1 00:00:01,875 --> 00:00:03,458 [narrator] Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:03,458 --> 00:00:04,750 You either follow orders like the other members 3 00:00:04,750 --> 00:00:06,208 of this team or you're out of it. 4 00:00:06,208 --> 00:00:07,833 If you want to settle this, mon ami 5 00:00:07,833 --> 00:00:09,166 then let's do it! 6 00:00:09,166 --> 00:00:10,708 What started this? 7 00:00:10,708 --> 00:00:12,375 I thought it was dangerous for Gambit 8 00:00:12,375 --> 00:00:14,291 to spread unfounded rumors. 9 00:00:14,291 --> 00:00:17,458 It's not a rumor. I know someone who was there. 10 00:00:17,458 --> 00:00:20,000 The Genoshans, they welcome mutants to their island. 11 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:24,333 If the inhabitants of Genosha are encouraging mutants to live among them, 12 00:00:24,333 --> 00:00:26,458 this is an opportunity we can't miss. 13 00:00:26,458 --> 00:00:28,875 Please, Cyclops, can I go? Please? 14 00:00:29,458 --> 00:00:32,458 Sure, Jubilee, I guess a beach can't be too dangerous. 15 00:00:32,875 --> 00:00:34,333 [receptionist] Welcome to the Genosha Beach Inn. 16 00:00:39,208 --> 00:00:42,583 I've got the perfect rooms for you. Just perfect. 17 00:00:46,291 --> 00:00:47,375 We've got to get out! 18 00:00:48,708 --> 00:00:50,833 [Genoshan commander] Surrender, mutants! 19 00:00:57,500 --> 00:00:58,708 [Jubilee] No! 20 00:01:00,333 --> 00:01:02,291 [theme music playing] 21 00:02:01,250 --> 00:02:03,458 [alarm blaring] 22 00:02:04,750 --> 00:02:05,875 [gasps] 23 00:02:05,875 --> 00:02:07,458 [collar beeping] 24 00:02:07,458 --> 00:02:09,416 [Leader on PA] Mutants of Genosha! 25 00:02:09,875 --> 00:02:11,708 A new day begins! 26 00:02:12,250 --> 00:02:15,375 You have been brought here to build a new Genosha 27 00:02:15,875 --> 00:02:19,250 a nation worthy of me, its Leader. 28 00:02:19,250 --> 00:02:21,000 Be happy in your work. 29 00:02:23,083 --> 00:02:25,708 [commander] The collars that suppress your mutant powers 30 00:02:25,708 --> 00:02:27,291 will be turned off. 31 00:02:27,291 --> 00:02:29,416 So you can use your powers in your work. 32 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:33,958 If you try to escape, the collars will be reactivated at once. 33 00:02:34,500 --> 00:02:37,875 If you try to remove your collar, it will explode 34 00:02:37,875 --> 00:02:39,166 and destroy you. 35 00:02:39,625 --> 00:02:42,291 Great vacation, Gambit. 36 00:02:42,291 --> 00:02:43,708 Now get to work! 37 00:02:44,250 --> 00:02:45,458 [beeping stops] 38 00:02:45,458 --> 00:02:47,291 Now! Gambit! Jubilee! 39 00:02:47,708 --> 00:02:49,125 No use, petite! 40 00:02:49,125 --> 00:02:51,416 Let me go, Gambit! 41 00:02:52,875 --> 00:02:54,000 [grunts] 42 00:02:57,375 --> 00:02:58,416 [collars beeping] 43 00:02:59,250 --> 00:03:00,708 My powers! 44 00:03:01,875 --> 00:03:03,000 Storm! 45 00:03:05,166 --> 00:03:07,833 [screaming] 46 00:03:10,500 --> 00:03:12,083 [gasping] 47 00:03:25,125 --> 00:03:26,250 That's a Sentinel! 48 00:03:26,875 --> 00:03:29,000 I thought we wiped out those overgrown dweebs! 49 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:31,125 There's always more gators in the bayou. 50 00:03:45,083 --> 00:03:48,583 This mutant apprehended while attempting to escape. 51 00:03:49,583 --> 00:03:51,958 Storm! Leave her alone! 52 00:03:52,375 --> 00:03:53,458 [Jubilee exclaims] 53 00:03:53,458 --> 00:03:54,875 Be quiet for once! 54 00:03:54,875 --> 00:03:56,208 The Leader has promised 55 00:03:56,208 --> 00:03:57,833 that you mutants will be released 56 00:03:57,833 --> 00:04:00,000 once this dam is built. 