1 00:00:02,206 --> 00:00:05,006 Cheers is filmed before a live studio audience. 2 00:00:05,106 --> 00:00:06,206 I don't know, Eddie. 3 00:00:06,206 --> 00:00:08,806 Try-try under the bed. 4 00:00:08,806 --> 00:00:10,106 Well, if they're not there, 5 00:00:10,106 --> 00:00:11,606 look in the back of the closet, 6 00:00:11,606 --> 00:00:13,306 or behind the dresser, 7 00:00:13,306 --> 00:00:14,606 or in the washing machine. 8 00:00:14,606 --> 00:00:16,506 Yeah, if-if you still can't find them, 9 00:00:16,606 --> 00:00:17,806 call me back. 10 00:00:17,906 --> 00:00:19,206 I swear to God, 11 00:00:19,206 --> 00:00:20,506 that man would lose his head 12 00:00:20,606 --> 00:00:21,906 if it weren't bolted on. 13 00:00:21,906 --> 00:00:23,406 What's, uh... what's up there, Carla? 14 00:00:23,506 --> 00:00:25,806 Eddie wants to take the twins for a walk. 15 00:00:25,806 --> 00:00:27,006 Uh, can't find his shoes, huh? 16 00:00:27,006 --> 00:00:29,106 No, he can't find the twins. 17 00:00:36,106 --> 00:00:38,806 ¶ Making your way in the world today ¶ 18 00:00:38,906 --> 00:00:41,006 ¶ Takes everything you've got 19 00:00:41,106 --> 00:00:44,506 ¶ Taking a break from all your worries ¶ 20 00:00:44,506 --> 00:00:48,106 ¶ Sure would help a lot 21 00:00:48,106 --> 00:00:53,506 ¶ Wouldn't you like to get away? ¶ 22 00:00:53,506 --> 00:00:56,206 ¶ Sometimes you want to go 23 00:00:56,206 --> 00:01:01,206 ¶ Where everybody knows your name ¶ 24 00:01:01,206 --> 00:01:05,706 ¶ And they're always glad you came ¶ 25 00:01:05,806 --> 00:01:08,306 ¶ You want to be where you can see ¶ 26 00:01:08,306 --> 00:01:10,706 ¶ Our troubles are all the same ¶ 27 00:01:10,806 --> 00:01:16,006 ¶ You want to be where everybody knows your name ¶ 28 00:01:16,006 --> 00:01:18,606 ¶ You want to go where people know ¶ 29 00:01:18,606 --> 00:01:20,906 ¶ People are all the same 30 00:01:21,006 --> 00:01:26,106 ¶ You want to go where everybody knows your name. ¶ 31 00:01:47,405 --> 00:01:48,605 Oh. Excuse me. 32 00:01:48,605 --> 00:01:49,705 No, no, it was my fault. 33 00:01:49,805 --> 00:01:50,905 I'm sorry. 34 00:01:50,905 --> 00:01:51,905 Are you okay? 35 00:01:51,905 --> 00:01:53,205 I'm just fine. 36 00:01:53,205 --> 00:01:56,205 But how nice of you to be so completely concerned. 37 00:01:56,305 --> 00:01:58,105 Well, you know, you can't be too careful these days. 38 00:01:58,105 --> 00:01:59,305 Yeah. 39 00:01:59,305 --> 00:02:02,405 So, uh, when's your baby due? 40 00:02:06,005 --> 00:02:07,705 I'm not pregnant. 41 00:02:07,805 --> 00:02:10,005 Oh. Well, then I really am sorry. 42 00:02:10,105 --> 00:02:11,305 Excuse me. 43 00:02:12,905 --> 00:02:15,005 Well, why don't you just watch where you're going then 44 00:02:15,005 --> 00:02:17,105 next time, Buster?! 45 00:02:18,805 --> 00:02:19,605 Sam, 46 00:02:19,605 --> 00:02:21,005 does this outfit make me look 47 00:02:21,005 --> 00:02:22,405 like I've put on a little weight? 48 00:02:22,405 --> 00:02:24,105 The outfit? Uh, yeah, no. 49 00:02:24,105 --> 00:02:25,305 That's what it must be. 50 00:02:25,305 --> 00:02:26,405 Right, yeah. 51 00:02:26,505 --> 00:02:27,605 Turn around. Let me see. 52 00:02:27,605 --> 00:02:29,805 Yeah, blame it on the outfit... 53 00:02:31,105 --> 00:02:32,805 You know, you've been wearing an awful lot 54 00:02:32,805 --> 00:02:34,305 of fat clothes recently, haven't you? 55 00:02:34,305 --> 00:02:36,305 Oh, just shut up, butthead. 56 00:02:38,705 --> 00:02:39,905 She called me a butthead. 57 00:02:39,905 --> 00:02:41,405 I think I'm gonna cry. 58 00:02:41,505 --> 00:02:42,905 Oh, don't worry, Sam. 59 00:02:42,905 --> 00:02:44,905 It only looks that way from the back. 60 00:02:50,205 --> 00:02:51,905 Want another beer, Mr. P.? 61 00:02:52,005 --> 00:02:53,605 Love to, Woody, but 62 00:02:53,705 --> 00:02:56,605 I got to get back to painting Frasier and Lilith's place. 63 00:02:56,605 --> 00:02:58,505 This is the first job anyone's given me 64 00:02:58,505 --> 00:03:00,405 in, like, four months, so I'm not going to do anything 65 00:03:00,405 --> 00:03:01,805 to jeopardize it. 66 00:03:01,805 --> 00:03:03,405 I'm really making an effort this time 67 00:03:03,505 --> 00:03:05,205 to be the kind of dependable professional 68 00:03:05,305 --> 00:03:07,705 that I'd like to have working for me. 69 00:03:07,805 --> 00:03:09,005 See you, Mr. Peterson. 70 00:03:09,005 --> 00:03:11,005 What, Wood? 71 00:03:11,005 --> 00:03:12,705 I said, I'll see you. 72 00:03:12,705 --> 00:03:13,705 Well, damn it, Woody. 