1 00:00:06,256 --> 00:00:07,963 NARRATOR: In the criminal justice system 2 00:00:08,024 --> 00:00:11,938 the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups, 3 00:00:12,028 --> 00:00:13,837 the police who investigate crime 4 00:00:13,897 --> 00:00:16,605 and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. 5 00:00:16,666 --> 00:00:18,668 These are their stories. 6 00:00:19,903 --> 00:00:21,247 I'm just going to have his baby. 7 00:00:21,305 --> 00:00:22,909 It's not like I want to marry him or anything. 8 00:00:22,974 --> 00:00:24,282 Yeah, but you can understand why 9 00:00:24,342 --> 00:00:25,821 his wife might be a little jealous. 10 00:00:25,877 --> 00:00:28,483 Oh, please. I don't want him, I just want his genes. 11 00:00:28,546 --> 00:00:30,526 (LAUGHS) Why does she even have to know? 12 00:00:30,581 --> 00:00:32,390 Oh, that's what I like about you, Sandra. 13 00:00:32,450 --> 00:00:34,088 You're such a romantic. 14 00:00:34,185 --> 00:00:35,926 What, you cramp up again? 15 00:00:37,655 --> 00:00:38,895 Sweetie? 16 00:00:39,724 --> 00:00:41,101 You okay? 17 00:00:41,459 --> 00:00:42,460 Hello? 18 00:00:43,060 --> 00:00:44,368 Is she... 19 00:00:44,695 --> 00:00:46,197 I'm not sure. 20 00:00:48,866 --> 00:00:49,867 She's ice cold. 21 00:00:49,934 --> 00:00:50,935 Oh, my God. 22 00:00:52,904 --> 00:00:54,884 She wasn't shot, stabbed or strangled. 23 00:00:55,373 --> 00:00:57,353 There's no sign of blunt force trauma. 24 00:00:57,408 --> 00:00:58,648 Suffocation? 25 00:00:58,709 --> 00:01:00,086 No petechial hemorrhages. 26 00:01:00,144 --> 00:01:01,283 Do we know who she is? 27 00:01:01,480 --> 00:01:03,357 There's nothing in her pockets. No ID. 28 00:01:04,116 --> 00:01:06,357 Nice jacket, good shoes. 29 00:01:06,652 --> 00:01:08,256 Definitely not a street kid. 30 00:01:08,453 --> 00:01:10,455 Looks like she's about 10 or 11. 31 00:01:10,622 --> 00:01:11,862 Any sign of sexual assault? 32 00:01:12,291 --> 00:01:13,395 Not that I could see. 33 00:01:13,458 --> 00:01:14,766 FEMALE OFFICER: Detectives. 34 00:01:15,427 --> 00:01:17,168 They found this joint over by the seesaw. 35 00:01:17,229 --> 00:01:19,038 Hmm. It's barely smoked. 36 00:01:19,097 --> 00:01:20,770 Looks like the party just got started. 37 00:01:20,966 --> 00:01:22,536 The question is, whose party was it? 38 00:01:22,634 --> 00:01:23,738 Can you get this to the lab? 39 00:01:23,835 --> 00:01:24,836 Right away. 40 00:01:25,270 --> 00:01:27,876 Little girl like this, what's she doing in the park at night? 41 00:01:28,073 --> 00:01:29,984 Kids grow up fast these days. 42 00:01:30,309 --> 00:01:31,413 Not this kid. 43 00:02:23,297 --> 00:02:25,800 ED: The M.E. on the scene didn't seem to think she that was suffocated. 44 00:02:25,866 --> 00:02:28,142 It's not your run-of-the-mill suffocation. 45 00:02:28,302 --> 00:02:30,407 I'm thinking more like positional asphyxiation. 46 00:02:31,505 --> 00:02:34,509 You know how a boa constrictor squeezes the life out of its victims? 47 00:02:34,608 --> 00:02:35,882 Same thing. 48 00:02:35,943 --> 00:02:37,718 Thanks for the visual. 49 00:02:37,878 --> 00:02:40,859 See where the ribs meet the breastbone? 50 00:02:41,682 --> 00:02:44,686 There were severe contusions at the costochondral junction. 51 00:02:45,319 --> 00:02:46,821 Her chest was compressed, 52 00:02:46,887 --> 00:02:48,161 which impeded breathing 53 00:02:48,222 --> 00:02:50,463 and caused her to choke to death on her own vomit. 54 00:02:50,524 --> 00:02:51,969 The story just keeps getting better. 55 00:02:52,026 --> 00:02:55,838 In addition, I found edema in her nasal and laryngeal passages. 56 00:02:55,896 --> 00:02:57,773 Swelling? Is that significant? 57 00:02:58,132 --> 00:02:59,941 Probably caused by some kind of trauma. 58 00:03:00,501 --> 00:03:02,913 I'm thinking whoever did it may have tried to revive her. 59 00:03:03,103 --> 00:03:04,549 When did all this happen? 60 00:03:04,606 --> 00:03:06,608 Between 6:00 and 8:00, maybe 9:00 pm. 61 00:03:06,674 --> 00:03:08,415 9:15 at the outside. 62 00:03:09,344 --> 00:03:13,087 There were also indications that the body was moved postmortem. 63 00:03:15,150 --> 00:03:17,221 So, you're saying the girl wasn't killed in the park. 64 00:03:17,285 --> 00:03:18,457 Well, it's hard to tell. I mean, she could 65 00:03:18,520 --> 00:03:20,158 have been killed there and repositioned afterwards. 66 00:03:20,221 --> 00:03:23,134 Or the perp could have come back later to admire his handiwork. 67 00:03:23,224 --> 00:03:25,033 Was there any sign of sexual trauma? 68 00:03:25,093 --> 00:03:27,630 No. And the tox screen came back negative, too. 69 00:03:27,829 --> 00:03:29,900 So the joint didn't belong to the girl. 70 00:03:29,998 --> 00:03:33,070 We sent it out for DNA, just in case we come up with a suspect. 71 00:03:33,134 --> 00:03:35,910 Detectives, Missing Persons just got a hit. 72 00:03:36,037 --> 00:03:37,607 Paula Weston, 11 years old. 73 00:03:37,672 --> 00:03:39,652 Reported missing by her mother this morning. 74 00:03:39,707 --> 00:03:41,516 She lives on Columbus and 88th. 75 00:03:41,576 --> 00:03:43,180 A block from the park. 76 00:03:43,244 --> 00:03:45,282 Sometimes I hate this job. 77 00:03:46,482 --> 00:03:48,587 ED: ls there somebody you want us to notify? 78 00:03:48,651 --> 00:03:50,130 No. No one. 79 00:03:51,654 --> 00:03:53,429 Well, what about her father? 80 00:03:53,956 --> 00:03:56,994 My ex-husband hasn't been in the picture in quite a while. 81 00:03:57,126 --> 00:03:58,799 He lives outside of Philly. 82 00:03:59,128 --> 00:04:01,301 It was just me and Paula. 83 00:04:02,965 --> 00:04:05,309 When was the last time you saw her? 84 00:04:06,202 --> 00:04:07,374 Last night. 85 00:04:07,436 --> 00:04:11,816 She did her homework, and then she watched some TV, went to bed. 86 00:04:12,308 --> 00:04:16,051 The alarm went off around 7:00 this morning, and I went into her room. 87 00:04:16,745 --> 00:04:18,383 She wasn't there. 88 00:04:19,815 --> 00:04:21,158 Then what? 89 00:04:21,417 --> 00:04:24,159 I called the police, and then I started to search the neighborhood, 90 00:04:24,220 --> 00:04:26,565 thinking that she would show up somewhere. 91 00:04:27,090 --> 00:04:29,627 Does anybody have a key to your apartment? 92 00:04:29,993 --> 00:04:31,472 No, no one. 93 00:04:32,462 --> 00:04:34,135 Cleaning lady? Nanny? 94 00:04:34,865 --> 00:04:37,243 No. It's just us. 95 00:04:39,369 --> 00:04:41,042 ED: Did Paula ever run away before? 96 00:04:41,171 --> 00:04:43,481 No, she didn't. She didn't run away. 97 00:04:45,809 --> 00:04:49,313 Did you notice your daughter was upset about anything recently? 98 00:04:49,446 --> 00:04:51,448 Just the normal kid stuff. 99 00:04:51,615 --> 00:04:55,461 Last night, she wanted to sleep over at a friend's house, 100 00:04:55,519 --> 00:04:57,999 and I said no. 101 00:05:00,056 --> 00:05:03,401 Mrs. Weston, where does your daughter's friend live? 102 00:05:04,494 --> 00:05:06,566 83rd just off 5th. 103 00:05:06,764 --> 00:05:08,437 That's across the park. 104 00:05:08,699 --> 00:05:14,240 I called over there this morning and Alice's dad said he hadn't seen her. 105 00:05:21,579 --> 00:05:23,252 My daughter was here with me all night. 106 00:05:23,314 --> 00:05:24,850 We need to hear that from her. 107 00:05:24,916 --> 00:05:26,827 She's not allowed out on school nights. 108 00:05:26,884 --> 00:05:28,955 Mr. Danielson, please. 109 00:05:30,855 --> 00:05:33,096 I was here. On the computer. 110 00:05:33,291 --> 00:05:35,271 When's the last time you saw Paula? 111 00:05:35,493 --> 00:05:37,769 DANIELSON: They walk part way home from school together every day. 112 00:05:37,828 --> 00:05:39,535 Then Paula takes the bus. 113 00:05:39,830 --> 00:05:41,400 Paula have any other friends at school? 114 00:05:41,465 --> 00:05:43,103 Anybody she likes to hang out with? 115 00:05:44,168 --> 00:05:46,149 The kids at Hamlin are kind of lame. 116 00:05:46,939 --> 00:05:50,512 Did she mention anything to you about maybe sneaking out last night? 117 00:05:51,276 --> 00:05:52,311 No. 118 00:05:52,811 --> 00:05:55,417 I hear there's a pretty cool playground over by 81st Street. 119 00:05:55,480 --> 00:05:57,357 You guys ever go there? 120 00:05:59,618 --> 00:06:01,996 I'm not allowed without a grownup. 121 00:06:02,721 --> 00:06:06,066 Mr. Danielson, we're not investigating a parking ticket. 122 00:06:06,291 --> 00:06:08,464 If your daughter knows anything. 123 00:06:15,067 --> 00:06:16,842 Alice, just tell the truth. 124 00:06:17,703 --> 00:06:20,013 You won't get in trouble, I promise. 125 00:06:21,907 --> 00:06:25,787 Sometimes on our way home from school we'd stop by the playground. 126 00:06:26,345 --> 00:06:27,723 What'd you do? 127 00:06:27,947 --> 00:06:29,449 Swings, mostly. 128 00:06:30,016 --> 00:06:32,690 Paula liked to go real high and close her eyes. 129 00:06:33,119 --> 00:06:34,894 Then she'd jump off. 130 00:06:35,822 --> 00:06:37,699 Did Paula ever go over there by herself? 