:58:45,901 But it's getting desperate! 502 00:59:12,590 --> 00:59:14,227 Hurry up, Ben! 503 00:59:16,219 --> 00:59:18,936 Okay! I'm ready. 504 00:59:24,185 --> 00:59:25,988 Lori, I love you. 505 00:59:29,190 --> 00:59:30,233 Do you? 506 00:59:32,569 --> 00:59:33,611 Do you? 507 00:59:34,487 --> 00:59:37,252 If you had asked me a week ago, I'd have said no. 508 00:59:39,951 --> 00:59:42,003 Now, maybe. 509 00:59:45,248 --> 00:59:47,585 Come on. Let's take a shower. 510 01:00:14,734 --> 01:00:15,778 I'm scared. 511 01:00:15,985 --> 01:00:18,370 You're scared? I'm scared shirtless! 512 01:00:18,613 --> 01:00:20,700 It's shitless... oops! 513 01:00:20,948 --> 01:00:23,417 Never mind. I'm just trying to be polite. 514 01:00:23,576 --> 01:00:26,625 - I know lots of other words like... - Okay wise guy. 515 01:00:26,788 --> 01:00:28,175 I think... 516 01:00:28,915 --> 01:00:29,840 ...we... 517 01:00:29,957 --> 01:00:31,429 ...we should go down there. 518 01:00:32,710 --> 01:00:34,300 - You sure? - Think so. 519 01:00:34,587 --> 01:00:36,260 You go first then. 520 01:00:36,422 --> 01:00:38,807 - You're smallest, you go. - No, you. 521 01:00:38,925 --> 01:00:40,894 Men first, Ladies last. 522 01:00:41,177 --> 01:00:44,025 - Since when? - Since now. Go on! 523 01:00:46,224 --> 01:00:47,896 What ya whistling for? 524 01:00:48,601 --> 01:00:50,653 If we get lost, we can hear each other. 525 01:00:51,062 --> 01:00:52,901 - That's stupid. - No it isn't. 526 01:00:57,694 --> 01:00:58,986 Ben? 527 01:01:01,572 --> 01:01:02,664 Ben! 528 01:01:17,922 --> 01:01:20,259 Nick, open the door. 529 01:01:22,719 --> 01:01:25,055 Hang on a minute. Looks like it's stuck. 530 01:01:30,059 --> 01:01:33,156 Nick... this is blood! 531 01:01:33,563 --> 01:01:35,116 It's blood! 532 01:01:35,440 --> 01:01:37,030 Hold on... just hold on! 533 01:01:40,445 --> 01:01:41,951 Hold on, Lori! Hold on! 534 01:01:46,159 --> 01:01:47,879 Somebody help me! 535 01:01:48,661 --> 01:01:51,046 Help me! Help me! 536 01:01:56,919 --> 01:01:58,889 Ben, are you down there? 537 01:02:12,727 --> 01:02:15,740 Let me out of here please! 538 01:02:22,028 --> 01:02:23,998 Ben, I'm coming down! 539 01:02:32,330 --> 01:02:35,177 Get me out of here! Get me out of here! 540 01:02:38,503 --> 01:02:39,760 Help me! 541 01:02:40,254 --> 01:02:41,346 Lori! 542 01:02:42,173 --> 01:02:43,845 Lori! Don't give up! 543 01:03:02,819 --> 01:03:04,409 Holt Eure Maschinengewehre. 544 01:03:04,696 --> 01:03:06,036 Munition nicht vergessen. 545 01:03:06,155 --> 01:03:07,828 Schnell, Schnell... den Patronengürtel! 546 01:03:08,491 --> 01:03:10,578 Alles fertig? Ja! 547 01:04:37,372 --> 01:04:38,546 Robin! 548 01:04:39,332 --> 01:04:40,459 Ben! 549 01:04:41,376 --> 01:04:42,716 Where are you? 550 01:04:44,045 --> 01:04:45,255 Ben! 551 01:04:46,506 --> 01:04:47,597 Robin! 552 01:04:48,174 --> 01:04:49,348 Answer me! 553 01:05:05,674 --> 01:05:07,265 Let me help you. 554 01:05:31,575 --> 01:05:32,833 Daddy! 555 01:05:50,928 --> 01:05:55,021 C'mon. Let's go find mum. C'mon. 556 01:06:09,947 --> 01:06:10,991 It's Lori. 557 01:06:11,240 --> 01:06:12,451 Stay here, all of you. 558 01:06:19,290 --> 01:06:21,342 Shh... try and get some sleep. 