1 00:00:38,080 --> 00:00:43,280 You look smart, Mr Blackadder. Going somewhere nice? No. 2 00:00:43,400 --> 00:00:48,320 I'm off to the theatre. Don't you like it? No. 3 00:00:48,360 --> 00:00:56,120 Actors thrusting their chests out so far you'd think their nipples were attached to an elephant! 4 00:00:56,160 --> 00:01:01,080 And having to go with Prince Mini-brain! 5 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:06,440 Doesn't he like it? He loves it. But he doesn't realise it's made up. 6 00:01:06,480 --> 00:01:13,039 Last year, the Prince yelled out "Look behind you, Mr Caesar"! 7 00:01:13,160 --> 00:01:18,960 All that sex and violence! I get enough of that at home... 8 00:01:19,080 --> 00:01:21,800 Apart from the sex, of course. 9 00:01:22,440 --> 00:01:25,240 Give this palace a good clean. 10 00:01:25,280 --> 00:01:32,320 It would be unacceptable to a dung beetle that had really let itself go! 11 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:37,680 < Come along, Blackadder! Coming, sir, as fast as I can. 12 00:01:38,920 --> 00:01:41,880 Stick the kettle on, Baldrick. 13 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:48,640 Sir, I give this advice to thee – NEVER, EVER trust thine enemy! 14 00:01:51,960 --> 00:01:57,600 ARRGGGHHH ! Aaarrggghhhhh ! Argh...! 15 00:01:57,720 --> 00:02:01,120 < Thy life is... < Argh! 16 00:02:05,080 --> 00:02:09,520 Thy life is forfeit, And at an end, 17 00:02:09,560 --> 00:02:14,040 We hope our play pleased you, friends. 18 00:02:14,160 --> 00:02:21,680 Certainly not, murdering rotter! Guards, arrest him! It's only a play! 19 00:02:21,720 --> 00:02:28,680 Saying "It's only a play" won't feed the little ones he left behind! 20 00:02:28,720 --> 00:02:31,240 But he's not dead! See... 21 00:02:31,360 --> 00:02:37,840 That's very clever! I thought he was dead! Bravo! Bravo! 22 00:02:39,880 --> 00:02:45,200 Blast! The Prince likes it! We'll close tonight! 23 00:02:45,320 --> 00:02:49,480 SCREAMS Smash the Spinning Jenny! 24 00:02:49,600 --> 00:02:54,520 Destroy the Going Up and Down and Moving Along a Bit Gertrude! 25 00:02:54,640 --> 00:02:57,720 And death to the stupid Prince! 26 00:02:57,840 --> 00:03:01,640 This play's getting better! Bravo! 27 00:03:01,680 --> 00:03:04,520 TOTAL SILENCE > 28 00:03:04,560 --> 00:03:12,040 < It's not a play any more, sir. Just put the bomb down and make your way quietly to the exit. 29 00:03:12,080 --> 00:03:17,040 You can't tell when something's real and when it's not! 30 00:03:19,720 --> 00:03:23,200 I must say, that was a close shave. 31 00:03:23,320 --> 00:03:28,360 Why on earth would an anarchist want to kill YOU !? 32 00:03:30,280 --> 00:03:33,079 It may have been YOU he was after. 33 00:03:33,200 --> 00:03:36,040 Hogwash! What makes you say that!? 34 00:03:36,079 --> 00:03:44,240 My suspicions were aroused by his words "Death to the stupid Prince." That was a bit rude, wasn't it? 35 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:49,440 The American Revolution lost your father the colonies, 36 00:03:49,560 --> 00:03:52,280 the French murdered King Louis, 37 00:03:52,320 --> 00:03:55,040 and there are rumblings in Prussia, 38 00:03:55,079 --> 00:03:56,920 though that may be the sausages. 39 00:03:57,040 --> 00:04:02,040 The cry is "Freedom, and a few less fat bastards eating all the pie!" 40 00:04:03,160 --> 00:04:08,040 ..Yes, quite. Something must be done. Any ideas? 41 00:04:08,160 --> 00:04:10,960 Next week is your father's birthday. 