1 00:01:48,156 --> 00:01:53,156 Subs by Pukeman 2 00:01:55,157 --> 00:01:57,366 What do you want from my life? 3 00:02:56,426 --> 00:02:59,929 Are you fucking deaf? Move! Get out of the way! 4 00:03:00,430 --> 00:03:02,431 You deaf? Look behind you! 5 00:03:02,599 --> 00:03:04,559 You're blocking traffic! 6 00:03:05,185 --> 00:03:06,519 Get off the street! 7 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:09,772 What do you want me to do? Tell him! 8 00:03:09,940 --> 00:03:11,691 You dumb idiot! 9 00:03:13,777 --> 00:03:15,778 I'm turning here, you idiot! 10 00:03:15,988 --> 00:03:18,197 Where you from, Oshkosh? 11 00:03:18,824 --> 00:03:19,866 Idiot! 12 00:03:28,792 --> 00:03:31,961 Watch your step. You're a dumb idiot! 13 00:03:32,170 --> 00:03:35,131 Talking to me? You are a dumb idiot! 14 00:03:35,299 --> 00:03:38,885 You talking to me? Wally, don't start anything. 15 00:03:39,094 --> 00:03:42,305 The man's got something to say. Up yours! 16 00:03:42,514 --> 00:03:44,473 I heard that song before. 17 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:46,559 Anything to get off your chest? 18 00:03:46,727 --> 00:03:48,311 Tell me who you're talking to. 19 00:03:48,520 --> 00:03:52,732 No, say one more word. One more fucking word. Come on! 20 00:03:52,941 --> 00:03:56,652 You dumb asshole! Hey, nice move! 21 00:03:56,820 --> 00:04:01,282 Come on! You don't show me shit! Who are you fighting this time? 22 00:04:01,491 --> 00:04:04,535 Wally! Wally, stop it! Stop it! 23 00:04:04,745 --> 00:04:08,664 Come on. Come on. Going up. Step up. 24 00:04:08,874 --> 00:04:11,834 Fuck you. Going down. 25 00:04:24,264 --> 00:04:29,018 Why do you feel you have to pass for someone with 20/20 vision when you're blind? 26 00:04:29,186 --> 00:04:31,687 I don't feel I have to pass. You do. 27 00:04:31,897 --> 00:04:36,233 It's a sickness, like if you were trying to pass for white. 28 00:04:36,860 --> 00:04:40,029 You mean I'm not white? Oh, sit down. 29 00:04:40,197 --> 00:04:43,366 This is a scandal! I'm not white?! 30 00:04:43,533 --> 00:04:45,826 Why didn't you tell me before? 31 00:04:46,036 --> 00:04:48,496 You're my own sister! Sit down, Wally. 32 00:04:48,664 --> 00:04:51,832 Goodness! A lot of adjustments have to be made. 33 00:04:52,000 --> 00:04:56,504 Cancel the swimming lessons. What'll the guys at the club say? 34 00:04:56,672 --> 00:04:59,173 I'm not white! Oh, it feels like it. 35 00:04:59,341 --> 00:05:00,967 Ha, ha. Aah! 36 00:05:01,176 --> 00:05:02,885 Goodness, you're right! 37 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:07,014 Lord, help me. Does Dad know? 38 00:05:07,182 --> 00:05:10,309 Twenty dollars across the board on Centipede. 39 00:05:11,103 --> 00:05:14,063 Thank you very much. Oh, just a minute. 40 00:05:15,190 --> 00:05:18,567 You said that was all. But I want my 50. 41 00:05:18,735 --> 00:05:20,736 You know how much you owe that bookie? 42 00:05:20,904 --> 00:05:23,531 I don't want a lecture. Give me my $50. 43 00:05:23,699 --> 00:05:26,784 This is the last $50 to your name, Wally. 44 00:05:26,994 --> 00:05:28,744 I know, but $50, please. 45 00:05:28,912 --> 00:05:34,417 Three minutes until post time. Three minutes until post time. 46 00:05:34,584 --> 00:05:37,712 And $50 to win on Centipede. 47 00:05:37,879 --> 00:05:40,923 Come on, Centipede! You can do it! 48 00:05:41,800 --> 00:05:43,676 Come on! Come on! 49 00:05:43,844 --> 00:05:45,469 Come on! 50 00:05:46,096 --> 00:05:47,888 You can do it! 51 00:05:49,599 --> 00:05:50,933 Come on, you bitch! 52 00:06:03,655 --> 00:06:06,574 Who won? It wasn't Centipede. 53 00:06:06,783 --> 00:06:08,159 Shit! 54 00:06:08,660 --> 00:06:13,164 You shouldn't have quit your job! The man treated me like I was blind. 55 00:06:13,373 --> 00:06:17,001 So try someone else! You can't go on like this, Wally. 56 00:06:17,210 --> 00:06:18,461 Get another job. 57 00:06:30,682 --> 00:06:31,974 Mr. Lyons! 58 00:06:32,642 --> 00:06:35,394 What's the matter with me? Uh... 59 00:06:36,563 --> 00:06:41,233 Mr. Lyons, the fire inspector 60 00:06:41,443 --> 00:06:44,361 wants you to pick up papers. 61 00:06:44,571 --> 00:06:48,949 Much dangerous. Big fire. 62 00:06:49,159 --> 00:06:53,537 You must please sweep up before you close the shop. 63 00:06:53,747 --> 00:06:58,459 Mr. Huddelston, there's a vicious rumor going around that I'm deaf. 64 00:06:58,627 --> 00:07:01,670 I don't like it. It's very humiliating. 65 00:07:01,838 --> 00:07:03,839 Let's try and put a stop to it. 66 00:07:04,007 --> 00:07:05,925 Oh, I feel like such a fool. 67 00:07:06,093 --> 00:07:08,260 That inspector? Don't worry about him. 68 00:07:08,428 --> 00:07:11,806 He's always coming around trying to get bribes. 69 00:07:12,015 --> 00:07:15,810 You don't read lips? They told me you had to read my lips. 70 00:07:16,269 --> 00:07:17,686 I feel like an ass. 71 00:07:17,896 --> 00:07:21,148 Especially on the last Thursday of every month. 72 00:07:36,873 --> 00:07:38,165 Sorry. 73 00:07:39,417 --> 00:07:43,379 I can't make a left turn. I'll have to swing around the block. 74 00:07:43,588 --> 00:07:45,589 Whoa. You're not parking anywhere. 75 00:07:45,757 --> 00:07:48,968 Slow down and just pull over here by the curb. 76 00:07:49,136 --> 00:07:50,636 What are you talking about? 77 00:07:50,804 --> 00:07:53,806 I'm not a baby. I don't need a babysitter. 78 00:07:53,974 --> 00:07:56,392 Just point me in the right direction. 79 00:07:56,601 --> 00:07:58,686 Point you? Are you crazy? Yes. 80 00:07:58,895 --> 00:08:01,897 Take your cane or you won't make it across. 81 00:08:02,065 --> 00:08:05,359 No. Put the cane... What is...? Put it down. 82 00:08:05,569 --> 00:08:09,238 I can hear, can't I? All I need is Big Mo. 83 00:08:12,075 --> 00:08:13,826 I want to see this. 84 00:08:14,744 --> 00:08:15,828 Here. 85 00:08:17,164 --> 00:08:18,205 Thank you. 86 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:23,919 Good luck with the job. 87 00:08:27,841 --> 00:08:30,926 Excuse me, sir. Nice day, isn't it? 88 00:08:44,774 --> 00:08:46,400 So far, so good. 89 00:08:47,319 --> 00:08:49,653 I'll pick you up in front of the building. 90 00:08:49,821 --> 00:08:52,448 Remember, wait for the beeps. 91 00:08:52,616 --> 00:08:56,327 Wait for the beeps. Yeah, wait for the beep. 92 00:08:56,536 --> 00:08:58,871 I will. Thank you. What? 93 00:08:59,080 --> 00:09:01,498 Would you help me across? 94 00:09:01,708 --> 00:09:04,168 Yeah, uh, take my arm. 95 00:09:09,966 --> 00:09:11,425 Here we go. 96 00:09:30,403 --> 00:09:32,404 Hey, sis, how am I doing? 97 00:09:32,572 --> 00:09:34,990 Great. Just great. 98 00:09:35,200 --> 00:09:38,327 Thank you very much. You don't have to thank me, sir. 99 00:09:38,495 --> 00:09:41,830 After all, this to me is just fun. 100 00:09:42,040 --> 00:09:43,874 Like a walk in the park. 101 00:09:44,084 --> 00:09:47,628 Here you are. If you get in any trouble, just holler. 102 00:09:52,509 --> 00:09:56,095 Can I help you? I'm here about the ad in the paper. 103 00:09:56,304 --> 00:09:59,014 "Salesman wanted. Must have sense of humor. " 104 00:09:59,182 --> 00:10:01,267 Are you the owner of the shop, sir? 105 00:10:01,476 --> 00:10:03,185 Who are you talking to? 106 00:10:03,895 --> 00:10:06,272 Oh, there you are. Damn. 107 00:10:06,481 --> 00:10:09,191 Look at that. Contacts again. See that? 108 00:10:09,526 --> 00:10:10,734 Oh. 109 00:10:10,902 --> 00:10:13,028 I'm looking for Mr. David Lyons. 110 00:10:13,196 --> 00:10:16,865 I'm David Lyons. Pleased to meet you. Oh, I'm sorry. 111 00:10:17,033 --> 00:10:19,868 I read your ad in the paper about an Ivy League type. 112 00:10:20,078 --> 00:10:23,747 Tall, dark, handsome. Three out of four ain't bad, right? 113 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:25,499 You can see I'm nervous. 114 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:28,961 Really want the job. But I am a damned good salesman. 115 00:10:29,546 --> 00:10:32,047 I'm David Lyons. What can I do for you? 116 00:10:32,215 --> 00:10:33,465 Uh-oh. Ooh. Heh. 117 00:10:33,633 --> 00:10:37,094 Are we caught in a time warp here? Twilight Zone, maybe? 118 00:10:38,888 --> 00:10:42,141 Any Martians here who want to speak to Mr. David Lyons? 119 00:10:44,561 --> 00:10:49,565 Ha, ha. You're a funny guy. I really like that ad you put in the paper. 120 00:10:49,733 --> 00:10:53,193 "Must have a sense of humor. " Not many people would do that. 121 00:10:53,403 --> 00:10:56,405 I'm your guy. If you want me, here I am. 122 00:10:56,573 --> 00:10:59,533 Would you tell me what you want. Three-fifty. 123 00:11:00,327 --> 00:11:03,912 What are you talking about?! 124 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:05,873 Three hundred, but that's it. 125 00:11:06,041 --> 00:11:08,417 Are you talking to me? 225! 126 00:11:08,585 --> 00:11:12,588 Listen, man, $225 a week. 127 00:11:12,756 --> 00:11:16,759 200. I can't live on less than that. Who are you talking to? 128 00:11:17,510 --> 00:11:20,512 I'm talking to you, you prick! What do you say? 129 00:11:20,722 --> 00:11:23,807 Look me in the eye and say that. I would if I could, 130 00:11:23,975 --> 00:11:26,894 but I can't. I'm blind. 131 00:11:28,271 --> 00:11:31,440 You're blind? Yes. Now can I have the job? 132 00:11:31,608 --> 00:11:34,485 I had no idea. I'm sorry. 133 00:11:34,694 --> 00:11:37,696 Now you know. Can I get the job? 134 00:11:38,698 --> 00:11:43,202 You're really blind? Yes. What are you, fucking deaf? 135 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:47,664 Yes! I'm fucking deaf! Deaf? 136 00:11:47,874 --> 00:11:50,501 Yes, I'm deaf. You really deaf? 137 00:11:50,710 --> 00:11:53,462 I'm really deaf. How do you know what I'm saying? 138 00:11:53,630 --> 00:11:56,924 I'm reading your lips. Do you want the job or don't you? 139 00:11:57,425 --> 00:12:00,469 Because I'm blind? Shove it up your ass, pal. 140 00:12:00,637 --> 00:12:02,471 I don't want no favors. 141 00:12:02,680 --> 00:12:06,141 Then go home! Get out! Give me some peace of mind. 142 00:12:06,309 --> 00:12:09,228 To hell with blind people! Just walk out. 143 00:12:09,437 --> 00:12:13,399 That's better. Now, I believe we agreed on 300. 144 00:12:13,566 --> 00:12:15,651 300 what? What are we talking about? 145 00:12:15,819 --> 00:12:18,987 Just a minute, hold everything. Stop the music. 146 00:12:19,531 --> 00:12:22,449 Do you like Harvey Wallbangers? Harvey who? 147 00:12:22,659 --> 00:12:25,953 Wallbangers. A friend of mine. I'll introduce you to it later. 148 00:12:26,162 --> 00:12:28,956 Because tonight, my friend, we celebrate! 149 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:31,291 Not bad. 150 00:12:31,459 --> 00:12:35,337 Did I hit the board? No, you hit the wall. It's a lot better. 151 00:12:36,506 --> 00:12:38,382 Three Wallbangers, Wally. 152 00:12:38,842 --> 00:12:41,760 Drink time. Where's your friend? 153 00:12:41,970 --> 00:12:45,514 Oh, he's coming. Should be here soon. You're gonna like him. 154 00:12:45,723 --> 00:12:48,851 This is to you, Sally. Sally? Here. 155 00:12:49,018 --> 00:12:53,147 Oh. And to you, Leslie. Thanks for buying the drinks. 156 00:12:53,356 --> 00:12:54,523 My pleasure. 157 00:12:55,733 --> 00:12:57,443 What's your friend look like? 158 00:12:57,610 --> 00:13:00,446 I've never seen him, but he smells real good. 159 00:13:00,655 --> 00:13:02,656 I think he's by the door. 160 00:13:04,117 --> 00:13:05,659 Dave! 161 00:13:06,077 --> 00:13:07,911 Dave, yo! 162 00:13:12,375 --> 00:13:14,751 Hi. Dave! 163 00:13:15,378 --> 00:13:17,546 Over here! Hello, I'm here. 164 00:13:17,714 --> 00:13:18,755 Hi. Dave. 165 00:13:18,923 --> 00:13:20,966 I want you to meet friends of mine. 166 00:13:21,176 --> 00:13:23,010 This is Sally. Hi. 167 00:13:23,178 --> 00:13:24,887 How do you do? Nice to meet you. 168 00:13:25,054 --> 00:13:29,057 And this lovely lady to my left here, this is Lisa. 169 00:13:29,267 --> 00:13:32,478 Leslie. Hi. Leslie, hi. 170 00:13:32,687 --> 00:13:35,355 And this is my good friend, David Lyons. 171 00:13:35,565 --> 00:13:38,400 Wally says you're forming a business together. 172 00:13:38,568 --> 00:13:40,736 Congratulations. Wally says what? 173 00:13:40,945 --> 00:13:44,907 Whoa. Let's not talk about that now. Let's talk about Harvey Wallbanger. 174 00:13:45,074 --> 00:13:49,119 That's who you want me to meet? Yeah! Bartender. 175 00:13:49,329 --> 00:13:52,164 Hey, asshole. Who do you think you are? 176 00:13:52,332 --> 00:13:56,502 David Lyons. You must be Harvey Wallbanger. Wally's told me about you. 177 00:13:56,711 --> 00:13:59,421 Yeah, real comedian. Get off my jacket! 178 00:13:59,589 --> 00:14:00,923 Listen, asswipe. 179 00:14:01,090 --> 00:14:04,134 You watch yourself or you're gonna be going home early. 180 00:14:04,344 --> 00:14:05,969 I didn't know I was standing on your jacket. 181 00:14:06,179 --> 00:14:09,515 What are you, the constable? Who's your girlfriend? 