1 00:00:57,175 --> 00:00:58,841 Mostly when I'm walking 2 00:00:59,509 --> 00:01:00,674 at night 3 00:01:00,925 --> 00:01:02,674 or anywhere by myself, 4 00:01:03,259 --> 00:01:04,799 if I'm frightened or... 5 00:01:05,217 --> 00:01:06,674 Then he'll turn up. 6 00:01:07,217 --> 00:01:10,008 He'll talk about what I'm doing, you know, some advice. 7 00:01:10,175 --> 00:01:11,258 He'll say, 8 00:01:11,634 --> 00:01:13,424 "Don't be frightened. I've told you," 9 00:01:13,550 --> 00:01:15,383 "walk in the middle of the road at night." 10 00:01:15,759 --> 00:01:16,924 And I do, 11 00:01:17,300 --> 00:01:18,883 I move over to the middle of the road. 12 00:01:19,592 --> 00:01:21,799 Or, I don't know, he'll say, er... 13 00:01:23,009 --> 00:01:25,508 "It's a disgrace. This street is a disgrace." 14 00:01:25,634 --> 00:01:28,883 "There's no proper lighting. Have you written? You must write." 15 00:01:29,925 --> 00:01:31,299 He's always forthright. 16 00:01:31,967 --> 00:01:34,883 I mean, he always was forthright, so I suppose that's not... 17 00:01:35,842 --> 00:01:39,299 But you know, he'll also speak in Spanish to me. 18 00:01:39,425 --> 00:01:41,424 Which is odd because he couldn't speak Spanish. 19 00:01:42,550 --> 00:01:47,174 And I would have been feeling low, you know, very alone 20 00:01:47,967 --> 00:01:51,966 and hopeless and then he's there, his presence. 21 00:01:52,509 --> 00:01:54,049 And it's okay. It's fine. 22 00:01:55,175 --> 00:01:57,174 And he tells me he loves me. 23 00:02:00,092 --> 00:02:02,216 And then he's not there any more. 24 00:02:03,550 --> 00:02:05,424 And then, how do you feel? 25 00:02:07,092 --> 00:02:11,799 Okay. Fine. Well, I feel looked after, I suppose. 26 00:02:12,592 --> 00:02:13,841 Watched over. 27 00:02:15,550 --> 00:02:18,299 See he never says anything profound or Earth-shattering. 28 00:02:18,425 --> 00:02:21,466 You know, he doesn't say, "Well, God thinks this or..." 29 00:02:23,050 --> 00:02:26,383 Or about the planet or world events or 30 00:02:26,467 --> 00:02:28,299 "There is no God." 31 00:02:29,009 --> 00:02:30,591 It's all, "Go to bed." 32 00:02:31,050 --> 00:02:35,008 "Brush your teeth." Or, the way I'm brushing my teeth because, er, 33 00:02:35,134 --> 00:02:38,299 I always brush them side to side and I'll be doing that, and he'll say, 34 00:02:38,675 --> 00:02:42,549 "Down at the top, come on. Down at the top, up from the bottom," 35 00:02:43,300 --> 00:02:45,924 or, "Lock the back door." 36 00:02:49,259 --> 00:02:50,549 What's that? 37 00:02:52,134 --> 00:02:53,341 "Lock the back door." 38 00:02:53,592 --> 00:02:55,758 Is it significant, do you think, 39 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:57,716 he says that in Spanish? 40 00:03:00,425 --> 00:03:01,508 No. 41 00:03:05,592 --> 00:03:08,466 I did. It's locked. 42 00:03:10,842 --> 00:03:12,883 How long ago did Jamie die? 43 00:03:17,342 --> 00:03:18,424 Nina? 44 00:03:21,009 --> 00:03:24,133 Jamie. When was it, he died? 45 00:06:14,634 --> 00:06:16,508 - Good night, bye. - You're off, darling? Bye. 46 00:06:16,634 --> 00:06:18,299 - Bye. See you tomorrow. - Good night. 47 00:06:20,717 --> 00:06:21,883 Good night, Sandy. 48 00:06:22,050 --> 00:06:23,216 Bye, Carolyn. 49 00:06:23,300 --> 00:06:24,758 - Bye. - Bye-bye, love. 50 00:06:32,759 --> 00:06:34,133 I like your hair. 51 00:06:35,509 --> 00:06:37,508 - What? - Your hair, it looks, er... 52 00:06:37,884 --> 00:06:40,008 You know, is, is it different? 53 00:06:41,342 --> 00:06:43,216 Or is it the earrings? Yeah, they're terrific. 54 00:06:43,342 --> 00:06:45,883 They look sort of... are they sort of Inca? 55 00:06:46,550 --> 00:06:48,841 Sandy, what are you talking about? 56 00:06:49,175 --> 00:06:51,133 - Are you depressed? - No. 57 00:06:52,342 --> 00:06:55,258 I don't just love you because you translate my postcards, you know. 58 00:06:55,717 --> 00:06:56,841 I know. 59 00:06:57,592 --> 00:07:00,424 You see, everybody's just a wee bit concerned about you. 60 00:07:00,884 --> 00:07:02,049 "Everybody" who? 61 00:07:02,217 --> 00:07:04,424 'Cause you've disappeared. You've gone to ground. 62 00:07:04,509 --> 00:07:07,299 You don't come out to play any more. You don't invite people round. 63 00:07:07,425 --> 00:07:09,065 - You look terrible. - Except for my hair! 64 00:07:09,175 --> 00:07:11,633 Well, actually, you know, you're hair, well, your hair 65 00:07:11,759 --> 00:07:13,424 was never your strong point. 66 00:07:14,009 --> 00:07:15,424 So, is it still Jamie? 67 00:07:16,300 --> 00:07:18,049 - What? What? - I can understand that. 68 00:07:18,384 --> 00:07:21,841 The Lord knows I miss Gabriella and I hated her and I still miss her, 69 00:07:22,009 --> 00:07:23,841 I understand that. 70 00:07:24,134 --> 00:07:26,674 You know, you've got to get out. Unless you get yourself out 71 00:07:26,800 --> 00:07:28,508 - you will never meet anybody. - Okay. 72 00:07:29,717 --> 00:07:31,508 - Okay, darling, thanks. - So, come on. Come. 73 00:07:31,592 --> 00:07:33,472 Come on, have a wee drink with your Uncle Sandy. 74 00:07:33,592 --> 00:07:35,049 Sandy, I can't. 75 00:07:35,675 --> 00:07:36,799 I can't. 76 00:07:42,300 --> 00:07:43,424 I just can't. 77 00:07:52,134 --> 00:07:53,341 Hi. 78 00:07:54,342 --> 00:07:55,591 Everything okay? 79 00:07:58,009 --> 00:07:59,508 Good. Very safe now. 80 00:07:59,634 --> 00:08:02,008 Yeah, I'm really much happier with the door, yeah. 81 00:08:04,467 --> 00:08:06,758 - Take ten man to break down this door. - Titus. 82 00:08:06,884 --> 00:08:09,174 - It's nearly midnight. - Yes. 83 00:08:09,967 --> 00:08:12,091 I come to see if you still want me in the morning. 84 00:08:12,217 --> 00:08:15,341 Yes, I do, actually, please. 85 00:08:15,592 --> 00:08:18,008 Yeah, I can't close any of my kitchen cabinets. 86 00:08:25,925 --> 00:08:28,633 And, Titus, listen, I've got rats. 87 00:08:29,425 --> 00:08:31,883 I've either got two massive rats who never stop eating 88 00:08:31,967 --> 00:08:34,633 or about 2,000 on a calorie-controlled diet. 89 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:37,633 I had this man who came this morning 90 00:08:37,925 --> 00:08:40,883 and he put down enough poison to knock out half of North London 91 00:08:41,009 --> 00:08:42,758 and it's disappearing. Look. 92 00:08:43,175 --> 00:08:44,549 I'm missing Poland. 93 00:08:46,592 --> 00:08:49,924 - Right. - Sometimes I think I hate Poland. 94 00:08:50,009 --> 00:08:54,299 But then the song goes through my head, some music or a taste. 95 00:08:54,592 --> 00:08:57,383 I remember taste of Polish bread. 96 00:08:58,884 --> 00:09:00,549 A man should never drink. 97 00:09:01,134 --> 00:09:05,674 He remembers all his country, his mother, his lovers. 98 00:09:05,800 --> 00:09:07,633 Yeah, I'm going to bed. 99 00:09:08,925 --> 00:09:11,883 I'm bushed. I've had a really, it's been a really busy day. 100 00:09:12,134 --> 00:09:13,341 Nina, 101 00:09:14,425 --> 00:09:16,758 you're the only beautiful woman I meet in London. 102 00:09:18,634 --> 00:09:20,216 Absolutely right. 103 00:09:20,759 --> 00:09:22,424 That's got nothing to do with the drink. 104 00:09:22,634 --> 00:09:25,258 I am the only beautiful woman in London. 105 00:09:26,425 --> 00:09:28,049 Night, night. 106 00:09:28,759 --> 00:09:29,924 See you in the morning. 107 00:09:33,467 --> 00:09:34,799 In my country, 108 00:09:35,800 --> 00:09:37,966 when want to be rid of rats, 109 00:09:38,425 --> 00:09:41,424 you do not use poison. We dance. 110 00:09:41,925 --> 00:09:45,091 To drive the rats away we, we dance. 111 00:10:02,800 --> 00:10:04,049 I would be surprise 112 00:10:04,425 --> 00:10:05,716 if the rats will come back. 113 00:10:21,342 --> 00:10:24,008 My God. 114 00:11:04,300 --> 00:11:07,508 Sorry. Sorry, is Nina around? 115 00:11:07,675 --> 00:11:09,341 - Yeah. Through there. - Thanks. 116 00:11:12,509 --> 00:11:14,299 - Nina! - Sandy. 117 00:11:15,884 --> 00:11:17,216 What's going on? 118 00:11:18,759 --> 00:11:21,716 Well, the fridge is still working. That's what I keep telling myself. 119 00:11:21,842 --> 00:11:23,174 The fish fingers are frozen. 120 00:11:23,509 --> 00:11:27,091 Nina, this flat, it's not been very, er... 121 00:11:27,300 --> 00:11:30,258 Really, has it? Who's the chappie in the joists? 122 00:11:30,675 --> 00:11:32,299 That's Keith. He's the plumber. 123 00:11:32,425 --> 00:11:35,258 Well, he's not a proper plumber. Little problem with the water. 124 00:11:35,842 --> 00:11:37,883 Titus here is trying to make the kitchen doors 125 00:11:38,009 --> 00:11:40,174 fit the kitchen cabinets. Did you meet Titus? 126 00:11:40,384 --> 00:11:41,716 Titus! 127 00:11:42,050 --> 00:11:44,133 This is Sandy. Sandy runs the agency. 128 00:11:44,259 --> 00:11:46,049 - Hello, Titus. Good work. - Hello. 129 00:11:46,384 --> 00:11:49,091 George is here somewhere. George! 130 00:11:50,217 --> 00:11:53,174 No, it's a disaster, really. The whole place is falling to bits. 131 00:11:53,300 --> 00:11:55,883 Why did I buy it, Sandy? You told me. 132 00:11:56,384 --> 00:11:58,883 Jamie told me. Everybody told me. 133 00:11:59,134 --> 00:12:02,174 Nina, this is very important. Hello. 134 00:12:02,342 --> 00:12:04,758 - George, this is Sandy. He's my boss. - Hello, George. 135 00:12:04,925 --> 00:12:07,008 - Have you touched these containers? - No. 136 00:12:07,217 --> 00:12:09,299 - Haven't emptied them out or anything? - No. 137 00:12:10,175 --> 00:12:12,133 We've got a very serious problem here, Nina. 138 00:12:12,217 --> 00:12:14,716 We're talking a lot of rodents. We're talking infestation. 139 00:12:14,842 --> 00:12:17,716 We might even be talking nesting. Can I make a telephone call? 140 00:12:18,467 --> 00:12:19,674 Are we talking mice? 141 00:12:20,675 --> 00:12:21,758 No. 142 00:12:22,634 --> 00:12:25,674 - Rat... My God. - I have to move out. 143 00:12:26,300 --> 00:12:29,466 - Sandy, you want borscht? - Sorry? 144 00:12:30,300 --> 00:12:33,174 Borscht. Have some. Titus says it's the answer to all our problems. 145 00:12:33,300 --> 00:12:35,299 Borscht! Yeah! Thanks. Yes. 146 00:12:35,425 --> 00:12:38,591 Nina, a little postcard from Charlie here somewhere. 147 00:12:38,675 --> 00:12:40,174 Could you spare a few minutes? 148 00:12:40,300 --> 00:12:42,883 - Sandy, you've got to learn Spanish. - I know. 149 00:12:43,009 --> 00:12:45,549 It's so perverse to run a language agency and speak... 150 00:12:45,675 --> 00:12:48,758 How many languages do you speak, and not be, I mean, it's your son! 151 00:12:48,884 --> 00:12:50,943 You must be able to understand what he's saying to you! 152 00:12:50,967 --> 00:12:52,318 - I know. I know. - I mean, in the end, 153 00:12:52,342 --> 00:12:54,062 that was the problem with you and Gabriella. 154 00:12:54,092 --> 00:12:56,818 - You couldn't say a thing to each other. - No, that was our strength. 155 00:12:56,842 --> 00:12:58,818 It was when we started to communicate it went wrong. 156 00:12:58,842 --> 00:13:01,091 Before that, it was terrific. It was sign language. 157 00:13:01,217 --> 00:13:03,049 It was great. It was... Voilà! 158 00:13:03,134 --> 00:13:05,049 You're a twerp. What is this? 159 00:13:05,175 --> 00:13:07,258 This is, er, it's work. It's for you. 160 00:13:07,342 --> 00:13:10,466 It's urgent. It's manuals and whatever. You know. But, Nina, the postcard, 161 00:13:10,550 --> 00:13:11,776 could you just read the postcard, 162 00:13:11,800 --> 00:13:13,841 because I'm beginning to have an anxiety attack. 163 00:13:15,467 --> 00:13:17,341 - "Dear Daddy..." - Where does it say that? 164 00:13:18,925 --> 00:13:21,216 - There. - Fantastic. 165 00:13:22,425 --> 00:13:25,383 "We are spending our holidays in Mar Del Plata." 166 00:13:25,467 --> 00:13:27,424 It's lovely. It's supposed to be beautiful. 167 00:13:28,467 --> 00:13:32,758 "I'm swimming in the sea. And I... And I'm not wearing..." 168 00:13:32,884 --> 00:13:34,591 what do you call them? 169 00:13:34,759 --> 00:13:36,424 "I'm not wearing..." 170 00:13:36,675 --> 00:13:37,841 - Things. - Trunks? 171 00:13:38,134 --> 00:13:39,216 Floats. 