42 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:19,800 I could write a brilliant speech for you to show the masses how unusually sensitive you are. 43 00:04:19,920 --> 00:04:24,960 Prthrp! But what are these masses so worked up about? 44 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:28,800 They are forced to have children 45 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:34,480 to provide a cheap alternative to turkey at Christmas. 46 00:04:34,600 --> 00:04:41,720 Disease and deprivation stalk our land like... two giant stalking things. 47 00:04:41,840 --> 00:04:45,360 The workers wait to overthrow us. 48 00:04:45,480 --> 00:04:48,600 My God, they're here! 49 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:51,000 Don't be silly! 50 00:04:51,120 --> 00:04:55,200 He looks like an oppressed mass to me! 51 00:04:55,320 --> 00:05:02,280 Shoo, Baldrick! I want that dining table so clean I could eat my dinner off it. 52 00:05:03,920 --> 00:05:11,160 I'm dicing with death. The sooner I show my unusual sensitivity, the better. 53 00:05:11,280 --> 00:05:15,160 BURP I just had another brilliant idea! 54 00:05:15,280 --> 00:05:23,000 ANOTHER one (?) Remember that one about wearing underwear on the outside to save on laundry? 55 00:05:24,560 --> 00:05:30,800 Why don't we get those two actors to teach me your speech? Brilliant! 56 00:05:30,920 --> 00:05:34,280 No, your Highness, feeble. What!? 57 00:05:34,400 --> 00:05:37,040 I would advise against it. 58 00:05:37,159 --> 00:05:40,040 Well, tish and pish to your advice. 59 00:05:40,080 --> 00:05:45,560 I'm fed up with you treating me like a thicky! YOU'RE the thicky! 60 00:05:45,680 --> 00:05:50,640 I'M a bloody prince and you're only a butler, 61 00:05:50,680 --> 00:05:55,360 Mr Thicky-Black-Thicky-Adder-Thicky! 62 00:06:02,560 --> 00:06:10,040 Mrs Miggins, I'm looking for a couple of actors. You've come to the right place. 63 00:06:10,160 --> 00:06:15,160 There's more Shakespearian dialogue in here than there are buns. 64 00:06:15,280 --> 00:06:22,600 The actors pop in on their way to rehearse, for coffee and inspiration. 65 00:06:22,720 --> 00:06:29,600 Rehearse!? I thought they got drunk, stuck on a silly hat and trusted to luck. Oh! 66 00:06:29,720 --> 00:06:37,360 There's ever so much hard work goes into the wonderful magic that is theatre today. 67 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:42,920 Still, you wouldn't know about that, being only a little butler. 68 00:06:43,960 --> 00:06:49,120 They do say that verbal insults hurt more than physical pain. 69 00:06:49,159 --> 00:06:56,560 They are, of course, wrong, as you will soon discover when I stick this in your head. 70 00:06:59,480 --> 00:07:02,440 < Please welcome Mr David Kearick! 71 00:07:02,480 --> 00:07:08,240 And the fabulous Mr Enoch Mossop! SHE CHEERS 72 00:07:08,360 --> 00:07:12,360 No autographs, please. My usual, Mrs M. 73 00:07:12,480 --> 00:07:14,760 Coming up. 74 00:07:14,800 --> 00:07:22,760 If I can squeeze through this admiring rabble...(!) I have a proposition. 75 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:31,040 Just because we're actors, you think we sleep with everyone! Actors are lucky to sleep with ANYone! 76 00:07:31,160 --> 00:07:36,360 I came here to ask for elocution lessons for my employer. 77 00:07:36,400 --> 00:07:41,400 Sir, that is impossible. We are rehearsing our new play. 78 00:07:41,440 --> 00:07:46,880 We could not possibly betray our beloved audience. 