57 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:03,291 But if you try to escape, you will never leave Genosha. 58 00:04:03,291 --> 00:04:05,583 That's one of the Mutant Registration guys 59 00:04:05,583 --> 00:04:08,208 that grabbed me after the weirdness back home at the mall! 60 00:04:08,625 --> 00:04:10,750 I guess when the President canceled his program 61 00:04:10,750 --> 00:04:12,583 he moved south for his health. 62 00:04:12,583 --> 00:04:14,458 We have to do something! 63 00:04:14,458 --> 00:04:16,958 Dispose of this one, permanently. 64 00:04:18,166 --> 00:04:19,333 [Gambit] You're making a mistake! 65 00:04:22,875 --> 00:04:24,208 You don't know what she can do! 66 00:04:24,208 --> 00:04:26,375 Gambit! What are you doing? 67 00:04:26,875 --> 00:04:29,875 -Knowledge is power! -Be silent. 68 00:04:30,500 --> 00:04:32,333 According to her interrogation... 69 00:04:32,333 --> 00:04:34,083 She didn't tell you nothing. 70 00:04:34,583 --> 00:04:36,000 She can control the weather! 71 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:38,458 She'll make it rain like a big storm. 72 00:04:38,458 --> 00:04:40,000 Fill up this lake in no time. 73 00:04:40,625 --> 00:04:43,000 Yes, that would be useful. 74 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:45,458 Until the dam is ready, put her in the box. 75 00:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,125 No! Not in there! 76 00:04:50,208 --> 00:04:52,083 Not in here! No! 77 00:04:52,083 --> 00:04:56,875 Please! Let me out! Let me out! 78 00:04:56,875 --> 00:04:58,708 [Jubilee] The ad said, "Fun in the sun." 79 00:04:58,708 --> 00:05:00,583 Let me know when the fun starts. 80 00:05:01,500 --> 00:05:03,125 [grunting] 81 00:05:04,125 --> 00:05:07,208 I just can't stand to think of her inside that box. 82 00:05:08,875 --> 00:05:12,416 With her claustrophobia, it must be terrible. 83 00:05:12,416 --> 00:05:13,958 She's alive, petite. 84 00:05:14,500 --> 00:05:16,708 Put your weight into it, pretty boy! 85 00:05:17,500 --> 00:05:19,625 You! Go break rocks. 86 00:05:23,416 --> 00:05:25,333 Dry that concrete evenly, Sunfire. 87 00:05:25,333 --> 00:05:26,750 We don't want it to crack. 88 00:05:30,416 --> 00:05:31,875 [explosion] 89 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:35,000 It's him. 90 00:05:45,708 --> 00:05:47,500 Back to your cells, mutants! 91 00:05:50,083 --> 00:05:53,583 [Leader] I have decided there will be no more work today. 92 00:05:54,083 --> 00:05:55,833 Enjoy yourselves. 93 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:58,291 Keep moving! 94 00:05:58,875 --> 00:06:01,708 [Leader] Remember, your Leader loves you. 95 00:06:09,958 --> 00:06:12,958 Remind me never to buy stock in the Genoshan Phone Company. 96 00:06:13,375 --> 00:06:15,500 Storm grew up on the streets of Cairo. 97 00:06:15,500 --> 00:06:18,125 I'm sure she can handle whatever Genosha throws at her 98 00:06:18,125 --> 00:06:19,875 even bad phone service. [door opens] 99 00:06:20,500 --> 00:06:23,333 Well! Look what the cat drug in. 100 00:06:23,333 --> 00:06:27,708 -I'm back. -We've been trying to contact you for days, Wolverine. 101 00:06:27,708 --> 00:06:28,833 Where have you been? 102 00:06:29,416 --> 00:06:30,625 [sneezing] 103 00:06:30,625 --> 00:06:32,083 Somewhere cold. 104 00:06:40,500 --> 00:06:44,583 Some dork at the power company sure picked a good time to screw up. 105 00:06:45,250 --> 00:06:48,083 Not that young Jubilee, X-Woman Supreme 106 00:06:48,083 --> 00:06:49,958 couldn't have handled it anyway. 