1 00:00:36,205 --> 00:00:41,544 Is there nothing so intoxicating as the school hallway at early morn? 2 00:00:42,712 --> 00:00:45,832 The school normally doesn't smell so rank. 3 00:00:47,259 --> 00:00:51,755 Washbasin fresh. That funk must be coming from one of the classrooms. 4 00:00:55,893 --> 00:00:58,598 Poor fellow. Crushed by his own water bottle. 5 00:01:03,693 --> 00:01:07,644 Willie, sometime over the holiday weekend, the beloved grade-four gerbil... 6 00:01:07,865 --> 00:01:09,656 ...Superdude, lost his life. 7 00:01:09,867 --> 00:01:13,403 I need you to air out the classroom and give Superdude a proper burial. 8 00:01:17,250 --> 00:01:19,326 You're lucky you're getting a decent burial. 9 00:01:19,502 --> 00:01:22,255 Me own father got thrown in the bog. 10 00:01:24,675 --> 00:01:27,759 What in the name of Saint Ephesiocritus--? 11 00:01:36,479 --> 00:01:37,808 What reeks? 12 00:01:38,023 --> 00:01:42,188 -Smells like one of van Houten's. -It does not. 13 00:01:45,948 --> 00:01:48,487 Miss Hoover, the floor is shaking. 14 00:01:48,701 --> 00:01:51,406 Ralph, remember the time you thought the--? 15 00:01:55,250 --> 00:01:59,628 Now, before we adjourn, I have one last matter of utmost importance. 16 00:01:59,838 --> 00:02:03,291 I need to send this parcel with the profit projections to Pete Porter in Pasadena. 17 00:02:03,509 --> 00:02:08,053 And it absolutely, positively. has to be there overnight. 18 00:02:09,057 --> 00:02:11,263 -Pete Porter. Pass it on. -Pasadena. Promptly. 19 00:02:11,434 --> 00:02:12,977 Package parcel processing. 20 00:02:13,186 --> 00:02:16,639 Perk up. Package of plant profit projection for Pete Porter in Pasadena. 21 00:02:16,857 --> 00:02:18,601 -Priority? -Precisely. 22 00:02:30,247 --> 00:02:32,287 Here's your package, Mr. Burns. 23 00:02:34,042 --> 00:02:37,294 My name is the return address, you senseless dunderpate. 24 00:02:37,463 --> 00:02:39,089 Smithers, who is this nincompoop? 25 00:02:40,258 --> 00:02:43,710 I've worked here for 10 years and my boss doesn't even knew my name. 26 00:02:43,887 --> 00:02:45,844 Well, that's gonna change right now. 27 00:02:46,056 --> 00:02:48,132 My name is Homer J. Simp... 28 00:02:48,600 --> 00:02:51,353 -...son. -Sounded large when I ordered it. 29 00:02:51,562 --> 00:02:54,813 I can't make hide nor hair of these metric booby traps. 30 00:02:55,816 --> 00:02:58,819 My Lord. Such destruction. 31 00:03:00,571 --> 00:03:02,861 Superintendent Chalmers. How are you going? 32 00:03:03,074 --> 00:03:06,361 Why is it when I heard the word "school" and the word "exploded"... 33 00:03:06,578 --> 00:03:08,571 ...I thought of the word "Skinner"?! 34 00:03:09,498 --> 00:03:12,073 Congratulations, gentlemen. Your custodian struck oil. 35 00:03:12,293 --> 00:03:16,160 You're standing on top of the richest elementary school in the state. 36 00:03:16,672 --> 00:03:18,381 We also found this. 37 00:03:19,134 --> 00:03:21,210 Thank you. Superdude. 38 00:03:29,645 --> 00:03:32,434 A nonprofit organization with oil? I won't allow it. 39 00:03:32,607 --> 00:03:34,731 An oil well doesn't belong in the hands of... 40 00:03:34,901 --> 00:03:37,392 ...Betsy Bleeding-heart and Maynard G. Muskie-vote. 41 00:03:38,363 --> 00:03:42,777 Sir, have you had enough exercise for this morning? 