1 00:00:41,276 --> 00:00:44,313 This bus has seen better days. 2 00:00:44,487 --> 00:00:46,729 Well, at least it's safer than the old bus. 3 00:00:52,954 --> 00:00:55,528 Time to move. The hole's getting bigger. 4 00:01:00,795 --> 00:01:03,286 Seymour, the children are playing in the hole again. 5 00:01:03,464 --> 00:01:04,840 Shouldn't you get that fixed? 6 00:01:05,049 --> 00:01:07,422 Edna, you know they just cut the school's budget. 7 00:01:07,593 --> 00:01:09,799 If I had the money, I'd fix the exhaust leak. 8 00:01:10,012 --> 00:01:12,337 I think it's causing some of our low test scores. 9 00:01:19,146 --> 00:01:21,519 The battlefield is just a half-mile ahead. 10 00:01:21,732 --> 00:01:24,187 Begin braking procedure! 11 00:01:30,198 --> 00:01:35,193 This Civil War cannon has been fully restored and is in ready-to-fire condition. 12 00:01:35,370 --> 00:01:37,743 But it's a good thing we're not firing it... 13 00:01:37,956 --> 00:01:42,701 ...because it happens to be aimed at the main support leg of that lookout tower. 14 00:01:43,128 --> 00:01:46,960 People don't realize that these cannons are very sensitive... 15 00:01:47,132 --> 00:01:50,750 ...and the slightest jolt could set them off. 16 00:01:52,846 --> 00:01:54,507 Of course, for safety reasons... 17 00:01:54,722 --> 00:01:56,882 ...we don't keep the cannon loaded. 18 00:01:57,058 --> 00:01:59,051 It's just common sense. 19 00:02:01,229 --> 00:02:05,974 Otto, why don't you get some more gas. Here's the credit card. 20 00:02:07,485 --> 00:02:08,766 And a mint for afterwards. 21 00:02:08,986 --> 00:02:12,486 Five dollars a child? Last year it was free! 22 00:02:12,657 --> 00:02:14,068 New ownership. 23 00:02:19,038 --> 00:02:22,656 But we don't have that kind of money. In fact, no school could afford-- 24 00:02:30,674 --> 00:02:33,545 Here's the admission, plus something for you. 25 00:02:33,719 --> 00:02:35,961 See that they get a little extra education. 26 00:02:36,180 --> 00:02:38,090 Yes, sir, Principal Valiant! 27 00:02:38,348 --> 00:02:41,551 He thinks he's so hot ever since he swept the Princi Awards. 28 00:02:41,727 --> 00:02:43,103 Those things are rigged. 29 00:02:43,979 --> 00:02:49,650 On May 21, 1864, the men of the 9th Bearded Infantry... 30 00:02:49,818 --> 00:02:52,357 ...were sunning and fluffing their beards in the sun. 31 00:02:52,571 --> 00:02:56,948 Suddenly, enemy troops crested that hill over there. 32 00:02:57,117 --> 00:03:00,403 Fort Springfield, we surrender unconditionally! 33 00:03:00,578 --> 00:03:02,654 We're sick! We need leeches... 34 00:03:02,831 --> 00:03:05,701 ...and hacksaws to saw off our gangrenous limbs. 35 00:03:05,875 --> 00:03:09,743 But the Springfield brigade was too brave to accept their surrender. 36 00:03:09,921 --> 00:03:13,788 Come on, boys. Those white flags are no match for our muskets! 37 00:03:13,966 --> 00:03:15,592 Charge! 38 00:03:15,760 --> 00:03:18,714 And the Springfielders heroically slaughtered their enemies... 39 00:03:18,888 --> 00:03:20,881 ...as they prayed for mercy. 40 00:03:24,977 --> 00:03:28,476 It's hard to see what's going on. I can only make out the fat soldiers. 41 00:03:28,647 --> 00:03:29,976 All right, children. Switch. 42 00:03:32,902 --> 00:03:35,820 Hey, they're trying to learn for free! 43 00:03:35,988 --> 00:03:38,776 -Get them! -Use your phony guns as clubs! 44 00:03:38,991 --> 00:03:40,948 Run, children. 