1 00:00:01,031 --> 00:00:03,831 Cheers is filmed before a live studio audience. 2 00:00:03,832 --> 00:00:06,733 Sam. 3 00:00:06,833 --> 00:00:09,010 Sorry, they were out of beer nuts and pretzels at the store, 4 00:00:09,034 --> 00:00:11,734 but guess what I got? 5 00:00:11,834 --> 00:00:13,835 Choco Puffs. 6 00:00:13,935 --> 00:00:16,135 Hey-hey. Hey, all right. 7 00:00:16,235 --> 00:00:17,612 Haven't had these since I was a kid. 8 00:00:17,636 --> 00:00:18,936 Hey, look at this. 9 00:00:19,036 --> 00:00:22,936 Uh, "90% real sugar, ten percent animal fat." 10 00:00:22,937 --> 00:00:25,838 God bless America, huh? 11 00:00:27,238 --> 00:00:29,638 I always liked eating mine straight from the box. 12 00:00:29,639 --> 00:00:31,015 They still have prizes in these things? 13 00:00:31,039 --> 00:00:32,240 Boy, I hope so. 14 00:00:32,340 --> 00:00:33,740 I remember when I was a kid, 15 00:00:33,840 --> 00:00:36,440 I got one of those lick- and-stick tattoo books. 16 00:00:36,441 --> 00:00:38,341 Never wore them though. 17 00:00:38,441 --> 00:00:39,541 Felt pretty silly, huh? 18 00:00:39,542 --> 00:00:43,143 No, I'm just waiting for a special occasion. 19 00:00:44,343 --> 00:00:46,043 Yep, I got a prize. 20 00:00:46,143 --> 00:00:48,043 Me, too. Dumb BB game. 21 00:00:48,044 --> 00:00:50,043 Yeah, I got one of those cheap plastic rings. 22 00:00:50,044 --> 00:00:53,945 Oh, great, another tattoo book. 23 00:00:55,146 --> 00:00:56,226 Let's see what Cliffie got. 24 00:00:57,646 --> 00:00:59,847 Hey, Cliffie got skunked. 25 00:01:12,250 --> 00:01:15,351 Oh, Mr. Clavin got the whistle. 26 00:01:23,153 --> 00:01:25,454 ¶ Making your way in the world today ¶ 27 00:01:25,554 --> 00:01:28,754 ¶ Takes everything you've got ¶ 28 00:01:28,755 --> 00:01:31,355 ¶ Taking a break from all your worries ¶ 29 00:01:31,455 --> 00:01:34,856 ¶ Sure would help a lot. 30 00:01:34,956 --> 00:01:38,757 ¶ Wouldn't you like to get away? ¶ 31 00:01:39,958 --> 00:01:42,258 ¶ Sometimes you want to go. 32 00:01:42,358 --> 00:01:46,759 ¶ Where everybody knows your name ¶ 33 00:01:48,060 --> 00:01:52,661 ¶ And they're always glad you came ¶ 34 00:01:52,761 --> 00:01:54,962 ¶ You wanna be where you can see ¶ 35 00:01:55,062 --> 00:01:57,561 ¶ Our troubles are all the same ¶ 36 00:01:57,562 --> 00:02:01,863 ¶ You wanna be where everybody knows your name ¶ 37 00:02:03,064 --> 00:02:04,964 ¶ You wanna go where people know ¶ 38 00:02:05,064 --> 00:02:08,264 ¶ People are all the same. 39 00:02:08,265 --> 00:02:12,866 ¶ You wanna go where everybody knows your name. ¶ 40 00:02:30,971 --> 00:02:32,071 How's your throat doing there, Cliffie? 41 00:02:32,072 --> 00:02:33,248 It's still a little sore, Sam. 42 00:02:33,272 --> 00:02:34,472 Oh, well, 43 00:02:34,572 --> 00:02:36,372 here's something we used to do in my family. 44 00:02:36,373 --> 00:02:38,773 Ah! Ah! 45 00:02:38,873 --> 00:02:40,574 You did that for sore throats? 46 00:02:40,674 --> 00:02:42,374 No. 47 00:02:47,776 --> 00:02:49,076 Sam... 48 00:02:49,176 --> 00:02:51,277 What...? 49 00:02:51,377 --> 00:02:53,377 My hatcheck girl is missing from her post. 50 00:02:53,477 --> 00:02:55,378 You haven't perchance seen her? 51 00:02:55,478 --> 00:02:57,054 What's that supposed to mean? Every time something goes wrong 52 00:02:57,078 --> 00:02:58,479 in your restaurant it's my fault? 53 00:02:58,579 --> 00:03:00,055 Like I'm the one who's supposed to keep track 54 00:03:00,079 --> 00:03:01,278 of all your employees? 55 00:03:01,279 --> 00:03:03,179 You know, that really ticks me off. 56 00:03:03,180 --> 00:03:07,281 Sam, I can't get the sofa bed to fold back up. 57 00:03:11,282 --> 00:03:12,981 Miss Kenderson. 58 00:03:12,982 --> 00:03:15,583 For the three weeks you've been in my employ 59 00:03:15,683 --> 00:03:18,884 as a hatcheck girl, you've spent most of your time downstairs. 