1 00:01:44,595 --> 00:01:48,259 Hey, Moe, you got change for a 5? 2 00:01:48,472 --> 00:01:50,346 Yeah, sure thing, Lenny. 3 00:01:52,808 --> 00:01:54,800 A snake in the cash register! 4 00:01:56,227 --> 00:01:58,266 Yeah, great prank, fellas. Great. 5 00:01:58,436 --> 00:02:02,765 -Oh, I'm gonna be sick tonight. -Hey, Moe, you wanna smell my flower? 6 00:02:02,981 --> 00:02:04,309 Do I! 7 00:02:07,483 --> 00:02:09,144 I'm burning up here! 8 00:02:10,652 --> 00:02:13,356 Taking advantage of my alcohol-soaked clothes. 9 00:02:14,529 --> 00:02:16,273 Oh, it's funny and it makes you think. 10 00:02:16,489 --> 00:02:21,362 I need some coffee before I black out. Homer, pass me the sugar. 11 00:02:21,575 --> 00:02:23,070 This is gonna be great. 12 00:02:27,454 --> 00:02:31,070 -Oh, there's sugar all over the bar now. -That's not funny, Homer. 13 00:02:31,247 --> 00:02:36,323 Yeah. We were just messing around, and you had to go too far. 14 00:02:36,542 --> 00:02:39,460 How many people want Homer banned from this place for life? 15 00:02:39,669 --> 00:02:42,207 -Yeah! -Come on, everybody. 16 00:02:42,379 --> 00:02:44,289 This bar is like a tavern to me. 17 00:02:44,505 --> 00:02:48,252 Sorry, Homer. You should've thought of that before giving me the sugar-me-do. 18 00:02:48,424 --> 00:02:51,959 I'm taking your caricature down from Mount Lushmore... 19 00:02:53,594 --> 00:02:56,346 ...and I'm pulling your favorite song out of the jukebox. 20 00:02:56,554 --> 00:03:00,385 -"It's Raining Men"? -Yeah, not no more it ain't. 21 00:03:08,561 --> 00:03:11,016 Joke's on them. I'm still alive. 22 00:03:13,481 --> 00:03:14,809 Cheer up, Homer. 23 00:03:14,982 --> 00:03:16,393 -Can't. -Okay. 24 00:03:16,566 --> 00:03:19,353 What if you pretended that this couch were a bar? 25 00:03:19,568 --> 00:03:22,437 Then you could spend more nights at home with us. 26 00:03:22,611 --> 00:03:25,694 I am not going to dignify that with an answer. 27 00:03:25,905 --> 00:03:27,281 Look on the bright side, Dad. 28 00:03:27,448 --> 00:03:29,736 Did you know the Chinese use the same word for crisis... 29 00:03:29,907 --> 00:03:33,821 -...as they do for opportunity? -Yes. "Cris-a-tunity." 30 00:03:33,993 --> 00:03:37,907 You're right. I've been wasting my life away in that dump for years. 31 00:03:38,121 --> 00:03:41,287 That's it. I'm going to find a new bar to drink in. 32 00:03:41,456 --> 00:03:45,073 And I'm gonna get drunker than I've ever been in my entire life. 33 00:03:45,250 --> 00:03:47,325 Bart, where's my wallet? 34 00:03:47,501 --> 00:03:49,660 -Right here, Dad. -Thank you. 35 00:03:55,297 --> 00:03:58,879 -Wow, classy. -Good evening, sir. 36 00:03:59,091 --> 00:04:01,712 Would you please leave without a fuss right now? 37 00:04:01,885 --> 00:04:04,209 Okay. 38 00:04:09,472 --> 00:04:12,260 This looks like a nice, friendly place. 39 00:04:12,474 --> 00:04:15,510 Sammy, you're too old to go on a date with two twins... 40 00:04:15,684 --> 00:04:19,349 ...on the same night you're supposed to marry Diane without Rebecca knowing. 41 00:04:19,520 --> 00:04:23,564 I'll make you a bet. If this affects my major-league comeback, I'll sell the bar. 42 00:04:23,773 --> 00:04:25,647 Woody, give me a beer. 43 00:04:25,857 --> 00:04:28,098 I think you've had enough, Mr. Peterson. 44 00:04:28,275 --> 00:04:31,276 My chiropractor says I can't carry you home anymore. 