172 00:13:39,884 --> 00:13:42,549 "Mario is teaching me to swim 173 00:13:42,675 --> 00:13:44,049 - "underwater." - Bastard! 174 00:13:44,217 --> 00:13:48,508 "We are staying in a very big hotel which has a television and a bathroom." 175 00:13:48,634 --> 00:13:51,216 That's the thing about Gabriella. 176 00:13:51,300 --> 00:13:53,133 A television and a bathroom. Doesn't that make 177 00:13:53,217 --> 00:13:56,174 you laugh? Doesn't that make you want to spew after all that stuff about 178 00:13:56,259 --> 00:13:58,379 materialism, you give her a television and a bathroom. 179 00:13:58,425 --> 00:14:03,008 Yeah. "Last night, we went to a football match, and then we had a barbecue" 180 00:14:03,134 --> 00:14:05,841 - "which gave me diarrhoea." - That is terrible. 181 00:14:05,967 --> 00:14:08,674 Because Mario is a bastard, that is beyond dispute! 182 00:14:08,800 --> 00:14:10,883 He's absolutely, manifestly, a bastard. 183 00:14:11,009 --> 00:14:13,966 As in loco parentis. What is he doing? He's poisoning my son! 184 00:14:14,384 --> 00:14:16,716 "I'm having a great time. Wish you were here." 185 00:14:16,925 --> 00:14:18,383 "Lots of love, Charlie." 186 00:14:20,092 --> 00:14:21,591 Yeah. 187 00:14:22,675 --> 00:14:23,799 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 188 00:14:23,925 --> 00:14:25,508 He's having a great time. 189 00:14:26,634 --> 00:14:30,633 I have to write back, Nina. Would you help me write back? 190 00:14:30,759 --> 00:14:34,924 Okay. Sandy, if you promise me you'll make an effort to learn Spanish. 191 00:14:35,050 --> 00:14:38,383 Sí, sí, señora sí, sí. Thank you, thank you. Gracias, gracias. 192 00:14:38,550 --> 00:14:39,924 You're a good person. 193 00:14:40,759 --> 00:14:41,924 Have soup. 194 00:14:42,425 --> 00:14:43,591 It's fantastic. 195 00:14:44,759 --> 00:14:46,674 - It's fantastic. - Fantastic. 196 00:14:47,509 --> 00:14:49,049 I tell her last night, 197 00:14:49,967 --> 00:14:52,216 Nina, she is beautiful woman. 198 00:14:52,509 --> 00:14:53,883 She is beautiful. 199 00:14:54,259 --> 00:14:55,841 - You are. - Okay. 200 00:14:56,550 --> 00:14:57,924 Well, I think she's beautiful. 201 00:14:58,467 --> 00:14:59,841 Who's this who's beautiful? 202 00:15:00,134 --> 00:15:01,508 We're talking about Nina. 203 00:15:02,050 --> 00:15:03,258 Yeah, she is. 204 00:15:03,592 --> 00:15:04,758 Guys, what is this? 205 00:15:16,175 --> 00:15:17,466 She really loved him. 206 00:15:17,967 --> 00:15:19,091 It's tragic. 207 00:15:20,550 --> 00:15:22,716 And he was young, you know. He was younger than me. 208 00:15:23,592 --> 00:15:25,341 It's cruel, this house. 209 00:15:26,717 --> 00:15:27,841 He had a sore throat. 210 00:15:28,467 --> 00:15:29,799 One minute he has a sore throat, 211 00:15:29,884 --> 00:15:32,564 then he's having an examination. The next moment he stops breathing. 212 00:15:32,634 --> 00:15:34,591 The anaesthetist couldn't get the tube down. 213 00:15:34,717 --> 00:15:37,674 If he'd just had a wee suck at a Strepsil it would never have happened. 214 00:15:39,425 --> 00:15:40,924 I think she loves me. 215 00:15:42,509 --> 00:15:45,091 I know she doesn't know yet, but... 216 00:15:47,509 --> 00:15:48,799 Do you like washing? 217 00:15:49,009 --> 00:15:52,091 Yeah. I like getting my hands in the warm water. 218 00:15:52,509 --> 00:15:54,758 - I like drying. - Also me. 219 00:15:54,884 --> 00:15:55,966 Me, too. 220 00:15:56,092 --> 00:15:58,758 Look at this water, it's brown. 221 00:15:59,925 --> 00:16:01,716 It's a miracle there's any water. 222 00:16:02,259 --> 00:16:03,716 This a terrible flat. 223 00:16:13,467 --> 00:16:14,841 Or I find that I've 224 00:16:15,259 --> 00:16:18,258 just been sitting with my head in my hands. 225 00:16:20,884 --> 00:16:24,424 And an hour has gone by, or longer, like this. 226 00:16:26,175 --> 00:16:27,841 And I'm completely numb. 227 00:16:31,884 --> 00:16:32,966 And the 228 00:16:33,217 --> 00:16:35,091 kettle could be boiling away or the... 229 00:16:35,342 --> 00:16:37,008 Telephone. 230 00:16:45,550 --> 00:16:49,133 And I'm crying, I'm crying, I mean I can be on the Tube and somebody says, 231 00:16:49,259 --> 00:16:52,133 "What's the matter?" And there are tears. It's ridiculous. 232 00:16:57,050 --> 00:17:00,341 I miss him. I just miss him. I miss him. I miss him. 233 00:17:00,467 --> 00:17:02,633 I miss him. I know I shouldn't do this. 234 00:17:11,884 --> 00:17:13,049 I mean, I, 235 00:17:13,134 --> 00:17:16,008 I'm in the sitting room and I think, "There's no point going to bed" 236 00:17:16,134 --> 00:17:17,424 "'cause he's not there." 237 00:17:17,550 --> 00:17:20,341 Or I'm in bed and I think there's no point getting up! 238 00:17:26,175 --> 00:17:28,633 It's anger, isn't it? It's rage. It's rage! 239 00:17:28,759 --> 00:17:30,591 I get so angry with other people. 240 00:17:30,717 --> 00:17:33,549 People in love, or out of love, or wasting love. 241 00:17:33,675 --> 00:17:35,258 And women with children. 242 00:17:35,467 --> 00:17:37,424 Growing children, fertile. 243 00:17:37,550 --> 00:17:40,424 But most of all, I'm so angry with him! 244 00:17:43,384 --> 00:17:45,424 I'm so angry with him. 245 00:17:49,425 --> 00:17:52,758 I can't forgive him for not being here. I can't! 246 00:18:01,550 --> 00:18:02,841 God! 247 00:18:27,217 --> 00:18:29,591 God. I've run over, haven't I? Sorry. 248 00:18:29,717 --> 00:18:32,091 I'm sorry. 249 00:18:35,884 --> 00:18:37,174 I'm fine, actually. 250 00:18:38,425 --> 00:18:39,674 I am fine. 251 00:18:44,759 --> 00:18:46,383 God, I'm late. Er, listen, 252 00:18:47,675 --> 00:18:49,216 I'll see you next Tuesday. 253 00:18:49,300 --> 00:18:50,466 Thanks. 254 00:18:50,592 --> 00:18:51,716 Can I? 255 00:18:56,259 --> 00:18:57,424 Bye. 256 00:19:00,134 --> 00:19:02,549 - We'll walk. - We do walk. 257 00:19:03,259 --> 00:19:04,758 We looking at things. 258 00:19:05,300 --> 00:19:06,799 Are looking. 259 00:19:07,259 --> 00:19:09,633 - Say it. - Are looking at things. 260 00:19:09,717 --> 00:19:11,341 Are looking at things. Yeah. 261 00:19:12,592 --> 00:19:14,299 So, what things can we see? 262 00:19:14,675 --> 00:19:16,466 We can see 263 00:19:17,592 --> 00:19:19,924 - trees? - Good. We can see trees, yeah. 264 00:19:20,092 --> 00:19:23,008 And, er, people. 265 00:19:23,134 --> 00:19:24,799 Good, we can see some people. 266 00:19:24,884 --> 00:19:26,591 Er, we can see some people. 267 00:19:27,300 --> 00:19:28,716 Can see cielo. 268 00:19:28,842 --> 00:19:30,091 Er, cielo? 269 00:19:30,467 --> 00:19:31,716 No me digas. 270 00:19:32,175 --> 00:19:34,508 - Sky? - Sky! Very good. 271 00:19:34,925 --> 00:19:36,966 We can see sky and then... 272 00:19:37,675 --> 00:19:38,924 Nubes? 273 00:19:40,425 --> 00:19:42,091 - Nubes? - Clouds. 274 00:19:42,384 --> 00:19:43,633 Clode. 275 00:19:43,967 --> 00:19:46,299 - Clouds. - Clouds. 276 00:19:46,675 --> 00:19:48,174 - Yeah. That's right, Maura. - Yeah? 277 00:19:49,842 --> 00:19:51,716 We can see the clouds and the sky. 278 00:20:06,967 --> 00:20:08,216 What are you doing? 279 00:20:08,717 --> 00:20:09,799 It's no problem. 280 00:20:10,717 --> 00:20:12,508 We can gossip while we're cleaning. 281 00:20:12,634 --> 00:20:13,841 Claire. 282 00:20:14,134 --> 00:20:17,424 I've had plumbers who are coming back. Carpenters, 283 00:20:17,509 --> 00:20:19,258 rat-catchers, and apparently now 284 00:20:19,342 --> 00:20:21,383 there's subsidence in one of the supporting walls. 285 00:20:23,425 --> 00:20:25,341 Being house-proud gets a touch difficult. 286 00:20:25,425 --> 00:20:27,091 Vacuuming won't hurt. 287 00:20:27,217 --> 00:20:30,299 Leave me alone. I like cleaning! 288 00:20:30,634 --> 00:20:33,466 - Just like ma. - I'm not. Shut up. 289 00:20:34,175 --> 00:20:37,133 You've always liked messing. I've always liked cleaning. 290 00:20:39,175 --> 00:20:40,883 Wish you'd let me help you more. 291 00:20:41,509 --> 00:20:43,049 I could always pop round and... 292 00:20:43,384 --> 00:20:44,716 No, thanks. 293 00:20:47,884 --> 00:20:49,383 Harry, what are you doing? 294 00:20:53,342 --> 00:20:55,966 That's rat poison. Harry! Harry, that's poison. 295 00:20:56,050 --> 00:20:57,299 God! 296 00:20:58,134 --> 00:20:59,383 Did you eat any of this stuff? 297 00:20:59,467 --> 00:21:01,008 God, what's that in your mouth? 298 00:21:01,092 --> 00:21:03,383 - Spit it out! Spit it out! - It's chocolate. It's okay. 299 00:21:03,467 --> 00:21:04,716 The poison is purple. 300 00:21:05,425 --> 00:21:07,258 God. It's my fault. 301 00:21:07,384 --> 00:21:10,008 God, just sit down. 302 00:21:11,800 --> 00:21:14,549 Just sit down for God's sake and try not to... 303 00:21:17,050 --> 00:21:18,299 Impossible! 304 00:21:20,050 --> 00:21:21,216 But you love him. 305 00:21:22,134 --> 00:21:24,508 I love him but he's impossible. 306 00:21:25,884 --> 00:21:27,133 I don't always love him. 307 00:21:28,550 --> 00:21:31,883 Just try not to poison yourself for five minutes. 308 00:21:34,009 --> 00:21:36,133 Tsk. Nina... 309 00:21:41,259 --> 00:21:43,383 How can you have rats? 310 00:21:44,550 --> 00:21:46,133 It's a personality defect. 311 00:21:46,509 --> 00:21:47,674 I'm serious. 312 00:21:48,259 --> 00:21:49,758 Have you spoken to them, Claire? 313 00:21:49,842 --> 00:21:51,216 I've tried but they won't answer. 314 00:21:52,342 --> 00:21:54,258 "What are you doing here?" 315 00:21:54,509 --> 00:21:55,549 Nothing. 316 00:21:55,634 --> 00:21:59,258 There is an odour, I have to say. There is a strange odour. 317 00:21:59,342 --> 00:22:01,133 Even Harry noticed. 318 00:22:01,509 --> 00:22:03,549 Yeah, well, the rats are dying, Claire. 319 00:22:03,634 --> 00:22:05,674 That's basically the problem on the smell front. 320 00:22:09,050 --> 00:22:11,133 I wish you'd come and stay with us. 321 00:22:12,300 --> 00:22:15,299 You could have people in and have it all done properly. 322 00:22:16,550 --> 00:22:17,633 Or sell it. 323 00:22:20,009 --> 00:22:23,258 I can't bear to think of you living here all on your own. 324 00:22:23,634 --> 00:22:25,299 I'm fine. 325 00:22:26,009 --> 00:22:28,091 It's not as if Jamie ever lived here. 326 00:22:28,300 --> 00:22:30,091 It's got nothing to do with Jamie. 327 00:22:34,759 --> 00:22:36,008 How's Nick? 328 00:22:36,967 --> 00:22:38,299 Yes, he's busy. 329 00:22:39,384 --> 00:22:40,633 Do you know about Everest? 330 00:22:40,967 --> 00:22:42,883 Dad's going to climb Mount Everest. 331 00:22:43,675 --> 00:22:44,799 You're joking? 332 00:22:45,259 --> 00:22:48,049 - When? - Well, after Christmas, sometime. 333 00:22:49,217 --> 00:22:50,383 When's the baby due? 334 00:22:50,759 --> 00:22:53,216 No, no. The baby'll be two or three months by then. 335 00:22:53,300 --> 00:22:55,091 It's fine, it's fine. 336 00:22:56,300 --> 00:22:59,966 He probably won't go. He's hopeless with babies, anyway, so... 337 00:23:03,592 --> 00:23:06,591 I can't sell the flat. Nobody's buying even nice flats. 338 00:23:06,675 --> 00:23:08,591 It's only a lunatic would. Anyway, 339 00:23:09,634 --> 00:23:10,716 I like it. 340 00:23:13,050 --> 00:23:15,258 I like it. 341 00:23:19,509 --> 00:23:22,633 - I like it. - Exactly, Harry likes it. 342 00:23:23,050 --> 00:23:24,966 - It's big. - Yeah. God. 343 00:23:25,092 --> 00:23:26,174 So are you. 344 00:23:28,009 --> 00:23:29,633 What's the verdict on a new baby? 345 00:23:30,134 --> 00:23:31,299 I don't mind. 346 00:23:32,759 --> 00:23:34,549 You're looking fab. 347 00:23:35,759 --> 00:23:38,174 - How's school? - He's worried because he doesn't think 348 00:23:38,259 --> 00:23:40,216 there'll be room in our bed for four. 349 00:23:40,550 --> 00:23:42,966 Of course, there will. Shove, that's the secret. 350 00:23:43,050 --> 00:23:44,508 Tactical use of the elbow. 351 00:23:44,884 --> 00:23:47,758 He's doing brilliantly at school. He loves it. 352 00:23:48,092 --> 00:23:49,258 You're not getting posh? 353 00:23:49,634 --> 00:23:50,758 No. 354 00:23:51,300 --> 00:23:52,383 Good. 355 00:23:52,675 --> 00:23:55,049 Say "Bum" and "Trotsky" twice a day before meals. 356 00:23:55,425 --> 00:23:57,133 Harry, don't. 357 00:23:58,842 --> 00:24:00,758 Have you told Nina about your lessons? 358 00:24:01,425 --> 00:24:03,008 He's having cello lessons. 