79 00:07:46,920 --> 00:07:54,159 Mustn't upset the punters. Bums on seats, laddie. What play is this? 80 00:07:54,280 --> 00:07:57,120 It is a piece we penned ourselves, 81 00:07:57,159 --> 00:08:05,000 called "The Bloody Murder of the Foul Prince Romero and His Enormous-Bosomed Wife." 82 00:08:06,080 --> 00:08:09,000 A philosophical work (?) 83 00:08:09,120 --> 00:08:17,080 Indeed. The violence of the murder and the vastness of the bosom are justified artistically. 84 00:08:17,200 --> 00:08:24,760 I'll tell the Prince you can't help. The Prince!? Didn't I mention that? Shame you can't make it. Still... 85 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:28,800 No, no, no, no, please wait, sir. 86 00:08:29,840 --> 00:08:34,919 I think we CAN find some time, do you not, Mr Keanrick? 87 00:08:34,960 --> 00:08:38,840 Indeed! But your beloved audience? 88 00:08:38,960 --> 00:08:44,240 Sod the proles! Worthless bastards to a man! 89 00:08:44,280 --> 00:08:51,800 It's nice to see artistic integrity thriving so strongly (!) This afternoon at the Palace, then. 90 00:08:53,680 --> 00:08:56,520 Well, what do you think? 91 00:08:56,560 --> 00:08:59,240 Are you ill or something? 92 00:09:00,280 --> 00:09:05,640 I'm trying to look like an actor. Well, you don't need the moustache. 93 00:09:05,760 --> 00:09:08,520 No? No. Arghh! 94 00:09:09,680 --> 00:09:12,560 It's that oppressed mass again! 95 00:09:14,520 --> 00:09:21,360 No, it's Baldrick, spring-cleaning. Oh, so it is. Finish later, Baldrick. 96 00:09:21,480 --> 00:09:25,760 The cleaning or being strangled? Either. 97 00:09:27,240 --> 00:09:32,240 Are you sure we can even trust these acting fellows? 98 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:38,400 The last time I went to the theatre 3 of them murdered Julius Caesar! 99 00:09:38,520 --> 00:09:45,960 As I've told you about eight times, the man playing Julius Caesar was an actor called Kemp! 100 00:09:46,000 --> 00:09:48,280 Really? Yes! 101 00:09:48,400 --> 00:09:54,640 Gherkins! Brutus must have been miffed when he found out. What!? 102 00:09:54,760 --> 00:09:58,440 That he'd only killed a poxy actor. 103 00:09:58,560 --> 00:10:05,240 Did he go to Caesar's place after the play to kill him? (Oh, God!) 104 00:10:05,360 --> 00:10:11,760 ↑ LOUD KNOCKING Is that the door? 105 00:10:11,880 --> 00:10:19,520 KNOCK It's just the actors. My uncle was in a play. Oh? Called "Macbeth". 106 00:10:19,560 --> 00:10:22,240 KNOCK What did he play? 107 00:10:22,360 --> 00:10:28,600 KNOCK Second cod-piece. Macbeth wore him in the fight scenes. 108 00:10:28,720 --> 00:10:32,520 KNOCK So he was a STUNT cod-piece? 109 00:10:32,640 --> 00:10:34,680 KNOCK Yes. 110 00:10:34,800 --> 00:10:38,280 KNOCK Did he have a large part? 111 00:10:38,400 --> 00:10:43,240 KNOCK 112 00:10:43,280 --> 00:10:46,120 KNOCK Depends who was playing Macbeth. 113 00:10:46,240 --> 00:10:54,080 Actors are very superstitious. On no account mention the word "Macbeth" this evening. Why not? 114 00:10:54,120 --> 00:10:56,920 Because it brings them bad luck. 115 00:10:57,040 --> 00:11:00,560 So you won't mention it either? No. 116 00:11:00,600 --> 00:11:03,320 KNOCK Well, not very often. 117 00:11:04,680 --> 00:11:12,160 Our knocks were loud enough You should have knocked (!) to wake the hounds of hell ! 118 00:11:13,200 --> 00:11:16,240 Lead on, Macduff. I shall... 119 00:11:20,040 --> 00:11:26,320 lest you continue the quotation and mention the Scottish play. 120 00:11:26,360 --> 00:11:29,520 Never fear, I shan't do that! 121 00:11:30,520 --> 00:11:33,640 I assume you mean...Macbeth. 