60 00:03:18,984 --> 00:03:20,784 Today, as luck would have it, 61 00:03:20,884 --> 00:03:23,285 we actually had a customer with a hat. 62 00:03:25,186 --> 00:03:26,386 And where were you? 63 00:03:26,486 --> 00:03:28,086 Taking a break. 64 00:03:28,186 --> 00:03:29,286 It wasn't your break time. 65 00:03:29,287 --> 00:03:30,987 It was mine. 66 00:03:31,087 --> 00:03:32,588 Miss Kenderson, you're terminated. 67 00:03:32,688 --> 00:03:33,888 Get your things and clear out. 68 00:03:33,988 --> 00:03:35,188 Fine. 69 00:03:36,289 --> 00:03:38,989 Sam, in the future, I'd appreciate you 70 00:03:39,089 --> 00:03:43,190 keeping your hands off my hatcheck girls. 71 00:03:43,290 --> 00:03:44,667 You know, it's your own stupid fault. 72 00:03:44,691 --> 00:03:46,067 I mean, I wouldn't touch your hatcheck girls 73 00:03:46,091 --> 00:03:48,292 if you'd hire some waitresses. 74 00:03:49,592 --> 00:03:51,693 Hello, all. 75 00:03:51,793 --> 00:03:53,493 Happy birthday, Dr. Crane. 76 00:03:53,593 --> 00:03:54,893 Why, thank you, Woody. 77 00:03:54,993 --> 00:03:56,393 How did you know? 78 00:03:56,394 --> 00:03:58,093 Well, you left your wallet here last night, 79 00:03:58,094 --> 00:04:00,174 so I was looking through it to find out whose it was. 80 00:04:01,895 --> 00:04:03,695 Are you really gonna donate your internal organs 81 00:04:03,696 --> 00:04:05,496 in case of accident? 82 00:04:05,596 --> 00:04:07,797 They take them before you die, you know. 83 00:04:11,298 --> 00:04:12,897 Yeah, my uncle was just in a fender bender. 84 00:04:12,898 --> 00:04:15,599 They chased him half way down the block. 85 00:04:17,700 --> 00:04:20,200 Well, thank you for sharing that with me 86 00:04:20,300 --> 00:04:23,901 on my, uh, special day. 87 00:04:26,102 --> 00:04:28,302 So, you got some big plans, here? 88 00:04:28,402 --> 00:04:29,603 Oh, nothing much. 89 00:04:29,703 --> 00:04:33,003 I've never been one of those who tend to make a big brouhaha. 90 00:04:33,004 --> 00:04:35,103 As my mother always used to tell me, 91 00:04:35,104 --> 00:04:36,505 "Don't get excited. 92 00:04:36,605 --> 00:04:39,605 It's just another day of the year." 93 00:04:43,206 --> 00:04:45,283 You're kidding me, you never had parties when you were a kid? 94 00:04:45,307 --> 00:04:47,107 Friends over? Cakes? Ice cream? 95 00:04:47,207 --> 00:04:48,608 No. 96 00:04:48,708 --> 00:04:52,509 Well, once I had a... a bran muffin with a pat of oleo. 97 00:04:55,109 --> 00:04:56,586 Hey, you know something, hey, I got an idea. 98 00:04:56,610 --> 00:04:59,310 Let's throw Frasier a party here, huh? 99 00:04:59,311 --> 00:05:01,187 You know, the bash that he never had, what do you say? 100 00:05:01,211 --> 00:05:03,011 Yeah. Great idea. 101 00:05:03,012 --> 00:05:04,212 Afternoon, everybody. 102 00:05:04,312 --> 00:05:05,712 Norm! 103 00:05:05,812 --> 00:05:07,513 What's going on, Mr. Peterson? 104 00:05:07,613 --> 00:05:09,713 Another layer for the winter, Wood. 105 00:05:13,314 --> 00:05:14,715 Hey, Norm, did you hear? 106 00:05:14,815 --> 00:05:17,114 We're gonna have a big, uh, birthday bash there 107 00:05:17,115 --> 00:05:19,816 for Doc Fras. Yeah, great. 108 00:05:19,916 --> 00:05:21,292 Hey, it'll be exciting, Mr. Peterson. 109 00:05:21,316 --> 00:05:23,717 We're gonna have cake and ice cream. 110 00:05:23,817 --> 00:05:27,518 Yeah, we can go crazy and order from Pizza-Pizza-Pizza-Pizza. 111 00:05:27,618 --> 00:05:29,319 Oh, what do they serve there? 112 00:05:31,319 --> 00:05:33,520 Pizza, you dweeb. 113 00:05:33,620 --> 00:05:34,980 You don't have to bite my head off. 114 00:05:35,020 --> 00:05:38,121 I've never been there before. 115 00:05:38,221 --> 00:05:39,021 I don't know, guys. 116 00:05:39,121 --> 00:05:40,721 I'm just not in the mood for a party. 117 00:05:40,722 --> 00:05:43,222 I got some bad news. What? 118 00:05:43,322 --> 00:05:45,822 Vera lost her job. 119 00:05:45,823 --> 00:05:47,522 Her, too, huh? 120 00:05:47,523 --> 00:05:49,323 Boy, this recession is hitting everybody. 