1 00:00:55,021 --> 00:00:58,057 Go, toothpaste. Go! Move your pasty, white butt! 2 00:00:58,231 --> 00:01:00,639 Come on, shampoo! You can do it! 3 00:01:00,816 --> 00:01:03,389 I won your stupid bathroom-products race! 4 00:01:03,567 --> 00:01:06,271 No fair. You only won because you had the inside track. 5 00:01:06,444 --> 00:01:08,151 If the water had spun the other way-- 6 00:01:08,320 --> 00:01:11,024 It never spins the other way. In the Northern Hemisphere... 7 00:01:11,197 --> 00:01:13,106 ...water always drains counter-clockwise. 8 00:01:13,281 --> 00:01:14,858 It's called the Coriolis effect. 9 00:01:15,032 --> 00:01:18,318 No way. Water doesn't obey your rules. 10 00:01:18,534 --> 00:01:21,108 It goes where it wants. Like me, babe. 11 00:01:21,328 --> 00:01:24,944 Yes, Bart. Why don't you try it and see. 12 00:01:27,665 --> 00:01:30,452 I know I've seen it go the other way. 13 00:01:30,625 --> 00:01:33,033 Ah, faithful toilet. 14 00:01:33,210 --> 00:01:35,119 You'll prove me right. 15 00:01:42,507 --> 00:01:45,673 I'm singing in the Shaw- 16 00:01:45,842 --> 00:01:48,214 Hot! Cold! 17 00:01:48,385 --> 00:01:52,465 Hot! Cold! Hot! Who's doing that? 18 00:01:55,264 --> 00:01:59,213 Oh, for Pete's sake, Bart. use the plunger. 19 00:01:59,433 --> 00:02:02,766 Bart, water will only go the other way in the Southern Hemisphere. 20 00:02:02,935 --> 00:02:05,687 What the hell is the Southern Hemisphere? 21 00:02:05,854 --> 00:02:07,846 Haven't you ever looked at your globe? 22 00:02:09,940 --> 00:02:14,149 See? The Southern Hemisphere is made up of everything below the equa-- 23 00:02:16,193 --> 00:02:18,185 This line. 24 00:02:18,653 --> 00:02:21,985 50 down there in, say, Argentina... 25 00:02:22,155 --> 00:02:25,357 ...or Rand McNally, all their water runs backwards? 26 00:02:26,407 --> 00:02:30,024 In fact, in Rand McNally, they wear hats on their feet... 27 00:02:30,201 --> 00:02:33,487 -...and hamburgers eat people. -Cool. 28 00:02:52,840 --> 00:02:54,167 Hello, Southern Hemisphere? 29 00:02:54,340 --> 00:02:56,464 Which way does the water go in your toilet? 30 00:02:56,633 --> 00:02:59,171 Just a minute, I'll check. 31 00:03:05,639 --> 00:03:06,967 Nuts. 32 00:03:10,933 --> 00:03:14,634 Please to repeat again, and I will translating for the El presidente. 33 00:03:14,852 --> 00:03:17,770 Which way does the water turn in your toilet? 34 00:03:28,068 --> 00:03:31,603 I can't get a straight answer out of this crazy hemisphere. 35 00:03:39,700 --> 00:03:41,610 --Nuisance phone. 36 00:03:48,706 --> 00:03:50,946 Bart, you can't actually call these places. 37 00:03:51,124 --> 00:03:55,452 Don't you know how expensive international calls are? 38 00:03:56,168 --> 00:03:59,169 Hello, operator, I'd like to make a collect call... 39 00:03:59,712 --> 00:04:01,040 ...to Australia. 40 00:04:09,051 --> 00:04:12,549 This is the operator. Will you accept a collect call from"? 41 00:04:12,720 --> 00:04:16,217 Yes, this is Dr. Bart Simpson of the International Drainage Commission. 42 00:04:16,388 --> 00:04:18,594 -It's an emergency. -If it's an emergency... 43 00:04:18,765 --> 00:04:21,385 We understand drains in your area have malfunctioned. 44 00:04:21,558 --> 00:04:25,092 -...sucking in people and whatnot. -Willikers! That's awful! 45 00:04:25,269 --> 00:04:28,269 Indeed. We need you to check your sinks and toilets... 46 00:04:28,437 --> 00:04:33,097 ...and tell us which way the water is going. And please stand clear! 