42 00:03:42,993 --> 00:03:44,322 No. 43 00:03:45,079 --> 00:03:47,155 Let's do another 20 miles. 44 00:03:56,258 --> 00:03:59,960 Hello, Lenny, Carl, Guillermo. Hello... 45 00:04:04,350 --> 00:04:07,684 Don't take it so hard, Homer. He's always screwing up people's names. 46 00:04:07,895 --> 00:04:10,648 At the picnic, he thought my son Reynaldo was Rolando. 47 00:04:10,815 --> 00:04:11,848 Can you believe it? 48 00:04:15,278 --> 00:04:17,403 Superintendent, we made the front page today. 49 00:04:20,367 --> 00:04:23,867 -What's that say under your hand there? -Oh, it's an unrelated article. 50 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:26,156 It's an unrelated article. 51 00:04:26,374 --> 00:04:27,786 Within the banner headline. 52 00:04:28,001 --> 00:04:29,994 Yes. Now, to redirect our conversation... 53 00:04:30,170 --> 00:04:32,163 ...I have ideas on spending this oil money. 54 00:04:32,381 --> 00:04:35,383 Well, we could give each student a full college scholarship. 55 00:04:43,935 --> 00:04:45,430 Oh, mercy. 56 00:04:45,645 --> 00:04:47,306 Before we draw up the budget... 57 00:04:47,522 --> 00:04:50,013 ...the students and faculty have a few suggestions. 58 00:04:50,275 --> 00:04:55,614 I want a crystal bucket for my slop water. And a brand-new filthy blanket. 59 00:04:57,533 --> 00:05:01,319 The cafeteria staff is complaining about the mice in the kitchen. 60 00:05:01,496 --> 00:05:03,240 I wanna hire a new staff. 61 00:05:04,791 --> 00:05:07,496 I'd like to start a jazz program in the music department. 62 00:05:07,711 --> 00:05:09,787 We've got a great instructor lined up. 63 00:05:12,299 --> 00:05:13,676 -Tito Puente! -Tito Puente! 64 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:18,508 He's ready to give up the professional mambo circuit... 65 00:05:18,681 --> 00:05:20,639 ...and settle into a nice teaching job. 66 00:05:20,850 --> 00:05:23,224 Man, it would be my pleasure. 67 00:05:23,437 --> 00:05:27,732 Lisa has told me all your students are as bright and dedicated to jazz as she is. 68 00:05:29,193 --> 00:05:30,735 Let's go now, Mr. Puente. 69 00:05:31,988 --> 00:05:33,815 Chocolate microscopes. 70 00:05:34,031 --> 00:05:37,401 You know those guitars that are, like, double guitars, you know? 71 00:05:37,619 --> 00:05:39,114 More rubber stamps. 72 00:05:40,163 --> 00:05:43,533 Principal Skinner, this is your secretary. One last student to see you. 73 00:05:43,709 --> 00:05:46,034 That's add. I don't have a secretary. 74 00:05:46,253 --> 00:05:48,377 Or an intercom. But send them in. 75 00:05:48,965 --> 00:05:53,212 Ahoy there, dean. I understand you're taking suggestions from students, eh? 76 00:05:55,472 --> 00:05:59,387 Well, me and my fourth-form chums think it would be quite corking... 77 00:05:59,559 --> 00:06:03,143 ...if you'd sign over your oil well to the local energy concern. 78 00:06:03,314 --> 00:06:04,642 Mr. Burns-- 79 00:06:04,857 --> 00:06:07,348 It's naive of you to think I'd mistake this town's... 80 00:06:07,527 --> 00:06:10,813 ...most prominent 104-year-old man for an elementary school student. 81 00:06:11,030 --> 00:06:14,068 I want that oil well. I've got a monopoly to maintain. 82 00:06:14,242 --> 00:06:17,944 I own the electric company, waterworks, plus the hotel on Baltic Avenue. 