73 00:03:13,705 --> 00:03:15,305 Now you made me late, man. 74 00:03:16,905 --> 00:03:18,005 All right, as long as I'm late, 75 00:03:18,105 --> 00:03:20,105 I'll just have another beer, I guess. 76 00:03:29,405 --> 00:03:30,505 Oh, much better. 77 00:03:30,505 --> 00:03:31,805 Yes, much better, yes. 78 00:03:31,805 --> 00:03:32,905 You know, I never thought 79 00:03:33,005 --> 00:03:34,205 our wedding portrait lived there. 80 00:03:34,205 --> 00:03:35,705 Um, where should it go, Ivan? 81 00:03:35,705 --> 00:03:38,405 Here's a spot. 82 00:03:41,505 --> 00:03:42,905 Perfect. 83 00:03:43,005 --> 00:03:45,005 Why clutter a home with mementos? 84 00:03:47,105 --> 00:03:48,605 Did I tell you last night 85 00:03:48,605 --> 00:03:51,905 I programmed myself to dream about your space? 86 00:03:52,005 --> 00:03:53,205 You didn't. 87 00:03:53,205 --> 00:03:55,205 We're thrilled. 88 00:03:55,305 --> 00:03:56,305 Hmm. 89 00:03:56,305 --> 00:03:59,405 To begin with, we lose this wall. 90 00:03:59,505 --> 00:04:01,405 Uh, by lose, do you mean 91 00:04:01,505 --> 00:04:03,505 we redesign it so that it practically disappears, 92 00:04:03,505 --> 00:04:05,105 or lose, we knock it down 93 00:04:05,105 --> 00:04:07,305 so that we're left facing the back of our stove? 94 00:04:07,305 --> 00:04:09,005 Hmm... fret not. 95 00:04:09,105 --> 00:04:14,105 We'll be transforming il cucina into an atrium. 96 00:04:14,205 --> 00:04:15,105 I love this idea. 97 00:04:15,105 --> 00:04:16,705 I adore it. 98 00:04:16,805 --> 00:04:18,605 But what about eating? 99 00:04:20,505 --> 00:04:22,805 I design, I don't eat. 100 00:04:23,805 --> 00:04:26,705 Now, over here I imagine removing the ceiling 101 00:04:26,805 --> 00:04:29,205 and extending the wall up to the second story, 102 00:04:29,305 --> 00:04:32,005 culminating in a skylight to flood the room 103 00:04:32,005 --> 00:04:34,705 with natural illumination. 104 00:04:34,705 --> 00:04:36,005 But, uh... 105 00:04:36,005 --> 00:04:39,605 that's our... that's our bedroom up there. 106 00:04:39,605 --> 00:04:42,105 Is that all you people think about, 107 00:04:42,105 --> 00:04:43,805 eating and sleeping? 108 00:04:47,005 --> 00:04:49,105 Tell me this was a gift. 109 00:04:53,805 --> 00:04:55,505 Doctor, might I have a word with you? 110 00:04:55,505 --> 00:04:57,605 Certainly, Doctor. 111 00:04:59,005 --> 00:05:01,305 How do you feel about Ivan? 112 00:05:01,305 --> 00:05:03,005 Feel? Look, 113 00:05:03,005 --> 00:05:05,105 the man is one of the most famous designers in the city. 114 00:05:05,105 --> 00:05:06,705 He's been written up in every magazine 115 00:05:06,705 --> 00:05:08,405 from Metropolitan Home to HG. 116 00:05:08,405 --> 00:05:09,805 He's got more awards on his shelves 117 00:05:09,805 --> 00:05:11,005 than we have shelves. 118 00:05:11,005 --> 00:05:13,105 I'd like to beat the crap out of him. 119 00:05:14,705 --> 00:05:16,605 Maybe we should let him go. 120 00:05:16,605 --> 00:05:20,005 If that's your final decision, my cherub, I concur. 121 00:05:20,105 --> 00:05:21,105 The heave-ho. 122 00:05:21,105 --> 00:05:22,305 Wait. 123 00:05:22,305 --> 00:05:23,605 At the risk of sounding sexist, 124 00:05:23,705 --> 00:05:24,905 I do believe this is man's work. 125 00:05:24,905 --> 00:05:26,405 It requires a firm hand. 126 00:05:26,405 --> 00:05:28,205 Please feel free to leave the room if you must. 127 00:05:28,305 --> 00:05:30,405 This could get unpleasant. 128 00:05:31,905 --> 00:05:33,305 Sir. 129 00:05:34,505 --> 00:05:36,805 You're too good for us. 130 00:05:38,605 --> 00:05:39,905 Your masterful design 131 00:05:39,905 --> 00:05:41,205 would make our poor little lives 132 00:05:41,305 --> 00:05:42,805 just seem drab by comparison, 133 00:05:42,805 --> 00:05:44,405 and of course, we'll, uh, 134 00:05:44,405 --> 00:05:45,805 see to your severance pay, two weeks? 135 00:05:45,905 --> 00:05:48,105 Six months? 136 00:05:48,105 --> 00:05:49,205 Fine. 137 00:05:49,305 --> 00:05:52,405 I can't tell you what a once-in-a-lifetime thrill 138 00:05:52,405 --> 00:05:54,005 it's been to bask in your talent. 139 00:05:54,005 --> 00:05:55,105 Uh, bye-bye now. 140 00:05:55,105 --> 00:05:57,705 Watch the steps. 141 00:05:57,705 --> 00:05:59,805 Huh. 142 00:06:01,305 --> 00:06:03,805 I only hope he can recover from that tongue lashing. 