1 00:00:01,416 --> 00:00:02,583 Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:05,833 --> 00:00:10,166 I... am... Phoenix! 3 00:00:10,166 --> 00:00:11,375 Jean! 4 00:00:11,375 --> 00:00:13,000 It is good that you are here. 5 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:15,583 -Help me to prepare the others. -For what? 6 00:00:15,583 --> 00:00:19,708 In our hands lies the fate of a billion star systems, 7 00:00:19,708 --> 00:00:21,875 of lives beyond measure. 8 00:00:21,875 --> 00:00:25,000 Unlock the power of the M'Kraan 9 00:00:25,000 --> 00:00:27,416 and make the galaxy mine! 10 00:00:27,416 --> 00:00:28,750 Stop! 11 00:00:28,750 --> 00:00:31,875 I am the guardian of the crystal. 12 00:00:31,875 --> 00:00:35,125 The galaxy is mine to destroy. 13 00:00:35,125 --> 00:00:38,166 [Jean] The power has destroyed you, D'Ken. 14 00:00:38,166 --> 00:00:41,500 The galaxy shall not share your fate. 15 00:00:41,500 --> 00:00:42,875 The crystal is sealed, 16 00:00:42,875 --> 00:00:44,583 but the only way to guarantee 17 00:00:44,583 --> 00:00:47,333 that its power will never be released again 18 00:00:47,333 --> 00:00:51,250 is for me to take it beyond the reach of any living being. 19 00:00:51,250 --> 00:00:53,333 [Scott] You could be locked in here forever. 20 00:00:53,333 --> 00:00:55,458 I'm only doing what must be done. 21 00:00:55,458 --> 00:00:57,083 I'm coming with you. 22 00:00:57,083 --> 00:00:59,458 You can't be a part of where I'm going. 23 00:00:59,458 --> 00:01:01,958 Good-bye, my friends. I love you all. 24 00:01:01,958 --> 00:01:03,458 Good-bye, Scott. 25 00:01:04,166 --> 00:01:05,583 Good-bye, my love. 26 00:01:05,583 --> 00:01:06,875 [Jean] The light. 27 00:01:07,583 --> 00:01:09,208 Oh, Scott, 28 00:01:09,208 --> 00:01:11,375 if only you could see it. 29 00:01:11,375 --> 00:01:12,583 Jean... 30 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:15,833 [opening theme playing] 31 00:01:47,166 --> 00:01:49,708 [Beast] "And when its turbulent journey endeth, 32 00:01:49,708 --> 00:01:52,166 the river flows into the sea. 33 00:01:52,166 --> 00:01:53,958 At peace now 34 00:01:53,958 --> 00:01:55,625 for all eternity." 35 00:01:56,875 --> 00:01:58,375 [Rogue sniffles] 36 00:01:58,375 --> 00:02:00,875 That was really nice, Hank. [sniffles] 37 00:02:00,875 --> 00:02:02,708 And most appropriate. 38 00:02:03,291 --> 00:02:04,833 Jean loved poetry. 39 00:02:04,833 --> 00:02:06,416 Didn't she, Scott? 40 00:02:10,250 --> 00:02:13,291 We all know the risks of being an X-Man. 41 00:02:13,291 --> 00:02:14,583 Jean knew them well. 42 00:02:14,583 --> 00:02:16,375 I think this whole thing is sick. 43 00:02:16,375 --> 00:02:19,291 You're all acting like Jean's never coming back. 44 00:02:20,875 --> 00:02:22,291 But, sugar... 45 00:02:23,208 --> 00:02:24,500 Maybe she's alive. 46 00:02:24,500 --> 00:02:26,208 Did you ever think of that? 47 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:29,625 [sobbing] 48 00:02:29,625 --> 00:02:31,125 Let it out, baby. 49 00:02:32,208 --> 00:02:33,291 Let it out. 50 00:02:40,250 --> 00:02:41,708 I miss you. 51 00:02:41,708 --> 00:02:43,583 I never knew how much I would. 52 00:02:43,583 --> 00:02:45,375 We all miss her, Scott. 53 00:02:45,375 --> 00:02:46,750 The question is, 54 00:02:46,750 --> 00:02:48,583 how will we move on without her? 55 00:02:48,583 --> 00:02:51,875 What's important now is that we carry on 56 00:02:51,875 --> 00:02:54,583 so that Jean's great sacrifice 57 00:02:54,583 --> 00:02:56,083 won't have been in vain. 58 00:02:56,083 --> 00:02:58,250 To save a world full of prejudice? 