359 00:24:03,467 --> 00:24:04,799 Really? 360 00:24:05,217 --> 00:24:06,758 Isn't that great. 361 00:24:07,675 --> 00:24:10,258 - Are you going to ask Nina? - You ask her. 362 00:24:10,675 --> 00:24:11,799 What's this? 363 00:24:12,800 --> 00:24:14,508 Well, Harry was wondering, 364 00:24:14,592 --> 00:24:17,383 erm, he's having these lessons and, erm, 365 00:24:17,634 --> 00:24:21,258 at some point, well, the school provides boys with an instrument, 366 00:24:21,342 --> 00:24:24,174 until you decide whether or not it's serious, whether or not 367 00:24:24,259 --> 00:24:25,883 the boy's going to persevere. 368 00:24:25,967 --> 00:24:28,466 But then, obviously, eventually, he'll need his own cello. 369 00:24:29,259 --> 00:24:30,716 Yeah, so what are you getting at? 370 00:24:31,175 --> 00:24:33,174 Well, obviously, say if this is a bad idea, 371 00:24:33,259 --> 00:24:34,508 but, erm, we did wonder, 372 00:24:34,634 --> 00:24:36,883 we were wondering whether Jamie's cello is... 373 00:24:37,134 --> 00:24:38,424 Is that a terrible idea? 374 00:24:39,009 --> 00:24:40,799 You don't play it and perhaps... 375 00:24:43,300 --> 00:24:45,049 You want me to give you Jamie's cello? 376 00:24:45,717 --> 00:24:47,133 No, not give, no. Er... 377 00:24:47,967 --> 00:24:51,424 Either for Harry to borrow it or we could buy it or... 378 00:24:52,092 --> 00:24:53,258 Have you any idea 379 00:24:53,634 --> 00:24:55,133 how much that cello's worth? 380 00:24:55,467 --> 00:24:57,466 Well, I know it's a good one, of course. 381 00:25:00,717 --> 00:25:02,799 I can't believe you'd be so insensitive. 382 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:06,383 It's practically all I've got of him. 383 00:25:08,300 --> 00:25:09,549 'Tis him. 384 00:25:10,425 --> 00:25:11,591 'Tis him. 385 00:25:12,884 --> 00:25:14,549 Like asking me to give you his body. 386 00:25:14,717 --> 00:25:16,966 Nina, it isn't. 387 00:25:17,217 --> 00:25:18,674 Well, anyway, you can't have it. 388 00:25:18,925 --> 00:25:20,633 Okay, I'm sorry. 389 00:25:20,925 --> 00:25:22,716 You're right, it was a stupid thing to... 390 00:25:22,800 --> 00:25:24,508 You should never have asked. 391 00:25:25,425 --> 00:25:26,633 It's so horrible. 392 00:25:27,675 --> 00:25:30,841 I had no idea you'd react so, Nina. 393 00:25:31,259 --> 00:25:32,549 Nina. 394 00:29:27,134 --> 00:29:28,591 I kept thinking, 395 00:29:29,300 --> 00:29:31,383 "Just my luck." 396 00:29:32,092 --> 00:29:33,799 Die of a sore throat. 397 00:29:36,259 --> 00:29:37,466 But dying... 398 00:29:38,967 --> 00:29:42,049 - Actually dying. What's it like? - Dying's all right. 399 00:29:42,134 --> 00:29:43,966 It was the general anaesthetic I didn't like. 400 00:29:44,134 --> 00:29:45,966 No. 401 00:29:46,592 --> 00:29:48,674 - I'm serious. - So am I. 402 00:29:50,592 --> 00:29:51,674 I don't know. 403 00:29:52,592 --> 00:29:55,508 Maybe I didn't die properly and maybe that's why I can come back. 404 00:29:59,092 --> 00:30:00,299 You know... 405 00:30:03,800 --> 00:30:06,216 It was like standing behind a glass wall 406 00:30:06,300 --> 00:30:08,591 while everybody else got on with missing me. 407 00:30:11,134 --> 00:30:12,216 It didn't hurt, 408 00:30:12,759 --> 00:30:13,841 you know, 409 00:30:14,175 --> 00:30:15,924 I'm very sensitive to pain. 410 00:30:16,009 --> 00:30:17,216 It really didn't hurt. 411 00:30:22,842 --> 00:30:24,383 But where do you go? 412 00:30:26,467 --> 00:30:27,716 I mean, 413 00:30:30,717 --> 00:30:33,591 do you go to heaven or what? 414 00:30:36,509 --> 00:30:38,383 I don't think so. 415 00:30:42,425 --> 00:30:44,008 I can't take all this in. 416 00:30:48,342 --> 00:30:50,174 Where do I start? 417 00:31:00,884 --> 00:31:02,549 Are you here? You are here. 418 00:31:03,509 --> 00:31:04,924 Look, I'm here. 419 00:31:10,134 --> 00:31:11,341 Are you staying? 420 00:31:12,925 --> 00:31:14,466 Well, I think so. 421 00:31:15,800 --> 00:31:17,716 I'd like to. Is that all right? 422 00:31:23,634 --> 00:31:24,966 It's fantastic. 423 00:31:30,550 --> 00:31:31,716 Can I kiss you? 424 00:31:35,842 --> 00:31:36,924 Yeah. 425 00:31:56,425 --> 00:31:58,174 Your lips are a bit cold. 426 00:31:59,050 --> 00:32:00,966 Actually, I'm fantastically cold. 427 00:32:01,050 --> 00:32:04,466 It's something I've really noticed. This flat is freezing. 428 00:32:04,550 --> 00:32:07,133 Well, the heating's on. It's supposed to be on, anyway. 429 00:32:07,217 --> 00:32:08,466 I've got to tell you, 430 00:32:09,259 --> 00:32:11,133 this is a terrible flat. 431 00:32:11,509 --> 00:32:13,383 - I know. - Terrible. 432 00:32:15,050 --> 00:32:16,883 Honestly, Nina, you're hopeless. 433 00:32:17,925 --> 00:32:20,299 And something else is really bothering me, too. 434 00:32:20,634 --> 00:32:25,008 You've got red bills. Red gas, red phone, it's not clever. 435 00:32:25,092 --> 00:32:26,466 I know. 436 00:32:27,009 --> 00:32:28,758 And you never lock the back doors. 437 00:32:28,884 --> 00:32:30,258 Driving me crazy. 438 00:32:30,342 --> 00:32:32,049 I'm going. I'm going. 439 00:33:08,092 --> 00:33:09,466 Thank you for missing me. 440 00:33:10,717 --> 00:33:12,049 I have. I do. 441 00:33:13,967 --> 00:33:15,091 I did. 442 00:33:17,509 --> 00:33:18,591 I know. 443 00:33:21,509 --> 00:33:23,591 But the pain, your pain, 444 00:33:25,009 --> 00:33:26,258 I couldn't bear that. 445 00:33:28,842 --> 00:33:30,674 There's a little girl, 446 00:33:32,259 --> 00:33:34,591 I see this little girl from time to time, 447 00:33:35,550 --> 00:33:37,299 Alice, who's three. 448 00:33:37,842 --> 00:33:40,591 Three-and-a-half. And she's great. Everybody loves her 449 00:33:40,675 --> 00:33:44,341 and makes a big fuss. But she isn't spoilt. Well, she wasn't spoilt. 450 00:33:44,925 --> 00:33:47,758 And she was knocked over 451 00:33:48,300 --> 00:33:49,799 and she died. 452 00:33:49,884 --> 00:33:53,758 And her parents and her family and her friends from kindergarten... 453 00:33:54,342 --> 00:33:55,966 Well, she used to go to this park. 454 00:33:57,550 --> 00:33:59,841 And she was telling me, she... 455 00:34:00,342 --> 00:34:02,091 They made an area in the park. 456 00:34:03,592 --> 00:34:06,341 Gave them money for swings and little wooden animals. 457 00:34:08,217 --> 00:34:12,466 And there are these plaques on each of the, on the sides of the swing, 458 00:34:12,842 --> 00:34:14,258 bottom of the horse, 459 00:34:15,384 --> 00:34:17,174 "From Alice's mum and dad." 460 00:34:17,800 --> 00:34:20,508 "In loving memory of Alice who used to play here." 461 00:34:22,009 --> 00:34:24,466 Er, and of course, Alice goes back there all the time. 462 00:34:26,675 --> 00:34:28,174 And when you see parents 463 00:34:29,759 --> 00:34:31,633 take their child off the swing, 464 00:34:33,550 --> 00:34:35,008 and see the sign. 465 00:34:36,467 --> 00:34:41,008 And then they hold onto their son and daughter so tightly. 466 00:34:42,425 --> 00:34:44,633 Clinging on for dear life. 467 00:34:47,175 --> 00:34:50,466 And yet, the capacity to love that people have. 468 00:34:52,842 --> 00:34:54,383 What happens to it? 469 00:34:54,467 --> 00:34:55,549 I don't know. 470 00:34:56,842 --> 00:34:58,216 I blame the government. 471 00:34:58,717 --> 00:35:00,299 - What? - The government. 472 00:35:01,009 --> 00:35:03,091 What's the government got to do with anything? 473 00:35:03,300 --> 00:35:04,924 I hate the bastards. 474 00:35:05,509 --> 00:35:08,341 You've died and you're still into party politics? 475 00:35:08,509 --> 00:35:10,091 I still attend meetings. 476 00:35:10,550 --> 00:35:12,258 God. 477 00:35:12,342 --> 00:35:14,258 Which is more than can be said for some people. 478 00:35:20,175 --> 00:35:21,383 That's my doorbell. 479 00:35:21,675 --> 00:35:23,924 It's a bit late, isn't it? Are you expecting somebody? 480 00:35:24,175 --> 00:35:25,258 No. 481 00:35:25,550 --> 00:35:28,299 Well, I'll make myself scarce. 482 00:35:31,217 --> 00:35:32,508 I make decision. 483 00:35:33,217 --> 00:35:34,466 We go to Paris. 484 00:35:34,967 --> 00:35:36,591 Make love for one week. 485 00:35:38,967 --> 00:35:40,216 Titus. 486 00:35:41,009 --> 00:35:43,341 You're fab, you're so sweet. 487 00:35:46,800 --> 00:35:49,924 Titus, I can't go to Paris with you. Dear. 488 00:35:50,884 --> 00:35:53,299 Why? You don't like Paris? 489 00:35:54,009 --> 00:35:55,341 You don't want to make love? 490 00:35:55,925 --> 00:35:58,924 For a week? No. No, no, I love Paris. 491 00:35:59,925 --> 00:36:02,924 No, it's got nothing to do with your offer which is very kind. 492 00:36:03,175 --> 00:36:04,424 No, er... 493 00:36:04,842 --> 00:36:06,841 Which is more than kind. It's lovely. 494 00:36:07,467 --> 00:36:09,966 It's just I'm not really looking for a lover to be... 495 00:36:10,050 --> 00:36:12,008 It's not you. I'd say the same to anybody. 496 00:36:12,259 --> 00:36:13,549 - Can I come in? - No. 497 00:36:14,050 --> 00:36:16,258 - Just for talk. - No. 498 00:36:16,634 --> 00:36:18,091 Really, it's too late. 499 00:36:21,634 --> 00:36:22,841 Now I'm depressed. 500 00:36:23,384 --> 00:36:24,508 I'm sorry. 501 00:36:24,884 --> 00:36:27,049 I booked tickets. I... 502 00:36:27,342 --> 00:36:28,966 I'm man with big emotion. 503 00:36:29,634 --> 00:36:31,008 Big heart. 504 00:36:31,675 --> 00:36:32,966 I know, Titus. 505 00:36:34,175 --> 00:36:35,216 Thank you. 506 00:36:36,800 --> 00:36:38,008 Well... 507 00:36:43,009 --> 00:36:44,091 I love you. 508 00:36:45,467 --> 00:36:46,591 You follow? 509 00:36:48,592 --> 00:36:49,716 I follow. 510 00:36:58,509 --> 00:36:59,591 Jamie? 511 00:37:06,425 --> 00:37:07,549 Jamie? 512 00:37:14,300 --> 00:37:16,008 Jamie, please, where are you? 513 00:37:18,884 --> 00:37:19,966 Jamie? 514 00:37:22,050 --> 00:37:23,716 Jamie, please. Come back. 515 00:37:38,467 --> 00:37:39,883 Who was that? 516 00:37:47,259 --> 00:37:49,008 Is this going to be your party trick? 517 00:37:49,384 --> 00:37:50,924 Sounded like a man's voice. 518 00:37:51,467 --> 00:37:52,591 Titus. 519 00:37:53,217 --> 00:37:55,133 It was Titus. Don't worry. 520 00:37:56,384 --> 00:37:57,591 He's Polish. 521 00:37:58,092 --> 00:37:59,508 A bit late to come round. 522 00:37:59,759 --> 00:38:01,133 That's what I told him. 523 00:38:02,717 --> 00:38:03,799 So, 524 00:38:04,550 --> 00:38:05,799 what, 525 00:38:06,467 --> 00:38:07,674 is he in love with you? 526 00:38:08,259 --> 00:38:09,591 I don't think so, no. 527 00:38:15,342 --> 00:38:16,424 Darling. 528 00:38:17,884 --> 00:38:19,133 What are you doing? 529 00:38:21,925 --> 00:38:23,424 Warming my lips. 530 00:38:46,550 --> 00:38:48,049 ♪ Your mother ♪ 531 00:38:48,967 --> 00:38:51,008 You think every cloud looks like my mother. 532 00:38:51,092 --> 00:38:54,216 This one really does look like your mother. Look, eyes, 533 00:38:55,300 --> 00:38:56,799 nose, eyebrows. 534 00:38:57,634 --> 00:39:00,299 - Brilliant. - My mother has not got a beard. 535 00:39:03,342 --> 00:39:04,924 Well, I see that as a sort of a, 536 00:39:05,342 --> 00:39:06,424 erm... 537 00:39:07,425 --> 00:39:08,508 Ruffle. 538 00:39:27,050 --> 00:39:29,174 ♪ You are in my blood like 539 00:39:30,425 --> 00:39:32,841 ♪ Holy wine 540 00:39:34,009 --> 00:39:36,341 - ♪ You taste so bitter - ♪ Taste so bitter 541 00:39:37,300 --> 00:39:40,508 - ♪ And sweet - ♪ And so sweet and I 542 00:39:41,050 --> 00:39:42,424 ♪ Could drink 543 00:39:42,759 --> 00:39:45,133 ♪ A case of you 544 00:39:45,259 --> 00:39:49,091 ♪ Darling 545 00:39:50,259 --> 00:39:53,883 - ♪ And I would still be on my feet - ♪ Still be on my feet 546 00:39:54,967 --> 00:39:58,258 ♪ I would still be on 547 00:39:58,384 --> 00:40:03,924 ♪ My feet ♪ 548 00:40:07,300 --> 00:40:08,383 I love you. 549 00:40:10,634 --> 00:40:11,716 I love you. 550 00:40:13,884 --> 00:40:16,216 I really love you. 551 00:40:17,800 --> 00:40:18,841 I really, truly love you. 552 00:40:18,925 --> 00:40:20,341 I really, truly, madly love you. 553 00:40:20,842 --> 00:40:22,442 I really, truly, madly, deeply love you. 554 00:40:22,467 --> 00:40:25,049 I really, truly, madly, deeply, passionately love you. 555 00:40:25,134 --> 00:40:28,424 I really, truly, madly, deeply, passionately, remarkably love you. 556 00:40:28,509 --> 00:40:33,424 I really, truly, madly, deeply, passionately, remarkably, erm... 557 00:40:33,509 --> 00:40:35,508 Erm, erm, erm, erm, erm. 558 00:40:35,759 --> 00:40:37,966 Erm, erm, erm, erm, deliciously love you. 559 00:40:38,175 --> 00:40:39,591 I really, truly, 560 00:40:40,509 --> 00:40:45,008 madly, passionately, remarkably, deliciously, juicily, love you. 561 00:40:45,092 --> 00:40:47,341 Deeply! Deeply! 