1 00:00:05,401 --> 00:00:09,102 Alright, locking it up. Who needs a ride home? 2 00:00:11,824 --> 00:00:13,402 Come on, who needs a ride home? 3 00:00:13,534 --> 00:00:16,654 I guess we're all sober enough to drive ourselves tonight. 4 00:00:16,871 --> 00:00:19,658 Looks like you get to go straight home for a change. 5 00:00:19,790 --> 00:00:23,123 I've never driven straight home. I wouldn't know how to do it. 6 00:00:23,251 --> 00:00:27,830 - OK, Coach. You can take me. - What a prince. 7 00:00:27,965 --> 00:00:30,586 - Thanks, I owe you one. - Any time. 8 00:00:30,718 --> 00:00:32,461 Goodnight now. 9 00:00:32,595 --> 00:00:34,089 Drop me off at Kenmore Square. 10 00:00:34,221 --> 00:00:37,139 I can catch a cab to take me back here to my car. 11 00:02:04,727 --> 00:02:06,850 What do you think you're doing? 12 00:02:06,980 --> 00:02:08,937 Just having a little late-night fun. 13 00:02:09,065 --> 00:02:12,018 Listen, pencil neck, you're starting to get on my nerves. 14 00:02:14,945 --> 00:02:18,564 Please don't call me pencil neck. I am not a pencil neck. 15 00:02:18,700 --> 00:02:19,862 I'm sorry. 16 00:02:19,993 --> 00:02:22,993 I didn't mean to call you pencil neck, gozzlehead. 17 00:02:24,789 --> 00:02:28,738 Name calling. The last refuge of the monosyllabic. 18 00:02:29,167 --> 00:02:32,168 I don't know what that means but I heard slob in there. 19 00:02:33,839 --> 00:02:37,255 Hey, come on, Diane, Carla, you go at each other every night. 20 00:02:37,385 --> 00:02:40,386 We're getting scouts in here from the roller derby. 21 00:02:40,513 --> 00:02:43,845 Listen, I mean it. Do something about this, or I'm gonna... 22 00:02:44,975 --> 00:02:47,098 I'm gonna think about personnel changes. 23 00:02:47,227 --> 00:02:50,312 What choice do we have, Sam? We don't like each other. 24 00:02:50,439 --> 00:02:53,109 No, Carla, Sam's... Carla. 25 00:02:53,776 --> 00:02:55,603 Sam's making good sense. 26 00:02:56,278 --> 00:02:59,444 You could knock me over with a feather, but he is. 27 00:02:59,572 --> 00:03:02,941 We need to sit down together and talk this out. 28 00:03:03,076 --> 00:03:05,318 That's nuts. What's there to talk about? 29 00:03:05,453 --> 00:03:08,906 Listen. I want you to sit down and settle this, or else. 30 00:03:10,251 --> 00:03:11,793 We'll do it. 31 00:03:11,919 --> 00:03:12,832 Carla 32 00:03:15,505 --> 00:03:16,501 Do it. 33 00:03:18,675 --> 00:03:24,050 - Can we use this table? - Oh, you mean here? No. 34 00:03:24,181 --> 00:03:28,925 I was thinking more along the lines of your homes or a coffee shop. 35 00:03:29,644 --> 00:03:31,518 Down by the docks, maybe. 36 00:03:32,480 --> 00:03:34,971 Sam. We'll lock up, don't worry about it. 37 00:03:35,108 --> 00:03:37,599 Now is the time. This is the place. 38 00:03:37,735 --> 00:03:40,274 Unchecked rage is like a festering wound. 39 00:03:40,739 --> 00:03:42,566 Laughs aplenty tonight. 40 00:03:43,450 --> 00:03:47,363 Look. You expect me to I leave the two of you here without a referee? 41 00:03:47,495 --> 00:03:49,571 Come on. What could happen? 42 00:03:49,705 --> 00:03:51,034 Nothing. 