47 00:04:39,443 --> 00:04:42,562 The fixtures, they're all draining clockwise, sir. 48 00:04:42,737 --> 00:04:45,275 She was right. Stupid Lisa, science queen. 49 00:04:45,447 --> 00:04:49,064 Well, why don't you just check your neighbors' drains. I'll hold. 50 00:04:53,618 --> 00:04:57,947 Hey, Bart, the bakery caught fire and all of downtown smells like cookies. 51 00:04:58,121 --> 00:04:59,449 Want to go smell? 52 00:04:59,955 --> 00:05:02,908 Yes. Yes, I do. 53 00:05:10,003 --> 00:05:13,039 Hello, sir? Sir? 54 00:05:13,213 --> 00:05:17,293 I've returned from the Quilamaguery's place. They're draining clockwise too. 55 00:05:17,466 --> 00:05:19,589 Draining? I don't care about that anymore. 56 00:05:19,759 --> 00:05:21,217 Are we in any dang- 57 00:05:26,388 --> 00:05:31,428 "Burkina Faso"? "Disputed Zone"? Who called all these weird places? 58 00:05:31,599 --> 00:05:33,508 Quiet, it might be you. I can't remember. 59 00:05:33,683 --> 00:05:37,134 -No, I'm gonna ask Marge. -Nu! Nu! Why embarrass us bath? 60 00:05:37,311 --> 00:05:40,347 Just write a check and I'll release some more endorphins. 61 00:05:43,231 --> 00:05:46,812 Nine hundred dollary-doos?! Tobias! 62 00:05:46,983 --> 00:05:50,517 Did you accept a six-hour collect call from the States? 63 00:05:50,735 --> 00:05:52,016 It was an emergency call... 64 00:05:52,194 --> 00:05:55,526 ...from the International Drainage Commission in Springfield. 65 00:05:55,738 --> 00:05:58,856 Oh, my God! There's nothing wrong with the bidet, is there? 66 00:06:00,532 --> 00:06:02,572 -Hello? -Right, I'm calling all the way... 67 00:06:02,742 --> 00:06:04,568 ...from Squatter's Crag, Australia. 68 00:06:04,743 --> 00:06:09,036 And I want to speak to Dr. Bart Simpson right now. 69 00:06:09,246 --> 00:06:11,369 -Hold, please. -All right, but I don't-- 70 00:06:11,539 --> 00:06:13,911 Hello. Burt Stanton speaking. 71 00:06:14,082 --> 00:06:16,951 I said, Bart Simpson! What kind of company is this? 72 00:06:17,125 --> 00:06:18,453 Bart Simpson's office. 73 00:06:18,626 --> 00:06:21,116 Thank the great, good Lord. Look, I was just saying-- 74 00:06:21,295 --> 00:06:23,286 One moment, please. 75 00:06:24,046 --> 00:06:27,912 Who do they think I am, some stupid Aussie drongo? 76 00:06:28,090 --> 00:06:29,667 Bleeding Yanks. I ought to-- 77 00:06:29,841 --> 00:06:32,924 This is Bart Simpson. Can I help you, ma'am? 78 00:06:33,093 --> 00:06:35,417 Yeah-- My name is Bruno Drundridge, right. 79 00:06:35,595 --> 00:06:37,469 You owe me $900, mate! 80 00:06:37,637 --> 00:06:41,135 -No, you owe me $900! -All right, you-- 81 00:06:41,890 --> 00:06:44,298 You're just some punk kid, aren't you? 82 00:06:44,475 --> 00:06:48,803 You picked the wrong guy to tangle with here, mate. 83 00:06:48,977 --> 00:06:52,263 I don't think so. You're all the way in Australia. 84 00:06:52,438 --> 00:06:56,054 Hey, I think I hear a dingo eating your baby. 85 00:06:57,941 --> 00:07:01,724 That's it! I'm gonna report this to me member of Parliament. 86 00:07:01,902 --> 00:07:03,443 Hey, Gus! 87 00:07:03,611 --> 00:07:05,686 I got something to report to you! 88 00:07:05,904 --> 00:07:08,477 That's a bloody outrage, it is! 89 00:07:08,656 --> 00:07:12,700 I'm gonna take this all the way to the prime minister! 90 00:07:14,576 --> 00:07:18,323 Hey, Mr. Prime Minister! 91 00:07:18,536 --> 00:07:19,817 Andy! 92 00:07:20,496 --> 00:07:23,164 Aye, mates. What's the good word? 93 00:07:24,957 --> 00:07:26,949 "Mr. Simpson," blah, blah. 94 00:07:27,125 --> 00:07:29,414 "Misrepresentation over telephone..." 