131 00:06:37,790 --> 00:06:39,326 Maybe at night? 132 00:06:39,959 --> 00:06:41,905 No. It was too dangerous. 133 00:06:46,165 --> 00:06:49,942 We're thinking she snuck out of her apartment, came over here 134 00:06:50,036 --> 00:06:51,982 ran into a couple of bad guys. 135 00:06:52,038 --> 00:06:53,984 I swung by here twice. Park was empty. 136 00:06:54,040 --> 00:06:55,212 It was a slow night. 137 00:06:55,308 --> 00:06:57,481 So what'd you do to earn the buck fifty? 138 00:06:57,710 --> 00:06:59,314 Braved the cold? 139 00:07:02,915 --> 00:07:06,158 Hey, wait a minute. What about this illegally parked vehicle? 140 00:07:06,219 --> 00:07:08,996 81st Street, right by the park. A school bus. 141 00:07:09,189 --> 00:07:11,795 What, is there a night school around here I don't know about? 142 00:07:11,859 --> 00:07:14,669 Uh, the driver said he dumped a bunch of kids off at the Planetarium. 143 00:07:14,728 --> 00:07:16,105 He was just hanging around waiting. 144 00:07:16,230 --> 00:07:17,800 Did he seem agitated? 145 00:07:17,865 --> 00:07:19,401 Only when I gave him the ticket. 146 00:07:19,466 --> 00:07:21,343 Why didn't you just tell him to move? 147 00:07:21,669 --> 00:07:23,171 I didn't see him until I started writing. 148 00:07:23,237 --> 00:07:25,046 He said he left for a minute to relieve himself. 149 00:07:25,306 --> 00:07:27,343 He asked me to tear it up, but once I start writing it up, 150 00:07:27,408 --> 00:07:28,443 it's too late. It's too late. 151 00:07:28,509 --> 00:07:29,920 We're gonna need the number of that summons. 152 00:07:30,010 --> 00:07:31,284 I got it right here. 153 00:07:31,679 --> 00:07:34,387 You drove a bus last night for Roselawn Academy? 154 00:07:34,448 --> 00:07:36,428 Dropped some kids off at the Planetarium? 155 00:07:36,517 --> 00:07:39,020 That's right. Around 8:30. It was a laser show. 156 00:07:39,086 --> 00:07:41,259 Well, there's a place right next to the museum. 157 00:07:41,322 --> 00:07:43,302 Why didn't you just park the bus there? 158 00:07:43,524 --> 00:07:44,559 It was full. 159 00:07:44,625 --> 00:07:48,403 You remember seeing this girl hanging around the park that night? 160 00:07:49,264 --> 00:07:50,800 No. She a runaway? 161 00:07:50,865 --> 00:07:51,866 She's dead. 162 00:07:52,233 --> 00:07:53,234 Oh. 163 00:07:53,768 --> 00:07:55,645 Little girl like that. 164 00:07:55,804 --> 00:07:58,842 What'd you do between the time you dropped the kids off and picked 'em up? 165 00:07:58,940 --> 00:08:01,147 I was on the radio most of the night with my dispatcher. 166 00:08:01,209 --> 00:08:02,517 He can verify that? 167 00:08:02,577 --> 00:08:03,647 She. 168 00:08:04,980 --> 00:08:07,551 Hold on. I had nothing to do with this little girl getting killed. 169 00:08:07,615 --> 00:08:09,094 BRISCOE: We didn't say you did, Mr. Dunston. 170 00:08:09,150 --> 00:08:10,891 Yeah, well, I'm telling you anyway. 171 00:08:10,985 --> 00:08:12,828 We checked your log from last night. 172 00:08:12,988 --> 00:08:14,934 You were a half hour late getting back from the museum. 173 00:08:15,156 --> 00:08:16,226 That's right. 174 00:08:16,291 --> 00:08:17,429 You mind telling us why? 175 00:08:18,960 --> 00:08:20,962 I don't want to cause any problems for the school. 176 00:08:21,096 --> 00:08:23,906 ED: Hey, man, don't worry about it. We'll take the heat. 177 00:08:24,032 --> 00:08:26,876 Seems the chaperone misplaced a couple of the boys. 178 00:08:26,935 --> 00:08:29,746 I had to wait on 'em before we could leave. 179 00:08:34,844 --> 00:08:36,653 LURIE: Our fourth field trip this semester. 180 00:08:36,712 --> 00:08:38,316 We're lucky to have involved parents. 181 00:08:38,381 --> 00:08:40,019 Yeah, we're looking for the kids 182 00:08:40,082 --> 00:08:42,119 who might have skipped out on that show. 183 00:08:42,184 --> 00:08:44,221 Must be hard to keep track once the lights go down. 184 00:08:44,320 --> 00:08:45,924 None of them were involved in this girl's murder, 185 00:08:45,988 --> 00:08:47,092 if that's where you're going. 186 00:08:47,156 --> 00:08:48,726 BRISCOE: You seem pretty sure about that. 187 00:08:48,858 --> 00:08:50,303 These are good kids. 188 00:08:50,359 --> 00:08:52,361 So were Leopold and Loeb. 189 00:08:52,828 --> 00:08:54,705 We need names, Mr. Lurie. 190 00:08:55,131 --> 00:08:57,475 Look, I'm new, okay. 191 00:08:58,000 --> 00:08:59,377 No tenure. 192 00:08:59,502 --> 00:09:01,743 I was responsible for chaperoning them that night. 193 00:09:01,804 --> 00:09:03,044 I could lose my job. 194 00:09:03,139 --> 00:09:04,709 Then you lose your damn job. 195 00:09:04,774 --> 00:09:07,311 We got a mother who lost her only child. 196 00:09:11,114 --> 00:09:13,651 KEITH: We were at the laser show. We didn't go near the park. 197 00:09:13,717 --> 00:09:15,924 BRISCOE: That ship's already sailed, Keith. 198 00:09:15,986 --> 00:09:18,193 We got a witness that puts you there. 199 00:09:21,992 --> 00:09:24,632 That's Paula Weston. 11 years old. 200 00:09:25,262 --> 00:09:26,400 You ever seen her? 201 00:09:26,463 --> 00:09:27,908 Is this really necessary? 202 00:09:27,964 --> 00:09:30,911 BRISCOE: Why don't you ask your son that question? 203 00:09:37,407 --> 00:09:38,579 What about you? 204 00:09:40,811 --> 00:09:44,588 Derek, the detective is asking you a question. 205 00:09:46,850 --> 00:09:49,797 We were just chilling out. We didn't do anything wrong. 206 00:09:50,320 --> 00:09:52,767 Then there's nothing to be afraid of, is there? 207 00:09:55,326 --> 00:09:56,930 MRS. VOGEL: Derek? 208 00:09:59,063 --> 00:10:03,136 After we split the laser show, we went over to the deli on Columbus. 209 00:10:03,267 --> 00:10:04,541 Did you get anything? 210 00:10:05,903 --> 00:10:08,577 Some sodas and some matches. 211 00:10:08,973 --> 00:10:10,953 BRISCOE: The matches were to light the joints, right? 212 00:10:11,776 --> 00:10:12,846 What joints? 213 00:10:12,977 --> 00:10:15,514 ED: Yeah, you left one there. Right next to her. 214 00:10:15,780 --> 00:10:16,918 Did you know that? 215 00:10:21,786 --> 00:10:24,528 You know, if we match the DNA from that joint 216 00:10:24,722 --> 00:10:26,724 to the saliva on this pencil... 217 00:10:28,926 --> 00:10:30,064 (GAS PS) 218 00:10:37,369 --> 00:10:38,746 We didn't kill her. 219 00:10:38,804 --> 00:10:40,374 ED: But you did see her. 220 00:10:40,906 --> 00:10:43,284 When we found her she was already dead. 221 00:10:43,408 --> 00:10:44,614 Oh, my God. 222 00:10:44,676 --> 00:10:47,156 Why didn't you go for help? Call someone? 223 00:10:47,412 --> 00:10:49,551 And what? Say we were out getting high? 224 00:10:49,915 --> 00:10:51,656 So what did you do? 225 00:10:52,618 --> 00:10:54,097 She was lying on her back, 226 00:10:54,152 --> 00:10:56,325 with like her arms folded on her chest. 227 00:10:56,388 --> 00:10:58,299 That's not how we found her. 228 00:10:58,357 --> 00:11:00,997 I pulled on one of her arms to try to get her up. 229 00:11:01,193 --> 00:11:02,831 KEITH: At first, we thought she was sleeping. 230 00:11:03,862 --> 00:11:07,901 But when I touched her face, it was all rubbery, like a Halloween mask. 231 00:11:08,567 --> 00:11:11,673 I thought dead bodies were supposed to be stiff. 232 00:11:20,246 --> 00:11:22,522 The clerk confirms the boys came in the night of the murder 233 00:11:22,582 --> 00:11:24,459 and bought some sodas. What time? 234 00:11:24,517 --> 00:11:27,555 Uh, tape shows 'em coming in the door at nine 9:26. 235 00:11:27,687 --> 00:11:31,157 The laser show in the Planetarium started at 9:15. 236 00:11:31,224 --> 00:11:33,932 They wait till the lights go down, sneak out the building. 237 00:11:33,993 --> 00:11:37,304 Yeah, take a couple of minutes to flip through some nudie magazines, 238 00:11:37,363 --> 00:11:40,435 they got their sodas, and they're out the door at nine to. 239 00:11:40,500 --> 00:11:43,538 Meaning by the time they got to the park, according to the M.E., 240 00:11:43,603 --> 00:11:45,207 Paula Weston was already dead. 241 00:11:45,338 --> 00:11:47,682 They said that they tried to sneak back into the Planetarium, 242 00:11:47,740 --> 00:11:50,550 but the door was locked, so they hung out in the other side of the museum. 243 00:11:50,610 --> 00:11:51,782 What else do you have? 244 00:11:51,844 --> 00:11:53,916 Besides a whole lot of wasted time, not much. 245 00:11:53,981 --> 00:11:57,827 Well, the boys did say that when they found Paula she was all gently laid out. 246 00:11:57,918 --> 00:12:00,489 Like someone wanted her to be comfortable. 247 00:12:01,155 --> 00:12:03,135 What do we know about the father? 248 00:12:03,190 --> 00:12:04,931 Well, he and Janet divorced way back. 249 00:12:04,992 --> 00:12:06,300 He opened a bar near Philly. 250 00:12:06,360 --> 00:12:07,498 Well, talk to him. 251 00:12:07,561 --> 00:12:10,542 Maybe he got tired of paying child support. 