559 01:06:55,451 --> 01:07:01,833 And to our mighty God, we commend her soul, and we commit her body to the deep! 560 01:07:02,124 --> 01:07:03,298 No! 561 01:07:06,170 --> 01:07:09,219 Ashland you crazy bastard! 562 01:07:09,298 --> 01:07:11,766 We've gotta stop him before he gets to someone else! 563 01:07:40,037 --> 01:07:41,544 This way! 564 01:09:58,259 --> 01:10:00,430 My God! 565 01:10:09,603 --> 01:10:12,237 What the hell are these? 566 01:10:12,898 --> 01:10:14,868 Gold teeth. 567 01:10:17,570 --> 01:10:20,702 This must have been used as an interrogation ship. 568 01:10:31,292 --> 01:10:33,297 It's still running. 569 01:11:24,970 --> 01:11:27,391 Come on, let's get the hell out of here! Come on! 570 01:12:20,401 --> 01:12:22,655 Stop it! 571 01:12:38,335 --> 01:12:41,550 For God's sake! Stop It! 572 01:14:51,552 --> 01:14:53,557 This ship needs blood, Marshall... 573 01:14:54,013 --> 01:14:55,057 ...needs blood... 574 01:14:55,514 --> 01:14:56,688 ...it must have blood... 575 01:14:57,057 --> 01:14:58,185 ...must have blood... 576 01:14:58,601 --> 01:15:00,154 ...blood to survive... 577 01:15:00,728 --> 01:15:01,570 ...blood... 578 01:15:01,687 --> 01:15:02,730 ...your blood... 579 01:15:02,813 --> 01:15:04,653 ...and the blood of your wife... 580 01:15:04,899 --> 01:15:06,405 ...blood of your wife... 581 01:15:06,650 --> 01:15:08,157 ...the blood of your children... 582 01:15:08,527 --> 01:15:09,915 ...blood of your children... 583 01:15:10,070 --> 01:15:11,281 ...blood of your children... 584 01:15:11,405 --> 01:15:12,330 ...your wife... 585 01:15:12,448 --> 01:15:17,087 ...wife... children... children... children... blood, Marshall... 586 01:15:17,495 --> 01:15:19,621 ...must have blood... this ship needs blood, Marshall... 587 01:15:19,622 --> 01:15:22,671 ...must have blood... this ship needs blood, Marshall... 588 01:16:00,287 --> 01:16:01,379 What's happening? 589 01:16:01,580 --> 01:16:03,835 I don't know what's happening. But we've got to get off this ship! 590 01:16:03,999 --> 01:16:05,471 But there aren't any boats! 591 01:16:05,543 --> 01:16:07,753 There may be something we can use in the ship's store. 592 01:16:29,567 --> 01:16:30,609 Keep them back... 593 01:16:31,944 --> 01:16:33,036 Margaret, keep them back! 594 01:16:56,552 --> 01:16:58,142 What is it mummy? What's in there? 595 01:16:58,345 --> 01:16:59,388 It's... 596 01:16:59,472 --> 01:17:02,105 It's... it's not... not for you. Just stay there! 597 01:17:47,728 --> 01:17:48,820 Margaret... 598 01:17:49,563 --> 01:17:50,987 ...put these on the kids. 599 01:17:51,941 --> 01:17:53,484 What are you going back in there for? 600 01:17:54,485 --> 01:17:56,237 There's something else in here we can use. 601 01:18:17,466 --> 01:18:19,103 - Come on! - I'll help you daddy! 602 01:18:19,343 --> 01:18:20,684 - Attaboy, Ben. Grab the other end. - Robin, you take this. 603 01:18:20,803 --> 01:18:21,846 Pick it up! 604 01:18:23,973 --> 01:18:24,518 Up you come. 605 01:18:24,807 --> 01:18:25,850 That's it. 606 01:18:25,975 --> 01:18:27,017 Come on. 607 01:18:27,184 --> 01:18:28,311 Hurry up! Hurry up! 608 01:18:30,146 --> 01:18:31,320 We've got to stop this ship. 609 01:18:48,721 --> 01:18:50,726 Keep this life jacket on all the time. 610 01:18:51,974 --> 01:18:53,185 Now, do you hear me Robin? 