95 00:07:29,584 --> 00:07:31,494 "Sincerely,' some Australian jerk. 96 00:07:40,799 --> 00:07:43,207 Hey, I need that! 97 00:07:43,384 --> 00:07:45,294 "Office of the Solicitor General"? 98 00:07:45,469 --> 00:07:47,378 "Office of the Prime Minister"? 99 00:07:47,595 --> 00:07:51,425 "Hopping Mad Collection Agency"? What is all this stuff? 100 00:07:51,639 --> 00:07:55,765 Nothing. Some stupid country thinks I owe them money. 101 00:07:55,933 --> 00:07:58,969 Bart, you better talk to Mom and Dad about this. 102 00:07:59,435 --> 00:08:03,100 Hey, guys? Just so you don't hear any wild rumors, I'm being indicted... 103 00:08:03,271 --> 00:08:06,971 -...for fraud in Australia. -That's no reason to block the TV. 104 00:08:07,148 --> 00:08:08,725 Oh, my. 105 00:08:11,484 --> 00:08:16,275 Bart, did you trick an Australian buy into accepting a $900 collect call? 106 00:08:16,487 --> 00:08:17,898 Yes'm. 107 00:08:18,113 --> 00:08:23,449 There it is, Australia. I'll be damned. 108 00:08:23,783 --> 00:08:26,652 Look at this country. "You-are-gay." 109 00:08:32,121 --> 00:08:36,070 Oh, my. Hello. I'm Evan Conover with the U.S. State Department. 110 00:08:36,248 --> 00:08:42,035 "Undersecretary for International Protocol, Brat and Punk Division." 111 00:08:42,252 --> 00:08:45,786 Unfortunately, your little escapade could not have come at a worse time. 112 00:08:46,004 --> 00:08:49,751 America-Australianian relations are at an all-time low. 113 00:08:51,424 --> 00:08:55,171 In the late 19805, the U.S. experienced a short-lived infatuation... 114 00:08:56,552 --> 00:08:57,928 ...with Australian culture. 115 00:08:59,595 --> 00:09:01,718 The Aussies thought this would be permanent. 116 00:09:03,097 --> 00:09:05,967 I know those words, but that sign makes no sense. 117 00:09:06,141 --> 00:09:09,259 Anyway, the down-under fad fizzled, and the diplomatic climate... 118 00:09:09,434 --> 00:09:11,426 ...turned absolutely frosty. 119 00:09:13,103 --> 00:09:15,309 Let's pretend we didn't see that. 120 00:09:16,188 --> 00:09:19,686 And Bart's childish taunting agitated the Aussies further. 121 00:09:19,899 --> 00:09:24,393 Oh, he'll agitate you. He sure will. 122 00:09:29,071 --> 00:09:31,194 -What can we do for you? -It's too late... 123 00:09:31,364 --> 00:09:32,775 ...to pay back the money. 124 00:09:32,948 --> 00:09:35,616 But as a sign of good faith to our Australian friends... 125 00:09:35,783 --> 00:09:38,024 ...we'd like to imprison Bart for five years. 126 00:09:38,451 --> 00:09:41,203 That's tough but fair. Boy, go with the man. 127 00:09:41,370 --> 00:09:44,038 No, no, no! 128 00:09:44,246 --> 00:09:48,658 I'm not gonna have my son go to jail over some silly tiff with Australia. 129 00:09:48,874 --> 00:09:52,788 You'll just have to find some other country to have relations with. 130 00:09:53,002 --> 00:09:55,919 You're sure, now? The prison train is sailing. 131 00:09:56,128 --> 00:09:59,165 Okay, I'm not hearing a lot of support for prison. 132 00:09:59,339 --> 00:10:01,295 There is one other option. 133 00:10:01,465 --> 00:10:05,793 They'll drop the charges if Bart makes a public apology in Australia. 134 00:10:06,009 --> 00:10:09,259 All Bart has to do is apologize and we get a free trip to Australia? 135 00:10:10,428 --> 00:10:12,918 I can handle that. I'm an expert at phony apologies. 136 00:10:13,097 --> 00:10:14,555 -Bart! -I'm sorry. 137 00:10:14,723 --> 00:10:16,549 That's better. 