83 00:06:18,163 --> 00:06:20,489 That hotel's a dump and your monopoly's pathetic. 84 00:06:20,666 --> 00:06:24,961 The oil well is not for sale, particularly to a black-hearted scoundrel like yourself. 85 00:06:25,171 --> 00:06:26,499 I see. 86 00:06:26,673 --> 00:06:32,047 Then I'll just have to attack you. I must have that oil. 87 00:06:34,056 --> 00:06:38,184 Smithers. Smithers, help me subdue this beast. 88 00:06:38,394 --> 00:06:41,645 Sorry, sir. This was all I could find. Take that. And that. 89 00:06:43,024 --> 00:06:45,397 Please don't waste those. 90 00:06:49,698 --> 00:06:51,026 I'm happy for the school. 91 00:06:51,241 --> 00:06:54,077 Sounds like this money is gonna provide new opportunities. 92 00:06:54,286 --> 00:06:57,538 Big deal. They didn't approve my idea. Said it was unfeasible. 93 00:06:57,748 --> 00:06:59,955 It is unfeasible to resurrect the dead, Bart. 94 00:07:00,126 --> 00:07:03,709 And even if the Three Stooges were alive, I doubt they'd hang out with you. 95 00:07:03,922 --> 00:07:07,006 I guess they'd wanna be with their families or something, huh? 96 00:07:07,217 --> 00:07:08,795 Oh, I hate my job. 97 00:07:08,969 --> 00:07:12,007 What's the point when your boss doesn't even remember your name? 98 00:07:12,222 --> 00:07:14,714 -I have an idea. -What? What's your idea? 99 00:07:14,934 --> 00:07:17,425 When my father was trying to catch my mother's eye... 100 00:07:17,603 --> 00:07:19,845 ...he sent her a box of candy with his photo. 101 00:07:20,023 --> 00:07:22,942 -After that, she never forgot him. -That's all well and good. 102 00:07:23,109 --> 00:07:26,028 But it's not really your idea, is it, now, Marge? 103 00:07:26,822 --> 00:07:30,738 That's it. Frimble about with your widgets and doobobs. 104 00:07:30,910 --> 00:07:34,695 It will all be a monument to futility when my plan comes to fruition. 105 00:07:34,956 --> 00:07:36,284 Sir. 106 00:07:36,833 --> 00:07:40,036 What I'm about to say violates every sycophantic urge in my body... 107 00:07:40,212 --> 00:07:43,130 ...but I wish you'd reconsider. This isn't a rival company... 108 00:07:43,298 --> 00:07:46,300 -...it's a school. They won't stand for it. -Pishposh. 109 00:07:46,468 --> 00:07:49,008 It will be like taking candy from a baby. 110 00:07:49,221 --> 00:07:51,262 Say. that sounds "he a "Wart" 111 00:07:51,474 --> 00:07:53,467 Let's try it right now. 112 00:07:55,186 --> 00:07:58,473 There's candy right here. Why don't we eat this instead of stealing. 113 00:07:58,648 --> 00:08:00,310 Oh, very well. 114 00:08:05,489 --> 00:08:08,242 -Oh, look. There's a photo in here. -Oh, yes. 115 00:08:08,409 --> 00:08:13,072 That's little Maggie Simpson, the baby who found my teddy bear Babe. 116 00:08:13,289 --> 00:08:16,659 And there's that Simpson mutt, my former guard dog. 117 00:08:18,629 --> 00:08:22,046 And that's Bart Simpson. He was my heir for a brief period, you know. 118 00:08:22,216 --> 00:08:24,257 Yes, sir. I remember. 119 00:08:27,931 --> 00:08:29,259 Anything left? 120 00:08:29,933 --> 00:08:32,139 Only the sour quince log, sir. 121 00:08:33,520 --> 00:08:34,849 Dispose of it. 122 00:08:35,272 --> 00:08:40,777 And send a thank-you note to Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie Simpson. 