562 00:40:47,425 --> 00:40:49,591 You passed on "deeply" which was your word, 563 00:40:49,675 --> 00:40:51,549 which means that you couldn't have meant it. 564 00:40:52,259 --> 00:40:53,674 So you're a fraud, actually... 565 00:40:56,967 --> 00:40:59,383 You're probably a figment of my imagination. 566 00:41:00,675 --> 00:41:02,008 "Juicily?" 567 00:41:03,967 --> 00:41:07,049 Your forfeit. Erm, erm... 568 00:41:08,300 --> 00:41:09,758 You play, I dance. 569 00:41:33,342 --> 00:41:36,674 ♪ Loneliness 570 00:41:37,717 --> 00:41:40,758 ♪ Is the coat you wear 571 00:41:40,842 --> 00:41:43,049 ♪ Jamie, baby 572 00:41:43,134 --> 00:41:44,966 ♪ A deep shade of blue 573 00:41:46,800 --> 00:41:50,508 ♪ Is always there 574 00:41:50,592 --> 00:41:53,133 ♪ Jamie 575 00:41:53,259 --> 00:41:57,091 - ♪ The sun ain't gonna shine any more - ♪ Jamie 576 00:41:57,300 --> 00:42:01,549 - ♪ The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky - ♪ Jamie, baby 577 00:42:01,717 --> 00:42:03,633 ♪ The tears are always clouding 578 00:42:03,800 --> 00:42:07,008 ♪ Your eyes 579 00:42:07,342 --> 00:42:12,841 ♪ When you're without love 580 00:42:13,259 --> 00:42:17,008 ♪ Baby 581 00:42:18,342 --> 00:42:20,758 ♪ Emptiness 582 00:42:22,967 --> 00:42:25,716 ♪ Is the place you're in 583 00:42:25,800 --> 00:42:28,008 ♪ Jamie, baby 584 00:42:28,175 --> 00:42:30,508 ♪ There's no more to lose 585 00:42:30,592 --> 00:42:34,508 ♪ And no more to win 586 00:42:35,425 --> 00:42:37,924 ♪ The sun ain't gonna shine any more 587 00:42:38,092 --> 00:42:40,508 ♪ The sun ain't gonna shine any more 588 00:42:40,592 --> 00:42:42,674 ♪ The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky 589 00:42:42,800 --> 00:42:45,174 ♪ The moon ain't gonna rise in the sky 590 00:42:45,300 --> 00:42:52,383 ♪ The tears are always clouding your eyes 591 00:42:52,550 --> 00:42:56,508 ♪ When you're without love 592 00:43:02,092 --> 00:43:04,508 - I'll go. - No. No. 593 00:43:14,259 --> 00:43:15,299 It's Claire. 594 00:43:15,759 --> 00:43:18,008 She wanted my cello, didn't she? 595 00:43:19,050 --> 00:43:20,341 Bloody cheek. 596 00:43:22,092 --> 00:43:23,633 I want the world to go away. 597 00:43:26,675 --> 00:43:29,799 Well, I don't know about the world, but I guarantee the rats have gone away. 598 00:43:31,884 --> 00:43:34,799 - How? - Terrified of ghosts. 599 00:43:35,175 --> 00:43:36,508 - Really? - Really. 600 00:43:38,300 --> 00:43:40,299 And now your sister's gone away, too. 601 00:44:27,467 --> 00:44:29,091 ♪ Early one morning the sun was rising 602 00:44:29,175 --> 00:44:30,508 ♪ I was layin' in bed 603 00:44:30,592 --> 00:44:32,424 ♪ Wonderin' if she'd changed at all 604 00:44:32,550 --> 00:44:35,008 - ♪ If her hair was still red ♪ - Go away. 605 00:44:38,217 --> 00:44:41,674 ♪ The weatherman says fine today 606 00:44:41,967 --> 00:44:48,133 ♪ There's not a cloud to come my way but it's raining 607 00:44:49,217 --> 00:44:53,008 ♪ Raining in my heart ♪ 608 00:44:53,509 --> 00:44:55,924 Get away. 609 00:44:56,009 --> 00:44:57,216 God. 610 00:44:57,884 --> 00:44:59,008 You pig. 611 00:45:00,967 --> 00:45:02,883 - I'm ill. - You're not ill. 612 00:45:03,217 --> 00:45:04,716 - I'm sick. - You're not sick. 613 00:45:04,800 --> 00:45:06,133 I am sick. 614 00:45:06,634 --> 00:45:08,049 I've got tummy ache. 615 00:45:10,842 --> 00:45:12,091 I'm probably dying. 616 00:45:12,175 --> 00:45:14,174 That'll be the next thing. I'll die as well. 617 00:45:14,842 --> 00:45:16,049 And... 618 00:45:16,425 --> 00:45:17,466 Sorry. 619 00:45:19,175 --> 00:45:21,174 Sorry. I can't believe I said that. 620 00:45:22,800 --> 00:45:25,091 Wondering whether you were going to work today? 621 00:45:25,967 --> 00:45:27,133 No. 622 00:45:29,134 --> 00:45:31,466 - Okay. - I can't believe I just said that. 623 00:45:31,550 --> 00:45:32,716 Don't worry. 624 00:45:39,717 --> 00:45:44,716 You should call in, so they know you're dying. They might be concerned. 625 00:45:46,550 --> 00:45:47,633 Nina. 626 00:45:48,092 --> 00:45:49,299 This is Sandy. 627 00:45:49,592 --> 00:45:51,716 Are you hibernating? Where are you? 628 00:45:52,300 --> 00:45:53,508 Do you think I should go in? 629 00:45:53,800 --> 00:45:55,758 Aren't you boiling... 630 00:45:55,842 --> 00:45:58,151 No, I'm freezing. I've been trying to fix your central heating. 631 00:45:58,175 --> 00:46:00,883 Who put it in. It's unbelievable. What goes wrong with things? 632 00:46:01,800 --> 00:46:04,549 That guy, what's his name? He did the shower at Coniston Road. 633 00:46:04,634 --> 00:46:07,424 It's working perfectly. It must be 90 degrees in here. 634 00:46:08,467 --> 00:46:11,443 That's probably why I've got tummy ache. I've probably got tropical disease. 635 00:46:11,467 --> 00:46:14,424 I've probably got malaria. I can't go into work with malaria. 636 00:46:15,092 --> 00:46:17,549 Anyway, what would you do if I went into work? 637 00:46:17,759 --> 00:46:20,159 Me! Don't worry about me. There's time to do a lot of things. 638 00:46:20,217 --> 00:46:22,591 - I've been having Spanish lessons... - Spanish? 639 00:46:22,675 --> 00:46:25,633 I knew. I knew you had. 640 00:46:26,425 --> 00:46:28,174 Yeah, because when you were, erm... 641 00:46:28,759 --> 00:46:31,049 You know, when I could sense you, 642 00:46:31,425 --> 00:46:34,174 feel you around and you were telling me to do things. 643 00:46:34,509 --> 00:46:36,883 You know, like, lock the back door and stuff. 644 00:46:37,342 --> 00:46:38,716 You'd say it in Spanish. 645 00:46:39,592 --> 00:46:41,966 And I was so, I was really... 646 00:46:42,800 --> 00:46:44,133 I was really touched. 647 00:46:46,675 --> 00:46:48,466 The accent's not great. But... 648 00:46:51,634 --> 00:46:53,008 No! Jamie! 649 00:46:53,175 --> 00:46:54,424 Jamie! 650 00:47:06,092 --> 00:47:07,633 So I'm going in, am I? 651 00:47:11,759 --> 00:47:12,924 Jamie? 652 00:47:14,967 --> 00:47:16,008 What have you... 653 00:47:16,800 --> 00:47:18,674 - What... - Well, I just, 654 00:47:19,300 --> 00:47:20,966 just changed a few things around. 655 00:47:22,675 --> 00:47:23,883 Cleared up a bit. 656 00:47:25,675 --> 00:47:26,966 Where's my tiger? 657 00:47:28,884 --> 00:47:30,216 I could put it back. 658 00:47:31,300 --> 00:47:33,180 - No, no, it's... - You know I've got more sense 659 00:47:33,217 --> 00:47:35,299 with those things. You could never hang a picture. 660 00:47:36,217 --> 00:47:37,758 Look, could I light the fire? 661 00:47:40,259 --> 00:47:41,299 And 662 00:47:42,300 --> 00:47:43,799 I gave you this. 663 00:47:46,259 --> 00:47:48,383 I think I will have to go in, actually. I can... 664 00:47:49,175 --> 00:47:51,049 I can feel my face is hot. 665 00:47:51,509 --> 00:47:54,258 Well, I got to be careful because you know I'm prone to colds. 666 00:47:54,342 --> 00:47:57,383 Can you imagine, if I get a cold now, it could last forever. 667 00:48:01,425 --> 00:48:03,841 I'm not joking. I'm serious. 668 00:48:07,884 --> 00:48:08,966 Thank you. 669 00:48:10,925 --> 00:48:12,091 What for? 670 00:48:13,050 --> 00:48:14,133 Coming back. 671 00:48:43,050 --> 00:48:45,924 - Nina! - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 672 00:48:46,300 --> 00:48:48,758 Maura! Hello. No. 673 00:48:49,175 --> 00:48:51,091 My God, is it Thursday? 674 00:48:51,884 --> 00:48:53,716 It's Friday, Nina. Where have you been? 675 00:48:55,092 --> 00:48:56,841 Titus. Hello. 676 00:48:58,217 --> 00:48:59,841 - Hello. - Maura. Has she been... 677 00:48:59,967 --> 00:49:01,924 Have you been here since yesterday? 678 00:49:04,800 --> 00:49:05,883 No, no. 679 00:49:06,134 --> 00:49:08,014 - She's doing some cleaning. - What do you mean? 680 00:49:08,592 --> 00:49:10,966 She's cleaning. We need someone. She needs the money. 681 00:49:11,425 --> 00:49:13,841 Sandy! She's about to have a baby. 682 00:49:14,259 --> 00:49:16,924 Excuse me, excuse me, can we just start all this again, please? 683 00:49:17,175 --> 00:49:19,216 You disappeared off the planet for a week. 684 00:49:19,300 --> 00:49:20,883 We have been working. You come back, 685 00:49:21,050 --> 00:49:23,133 - we get told off. Sorry about this. - Comment? 686 00:49:23,592 --> 00:49:25,193 - I'll be with you in a moment. - Comment? 687 00:49:25,217 --> 00:49:26,883 God, is it really Friday? 688 00:49:27,134 --> 00:49:28,466 My God. 689 00:49:28,967 --> 00:49:31,424 And apart from anything else, Gabriella called me. 690 00:49:31,675 --> 00:49:34,049 And she was yelling and screaming and being hysterical, 691 00:49:34,134 --> 00:49:36,883 and what else is new, I know. But lucky for me, Maura was here. 692 00:49:36,967 --> 00:49:39,133 - How did that help? - 'Cause Gabriella spoke to her, 693 00:49:39,259 --> 00:49:41,633 so Maura can speak to you, then you can speak to me. 694 00:49:41,800 --> 00:49:45,008 What about Titus? Do we get all the ex-clients to come work here or what? 695 00:49:45,217 --> 00:49:46,341 Monsieur? 696 00:49:49,675 --> 00:49:51,716 So, come on. Let's have an explanation? 697 00:49:51,884 --> 00:49:53,549 Make something up. 698 00:49:53,925 --> 00:49:56,133 And why have you got the nerve to look so cheerful? 699 00:49:57,092 --> 00:49:59,091 That's a really tricky one, Sandy. 700 00:49:59,342 --> 00:50:01,133 Yes, I had a feeling it might be. 701 00:50:02,134 --> 00:50:03,799 - Do you love me? - Nope. 702 00:50:03,925 --> 00:50:05,049 No, I mean, as a friend. 703 00:50:05,300 --> 00:50:08,091 - Nope. - Sandy, you do love me as a friend? 704 00:50:08,217 --> 00:50:09,383 No, I do not. 705 00:50:18,259 --> 00:50:20,216 And you better ring Rachel Reed. 706 00:50:21,092 --> 00:50:22,424 Did she say what it was? 707 00:50:22,550 --> 00:50:24,674 No, no, you're too late because she rang on Monday. 708 00:50:26,842 --> 00:50:28,758 The 14-day timer, the... 709 00:50:31,592 --> 00:50:32,799 Sandy, psst. 710 00:50:33,759 --> 00:50:35,174 I can tell you're forgiving me. 711 00:50:38,509 --> 00:50:39,841 Hi. You okay? 712 00:50:40,050 --> 00:50:42,091 I come tonight. Finish your cabinets. 713 00:50:42,342 --> 00:50:44,383 Erm, well, tonight, 714 00:50:44,509 --> 00:50:46,383 tonight's not very good. 715 00:50:46,717 --> 00:50:48,716 Okay. I come tomorrow. 716 00:50:49,050 --> 00:50:50,924 Well, could we talk about that tomorrow? 717 00:50:51,134 --> 00:50:53,674 - I'll telephone you, Titus. - Sure. 718 00:50:54,175 --> 00:50:57,008 It's not that I don't want you to finish the, erm... 719 00:50:57,967 --> 00:51:01,091 I've got some people staying at the moment... Friends. 720 00:51:01,509 --> 00:51:04,049 And they turned up unexpectedly. 721 00:51:04,967 --> 00:51:06,174 Okay. 722 00:51:18,384 --> 00:51:20,758 - How's the baby? - Good. 723 00:51:21,092 --> 00:51:22,424 Very fine. 724 00:51:23,967 --> 00:51:25,424 Very fine's not, er... 725 00:51:25,842 --> 00:51:27,258 We don't say "Very fine." 726 00:51:27,592 --> 00:51:28,716 But I like it. 727 00:51:29,217 --> 00:51:30,383 What should I say? 728 00:51:32,217 --> 00:51:33,674 Very fine's fine. 729 00:51:41,342 --> 00:51:42,841 English, Maura. 730 00:51:42,967 --> 00:51:44,127 - No, I can't. - Yes, you can. 731 00:51:44,300 --> 00:51:47,008 Erm, Sandy, Titus. 732 00:51:47,550 --> 00:51:48,883 Very sad for you. 733 00:51:49,842 --> 00:51:51,424 Why are they very sad for me? 734 00:51:51,842 --> 00:51:53,799 Because her man is dead. 735 00:51:55,259 --> 00:51:57,341 Your man. My man. 736 00:51:57,800 --> 00:51:59,008 Yes. 737 00:51:59,134 --> 00:52:01,799 - Well, I also sad. - Maura? 738 00:52:02,592 --> 00:52:04,341 Do you believe in life after death? 739 00:52:19,259 --> 00:52:20,674 You made a documentary? 740 00:52:22,842 --> 00:52:24,133 English. English. 