1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,647 Distributed by Japan Home Video 2 00:00:17,551 --> 00:00:20,259 Its body is armored in iron and concrete. 3 00:00:21,354 --> 00:00:25,291 Its mind is wrapped in computers and high technology. 4 00:00:25,292 --> 00:00:28,205 This is the city and the time we are living in. 5 00:00:29,429 --> 00:00:33,605 But most people are ignoring the unexplainable or mysterious. 6 00:00:34,134 --> 00:00:36,774 Those things that we can't figure out through ordinary logic. 7 00:00:37,137 --> 00:00:39,515 Around these ordinary people, following common rules... 8 00:00:40,674 --> 00:00:44,520 all the while seeking out strong desires and pleasures... 9 00:00:45,545 --> 00:00:47,991 and hanging on to a little happiness... 10 00:00:48,715 --> 00:00:53,715 there exists a vast and fearful world of darkness beyond our time and space. 11 00:01:00,560 --> 00:01:04,474 I'm afraid I know about that. 12 00:01:22,649 --> 00:01:23,992 Taki, here you go. 13 00:01:25,719 --> 00:01:27,289 I lost the bet, so I have to pay. 14 00:01:27,954 --> 00:01:29,399 You just guessed wrong. 15 00:01:29,856 --> 00:01:33,030 Yeah, but I've been a bartender for a long time, 16 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:37,333 and I've never seen a girl who's kept her guard up as much as Kanako. 17 00:01:38,131 --> 00:01:40,634 How could I have imagined that she'd accept your offer? 18 00:01:40,834 --> 00:01:42,677 Tough luck! I'll keep this. 19 00:01:43,737 --> 00:01:46,877 Well, she's sure taking her time. 20 00:02:08,628 --> 00:02:09,800 Thanks for waiting. 21 00:02:10,797 --> 00:02:12,799 Here she comes. 10,000 yen. 22 00:02:13,566 --> 00:02:15,307 10,000 yen? What do you mean? 23 00:02:16,670 --> 00:02:19,378 Well, it's none of your business. Is it Taki? 24 00:02:19,873 --> 00:02:20,476 Yes. 25 00:02:20,941 --> 00:02:24,821 Oh, don't be so secretive. Alright, I'll find out tomorrow! 26 00:02:25,578 --> 00:02:26,249 Let's go! 27 00:02:27,480 --> 00:02:29,357 So long Ken. Get back to work! 28 00:02:29,883 --> 00:02:31,226 Got it. See you. 29 00:02:32,252 --> 00:02:35,096 Hey Taki. Why don't we bet on the Giants and Tigers game, next? 30 00:02:36,056 --> 00:02:37,763 A re-match? 31 00:02:38,525 --> 00:02:39,162 I accept! 32 00:02:40,827 --> 00:02:43,501 That night, I was happy. Like I fell into rapture. 33 00:02:44,731 --> 00:02:47,678 She was the girl that I liked, from the bar I'd been frequenting for three months. 34 00:02:48,268 --> 00:02:50,942 Finally, she asked me over to her place. 35 00:02:53,506 --> 00:02:56,817 This was a surprise. What made you change your mind? 36 00:03:08,221 --> 00:03:09,029 Wow... 37 00:03:09,589 --> 00:03:11,535 You live in this luxurious place? 38 00:03:44,691 --> 00:03:46,398 Isn't that a little too bold? 39 00:03:47,327 --> 00:03:48,601 Don't you like impatient girls? 40 00:03:49,796 --> 00:03:54,370 Yeah, but I'm more of a romantic than I look. 41 00:04:09,849 --> 00:04:10,884 You're so strong. 42 00:04:11,284 --> 00:04:12,228 I'm so attracted to it. 43 00:04:15,221 --> 00:04:16,757 This woman has a devil inside. 44 00:04:17,857 --> 00:04:20,531 She's completely changed from how she was at the bar. 45 00:04:21,428 --> 00:04:26,173 It was very different from what I'd expected, but I'm not complaining. 46 00:05:06,272 --> 00:05:06,875 You... 47 00:05:08,241 --> 00:05:10,084 You realized a little too late. 48 00:05:14,114 --> 00:05:15,752 You're of no use to me anymore. 49 00:05:25,692 --> 00:05:26,636 Embrace me... 50 00:05:32,799 --> 00:05:34,244 You barely escaped, huh? 51 00:05:35,068 --> 00:05:37,344 It's fine. I already got what I wanted. 52 00:05:38,638 --> 00:05:39,776 What did you do to Kanako? 53 00:05:43,576 --> 00:05:45,055 You're worried about the girl? 54 00:05:45,712 --> 00:05:46,656 I didn't kill her. 55 00:05:47,046 --> 00:05:49,219 I just made her sleep in the restroom, at the bar. 56 00:05:52,886 --> 00:05:53,921 See you soon. 57 00:06:12,739 --> 00:06:13,945 What is going on? 58 00:06:14,841 --> 00:06:18,721 It's close to the peace treaty's renewal... 59 00:06:30,256 --> 00:06:36,969 WICKED CITY 60 00:06:39,999 --> 00:06:42,605 Yes, you're right. Yes. 61 00:06:44,304 --> 00:06:45,612 Oh, of course I do. 62 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:48,510 Yes sir, I will do it. 63 00:06:49,609 --> 00:06:52,647 Yes, thank you very much. I'll talk to you later. 64 00:06:54,847 --> 00:06:56,451 Mr. Taki, the president wants to see you. 65 00:06:56,716 --> 00:06:57,194 Yes. 66 00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:02,923 Oh, I guess your playboy lifestyle has caught up with you. 67 00:07:03,623 --> 00:07:04,795 Take care of yourself. 68 00:07:06,125 --> 00:07:09,402 Thanks for your concern. It pierced my heart 69 00:07:11,898 --> 00:07:14,469 Hey Taki, you want to join us today? 70 00:07:14,767 --> 00:07:19,546 Mahjong? Sounds good! But I'm completely broke. 71 00:07:20,073 --> 00:07:21,416 You'd better look for another sucker. 72 00:07:22,408 --> 00:07:25,412 There's no bigger sucker than you. See ya! 73 00:07:27,413 --> 00:07:29,552 You guys are all the suckers. 74 00:07:30,984 --> 00:07:32,827 I am Renzaburo Taki. 75 00:07:33,486 --> 00:07:36,660 I work at the sales department of an electronics company in Shibuya, Tokyo. 76 00:07:36,823 --> 00:07:37,995 That's my official job. 77 00:07:40,660 --> 00:07:42,469 Mr. Taki from the sales department is here. 78 00:07:43,329 --> 00:07:44,307 Let him in. 79 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:48,670 It's a MacGreggor, isn't it? 80 00:07:49,869 --> 00:07:52,850 Yes. I finally got one. 81 00:07:53,239 --> 00:07:56,777 The grip and hit are really nice. It's perfect, just what I expected. 82 00:07:57,944 --> 00:07:59,048 I like it. 83 00:08:01,314 --> 00:08:03,555 By the way, I heard you had a strange experience. 84 00:08:09,522 --> 00:08:12,162 I guess we can't trust the peace treaty. 85 00:08:12,692 --> 00:08:14,069 Is it those extremists? 86 00:08:14,727 --> 00:08:17,936 It seems so... but for now, I filed a complaint with their leaders 87 00:08:17,997 --> 00:08:19,670 through the Vatican. 88 00:08:20,233 --> 00:08:22,577 Well, you'd better be careful which women you date. 89 00:08:23,102 --> 00:08:25,582 Your biggest weakness is women. 