1 00:00:01,875 --> 00:00:03,250 [narrator] Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:04,833 --> 00:00:06,875 [Magneto] The humans must be crushed. 3 00:00:13,583 --> 00:00:15,416 [Beast] Magneto, I presume. 4 00:00:15,416 --> 00:00:17,000 What are you waiting for? 5 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:19,416 My day in court, actually. 6 00:00:19,416 --> 00:00:21,333 [growling] 7 00:00:21,333 --> 00:00:22,875 You know that lunatic? 8 00:00:22,875 --> 00:00:24,250 [yelling] 9 00:00:27,291 --> 00:00:28,708 Come on! They're gonna kill him! 10 00:00:29,375 --> 00:00:30,583 Good. 11 00:00:30,583 --> 00:00:31,750 [Cyclops on PA] Emergency! 12 00:00:31,750 --> 00:00:33,125 Prepare infirmary to receive 13 00:00:33,125 --> 00:00:34,083 critically injured mutant! 14 00:00:36,083 --> 00:00:37,875 These things have armed themselves! 15 00:00:43,125 --> 00:00:45,083 [Cyclops] She's going to blow up those missiles herself! 16 00:00:45,250 --> 00:00:47,875 [Jubilee] Something about him reminds me of Wolverine. 17 00:00:47,875 --> 00:00:49,208 [Cyclops] His name's Sabretooth. 18 00:00:49,458 --> 00:00:51,875 Wolverine knows him and hates him. 19 00:00:51,875 --> 00:00:54,583 -[Xavier] Did he give a reason? -[Cyclops] Does he ever? 20 00:00:55,875 --> 00:00:59,458 Wolverine! Back off. Slow and easy. 21 00:01:01,083 --> 00:01:02,833 [theme music playing] 22 00:02:01,250 --> 00:02:03,125 -[screaming] -[Xavier, telepathically] Is there no limit 23 00:02:03,125 --> 00:02:05,625 to the torment in your mind, Sabretooth? 24 00:02:05,625 --> 00:02:10,125 Have you only known betrayal by your friends and persecution by humanity? 25 00:02:10,750 --> 00:02:12,875 We must probe deeper. 26 00:02:12,875 --> 00:02:16,291 Your mind is full of torment, Sabretooth. 27 00:02:16,291 --> 00:02:18,375 Your mutant life has been difficult. 28 00:02:18,375 --> 00:02:21,833 Your search for acceptance, a failure. 29 00:02:21,833 --> 00:02:23,583 [people laughing] 30 00:02:24,458 --> 00:02:28,583 Cruelty to creatures we don't understand seems limitless. 31 00:02:28,583 --> 00:02:29,958 [roaring] 32 00:02:30,833 --> 00:02:33,291 Let me become one with your pain. 33 00:02:34,208 --> 00:02:37,750 Together, we can find the cause of your torment. 34 00:02:38,708 --> 00:02:41,583 What are these inner demons that drive you? 35 00:02:44,291 --> 00:02:46,708 Yes, we can fight them together. 36 00:02:47,708 --> 00:02:52,125 Are we any closer to the core of your rages? 37 00:02:59,708 --> 00:03:02,208 Wait! Don't break our psychic link! 38 00:03:03,416 --> 00:03:05,166 [Sabretooth growling] 39 00:03:05,166 --> 00:03:08,083 What are you hiding from me, Sabretooth? 40 00:03:08,083 --> 00:03:10,708 Why do you keep these thoughts from me? 41 00:03:10,708 --> 00:03:12,833 Can they be so painful? 42 00:03:12,833 --> 00:03:15,875 Don't resist me. I will know it all in time. 43 00:03:16,458 --> 00:03:17,625 [Sabretooth screaming] 44 00:03:17,625 --> 00:03:21,291 Such hurt. Such rage. 45 00:03:22,583 --> 00:03:26,166 No wonder Magneto believes there is no hope of peace. 46 00:03:31,875 --> 00:03:34,583 But we must never give up trying. 47 00:03:37,875 --> 00:03:40,083 [Cyclops] Magneto thought we would join him, Professor. 48 00:03:40,083 --> 00:03:41,708 He wanted us to use our special powers 49 00:03:41,708 --> 00:03:43,583 in his battle for mutant liberation. 50 00:03:43,583 --> 00:03:46,291 I don't know what corner you crawled out of, bub. 51 00:03:48,958 --> 00:03:51,750 [Cyclops] When we refused, he declared us his enemies. 