45 00:03:42,119 --> 00:03:44,954 Start the bus, Otto! Start the bus! 46 00:03:45,664 --> 00:03:48,867 Damn! I shouldn't have eaten the mint first. 47 00:03:50,043 --> 00:03:52,036 Okay, hop on. 48 00:03:52,838 --> 00:03:54,962 Wait! Wait! 49 00:04:04,641 --> 00:04:06,765 Seymour, because of your penny-pinching... 50 00:04:06,935 --> 00:04:10,186 ...we're coming back from a field trip with the fewest children yet. 51 00:04:10,355 --> 00:04:13,606 God bless the man who invented permission slips. 52 00:04:15,777 --> 00:04:17,604 I think I got your lunch. 53 00:04:20,323 --> 00:04:21,818 I didn't think this was for me. 54 00:04:24,953 --> 00:04:26,779 Seymour, the teachers are fed up. 55 00:04:26,954 --> 00:04:29,030 You have to put money back into the school. 56 00:04:29,207 --> 00:04:30,784 You've cut back on everything. 57 00:04:30,958 --> 00:04:33,793 Salaries, supplies, the food. 58 00:04:34,295 --> 00:04:36,786 I don't care what you say, I can taste the newspaper. 59 00:04:37,006 --> 00:04:40,873 Shredded newspapers add much-needed roughage and essential inks. 60 00:04:41,052 --> 00:04:43,460 Besides, you didn't notice the old gym mats. 61 00:04:43,679 --> 00:04:46,432 There's very little meat in these gym mats. 62 00:04:46,640 --> 00:04:48,764 Our demands are very reasonable. 63 00:04:48,934 --> 00:04:52,102 By ignoring them, you're selling out these children's futures. 64 00:04:52,313 --> 00:04:55,765 Oh, come on, Edna! We both know these children have no future! 65 00:04:59,319 --> 00:05:03,068 Prove me wrong, kids. Prove me wrong. 66 00:05:05,617 --> 00:05:07,409 I've never seen them fight like that. 67 00:05:07,577 --> 00:05:10,946 I'm worried that all this posturing could lead to a teachers' strike. 68 00:05:11,164 --> 00:05:13,324 Strike, eh? 69 00:05:14,835 --> 00:05:16,661 My bones are so brittle. 70 00:05:16,837 --> 00:05:19,790 But I always drink plenty of "malk"? 71 00:05:21,633 --> 00:05:24,421 How do you expect us to teach with these supplies? 72 00:05:24,636 --> 00:05:26,878 This pointer's so old, it's worn down to a nub. 73 00:05:28,181 --> 00:05:29,593 It still points, doesn't it? 74 00:05:29,766 --> 00:05:31,806 Stop that! And look at this. 75 00:05:31,976 --> 00:05:35,144 The only books we have are ones that were banned by other schools. 76 00:05:36,731 --> 00:05:40,230 Well, the kids have to learn about Tek War sooner or later. 77 00:05:41,486 --> 00:05:43,478 Go away, Bart. This is not a good time. 78 00:05:43,696 --> 00:05:45,191 I saw you two fighting. 79 00:05:45,364 --> 00:05:48,864 I'm worried there could be a strike and the school would shut down. 80 00:05:49,035 --> 00:05:50,743 I'm sure you'd really hate that. 81 00:05:51,078 --> 00:05:54,246 -There's not going to be a strike, Bart. -Yeah. 82 00:05:54,415 --> 00:05:57,120 Skinner said you wouldn't go through with it. 83 00:05:57,293 --> 00:06:00,211 -Skinner said that? -Well, I had to clean it up a little. 84 00:06:00,588 --> 00:06:04,254 But basically, Krabappel said you'd give the teachers everything they want. 85 00:06:04,425 --> 00:06:05,706 -She did? -Yeah. 86 00:06:05,884 --> 00:06:08,554 She said you'd fold faster than Superman on laundry day. 87 00:06:08,929 --> 00:06:10,507 We'll see about that. 88 00:06:10,723 --> 00:06:14,554 Simpson, I always thought you were sneaky and manipulative. 89 00:06:14,726 --> 00:06:18,262 Now I see you're really a very sensitive little boy. 90 00:06:18,480 --> 00:06:20,188 Thank you, sir. 91 00:06:21,483 --> 00:06:24,686 You're being totally unfair, and the teachers won't stand for it! 92 00:06:24,903 --> 00:06:27,940 Teachers! You don't have the guts to strike! 