123 00:08:47,869 --> 00:08:50,539 Today, Springfield Elementary embarks on a new era of... 124 00:08:50,706 --> 00:08:54,621 ...unbridled spending where petrodollars fuel our wildest educational fantasies. 125 00:08:54,793 --> 00:08:58,330 These young minds will enjoy every academic advantage... 126 00:08:58,881 --> 00:09:02,049 ...till they enter Springfield High School, which has no oil well. 127 00:09:02,218 --> 00:09:05,718 -We got an air hockey table. -Fine. Now, to switch on our oil pump... 128 00:09:05,889 --> 00:09:10,184 ...for the very first time, here's our top student, Lisa Simpson. 129 00:09:10,394 --> 00:09:11,473 Nerd! 130 00:09:18,820 --> 00:09:20,362 There's no pressure. 131 00:09:20,572 --> 00:09:23,775 -Someone else has tapped this well. -Ay caramba! 132 00:09:34,754 --> 00:09:38,670 Soon that mighty apparatus will burst forth with its precious fluid. 133 00:09:38,883 --> 00:09:41,173 Almost sexual, isn't it, Smithers? 134 00:09:43,430 --> 00:09:45,056 Oil ho! 135 00:09:47,017 --> 00:09:48,809 Huzzah! 136 00:10:14,089 --> 00:10:16,710 Holy Christmas! 137 00:10:20,387 --> 00:10:23,507 Your dog's condition has been upgraded from stable to frisky. 138 00:10:23,682 --> 00:10:26,767 He's free to go. His leg should be good as new in a few months. 139 00:10:26,936 --> 00:10:29,427 In the meantime, he'll have to use the wheel-about. 140 00:10:30,315 --> 00:10:34,183 I'll get even with whoever did this to you, buy. I swear it. 141 00:10:34,444 --> 00:10:37,862 I almost forgot. Wouldn't want you gnawing on those casts, eh, boy? 142 00:10:42,161 --> 00:10:45,828 We've got no legal recourse against Mr. Burns' slant-drilling operation. 143 00:10:45,999 --> 00:10:48,123 The oil belongs to whoever pumped it first. 144 00:10:48,335 --> 00:10:51,372 What about the expensive stuff we wanted? Can we still have it? 145 00:10:51,588 --> 00:10:53,083 No. 146 00:10:54,174 --> 00:10:55,337 Blast it! 147 00:10:55,551 --> 00:10:59,134 To pay for the construction, operation and demolition of the derrick... 148 00:10:59,305 --> 00:11:01,714 ...we have to cut nonessential programs. Music-- 149 00:11:01,933 --> 00:11:03,974 -What?! -And maintenance. 150 00:11:05,270 --> 00:11:08,023 I'll kill that Mr. Burns! 151 00:11:08,190 --> 00:11:13,233 And wound that Mr. Smithers. Out of my way. 152 00:11:13,445 --> 00:11:15,985 Oh, no. That's awful, Mr. Puente. 153 00:11:16,657 --> 00:11:17,986 What? 154 00:11:18,159 --> 00:11:23,498 He owns the nuclear power plant. Yeah, I'd like to settle his hash too. 155 00:11:23,707 --> 00:11:26,080 Dad, how can you work for a man like Mr. Burns? 156 00:11:26,293 --> 00:11:29,046 He's not all had. He did send me this nice thank-you card. 157 00:11:29,254 --> 00:11:33,466 "Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie." Dad, this doesn't have your name on it. 158 00:11:37,472 --> 00:11:40,391 Kids, would you step outside for a second? 159 00:11:47,066 --> 00:11:50,020 Dear Lord. That's the loudest profanity I've ever heard. 160 00:11:52,697 --> 00:11:56,743 These fumes aren't as fun as beer. Sure, I'm all dizzy and nauseous... 161 00:11:56,910 --> 00:12:00,113 ...but where's the inflated sense of self-esteem? 