143 00:06:05,505 --> 00:06:06,705 So, dandelion, 144 00:06:06,705 --> 00:06:08,805 now that you've given away the farm to Ivan, 145 00:06:08,905 --> 00:06:10,805 do you have some Swiss bank account we can empty 146 00:06:10,905 --> 00:06:12,305 to pay another decorator? 147 00:06:12,305 --> 00:06:14,405 Well, I'll go that one better, Dove bar. 148 00:06:14,405 --> 00:06:16,805 I submit that between the two of us, 149 00:06:16,805 --> 00:06:18,105 we have enough taste and intelligence 150 00:06:18,105 --> 00:06:19,905 to redesign our own habitat, 151 00:06:19,905 --> 00:06:22,105 sans outside help. 152 00:06:23,805 --> 00:06:25,305 Bite me, I love you. 153 00:06:47,205 --> 00:06:48,405 I take back my bite. 154 00:06:48,405 --> 00:06:49,605 We suck. 155 00:07:01,405 --> 00:07:03,805 Much better. 156 00:07:03,805 --> 00:07:06,205 Much better! 157 00:07:06,205 --> 00:07:08,405 Pardon me? 158 00:07:08,405 --> 00:07:10,305 Yes, by simply moving that chair, 159 00:07:10,305 --> 00:07:13,005 an intimate conversation area is created, 160 00:07:13,105 --> 00:07:16,005 at the same time, opening up a new traffic pattern 161 00:07:16,005 --> 00:07:17,705 that gives the entire room 162 00:07:17,705 --> 00:07:20,405 a whole new dynamic sense of flow. 163 00:07:22,505 --> 00:07:24,705 Plus, I can spackle behind here. 164 00:07:28,405 --> 00:07:29,605 Of course, if... 165 00:07:29,605 --> 00:07:31,605 if you really want a better shot at the intimate thing, 166 00:07:31,605 --> 00:07:35,105 I'd, uh, take these, uh-- 167 00:07:35,105 --> 00:07:37,305 what do you call it-- these Louis Couture's jobbies, 168 00:07:37,305 --> 00:07:40,105 uh, and move them over like so. 169 00:07:40,205 --> 00:07:43,105 Get the table... over this way. 170 00:07:43,205 --> 00:07:44,405 Okay. 171 00:07:44,405 --> 00:07:46,305 Now, this table would have to come 172 00:07:46,305 --> 00:07:47,505 like yea. 173 00:07:47,505 --> 00:07:48,705 Right? 174 00:07:48,805 --> 00:07:50,005 And, uh, 175 00:07:50,105 --> 00:07:51,605 sofa could come around this way. 176 00:07:51,605 --> 00:07:52,905 Of course. 177 00:07:52,905 --> 00:07:54,705 Okay? 178 00:07:54,805 --> 00:07:56,005 Now, uh, 179 00:07:56,105 --> 00:07:58,305 that desk has got to come out of there, you put the piano 180 00:07:58,305 --> 00:08:00,005 into the bay, all right? 181 00:08:00,005 --> 00:08:02,705 That chrome and glass, you put into the harbor. 182 00:08:02,705 --> 00:08:04,705 Uh... 183 00:08:05,605 --> 00:08:06,805 I tell you what. 184 00:08:06,805 --> 00:08:09,005 I'd-I-d move into the warm tones, all right? 185 00:08:09,005 --> 00:08:11,005 Reupholster, redrape, the whole damn thing. 186 00:08:11,105 --> 00:08:12,805 Splash a little bit of paisley around. 187 00:08:12,805 --> 00:08:14,205 Throw down a nice 188 00:08:14,205 --> 00:08:15,505 Bukhara rug. 189 00:08:15,505 --> 00:08:17,305 Top it off with a fine piece or two of chinoiserie, 190 00:08:17,405 --> 00:08:18,805 and we're there. 191 00:08:21,405 --> 00:08:24,205 Well, bite us, Norm, we love you. 192 00:08:31,105 --> 00:08:33,405 So, uh, what do you got in there, Woodski? 193 00:08:33,405 --> 00:08:35,305 Oh, boy. 194 00:08:35,305 --> 00:08:37,605 My Aunt Edna's killer fudge brownies. 195 00:08:37,705 --> 00:08:39,605 Ooh, killers, huh? 196 00:08:39,605 --> 00:08:41,005 Yeah, they're called that because the first time 197 00:08:41,105 --> 00:08:42,805 my Uncle Ford ever smelled them baking, 198 00:08:42,905 --> 00:08:45,805 he came running in from the field and got hit by a combine. 199 00:08:48,605 --> 00:08:50,605 He hung on for a few days. 200 00:08:50,705 --> 00:08:53,405 At the end, he was just praying to die. 201 00:08:54,505 --> 00:08:56,005 Well, eat up, everybody. 202 00:09:03,905 --> 00:09:05,905 Hi, everybody. 203 00:09:05,905 --> 00:09:07,205 Oh, hey, Rebecca. 204 00:09:07,205 --> 00:09:08,705 Want a brownie? 205 00:09:08,705 --> 00:09:11,005 Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. 206 00:09:11,005 --> 00:09:14,305 Moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. 207 00:09:17,205 --> 00:09:18,505 You know, Rebecca, 208 00:09:18,605 --> 00:09:20,405 I don't know why you're so, uh, concerned about your figure. 209 00:09:20,405 --> 00:09:21,705 You know, back 210 00:09:21,705 --> 00:09:23,005 in the Renaissance time, uh, 211 00:09:23,105 --> 00:09:24,205 full-figured women were revered. 212 00:09:24,305 --> 00:09:25,205 Get out. 213 00:09:25,305 --> 00:09:26,205 It's true. 214 00:09:26,305 --> 00:09:27,205 Yeah? 215 00:09:27,305 --> 00:09:28,405 Yeah, yeah. 216 00:09:28,405 --> 00:09:31,105 Artists would only paint big, voluptuous women. 