138 00:10:49,701 --> 00:10:52,784 We left at 1:30 p.m., Monday. What time is it now? 139 00:10:52,995 --> 00:10:55,118 It's 6:45 a.m., next Wednesday. 140 00:10:55,288 --> 00:10:58,620 You may also be interested to know that it's summer here, not winter. 141 00:11:00,624 --> 00:11:03,992 What does that sign say? I thought they spoke English in this country. 142 00:11:04,168 --> 00:11:07,335 It says you can't bring in outside plants or animals. 143 00:11:07,545 --> 00:11:12,751 Any foreign creature you bring in could upset the environmental balance. 144 00:11:14,424 --> 00:11:18,041 Sorry, girl, I don't want to get in any more trouble down here. 145 00:11:18,385 --> 00:11:21,136 I'll pick you up on the way home. 146 00:11:37,771 --> 00:11:40,391 Hey, are you, like, one of these English guards... 147 00:11:40,564 --> 00:11:43,316 ...who can't laugh or smile or anything? 148 00:11:48,527 --> 00:11:50,900 No, sir! U.S. Marine Corps, sir! 149 00:11:53,780 --> 00:11:56,401 Oh, yeah. This is the life. 150 00:11:56,615 --> 00:12:00,113 Boy, next summer can you commit some fraud in Orlando, Florida? 151 00:12:00,284 --> 00:12:02,110 I'm way ahead of you, Dad. 152 00:12:02,285 --> 00:12:05,487 Knock. Simpsons, I'd like you to meet our ambassador... 153 00:12:05,662 --> 00:12:07,323 ...the Honorable Averil Ward. 154 00:12:07,538 --> 00:12:10,989 Hello. Now, everything is all set for Bart's apology. 155 00:12:11,207 --> 00:12:14,041 Mr. Conover will meet you at the Parliament House at 3 p.m. 156 00:12:14,209 --> 00:12:15,490 Any questions? 157 00:12:15,668 --> 00:12:17,909 -Do the toilets go backwards in here? -No. 158 00:12:18,128 --> 00:12:20,748 To combat homesickness, we have a device that makes... 159 00:12:20,963 --> 00:12:22,837 ...them swirl the correct American way. 160 00:12:28,801 --> 00:12:32,418 Sweet land of liberty 161 00:12:32,595 --> 00:12:35,797 Of thee I sing 162 00:12:39,640 --> 00:12:43,471 Hey, GI Joe, your sign's broken. We're already in Australia. 163 00:12:43,685 --> 00:12:46,721 Actually, sir, the embassy is considered American soil, sir. 164 00:12:46,936 --> 00:12:49,973 Really? Look, buy. Now I'm in Australia. 165 00:12:50,147 --> 00:12:52,720 Now I'm in America. Australia. America. 166 00:12:52,898 --> 00:12:54,808 -Australia. -I get it, Dad. 167 00:12:54,983 --> 00:12:57,473 Homer, that's enough. 168 00:12:58,485 --> 00:13:01,105 Here in America, we don't tolerate that crap, sir. 169 00:13:05,197 --> 00:13:08,565 "Australia was founded as a settlement for British convicts." 170 00:13:08,741 --> 00:13:10,567 Lisa, watch your camera. 171 00:13:17,538 --> 00:13:18,819 You call that a knife? 172 00:13:19,664 --> 00:13:21,490 This is a knife. 173 00:13:21,665 --> 00:13:25,448 -That's not a knife. That's a spoon. -All right, all right. You win. 174 00:13:26,209 --> 00:13:28,617 I see you've played knifie-spoonie before. 175 00:13:30,587 --> 00:13:35,579 Hey, give me one of those famous giant beers I've heard so much about. 176 00:13:35,757 --> 00:13:37,215 Something wrong, Yank? 177 00:13:37,383 --> 00:13:40,632 No. It's pretty big, I guess. 178 00:13:41,051 --> 00:13:43,969 -I'll just have a cup of coffee. -Beer it is. 179 00:13:44,136 --> 00:13:45,678 No, I said, coffee. 180 00:13:45,846 --> 00:13:48,763 -Beer? -Coffee. 181 00:13:48,931 --> 00:13:50,508 Beer? 182 00:13:50,682 --> 00:13:54,761 -C-O-- -B-E... 183 00:14:00,354 --> 00:14:03,188 We'll meet you boys back here for dinner. Good luck, honey. 