59 00:02:58,250 --> 00:02:59,750 Where humans hate us. Is that it? 60 00:02:59,750 --> 00:03:01,458 Hate and fear are what we're fighting 61 00:03:01,458 --> 00:03:03,458 to overcome, you know that. 62 00:03:03,458 --> 00:03:05,000 A lot of things I thought I knew 63 00:03:05,000 --> 00:03:07,166 aren't so clear to me anymore. 64 00:03:07,166 --> 00:03:08,958 You are in pain, Scott. 65 00:03:08,958 --> 00:03:11,833 Perhaps worse than any of us can understand. 66 00:03:11,833 --> 00:03:14,083 But in time, this feeling will-- 67 00:03:14,083 --> 00:03:15,416 Don't you get it? 68 00:03:15,416 --> 00:03:17,875 I'm sick of the responsibility! 69 00:03:17,875 --> 00:03:19,458 I'm sick of being den mother 70 00:03:19,458 --> 00:03:21,458 to a bunch of quibbling children! 71 00:03:21,458 --> 00:03:22,875 I can't do it anymore! 72 00:03:23,500 --> 00:03:24,750 Most of all 73 00:03:25,250 --> 00:03:27,083 I'm sick of caring. 74 00:03:28,625 --> 00:03:30,166 I cared for Jean. 75 00:03:30,166 --> 00:03:32,083 Look where that got me. 76 00:03:36,375 --> 00:03:37,708 Here, Professor. 77 00:03:37,708 --> 00:03:40,625 I won't be needing these anymore. 78 00:03:40,625 --> 00:03:42,291 Scott, please! 79 00:03:53,625 --> 00:03:55,458 [Scott] Jean, I've been wondering... 80 00:03:55,458 --> 00:03:56,958 Yes? 81 00:03:56,958 --> 00:03:59,083 I've been wondering, will you marry me? 82 00:03:59,083 --> 00:04:01,333 -Cyclops... -Well? 83 00:04:01,333 --> 00:04:04,333 If we have children, they'll be mutants. 84 00:04:04,333 --> 00:04:08,125 They'll face the same problems we have all their lives. 85 00:04:09,708 --> 00:04:12,125 I wouldn't have it any other way. 86 00:04:13,250 --> 00:04:14,833 [boy] Die, mutant! 87 00:04:17,291 --> 00:04:18,875 Johnny, stop that. 88 00:04:18,875 --> 00:04:20,750 That's real impolite. 89 00:04:20,750 --> 00:04:24,583 But, Ma, I'm just playing good guys and mutants. 90 00:04:24,583 --> 00:04:26,708 Well, I'm sure that nice young man 91 00:04:26,708 --> 00:04:28,875 doesn't appreciate being called a mutant. 92 00:04:35,708 --> 00:04:37,166 [girl] Scott's it! 93 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:40,333 [groans] My head! 94 00:04:48,125 --> 00:04:50,625 [woman] Can I help you? Excuse me. 95 00:04:50,625 --> 00:04:53,291 Are you all right? Are you here about an adoption? 96 00:04:53,291 --> 00:04:54,500 Oh, no, I was just... 97 00:04:55,000 --> 00:04:56,208 I used to live here. 98 00:04:57,500 --> 00:04:59,708 Scott... Summers? 99 00:04:59,708 --> 00:05:02,125 Yes, but how did... Sarah? 100 00:05:02,125 --> 00:05:04,333 It's so good to see you. 101 00:05:04,333 --> 00:05:06,583 It's been such a long time. 102 00:05:10,375 --> 00:05:12,291 So, after my husband died, 103 00:05:12,291 --> 00:05:14,875 I came back here as a volunteer. 104 00:05:14,875 --> 00:05:15,958 Now I run the place. 105 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:18,500 What about you, Scott? 106 00:05:18,500 --> 00:05:20,208 -You never married? -No. 107 00:05:20,208 --> 00:05:21,375 But there was someone, 108 00:05:21,375 --> 00:05:24,250 but... she's gone. 109 00:05:27,291 --> 00:05:30,375 And to top off a week filled with charitable acts, 110 00:05:30,375 --> 00:05:33,875 Zebediah Killgrave pledged full college scholarships 111 00:05:33,875 --> 00:05:35,875 to ten more disadvantaged children. 112 00:05:35,875 --> 00:05:39,083 That is one of the finest men who ever lived. 