121 00:05:49,324 --> 00:05:51,624 Well, they should have gone for the gold 122 00:05:51,724 --> 00:05:53,625 and gotten the security of a government job. 123 00:05:53,725 --> 00:05:54,925 Yeah, I'll tell you, 124 00:05:55,025 --> 00:05:57,002 I could spit on that mail and chuck it down the sewer, 125 00:05:57,026 --> 00:06:00,327 and they couldn't fire me. 126 00:06:00,427 --> 00:06:02,127 How do you know that, Mr. Clavin? 127 00:06:03,027 --> 00:06:05,328 I-I don't. 128 00:06:05,428 --> 00:06:08,529 How about those Celtics, huh? 129 00:06:08,629 --> 00:06:10,930 It's too bad, man, about Vera losing her job. 130 00:06:11,030 --> 00:06:12,230 Yeah. 131 00:06:12,330 --> 00:06:15,031 We have, like, no money coming in at all. 132 00:06:15,131 --> 00:06:18,432 If something doesn't happen soon, I may have to find a job. 133 00:06:21,232 --> 00:06:23,133 You gonna work, Norm? 134 00:06:23,233 --> 00:06:25,332 I mean for Vera. 135 00:06:25,333 --> 00:06:28,634 "You gonna work, Norm?" 136 00:06:29,935 --> 00:06:31,134 Hi, guys. 137 00:06:31,135 --> 00:06:32,635 Oh, Rebecca, there you are. 138 00:06:32,735 --> 00:06:34,336 I've been looking everywhere for you. 139 00:06:34,436 --> 00:06:35,436 What are you talking about? 140 00:06:35,437 --> 00:06:37,437 You're just sitting there on your bar stool. 141 00:06:37,537 --> 00:06:40,037 I know. This is where I look from. 142 00:06:40,137 --> 00:06:41,738 So what do you need, Norm? 143 00:06:41,838 --> 00:06:42,938 Well, it's Vera. 144 00:06:43,038 --> 00:06:45,139 She was, uh, laid off down at the travel agency. 145 00:06:45,239 --> 00:06:47,138 Oh, so you want me to see if I can use my corporate connections 146 00:06:47,139 --> 00:06:48,540 to get her another job? 147 00:06:48,640 --> 00:06:50,040 No. 148 00:06:50,140 --> 00:06:51,916 You want me to help her out with some professional resume? 149 00:06:51,940 --> 00:06:53,141 Well, no. 150 00:06:53,241 --> 00:06:54,441 What do you want, Norm? 151 00:06:54,541 --> 00:06:55,941 Well, you see, 152 00:06:56,041 --> 00:06:58,842 Vera ripped off a bunch of these frequent flyer vouchers. 153 00:06:58,942 --> 00:07:01,843 And I was wondering if I could trade them in for free beers. 154 00:07:03,043 --> 00:07:06,043 What? What? 155 00:07:06,044 --> 00:07:08,145 Okay, somebody's got to go get all this stuff. 156 00:07:08,245 --> 00:07:09,444 I want ice cream, balloons, decorations... 157 00:07:09,445 --> 00:07:10,845 I nominate Frasier. 158 00:07:10,945 --> 00:07:12,346 I second. All in favor. 159 00:07:12,546 --> 00:07:13,645 Aye! 160 00:07:13,646 --> 00:07:16,547 You guys are the greatest. 161 00:07:23,549 --> 00:07:25,349 Let the party begin. 162 00:07:25,449 --> 00:07:28,849 The birthday boy is here, and I've got the balloons. 163 00:07:28,850 --> 00:07:30,451 Hey, congratulations, Frasier, 164 00:07:30,551 --> 00:07:32,051 on a job well done. 165 00:07:32,151 --> 00:07:33,852 Well, thank you very much. 166 00:07:36,252 --> 00:07:39,253 I'll, uh, be right back, Sam. 167 00:07:40,853 --> 00:07:43,454 Ah... I love birthdays. 168 00:07:45,555 --> 00:07:46,954 Hey. 169 00:07:46,955 --> 00:07:48,155 Isn't that that French guy 170 00:07:48,255 --> 00:07:49,532 who's trying to steal Woody's girlfriend? 171 00:07:49,556 --> 00:07:51,556 Ah, yeah, what a slimebag. 172 00:07:51,656 --> 00:07:54,056 Yeah, the man's got the morals of a snake. 173 00:07:54,057 --> 00:07:56,156 I can believe he'd show his face in here. 174 00:07:56,157 --> 00:07:57,358 Hello, fellows. 175 00:07:57,458 --> 00:07:59,158 Hey. Hey, Henri, how're you doing? 176 00:08:00,959 --> 00:08:02,558 Ah, Woody. 177 00:08:02,559 --> 00:08:04,259 Let's hurry and take your picture. 178 00:08:04,260 --> 00:08:05,460 I have plans, huh? 179 00:08:05,560 --> 00:08:06,560 Oh, yeah, I know. 180 00:08:06,660 --> 00:08:08,160 You want to steal my girlfriend. 