52 00:03:54,166 --> 00:03:57,833 He believes we are the next stage in human evolution, 53 00:03:57,833 --> 00:04:01,083 beyond Homo sapiens to Homo superior, 54 00:04:01,083 --> 00:04:05,291 and that we are destined to rule a mutant-control world 55 00:04:05,291 --> 00:04:07,583 under his domination. 56 00:04:07,583 --> 00:04:12,250 Fighting for human-mutant peace has just become more dangerous. 57 00:04:12,708 --> 00:04:16,708 Stuff the philosophy. Let's go kick his butt. 58 00:04:18,416 --> 00:04:21,333 At any rate, I have some good news. 59 00:04:21,875 --> 00:04:23,625 We can use some. 60 00:04:27,500 --> 00:04:29,250 [Sabretooth growling] 61 00:04:33,625 --> 00:04:35,625 Get him out of here. 62 00:04:36,208 --> 00:04:39,583 [Xavier] I've been spending some time with Sabretooth, 63 00:04:39,583 --> 00:04:44,208 probing his mind, working to help alleviate his rages, 64 00:04:44,208 --> 00:04:47,291 much as I did for Wolverine. 65 00:04:47,291 --> 00:04:52,416 There are still some recesses of his mind that I have failed to penetrate. 66 00:04:52,416 --> 00:04:55,125 But I trust I will, given enough time. 67 00:04:55,125 --> 00:04:57,333 [Wolverine] I'll penetrate his recesses. 68 00:04:57,333 --> 00:04:58,375 Wolverine! 69 00:04:59,166 --> 00:05:01,708 What's wrong, Wolverine? 70 00:05:01,708 --> 00:05:04,208 No kiss and make-up? 71 00:05:04,208 --> 00:05:05,875 Kiss this. 72 00:05:08,125 --> 00:05:11,583 We used to be old pals. Even worked together. 73 00:05:11,583 --> 00:05:16,291 But we had some little misunderstandings. 74 00:05:16,291 --> 00:05:17,708 Yeah, right. 75 00:05:18,750 --> 00:05:24,583 He wasted some friends of mine for no reason, and I misunderstood? 76 00:05:24,583 --> 00:05:27,458 Calm down, all of you. 77 00:05:27,458 --> 00:05:30,458 After conquering your own rages, Wolverine, 78 00:05:30,458 --> 00:05:34,291 you more than anyone know what Sabretooth is going through. 79 00:05:34,291 --> 00:05:37,708 I need your assistance with the next phase of his therapy. 80 00:05:37,708 --> 00:05:39,458 You got to be kidding! 81 00:05:39,458 --> 00:05:42,333 Tell you what, long as he's here, 82 00:05:42,333 --> 00:05:44,250 I'm going to be somewhere else. 83 00:05:44,250 --> 00:05:46,208 Wolverine! Come back! 84 00:05:47,250 --> 00:05:50,625 Don't worry, sweet pea. He'll ease on back when he's ready. 85 00:05:50,625 --> 00:05:53,875 We'll deal with Wolverine's attitude later. 86 00:05:53,875 --> 00:05:57,875 Right now, we can't be distracted from our more urgent problem. 87 00:05:57,875 --> 00:05:59,625 Magneto. 88 00:05:59,625 --> 00:06:03,625 His missile attack failed, but he'll attack again soon. 89 00:06:03,625 --> 00:06:08,208 And next time he won't be so merciful. 90 00:06:08,958 --> 00:06:13,000 [Magneto] Well, Xavier, old friend. Where shall it be, hmm? 91 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:15,208 Where will you expect me? 92 00:06:15,208 --> 00:06:17,333 One place is as good as another. 93 00:06:17,333 --> 00:06:20,708 As long as it is populated with Homo sapiens, 94 00:06:20,708 --> 00:06:23,708 human lives can be used as bait. 95 00:06:26,708 --> 00:06:29,583 All those lovely chemicals. 96 00:06:29,583 --> 00:06:34,458 After all, without them, life itself would be impossible. 97 00:06:38,708 --> 00:06:40,291 [screaming] 98 00:06:45,875 --> 00:06:47,500 [people screaming] 99 00:06:58,708 --> 00:07:01,750 [Xavier] Cerebro is monitoring all emergency frequencies. 100 00:07:01,750 --> 00:07:04,875 If Magneto strikes anywhere within the vicinity of... 101 00:07:04,875 --> 00:07:06,833 [alarm blaring] 102 00:07:06,833 --> 00:07:09,833 Your old buddy doesn't let the grass grow under his feet. 103 00:07:09,833 --> 00:07:11,416 He's challenging me! 104 00:07:11,416 --> 00:07:14,083 He'll hurt those workers just to get at me. 105 00:07:14,750 --> 00:07:17,500 Jubilee, you stay here and look after Sabretooth. 