122 00:11:33,680 --> 00:11:39,040 Argh! Hot potato, orchestra stalls, but we'll make amends! OW ! 123 00:11:39,160 --> 00:11:44,120 What was that? Exorcising evil spirits. 124 00:11:44,160 --> 00:11:51,520 Being but a butler, you cannot know the tradition that one never speaks the name of the Scottish play. 125 00:11:51,640 --> 00:11:57,040 What, Macbeth? Arghh! Hot potato, orchestra stalls... 126 00:11:57,160 --> 00:12:00,560 You do that whenever I say Macbeth? 127 00:12:00,680 --> 00:12:05,640 Arghh! Hot potato, orchestra stalls, but we'll make amends. OW ! 128 00:12:05,680 --> 00:12:10,960 Please stop saying that! Call it "the Scottish play"! 129 00:12:11,080 --> 00:12:14,400 The Scottish play? Yes! Not Macbeth. 130 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:18,680 Arghh! Hot potato, orchestra stalls, but we'll make amends. 131 00:12:18,800 --> 00:12:21,360 For heaven's sake, 132 00:12:21,480 --> 00:12:24,280 what is all this hullabaloo!? 133 00:12:24,320 --> 00:12:29,160 It's like that play...eh...? Macbeth? Arghh! 134 00:12:29,200 --> 00:12:31,840 REPEAT VERSE 135 00:12:31,880 --> 00:12:34,880 No, it was called "Julius Caesar". 136 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:37,600 Oh, yes, Julius Caesar... 137 00:12:37,720 --> 00:12:42,920 not MacBeth. Argh! Hot potato, orchestra stalls...OW ! 138 00:12:42,960 --> 00:12:45,920 You're sure you want them to stay? 139 00:12:46,040 --> 00:12:49,560 I asked them, Mr Thicky Butler! 140 00:12:49,680 --> 00:12:54,880 Your Highness, may I say what an honour this is? Certainly. 141 00:12:54,920 --> 00:12:59,960 What an honour it is to be invited to make merry in the halls 142 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:05,240 of our King's loins' most glorious outpourings. 143 00:13:05,360 --> 00:13:07,880 Yugh! 144 00:13:07,920 --> 00:13:12,160 Shall we begin? Yes. I've got... 145 00:13:12,280 --> 00:13:18,400 Before we inspect the script, let us have a look at stance. Right. 146 00:13:18,520 --> 00:13:23,520 The ordinary fellow stands like... well, as you do now. 147 00:13:23,560 --> 00:13:27,560 Whereas your hero stands...thus. 148 00:13:27,600 --> 00:13:30,080 Like this? 149 00:13:30,120 --> 00:13:35,160 Excellent, your highness. Even more so. Like that? 150 00:13:35,200 --> 00:13:37,960 PHWRRT ! 151 00:13:38,080 --> 00:13:40,720 ..What was that? 152 00:13:40,840 --> 00:13:46,120 It wasn't ME ! We are used to standing in this position. 153 00:13:46,240 --> 00:13:48,520 PHWRRT ! 154 00:13:48,560 --> 00:13:51,360 It came from over here...! 155 00:13:51,480 --> 00:13:58,800 ANARCHIST ! CLEANER ! So you've had a wash. That's no excuse! Die, traitor! Arghh! 156 00:13:58,920 --> 00:14:04,960 That's Baldrick! He's got a bomb! It's not a bomb, sir, it's a sponge. 157 00:14:05,080 --> 00:14:10,160 So it is. Well, get it out of here before it explodes. 158 00:14:12,440 --> 00:14:21,560 Now then, stance... Ah, yes, sire. Your very posture tells me "Here is a man of true greatness." 159 00:14:21,680 --> 00:14:24,920 Or "Please kick my genitals" (!) 160 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:33,880 Sir, I really must ask that this ill-educated oaf be removed from the room. 161 00:14:34,000 --> 00:14:41,040 Your presence is as much use as fine-bone china at a tea-party for drunken elephants! 162 00:14:41,160 --> 00:14:46,440 Yes, get out, Blackadder, and stop corking our juices. Certainly, sire. 163 00:14:46,560 --> 00:14:49,240 I'll leave you to dribble. 