182 00:14:09,891 --> 00:14:13,519 Oh. Heh. I think I heard my mating call. Stand up. 183 00:14:13,686 --> 00:14:15,187 I am standing. Wait. 184 00:14:15,355 --> 00:14:17,814 I don't think you understand. My friend... 185 00:14:18,024 --> 00:14:21,109 Is a killer, that's what I am. A trained killer! 186 00:14:21,611 --> 00:14:24,112 Oh, Special Forces. 187 00:14:24,280 --> 00:14:26,490 When I was in the Corps, 188 00:14:26,699 --> 00:14:29,785 we used to eat you Green Beret pussies for breakfast. 189 00:14:29,994 --> 00:14:32,412 Eat this! This guy's tough, Wally. 190 00:14:32,622 --> 00:14:36,959 If I hear him, I can hit him. He'd put a hole through your head. 191 00:14:37,126 --> 00:14:40,462 So you ain't talking now, huh? 192 00:14:41,381 --> 00:14:44,800 Come on, big mouth, say something. Let's get down. 193 00:14:44,968 --> 00:14:47,469 Come on. Last night I was out with your sister. 194 00:14:47,679 --> 00:14:50,222 Okay, butthead. Hey! 195 00:14:51,641 --> 00:14:54,643 You're all right, champ. He's coming. 196 00:14:54,811 --> 00:14:56,770 I'll give you the first hit. Come on. 197 00:14:56,938 --> 00:14:59,356 He's coming, Wally. He's coming. 198 00:14:59,566 --> 00:15:02,317 Lower, he's a couple inches shorter than you. 199 00:15:02,485 --> 00:15:04,319 Aim for 12 o'clock. Hit him! 200 00:15:05,154 --> 00:15:08,490 All right. Okay, let's go. Let's go. 201 00:15:09,242 --> 00:15:10,450 Eleven o'clock! 202 00:15:11,828 --> 00:15:12,869 Ooh! 203 00:15:14,372 --> 00:15:17,374 Circle right. Circle right. Circle right. 204 00:15:17,584 --> 00:15:20,502 And left, left, left. Circle left. 205 00:15:20,670 --> 00:15:24,089 Circle left. And right! Right, circle right. 206 00:15:24,299 --> 00:15:26,425 Circle left. Left. Stand still! 207 00:15:27,176 --> 00:15:29,970 Get ready! One o'clock! Good. Good. 208 00:15:30,179 --> 00:15:31,597 Twelve! 209 00:15:32,265 --> 00:15:34,683 Five to three. I got mixed up! 210 00:15:34,851 --> 00:15:36,476 Argh! 211 00:15:36,686 --> 00:15:38,645 Circle left. Circle left. 212 00:15:38,813 --> 00:15:40,522 Shut up and let him fight. 213 00:15:40,690 --> 00:15:42,024 Move right. Move right. 214 00:15:43,026 --> 00:15:44,026 Get ready! 215 00:15:44,235 --> 00:15:46,737 Hey, I said shut the fuck up! 216 00:15:47,322 --> 00:15:50,157 Wha...? Read my lips, asshole! 217 00:15:50,325 --> 00:15:51,992 I got that. 218 00:15:52,577 --> 00:15:53,994 Wally. 219 00:15:55,455 --> 00:15:59,124 Dave! 220 00:15:59,292 --> 00:16:00,375 One o'clock! 221 00:16:02,337 --> 00:16:04,004 Son of a bitch! 222 00:16:04,172 --> 00:16:07,215 You little son of a bitch. You had enough? 223 00:16:07,383 --> 00:16:09,092 Little creep! 224 00:16:18,686 --> 00:16:21,480 How are you doing? I'm doing great! 225 00:16:21,689 --> 00:16:23,857 We should hang out more often. 226 00:16:24,025 --> 00:16:27,402 Yeah, it's nice to unwind after work. 227 00:16:27,570 --> 00:16:29,738 Does that mean I get the job? 228 00:16:30,198 --> 00:16:34,660 Depends on how this fight comes out. 229 00:16:36,663 --> 00:16:40,666 So I bought this big bottle of champagne. 230 00:16:40,875 --> 00:16:43,251 Must've cost 45 bucks. 231 00:16:44,003 --> 00:16:46,922 I asked my sister to drop me off at Jones Beach. 232 00:16:47,965 --> 00:16:51,677 I sat myself down in the sand, started drinking, 233 00:16:52,428 --> 00:16:56,223 and sneaking peeks to see if people was watching me cry. 234 00:16:56,432 --> 00:17:00,977 Then I realized it didn't matter, because I couldn't see them anyway. 235 00:17:01,187 --> 00:17:03,230 That's when I made a decision. 236 00:17:03,439 --> 00:17:07,025 I wasn't gonna piss my life away because of anger. 237 00:17:07,819 --> 00:17:11,697 That's when I decided, blind or not blind, 238 00:17:12,573 --> 00:17:16,410 I was gonna be the same lovable asshole I've always been. 239 00:17:20,456 --> 00:17:22,958 You haven't made that decision yet, have you? 240 00:17:23,126 --> 00:17:24,251 No. 241 00:17:26,838 --> 00:17:29,881 How'd you become an actor if you're deaf? 242 00:17:31,551 --> 00:17:34,970 I wasn't born deaf. I got scarlet fever in high school. 243 00:17:35,179 --> 00:17:38,557 I didn't lose all my hearing until eight years ago. 244 00:17:39,475 --> 00:17:40,809 Why'd you stop acting? 245 00:17:41,310 --> 00:17:44,938 I started missing my cues when the other actors would turn. 246 00:17:45,148 --> 00:17:47,065 I couldn't see their lips. 247 00:17:48,025 --> 00:17:49,651 They ever catch you? 248 00:17:50,695 --> 00:17:54,990 No, I don't think anyone knew. I just lost my nerve. 249 00:17:55,908 --> 00:18:00,162 When's the last time you were...? Sorry, you were eating. What? 250 00:18:00,371 --> 00:18:04,291 Laid! The last time you were laid! 251 00:18:06,002 --> 00:18:09,671 Too sad. Next subject, please. 252 00:18:10,548 --> 00:18:12,048 You don't want to know. 253 00:18:12,258 --> 00:18:13,925 So where's your wife? 254 00:18:14,343 --> 00:18:17,137 Cleveland. I haven't seen her for eight years. 255 00:18:17,346 --> 00:18:18,680 Nice lady? 256 00:18:18,890 --> 00:18:22,559 Very nice. Wonderful, warm woman. 257 00:18:25,313 --> 00:18:29,065 And then one day, she turned into this creature 258 00:18:29,275 --> 00:18:32,319 who could sit on the end of a broomstick 259 00:18:32,528 --> 00:18:35,363 and take off into the air. 260 00:18:35,531 --> 00:18:37,532 She could actually achieve flight. 261 00:18:37,825 --> 00:18:40,535 Wow. I think I was married to that lady. 262 00:18:40,703 --> 00:18:42,120 Small world. 263 00:18:42,330 --> 00:18:44,498 Funny thing is, this didn't happen to her 264 00:18:44,665 --> 00:18:48,335 till just about the same time I went completely deaf. Coincidence? 265 00:18:48,503 --> 00:18:51,046 Amazing. Who'd believe it? 266 00:18:51,714 --> 00:18:55,258 So, what do you want out of life before the show's over? 267 00:18:56,886 --> 00:18:59,679 Just not to make a fool out of myself. 268 00:19:00,556 --> 00:19:01,973 That's all you want? 269 00:19:02,809 --> 00:19:05,644 I have this terrible fear 270 00:19:05,853 --> 00:19:08,355 that I'm gonna make some mistake 271 00:19:08,564 --> 00:19:12,692 and everyone's gonna stand around and stare at me. 272 00:19:12,860 --> 00:19:17,113 Boy, damn. I wish I had met you eight years ago. 273 00:19:17,323 --> 00:19:20,158 I can fix all your problems in 10 seconds. 274 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:21,409 Ten seconds? 275 00:19:21,577 --> 00:19:24,663 Ten seconds, if you trust me. You trust me? 276 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:30,126 Yeah, sure. 277 00:19:31,754 --> 00:19:33,088 Listen. 278 00:19:38,261 --> 00:19:40,720 Hey, you're a good-looking guy. 279 00:19:40,930 --> 00:19:43,807 Thank you. That's very kind of you. 280 00:19:46,686 --> 00:19:48,854 How's that feel? Good? 281 00:19:49,856 --> 00:19:53,942 Look a little silly to me. Kind of foolish. 282 00:19:56,863 --> 00:20:00,282 You see? Life ain't so complicated. 283 00:20:19,260 --> 00:20:22,804 When's the next coming, Ray? Any second. 284 00:20:23,014 --> 00:20:27,559 That might be the truck coming now. I gotta go get a screwdriver. 285 00:20:30,605 --> 00:20:33,523 So, uh, the blind guy around? 286 00:20:36,777 --> 00:20:38,111 Hey. 287 00:20:40,823 --> 00:20:41,990 Oh. 288 00:20:42,658 --> 00:20:45,410 Where's the blind guy? Who do you want? 289 00:20:45,578 --> 00:20:48,163 Kerew. Wally Kerew. I'm his bookie. 290 00:20:48,331 --> 00:20:49,915 I owe him some money. 291 00:20:51,709 --> 00:20:55,587 Well, he's waiting for a delivery. He'll be back in a minute. 292 00:20:55,796 --> 00:20:58,840 Where's he, out front? I'll go find him. 293 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:06,681 I almost forgot. I need some, uh... 294 00:21:06,849 --> 00:21:10,018 Some, I don't know... We're not open yet. 295 00:21:10,186 --> 00:21:14,022 I know. Listen, I need some of that stuff up there. 296 00:21:14,190 --> 00:21:17,692 My tummy's all kaput. What is that stuff up there? 297 00:21:17,902 --> 00:21:19,861 The antacids? Yeah, listen. 298 00:21:20,071 --> 00:21:23,949 What's the difference between Alka-Seltzer and the one next to it? 299 00:21:24,158 --> 00:21:25,325 Di-Gel? 300 00:21:25,493 --> 00:21:28,703 Yeah. Can you do me a favor. Would you read it to me? 301 00:21:28,871 --> 00:21:31,039 You want me to read out Di-Gel? 302 00:21:31,207 --> 00:21:34,668 Yeah, my eyes ain't too good. Just read it, please? 303 00:21:34,877 --> 00:21:36,127 Jesus. 304 00:21:39,006 --> 00:21:42,384 Uh, "Di-Gel contains calcium carbonate, 305 00:21:42,593 --> 00:21:45,804 an effective antacid. It is also... " 306 00:21:46,013 --> 00:21:48,056 Where are you going? Here, take it. 307 00:21:48,265 --> 00:21:50,809 I wasn't trying to pull anything. Honestly. 308 00:21:51,018 --> 00:21:53,645 You were told to deliver this from the airport. 309 00:21:53,813 --> 00:21:56,606 I thought I was being tailed. I thought it was the cops. 310 00:21:56,816 --> 00:22:00,110 I didn't want to bring them near Mr. Sutherland. Tell him that. 311 00:22:00,277 --> 00:22:03,154 No, you tell him that. I've got a car out front. 312 00:22:03,322 --> 00:22:05,573 Come on, I'm dead if I go with you. 313 00:22:06,117 --> 00:22:08,034 You're dead if you don't go with me. 314 00:22:16,335 --> 00:22:20,672 "... bubbles of gas trapped in the stomach can cause heartburn, 315 00:22:20,881 --> 00:22:24,050 acid indigestion and that full, bloated feeling. 316 00:22:24,218 --> 00:22:26,219 And unlike plain antacids, 317 00:22:26,387 --> 00:22:29,723 the simethicone breaks up gas bubbles rapidly 318 00:22:29,932 --> 00:22:33,184 to relieve fullness and pressure. " 319 00:22:33,394 --> 00:22:35,270 I feel like a commercial. 320 00:22:49,618 --> 00:22:51,745 What the hell was that? 321 00:22:52,371 --> 00:22:53,413 Wait a minute. 322 00:22:53,581 --> 00:22:56,249 Wait, my ass! I thought I heard... 323 00:23:00,796 --> 00:23:02,839 What is this, hide-and-seek? 324 00:23:08,262 --> 00:23:10,180 What? What's this? 325 00:23:10,347 --> 00:23:11,514 Hey. Ooh. 326 00:23:13,476 --> 00:23:16,144 Hello? Oh, no! 327 00:23:16,353 --> 00:23:19,564 This guy's dead. Wally, there's a gun here. 328 00:23:19,774 --> 00:23:20,899 Don't touch it. 329 00:23:21,067 --> 00:23:22,192 Move it! 330 00:23:23,069 --> 00:23:24,152 Freeze! 331 00:23:24,320 --> 00:23:26,071 Drop it! I said drop it! 332 00:23:26,280 --> 00:23:28,364 What did he say? You holding a weapon? 333 00:23:28,574 --> 00:23:31,159 Yes, I am. Throw it away! Get rid of it! 334 00:23:32,912 --> 00:23:34,120 Stay there! Freeze! 335 00:23:34,288 --> 00:23:35,330 Don't shoot! 336 00:23:35,498 --> 00:23:36,831 I'll blow your brains out. 337 00:23:36,999 --> 00:23:39,125 Wait. Shut up! 338 00:23:39,293 --> 00:23:40,335 Please, be gentle. 339 00:23:42,004 --> 00:23:43,463 Let's go. Wait. 340 00:23:43,672 --> 00:23:48,176 You don't think I had anything to do with this. He came for Alka-Seltzer. 341 00:23:48,344 --> 00:23:51,930 The man asked me to read him a Di-Gel label. Can you believe that? 342 00:23:52,098 --> 00:23:54,599 We don't even know the man. 343 00:23:54,767 --> 00:23:58,186 Wally, get the money from the box. Yeah. 344 00:23:58,354 --> 00:24:01,022 Officer, excuse me, isn't there some 345 00:24:01,232 --> 00:24:04,943 nice way we can settle this? Can I get my coat? 346 00:24:05,111 --> 00:24:07,904 Hang on, we'll get your coats. Jesus! 347 00:24:08,114 --> 00:24:11,658 Wally, tell Mr. Huddelston to lock up for us. 348 00:24:11,826 --> 00:24:13,326 Yeah. 349 00:24:16,705 --> 00:24:19,207 Open it up. You're sick! 350 00:24:21,710 --> 00:24:23,128 Dave? 351 00:24:25,047 --> 00:24:27,048 Dave? Head down. 352 00:24:27,216 --> 00:24:29,843 Head down, bring it down. Dave? 353 00:24:30,553 --> 00:24:32,595 Watch your leg, watch your leg. 354 00:24:32,805 --> 00:24:36,307 License: One-David-George-x-ray... 355 00:24:36,517 --> 00:24:38,434 All right, let's move out. 356 00:24:44,817 --> 00:24:48,611 You really can't say whether this mystery woman fired the shot. 357 00:24:48,821 --> 00:24:50,947 No, I can't, but if she's innocent, 358 00:24:51,115 --> 00:24:54,117 why did she leave right after the shot was fired? 359 00:24:54,285 --> 00:24:56,411 That makes sense. Gatlin. 360 00:25:00,291 --> 00:25:04,419 What's the story? I got the commissioner crawling up my ass. 361 00:25:04,587 --> 00:25:06,588 The whole thing sounds shaky. 362 00:25:06,755 --> 00:25:09,841 The deaf guy, he's not so sure about the woman. 363 00:25:10,050 --> 00:25:13,303 The blind guy heard the shot, but can't make an identification. 364 00:25:13,470 --> 00:25:16,764 For chrissakes, you're feeling too sorry for them. 365 00:25:16,974 --> 00:25:20,268 You're always feeling sorry for people. That's your trouble. 366 00:25:20,477 --> 00:25:23,229 All right, I'll take care of this. 367 00:25:26,609 --> 00:25:27,942 Oh. 368 00:25:29,612 --> 00:25:32,947 We're gonna quit fucking around and start talking serious. 369 00:25:33,115 --> 00:25:34,949 You claim there was a woman? 370 00:25:37,828 --> 00:25:39,913 Was there a woman present? 