90 00:08:26,406 --> 00:08:30,218 Any reason for them to be taking action now? 91 00:08:30,977 --> 00:08:34,789 The signing ceremony date for the next peace treaty has been moved up. 92 00:08:35,515 --> 00:08:38,121 It will be held tomorrow, in Tokyo. 93 00:08:39,652 --> 00:08:40,790 That's very sudden. 94 00:08:41,521 --> 00:08:44,690 Investigations has discovered that people from the other side 95 00:08:44,691 --> 00:08:47,934 have illegally infiltrated this side by using a shield breaker. 96 00:08:48,461 --> 00:08:50,532 We must take care of this quietly. 97 00:08:51,030 --> 00:08:51,804 As you know... 98 00:08:51,964 --> 00:08:55,000 I have no doubt, that when this peace treaty is signed, 99 00:08:55,001 --> 00:08:58,574 it will start a new era in the relationship between our sides. 100 00:08:59,706 --> 00:09:04,177 The terms of this treaty will continue the peace for another 500 years. 101 00:09:05,144 --> 00:09:07,954 Anyway, a V.I.P. is arriving at Narita airport, 7 p.m. tonight. 102 00:09:08,247 --> 00:09:11,888 He's attending the signing ceremony. 103 00:09:12,685 --> 00:09:15,632 So I want you to guard him until tomorrow... 104 00:09:16,723 --> 00:09:19,465 Mr. Black Guard, Renzaburo Taki. 105 00:09:26,799 --> 00:09:30,212 The Black Guard, that's my other face. 106 00:09:30,970 --> 00:09:34,577 Your life is always in danger with that job. 107 00:09:39,979 --> 00:09:41,925 Who is he? 108 00:09:42,248 --> 00:09:43,727 Giuseppi Mayart. 109 00:09:44,083 --> 00:09:45,926 You must have heard of him. 110 00:09:46,819 --> 00:09:48,389 He's finally coming here? 111 00:09:48,955 --> 00:09:51,162 We can't close the peace treaty without him. 112 00:09:51,357 --> 00:09:52,461 Please guard him closely. 113 00:09:52,859 --> 00:09:57,672 He'll be the main target of the extremists who are against this treaty. 114 00:09:59,332 --> 00:10:01,334 Thank you for giving me such a thoughtful assignment. 115 00:10:03,770 --> 00:10:04,874 I will do my best. 116 00:10:06,773 --> 00:10:08,548 Uh, one more thing. 117 00:10:08,708 --> 00:10:10,449 They want to assign you a partner. 118 00:10:10,710 --> 00:10:13,384 Her skills are the very best and I hear she's good looking, too. 119 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:15,319 Well. 120 00:10:16,048 --> 00:10:17,721 She'll be waiting for you at the airport 121 00:10:17,984 --> 00:10:20,624 Look for the best looking woman there. 122 00:10:21,454 --> 00:10:23,798 One more thing. She's from the other side. 123 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:26,600 A Black Guard from the other side? 124 00:10:27,293 --> 00:10:30,297 Yes, so don't get any strange ideas. 125 00:10:31,464 --> 00:10:33,698 Don't worry. I know better than anybody 126 00:10:33,699 --> 00:10:36,771 how scary the women are from the demon world. 127 00:10:48,748 --> 00:10:51,752 There is the world where humans live, and then, there is another world... 128 00:10:52,251 --> 00:10:53,730 The demon world. 129 00:10:54,187 --> 00:10:56,758 We've been in contact with each other throughout our histories. 130 00:10:56,889 --> 00:11:01,133 The two worlds have sought interaction, harmony, and coexistence. 131 00:11:01,794 --> 00:11:04,729 Still, there have been fierce and bitter battles 132 00:11:04,730 --> 00:11:06,937 fought between our worlds, time and again. 133 00:11:07,600 --> 00:11:14,074 Finally, the heads of our two worlds made a treaty for coexistence. 134 00:11:15,007 --> 00:11:17,613 It was a kind of secret deal. 135 00:11:18,678 --> 00:11:22,057 The truce is renewed every couple of hundred years. 136 00:11:22,982 --> 00:11:27,522 And now, as we approach the end of the twentieth century, 137 00:11:27,653 --> 00:11:32,033 these two worlds are trying to close a new peace treaty. 138 00:12:14,834 --> 00:12:17,110 I guess we can't resolve this with friendly conversation. 139 00:13:18,731 --> 00:13:21,871 Do you think that toy will work on us? 140 00:13:22,602 --> 00:13:26,516 Don't worry, this toy is not what you think. 141 00:13:27,440 --> 00:13:28,919 Is that so? 142 00:14:20,459 --> 00:14:21,961 I'll get you this time. 143 00:14:40,312 --> 00:14:41,086 Shit. 144 00:14:58,130 --> 00:15:00,701 You're so... cute. 145 00:15:03,102 --> 00:15:06,481 But, you don't belong in this world. 146 00:15:07,807 --> 00:15:08,877 Good-bye. 147 00:15:26,892 --> 00:15:29,736 I guess you're my partner. You saved my life. 148 00:15:30,463 --> 00:15:33,808 For a skilled guard of this side, you're quite a wimp. 149 00:15:35,468 --> 00:15:37,141 I am much obliged by your honest opinion. 150 00:15:37,703 --> 00:15:38,269 I'm... 151 00:15:38,270 --> 00:15:41,149 Renzaburo Taki, 25 years old. 152 00:15:41,540 --> 00:15:45,989 Height 180 cm, weight 65 kg, blood type AB. 153 00:15:46,479 --> 00:15:48,789 Official job is a salesman of an electronics company. 154 00:15:49,281 --> 00:15:52,262 Monthly salary is 230,000 yen. Single. 155 00:15:53,285 --> 00:15:54,161 Bingo! 156 00:15:54,754 --> 00:15:57,735 And you? Don't forget to include your measurements, too. 157 00:15:59,024 --> 00:16:01,061 I'm Makie, no last name. 158 00:16:01,627 --> 00:16:05,598 My job on this side is as a model. But I have no reputation to speak of. 159 00:16:06,165 --> 00:16:08,543 The sponsors don't like me because I scared off all the other models. 160 00:16:09,468 --> 00:16:14,577 I see. Your beauty is too perfect. It's almost unreal. 161 00:16:15,541 --> 00:16:16,986 Thank you for the compliment. 162 00:16:17,576 --> 00:16:20,614 Now we have to hurry. He will be arriving soon. 163 00:16:21,380 --> 00:16:23,917 Your dedication to the job is such a sad thing. 164 00:16:24,316 --> 00:16:25,818 But it's nice too meet you. 165 00:16:38,430 --> 00:16:41,377 What kind of person will we be guarding? 166 00:16:44,303 --> 00:16:45,748 Giuseppi Mayart. 167 00:16:46,472 --> 00:16:49,146 A traditional mystic and a great psychic medium. 168 00:16:49,308 --> 00:16:52,544 I believe he had retired and was living in the ruins of Pompeii, 169 00:16:52,545 --> 00:16:56,948 or at the head of the Aponin Mountains, after he attended the signing ceremony 170 00:16:56,949 --> 00:16:59,156 of the last treaty in 1851. 171 00:16:59,618 --> 00:17:02,599 I heard he's the key person for the signing ceremony. 172 00:17:03,923 --> 00:17:06,301 Anyway, I hope everything goes smoothly. 173 00:17:07,126 --> 00:17:09,572 But why did they choose you as my partner? 174 00:17:09,995 --> 00:17:11,633 I guess you must have great skill. 