181 00:08:08,161 --> 00:08:12,162 No. I could never take Kelly away from you. 182 00:08:12,262 --> 00:08:13,961 Why, just this morning, Kelly was telling me 183 00:08:13,962 --> 00:08:15,862 how much she loves you. 184 00:08:15,863 --> 00:08:17,463 Really? Yes. 185 00:08:17,563 --> 00:08:21,264 It got so annoying, I almost had to kick her out of the shower. 186 00:08:23,965 --> 00:08:25,465 Is that a joke? 187 00:08:25,665 --> 00:08:27,766 Ah! But of course. 188 00:08:29,666 --> 00:08:30,967 Are you ready? 189 00:08:31,067 --> 00:08:32,967 Yeah, I-I just shaved. How's my face look? 190 00:08:33,067 --> 00:08:37,268 Mm, as smooth as your girlfriend Kelly's bottom. 191 00:08:38,269 --> 00:08:39,669 Is that a joke? 192 00:08:39,769 --> 00:08:42,470 But of course it is. 193 00:08:43,770 --> 00:08:46,271 You have to shave much closer. 194 00:08:49,372 --> 00:08:53,673 Where is this, uh, this, uh, American sense of humor 195 00:08:53,773 --> 00:08:55,072 I've heard so much about? 196 00:08:55,073 --> 00:08:57,874 Uh, bring me a soda and pay for it, Woody. 197 00:09:00,575 --> 00:09:01,775 Woody, 198 00:09:01,875 --> 00:09:04,174 you don't even like this man. 199 00:09:04,175 --> 00:09:05,275 He's been bothering you ever since 200 00:09:05,276 --> 00:09:07,376 he followed your girlfriend back from Paris. 201 00:09:07,476 --> 00:09:09,877 And now you're paying him to photograph you? 202 00:09:09,977 --> 00:09:12,077 Well, he just borrows money from me anyway. 203 00:09:12,078 --> 00:09:15,478 This way I don't have to worry about him paying me back. 204 00:09:15,679 --> 00:09:18,479 It's good you worked that out, Woody. 205 00:09:20,480 --> 00:09:22,879 Yeah, besides, this is the first formal picture I've had taken 206 00:09:22,880 --> 00:09:24,281 since my high school yearbook. 207 00:09:24,381 --> 00:09:25,480 I hated that one. 208 00:09:25,481 --> 00:09:26,581 Darned cowlick. 209 00:09:26,681 --> 00:09:28,881 Oh, yeah, when your hair all stands up like that? 210 00:09:28,882 --> 00:09:30,282 Uh-uh. 211 00:09:34,984 --> 00:09:35,584 Sam? 212 00:09:35,684 --> 00:09:37,283 A thought occurs. 213 00:09:37,284 --> 00:09:38,285 Mmm? 214 00:09:38,385 --> 00:09:40,061 I always have such trouble trying to figure out 215 00:09:40,085 --> 00:09:42,586 what to get Frasier for his birthday. Mm-hmm. 216 00:09:42,686 --> 00:09:45,887 Do you think perhaps he'd like a photograph of me? 217 00:09:45,987 --> 00:09:46,987 Why? 218 00:09:47,087 --> 00:09:48,287 I mean... 219 00:09:49,588 --> 00:09:50,788 Of course he would. 220 00:09:50,888 --> 00:09:53,689 Why would any man not want a picture of his wife? 221 00:09:53,789 --> 00:09:54,689 I agree. 222 00:09:54,690 --> 00:09:58,590 A picture of you is what every man wants. 223 00:09:58,690 --> 00:10:01,791 May I have the honor of taking it? 224 00:10:01,891 --> 00:10:03,991 Well, perhaps. 225 00:10:04,091 --> 00:10:05,792 But I must warn you. 226 00:10:05,892 --> 00:10:07,691 I've had bad luck with photographers. 227 00:10:07,692 --> 00:10:09,793 It seems they always overexpose the film, 228 00:10:09,893 --> 00:10:12,092 and I come out looking white as a ghost. 229 00:10:12,093 --> 00:10:14,594 Oh. 230 00:10:14,694 --> 00:10:17,295 I could put roses in your cheeks. 231 00:10:17,395 --> 00:10:20,596 And then afterward, maybe I could photograph you. 232 00:10:20,696 --> 00:10:23,496 Why don't you come this way? 233 00:10:23,497 --> 00:10:25,897 Uh, what do you think you would like to be wearing? 234 00:10:25,997 --> 00:10:28,098 Uh... an evening gown? 235 00:10:28,198 --> 00:10:30,597 A black lace teddy? 236 00:10:30,598 --> 00:10:32,599 My strong male hands? 237 00:10:32,699 --> 00:10:34,799 I wasn't thinking of anything like that. 238 00:10:34,900 --> 00:10:38,000 Oh, come on, Lil, loosen up. 239 00:10:39,401 --> 00:10:41,301 Let him snap you in some lingerie. 240 00:10:41,401 --> 00:10:43,702 Guys love dirty pictures of their babes. 