164 00:14:49,360 --> 00:14:52,320 CLATTER 165 00:14:52,360 --> 00:15:00,640 Something wrong, Mr B ? One more insult and I hand in my notice! Does that mean I'll be butler? 166 00:15:00,760 --> 00:15:08,400 Not unless a kindly passing surgeon opens your head with a spade and sticks a new brain in it. Oh. 167 00:15:08,440 --> 00:15:15,360 At the Butlers' Guild Christmas do I ALWAYS wear the red nose and pointy hat 168 00:15:15,400 --> 00:15:20,520 for winning the "Who's Got the Stupidest Master" competition! 169 00:15:20,640 --> 00:15:29,040 He better watch out or our contract will be as broken as this jug! But that jug isn't broken. 170 00:15:29,160 --> 00:15:31,600 You do walk into it! 171 00:15:38,680 --> 00:15:43,960 Excellent. And now, sir, at last, the speech. Right. 172 00:15:44,080 --> 00:15:46,640 Ahem... No, no! 173 00:15:46,760 --> 00:15:51,440 Your Royal Highness, what have you forgotten? 174 00:15:51,480 --> 00:15:58,480 If I stand any more heroically I may seriously disappoint my future Queen. 175 00:15:59,480 --> 00:16:05,640 No, not the stance, the r-o-a-r-r-r. You want me to roar...? 176 00:16:05,760 --> 00:16:08,320 Of course we do. 177 00:16:08,440 --> 00:16:16,360 All great orators roar before making their speeches. Mr Keanrick, from your Hamlet. 178 00:16:18,440 --> 00:16:25,560 OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH, to be or not to be... 179 00:16:26,720 --> 00:16:29,400 From your Julius Caesar. 180 00:16:31,200 --> 00:16:38,920 OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH, friends, Romans, countrymen... 181 00:16:39,040 --> 00:16:43,520 From a play connected with Scotland. 182 00:16:43,640 --> 00:16:46,480 That's MacBeth, isn't it? Arghh! 183 00:16:46,600 --> 00:16:50,080 Hot potato, orchestra stalls...OW ! 184 00:16:50,200 --> 00:16:53,000 OWWW ! OWWWWW ! 185 00:16:56,640 --> 00:17:02,000 Let's all roar together, shall we? One...two...three... 186 00:17:02,040 --> 00:17:07,520 OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH ! OH-OH-OH ! OH-OH-OH ! 187 00:17:07,560 --> 00:17:12,560 Excellent, sir! Now try putting it all together. 188 00:17:14,960 --> 00:17:18,960 WAAAARRRGGGGHHHHHH ! 189 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:24,400 VERY BLAND: Unaccustomed as I am... No, sire! 190 00:17:24,440 --> 00:17:29,400 I fear you MEW it like a frightened tree. 191 00:17:29,440 --> 00:17:33,560 And may I see the speech? Thank you. 192 00:17:35,040 --> 00:17:37,960 HAH ! Oh, no, no, no! 193 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:41,360 RIDICULING LAUGHTER 194 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:45,160 Who wrote this drivel !? 195 00:17:48,920 --> 00:17:53,920 Is there a problem with the speech? PROBLEM !!? 196 00:17:54,040 --> 00:17:57,200 The problem is that YOU wrote it, 197 00:17:57,320 --> 00:18:03,640 Mr Hopelessly-Drivelly-Can't-Write- For-Toffee-Crappy-Butler-Weed! 198 00:18:08,560 --> 00:18:10,560 Whoops. 199 00:18:13,720 --> 00:18:16,720 Shall I get their supper, sir? Yes. 200 00:18:16,840 --> 00:18:26,120 Something that has passed through the cat's digestive system. Take it up yourself. Why? I'm leaving! 201 00:18:26,240 --> 00:18:29,080 I'm about to enter the job market. 202 00:18:29,120 --> 00:18:33,040 Let's see... Situations vacant. 203 00:18:33,080 --> 00:18:40,840 Mr and Mrs Pitt want a baby minder to take Pitt the Younger to Parliament. 