45 00:04:31,444 --> 00:04:34,776 Just give me another beer, you brain-dead hick. 46 00:04:34,946 --> 00:04:37,021 I'll kill you. I'll kill all of you! 47 00:04:37,197 --> 00:04:40,529 Settle down, Normie. Gotta save those pipes for karaoke. 48 00:04:43,951 --> 00:04:46,240 I love you guys. 49 00:04:55,917 --> 00:04:57,458 Wait a minute. 50 00:04:57,626 --> 00:05:01,042 There's something bothering me about this place. 51 00:05:01,253 --> 00:05:06,210 I know. This lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! 52 00:05:06,381 --> 00:05:10,959 -Enjoy your deathtrap, ladies. -What was her problem? 53 00:05:12,260 --> 00:05:17,051 Greetings, good man. Might I trouble you for a drink? 54 00:05:17,263 --> 00:05:21,212 -Oh, get out of here, Homer. -Homer? Who is Homer? 55 00:05:21,390 --> 00:05:24,260 My name is Guy Incognito. 56 00:05:31,688 --> 00:05:35,056 Oh, my God. This man is my exact double. 57 00:05:35,482 --> 00:05:38,316 That dog has a puffy tail! 58 00:05:40,235 --> 00:05:43,484 Here, Puff. Here, Puff. 59 00:05:46,697 --> 00:05:48,441 The last bar in Springfield. 60 00:05:48,615 --> 00:05:51,982 If they don't let me in here, I'm gonna have to quit drinking. 61 00:05:52,825 --> 00:05:54,450 Shut up, liver! 62 00:05:55,535 --> 00:05:57,112 My liver hurts. 63 00:06:01,956 --> 00:06:05,621 -I'd like a beer, please. -Sorry, you gotta be a pilot to drink here. 64 00:06:05,791 --> 00:06:08,365 -But I am a pilot. -Where's your uniform? 65 00:06:09,168 --> 00:06:12,002 I stowed it safely in the overhead compartment. 66 00:06:12,212 --> 00:06:16,624 -Well, you talk the talk. Here's a leaner. -We need a pilot, pronto. 67 00:06:18,799 --> 00:06:21,207 -Who wants to fly to the Windy City? -I'll go! Me! I'm your man! 68 00:06:21,426 --> 00:06:22,802 Conditions are a bit windy. 69 00:06:23,010 --> 00:06:25,133 Well, on second thought, maybe I'll sit down. 70 00:06:25,303 --> 00:06:27,177 -You. -But I-- 71 00:06:27,346 --> 00:06:30,927 You're not just impersonating a pilot so you can drink here, are you? 72 00:06:31,098 --> 00:06:34,715 Yeah. That's exactly why I'm here. 73 00:06:34,892 --> 00:06:37,181 You flyboys. You crack me up. 74 00:06:37,394 --> 00:06:39,848 But I keep telling you, I'm not a pilot. 75 00:06:40,020 --> 00:06:42,594 And I keep telling you you flyboys crack me up! 76 00:06:42,813 --> 00:06:46,395 -Hi, I'm Alan. I'm your copilot. -Yeah... 77 00:06:47,191 --> 00:06:48,768 As a change of pace... 78 00:06:48,942 --> 00:06:52,772 ...I'm gonna let you do most of the work. I think you're ready for it, Alan. 79 00:06:54,320 --> 00:06:57,652 And I'll just get us started. 80 00:07:00,699 --> 00:07:02,988 We'll need that to live. 81 00:07:09,996 --> 00:07:15,416 If word gets out about this, Crazy Clown Airlines will be a laughingstock. 82 00:07:15,625 --> 00:07:17,202 In exchange for your silence... 83 00:07:17,376 --> 00:07:21,372 ...I'm prepared to offer your family free tickets to anywhere in the United States. 84 00:07:21,545 --> 00:07:23,703 Excluding Alaska and Hawaii, the freak states. 85 00:07:25,255 --> 00:07:27,876 Good news, everybody. Because I endangered lives... 86 00:07:28,049 --> 00:07:29,590 ...we can fly anywhere we want. 87 00:07:29,800 --> 00:07:31,081 -Alaska! -Hawaii! 88 00:07:32,468 --> 00:07:34,045 I don't know, Homer. 