241 00:10:43,802 --> 00:10:45,902 Hey, Nick always used to take them of me 242 00:10:46,002 --> 00:10:49,203 until one time I smashed his camera and broke his nose. 243 00:10:49,303 --> 00:10:50,603 Oh, you got in a fight, huh? 244 00:10:50,604 --> 00:10:53,404 No, fell off the monkey bars. 245 00:11:00,006 --> 00:11:02,107 Thank you, Carla. 246 00:11:02,207 --> 00:11:04,007 Uh, I was thinking more of a photograph of me 247 00:11:04,107 --> 00:11:05,384 he could put in his office. Mm-hmm. 248 00:11:05,408 --> 00:11:07,408 A nice formal portrait. 249 00:11:07,508 --> 00:11:11,108 Ah, with just a hint of smoldering sensuality 250 00:11:11,109 --> 00:11:12,909 dancing behind your eyes. 251 00:11:12,910 --> 00:11:15,810 Well, that goes without saying. 252 00:11:15,910 --> 00:11:18,511 Well, uh, let's just take a few test shots, uh? 253 00:11:18,611 --> 00:11:21,412 Just to, uh, loosen you up before we go back to the studio? 254 00:11:21,512 --> 00:11:23,712 Okay. 255 00:11:23,812 --> 00:11:26,113 Hey, I thought you were here to take my picture. 256 00:11:26,213 --> 00:11:28,313 And I thought I ordered a soda. 257 00:11:28,314 --> 00:11:30,714 You got a point there. 258 00:11:32,015 --> 00:11:33,715 Okay, okay. 259 00:11:33,815 --> 00:11:36,615 Good. Serious. 260 00:11:36,616 --> 00:11:38,916 Happy. Seductive. 261 00:11:39,017 --> 00:11:41,117 Angry. Playful. 262 00:11:43,118 --> 00:11:45,118 Have you ever modeled professionally? 263 00:11:46,018 --> 00:11:47,819 Goodness no. 264 00:11:47,919 --> 00:11:50,920 Oh, I know you're lying. 265 00:11:51,020 --> 00:11:52,619 Come, let's go back to the studio. 266 00:11:52,620 --> 00:11:54,221 Tres bien. 267 00:11:54,321 --> 00:11:55,921 Como? 268 00:11:56,021 --> 00:11:58,122 You said, "Let's go back to the studio," 269 00:11:58,222 --> 00:11:59,722 and I said, "Tres bien." 270 00:11:59,822 --> 00:12:02,622 No, I'm sorry, I don't understand this. 271 00:12:02,623 --> 00:12:03,723 Tres bien. 272 00:12:03,823 --> 00:12:06,524 Ah, oh, "Tres bien"! 273 00:12:07,824 --> 00:12:09,724 I see I'm going to have to teach you 274 00:12:09,725 --> 00:12:11,225 the French tongue. 275 00:12:16,426 --> 00:12:18,926 Hey, Henri, I have your soda. 276 00:12:18,927 --> 00:12:21,028 Henri? 277 00:12:21,128 --> 00:12:22,328 Woody, he left. 278 00:12:23,928 --> 00:12:26,029 Well, all right, then I'll just drink his soda. 279 00:12:28,330 --> 00:12:29,330 No, I can't do that. 280 00:12:29,430 --> 00:12:31,530 That would be wrong. 281 00:12:32,831 --> 00:12:34,631 Hi, guys. 282 00:12:34,731 --> 00:12:36,532 Rebecca! 283 00:12:36,732 --> 00:12:37,831 How did it go with Vera? 284 00:12:37,832 --> 00:12:39,231 It went great. I just love her. 285 00:12:39,232 --> 00:12:40,333 And guess what? 286 00:12:40,433 --> 00:12:42,433 I think I landed her a pretty good job. 287 00:12:42,533 --> 00:12:44,534 You're joking. No, no, I still have the touch. 288 00:12:44,634 --> 00:12:46,410 I helped her with her resume. Where is she working? 289 00:12:46,434 --> 00:12:48,211 Then I got her prepped for the interview. Where's she working? 290 00:12:48,235 --> 00:12:49,835 I even loaned her my lucky scarf. 291 00:12:49,935 --> 00:12:51,636 Yeah, but where is she working? 292 00:12:51,736 --> 00:12:53,635 Norm! 293 00:12:53,636 --> 00:12:55,637 Vera! 294 00:12:58,538 --> 00:13:00,638 What are you doing up there? 295 00:13:00,738 --> 00:13:02,339 Check your hat, Mister? 296 00:13:12,941 --> 00:13:15,442 I'll, uh, I'll be right back. 297 00:13:27,615 --> 00:13:29,216 Hey, Norm, we need you. 298 00:13:29,316 --> 00:13:30,992 Pete just hit a bull's-eye and doubled off. 299 00:13:31,016 --> 00:13:33,417 You're our last hope. 300 00:13:33,517 --> 00:13:35,417 Norm? 301 00:13:36,518 --> 00:13:38,418 Norm? 302 00:13:41,319 --> 00:13:43,319 She's up there. 303 00:13:45,420 --> 00:13:47,120 What? 304 00:13:47,220 --> 00:13:48,820 Listen. 305 00:13:48,821 --> 00:13:50,821 You hear that? 306 00:13:50,921 --> 00:13:52,521 Hear what? 307 00:13:52,522 --> 00:13:55,123 Vera. 308 00:13:55,223 --> 00:13:57,623 She's crossing over to the coffee machine. 