1 00:00:17,023 --> 00:00:22,781 Go, bear these tiding to great Lucifer. 2 00:00:22,950 --> 00:00:27,598 Say Faustus doth surrender up his soul. 3 00:00:27,768 --> 00:00:32,085 So he will spare him four and twenty years. 4 00:00:32,260 --> 00:00:35,881 To give me whatsoever I shall ask. 5 00:00:36,059 --> 00:00:39,894 To tell me whatsoever I demand. 6 00:00:40,067 --> 00:00:45,611 To slay my enemies and aid my friends. 7 00:00:45,785 --> 00:00:50,534 And always be obediant to my will. 8 00:02:07,353 --> 00:02:10,190 Me again. Ragman. 9 00:02:11,371 --> 00:02:13,291 Well, the song remains the same. 10 00:02:13,969 --> 00:02:15,243 Total conflict. 11 00:02:15,816 --> 00:02:18,244 Them against us. 12 00:02:18,917 --> 00:02:21,901 I can't believe they canceled the Halloween concert... 13 00:02:22,423 --> 00:02:24,217 It's like you say, 14 00:02:24,386 --> 00:02:27,423 rock's chosen warriors will rule the apocalypse. 15 00:02:30,149 --> 00:02:33,313 Airheads and brain-deads are everywhere. 16 00:02:35,197 --> 00:02:36,197 Who needs them? 17 00:02:37,784 --> 00:02:40,361 What have they got that I need? 18 00:02:42,505 --> 00:02:44,278 Okay. Just one thing: 19 00:02:45,469 --> 00:02:46,469 Leslie. 20 00:04:44,074 --> 00:04:50,072 Sometimes--actually alot lately--I think about some pretty radical things. 21 00:04:51,072 --> 00:04:55,243 I mean, I have thoughts in my head that only you could understand. 22 00:04:56,627 --> 00:04:59,880 Why not just end it, be done with it all? 23 00:05:01,012 --> 00:05:02,012 Death. 24 00:05:02,723 --> 00:05:03,722 Gone. 25 00:05:06,227 --> 00:05:07,723 But you know something? 26 00:05:09,455 --> 00:05:11,837 The only thing that holds me together is you. 27 00:05:13,449 --> 00:05:14,449 You. 28 00:05:14,972 --> 00:05:19,748 You get it, man. You went to this fucking school, and you rose above it. 29 00:05:20,922 --> 00:05:26,920 And now you're on top.And you can look down at the anthill and smile. 30 00:05:29,238 --> 00:05:30,522 I gotta go. 31 00:05:31,700 --> 00:05:33,238 Your friend forever... 32 00:05:35,641 --> 00:05:36,653 Ragman. 33 00:05:54,356 --> 00:05:58,430 Good evening. i'm Maggie Wong Hernández, and these are tonight's top stories. 34 00:05:58,981 --> 00:06:04,408 Our special tonight examines Sammi Curr, a controversial man. 35 00:06:05,881 --> 00:06:08,008 Despite a large teenage following, Sammi Curr, 36 00:06:08,109 --> 00:06:10,290 has recently been the target of much criticism... 37 00:06:10,390 --> 00:06:13,933 for his suggestive lyrics and onstage theatrics. 38 00:06:14,238 --> 00:06:16,657 Locally, he was the center of a raging controversy just last week 39 00:06:16,758 --> 00:06:19,786 when the town council denied him permission... 40 00:06:19,832 --> 00:06:23,553 to appear at Lakeridge High's Halloween Party Festival Saturday. 41 00:06:24,006 --> 00:06:27,358 Curr graduated from that school and wished to return to his alma mater. 42 00:06:27,555 --> 00:06:30,175 A move that was very popular among students. 43 00:06:30,384 --> 00:06:33,106 The counsel blocked the attempt, citing obscenity 44 00:06:33,118 --> 00:06:35,614 and violence in Curr's music. 45 00:06:36,187 --> 00:06:38,887 Tonight with us is Ms. Sylvia Cavell, 46 00:06:38,899 --> 00:06:41,435 head of the Lakeridge chapter... 47 00:06:41,535 --> 00:06:44,747 ...which blocked Curr's appearance. 48 00:06:44,947 --> 00:06:47,519 - Mrs Cavell.. - Thank you, Maggie. 49 00:06:47,715 --> 00:06:50,645 I've been a teacher for 37 years. 50 00:06:50,987 --> 00:06:55,428 And there is an addiction that is reaching epidemic proportions in our school. 51 00:06:55,916 --> 00:06:58,555 I am refering to rock music. 52 00:06:59,011 --> 00:07:03,063 I have seen my share of sexual attitudes and young rebels. 53 00:07:03,164 --> 00:07:05,228 And I know how to deal with them. 54 00:07:05,328 --> 00:07:08,363 Eyewitness News has obtained footage of Sammy Curr... 55 00:07:08,464 --> 00:07:12,025 before a Senate Committee inquiry of Rock Pornography. 56 00:07:12,289 --> 00:07:13,446 If you were a parent 57 00:07:14,085 --> 00:07:19,149 would you want your kid to grow up with rock music, rock musicians, that kind of values? 58 00:07:19,392 --> 00:07:23,187 Would you want your kid growing up around politics, politicians, and those values? 59 00:07:23,501 --> 00:07:24,501 Mr. Curr, this is not... 60 00:07:24,535 --> 00:07:29,447 You can not legislate morality, or music, or people's minds. 61 00:07:29,620 --> 00:07:31,848 - We'll bring you down, man. - I have a teenaged daughter... 62 00:07:31,949 --> 00:07:33,709 We will bring you down! 63 00:07:35,826 --> 00:07:40,056 Again, Sammi Curr, rockstar, victim of a fire in a hotel, 64 00:07:41,103 --> 00:07:43,200 dead at the age of 38. 65 00:09:00,770 --> 00:09:03,149 Wake up, sleepy head. 66 00:09:04,838 --> 00:09:09,249 It's party time! Yeah! This is old Nukesterop coming at you right here! 67 00:09:09,261 --> 00:09:12,836 On this fine Rocktober morning! 68 00:09:13,271 --> 00:09:18,650 It's the sweeping sensation that's sweeping the nation, and I'm gonna do it to you right here, right now. Wow! 69 00:09:20,091 --> 00:09:21,391 Hey, Ragman! 