217 00:09:31,105 --> 00:09:34,605 In fact, that's how they got rid of a lot of their old paint. 218 00:09:39,905 --> 00:09:41,105 You know, speaking 219 00:09:41,105 --> 00:09:42,205 of, uh, weight and stuff, 220 00:09:42,305 --> 00:09:43,505 I got a riddle. 221 00:09:43,605 --> 00:09:44,805 Which is heavier, 222 00:09:44,905 --> 00:09:46,705 a pound of Cliff's brain 223 00:09:46,805 --> 00:09:49,205 or a pound of dead flies? 224 00:09:49,305 --> 00:09:50,805 It's a trick question. 225 00:09:50,805 --> 00:09:51,805 A pound is a pound. 226 00:09:51,805 --> 00:09:53,105 They both weigh the same. 227 00:09:53,205 --> 00:09:56,105 Go ahead, ask me another of Mr. Clavin's brain questions. 228 00:09:57,905 --> 00:09:59,005 Okay, let's see. 229 00:09:59,005 --> 00:10:00,305 Uh.. 230 00:10:00,405 --> 00:10:01,905 if you dropped Cliff's brain 231 00:10:02,005 --> 00:10:03,505 and a bowling ball off the top 232 00:10:03,605 --> 00:10:05,205 of the Empire State Building... 233 00:10:05,205 --> 00:10:05,805 Yeah? Yeah? 234 00:10:05,905 --> 00:10:07,005 Well... 235 00:10:08,205 --> 00:10:11,105 Norm, we had to rush over to tell you. 236 00:10:11,105 --> 00:10:13,105 The new window treatment you designed just went up. 237 00:10:13,105 --> 00:10:14,405 It is spectacular. 238 00:10:14,505 --> 00:10:15,805 Are you speaking to another Norm, 239 00:10:15,805 --> 00:10:17,705 or do you have a death wish? 240 00:10:17,705 --> 00:10:18,705 Beg your pardon? 241 00:10:18,705 --> 00:10:19,705 Come on, come on. 242 00:10:19,705 --> 00:10:21,005 You think I want these people to know 243 00:10:21,105 --> 00:10:22,205 I'm an interior decorator? 244 00:10:22,205 --> 00:10:24,105 We're sorry, Norm. 245 00:10:24,105 --> 00:10:27,105 It's just, we simply cannot moderate our approbation. 246 00:10:27,205 --> 00:10:28,505 Well, give it a shot, okay? 247 00:10:28,505 --> 00:10:30,205 But you should be decorating professionally. 248 00:10:30,205 --> 00:10:32,605 Oh, no, no, no. Please. 249 00:10:32,605 --> 00:10:33,905 Doing you folks a favor was one thing. 250 00:10:33,905 --> 00:10:36,405 Any more of this interior decorating junk 251 00:10:36,505 --> 00:10:38,105 could really eat into my reputation 252 00:10:38,105 --> 00:10:42,005 as a lazy, beer-guzzling lump of mashed potatoes. 253 00:10:42,105 --> 00:10:44,405 But, Norm, you have a gift. 254 00:10:44,405 --> 00:10:45,705 Gift? 255 00:10:45,705 --> 00:10:47,005 Try curse, pal. 256 00:10:47,005 --> 00:10:49,205 I spent my whole damn life trying to cover up the fact 257 00:10:49,205 --> 00:10:50,705 that I have a great sense of color, 258 00:10:50,705 --> 00:10:52,905 and I always know where to stick the ottoman. 259 00:10:52,905 --> 00:10:54,205 Oh, it's a pity. 260 00:10:54,205 --> 00:10:55,705 You see, we've just met this new couple, 261 00:10:55,705 --> 00:10:57,105 and they-they need a decorator. 262 00:10:57,105 --> 00:10:59,405 Dearest, Norm has made his feelings clear. 263 00:10:59,405 --> 00:11:00,705 Yes, but they're very well off. 264 00:11:00,705 --> 00:11:02,105 Frasier, it's not a matter of money. 265 00:11:02,105 --> 00:11:03,505 They're willing to pay five figures. 266 00:11:03,505 --> 00:11:04,605 But, Frasier... 267 00:11:04,705 --> 00:11:06,405 Hey, Elvira, back off. 268 00:11:10,105 --> 00:11:12,705 If the left side of Cliff's brain leaves New York 269 00:11:12,705 --> 00:11:15,405 on a train traveling at 65 miles per hour, 270 00:11:15,505 --> 00:11:18,305 and the right side of Cliff's brain leaves L.A. on... 271 00:11:18,405 --> 00:11:19,505 Wait, wait, wait. 272 00:11:19,505 --> 00:11:21,905 Let me get a pencil. 273 00:11:41,005 --> 00:11:43,605 Yeah! 274 00:11:46,005 --> 00:11:48,105 Damn, I am good. 275 00:11:48,205 --> 00:11:49,105 Bring these people on. 276 00:11:49,205 --> 00:11:50,305 I'll wipe up the floor with them. 277 00:11:50,305 --> 00:11:51,405 Who are they, anyhow? 278 00:11:51,505 --> 00:11:53,105 Well, actually, they're friends of friends. 279 00:11:53,205 --> 00:11:54,305 Yeah? 280 00:11:54,305 --> 00:11:56,205 But I have to warn you-- they're the essence of the Y word. 281 00:11:57,105 --> 00:11:58,505 That's the yuppie word for yuppie. 282 00:11:58,505 --> 00:11:59,605 Oh. 283 00:11:59,705 --> 00:12:01,605 Are you implying that I'm a yuppie? 284 00:12:01,605 --> 00:12:03,205 Oh, forgive me, I erred. 