309 00:13:59,424 --> 00:14:02,124 No, wait, they could be moving the piano. 310 00:14:04,525 --> 00:14:07,426 Nah, it's her. 311 00:14:07,526 --> 00:14:10,427 Come on, man. I know that walk. 312 00:14:10,527 --> 00:14:12,826 You can't hear her all the way up there. 313 00:14:12,827 --> 00:14:14,827 I wish I couldn't, Sam, believe me, 314 00:14:14,828 --> 00:14:17,729 but that walk is burned into my brain. 315 00:14:17,829 --> 00:14:19,128 I've heard it in snow boots. 316 00:14:19,129 --> 00:14:20,249 I've heard it in flip-flops. 317 00:14:20,329 --> 00:14:21,530 I've heard it in bare feet. 318 00:14:21,630 --> 00:14:23,110 Click-click, click-click, click-click. 319 00:14:28,832 --> 00:14:30,632 Let the birthday fun begin, Sam! 320 00:14:30,732 --> 00:14:32,533 The balloons have entered the building. 321 00:14:34,033 --> 00:14:35,432 Say, where are the guys? 322 00:14:35,433 --> 00:14:36,833 They're in the poolroom. 323 00:14:36,834 --> 00:14:38,233 Oh, jeez, I'm missing all the fun 324 00:14:38,234 --> 00:14:39,234 at my own birthday party. 325 00:14:39,334 --> 00:14:41,134 Hey, wait up guys! 326 00:14:41,135 --> 00:14:42,335 Hey, be careful back there. 327 00:14:42,435 --> 00:14:43,635 The dart tournament started. 328 00:14:55,539 --> 00:14:57,339 I hate this bar. 329 00:15:00,740 --> 00:15:03,740 Norm, Vera's doing 330 00:15:03,741 --> 00:15:05,141 a really good job up there. 331 00:15:05,241 --> 00:15:07,242 She is just terrific! 332 00:15:07,342 --> 00:15:09,442 And funny! Listen to this. 333 00:15:09,542 --> 00:15:12,442 How many fat guys does it take to change a lightbulb? 334 00:15:12,443 --> 00:15:13,743 I don't know. 335 00:15:13,843 --> 00:15:16,544 You can't get a fat guy to change a lightbulb. 336 00:15:17,845 --> 00:15:19,245 You can't even get him to come home 337 00:15:19,345 --> 00:15:21,846 on Christmas Eve. 338 00:15:28,047 --> 00:15:30,647 Oh, she was telling some real cute stories 339 00:15:30,648 --> 00:15:32,648 about you, too, Norm. 340 00:15:32,748 --> 00:15:33,925 Hey, why didn't you ever tell us 341 00:15:33,949 --> 00:15:35,448 that your real first name was Hilary? 342 00:15:35,449 --> 00:15:38,449 Oh, who cares about that? 343 00:15:38,450 --> 00:15:39,450 Hey, guys! 344 00:15:39,550 --> 00:15:41,351 Norm's real first name is Hilary! 345 00:15:41,451 --> 00:15:44,351 Hey, wait a minute. 346 00:15:44,352 --> 00:15:46,152 Isn't that a girl's name? 347 00:15:47,352 --> 00:15:49,653 Hilary was my grandfather's name 348 00:15:49,753 --> 00:15:51,953 and he once killed a man who laughed at him. 349 00:15:51,954 --> 00:15:54,053 What, he just up and killed somebody 350 00:15:54,054 --> 00:15:55,153 for laughing at his name? 351 00:15:55,154 --> 00:15:57,754 Not exactly. He was a surgeon. 352 00:15:57,755 --> 00:15:59,756 He sort of botched an operation. 353 00:16:01,456 --> 00:16:03,556 Norm, you don't have to be defensive. 354 00:16:03,557 --> 00:16:05,256 I think Hilary's a very masculine name. 355 00:16:05,257 --> 00:16:06,858 In fact, 356 00:16:06,958 --> 00:16:09,458 I think you ought to have it monogrammed on your purse. 357 00:16:16,060 --> 00:16:17,960 Let the party begin! 358 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:18,761 All right! 359 00:16:18,861 --> 00:16:20,061 You got the balloons, huh? 360 00:16:20,161 --> 00:16:20,861 Well, actually, no. 361 00:16:21,061 --> 00:16:22,162 They were out of balloons. 362 00:16:22,262 --> 00:16:24,162 Fortunately, a colleague of mine was kind enough 363 00:16:24,262 --> 00:16:27,563 to give me a box of surgical gloves. 364 00:16:30,664 --> 00:16:32,963 If you can't have a good time with four dozen 365 00:16:32,964 --> 00:16:35,565 rubber inflated hands, you're just not trying. 366 00:16:37,966 --> 00:16:41,367 Frasier, I've been waiting for you. 367 00:16:42,567 --> 00:16:44,066 Happy Birthday. 