252 00:12:14,702 --> 00:12:16,113 BELMAR: We never should have gotten married. 253 00:12:16,403 --> 00:12:20,112 Janet could be difficult It was three years of hand-to-hand combat. 254 00:12:20,307 --> 00:12:22,014 What's your relationship like now? 255 00:12:22,142 --> 00:12:24,213 Oh, perfect. We don't speak. 256 00:12:24,511 --> 00:12:26,081 So what's this all about? 257 00:12:26,180 --> 00:12:28,717 What about your daughter? Do you speak to her? 258 00:12:28,916 --> 00:12:30,327 My daughter? 259 00:12:30,451 --> 00:12:31,987 BRISCOE: Guess that answers my question. 260 00:12:32,052 --> 00:12:33,326 Paula. 261 00:12:33,588 --> 00:12:35,261 No, Paula's not my daughter. 262 00:12:35,323 --> 00:12:37,826 Janet adopted her the year after we got divorced. 263 00:12:38,059 --> 00:12:39,629 Funny she never mentioned that. 264 00:12:39,694 --> 00:12:41,071 She likes to play the victim. 265 00:12:41,129 --> 00:12:43,939 Tells everyone that she and Paula were abandoned. 266 00:12:44,599 --> 00:12:47,307 Truth is, it was her choice. 267 00:12:47,902 --> 00:12:49,779 To adopt as a single parent? 268 00:12:49,904 --> 00:12:51,406 We talked about having kids, 269 00:12:51,706 --> 00:12:53,447 Janet couldn't have her own. 270 00:12:54,376 --> 00:12:56,413 Anyway, we never got around to it. 271 00:12:56,478 --> 00:12:58,617 Lucky we didn't, with what she went through. 272 00:12:58,880 --> 00:12:59,984 Why do you say that? 273 00:13:00,081 --> 00:13:02,357 Just that she called me when she was waiting to get Paula. 274 00:13:02,417 --> 00:13:04,863 Sounded like there were some big problems with the adoption. 275 00:13:04,986 --> 00:13:07,023 Was the birth mother still in the picture? 276 00:13:07,455 --> 00:13:08,695 Birth mother. 277 00:13:08,757 --> 00:13:10,828 Birth father. Birth somebody. 278 00:13:14,630 --> 00:13:17,304 It was the grandmother. She'd change her mind every other day. 279 00:13:17,466 --> 00:13:19,241 She didn't want to give up the child? 280 00:13:19,335 --> 00:13:20,837 More like the welfare benefit. 281 00:13:20,970 --> 00:13:22,608 Where is she now? 282 00:13:23,339 --> 00:13:25,250 Died two years ago in a fire. 283 00:13:25,308 --> 00:13:26,582 What about mom? 284 00:13:26,642 --> 00:13:28,553 She was 15 when she had Paula. 285 00:13:28,644 --> 00:13:31,056 She thought the boyfriend would step up to the plate. 286 00:13:31,113 --> 00:13:32,319 They always do. 287 00:13:32,381 --> 00:13:34,054 One day she realized it was a lost cause 288 00:13:34,116 --> 00:13:35,652 bought a ticket to California. 289 00:13:35,718 --> 00:13:37,493 ED: Hmm. Leaving Paula with grandma. 290 00:13:37,653 --> 00:13:40,429 How old was Paula when the adoption went through? 291 00:13:40,623 --> 00:13:41,931 Almost four. 292 00:13:41,991 --> 00:13:43,061 Isn't that kind of old? 293 00:13:43,125 --> 00:13:44,661 It's hard enough placing the infants. 294 00:13:44,727 --> 00:13:47,071 Nobody wants to take on somebody else's problems. 295 00:13:47,129 --> 00:13:48,335 And there were problems. 296 00:13:48,397 --> 00:13:49,569 ED: Like what? 297 00:13:49,765 --> 00:13:54,009 Paula wouldn't eat, she refused to be held, had violent temper tantrums. 298 00:13:54,170 --> 00:13:55,912 Was Janet Weston aware of all this? 299 00:13:55,972 --> 00:13:57,781 She was a single woman in her late 30s. 300 00:13:57,874 --> 00:13:59,547 She knew her choices were limited. 301 00:14:00,177 --> 00:14:03,420 To be honest, we thought Janet was a dream come true. 302 00:14:05,449 --> 00:14:07,929 Any mother too good to be true never is. 303 00:14:08,018 --> 00:14:09,122 Except mine. 304 00:14:09,186 --> 00:14:11,166 I'm thinking mama was in over her head. 305 00:14:11,388 --> 00:14:13,390 If she was, she didn't let us in on it. 306 00:14:13,523 --> 00:14:16,902 Maybe we should talk to somebody who saw this girl every day. 307 00:14:17,461 --> 00:14:20,101 SORENSON: Well, Paula was a bright child, but she had some issues. 308 00:14:20,163 --> 00:14:21,471 BRISCOE: Such as? 309 00:14:21,565 --> 00:14:25,604 Her temper was erratic. She could be manipulative, deceitful. 310 00:14:25,936 --> 00:14:27,973 The other students avoided her. 311 00:14:28,038 --> 00:14:30,848 And if ever some brave soul would reach out to her, 312 00:14:30,941 --> 00:14:32,978 she would find a way to sabotage it. 313 00:14:33,243 --> 00:14:34,950 It was actually pretty sad to watch. 314 00:14:35,011 --> 00:14:38,152 Do you know if she was having similar problems at home? 315 00:14:38,549 --> 00:14:40,620 Well, from what I understand, worse. 316 00:14:41,119 --> 00:14:43,429 So, Janet Weston discussed these problems with you? 317 00:14:43,488 --> 00:14:46,628 Yeah, pretty often. She was frustrated, depressed. 318 00:14:47,191 --> 00:14:50,400 I mean, bringing up any child on your own is difficult. 319 00:14:50,461 --> 00:14:52,964 I'm sure Paula's issues made it that much more difficult. 320 00:14:53,131 --> 00:14:56,078 Did Mrs. Weston ever seem angry about the situation? 321 00:14:56,134 --> 00:14:57,875 Oh, at times, I'm sure. 322 00:14:58,102 --> 00:15:00,776 She was a single mom trying to make a life. 323 00:15:00,872 --> 00:15:02,783 When was all this happening? 324 00:15:02,907 --> 00:15:06,320 Oh, I guess it was getting worse the last six months or so. 325 00:15:06,444 --> 00:15:11,120 That's when I recommended a therapist that I thought she could take Paula to see. 326 00:15:11,415 --> 00:15:12,985 Do you have any idea who killed her? 327 00:15:13,050 --> 00:15:15,462 Well, that's what we're trying to find out. 328 00:15:15,520 --> 00:15:18,593 So anything you can tell us would be a big help. 329 00:15:19,725 --> 00:15:22,706 Paula suffered from Chronic Situational Depression, 330 00:15:22,961 --> 00:15:26,636 ADD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. 331 00:15:26,799 --> 00:15:28,836 Well, that clears that up. 332 00:15:28,967 --> 00:15:30,947 She had serious emotional issues 333 00:15:31,003 --> 00:15:33,415 stemming from traumatic events in early childhood. 334 00:15:34,072 --> 00:15:36,211 That sounds like some pretty heavy baggage. 335 00:15:36,308 --> 00:15:39,585 That's why the best approach would have been long term intensive therapy. 336 00:15:39,711 --> 00:15:41,349 BRISCOE: Would have been? 337 00:15:41,980 --> 00:15:45,484 Paula's mother was looking for something more immediate. 338 00:15:45,717 --> 00:15:47,128 A quick fix. 339 00:15:47,219 --> 00:15:50,257 People today don't understand that problems which have taken years to develop 340 00:15:50,322 --> 00:15:52,461 also take years to resolve. 341 00:15:52,691 --> 00:15:55,331 From what we heard, Janet Weston knew what she was getting into. 342 00:15:55,394 --> 00:15:58,968 No, no, not possible. She had no experience with a child like Paula. 343 00:15:59,098 --> 00:16:01,305 No idea of the sacrifices it would entail. 344 00:16:01,534 --> 00:16:03,104 BRISCOE: Sacrifices? Yeah. 345 00:16:03,236 --> 00:16:07,048 She told me that the difficulties with Paula weren't letting her sleep. 346 00:16:07,273 --> 00:16:09,583 They had cost her jobs, relationships with men. 347 00:16:09,709 --> 00:16:11,848 She said she had no social life anymore. 348 00:16:11,911 --> 00:16:13,754 She complained about her social life? 349 00:16:13,813 --> 00:16:15,019 Janet was getting older. 350 00:16:15,949 --> 00:16:18,088 She didn't want life to pass her by. 351 00:16:19,852 --> 00:16:22,059 Maybe she got tired of waiting. 352 00:16:22,789 --> 00:16:24,462 We've seen mothers snap before. 353 00:16:24,591 --> 00:16:28,971 Bathtubs, guns, yes. But this little girl was squeezed so hard 354 00:16:29,028 --> 00:16:31,133 she choked to death on her own vomit. 355 00:16:31,297 --> 00:16:35,074 If she was looking for an easy way out, she sure chose a crazy method. 356 00:16:35,201 --> 00:16:37,181 Maybe this mother had help. 357 00:16:37,570 --> 00:16:39,482 Well, what'd you get on the ex-husband? 358 00:16:39,640 --> 00:16:41,142 First of all, he's not the father. 359 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:43,745 Janet adopted Paula a year after the divorce. 360 00:16:43,911 --> 00:16:45,857 The biological mother's off the hook. 361 00:16:45,913 --> 00:16:48,450 She's been living in California for the last 10 years. 362 00:16:48,516 --> 00:16:50,427 Which leaves us with Janet Weston. 363 00:16:50,484 --> 00:16:54,398 Motive, Paula's problems had been putting a crimp in mom's style. 364 00:16:54,521 --> 00:16:56,000 Shades of Susan Smith. 365 00:16:56,056 --> 00:16:57,126 That's what we were thinking. 366 00:16:57,191 --> 00:16:59,899 Well, what do you have to back this up with? A boyfriend? 367 00:16:59,960 --> 00:17:01,769 So far, only Paula's therapist. 368 00:17:02,129 --> 00:17:03,233 She was in therapy? 369 00:17:03,330 --> 00:17:05,936 Yeah, till mom pulled her out after six sessions. 