107 00:06:51,958 --> 00:06:53,375 I am too slick. 108 00:06:56,333 --> 00:06:58,416 -Gambit! -What are you doing, petite? 109 00:06:58,875 --> 00:07:01,958 -Taking a walk? -I've got a plan on how to get out of here. 110 00:07:01,958 --> 00:07:05,250 When they brought us back to the prison today we walked right past the goon 111 00:07:05,250 --> 00:07:06,750 who turns the collars on and off. 112 00:07:06,750 --> 00:07:08,375 If we jump him 113 00:07:08,375 --> 00:07:10,708 we can get the controls and get our powers back. 114 00:07:10,708 --> 00:07:15,083 -You're going to end up like Storm, in a box. -Hey! No way! 115 00:07:15,083 --> 00:07:17,500 They won't expect us to try anything right outside the prison. 116 00:07:17,500 --> 00:07:19,250 We'll take them by surprise. 117 00:07:19,250 --> 00:07:21,375 I'll get you out so you can talk to the others. 118 00:07:21,833 --> 00:07:23,083 This girl I knew in the orphanage 119 00:07:23,083 --> 00:07:24,833 taught me how to pick locks. 120 00:07:25,250 --> 00:07:27,000 It's your plan. You tell them. 121 00:07:27,708 --> 00:07:29,125 They like you better, anyway. 122 00:07:29,583 --> 00:07:30,583 Now go on, quick... 123 00:07:31,333 --> 00:07:32,375 before the lights come on again. 124 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:35,166 Yeah. Okay. 125 00:07:35,958 --> 00:07:38,875 Listen, everybody! I know a way we can all escape! 126 00:07:39,375 --> 00:07:41,625 I've got a plan on how to rush the guards. 127 00:07:41,625 --> 00:07:45,333 Don't be stupid, kid! You'll just get us in trouble! 128 00:07:45,333 --> 00:07:46,958 Why risk our lives, girl? 129 00:07:47,500 --> 00:07:49,958 They say they set us free when the work is done. 130 00:07:49,958 --> 00:07:52,291 Dumb kid! Go to bed! 131 00:07:56,125 --> 00:07:57,125 I think I will! 132 00:08:04,625 --> 00:08:05,875 We're ready to go, Professor. 133 00:08:06,583 --> 00:08:08,625 Are you sure you won't come with us? 134 00:08:08,625 --> 00:08:11,166 You said yourself, there's probably no trouble on Genosha. 135 00:08:11,166 --> 00:08:14,250 Besides, I have some things I have to do. 136 00:08:24,708 --> 00:08:26,958 [receptionist on phone] Muir Island Mutant Research Center. 137 00:08:26,958 --> 00:08:28,458 Moira McTaggart, please. 138 00:08:29,125 --> 00:08:31,375 Tell her it's an old friend. 139 00:08:36,875 --> 00:08:41,083 [Leader] Mutants of Genosha! A new day begins! 140 00:08:42,375 --> 00:08:43,458 [Jubilee] Gambit? 141 00:08:44,208 --> 00:08:45,208 Gambit! 142 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:47,375 They take him away in the night. 143 00:08:48,583 --> 00:08:50,708 [whispering] We with you! Just say when! 144 00:09:00,208 --> 00:09:01,333 [Jubilee] Now! 145 00:09:02,166 --> 00:09:03,291 Come on! 146 00:09:07,958 --> 00:09:09,708 Use your mutant powers! 147 00:09:10,583 --> 00:09:12,000 The collars are still on! 148 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:19,375 Don't shoot! 149 00:09:19,375 --> 00:09:20,375 It doesn't work! 150 00:09:21,125 --> 00:09:22,291 [Jubilee exclaims] 151 00:09:23,250 --> 00:09:27,375 I have apprehended the leader of the mutant rebellion. 152 00:09:27,375 --> 00:09:30,291 [Leader] We were warned by one of their own kind... a mutant. 153 00:09:30,291 --> 00:09:32,000 It can't be! 154 00:09:40,583 --> 00:09:42,583 [Storm] Jubilee. Jubilee! 