368 00:16:44,067 --> 00:16:45,168 Well, darling, for me? 369 00:16:45,268 --> 00:16:46,568 Now, Frasier, 370 00:16:46,668 --> 00:16:48,267 you know that in the past 371 00:16:48,268 --> 00:16:49,968 some of my birthday presents to you 372 00:16:49,969 --> 00:16:51,368 have been a little dull. 373 00:16:51,369 --> 00:16:53,770 So, this year, I decided to try something 374 00:16:53,870 --> 00:16:55,070 a little more adventurous. 375 00:16:55,170 --> 00:16:57,371 I thought to myself, 376 00:16:57,471 --> 00:16:58,871 "What would my husband think" 377 00:16:58,971 --> 00:17:01,972 of a provocative photograph of his demure wife 378 00:17:02,072 --> 00:17:05,772 "stretched out languidly on a bearskin rug?" 379 00:17:05,773 --> 00:17:06,973 Whoo-hoo! 380 00:17:07,073 --> 00:17:08,674 Lilith, surely you're joking. 381 00:17:08,774 --> 00:17:10,074 I am not. 382 00:17:15,376 --> 00:17:16,876 Whoo! 383 00:17:20,677 --> 00:17:22,378 Well, you're right. 384 00:17:22,478 --> 00:17:24,478 That certainly is a bearskin rug. 385 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:29,679 And that is definitely you. 386 00:17:29,779 --> 00:17:31,480 Oh, how erotic. 387 00:17:31,580 --> 00:17:33,580 I guess we'll have to keep the negatives. 388 00:17:33,581 --> 00:17:35,480 We'd hate to have them falling into the hands 389 00:17:35,481 --> 00:17:36,981 of Fully Dressed Woman's Monthly. 390 00:17:39,982 --> 00:17:42,082 Frasier, you're forgetting what a cheeky monkey I can be. 391 00:17:42,083 --> 00:17:43,782 It's a gag gift. 392 00:17:43,783 --> 00:17:45,184 If you wanted us to gag, 393 00:17:45,284 --> 00:17:46,584 you should have taken a nudie. 394 00:17:49,885 --> 00:17:51,184 Well, you're right, darling. 395 00:17:51,185 --> 00:17:52,285 And it's hilarious. 396 00:17:52,385 --> 00:17:54,486 I'll be sure to put this right up in my workshop. 397 00:17:54,586 --> 00:17:56,786 You don't have a workshop. 398 00:17:56,787 --> 00:17:58,987 Then I'll put it in the closet. 399 00:18:00,888 --> 00:18:03,488 By the way... 400 00:18:03,588 --> 00:18:04,989 here are the rest of the photographs 401 00:18:05,089 --> 00:18:06,488 from the session. 402 00:18:06,489 --> 00:18:07,790 Why, Lilith, these are... 403 00:18:09,190 --> 00:18:12,391 You, you're practically... 404 00:18:12,491 --> 00:18:14,391 You're only wearing a... 405 00:18:15,692 --> 00:18:17,592 Oh, baby, baby! 406 00:18:21,493 --> 00:18:24,594 Happy birthday, Frasier. 407 00:18:24,694 --> 00:18:26,595 Would you like to go home and get a better look 408 00:18:26,695 --> 00:18:28,195 at those? I sure would. 409 00:18:34,197 --> 00:18:36,697 Oh, uh, you can come, too. 410 00:18:41,699 --> 00:18:43,299 Well, that's it. 411 00:18:43,399 --> 00:18:44,699 I'm out of here. 412 00:18:44,799 --> 00:18:45,900 "Out of here"? 413 00:18:46,000 --> 00:18:48,400 Norm, it's 9:30. It's not closing time. 414 00:18:48,500 --> 00:18:49,801 I know. 415 00:18:49,901 --> 00:18:51,401 I'm still leaving. 416 00:18:51,501 --> 00:18:54,101 Oh, well, I'll drive you, then, okay? 417 00:18:54,102 --> 00:18:55,401 No-no-no, I don't need a ride. 418 00:18:55,402 --> 00:18:58,103 I didn't even have any beers. 419 00:18:59,603 --> 00:19:01,504 I hope you're happy, woman. 420 00:19:03,004 --> 00:19:05,505 Look, guys, uh... 421 00:19:05,605 --> 00:19:08,306 I can't keep hanging around here. 422 00:19:08,406 --> 00:19:11,707 Knowing that she's up there just... 423 00:19:11,807 --> 00:19:14,007 spoils the whole thing for me. 424 00:19:14,107 --> 00:19:16,307 I'll have to find another bar, I guess. 425 00:19:16,308 --> 00:19:18,008 I don't believe this! 426 00:19:18,108 --> 00:19:20,009 You're just gonna up and walk out of here? 427 00:19:21,509 --> 00:19:23,810 Oh, I'm gonna say something that 428 00:19:23,910 --> 00:19:25,810 I thought I'd never say, but... 429 00:19:25,910 --> 00:19:27,211 dibs on the first stool! 