106 00:07:17,875 --> 00:07:20,166 My favorite job. 107 00:07:20,166 --> 00:07:24,458 Be careful. Even though he's shackled, he could still be dangerous. 108 00:07:25,708 --> 00:07:29,750 Now, we must face the master of magnetism. 109 00:07:29,750 --> 00:07:30,750 Yes, sir. 110 00:07:47,250 --> 00:07:48,875 [people screaming] 111 00:07:52,208 --> 00:07:56,291 I wonder how you'll look, Charles, after so long. 112 00:07:56,291 --> 00:07:58,291 Perhaps a toupee? 113 00:08:00,333 --> 00:08:01,583 Over there! 114 00:08:01,583 --> 00:08:03,458 [Magneto] I'm disappointed. 115 00:08:03,458 --> 00:08:06,291 I expected Xavier to be with you. 116 00:08:06,291 --> 00:08:08,250 Sorry to disappoint you, Magneto. 117 00:08:08,250 --> 00:08:10,166 You'll have to make do with us! 118 00:08:19,833 --> 00:08:23,875 Have you forgotten that electricity and magnetism are related? 119 00:08:23,875 --> 00:08:26,833 Maybe I can steal some of this old boy's thunder. 120 00:08:29,125 --> 00:08:30,500 [Rogue groans] 121 00:08:33,166 --> 00:08:35,416 You've wasted enough of my time. 122 00:08:35,416 --> 00:08:40,083 If Xavier refuses to face me, I'll make him regret his cowardice. 123 00:08:43,708 --> 00:08:45,333 Cyclops, look out. 124 00:08:46,625 --> 00:08:48,708 [coughing] 125 00:08:57,458 --> 00:08:58,625 [Storm] No! 126 00:09:01,875 --> 00:09:03,000 [loud rumbling] 127 00:09:08,458 --> 00:09:09,708 No! 128 00:09:10,416 --> 00:09:11,833 [screaming] 129 00:09:13,958 --> 00:09:16,416 You just can't get close to some men. 130 00:09:16,875 --> 00:09:18,125 Storm! 131 00:09:20,708 --> 00:09:23,458 Sorry, gal, I don't know how long I... 132 00:09:23,458 --> 00:09:25,000 [Storm screaming] 133 00:09:25,958 --> 00:09:29,375 How many must suffer before you will face me? 134 00:09:34,291 --> 00:09:37,500 [Xavier] Enough, Magneto! Stop this carnage now! 135 00:09:37,500 --> 00:09:41,625 It's me you want. So here I am. 136 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:57,583 Sorry about that, Storm. Must be losing my touch. 137 00:09:58,083 --> 00:09:59,250 Oh, no. 138 00:10:01,625 --> 00:10:05,708 Come on, baby, don't do this to me. Those bricks weren't that heavy. 139 00:10:06,166 --> 00:10:07,625 [groaning] 140 00:10:08,958 --> 00:10:10,750 Don't scare me or anything. 141 00:10:12,583 --> 00:10:14,166 Not you, too! 142 00:10:16,375 --> 00:10:17,958 [coughing] 143 00:10:23,625 --> 00:10:25,625 You're not going to like this, but... 144 00:10:28,208 --> 00:10:30,000 it's better than not breathing. 145 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:33,291 Come on, pretty boy. Make a girl feel welcome. 146 00:10:35,958 --> 00:10:37,416 [coughing] 147 00:10:38,375 --> 00:10:40,375 Don't worry, I won't tell Jean. 148 00:10:40,375 --> 00:10:41,458 I just hope... 149 00:10:41,458 --> 00:10:42,458 [Rogue grunts] 150 00:10:46,375 --> 00:10:47,375 [grunts] 151 00:10:50,500 --> 00:10:52,000 [coughing] 152 00:10:52,625 --> 00:10:54,125 What's going on? 153 00:10:54,125 --> 00:10:56,458 Cyclops! I couldn't help it. I... 154 00:10:56,458 --> 00:10:59,000 I absorbed your power when I touched you. 155 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:01,000 I mean, how do I turn this darn thing off? 156 00:11:04,083 --> 00:11:06,375 Your eyes! Shut your eyes! 157 00:11:15,125 --> 00:11:17,833 Cyclops, where are you? You OK? 158 00:11:20,166 --> 00:11:22,375 You brought me here, Magneto. 159 00:11:22,375 --> 00:11:24,208 The next move is yours. 160 00:11:24,208 --> 00:11:26,958 The years have been kind to you, Charles. 