175 00:17:12,431 --> 00:17:15,173 You mean you don't trust women from the demon world? 176 00:17:15,801 --> 00:17:16,779 Almost never. 177 00:17:17,503 --> 00:17:19,813 I've had a very bad experience. 178 00:17:20,339 --> 00:17:22,012 You probably deserved it. 179 00:17:22,474 --> 00:17:23,214 I guess so. 180 00:17:23,742 --> 00:17:25,983 This partnership is not what I wanted either. 181 00:17:26,645 --> 00:17:28,852 But I simply follow my superior's orders. 182 00:17:29,849 --> 00:17:33,422 It doesn't matter. We have to stick together until this assignment ends. 183 00:17:33,786 --> 00:17:34,560 I agree. 184 00:17:52,705 --> 00:17:54,412 Shit! It's them! 185 00:18:01,881 --> 00:18:04,953 This is going too far just to kill one person. 186 00:18:05,751 --> 00:18:06,422 It's terrible. 187 00:18:06,952 --> 00:18:08,363 Indeed. 188 00:18:10,356 --> 00:18:13,667 I had sensed danger, so I moved up to an earlier flight. 189 00:18:14,393 --> 00:18:15,997 I guess I was right. 190 00:18:16,595 --> 00:18:17,539 Who are you? 191 00:18:19,465 --> 00:18:21,308 I'm Giuseppi Mayart. 192 00:18:22,468 --> 00:18:24,448 Nice to be with the two of you tonight. 193 00:18:27,106 --> 00:18:30,178 Well, I was told that a woman from the other side would be guarding me. 194 00:18:30,342 --> 00:18:33,289 You're much more beautiful than I had expected. 195 00:18:39,218 --> 00:18:41,198 Don't be rude! What did you just do to me?! 196 00:18:41,320 --> 00:18:42,697 You're the rude one. 197 00:18:42,755 --> 00:18:46,601 What do you mean?! This is a greeting in the human world! 198 00:18:50,262 --> 00:18:53,402 Mr. Mayart, I think it's good that you're so lively, 199 00:18:53,666 --> 00:18:55,168 but you have to be a little discreet. 200 00:18:55,668 --> 00:18:57,443 Even though it's just for tonight, 201 00:18:57,803 --> 00:19:01,307 she and I have been assigned to protect your life. 202 00:19:02,174 --> 00:19:05,417 You can do anything you want after the treaty is signed tomorrow, 203 00:19:05,878 --> 00:19:08,654 but until then, I want you to follow our rules. 204 00:19:10,049 --> 00:19:13,384 What's the big deal? She's just a woman of the demon world. 205 00:19:13,385 --> 00:19:17,060 Who knows what kind of real form she has under that beauty. 206 00:19:17,489 --> 00:19:22,438 You must know what happens to the people who sleep with them. 207 00:19:22,628 --> 00:19:26,371 Their life energies are sucked out, and they become zombies! 208 00:19:26,665 --> 00:19:31,341 Do you know why so many people still want to have sex with them? 209 00:19:31,804 --> 00:19:33,371 Because of how it feels. 210 00:19:33,372 --> 00:19:40,347 People feel such incredible ecstasy, it can't even compare with human sex. 211 00:19:40,980 --> 00:19:43,247 You should be careful too, because-- 212 00:19:43,248 --> 00:19:44,750 You should watch your tongue, sir. 213 00:19:45,551 --> 00:19:49,590 I don't feel confident that I can protect you by myself. 214 00:19:50,222 --> 00:19:52,395 You don't have to worry about that. A job is a job. 215 00:19:53,025 --> 00:19:55,596 I will protect anyone, even at the risk of my own life. 216 00:19:56,362 --> 00:19:58,808 Oh, those words make me feel really secure. 217 00:19:59,098 --> 00:20:01,601 Then I leave the matter to both of you. 218 00:20:01,767 --> 00:20:03,405 Please make sure that no danger comes to me. 219 00:20:08,707 --> 00:20:13,850 But, I still want to taste this special ecstasy at least once. 220 00:20:26,225 --> 00:20:28,535 Anyway, where are you taking me? 221 00:20:28,794 --> 00:20:30,762 A special hotel built with an energy barrier 222 00:20:30,763 --> 00:20:32,504 to shield us from the demon world. 223 00:20:33,298 --> 00:20:36,768 It was made for the safety of special V.I.Ps., like yourself. 224 00:20:37,669 --> 00:20:41,272 This place seems boring. I came all the way to Tokyo. 225 00:20:41,273 --> 00:20:45,153 Can't I visit some hostess club or a massage parlor? 226 00:20:45,911 --> 00:20:47,788 I was looking forward to one of those. 227 00:21:19,144 --> 00:21:20,623 I want you to stay in your room. 228 00:21:20,779 --> 00:21:23,419 What a musty smell in here. 229 00:21:24,950 --> 00:21:29,399 I've been waiting for you. I'm the owner of this hotel. 230 00:21:30,589 --> 00:21:35,197 You must be exhausted after such a long trip to come here. 231 00:21:35,961 --> 00:21:37,963 As you can see, our hotel is not luxurious, but 232 00:21:38,764 --> 00:21:42,041 I hope you will find it comfortable. 233 00:21:43,001 --> 00:21:46,210 We will provide the best service we can... 234 00:21:48,474 --> 00:21:50,681 Long time no see. Are you doing well? 235 00:21:51,376 --> 00:21:53,754 Indeed. I've heard you are doing well too. 236 00:21:54,279 --> 00:21:55,815 How are the guest arrangements today? 237 00:21:56,014 --> 00:21:58,255 Don't worry, it's just you guys. 238 00:21:59,151 --> 00:22:02,826 It seems like a big terrorist group on the other side wants to kill him. 239 00:22:03,388 --> 00:22:05,561 We should be careful, even if this area is protected from invasion. 240 00:22:05,891 --> 00:22:08,201 The barrier's resistance level has been increased three-fold. 241 00:22:08,260 --> 00:22:09,671 Don't be so nervous! 242 00:22:17,136 --> 00:22:17,739 How's he doing? 243 00:22:18,170 --> 00:22:20,411 He's pushing me to take him out and have some fun. 244 00:22:20,739 --> 00:22:24,710 BEST KEPT SECRETS 245 00:22:25,310 --> 00:22:26,311 Mr. Mayart. 246 00:22:26,945 --> 00:22:30,515 Oh, Taki. This woman is so stubborn! 247 00:22:30,516 --> 00:22:33,156 Look at this. Massage Parlor Playboy. 248 00:22:33,919 --> 00:22:36,456 They provide so many good looking women. Let's go there! 249 00:22:37,489 --> 00:22:39,059 You can't go anywhere. 250 00:22:40,392 --> 00:22:42,065 Oh... you don't like this place? 251 00:22:43,662 --> 00:22:45,863 How about this one? Cabaret Club Queen Mate! 252 00:22:45,864 --> 00:22:48,401 This must be the place for us! Let's go to this place! 253 00:22:49,001 --> 00:22:52,073 I will go with you wherever you want, after this assignment. 254 00:22:53,071 --> 00:22:54,914 Damn you. You're so picky. 255 00:22:55,107 --> 00:22:57,108 How about this!? And don't complain anymore! 256 00:22:57,109 --> 00:22:58,876 Fashion Massage Love. 257 00:22:58,877 --> 00:22:59,855 Mr. Mayart! 258 00:23:03,048 --> 00:23:05,050 I can not give you permission to leave this room. 259 00:23:05,551 --> 00:23:06,552 This is an order! 