43 00:03:51,165 --> 00:03:53,323 Two women left alone, who hate each other, 44 00:03:53,459 --> 00:03:56,378 in a room filled with glass and alcohol. Silly. 45 00:03:57,589 --> 00:04:03,294 - This was your idea. Bye. - Alright. Check the locks twice, OK? 46 00:04:03,427 --> 00:04:04,803 Aye, aye, captain. 47 00:04:04,929 --> 00:04:07,965 And make sure the lights over the bar are out. 48 00:04:08,099 --> 00:04:10,803 Lights over the bar. Right. Goodnight. 49 00:04:13,104 --> 00:04:14,896 Maybe check the thermostat. 50 00:04:15,023 --> 00:04:19,518 We'll do that, yes. Thank you, goodnight and goodbye. 51 00:04:25,157 --> 00:04:28,194 I have no life insurance. Just this place. 52 00:04:30,163 --> 00:04:31,656 Goodnight. 53 00:04:36,043 --> 00:04:42,662 OK, let's sit down, relax and open the lines of communication. 54 00:04:43,467 --> 00:04:45,176 I want a drink. 55 00:04:45,303 --> 00:04:47,971 Wonderful. Let's have a bottle of wine. 56 00:04:48,096 --> 00:04:50,884 I think we've got your favourite. Château Guam. 57 00:04:53,060 --> 00:04:56,642 I'm talking a drink. I'll make it. 58 00:04:56,772 --> 00:04:58,848 Wonderful. OK. 59 00:04:58,982 --> 00:05:01,225 You're gonna like this. 60 00:05:04,780 --> 00:05:06,108 And then we use... 61 00:05:07,699 --> 00:05:10,071 I only do it for special occasions. 62 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:15,074 Well, Carla, thank you. I'm honoured. 63 00:05:15,207 --> 00:05:18,373 You're really getting into the spirit of this thing. 64 00:05:18,502 --> 00:05:20,459 - What's the drink? - A family recipe. 65 00:05:20,587 --> 00:05:23,374 We call it Leap lnto An Open Grave. 66 00:05:25,884 --> 00:05:27,793 You're kidding. 67 00:05:27,928 --> 00:05:32,221 My Uncle Joe stumbled across it when he was making a car bomb. 68 00:05:35,518 --> 00:05:37,511 You're kidding, right? Carla? 69 00:05:45,070 --> 00:05:47,062 One for good luck. 70 00:05:52,368 --> 00:05:53,317 Nice touch. 71 00:05:53,453 --> 00:05:57,830 Keep the glasses moving so the fumes don't burn a hole in the ceiling. 72 00:06:13,139 --> 00:06:14,847 Delicious. 73 00:06:15,224 --> 00:06:17,134 And it goes right to your head. 74 00:06:17,268 --> 00:06:20,138 No one in my family lives past 43. 75 00:06:22,982 --> 00:06:25,983 OK, let's chat. 76 00:06:26,110 --> 00:06:28,352 I don't know what we're talking for. 77 00:06:28,487 --> 00:06:31,488 We're different people. We'll never get along. 78 00:06:32,199 --> 00:06:35,034 - We're not totally different. - Name one similarity. 79 00:06:35,744 --> 00:06:37,368 Well, we... 80 00:06:41,250 --> 00:06:43,539 We're both women. 81 00:06:44,378 --> 00:06:47,498 Why do I get the feeling that we're jerking our chain, here? 82 00:06:51,301 --> 00:06:56,343 No, there's more. We both share the same job. 83 00:06:56,974 --> 00:07:00,308 Of course, I'm not as good at it as you are. 84 00:07:01,478 --> 00:07:03,934 It doesn't take a genius to notice. 85 00:07:05,857 --> 00:07:07,316 But thank you. 86 00:07:08,234 --> 00:07:12,149 You know, Carla, I particularly admire the way you handle passes. 