161 00:11:26,958 --> 00:11:29,375 A pity they haven't brought you wisdom. 162 00:11:29,375 --> 00:11:33,708 Your wisdom? You find wisdom in this destruction? 163 00:11:33,708 --> 00:11:36,333 We have not always been enemies. 164 00:11:36,333 --> 00:11:38,625 I will give you a final chance. 165 00:11:38,625 --> 00:11:39,875 Never! 166 00:11:39,875 --> 00:11:41,000 Fool! 167 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:42,708 You still dream of peace 168 00:11:42,708 --> 00:11:45,458 with those who would destroy all mutants? 169 00:11:45,458 --> 00:11:48,833 Is this your answer? This horror? 170 00:11:48,833 --> 00:11:51,458 After all the suffering we both have seen, 171 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:54,875 you wish me to wage war on six billion humans? 172 00:11:54,875 --> 00:11:56,208 [people coughing] 173 00:11:56,208 --> 00:11:58,625 When I was a child, my people talked 174 00:11:58,625 --> 00:12:00,750 while others prepared for war. 175 00:12:00,750 --> 00:12:03,833 They used reason while others used tanks, 176 00:12:03,833 --> 00:12:06,875 and they were destroyed for their trouble. 177 00:12:06,875 --> 00:12:11,875 I won't stand by and watch it happen again. I won't! 178 00:12:12,458 --> 00:12:13,708 [Xavier yells] 179 00:12:16,375 --> 00:12:19,375 This is not how I wanted it to end. 180 00:12:19,375 --> 00:12:24,500 I wish it could have been otherwise. You were the best of us. 181 00:12:25,375 --> 00:12:27,000 Farewell, Xavier. 182 00:12:28,500 --> 00:12:31,291 Your blindness has sealed your fate. 183 00:12:40,125 --> 00:12:41,833 [young Magneto] Mama! Papa! 184 00:12:45,125 --> 00:12:49,250 No! No! Don't make me see. 185 00:12:49,250 --> 00:12:53,250 Xavier, I can't! Stop it! Stop it! 186 00:12:53,250 --> 00:12:57,083 No, Magneto, you will stop. 187 00:12:58,208 --> 00:13:01,458 No. No more! 188 00:13:04,125 --> 00:13:06,625 [screaming] 189 00:13:15,458 --> 00:13:17,458 [Rogue] Professor, where are you? 190 00:13:18,750 --> 00:13:20,208 I can't see! 191 00:13:20,208 --> 00:13:22,375 I'm right here, Rogue. Don't move. 192 00:13:23,125 --> 00:13:26,958 OK, but hurry. I can't open my eyes. I got Cyclops' powers. 193 00:13:26,958 --> 00:13:28,458 What about the plant personnel? 194 00:13:28,833 --> 00:13:30,375 They all high-tailed it. 195 00:13:41,208 --> 00:13:44,083 Sounds like this dump's going to go up like the Fourth of July. 196 00:13:45,416 --> 00:13:49,125 Let's go home. I will mentally be your eyes. Follow me. 197 00:13:57,000 --> 00:13:58,291 [explosions] 198 00:14:02,000 --> 00:14:07,708 [Kelly] Ladies and gentlemen, the world tonight is in the grip of a terrible crisis. 199 00:14:07,708 --> 00:14:12,583 Since the President recklessly rescinded the Mutant Registration Act, 200 00:14:12,583 --> 00:14:16,083 those unfortunate mistakes of nature are running wild. 201 00:14:17,208 --> 00:14:19,208 The recent mutant attacks at Drake Missile Base 202 00:14:19,208 --> 00:14:21,500 and Metro Chemical are just the beginning. 203 00:14:22,500 --> 00:14:25,625 Senator, what do you plan to do about it? 204 00:14:26,416 --> 00:14:30,708 I intend, this very evening, to declare my candidacy 205 00:14:30,708 --> 00:14:33,250 for President of the United States. 206 00:14:33,250 --> 00:14:34,458 What? 207 00:14:35,333 --> 00:14:38,416 [Jubilee] Right! And I'm the Queen of England. 208 00:14:38,416 --> 00:14:42,166 As President, I intend to relocate every mutant 209 00:14:42,166 --> 00:14:46,166 in this nation to internment camps that will facilitate the handling 210 00:14:46,166 --> 00:14:48,583 of these poor, unfortunate creatures. 