371 00:25:43,000 --> 00:25:46,377 Was there a woman present? Oh, sorry. You talking to me? 372 00:25:46,545 --> 00:25:49,631 You bet your ass I am. Was there or wasn't there? 373 00:25:49,798 --> 00:25:53,468 Was there or wasn't there what? A woman present! 374 00:25:53,636 --> 00:25:56,471 I smelled a woman, but I didn't see a woman. 375 00:25:58,599 --> 00:26:02,518 What about you, wiseass? Was there or wasn't there a woman? 376 00:26:04,063 --> 00:26:05,480 What do I have to do? 377 00:26:05,648 --> 00:26:09,150 Take you downstairs to a private room and ask you? Huh? 378 00:26:09,318 --> 00:26:12,320 He's deaf. You have to be facing him. 379 00:26:12,738 --> 00:26:17,325 Jesus. All right, no more bullshit! Was there or wasn't there a woman? 380 00:26:18,410 --> 00:26:21,162 Are you serious? Yes, I'm goddamn serious. 381 00:26:21,664 --> 00:26:23,289 Fuzzy Wuzzy was a woman? 382 00:26:24,458 --> 00:26:28,628 What is he talking about? He reads lips. You're talking too fast. 383 00:26:33,008 --> 00:26:35,051 Was there 384 00:26:35,261 --> 00:26:39,847 a woman present? 385 00:26:40,015 --> 00:26:41,391 Yes, 386 00:26:41,558 --> 00:26:44,060 there was 387 00:26:44,270 --> 00:26:48,439 a woman 388 00:26:48,649 --> 00:26:50,900 present. 389 00:26:51,068 --> 00:26:52,568 Why is he talking like that? 390 00:26:52,736 --> 00:26:59,242 Because he's deaf, not stupid. 391 00:27:02,162 --> 00:27:05,957 Can you tell me one goddamn thing about that woman? 392 00:27:06,166 --> 00:27:10,378 Yes. She has the most magnificent legs I've ever seen in my life. 393 00:27:10,546 --> 00:27:14,382 Yeah, and she smells good too. All right, that does it. 394 00:27:14,591 --> 00:27:17,635 Don't tell me you didn't hear anything. He heard it. 395 00:27:17,845 --> 00:27:20,763 Don't tell me you didn't see anything. He saw it. 396 00:27:20,973 --> 00:27:24,392 Between the two of you, you saw and heard everything! 397 00:27:25,311 --> 00:27:30,189 Some poor bastard's dead, so let's start answering some questions here! 398 00:27:30,399 --> 00:27:32,400 Excuse me, captain? What? 399 00:27:32,568 --> 00:27:35,903 Professor Kasuda. You'll be interested in what he's gotta say. 400 00:27:36,071 --> 00:27:38,156 Ballistics report. What do you got? 401 00:27:38,324 --> 00:27:42,827 I think I can prove to a judge that both of these men had the mens rea. 402 00:27:44,204 --> 00:27:46,414 What the hell is a mens rea? 403 00:27:46,582 --> 00:27:48,041 It's a legal term. 404 00:27:48,208 --> 00:27:51,669 It just means the intention to commit a crime. 405 00:27:52,421 --> 00:27:54,797 Okay, come on, let's go. Mens rea? 406 00:27:55,007 --> 00:27:57,925 Put the cuffs on. How could we have gotten mens rea? 407 00:27:58,093 --> 00:27:59,927 Don't worry. Get up. 408 00:28:00,137 --> 00:28:02,305 Did we take blood? Get up! 409 00:28:02,514 --> 00:28:06,768 Will you please rise? Can you do it without taking blood? 410 00:28:06,935 --> 00:28:10,438 Stupid, he's deaf. You have to be facing him! 411 00:28:10,647 --> 00:28:13,066 The lab says that gun was the death weapon. 412 00:28:13,233 --> 00:28:15,610 But we both use condoms. How's this possible? 413 00:28:15,819 --> 00:28:19,655 I wanna see a lawyer! I wanna see a doctor. 414 00:28:19,865 --> 00:28:22,742 We found something in the apartment of Mr. Scotto. 415 00:28:22,951 --> 00:28:25,620 Joey Scotto? Can I have a blood test? 416 00:28:25,788 --> 00:28:28,831 We found your name on a marker in Mr. Scotto's wallet. 417 00:28:29,041 --> 00:28:32,168 "W. Kerew, $2800. Overdue. " 418 00:28:32,378 --> 00:28:34,295 Because I owe him? I feel sick. 419 00:28:34,463 --> 00:28:35,880 What are you doing? 420 00:28:36,048 --> 00:28:40,343 You owe, he comes to bust your head and your boyfriend lets him have it. 421 00:28:40,552 --> 00:28:42,470 He is not my boyfriend. 422 00:28:42,638 --> 00:28:44,389 Mens rea? 423 00:28:46,642 --> 00:28:49,394 My God! No! 424 00:28:52,856 --> 00:28:53,981 Checkbook, 425 00:28:54,274 --> 00:28:55,983 knife, 426 00:28:57,694 --> 00:28:59,445 racing forms, 427 00:28:59,613 --> 00:29:01,280 pair of undershorts, 428 00:29:02,616 --> 00:29:04,242 and a ticket... 429 00:29:06,578 --> 00:29:09,205 to El Paso, Texas. It's not here! 430 00:29:35,649 --> 00:29:37,108 No coin. 431 00:29:37,860 --> 00:29:41,696 I wish I hadn't killed him. No, no. If you had to, you had to. 432 00:29:41,864 --> 00:29:46,325 Now, we know he had it at the airport. So he must've made a switch over somewhere. 433 00:29:46,660 --> 00:29:49,704 The man who owns the newsstand, David Lyons. 434 00:29:49,872 --> 00:29:52,206 He was talking with Scotto when I arrived. 435 00:29:52,374 --> 00:29:54,208 Would he be able to identify you? 436 00:29:55,085 --> 00:29:58,713 No. He never saw me. Also, he's deaf. 437 00:29:59,298 --> 00:30:02,049 Deaf? Deaf. 438 00:30:02,217 --> 00:30:04,927 And the other one is blind. 439 00:30:05,220 --> 00:30:07,221 Blind? Deaf? What, is this a joke? 440 00:30:07,931 --> 00:30:10,975 No, no joke. I spoke with the building superintendent. 441 00:30:11,143 --> 00:30:13,644 Well, let's go pay them a visit, shall we? 442 00:30:14,688 --> 00:30:16,647 Well, they're in jail now. 443 00:30:17,191 --> 00:30:19,692 Well, then let's bail them out. 444 00:30:23,280 --> 00:30:27,575 All right, Mr. Lyons, I need a nice full-face shot first. 445 00:30:27,743 --> 00:30:31,287 Then we'll get our side shots later. You ready? 446 00:30:31,497 --> 00:30:34,665 We're here because you owed that sleazeball $2800? 447 00:30:34,833 --> 00:30:36,584 Face forward, please. 448 00:30:36,752 --> 00:30:41,088 I happened to think the Knicks were gonna beat Boston. They came close. 449 00:30:41,256 --> 00:30:43,674 Tell your friend to face the front. 450 00:30:43,842 --> 00:30:45,635 Face front. 451 00:30:45,844 --> 00:30:48,888 What do you need a bookie for? Credit. 452 00:30:49,056 --> 00:30:50,056 Face front. 453 00:30:50,224 --> 00:30:53,226 He was the only one who would give me credit. Face front. 454 00:30:53,393 --> 00:30:55,770 Will you tell him to hold still, please? 455 00:30:55,938 --> 00:30:57,813 What? Hold still. 456 00:31:01,318 --> 00:31:02,360 What's he doing? 457 00:31:03,237 --> 00:31:04,278 Holding still. 458 00:31:05,739 --> 00:31:08,449 Not looking at you, looking at me! 459 00:31:09,785 --> 00:31:12,245 What? Face the camera. 460 00:31:13,622 --> 00:31:15,540 Perfect. Tell him not to move. 461 00:31:15,874 --> 00:31:18,125 What? Don't move. 462 00:31:18,377 --> 00:31:20,461 I'm getting fed up with her. 463 00:31:22,130 --> 00:31:26,467 Why is he doing this to me? I just want him to face the camera. 464 00:31:26,677 --> 00:31:29,428 He's not facing the camera? No! 465 00:31:29,596 --> 00:31:31,472 That's news to me. 466 00:31:31,723 --> 00:31:34,308 What? Face the camera. 467 00:31:35,227 --> 00:31:37,603 That's better. Hold it. 468 00:31:37,813 --> 00:31:40,690 She should make up her mind. Shit! 469 00:31:41,066 --> 00:31:42,441 Shit! 470 00:31:43,151 --> 00:31:45,987 Shit, shit, shit! 471 00:31:46,154 --> 00:31:49,907 Is she saying "shit" or "ship"? "Shit. " 472 00:31:50,075 --> 00:31:53,286 Shit, shit, shit. Charlie, come here. 473 00:31:53,662 --> 00:31:56,497 Yeah, why would she say, "Ship, ship, ship"? 474 00:31:56,665 --> 00:31:59,000 I need you. Wouldn't make any sense. 475 00:31:59,167 --> 00:32:01,752 Get him out of here. I want him out, now! 476 00:32:03,130 --> 00:32:06,340 You're finished. I'll get you when you're sleeping. 477 00:32:06,508 --> 00:32:10,344 We'll be all right. Once they find that woman, they'll let us out. 478 00:32:10,512 --> 00:32:13,222 What woman? They're not looking for no woman. 479 00:32:13,432 --> 00:32:15,683 They got their killers. Us. We're fucked. 480 00:32:15,892 --> 00:32:17,143 Captain, honestly... 481 00:32:17,352 --> 00:32:18,352 Ow! 482 00:32:19,021 --> 00:32:21,188 You all right? What's wrong with you? 483 00:32:21,356 --> 00:32:23,983 Can't you walk? Do we have to carry you? 484 00:32:24,192 --> 00:32:25,359 Don't do shit for me. 485 00:32:25,527 --> 00:32:28,112 The man is blind and you have him handcuffed? 486 00:32:28,280 --> 00:32:30,364 Come on. For crying out loud. 487 00:32:30,532 --> 00:32:34,869 All right, take the cuffs off him before he wrecks the goddamn joint. 488 00:32:35,037 --> 00:32:36,704 Don't do me no favors. 489 00:32:37,414 --> 00:32:41,334 Is everybody happy now? Huh? Are we all friends again? 490 00:32:41,543 --> 00:32:44,045 Come on now, let's go, huh? Jesus. 491 00:32:45,172 --> 00:32:48,257 Joe. I got Lyons, David. Kerew, Wallace. 492 00:32:48,425 --> 00:32:49,842 Suspected homicide. 493 00:32:50,052 --> 00:32:52,053 His lawyers are here. Whose? 494 00:32:52,220 --> 00:32:55,389 David Lyons'. My lawyers? 495 00:32:55,557 --> 00:32:59,185 Oh. You want to check him for police brutality, lady? 496 00:32:59,394 --> 00:33:02,605 You got as long as it takes to print him. Get in here. 497 00:33:03,106 --> 00:33:05,358 I know you don't know who we are. 498 00:33:05,525 --> 00:33:07,276 Your right hand, please. 499 00:33:07,486 --> 00:33:10,738 Our law firm represents the building you have your shop in. 500 00:33:10,947 --> 00:33:13,574 We've been sent to try to arrange bail for you. 501 00:33:13,742 --> 00:33:16,410 Great. That's a nice surprise. 502 00:33:16,578 --> 00:33:20,790 They can only hold you up to 72 hours before an arraignment. 503 00:33:20,957 --> 00:33:24,043 But with luck, we'll have you out of here by 5:00. 504 00:33:24,211 --> 00:33:27,672 We're pushing the "blind and deaf" angle. We hope you don't mind. 505 00:33:27,839 --> 00:33:29,882 No. No, we don't mind. Use it. 506 00:33:30,050 --> 00:33:32,218 We'll see you both very soon. 507 00:33:32,511 --> 00:33:35,096 Excuse me, miss, have we met before? 508 00:33:37,766 --> 00:33:39,266 No, I don't think so. 509 00:33:39,434 --> 00:33:41,602 Are you wearing Shalimar perfume? 510 00:33:44,147 --> 00:33:45,898 Yes, I am. 511 00:33:47,025 --> 00:33:49,694 You know, you have a remarkable nose. 512 00:33:50,862 --> 00:33:53,280 Thank you. Goodbye. 513 00:33:53,949 --> 00:33:54,949 Goodbye. 514 00:33:55,117 --> 00:33:57,410 I never knew anyone could be that beautiful. 515 00:33:57,577 --> 00:33:58,953 The lady's got style. 516 00:34:01,039 --> 00:34:04,417 I'd love to go to sleep listening to a voice like that. 517 00:34:07,921 --> 00:34:09,922 Oh, my God. Yeah. 518 00:34:10,090 --> 00:34:11,924 The legs. Yes, I can imagine. 519 00:34:12,092 --> 00:34:13,801 The legs. The legs. Of course. 520 00:34:13,969 --> 00:34:15,261 It's her! The killer? 521 00:34:15,679 --> 00:34:18,973 The lady in my shop I was trying to tell you about? That's her. 522 00:34:19,141 --> 00:34:21,684 The woman is your lawyer? She's not my lawyer! 523 00:34:21,852 --> 00:34:24,353 Now she's not your lawyer? That makes sense. Get out. 524 00:34:24,563 --> 00:34:27,106 She's not my lawyer. That's the lady you want! 525 00:34:27,315 --> 00:34:30,568 How come you couldn't give me a description? 526 00:34:30,777 --> 00:34:34,363 I only saw her from the rear. When she came in, I was looking at her face. 527 00:34:34,573 --> 00:34:38,075 She went around just now, I saw her tush. That's her! 528 00:34:38,285 --> 00:34:40,411 That's the lady you want. Stop her! 529 00:34:40,620 --> 00:34:41,662 Stop that lady! 530 00:34:41,830 --> 00:34:45,666 With a little luck, we'll have them to ourselves by 5:00. 531 00:34:45,834 --> 00:34:49,462 They seem nice. So was the chicken I ate last night. 532 00:34:49,629 --> 00:34:52,339 Right now, the police have us for murder, 533 00:34:52,549 --> 00:34:54,633 or we're bailed out by the killer. 534 00:34:54,801 --> 00:34:57,762 At least my way we have a chance. Are you with me? 535 00:34:57,971 --> 00:35:00,222 All right, guys, let's go, huh? 536 00:35:00,432 --> 00:35:03,225 Yes or no? Yes. 537 00:35:05,771 --> 00:35:08,189 Come on, move these guys. Let's move. 538 00:35:08,398 --> 00:35:11,567 Come on, let's go. We gotta go. I'm sorry. 539 00:35:12,235 --> 00:35:13,277 Come on. 540 00:35:19,826 --> 00:35:24,330 I bet these guys are really gonna enjoy themselves on Rikers Island, huh? 541 00:35:24,539 --> 00:35:27,917 I bet you learn to speak Spanish real quick. Won't that be nice? 542 00:35:28,084 --> 00:35:29,210 Ooh. Heh, heh. 543 00:35:29,377 --> 00:35:33,380 You know, I hear that they make the greatest kidney fricassee 544 00:35:33,590 --> 00:35:35,341 with pineapple Jell-O. 545 00:35:35,550 --> 00:35:38,219 It's really special. All right, party time. 546 00:35:38,512 --> 00:35:40,471 Aah! Hey, what the hell! 547 00:35:41,681 --> 00:35:44,141 Tell me when. Tell me when! Now! 548 00:35:45,560 --> 00:35:48,687 Hey! Hey, wait a minute! Grab them! 549 00:35:48,855 --> 00:35:50,856 Open the goddamn door! 550 00:36:04,996 --> 00:36:07,915 What's going on? Protestors. 551 00:36:08,166 --> 00:36:12,044 Demonstrators? Good. Go with the flow. Mix in. 552 00:36:25,684 --> 00:36:28,894 Excuse me. Excuse me, sir. Could I have a word with you? 553 00:36:29,104 --> 00:36:31,272 Now that you're released, how do you feel? 554 00:36:31,439 --> 00:36:34,233 Great. Do you think you can stop Khomeini? 