70 00:09:29,954 --> 00:09:31,072 Hey, kid. 71 00:09:32,528 --> 00:09:33,528 I can't believe it. 72 00:09:37,295 --> 00:09:40,831 Well, live fast, die young, I guess. 73 00:09:41,815 --> 00:09:45,257 He made up some great songs. He spoke to us. 74 00:09:45,741 --> 00:09:46,741 Still does... 75 00:09:48,559 --> 00:09:49,888 alive or dead, 76 00:09:50,586 --> 00:09:51,892 doesn't matter. 77 00:09:53,306 --> 00:09:54,906 Hey, hey, hey, Eddie. 78 00:09:57,260 --> 00:09:59,166 Eddie, he wasn't a God. 79 00:09:59,955 --> 00:10:03,792 - This "rock warrior" bullshit... - No one understands like me. 80 00:10:07,402 --> 00:10:09,658 Eddie, you didn't know him. 81 00:10:10,478 --> 00:10:13,779 He was angry. He was always angry, even in high school. 82 00:10:13,864 --> 00:10:14,864 No. 83 00:10:16,193 --> 00:10:17,692 It wasn't him. 84 00:10:18,331 --> 00:10:21,461 He stood up for what he believed in, and they nailed him for it. 85 00:10:21,696 --> 00:10:23,543 He wanted to play the high school, right? 86 00:10:24,027 --> 00:10:27,588 But no, no, they stopped him. They--they banned him! 87 00:10:27,698 --> 00:10:30,249 They tried to fuck him over everywhere he went. 88 00:10:31,923 --> 00:10:33,386 And I know what that's like. 89 00:10:33,486 --> 00:10:36,755 Eddie, he did this to himself, don't you get it? 90 00:10:37,939 --> 00:10:43,521 He started to believe his own hype. He did it to himself, Eddie. 91 00:10:46,987 --> 00:10:50,704 Goddamned equipment! Can you believe it? Nothing ever works! 92 00:10:59,037 --> 00:11:02,529 I got something for you. You know what this is? 93 00:11:03,099 --> 00:11:05,002 It's the last record 94 00:11:05,601 --> 00:11:07,241 of the Curr legacy. 95 00:11:10,631 --> 00:11:13,665 They tried to ban him, but they couldn't stop him. 96 00:11:18,866 --> 00:11:19,984 He's in here. 97 00:11:27,624 --> 00:11:31,374 - Are you going to play it? - At midnight on Halloween. 98 00:11:32,072 --> 00:11:33,594 That was Sammi's ideai. 99 00:11:35,339 --> 00:11:40,153 - Why's it so heavy? - It's an acetate. A studio demo. 100 00:11:40,946 --> 00:11:46,162 Eddie, what you've got in your hands is the only copy in the world. 101 00:11:47,509 --> 00:11:48,508 Yeah. 102 00:11:52,281 --> 00:11:55,057 Alright, come on, let me have that back. 103 00:12:00,426 --> 00:12:05,253 - Here. - No fuckin' way, man! 104 00:12:05,353 --> 00:12:08,104 You said you gotta play it on Halloween. 105 00:12:08,116 --> 00:12:10,653 I will, I have it on tape. 106 00:12:10,753 --> 00:12:12,311 This is unbelievable! 107 00:12:13,217 --> 00:12:15,467 I think he would've wanted you to have it. 108 00:12:16,555 --> 00:12:17,555 You know? 109 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:20,130 This is very cool. 110 00:12:24,400 --> 00:12:26,864 This is very cool. Very cool! 111 00:12:39,062 --> 00:12:39,862 Hey, Eduardo. 112 00:12:39,963 --> 00:12:43,878 You had me scared when you didn't show up for Trig. I figured the Sammi Curr thing had you bummed out. 113 00:12:44,397 --> 00:12:45,397 Yeah... 114 00:12:45,819 --> 00:12:48,508 - I'm okay. - For real? You're okay? 115 00:12:48,879 --> 00:12:52,463 - I'm okay, okay? - Okay, I'm okay if you're okay. 116 00:12:56,237 --> 00:12:57,237 Hi. 117 00:12:58,085 --> 00:12:59,580 You're Eddie, right? 118 00:13:00,084 --> 00:13:01,084 Okay. 119 00:13:02,545 --> 00:13:03,245 Yes. 120 00:13:03,527 --> 00:13:05,766 I have something for you. 121 00:13:18,849 --> 00:13:21,505 Tim and the guys, sometimes their humor is a little... 122 00:13:21,605 --> 00:13:22,605 I know. 123 00:13:23,165 --> 00:13:26,383 - Hey, what are you gonna to do? - So, are you going to the pool party tonight? 124 00:13:27,328 --> 00:13:28,328 The pool party? 125 00:13:29,293 --> 00:13:34,609 Yeah! Oh, yeah, sure. It's the pool party... The party at the pool. 126 00:13:35,400 --> 00:13:38,499 Why don't you come by? Around 8:30, right after they close. 127 00:13:38,600 --> 00:13:39,599 Yeah. 128 00:13:40,199 --> 00:13:41,411 It'll be fun. 129 00:13:42,178 --> 00:13:43,742 I just might be there. 130 00:13:45,383 --> 00:13:46,382 Good. 131 00:15:38,599 --> 00:15:39,887 What are you doing here? 132 00:15:41,264 --> 00:15:42,264 Nothing. 133 00:15:43,483 --> 00:15:45,281 Then how about getting the fuck out of here? 134 00:15:46,270 --> 00:15:47,572 I'm meeting someone. 135 00:15:48,434 --> 00:15:49,434 Who? 136 00:15:52,332 --> 00:15:53,332 Hey! 137 00:15:53,933 --> 00:15:55,705 You got ears, dildo? 138 00:15:56,884 --> 00:16:00,170 Wait, I just want to ask him something, okay? 139 00:16:00,641 --> 00:16:02,718 - Blast off, dude. - Kim. 140 00:16:07,361 --> 00:16:11,247 Look, doesn't it get tough being this continuous level of creepiness? 141 00:16:11,953 --> 00:16:14,826 - Creepiness? - Get lost, metal head. 142 00:16:16,378 --> 00:16:20,462 - Why can't you act normal? - I don't know what you're talking about. 143 00:16:20,636 --> 00:16:24,031 Wait. If you weren't so creepy, you'd know what I'm talking about. 144 00:16:24,468 --> 00:16:26,950 Get him the fuck out of here. 145 00:16:27,774 --> 00:16:30,549 Are you interested in running for student council? 