87 00:07:12,281 --> 00:07:13,740 - Yeah? - Yeah. 88 00:07:13,866 --> 00:07:15,693 A guy in the back room tonight asked me 89 00:07:15,826 --> 00:07:20,653 if I wanted to play something called The Shepherdess And The Hun. 90 00:07:24,292 --> 00:07:26,700 Which part did he want you to play? 91 00:07:32,301 --> 00:07:33,878 This is fun, isn't it? 92 00:07:36,053 --> 00:07:39,220 Easy give-and-take between two working gals. 93 00:07:42,394 --> 00:07:45,644 You know, I think we're coming together. 94 00:07:45,772 --> 00:07:47,599 That's the Open Grave. 95 00:07:47,733 --> 00:07:51,433 Give it another 15 minutes, you'll be French-kissing the sump pump. 96 00:07:57,158 --> 00:08:00,859 No, seriously. We're connecting, I'm certain of it. 97 00:08:03,415 --> 00:08:05,988 Yeah. People need people. 98 00:08:06,668 --> 00:08:11,329 I'm a people person. I can be there for you, I wanna be there for you. 99 00:08:11,463 --> 00:08:14,464 Please, benefit from my depth. 100 00:08:16,761 --> 00:08:19,335 This stuff. Great. 101 00:08:22,308 --> 00:08:25,392 You would do that for me? You'd listen to me? 102 00:08:26,645 --> 00:08:29,101 With all my heart, mind and soul. 103 00:08:31,526 --> 00:08:35,939 You know... Thank you. 104 00:08:36,072 --> 00:08:39,107 There are moments when I wanna spill my guts, know what I mean? 105 00:08:39,241 --> 00:08:40,486 Yes. 106 00:08:41,535 --> 00:08:44,240 I've got things, 107 00:08:44,371 --> 00:08:46,410 one thing in particular, 108 00:08:46,540 --> 00:08:50,491 that I've been carrying around inside of me for a long time. 109 00:08:52,964 --> 00:08:54,422 Tell me. 110 00:08:55,215 --> 00:08:56,875 I barely know you. 111 00:08:57,551 --> 00:09:01,002 Well, Carla, you brought it up. You obviously want to get it out. 112 00:09:01,638 --> 00:09:03,928 Maybe I do, but... 113 00:09:04,892 --> 00:09:09,518 Carla, I swear, I'll keep my mouth shut. I swear. 114 00:09:20,032 --> 00:09:22,191 About five years ago... 115 00:09:23,285 --> 00:09:25,692 Sam threw a party here. 116 00:09:25,829 --> 00:09:27,489 The big guy was still on the sauce 117 00:09:27,622 --> 00:09:30,956 so every night was an excuse for a big bash. 118 00:09:33,753 --> 00:09:36,755 Anyway, this one time he was too tanked to drive home. 119 00:09:37,591 --> 00:09:39,216 So I took him. 120 00:09:40,885 --> 00:09:43,637 I helped him upstairs... 121 00:09:44,722 --> 00:09:46,430 to his bedroom. 122 00:09:49,644 --> 00:09:51,304 One thing led to another. 123 00:09:54,525 --> 00:09:57,145 Nine months later, Gino was born. 124 00:09:59,320 --> 00:10:02,274 - Gino? - Sam's son. 125 00:10:13,125 --> 00:10:15,083 Carla, I don't believe this. 126 00:10:15,211 --> 00:10:17,702 Me neither, you're gonna die. 127 00:10:21,592 --> 00:10:23,501 Sam. 128 00:10:26,263 --> 00:10:27,923 Sam did this? 129 00:10:35,314 --> 00:10:37,141 He's a beast. 130 00:10:37,817 --> 00:10:42,692 No. Sam's been really good about it. 131 00:10:42,822 --> 00:10:46,404 I mean, he's always helped out with the kid. 132 00:10:46,534 --> 00:10:48,740 I've never blamed him for anything. 