93 00:06:28,115 --> 00:06:31,531 You don't have the guts to take us all on! 94 00:06:35,747 --> 00:06:38,416 -That's it! -Strike! 95 00:06:41,669 --> 00:06:44,160 Attention, this is an emergency broadcast. 96 00:06:44,339 --> 00:06:49,167 All is well in the school. My authority as principal is total- 97 00:06:49,344 --> 00:06:50,921 Hey, give me that! 98 00:06:51,095 --> 00:06:54,844 Attention, teachers. We're on strike! 99 00:06:57,143 --> 00:06:58,768 Oh, no. Strike? 100 00:06:58,978 --> 00:07:01,184 Miss Hoover, are you on--? 101 00:07:01,355 --> 00:07:03,431 Go home, children. 102 00:07:03,899 --> 00:07:06,059 Hello? 103 00:07:06,569 --> 00:07:10,021 Mrs. Pommelhorst? 104 00:07:10,948 --> 00:07:12,823 I'd like to get down now. 105 00:07:18,289 --> 00:07:22,583 Hey, now that Largo's gene, we can play the forbidden music. 106 00:07:28,131 --> 00:07:30,006 I heard that! 107 00:07:39,893 --> 00:07:42,514 Bart? Lisa? What are you two doing home so early? 108 00:07:42,687 --> 00:07:45,855 -Great news, Mom! -Horrible news, Mom! 109 00:07:46,066 --> 00:07:48,818 The school's on strike! Maybe forever. 110 00:07:48,985 --> 00:07:51,441 Overload. Pleasure overload. 111 00:07:53,448 --> 00:07:56,069 Luckily I've prepared for this, so I'm not too worried. 112 00:08:00,914 --> 00:08:03,784 Sit up straight. Eyes forward. No talking. 113 00:08:03,958 --> 00:08:07,042 Is that gum? Is that gum? Is that gum? 114 00:08:07,211 --> 00:08:09,501 Oh, yeah. 115 00:08:11,132 --> 00:08:14,798 Bart, leave that crowbar here. You know I don't like you prying and jimmying. 116 00:08:15,177 --> 00:08:17,633 Mom! Dad! Great news! The teachers are on" 117 00:08:17,805 --> 00:08:20,379 -We heard. -And we already hired a tutor. 118 00:08:20,558 --> 00:08:23,097 Well, looks like we'll be staying late today... 119 00:08:23,269 --> 00:08:25,760 ...to make up for all this dilly-dallying. 120 00:08:37,658 --> 00:08:39,153 Awesome. 121 00:08:40,869 --> 00:08:43,622 You, at the crane! Spin around real fast! 122 00:08:48,835 --> 00:08:52,584 Now. you! Dump 3 tons of sand onto that Pena-Pony. 123 00:08:56,843 --> 00:09:00,675 Hey! Can't you tell my voice from a 10-year-old kid's? 124 00:09:01,514 --> 00:09:02,891 Ay caramba! 125 00:09:18,740 --> 00:09:21,492 Hey, that little boy is playing three games at once. 126 00:09:21,659 --> 00:09:22,656 -Checkmate. -Checkmate. 127 00:09:22,827 --> 00:09:23,824 -Checkmate. -Dang. 128 00:09:26,038 --> 00:09:28,957 Lousy teachers, trying to palm off our kids on us. 129 00:09:29,125 --> 00:09:31,794 Dad, by striking, they're trying to change management... 130 00:09:31,961 --> 00:09:34,167 ...so they can be happier and more productive. 131 00:09:34,338 --> 00:09:37,672 Lisa, if you don't like your job, you don't strike. 132 00:09:37,842 --> 00:09:42,088 You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. 133 00:09:42,263 --> 00:09:43,924 That's the American way. 134 00:09:44,139 --> 00:09:46,844 I've got textbooks. But without state-approved syllabi... 135 00:09:47,017 --> 00:09:50,019 ...and standardized testing, my education can only go so far. 136 00:09:50,187 --> 00:09:52,642 Honey, maybe you should relax a little. 137 00:09:52,856 --> 00:09:56,807 Relax? I can't relax! Nor can I yield, relent or... 138 00:09:57,819 --> 00:09:59,860 Only two synonyms? 