204 00:18:40,880 --> 00:18:48,800 Someone called Stephenson has invented a moving kettle and wants help with the marketing. 205 00:18:48,840 --> 00:18:51,760 Here's a foreign opportunity. 206 00:18:51,800 --> 00:18:59,400 "Treacherous, malicious cad, preferable non-smoker, wanted to be King of Sardinia. 207 00:18:59,440 --> 00:19:05,040 "No time-wasters. Napoleon Bonaparte, PO Box 1, Paris." 208 00:19:05,080 --> 00:19:07,960 Right, we're on our way! 209 00:19:08,080 --> 00:19:11,040 JOCULAR LAUGHTER 210 00:19:11,080 --> 00:19:14,600 Oh, about costume. Any thoughts? 211 00:19:14,720 --> 00:19:17,720 Well, enormous trousers, certainly. 212 00:19:18,760 --> 00:19:24,040 And an admiral's uniform, because we know what nice girls love! 213 00:19:26,000 --> 00:19:29,240 I'll try them on. What a super idea. 214 00:19:29,280 --> 00:19:34,800 Help yourself. You'll need a stiff drink when you see these trousers! 215 00:19:36,280 --> 00:19:39,960 My dear, what a ghastly evening. Yes, love. 216 00:19:40,080 --> 00:19:46,800 Let's have a quick read through "The Murder of Prince Romero." 217 00:19:46,920 --> 00:19:49,520 Act 1, scene 1 ? 218 00:19:49,560 --> 00:19:54,520 "Spring comes and methinks 'tis time To hack the Prince to death." 219 00:19:54,640 --> 00:20:02,160 I'd like to say how much I'll miss your honest, friendly companionship. Thank you, Mr B. 220 00:20:02,280 --> 00:20:05,240 But we both know it's an utter lie. 221 00:20:05,280 --> 00:20:08,040 So I'll confine myself to a simple 222 00:20:08,160 --> 00:20:10,560 "Sod off!" 223 00:20:11,840 --> 00:20:16,720 If we meet again, it'll be 20 billion years too soon. 224 00:20:16,760 --> 00:20:19,680 Bye, you lazy, rubber-faced bastard. 225 00:20:25,480 --> 00:20:30,600 I fear that you will soon be eating those badly-chosen words. 226 00:20:30,640 --> 00:20:35,760 A groat says you won't survive 5 minutes without me. Oh, come on! 227 00:20:35,880 --> 00:20:42,520 We're not going to get murdered, are we (?) Hope springs eternal (!) 228 00:20:42,640 --> 00:20:45,360 BELL RINGS Coming! 229 00:20:46,800 --> 00:20:52,520 < OH-OH-OH, let's kill the Prince! < Who shall strike first? 230 00:20:52,640 --> 00:20:58,320 Let me, and let this dagger prick out his soft eyeball. 231 00:20:58,360 --> 00:21:03,560 And sup with glee upon its exquisite jelly. 232 00:21:03,680 --> 00:21:06,400 Have you the stomach? 233 00:21:06,440 --> 00:21:10,480 I haven't killed him yet, But when I do, 234 00:21:10,600 --> 00:21:15,280 I shall have the stomach And the liver, too, 235 00:21:15,320 --> 00:21:20,000 And the floppily-doppilies in their horrid gloo. 236 00:21:20,120 --> 00:21:24,240 What if a servant hears us? < Ha! 237 00:21:24,360 --> 00:21:29,400 Then shall we have servant sausages for tea, 238 00:21:29,440 --> 00:21:34,360 And servant rissoles shall our supper be. 239 00:21:35,240 --> 00:21:41,040 MURDER ! MURDER ! The revolution's started! What!? 240 00:21:41,080 --> 00:21:46,720 A plot to kill you! So you've come clean, you bloody poor person! 241 00:21:46,840 --> 00:21:51,920 Not me, the actors! They're anarchists! What!? Yes! 242 00:21:52,040 --> 00:21:58,880 They're going to suck on your floppily-doppilies! What do we do!? 243 00:21:59,000 --> 00:22:06,600 Mr Blackadder says "When the going gets tough the tough hide under the table." Where IS Blackadder!? 244 00:22:06,640 --> 00:22:12,320 He's in Sardinia. What!? You were rude to him, so he left. Oh, NO ! 