285 00:12:03,205 --> 00:12:04,905 If I ever do it again, 286 00:12:04,905 --> 00:12:07,405 you may cut out my tongue and serve it to me in a fajita. 287 00:12:10,705 --> 00:12:11,905 Yup, here we go. Uh-huh. 288 00:12:11,905 --> 00:12:14,005 I'm going to take one last look in the kitchen. 289 00:12:18,205 --> 00:12:20,405 Hi, we were just talking about you! 290 00:12:20,405 --> 00:12:21,605 Kiss-kiss. 291 00:12:21,605 --> 00:12:23,305 Yes, yes. 292 00:12:23,305 --> 00:12:24,305 Sorry we're late. 293 00:12:24,405 --> 00:12:25,405 We couldn't decide 294 00:12:25,405 --> 00:12:28,105 whether to take the Range Rover or the BMW. 295 00:12:28,205 --> 00:12:29,905 Oh but don't keep us in suspense. 296 00:12:29,905 --> 00:12:31,705 The Beamer. 297 00:12:31,705 --> 00:12:33,905 Well, we're all here now-- what fun. 298 00:12:33,905 --> 00:12:35,805 Uh, Kier Royales all around? 299 00:12:35,905 --> 00:12:37,505 Super. That'd be great, Fras. 300 00:12:37,505 --> 00:12:39,505 I can't get over what your decorator 301 00:12:39,505 --> 00:12:41,005 has done with this place. 302 00:12:41,105 --> 00:12:43,205 It's warm, it's solid. 303 00:12:43,205 --> 00:12:45,005 It's real. It's super. 304 00:12:46,005 --> 00:12:47,505 Oh, hi, what's going on? 305 00:12:51,405 --> 00:12:53,105 Hi... 306 00:12:53,105 --> 00:12:54,905 Kim and Robert Cooperman, I'd like you to meet 307 00:12:55,005 --> 00:12:56,705 our decorator, Norman Peterson. Hi. 308 00:12:56,805 --> 00:12:58,205 - How do you do, Norman? - Great. 309 00:12:58,305 --> 00:12:59,905 You know, this is the last cold beer. 310 00:12:59,905 --> 00:13:01,605 We could split it or something? 311 00:13:01,705 --> 00:13:04,305 No, thanks, we're taken care of. 312 00:13:04,405 --> 00:13:06,105 Okay, well, suit yourself, huh? 313 00:13:06,205 --> 00:13:07,005 Sit down everybody. 314 00:13:07,005 --> 00:13:09,905 It's beautiful and functional. 315 00:13:09,905 --> 00:13:11,705 You know, uh, Frasier told me 316 00:13:11,705 --> 00:13:12,905 a little bit about your place, 317 00:13:12,905 --> 00:13:15,005 so I did take the liberty of, uh, 318 00:13:15,105 --> 00:13:16,205 jotting down a few ideas. 319 00:13:16,205 --> 00:13:19,005 Uh... excuse me. 320 00:13:19,005 --> 00:13:20,905 Are those cocktail napkins? 321 00:13:20,905 --> 00:13:23,405 Yeah, I'm sorry, did you need one? 322 00:13:24,505 --> 00:13:25,805 No. 323 00:13:25,805 --> 00:13:26,805 Veggie pâté? 324 00:13:26,805 --> 00:13:28,105 Oh, yes, yes, please. 325 00:13:28,105 --> 00:13:30,505 I'm on empty over here. 326 00:13:30,505 --> 00:13:32,705 Anyway... 327 00:13:34,905 --> 00:13:37,505 I heard your place is pretty modern, you know? 328 00:13:37,505 --> 00:13:40,205 And most of your stuff is kind of gray. 329 00:13:40,205 --> 00:13:41,705 So I thought, maybe, you know, 330 00:13:41,705 --> 00:13:44,305 some, you know, color would be good. 331 00:13:45,005 --> 00:13:48,405 Uh, actually, we hadn't totally sold ourselves 332 00:13:48,405 --> 00:13:50,405 on the concept of change. 333 00:13:50,405 --> 00:13:52,205 Oh. 334 00:13:52,205 --> 00:13:53,405 You could keep, uh, 335 00:13:53,505 --> 00:13:55,105 some of your old stuff, and, you know, 336 00:13:55,205 --> 00:13:57,605 throw in some new stuff, too. 337 00:13:59,405 --> 00:14:01,405 Um... 338 00:14:01,505 --> 00:14:03,505 Fras, uh, could you, uh, 339 00:14:03,505 --> 00:14:06,505 help me with this wall treatment? 340 00:14:06,505 --> 00:14:07,605 Sushi? 341 00:14:07,605 --> 00:14:10,205 I rolled it myself. 342 00:14:10,305 --> 00:14:11,005 What's going on? 343 00:14:11,005 --> 00:14:12,005 I'm dying over here. 344 00:14:12,105 --> 00:14:14,105 Well, it's not you, Norm, it's them. Yeah? 345 00:14:14,205 --> 00:14:16,805 They're narrow-minded, trend-sucking dilettantes, 346 00:14:16,905 --> 00:14:19,205 who insist that... 347 00:14:19,305 --> 00:14:20,705 well, their chefs be French, you know, 348 00:14:20,705 --> 00:14:23,705 that their mechanics be German, and that their designers be... 349 00:14:26,305 --> 00:14:28,605 ...stylish. 350 00:14:28,605 --> 00:14:30,905 Ooh. 351 00:14:30,905 --> 00:14:33,105 You mean, stylish. 352 00:14:33,105 --> 00:14:35,805 Very stylish. 353 00:14:35,905 --> 00:14:37,305 'Nough said, Fras. 354 00:14:37,305 --> 00:14:38,305 I'm sorry, Norm. 355 00:14:38,405 --> 00:14:40,405 This could have been a real lucrative job for you. 356 00:14:40,405 --> 00:14:42,005 I don't know what to say. 357 00:14:42,005 --> 00:14:44,605 That's okay, I do. 358 00:14:45,705 --> 00:14:47,005 Um... 359 00:14:49,005 --> 00:14:51,505 Listen, uh, 360 00:14:51,505 --> 00:14:54,005 did I tell you that, uh, 361 00:14:54,005 --> 00:14:55,905 last night, I programmed myself 362 00:14:55,905 --> 00:14:59,205 to dream about your... space? 