139 00:10:00,614 --> 00:10:04,362 Oh, my God! I'm losing my perspicacity! 140 00:10:05,952 --> 00:10:08,622 Well, it's always in the last place you look. 141 00:10:14,127 --> 00:10:17,460 If we were in school this week, what do you think we'd be learning? 142 00:10:17,630 --> 00:10:19,042 Get away from me. 143 00:10:19,257 --> 00:10:21,132 Good news, people! 144 00:10:21,801 --> 00:10:25,337 I'm happy to announce another union has joined us in a sympathy strike! 145 00:10:25,513 --> 00:10:27,838 The Piano Tuners Local 412! 146 00:10:33,229 --> 00:10:35,934 Now for Operation Strike-Make-Go-Longer. 147 00:10:37,149 --> 00:10:40,981 You know, I heard Skinner say the teachers will crack any minute. 148 00:10:45,491 --> 00:10:48,160 Skinner said we'll crack, purple monkey dishwasher. 149 00:10:48,327 --> 00:10:49,739 Well, we'll show him! 150 00:10:49,912 --> 00:10:53,495 Especially for that "purple monkey dishwasher" remark. 151 00:10:55,834 --> 00:10:58,160 Seymour, you are truly incompetent! 152 00:10:58,337 --> 00:11:01,421 -Well, I hardly think it's fair-- -Dummy up, you! 153 00:11:01,590 --> 00:11:04,544 Listen to those passing motorists who support the teachers. 154 00:11:09,723 --> 00:11:11,265 Fifteen-minute recess, Milhouse. 155 00:11:11,433 --> 00:11:14,007 The recess assignment is chapters three through seven. 156 00:11:14,227 --> 00:11:16,802 Yay! Recess! 157 00:11:18,023 --> 00:11:21,142 I found a hive of killer bees. You want to go throw rocks at it? 158 00:11:21,359 --> 00:11:24,895 Sorry, Bart. I'm deeply immersed in the Teapot Dome scandal. 159 00:11:25,697 --> 00:11:28,366 However, it might be feasible in a fortnight. 160 00:11:29,325 --> 00:11:30,571 I can play in two weeks. 161 00:11:34,998 --> 00:11:38,580 I just can't believe Stark would stoop to that... 162 00:11:38,751 --> 00:11:43,082 ...and right in the middle of Montana and Dakota's wedding. 163 00:11:45,675 --> 00:11:50,301 All this free time. I never thought I'd get sick of Razor Fight II, The Slashening. 164 00:11:50,471 --> 00:11:54,256 I probably should stop. My doctor says I have the wrists of an 80-year-old. 165 00:11:59,105 --> 00:12:02,604 What do you mean, the bank is out of money? Insolvent? 166 00:12:02,775 --> 00:12:05,396 You only have enough cash for the next three customers? 167 00:12:10,741 --> 00:12:15,285 Just a second here. No, no. I don't have your money here. 168 00:12:15,454 --> 00:12:18,823 It's in Bill's house, and Fred's house. 169 00:12:19,041 --> 00:12:22,125 Hey, what the hell you doing with my money in your house, Fred? 170 00:12:28,800 --> 00:12:31,125 Grade me! Look at me! 171 00:12:31,344 --> 00:12:33,089 Evaluate and rank me! 172 00:12:33,263 --> 00:12:35,672 I'm good, good, good and, oh, so smart! 173 00:12:35,849 --> 00:12:37,676 Grade me! 174 00:12:45,942 --> 00:12:47,769 I'm worried about the kids, Homie. 175 00:12:48,111 --> 00:12:50,519 Lisa's becoming very obsessive. 176 00:12:50,697 --> 00:12:53,864 This morning, I caught her trying to dissect her own raincoat. 177 00:12:54,867 --> 00:12:59,661 I know. And this perpetual-motion machine she made today is a joke. 178 00:12:59,831 --> 00:13:02,535 It just keeps going faster and faster. 179 00:13:02,750 --> 00:13:04,660 And Bart isn't doing very well either. 180 00:13:04,835 --> 00:13:07,125 He needs boundaries and structure. 181 00:13:07,546 --> 00:13:11,627 There's something about flying a kite at night that's so unwholesome. 