370 00:17:06,000 --> 00:17:09,607 Now, the therapist is thinking maybe she was looking for a quicker solution. 371 00:17:09,737 --> 00:17:11,444 ED: Mmm-hmm. One with a guarantee. 372 00:17:11,505 --> 00:17:12,916 Like murder. 373 00:17:13,140 --> 00:17:15,211 Well, look, if the problem was that serious, 374 00:17:15,276 --> 00:17:17,415 someone else had to know about it. 375 00:17:20,382 --> 00:17:23,261 I heard them yelling sometimes. Throwing things. 376 00:17:23,385 --> 00:17:24,489 Throwing things? 377 00:17:24,552 --> 00:17:25,792 Once or twice. 378 00:17:25,921 --> 00:17:28,800 An eleven-year-old kid, and you never called the police? 379 00:17:28,990 --> 00:17:30,799 I didn't think it was my place. 380 00:17:30,859 --> 00:17:32,634 What about the night Paula died? 381 00:17:32,727 --> 00:17:34,070 Any fireworks then? 382 00:17:34,129 --> 00:17:35,369 No, not that night. 383 00:17:35,430 --> 00:17:36,431 Are you sure? 384 00:17:36,498 --> 00:17:38,136 Yeah. They weren't home. 385 00:17:38,934 --> 00:17:40,038 How do you know? 386 00:17:40,168 --> 00:17:43,149 Well, I borrowed Janet's food processor a week before. 387 00:17:43,338 --> 00:17:46,012 I knocked on her door to give it back. Nobody answered. 388 00:17:47,208 --> 00:17:48,516 What time was this? 389 00:17:48,576 --> 00:17:50,453 Once, when I got home from work. 390 00:17:50,545 --> 00:17:52,115 Then again one more time, 391 00:17:52,180 --> 00:17:54,524 before the news came on at 11:00. 392 00:17:55,417 --> 00:17:56,691 I can't believe you're doing this. 393 00:17:56,751 --> 00:17:58,230 I haven't done anything wrong. 394 00:17:58,286 --> 00:18:00,198 Except lie to us from the start. 395 00:18:00,289 --> 00:18:02,166 I'm done in the bedroom. 396 00:18:02,225 --> 00:18:04,171 What are you people looking for? 397 00:18:04,260 --> 00:18:05,364 A boa constrictor. 398 00:18:05,428 --> 00:18:07,169 ED: Lennie? Any luck? 399 00:18:07,229 --> 00:18:09,140 Found this in the back seat of her car. 400 00:18:09,198 --> 00:18:10,905 That's my upholstery. 401 00:18:11,167 --> 00:18:13,647 Tech says it looks and smells like emesis. 402 00:18:14,737 --> 00:18:16,239 What's emesis? 403 00:18:16,739 --> 00:18:17,877 Vomit. 404 00:18:22,278 --> 00:18:26,021 A couple of months ago, we drove up to Vermont to see the foliage. 405 00:18:26,115 --> 00:18:27,492 Paula got car sick. 406 00:18:27,583 --> 00:18:29,688 She ride in the back seat the whole way? 407 00:18:30,286 --> 00:18:32,391 The front seat has an air bag. 408 00:18:33,122 --> 00:18:35,534 I had nothing to do with Paula's death. 409 00:18:36,492 --> 00:18:39,200 We know about the difficulties the two of you were having. 410 00:18:39,328 --> 00:18:41,741 I did everything under the sun to help my daughter. 411 00:18:41,832 --> 00:18:43,209 I'm telling you the truth. 412 00:18:43,266 --> 00:18:46,304 Yeah, well, I guess there's a first time for everything. 413 00:18:47,270 --> 00:18:50,308 You lied about being home the night of Paula's murder. 414 00:18:50,707 --> 00:18:52,812 It's hard to hear someone knocking when the TV's on. 415 00:18:52,876 --> 00:18:56,085 Except the TV wasn't on. Your neighbor didn't hear it. 416 00:18:57,714 --> 00:18:59,455 Ms. Weston, if things got out of hand 417 00:18:59,583 --> 00:19:02,757 and there was some kind of accident, now would be the time to tell us. 418 00:19:02,919 --> 00:19:05,160 I've told you everything I know. 419 00:19:06,123 --> 00:19:07,261 Do I need a lawyer? 420 00:19:07,324 --> 00:19:09,827 Look, if you want to tell us something that'll help you out, 421 00:19:09,893 --> 00:19:11,930 maybe a lawyer's not the way to go right now. 422 00:19:11,995 --> 00:19:14,908 You have the right to a lawyer. No one's telling you otherwise. 423 00:19:16,700 --> 00:19:18,543 Maybe I should get one. 424 00:19:25,810 --> 00:19:27,812 You advised the mother to retain counsel 425 00:19:27,879 --> 00:19:29,256 before she could tell us what happened? 426 00:19:29,314 --> 00:19:31,123 Ms. Weston asked about a lawyer. 427 00:19:31,182 --> 00:19:33,526 I just wanted to make sure she knew what her rights were. 428 00:19:33,651 --> 00:19:34,994 If I erred on the side of caution, 429 00:19:35,053 --> 00:19:36,760 it was just to avoid a suppression hearing. 430 00:19:36,821 --> 00:19:38,926 You sure you weren't being gun shy? 431 00:19:39,057 --> 00:19:40,798 She asked about an attorney, Jack. 432 00:19:40,858 --> 00:19:42,303 What was I supposed to say? No? 433 00:19:42,360 --> 00:19:44,499 What do we have without her statement? 434 00:19:45,063 --> 00:19:46,974 I just got a fax from the lab. 435 00:19:47,031 --> 00:19:49,511 They can't make a match to the vomit found in Janet Weston's car 436 00:19:49,567 --> 00:19:51,046 to a specific time period. 437 00:19:51,235 --> 00:19:52,976 Which means a jury could buy her account 438 00:19:53,037 --> 00:19:54,345 of her Vermont foliage trip. 439 00:19:54,405 --> 00:19:57,579 We still have the neighbor's testimony that Janet wasn't home that night. 440 00:19:57,675 --> 00:20:01,453 A jury is not going to want to believe that a woman killed her own child. 441 00:20:01,747 --> 00:20:02,919 I don't want to believe it. 442 00:20:03,148 --> 00:20:04,718 What else do we know about this woman? 443 00:20:04,783 --> 00:20:06,592 She worked at a catering company in Midtown. 444 00:20:06,652 --> 00:20:09,360 She's been divorced eight years, raised Paula on her own. 445 00:20:09,588 --> 00:20:11,625 Is there a boyfriend? Anybody we can talk to? 446 00:20:11,857 --> 00:20:13,393 Well, according to everything we've learned, 447 00:20:13,459 --> 00:20:14,733 she never had time for a social life. 448 00:20:14,793 --> 00:20:16,466 It was just work and the kid. 449 00:20:17,730 --> 00:20:19,141 Which leaves us with just one option. 450 00:20:19,198 --> 00:20:20,939 Talk to her employer. 451 00:20:25,237 --> 00:20:28,741 Janet Weston? More interested in mothering than catering. 452 00:20:29,608 --> 00:20:30,712 You think that's sexist? 453 00:20:30,776 --> 00:20:31,880 I didn't say that. 454 00:20:31,977 --> 00:20:33,957 She came in here begging for a shot. 455 00:20:34,012 --> 00:20:36,720 Said her ambition would make up for the demands on her time. 456 00:20:36,849 --> 00:20:38,988 And it did for about three months. 457 00:20:39,051 --> 00:20:40,155 Then what happened? 458 00:20:40,219 --> 00:20:42,496 The phone calls, the excuses, the headaches. 459 00:20:42,555 --> 00:20:45,365 She had to leave early. Couldn't make it to Hunts Point in the morning. 460 00:20:45,425 --> 00:20:48,406 Her kid was sick. I cut her slack I'd never give a guy. 461 00:20:48,561 --> 00:20:50,541 Now, see, that's sexist. 462 00:20:50,663 --> 00:20:53,143 A single mother with a messed up kid. What was I supposed to do? 463 00:20:53,233 --> 00:20:55,713 Besides, she said she was getting it under control. 464 00:20:55,769 --> 00:20:57,908 How? She'd gotten her kid into therapy. 465 00:20:58,004 --> 00:21:00,678 A month or so ago she promised me it was getting results. 466 00:21:00,740 --> 00:21:04,017 My information is that she'd taken Paula out of therapy. 467 00:21:04,244 --> 00:21:05,655 I don't know why she'd tell you that. 468 00:21:05,745 --> 00:21:07,349 Actually, she was pretty excited about it. 469 00:21:07,413 --> 00:21:08,517 What'd she say? 470 00:21:08,581 --> 00:21:11,790 Unless it's food, I'm not interested in the details. 471 00:21:12,218 --> 00:21:15,461 Yeah, Paula was in therapy right up until she died. 472 00:21:15,522 --> 00:21:17,001 Something alternative. 473 00:21:17,190 --> 00:21:19,636 I mean, it wasn't going very well, but Janet wasn't giving up. 474 00:21:19,726 --> 00:21:21,831 I heard she had. From who? 475 00:21:21,995 --> 00:21:24,272 Dr. Diamant, Paula's therapist. 476 00:21:24,532 --> 00:21:26,569 Diamant? No, that doesn't sound right. 477 00:21:26,767 --> 00:21:28,440 Was this a new therapist? 478 00:21:28,502 --> 00:21:32,382 Yeah, it must've been, because Janet mentioned the name to me a few times, but.. 479 00:21:32,540 --> 00:21:34,577 No, no, it wasn't Diamant. 480 00:21:34,942 --> 00:21:36,785 I dated a boy in high school named Diamant. 481 00:21:36,877 --> 00:21:38,481 That name I'd remember. 482 00:21:39,647 --> 00:21:41,320 I rechecked with Dr. Diamant's office. 483 00:21:41,382 --> 00:21:42,918 He wasn't seeing Paula as a patient. 484 00:21:42,983 --> 00:21:46,430 So, if what her co-worker told you was true, she found another therapist. 485 00:21:46,487 --> 00:21:50,333 Except Janet Weston's not talking now that she's retained counsel. 486 00:21:52,726 --> 00:21:54,967 Did you check with her insurance company? 487 00:21:55,162 --> 00:21:57,039 Yeah. They reimbursed her for Diamant, 488 00:21:57,131 --> 00:21:59,873 but there's no other claims for any other therapist. 489 00:22:00,334 --> 00:22:01,938 Shrinks don't come cheap. 