363 00:15:14,942 --> 00:15:16,642 Miss Howe, I don't mean to insult you, 364 00:15:16,642 --> 00:15:18,842 but you're looking kind of puny. 365 00:15:18,842 --> 00:15:19,942 Have you lost weight? 366 00:15:20,042 --> 00:15:21,942 Is this a setup? 367 00:15:23,142 --> 00:15:25,142 Did Sam tell you to say that? 368 00:15:25,242 --> 00:15:28,542 No, ma'am, I told myself to say it. 369 00:15:28,542 --> 00:15:30,042 Yeah, I'm worried about you, you know? 370 00:15:30,042 --> 00:15:32,042 If you're not careful, you're going to start wasting away, 371 00:15:32,042 --> 00:15:33,842 and pretty soon your ribs will start to show, 372 00:15:33,842 --> 00:15:36,742 like this guy back in Hanover, Kyle Lefferts. 373 00:15:36,742 --> 00:15:38,042 Of course, he'd been dead awhile 374 00:15:38,142 --> 00:15:39,742 when they found him. 375 00:15:40,642 --> 00:15:42,442 Thank you, Woody. 376 00:15:42,442 --> 00:15:45,542 That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all week. 377 00:15:48,742 --> 00:15:51,442 Your hair's been looking kind of ratty, too. 378 00:15:53,242 --> 00:15:56,242 Unfortunately, that's the second nicest thing. 379 00:15:56,242 --> 00:15:59,542 What, no kiss? 380 00:15:59,542 --> 00:16:01,542 No, I've got to weigh myself. 381 00:16:01,542 --> 00:16:03,442 Oh, we got your scale back here. 382 00:16:03,442 --> 00:16:05,942 What's it doing behind the bar? 383 00:16:05,942 --> 00:16:07,442 We needed it to settle an argument 384 00:16:07,442 --> 00:16:09,642 about how much Mr. Clavin's brain weighs. 385 00:16:11,542 --> 00:16:14,642 I think I am in for a pleasant surprise. 386 00:16:17,442 --> 00:16:20,242 Your weight is 162 pounds. 387 00:16:20,242 --> 00:16:22,042 What?! 388 00:16:22,042 --> 00:16:23,142 Have a nice day. 389 00:16:23,142 --> 00:16:25,542 Malone! 390 00:16:25,542 --> 00:16:26,242 Get out here! 391 00:16:26,342 --> 00:16:29,342 I know what you just did! 392 00:16:29,342 --> 00:16:32,442 Congratulations. 393 00:16:32,542 --> 00:16:34,442 Not you, I was talking to... 394 00:16:34,442 --> 00:16:35,342 Forget it. 395 00:16:35,342 --> 00:16:36,742 Okay, okay, look. 396 00:16:36,742 --> 00:16:39,342 Cliff's brain is found murdered in a room. 397 00:16:41,142 --> 00:16:43,042 All the doors and windows are locked. 398 00:16:43,142 --> 00:16:44,542 Good, he's here. 399 00:16:44,542 --> 00:16:46,242 Hello, Norman! 400 00:16:46,242 --> 00:16:47,442 What's going on? 401 00:16:47,442 --> 00:16:48,942 Oh, hi. 402 00:16:48,942 --> 00:16:51,642 No, no, no, let's, uh, let's sit up here. 403 00:16:51,742 --> 00:16:55,242 Um, well, Dick and, uh, Tracy. 404 00:16:55,242 --> 00:16:57,142 How did you ever track me down? 405 00:16:57,142 --> 00:16:59,042 It's the address on the cocktail napkin 406 00:16:59,042 --> 00:17:00,442 you did your sketches on. 407 00:17:00,442 --> 00:17:03,242 You're good. 408 00:17:03,342 --> 00:17:04,942 You know, Norman, we've never been 409 00:17:04,942 --> 00:17:06,242 in a gay bar before. 410 00:17:06,342 --> 00:17:07,542 Yeah. It seems 411 00:17:07,542 --> 00:17:08,942 just like a regular bar. 412 00:17:08,942 --> 00:17:10,442 Oh, honey. 413 00:17:10,442 --> 00:17:12,442 Look at those two. 414 00:17:19,142 --> 00:17:19,942 Anyway, how about some drinks? 415 00:17:19,942 --> 00:17:20,942 All right. Miss? 416 00:17:21,042 --> 00:17:23,842 Oh, uh, no, no, I'll take care of it. 417 00:17:25,042 --> 00:17:26,842 He's kind of touchy since the operation. 418 00:17:30,342 --> 00:17:31,542 Yo, Woodo, uh, 419 00:17:31,542 --> 00:17:34,342 my friends and I need a couple of, uh, white wine spritzers 420 00:17:34,442 --> 00:17:36,642 and a beer... spritzer. 421 00:17:36,642 --> 00:17:37,642 You feeling okay? 422 00:17:37,642 --> 00:17:40,842 Sure, very manly, never more so. 423 00:17:41,842 --> 00:17:44,142 Spritzers á trois on the way. 424 00:17:44,142 --> 00:17:45,642 Thank you. 425 00:17:45,642 --> 00:17:49,142 You know, Norman, we didn't just pop in here on a whim. 426 00:17:49,142 --> 00:17:51,842 We love the work you did on our place so much 427 00:17:51,842 --> 00:17:55,142 that we want you to do our mountain retreat next. 428 00:17:55,142 --> 00:17:57,042 Gee, uh, I-I don't know. 429 00:17:57,042 --> 00:17:58,142 My schedule's kind of... 430 00:17:58,242 --> 00:17:59,642 We know it's an inconvenience, all right, 431 00:17:59,742 --> 00:18:01,342 so can we double your rate? 432 00:18:01,342 --> 00:18:03,742 Only because I love you kids so much. 433 00:18:03,742 --> 00:18:06,242 Listen, if you could scope it out this weekend, 434 00:18:06,342 --> 00:18:07,242 that would be super. 