89 00:07:34,219 --> 00:07:36,971 We're right in the middle of the busy housekeeping season. 90 00:07:37,179 --> 00:07:40,298 But, Marge, you deserve a vacation. 91 00:07:40,473 --> 00:07:44,054 It's a chance for you to clean up after us in a whole other state. 92 00:07:44,267 --> 00:07:48,809 But getting on a plane like that seems like a hassle coupled with a burden. 93 00:07:49,019 --> 00:07:52,269 Come on, Marge. I wanna shake off the dust of this one-horse town. 94 00:07:52,438 --> 00:07:55,889 I wanna explore the world. I wanna watch TV in a different time zone. 95 00:07:56,065 --> 00:07:59,812 I wanna visit strange, exotic malls. I'm sick of eating hoagies. 96 00:07:59,984 --> 00:08:04,479 I want a grinder, a sub, a footlong hero. I wanna live, Marge! 97 00:08:04,654 --> 00:08:08,817 Won't you let me live? Won't you, please? 98 00:08:14,618 --> 00:08:17,868 So, Marge, pretty sweet, eh? 99 00:08:18,037 --> 00:08:20,444 Oh, I forgot to clean the lint basket in the dryer. 100 00:08:20,621 --> 00:08:23,989 If someone broke into the house and did laundry, it could start a fire. 101 00:08:25,583 --> 00:08:31,453 Oh, great. I specifically asked not to be seated next to a baby. 102 00:08:33,754 --> 00:08:36,506 We must be really flying high. 103 00:08:36,673 --> 00:08:40,171 Those people down there look all tiny and blurry. 104 00:08:40,341 --> 00:08:42,547 Just like the inside of a cataract. 105 00:08:42,760 --> 00:08:44,087 Attention, passengers. 106 00:08:44,260 --> 00:08:49,218 Due to our policy of overselling flights, this flight has been oversold. 107 00:08:49,430 --> 00:08:51,553 In accordance with FAA rules... 108 00:08:51,723 --> 00:08:56,383 ...the first two people to the front will be upgraded to first class. 109 00:08:59,645 --> 00:09:01,186 Okay, you two. 110 00:09:01,396 --> 00:09:03,554 Come on, Bart. they're gonna pamper us. 111 00:09:04,356 --> 00:09:06,597 Not literally, of course. 112 00:09:12,152 --> 00:09:14,358 I come for the service... 113 00:09:14,528 --> 00:09:18,478 ...but I stay for the legroom. 114 00:09:21,699 --> 00:09:24,486 Flight crew, prepare for takeoff. 115 00:09:26,702 --> 00:09:30,237 I think I'll go get a picture of the plane taking off. 116 00:09:30,413 --> 00:09:33,864 Marge, what's wrong? Are you hungry? Sleepy? Gassy? 117 00:09:34,040 --> 00:09:39,246 -Gassy? Is it gas? It's gas, isn't it? -Homer, I never told you this before... 118 00:09:39,418 --> 00:09:41,873 ...but I'm not a good flyer. 119 00:09:45,672 --> 00:09:48,708 I have to get off the plane. Let me off the plane. 120 00:09:48,924 --> 00:09:51,960 I'm asking you nicely to open the doors. 121 00:09:52,176 --> 00:09:55,010 Take it easy, Marge. How about if we dope you up real good? 122 00:09:55,178 --> 00:09:57,716 Let me off! Let me off! Let me off! 123 00:10:04,767 --> 00:10:08,218 It's okay, Marge. we don't need to go on a trip. 124 00:10:08,435 --> 00:10:12,301 We'll just wait for the killer bees to come to us. 125 00:10:18,316 --> 00:10:21,234 You know, I have this feeling that we forgot something. 126 00:10:27,113 --> 00:10:30,031 -I'm sure it's nothing. -Mom, are you feeling any better? 127 00:10:30,198 --> 00:10:34,906 -Yes, but I'd rather not talk about it. -Permit me to solve the mystery. 128 00:10:35,118 --> 00:10:37,027 Your mother has a fear of flying. 129 00:10:37,244 --> 00:10:40,576 So much for the days when I could say, "At least my mother's normal." 