490 00:22:02,002 --> 00:22:03,607 You'd think she would have submitted it. 491 00:22:03,772 --> 00:22:07,083 Rochelle Diggs did mention alternative therapy. Maybe it wasn't covered. 492 00:22:07,542 --> 00:22:09,544 In which case she would have had to go out of pocket. 493 00:22:09,611 --> 00:22:11,818 Did you check her credit card statements? 494 00:22:11,913 --> 00:22:13,620 Totally maxed out. 495 00:22:14,082 --> 00:22:16,528 And her checking account's overdrawn, too. 496 00:22:17,085 --> 00:22:18,257 She's broke. 497 00:22:18,320 --> 00:22:20,197 Yeah, but take a look at the charges, Jack. 498 00:22:20,255 --> 00:22:22,861 I mean, amidst this alleged poverty, she splurges on a hotel. 499 00:22:22,924 --> 00:22:24,665 Stoneybrook Suites. 500 00:22:24,793 --> 00:22:26,795 Transaction date is December 17th. 501 00:22:26,862 --> 00:22:28,671 That's just three weeks before the murder. 502 00:22:29,731 --> 00:22:32,712 See if we can find out what she was doing there. 503 00:22:34,035 --> 00:22:36,675 Janet Weston. Three days, two nights. 504 00:22:38,406 --> 00:22:39,908 Room service both nights. 505 00:22:39,975 --> 00:22:42,012 Yeah, a lot of women do that when they travel. 506 00:22:42,143 --> 00:22:44,215 There's a service charge for two people. 507 00:22:44,280 --> 00:22:47,420 Well, there's, uh, no one else listed on the registration. 508 00:22:47,483 --> 00:22:49,827 But, uh, there is a request for a roll-away. 509 00:22:49,886 --> 00:22:53,424 She brought her daughter. Do you have any idea why she was here? 510 00:22:53,823 --> 00:22:56,360 Oh, that time of year we get a lot of conventions. 511 00:22:56,525 --> 00:22:58,334 Could you check? Sure. 512 00:23:01,130 --> 00:23:04,339 Conference of Therapeutic Associates. 513 00:23:04,467 --> 00:23:06,208 Now, that one was a doozy. 514 00:23:06,335 --> 00:23:09,839 One of those wonks actually gave me a lecture on the virtues of hug therapy. 515 00:23:09,906 --> 00:23:10,907 (LAUGHS) 516 00:23:10,973 --> 00:23:12,611 ls there any information on the conference? 517 00:23:12,675 --> 00:23:15,281 Oh, yeah. I think we still have some literature. 518 00:23:16,245 --> 00:23:19,920 "A Parent's Guide to RAD: Tools for survival with Difficult Children." 519 00:23:19,982 --> 00:23:21,552 What the hell's RAD? 520 00:23:21,651 --> 00:23:23,961 Reactive Attachment Disorder. 521 00:23:24,287 --> 00:23:27,462 It's believed to be caused by a child's inability to bond 522 00:23:27,624 --> 00:23:30,230 or attach with his or her parents. 523 00:23:30,394 --> 00:23:33,170 Seems like every month there's new syndrome to diagnose. 524 00:23:33,430 --> 00:23:35,808 Yeah, this one's legit. It's listed in the DSM-4, 525 00:23:35,866 --> 00:23:40,178 right along with Oppositional Disorder, ADHD and Autism. 526 00:23:40,304 --> 00:23:41,647 How common is it? 527 00:23:41,705 --> 00:23:43,048 It's fairly rare. 528 00:23:43,240 --> 00:23:45,584 You see it mostly in kids who've suffered some sort of 529 00:23:45,642 --> 00:23:49,180 severe abuse or neglect early in childhood. 530 00:23:49,446 --> 00:23:50,618 What about treatment? 531 00:23:50,747 --> 00:23:52,852 The psychiatric community's made some strides, 532 00:23:52,916 --> 00:23:55,419 but the child needs to be provided with effective tools 533 00:23:55,485 --> 00:23:57,021 for dealing with the behaviors. 534 00:23:57,120 --> 00:23:59,657 Which means the parents have to put in the work 535 00:23:59,790 --> 00:24:02,168 and learn therapeutic techniques they can use at home. 536 00:24:02,259 --> 00:24:04,569 Work Janet Weston wasn't willing to do. 537 00:24:05,195 --> 00:24:07,472 Which is why I suspect she went to this conference. 538 00:24:07,532 --> 00:24:10,911 She was obviously looking for some kind of non-traditional therapy. 539 00:24:11,669 --> 00:24:14,775 Janet Weston wanted something that promised faster results. 540 00:24:15,039 --> 00:24:16,245 What were her choices? 541 00:24:16,407 --> 00:24:20,719 Well, there's rage reduction technique, where they deliberately trigger anger 542 00:24:20,778 --> 00:24:23,190 so it can be released in a controlled environment. 543 00:24:23,481 --> 00:24:25,290 Of course, it can be pretty dangerous under the supervision 544 00:24:25,350 --> 00:24:27,296 of an unlicensed therapist. 545 00:24:27,518 --> 00:24:28,895 You're saying anyone can do this? 546 00:24:29,687 --> 00:24:31,860 Anyone with a shingle and a dream. 547 00:24:34,158 --> 00:24:36,900 Check the list of speakers at this conference. 548 00:24:37,061 --> 00:24:40,907 Let's narrow down what alternative Janet Weston might have chosen. 549 00:24:44,802 --> 00:24:46,714 Dr. Stahl did speak at the conference 550 00:24:46,772 --> 00:24:50,948 but she's not here today, and I can't give out information about a patient. 551 00:24:51,243 --> 00:24:54,850 I just want to know whether or not Paula Weston was a patient. 552 00:24:55,080 --> 00:24:58,789 Look, Dr. Stahl's doing really important work with these kids. 553 00:24:59,018 --> 00:25:00,463 If you want to give her a hard time 554 00:25:00,519 --> 00:25:02,829 because you don't understand, I won't help you. 555 00:25:03,022 --> 00:25:05,798 We already know that Janet Weston attended a seminar 556 00:25:05,924 --> 00:25:08,097 given by Dr. Stahl at this conference. 557 00:25:08,494 --> 00:25:10,940 If it turns out that you know something about her daughter's death, 558 00:25:10,996 --> 00:25:12,498 I won't be able to help you. 559 00:25:17,336 --> 00:25:19,839 Paula got a few treatments a few weeks ago, okay? 560 00:25:19,905 --> 00:25:22,283 What about the night that she died? 561 00:25:25,811 --> 00:25:27,120 She was here. 562 00:25:27,247 --> 00:25:28,385 But I left. 563 00:25:28,448 --> 00:25:30,428 I don't know anything about what happened. 564 00:25:30,884 --> 00:25:32,522 How come you never came forward? 565 00:25:32,585 --> 00:25:35,088 The papers said that she was attacked in the park. 566 00:25:35,221 --> 00:25:36,393 I didn't think that... 567 00:25:36,456 --> 00:25:37,833 Who was here when you left? 568 00:25:37,891 --> 00:25:40,838 Just Dr. Stahl, Paula, and her mother. 569 00:25:40,960 --> 00:25:43,304 Paula came in for a session, I checked her in, 570 00:25:43,396 --> 00:25:45,706 set up the equipment, and then I left for my class. 571 00:25:45,765 --> 00:25:46,903 What equipment? 572 00:25:46,966 --> 00:25:48,036 A tape recorder. 573 00:25:48,101 --> 00:25:51,105 Dr. Stahl tapes all her rebirthing procedures. 574 00:25:52,605 --> 00:25:53,948 Rebirthing? 575 00:25:54,040 --> 00:25:57,681 It's a fringe treatment where the patient acts out the birth experience 576 00:25:57,744 --> 00:25:59,781 to symbolize a fresh start in life. 577 00:25:59,946 --> 00:26:01,084 How does it work? 578 00:26:01,147 --> 00:26:03,889 According to Skoda, the patient's placed in the fetal position, 579 00:26:03,950 --> 00:26:06,829 then wrapped in a covering to recreate the womb. 580 00:26:07,053 --> 00:26:08,465 What type of covering? 581 00:26:08,522 --> 00:26:11,264 Depends on the therapist, but probably some blankets and pillows. 582 00:26:11,425 --> 00:26:14,770 Apparently the therapist applies pressure to simulate contractions 583 00:26:14,829 --> 00:26:16,740 as the child struggles to be born. 584 00:26:17,431 --> 00:26:19,741 This is supposed to be some sort of catharsis? 585 00:26:19,834 --> 00:26:22,838 It's allegedly designed to simulate an actual birth. 586 00:26:23,037 --> 00:26:24,744 The child emerges from the blankets, 587 00:26:24,839 --> 00:26:27,115 and a new bond is supposedly formed. 588 00:26:27,441 --> 00:26:30,513 What do we know about how Paula's rebirthing went that night? 589 00:26:30,778 --> 00:26:34,385 Dr. Stahl's intern mentioned setting up a tape recorder before she left. 590 00:26:34,548 --> 00:26:35,959 Oh, could we be that lucky? 591 00:26:36,017 --> 00:26:37,325 No. She checked while I was there. 592 00:26:37,385 --> 00:26:40,457 But if there is a tape of that session, it's not in Dr. Stahl's files. 593 00:26:41,655 --> 00:26:44,295 No, if things went wrong, she wouldn't keep it in her office. 594 00:26:44,358 --> 00:26:47,066 Why don't we get a warrant for her home? 595 00:26:48,162 --> 00:26:50,541 This is outrageous. You have no right. 596 00:26:50,599 --> 00:26:53,170 Oh, yeah, we do. With this warrant. 597 00:26:53,402 --> 00:26:56,042 Now, if you know anything about the circumstances 598 00:26:56,104 --> 00:26:59,085 of Paula's death, now would be a good time to cooperate. 599 00:26:59,141 --> 00:27:01,018 CORDOVA: Detective Briscoe? 600 00:27:03,111 --> 00:27:04,647 Check this out. 601 00:27:07,048 --> 00:27:09,995 Fleece blankets? And a stack of pillows. 602 00:27:10,919 --> 00:27:12,899 Planning a pajama party, Doc? 603 00:27:12,954 --> 00:27:14,797 I use these in my practice. 604 00:27:14,923 --> 00:27:16,459 I was afraid you were gonna say that. 605 00:27:16,558 --> 00:27:19,129 Lennie, I found these in her desk back there. 