245 00:22:12,440 --> 00:22:21,560 What a mad, blundering, incredibly handsome nincompoop I've been! They'll chop us up and eat us! 246 00:22:21,680 --> 00:22:24,520 AWW ! We're doomed! 247 00:22:24,560 --> 00:22:27,200 FOOTSTEPS Sshhh! 248 00:22:27,240 --> 00:22:34,000 FOOTSTEPS AND WHIMPERING 249 00:22:35,320 --> 00:22:41,760 Good evening. 4 minutes 22 seconds, Baldrick. You owe me a groat. 250 00:22:41,880 --> 00:22:45,160 We desperately need you! Me, sir? 251 00:22:45,280 --> 00:22:51,240 Mr Thicky-Black-Thicky-Adder-Thicky. Oh, tish, nonsense...! 252 00:22:51,360 --> 00:22:55,360 Mr Drivelly-Crappy-Butler-Weed? Well... 253 00:22:55,480 --> 00:22:59,680 Who hasn't had a raise in a fortnight. 254 00:22:59,800 --> 00:23:07,320 Take an extra thousand... guineas...per month... All right. What's your problem? 255 00:23:07,440 --> 00:23:13,440 The actors are going to kill us! They'll bore us to death? Stab us! 256 00:23:13,560 --> 00:23:18,840 Baldrick heard them. Did they mean it? How far apart were their legs? 257 00:23:18,960 --> 00:23:22,200 This far. Their nipples? That far. 258 00:23:22,320 --> 00:23:24,880 They meant it! I'll do what I can. 259 00:23:25,000 --> 00:23:29,960 To torture him I lust, and singe his hair, 260 00:23:30,000 --> 00:23:34,560 And up his nostrils hot bananas thrust. 261 00:23:35,960 --> 00:23:39,120 Rehearsals going well ? Begone! 262 00:23:39,240 --> 00:23:44,800 A butler with the intellect of an apricot can be of no use to us. 263 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:52,680 You're as irritating as a cactus in a monkey's pyjamas. 264 00:23:52,800 --> 00:23:57,280 Then I won't interrupt you any longer. 265 00:23:57,400 --> 00:24:00,640 Sorry to disturb you, gentlemen. 266 00:24:01,960 --> 00:24:05,880 Thank God it's you! What happened? 267 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:10,120 It's all perfectly straightforward. Well ? 268 00:24:10,240 --> 00:24:16,520 They're traitors. They must be arrested, tortured and executed. 269 00:24:16,640 --> 00:24:18,680 Bravo...! 270 00:24:19,760 --> 00:24:25,440 ↑ There's been a terrible mistake! That's what they were BOUND to say. 271 00:24:26,480 --> 00:24:31,440 It was a play! All the words are written down on that paper! 272 00:24:31,480 --> 00:24:36,680 Textbook stuff. Criminals always make one tiny but fatal mistake. 273 00:24:36,800 --> 00:24:43,000 Theirs was to have the entire plot printed and published. 274 00:24:43,120 --> 00:24:46,880 Take them away! Mercy!! Mercy!! 275 00:24:47,000 --> 00:24:49,880 I've one thing to say...MacBeth! 276 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:54,880 Arghhh! Hot potato, orchestra stalls... 277 00:24:54,960 --> 00:24:57,960 How can I ever thank you, Bladder? 278 00:24:58,080 --> 00:25:01,920 By not calling me Bladder! MACBETH! 279 00:25:02,040 --> 00:25:05,720 Right, Bladder. No hard feelings? 280 00:25:05,840 --> 00:25:11,720 None, sir. It's good to be back in the saddle...I mean harness. 281 00:25:11,840 --> 00:25:16,120 So we're still friends? Absolutely. Hurrah! 282 00:25:16,240 --> 00:25:25,280 In fact, I thought we might celebrate by staging a little play that I've written. 283 00:25:25,400 --> 00:25:30,640 Excellent! With my new acting skill, might there be a part for me? 284 00:25:30,760 --> 00:25:36,240 I'd hoped you'd play the title role. Great! What's the play called? 285 00:25:36,360 --> 00:25:42,400 "Thick Jack Clot Sits in the Stocks and Gets Pelted with Tomatoes." 286 00:25:42,520 --> 00:25:44,840 Excellent! 287 00:26:24,760 --> 00:26:29,680 Subtitles by Chas Donaldson