130 00:10:40,746 --> 00:10:43,996 -Everybody's got a fear of something. -Not everybody. 131 00:10:44,207 --> 00:10:47,076 -Sock puppets. -Where?! Where?! 132 00:10:47,250 --> 00:10:49,491 Mom, are you sure you don't want to discuss it? 133 00:10:49,710 --> 00:10:52,200 Sure as sugar. 134 00:10:55,171 --> 00:11:00,508 Lisa, the important thing is for your mother to repress what happened... 135 00:11:00,675 --> 00:11:05,252 ...push it deep down inside her so she'll never annoy us again. 136 00:11:05,428 --> 00:11:07,800 If we don't encourage her to vent her feelings... 137 00:11:07,971 --> 00:11:09,678 ...they can come out in other ways. 138 00:11:09,847 --> 00:11:12,930 I just realized we never had a wedding for the cat and the dog. 139 00:11:13,140 --> 00:11:15,429 They've been living in sin. 140 00:11:25,273 --> 00:11:27,348 Mom, you've been cooking all night? 141 00:11:27,566 --> 00:11:31,266 Judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one, you are. 142 00:11:31,902 --> 00:11:34,025 See, Dad? I told you Mom would have problems. 143 00:11:34,195 --> 00:11:38,654 No, no, honey, it's all right. Really, I'm fine. I'm all right. 144 00:11:38,822 --> 00:11:42,155 Mother always said don't complain. Be good. Behave. Behave. 145 00:11:42,324 --> 00:11:45,194 Be nice. Smile. Be polite. Don't make waves. 146 00:11:45,368 --> 00:11:49,661 You heard your mother's ramblings. She's fine, so behave. 147 00:11:54,540 --> 00:11:57,457 Marge, it's 3 a.m. 148 00:11:57,625 --> 00:12:01,242 -Shouldn't you be baking? -In a little while. 149 00:12:03,254 --> 00:12:04,581 Mom, can we talk to you? 150 00:12:04,754 --> 00:12:08,170 Can't talk. Keeping myself in a state of catlike readiness. 151 00:12:09,466 --> 00:12:11,090 Neat. 152 00:12:11,300 --> 00:12:13,589 Anyway, Mom. maybe you should go into therapy. 153 00:12:13,801 --> 00:12:17,003 No, I don't need therapy. I'm fine. And it's too expensive. 154 00:12:17,220 --> 00:12:19,794 And I don't believe in it. It breaks up families. 155 00:12:19,972 --> 00:12:23,339 It turns wives against husbands, children against fathers... 156 00:12:23,516 --> 00:12:24,843 ...neighbors against me. 157 00:12:25,016 --> 00:12:28,598 You don't have to pay some fancy psychiatrist 10 bucks an hour... 158 00:12:28,769 --> 00:12:30,643 ...to get top-notch therapy. 159 00:12:30,853 --> 00:12:32,727 Hello. Radio Psychic. 160 00:12:32,896 --> 00:12:35,813 You will die a terrible, terrible death. 161 00:12:35,981 --> 00:12:38,602 I'm sorry. That was our last caller. 162 00:12:38,775 --> 00:12:40,898 Okay, I'm getting something new. 163 00:12:41,818 --> 00:12:44,819 Okay. You will die a terrible, terrible death. 164 00:12:44,987 --> 00:12:47,062 -But-- -Thank you for calling Radio Psychic. 165 00:12:47,238 --> 00:12:49,562 -Do you have a song request? -"It's Raining Men." 166 00:12:51,782 --> 00:12:53,490 Now, Marge, "Dear Abby" says... 167 00:12:53,658 --> 00:12:56,742 ...seeing films about air travel can calm your fears. 168 00:12:56,910 --> 00:12:58,736 Here are some upbeat titles. 169 00:12:58,953 --> 00:13:01,408 Hem. Fearless. 170 00:13:01,580 --> 00:13:03,240 Alive! 171 00:13:03,456 --> 00:13:06,990 No thanks to the plane, many of us are still... 172 00:13:07,166 --> 00:13:09,455 -...alive! -Alive! 