184 00:14:04,690 --> 00:14:07,358 We'll meet you boys back here for dinner. Good luck, honey. 185 00:14:07,525 --> 00:14:11,818 Bart, I'm sorry I'm gonna miss your public humiliation. 186 00:14:18,740 --> 00:14:22,784 Hear ye! Hear ye! This session will now come to order. 187 00:14:23,159 --> 00:14:25,780 With the cooperation of the US. Department of State... 188 00:14:25,953 --> 00:14:28,076 ...we have present today one Bart Simpson. 189 00:14:31,331 --> 00:14:33,655 I believe he has something to say. 190 00:14:33,832 --> 00:14:35,539 Bart? 191 00:14:43,504 --> 00:14:45,046 I'm sorry. 192 00:14:45,214 --> 00:14:48,380 I'm sorry for what I did to your country. 193 00:14:50,008 --> 00:14:53,340 Well, you're free to go, Bart... 194 00:14:53,510 --> 00:14:55,052 ...right after your additional punishment. 195 00:14:57,221 --> 00:15:00,008 -Punishment! -A mere apology would be a bit empty. 196 00:15:00,181 --> 00:15:02,090 Let the boating begin! 197 00:15:02,307 --> 00:15:05,059 Booting? -It's just a little kick in the burn. 198 00:15:21,860 --> 00:15:25,110 What kind of a sick country would kick someone with a giant boot? 199 00:15:25,279 --> 00:15:28,813 Mr. Simpson, shush. Disparaging the boot is a bootable offense. 200 00:15:28,989 --> 00:15:31,314 It's one of their proudest traditions. 201 00:15:36,577 --> 00:15:39,494 You sold us out, Conover! 202 00:15:48,292 --> 00:15:51,328 Stand back or I'll beat your prime minister! I'll do it. 203 00:15:51,503 --> 00:15:54,076 50 help me God, I'll beat him! 204 00:15:55,338 --> 00:15:56,998 When will you Australians learn? 205 00:15:57,172 --> 00:15:59,924 In America, we stopped using corporal punishment. 206 00:16:00,091 --> 00:16:02,878 And things have never been better. The streets are safe... 207 00:16:03,051 --> 00:16:06,253 ...old people strut confidently through the darkest alleys... 208 00:16:06,428 --> 00:16:10,721 ...and the weak and nerdy are admired for their computer-programming abilities. 209 00:16:10,889 --> 00:16:14,933 So like us, let your children run wild and free... 210 00:16:15,100 --> 00:16:17,803 ...because, as the old saying goes: 211 00:16:17,976 --> 00:16:21,558 "Let your children run wild and free." 212 00:16:21,770 --> 00:16:27,107 Now, boy, run back to the embassy! Back to American soil! 213 00:16:30,317 --> 00:16:32,392 I'll stop them. 214 00:16:35,195 --> 00:16:37,567 Oh, no, it's coming back this way. 215 00:16:37,738 --> 00:16:41,189 That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us. 216 00:16:44,992 --> 00:16:47,530 Hey, we can get away in their pouches. 217 00:16:50,120 --> 00:16:52,030 It's not like in cartoons. 218 00:16:52,205 --> 00:16:54,778 Yeah. There's a lot more mucus. 219 00:16:59,542 --> 00:17:01,831 Mom, you said I could have one souvenir, right? 220 00:17:02,002 --> 00:17:03,283 Well, I want a didjeridu. 221 00:17:08,714 --> 00:17:12,959 That seems very noisy and expensive for a souvenir. 222 00:17:13,175 --> 00:17:17,006 Why don't you get this nice cap. It's clever, just like you. 223 00:17:20,138 --> 00:17:25,379 Get out! Get out! Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here! 224 00:17:25,599 --> 00:17:29,097 These bloody things are everywhere. They're in the lift, the lorry... 225 00:17:29,268 --> 00:17:31,841 ...in the ban whizzer, and the Malonga Gilderchuck. 226 00:17:32,061 --> 00:17:36,105 They're like kangaroos. But they're reptiles, they is. 227 00:17:36,314 --> 00:17:38,768 We have them in America. They're called bullfrogs. 