555 00:36:35,151 --> 00:36:36,193 Not if it's funny. 556 00:36:36,361 --> 00:36:39,446 A good comedy, as you call it, is worth its weight in gold. 557 00:36:39,614 --> 00:36:41,949 Have you read Norman Cousins about the immune system? 558 00:36:42,117 --> 00:36:45,244 Hey, baby, come on. Comedy. Ha-ha-ha. 559 00:36:45,412 --> 00:36:48,831 Hey, when is this gonna be on? I want my sister to tape it. 560 00:36:53,169 --> 00:36:54,920 Uh, thank you. 561 00:36:56,464 --> 00:37:00,134 As you can see, this remains a complicated issue. 562 00:37:00,302 --> 00:37:03,929 How could we lose a blind guy and a deaf guy? 563 00:37:04,139 --> 00:37:07,266 Son of a bitch! I want these guys. Now! 564 00:37:07,642 --> 00:37:09,810 Calm down. Just calm down. We'll get them. 565 00:37:10,020 --> 00:37:12,479 Yeah, we better get them. We better get them. 566 00:37:12,647 --> 00:37:14,315 Careful. Careful. 567 00:37:14,524 --> 00:37:15,733 Turn left. 568 00:37:19,487 --> 00:37:21,238 Wait. Let's try the door. 569 00:37:21,448 --> 00:37:23,365 There's a hole here, Wally. 570 00:37:23,617 --> 00:37:26,410 Put your fingers right in here. Pull. 571 00:37:28,872 --> 00:37:30,164 There's an alley! Dave! 572 00:37:30,332 --> 00:37:33,751 I'm right here. I'm right here. Step down. Step down once. 573 00:37:33,960 --> 00:37:35,294 Follow me. Careful. 574 00:37:35,503 --> 00:37:39,173 There's an alley right here. Careful. Turn right. Turn right. 575 00:37:41,343 --> 00:37:43,010 Here's another door. 576 00:37:45,680 --> 00:37:47,097 It's open. 577 00:37:47,307 --> 00:37:48,474 Go on in. 578 00:37:49,684 --> 00:37:52,394 Kerew is blind. Repeat, blind. 579 00:37:52,604 --> 00:37:56,106 Lyons, David, 5'10", Caucasian, blond hair. 580 00:37:56,316 --> 00:37:59,068 Lyons is deaf. Repeat, deaf. 581 00:37:59,277 --> 00:38:03,739 Form barricades. 6th Avenue to Hudson, Houston to West 4th. 582 00:38:03,949 --> 00:38:06,367 Every available cruiser, scramble now. 583 00:38:10,538 --> 00:38:14,917 How does someone so beautiful kill somebody? I don't understand. 584 00:38:15,126 --> 00:38:18,337 Careful. The broken wood is in front of you. 585 00:38:19,089 --> 00:38:20,422 That's it. 586 00:38:22,217 --> 00:38:23,717 Oh, wait a minute. 587 00:38:25,095 --> 00:38:26,553 Hold my head. 588 00:38:27,180 --> 00:38:28,514 Hold my head. Okay. 589 00:38:28,723 --> 00:38:30,182 Oh, hold my head. 590 00:38:31,726 --> 00:38:33,936 Thank you. Ah. Ow. 591 00:38:34,104 --> 00:38:35,396 Are you all right? 592 00:38:35,563 --> 00:38:37,189 Thank you very much. 593 00:38:44,030 --> 00:38:48,659 They told me to call back in 10 minutes. The judge is just getting out of court now. 594 00:38:48,868 --> 00:38:50,911 We can have them in half an hour. 595 00:38:51,579 --> 00:38:52,955 This way, Wally. 596 00:38:53,164 --> 00:38:57,084 Don't guide me. Don't guide me. What? 597 00:38:57,293 --> 00:39:00,045 They're looking for a blind guy and deaf guy. 598 00:39:00,213 --> 00:39:02,172 We gotta get out of the neighborhood. 599 00:39:02,340 --> 00:39:04,591 You won't make it. You'll crack your head. 600 00:39:04,759 --> 00:39:07,511 Not if you stamp your feet. If I what? 601 00:39:07,721 --> 00:39:10,806 Stamp your feet. I'll follow the sound. 602 00:39:13,560 --> 00:39:14,810 Like this? Louder. 603 00:39:15,020 --> 00:39:18,022 I can hear the noise. I'll follow you. 604 00:39:18,314 --> 00:39:21,859 That's good! Now move out! Jesus. 605 00:39:22,068 --> 00:39:24,153 We gotta find the subway. 606 00:39:25,905 --> 00:39:29,616 I feel ridiculous. You look fine to me! 607 00:39:30,201 --> 00:39:32,953 I think we should kill them. We have to. 608 00:39:33,288 --> 00:39:35,497 We don't want them to identify us. 609 00:39:35,707 --> 00:39:38,000 It's not up to me. It's up to Sutherland. 610 00:39:38,209 --> 00:39:40,544 If he wants us to kill them, we'll kill them. 611 00:39:40,754 --> 00:39:44,631 Right now, I just want to get them out of there and get the coin. 612 00:39:50,680 --> 00:39:53,640 Mr. Kerew? How did you get out of jail? 613 00:39:53,808 --> 00:39:56,518 Who is it? It's all right. It's us. 614 00:39:56,728 --> 00:39:59,813 Your lawyers. Shalimar. 615 00:39:59,981 --> 00:40:02,816 That's right. Shalimar. 616 00:40:04,152 --> 00:40:06,070 What is Mr. Lyons doing? 617 00:40:06,279 --> 00:40:09,073 He's going to the bathroom. He's gotta go real bad. 618 00:40:09,282 --> 00:40:14,119 And I told him, if you gotta go, you gotta go! Go! 619 00:40:14,287 --> 00:40:17,414 Wally? Yeah, don't worry about me. 620 00:40:17,582 --> 00:40:20,167 You go on without me! I'll catch up later. 621 00:40:20,335 --> 00:40:22,961 When you gotta go, you gotta go, you know? 622 00:40:23,171 --> 00:40:25,339 Not everybody can stand around and wait! 623 00:40:25,507 --> 00:40:28,050 Just go! Don't worry about me, okay? 624 00:40:28,259 --> 00:40:31,011 I'll catch up with you later! Do you hear me? 625 00:40:31,179 --> 00:40:32,846 Sure. I hear you fine. 626 00:40:34,516 --> 00:40:36,683 You snuck up on me. Damn you. 627 00:40:37,352 --> 00:40:40,813 You're close enough now. You can read my lips. 628 00:40:41,022 --> 00:40:42,314 Yes, I can. 629 00:40:42,524 --> 00:40:44,608 Guess who I ran into today? Who? 630 00:40:46,486 --> 00:40:48,362 The killers. 631 00:40:49,656 --> 00:40:52,366 The, uh, kidders? 632 00:40:52,534 --> 00:40:55,536 Where did you learn to lip-read, underwater? 633 00:40:56,329 --> 00:41:00,415 The "killers," Mr. Lyons. The killers. 634 00:41:00,625 --> 00:41:03,127 May I have the coin, Mr. Kerew? 635 00:41:03,378 --> 00:41:05,379 What coin are we talking about? 636 00:41:06,798 --> 00:41:08,590 They may not know they have it. 637 00:41:12,011 --> 00:41:13,846 Excuse me. 638 00:41:14,013 --> 00:41:16,557 Let's see if I can find it. 639 00:41:18,226 --> 00:41:22,312 I don't know what you're looking for, but it's a little to the right. 640 00:41:24,399 --> 00:41:25,816 Oh... 641 00:41:26,401 --> 00:41:27,693 Here it is. 642 00:41:27,861 --> 00:41:32,072 Here what is? It's a rare gold coin, Mr. Kerew. 643 00:41:32,365 --> 00:41:37,244 Very valuable. Mr. Scotto put it in your cigar box before he passed away. 644 00:41:37,412 --> 00:41:39,997 You mean I've had it all the time? 645 00:41:40,290 --> 00:41:43,542 Well, now what? You know how I feel. 646 00:41:43,918 --> 00:41:45,711 Can we go now? 647 00:41:45,962 --> 00:41:49,006 I'll call our employer and find out. 648 00:41:53,386 --> 00:41:57,431 Say, my man... Mr. Kerew, not so fast. 649 00:41:57,682 --> 00:42:01,101 I wanted to know, you make a lot of money in this line of work? 650 00:42:01,269 --> 00:42:05,230 Yes, Mr. Sutherland, we have them both. And the coin. 651 00:42:07,150 --> 00:42:08,942 Well, yes, actually I do. Okay. 652 00:42:09,110 --> 00:42:11,111 But there's no unions or benefits. 653 00:42:11,654 --> 00:42:12,988 That's right. 654 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:15,199 What time do you land? 655 00:42:15,366 --> 00:42:19,119 I'll return tomorrow morning at approximately 8:37. 656 00:42:19,287 --> 00:42:22,789 All right. We'll go to Great Gorge and we'll wait for your call. 657 00:42:22,957 --> 00:42:25,584 But we have to leave the country tomorrow morning. 658 00:42:25,752 --> 00:42:28,795 Don't worry, my dear. Everything's arranged. 659 00:42:28,963 --> 00:42:32,674 All right, Mr. Sutherland. Goodbye. 660 00:42:32,842 --> 00:42:35,844 Sort of like a picky person. Ha, ha. 661 00:42:37,096 --> 00:42:38,639 What's it to be? 662 00:42:39,015 --> 00:42:43,185 I'll wait in the car. No, meet me behind the diner. 663 00:42:44,145 --> 00:42:45,520 Goodbye, Mr. Lyons. 664 00:42:45,688 --> 00:42:49,191 I hope I bump into you again. 665 00:42:50,068 --> 00:42:51,777 I don't think so. 666 00:42:51,986 --> 00:42:54,071 See, I'll be leaving the country 667 00:42:54,322 --> 00:42:55,530 and you'll be dead. 668 00:42:55,740 --> 00:42:59,493 Dead? I thought you weren't gonna kill us. 669 00:43:00,870 --> 00:43:02,871 Afraid not. Goodbye. 670 00:43:03,081 --> 00:43:06,166 Wait. Wait a second. Don't we get a last request? 671 00:43:10,004 --> 00:43:11,630 What would you like? 672 00:43:12,840 --> 00:43:15,092 Would you scratch my nose for me? 673 00:43:29,357 --> 00:43:31,191 You're a very sick woman. 674 00:43:31,859 --> 00:43:33,193 Thank you. 675 00:43:33,820 --> 00:43:35,320 What would you like? 676 00:43:35,530 --> 00:43:37,823 I suppose a fuck is out of the question. 677 00:43:39,409 --> 00:43:41,243 I'm afraid so. 678 00:43:42,662 --> 00:43:44,121 Goodbye. 679 00:43:46,040 --> 00:43:47,207 Let's go, gentlemen. 680 00:43:47,375 --> 00:43:49,960 We don't know nothing about no gold coin. 681 00:43:50,169 --> 00:43:52,045 Why do you gotta kill us? 682 00:43:52,255 --> 00:43:55,632 Because you're both witnesses. I don't understand this. 683 00:43:55,800 --> 00:43:59,886 Why are we making it easier for you? Why don't you just do it here? 684 00:44:00,054 --> 00:44:03,390 Why in an alley? Why don't you kill us right here? 685 00:44:04,225 --> 00:44:06,935 Fine. Big mouth. 686 00:44:07,228 --> 00:44:10,897 Wait. We won't talk. I promise. 687 00:44:11,107 --> 00:44:13,608 Please, don't do this. 688 00:44:13,818 --> 00:44:16,737 Dave, stop the begging, man. 689 00:44:16,946 --> 00:44:19,197 We gotta go out with dignity. 690 00:44:19,365 --> 00:44:22,409 All I want to know is what time is it? 691 00:44:22,618 --> 00:44:26,830 Did you say what time is it? Yes, I did. What time is it? 692 00:44:27,040 --> 00:44:28,874 Your time is up, Mr. Kerew. 693 00:44:29,042 --> 00:44:33,837 If I have to die, I want my friend to tell me what time it is. 694 00:44:35,423 --> 00:44:36,590 Oh. 695 00:44:36,758 --> 00:44:38,592 What time it is? 696 00:44:41,262 --> 00:44:42,804 It's 3:00. 697 00:44:43,014 --> 00:44:45,307 Not yet. Not yet. It's 12... 698 00:44:45,516 --> 00:44:48,769 Wait. It's 10:00 now. Wait, 12:00. 699 00:44:48,936 --> 00:44:50,645 Make up your mind! It's 12:00. 700 00:44:50,813 --> 00:44:54,024 It is not 12:00. It's 11: 15. It's 12:00. It's 12:00! 701 00:44:55,443 --> 00:44:58,278 It's about time. Quick! This way. This way. 702 00:44:59,947 --> 00:45:01,740 Careful. Narrow. Narrow. 703 00:45:02,408 --> 00:45:04,034 Whoa, whoa, whoa! 704 00:45:04,994 --> 00:45:06,620 Other way! Other way! 705 00:45:06,788 --> 00:45:08,914 Hurry, Wally! Hurry, Wally! Come on, Wally! 706 00:45:09,082 --> 00:45:11,458 Where we going? This way. 707 00:45:19,300 --> 00:45:20,342 What's up? 708 00:45:20,510 --> 00:45:24,054 Get behind this car. There's a car. Watch your knees. 709 00:45:24,972 --> 00:45:28,058 What's up? Policemen have set up a barricade. 710 00:45:28,267 --> 00:45:30,435 This is running. Anybody in it? 711 00:45:30,645 --> 00:45:33,647 This is a squad car. I know that. Is anyone in it? 712 00:45:33,856 --> 00:45:36,191 I can't do this. Yes, you can. 713 00:45:36,401 --> 00:45:38,652 My hands are cuffed. I can't drive. 714 00:45:38,820 --> 00:45:42,072 Who said anything about you? We gotta get out. 715 00:45:42,281 --> 00:45:45,826 We're not gonna get 10 feet. Yes, we can. Get in. 716 00:45:48,746 --> 00:45:51,248 Wally, you're gonna kill somebody. 717 00:45:51,791 --> 00:45:53,834 I got the wheel, you take the pedals. 718 00:45:54,001 --> 00:45:57,003 You say something? I got the wheel, you take the pedals. 719 00:45:57,213 --> 00:45:59,840 Oh, no! Forward! Wally, go forward! 720 00:46:02,969 --> 00:46:05,303 How am I doing? Watch the road! 721 00:46:05,513 --> 00:46:07,848 If it'll make you feel better. Left! 722 00:46:08,015 --> 00:46:09,099 Watch out! 723 00:46:14,856 --> 00:46:18,608 Headquarters, this is Barricade 4! Headquarters, this is Barricade 4! 724 00:46:18,776 --> 00:46:21,278 I hate when that happens. 725 00:46:29,454 --> 00:46:31,538 Are you stupid? You want to die? 726 00:46:31,706 --> 00:46:35,375 Police emergency. Out of the car. Police? Show me your badge. 727 00:46:35,585 --> 00:46:36,877 This is my badge. 728 00:46:37,044 --> 00:46:38,962 They crashed through in a squad car. 729 00:46:39,130 --> 00:46:40,505 Who the hell was driving? 730 00:46:40,715 --> 00:46:42,883 I think it's the blind guy. 731 00:46:44,051 --> 00:46:46,761 Get in the car! Open that up! What's up? 732 00:46:47,346 --> 00:46:50,056 Get me down Seventh Avenue right away. 733 00:46:52,894 --> 00:46:54,561 Turn right! Turn right! Stop! 734 00:46:54,729 --> 00:46:57,105 Turn right! Straight ahead. 735 00:46:57,315 --> 00:47:00,400 Left! Right! Straight! Left! Left! 736 00:47:00,568 --> 00:47:02,319 Turn left! Turn left! 737 00:47:06,324 --> 00:47:08,325 Right. Right. To the right. 738 00:47:09,410 --> 00:47:12,704 We're going the wrong way on a one-way street. A little right. 739 00:47:12,872 --> 00:47:15,248 Get on the sidewalk! Look out! 740 00:47:20,421 --> 00:47:23,215 A little right. A little left. Right. Turn right! 741 00:47:23,382 --> 00:47:24,758 Where are you going? 742 00:47:26,427 --> 00:47:28,345 These streets are bumpy. 743 00:47:30,264 --> 00:47:32,474 You're driving on the sidewalk! 