260 00:23:09,388 --> 00:23:10,890 Damn it. You're so stubborn. 261 00:23:11,523 --> 00:23:15,198 You will sleep with us in this room, tonight. 262 00:23:16,628 --> 00:23:18,904 No way. I certainly object. 263 00:23:19,331 --> 00:23:22,833 I'll sleep with that woman, but never with you. 264 00:23:22,834 --> 00:23:25,178 I can't sleep with a man being next to me. 265 00:23:26,071 --> 00:23:28,017 Then you don't have to sleep. 266 00:23:28,840 --> 00:23:30,786 Wh-wh-what?! 267 00:23:31,310 --> 00:23:32,914 Who do you think I am? 268 00:23:33,145 --> 00:23:35,955 This peace treaty doesn't conclude without me. 269 00:23:36,381 --> 00:23:39,450 In spite of this, you still trap me in such a crappy hotel. 270 00:23:39,451 --> 00:23:40,395 This is outrageous! 271 00:23:40,886 --> 00:23:43,154 This hotel is located above the point where the most powerful 272 00:23:43,155 --> 00:23:44,759 spiritual energy can be transmitted in Tokyo. 273 00:23:44,923 --> 00:23:48,564 There is no way for them to enter. They can't even come close to here. 274 00:23:49,194 --> 00:23:51,470 Then, why is that woman here? 275 00:23:51,697 --> 00:23:53,768 She is a member of the Black Guard from the other side. 276 00:23:54,333 --> 00:23:56,040 She has been trained for this situation. 277 00:23:58,103 --> 00:24:01,744 All right, if I can be alone with her, I'll stay here. 278 00:24:02,841 --> 00:24:05,117 Why don't you sleep in the hallway? 279 00:24:07,246 --> 00:24:09,385 OK, I'll be with you Mr. Mayart. 280 00:24:10,983 --> 00:24:14,260 This is my chance to try a woman of the demon world. 281 00:24:16,088 --> 00:24:17,226 Keep your eye on him. 282 00:24:17,756 --> 00:24:21,533 If he does something strange, just tie him to the bed. 283 00:24:23,428 --> 00:24:24,729 D... don't be rude! 284 00:24:24,730 --> 00:24:26,038 What the hell are you telling her? 285 00:24:27,065 --> 00:24:27,975 You fool! 286 00:24:28,567 --> 00:24:29,170 You nincompoop! 287 00:24:29,534 --> 00:24:30,535 Idiot! 288 00:25:02,934 --> 00:25:06,074 The guest upstairs is a rather famous. 289 00:25:06,605 --> 00:25:07,481 Do you know him? 290 00:25:08,073 --> 00:25:09,416 Giuseppi Mayart... 291 00:25:10,008 --> 00:25:12,614 He came to Japan, incognito, twenty years ago. 292 00:25:13,278 --> 00:25:16,122 He hasn't changed much since then, but... 293 00:25:17,249 --> 00:25:17,852 What's wrong? 294 00:25:19,251 --> 00:25:21,754 I wonder a little, if he's for real or not. 295 00:25:22,387 --> 00:25:24,594 It's just my intuition, but in my humble opinion, 296 00:25:25,190 --> 00:25:26,999 he might be a decoy. 297 00:25:27,693 --> 00:25:28,694 That might be possible. 298 00:25:29,061 --> 00:25:32,531 They use a decoy freely, to attract the enemy's attention to us. 299 00:25:33,498 --> 00:25:34,272 Oh, well. 300 00:25:37,769 --> 00:25:39,339 Anyway, are you still single? 301 00:25:40,238 --> 00:25:41,273 What kind of question is that? 302 00:25:41,640 --> 00:25:43,176 Can't you tell just by looking at me? 303 00:25:43,642 --> 00:25:45,053 How about the lady you came with? 304 00:25:45,344 --> 00:25:47,847 Don't joke. She's a woman from the other side. 305 00:25:48,180 --> 00:25:51,559 You can't have children, but I hear the sex is incredible. 306 00:25:54,553 --> 00:25:57,762 Well, I never thought I would hear such words coming from your mouth. 307 00:25:58,590 --> 00:26:01,093 Is that so? It's just a little talk. 308 00:26:02,427 --> 00:26:04,270 Do you like your job? 309 00:26:04,763 --> 00:26:06,140 I don't know. 310 00:26:06,765 --> 00:26:08,176 You must be proud of your work. 311 00:26:08,600 --> 00:26:12,343 It's very honorable to have such an important job, protecting both worlds. 312 00:26:12,671 --> 00:26:17,882 Is it? I don't know if it's worth protecting human or demon society 313 00:26:18,477 --> 00:26:21,219 by risking my own life. 314 00:26:24,383 --> 00:26:29,264 It's because you still don't have anything to truly protect. 315 00:26:29,621 --> 00:26:33,569 You'd better find something fast, then you'll understand its meaning. 316 00:26:33,859 --> 00:26:36,362 Something to protect? Is it so simple? 317 00:26:36,495 --> 00:26:37,303 It's that simple. 318 00:26:37,796 --> 00:26:38,797 Checkmate. 319 00:26:48,507 --> 00:26:50,418 Here, let's have one more game. 320 00:26:51,710 --> 00:26:54,156 Old man, you never give up. 321 00:26:55,280 --> 00:26:58,523 Don't complain! I'm helping you kill time. 322 00:27:15,767 --> 00:27:16,268 It's them! 323 00:27:17,469 --> 00:27:19,915 Bastards! They're trying to break the spiritual shield. 324 00:27:20,806 --> 00:27:23,013 It can't be... there's no way for them to enter here! 325 00:27:35,320 --> 00:27:35,957 Here they come! 326 00:28:34,613 --> 00:28:37,150 Mr. Mayart, stay put in there. 327 00:28:37,449 --> 00:28:39,122 I'll leave them to you... 328 00:28:56,735 --> 00:28:58,112 Makie, it's me. 329 00:29:02,307 --> 00:29:02,944 Jin? 330 00:29:04,543 --> 00:29:07,080 You look nice, wearing the clothes of this side. 331 00:29:07,612 --> 00:29:09,091 Very attractive. 332 00:29:12,684 --> 00:29:15,460 I guess you've joined hand in hand with the humans. 333 00:29:17,422 --> 00:29:18,560 Traitor! 334 00:29:27,165 --> 00:29:29,145 Why did you betray us? Tell me! 335 00:29:30,035 --> 00:29:33,175 Humans are such lowly creatures compared to us. 336 00:29:34,039 --> 00:29:36,542 They're fit only to serve us. 337 00:29:37,175 --> 00:29:39,451 There's no reason to be equal or fair. 338 00:29:40,512 --> 00:29:42,924 I don't even want you to understand. 339 00:29:51,523 --> 00:29:54,197 You're as stubborn as you used to be. 340 00:29:54,793 --> 00:29:58,331 I should have made you sleep with me back then. 341 00:29:59,497 --> 00:30:03,104 Do you think you can take my head, if you take my body? 342 00:30:03,735 --> 00:30:04,975 That's just the way you think. 343 00:30:05,770 --> 00:30:09,308 Would you like to try? I'll make you crazy. 344 00:30:33,698 --> 00:30:34,574 Master. 345 00:30:36,468 --> 00:30:40,473 Don't worry, they only got my fake hand. You should go upstairs. 346 00:31:03,561 --> 00:31:07,839 How's this? Your body is more honest than you are. 347 00:31:18,743 --> 00:31:20,689 Y... you! 348 00:31:22,647 --> 00:31:25,457 Don't bother. You can't use that trick. 349 00:31:42,333 --> 00:31:43,334 Are you all right? 350 00:31:43,935 --> 00:31:44,504 Yes. 351 00:31:45,270 --> 00:31:46,544 Where is Mr. Mayart? 352 00:31:47,505 --> 00:31:49,109 He's hiding in the bathroom. 