146 00:16:32,524 --> 00:16:33,725 Hey! Hey! 147 00:16:34,704 --> 00:16:36,864 Stop, you bastards. Leave me be. 148 00:16:37,960 --> 00:16:40,250 Let go! Get off me! 149 00:17:13,025 --> 00:17:15,698 Hey, metal head! You're in the shallow end. 150 00:17:20,423 --> 00:17:22,300 Way to go, Leslie! 151 00:17:26,328 --> 00:17:27,328 Eddie! 152 00:17:28,360 --> 00:17:29,360 Eddie! 153 00:17:29,598 --> 00:17:30,967 I don't want to talk to you. 154 00:17:30,979 --> 00:17:33,433 My mom's on her way with the car. If I had known... 155 00:17:33,605 --> 00:17:38,151 Well, that's just tought shit, isn't it! Let's just all fuck with Eddie, 'cause that's real fun, huh? 156 00:17:38,322 --> 00:17:41,991 - Bunch of fucking assholes! - I'm sorry. 157 00:17:42,163 --> 00:17:46,709 I'm gonna nail every one of those bastards! I don't know how, I don't know when... 158 00:17:46,880 --> 00:17:48,839 but I'm gonna nail them. 159 00:19:55,202 --> 00:20:00,332 Let the big fish hook himself. You're the bait. The bait is you. 160 00:20:41,145 --> 00:20:45,057 - Can we talk about last night? - You set me up. 161 00:20:55,631 --> 00:20:58,005 Hey, it's Aquaman. 162 00:20:59,957 --> 00:21:01,758 - Hainey? - Yes, Edward? 163 00:21:01,934 --> 00:21:03,346 Eat this. 164 00:21:04,647 --> 00:21:05,796 You're dead! 165 00:21:05,897 --> 00:21:06,897 Get him! 166 00:21:07,096 --> 00:21:08,095 Grab him! 167 00:21:16,942 --> 00:21:17,942 Get him! 168 00:21:31,473 --> 00:21:32,472 This way! 169 00:21:32,473 --> 00:21:34,259 Come on. Come on. 170 00:21:36,340 --> 00:21:37,340 Grab him! 171 00:21:55,864 --> 00:21:56,864 Move it! 172 00:22:16,003 --> 00:22:17,003 There he is! 173 00:22:36,160 --> 00:22:37,555 Die, sucker! 174 00:22:56,104 --> 00:23:02,030 Let the big fish hook himself. You're the bait. The bait is you. 175 00:23:10,388 --> 00:23:11,387 So? 176 00:23:12,007 --> 00:23:13,096 What do you think? 177 00:23:13,143 --> 00:23:17,560 It's loud, fast and thrashin'. Little bit short on the melody, but... 178 00:23:17,735 --> 00:23:21,819 No, no, Roger. The message. Come on, man, what do you think? 179 00:23:22,077 --> 00:23:25,199 I think it's just ordinary, run-of-the-mill backmask message. 180 00:23:25,375 --> 00:23:29,429 Just like on "Fuck with Fire," "Burning Metal" and, uh... 181 00:23:29,764 --> 00:23:30,765 "Torture's Too Kind." 182 00:23:30,865 --> 00:23:33,882 Come on, this is not the same thing, man. Look at me. 183 00:23:34,057 --> 00:23:35,057 You see... 184 00:23:35,571 --> 00:23:38,387 this message is meant for me. 185 00:23:38,858 --> 00:23:43,724 Look, why don't you zoom on down to Hunan Gardens, pick up some fortune cookies... 186 00:23:43,824 --> 00:23:45,304 then plan out the rest of the week? 187 00:23:45,370 --> 00:23:48,706 Okay. Okay, then explain this: 188 00:23:48,877 --> 00:23:54,172 I do exacty what the message says. And I nail those assholes the first time ever! 189 00:23:54,346 --> 00:23:57,717 - Just coincidence. - No, no, that is not a coincidence! 190 00:23:57,893 --> 00:24:02,559 Friend, you have fallen for the biggest gimmick in the record industry. 191 00:24:02,736 --> 00:24:05,549 Someone exec thought up the idea of hidden lyrics... 192 00:24:05,561 --> 00:24:08,078 so that pinheads like Eduardo Weinbauer... 193 00:24:08,246 --> 00:24:12,378 would fuck up their records playing them backwards and have to buy more. 194 00:24:12,546 --> 00:24:17,046 Dude, wake up. Look, I gotta jam. 195 00:24:17,221 --> 00:24:18,221 Bye. 196 00:24:24,568 --> 00:24:30,279 Eddie, your cage is starting to shake loose. Now if you want to talk, I'm around. 197 00:25:46,710 --> 00:25:48,422 Maybe I am nuts. 198 00:25:51,491 --> 00:25:53,193 Na... Namgar. 199 00:26:11,058 --> 00:26:12,602 Ragman. 200 00:26:21,536 --> 00:26:23,660 Un-fucking real. 201 00:26:27,697 --> 00:26:28,917 This is Ragman. 202 00:26:30,436 --> 00:26:31,839 I have a question. 203 00:26:36,547 --> 00:26:38,936 The message yesterday was for me? 204 00:26:44,703 --> 00:26:46,995 All part of the plan. 205 00:26:48,126 --> 00:26:50,834 Alright. Okay, now we're talking. 206 00:26:52,321 --> 00:26:53,627 Okay, there's a plan. 207 00:26:57,600 --> 00:26:59,140 What is the plan? 208 00:27:03,723 --> 00:27:06,211 Nail them all, remember? 209 00:27:06,949 --> 00:27:08,421 Revenge. 210 00:27:08,844 --> 00:27:09,921 Remember? 211 00:27:10,301 --> 00:27:11,301 Yes. 212 00:27:11,660 --> 00:27:12,668 I remember. 213 00:27:14,216 --> 00:27:17,140 After yesterday, how can I forget? 214 00:27:17,394 --> 00:27:18,619 Quiet. 215 00:27:21,333 --> 00:27:22,032 Yeah? 216 00:27:22,119 --> 00:27:23,582 Eddie, who's in there? 217 00:27:24,326 --> 00:27:25,326 Nobody. 218 00:27:26,797 --> 00:27:28,091 I mean I am. 219 00:27:28,551 --> 00:27:32,541 Would you get to bed? It's after eleven o'clock! 220 00:27:33,489 --> 00:27:36,299 Damn, wish you would just leave me alone? 221 00:27:42,779 --> 00:27:48,026 Okay, now em... the plan. You were going to tell me the plan. 222 00:27:51,879 --> 00:27:53,192 What's the plan? 223 00:27:57,473 --> 00:28:01,771 Metal Machine, 6-6. Crush. 224 00:28:01,940 --> 00:28:06,404 Metal Machine, 6-6. Crush. 225 00:28:06,573 --> 00:28:09,031 6-6. Crush. 226 00:29:45,257 --> 00:29:50,101 Hey, Eddie. We spent the entire morning on janitorial detail. 227 00:29:50,767 --> 00:29:54,071 You'd be amazed at what people stick under the desks. 