133 00:10:49,578 --> 00:10:51,571 It's as much my fault as his. 134 00:10:53,540 --> 00:10:57,669 But you bore the child, you're raising the child. 135 00:10:58,837 --> 00:11:01,411 You plucky little soldier, you. 136 00:11:06,512 --> 00:11:10,177 Sam and I are the only ones that know, understand? 137 00:11:14,770 --> 00:11:19,977 Carla, l... l just wanna hug you right now. 138 00:11:22,027 --> 00:11:24,269 I feel kinda close to you, too. 139 00:11:31,495 --> 00:11:33,155 People 140 00:11:39,336 --> 00:11:42,372 People who need people 141 00:11:44,256 --> 00:11:45,799 Good God. 142 00:11:48,178 --> 00:11:50,420 Carla, my gumba. 143 00:11:57,604 --> 00:12:01,981 I like somebody who knows when she's had enough. 144 00:12:05,945 --> 00:12:10,524 Hi. Sorry I'm back, I forgot my bubblegum. 145 00:12:11,326 --> 00:12:12,868 I know that sounds crazy... 146 00:12:12,994 --> 00:12:14,950 Oh, my God, Carla, you killed her. 147 00:12:20,210 --> 00:12:22,914 Don't get your hopes up, Sam. I just mixed her a drink. 148 00:12:23,046 --> 00:12:26,415 Carla, you made her an Open Grave. 149 00:12:27,425 --> 00:12:31,338 Yeah. And she leaped right in. 150 00:12:31,470 --> 00:12:33,961 She's out cold. This is irresponsible. 151 00:12:34,557 --> 00:12:38,424 - I tried to slow her down. - I'm gonna take her home. 152 00:12:38,561 --> 00:12:41,562 - Will you get her things for me? - Sure. 153 00:12:43,941 --> 00:12:45,933 Did you straighten things out? 154 00:12:46,068 --> 00:12:48,309 Yeah. You know, it was great. 155 00:12:48,445 --> 00:12:49,820 She got sickening, 156 00:12:49,946 --> 00:12:53,815 I told the biggest lie I could think of and she started to sing. 157 00:12:57,121 --> 00:13:00,904 - Why did you do that? - She brings out the devil in me. 158 00:13:01,541 --> 00:13:04,791 I dunno. I was getting a buzz on feeling loose. 159 00:13:04,919 --> 00:13:06,913 I decided to have some fun with her. 160 00:13:07,048 --> 00:13:08,708 What did you tell her? 161 00:13:08,841 --> 00:13:11,213 Sam, it's something I told Diane. 162 00:13:11,344 --> 00:13:14,629 She swore she would never tell another living soul. 163 00:13:14,764 --> 00:13:16,636 She'll tell you tomorrow. 164 00:13:29,278 --> 00:13:32,147 - Afternoon, everybody. - Norm. 165 00:13:32,280 --> 00:13:35,980 - How's it going? - Daddy's rich, Mamma's good-lookin'! 166 00:13:42,082 --> 00:13:43,078 Good evening. 167 00:13:43,208 --> 00:13:47,335 Hi, Diane. How are you? 168 00:13:48,713 --> 00:13:51,998 Hey, Sis, how's my buddy feeling today? 169 00:13:52,133 --> 00:13:53,164 Well... 170 00:13:54,302 --> 00:13:58,087 I got up this morning, washed my face. 171 00:13:58,557 --> 00:14:00,596 I shaved my tongue. 172 00:14:01,560 --> 00:14:03,018 I came right in. 173 00:14:05,855 --> 00:14:07,894 However, 174 00:14:08,024 --> 00:14:09,601 no regrets. 175 00:14:09,734 --> 00:14:12,522 Evenings like that come seldom in a lifetime. 176 00:14:14,239 --> 00:14:16,481 - How are you, Carla? - Fine, thanks. 177 00:14:17,701 --> 00:14:19,823 How is poor little Gino? 178 00:14:28,837 --> 00:14:30,664 A little hung over, are we? 179 00:14:30,797 --> 00:14:33,750 I can't keep anything from you. 180 00:14:33,883 --> 00:14:36,338 You know, I know something to stop hangovers. 