430 00:19:31,612 --> 00:19:32,612 Hey, come on! 431 00:19:32,712 --> 00:19:34,712 Listen, Cheers wouldn't be Cheers without you. 432 00:19:34,713 --> 00:19:36,413 You're the reason why people come here. 433 00:19:36,513 --> 00:19:37,813 Oh, what people? 434 00:19:37,913 --> 00:19:42,015 Well, the delivery man, for one. 435 00:19:48,516 --> 00:19:49,717 She's up there. 436 00:19:49,817 --> 00:19:51,717 She's everywhere. 437 00:19:51,817 --> 00:19:53,418 Is she like multiplying? 438 00:20:00,419 --> 00:20:02,320 Vera? 439 00:20:02,420 --> 00:20:03,519 Are you okay? 440 00:20:03,520 --> 00:20:05,521 Norm... 441 00:20:12,023 --> 00:20:14,622 Rebecca, have I thanked you 442 00:20:14,623 --> 00:20:16,324 for sending me the new hatcheck girl? 443 00:20:16,424 --> 00:20:18,124 No, John, you haven't. 444 00:20:18,224 --> 00:20:19,324 Well, here's why. 445 00:20:19,424 --> 00:20:20,624 She was worse 446 00:20:20,625 --> 00:20:22,725 than the last one and I fired her. 447 00:20:22,825 --> 00:20:25,925 Hey, do you want to tell me why you fired Vera? 448 00:20:25,926 --> 00:20:28,026 Who are you? I'm her husband, Norm. 449 00:20:28,027 --> 00:20:29,626 Oh, yes. 450 00:20:29,627 --> 00:20:31,427 I didn't recognize you without a bar 451 00:20:31,428 --> 00:20:32,728 growing out of your chest. 452 00:20:36,529 --> 00:20:37,929 Well, I fired her because she wasn't 453 00:20:38,029 --> 00:20:39,230 paying attention to her work. 454 00:20:39,330 --> 00:20:40,230 What are you talking about? 455 00:20:40,330 --> 00:20:42,029 She's a very conscientious worker. 456 00:20:42,030 --> 00:20:44,331 How would you describe a woman who spends all her time 457 00:20:44,431 --> 00:20:47,132 on her hands and knees looking through a knothole in the floor? 458 00:20:47,232 --> 00:20:49,332 I knew it! 459 00:20:51,333 --> 00:20:52,632 Yep, there it is! 460 00:20:52,633 --> 00:20:54,234 There it is! 461 00:20:54,334 --> 00:20:56,234 My good man, you have my sympathy. 462 00:20:56,334 --> 00:20:59,035 To be married to her must be quite an ordeal. 463 00:20:59,135 --> 00:21:01,736 Hey, take that back! 464 00:21:01,836 --> 00:21:03,736 What? Take that back! 465 00:21:03,836 --> 00:21:05,337 You're talking about the woman I love! 466 00:21:05,437 --> 00:21:07,236 I want you to take that back before I turn you 467 00:21:07,237 --> 00:21:08,638 into a pretzel! 468 00:21:08,738 --> 00:21:12,639 Well, that's a shape I'm sure you're familiar with. 469 00:21:12,739 --> 00:21:14,439 I am not kidding! 470 00:21:14,539 --> 00:21:15,838 All right, all right. 471 00:21:15,839 --> 00:21:17,840 I take it back. I apologize. 472 00:21:17,940 --> 00:21:20,140 All right. 473 00:21:20,141 --> 00:21:22,240 Now just go on back upstairs 474 00:21:22,241 --> 00:21:24,742 before I pound you into a... a beer nut! 475 00:21:24,842 --> 00:21:27,142 Well, thank you. I'm tiring of the theme. 476 00:21:31,644 --> 00:21:34,644 Wow! Norm, that was sweet. 477 00:21:34,744 --> 00:21:36,944 You stood up for your wife. Shh, shh, shh. 478 00:21:36,945 --> 00:21:38,945 No, no, no, don't be embarrassed. 479 00:21:38,946 --> 00:21:42,146 Everyone didn't see that, did they? 480 00:21:42,246 --> 00:21:43,747 We saw it. 481 00:21:43,847 --> 00:21:45,447 I took a picture. 482 00:21:46,648 --> 00:21:49,348 Norm, so what if they did? 483 00:21:51,349 --> 00:21:52,549 You're right. 484 00:21:54,250 --> 00:21:55,950 Listen, I joke around a lot, but... 485 00:21:56,050 --> 00:21:58,650 she's all I've got. 486 00:21:58,651 --> 00:22:00,451 I don't know what I'd do without her. 487 00:22:03,352 --> 00:22:05,253 I love her. 488 00:22:05,353 --> 00:22:08,053 That's sweet. 489 00:22:09,554 --> 00:22:11,254 You know, she's, 490 00:22:11,354 --> 00:22:13,855 she's still up in the stairwell crying. 491 00:22:13,955 --> 00:22:16,556 Oh, I know. She'll, she'll go away after a while. 492 00:22:23,557 --> 00:22:25,758 Yeah, there she goes. 493 00:22:25,858 --> 00:22:27,558 You gotta love her!