435 00:18:07,342 --> 00:18:07,842 Super. 436 00:18:07,842 --> 00:18:09,642 Super! Super. 437 00:18:10,942 --> 00:18:12,542 I'm glad you can make it, 438 00:18:12,542 --> 00:18:13,842 because we have another friend 439 00:18:13,842 --> 00:18:15,542 who we've been dying for you to meet. 440 00:18:16,142 --> 00:18:18,842 And he's really cute. 441 00:18:22,242 --> 00:18:24,342 Um... he? 442 00:18:24,342 --> 00:18:26,842 Unless somebody's already snapped you up. 443 00:18:26,942 --> 00:18:28,742 Well, yeah, darn it, 444 00:18:28,742 --> 00:18:30,542 I have been snapped up. 445 00:18:30,642 --> 00:18:32,342 By, um... 446 00:18:32,442 --> 00:18:34,242 that fellow over there. 447 00:18:35,542 --> 00:18:37,342 The one who had the operation? 448 00:18:37,442 --> 00:18:39,242 Bite your tongue! No! 449 00:18:39,242 --> 00:18:40,842 No, the, uh, tall hunk 450 00:18:40,942 --> 00:18:42,542 rinsing glasses. 451 00:18:42,642 --> 00:18:43,942 Wa-Wait a minute. 452 00:18:43,942 --> 00:18:46,842 Isn't that Sam Malone, the pitcher? 453 00:18:46,942 --> 00:18:48,042 Oh, I've heard of him. 454 00:18:48,042 --> 00:18:49,642 Didn't he used to play for the Sox? 455 00:18:49,742 --> 00:18:50,742 Uh... 456 00:18:50,742 --> 00:18:53,142 Yes, yeah, but now he plays for me. 457 00:18:53,142 --> 00:18:55,242 Oh. 458 00:18:57,242 --> 00:19:00,342 Oh, man, the guys at the gym are gonna freak! 459 00:19:00,342 --> 00:19:01,542 No, um... Why don't you 460 00:19:01,542 --> 00:19:02,542 bring him over and introduce him to us? 461 00:19:02,642 --> 00:19:03,542 Uh, I think he's probably 462 00:19:03,642 --> 00:19:05,042 a little bit too busy right now, 463 00:19:05,142 --> 00:19:06,042 um... 464 00:19:08,742 --> 00:19:10,742 All right, all right, I'll, I'll get him. 465 00:19:12,542 --> 00:19:14,342 Sam, can I have a word, please? 466 00:19:14,342 --> 00:19:16,042 Yeah, now, come here. 467 00:19:16,042 --> 00:19:18,242 Sam, uh... I need a favor, pal. 468 00:19:18,242 --> 00:19:19,742 Okay, I have these clients, 469 00:19:19,742 --> 00:19:21,342 and they're big fans of yours. Oh. 470 00:19:21,342 --> 00:19:22,342 And, uh, it'd mean a lot 471 00:19:22,342 --> 00:19:24,142 if you could just come over and say hi to them. 472 00:19:24,142 --> 00:19:25,642 Oh, no problem. 473 00:19:25,642 --> 00:19:27,242 Thanks so much, Sammy. 474 00:19:27,342 --> 00:19:28,142 Thanks, bud. 475 00:19:28,142 --> 00:19:29,942 Oh, and uh, one more thing, man, okay? 476 00:19:29,942 --> 00:19:31,342 We're lovers. 477 00:19:35,742 --> 00:19:38,142 Kids, this is Sam Malone. 478 00:19:38,242 --> 00:19:40,642 Sam Malone, this is Kim and Robert Cooperman. 479 00:19:40,642 --> 00:19:42,342 Pleased to meet you. 480 00:19:44,842 --> 00:19:48,842 You sure do make a cute couple. 481 00:19:49,842 --> 00:19:52,442 Just accept the compliment, honey. 482 00:19:56,242 --> 00:19:57,442 Thanks. 483 00:19:57,442 --> 00:19:59,442 I have a confession to make. 484 00:19:59,442 --> 00:20:01,042 We came in here tonight 485 00:20:01,142 --> 00:20:03,642 to try to fix Norman up with another man. 486 00:20:03,742 --> 00:20:06,142 Naughty, naughty. 487 00:20:08,742 --> 00:20:10,942 Naughty, naughty. 488 00:20:10,942 --> 00:20:13,042 But since the two of you are together, 489 00:20:13,042 --> 00:20:15,442 how about if the four of us spend the weekend at the cabin? 490 00:20:15,442 --> 00:20:16,642 It'll be a hoot! 491 00:20:17,742 --> 00:20:21,942 Is that good for you, Sam? 492 00:20:21,942 --> 00:20:24,042 What do you mean is it good for me? 493 00:20:24,042 --> 00:20:25,342 It stinks for me, man. 494 00:20:25,342 --> 00:20:27,142 Come on, I can't. 495 00:20:27,242 --> 00:20:28,742 I can't hack this. Don't do this to me. 496 00:20:28,842 --> 00:20:30,042 Listen, I like babe... 497 00:20:30,042 --> 00:20:32,842 I love babes, and babes love me. 498 00:20:32,842 --> 00:20:33,942 Babes. 499 00:20:33,942 --> 00:20:34,942 Babes. 500 00:20:34,942 --> 00:20:37,142 Babes. 501 00:20:37,142 --> 00:20:38,942 Babes. 502 00:20:39,042 --> 00:20:43,442 "Babes" is his pet word for linebackers. 