744 00:47:37,772 --> 00:47:39,523 What the fuck was that? Aah! 745 00:47:45,321 --> 00:47:48,615 Go on home. Your mother's looking for you. 746 00:47:51,244 --> 00:47:53,411 Get me close. I'm trying. 747 00:47:53,579 --> 00:47:55,330 Left, left. I said, left! 748 00:47:55,540 --> 00:47:58,708 You said right. I said, left! A little left! A little left! 749 00:47:59,460 --> 00:48:02,587 Where am I? Turn right! Right! Right! 750 00:48:02,797 --> 00:48:05,131 Cows! Cows! Cows! 751 00:48:11,430 --> 00:48:15,100 We're in a warehouse, and you've just hit a cow. 752 00:48:15,309 --> 00:48:18,311 I think you better back up. 753 00:48:18,479 --> 00:48:20,313 Good, good, good. 754 00:48:20,690 --> 00:48:22,732 And stop! Stop! 755 00:48:23,109 --> 00:48:27,529 Go slowly to your left and try to stay off the sidewalk. 756 00:48:27,738 --> 00:48:29,281 Turn right. Turn right. 757 00:48:43,170 --> 00:48:45,255 I just ripped my good pants. 758 00:48:47,675 --> 00:48:50,176 I can take the wheel now. Slide over me. 759 00:48:53,014 --> 00:48:54,389 Slide over me. 760 00:48:54,849 --> 00:48:56,975 Wally, I can't... Wally! 761 00:48:58,561 --> 00:48:59,603 Wally! 762 00:49:02,398 --> 00:49:04,733 I can't see. I can't see. 763 00:49:04,900 --> 00:49:07,360 Wally, I can't see. I can't see either. 764 00:49:07,653 --> 00:49:09,362 Wally, I can't drive 765 00:49:09,530 --> 00:49:12,032 if you don't push the seat back. I'm stuck. 766 00:49:12,325 --> 00:49:16,494 Push the seat back. Find the lever and push the seat back. 767 00:49:17,413 --> 00:49:18,788 I've got it! 768 00:49:21,375 --> 00:49:22,584 Aah! 769 00:49:23,085 --> 00:49:26,129 What happened? We had a very close call. 770 00:49:28,341 --> 00:49:30,467 Thank you. Wally, I can't see. 771 00:49:33,471 --> 00:49:35,472 Move your hands. I can't see. Okay. 772 00:49:37,224 --> 00:49:39,726 I'll get that son of a bitch now! 773 00:49:43,856 --> 00:49:45,565 Is there somebody shooting at us? 774 00:49:47,610 --> 00:49:49,361 I didn't hear anything. 775 00:49:51,238 --> 00:49:52,989 Wally! Left! My nuts! 776 00:49:57,745 --> 00:50:01,122 Left! You're mashing my nuts! Ah! 777 00:50:05,586 --> 00:50:07,837 Brakes! Wally, put on the brakes! 778 00:50:31,070 --> 00:50:32,445 Where are we? 779 00:50:32,655 --> 00:50:35,240 I think we're floating towards New Jersey. 780 00:50:35,449 --> 00:50:39,869 No shit. I got relatives in Jersey. How nice for you. 781 00:50:40,913 --> 00:50:43,289 You could read her lips, right? 782 00:50:43,457 --> 00:50:45,542 Yes, I could. What did she say? 783 00:50:45,751 --> 00:50:48,128 She said, "I'll give it to you tomorrow. 784 00:50:48,295 --> 00:50:52,590 We'll go to Grace George in the morning and wait for your call. " 785 00:50:52,800 --> 00:50:56,511 Then she said, "We have to leave the country tomorrow. " 786 00:50:56,679 --> 00:50:57,721 Okay. 787 00:50:57,888 --> 00:51:01,891 We have to find this Grace George and wait for them to show up. 788 00:51:02,059 --> 00:51:03,601 Are you with me? 789 00:51:04,478 --> 00:51:07,355 Am I with you? Of course. 790 00:51:07,648 --> 00:51:09,566 You've earned my trust, Wally. 791 00:51:10,568 --> 00:51:12,902 You're always watching out for me. 792 00:51:13,070 --> 00:51:15,488 And you never get me into trouble. 793 00:51:16,282 --> 00:51:19,993 Sometimes life is a little boring with you, 794 00:51:20,953 --> 00:51:24,831 but that's a small price to pay for such a wonderful friendship. 795 00:51:25,750 --> 00:51:28,001 That's a sweet thing you just said. 796 00:51:29,462 --> 00:51:31,796 Do you mean everything you just said? 797 00:51:32,173 --> 00:51:37,051 I'll tell you exactly how I feel in just a minute or two. 798 00:51:39,555 --> 00:51:42,182 Right now I'm a little overwhelmed... 799 00:51:43,601 --> 00:51:48,021 by the stink of the 7000 tons of garbage 800 00:51:48,230 --> 00:51:50,565 that you drove me into! 801 00:51:50,775 --> 00:51:52,692 Is that what it is? 802 00:51:52,902 --> 00:51:54,861 I thought you let one go. 803 00:51:55,029 --> 00:51:57,697 That's why I didn't say nothing. 804 00:51:58,866 --> 00:52:01,659 That was kind of you. Thank you. 805 00:52:01,827 --> 00:52:05,497 DISPATCHER 2286, this is Dispatch. What is your location? 806 00:52:06,290 --> 00:52:08,625 2286, please respond. Over. 807 00:52:09,877 --> 00:52:12,545 Can you please hurry? We have to bury the car. 808 00:52:12,713 --> 00:52:13,713 Oy! Ah! 809 00:52:14,381 --> 00:52:17,717 Je... Jesus! Be careful, will you? 810 00:52:17,885 --> 00:52:19,719 Take it easy. Take it easy. 811 00:52:19,929 --> 00:52:23,640 I'm doing damn good for a blind man. What'd you say? 812 00:52:23,808 --> 00:52:26,851 I said, I'm doing damn good for a... 813 00:52:27,061 --> 00:52:30,021 You know what, I'm getting tired of this deaf shit. 814 00:52:30,231 --> 00:52:34,734 You can't hear anything I say, even if I scream in your ear? 815 00:52:35,569 --> 00:52:39,030 I don't know. I've never tried it. Really? 816 00:52:39,740 --> 00:52:44,702 No. It seems crazy, after all these years, but I've never done that before. 817 00:52:44,912 --> 00:52:47,413 I would like you to. Go ahead, Wally. 818 00:52:47,581 --> 00:52:51,376 I want you to. Let's give it a try. 819 00:52:54,004 --> 00:52:55,338 Dave? 820 00:52:56,131 --> 00:52:58,508 I want you to listen to me. 821 00:52:59,426 --> 00:53:03,388 I'm going to try. Open up them pores, okay? 822 00:53:03,597 --> 00:53:07,225 Be responsive to what I'm going to say. 823 00:53:07,434 --> 00:53:11,396 I want you to hear me. Okay?! 824 00:53:11,605 --> 00:53:13,106 Shazam! 825 00:53:13,274 --> 00:53:16,067 Can you hear me?! 826 00:53:16,443 --> 00:53:17,610 Oh! 827 00:53:18,946 --> 00:53:20,196 What?! 828 00:53:20,447 --> 00:53:24,117 Wally! What? 829 00:53:24,285 --> 00:53:26,995 Jesus! I heard something! Yes! 830 00:53:27,162 --> 00:53:28,955 I heard your voice! 831 00:53:29,164 --> 00:53:32,792 You heard me? Wally, I heard your voice! 832 00:53:32,960 --> 00:53:35,378 You can hear me, Dave! What? 833 00:53:35,588 --> 00:53:37,714 You can hear me! 834 00:53:37,923 --> 00:53:41,843 No, schmuck! I'm deaf! 835 00:53:42,052 --> 00:53:43,970 Now do you get it?! 836 00:53:51,645 --> 00:53:55,732 I'm not a crybaby. Hmph! You are a crybaby. 837 00:53:55,941 --> 00:53:57,317 Well, guess what you are. 838 00:53:57,484 --> 00:54:02,113 A blind, egotistical asshole who denies he can't see shit. 839 00:54:02,281 --> 00:54:06,034 Denies? You're the one who denies! This is you, right? 840 00:54:06,243 --> 00:54:10,997 "I'm not deaf. I can read lips. Don't call me a deaf person. " 841 00:54:11,165 --> 00:54:14,334 Well, fuck it. I'm blind! You hear me? 842 00:54:14,501 --> 00:54:18,504 Because some asshole drunk-drived me into a fire hydrant 843 00:54:18,672 --> 00:54:20,256 and I'm blind for life. 844 00:54:20,424 --> 00:54:23,051 He gets six months' suspended sentence. 845 00:54:23,260 --> 00:54:27,263 But fuck it. I'm not gonna worry about him. Fuck him. 846 00:54:27,431 --> 00:54:30,516 You swear a lot. You're fucking-A right! 847 00:54:30,684 --> 00:54:34,854 Fucking-A! Something bothers you, fuck it. Your wife leaves you, fuck her. 848 00:54:35,064 --> 00:54:39,859 Boss fires you, fuck him. Hey, fuck it. Fuck them. Fuck it, right? 849 00:54:40,069 --> 00:54:42,362 You're fucking right! That's right. 850 00:54:42,571 --> 00:54:48,034 You know that it's a blessing to be able to do that? You're a lucky guy. I can't do it. 851 00:54:48,202 --> 00:54:50,203 Well, fucking change! 852 00:54:50,955 --> 00:54:52,038 Fuck. 853 00:54:53,123 --> 00:54:55,291 Easy for you to say. 854 00:54:55,501 --> 00:54:59,212 It's not easy for me to say. I'm blind. 855 00:54:59,380 --> 00:55:03,383 You're blind. But when you walk down the street, people want to touch you. 856 00:55:03,550 --> 00:55:07,136 When you're deaf, they don't wanna. They might catch something. 857 00:55:07,346 --> 00:55:10,890 Like you're some kind of leper. We're being bitter, aren't we? 858 00:55:11,058 --> 00:55:13,267 I accept what I can do and what I can't do. 859 00:55:13,477 --> 00:55:16,646 I don't think running around catching vicious, scum killers 860 00:55:16,855 --> 00:55:21,067 is something you and I are the best-equipped people in the world at doing. 861 00:55:21,235 --> 00:55:23,069 Bullshit! You're an actor. 862 00:55:23,278 --> 00:55:27,240 If you don't tell anyone you're deaf or I'm blind, we can do anything. 863 00:55:27,408 --> 00:55:29,826 I guarantee it. You guarantee it? 864 00:55:30,035 --> 00:55:33,997 Right. And if you won't help me, I'll do it fucking alone, 865 00:55:34,164 --> 00:55:37,000 because I don't need you or anyone else! 866 00:55:37,668 --> 00:55:41,337 Well, okay. Well, now I get the point. 867 00:55:41,547 --> 00:55:44,173 Excusez-moi, Monsieur Hot-Shit. 868 00:55:44,341 --> 00:55:49,012 I'll just go have a nice hot bath and a cocktail before dinner. 869 00:55:49,179 --> 00:55:52,432 Wait, Dave. We ought to cool out a little bit. 870 00:55:52,599 --> 00:55:55,768 Have a nice day. Just keep our heads. 871 00:55:55,978 --> 00:56:00,440 I figure me and you, we know a lot. Dave! Ah! 872 00:56:00,607 --> 00:56:05,903 Goddamn it! Dave! Dave! How in the fuck do you expect me to get out of this shit?! 873 00:56:07,322 --> 00:56:08,531 Dave! 874 00:56:08,949 --> 00:56:14,120 Shit's cold! Come back! We have to bury the car! 875 00:56:16,498 --> 00:56:20,793 There are steps coming up. Three steps. And, one. 876 00:56:26,050 --> 00:56:27,425 Oh, no. 877 00:56:27,634 --> 00:56:32,388 Back, back. Back, Wally. And turn. And one, two, three. 878 00:56:32,598 --> 00:56:37,310 And turn. Very good. That's lovely. And go. And we go. 879 00:56:37,478 --> 00:56:39,479 Yes, sir, our losers will get... 880 00:56:43,025 --> 00:56:44,067 Hello? 881 00:56:44,234 --> 00:56:46,152 Collect call from Earvin Johnson. 882 00:56:46,320 --> 00:56:48,654 Will you accept the charges? Yes, operator. 883 00:56:48,822 --> 00:56:52,492 Hi, guess who. Just tell me you're all right. 884 00:56:52,659 --> 00:56:56,412 I'm great. I wish you were here with your car. 885 00:56:56,580 --> 00:57:01,334 You could bring lots of money, a couple of beers if possible, probably cold. 886 00:57:01,543 --> 00:57:05,588 I need a racing form and binoculars. Where are you? 887 00:57:05,756 --> 00:57:08,174 A little motel on the interstate, 888 00:57:08,383 --> 00:57:11,594 about five miles west of the George Washington. 889 00:57:29,822 --> 00:57:31,697 Headquarters, this is Steely. Over. 890 00:57:37,454 --> 00:57:39,872 She's going into Room 18. 891 00:57:46,672 --> 00:57:48,631 Now. Now. 892 00:58:28,172 --> 00:58:30,715 That's a hell of a place to park. 893 00:58:33,719 --> 00:58:35,595 She's checked into Room 18. Where? 894 00:58:35,762 --> 00:58:37,471 Over here. Right here. 895 00:58:38,348 --> 00:58:39,932 Let me have that. 896 00:58:41,435 --> 00:58:45,563 This is the police. You are surrounded. 897 00:58:45,772 --> 00:58:51,110 All right, jokers, you got 10 seconds to come out with your hands up. 898 00:58:51,278 --> 00:58:52,778 Ten, 899 00:58:52,988 --> 00:58:54,488 nine, 900 00:58:54,698 --> 00:58:56,115 eight, 901 00:58:56,283 --> 00:58:57,408 seven... 902 00:58:59,661 --> 00:59:00,828 six... 903 00:59:02,456 --> 00:59:04,582 She said she was 18. Five... 904 00:59:06,668 --> 00:59:11,005 four, three... The county is really cracking down. 905 00:59:11,215 --> 00:59:12,465 Two, 906 00:59:12,674 --> 00:59:13,925 one. 907 00:59:18,513 --> 00:59:20,514 All right, let's go! 908 00:59:33,487 --> 00:59:34,487 Ah. 909 00:59:41,620 --> 00:59:45,665 Goddamn them. Goddamn them. Take it easy, we'll find them. 910 00:59:45,832 --> 00:59:49,543 Search the entire area. They gotta be around here someplace. 911 00:59:49,753 --> 00:59:54,215 For chrissakes, how far could they get? An all-cars alert! 912 00:59:54,424 --> 00:59:57,385 Sergeant Keller, I need every man you can spare 913 00:59:57,594 --> 01:00:00,513 to surround the area and comb the hills. 914 01:00:00,722 --> 01:00:03,140 Damn those guys. 915 01:00:03,767 --> 01:00:06,519 I'll get them. I'm gonna get them. 916 01:00:06,687 --> 01:00:08,354 We gotta cover every road. 917 01:00:08,522 --> 01:00:12,900 Your men have to be aware that this is a number-one-priority manhunt. 918 01:00:18,031 --> 01:00:23,369 Dave, meet my sister, Adele. Adele, this is my dear friend, David. 919 01:00:23,537 --> 01:00:25,496 How do you do? How do you do? 920 01:00:32,879 --> 01:00:36,048 There she is. Careful, your knees. 921 01:00:39,136 --> 01:00:44,015 First thing we do is find a phone book. Look up this lady, "Grace George. " 922 01:00:44,182 --> 01:00:49,020 Then we get the coin, they come look for us and we wait with the police. 923 01:00:49,229 --> 01:00:52,898 There can't be many Grace Georges. You mean the resort? 924 01:00:53,108 --> 01:00:56,110 No, the person they're giving the coin to. 925 01:00:56,320 --> 01:00:59,739 Great Gorge is a big resort in Vernon Valley. 926 01:00:59,906 --> 01:01:03,159 How do you know that? I almost got married there. 