611 01:18:53,309 --> 01:18:54,351 Yes, mummy. 612 01:18:58,022 --> 01:18:59,065 Get down! 613 01:19:07,198 --> 01:19:09,369 No-one leaves my ship, Marshall! 614 01:19:12,536 --> 01:19:13,579 No-one! 615 01:19:28,052 --> 01:19:29,095 Come on, Ben! 616 01:19:30,596 --> 01:19:31,639 Come on! 617 01:19:32,348 --> 01:19:33,391 Go! 618 01:19:40,189 --> 01:19:41,232 Run! 619 01:19:44,735 --> 01:19:45,778 Stay down! 620 01:19:49,073 --> 01:19:50,627 Go to the children, quick! 621 01:20:13,472 --> 01:20:15,275 Hurry, children, hurry! 622 01:20:35,870 --> 01:20:37,507 That's right Robin, push! 623 01:20:38,914 --> 01:20:39,957 Go, Ben! 624 01:20:42,877 --> 01:20:44,218 Alright Robin, get ready! 625 01:20:46,714 --> 01:20:47,757 Go! 626 01:20:51,385 --> 01:20:52,726 Swim for the raft! 627 01:20:54,847 --> 01:20:56,769 No-one leaves my ship! 628 01:21:01,979 --> 01:21:03,486 Trevor! 629 01:21:13,449 --> 01:21:14,492 No! 630 01:21:15,034 --> 01:21:15,461 No! 631 01:21:15,743 --> 01:21:18,211 Get in there, you bitch! 632 01:21:34,095 --> 01:21:38,318 - Achtung Achtung! Feind in Sicht. - Alles in Stellung. 633 01:21:38,599 --> 01:21:40,687 Achtung Achtung! Alle Mann an Deck. 634 01:22:20,975 --> 01:22:22,268 Trevor! 635 01:22:22,351 --> 01:22:24,190 Trevor! 636 01:22:36,699 --> 01:22:38,918 Ben... Robin... where's mum? 637 01:22:39,035 --> 01:22:40,707 She's still on the ship! 638 01:22:41,287 --> 01:22:42,331 Trevor! 639 01:22:50,963 --> 01:22:53,217 Alright... Margaret... 640 01:22:58,721 --> 01:22:59,895 Alright... 641 01:23:00,097 --> 01:23:01,140 Yes! 642 01:23:20,951 --> 01:23:22,209 Hard to port! 643 01:23:28,584 --> 01:23:31,966 You bastards! When I give an order I expect it to be obeyed! 644 01:23:32,880 --> 01:23:34,470 Do you hear me?! 645 01:23:34,673 --> 01:23:37,717 Verfolgen Sie eine 30 Grad Steuerbordwendung. 646 01:23:37,718 --> 01:23:41,182 Voraussichtliche Berührung mit Feind um 21.00 Uhr. 647 01:23:52,400 --> 01:23:53,990 I am your Captain! 648 01:23:56,320 --> 01:23:58,621 I command you to alter course! 649 01:24:05,037 --> 01:24:06,460 Ben... give me that. 650 01:24:06,997 --> 01:24:08,125 Sit over here. 651 01:24:44,577 --> 01:24:50,461 Kurs und Position ein. 190 Grad Steuer voraus. Volle Kraft voraus... 652 01:25:31,248 --> 01:25:32,376 It's going the other way. 653 01:25:33,584 --> 01:25:34,627 We made it! 654 01:25:37,129 --> 01:25:38,683 We'll be alright now. 655 01:25:41,384 --> 01:25:42,426 Keep paddling! 656 01:25:44,970 --> 01:25:46,013 That's it. 657 01:25:51,435 --> 01:25:54,449 Roger, base. We'll make just one more sweep then we're headed home. 658 01:26:00,861 --> 01:26:01,455 Hold it! 659 01:26:01,862 --> 01:26:03,250 I think we've got something here. 660 01:26:03,989 --> 01:26:08,498 Yeah! We have a raft. One, two, three, four... Yeah, four people. 661 01:26:08,911 --> 01:26:10,418 No sign of any further survivors. 662 01:26:12,081 --> 01:26:14,335 Hello! Hey! Hello! 663 01:26:14,625 --> 01:26:16,168 They seem to be in pretty good shape. 664 01:26:17,253 --> 01:26:18,759 Heading in to execute rescue. 665 01:26:20,423 --> 01:26:25,263 We're safe, Margaret. We're safe. Robin... we're alright!