503 00:20:43,542 --> 00:20:45,242 Norman, I pride myself 504 00:20:45,242 --> 00:20:47,442 on being a very perceptive person. 505 00:20:47,442 --> 00:20:49,442 Now, is something amiss? 506 00:20:50,342 --> 00:20:52,242 Yeah. 507 00:20:52,242 --> 00:20:53,742 Sam and I have had a tiff. 508 00:20:55,642 --> 00:20:56,842 Look. 509 00:20:56,942 --> 00:20:58,842 Maybe meeting Michael is just the thing you need. 510 00:20:58,842 --> 00:21:00,442 I mean, he lives right around the corner. 511 00:21:00,442 --> 00:21:01,542 Kim, go call him. 512 00:21:01,542 --> 00:21:03,042 No. No-no-no-no-no, folks, please. 513 00:21:03,042 --> 00:21:04,842 I can't go on with this any longer. 514 00:21:06,242 --> 00:21:08,342 Look, I don't care if it costs me the job. 515 00:21:08,342 --> 00:21:10,042 I got to tell you the truth, okay? 516 00:21:11,742 --> 00:21:13,342 I wanted to be your decorator, 517 00:21:13,442 --> 00:21:16,142 so I pretended to be who I thought you wanted me to be, 518 00:21:16,142 --> 00:21:21,042 but... it's time that I came out of the closet. 519 00:21:21,042 --> 00:21:23,342 I'm straight. 520 00:21:24,542 --> 00:21:26,242 Impossible. 521 00:21:27,242 --> 00:21:29,242 No, no, I-I... 522 00:21:29,242 --> 00:21:30,942 Ever since I was a little boy, 523 00:21:30,942 --> 00:21:33,142 I've known that I preferred girls. 524 00:21:33,142 --> 00:21:35,942 Actually, I'm a guy with a wife. 525 00:21:35,942 --> 00:21:39,242 I mean, uh, I sleep with Vera. 526 00:21:39,242 --> 00:21:41,242 Well, you know, I sleep next to her. 527 00:21:42,242 --> 00:21:43,942 Actually, it's in the room next to her, 528 00:21:43,942 --> 00:21:46,342 but, uh, I do keep the door open. 529 00:21:47,842 --> 00:21:49,042 But the point is, you know, 530 00:21:49,042 --> 00:21:52,442 I think you should judge people for what they do, 531 00:21:52,442 --> 00:21:54,742 not for... 532 00:21:54,742 --> 00:21:57,042 who they do. 533 00:21:58,742 --> 00:22:00,742 You're absolutely right, Norman. 534 00:22:00,842 --> 00:22:02,642 I can't believe we've been the perpetrators 535 00:22:02,642 --> 00:22:04,042 of this kind of discrimination. 536 00:22:05,442 --> 00:22:06,642 We'll see you, Norman. 537 00:22:06,642 --> 00:22:07,942 No, well, listen... Hey, folks, 538 00:22:07,942 --> 00:22:09,442 I could still, you know, 539 00:22:09,542 --> 00:22:12,342 decorate your mountain retreat there. 540 00:22:12,342 --> 00:22:15,242 Kim and I happen to be people of principle, all right? 541 00:22:15,242 --> 00:22:17,642 And we put our trust in you, our faith. 542 00:22:17,642 --> 00:22:20,842 We trusted you with our most prized possession, our home. 543 00:22:20,942 --> 00:22:22,342 And how did you return that trust? 544 00:22:22,342 --> 00:22:24,342 You lied to us, you betrayed us. 545 00:22:24,442 --> 00:22:26,842 You made fools of us. 546 00:22:26,942 --> 00:22:28,442 I could do it for half price. 547 00:22:28,542 --> 00:22:29,142 Here's the key. 548 00:22:29,142 --> 00:22:30,842 There's Perrier in the fridge. 549 00:22:30,942 --> 00:22:32,442 If the neighbors ask, you're a plumber. 550 00:22:32,542 --> 00:22:33,842 Gotcha, can do, can do. 551 00:22:33,842 --> 00:22:34,942 Thank you so much. 552 00:22:34,942 --> 00:22:36,442 Thank you. 553 00:22:54,842 --> 00:22:57,042 How 'bout those Celtics, huh? 554 00:23:00,042 --> 00:23:02,042 What, what, what, what? 555 00:23:02,042 --> 00:23:03,342 What? 556 00:23:03,442 --> 00:23:04,442 Norm? 557 00:23:04,442 --> 00:23:06,042 How could you do this to us? 558 00:23:06,042 --> 00:23:07,242 What? Do what? 559 00:23:07,242 --> 00:23:10,142 We're your best friends. 560 00:23:10,142 --> 00:23:12,842 I mean, I can't believe that you didn't feel close enough 561 00:23:12,942 --> 00:23:16,142 to... share this part of your life with us. 562 00:23:16,142 --> 00:23:17,342 This part, what? 563 00:23:17,342 --> 00:23:20,042 Guys, I'm straight, I'm not gay. 564 00:23:20,042 --> 00:23:21,142 No, no. 565 00:23:21,242 --> 00:23:22,242 Who cares about that? 566 00:23:22,242 --> 00:23:24,142 You can get stuff at wholesale. 567 00:23:27,342 --> 00:23:28,342 I need a sofa. 568 00:23:28,342 --> 00:23:29,142 Yeah? 569 00:23:29,142 --> 00:23:30,342 And I could use a lamp. 570 00:23:30,342 --> 00:23:32,142 And, uh, can you get me a deal 571 00:23:32,142 --> 00:23:33,242 on a good Bacca lounger? 572 00:23:33,342 --> 00:23:34,742 All right, all right. 573 00:23:34,842 --> 00:23:37,642 But I have to tell you folks that I am not cheap. 574 00:23:37,742 --> 00:23:40,342 Even for your lover?