927 01:01:03,368 --> 01:01:06,078 I think David got things a little mixed up. 928 01:01:06,663 --> 01:01:07,830 What did she say? 929 01:01:08,040 --> 01:01:11,083 She said she thinks you're an asshole! 930 01:01:19,885 --> 01:01:23,763 I'm sorry, sir. We're fully booked. You gotta have something. 931 01:01:23,972 --> 01:01:29,310 I'm sorry, we're booked. Everything is taken by the medical convention. 932 01:01:29,519 --> 01:01:32,772 We have people coming here from all over the world. 933 01:01:32,939 --> 01:01:34,106 I don't have anything. 934 01:01:34,274 --> 01:01:37,276 What about cancellations? She doesn't have any rooms? 935 01:01:37,444 --> 01:01:40,529 I don't wanna take my wife to a motel. 936 01:01:40,739 --> 01:01:43,657 We're supposed to hold these till midnight. 937 01:01:44,868 --> 01:01:48,662 I have a couple from London, a doctor from Sweden 938 01:01:48,830 --> 01:01:52,625 and a doctor from Germany who still haven't arrived. 939 01:01:53,585 --> 01:01:57,671 Tell you what, if none of these people show up by 10:00, 940 01:01:57,923 --> 01:02:01,592 I'll let their rooms go. But you have to wait till 10. 941 01:02:01,760 --> 01:02:05,805 All right. Thank you. Can we go to the bar? 942 01:02:05,972 --> 01:02:07,556 Yes, of course. 943 01:02:07,766 --> 01:02:09,642 Sorry I couldn't help you. 944 01:02:12,437 --> 01:02:16,315 Hi, I'm blind. Could you show me where the ladies' room is? 945 01:02:16,525 --> 01:02:18,651 Oh, sure, it's right over... 946 01:02:18,819 --> 01:02:21,153 Oh, pfft, sorry. I'll show you. 947 01:02:21,363 --> 01:02:26,492 Give me your hand. No, wait. The other one. Here we go. 948 01:02:27,119 --> 01:02:29,495 Thank you so much. 949 01:02:35,210 --> 01:02:37,711 You're Dr. Johannson from Sweden. 950 01:02:37,921 --> 01:02:40,089 Johannson from Sweden. 951 01:02:42,175 --> 01:02:45,136 I'm from Sweden. Can I help you, gentlemen? 952 01:02:45,345 --> 01:02:47,346 I'm from Sweden. 953 01:02:47,514 --> 01:02:52,351 Oh. You must be Dr. Johannson. Yo, Johannson from Sweden. 954 01:02:52,519 --> 01:02:54,687 I'm a Swede, and you're a sweetie. 955 01:02:56,064 --> 01:02:58,774 Thank you. Uh... And you must be? 956 01:02:58,942 --> 01:03:00,943 I'm Dr. Kesselbaum. 957 01:03:01,153 --> 01:03:02,778 Uh, you mean Kesselring? 958 01:03:02,988 --> 01:03:06,532 Kesselring! Right. Heh, heh. I forget my own name next. 959 01:03:07,909 --> 01:03:12,621 You are one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. 960 01:03:12,831 --> 01:03:16,834 There you are. You move so fast, like a little hummingbird. Just: 961 01:03:18,503 --> 01:03:21,881 You're a little sneaker. You got wings like Mercury. 962 01:03:22,048 --> 01:03:26,594 You're such a nice... Oh! There he is again. You're gonna rub it off. 963 01:03:26,803 --> 01:03:29,138 A little lunch you had left over. Heh-heh-heh. 964 01:03:29,639 --> 01:03:30,681 Here you are. 965 01:03:33,059 --> 01:03:38,147 We thought you might not make it. You had trouble with your visa? 966 01:03:38,356 --> 01:03:42,109 Then suddenly they accepted American Express. Go figure! 967 01:03:42,319 --> 01:03:45,446 We don't go home without it, I'll tell you that. 968 01:03:45,906 --> 01:03:47,198 Oh... 969 01:03:47,866 --> 01:03:50,326 Uh, here, why don't you fill these out? 970 01:03:50,494 --> 01:03:51,994 Thank you. 971 01:03:54,289 --> 01:03:58,250 Here you are, doctor. I got mine and you got yours. 972 01:03:58,502 --> 01:04:02,588 We're out of double rooms. I saved you a suite with two queens. 973 01:04:02,756 --> 01:04:07,134 Well, get them fellas out of there! We want to get some sleep. Right, doctor? 974 01:04:08,970 --> 01:04:11,013 Here we go. Here's your key. 975 01:04:11,556 --> 01:04:16,894 Thank you. Come, doctor, we gotta get some sleep now. Make some Z's. 976 01:04:17,103 --> 01:04:20,064 I hope you don't snore. I'll send you back to Germany. 977 01:04:20,273 --> 01:04:22,775 That's better than Philadelphia. 978 01:04:29,282 --> 01:04:31,617 Good thing the girl remembered the sister. 979 01:04:31,785 --> 01:04:34,745 Put out an APB on that convertible. 980 01:04:34,955 --> 01:04:38,290 Where can they be? They couldn't have gotten far. 981 01:04:38,500 --> 01:04:41,001 Who knows with these guys? Eh. 982 01:04:41,545 --> 01:04:44,964 I'm telling you, these guys are getting to me. 983 01:04:45,173 --> 01:04:47,132 Take it easy, Emile. Take it easy. 984 01:04:47,300 --> 01:04:49,426 Don't those state cops have anything? 985 01:04:49,636 --> 01:04:53,389 Jesus, I have 28 years on the force, a wife and five kids. 986 01:04:53,598 --> 01:04:56,976 A blind guy and a deaf guy are making me look like an asshole. 987 01:04:57,185 --> 01:04:59,103 Now, that's the truth. Huh? 988 01:04:59,271 --> 01:05:00,312 Sam 1, over. 989 01:05:04,150 --> 01:05:05,401 I think it's them. 990 01:05:06,945 --> 01:05:08,946 Nuts! What is it? 991 01:05:09,614 --> 01:05:11,991 They just went behind some trees. 992 01:05:13,159 --> 01:05:15,786 There, there! Yes, it's them. 993 01:05:15,954 --> 01:05:17,663 They're going into the building. 994 01:05:35,682 --> 01:05:39,143 Tell him to hurry. This isn't easy. Hey, hey, hey. 995 01:05:39,311 --> 01:05:41,812 Hold it steady. This isn't easy. 996 01:05:59,039 --> 01:06:02,166 I know where the coin is, but he's in the room. Get him out. 997 01:06:02,334 --> 01:06:05,502 I'll get him out of there. You just get the coin. 998 01:06:05,670 --> 01:06:10,007 Adele, wait! I need some money. I might have to buy somebody. 999 01:06:10,175 --> 01:06:11,383 Whoa. Whoa! 1000 01:06:12,761 --> 01:06:14,470 You all right, Dave? 1001 01:06:22,062 --> 01:06:24,021 Oh. Trouble. 1002 01:06:25,565 --> 01:06:27,483 Hey, give me Room 49, please. Hurry. 1003 01:06:28,860 --> 01:06:30,152 Yes. 1004 01:06:31,071 --> 01:06:32,529 What? 1005 01:06:32,697 --> 01:06:36,909 I told him I had enough trouble with two-wheel drive. I hate this. 1006 01:06:37,077 --> 01:06:40,537 All right, it's not the end of the world, it's just an accident. 1007 01:06:40,705 --> 01:06:44,375 You're damaged, I'm damaged. Remove your car from my bumper... 1008 01:06:44,584 --> 01:06:47,211 No, he'll kill me. My husband is an insurance man. 1009 01:06:47,379 --> 01:06:49,588 Can you imagine if I didn't file a claim? 1010 01:06:49,798 --> 01:06:52,341 That's not my problem. I'm in a hurry. 1011 01:06:52,509 --> 01:06:58,013 Wait a minute. I got my card here. Don't get excited. I know I have it. 1012 01:07:01,101 --> 01:07:03,060 Oh. Oops. 1013 01:07:03,770 --> 01:07:08,732 Thank you for helping me. That's okay. That's why we're here. 1014 01:07:10,610 --> 01:07:14,071 I must have left my keys on the dining-room table. 1015 01:07:14,280 --> 01:07:17,116 Want me to wait? No, no, no. I've gotta go to bed. 1016 01:07:17,325 --> 01:07:19,743 I had a humungous breakfast. Made me tired. 1017 01:07:19,953 --> 01:07:24,665 I got three postcards and I registered for the bingo. That's a lot for one day. 1018 01:07:24,833 --> 01:07:29,336 Well, you take care of yourself. You too. Bye-bye. 1019 01:07:32,799 --> 01:07:35,134 I'm right here. Good. 1020 01:07:35,301 --> 01:07:38,303 You'll warn me if anyone comes? I'll yell my head off. 1021 01:07:38,471 --> 01:07:41,056 Nobody's gonna come. Just get the coin. 1022 01:08:00,493 --> 01:08:04,288 You sure you put him in 357? Maybe he switched rooms. 1023 01:08:04,456 --> 01:08:06,498 No. It's not possible. Oh, shit. 1024 01:08:06,666 --> 01:08:08,917 There are no other rooms, Dr. Cornfeld. 1025 01:08:09,085 --> 01:08:11,837 I have nothing to switch to. Oh, there he is! 1026 01:08:12,005 --> 01:08:15,549 Dr. Johannson! Dr. Johannson! Dr. Johannson! Dr. Johannson! 1027 01:08:15,717 --> 01:08:19,052 You! Where have you been, doctor? I've come to pick you up. 1028 01:08:19,262 --> 01:08:22,473 Well, I'm a little bit too heavy for that, my dear. 1029 01:08:22,640 --> 01:08:27,352 Did you get lost, Dr. Johannson? "Yo-hannson. " How soon we forget. 1030 01:08:27,520 --> 01:08:31,899 The seminar's beginning. We don't want to start without the main performer. 1031 01:08:32,066 --> 01:08:35,360 Great. I'll wait here for him. When he comes, I'll be down... 1032 01:08:35,528 --> 01:08:38,864 Always joking. I had no idea you were this much fun. 1033 01:09:33,169 --> 01:09:34,211 Ugh. 1034 01:09:57,360 --> 01:09:58,694 Ah. 1035 01:10:05,243 --> 01:10:06,577 Kirgo? 1036 01:10:07,287 --> 01:10:12,374 I'd like to introduce our panel, four eminent specialists in their field: 1037 01:10:12,584 --> 01:10:15,294 Dr. Saul Jenner, cardiology. 1038 01:10:15,461 --> 01:10:19,131 Dr. Harold Orlow, pathology. 1039 01:10:19,340 --> 01:10:22,634 Dr. Rita Bennett, ophthalmology. 1040 01:10:22,844 --> 01:10:25,095 And in his first visit to the U.S., 1041 01:10:25,305 --> 01:10:30,642 the eminent Swedish gynecologist, Dr. Conrad Johannson. 1042 01:10:30,935 --> 01:10:32,144 Yo. 1043 01:10:50,246 --> 01:10:51,830 Hold it right there. 1044 01:10:52,957 --> 01:10:56,209 Get away from that table or I'll blow your brains out. 1045 01:10:57,587 --> 01:10:58,670 Move! Move! 1046 01:11:04,510 --> 01:11:05,677 All right, get them up. 1047 01:11:08,097 --> 01:11:11,058 Come on. Hands over your head. 1048 01:11:12,310 --> 01:11:14,895 Both! Both of them! 1049 01:11:37,168 --> 01:11:38,460 You're good. 1050 01:11:39,295 --> 01:11:41,338 You're real good. 1051 01:11:55,520 --> 01:11:59,648 This is the best relationship I've had with a woman in eight years. 1052 01:12:16,499 --> 01:12:19,334 So long, sweetheart. Another time, 1053 01:12:19,502 --> 01:12:22,838 another place, we might've had a chance. 1054 01:12:23,256 --> 01:12:25,257 You will write, won't you? 1055 01:12:28,052 --> 01:12:30,929 Dr. Johannson, my question is for you. 1056 01:12:31,139 --> 01:12:35,976 In your paper on multiple orgasms in geriatric women, 1057 01:12:36,185 --> 01:12:39,271 you attribute increased sexual appetite 1058 01:12:39,480 --> 01:12:42,441 to a lactose-restricted diet. 1059 01:12:42,608 --> 01:12:46,987 Now, I know you're modest, but I really must insist on pinning you down here. 1060 01:12:47,155 --> 01:12:51,575 Doctor, which exercise would you find most beneficial 1061 01:12:51,743 --> 01:12:53,577 to geriatric sexuality? 1062 01:12:56,122 --> 01:12:57,664 Oh, boy. 1063 01:12:58,249 --> 01:13:01,460 Well, some of my patients prefer walking. 1064 01:13:01,836 --> 01:13:04,087 Some prefer bicycling. 1065 01:13:04,255 --> 01:13:09,426 But for your best results, to guarantee satisfaction, 1066 01:13:09,635 --> 01:13:11,803 most of them like fucking. 1067 01:13:12,638 --> 01:13:15,307 You know, punta, punta, punta. 1068 01:13:15,808 --> 01:13:20,562 I like it myself. One in the morning and late at night. 1069 01:13:20,730 --> 01:13:24,149 Put everything back in your purse and you can move your vehicle. 1070 01:13:24,317 --> 01:13:28,070 But if he leaves me, what is gonna happen to me and the twins? 1071 01:13:28,488 --> 01:13:32,532 I don't know anybody. People never treat me as nicely as you do. 1072 01:13:32,742 --> 01:13:36,078 I've been extremely rude. I'm just gonna leave you now. 1073 01:13:36,245 --> 01:13:38,455 No, move your car. Get out of your way. 1074 01:13:38,664 --> 01:13:41,083 It's against my car. Look... Kirgo. 1075 01:13:41,250 --> 01:13:42,918 Where the hell were you? 1076 01:13:44,170 --> 01:13:48,423 Sorry, there was an accident. This woman rammed into our Spider. 1077 01:13:48,591 --> 01:13:52,177 It was all very simple till she made it very complicated. 1078 01:14:00,686 --> 01:14:01,853 Hm. 1079 01:14:02,021 --> 01:14:06,858 But why can't you give me numbers? Why are you being so evasive? 1080 01:14:08,653 --> 01:14:10,028 Oh! 1081 01:14:10,530 --> 01:14:12,531 What is it? What's wrong? 1082 01:14:12,698 --> 01:14:18,036 Shooting pains in my head. My eyes! Oh, boy, it's a bummer! 1083 01:14:18,204 --> 01:14:22,457 I can't see. Take me to my room. Let me have a look. 1084 01:14:22,667 --> 01:14:27,879 Look at what? Don't look! Get your hands off of me! 1085 01:14:28,047 --> 01:14:31,550 Stop acting like a baby. I'm a doctor. Let me have a peek. 1086 01:14:31,759 --> 01:14:35,387 Don't touch that head! 1087 01:14:35,555 --> 01:14:38,723 Whatever you do, don't you touch it. 1088 01:14:39,308 --> 01:14:41,560 Who are you, sir? Fine, thank you. 1089 01:14:41,727 --> 01:14:45,397 Now just relax. Everything's gonna be all right. I'm right here. 1090 01:14:45,565 --> 01:14:47,899 Oh, my goodness. I thought you'd never come. 1091 01:14:48,067 --> 01:14:49,442 Do you know what's wrong? 1092 01:14:49,652 --> 01:14:54,364 Of course I know what's happened. This is called "Blindness Hystericus. " 1093 01:14:54,574 --> 01:14:58,660 Oh, my God. Sometimes it comes just like that. 1094 01:14:58,828 --> 01:15:00,162 How do you treat it? 1095 01:15:00,329 --> 01:15:03,665 The left and right brain are having a fight with each other. 1096 01:15:03,833 --> 01:15:05,917 You gotta distract them for a minute. 