182 00:13:11,801 --> 00:13:14,042 Hello, Mother dear. 183 00:13:14,970 --> 00:13:17,640 That's it! We have to get them back to school. 184 00:13:17,806 --> 00:13:21,093 I'm with you, Marge. Lisa, get in here. 185 00:13:22,311 --> 00:13:25,514 In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics! 186 00:13:28,150 --> 00:13:32,101 All right. I'd like to call this meeting of the PTA to or-diddly-order. 187 00:13:32,321 --> 00:13:34,812 Let's see if we can't put an end to this strike fuss. 188 00:13:34,990 --> 00:13:38,074 -Mrs. Krabappel, why don't you begin. -Boo. 189 00:13:39,119 --> 00:13:41,693 Oh, "boo" yourself! Our demands are simple. 190 00:13:41,872 --> 00:13:46,533 A small cost-of-living increase and better equipment and supplies for your children. 191 00:13:47,085 --> 00:13:48,912 -Yeah, all right! -Give it to them! 192 00:13:49,629 --> 00:13:52,168 Yeah, in a dream world. We have a very tight budget. 193 00:13:52,340 --> 00:13:55,128 To do what she's asking, we'd have to raise taxes. 194 00:13:55,343 --> 00:13:57,716 -Raise taxes? -They're too high as they are now. 195 00:13:57,887 --> 00:13:59,679 -I've had enough. -Taxes are bad. 196 00:13:59,889 --> 00:14:01,301 It's your children's future. 197 00:14:01,516 --> 00:14:04,470 -Children's future. -Yes, children are important. 198 00:14:04,686 --> 00:14:06,810 -It'll cost you. -Oh, the taxes. 199 00:14:06,979 --> 00:14:09,353 They're gonna raise taxes. 200 00:14:09,565 --> 00:14:12,235 -Come on. -All right, that's a good point. 201 00:14:12,401 --> 00:14:14,146 Oh, yeah, that sounds... 202 00:14:14,654 --> 00:14:17,358 -Oh, yeah, the taxes. -That means money. 203 00:14:17,531 --> 00:14:19,607 The finger thing means the taxes. 204 00:14:19,825 --> 00:14:23,610 I guess this is a case where we'll have to agree to disagree. 205 00:14:23,788 --> 00:14:25,745 -I don't agree to that. -Neither do I. 206 00:14:27,291 --> 00:14:28,869 This is a dilly of a pickle. 207 00:14:29,126 --> 00:14:32,080 Oh, my God! The PTA has disbanded! 208 00:14:34,256 --> 00:14:37,424 No, no! The PTA has not disbanded. 209 00:14:40,554 --> 00:14:44,765 We do have an emergency plan, in case of a prolonged strike, right here. 210 00:14:44,975 --> 00:14:46,470 Let's see. 211 00:14:46,810 --> 00:14:50,642 "Replace teachers with superintelligent cyborgs. 212 00:14:50,814 --> 00:14:54,183 Or, if cyborgs aren't invented yet, use people from the neighborhood." 213 00:14:57,154 --> 00:15:00,405 Talking out of turn, that's a paddling. 214 00:15:00,574 --> 00:15:04,441 Looking out the window, that's a paddling. 215 00:15:04,619 --> 00:15:08,285 Staring at my sandals, that's a paddling. 216 00:15:08,748 --> 00:15:13,043 Paddling the school canoe, you better believe that's a paddling. 217 00:15:17,507 --> 00:15:20,176 All right, so the compression and expansion... 218 00:15:20,343 --> 00:15:23,795 ...of the longitudinal waves cause the erratic oscillation-- 219 00:15:24,013 --> 00:15:27,300 You can see it there. --of the neighboring particles. 220 00:15:27,975 --> 00:15:29,720 Yes? What is it? What? What is it? 221 00:15:29,936 --> 00:15:32,261 -Can I play with it? -No, you can't play with it. 222 00:15:32,438 --> 00:15:35,558 You won't enjoy it on as many levels as I do. 223 00:15:36,525 --> 00:15:38,601 The colors, children. 224 00:15:39,236 --> 00:15:43,567 Okay, when I call your name, you say "present" or "here." 225 00:15:43,741 --> 00:15:45,318 No, say "present." 