353 00:31:59,217 --> 00:32:01,993 What kind of mystic is he? 354 00:32:04,055 --> 00:32:08,026 Sorry, Taki. I relied on the spiritual barrier too much. 355 00:32:08,793 --> 00:32:09,999 Can you find Mr. Mayart? 356 00:32:10,228 --> 00:32:14,506 Don't worry, I have an idea where he's going. 357 00:32:22,273 --> 00:32:25,509 This is paradise. I could never imagine such a great place. 358 00:32:25,510 --> 00:32:27,922 I'm glad I've lived long enough to experience this. 359 00:32:28,880 --> 00:32:31,156 I'm getting so worked up, since you're so pleased! 360 00:32:31,282 --> 00:32:32,625 I'll give you the full treatment. 361 00:32:34,486 --> 00:32:36,022 Here, why don't you lie down on your back. 362 00:32:36,387 --> 00:32:37,866 Here you are. 363 00:32:38,656 --> 00:32:42,035 Oh, sir! You have so much vitality. 364 00:32:43,828 --> 00:32:46,104 I can even outlast young men. 365 00:32:48,800 --> 00:32:51,101 Sir, how old are you? 366 00:32:51,102 --> 00:32:55,244 I've been living so long, I don't remember anymore. But I am well past 200. 367 00:32:55,440 --> 00:32:59,980 No way! Nobody your age can keep it up like that. 368 00:33:00,945 --> 00:33:03,585 We both have had a very long life. 369 00:33:04,849 --> 00:33:07,455 Anyhow, you have marvelous breasts. 370 00:33:08,920 --> 00:33:12,595 They're like art, created by God. 371 00:33:18,630 --> 00:33:21,338 Oh, you look like a baby doing that. You don't look 200 years old at all. 372 00:33:24,936 --> 00:33:25,676 Uh? 373 00:33:26,538 --> 00:33:28,245 I swallowed something. 374 00:33:28,640 --> 00:33:29,277 What was that? 375 00:33:29,641 --> 00:33:31,909 What are you talking about? I haven't had a baby yet. 376 00:33:31,910 --> 00:33:33,253 There's no milk. 377 00:33:33,878 --> 00:33:35,357 Here, let's continue. 378 00:33:41,786 --> 00:33:43,390 Paradise, paradise. 379 00:33:50,528 --> 00:33:52,235 Wha... What the hell is this? 380 00:33:54,432 --> 00:33:58,574 I am going to take you to the real paradise, Giuseppi Mayart! 381 00:33:59,003 --> 00:34:01,711 Y-you're a terrorist from the demon world? 382 00:34:13,885 --> 00:34:14,590 Mayart...!? 383 00:34:19,791 --> 00:34:23,261 If you kill me, the old man dies too. Do you want that? 384 00:34:26,564 --> 00:34:28,271 Taki, rescue Mr. Mayart. 385 00:34:49,687 --> 00:34:54,227 Both of your lives will end tonight, no matter how far you run. 386 00:34:55,894 --> 00:34:57,840 You're the one whose life will be ended. 387 00:35:09,908 --> 00:35:12,912 This isn't good. His life force is almost drained. 388 00:35:13,378 --> 00:35:15,085 We have to give him spiritual treatment. 389 00:35:15,680 --> 00:35:16,556 Where are we going? 390 00:35:16,948 --> 00:35:18,154 A spiritual treatment hospital. 391 00:35:18,416 --> 00:35:20,521 It will take one hour no matter how fast I drive. 392 00:35:21,719 --> 00:35:23,665 I hope he can hold out until then. 393 00:35:32,530 --> 00:35:35,875 There's no reaction to my psychic powers. 394 00:35:36,634 --> 00:35:39,046 He may not last more than thirty minutes. 395 00:35:40,438 --> 00:35:42,247 He's caused a lot of trouble. 396 00:35:50,949 --> 00:35:51,893 What's the matter? 397 00:35:52,417 --> 00:35:55,694 They are trying to pull us into a closed space. 398 00:35:56,387 --> 00:35:57,866 Now what? 399 00:36:18,943 --> 00:36:20,854 We've been locked inside of a demonic barrier. 400 00:36:21,579 --> 00:36:23,058 We're completely trapped. 401 00:36:24,415 --> 00:36:27,191 Stop the car. It's no use driving anymore. 402 00:36:36,094 --> 00:36:37,095 What are you going to do? 403 00:36:37,996 --> 00:36:42,467 Stay here with Mr. Mayart. I will break the barrier. 404 00:36:43,334 --> 00:36:44,472 That's too dangerous. 405 00:36:45,403 --> 00:36:48,475 I told you. I'm willing to risk my life for this assignment. 406 00:36:51,142 --> 00:36:53,019 But I haven't heard your measurements yet. 407 00:36:58,416 --> 00:36:59,394 Mr. Mayart! 408 00:37:01,085 --> 00:37:01,893 What's wrong? 409 00:37:06,691 --> 00:37:09,467 Shit! That soap girl was a parasite. 410 00:37:25,143 --> 00:37:25,917 What's going on? 411 00:38:09,554 --> 00:38:10,430 Makie! 412 00:38:11,989 --> 00:38:14,196 Taki... run away, hurry! 413 00:38:15,126 --> 00:38:16,764 Please protect Mr. Mayart. 414 00:38:50,128 --> 00:38:52,665 The barrier is about to open. 415 00:38:53,197 --> 00:38:55,837 Hurry... hurry up and run... 416 00:39:22,827 --> 00:39:23,567 Makie. 417 00:40:18,149 --> 00:40:20,561 We're in Motoakasaka... Still far from the hospital. 418 00:40:28,926 --> 00:40:30,234 Makie is gone... 419 00:40:31,062 --> 00:40:36,842 She used up all her energy and power to break through the demonic barrier. 420 00:40:37,535 --> 00:40:41,244 She might have been blown up when the barrier was broken. 421 00:40:45,343 --> 00:40:49,120 She helped us by sacrificing herself. A woman from the demon world. 422 00:40:50,014 --> 00:40:51,721 I hope she's still alive. 423 00:41:06,797 --> 00:41:12,770 SPIRITUAL TREATMENT CENTER 424 00:41:18,042 --> 00:41:19,919 How is his condition? 425 00:41:21,646 --> 00:41:25,924 His life force is incredible. I think he'll recover in less than thirty minutes. 426 00:41:27,118 --> 00:41:29,792 I want to make sure this place has enough protection. 427 00:41:30,254 --> 00:41:33,997 The spiritual barrier here is twenty times stronger than usual. 428 00:41:34,625 --> 00:41:39,404 It's totally different from the Teito Hotel in Hibiya. 429 00:41:41,632 --> 00:41:46,809 We've been fighting them for 5,000 years. We've learned a lot. 430 00:41:47,305 --> 00:41:48,079 That sounds good. 431 00:41:48,539 --> 00:41:49,313 Doctor! 432 00:41:49,674 --> 00:41:50,379 What's the matter? 433 00:41:50,541 --> 00:41:53,920 They're here! We're completely surrounded by a demonic barrier 434 00:41:54,178 --> 00:41:55,714 within a radius of five kilometers! 435 00:41:56,180 --> 00:41:57,921 Increase the barrier's strength. 436 00:41:58,215 --> 00:42:00,889 Send a request to India, Tibet, and Mt. Koya 437 00:42:01,218 --> 00:42:03,323 to strengthen the spiritual wave. 438 00:42:06,324 --> 00:42:09,533 Mr. Mayart, you still have a lot to go through. 439 00:42:16,434 --> 00:42:19,574 Can you hear me, Renzaburo Taki? 440 00:42:23,908 --> 00:42:26,411 I have something interesting to show you. 441 00:42:41,258 --> 00:42:42,236 Makie! 442 00:43:04,148 --> 00:43:04,956 How do you like it? 443 00:43:05,182 --> 00:43:08,095 Look upon this well. This is the end of a traitor. 