155 00:09:42,583 --> 00:09:45,875 -Storm! -[Storm] Do not be afraid, child. 156 00:09:46,875 --> 00:09:50,958 I will make a snowstorm when the sun rises. 157 00:09:50,958 --> 00:09:52,833 Don't, Storm, please. 158 00:09:52,833 --> 00:09:55,000 You know you don't have your powers. 159 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:58,250 Gambit... Gambit will save us. 160 00:10:07,416 --> 00:10:11,875 Isn't it beautiful, Gyrich? I call it Mastermold. 161 00:10:11,875 --> 00:10:14,583 Sentinel creation completed. 162 00:10:18,750 --> 00:10:21,625 [Trask] The manufacturing process is entirely self-contained. 163 00:10:22,250 --> 00:10:24,958 All it requires is an outside power source. 164 00:10:24,958 --> 00:10:26,625 [Hodge] Too much power, Dr. Trask. 165 00:10:26,625 --> 00:10:29,166 You blacked out half of Genosha last night. 166 00:10:29,166 --> 00:10:31,875 We'll have our own power grid once the dam is finished. 167 00:10:32,458 --> 00:10:35,458 Then Mastermold's children will be able to track down mutants 168 00:10:35,458 --> 00:10:36,833 anywhere on the planet. 169 00:10:37,375 --> 00:10:39,500 Good to see you again, Colonel. 170 00:10:39,500 --> 00:10:42,375 I am called "Leader" now, Mr. Gyrich. 171 00:10:42,875 --> 00:10:45,166 Do not forget that. 172 00:10:45,166 --> 00:10:48,583 Cameron Hodge, development adviser to the Government of Genosha. 173 00:10:48,583 --> 00:10:51,833 [Leader] I understand there was a revolt by the slaves. 174 00:10:51,833 --> 00:10:55,125 We allowed it to happen, to break their spirit. 175 00:10:55,125 --> 00:10:58,708 You should have seen their faces when I showed them who had betrayed them. 176 00:10:59,458 --> 00:11:00,416 [door opens] 177 00:11:02,458 --> 00:11:04,708 He calls himself Gambit. 178 00:11:08,875 --> 00:11:11,291 [Gyrich] You helped that girl when the Sentinel tried 179 00:11:11,291 --> 00:11:13,291 to capture her at Salem Center Mall. 180 00:11:13,708 --> 00:11:16,750 Were you also one of the mutants who attacked the Sentinel factory? 181 00:11:17,208 --> 00:11:19,291 They call themselves the X-Men. 182 00:11:19,291 --> 00:11:20,708 X-Men? 183 00:11:20,708 --> 00:11:22,875 What is so special about these X-Men? 184 00:11:22,875 --> 00:11:24,458 Where can I find them? 185 00:11:24,458 --> 00:11:27,208 If I tell you, maybe you don't need me no more. 186 00:11:27,208 --> 00:11:29,708 I think I better just take you there 187 00:11:29,708 --> 00:11:31,000 whenever you're ready. 188 00:11:31,458 --> 00:11:34,583 Why should I believe you'll betray your friends 189 00:11:34,583 --> 00:11:36,375 your fellow mutants? 190 00:11:36,375 --> 00:11:37,875 They're not my friends. 191 00:11:38,291 --> 00:11:40,291 They don't like me, don't trust me. 192 00:11:40,291 --> 00:11:42,875 They're just using me, like you. 193 00:11:42,875 --> 00:11:45,458 All right. We'll do it your way. 194 00:11:46,291 --> 00:11:48,416 Take him back to the prison until we're ready for him. 195 00:11:55,250 --> 00:11:56,958 You want to see a card trick? 196 00:12:04,708 --> 00:12:05,958 [guard] Stop, mutant! 197 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:09,250 [guards exclaim] 198 00:12:20,375 --> 00:12:21,458 Uh-uh. 199 00:12:22,708 --> 00:12:25,625 I'm looking for the one who calls himself "The Leader." 200 00:12:26,083 --> 00:12:28,750 In the factory, beside the bridge. 201 00:12:37,375 --> 00:12:38,750 Who are you? 202 00:12:38,750 --> 00:12:40,583 The Wild Man of Borneo. 