181 00:14:37,094 --> 00:14:38,921 Thank God. What is it? 182 00:14:39,054 --> 00:14:40,798 Don't drink so much. 183 00:14:40,931 --> 00:14:42,556 Thank you. 184 00:14:44,101 --> 00:14:46,510 But thank you, Sam. Truly. 185 00:14:47,480 --> 00:14:50,480 For getting Carla and I together at last. 186 00:14:50,607 --> 00:14:52,232 You're welcome. 187 00:14:52,359 --> 00:14:55,230 She really is a wonderful woman, isn't she? 188 00:14:55,362 --> 00:14:57,770 Yeah. She's alright. 189 00:14:57,906 --> 00:15:01,442 And her children are truly wonderful, too. 190 00:15:01,744 --> 00:15:04,661 Yeah, if you like chainsaws with feet. 191 00:15:07,583 --> 00:15:12,624 But I understand that Gino is an extraordinarily fine young man. 192 00:15:13,088 --> 00:15:14,463 Which one's he? 193 00:15:16,466 --> 00:15:18,958 He's... who he is. 194 00:15:25,559 --> 00:15:29,722 - Sam, where's my bourbon and ginger? - Coming right up. 195 00:15:29,855 --> 00:15:32,096 You're slipping, sweetheart. 196 00:15:37,362 --> 00:15:39,568 - You're staring at me. - Oh, was I? 197 00:15:39,698 --> 00:15:41,441 Right through me, in fact. 198 00:15:41,575 --> 00:15:43,863 I've got to get home to the little lady. 199 00:15:43,994 --> 00:15:47,694 - It's my tenth wedding anniversary. - Congratulations. 200 00:15:47,831 --> 00:15:50,239 - Big plans, huh? - The biggest. 201 00:15:50,376 --> 00:15:55,203 We're going out for a pizza. it gets me back here about ten o'clock. 202 00:16:00,760 --> 00:16:04,674 A whole quarter. I'm gonna name the Ferrari after you. 203 00:16:04,806 --> 00:16:07,558 - Now look here, miss... - No, you look... 204 00:16:07,684 --> 00:16:11,895 - My office now. - It's a whole dollar below insult. 205 00:16:12,021 --> 00:16:14,263 - Carla, right now. - Sam. 206 00:16:14,399 --> 00:16:17,898 It wasn't her fault. She was deliberately snubbed. 207 00:16:18,027 --> 00:16:19,735 Diane, she's my employee. 208 00:16:19,862 --> 00:16:22,567 This is none of your business. Stay out of it. 209 00:16:24,701 --> 00:16:29,409 Coach, Sam just called Carla "an employee". 210 00:16:29,539 --> 00:16:32,742 No kidding. How did Carla take it? 211 00:16:34,544 --> 00:16:38,956 - What do you think he's gonna do? - Nothing. Bawl her out a little. 212 00:16:39,090 --> 00:16:43,218 How dare he chastise her? She can barely scrape out a living. 213 00:16:43,344 --> 00:16:45,669 How much suffering does she have to do? 214 00:16:45,805 --> 00:16:49,505 She's raising four children, not to mention one of them is Sam's... 215 00:16:50,768 --> 00:16:52,925 One of Carla's kids is Sam's kid? 216 00:16:53,603 --> 00:16:59,524 - No. I didn't say that. - Let me figure this out, now. 217 00:17:01,779 --> 00:17:05,278 Sam knows Carla five years, right? 218 00:17:05,408 --> 00:17:08,491 Carla's youngest kid, Gino, is seven and a half. 219 00:17:08,618 --> 00:17:10,777 That's it. it works out. 220 00:17:12,706 --> 00:17:13,702 Wait a minute. 221 00:17:15,167 --> 00:17:18,251 - Gino is seven and a half years old? - Yeah. 222 00:17:18,379 --> 00:17:21,664 And Sam and Carla have only known each other five years? 