173 00:13:09,626 --> 00:13:11,701 We certainly are. 174 00:13:12,711 --> 00:13:14,835 Pass me another hunk of copilot. 175 00:13:15,004 --> 00:13:16,629 Dad, Mom's getting worse. 176 00:13:16,839 --> 00:13:20,207 You have to take her to see a real psychiatrist. Look how tense she is. 177 00:13:20,424 --> 00:13:21,966 She's fine. 178 00:13:28,304 --> 00:13:32,763 All right, Lisa, you got your way. Your mom's going to a psychiatrist. 179 00:13:32,932 --> 00:13:35,885 She's gonna tell Marge to leave me. It'll break up the family. 180 00:13:36,059 --> 00:13:38,762 You'll have to live with your grandmother and pick beans. 181 00:13:38,935 --> 00:13:40,845 Dad, I like picking beans with Grandma. 182 00:13:41,020 --> 00:13:43,688 -Well, keep it up. then. -Okay, I will. 183 00:13:43,855 --> 00:13:46,227 -Good. You do that. -Fine. 184 00:13:46,398 --> 00:13:50,561 -You'll be picking many a bean. -Hope I do. 185 00:13:51,610 --> 00:13:54,313 I don't believe it! Principal Skinner. 186 00:13:54,528 --> 00:13:55,856 Well, well, well. 187 00:13:57,738 --> 00:14:01,355 -I never thought I'd win this easy. -This has nothing to do with you. 188 00:14:01,574 --> 00:14:05,570 I have many, many issues with my beloved smother-- Mother. 189 00:14:05,785 --> 00:14:08,073 Leave that man alone with his pain and sit down. 190 00:14:08,244 --> 00:14:09,739 Okay. 191 00:14:13,497 --> 00:14:15,324 All right, how much do you charge? 192 00:14:15,540 --> 00:14:18,161 If money is a problem, I charge on a sliding scale. 193 00:14:18,334 --> 00:14:20,290 I can go as low as $30 an hour. 194 00:14:20,502 --> 00:14:23,253 -Keep sliding. -Thirty dollars will be fine. 195 00:14:25,004 --> 00:14:27,163 First, what are your qualifications? 196 00:14:27,381 --> 00:14:29,041 Well... 197 00:14:29,674 --> 00:14:32,840 Oh, no. I'm not here to take a reading test. 198 00:14:33,009 --> 00:14:35,215 I wanna see some credentials. 199 00:14:35,427 --> 00:14:38,878 I'm sorry, doctor. He's just afraid you'll blame all my problems on him. 200 00:14:39,054 --> 00:14:40,880 I'm not here to blame anyone. 201 00:14:43,140 --> 00:14:46,093 Marge, therapy can be an intense process. 202 00:14:46,309 --> 00:14:48,183 We'll go deep into your subconscious... 203 00:14:48,393 --> 00:14:54,596 ...and we're not going to stop until we've exposed the root of your fear of flying. 204 00:14:55,856 --> 00:14:58,560 Don't worry. This is a private sanctuary... 205 00:14:58,774 --> 00:15:02,937 ...where whatever transpires will be just between us. 206 00:15:03,694 --> 00:15:07,026 Oh, that's just Murray the window washer. He comes every day at 12:00. 207 00:15:07,196 --> 00:15:10,362 But it's a few seconds before 12:00. 208 00:15:18,703 --> 00:15:21,537 Ever since you started therapy, all you can do is talk about yourself. 209 00:15:21,705 --> 00:15:23,531 Well, what about me, Marge? 210 00:15:23,748 --> 00:15:26,914 I just left my first session. I haven't even opened my mouth yet. 211 00:15:27,125 --> 00:15:30,789 You see? You see? "I just left my first session... 212 00:15:30,960 --> 00:15:34,328 ...and I haven't opened my mouth yet." 213 00:15:34,546 --> 00:15:37,878 Marge, there's no simple explanation for your fear of flying... 214 00:15:38,089 --> 00:15:41,090 ...but it can probably be traced to some childhood trauma. 215 00:15:41,258 --> 00:15:42,586 Think back. 216 00:15:42,759 --> 00:15:46,673 What's the earliest memory you have of something bad happening? 