1097 01:15:06,085 --> 01:15:08,712 Now, Dr. Johannson, 1098 01:15:09,005 --> 01:15:12,883 how many fingers am I holding up in front of your eyes right now? 1099 01:15:13,092 --> 01:15:15,135 Three! Good. 1100 01:15:15,344 --> 01:15:18,096 That's pretty good, considering that he's blind. 1101 01:15:18,306 --> 01:15:22,058 Now, doctor, I want you to just relax. Take it easy, 1102 01:15:22,268 --> 01:15:26,938 and you tell me the first thing that pops into your brain. 1103 01:15:27,523 --> 01:15:28,607 Pussy. 1104 01:15:29,275 --> 01:15:32,736 It's amazing! This man is cured. Come on, doctor. 1105 01:15:32,904 --> 01:15:35,155 We gotta take a walk, get the heart pumping. 1106 01:15:35,323 --> 01:15:38,283 And then it's gonna be all brand-new. Come on, doctor. 1107 01:15:38,993 --> 01:15:40,160 That's it. Easy. 1108 01:15:40,328 --> 01:15:41,786 Where's Adele? 1109 01:15:41,954 --> 01:15:44,414 I don't know. She's not in the room. 1110 01:15:44,582 --> 01:15:47,626 See, if he gets too excited, it comes right back. 1111 01:15:47,835 --> 01:15:51,713 Gently. Take it easy, doctor. This guy's blind as a bat. 1112 01:15:51,923 --> 01:15:55,133 Oh! Watch your step. What's the matter with you? 1113 01:15:59,764 --> 01:16:01,932 You got a Lyons and Kerew registered here? 1114 01:16:02,099 --> 01:16:04,434 I'll check, sir. I'm sorry, we have no one... 1115 01:16:04,644 --> 01:16:08,480 One guy's blind, the other's deaf. I'm sure. I just checked. 1116 01:16:08,648 --> 01:16:11,650 If I brought in some pictures, could you identify them? 1117 01:16:11,817 --> 01:16:12,817 I'll try. 1118 01:16:12,985 --> 01:16:14,861 Do you have a security officer? 1119 01:16:15,029 --> 01:16:16,154 Right behind you. 1120 01:16:16,864 --> 01:16:18,990 Single file. Single file. 1121 01:16:19,617 --> 01:16:22,327 Okay, take it easy. Take it easy. 1122 01:16:24,705 --> 01:16:27,916 Excuse me. Where's the little red Alfa? 1123 01:16:28,125 --> 01:16:29,960 They just took off. Who? 1124 01:16:30,169 --> 01:16:32,963 Three of them. A lady with great legs, 1125 01:16:33,172 --> 01:16:36,341 an English guy and a black woman. 1126 01:16:37,134 --> 01:16:40,095 My God. My sister. 1127 01:16:44,141 --> 01:16:49,396 Hey, um, the man, he asked me to give this to you. 1128 01:16:55,820 --> 01:16:57,487 "If you wanna see the girl, 1129 01:16:57,655 --> 01:17:00,782 bring the coin to the house with a thousand windows. " Route 104. 1130 01:17:00,992 --> 01:17:04,703 Is this a joke? No, that's the Sutherland Estate. 1131 01:17:04,870 --> 01:17:09,207 I hope you have an invitation. Heh-heh-heh. He's got some mean dogs up there. 1132 01:17:09,375 --> 01:17:12,168 Dogs? Yeah, Dobermans. They're killers. 1133 01:17:12,378 --> 01:17:15,255 Do you have our keys with you? Yeah. 1134 01:17:16,048 --> 01:17:18,300 Would you do me a favor? Sure. 1135 01:17:18,509 --> 01:17:21,845 If we're not back in 30, call the police. Police? 1136 01:17:22,013 --> 01:17:25,724 New York Police Department. Ask for Captain Braddock. 1137 01:17:25,933 --> 01:17:28,643 And tell him... Sorry, Wally. 1138 01:17:28,853 --> 01:17:33,023 Tell him Lyons and Kerew are at the Sutherland Estate. 1139 01:17:35,067 --> 01:17:39,029 The house is all glass, and it's on huge rocks. 1140 01:17:40,448 --> 01:17:43,575 My sister? Nothing yet, Wally. 1141 01:17:46,996 --> 01:17:49,247 There's a lot of land here. 1142 01:17:52,793 --> 01:17:54,210 There. What? 1143 01:17:54,420 --> 01:17:56,838 It's a greenhouse. There she is, Wally. 1144 01:17:57,048 --> 01:17:59,424 Is she all right? I think so. 1145 01:18:02,219 --> 01:18:05,263 And there are the dogs. Three of them. 1146 01:18:05,473 --> 01:18:07,182 Now they're leaving. 1147 01:18:08,267 --> 01:18:11,436 They're going. Looks like they're locking the door. 1148 01:18:13,731 --> 01:18:16,274 Now they're going back to the main house. 1149 01:18:16,776 --> 01:18:19,486 She's gonna be all alone in about two minutes. 1150 01:18:21,280 --> 01:18:24,115 You all clear on the plan? Clear as a bell. 1151 01:18:24,283 --> 01:18:27,327 I'm gonna go water the plants, if you don't mind. 1152 01:18:31,123 --> 01:18:33,541 Hey, you sure there's only three dogs? 1153 01:18:33,751 --> 01:18:35,543 I better take a look. 1154 01:18:37,797 --> 01:18:40,465 The parking brake has been released. 1155 01:18:40,633 --> 01:18:44,511 Yeah, just the three of them. I don't see what could go wrong. 1156 01:18:48,099 --> 01:18:50,642 You hear that, Dave? Better check the brake! 1157 01:18:50,976 --> 01:18:53,311 Whoa! Wally! 1158 01:18:54,688 --> 01:18:55,855 Dave? 1159 01:18:56,023 --> 01:18:57,649 Wally, I'm in trouble! 1160 01:18:57,817 --> 01:18:59,234 Pull out, Dave! 1161 01:18:59,944 --> 01:19:01,945 The parking brake has been released. 1162 01:19:02,405 --> 01:19:03,655 Where are you, Dave? 1163 01:19:03,823 --> 01:19:05,990 Ah! Whoa! Whoa! 1164 01:19:06,158 --> 01:19:07,826 Dave, I can't... 1165 01:19:08,661 --> 01:19:10,745 Whoa, whoa, whoa! 1166 01:19:11,831 --> 01:19:13,248 The parking brake has... 1167 01:19:13,416 --> 01:19:14,833 Dave. 1168 01:19:16,168 --> 01:19:17,669 Dave? 1169 01:19:17,837 --> 01:19:19,587 Talk to me, Dave. 1170 01:19:21,215 --> 01:19:22,549 Dave! 1171 01:19:22,716 --> 01:19:24,634 The parking brake has been released. 1172 01:19:24,802 --> 01:19:26,136 Dave! Speak to me! 1173 01:19:27,012 --> 01:19:28,346 Dave! 1174 01:19:30,683 --> 01:19:32,267 Dave! Talk to me! 1175 01:19:32,435 --> 01:19:33,726 The parking brake... 1176 01:19:33,894 --> 01:19:37,689 Talk to me, Dave! I can hear the car, but I can't hear you! 1177 01:19:37,857 --> 01:19:39,607 I can't see you, Dave. Unh! 1178 01:19:40,025 --> 01:19:41,484 Thank you. 1179 01:19:43,696 --> 01:19:46,698 Dave? Dave! 1180 01:19:47,658 --> 01:19:51,035 Oh, Dave. My God, Dave, what have I done this time? 1181 01:19:52,079 --> 01:19:53,204 Dave? 1182 01:19:53,706 --> 01:19:56,040 Oh, shit! Dave! 1183 01:19:56,208 --> 01:19:57,542 Oh! 1184 01:19:58,043 --> 01:20:00,253 My God, Dave. 1185 01:20:04,842 --> 01:20:07,302 Dave, you say something? Talk to me. 1186 01:20:08,554 --> 01:20:12,056 I can't see your lips. What are you saying? 1187 01:20:12,224 --> 01:20:14,559 Dave, can you see them now? 1188 01:20:15,227 --> 01:20:16,561 Yeah. 1189 01:20:16,896 --> 01:20:19,189 Heh. There you are. 1190 01:20:20,316 --> 01:20:22,066 What are you saying? 1191 01:20:22,818 --> 01:20:24,527 I'm saying... 1192 01:20:25,070 --> 01:20:27,405 I think it's over. 1193 01:20:29,074 --> 01:20:31,576 I didn't just fuck my life up today. 1194 01:20:31,744 --> 01:20:36,998 I dragged my sister into this shit. Damn near got her killed. 1195 01:20:38,834 --> 01:20:40,668 And I hurt you. 1196 01:20:42,046 --> 01:20:44,088 I just want to say I'm sorry, Dave. 1197 01:20:45,090 --> 01:20:47,008 Don't back out on me, Willy. 1198 01:20:47,176 --> 01:20:50,929 Dave, I've been running on fumes most of my life. 1199 01:20:51,096 --> 01:20:55,767 And today I realized for the first time: I'm full of shit. 1200 01:20:56,143 --> 01:20:58,019 Well, that's true. 1201 01:20:58,854 --> 01:21:00,063 But this morning, 1202 01:21:00,231 --> 01:21:04,275 I threatened to shoot a naked woman with my erection. 1203 01:21:04,443 --> 01:21:07,195 Now, that doesn't happen every day. 1204 01:21:07,738 --> 01:21:11,282 That's true. The man's got a point. 1205 01:21:12,034 --> 01:21:15,787 We'll get her out, Wally. We'll get her out. 1206 01:21:16,163 --> 01:21:18,039 I think we're in over our heads. 1207 01:21:18,207 --> 01:21:21,459 Nobody ever thought we would get this far. 1208 01:21:22,294 --> 01:21:24,128 Don't back out on me now. 1209 01:21:28,634 --> 01:21:31,803 I can't. You can. 1210 01:21:32,263 --> 01:21:35,974 We can, I promise. We can. 1211 01:21:38,394 --> 01:21:39,477 What if we can't? 1212 01:21:43,232 --> 01:21:44,315 Fuck it. 1213 01:21:46,318 --> 01:21:50,071 Damn you. I created a monster. 1214 01:21:52,491 --> 01:21:53,908 Where's the girl? 1215 01:21:54,118 --> 01:21:56,661 In the greenhouse where they can see her. 1216 01:21:56,829 --> 01:21:57,996 Good. 1217 01:21:58,414 --> 01:22:01,583 And when can we expect our two distinguished guests? 1218 01:22:01,792 --> 01:22:03,876 They should be arriving at any moment. 1219 01:22:04,044 --> 01:22:05,753 Do they... 1220 01:22:05,921 --> 01:22:08,006 have the coin? 1221 01:22:09,258 --> 01:22:11,217 Yes, they have the coin. 1222 01:22:11,427 --> 01:22:13,428 Wonderful. 1223 01:22:18,851 --> 01:22:22,520 What do you think of that? Lot of trouble over a piece of gold. 1224 01:22:22,688 --> 01:22:27,442 I don't know what this is, but it's not gold. Gold doesn't chip and peel like this. 1225 01:22:27,610 --> 01:22:30,528 Doesn't matter, as long as they want it real bad. 1226 01:22:30,738 --> 01:22:33,448 Hold on to it in case anything happens to me. 1227 01:22:33,657 --> 01:22:36,993 Nothing's gonna happen to you. Good. Glad to find that out. 1228 01:22:37,202 --> 01:22:38,494 Ready? Ready. 1229 01:22:44,668 --> 01:22:45,918 Okay, Wally. 1230 01:22:46,462 --> 01:22:48,046 Start counting. 1231 01:22:49,089 --> 01:22:50,214 One... 1232 01:22:51,717 --> 01:22:54,052 two, three, 1233 01:22:54,219 --> 01:22:56,679 four, five... 1234 01:23:05,230 --> 01:23:07,231 - Sixteen, seventeen... 1235 01:23:51,652 --> 01:23:55,321 There's a dog. There's a dog! There's a dog! 1236 01:23:55,489 --> 01:23:56,531 Oh! 1237 01:23:59,576 --> 01:24:00,618 Ha! 1238 01:24:00,828 --> 01:24:02,286 Mmm. 1239 01:24:05,124 --> 01:24:06,457 Hey! 1240 01:24:08,919 --> 01:24:12,296 No, Dave, no. There's an alarm! There's an alarm. No, no, no. 1241 01:24:12,464 --> 01:24:13,631 No, Dave! 1242 01:24:23,559 --> 01:24:24,600 Shh. 1243 01:24:28,063 --> 01:24:29,647 So far, so good. 1244 01:24:34,987 --> 01:24:37,697 Almost. There. 1245 01:24:43,245 --> 01:24:46,372 Now, what's all the fuss about? 1246 01:24:46,832 --> 01:24:51,169 Well, I was gonna mention the alarm, but something else came up. 1247 01:25:04,349 --> 01:25:08,019 Who is it? I was so hoping you'd show up. 1248 01:25:08,687 --> 01:25:10,646 Oh, sorry about the flowers. 1249 01:25:10,856 --> 01:25:12,064 You like roses, huh? 1250 01:25:14,526 --> 01:25:18,696 That's enough, Herman. It's all right. Just keep your gun pointed on him. 1251 01:25:18,906 --> 01:25:20,948 I'll check if he has the coin. 1252 01:25:21,742 --> 01:25:24,869 Hands over your head, Mr. Lyons. Remember? 1253 01:25:25,370 --> 01:25:26,871 Turn around. 1254 01:25:28,707 --> 01:25:32,376 Careful. You remember what happened last time. 1255 01:25:48,560 --> 01:25:49,602 Ah! 1256 01:25:51,230 --> 01:25:53,815 Hit her! Hit her, Dave! Smack her! 1257 01:25:53,982 --> 01:25:57,193 Hit her! Hit her, Dave! What's...? 1258 01:25:57,361 --> 01:25:58,861 Hit her! 1259 01:26:00,030 --> 01:26:01,405 Jesus! 1260 01:26:01,573 --> 01:26:03,741 I grew up with brothers. Let's get out of here. 1261 01:26:06,078 --> 01:26:08,162 Back up. You have to run up that log. 1262 01:26:08,330 --> 01:26:10,832 I don't have that many brothers. 1263 01:26:16,755 --> 01:26:18,256 Oh! David! 1264 01:26:19,091 --> 01:26:21,425 Get out of here! I don't want to leave you! 1265 01:26:21,593 --> 01:26:24,804 Go on, get out of here. Wally's just on top of that hill. 1266 01:26:25,013 --> 01:26:27,932 Go on! Get out of here. Get out! 1267 01:26:30,143 --> 01:26:32,645 Jump! Get the police! 1268 01:26:44,575 --> 01:26:46,284 Here's the blind one. 1269 01:26:46,827 --> 01:26:50,746 Come in, Mr. Kerew. I'm delighted to see you. 1270 01:26:50,956 --> 01:26:52,748 I'm delighted too. 1271 01:26:52,958 --> 01:26:55,626 So you're the fat fuck that runs this show. 1272 01:26:55,836 --> 01:26:58,337 Beautifully put, Mr. Kerew. 1273 01:26:58,547 --> 01:27:02,675 You're obviously a poet, a man after my own heart. 1274 01:27:02,885 --> 01:27:05,136 The coin? Yes. It's in my pocket. 1275 01:27:05,345 --> 01:27:07,597 May I have it, please? 1276 01:27:07,806 --> 01:27:10,099 Why bother with a phony coin? 1277 01:27:10,309 --> 01:27:13,144 You're quite right, Mr. Kerew, it's a phony. 1278 01:27:13,353 --> 01:27:17,398 A magnificent phony. May I have it, please? 1279 01:27:17,608 --> 01:27:21,652 Mind telling me what I've been running around risking my life for? 1280 01:27:22,696 --> 01:27:24,822 A superconductor. 1281 01:27:25,032 --> 01:27:28,200 A room-temperature superconductor. 1282 01:27:28,410 --> 01:27:32,079 It may be the most valuable material in this world. 1283 01:27:32,497 --> 01:27:35,041 Imagine electric cable the size of that coin 1284 01:27:35,250 --> 01:27:37,668 that could light up an entire city. 1285 01:27:37,878 --> 01:27:39,587 You told me it was a gold coin. 1286 01:27:39,796 --> 01:27:43,758 Making it look like a coin was just a handy way to get it out of Washington 1287 01:27:43,967 --> 01:27:48,346 after I'd arranged to borrow a small sample. 1288 01:27:49,348 --> 01:27:52,183 I'm currently pointing a gun at your head. 1289 01:27:52,351 --> 01:27:53,809 Under the circumstances, 1290 01:27:54,019 --> 01:27:57,730 you and I should renegotiate our contract, don't you? 1291 01:27:58,398 --> 01:28:02,360 Yes, I do. I agree with you completely. 