113 00:05:39,083 --> 00:05:41,708 I could never have kept this place afloat if not for him. 114 00:05:41,708 --> 00:05:44,000 Not only has Mr. Killgrave given us money, 115 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:46,708 but he adopted four of my special kids. 116 00:05:46,708 --> 00:05:48,333 When you say "special"... 117 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:49,750 I mean "mutants," Scott. 118 00:05:49,750 --> 00:05:51,583 Nobody else wanted to adopt them. 119 00:05:51,583 --> 00:05:54,000 [woman] We just feel Scott would be better off 120 00:05:54,000 --> 00:05:55,500 with another family. 121 00:05:55,500 --> 00:05:58,458 He has... such special needs. 122 00:05:59,416 --> 00:06:02,875 A child like that shouldn't be allowed near other children. 123 00:06:02,875 --> 00:06:05,333 You should have warned us he wasn't normal. 124 00:06:15,083 --> 00:06:16,583 [alarm beeping] 125 00:06:16,583 --> 00:06:18,875 Fire! The children! 126 00:06:25,000 --> 00:06:27,416 Quickly, children, downstairs! 127 00:06:51,166 --> 00:06:52,166 Hey, you! 128 00:06:54,458 --> 00:06:57,291 I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident. 129 00:06:57,291 --> 00:06:59,083 What were you doing, playing with matches? 130 00:06:59,625 --> 00:07:01,125 People could have been hurt. 131 00:07:01,125 --> 00:07:02,458 Let him go, Scott. 132 00:07:03,416 --> 00:07:05,166 I'm sorry, Sarah. 133 00:07:05,166 --> 00:07:08,208 Rusty is one of the special kids I told you about. 134 00:07:08,208 --> 00:07:11,000 He was adopted by Mr. Killgrave two days ago. 135 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:12,416 Don't make me go back. 136 00:07:12,416 --> 00:07:15,500 -Please! -But Rusty, what's wrong? 137 00:07:15,500 --> 00:07:18,333 Can't anybody stop this? 138 00:07:18,333 --> 00:07:20,125 Let me talk to him, Sarah. 139 00:07:20,750 --> 00:07:23,416 I know you didn't mean to set that fire, Rusty. 140 00:07:23,416 --> 00:07:25,208 You've got a mutant power. 141 00:07:25,625 --> 00:07:27,000 It takes time to learn how to use it. 142 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:28,458 What are you, 143 00:07:28,458 --> 00:07:31,125 some kind of do-gooder social worker? 144 00:07:36,416 --> 00:07:38,083 You're a mutant. 145 00:07:38,083 --> 00:07:41,000 Then, you know what it's like. 146 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:43,083 I also know what it's like growing up 147 00:07:43,083 --> 00:07:45,583 without a home, without parents. 148 00:07:45,583 --> 00:07:48,375 You're fortunate that someone wants to give you all that. 149 00:07:48,375 --> 00:07:50,583 I couldn't have made it without help from friends 150 00:07:50,583 --> 00:07:52,083 that cared about me. 151 00:07:52,083 --> 00:07:53,708 Killgrave is bad news. 152 00:07:53,708 --> 00:07:55,708 I'm telling you, he's wacko. 153 00:07:55,708 --> 00:07:57,750 Maybe you just need to get used to him. 154 00:07:57,750 --> 00:07:59,416 But I heard him talking about how he's gonna use 155 00:07:59,416 --> 00:08:00,958 this big new project 156 00:08:00,958 --> 00:08:02,583 to run the governor out of office. 157 00:08:02,583 --> 00:08:05,583 And he's got a torture chamber In his basement. 158 00:08:05,583 --> 00:08:07,750 What are you saying? 159 00:08:07,750 --> 00:08:09,875 Scott, you don't have to listen to this anymore. 160 00:08:10,416 --> 00:08:12,208 Go inside, Rusty. 161 00:08:12,208 --> 00:08:14,958 Nobody ever believes me! 162 00:08:14,958 --> 00:08:17,625 After all Mr. Killgrave has done for you, 163 00:08:17,625 --> 00:08:19,375 you make up these lies? 164 00:08:19,375 --> 00:08:21,375 Could there be any truth to what he's saying? 