741 00:52:24,384 --> 00:52:26,383 I make film. 742 00:52:26,967 --> 00:52:28,633 Many film. In Chile. 743 00:52:30,134 --> 00:52:33,008 In Chile, I make film. In London, I'm a cleaner. 744 00:52:36,550 --> 00:52:38,174 The spirits are everywhere. 745 00:52:39,009 --> 00:52:40,424 They are walking here with us. 746 00:52:42,884 --> 00:52:44,091 Yes. 747 00:53:06,717 --> 00:53:08,758 - I was working here before. - Did you? 748 00:53:08,842 --> 00:53:10,133 It's lovely. 749 00:53:16,384 --> 00:53:17,924 Roberto, this is my friend, Nina. 750 00:53:18,050 --> 00:53:19,174 Nina, this is Roberto. 751 00:53:19,300 --> 00:53:20,985 - Hi, hello. - I'm very pleased to meet you. 752 00:53:21,009 --> 00:53:23,758 - Maura told us you help her. - Well. 753 00:53:27,467 --> 00:53:28,799 - Cafe? - Cafe. 754 00:53:28,925 --> 00:53:31,008 - Yup. - Coffee's great. Thanks. 755 00:53:33,259 --> 00:53:36,008 - Is Roberto from Chile? - No, from El Salvador. 756 00:53:36,550 --> 00:53:37,841 He's a very good friend. 757 00:53:38,550 --> 00:53:40,049 Maura. 758 00:53:40,967 --> 00:53:43,549 You never told me who's the father of your baby. Is it Roberto? 759 00:53:43,634 --> 00:53:44,966 Roberto! 760 00:53:46,384 --> 00:53:47,591 No. 761 00:53:47,675 --> 00:53:51,633 I think it's this Welshman I met at Glastonbury Festival. 762 00:53:51,925 --> 00:53:53,216 I don't know. 763 00:53:53,842 --> 00:53:55,008 I tried to find him. 764 00:53:55,384 --> 00:53:57,216 No problem. I want the baby. 765 00:53:59,092 --> 00:54:00,508 Here we are. 766 00:54:01,050 --> 00:54:02,216 Okay. 767 00:54:05,509 --> 00:54:07,758 What's this? What's going on? 768 00:54:08,217 --> 00:54:09,633 Roberto's my doctor. 769 00:54:09,884 --> 00:54:11,758 I don't like hospitals. 770 00:54:12,092 --> 00:54:15,049 I am a doctor. Was a doctor in my country. 771 00:54:16,009 --> 00:54:18,966 But I keep telling her, she must go to the hospital. 772 00:54:19,300 --> 00:54:21,091 - She never listens to me. - No, no. 773 00:54:21,217 --> 00:54:22,633 I have the same problem, Roberto. 774 00:54:26,217 --> 00:54:28,508 - Roberto! - Shit, the boss. 775 00:54:28,759 --> 00:54:30,549 - Roberto. - I'm coming. 776 00:54:30,717 --> 00:54:31,966 What's going on here? 777 00:54:32,467 --> 00:54:33,883 Nothing. I'm just coming. 778 00:54:33,967 --> 00:54:36,716 I might have known you'd be involved. Have you paid for those? 779 00:54:36,800 --> 00:54:38,924 - We haven't had the bill yet. - Sure. 780 00:54:39,300 --> 00:54:40,924 - Sorry? - Pull the other leg. 781 00:54:41,009 --> 00:54:42,133 What? 782 00:54:42,217 --> 00:54:43,610 I've been looking at the till rolls, 783 00:54:43,634 --> 00:54:45,901 I've been looking at the bills and counting the customers, 784 00:54:45,925 --> 00:54:47,924 and what do you know, they don't add up! 785 00:54:48,050 --> 00:54:50,299 I try to give you people a break. 786 00:54:50,384 --> 00:54:51,985 It's a fact you're not meant to be working, 787 00:54:52,009 --> 00:54:53,216 and I don't ask any questions 788 00:54:53,300 --> 00:54:55,424 and what happens, I get diddled right under my nose. 789 00:54:55,550 --> 00:54:57,633 - I'm sorry. You speak too quickly. - I bet I do. 790 00:54:58,092 --> 00:55:00,591 Okay. I'll say it in words of one syllable. 791 00:55:01,175 --> 00:55:03,091 You people have been ripping me off. 792 00:55:03,217 --> 00:55:06,091 Stealing my money. Stitching me up. Robbing me. 793 00:55:06,300 --> 00:55:07,591 - Comprenez? - No! 794 00:55:14,509 --> 00:55:16,229 Does anybody speak the Queen's English here? 795 00:55:16,259 --> 00:55:19,110 I can and this man says you've been cheating him and the other employees. 796 00:55:19,134 --> 00:55:20,466 I bloody well have not. 797 00:55:25,467 --> 00:55:27,716 What's he saying? I'm not bloody cheating anybody. 798 00:55:27,967 --> 00:55:31,049 Shut up a minute. Okay, he says that you promised to them all four pounds 799 00:55:31,134 --> 00:55:33,534 an hour, which is pretty criminal, incidentally, but in fact, 800 00:55:33,634 --> 00:55:36,424 - you only pay them three? - They're not paying tax! 801 00:55:36,509 --> 00:55:38,758 They come over here, they sponge off... I'm paying tax! 802 00:55:38,842 --> 00:55:41,008 I'd be very interested to know their legal position. 803 00:55:41,092 --> 00:55:42,985 So what they're doing, is they're paying themselves 804 00:55:43,009 --> 00:55:45,290 the extra pound which is their money in the first place... 805 00:55:49,009 --> 00:55:50,133 I heard that! 806 00:55:50,259 --> 00:55:53,049 Calling me a bastard! Don't think I don't know what you're saying. 807 00:55:53,134 --> 00:55:55,383 Hey, come on, watch it! 808 00:55:56,384 --> 00:55:58,966 There's nothing up my left sleeve. Nothing up my right sleeve. 809 00:55:59,634 --> 00:56:01,758 Nothing on my plate, except gravy. 810 00:56:02,009 --> 00:56:03,133 Yum. 811 00:56:03,592 --> 00:56:06,716 I take the novel, Russian. It must always be a Russian novel. 812 00:56:07,550 --> 00:56:09,508 And I throw it in the air. 813 00:56:18,717 --> 00:56:20,258 Any chance of another coffee? 814 00:56:31,509 --> 00:56:32,841 Would you like a lift? 815 00:56:33,509 --> 00:56:37,174 Erm, no, I think we're fine, thanks, aren't we? 816 00:56:38,634 --> 00:56:41,508 Thank you for your performance back there, it was pretty extraordinary. 817 00:56:43,175 --> 00:56:44,299 Anything to help. 818 00:56:44,425 --> 00:56:45,799 Is that your profession? 819 00:56:45,925 --> 00:56:47,424 Magic? Er, no. 820 00:56:47,592 --> 00:56:49,174 No, no, it's not. It's, er... 821 00:56:50,884 --> 00:56:52,008 What? 822 00:56:53,634 --> 00:56:54,841 Nothing. It's okay. 823 00:56:55,342 --> 00:56:56,508 Bye. 824 00:56:57,425 --> 00:56:58,466 Right. Bye. 825 00:57:01,134 --> 00:57:02,466 A very fine person. 826 00:57:18,384 --> 00:57:19,883 I've been calling and calling. 827 00:57:20,550 --> 00:57:21,883 George, hello. 828 00:57:21,967 --> 00:57:23,924 Is that answer phone machine of yours working? 829 00:57:24,009 --> 00:57:26,674 - I thought I'd better come around. - Dear. Have you been waiting? 830 00:57:26,759 --> 00:57:28,424 I was getting a bit worried about you. 831 00:57:29,009 --> 00:57:30,258 I'm fine. 832 00:57:30,717 --> 00:57:32,341 Still bad in there, is it? 833 00:57:32,592 --> 00:57:34,258 - What? - In the flat? 834 00:57:35,550 --> 00:57:37,341 George, George. 835 00:57:37,550 --> 00:57:39,341 George, you're never going to believe this. 836 00:57:39,634 --> 00:57:40,716 They've gone. 837 00:57:41,300 --> 00:57:44,049 Yes, well of course, they won't have gone. But, good, good. 838 00:57:44,134 --> 00:57:46,299 No, no, they've definitely gone. It's amazing. 839 00:57:46,384 --> 00:57:51,049 Nina, ask me how many years I've been in pest-control and shall I tell you? 840 00:57:51,175 --> 00:57:54,674 Like all wars, you develop a healthy respect for the enemy. 841 00:57:54,967 --> 00:57:57,049 Never underestimate them. 842 00:58:00,967 --> 00:58:02,216 They lie low. 843 00:58:03,175 --> 00:58:04,341 Jamie. 844 00:58:04,592 --> 00:58:07,799 No, it's quite astonishing. They lie low. 845 00:58:08,509 --> 00:58:10,508 They won't touch the trays, 846 00:58:11,509 --> 00:58:13,341 so I clear off 847 00:58:14,842 --> 00:58:16,508 and then they come back. 848 00:58:16,592 --> 00:58:18,049 They're not stupid. 849 00:58:18,134 --> 00:58:19,341 No. No. 850 00:58:20,384 --> 00:58:21,924 - No. - Jamie. 851 00:58:22,259 --> 00:58:25,174 Jamie, Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. Jamie. 852 00:58:27,259 --> 00:58:30,008 Your trays are untouched. 853 00:58:30,467 --> 00:58:32,258 You know, I think 854 00:58:32,675 --> 00:58:34,133 they talk to each other. 855 00:58:34,217 --> 00:58:35,341 Jamie. 856 00:58:40,175 --> 00:58:41,883 - You've had a tidy-up? - Yeah. 857 00:58:42,925 --> 00:58:44,633 Well, it needed it. 858 00:58:45,300 --> 00:58:47,133 He's got a soft spot for you, you know. 859 00:58:47,259 --> 00:58:48,591 - Who? - Titus. 860 00:58:49,800 --> 00:58:52,883 I've always been rather fond of the Poles, myself. 861 00:58:53,175 --> 00:58:54,758 Shall I make you a cup of tea? 862 00:58:55,217 --> 00:58:56,258 Lovely. 863 00:58:58,967 --> 00:59:01,758 Is it me or is it very hot in here? 864 00:59:06,884 --> 00:59:08,174 That's me. I'm off. 865 00:59:08,675 --> 00:59:10,508 All right, George. Thanks for coming. 866 00:59:11,050 --> 00:59:14,299 And, sorry, if I was a bit unwelcoming. 867 00:59:15,675 --> 00:59:17,008 You're a lovely girl. 868 00:59:17,925 --> 00:59:19,674 I was telling my wife all about you. 869 00:59:20,884 --> 00:59:22,758 Really? 870 00:59:23,217 --> 00:59:25,466 George, I'm sorry. I thought your wife had died. 871 00:59:25,675 --> 00:59:27,049 1978. 872 00:59:27,717 --> 00:59:28,966 Still talk to her, though. 873 00:59:29,550 --> 00:59:30,716 Tell her my day. 874 00:59:31,925 --> 00:59:33,133 Don't you do that? 875 00:59:34,467 --> 00:59:35,924 I do. Yes. 876 00:59:36,425 --> 00:59:39,258 And death shall have no dominion. 877 00:59:40,967 --> 00:59:43,216 We know that, you and me? 878 01:00:01,300 --> 01:00:03,758 - God! - Hi. 879 01:00:04,092 --> 01:00:06,716 Don't do that. You scared me half to... 880 01:00:07,092 --> 01:00:08,966 - Don't do that. - Is this a bad time? 881 01:00:09,134 --> 01:00:11,758 Yes. It's a terrible time, Jamie. There are some things that... 882 01:00:12,259 --> 01:00:14,383 Come on. Don't be coy. 883 01:00:14,509 --> 01:00:17,299 - I'm serious. Go away. - Darling. 884 01:00:17,759 --> 01:00:19,508 I know you shave your legs. 885 01:00:19,634 --> 01:00:21,591 God, I can't even lock the door on you any more. 886 01:00:21,717 --> 01:00:24,633 - So you aren't pleased to see me? - No, I'm not. 887 01:00:25,842 --> 01:00:26,883 Yes. 888 01:00:27,217 --> 01:00:29,674 I am pleased to see you, but just leave me alone for a bit. 889 01:00:29,759 --> 01:00:31,258 Of course, I'm pleased to see you. 890 01:00:31,550 --> 01:00:32,841 I was terrified you'd gone. 891 01:00:37,550 --> 01:00:39,258 - See you later. - Yeah. 892 01:00:43,425 --> 01:00:44,549 Why do you lock this? 893 01:00:45,592 --> 01:00:46,758 I don't know. 894 01:00:48,800 --> 01:00:50,174 Have you turned the telly on? 895 01:00:52,092 --> 01:00:54,008 Yes, erm... 896 01:00:54,467 --> 01:00:56,091 Listen, sweetheart, don't get... 897 01:00:56,300 --> 01:00:58,633 But some of the guys wanted to come back and... 898 01:00:59,550 --> 01:01:01,008 Just watch a couple of videos. 899 01:01:01,842 --> 01:01:03,841 - What guys? - Friends. 900 01:01:04,300 --> 01:01:05,341 Some friends. 901 01:01:07,009 --> 01:01:08,174 Dead friends? 902 01:01:09,675 --> 01:01:11,049 I don't know. I suppose so, yes. 903 01:01:11,467 --> 01:01:14,383 You telling me there are dead people in my living room watching videos? 904 01:01:18,342 --> 01:01:19,591 Well, I mean... 905 01:01:19,925 --> 01:01:22,674 Aren't these videos available wherever they are, normally? 906 01:01:23,925 --> 01:01:25,424 Look, if it's a problem... 907 01:01:25,592 --> 01:01:27,466 These are my friends, Nina. 908 01:01:27,550 --> 01:01:29,466 No, okay, I'll send them away, sure. 909 01:01:30,092 --> 01:01:32,049 No, it's fine, it's absolutely fine. 910 01:01:32,300 --> 01:01:34,216 I'd forgotten you could be like this. 911 01:01:34,550 --> 01:01:36,341 - Be like what? - Doesn't matter. 912 01:01:36,509 --> 01:01:37,674 I said it's fine. 913 01:01:42,175 --> 01:01:43,674 Bless you. 914 01:01:46,009 --> 01:01:47,133 Bless you. 915 01:01:48,342 --> 01:01:49,966 No. 916 01:01:55,134 --> 01:01:57,966 I'll tell you what his name is, that is Eric Stuart Campbell. 917 01:01:58,050 --> 01:01:59,883 He is the star of this film. 918 01:01:59,967 --> 01:02:01,799 I'm telling you the lamppost bit is nonsense. 919 01:02:01,884 --> 01:02:04,633 The greatest bit in this film is the fight with Eric Stuart Campbell 920 01:02:04,759 --> 01:02:06,633 in the police station, right? 921 01:02:06,759 --> 01:02:08,966 Charlie Chaplin is not even there. It is brilliant. 922 01:02:09,050 --> 01:02:11,716 Eric, he died a few months after making this film. 923 01:02:11,800 --> 01:02:14,674 He got run over. He told me. Where's the picture? 