162 00:12:03,917 --> 00:12:07,666 Hey, if you guys are getting loaded off them fumes, I'll have to charge you. 163 00:12:07,880 --> 00:12:10,716 Man alive! There are men alive in here. 164 00:12:10,925 --> 00:12:14,212 I'm detecting over 20 different toxins in the air. 165 00:12:16,306 --> 00:12:19,806 Everybody out. As long as Burns is pumping oil, this bar is closed. 166 00:12:20,018 --> 00:12:23,602 Damn Burns. Let me just get one thing. 167 00:12:25,274 --> 00:12:31,729 Me too. Now, there's the inflated sense of self-esteem. 168 00:12:42,209 --> 00:12:44,416 Earthquake! 169 00:12:49,676 --> 00:12:51,752 -Nurse! -Nurse! Nurse! 170 00:13:00,813 --> 00:13:02,973 Well, sir, you've vanquished all your enemies. 171 00:13:03,149 --> 00:13:07,314 The elementary school, local tavern, the old-age home. You must be proud. 172 00:13:07,529 --> 00:13:11,029 No, not while my greatest nemesis still provides our customers... 173 00:13:11,200 --> 00:13:13,075 ...with free light, heat and energy. 174 00:13:13,619 --> 00:13:17,119 I call this enemy...the sun. 175 00:13:26,174 --> 00:13:29,294 Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun. 176 00:13:29,511 --> 00:13:31,671 I will do the next best thing: 177 00:13:32,056 --> 00:13:33,847 Block it out. 178 00:13:38,521 --> 00:13:40,930 -Good God! -Imagine it, Smithers. 179 00:13:41,107 --> 00:13:44,145 Electrical lights and heaters running all daylong. 180 00:13:44,361 --> 00:13:46,734 But, sir, every plant and tree will die. 181 00:13:46,947 --> 00:13:50,815 Owls will deafen us with incessant heating. The sundial will be useless. 182 00:13:52,161 --> 00:13:56,575 I don't want any part of this project. It's unconscionably fiendish. 183 00:13:56,750 --> 00:13:58,292 I won't suffer your insubordination. 184 00:13:58,460 --> 00:14:02,292 There has been a shocking decline in the quality and quantity of your toadying. 185 00:14:02,506 --> 00:14:04,333 And you will fall into line. Now! 186 00:14:05,134 --> 00:14:07,625 No. No, Monty, I won't. 187 00:14:07,845 --> 00:14:10,550 Not until you step back from the brink of insanity. 188 00:14:10,765 --> 00:14:14,134 I'll do no such thing. You're fired. 189 00:14:20,734 --> 00:14:23,309 Take that, Bowl-a-Rama. Take that, convenience mart. 190 00:14:23,529 --> 00:14:25,771 Take that, nuclear power pla-- 191 00:14:26,407 --> 00:14:27,736 Oh, fiddlesticks. 192 00:14:33,832 --> 00:14:37,878 I must say, Mr. Burns is being awfully inconsiderate. Selfish, even. 193 00:14:38,087 --> 00:14:41,124 Burns needs some serious "boostafazoo." Right, Dad? 194 00:14:41,841 --> 00:14:44,332 Dad. Homer. 195 00:14:46,554 --> 00:14:49,888 Sorry, Grampa. It's just, for a second, it looked like Dad had melted. 196 00:14:50,058 --> 00:14:52,467 We", get used to it, because I'm living here now. 197 00:14:52,644 --> 00:14:56,726 I ain't going back to the home until they fish my bed out of that sinkhole. 198 00:14:56,899 --> 00:15:00,067 Strained carrots for Maggie. Strained carrots for Grampa. 199 00:15:00,278 --> 00:15:01,855 I want a bib too. 200 00:15:03,156 --> 00:15:06,443 Smithers, who is that ignoramus? Smithers, who is that lollygagger? 201 00:15:06,618 --> 00:15:08,908 Who is that blubber-pot? Who is that bafflewit? 202 00:15:09,079 --> 00:15:11,072 Lummox. Puddinghead. Mooncalf. Limpnoudle. 203 00:15:11,248 --> 00:15:12,576 Goldbricker. Drizzlepuss.... 204 00:15:12,750 --> 00:15:15,455 -Stop it. Stop it. Stop it! -Look out! 205 00:15:15,669 --> 00:15:16,832 What? 206 00:15:19,215 --> 00:15:21,837 Just a minute. 