217 00:15:48,054 --> 00:15:51,303 That would have to be my first day of school. 218 00:15:52,473 --> 00:15:55,888 They got this thing called a fire drill. 219 00:15:56,058 --> 00:15:59,640 They use it to drill a flaming hole in your head. 220 00:16:01,603 --> 00:16:07,888 And there's only one big toilet, and they make you all go at the same time. 221 00:16:09,191 --> 00:16:12,642 The kids a! school were even worse. 222 00:16:18,447 --> 00:16:20,321 You like the Monkees? 223 00:16:20,490 --> 00:16:22,529 You know they don't write their own songs. 224 00:16:22,699 --> 00:16:25,451 -They do so. -They don't play their own instruments. 225 00:16:25,659 --> 00:16:27,533 No! No! 226 00:16:27,744 --> 00:16:29,985 That's not even Michael Nesmith's real hat. 227 00:16:32,038 --> 00:16:34,611 -Kids can be so cruel. -But it's true. 228 00:16:34,790 --> 00:16:37,826 They didn't write their own songs or play their own instruments. 229 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:40,075 The Monkees weren't about music, Marge. 230 00:16:40,293 --> 00:16:43,543 They were about rebellion, about political and social upheaval. 231 00:16:46,422 --> 00:16:49,754 -Did you talk about me in therapy today? -I don't think so. 232 00:16:49,924 --> 00:16:51,418 Tell me the truth! 233 00:16:51,591 --> 00:16:54,509 Don't tell her I raised my voice. Don't. 234 00:16:54,843 --> 00:16:56,717 Happy family. Happy family. 235 00:16:56,928 --> 00:17:00,046 I keep having the same dream. 236 00:17:00,221 --> 00:17:04,265 I'm the maths! [rum Lost in Space. 237 00:17:04,474 --> 00:17:06,181 Ready for breakfast, Dr. Smith? 238 00:17:06,350 --> 00:17:08,509 Oh, being stuck on this godforsaken planet... 239 00:17:08,685 --> 00:17:11,851 ...has vanquished what little appetite I had. 240 00:17:14,563 --> 00:17:20,481 Warning! Warning! Dr. Smith refuses to do his astro-chores. 241 00:17:20,650 --> 00:17:23,105 Why, you clattering clank of cogs and-- 242 00:17:23,277 --> 00:17:26,111 My dear lady, as you well know, my back is a disaster area. 243 00:17:26,279 --> 00:17:28,318 D'oh, the pain! D'oh, the pain of it all! 244 00:17:28,530 --> 00:17:33,072 Danger! Danger! My books are flailing wildly. 245 00:17:36,201 --> 00:17:40,446 Wait! Daddy, wait! Please don't leave! 246 00:17:40,620 --> 00:17:42,612 Take me with you! 247 00:17:43,038 --> 00:17:47,782 Marge, are you aware you just said "Please don't leave" to your daddy? 248 00:17:47,958 --> 00:17:49,583 -No, I didn't. -Yes, you did. 249 00:17:49,751 --> 00:17:52,158 And you also infringed on any number of copyrights. 250 00:17:53,295 --> 00:17:55,998 Now, let's talk about your father. 251 00:17:56,213 --> 00:17:58,087 Sure, okay. I'll talk about Father. 252 00:17:58,256 --> 00:18:01,257 Father Christmas. That's what they call Santa Claus in England. 253 00:18:01,424 --> 00:18:05,006 They drive on the wrong side of the read there. Now, that's crazy. 254 00:18:05,177 --> 00:18:08,877 People always say how small England is, but you couldn't fit it all in here. 255 00:18:09,054 --> 00:18:12,422 Not by along shot. You know what, I'm cured. 256 00:18:13,140 --> 00:18:15,594 Marge, get back here and tell me about your father. 