606 00:27:19,461 --> 00:27:21,065 Rebirthing sessions. 607 00:27:21,196 --> 00:27:23,198 Paula Weston, January 7th. 608 00:27:24,132 --> 00:27:26,612 I don't think I should say anything else until I talk to my lawyer. 609 00:27:26,701 --> 00:27:28,772 I think this tape says everything for you. 610 00:27:28,870 --> 00:27:31,147 That's from a therapeutic session. 611 00:27:31,741 --> 00:27:33,743 You've got to put it into context. 612 00:27:33,843 --> 00:27:35,652 Oh, I wouldn't worry about it, Doc. 613 00:27:35,711 --> 00:27:37,713 That's what juries are for. 614 00:27:43,286 --> 00:27:44,526 PAULA: (GASPING) Please. 615 00:27:44,620 --> 00:27:46,156 I can't breathe. 616 00:27:46,222 --> 00:27:47,530 Paula Weston. 617 00:27:47,657 --> 00:27:50,365 STAHL: That's right, a baby can't breathe in the womb. 618 00:27:50,426 --> 00:27:51,427 PAULA: Please. 619 00:27:51,494 --> 00:27:52,939 JANET: You're doing fine, honey. 620 00:27:52,995 --> 00:27:55,202 PAULA: Get off me! I can't breathe. 621 00:27:55,264 --> 00:27:56,334 (PAULA GASPING) 622 00:27:56,399 --> 00:27:57,400 I'm gonna die 623 00:27:57,467 --> 00:28:00,004 STAHL: That's okay. Go ahead and die, Paula. 624 00:28:00,102 --> 00:28:02,378 You need to die before you can be reborn. 625 00:28:03,139 --> 00:28:04,550 Turn it off. 626 00:28:04,974 --> 00:28:06,476 PAULA: Please. 627 00:28:08,044 --> 00:28:10,548 How could any mother do that to their daughter? 628 00:28:10,614 --> 00:28:13,686 She thought she was making her sick child better. 629 00:28:14,117 --> 00:28:17,826 I won't condemn this mother because she chose an alternative therapy. 630 00:28:18,121 --> 00:28:20,499 God knows the AMA has its own set of problems. 631 00:28:21,158 --> 00:28:23,729 What this therapist did defied common sense. 632 00:28:23,861 --> 00:28:26,842 Well, how do we prove that the mother knew that going in? 633 00:28:26,930 --> 00:28:29,035 From everything you've told me, she had no idea 634 00:28:29,099 --> 00:28:30,772 she was putting her child in danger. 635 00:28:30,834 --> 00:28:34,145 Well, maybe if she'd stuck around she would have found out. 636 00:28:34,905 --> 00:28:37,181 Janet Weston was only there for 25 minutes. 637 00:28:37,240 --> 00:28:38,947 Then she left, while the session continued. 638 00:28:39,009 --> 00:28:40,147 She left? 639 00:28:40,210 --> 00:28:42,417 When she expressed her discomfort at what was happening, 640 00:28:42,479 --> 00:28:45,858 Dr. Stahl asked her to step out because her ambivalence 641 00:28:45,949 --> 00:28:48,361 was undermining Paula's progress. 642 00:28:48,418 --> 00:28:51,263 So, maybe her discomfort was telling her something was wrong, 643 00:28:51,322 --> 00:28:53,029 but a therapist told her to leave. 644 00:28:53,224 --> 00:28:55,898 And also asked her to help cover up a crime. 645 00:28:56,027 --> 00:28:57,904 In her mind, it was an accident. 646 00:28:58,196 --> 00:28:59,869 I'll charge her with obstruction. 647 00:28:59,998 --> 00:29:03,878 But I'm not going to take the position that a parent has to second guess a doctor 648 00:29:04,002 --> 00:29:06,380 in order to avoid a homicide prosecution. 649 00:29:06,871 --> 00:29:08,873 Except this wasn't a doctor. 650 00:29:08,973 --> 00:29:10,714 She calls herself one. 651 00:29:10,942 --> 00:29:13,422 That said it's not our job to tell people 652 00:29:13,478 --> 00:29:16,118 what medical or psychiatric treatments are appropriate. 653 00:29:16,181 --> 00:29:19,321 But it is our job to make sure whatever treatment they do chose 654 00:29:19,384 --> 00:29:20,829 conforms to the law. 655 00:29:20,885 --> 00:29:23,889 We've prosecuted HMOs, traditional physicians. 656 00:29:24,522 --> 00:29:27,731 Giving a therapist a pass just because her therapy 657 00:29:27,792 --> 00:29:29,100 is considered alternative 658 00:29:29,160 --> 00:29:32,335 holds her to a lesser standard not a greater one. 659 00:29:32,564 --> 00:29:36,273 The depraved indifference statute was passed for cases like this. 660 00:29:39,204 --> 00:29:41,650 Charge the therapist with Murder Two. 661 00:29:42,408 --> 00:29:44,081 This is a witch hunt, Your Honor. 662 00:29:44,176 --> 00:29:46,952 Anything that falls outside the parameters of traditional medicine... 663 00:29:47,079 --> 00:29:49,423 People can try an alternative approach 664 00:29:49,481 --> 00:29:50,960 if they think it helps. 665 00:29:51,150 --> 00:29:53,892 But the cardinal rule of medicine is "First, do no harm." 666 00:29:53,953 --> 00:29:55,762 Dr. Stahl violated that rule. 667 00:29:55,821 --> 00:29:58,631 And when the jury hears that tape, they're going to find 668 00:29:58,690 --> 00:30:00,397 that she violated the law as well. 669 00:30:00,459 --> 00:30:01,802 Well, there's no way they're going to hear it, 670 00:30:01,860 --> 00:30:02,998 because I'm moving to suppress. 671 00:30:03,062 --> 00:30:04,973 JUDGE: On what grounds? 672 00:30:05,864 --> 00:30:07,275 In order for a jury to hear that tape 673 00:30:07,333 --> 00:30:09,210 the prosecution has to establish foundation. 674 00:30:09,268 --> 00:30:11,373 They can't do that without my client's testimony. 675 00:30:11,437 --> 00:30:13,714 How do you plan to authenticate the tape? 676 00:30:14,040 --> 00:30:16,577 Paula Weston's dead, Dr. Stahl's the defendant. 677 00:30:16,643 --> 00:30:18,645 You can't compel her to incriminate herself. 678 00:30:18,712 --> 00:30:20,385 The mother was there We can get it in through her. 679 00:30:20,447 --> 00:30:22,222 She was only present for the first 25 minutes. 680 00:30:22,282 --> 00:30:25,889 She still would be able to testify to who was there and identify the voices. 681 00:30:25,952 --> 00:30:28,626 She can't testify that it's a complete and accurate account of the events. 682 00:30:28,688 --> 00:30:30,133 She wasn't there the entire time. 683 00:30:30,290 --> 00:30:32,292 Not to mention that there's a gap in the recording. 684 00:30:32,359 --> 00:30:33,997 JACK: Someone turning the tape over. 685 00:30:34,060 --> 00:30:36,700 No one knows how much time elapsed or what transpired 686 00:30:36,796 --> 00:30:38,036 during those events. 687 00:30:38,098 --> 00:30:40,339 The integrity of that tape is zero. 688 00:30:40,667 --> 00:30:42,146 Mr. Olson has a point. 689 00:30:42,235 --> 00:30:44,545 You can't establish foundation for either the accuracy 690 00:30:44,604 --> 00:30:46,584 or the completeness of that tape. 691 00:30:47,407 --> 00:30:49,614 I'm sorry the tape's excluded. 692 00:30:54,048 --> 00:30:55,721 Where are we without it? 693 00:30:55,783 --> 00:30:58,093 We need to tell the jury what really happened in that room, 694 00:30:58,152 --> 00:30:59,688 and there's only one other way to do it. 695 00:31:00,321 --> 00:31:01,800 Janet Weston. 696 00:31:02,123 --> 00:31:04,569 I can't testify against Dr. Stahl. 697 00:31:04,692 --> 00:31:06,296 You want my client to make your case? 698 00:31:06,660 --> 00:31:08,139 Drop the charges against her. 699 00:31:08,195 --> 00:31:10,197 She should consider herself lucky we haven't charged her 700 00:31:10,264 --> 00:31:12,175 with criminally negligent homicide. 701 00:31:12,366 --> 00:31:14,869 She lost her child. Isn't that enough? 702 00:31:15,035 --> 00:31:17,982 Not when her own conduct contributed to the loss. 703 00:31:18,139 --> 00:31:20,619 Not after she tried to cover up what happened. 704 00:31:21,342 --> 00:31:24,323 I thought Dr. Stahl was helping Paula. 705 00:31:24,879 --> 00:31:27,052 But surely you can't think that now. 706 00:31:27,114 --> 00:31:28,752 I questioned it, I did, you know, 707 00:31:28,816 --> 00:31:30,591 when I didn't see any improvement in Paula. 708 00:31:30,651 --> 00:31:32,824 But Dr. Stahl told me that after the rebirthing procedure, 709 00:31:32,887 --> 00:31:34,060 everything would be okay. 710 00:31:34,256 --> 00:31:35,963 How could you have just accepted that? 711 00:31:36,124 --> 00:31:38,365 I went to Dr. Stahl because I believed 712 00:31:38,426 --> 00:31:40,030 that she was helping my daughter. 713 00:31:40,162 --> 00:31:44,304 But once you were in that room and heard your child's cries for help, 714 00:31:44,599 --> 00:31:46,272 you knew that wasn't true. 715 00:31:46,334 --> 00:31:49,008 As long as you defend what Dr. Stahl did, 716 00:31:49,738 --> 00:31:51,308 you don't have to blame yourself 717 00:31:51,506 --> 00:31:54,009 for taking Paula to see her in the first place. Is that it? 718 00:31:54,142 --> 00:31:56,918 I thought I was doing what was right for Paula. 719 00:31:57,679 --> 00:31:59,852 Then do what's right for her now. 720 00:32:01,716 --> 00:32:03,252 You've been protecting this therapist 721 00:32:03,318 --> 00:32:05,855 at the expense of your own daughter. 722 00:32:06,288 --> 00:32:08,859 You made one bad decision, Ms. Weston. 723 00:32:09,424 --> 00:32:11,165 Don't make another. 724 00:32:17,700 --> 00:32:21,409 JANET: Paula was curled up in a fetal position on the floor. 