207 00:15:33,856 --> 00:15:35,517 Who the devil are you? 208 00:15:38,027 --> 00:15:40,697 -Homer Simpson. -What? What are you talking about? 209 00:15:40,864 --> 00:15:42,406 -Homer Simpson. -Make sense, man. 210 00:15:42,574 --> 00:15:46,869 -I can't understand a word you're saying. -My name is Homer Simpson. 211 00:15:47,037 --> 00:15:50,988 Oh, you're a dead man, Burns. Oh, you're dead. You're dead, Burns! 212 00:15:51,959 --> 00:15:55,661 -Hey, the lamp's running away. -That's my dog, man. 213 00:15:55,838 --> 00:16:00,335 So long, lamp. Now, stop loafing and help your Grampa unpack. 214 00:16:03,138 --> 00:16:05,345 That's my old Smith & Wesson. 215 00:16:05,516 --> 00:16:08,221 If you're gonna play with it, be careful. It's loaded. 216 00:16:08,686 --> 00:16:10,014 Bart, put that down! 217 00:16:10,271 --> 00:16:12,976 Guns are dangerous. And I won't have them in this house. 218 00:16:14,067 --> 00:16:16,273 How can you have a house without a gun? 219 00:16:16,444 --> 00:16:18,319 What if a bear came through the door? 220 00:16:19,740 --> 00:16:23,074 I'm going to bury it in the yard where little hands can't get to it. 221 00:16:23,410 --> 00:16:26,032 You should've fired into the air. She would've run off. 222 00:16:28,791 --> 00:16:30,868 People, take it easy. 223 00:16:31,085 --> 00:16:34,787 We're all upset about Mr. Burns' plan to block out our sun. 224 00:16:35,006 --> 00:16:37,498 It is time for decisive action. 225 00:16:37,676 --> 00:16:41,259 I have here a polite but firm letter to Mr. Burns' underlings... 226 00:16:41,472 --> 00:16:44,889 ...who, with some cajoling, will pass it along to him... 227 00:16:45,059 --> 00:16:47,100 ...or at least give him the gist of it. 228 00:16:47,270 --> 00:16:49,097 Sir, a lot of people are stroking guns. 229 00:16:49,272 --> 00:16:52,606 It has been brought to my attention a number of you are stroking guns. 230 00:16:52,776 --> 00:16:55,066 Therefore I'll step aside and open up the floor. 231 00:16:55,279 --> 00:16:59,859 Mr. Burns was the closest thing I ever had to a friend. 232 00:17:00,451 --> 00:17:01,780 But he fired me. 233 00:17:01,953 --> 00:17:05,820 And now I spend my days drinking cheap Scotch and watching Comedy Central. 234 00:17:06,040 --> 00:17:09,577 -Oh, dear God. -It's not that bad. I mean... 235 00:17:09,753 --> 00:17:11,414 ...I never miss Pardon My Zinger. 236 00:17:11,588 --> 00:17:14,079 Burns cost me my groundskeeping job at the school. 237 00:17:14,258 --> 00:17:17,426 And I'm too superstitious to take the one at the cemetery. 238 00:17:17,762 --> 00:17:19,968 Because of him, I lost my room... 239 00:17:20,139 --> 00:17:24,553 ...my things and my buddy's collection of old sunbathing magazines. 240 00:17:24,769 --> 00:17:26,098 You bastard. 241 00:17:26,313 --> 00:17:28,982 -I lost my bar. -I lost his bar. 242 00:17:29,191 --> 00:17:30,899 He rubbed the school of music. 243 00:17:31,068 --> 00:17:34,271 -He robbed it of financial security. -He rubbed the school of Tito. 244 00:17:34,447 --> 00:17:37,365 -He can't remember my name! -He's causing us all to yell! 245 00:17:38,493 --> 00:17:40,368 Look what he did to my best friend. 