228 00:30:07,548 --> 00:30:09,935 Did the head-banger bang his head? 229 00:30:13,945 --> 00:30:16,235 How can you listen to this shit? 230 00:30:20,054 --> 00:30:22,236 Huh? Huh? 231 00:30:26,537 --> 00:30:29,048 Where're your balls today, Weinbauer? 232 00:30:39,414 --> 00:30:41,789 Do you think I'm a putz? 233 00:30:46,469 --> 00:30:50,006 Do you think I'm a fucking wussy? 234 00:30:54,400 --> 00:30:57,523 No, I think you're confused. 235 00:30:59,660 --> 00:31:03,114 Because you're not gonna get away with the shit you pulled yesterday. 236 00:31:08,161 --> 00:31:09,406 Oh, shit! 237 00:31:15,565 --> 00:31:16,643 Shut it off! 238 00:31:17,819 --> 00:31:19,778 Turn it off, Weinbauer! 239 00:31:22,953 --> 00:31:24,365 Turn it off! 240 00:31:29,882 --> 00:31:32,589 Turn it off, Weinbauer Turn it off! 241 00:31:38,691 --> 00:31:40,103 Are you okay? 242 00:31:48,500 --> 00:31:50,575 It's not over yet, man. 243 00:31:56,349 --> 00:31:58,426 It's not over yet! 244 00:31:59,646 --> 00:32:02,186 No, not yet. 245 00:32:06,618 --> 00:32:10,916 6-6. Crush. 6-6. Crush. 246 00:32:20,560 --> 00:32:23,053 What do you say there, Sammi, my man? 247 00:32:27,740 --> 00:32:29,818 You and me, man. You and me! 248 00:34:26,236 --> 00:34:27,749 Stop it! 249 00:34:46,738 --> 00:34:48,149 I was... 250 00:34:49,451 --> 00:34:53,452 Your clothes. I was putting them away. 251 00:34:54,711 --> 00:34:55,711 Thanks. 252 00:34:57,360 --> 00:34:58,480 They're clean. 253 00:36:06,261 --> 00:36:11,639 They banned him from playing his old high school. Lakeridge's own Sammi Curr. 254 00:36:11,812 --> 00:36:18,569 He is the subject of our special midnight tribute tomorrow, right here on WZLP. 255 00:36:19,703 --> 00:36:22,790 "Tim, A peace offering. Eddie." 256 00:36:45,844 --> 00:36:48,643 Edward, hey... Edward, where you were this morning? You missed the midterm. 257 00:36:48,807 --> 00:36:53,604 - So? I'll make it up. - You can't. You flunked. Double goose-eggs. 258 00:36:53,774 --> 00:36:56,613 - Big deal. - Get a grip on yourself, man. 259 00:36:56,781 --> 00:36:59,986 Forget this vendetta thing. Dude, this is total Darwin. 260 00:37:00,161 --> 00:37:03,829 Survival of the fittest. You wanna live, you suck up to the fittest. 261 00:37:04,002 --> 00:37:06,657 No. Never again. 262 00:37:06,758 --> 00:37:07,758 Eddie. 263 00:37:07,926 --> 00:37:11,200 Hi, I heard about you and Tim. Are you okay? 264 00:37:11,994 --> 00:37:12,793 Am I okay? 265 00:37:12,894 --> 00:37:15,667 He doesn't remember it. Traumatic amnesia. 266 00:37:16,693 --> 00:37:20,610 This outfit, I love it. What are those? 267 00:37:20,784 --> 00:37:21,783 Jeans. 268 00:37:22,845 --> 00:37:23,845 They're you. 269 00:37:25,417 --> 00:37:27,212 Gotta go. Ciao. 270 00:38:17,893 --> 00:38:19,871 Later. I gotta go. 271 00:41:22,586 --> 00:41:23,585 Genie? 272 00:41:28,860 --> 00:41:29,859 Genie? 273 00:41:31,277 --> 00:41:32,276 Genie? 274 00:41:33,020 --> 00:41:34,020 Genie? 275 00:41:40,774 --> 00:41:41,773 Genie? 276 00:41:55,652 --> 00:42:00,447 And next week we'll have in the studio a fine talent and beautiful personality... 277 00:42:00,619 --> 00:42:03,372 Miss Muffy Singleton. 278 00:42:03,541 --> 00:42:07,874 Now we're back with evangelist and moral crusader Rev. Aaron Gilstrom... 279 00:42:08,049 --> 00:42:12,430 who's stopped by with some visual aids. We're talking today about Rock Pornography. 280 00:42:12,599 --> 00:42:15,806 I have to agree with you. We have some pretty ribald stuff here. 281 00:42:15,981 --> 00:42:19,649 Those rockers really have a strange sense of humor. 282 00:42:19,822 --> 00:42:24,037 I don't think it's sense of humor. I think they are sick... 283 00:42:24,205 --> 00:42:30,379 and they're trying to make everyone who listens to their music as sick as they are. 284 00:42:30,550 --> 00:42:34,097 Reverend, let me ask you. This album, "Do It Like a Dog"... 285 00:42:34,109 --> 00:42:37,518 This has to be about animal behavior, is that right? 286 00:42:37,687 --> 00:42:42,633 Let me give you an example. I have one of the lyrics. Tell me what you think it's about. 287 00:42:42,734 --> 00:42:43,934 Go right ahead. 288 00:42:44,075 --> 00:42:48,825 "Gonna drive my long steel missile down on your love channel... 289 00:42:49,001 --> 00:42:53,382 Deep, deep, you'll beg for more. Raising hell and serpents score. 290 00:42:53,551 --> 00:42:59,676 "Feel me, feel me." Now what does that mean to you? To me it's just a sexual act. 291 00:43:17,504 --> 00:43:18,504 Weinbauer! 292 00:43:24,700 --> 00:43:25,700 Weinbauer! 293 00:43:31,521 --> 00:43:32,833 Weinbauer! 294 00:43:41,165 --> 00:43:44,523 Son of a bitch, what did you do to her? What the hell did you do to her? 295 00:43:44,744 --> 00:43:45,954 What do you mean, Tim? 296 00:43:46,650 --> 00:43:49,472 She's in the fucking hospital, man. You could have fucking killed... 297 00:43:58,196 --> 00:44:00,384 You did something to that tape. 298 00:44:00,452 --> 00:44:03,180 I don't know what you did, but you're getting into some weird fucking shit, man! 299 00:44:04,582 --> 00:44:07,159 I want you to stay away from me, okay? 300 00:44:09,050 --> 00:44:11,210 Just stay the fuck away from me! 301 00:44:34,299 --> 00:44:35,636 Eddie, who was that? 302 00:44:37,728 --> 00:44:38,857 A friend. 