226 00:15:45,868 --> 00:15:47,908 Anita Bath. 227 00:15:49,246 --> 00:15:52,081 All right. Settle down. Anita Bath here? 228 00:15:53,500 --> 00:15:55,126 All right, fine. Fine. 229 00:15:55,294 --> 00:15:56,789 Maya Buttreeks. 230 00:16:01,133 --> 00:16:03,672 Hey, what are you laughing at? What? 231 00:16:03,844 --> 00:16:06,963 Oh, I get it. I get it. 232 00:16:07,639 --> 00:16:10,973 It's my big ears, isn't it, kids? Isn't it? 233 00:16:11,393 --> 00:16:14,228 Well, children, I can't help that. 234 00:16:20,151 --> 00:16:24,316 Wow, Bart! I'm impressed the way you knocked off all those substitutes. 235 00:16:24,489 --> 00:16:27,277 In my weaker moments, I almost pity them. 236 00:16:27,450 --> 00:16:31,365 Then I just remind myself, they're trying to teach. 237 00:16:31,579 --> 00:16:36,372 I don't know what you did to all those substitutes, but it's going to stop now. 238 00:16:36,542 --> 00:16:37,919 Leopold? 239 00:16:38,085 --> 00:16:42,879 All right. You listen up, you little freaks! The fun stops here. 240 00:16:43,049 --> 00:16:46,584 You're gonna shut your stinking traps and behave, damn it! 241 00:16:46,761 --> 00:16:49,335 This is one substitute you're not gonna screw with! 242 00:16:50,389 --> 00:16:52,465 Marge Simpson. 243 00:16:54,059 --> 00:16:56,385 Hello, class. Hi, Bart. 244 00:16:56,562 --> 00:16:58,887 Over here, sweetie. It's me, Mom. 245 00:16:59,189 --> 00:17:02,309 Hi. Hey. Hello! 246 00:17:08,699 --> 00:17:12,032 Well, I'm sure some of you already know me. I'm Bart Simpson's mother. 247 00:17:16,039 --> 00:17:17,665 Mom. 248 00:17:17,874 --> 00:17:20,828 Hey, Bart, what about the booby trap? 249 00:17:25,215 --> 00:17:26,710 -May I? -Thank you. 250 00:17:26,925 --> 00:17:29,760 -Mama's boy! -Teacher's pet! Teacher's pet! 251 00:17:31,054 --> 00:17:33,296 I meant the other booby trap. 252 00:17:36,976 --> 00:17:39,930 Kids have been doing that one since my day. 253 00:17:42,023 --> 00:17:44,941 So how was everybody's day at school? 254 00:17:45,151 --> 00:17:46,527 -Horrifying. Pointless. 255 00:17:46,736 --> 00:17:50,651 Exhausting. It took the children 40 minutes to locate Canada on the map. 256 00:17:50,823 --> 00:17:54,441 Marge, anyone can miss Canada, all tucked away down there. 257 00:17:54,619 --> 00:17:58,404 My teacher's a nightmare. Three kids got sick from inhaling his ointment fumes. 258 00:17:58,581 --> 00:18:02,080 He confiscated everything made of tin. And then he sent us home early... 259 00:18:02,251 --> 00:18:05,122 ...because he got his beard caught in the pencil sharpener. 260 00:18:08,132 --> 00:18:10,208 Oh, okay. 261 00:18:11,302 --> 00:18:12,760 Here. 262 00:18:14,388 --> 00:18:16,843 Okay. Let's see. 263 00:18:17,099 --> 00:18:19,305 What if I did this? 264 00:18:21,186 --> 00:18:22,847 You're on your own. 265 00:18:24,940 --> 00:18:27,609 There's no way I'll get into an Ivy League school now. 266 00:18:27,776 --> 00:18:30,481 At this rate, I probably won't even get into Vassar. 267 00:18:30,654 --> 00:18:34,355 I've had just about enough of your Vassar-bashing, young lady! 268 00:18:34,533 --> 00:18:37,617 Look, Mom. It feels really weird having you on my turf. 269 00:18:37,786 --> 00:18:39,778 How would you feel if I started mopping? 270 00:18:39,955 --> 00:18:42,410 I'd be thrilled. You can start right now. 271 00:18:42,832 --> 00:18:45,952 And I'm gonna keep teaching your class, like it or lump it. 272 00:18:46,127 --> 00:18:51,335 Well, then. I guess I'll just have to get into the crawlspace again. 