246 00:17:42,289 --> 00:17:43,831 No, my dog. 247 00:17:51,340 --> 00:17:53,879 Those wheels are squeaking a bit. 248 00:17:54,093 --> 00:17:56,134 Perhaps I could sell him a little oil. 249 00:17:58,139 --> 00:18:00,299 You twisted old monster! 250 00:18:03,979 --> 00:18:05,724 I've decided to protect myself... 251 00:18:05,940 --> 00:18:09,558 ...ever since I was attacked in my office by an unidentified assailant. 252 00:18:11,446 --> 00:18:16,026 Burns, your scurvy schemes will earn ye a one-way passage to the boneyard. 253 00:18:16,242 --> 00:18:18,319 I'd like to hear from Sideshow Mel. 254 00:18:18,537 --> 00:18:24,659 I'll see that Mr. Burns suffers the infernal machinations of hell's grim tyrant. 255 00:18:24,835 --> 00:18:27,457 -Yeah. -Oh, you all talk big. 256 00:18:27,839 --> 00:18:31,172 But who here has the guts to stop me? 257 00:18:36,723 --> 00:18:39,215 Very well. One last question. 258 00:18:39,435 --> 00:18:44,015 Have you ever seen the sun set at 3 p.m.? 259 00:18:44,899 --> 00:18:47,438 Once, when I was sailing around the Arctic-- 260 00:18:47,610 --> 00:18:52,190 Shut up, you. Take one last look at the sun, Springfield. 261 00:19:13,222 --> 00:19:14,634 Hey, hey! 262 00:19:15,724 --> 00:19:18,809 I've been in Reno for six weeks. Did I miss anything? 263 00:19:19,020 --> 00:19:20,052 What the--? 264 00:19:22,941 --> 00:19:26,358 Eternal darkness. Well, that's just great. 265 00:19:26,528 --> 00:19:28,770 Listen, someone's got to get that Mr. Burns. 266 00:19:28,989 --> 00:19:31,611 Where's a gun-toting lowlife when you need one? 267 00:19:31,784 --> 00:19:33,694 Sorry, I was in the can. 268 00:19:37,540 --> 00:19:42,500 Perpetual twilight. Bathed in the glow of Burns brand electricity. 269 00:19:43,672 --> 00:19:46,425 Hello, lamppost. What you knowing? 270 00:19:46,633 --> 00:19:50,133 I've come to watch your power flowing. 271 00:19:52,848 --> 00:19:55,423 That's odd. Mr. Smithers left his jacket behind. 272 00:19:58,438 --> 00:20:01,725 That's odd. Principal Skinner left his mother behind. 273 00:20:08,240 --> 00:20:12,618 That's odd. Where's Homer? And Bart? And Lisa? And Grampa? 274 00:20:18,376 --> 00:20:22,292 After all these years, things are finally starting to go my way. 275 00:20:23,048 --> 00:20:24,709 I feel like celebrating. 276 00:20:25,843 --> 00:20:28,168 Oh, it's you. What are you so happy about? 277 00:20:28,846 --> 00:20:31,848 I see. I think you'd better drop it. 278 00:20:32,100 --> 00:20:34,591 I said, drop it! 279 00:20:36,646 --> 00:20:40,064 Get your hands off. 280 00:20:40,275 --> 00:20:42,400 Where is everybody? 281 00:20:46,741 --> 00:20:49,410 Hey, man. Are you okay? 282 00:20:50,870 --> 00:20:54,917 Won't...dignify that...with a response. 283 00:20:58,003 --> 00:20:59,878 Mr. Burns has been shot. 284 00:21:00,047 --> 00:21:03,416 Just a minute. This isn't Mr. Burns at all. 285 00:21:03,634 --> 00:21:05,011 It's a mask. 286 00:21:08,765 --> 00:21:10,343 Oh, wait, it is Burns. 287 00:21:10,892 --> 00:21:12,684 His wrinkly skin looks like a mask. 288 00:21:12,895 --> 00:21:17,475 I don't think we'll ever know who did this. Everyone in town's a suspect. 289 00:21:25,909 --> 00:21:28,400 Well, I couldn't possibly solve this mystery. 290 00:21:28,787 --> 00:21:31,278 Can you? 291 00:21:33,250 --> 00:21:36,668 Yeah, I'll give it a shot. I mean, you know, it's my job, right?