303 00:45:14,171 --> 00:45:16,009 What happened to Genie? 304 00:45:21,048 --> 00:45:23,720 I have to know what happened to Genie. 305 00:45:28,080 --> 00:45:30,039 Cheap thrills. 306 00:45:36,572 --> 00:45:38,028 I'm really starting to get worried. 307 00:45:40,036 --> 00:45:41,310 Tell me. What did we did to her? 308 00:45:42,001 --> 00:45:43,193 What did we did to her? 309 00:45:44,254 --> 00:45:45,495 Nail them all. 310 00:45:46,006 --> 00:45:50,674 Come on, man. She is in the hospital. This is very serious! 311 00:45:54,654 --> 00:45:56,550 We can't just go and... 312 00:45:56,651 --> 00:45:57,929 Nail them all. Nail them all! 313 00:45:57,968 --> 00:45:58,831 Fuck'em! 314 00:46:11,591 --> 00:46:12,213 I think we should end it. 315 00:46:16,308 --> 00:46:17,474 I don't wanna do anymore. 316 00:46:17,775 --> 00:46:21,367 No end. No fuck metal. 317 00:46:22,777 --> 00:46:23,777 No. 318 00:46:24,354 --> 00:46:26,203 No, it's over now. 319 00:46:28,373 --> 00:46:30,283 No more, okay? 320 00:46:32,596 --> 00:46:33,596 Okay? 321 00:46:36,053 --> 00:46:37,165 Leslie. 322 00:46:39,796 --> 00:46:40,796 What? 323 00:46:44,359 --> 00:46:45,772 What did you say? 324 00:46:48,283 --> 00:46:49,645 Leslie. 325 00:46:49,746 --> 00:46:53,253 Oh, man, come on. Leslie has nothing to do with this. 326 00:46:53,419 --> 00:46:55,134 She set you up. 327 00:46:55,380 --> 00:46:59,011 No, no, she didn't. She had no idea! 328 00:46:59,180 --> 00:47:00,403 Leslie! 329 00:47:00,901 --> 00:47:01,901 No! 330 00:47:07,155 --> 00:47:07,855 Eddie? 331 00:47:07,946 --> 00:47:09,466 No, not now. 332 00:47:09,767 --> 00:47:12,415 Let her in. We'll nail her too. 333 00:47:12,728 --> 00:47:15,378 Tim Hainey's father is on the phone. He wants to talk to you. 334 00:47:15,973 --> 00:47:17,211 Take a message. 335 00:47:17,547 --> 00:47:19,335 What am I, your secretary? 336 00:47:19,736 --> 00:47:23,365 Mom, I can't talk to anybody now. Please, just go away. 337 00:47:23,684 --> 00:47:26,307 Mom, can you come in here? 338 00:47:28,693 --> 00:47:29,982 No, don't come in. 339 00:47:30,083 --> 00:47:30,882 What? 340 00:47:30,905 --> 00:47:31,919 Mom, do not come in here. 341 00:47:32,020 --> 00:47:33,977 Please come in, Mom. 342 00:47:34,620 --> 00:47:37,891 Please, do not come in here, Mom! Don't come in! 343 00:47:38,330 --> 00:47:39,538 Please, go in. 344 00:47:39,613 --> 00:47:40,312 Eddie. 345 00:47:40,372 --> 00:47:44,802 No, Mom. Don't! Look, I can't do anything right now, alright? 346 00:47:44,973 --> 00:47:50,220 - You're sweating. Are you alright? - Yeah, I'm fine. You know, I'm tired. 347 00:47:50,400 --> 00:47:53,403 - But you have a fever. - No, really, I'm fine. 348 00:47:53,572 --> 00:47:59,616 - I'll get some aspirin. - No, Mom... Okay, aspirin. And soup. 349 00:51:48,225 --> 00:51:52,179 Demonic beasts! What happened to the good old, smiple love songs? 350 00:51:52,358 --> 00:51:59,696 I love you. That's a good word. Nowadays, they have to write sickness. Sick and bizarre... 351 00:51:59,872 --> 00:52:03,541 and I'm going to do my utmost best to try and stop it now! 352 00:52:03,713 --> 00:52:05,640 Anything you'd like to say in conclusion? 353 00:52:06,366 --> 00:52:09,557 These evil people have got to be stopped! 354 00:52:24,106 --> 00:52:26,383 You should be loyal to your hero. 355 00:52:28,164 --> 00:52:29,513 They can turn on you. 356 00:52:31,145 --> 00:52:32,145 Eddie? 357 00:52:43,686 --> 00:52:44,686 Eddie? 358 00:53:10,646 --> 00:53:11,645 Eddie? 359 00:53:24,572 --> 00:53:26,743 What have you done to your stereo? 360 00:53:28,805 --> 00:53:29,925 I wanted a new one. 361 00:53:35,159 --> 00:53:36,016 Mackus residence. 362 00:53:36,117 --> 00:53:37,230 Roger, it's Eddie. 363 00:53:37,320 --> 00:53:38,183 Hold please. 364 00:53:38,284 --> 00:53:39,283 Roger. 365 00:53:39,600 --> 00:53:40,890 Roger, Roger. 366 00:53:41,830 --> 00:53:42,530 Edward? 367 00:53:42,588 --> 00:53:43,936 What the fuck is going on? 368 00:53:44,037 --> 00:53:46,092 We just got call waiting. Pretty cool, huh? 369 00:53:46,220 --> 00:53:47,558 I feel like a total bigwig. 370 00:53:47,659 --> 00:53:52,142 Roger, I really need your help, okay? It is incredibly important. 371 00:53:52,274 --> 00:53:56,987 - What is it? - Tim has a cassette tape, probably in his car. 372 00:53:57,058 --> 00:53:58,057 What about it? 373 00:53:58,072 --> 00:53:59,683 I need you to go get it. 374 00:54:00,982 --> 00:54:05,792 - You've got the death wish. Why don't you get it? - I can't go get it! Okay, listen, Roger... 375 00:54:05,966 --> 00:54:11,807 If I leave the house, I'll really blow it with my mom. I'm grounded through Halloween. 376 00:54:11,977 --> 00:54:13,264 She's freaking out! 377 00:54:13,669 --> 00:54:14,669 About what? 378 00:54:15,233 --> 00:54:18,439 I'll explain later. The tape is really shiny. You can't miss it. 379 00:54:18,614 --> 00:54:22,746 And when you find it, you've got to destroy it! Do you hear me? 380 00:54:22,914 --> 00:54:28,058 And if you don't find it, call me back, okay? I'm counting on you. 381 00:54:28,532 --> 00:54:33,333 Okay, I'll wait for your call. Okay, Roger. I'll talk to you later. 