444 00:43:08,252 --> 00:43:11,495 She is a resident of the demon world. 445 00:43:11,856 --> 00:43:15,429 But despite that, she assisted this ridiculous peace treaty. 446 00:43:15,826 --> 00:43:20,070 In addition, she killed her ex-lover. There is no forgiveness for her. 447 00:43:20,564 --> 00:43:23,400 I will let her serve the desires of these men. 448 00:43:23,401 --> 00:43:25,540 After that, I will torture her slowly. 449 00:43:26,737 --> 00:43:30,708 Mr. Taki, don't you want to rescue her? 450 00:43:30,841 --> 00:43:32,752 You may be able to do it. 451 00:43:33,577 --> 00:43:36,524 What do you think of that? Why don't you come here? 452 00:43:37,848 --> 00:43:38,656 Where are you? 453 00:43:39,049 --> 00:43:39,789 Wait! 454 00:43:41,051 --> 00:43:43,053 Don't go! This is a trick! 455 00:43:44,955 --> 00:43:48,926 But they have clearly challenged me! 456 00:43:51,495 --> 00:43:53,941 Are you serious? 457 00:43:54,365 --> 00:43:56,099 What do you think will happen to me? 458 00:43:56,100 --> 00:44:01,106 As a member of the Black Guard, you're supposed to protect me. 459 00:44:01,505 --> 00:44:04,486 As long as you stay here, they can't even touch you. 460 00:44:04,942 --> 00:44:07,650 Is she that important to you? 461 00:44:08,078 --> 00:44:10,718 Important enough to go and save her, leaving me here? 462 00:44:11,182 --> 00:44:13,958 Don't forget! She's a woman of the demon world! 463 00:44:14,218 --> 00:44:16,824 She's not human. 464 00:44:18,589 --> 00:44:22,298 She sacrificed herself to save you. 465 00:44:22,660 --> 00:44:23,695 Of course she should! 466 00:44:23,861 --> 00:44:26,696 I'm an irreplaceable mystic of this world. 467 00:44:26,697 --> 00:44:31,009 The peace treaty of the two worlds can't be signed without me. 468 00:44:31,769 --> 00:44:34,909 Don't even compare me with that monster bitch! 469 00:44:38,843 --> 00:44:44,555 She deserves to be raped and tortured by her fellow monsters. 470 00:44:44,982 --> 00:44:48,555 She may be even enjoying herself. 471 00:44:58,762 --> 00:45:01,242 I accept your challenge. Let me go there. 472 00:45:02,466 --> 00:45:05,140 My pleasure. I will guide you. 473 00:45:05,503 --> 00:45:07,312 Wha... what did you say?! 474 00:45:08,239 --> 00:45:10,719 Bastard, you would leave me here?! 475 00:45:11,075 --> 00:45:12,816 I haven't given you permission! 476 00:45:13,310 --> 00:45:15,256 Do you think you know what you're doing?! 477 00:45:15,513 --> 00:45:19,017 As a professional Black Guard, you're acting ridiculous! 478 00:45:19,717 --> 00:45:20,354 You fool! 479 00:45:20,651 --> 00:45:21,925 Damn you! 480 00:46:33,357 --> 00:46:35,633 Black Guard, Renzaburo Taki. 481 00:46:37,161 --> 00:46:40,472 My sworn enemy has fallen into our hands. 482 00:46:41,932 --> 00:46:43,934 Don't think that I will let you die easily. 483 00:46:44,468 --> 00:46:46,914 The woman... let Makie go. 484 00:46:47,037 --> 00:46:49,074 Are you in love with her? 485 00:46:49,573 --> 00:46:52,281 Do you want to sleep with her? 486 00:46:53,077 --> 00:46:54,988 Don't express your own dirty thoughts. 487 00:46:56,080 --> 00:46:56,888 It doesn't matter. 488 00:46:57,381 --> 00:47:00,385 I will test your ability as a man, right now. 489 00:47:00,818 --> 00:47:04,787 I will ask your body how much you're involved 490 00:47:04,788 --> 00:47:09,362 with this disgusting conspiracy that's secretly going on. 491 00:47:10,394 --> 00:47:11,600 What are you talking about? 492 00:48:01,745 --> 00:48:05,716 Come to me. Inside my body... 493 00:48:15,025 --> 00:48:18,768 No man can resist this. 494 00:48:19,530 --> 00:48:20,668 Come on... 495 00:48:21,865 --> 00:48:25,677 I will suck everything from you. 496 00:48:26,303 --> 00:48:27,247 Hurry... 497 00:48:30,107 --> 00:48:31,609 Come on! Hurry. 498 00:48:46,657 --> 00:48:50,503 How's this? Incredible, isn't it? 499 00:48:51,729 --> 00:48:54,767 You will do anything I want. 500 00:48:56,533 --> 00:49:00,345 Tell me about the conspiracy of your side. 501 00:49:01,438 --> 00:49:06,410 That woman... Makie. Did you sleep with her? 502 00:49:20,390 --> 00:49:21,130 Kill him. 503 00:49:43,514 --> 00:49:44,185 Makie. 504 00:49:46,216 --> 00:49:46,819 Taki... 505 00:49:53,090 --> 00:49:56,697 Are you the prince, came here to save the princess? 506 00:49:57,461 --> 00:49:59,270 Your fantasy ends here. 507 00:50:19,416 --> 00:50:21,794 The assimilation seems like it's finished. 508 00:50:25,022 --> 00:50:26,057 Do you understand 509 00:50:28,559 --> 00:50:31,836 what has just happened to the men you beat? 510 00:51:03,460 --> 00:51:04,293 Shoot! 511 00:51:04,294 --> 00:51:05,500 Shoot as much as you want! 512 00:51:32,155 --> 00:51:35,864 Renzaburo Taki, this is your end. 513 00:51:58,115 --> 00:52:00,891 Bastard! How do you have so much power? 514 00:53:04,681 --> 00:53:05,625 Are you all right? 515 00:53:09,252 --> 00:53:10,993 You have a deep wound. 516 00:53:16,760 --> 00:53:19,468 Thank you. I'm so happy. 517 00:53:19,730 --> 00:53:23,007 I never thought that you would have come here to save me. 518 00:53:23,600 --> 00:53:27,138 You're my partner. Of course I'll save you. 519 00:53:29,006 --> 00:53:31,646 I became the enemy's hostage. 520 00:53:32,709 --> 00:53:34,882 You abandoned your post, right in the middle of an assignment. 521 00:53:36,980 --> 00:53:39,460 We'll both be fired from the Black Guard. 522 00:53:42,319 --> 00:53:44,060 There's something that worries me more. 523 00:53:44,721 --> 00:53:47,930 What's this conspiracy they were asking me about? 524 00:53:48,692 --> 00:53:51,798 Why did they want to know if I slept with Makie? 525 00:53:52,896 --> 00:53:54,933 Is there a secret conspiracy going on 526 00:53:55,198 --> 00:53:57,508 behind the peace treaty being signed tomorrow? 527 00:53:59,503 --> 00:54:02,677 Was the man who came to the hotel your ex-boyfriend? 528 00:54:03,407 --> 00:54:04,511 That's history. 529 00:54:05,575 --> 00:54:08,556 He completely changed after being brainwashed by the terrorists. 530 00:54:09,513 --> 00:54:10,821 He was a nice person before. 531 00:54:11,882 --> 00:54:14,795 I had no choice but to kill him. 532 00:54:15,218 --> 00:54:19,325 Don't worry. That's the way our job goes. 533 00:54:20,857 --> 00:54:23,133 Why did you become a Black Guard? 534 00:54:24,461 --> 00:54:28,637 There are so many people who want peace in both worlds. 