203 00:12:41,458 --> 00:12:44,375 -See you around. -The Leader has made slaves of the mutants. 204 00:12:45,125 --> 00:12:47,708 -Will you help me set them free? -Here. 205 00:12:49,375 --> 00:12:52,500 I took that off one of those Genoshan goons a week ago. 206 00:12:53,000 --> 00:12:54,583 Maybe you can use it. 207 00:12:54,583 --> 00:12:56,250 [chuckles] 208 00:12:56,250 --> 00:12:57,958 [Gyrich] Who is this man 209 00:12:57,958 --> 00:13:00,083 the one the Leader is so afraid of? 210 00:13:00,875 --> 00:13:04,000 [Hodge] His name is Cable. An American, apparently. 211 00:13:04,625 --> 00:13:08,000 He was a mercenary in the Leader's army, until he found out 212 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:11,250 the Leader wasn't the champion of democracy he claimed to be. 213 00:13:11,708 --> 00:13:14,000 We're not sure, but we suspect he's a mutant. 214 00:13:14,625 --> 00:13:17,125 So he threw his wages back in the Leader's face 215 00:13:17,125 --> 00:13:19,625 and took to the hills to start a revolution. 216 00:13:19,625 --> 00:13:22,958 Cable lives by his code, but he will not live long. 217 00:13:26,375 --> 00:13:29,000 I always thought it'd be great to have a sauna. 218 00:13:30,708 --> 00:13:31,875 Storm! 219 00:13:34,416 --> 00:13:36,625 [gasps] Gambit! 220 00:13:40,708 --> 00:13:42,583 [groaning] 221 00:13:42,583 --> 00:13:45,458 -Quickly, cherie! -I knew you would rescue us. 222 00:13:46,375 --> 00:13:49,166 You jerk! You made me think you were a traitor! 223 00:13:49,166 --> 00:13:51,333 Why didn't you tell me you were just pretending? 224 00:13:54,583 --> 00:13:55,583 Hey! 225 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:07,458 How do you sweat so much, petite,and not lose weight? 226 00:14:07,458 --> 00:14:09,291 [exclaims in anger] I hate you! 227 00:14:12,250 --> 00:14:14,875 The collars you use to control your mutants. 228 00:14:16,125 --> 00:14:18,875 They were invented by a scientist in Scotland. 229 00:14:19,458 --> 00:14:20,583 A true genius. 230 00:14:21,250 --> 00:14:23,250 [Gyrich] Could I get them in large numbers? 231 00:14:23,250 --> 00:14:25,208 How much is it worth to you 232 00:14:25,208 --> 00:14:28,333 to have that man, Cable, eliminated? 233 00:14:28,333 --> 00:14:30,083 [Leader] How much can you pay? 234 00:14:30,083 --> 00:14:31,750 When the dam is completed 235 00:14:31,750 --> 00:14:34,708 we'll have the power to create thousands of Sentinels. 236 00:14:35,166 --> 00:14:38,083 Your Sentinels make you a hard man to refuse. 237 00:14:38,708 --> 00:14:40,083 Your Leadership! 238 00:14:40,083 --> 00:14:41,708 Three of the mutants have escaped! 239 00:14:41,708 --> 00:14:43,583 The one called Gambit freed them! 240 00:14:43,583 --> 00:14:45,333 I knew he couldn't be trusted! 241 00:14:45,333 --> 00:14:46,875 [all screaming] 242 00:15:03,833 --> 00:15:07,000 In line, mutants. No more work today. 243 00:15:12,458 --> 00:15:13,500 [guard 1] No! 244 00:15:27,208 --> 00:15:28,250 [groans] 245 00:15:32,250 --> 00:15:33,708 [Gambit] MonsieurSentinel! 246 00:15:36,416 --> 00:15:37,500 Imminent danger. 247 00:15:39,250 --> 00:15:41,083 Initiate booster rocket... 248 00:15:41,083 --> 00:15:42,291 Blast that mutant! 249 00:15:43,583 --> 00:15:44,875 Mind if I borrow this? 250 00:15:51,458 --> 00:15:52,875 [Sunfire] We can use our powers! 251 00:15:53,291 --> 00:15:54,333 [guard 2] The mutants are free! 252 00:16:06,500 --> 00:16:08,458 [guards exclaiming] 253 00:16:24,291 --> 00:16:26,458 Happy landings, goon! 254 00:16:26,458 --> 00:16:29,333 Stop! You must not harm him! 255 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:32,083 [commander screaming] 256 00:16:38,375 --> 00:16:41,291 Now that you're free, you can help us stop the Sentinels. 