382 00:54:33,703 --> 00:54:34,709 Okay, bye. 383 00:54:36,882 --> 00:54:37,893 Hi, Mom. 384 00:54:54,101 --> 00:54:56,091 I am gonna get killed. 385 00:54:56,563 --> 00:54:58,273 I am gonna die. 386 00:55:52,478 --> 00:55:53,178 Yeah? 387 00:55:53,211 --> 00:55:54,413 Roger, did you get the tape? 388 00:55:54,514 --> 00:55:55,513 Yes. 389 00:55:56,008 --> 00:55:57,008 Did you destroy the tape? 390 00:55:57,103 --> 00:55:58,102 Yes. 391 00:55:58,387 --> 00:56:03,267 You did? Oh, Roger, man. I owe you my life. 392 00:56:03,438 --> 00:56:04,895 What's the big deal with the tape? 393 00:56:04,958 --> 00:56:06,799 It's kinda hard to explain. 394 00:56:07,737 --> 00:56:10,694 It was something pretty awesomely unbelievable. 395 00:56:10,869 --> 00:56:12,576 Listen, Edward. I gotta go. 396 00:56:13,178 --> 00:56:15,618 Okay, well, thanks again. 397 00:56:16,246 --> 00:56:17,386 Okay, bye. 398 00:56:22,349 --> 00:56:24,426 That guy is a quart low. 399 00:56:39,088 --> 00:56:40,709 Not so abnormal. 400 00:57:29,017 --> 00:57:30,214 Hey, Rog. 401 00:57:47,148 --> 00:57:51,149 The reports indicate that Gilstrom died of a cerebral hemorrhage... 402 00:57:51,323 --> 00:57:52,926 ...leading to speculation that he may have... 403 00:57:53,027 --> 00:57:54,027 Roger. 404 00:57:54,495 --> 00:57:56,464 I am a big fan of yours. I have all your records. 405 00:57:56,565 --> 00:57:57,565 Shut up. 406 00:58:00,715 --> 00:58:04,020 Play my tape for me tonight... 407 00:58:05,603 --> 00:58:06,862 or die. 408 00:58:07,478 --> 00:58:11,728 - Lady Cavell? - It is a very sad day for us. 409 00:58:11,903 --> 00:58:13,315 But as a teacher... 410 00:58:20,293 --> 00:58:23,087 Dude, you got it, absolutely. And what a great album it is... 411 00:58:23,188 --> 00:58:24,188 Tonight! 412 00:58:32,442 --> 00:58:35,233 Alright, guys and ghouls, Halloween is here. 413 00:58:35,406 --> 00:58:39,359 And hang on tight, because we're gonna rock you tonight. 414 00:58:57,058 --> 00:58:59,219 Die, commie pig. 415 00:59:00,356 --> 00:59:02,185 Mom, Stan's here. 416 00:59:07,662 --> 00:59:10,618 What a hunk! I love it! 417 00:59:15,134 --> 00:59:19,795 - You sure you're alright? - Fine. You go out and have a good time. 418 00:59:20,853 --> 00:59:24,141 You're still grounded, but we'll start with a clean slate tomorrow. 419 00:59:24,317 --> 00:59:27,796 Honey, pass out the bowl of candy to the little trick-or-treaters. 420 00:59:28,049 --> 00:59:29,511 - Okay. - You're an angel. 421 00:59:30,125 --> 00:59:31,124 Bye! 422 01:00:21,190 --> 01:00:22,190 Judas? 423 01:00:22,777 --> 01:00:25,386 - Leslie. - Are you playing some Judas Priest? 424 01:00:25,991 --> 01:00:29,160 - Great costume. - Oh, thanks. 425 01:00:34,089 --> 01:00:35,397 - Where's Eddie? - Eddie? 426 01:00:36,492 --> 01:00:37,514 He's not here. 427 01:00:37,554 --> 01:00:40,956 I mean, I guess he's not here. Have not you seen? 428 01:00:41,227 --> 01:00:44,266 - No, I asked you. - No, I haven't seen him. 429 01:00:48,449 --> 01:00:50,777 Okay. Well, have a good time. 430 01:01:23,992 --> 01:01:26,283 Death is preferable to this shit. 431 01:01:33,243 --> 01:01:36,109 - Trick or treat. Smell our feet. - Come back tomorrow. 432 01:01:38,976 --> 01:01:39,676 Hello. 433 01:01:39,729 --> 01:01:41,998 Hi, it's Leslie. Happy Halloween! 434 01:01:42,098 --> 01:01:43,098 Hi! 435 01:01:43,636 --> 01:01:45,108 Are you coming to the party tonight? 436 01:01:45,658 --> 01:01:48,785 No, I... I'm sick. 437 01:01:49,228 --> 01:01:50,534 Oh, sorry. 438 01:01:51,617 --> 01:01:53,546 I was thinking of going pretty soon too. 439 01:01:53,647 --> 01:01:55,737 My costume is unraveling. 440 01:01:56,123 --> 01:01:56,822 What's that? 441 01:01:56,912 --> 01:01:58,747 Well, it's kind of this... 442 01:01:58,847 --> 01:02:00,930 No, the music! What's the music? 443 01:02:01,231 --> 01:02:02,231 Music? 444 01:02:03,420 --> 01:02:05,710 I don't know. Something Roger put on. 445 01:02:06,620 --> 01:02:07,620 Eddie? 446 01:02:09,232 --> 01:02:10,232 Hello? 447 01:02:11,477 --> 01:02:13,555 Trick or treat, smell my feet! 448 01:02:17,777 --> 01:02:18,277 Whoa! 449 01:02:28,258 --> 01:02:30,183 Going to a party? 450 01:02:31,681 --> 01:02:33,307 I don't think so. 451 01:02:52,135 --> 01:02:54,214 No, no! Get out of the way! 452 01:03:01,319 --> 01:03:02,319 Shit. 453 01:03:26,616 --> 01:03:27,868 Oh, shit. 454 01:04:29,368 --> 01:04:30,368 Oh, shit. 455 01:05:07,580 --> 01:05:09,327 Well, that was fun, wasn't it? 456 01:05:11,192 --> 01:05:13,491 Excuse me, may I have your attention, please? 457 01:05:15,928 --> 01:05:18,815 - Eat it, Wimbley! - Yeah, Wimbley, eat it raw! 458 01:05:19,894 --> 01:05:22,434 Could you please turn that off? 459 01:05:23,979 --> 01:05:24,795 Turn it off! 460 01:05:28,243 --> 01:05:31,662 - Thank you. - So long, wormbag! 461 01:05:33,127 --> 01:05:37,377 I'd like to welcome all of you to our annual Halloween dance. 462 01:05:37,552 --> 01:05:41,387 I'm sure those of you in my class are tired of listening to me... 463 01:05:41,559 --> 01:05:47,270 ...so we'll go on with our live entertainment. Without further ado, here they are. The Kickers! 464 01:05:52,997 --> 01:05:54,576 How you all doing? 