223 00:17:21,799 --> 00:17:25,416 Right, but who would ever figure that Gino was Sam's kid? 224 00:17:29,306 --> 00:17:31,595 She lied. 225 00:17:31,725 --> 00:17:33,634 She deliberately lied. 226 00:17:34,686 --> 00:17:37,177 You mean that Gino's not Sam's kid? 227 00:17:37,314 --> 00:17:38,310 No. 228 00:17:38,440 --> 00:17:42,307 Holy mackerel! This is gonna break Sam's heart when he hears this. 229 00:17:44,947 --> 00:17:46,939 I reached out to her. 230 00:17:47,074 --> 00:17:48,449 That weasel. 231 00:17:49,368 --> 00:17:50,150 Coach, 232 00:17:50,285 --> 00:17:54,449 what do you do when you are so furious you have to do something? 233 00:17:54,580 --> 00:17:59,373 Well, I know you'll think it's crazy, but I bang my head on the bar. 234 00:18:02,964 --> 00:18:05,835 Doesn't sound crazy to me. It might do me good right now. 235 00:18:05,967 --> 00:18:07,545 Well, OK. 236 00:18:08,970 --> 00:18:14,308 - No, don't. Stop that, please. - You feel better? 237 00:18:15,894 --> 00:18:18,100 Yes. Thank you. 238 00:18:18,230 --> 00:18:19,938 - How about you? - I feel fine. 239 00:18:20,065 --> 00:18:22,353 To me, it's kind of a picker-upper. 240 00:18:24,444 --> 00:18:29,271 Hello. My name is Carla. I'll be your slave for the evening. 241 00:18:30,449 --> 00:18:34,578 No, I won't do it. I won't give her the satisfaction. 242 00:18:34,704 --> 00:18:38,784 She's just waiting for me to break her confidence. 243 00:18:38,917 --> 00:18:42,082 She can play me for the fool, but she will not tarnish my dignity. 244 00:18:42,211 --> 00:18:44,002 This is none of your concern. 245 00:18:46,632 --> 00:18:49,384 Hello, my friend, my dearest confidante. 246 00:18:49,511 --> 00:18:51,799 How's your rotten, lying little mouth? 247 00:18:54,140 --> 00:18:56,346 Got you. 248 00:18:56,475 --> 00:19:00,389 "One thing led to another, and then Gino was born." 249 00:19:00,520 --> 00:19:02,394 I knew it. I knew you'd tell. 250 00:19:02,522 --> 00:19:05,061 You had to tell somebody our secret to find out. 251 00:19:05,193 --> 00:19:07,102 - That's beside the point. - It isn't. 252 00:19:07,236 --> 00:19:10,937 I knew you couldn't keep it. You hold your secrets like your booze. 253 00:19:12,866 --> 00:19:16,116 Telling me that story was reprehensible. 254 00:19:16,244 --> 00:19:19,660 Lighten up. You wanna be my friend? 255 00:19:19,790 --> 00:19:22,198 You wanna get along? Let your hair down. 256 00:19:22,335 --> 00:19:25,501 How about I take your hair and scour the sink with it? 257 00:19:28,632 --> 00:19:31,004 Is that a Brillo shot? 258 00:19:33,428 --> 00:19:35,136 Only if it offends you. 259 00:19:35,972 --> 00:19:39,757 You sound like a lady who is getting tired of her teeth. 260 00:19:42,104 --> 00:19:45,804 I'm tired of your teeth and all the vermicelli in between. 261 00:19:51,321 --> 00:19:53,030 In my office. 262 00:20:00,663 --> 00:20:02,490 Be quiet! 263 00:20:03,666 --> 00:20:06,240 I think Sammy can handle that one, huh, Coach? 264 00:20:06,836 --> 00:20:09,755 I hate to see that kind of thing between women. 