257 00:16:41,291 --> 00:16:44,375 No! We follow you once before, to disaster. 258 00:16:44,375 --> 00:16:47,166 Gambit has seen how the Sentinels are created. 259 00:16:47,166 --> 00:16:49,250 There will be thousands of them 260 00:16:49,250 --> 00:16:51,375 unless this dam is destroyed. 261 00:16:51,375 --> 00:16:54,875 We deal with the Sentinels when all of Genosha is ours. 262 00:16:55,583 --> 00:16:56,583 Come on! 263 00:16:59,208 --> 00:17:00,833 Give me that key. 264 00:17:00,833 --> 00:17:03,500 You could at least say thank you! 265 00:17:03,500 --> 00:17:06,416 This dam's too big for us to bring down, non? 266 00:17:06,416 --> 00:17:09,375 [Storm] Yes, but a power greater than ours 267 00:17:09,375 --> 00:17:11,375 lies hidden within the clouds. 268 00:17:13,875 --> 00:17:16,333 [Gyrich] This whole situation is collapsing. 269 00:17:16,333 --> 00:17:18,625 I'm going back to Washington. 270 00:17:18,625 --> 00:17:20,708 Gyrich! You're not going to abandon me! 271 00:17:26,833 --> 00:17:27,833 Halt! 272 00:17:41,250 --> 00:17:42,708 [thunder rumbling] 273 00:17:42,708 --> 00:17:44,125 Take me to my car at once. 274 00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:47,583 The other way, you fool! 275 00:17:50,583 --> 00:17:52,333 Remember me, Colonel? 276 00:18:02,708 --> 00:18:05,583 Please, Storm! You're not strong enough yet! 277 00:18:08,750 --> 00:18:09,875 Leave me! 278 00:18:10,375 --> 00:18:13,125 Come, petite! We've got to let her be. 279 00:18:13,125 --> 00:18:14,208 No! 280 00:18:16,458 --> 00:18:21,708 I summon the full power of the storm! 281 00:18:30,875 --> 00:18:32,583 [groaning] 282 00:18:37,416 --> 00:18:39,166 You've been working too hard, gal. 283 00:18:48,000 --> 00:18:51,000 Have you ever been to Switzerland, Mr. Hodge? 284 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:52,166 [Hodge gasps] 285 00:19:07,000 --> 00:19:08,708 [guard screams] 286 00:19:09,333 --> 00:19:11,875 [Cable] I thought you were going to bring democracy to Genosha. 287 00:19:12,500 --> 00:19:17,166 I don't mind being wrong, as long as I can correct my mistakes. 288 00:19:17,166 --> 00:19:20,000 Drop that plasma rifle or I'll fire! 289 00:19:20,000 --> 00:19:23,000 Blast him, Hodge! Now! 290 00:19:23,000 --> 00:19:24,583 [rumbling] 291 00:19:27,875 --> 00:19:28,875 [screams] 292 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:41,958 [Mastermold] I am still plugged in! 293 00:20:03,375 --> 00:20:05,458 Cyclops to Xavier. Come in, Professor. 294 00:20:08,500 --> 00:20:10,166 There's no answer. Just static. 295 00:20:15,708 --> 00:20:16,833 [gasps] 296 00:20:16,833 --> 00:20:18,500 It's all right, Storm. 297 00:20:18,500 --> 00:20:21,583 I dreamed I was in a very small place. 298 00:20:22,625 --> 00:20:24,291 I'm sorry I didn't trust you, Gambit. 299 00:20:24,833 --> 00:20:27,708 I mean, I should've known you'd never really be a traitor. 300 00:20:27,708 --> 00:20:29,583 How do you know that, petite? 301 00:20:29,583 --> 00:20:32,083 Maybe you been fooled again, non? 302 00:20:32,083 --> 00:20:35,250 Touchdown in two minutes. I'm getting a visual on the... 303 00:20:35,250 --> 00:20:36,333 the school! 304 00:20:36,333 --> 00:20:37,833 It can't be! 305 00:20:37,833 --> 00:20:38,833 [growling] 306 00:20:46,125 --> 00:20:48,000 [closing theme music playing]