924 01:02:14,759 --> 01:02:16,133 Just press one of those. 925 01:02:17,592 --> 01:02:18,883 Nina. 926 01:02:21,967 --> 01:02:23,174 This is Freddie. 927 01:02:23,467 --> 01:02:25,716 And this is Pierre. This is Bruno. 928 01:02:25,800 --> 01:02:27,716 - This is... - Isaac. 929 01:02:27,800 --> 01:02:29,133 - Hello. - This is Nina. 930 01:02:29,800 --> 01:02:31,091 - Hello. - I'm Bruno. 931 01:02:31,425 --> 01:02:32,758 - Bruno. - Freddie, hi. 932 01:02:33,425 --> 01:02:34,758 - Freddy. - Pierre. 933 01:02:34,884 --> 01:02:35,966 - Pierre, hi. - Hello. 934 01:02:36,050 --> 01:02:37,216 Hi. 935 01:02:40,259 --> 01:02:42,841 - Well, can I get anybody anything? - No, thanks. 936 01:02:43,134 --> 01:02:45,299 Well, the tape that says it's Manhattan. 937 01:02:45,467 --> 01:02:46,633 It isn't. 938 01:02:46,800 --> 01:02:48,924 No, you know, the other day, er... 939 01:02:49,050 --> 01:02:50,549 I was trying to record 940 01:02:50,634 --> 01:02:51,716 Hannah and Her Sisters... 941 01:02:51,800 --> 01:02:53,174 - Lovely film. - Woody Allen. 942 01:02:53,259 --> 01:02:56,966 Yes, and I got a terrible feeling that I'm so hopeless with that machine. 943 01:02:57,092 --> 01:02:59,383 You haven't recorded over it, Nina! 944 01:02:59,467 --> 01:03:01,424 She did that with Strangers on a Train. 945 01:03:01,509 --> 01:03:04,258 - Really! - I love that film. 946 01:03:04,342 --> 01:03:05,383 He's wonderful in that. 947 01:03:05,467 --> 01:03:07,133 - Who? - Robert Walker. 948 01:03:07,217 --> 01:03:09,633 That's such a drag. 949 01:03:09,717 --> 01:03:10,841 Sorry. 950 01:03:17,884 --> 01:03:19,049 Nora... 951 01:03:22,092 --> 01:03:23,341 Yes, dear? 952 01:03:23,592 --> 01:03:25,216 Whatever your dream was, 953 01:03:25,925 --> 01:03:27,674 it wasn't a very happy one, was it? 954 01:03:30,800 --> 01:03:31,883 No. 955 01:03:32,842 --> 01:03:34,674 Is there anything I can do to help? 956 01:03:37,884 --> 01:03:39,591 Yes, Fred, you always help. 957 01:03:40,425 --> 01:03:42,883 - You've been a long way away. - "A long way away." 958 01:03:46,259 --> 01:03:48,799 - Thank you for coming back to me. - "Coming back to me." 959 01:04:13,300 --> 01:04:16,466 Okay, Five Easy Pieces or Fitzcarraldo? 960 01:04:16,550 --> 01:04:18,299 - Fitzcarraldo - Five Easy Pieces. 961 01:04:18,384 --> 01:04:20,633 Guys, actually, I'm going to have to go to bed. 962 01:04:20,717 --> 01:04:22,383 Sorry. 963 01:04:22,467 --> 01:04:24,174 - Night, night. - I'll be in in a minute. 964 01:04:27,717 --> 01:04:28,799 Don't be long. 965 01:04:28,884 --> 01:04:30,508 - Five Easy Pieces. - Fitzcarraldo. 966 01:04:30,592 --> 01:04:31,841 Let's take a vote. 967 01:04:51,967 --> 01:04:53,258 God. 968 01:05:01,175 --> 01:05:02,508 You smell so nice. 969 01:05:07,800 --> 01:05:09,508 Were you asleep? 970 01:05:16,134 --> 01:05:17,508 Nina. 971 01:05:17,759 --> 01:05:19,591 We've still got that hot water bottle? 972 01:05:19,717 --> 01:05:22,799 Jamie, the thing is, I'm so hot. 973 01:05:22,925 --> 01:05:25,341 - I'm suffocating. I'm too hot. - Don't worry. Don't worry. 974 01:05:25,467 --> 01:05:27,549 Shush, shush, shush, I love you. Go back to sleep. 975 01:05:42,800 --> 01:05:44,466 The guys are nice, aren't they? 976 01:05:48,050 --> 01:05:49,216 Great guys. 977 01:06:21,050 --> 01:06:22,216 Well done, Maureen. 978 01:06:23,384 --> 01:06:25,216 - All right, Mand? - Yes, I'm all right. 979 01:06:26,884 --> 01:06:28,049 Excuse me. 980 01:06:28,217 --> 01:06:29,633 - Hi. - Hello. 981 01:06:29,759 --> 01:06:31,091 - How are you? - I'm fine. 982 01:06:31,842 --> 01:06:34,216 Er, this is Anthony and Anthony, this is my friend... 983 01:06:34,550 --> 01:06:35,799 - Nina. - Nina. 984 01:06:36,092 --> 01:06:37,549 - Hello, Nina. - Hello. 985 01:06:37,634 --> 01:06:39,994 We're going for a walk, and we're going to do some paintings 986 01:06:40,050 --> 01:06:41,716 and then, we're going to have a picnic. 987 01:06:41,842 --> 01:06:43,549 Do you want to come? 988 01:06:43,842 --> 01:06:45,549 Well, I think Nina's probably busy. 989 01:06:45,675 --> 01:06:48,133 Well, I'd like to. I'd love to, but I've got an appointment. 990 01:06:48,259 --> 01:06:49,633 I'm, I'm late. 991 01:06:50,342 --> 01:06:51,924 Well, er, nice to see you. 992 01:06:52,050 --> 01:06:53,383 To see you nice. 993 01:06:55,259 --> 01:06:58,508 How's your friend, by the way? The one who's having the baby. 994 01:06:58,592 --> 01:07:00,966 Maura, she's fine. Fine. 995 01:07:02,759 --> 01:07:06,466 No, don't disappear, Helen! Adrian, just... 996 01:07:07,967 --> 01:07:10,133 I, I'd better go. 997 01:07:10,509 --> 01:07:12,216 Okay. Bye. 998 01:07:19,717 --> 01:07:22,133 Nina! Nina! 999 01:07:22,759 --> 01:07:24,258 I'm sorry, er... 1000 01:07:25,467 --> 01:07:28,133 Look, I was wondering, do you think maybe sometime we could... 1001 01:07:28,467 --> 01:07:31,466 Er, this is, this is probably a terrible, you can say "no"... 1002 01:07:31,550 --> 01:07:32,799 Yes, I'd like to. 1003 01:07:32,884 --> 01:07:34,008 - Really? - Yes. 1004 01:07:34,092 --> 01:07:37,466 - Well, can I call you? - Yes. No, I'll call you. 1005 01:07:37,842 --> 01:07:39,924 - Okay. - No, no, I will call you. 1006 01:07:40,009 --> 01:07:42,924 It's just, erm, I haven't got a pen, have you got a pen? 1007 01:07:43,050 --> 01:07:44,299 Yeah, well, I think so. 1008 01:07:45,342 --> 01:07:46,674 Sorry, have you got a pen? 1009 01:07:48,259 --> 01:07:50,193 - It's okay, it's okay. - I haven't got any paper. 1010 01:07:50,217 --> 01:07:51,799 - Have you got... - Here, write on that. 1011 01:07:51,884 --> 01:07:54,049 Okay, it's er, 2-6-1 1012 01:07:54,550 --> 01:07:57,799 0-8-4-0 and my work number is 1013 01:07:57,884 --> 01:07:59,424 2-6-7... 1014 01:08:01,175 --> 01:08:02,508 I can't remember. 1015 01:08:02,592 --> 01:08:03,841 That's, that's fine. 1016 01:08:04,259 --> 01:08:05,424 - Bye. - Bye. 1017 01:08:08,925 --> 01:08:10,466 Bye, bye, Nina. 1018 01:08:10,759 --> 01:08:12,133 Bye... 1019 01:08:17,509 --> 01:08:19,008 I was reading, erm... 1020 01:08:21,842 --> 01:08:24,799 I was reading, er, must have been one of those books that you lent me 1021 01:08:24,884 --> 01:08:26,299 on, about bereavement. 1022 01:08:26,592 --> 01:08:27,633 And, 1023 01:08:28,092 --> 01:08:30,508 er, it was about how it was possible 1024 01:08:30,842 --> 01:08:32,424 that some people might 1025 01:08:33,592 --> 01:08:35,466 get this powerful sensation 1026 01:08:36,884 --> 01:08:38,841 that their loved one has come back. 1027 01:08:40,300 --> 01:08:42,299 I don't mean like a sense of their presence, 1028 01:08:42,384 --> 01:08:44,985 you know, an abstract thing, I mean you know, that they've actually 1029 01:08:45,009 --> 01:08:46,174 come back. 1030 01:08:47,925 --> 01:08:49,049 And are in their house. 1031 01:08:53,050 --> 01:08:55,799 Well, what do you think about that? Do you think that's ridiculous? 1032 01:08:56,259 --> 01:08:57,383 What? 1033 01:08:58,717 --> 01:09:00,133 Is what ridiculous? 1034 01:09:02,384 --> 01:09:04,008 Well, I don't know. I mean, er... 1035 01:09:04,384 --> 01:09:06,716 Well, when I read it, I thought, "How ridiculous." 1036 01:09:06,800 --> 01:09:08,091 - I mean... - Why? 1037 01:09:11,009 --> 01:09:14,883 Well, no, I can imagine it. I can imagine going home this evening, 1038 01:09:15,509 --> 01:09:16,841 and there's Jamie. 1039 01:09:18,425 --> 01:09:20,424 - And he's back. - All right. 1040 01:09:20,925 --> 01:09:22,008 But, then... 1041 01:09:24,092 --> 01:09:25,341 But then what? 1042 01:09:25,717 --> 01:09:27,674 What are you saying is ridiculous? 1043 01:09:30,634 --> 01:09:31,883 Well, er... 1044 01:09:33,259 --> 01:09:35,216 I don't know. I don't know. 1045 01:09:35,300 --> 01:09:37,049 Everything, everything, everything. 1046 01:09:37,134 --> 01:09:38,508 I mean... 1047 01:09:40,217 --> 01:09:41,258 I don't know. 1048 01:10:44,842 --> 01:10:48,841 Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, God. I'm so sorry. 1049 01:10:49,175 --> 01:10:50,424 Madame. 1050 01:10:53,925 --> 01:10:56,133 - Sorry. - They're glorious. 1051 01:10:56,425 --> 01:10:58,466 Thanks. 1052 01:10:59,175 --> 01:11:02,216 Scent. I love it. Listen, I know it's ridiculous, it's started... 1053 01:11:02,300 --> 01:11:04,341 It doesn't matter. We can do something else. 1054 01:11:04,800 --> 01:11:05,883 No, I can't. 1055 01:11:06,009 --> 01:11:07,799 - Why? Has something happened? - I can't. 1056 01:11:08,634 --> 01:11:11,049 I've got to be somewhere else. It's very complicated. 1057 01:11:12,842 --> 01:11:14,633 - Okay. - No, no, it's complicated, but, 1058 01:11:14,717 --> 01:11:17,758 I guarantee that whatever you're thinking is not why it's complicated. 1059 01:11:17,842 --> 01:11:18,924 Truly. 1060 01:11:20,800 --> 01:11:21,924 All right. 1061 01:11:22,175 --> 01:11:23,549 What am I going to tell my group? 1062 01:11:23,967 --> 01:11:25,299 They're on tenterhooks. 1063 01:11:25,384 --> 01:11:26,883 Is that... 1064 01:11:27,009 --> 01:11:29,966 - Are they your work or... - Yeah, we were drawing trees. 1065 01:11:30,134 --> 01:11:32,133 You know, you draw a tree and then, er, 1066 01:11:32,259 --> 01:11:34,549 on the roots and the branches, you put in the names of, 1067 01:11:34,675 --> 01:11:35,985 sorry, have you got time for this? 1068 01:11:36,009 --> 01:11:37,841 - Yes, yes, sure. - Okay, look, let's... 1069 01:11:38,175 --> 01:11:40,383 You draw a tree. 1070 01:11:40,467 --> 01:11:42,133 Okay, and then, on the roots, 1071 01:11:42,217 --> 01:11:45,758 you put in the names of people who were important in forming you, 1072 01:11:45,967 --> 01:11:49,299 or stabilising you, or taking care of you. Mum, dad, sister, whoever. 1073 01:11:49,467 --> 01:11:53,008 And then, you put in the names of people who are around you now. 1074 01:11:53,175 --> 01:11:55,383 This is on the branches, like leaves. 1075 01:11:55,592 --> 01:11:57,008 Sorry, are you with me? 1076 01:11:57,092 --> 01:11:58,549 - Yes, I think so. - Well, 1077 01:11:59,134 --> 01:12:01,424 a bit ambitious, really, but, I did. 1078 01:12:01,509 --> 01:12:04,508 I was doing mine, and Anthony, who you met, he suddenly said, 1079 01:12:04,592 --> 01:12:05,799 "Well, where's Nina?" 1080 01:12:08,675 --> 01:12:09,924 Actually, it's, erm, 1081 01:12:11,175 --> 01:12:13,841 it's not just the group that's on tenterhooks, but, er... 1082 01:12:15,800 --> 01:12:18,633 - Anyway, can I give you a lift? - No, really, I'll be fine. 1083 01:12:20,134 --> 01:12:23,258 Well, er, aren't we both going north, I could just drop you off 1084 01:12:23,342 --> 01:12:26,424 - at the end of the road, it would be... - No, I'll get a bus. 1085 01:12:26,550 --> 01:12:29,799 Really, I think it's better. Well, you could walk me to the Underground, 1086 01:12:29,925 --> 01:12:31,174 if you want? 1087 01:12:37,217 --> 01:12:39,258 Well, this is my shortest ever date. Yours? 1088 01:12:40,550 --> 01:12:42,008 - Yes. - That's something, then. 1089 01:12:43,342 --> 01:12:46,341 Are you interested in my last name, what, no, no, no, hang on, hang on, 1090 01:12:46,425 --> 01:12:47,591 - stop. - What? 1091 01:12:47,884 --> 01:12:49,633 Okay, okay, look, this is what we do. 1092 01:12:50,300 --> 01:12:52,133 I tell you everything about my life, 1093 01:12:52,259 --> 01:12:54,883 between here and that statue there, do you see it? 1094 01:12:55,425 --> 01:12:57,049 And then you tell me yours. 1095 01:12:57,175 --> 01:12:58,966 Okay? And we hop, of course. 1096 01:12:59,717 --> 01:13:02,133 No lies from the speaker. No interruptions. No questions 1097 01:13:02,259 --> 01:13:04,008 from the listener. And we're off. 1098 01:13:04,217 --> 01:13:05,883 Mark Damian De Grunwald. 1099 01:13:05,967 --> 01:13:08,466 32 next birthday. Born, Budleigh, Salterton. 1100 01:13:08,592 --> 01:13:11,341 Er, Capricorn. I don't believe in star signs, I mean. 1101 01:13:11,425 --> 01:13:13,216 Parents alive. Retired. 1102 01:13:13,342 --> 01:13:15,716 Er, father, silent. Practically completely silent. 1103 01:13:15,842 --> 01:13:19,424 Eighteen years older than my mother who is not completely silent. 