535 00:54:29,699 --> 00:54:32,270 Both worlds need to coexist with each other. 536 00:54:33,203 --> 00:54:36,582 For that to happen, somebody has to do this job. 537 00:54:38,175 --> 00:54:40,155 Is Mr. Mayart well? 538 00:54:41,011 --> 00:54:43,321 He's being protected at the spiritual hospital. 539 00:54:44,281 --> 00:54:45,521 Do you want to pick him up? 540 00:54:45,715 --> 00:54:46,659 Can you move? 541 00:54:47,484 --> 00:54:50,658 Your psychic powers have healed me well. I'm already cured. 542 00:54:51,221 --> 00:54:53,223 But, you'll get cold dressed like that. 543 00:55:23,053 --> 00:55:24,123 What do you think? 544 00:55:28,091 --> 00:55:29,161 You look great. 545 00:55:30,227 --> 00:55:32,605 Now I can imagine you working as a model. 546 00:55:33,763 --> 00:55:35,902 You told me before, I have unreal beauty. 547 00:55:36,967 --> 00:55:38,708 Now, I don't feel so anymore. 548 00:55:41,037 --> 00:55:42,573 You just have perfect beauty. 549 00:55:42,806 --> 00:55:43,682 Really? 550 00:55:43,940 --> 00:55:45,783 Yeah, just perfect. 551 00:55:47,144 --> 00:55:48,248 Oh, I'm glad. 552 00:56:02,692 --> 00:56:06,037 Already acting like boyfriend and girlfriend. 553 00:56:06,263 --> 00:56:08,209 You guys must've had lots of fun, huh? 554 00:56:09,032 --> 00:56:13,947 Your job is supposed to be guarding Mr. Mayart! 555 00:56:14,604 --> 00:56:17,676 How could you walk away from it and just do whatever you feel like?! 556 00:56:18,108 --> 00:56:19,917 You have disgraced me! 557 00:56:20,911 --> 00:56:22,686 You guys are so happy-go-lucky. 558 00:56:22,846 --> 00:56:27,920 You must've went to a love hotel and made out. You rat! 559 00:56:28,084 --> 00:56:31,361 Both of you are dismissed. Please leave here. 560 00:56:32,322 --> 00:56:34,097 I will send you a formal notice, later. 561 00:56:34,591 --> 00:56:38,801 Go! Go! I'll have nothing to do with incompetent people like you two. 562 00:56:39,262 --> 00:56:39,967 Bye-bye. 563 00:56:45,302 --> 00:56:45,939 Mr. Taki. 564 00:56:48,338 --> 00:56:50,181 You have disappointed me. 565 00:56:51,041 --> 00:56:53,749 You had a lot of potential to become a great Black Guard, 566 00:56:54,411 --> 00:56:56,789 but you're too much of a romantic. 567 00:56:58,081 --> 00:56:59,992 That is your biggest flaw. 568 00:57:30,480 --> 00:57:33,427 Is that you? I've made a mess. 569 00:57:33,750 --> 00:57:35,957 I underestimated him a little. 570 00:57:36,953 --> 00:57:40,628 I'm sorry. I should have finished him off, before. 571 00:57:40,890 --> 00:57:46,169 We're the only survivors. There is no time to call for backup. 572 00:57:46,296 --> 00:57:48,276 Go and finish him, no matter what. 573 00:57:48,898 --> 00:57:52,710 Of course. And, I received the result of his body fluid analysis. 574 00:57:53,270 --> 00:57:54,510 We were right. 575 00:57:54,671 --> 00:57:56,446 He has the DNA? 576 00:57:56,640 --> 00:57:57,175 Yes. 577 00:57:57,407 --> 00:58:01,878 It will take a while for me to regenerate. You take over. 578 00:58:02,345 --> 00:58:03,551 I will take care of it. 579 00:58:27,671 --> 00:58:28,513 Taki. 580 00:58:29,439 --> 00:58:31,976 Don't say anything. It's not your fault. 581 00:58:32,709 --> 00:58:34,188 I did everything on my own. 582 00:58:36,279 --> 00:58:40,227 I guess a romantic isn't right for this job. 583 00:58:40,450 --> 00:58:42,327 That's true. Especially for me. 584 00:59:44,047 --> 00:59:47,517 Well, I am quite a romantic myself. 585 00:59:48,518 --> 00:59:49,394 Mr. Mayart! 586 00:59:52,021 --> 00:59:53,398 Why did you follow us?! 587 00:59:53,990 --> 00:59:57,665 Well, there are no sexy nurses in that hospital. 588 00:59:57,861 --> 01:00:00,068 All of them are rough men. 589 01:00:00,430 --> 01:00:02,535 It felt so stuffy being there. 590 01:00:02,799 --> 01:00:04,506 That isn't a good excuse! 591 01:00:04,567 --> 01:00:08,537 Hey, hey. Can we go to a place called "Cabaret Club" next? 592 01:00:08,538 --> 01:00:09,448 Don't joke! 593 01:00:09,773 --> 01:00:12,014 We were fired from being your babysitter! 594 01:00:16,346 --> 01:00:18,417 Don't be so hard on yourself. 595 01:00:18,548 --> 01:00:22,553 Let's just do what I want to do and I'll take all the blame for this. 596 01:00:22,752 --> 01:00:27,531 Mr. Mayart, don't you realize you have a very important job? 597 01:00:28,057 --> 01:00:31,698 I know, I know! I certainly know that! 598 01:00:31,928 --> 01:00:33,874 But I still have a little time until then. 599 01:00:34,297 --> 01:00:35,241 I refuse! 600 01:00:35,865 --> 01:00:37,344 I will take you back to the Teito Hotel. 601 01:00:37,967 --> 01:00:39,969 It's much closer than taking you back to the hospital. 602 01:00:40,336 --> 01:00:44,409 Fine! Do that! I can escape from there anytime. 603 01:00:50,914 --> 01:00:51,483 Taki! 604 01:01:18,208 --> 01:01:19,881 Makie, are you all right? 605 01:01:20,543 --> 01:01:21,180 Yes. 606 01:01:21,711 --> 01:01:22,621 She's coming. 607 01:01:43,099 --> 01:01:44,305 Nice to see you again. 608 01:02:03,486 --> 01:02:04,123 Taki! 609 01:02:11,227 --> 01:02:11,830 Makie. 610 01:02:12,695 --> 01:02:13,605 Traitor! 611 01:02:14,464 --> 01:02:16,944 How could you fall in love with a human? 612 01:02:20,003 --> 01:02:23,109 People who love each other can die together. 613 01:02:23,373 --> 01:02:25,046 What an envious ending! 614 01:02:26,242 --> 01:02:29,815 I will chop up both of your cursed bodies. 615 01:03:25,602 --> 01:03:27,980 Who the hell are you?! 616 01:04:37,940 --> 01:04:38,714 Taki. 617 01:06:09,699 --> 01:06:10,837 Is this a dream? 618 01:06:14,937 --> 01:06:18,248 If this is a dream, I don't want it to end. 619 01:06:25,748 --> 01:06:26,522 Tears... 620 01:06:30,019 --> 01:06:30,895 This is strange... 621 01:06:32,188 --> 01:06:35,169 We, who live in the demon world, shouldn't have tears. 622 01:06:36,125 --> 01:06:39,038 Why do I have tears inside of me? 623 01:06:50,373 --> 01:06:51,147 Whatever has happened... 624 01:06:52,175 --> 01:06:53,950 I guess we're still alive. 625 01:06:55,378 --> 01:06:57,654 I wonder who brought us here? 626 01:06:59,348 --> 01:07:00,554 Maybe God. 627 01:07:01,984 --> 01:07:03,224 I want to think so. 628 01:07:20,636 --> 01:07:21,341 Be careful. 629 01:07:22,305 --> 01:07:23,306 They're very close. 630 01:08:04,981 --> 01:08:06,016 Giuseppi Mayart! 631 01:08:06,515 --> 01:08:09,462 What are you doing? The enemy is behind you! 632 01:08:22,064 --> 01:08:26,513 Perfect! I've finally encountered the real enemy! 