257 00:18:16,058 --> 00:18:19,592 -What did he do for a living? -Okay. 258 00:18:19,769 --> 00:18:22,342 Okay, but you're gonna make a big deal out of this. 259 00:18:22,979 --> 00:18:27,189 -He was a pilot. -A pilot? This is a big deal. 260 00:18:27,356 --> 00:18:29,230 You see? 261 00:18:29,399 --> 00:18:32,934 Marge, this may not be the best time to bring this up... 262 00:18:33,110 --> 00:18:36,276 -...but your last check bounced. -Wait, I'm remembering something. 263 00:18:36,487 --> 00:18:39,819 -Yes, Marge, there's still the matter of-- -I was a little girl... 264 00:18:43,533 --> 00:18:47,612 Goodbye, Margie. Be a good girl, now. 265 00:18:47,827 --> 00:18:51,278 -Why does Daddy have to leave? Because he's a pilot. 266 00:18:51,496 --> 00:18:56,287 -He flies all over the world. -I wanna see Daddy fly. 267 00:18:56,499 --> 00:18:59,535 Margie! No, come back! 268 00:19:01,252 --> 00:19:03,624 Daddy? Daddy, where are you? Dad--? 269 00:19:03,795 --> 00:19:06,036 So who wants preflight cookie? 270 00:19:06,213 --> 00:19:09,047 -Fig Newtons? Hydrox? -Daddy? 271 00:19:11,466 --> 00:19:15,841 Don't look at me! Don't look at me! 272 00:19:20,763 --> 00:19:23,550 My father was a stewardess. 273 00:19:23,723 --> 00:19:26,973 Marge, there's nothing to be ashamed of here. 274 00:19:27,184 --> 00:19:31,927 Today male flight attendants, or stewards, are common. 275 00:19:32,103 --> 00:19:33,929 -They are? -Yes. 276 00:19:34,146 --> 00:19:38,391 Thanks to trailblazers like your father. You might say he was a pioneer. 277 00:19:38,607 --> 00:19:39,935 Yeah. 278 00:19:40,108 --> 00:19:42,563 You might even say he was an American hero. 279 00:19:42,776 --> 00:19:44,234 Let's not go nuts. 280 00:19:44,402 --> 00:19:47,438 The important thing is that we've pinpointed... 281 00:19:47,612 --> 00:19:51,906 ...the precise moment when you developed your fear of flying. 282 00:19:52,115 --> 00:19:54,688 Wait, some other stuff is coming back to me. 283 00:19:56,117 --> 00:19:57,991 Open wide. 284 00:19:58,160 --> 00:20:01,907 Here comes the airplane. 285 00:20:11,710 --> 00:20:15,873 This is what a corn field looks like, honey. 286 00:20:20,507 --> 00:20:24,207 You think those things could also have contributed to my fear of flying? 287 00:20:24,426 --> 00:20:29,004 -Yes, yes. It's all a rich tapestry. -Oh, thank you. You've changed my life. 288 00:20:29,179 --> 00:20:31,551 We've really just begun to scratch the surface. 289 00:20:31,722 --> 00:20:34,260 There's still the serious problem of your husband. 290 00:20:34,432 --> 00:20:37,219 That's okay. You don't have to make her into a superwoman. 291 00:20:37,434 --> 00:20:40,719 -She can get on the plane, that's plenty. -Thank you, doctor. 292 00:20:40,936 --> 00:20:43,225 Whenever the wind whistles through the leaves... 293 00:20:43,396 --> 00:20:47,345 ...I'll think, "Lowenstein. Lowenstein." 294 00:20:47,565 --> 00:20:50,517 -My name is Zweig. -Lowenstein... 295 00:20:58,529 --> 00:21:03,736 Don't worry about a thing, honey. I'm gonna help you through this. 296 00:21:05,742 --> 00:21:08,280 Those are all normal noises. 297 00:21:08,452 --> 00:21:12,236 Luggage compartment closing. Cross-checking. 298 00:21:12,413 --> 00:21:15,745 Just sit back and relax. 299 00:21:17,791 --> 00:21:21,740 That's just the engine powering up. 300 00:21:21,918 --> 00:21:25,868 That's just the engine struggling. 301 00:21:27,880 --> 00:21:31,829 That's just the carp swimming around your ankles.