1104 01:13:19,550 --> 01:13:22,383 Owned a mill, then a post office, then a tea-shop. 1105 01:13:22,467 --> 01:13:25,758 Amateur magician, father, that is. And I was his assistant, 1106 01:13:25,842 --> 01:13:27,924 at conservative club dinner dances. 1107 01:13:28,009 --> 01:13:30,133 Regularly sawed in half from the age of seven. 1108 01:13:30,259 --> 01:13:33,549 And made to disappear in ideologically unsound circumstances. 1109 01:13:33,634 --> 01:13:35,633 Er, change legs. What else? 1110 01:13:35,759 --> 01:13:37,799 Home, okay. Puberty, okay. 1111 01:13:37,884 --> 01:13:40,508 Parents, okay. One older brother, okay. 1112 01:13:40,592 --> 01:13:43,008 Academically, okay. Erm... 1113 01:13:43,550 --> 01:13:46,258 Vaguely asthmatic. Attempted suicide at the age of 17. 1114 01:13:46,342 --> 01:13:48,383 I can't remember why. I was sad about something. 1115 01:13:48,467 --> 01:13:50,758 Aspirin, stomach pump, followed by weekly sessions 1116 01:13:50,842 --> 01:13:52,133 with educational psychologist, 1117 01:13:52,217 --> 01:13:54,133 for whom I developed an enormous passion, 1118 01:13:54,217 --> 01:13:56,758 and encouraged me to become a psychologist myself. 1119 01:13:56,884 --> 01:14:00,716 A-Levels, psychology degree at Sussex University, 1120 01:14:00,800 --> 01:14:03,216 er, trained in Art Therapy, what is Art Therapy? 1121 01:14:03,384 --> 01:14:08,466 You draw trees. Have one daughter, Gemma seven, no, that should come earlier, 1122 01:14:08,550 --> 01:14:11,216 erm, lived with Gemma's mother for three weeks before she left me 1123 01:14:11,300 --> 01:14:13,318 for theology student. I've stopped believing in God. 1124 01:14:13,342 --> 01:14:15,258 But long enough with me to get pregnant. 1125 01:14:15,467 --> 01:14:17,466 Gemma is seven, have I said that already? 1126 01:14:17,550 --> 01:14:19,258 Erm, and her hair is curly. 1127 01:14:19,342 --> 01:14:22,216 And, er, she has bright sparks, red ones, you know, in the sun. 1128 01:14:22,300 --> 01:14:25,258 And, er, she calls me Mark De Grunwald and the vicar she calls "Daddy." 1129 01:14:25,384 --> 01:14:28,674 And, erm, I love basically everything, music, curry, I can practically recite 1130 01:14:28,759 --> 01:14:32,633 the complete works of Er, and er, and I live alone and my fridge is empty 1131 01:14:32,717 --> 01:14:35,077 and I can do my own washing and I'm very interested in Nina, 1132 01:14:35,134 --> 01:14:36,799 I can do magic, and now, you go! 1133 01:14:36,884 --> 01:14:39,508 - Just talk about you. Don't think, go. - No, I can't. 1134 01:14:39,592 --> 01:14:42,049 - Yes. - Erm, Nina Mitchell... 1135 01:14:42,134 --> 01:14:43,526 You've gotta hop, you've gotta hop. 1136 01:14:43,550 --> 01:14:46,299 God. Nina Mitchell, I can't believe I'm doing this. 1137 01:14:46,509 --> 01:14:49,966 Also Capricorn, but also don't believe, so I can't make anything of that. 1138 01:14:50,050 --> 01:14:53,216 I think there may be a God. Interpreter, I'm starting at the end. 1139 01:14:53,384 --> 01:14:56,049 I believe in protesting, in the possibility of change, 1140 01:14:56,134 --> 01:14:57,633 and making this planet more decent. 1141 01:14:57,800 --> 01:15:00,758 I hate what this country's doing to itself and to the people. 1142 01:15:00,884 --> 01:15:04,508 No, you see it all the time, the way we treat other races and visitors. 1143 01:15:04,842 --> 01:15:07,591 It happens every day. Help. 1144 01:15:08,217 --> 01:15:11,008 You know, but, I mean, you saw it in the cafe, you know, wrong skin, 1145 01:15:11,092 --> 01:15:13,216 wrong size, wrong shape, you're lost, 1146 01:15:13,342 --> 01:15:16,841 or wrong religion, wrong ideology. Wrong class. It makes me so... 1147 01:15:17,467 --> 01:15:19,258 Do you want me to be more personal? 1148 01:15:19,592 --> 01:15:21,966 Okay, parents alive, Gloucestershire, 1149 01:15:22,092 --> 01:15:24,133 teachers. Him, geography, her, history. 1150 01:15:24,217 --> 01:15:26,901 Holidays, it was Dad, "Where are we?" Mum, "Have we been here before?" 1151 01:15:26,925 --> 01:15:30,924 I have a sister, Claire, I love her, she has a family and a husband 1152 01:15:31,009 --> 01:15:33,133 I can't stand. He keeps climbing everything. 1153 01:15:33,217 --> 01:15:36,591 Climbs socially, in business, and now finally, has started climbing 1154 01:15:36,717 --> 01:15:39,508 mountains. Erm, they have a son, Harry. 1155 01:15:39,592 --> 01:15:41,424 She's pregnant again, for the second time. 1156 01:15:41,675 --> 01:15:44,091 Their son is my nephew and I adore him. 1157 01:15:44,967 --> 01:15:47,008 Did I say I was born in Stratford? Well, I was. 1158 01:15:47,134 --> 01:15:49,383 And do you know, I pay to do this once a week, to talk. 1159 01:15:49,467 --> 01:15:51,133 That's where I was going when I saw you. 1160 01:15:51,217 --> 01:15:53,008 To my woman, the Burge. Doctor Burge. 1161 01:15:53,300 --> 01:15:55,924 Only difference is that there you get 55 minutes and no exercise 1162 01:15:56,009 --> 01:15:57,424 and here, it seems to spill out. 1163 01:15:57,675 --> 01:16:00,091 And I, I play the piano. I love Bach. 1164 01:16:00,217 --> 01:16:01,758 I have rats. I'm in a mess. 1165 01:16:01,925 --> 01:16:04,133 I live alone. I haven't always, not always... 1166 01:16:12,550 --> 01:16:14,466 Hey, come on, Nina, you'e not hopping. Come on. 1167 01:17:22,217 --> 01:17:23,758 I love you. Don't stop. 1168 01:17:24,509 --> 01:17:26,299 - Where have you been? - Nowhere. 1169 01:17:26,967 --> 01:17:28,133 Nowhere. Work. 1170 01:17:28,800 --> 01:17:29,924 It's so late. 1171 01:17:30,217 --> 01:17:31,633 I know. Sorry. 1172 01:17:32,009 --> 01:17:33,216 I got worried. 1173 01:17:34,259 --> 01:17:35,383 Sorry. 1174 01:17:36,300 --> 01:17:37,966 Just like old times. 1175 01:17:41,550 --> 01:17:43,299 Is there something you want to tell me? 1176 01:17:46,925 --> 01:17:50,174 I have this feeling that you're with me. Are you with me all day? 1177 01:17:50,717 --> 01:17:51,841 No. 1178 01:17:52,175 --> 01:17:54,924 I think of you as being on my shoulder and, erm... 1179 01:17:55,300 --> 01:17:56,841 If you are, then you'll know that 1180 01:17:56,925 --> 01:17:59,591 I am like someone who carries their loved one on their shoulder. 1181 01:18:01,842 --> 01:18:03,591 If that was what you were asking. 1182 01:18:05,050 --> 01:18:06,633 I'm not, but thank you. 1183 01:18:15,134 --> 01:18:16,258 Where's the television? 1184 01:18:16,592 --> 01:18:17,883 And the video machine? 1185 01:18:18,259 --> 01:18:20,174 I put them in our bedroom. 1186 01:18:20,259 --> 01:18:21,549 People couldn't get comfortable. 1187 01:18:21,634 --> 01:18:24,341 It's so cold in the evenings. And anyway, I wanted to play 1188 01:18:24,467 --> 01:18:25,799 and don't worry, 1189 01:18:25,884 --> 01:18:27,508 they'll move when we want to go to bed. 1190 01:18:27,675 --> 01:18:30,341 - It's no problem. Don't get frazzled. - Please. 1191 01:18:31,134 --> 01:18:34,091 Nina, you can't come home in the middle of the night and then complain 1192 01:18:34,175 --> 01:18:35,341 because I've got company. 1193 01:18:35,467 --> 01:18:37,133 It's not the middle of the night. 1194 01:18:37,300 --> 01:18:39,341 I don't know these people. I don't... 1195 01:18:39,675 --> 01:18:42,883 I don't even know what period they're from. This is ridiculous. 1196 01:18:43,425 --> 01:18:45,466 Well, you could try talking to them. 1197 01:18:47,550 --> 01:18:49,133 I can't believe this is happening. 1198 01:18:49,217 --> 01:18:52,091 I've got ghosts watching videos in my bedroom. 1199 01:18:52,175 --> 01:18:53,799 And I'm being accused of what? 1200 01:18:54,092 --> 01:18:55,341 What am I being accused of? 1201 01:18:56,384 --> 01:18:57,966 Jamie, they're dead people. 1202 01:18:58,050 --> 01:19:00,174 The rats have gone and now I'm infested with ghosts. 1203 01:19:00,384 --> 01:19:02,674 There are eight or nine people in there. 1204 01:19:02,759 --> 01:19:05,091 They're not doing you any harm. If you want to go to bed, 1205 01:19:05,217 --> 01:19:06,924 they'll go. Just tell them. 1206 01:19:08,342 --> 01:19:10,549 You want me to go, just tell me. 1207 01:19:10,675 --> 01:19:11,924 And why are they all men? 1208 01:19:12,009 --> 01:19:14,633 I don't want you to go, darling. I don't want you to go. 1209 01:19:14,717 --> 01:19:16,008 I don't know what I want. 1210 01:19:23,009 --> 01:19:24,258 Anyway, 1211 01:19:24,967 --> 01:19:26,466 I bought you a hot-water bottle. 1212 01:19:28,425 --> 01:19:29,591 Do you want it? 1213 01:19:33,800 --> 01:19:34,966 Thanks. 1214 01:19:35,467 --> 01:19:36,716 It's great. 1215 01:19:41,175 --> 01:19:42,216 I mean, 1216 01:19:42,550 --> 01:19:45,341 why can't you just go back to heaven while I'm at work? 1217 01:19:47,217 --> 01:19:49,633 I don't know. It's like you make a choice and then you... 1218 01:19:50,967 --> 01:19:52,466 I don't know. 1219 01:19:53,009 --> 01:19:55,341 I'm here. It's fine. It's fine. 1220 01:19:56,550 --> 01:19:57,633 I love you. 1221 01:20:01,967 --> 01:20:03,174 Smooth. 1222 01:20:04,634 --> 01:20:05,966 Hi, Nina, I thought I heard you. 1223 01:20:06,050 --> 01:20:07,591 Did you remember to go to the, er... 1224 01:20:07,925 --> 01:20:09,299 Yes, er... 1225 01:20:09,634 --> 01:20:12,341 They didn't have I Vitelloni, but I got you... 1226 01:20:13,425 --> 01:20:14,674 Erm... 1227 01:20:15,550 --> 01:20:18,424 - Pinocchio and Forget Venice. - Fantastic. 1228 01:20:18,592 --> 01:20:21,008 Did you see that, Jamie? Forget Venice? Fantastic. 1229 01:20:21,425 --> 01:20:22,674 So tender. 1230 01:20:22,800 --> 01:20:25,591 And by the way, Isaac says you're in check, it's your move. 1231 01:20:26,467 --> 01:20:27,758 Looks bad. 1232 01:20:28,759 --> 01:20:30,049 I can't... 1233 01:20:30,675 --> 01:20:33,299 How can I be in check? Just a minute, sweetheart. 1234 01:21:03,509 --> 01:21:04,966 Sorry. 1235 01:21:08,175 --> 01:21:10,174 Thanks, Freddie. Hello? 1236 01:21:11,550 --> 01:21:13,216 Yeah. 1237 01:21:16,217 --> 01:21:19,549 God. Okay, yeah, of course. 1238 01:21:19,759 --> 01:21:21,716 Yeah, I'll come. 1239 01:21:24,384 --> 01:21:25,758 - Maura! - Nina! 1240 01:21:36,675 --> 01:21:38,174 Hello, I'm Maura's friend. 1241 01:21:38,300 --> 01:21:40,341 - Is she... How is she? - She's fine. 1242 01:21:40,425 --> 01:21:42,341 She's going into the delivery room in a minute. 1243 01:21:42,425 --> 01:21:43,633 Right. 1244 01:21:43,925 --> 01:21:45,633 She wants me to come with her, can I? 1245 01:21:45,717 --> 01:21:46,883 I don't see why not. 1246 01:21:47,175 --> 01:21:49,424 Is everything, everything... 1247 01:21:49,509 --> 01:21:50,591 Don't worry. 1248 01:21:51,092 --> 01:21:52,591 Listen, excuse me. 1249 01:21:53,384 --> 01:21:57,466 Have you talked to her about medication? Because, have you given her any drugs, 1250 01:21:57,550 --> 01:21:59,299 - or what? - She hasn't had anything yet. 1251 01:21:59,467 --> 01:22:02,591 She can have gas and air or pethidine or whatever she wants. 1252 01:22:02,675 --> 01:22:03,883 No, no, no, hang on. 1253 01:22:03,967 --> 01:22:06,424 Can I just check with her, because I don't think that's... 1254 01:22:12,259 --> 01:22:15,216 Yes, yes, yes, drugs. Give me drugs. Yes! 1255 01:22:15,550 --> 01:22:17,549 Well, she thinks she does at the moment, but I... 1256 01:22:19,967 --> 01:22:21,466 Hey, what's the matter? 1257 01:22:29,634 --> 01:22:30,966 - Titus? - Yeah. 1258 01:22:33,050 --> 01:22:35,924 Titus, yeah, she said that name several times. Is that the father? 1259 01:22:40,259 --> 01:22:42,716 He loves you? Does he? 1260 01:22:42,842 --> 01:22:44,966 - That's nice. - Okay, we can go in now. 1261 01:22:45,259 --> 01:22:46,299 Right. 1262 01:22:46,634 --> 01:22:49,466 Titus! Titus! 1263 01:22:50,634 --> 01:22:53,633 Breathe in really deeply and push. 1264 01:22:54,009 --> 01:22:55,841 Good, good, push. 1265 01:22:57,675 --> 01:22:59,674 Excellent. Push. Right now. 1266 01:23:01,967 --> 01:23:03,466 Okay, now the head's there. 1267 01:23:03,550 --> 01:23:05,299 The head's there. 