1292 01:28:02,986 --> 01:28:05,947 What would you say to 1293 01:28:06,156 --> 01:28:10,117 one third of $8 million? 1294 01:28:10,327 --> 01:28:12,036 Would you say that's fair? 1295 01:28:12,245 --> 01:28:14,121 I'd say that that's extremely... 1296 01:28:25,550 --> 01:28:26,634 What just happened? 1297 01:28:27,928 --> 01:28:31,347 I turned out the lights, just for a moment. 1298 01:28:31,556 --> 01:28:34,016 Just long enough to gain the advantage. 1299 01:28:36,061 --> 01:28:40,064 I get the feeling I'm not the only blind person in this room. 1300 01:28:40,482 --> 01:28:43,192 You have great intuition, Mr. Kerew. 1301 01:28:43,902 --> 01:28:47,488 I also suspect you have excellent hearing, like myself. 1302 01:28:48,156 --> 01:28:52,076 A few sounds were all I needed to lock in on poor Mr. Kirgo. 1303 01:28:52,703 --> 01:28:53,911 It's too bad. 1304 01:28:54,121 --> 01:28:57,581 I liked him. He was a gentleman. 1305 01:28:57,749 --> 01:29:00,334 I can't see, but I bet you're not crying. 1306 01:29:00,502 --> 01:29:03,629 Nor can I see your face, Mr. Kerew, 1307 01:29:04,297 --> 01:29:07,758 yet I can hear you stoop down to find Kirgo's pistol. 1308 01:29:08,927 --> 01:29:10,594 Am I right, sir? 1309 01:29:11,013 --> 01:29:13,931 Must I put a bullet through you to prove it? 1310 01:29:14,099 --> 01:29:16,434 Oh, no. You're a gentleman. Get him. 1311 01:29:16,601 --> 01:29:19,603 One murder a day is enough for you. Get him. 1312 01:30:07,319 --> 01:30:10,946 Did I hear something drop, Mr. Kerew? 1313 01:30:20,082 --> 01:30:24,168 Mr. Sutherland? Perfect timing. Come in, my dear. 1314 01:30:24,377 --> 01:30:26,170 I've brought the other one. 1315 01:30:26,379 --> 01:30:27,505 Wally. 1316 01:30:28,256 --> 01:30:29,965 Are you all right? 1317 01:30:31,301 --> 01:30:33,302 You're very quiet, Mr. Kerew. 1318 01:30:33,470 --> 01:30:36,639 Suddenly gone shy, have we? 1319 01:30:37,766 --> 01:30:41,435 Adele got away. The police will be here any minute. 1320 01:30:43,772 --> 01:30:47,858 You'd better tell me what happened to Mr. Kirgo, Mr. Sutherland. 1321 01:30:48,068 --> 01:30:49,902 Certainly, my dear. 1322 01:30:50,112 --> 01:30:53,781 Mr. Kirgo decided to renegotiate his contract 1323 01:30:53,990 --> 01:30:56,534 and he put a pistol to my head. 1324 01:30:56,701 --> 01:30:59,245 Eve, we've been associated for five years. 1325 01:30:59,412 --> 01:31:02,206 I want you to know I have no intention of killing you. 1326 01:31:03,625 --> 01:31:05,126 So don't be frightened, dear. 1327 01:31:05,293 --> 01:31:08,379 And, please, don't do anything rash. 1328 01:31:08,630 --> 01:31:13,717 Oh. No, I wouldn't do that. You know I trust you, Mr. Sutherland. 1329 01:31:14,302 --> 01:31:16,345 But what are your intentions? 1330 01:31:16,721 --> 01:31:20,558 To leave the country as soon as Raoul sets my helicopter down. 1331 01:31:20,725 --> 01:31:22,893 I invite you to come along. 1332 01:31:23,061 --> 01:31:26,021 Rio can be captivating this time of year. 1333 01:31:26,898 --> 01:31:29,191 Just pick up the gold coin 1334 01:31:29,401 --> 01:31:33,070 I believe is on the floor in front of you. 1335 01:31:37,409 --> 01:31:38,409 I don't see it. 1336 01:31:38,577 --> 01:31:39,618 Good. 1337 01:31:39,786 --> 01:31:43,747 Look in Mr. Kirgo's left hand. I think he may be holding it for us. 1338 01:31:50,046 --> 01:31:53,382 Did you find it, my dear? 1339 01:31:53,592 --> 01:31:54,884 Yes. 1340 01:31:55,760 --> 01:31:57,261 Yes, I found it. 1341 01:31:58,054 --> 01:32:01,515 Would you hand it to me, please? 1342 01:32:03,602 --> 01:32:05,895 May I ask what my share might be? 1343 01:32:07,647 --> 01:32:08,856 One... 1344 01:32:09,900 --> 01:32:13,527 half of $8 million. 1345 01:32:14,112 --> 01:32:16,113 Would you say that's fair? 1346 01:32:17,699 --> 01:32:21,243 Yes. Yes, I think that's very fair. 1347 01:32:28,376 --> 01:32:31,086 Dave! What's going on? 1348 01:32:33,298 --> 01:32:36,926 Dave? 1349 01:32:42,015 --> 01:32:45,643 Dave? What just happened? 1350 01:32:45,810 --> 01:32:48,646 Mr. Sutherland is no longer with us. 1351 01:32:48,813 --> 01:32:51,565 Dave? Dave! 1352 01:32:51,733 --> 01:32:53,525 I'm right here, Wally. 1353 01:32:55,237 --> 01:32:58,155 I hear the sirens. The police will be here soon. 1354 01:32:58,823 --> 01:33:00,491 If you drop that pistol now, 1355 01:33:00,659 --> 01:33:04,495 you'll probably make license plates for a couple of years. 1356 01:33:05,705 --> 01:33:07,831 I'll even wait for you if you want. 1357 01:33:08,250 --> 01:33:11,001 Thanks. That's real sweet. 1358 01:33:12,420 --> 01:33:14,004 But, you see, 1359 01:33:14,172 --> 01:33:17,925 you're the ones they're looking for. 1360 01:33:18,260 --> 01:33:19,718 Not me. 1361 01:33:20,053 --> 01:33:24,848 So if I get on that helicopter with the coin, I get out of here squeaky clean. 1362 01:33:25,892 --> 01:33:28,352 You're too tall for me anyway. 1363 01:33:29,271 --> 01:33:31,689 I'm afraid I'm gonna have to lock you in. 1364 01:33:32,816 --> 01:33:33,857 Sorry. 1365 01:33:37,696 --> 01:33:39,571 Damn, she smells good. 1366 01:33:40,865 --> 01:33:44,201 I hear jail ain't so bad, anyway, if you like it up the butt. 1367 01:33:45,704 --> 01:33:48,539 I'm over here, Wally. Over where, Dave? 1368 01:33:48,957 --> 01:33:52,543 Dave? Dave? Da... 1369 01:33:52,711 --> 01:33:56,380 Shit, who the hell I'm talking to? He can't hear me. 1370 01:34:07,934 --> 01:34:12,229 She's running to the helicopter. Nice air conditioning she made, huh? 1371 01:34:14,733 --> 01:34:17,151 You ever want to be in the circus? 1372 01:34:17,319 --> 01:34:19,069 No, afraid of heights. 1373 01:34:19,404 --> 01:34:22,239 Would you give me your jacket? What for? 1374 01:34:22,407 --> 01:34:24,325 There we go. This should be fun. 1375 01:34:24,534 --> 01:34:26,327 Ready? We're not up high, are we? 1376 01:34:26,536 --> 01:34:29,496 No, no, just a few feet off the ground. 1377 01:34:29,706 --> 01:34:32,541 Ready, and go! I'm ready! 1378 01:34:37,797 --> 01:34:39,298 I just knocked over a tree! 1379 01:34:39,466 --> 01:34:41,759 You said we wasn't up high! It's fine. 1380 01:34:41,926 --> 01:34:43,594 I'll kill you, you fuck! 1381 01:34:44,512 --> 01:34:48,724 You telling me we're not up in the air? What do you mean we're not up in the air? 1382 01:34:48,892 --> 01:34:51,852 Get ready. You said we wasn't up in the air! 1383 01:34:52,062 --> 01:34:53,270 Get ready. 1384 01:34:53,438 --> 01:34:55,773 Bomb-bay doors open! Raoul! 1385 01:34:55,940 --> 01:34:58,442 Raoul! Start it up! Get ready to fire one! 1386 01:35:00,278 --> 01:35:01,695 And fire one! 1387 01:35:04,783 --> 01:35:05,908 Fire two! 1388 01:35:29,849 --> 01:35:32,643 What? Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing? 1389 01:35:32,811 --> 01:35:36,146 I don't know, but I learnt this at the Braille Institute. 1390 01:35:36,314 --> 01:35:39,149 They told us to feel around and see what's happening. 1391 01:35:39,526 --> 01:35:41,568 Stop that! Get your hands off of me! 1392 01:35:47,826 --> 01:35:49,660 Hold it! Hold it right there! 1393 01:35:49,828 --> 01:35:52,287 I said hold it, or I'll throw your brains out! 1394 01:35:52,455 --> 01:35:55,749 I'll throw this knife through your brain! Freeze! 1395 01:35:57,460 --> 01:35:59,962 Do as I say, or you're a dead man. Turn around! 1396 01:36:02,382 --> 01:36:03,424 Face front! 1397 01:36:07,679 --> 01:36:10,431 That's better. Now put your hands over your head. 1398 01:36:12,183 --> 01:36:14,893 Come on, get them up! Get your hands up! 1399 01:36:15,311 --> 01:36:18,021 Oh, you do speak English. Come on over here. 1400 01:36:19,899 --> 01:36:21,733 Get your ass over here. 1401 01:36:22,485 --> 01:36:24,361 Quickly, quickly! Slowly. Slowly! 1402 01:36:28,867 --> 01:36:30,534 Come on, come on. 1403 01:36:32,203 --> 01:36:34,121 Not now, Wally, I'm busy. 1404 01:36:34,330 --> 01:36:36,373 Come on, keep coming, 1405 01:36:36,541 --> 01:36:39,751 you funny little turd. 1406 01:36:39,961 --> 01:36:42,796 Hey, Tarzan, turn around and take a look. 1407 01:36:51,014 --> 01:36:52,598 When did you guys get here? 1408 01:36:52,807 --> 01:36:55,225 I sure was worried about you two. 1409 01:36:55,393 --> 01:36:56,727 It's all over. 1410 01:37:01,608 --> 01:37:04,443 Oh. Goodbye, Captain Braddock. 1411 01:37:06,738 --> 01:37:09,239 Captain Braddock, you're a dickhead. 1412 01:37:09,407 --> 01:37:12,075 You son of a bitch. No, no, no, captain. 1413 01:37:12,243 --> 01:37:15,162 I got a surprise for you! You can't do that. 1414 01:37:15,330 --> 01:37:17,831 Let me go. I know the law. I get to shoot them. 1415 01:37:18,041 --> 01:37:20,584 No, you can't. What do you mean I can't shoot them? 1416 01:37:20,793 --> 01:37:24,087 Captain, we got the real killer. We got the real killer. 1417 01:37:24,255 --> 01:37:26,632 What are you telling me, I can't shoot them? 1418 01:37:26,841 --> 01:37:29,092 No, sir, I'm afraid you can't. Come on. 1419 01:37:29,302 --> 01:37:33,847 We went to all this trouble to catch them, and now I can't shoot them? 1420 01:37:34,015 --> 01:37:36,266 It's time to go. Come on. 1421 01:37:36,434 --> 01:37:39,645 I want to shoot them. I want to shoot them! 1422 01:37:39,854 --> 01:37:43,273 No, no, no. We'll get a nice hot chocolate. 1423 01:37:43,483 --> 01:37:46,026 Why can't I shoot them? 1424 01:37:49,239 --> 01:37:52,282 We had a damn good time, didn't we? Yeah. 1425 01:37:53,451 --> 01:37:55,202 Lot of nice memories. 1426 01:37:59,541 --> 01:38:03,794 There's something I've been wanting to do since the day I met you. 1427 01:38:03,962 --> 01:38:07,548 That was two days ago. That's right. That's right. 1428 01:38:08,091 --> 01:38:10,592 Well, there's something I've wanted to give you. 1429 01:38:10,760 --> 01:38:14,429 Dave, you don't have to give me anything. 1430 01:38:14,639 --> 01:38:16,306 You're a real nice guy. 1431 01:38:16,474 --> 01:38:21,311 But I want to give it to you. Dave, please, listen to me. 1432 01:38:21,521 --> 01:38:24,606 I have a lot of love for you. Thank you. 1433 01:38:28,987 --> 01:38:31,822 So tell me, how does it feel to be handicapped? 1434 01:38:31,990 --> 01:38:33,782 I always wanted to ask you that. 1435 01:38:33,992 --> 01:38:37,286 I'm not handicapped. I have you. 1436 01:38:47,297 --> 01:38:50,465 ♪ It's live, it's spontaneous Anything can happen ♪ 1437 01:39:03,396 --> 01:39:07,357 ♪ Anything can happen ♪ 1438 01:39:07,525 --> 01:39:08,984 ♪ Anything ♪ 1439 01:39:09,402 --> 01:39:11,612 ♪ Anything can happen ♪ 1440 01:39:12,947 --> 01:39:17,075 ♪ On any given night Anything can happen ♪ 1441 01:39:17,243 --> 01:39:21,038 ♪ When the underdog is hungry The favorite might fall ♪ 1442 01:39:21,205 --> 01:39:25,125 ♪ With all of the people Yelling and clapping ♪ 1443 01:39:25,293 --> 01:39:30,380 ♪ Anything can happen Anything at all ♪ 1444 01:39:32,383 --> 01:39:34,384 ♪ Anything at all ♪ 1445 01:39:40,933 --> 01:39:44,811 ♪ She took me in her bedroom To show me her computer ♪ 1446 01:39:44,979 --> 01:39:48,982 ♪ She asked me if I liked it I told her she was cuter ♪ 1447 01:39:49,150 --> 01:39:52,986 ♪ She wasn't that great But, yo, it was getting kind of late ♪ 1448 01:39:53,154 --> 01:39:56,948 ♪ She talked about her father Said he never really liked her ♪ 1449 01:39:57,116 --> 01:40:00,994 ♪ She said that she'd been married To a schizophrenic biker ♪ 1450 01:40:01,162 --> 01:40:04,956 ♪ I thought I'd say goodbye But then I saw her start to cry ♪ 1451 01:40:05,124 --> 01:40:08,960 ♪ We danced by the light Of her video screen ♪ 1452 01:40:09,128 --> 01:40:12,631 ♪ She looked me in the eyes And she said, "Why me?" ♪ 1453 01:40:12,799 --> 01:40:16,760 ♪ On any given night Anything can happen ♪ 1454 01:40:16,928 --> 01:40:20,847 ♪ When the underdog is hungry The favorite might fall ♪ 1455 01:40:21,015 --> 01:40:25,060 ♪ With all of the people Yelling and clapping ♪ 1456 01:40:25,228 --> 01:40:30,190 ♪ Anything can happen Anything at all ♪ 1457 01:40:32,068 --> 01:40:36,780 ♪ Anything at all ♪ 1458 01:40:37,615 --> 01:40:39,157 ♪ Yeah ♪ 1459 01:40:40,076 --> 01:40:44,496 ♪ Anything can happen ♪ 1460 01:41:08,271 --> 01:41:12,941 ♪ She drove a baby-blue Ferrari She was all silk and diamonds ♪ 1461 01:41:13,109 --> 01:41:16,778 ♪ Living at the top No need for social climbing ♪ 1462 01:41:16,946 --> 01:41:20,490 ♪ I asked her for a ride She said, "Right here by my side" ♪ 1463 01:41:20,658 --> 01:41:24,494 ♪ We went to her place Overlooking the bay ♪ 1464 01:41:24,662 --> 01:41:28,373 ♪ She said, "There's only one bed Will that be okay?" ♪ 1465 01:41:28,541 --> 01:41:32,502 ♪ On any given night Anything can happen ♪ 1466 01:41:32,670 --> 01:41:36,506 ♪ When the underdog is hungry The favorite might fall ♪ 1467 01:41:36,674 --> 01:41:40,844 ♪ With all of the people Yelling and clapping ♪ 1468 01:41:41,012 --> 01:41:45,849 ♪ Anything can happen Anything at all ♪ 1469 01:41:52,857 --> 01:41:58,320 ♪ Anything can happen ♪ 1470 01:41:58,488 --> 01:42:00,155 ♪ Anything can happen ♪♪ 1471 01:42:00,156 --> 01:42:05,156 Subs by Pukeman