725 00:32:21,771 --> 00:32:26,186 There was a sheet wrapped around her so she couldn't move, and some blankets. 726 00:32:27,076 --> 00:32:28,384 JACK: A sheet? 727 00:32:28,444 --> 00:32:30,424 Yes, a bed sheet. Dr. Stahl asked me 728 00:32:30,480 --> 00:32:33,154 to bring something familiar for Paula. 729 00:32:34,016 --> 00:32:36,826 It was gathered and twisted over her head, 730 00:32:38,354 --> 00:32:41,995 and that's where she was supposed to come out when she was reborn. 731 00:32:42,558 --> 00:32:44,560 Where were you during this time? 732 00:32:44,627 --> 00:32:47,267 Dr. Stahl had me help hold Paula down. 733 00:32:47,363 --> 00:32:51,368 We were pushing on her with pillows to simulate birth contractions. 734 00:32:51,868 --> 00:32:53,506 What was Paula doing? 735 00:32:53,569 --> 00:32:54,980 At first, she was confused. 736 00:32:55,038 --> 00:32:56,745 She was asking what she was supposed to do, 737 00:32:56,807 --> 00:32:59,981 and then she started...crying. 738 00:33:03,614 --> 00:33:06,026 And begging for us to let her out. 739 00:33:06,250 --> 00:33:07,490 JACK: Did you? 740 00:33:08,151 --> 00:33:11,064 Dr. Stahl said that Paula wasn't trying hard enough. 741 00:33:11,121 --> 00:33:13,624 That we should put more pressure on her with the pillows. 742 00:33:14,158 --> 00:33:16,104 How long did this go on? 743 00:33:16,159 --> 00:33:17,900 About 25 minutes. 744 00:33:18,061 --> 00:33:20,473 And then Paula started saying that she couldn't breathe 745 00:33:20,564 --> 00:33:22,475 and that she was dying. 746 00:33:23,534 --> 00:33:25,138 That's when I took a break. 747 00:33:26,970 --> 00:33:28,972 You left the room at that point? 748 00:33:29,206 --> 00:33:32,517 Dr. Stahl said that my ambivalence was undermining the therapy. 749 00:33:32,576 --> 00:33:34,647 That I should step outside. 750 00:33:37,048 --> 00:33:38,391 I play... 751 00:33:39,217 --> 00:33:42,198 I play that moment over in my head, every day. 752 00:33:43,154 --> 00:33:44,929 If I hadn't left the room... 753 00:33:45,123 --> 00:33:46,625 How long were you gone? 754 00:33:46,758 --> 00:33:47,930 About half an hour. 755 00:33:47,992 --> 00:33:51,098 When I came back in, Dr. Stahl was sitting on the couch. 756 00:33:51,329 --> 00:33:52,672 Paula wasn't moving. 757 00:33:52,797 --> 00:33:55,243 I ran over, but she wasn't breathing. 758 00:33:55,300 --> 00:33:56,643 JACK: What did you do? 759 00:33:56,834 --> 00:34:00,247 JANET: I was in shock. And that's when Dr. Stahl said that she was gone. 760 00:34:00,305 --> 00:34:02,080 That Paula was dead. 761 00:34:02,240 --> 00:34:04,117 JACK: Why didn't you call 911? 762 00:34:04,175 --> 00:34:06,121 JANET: It all happened really fast. 763 00:34:06,177 --> 00:34:09,090 And Dr. Stahl was saying that the police wouldn't understand, 764 00:34:09,180 --> 00:34:10,921 you know, that it was an accident. 765 00:34:10,982 --> 00:34:13,019 That we would both be sent to jail. 766 00:34:13,852 --> 00:34:16,230 So you placed Paula's body in the park? 767 00:34:16,755 --> 00:34:20,862 We laid her down in her favorite spot by the swings, 768 00:34:22,227 --> 00:34:24,707 where she used to feel like she was flying. 769 00:34:26,065 --> 00:34:28,375 Ms. Weston, while you were in the room 770 00:34:29,935 --> 00:34:31,972 and Paula was begging for air, 771 00:34:33,839 --> 00:34:38,083 when she said that she was dying, how did Dr. Stahl respond? 772 00:34:41,814 --> 00:34:44,920 She told Paula that everything would be all right. 773 00:34:45,484 --> 00:34:48,829 That she should go ahead and die. 774 00:34:54,760 --> 00:34:58,470 What did you do when you heard Dr. Stahl tell Paula to go ahead and die? 775 00:35:00,500 --> 00:35:01,740 You left the room. 776 00:35:01,935 --> 00:35:03,676 I mean, that's how seriously you took that statement, 777 00:35:03,737 --> 00:35:05,910 because you knew it was all part of role-playing, 778 00:35:05,972 --> 00:35:07,474 and she didn't mean it literally. 779 00:35:07,874 --> 00:35:10,047 That's what I thought at the time. 780 00:35:10,243 --> 00:35:13,690 Because if you believed for one moment that Paula was in any danger, 781 00:35:13,880 --> 00:35:15,917 that she was being suffocated right in front of you 782 00:35:15,982 --> 00:35:17,928 you would have stopped it. Of course. 783 00:35:17,984 --> 00:35:20,260 Isn't it possible that Dr. Stahl didn't realize 784 00:35:20,320 --> 00:35:22,357 the gravity of Paula's situation either? 785 00:35:22,555 --> 00:35:25,593 Objection as to what Dr. Stahl did or did not realize. 786 00:35:25,692 --> 00:35:27,933 This goes to the heart of my client's state of mind, Your Honor. 787 00:35:29,396 --> 00:35:31,398 I'll allow it, if the witness knows. 788 00:35:32,933 --> 00:35:34,640 She's the professional. 789 00:35:34,968 --> 00:35:36,845 She should have known. 790 00:35:37,504 --> 00:35:40,918 I trusted her with my daughter's life. 791 00:35:48,616 --> 00:35:50,493 Based on Janet Weston's testimony I assume 792 00:35:50,551 --> 00:35:51,996 you'll be dismissing the charges. 793 00:35:52,053 --> 00:35:55,193 Her testimony established your client's depraved indifference. 794 00:35:55,289 --> 00:35:56,768 Were we listening to the same witness? 795 00:35:56,824 --> 00:36:00,067 Janet Weston didn't say anything to show that this wasn't an accident. 796 00:36:00,294 --> 00:36:03,400 The jury can infer recklessness from your client's actions. 797 00:36:03,598 --> 00:36:07,637 They heard Janet Weston testify that she herself did not appreciate the danger. 798 00:36:09,804 --> 00:36:11,977 She pleads to Manslaughter. Five to 15. 799 00:36:12,306 --> 00:36:14,081 I can't believe this. 800 00:36:14,408 --> 00:36:16,649 I've devoted my life to helping children. 801 00:36:16,744 --> 00:36:19,089 Well, you helped this one right into her grave. 802 00:36:23,452 --> 00:36:25,159 The offer's a gift. 803 00:36:30,292 --> 00:36:31,930 Negligent homicide. Two years. 804 00:36:31,994 --> 00:36:33,803 Once we start our case, no deal. 805 00:36:34,629 --> 00:36:37,041 It's no deal right now, Mr. Olson. 806 00:36:48,944 --> 00:36:52,391 Mainstream medicine has failed so many of these kids. 807 00:36:53,682 --> 00:36:57,186 You see the results of their rage on the news, in the schools. 808 00:36:58,353 --> 00:37:00,095 The techniques I use are helping them. 809 00:37:00,990 --> 00:37:03,197 Which techniques did you use with Paula Weston? 810 00:37:03,259 --> 00:37:05,739 I started by employing holding therapy 811 00:37:05,862 --> 00:37:08,672 where I held her tightly in a cradling position 812 00:37:08,731 --> 00:37:10,438 and confronted her verbally. 813 00:37:10,500 --> 00:37:14,107 The goal was to provoke her to express her rage in a setting 814 00:37:14,170 --> 00:37:16,081 where she could feel supported. 815 00:37:16,372 --> 00:37:17,749 And what was the result? 816 00:37:17,940 --> 00:37:20,614 It's not something that can be measured like that. 817 00:37:20,810 --> 00:37:23,256 It's a process the child has to go through. 818 00:37:23,312 --> 00:37:25,292 And after several sessions 819 00:37:25,348 --> 00:37:27,658 I felt she was ready to take the next step. 820 00:37:27,750 --> 00:37:28,990 Which was? 821 00:37:29,052 --> 00:37:30,429 Rebirthing. 822 00:37:30,887 --> 00:37:34,300 How many rebirthing procedures had you conducted prior to Paula Weston's? 823 00:37:34,791 --> 00:37:36,327 Close to a hundred. 824 00:37:36,759 --> 00:37:38,067 All without incident? 825 00:37:38,127 --> 00:37:39,128 Yes. 826 00:37:40,097 --> 00:37:42,703 What happened was a terrible accident. 827 00:37:46,236 --> 00:37:49,547 You placed your entire body weight on a 72-pound girl, 828 00:37:49,673 --> 00:37:53,211 pressing on her with pillows, as she gasped for air? 829 00:37:53,744 --> 00:37:55,451 It's called a breakable wrap. 830 00:37:55,512 --> 00:37:57,389 Not too tight, like a cocoon. 831 00:37:57,981 --> 00:38:00,222 Obviously she couldn't break this wrap, 832 00:38:00,284 --> 00:38:01,524 otherwise we wouldn't be here. 833 00:38:01,585 --> 00:38:02,893 Objection. 834 00:38:02,953 --> 00:38:04,296 Sustained. 835 00:38:04,922 --> 00:38:08,267 For almost an hour, Paula Weston begged you to stop, 836 00:38:08,592 --> 00:38:10,265 told you that she couldn't breathe. 837 00:38:10,361 --> 00:38:13,240 Paula was told beforehand to act like a newborn baby. 838 00:38:14,031 --> 00:38:16,534 Kick and scream and fight all she wanted. 839 00:38:16,600 --> 00:38:18,477 I thought that's what she was doing. 840 00:38:18,535 --> 00:38:20,378 You told her to go ahead and die. 841 00:38:20,437 --> 00:38:22,748 I didn't believe she really meant it. 842 00:38:23,174 --> 00:38:24,881 Oppositional kids claim they're dying 843 00:38:24,943 --> 00:38:27,856 when they're asked to do things like clean their room. 844 00:38:28,213 --> 00:38:30,625 You say, "Okay, go ahead and die" 845 00:38:30,715 --> 00:38:32,922 to defuse the oppositional element. 