1268 01:23:05,425 --> 01:23:07,065 One more push and it's going to come out. 1269 01:23:07,175 --> 01:23:09,216 Now I want you to pant. Are you listening to me? 1270 01:23:09,300 --> 01:23:11,716 That's okay. Pant. Pant. 1271 01:23:15,259 --> 01:23:16,924 Pant, pant. 1272 01:23:17,009 --> 01:23:18,466 Okay, the head's out. 1273 01:23:19,259 --> 01:23:21,383 The head's out. Okay. 1274 01:23:23,384 --> 01:23:24,633 We're almost there. 1275 01:24:04,300 --> 01:24:05,633 Hello, darling. 1276 01:24:15,259 --> 01:24:16,466 A new life. 1277 01:24:19,800 --> 01:24:21,049 A new life. 1278 01:24:38,759 --> 01:24:40,549 What's going on? 1279 01:24:40,634 --> 01:24:42,508 Nina. Hi, hang on. Hang on. 1280 01:24:42,634 --> 01:24:45,424 So, tell me, was it a boy or a girl? 1281 01:24:45,842 --> 01:24:48,341 - Girl. - A girl! It was a girl! 1282 01:24:48,425 --> 01:24:50,258 Pierre! Pierre! 1283 01:24:50,759 --> 01:24:52,716 - What? - Maura had a little girl. 1284 01:24:52,884 --> 01:24:54,508 - Tremendous. - Was it moving? 1285 01:24:54,592 --> 01:24:55,841 Isn't birth moving? 1286 01:24:55,967 --> 01:24:57,841 Freddie, what's going on with the furniture? 1287 01:24:57,967 --> 01:24:59,133 It's going to be great. 1288 01:24:59,259 --> 01:25:00,693 Jamie took a look at the floor boards 1289 01:25:00,717 --> 01:25:03,591 and they're fabulous, they're beautiful. They're those Victorian boards. 1290 01:25:03,675 --> 01:25:05,799 We're just getting the carpet, even as we speak. 1291 01:25:11,592 --> 01:25:12,799 Hi. 1292 01:25:13,675 --> 01:25:14,883 Good work. 1293 01:25:15,717 --> 01:25:17,674 The only thing they need is a good scrub. 1294 01:25:17,884 --> 01:25:20,008 - It's oak. - It's definitely a hardwood. 1295 01:25:20,217 --> 01:25:22,716 - Oak or ash? - Jamie! What are you doing? 1296 01:25:22,800 --> 01:25:24,735 Aren't these boards amazing? Who would have thought 1297 01:25:24,759 --> 01:25:27,841 that under that disgusting carpet... You need to burn it, by the way. 1298 01:25:28,009 --> 01:25:31,133 It's full of mildew and silverfish, but these boards... 1299 01:25:31,259 --> 01:25:33,883 - So, it was a girl? - I liked that carpet. 1300 01:25:34,259 --> 01:25:35,716 Don't be perverse. 1301 01:25:35,842 --> 01:25:38,424 Well, I did like it and you can't just go around putting... 1302 01:25:39,050 --> 01:25:40,466 Treating my flat as... 1303 01:25:40,634 --> 01:25:44,716 Nina, the carpet was threadbare, is threadbare, and it's full of mould 1304 01:25:44,800 --> 01:25:48,049 and mildew and even you must admit that these boards are in a complete... 1305 01:25:48,134 --> 01:25:50,508 I feel like I'm being burgled! Every time I come home, 1306 01:25:50,592 --> 01:25:52,258 I feel like I'm being burgled! 1307 01:25:53,384 --> 01:25:55,674 God, the flat... 1308 01:25:56,217 --> 01:25:58,299 Chairs are moved, the pictures are different... 1309 01:25:58,384 --> 01:25:59,591 They're not where I... 1310 01:25:59,717 --> 01:26:02,424 And it is my flat, Jamie. It is my flat, I mean... 1311 01:26:05,425 --> 01:26:06,674 Look, er... 1312 01:26:07,467 --> 01:26:10,549 Do you want to have a row in public? I mean, it's actually 1313 01:26:10,884 --> 01:26:13,091 quite embarrassing for everybody, for me and... 1314 01:26:13,259 --> 01:26:17,716 No. No. I don't'! No, I don't want to be in public in my own home. 1315 01:26:17,842 --> 01:26:21,049 That's right, that's absolutely right. So, could your friends go, please? 1316 01:26:21,800 --> 01:26:24,299 Could everybody just go! Do you think? 1317 01:26:25,009 --> 01:26:28,216 Is it possible I could have some time in my... Now! 1318 01:26:28,675 --> 01:26:29,758 Now. 1319 01:26:30,634 --> 01:26:31,716 Please. 1320 01:26:33,217 --> 01:26:35,633 Is, is that asking too much? 1321 01:26:43,050 --> 01:26:44,133 Sorry. 1322 01:26:52,050 --> 01:26:53,174 Satisfied? 1323 01:26:57,675 --> 01:27:00,216 God. 1324 01:27:09,175 --> 01:27:10,424 It's only dust. 1325 01:27:13,675 --> 01:27:15,883 Nina, that was really humiliating. 1326 01:27:17,967 --> 01:27:21,049 You ask people to give you a hand they don't need to, 1327 01:27:21,467 --> 01:27:23,633 they lug your furniture around half the day 1328 01:27:23,717 --> 01:27:25,508 and then you come back and throw a tantrum. 1329 01:27:27,050 --> 01:27:30,924 That was really, really, 1330 01:27:31,509 --> 01:27:33,299 really humiliating. 1331 01:27:42,675 --> 01:27:43,883 Was it like this before? 1332 01:27:45,134 --> 01:27:46,383 - What? - Before? 1333 01:27:47,175 --> 01:27:48,466 Were we like this? 1334 01:27:49,425 --> 01:27:50,508 What? Like what? 1335 01:27:54,884 --> 01:27:55,966 Look, 1336 01:27:56,300 --> 01:27:58,091 you're tired. Your friend just had a baby. 1337 01:27:58,259 --> 01:27:59,633 You were up half the night. It's 1338 01:27:59,800 --> 01:28:03,341 traumatic, it's an emotional experience. Let's not turn it into... 1339 01:28:04,925 --> 01:28:07,008 Tell me about the first night we spent together? 1340 01:28:10,717 --> 01:28:11,841 Why? 1341 01:28:12,550 --> 01:28:13,841 Seriously? You want me to? 1342 01:28:15,675 --> 01:28:16,716 What did we do? 1343 01:28:18,509 --> 01:28:19,674 We talked. 1344 01:28:20,967 --> 01:28:22,091 What else? 1345 01:28:23,550 --> 01:28:27,424 Well, talking was the major component. 1346 01:28:30,425 --> 01:28:31,716 You played that piano. 1347 01:28:33,509 --> 01:28:34,799 And I played. 1348 01:28:35,675 --> 01:28:36,883 Then we both played. 1349 01:28:38,050 --> 01:28:40,674 Something, duet. Something, can't remember. 1350 01:28:42,384 --> 01:28:44,341 And then you danced for about three hours, 1351 01:28:44,467 --> 01:28:45,966 until I fell asleep. 1352 01:28:46,300 --> 01:28:48,633 But you were fantastic. 1353 01:28:51,967 --> 01:28:53,508 And then we had some corn flakes. 1354 01:28:57,175 --> 01:28:58,883 And when we kissed, 1355 01:29:00,050 --> 01:29:03,258 which was at about 11:00 the following morning, 1356 01:29:05,175 --> 01:29:08,591 we were trembling so much, we couldn't take off our clothes. 1357 01:29:15,217 --> 01:29:16,591 You see, I... 1358 01:29:20,217 --> 01:29:22,883 I held that baby, so... 1359 01:29:28,175 --> 01:29:30,758 It's life, it's a life I want. 1360 01:29:32,050 --> 01:29:35,383 And all my taste, all my things, after you died, I found stuff 1361 01:29:35,467 --> 01:29:38,133 in my trunk that I'd put there 'cause you disapproved, 1362 01:29:38,592 --> 01:29:41,049 or laughed at them, you know, books and photographs, 1363 01:29:41,842 --> 01:29:43,883 and things, and I couldn't, I didn't know how to 1364 01:29:44,259 --> 01:29:45,841 mend a fuse or 1365 01:29:46,467 --> 01:29:49,591 find a plumber or bleed a radiator, but now I do, 1366 01:29:49,842 --> 01:29:51,841 and it is a ridiculous flat, I know, 1367 01:29:52,050 --> 01:29:55,091 but I think I'll get there. It will be beautiful. It could be, I think. 1368 01:29:55,967 --> 01:29:59,883 And I, I so much longed for you. 1369 01:30:02,800 --> 01:30:04,591 I longed for you. 1370 01:30:14,050 --> 01:30:15,383 How's your Spanish? 1371 01:30:18,842 --> 01:30:19,966 What? 1372 01:30:20,675 --> 01:30:22,841 There's a poem I wanted you to translate. 1373 01:30:25,300 --> 01:30:26,758 I read it. There's a bit 1374 01:30:28,134 --> 01:30:30,508 that I wanted to tell you. That I wanted you to hear. 1375 01:30:32,884 --> 01:30:33,966 Okay. 1376 01:30:34,300 --> 01:30:35,341 Erm... 1377 01:30:41,009 --> 01:30:42,299 "Forgive me." 1378 01:30:48,134 --> 01:30:49,549 I know this poem. 1379 01:30:52,467 --> 01:30:54,008 "If you were not living..." 1380 01:31:05,175 --> 01:31:08,591 "If you, beloved, my love, If you have died..." 1381 01:31:17,175 --> 01:31:19,924 "All the leaves will fall on my breast..." 1382 01:31:28,092 --> 01:31:32,216 "It will rain on my soul all night, all day..." 1383 01:31:44,425 --> 01:31:47,591 "My feet will want to march to where you are sleeping..." 1384 01:31:47,717 --> 01:31:49,008 Your accent's terrible. 1385 01:32:12,217 --> 01:32:15,758 "My feet will want to march to where you are sleeping," 1386 01:32:17,550 --> 01:32:19,299 "but I shall go on living." 1387 01:32:26,509 --> 01:32:30,174 - Do you want me to go? - No. Never, never, never. 1388 01:33:36,425 --> 01:33:37,508 Well? 1389 01:33:43,592 --> 01:33:44,716 I think so. 1390 01:33:47,842 --> 01:33:48,924 Yes. 1391 01:34:32,467 --> 01:34:34,674 Here comes the explorers on the train. 1392 01:34:34,759 --> 01:34:36,299 Right, everybody off the train. 1393 01:34:36,925 --> 01:34:38,508 - Now. - Out, in. 1394 01:34:40,092 --> 01:34:41,299 I like the train. 1395 01:34:48,259 --> 01:34:49,549 I think there's a lion. 1396 01:34:51,634 --> 01:34:52,883 Where's the lion? 1397 01:34:57,134 --> 01:34:58,508 Is it dangerous? 1398 01:34:59,800 --> 01:35:01,383 It gave you a scare. Is it dangerous? 1399 01:35:01,550 --> 01:35:02,799 I think so. 1400 01:35:39,425 --> 01:35:41,716 Yay. 1401 01:35:48,009 --> 01:35:49,383 We could always see a film. 1402 01:35:50,092 --> 01:35:52,341 - Okay. - Or, we could try the play again? 1403 01:35:53,800 --> 01:35:54,966 Okay. 1404 01:35:55,925 --> 01:35:57,424 Or, erm, we could just, erm, 1405 01:35:57,759 --> 01:35:59,424 we could just go home and eat, I mean... 1406 01:35:59,925 --> 01:36:01,716 - Anything, I... - Whatever. 1407 01:36:04,300 --> 01:36:05,424 Go ahead. 1408 01:36:20,134 --> 01:36:21,716 I'm so sorry, I'm gonna 1409 01:36:23,467 --> 01:36:26,758 cry, and it's not going to make any sense and... 1410 01:36:28,675 --> 01:36:30,716 I feel so... I'm so sorry. 1411 01:36:44,384 --> 01:36:45,674 I've, er... 1412 01:36:47,092 --> 01:36:49,674 I've sort of worked out that you're living with somebody else. 1413 01:36:50,009 --> 01:36:52,508 I mean, I'm not a private detective but, er... 1414 01:36:52,759 --> 01:36:54,133 You won't tell me where you live. 1415 01:36:54,217 --> 01:36:55,401 You won't give me your number. 1416 01:36:55,425 --> 01:36:56,674 - So... - No, I'm not. 1417 01:36:56,759 --> 01:36:58,466 I'm really not living with anybody. 1418 01:36:58,800 --> 01:37:00,258 Because I think if, 1419 01:37:01,467 --> 01:37:02,799 if you're not free... 1420 01:37:05,592 --> 01:37:07,549 Because to be quite honest, I'm in trouble here. 1421 01:37:09,384 --> 01:37:10,424 I'm... 1422 01:37:12,384 --> 01:37:13,799 I'm going to embarrass myself. 1423 01:37:21,175 --> 01:37:22,591 I think I am free. 1424 01:37:25,925 --> 01:37:28,508 I did love someone very much, you see. 1425 01:37:29,967 --> 01:37:31,174 Very much. 1426 01:37:32,717 --> 01:37:33,924 But he died. 1427 01:37:35,925 --> 01:37:37,091 He died. 1428 01:37:38,550 --> 01:37:39,841 And I found it 1429 01:37:40,342 --> 01:37:42,091 quite hard to get over it. 1430 01:37:48,217 --> 01:37:50,841 Well, why don't we just go home and 1431 01:37:51,384 --> 01:37:53,841 we could talk, I mean, you could tell me, whatever... 1432 01:37:54,425 --> 01:37:56,633 Er, anything, everything. 1433 01:37:57,550 --> 01:37:58,924 Just anything. 1434 01:38:02,009 --> 01:38:03,216 Okay. Yeah. 1435 01:38:24,800 --> 01:38:26,091 Could you stop? Could you stop? 1436 01:38:26,300 --> 01:38:27,508 - Sure. - Please, stop. 1437 01:38:32,800 --> 01:38:34,133 You all right? 1438 01:38:56,967 --> 01:38:58,216 Okay. 1439 01:38:58,967 --> 01:39:00,216 What was all that about? 1440 01:39:03,050 --> 01:39:04,258 It's not a threat. 1441 01:40:01,925 --> 01:40:03,133 Jamie. 1442 01:40:04,759 --> 01:40:05,966 Jamie. 1443 01:40:30,467 --> 01:40:31,549 Jamie. 1444 01:41:41,884 --> 01:41:43,216 Hi, its me. 1445 01:41:43,759 --> 01:41:45,674 - Hi. - Can you come and get me? 1446 01:41:46,467 --> 01:41:47,674 Er... 1447 01:41:48,217 --> 01:41:50,133 No, I can't. Sorry. 1448 01:41:51,259 --> 01:41:52,299 Okay. 1449 01:41:52,467 --> 01:41:54,841 Because, actually, I don't know where you live. 1450 01:41:55,384 --> 01:41:56,591 It's a bit of a problem. 1451 01:42:00,550 --> 01:42:01,841 Erm, it's 1452 01:42:02,425 --> 01:42:05,049 6A, Ellingham Road. 1453 01:42:05,300 --> 01:42:07,216 - Where's that? - N6. 1454 01:42:07,467 --> 01:42:08,758 - Yeah. - Highgate, okay. 1455 01:42:09,800 --> 01:42:11,174 Shall I come now, or what? 1456 01:42:11,300 --> 01:42:13,508 - Yeah. - I'm on my way. 1457 01:42:14,842 --> 01:42:16,174 Pack your toothbrush. 1458 01:42:18,717 --> 01:42:19,799 Okay.