211 00:14:48,583 --> 00:14:52,958 Just let me get my claws on that senator's throat. 212 00:14:52,958 --> 00:14:54,875 [growling] 213 00:14:55,958 --> 00:14:58,875 [Kelly] There, under the proper military supervision... 214 00:14:59,875 --> 00:15:01,125 [Sabretooth growling] 215 00:15:04,250 --> 00:15:08,458 I'm sorry. I'm still learning to control that. 216 00:15:08,458 --> 00:15:09,708 [sighs] 217 00:15:11,416 --> 00:15:14,083 Thanks to Professor X's help. 218 00:15:14,083 --> 00:15:15,708 Look at your wrist! 219 00:15:16,333 --> 00:15:18,000 It's not bad. 220 00:15:19,458 --> 00:15:21,625 You going to stay calm while I fix it up? 221 00:15:21,625 --> 00:15:22,833 Sure. 222 00:15:22,833 --> 00:15:24,208 [sighs] 223 00:15:24,208 --> 00:15:27,000 OK, here, let me take care of it. 224 00:15:29,750 --> 00:15:32,500 There. That's better. 225 00:15:34,500 --> 00:15:36,333 Much better. 226 00:15:36,333 --> 00:15:37,875 I'll get something to treat it. 227 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:40,083 I heal real fast! 228 00:15:42,333 --> 00:15:47,833 Lesson number one, girlie. Never trust nobody. 229 00:15:47,833 --> 00:15:51,583 Your powers ain't so hot if you can't use your hands. 230 00:15:51,583 --> 00:15:53,166 [grunting] But your treatments... 231 00:15:54,333 --> 00:15:58,625 You really think a few mealy-mouthed words 232 00:15:58,625 --> 00:16:01,208 from that old weakling could change me? 233 00:16:01,208 --> 00:16:06,000 I've been faking it. I've been waiting for the right moment. 234 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:08,083 [laughing] 235 00:16:08,708 --> 00:16:11,166 So, you want an Oscar or what? 236 00:16:11,166 --> 00:16:13,333 I want to do what I was sent here to do, 237 00:16:13,333 --> 00:16:16,875 and if you don't want the life crushed out of your little body, 238 00:16:16,875 --> 00:16:18,708 you're going to help. 239 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:22,500 And what's that, dweeb? 240 00:16:22,500 --> 00:16:23,875 [Sabretooth] Magneto ordered me 241 00:16:23,875 --> 00:16:26,250 to find this place and take it over. 242 00:16:26,250 --> 00:16:29,708 He knew your buddies would be at Beast's trial, 243 00:16:29,708 --> 00:16:32,333 and that wimp professor would take me in. 244 00:16:32,333 --> 00:16:34,708 He's got the X guy figured. 245 00:16:34,708 --> 00:16:39,625 You know, I'm really going to enjoy tearing this place up. 246 00:16:39,625 --> 00:16:42,750 Now, you get me out of this rig before I... 247 00:16:43,875 --> 00:16:45,875 You done nice, girlie. 248 00:16:46,166 --> 00:16:49,833 For a reward, I'll finish you off clean and fast. 249 00:16:49,833 --> 00:16:51,000 But you said... 250 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:53,583 [Jubilee grunting] 251 00:16:54,000 --> 00:16:56,416 Wolverine never should've let me live. 252 00:16:56,416 --> 00:17:00,166 I wish he was here so I could take care of his carcass, too. 253 00:17:00,166 --> 00:17:01,333 [sniffing] 254 00:17:02,250 --> 00:17:05,000 Be careful what you ask for, old buddy. 255 00:17:05,583 --> 00:17:08,416 It just might come true. 256 00:17:09,583 --> 00:17:13,333 Good thing I didn't go too far away to cool off, Sabretooth. 257 00:17:13,333 --> 00:17:15,250 This is between you and me. 258 00:17:15,250 --> 00:17:16,416 Let the girl go. 259 00:17:17,416 --> 00:17:20,083 Whatever you say, pal. 260 00:17:20,083 --> 00:17:21,583 [Rogue screaming] 261 00:17:23,125 --> 00:17:27,375 So, you're doing the dirty work for Magneto now, eh? 262 00:17:28,166 --> 00:17:31,000 You used to backstab people for fun. 263 00:17:31,416 --> 00:17:34,125 What turned you into a rat-for-hire? 264 00:17:34,125 --> 00:17:36,583 I'd heard you'd gone soft. 265 00:17:36,583 --> 00:17:38,291 I was curious. 