265 00:20:09,882 --> 00:20:14,673 I know what you mean, Coach. Women fighting is very unladylike. 266 00:20:14,802 --> 00:20:18,337 Unless, of course, they're wallowing around in mudpits. 267 00:20:21,142 --> 00:20:24,807 Now, somebody, please, tell me what's going on. 268 00:20:25,481 --> 00:20:28,232 Last night, out of the goodness of my heart, 269 00:20:28,358 --> 00:20:31,358 I reached out to this little twerp. 270 00:20:31,861 --> 00:20:34,981 And she deliberately duped me into believing 271 00:20:35,114 --> 00:20:38,400 that you were the father of one of her children. 272 00:20:38,534 --> 00:20:43,280 - Me? - Yes. She referred to it as a joke. 273 00:20:44,207 --> 00:20:45,831 Snicker, snicker. 274 00:20:45,958 --> 00:20:49,908 I told her we fooled around once and Gino was the result. 275 00:20:50,421 --> 00:20:51,583 Gino? 276 00:20:52,590 --> 00:20:54,463 You told her that you and...? 277 00:20:54,592 --> 00:20:56,465 You thought that she and l...? 278 00:20:57,637 --> 00:20:59,215 Gino? 279 00:21:02,057 --> 00:21:03,552 Your Gino? 280 00:21:09,607 --> 00:21:13,557 You should have seen her face. Her chin was in her lap. 281 00:21:16,030 --> 00:21:19,481 Of course, laugh at the fool. Laugh at my expense. 282 00:21:19,616 --> 00:21:22,190 - Show her a picture of Gino. - Yeah, OK. 283 00:21:45,517 --> 00:21:50,096 You think he's funny-looking. You wanna see what makes Gino laugh? 284 00:21:50,230 --> 00:21:52,519 - His real dad. - Let me see. 285 00:22:34,899 --> 00:22:37,106 Look, Whitey, I'm sorry. 286 00:22:38,528 --> 00:22:41,149 I know I can be a real pain sometimes. 287 00:22:43,825 --> 00:22:48,699 And I know that I take things a little too seriously at times. 288 00:22:48,829 --> 00:22:50,786 I guess I need to be reminded of that. 289 00:22:50,915 --> 00:22:53,584 Well, I'll always be there for you. 290 00:22:54,419 --> 00:22:57,455 Listen, I want you two to shake hands. 291 00:23:06,388 --> 00:23:07,966 You're alright. 292 00:23:10,101 --> 00:23:12,390 Maybe we can go to a movie one night. 293 00:23:12,520 --> 00:23:14,180 Fine. When? 294 00:23:14,313 --> 00:23:16,638 I'll get back to you. 295 00:23:17,650 --> 00:23:23,105 I'm proud of you, I really am, for holding your own with Carla. 296 00:23:24,198 --> 00:23:26,321 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 297 00:23:27,076 --> 00:23:31,489 Sam, could I ask a little off-the-cuff question? 298 00:23:31,622 --> 00:23:33,365 Sure. 299 00:23:33,499 --> 00:23:35,989 Who took me home last night? You or Carla? 300 00:23:37,585 --> 00:23:38,996 You don't remember? 301 00:23:39,839 --> 00:23:40,834 No. 302 00:23:41,799 --> 00:23:43,626 We both did. 303 00:23:44,760 --> 00:23:47,216 Who put my pyjamas on? 304 00:23:49,348 --> 00:23:53,808 - Carla did. - You'd already left by that time? 305 00:23:53,935 --> 00:23:56,890 No. I was still there. 306 00:23:58,649 --> 00:24:00,024 You mean watching? 307 00:24:00,150 --> 00:24:04,148 No. I was in the other room, minding my own business. 308 00:24:04,780 --> 00:24:06,771 On my good behaviour. 309 00:24:06,906 --> 00:24:08,982 Trying on your lingerie.