465 01:06:19,995 --> 01:06:21,526 Rock and Roll! 466 01:08:35,837 --> 01:08:39,112 - This is great! - Better than the real Sammi! 467 01:11:44,078 --> 01:11:45,658 What are you doing here? 468 01:11:47,125 --> 01:11:49,120 I have a question for you. 469 01:11:51,801 --> 01:11:54,175 Are you making it with Weinbauer? 470 01:12:08,089 --> 01:12:09,088 Roger! 471 01:12:09,250 --> 01:12:12,503 Oh, man. Roger, what did you do? 472 01:12:13,675 --> 01:12:15,835 Roger, where's Leslie? 473 01:12:16,539 --> 01:12:17,870 He tried to kill me! 474 01:12:19,503 --> 01:12:25,179 The he put Genie in the hospital with his voodoo-witchcraft or whatever it is! 475 01:12:29,272 --> 01:12:31,646 I just don't want to see you get hurt too, Leslie. 476 01:12:31,818 --> 01:12:36,400 Okay, listen, you gotta go in there, and find the main breaker box... 477 01:12:36,576 --> 01:12:38,452 ...and throw the power off. 478 01:12:41,737 --> 01:12:42,736 Now! 479 01:12:53,770 --> 01:12:54,770 Leslie? 480 01:12:54,986 --> 01:12:57,824 Please, Tim. Stop it! 481 01:13:03,084 --> 01:13:05,844 Come on, Leslie. Come on. You did it once. 482 01:13:08,093 --> 01:13:10,011 You are such an asshole! 483 01:13:12,560 --> 01:13:15,314 You okay, Leslie? Hey, Leslie, look... 484 01:13:30,837 --> 01:13:31,837 Leslie? 485 01:13:40,612 --> 01:13:41,611 Leslie? 486 01:13:46,360 --> 01:13:48,735 - Tim? - Weinbauer? 487 01:13:48,907 --> 01:13:51,945 What are you doing? We have to get out of here! 488 01:13:51,971 --> 01:13:53,977 Weinbauer, stay away from me! 489 01:13:57,172 --> 01:13:59,250 Oh, shit! Come on! Now! 490 01:14:00,386 --> 01:14:01,386 Come on! 491 01:14:05,977 --> 01:14:06,976 Look out! 492 01:14:55,947 --> 01:14:59,402 - We gotta find the circuit breaker and kill the power! - Why? 493 01:14:59,579 --> 01:15:02,037 - So we can stop him! - Who? 494 01:15:02,860 --> 01:15:05,435 Wait. Wait a minute. That's it. 495 01:15:23,773 --> 01:15:24,773 Eddie. 496 01:15:28,032 --> 01:15:29,474 We had a deal. 497 01:15:31,246 --> 01:15:32,658 You and me, man. 498 01:15:38,552 --> 01:15:39,552 Roger! 499 01:15:39,753 --> 01:15:40,553 Roger! 500 01:15:40,598 --> 01:15:44,813 - Forget it! It's too late! - Let me get one thing right! 501 01:15:46,107 --> 01:15:47,687 Run, Roger! 502 01:16:04,240 --> 01:16:05,240 Roger? 503 01:16:08,107 --> 01:16:10,083 Oh, my God. Roger! 504 01:16:10,486 --> 01:16:13,324 Roger, man. Oh, man, Roger! 505 01:16:19,110 --> 01:16:20,223 He's dead. 506 01:16:21,924 --> 01:16:24,963 Actually, I'm not. 507 01:16:27,017 --> 01:16:34,235 Oh, God, it was awful. This guy was shooting stuff out of his guitar. 508 01:16:34,406 --> 01:16:39,618 And people were running... My very best friend, she was... 509 01:16:39,791 --> 01:16:43,838 - Okay, what did this suspect look like? - I told you, it was Sammi. 510 01:16:44,006 --> 01:16:47,877 - Who is Sammi? - Sammi Curr, the Rock singer? 511 01:16:49,267 --> 01:16:51,438 Sammi Curr died last week. 512 01:16:53,942 --> 01:16:56,066 Looks like we better check out the party punch. 513 01:16:56,237 --> 01:17:00,024 It's crazy. Wierd stuff's been happening all week... 514 01:17:01,513 --> 01:17:04,268 Excuse me, could we get some help here, please? 515 01:17:05,396 --> 01:17:08,934 Hey, that's the guy right there! Eddie Weinbauer! 516 01:17:09,111 --> 01:17:10,523 Hey, you! 517 01:17:11,908 --> 01:17:13,653 Hold it! Hold it right there! 518 01:17:15,832 --> 01:17:18,372 - What are you doing? - I'm coming with you. 519 01:17:18,545 --> 01:17:21,252 - Why? - I don't know! 520 01:17:39,417 --> 01:17:41,709 Wait up! 521 01:17:46,472 --> 01:17:52,313 Come on. Let's start from square one, alright? I want to know the whole story. 522 01:17:52,483 --> 01:17:54,774 Alright, okay. Fine. 523 01:17:56,741 --> 01:18:01,122 You've heard of raising spirits from the dead by incantations, right? 524 01:18:01,291 --> 01:18:03,000 - I guess. - Alright. 525 01:18:05,071 --> 01:18:07,921 - I did that by playing a record backwards. - You're kidding. 526 01:18:08,096 --> 01:18:10,885 - I knew you wouldn't believe me. - No, no, no, I believe you. 527 01:18:12,020 --> 01:18:14,228 - Where is he now? - I don't know. 528 01:18:14,399 --> 01:18:17,594 He only comes out when I play the record backwards, and I destroyed the copies. 529 01:18:17,694 --> 01:18:18,863 So he's gone? 530 01:18:19,533 --> 01:18:20,945 I think so. 531 01:18:23,833 --> 01:18:25,911 Where did you get this record? 532 01:18:28,050 --> 01:18:31,239 Nuke. There's a midnight tribute. Come on! 533 01:18:33,351 --> 01:18:36,306 Operator, connect me to WZLP. It's an emergency. 534 01:18:36,616 --> 01:18:39,336 - What time is it? - 11:59. 535 01:18:39,705 --> 01:18:42,342 This is an extreme emergency! Extremely extreme! 536 01:18:42,354 --> 01:18:44,451 What happens if he plays it over the air? 537 01:18:44,622 --> 01:18:47,657 I don't know. He can come out of anything that picks up a signal anywhere. 538 01:18:47,669 --> 01:18:50,462 A radio, stereo, anything. 539 01:19:00,527 --> 01:19:03,471 Come on. Nuke! 540 01:19:13,309 --> 01:19:15,386 - Alright, we gotta get over there. - In what? 541 01:19:15,563 --> 01:19:17,241 My mom's car. Come on. 542 01:19:20,280 --> 01:19:24,413 It is midnight mayhem with the Nuke, on the mighty ZLP. 543 01:19:24,580 --> 01:19:29,461 Tonight in our midnight tribute, we're do something just a little bit special. 