266 00:17:38,583 --> 00:17:42,333 I think maybe I heard right. 267 00:17:42,333 --> 00:17:45,500 All right, you egg-sucking piece of gutter trash. 268 00:17:45,500 --> 00:17:48,958 You always liked pushing around people smaller than you. 269 00:17:48,958 --> 00:17:52,000 Well, I'm smaller! Try pushing me! 270 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:53,375 [Wolverine roaring] 271 00:17:56,458 --> 00:17:57,583 [both grunting] 272 00:18:00,083 --> 00:18:01,125 [yells] 273 00:18:03,458 --> 00:18:04,500 [yells] 274 00:18:08,583 --> 00:18:12,333 How about a little taste of adamantium 275 00:18:13,583 --> 00:18:15,416 for old time's sake? 276 00:18:15,416 --> 00:18:16,583 [grunting] 277 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:21,625 It's good to be home again. 278 00:18:29,833 --> 00:18:31,208 Oh, that tastes good. 279 00:18:31,208 --> 00:18:32,833 I'm breathing better, Professor. 280 00:18:32,833 --> 00:18:34,250 And my powers are back. 281 00:18:37,750 --> 00:18:39,833 We'll have to do it again sometime. 282 00:18:39,833 --> 00:18:41,083 Yeah, well... 283 00:18:41,708 --> 00:18:43,083 [loud bang] 284 00:18:44,333 --> 00:18:45,458 The war room! 285 00:18:48,000 --> 00:18:51,208 [Wolverine] You always were second best. 286 00:18:51,875 --> 00:18:53,500 [screaming] 287 00:18:55,291 --> 00:18:56,375 [grunts] 288 00:18:59,125 --> 00:19:04,000 And in this business, bub, second best don't cut it! 289 00:19:04,625 --> 00:19:08,208 Wolverine! What did I teach you about revenge? 290 00:19:08,208 --> 00:19:11,000 How often have I warned you about letting your personal feelings 291 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:13,375 endanger the work of our team? 292 00:19:13,375 --> 00:19:15,875 But Sabretooth was about to total me! 293 00:19:15,875 --> 00:19:17,416 Magneto sent him to do it! 294 00:19:18,416 --> 00:19:21,208 You're out of line, Professor. All I... 295 00:19:21,208 --> 00:19:22,583 [Sabretooth roars] 296 00:19:25,583 --> 00:19:26,708 Wolverine! 297 00:19:27,166 --> 00:19:28,333 [roaring] 298 00:19:28,333 --> 00:19:29,416 No! 299 00:19:29,416 --> 00:19:30,958 [screaming] 300 00:19:34,208 --> 00:19:35,333 [grunting] 301 00:19:38,833 --> 00:19:41,333 Rogue! Get him to the infirmary. Fast! 302 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:47,416 [Xavier] He's stabilized. He's going to be all right. 303 00:19:47,416 --> 00:19:49,958 I was wrong, Wolverine. 304 00:19:50,750 --> 00:19:52,250 I should have listened to you. 305 00:19:53,208 --> 00:19:58,250 I let my passion for an ideal that all mutants could be brothers blind me. 306 00:19:58,250 --> 00:20:00,208 That's twice I've failed. 307 00:20:00,208 --> 00:20:02,833 We failed, Professor. Together. 308 00:20:02,833 --> 00:20:05,166 We cannot afford to lose again, 309 00:20:05,166 --> 00:20:08,083 or Magneto and those like him will prevail. 310 00:20:08,708 --> 00:20:11,416 He's out there, scheming, planning. 311 00:20:12,291 --> 00:20:14,458 I was able to trick him today. 312 00:20:14,458 --> 00:20:17,291 But I wonder when the time comes, 313 00:20:17,291 --> 00:20:19,625 will the X-Men be ready? 314 00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:22,208 [Magneto] All right, Xavier. 315 00:20:22,208 --> 00:20:25,166 You've cast your lot with humankind. 316 00:20:25,166 --> 00:20:27,458 But the others will understand. 317 00:20:27,458 --> 00:20:32,958 Mutants will come to me by the thousands, and we shall destroy you! 318 00:20:37,416 --> 00:20:38,416 [theme music playing]