228 00:17:38,982 --> 00:17:40,974 What? That's an odd name. 229 00:17:41,150 --> 00:17:43,439 I'd have called them chazwazzers. 230 00:17:45,569 --> 00:17:47,941 Lisa! 231 00:17:48,154 --> 00:17:49,980 Marge! 232 00:17:59,035 --> 00:18:00,363 The Simpsons. 233 00:18:00,536 --> 00:18:02,991 Well, they're not getting back in here. 234 00:18:17,379 --> 00:18:20,213 I can't believe our government would set up Bart like that. 235 00:18:20,381 --> 00:18:23,215 I'm very angry at the State Department right now. 236 00:18:23,383 --> 00:18:27,249 Yes, but-- Please, we're about to reach a breakthrough with the Aussies. 237 00:18:27,427 --> 00:18:31,174 Then it's agreed. During the bargaining session, we each get two candy apples. 238 00:18:31,346 --> 00:18:33,504 All right, one candy and one caramel. 239 00:18:33,722 --> 00:18:35,762 Oh, for the love of criminy! Give me that! 240 00:18:35,932 --> 00:18:38,635 I know Bart did something wrong. But he's my son... 241 00:18:38,809 --> 00:18:41,346 ...and I'm going to punish him myself. 242 00:18:41,560 --> 00:18:43,766 Our countries may have their differences... 243 00:18:43,937 --> 00:18:47,138 ...but as human beings, I think we can all agree... 244 00:18:47,313 --> 00:18:52,187 ...there's no substitute for the discipline of a loving parent. 245 00:18:52,983 --> 00:18:54,774 He wants to talk to you. 246 00:18:54,985 --> 00:18:56,894 Hello. 247 00:18:57,236 --> 00:18:58,517 So we're in agreement. 248 00:18:58,695 --> 00:19:00,936 She won't be allowed near the phone again. 249 00:19:02,155 --> 00:19:03,436 We did it. 250 00:19:03,656 --> 00:19:07,238 We've worked out a compromise that will allow both nations to save face. 251 00:19:07,450 --> 00:19:08,945 We've argued them down to... 252 00:19:09,118 --> 00:19:10,399 -...a beating. -What? 253 00:19:10,619 --> 00:19:14,200 The prime minister just wants to kick you once through the gate... 254 00:19:14,371 --> 00:19:17,123 -...with a regular shoe. -I believe it's a wingtip. 255 00:19:17,289 --> 00:19:20,325 No deal. This is my son we're talking about. 256 00:19:20,500 --> 00:19:23,701 Sure, he's not perfect, but who is in this workaday world? 257 00:19:23,918 --> 00:19:26,207 No. Mom, wait. 258 00:19:33,590 --> 00:19:37,800 It's time for me to bend over and receive my destiny. 259 00:19:42,554 --> 00:19:47,381 Thank you, Bart. I promise I won't make fun of you later for this. 260 00:19:47,557 --> 00:19:50,558 Show them what American butts are made of, son. 261 00:19:55,145 --> 00:19:56,521 That's it, lad. 262 00:19:56,896 --> 00:20:00,014 This is for the Commonwealth of Australia. 263 00:20:07,068 --> 00:20:09,309 And this is for the United States of America. 264 00:20:26,788 --> 00:20:28,199 I'm glad you're okay, honey. 265 00:20:28,372 --> 00:20:31,206 But I wish you'd chosen a more tasteful way to be patriotic. 266 00:20:31,374 --> 00:20:34,872 I'm impressed you were able to write so legibly on your own butt. 267 00:20:46,425 --> 00:20:49,377 All right, mates, let them have it! 268 00:20:53,054 --> 00:20:55,259 Hey, do we get to land on an aircraft carrier? 269 00:20:55,430 --> 00:20:58,762 No, sir. The closest vessel is the USS Walter Mandala. 270 00:20:58,932 --> 00:21:01,849 It's a laundry ship. They'll take you the rest of the way. 271 00:21:15,233 --> 00:21:19,313 Hey, look. Those frogs are eating all their crops. 272 00:21:24,405 --> 00:21:27,406 Well, that's what happens when you introduce foreign species... 273 00:21:27,574 --> 00:21:30,361 ...into an ecosystem that can't handle them.