273 00:18:52,133 --> 00:18:54,257 I hate it when he gets in there. 274 00:19:02,935 --> 00:19:04,643 Over here. 275 00:19:06,022 --> 00:19:07,564 Mom, I need a dollar. 276 00:19:07,732 --> 00:19:10,851 Since you started teaching, kids have been taking my lunch money. 277 00:19:11,027 --> 00:19:12,734 And I need that money for candy. 278 00:19:13,195 --> 00:19:17,407 Here you go, precious. Now, go off with your friends. 279 00:19:17,867 --> 00:19:20,536 "Here you go, precious." 280 00:19:23,372 --> 00:19:25,329 Why isn't my mom stopping this? 281 00:19:25,499 --> 00:19:27,908 We've created a diversion. 282 00:19:29,086 --> 00:19:31,078 That's a very nice jig, Kearney. 283 00:19:31,296 --> 00:19:33,586 Now, isn't dancing much more fun than bullying? 284 00:19:33,799 --> 00:19:35,258 Yeah. 285 00:19:37,302 --> 00:19:40,137 That's it. I can't take this anymore, Milhouse. 286 00:19:40,347 --> 00:19:42,257 I've got to get the real teachers back. 287 00:19:42,432 --> 00:19:45,766 Bart, you'll never get Krabappel and Skinner together again. 288 00:19:45,936 --> 00:19:49,103 They're like two positively charged ions. 289 00:19:50,857 --> 00:19:52,139 Wait, that's it. 290 00:19:52,317 --> 00:19:56,398 With your book smarts and my ability to exploit people with book smarts... 291 00:19:56,571 --> 00:19:59,359 ...we can figure out a plan to get them back together. 292 00:19:59,574 --> 00:20:03,026 A surprise party for me in Principal Skinner's office? 293 00:20:03,203 --> 00:20:05,576 Well, I don't know, but all right. 294 00:20:05,747 --> 00:20:08,202 Me? Go to my office? 295 00:20:08,374 --> 00:20:10,331 It's highly irregular, but all right. 296 00:20:12,003 --> 00:20:14,458 You're not coming out until you reach an agreement. 297 00:20:14,630 --> 00:20:16,706 -Let us out, Bart! -This is not funny, Bart. 298 00:20:16,883 --> 00:20:19,374 -I mean it. -Stop it, Bart! Let us out right now! 299 00:20:20,636 --> 00:20:23,638 -Don't worry. They'll start negotiating. -Bart, open this door! 300 00:20:23,806 --> 00:20:27,852 -Let us out! -For the love of God, let us out! 301 00:20:31,063 --> 00:20:34,100 Come on! You are gonna be so sorry. 302 00:20:39,988 --> 00:20:43,441 -Let us out right now! -You're gonna be very, very sorry! 303 00:20:43,826 --> 00:20:45,533 Help! Well... 304 00:20:45,702 --> 00:20:48,241 ...Seymour, I guess we could start talking. 305 00:20:48,413 --> 00:20:50,406 What's the point? There's no more money... 306 00:20:50,624 --> 00:20:53,198 ...unless you've got some magic new source of revenue. 307 00:20:53,502 --> 00:20:56,539 We've got to figure it out. We're locked in here like prisoners. 308 00:20:56,713 --> 00:20:59,003 Prisoners in our own school. 309 00:21:06,806 --> 00:21:08,847 This was a great way to make extra money... 310 00:21:09,059 --> 00:21:12,143 ...renting out our cloakrooms to the overcrowded prison system. 311 00:21:12,353 --> 00:21:14,928 Yo. I used to sit right over there. 312 00:21:18,151 --> 00:21:20,939 It's all right, children. Just ignore the murderer. 313 00:21:21,154 --> 00:21:23,989 And as a bonus, some of our more troublesome students... 314 00:21:24,157 --> 00:21:26,149 ...might be scared straight. 315 00:21:27,535 --> 00:21:30,109 Kid, help me break out of here. 316 00:21:30,288 --> 00:21:32,412 I'll totally make it worth your while. 317 00:21:32,582 --> 00:21:34,539 I'm listening.