544 01:19:29,632 --> 01:19:32,968 We have got a treat for you, a world premiere! 545 01:19:33,138 --> 01:19:36,427 The only Sammi Curr album never released. 546 01:19:36,603 --> 01:19:41,898 So here we go, in the true spirit of Halloween, the eve of the dead... 547 01:19:42,071 --> 01:19:46,367 ...we're gonna play this first cut backwards. Crank it up! 548 01:19:53,198 --> 01:19:54,198 Oh, no. 549 01:20:01,525 --> 01:20:02,636 Did you hear that? 550 01:20:04,821 --> 01:20:06,663 Where's it coming from? 551 01:20:10,457 --> 01:20:11,569 Come on! 552 01:20:16,051 --> 01:20:19,305 This is 7 Baker requesting backup at 4th and Chester. 553 01:20:19,475 --> 01:20:24,140 Have visual of suspect matching description of Edward Weinbauer and female companion. 554 01:20:25,277 --> 01:20:29,574 I also have one strange son of a bitch... 555 01:20:36,088 --> 01:20:39,606 Freeze your ass, buddy, or I'll give you a jolt you'll never forget! 556 01:21:09,307 --> 01:21:10,395 I don't see him. 557 01:21:13,785 --> 01:21:15,496 ...your latest fixation... 558 01:21:37,327 --> 01:21:40,533 Go upstairs and get my keys. They're in my pants. Hurry! 559 01:22:09,262 --> 01:22:14,224 Jesus, couldn't you have just opened the door? I almost had a heart attack! 560 01:22:14,530 --> 01:22:16,980 - Did you find the keys? - No. 561 01:22:19,665 --> 01:22:20,943 They must be in the bathroom. 562 01:23:15,436 --> 01:23:17,513 Okay. Alright, I've gott'em. 563 01:23:26,188 --> 01:23:27,188 Oh, my God. 564 01:23:36,126 --> 01:23:37,126 Eddie. 565 01:24:26,732 --> 01:24:27,732 Wait here. 566 01:24:43,128 --> 01:24:44,164 Eddie. 567 01:25:01,172 --> 01:25:06,418 - Oh, my God. Are you okay? - Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. 568 01:25:08,011 --> 01:25:09,011 Follow me. 569 01:25:50,144 --> 01:25:52,388 - Look out! - No problem. 570 01:26:02,668 --> 01:26:04,058 I've always wanted to do that. 571 01:26:43,409 --> 01:26:44,408 Come on. 572 01:27:01,360 --> 01:27:05,277 Eddie, this is suicide. He could be in there. 573 01:27:05,450 --> 01:27:09,797 You don't understand. I started this. It's all my fault. 574 01:27:10,669 --> 01:27:15,632 - I've gotta do something. You wait here. - No, wait. 575 01:27:53,040 --> 01:27:55,366 My God, what is this? 576 01:28:00,178 --> 01:28:04,974 - Where's Sammi? - I don't know. He could be anywhere. 577 01:28:05,145 --> 01:28:07,724 You know what he's doing now? He's protecting the tape. 578 01:28:09,023 --> 01:28:11,507 Goddammit, I let this happen! 579 01:28:17,761 --> 01:28:18,761 Come on. 580 01:28:28,404 --> 01:28:32,020 Okay, this is what I need you to do. Stand here and count to 100. 581 01:28:32,286 --> 01:28:34,942 If he comes out after you, you'll have time to run. 582 01:28:34,968 --> 01:28:38,236 If he doesn't, I need you to run in there and destroy the tape. 583 01:28:38,381 --> 01:28:39,381 Alone? 584 01:28:40,476 --> 01:28:43,075 You'll be alright if you do what I say. You have to. 585 01:28:43,433 --> 01:28:45,557 Okay. What about you? 586 01:28:50,112 --> 01:28:51,604 Maybe I'll see you later. 587 01:28:53,002 --> 01:28:54,001 Wait! 588 01:28:54,302 --> 01:28:56,307 What do you mean, maybe? 589 01:29:00,547 --> 01:29:01,829 Alright, gentlemen... 590 01:29:03,312 --> 01:29:04,690 ...start your engines. 591 01:29:23,423 --> 01:29:26,925 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi... 592 01:29:29,726 --> 01:29:30,835 So where are you? 593 01:29:32,815 --> 01:29:37,477 What's the matter? You're Rock's chosen warrior. Now, show me your stuff. 594 01:29:38,451 --> 01:29:39,451 I know you can hear me. 595 01:29:39,496 --> 01:29:45,279 16, 17, 18... 596 01:29:46,048 --> 01:29:50,928 How about that toilet, huh? You looked a little flushed back there. 597 01:29:51,100 --> 01:29:55,931 You sure you feel okay? Huh, dead man? Come on! 598 01:29:59,531 --> 01:30:03,201 40, 41, 42... 599 01:30:03,373 --> 01:30:05,167 I realized something tonight. 600 01:30:07,052 --> 01:30:08,554 I don't need you anymore. 601 01:30:10,770 --> 01:30:14,613 You need me. 'Cause what are you without your fans? 602 01:30:16,606 --> 01:30:19,078 Who's gonna buy your records when we're all gone? 603 01:30:20,153 --> 01:30:21,912 What're you waiting for? Come on! 604 01:30:22,283 --> 01:30:25,452 54, 55... 605 01:30:25,622 --> 01:30:28,709 Come and get me, man. Come and get me. 606 01:30:29,880 --> 01:30:32,634 56, 57... 607 01:30:33,061 --> 01:30:36,431 I can't believe this! Where are you? What're you waiting for? Come on! 608 01:30:36,601 --> 01:30:41,496 You want to kill me? Here I am. Kill me! It's just me against you now, man! 609 01:30:42,120 --> 01:30:43,599 What are you afraid of? 610 01:30:43,625 --> 01:30:47,484 Rock's chosen warrior is nothing but a fucking wimp poser! 611 01:30:58,480 --> 01:30:59,480 90... 612 01:31:09,063 --> 01:31:10,605 99, 100. 613 01:31:12,034 --> 01:31:14,123 Hope you can swim, sucker! 614 01:32:01,756 --> 01:32:03,182 Woo-hoo! 615 01:33:02,231 --> 01:33:05,283 Wake up, sleepy heads. It's party time.