633 01:08:27,536 --> 01:08:29,038 You guys should hurry and go. 634 01:08:33,976 --> 01:08:35,387 Go? Where should we go to? 635 01:08:35,912 --> 01:08:39,485 To the signing ceremony of the peace treaty, of course. 636 01:08:39,715 --> 01:08:40,750 That's where you should go! 637 01:08:43,352 --> 01:08:44,797 Both of you are the ones who must go. 638 01:08:45,488 --> 01:08:46,228 Us? 639 01:08:46,989 --> 01:08:48,229 You still don't realize it? 640 01:08:49,859 --> 01:08:52,135 It wasn't you two who were guarding me. 641 01:08:52,328 --> 01:08:56,276 I was called here to guard you two. 642 01:09:01,370 --> 01:09:04,374 Then it was you who carried us here and healed us? 643 01:09:04,540 --> 01:09:07,521 Yes. I used my psychic powers to heal both of you. 644 01:09:07,743 --> 01:09:08,915 What's this all about? 645 01:09:12,882 --> 01:09:14,749 To insure a lasting peace, 646 01:09:14,750 --> 01:09:18,095 we felt that some kind of spiritual exchange was needed. 647 01:09:18,387 --> 01:09:20,021 Something representing the spiritual wave 648 01:09:20,022 --> 01:09:21,831 between the human world and the demon world. 649 01:09:24,694 --> 01:09:28,301 But the biggest barrier that kept our two worlds from interacting 650 01:09:28,364 --> 01:09:30,742 is that there's no way to mix the blood of our peoples. 651 01:09:37,306 --> 01:09:42,110 However, after a few thousand years of effort, 652 01:09:42,111 --> 01:09:44,421 some spiritual mutation had occurred. 653 01:09:45,648 --> 01:09:47,916 There are still very few, but 654 01:09:47,917 --> 01:09:51,019 we've produced some subjects whose DNA can be mixed with each other. 655 01:09:51,020 --> 01:09:53,830 And the scientists of both worlds selected the best couple. 656 01:09:54,056 --> 01:09:56,434 You and Makie are the first couple. 657 01:09:57,093 --> 01:10:02,566 You two can have a child who bears the gifts from both worlds. 658 01:10:02,932 --> 01:10:07,711 And that is the child who will become the leader of a new world. 659 01:10:10,339 --> 01:10:11,374 Our... 660 01:10:12,641 --> 01:10:13,312 ...child? 661 01:10:13,976 --> 01:10:14,818 Indeed. 662 01:10:17,013 --> 01:10:20,517 These terrorists are afraid of that, and have tried to kill you. 663 01:10:27,757 --> 01:10:28,633 You doddering old fool! 664 01:10:28,858 --> 01:10:31,168 How much longer will you interfere with us? 665 01:10:32,061 --> 01:10:35,634 Oh, it's you? Still alive? What are you made of? 666 01:10:36,999 --> 01:10:39,206 We both should have taken each other more seriously. 667 01:10:40,302 --> 01:10:41,576 Let's bring this to an end. 668 01:11:18,174 --> 01:11:21,053 Go and eat him up until he's just bones! 669 01:11:53,943 --> 01:11:57,481 Our power is far beyond any human's ability. 670 01:12:04,987 --> 01:12:06,557 Y... you bastard! 671 01:12:13,162 --> 01:12:15,301 Bastard! 672 01:13:15,090 --> 01:13:17,161 Taki, are you all right? 673 01:13:21,497 --> 01:13:23,704 I used too much power. 674 01:13:42,151 --> 01:13:43,960 Are you still trying to regenerate? 675 01:13:52,895 --> 01:13:55,933 I guess rapidly regenerating in his condition must have some side effects. 676 01:13:57,032 --> 01:13:57,737 Don't shoot! 677 01:13:58,968 --> 01:14:02,211 That piece of meat will just keep on regenerating. 678 01:14:14,483 --> 01:14:16,326 Well, here we go! 679 01:14:16,752 --> 01:14:18,891 Come on and fight me! I'll turn you into a puff of smoke. 680 01:14:35,437 --> 01:14:36,006 Makie. 681 01:14:38,741 --> 01:14:39,481 Is she...? 682 01:15:02,231 --> 01:15:03,266 What a miracle! 683 01:15:05,567 --> 01:15:07,410 This is the effect of the mutation. 684 01:15:46,241 --> 01:15:47,720 She has definitely conceived. 685 01:15:48,210 --> 01:15:50,383 This power is the best proof. 686 01:15:51,447 --> 01:15:54,257 Makie is already pregnant, with your baby. 687 01:15:54,683 --> 01:15:57,357 I never imagined the symptoms would come so quickly. 688 01:16:05,561 --> 01:16:08,440 There was one condition needed in order for Makie to conceive a baby. 689 01:16:08,664 --> 01:16:13,664 The laboratory concluded that in order to conceive and transfigure the DNA 690 01:16:15,070 --> 01:16:18,745 the couple had to have a spiritual bond of love. 691 01:16:19,608 --> 01:16:21,645 That's why I made you go through all this effort. 692 01:16:21,710 --> 01:16:23,747 In order to bring out your love for each other. 693 01:16:25,447 --> 01:16:26,425 I don't believe this. 694 01:16:27,716 --> 01:16:30,993 There was no other way, under such a tight schedule. 695 01:16:31,820 --> 01:16:32,560 Forgive me. 696 01:16:33,856 --> 01:16:35,164 You're an old fool! 697 01:16:35,591 --> 01:16:37,798 Everything was planned ahead? 698 01:16:38,160 --> 01:16:39,332 I'm afraid so. 699 01:16:39,528 --> 01:16:44,568 However, nobody could predict if the two of you could love each other. 700 01:16:46,368 --> 01:16:48,348 I feel like beating you up. 701 01:16:48,971 --> 01:16:51,918 Weren't you serious when you made love to Makie? 702 01:16:55,010 --> 01:16:56,045 Unfortunately, no. 703 01:16:58,247 --> 01:16:58,884 Is that so? 704 01:17:08,657 --> 01:17:09,965 That's what I thought, anyway... 705 01:17:10,526 --> 01:17:11,664 At first. 706 01:17:13,262 --> 01:17:13,933 Taki. 707 01:17:16,932 --> 01:17:19,811 Do you believe a woman of the demon world? 708 01:17:23,705 --> 01:17:27,414 Those tears you had. I believe they were real. 709 01:17:36,452 --> 01:17:39,558 My, my... the results have exceeded our expectations. 710 01:17:39,688 --> 01:17:41,895 Maybe, Taki won't beat me up. 711 01:17:42,424 --> 01:17:43,425 Well, shall we go? 712 01:17:44,726 --> 01:17:49,141 A new treaty, and the start of a new life, and a new world. 713 01:18:09,718 --> 01:18:11,994 He's quite a character. 714 01:18:20,496 --> 01:18:24,444 The long night ends. A bright day breaks. 715 01:18:25,601 --> 01:18:27,205 Just like the man at the hotel told me, 716 01:18:27,603 --> 01:18:32,018 someone whom I should protect is in my arms, right now. 717 01:18:39,648 --> 01:18:41,992 And there is my child, 718 01:18:42,951 --> 01:18:46,831 who doesn't even have shape, but is inside of her. 719 01:18:47,990 --> 01:18:53,838 This child may create a new future for both worlds, someday. 720 01:18:59,067 --> 01:18:59,636 But... 721 01:19:00,302 --> 01:19:01,508 Until that day... 722 01:19:02,738 --> 01:19:07,209 My job as a Black Guard won't end.