846 00:38:33,351 --> 00:38:35,695 Everything I did was according to procedure. 847 00:38:35,787 --> 00:38:37,061 JACK: Procedure? 848 00:38:37,522 --> 00:38:39,297 A child dies in your office, 849 00:38:39,524 --> 00:38:43,165 and instead of calling 911, you dump her body in the park? 850 00:38:43,228 --> 00:38:44,298 OLSON: Objection. 851 00:38:44,362 --> 00:38:45,466 JUDGE: Overruled. 852 00:38:46,064 --> 00:38:47,634 That was wrong. 853 00:38:47,932 --> 00:38:50,776 But I didn't call the police because I knew how'd they react. 854 00:38:50,835 --> 00:38:52,371 The same as you're reacting now. 855 00:38:52,437 --> 00:38:55,384 I just couldn't do anything to jeopardize my work with these kids. 856 00:38:55,440 --> 00:38:56,817 You mean jeopardize your own freedom. 857 00:38:56,875 --> 00:38:58,218 You just didn't want to go to jail. 858 00:38:58,276 --> 00:39:01,416 I don't take lives, Mr. McCoy, I save them. 859 00:39:01,547 --> 00:39:04,050 What did you do to save Paula Weston 860 00:39:04,383 --> 00:39:06,363 once you discovered that she wasn't breathing? 861 00:39:06,419 --> 00:39:07,796 There was nothing I could do. 862 00:39:07,853 --> 00:39:10,459 So you made no effort to revive her? 863 00:39:12,024 --> 00:39:14,231 When I removed the wrap, she was already dead. 864 00:39:14,293 --> 00:39:16,330 Did you check her pulse? Of course. 865 00:39:16,462 --> 00:39:17,770 Did you try CPR? 866 00:39:17,830 --> 00:39:19,935 I told you there was no pulse, 867 00:39:19,999 --> 00:39:22,001 no heartbeat, her lips were blue. 868 00:39:22,067 --> 00:39:23,740 She was already gone. 869 00:39:26,772 --> 00:39:29,252 Look, it was an accident. 870 00:39:30,376 --> 00:39:32,686 I took every precaution. 871 00:39:33,879 --> 00:39:36,120 It was just too late by then. 872 00:39:38,150 --> 00:39:40,892 It was too late the minute that little girl walked into your office. 873 00:39:40,953 --> 00:39:42,262 OLSON: Objection. 874 00:39:42,556 --> 00:39:44,035 JACK: Withdrawn. 875 00:39:54,468 --> 00:39:57,779 The jury was shooting daggers at her after your cross. 876 00:39:59,339 --> 00:40:01,410 Whatever sympathy they may have had went out the window 877 00:40:01,474 --> 00:40:04,011 the minute she tried to cover up what she'd done. 878 00:40:04,211 --> 00:40:08,091 Still seems like getting an ambulance wouldn't have been much help. 879 00:40:09,783 --> 00:40:10,955 Maybe. 880 00:40:12,686 --> 00:40:14,097 Something bothering you? 881 00:40:15,455 --> 00:40:17,696 The swelling inside her throat. 882 00:40:19,693 --> 00:40:21,570 When Rodgers did the autopsy, 883 00:40:21,695 --> 00:40:23,972 she attributed it to attempts to revive Paula. 884 00:40:24,799 --> 00:40:28,076 But Dr. Stahl just testified that she didn't make any attempts to revive her. 885 00:40:29,704 --> 00:40:31,183 Why would she lie about something like that? 886 00:40:31,238 --> 00:40:33,718 It just makes her look worse in the eyes of the jury. 887 00:40:34,275 --> 00:40:35,982 Unless she didn't lie. 888 00:40:36,477 --> 00:40:39,083 Then something else had to have caused the swelling. 889 00:40:39,347 --> 00:40:41,418 Let's pay Rodgers a visit tomorrow. 890 00:40:41,983 --> 00:40:44,463 If attempts to revive this girl didn't cause those injuries, 891 00:40:44,518 --> 00:40:46,361 I want to know what did. 892 00:40:47,388 --> 00:40:50,096 Girl found in the park with positional asphyxiation, 893 00:40:50,224 --> 00:40:51,965 chest compression 894 00:40:52,126 --> 00:40:55,130 edema was consistent with attempts to revive. 895 00:40:55,463 --> 00:40:57,033 I jumped to a conclusion I shouldn't have. 896 00:40:57,131 --> 00:40:59,042 And now that we've ruled that out? 897 00:40:59,100 --> 00:41:02,104 Well, when you called me with Stahl's testimony, I ran additional tests. 898 00:41:02,169 --> 00:41:03,443 SOUTHERLYN: What did you find? 899 00:41:03,504 --> 00:41:05,485 She had an elevated histamine level. 900 00:41:05,540 --> 00:41:06,917 What would cause that? 901 00:41:06,975 --> 00:41:10,184 Mast cells release histamine when they react to an allergen. 902 00:41:11,113 --> 00:41:13,753 You're saying Paula Weston had an allergic reaction? 903 00:41:14,650 --> 00:41:16,527 I'm saying she died of one. 904 00:41:17,252 --> 00:41:18,890 An allergy to what? 905 00:41:21,056 --> 00:41:23,798 You tell us it's urgent and you bring us down here 906 00:41:23,859 --> 00:41:25,634 to look at plastic gloves? 907 00:41:25,894 --> 00:41:27,703 We're withdrawing our plea offer. 908 00:41:27,763 --> 00:41:30,607 No way you can do that Janet's cooperated completely. 909 00:41:30,699 --> 00:41:32,508 I testified against Dr. Stahl. 910 00:41:33,035 --> 00:41:34,139 Your plea agreement indicated that 911 00:41:34,202 --> 00:41:35,875 if you withheld any material fact, the deal was off. 912 00:41:37,472 --> 00:41:39,782 I didn't hold anything back from you. 913 00:41:39,942 --> 00:41:42,388 But you did from Dr. Stahl, didn't you? 914 00:41:43,912 --> 00:41:45,517 EPPS: What's going on here? 915 00:41:46,049 --> 00:41:48,495 That's the medical history your client provided Dr. Stahl 916 00:41:48,551 --> 00:41:51,225 shortly before the rebirthing procedure. 917 00:41:52,255 --> 00:41:54,235 What is the significance of this? 918 00:41:54,290 --> 00:41:57,760 In it she fails to disclose her daughter's allergy to latex. 919 00:41:58,027 --> 00:42:00,303 Latex? What does that have to do with anything? 920 00:42:00,363 --> 00:42:02,866 SOUTHERLYN: Paula suffered from an acute sensitivity to it. 921 00:42:03,032 --> 00:42:05,273 Which your client was well aware of. 922 00:42:06,869 --> 00:42:09,110 I don't know what you're talking about. 923 00:42:09,739 --> 00:42:11,650 Paula's school records. 924 00:42:11,874 --> 00:42:15,947 Two years ago, she was rushed to the emergency room in anaphylactic shock. 925 00:42:16,045 --> 00:42:19,117 She was blowing up some balloons for a classmate's birthday party. 926 00:42:19,916 --> 00:42:22,294 I still don't see what this has to do with anything. 927 00:42:22,352 --> 00:42:26,495 Your client provided a bed sheet for the rebirthing procedure. 928 00:42:26,557 --> 00:42:28,036 EPPS: It was never recovered. 929 00:42:28,092 --> 00:42:29,537 SOUTHERLYN: You destroyed it, didn't you? 930 00:42:29,593 --> 00:42:31,266 Don't answer that, Janet. 931 00:42:31,328 --> 00:42:32,363 She doesn't need to. 932 00:42:32,429 --> 00:42:35,672 We had the pillows that were used in the procedure retested. 933 00:42:36,000 --> 00:42:38,571 The lab found traces of cornstarch. 934 00:42:38,769 --> 00:42:40,077 EPPS: Cornstarch? 935 00:42:40,137 --> 00:42:42,242 SOUTHERLYN: The latex gloves Janet uses at her catering job 936 00:42:42,306 --> 00:42:44,752 are coated in cornstarch to reduce friction. 937 00:42:46,577 --> 00:42:49,751 Cornstarch also absorbs latex particles. 938 00:42:50,314 --> 00:42:53,318 SOUTHERLYN: You know about that because of the brochures the hospital gave you 939 00:42:53,384 --> 00:42:56,024 when Paula had her reaction to those balloons at school. 940 00:42:56,687 --> 00:42:59,463 All you had to do was rub those gloves on that bed sheet, 941 00:42:59,590 --> 00:43:01,934 knowing once it was put over Paula's head 942 00:43:02,192 --> 00:43:04,604 she'd go into respiratory failure. 943 00:43:07,031 --> 00:43:10,706 You never intended her to be reborn that night, did you, Ms. Weston? 944 00:43:14,205 --> 00:43:17,482 Nothing was working, do you understand? Nothing. 945 00:43:18,076 --> 00:43:20,647 So you killed her to make it easier on yourself. 946 00:43:20,979 --> 00:43:24,188 Do you have any idea what it's like to come home 947 00:43:24,249 --> 00:43:26,752 and have your little girl say, "Go away"? 948 00:43:26,951 --> 00:43:28,953 For everything to be such a struggle? 949 00:43:29,053 --> 00:43:30,999 To never get any sleep? 950 00:43:33,658 --> 00:43:37,299 I spent every penny I had on private schools and doctors. 951 00:43:37,362 --> 00:43:40,502 They all had advice, but none of them understood. 952 00:43:44,235 --> 00:43:48,184 I thought that I'd have a little girl who'd love her mom. 953 00:43:50,943 --> 00:43:52,581 I'm 42 years old! 954 00:43:53,879 --> 00:43:55,881 I was entitled to a life! 955 00:44:00,219 --> 00:44:01,630 She was 11. 956 00:44:03,122 --> 00:44:05,159 What was she entitled to? 957 00:44:11,997 --> 00:44:14,841 So we've reduced the charges against Dr. Stahl 958 00:44:14,900 --> 00:44:18,177 to assault for Paula's chest injuries during the rebirthing? 959 00:44:18,237 --> 00:44:20,615 Janet Weston's act in introducing the latex 960 00:44:20,673 --> 00:44:22,914 was the proximate cause of her daughter's death. 961 00:44:22,975 --> 00:44:26,149 That adoption agency thought Janet Weston was a dream come true. 962 00:44:26,345 --> 00:44:28,189 Complete with pillows and blankets. 963 00:44:28,381 --> 00:44:31,726 She turned out to be that little girl's worst nightmare.