165 00:08:21,375 --> 00:08:23,250 -You don't know this kid, Scott. -[siren wailing] 166 00:08:23,250 --> 00:08:25,375 He's lied, he's stolen 167 00:08:25,375 --> 00:08:27,000 He's been in trouble with the police. 168 00:08:34,583 --> 00:08:37,166 He's here, isn't he? 169 00:08:37,625 --> 00:08:39,708 Please don't make me go back. 170 00:08:42,083 --> 00:08:45,208 Rusty's having some problems adjusting, Mr. Killgrave. 171 00:08:45,208 --> 00:08:47,208 Maybe if he stayed here for a few days-- 172 00:08:47,208 --> 00:08:48,458 Now, Sarah, 173 00:08:48,458 --> 00:08:50,083 we've been through this before 174 00:08:50,083 --> 00:08:52,083 with other "special children." 175 00:08:52,083 --> 00:08:55,083 We agreed that a clean break was best. 176 00:08:55,083 --> 00:08:56,583 But I'm only talking about-- 177 00:08:56,583 --> 00:08:58,083 You know what I think of you 178 00:08:58,083 --> 00:09:00,333 and the wonderful work you do here. 179 00:09:00,333 --> 00:09:02,166 You've been more than generous. 180 00:09:02,166 --> 00:09:05,208 It would be a shame If this little misunderstanding 181 00:09:05,208 --> 00:09:07,750 caused me to feel differently. 182 00:09:07,750 --> 00:09:10,250 Sir, the boy seems scared. 183 00:09:10,250 --> 00:09:11,708 Does he have any reason to be? 184 00:09:11,708 --> 00:09:13,000 Why, no. 185 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:14,833 Not having a father, 186 00:09:14,833 --> 00:09:17,875 he's just not used to the loving discipline 187 00:09:17,875 --> 00:09:20,291 a boy his age needs. 188 00:09:21,458 --> 00:09:22,875 Rusty? 189 00:09:22,875 --> 00:09:24,500 You go back with Mr. Killgrave. 190 00:09:24,500 --> 00:09:26,333 My boy. 191 00:09:26,333 --> 00:09:28,375 You had me so worried. 192 00:09:34,583 --> 00:09:36,750 After only two days 193 00:09:36,750 --> 00:09:39,583 I already love you like a son. 194 00:09:44,583 --> 00:09:45,833 Back to your work! 195 00:09:46,416 --> 00:09:48,625 No! You can't make me! 196 00:09:49,583 --> 00:09:52,000 Obey me! 197 00:09:52,000 --> 00:09:53,833 No... I... 198 00:09:53,833 --> 00:09:56,125 The future is now. 199 00:09:56,125 --> 00:09:58,083 We will be respected. 200 00:09:58,083 --> 00:10:00,958 We will overcome their hatred. 201 00:10:00,958 --> 00:10:04,708 Through strength, we will lead. 202 00:10:04,708 --> 00:10:07,083 The future is now. 203 00:10:07,083 --> 00:10:09,000 We will be respected. 204 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:11,958 We will overcome their hatred. 205 00:10:11,958 --> 00:10:15,458 Through strength, we will lead. 206 00:10:15,458 --> 00:10:17,875 [kids] The future is now. 207 00:10:18,375 --> 00:10:20,583 We will be respected. 208 00:10:20,583 --> 00:10:23,000 The future is now. 209 00:10:23,416 --> 00:10:25,958 We will be respected. 210 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:28,958 We will overcome their hatred. 211 00:10:28,958 --> 00:10:31,500 Through strength, we will lead. 212 00:10:32,250 --> 00:10:33,625 We will be respected... 213 00:10:33,625 --> 00:10:36,416 You have a special purpose, Rusty. 214 00:10:36,416 --> 00:10:39,000 You are one of the chosen. 215 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,291 Soon, you will not hide your powers. 216 00:10:41,291 --> 00:10:44,375 You won't deny who you are just to be accepted. 217 00:10:44,375 --> 00:10:47,458 You will be the politicians, the bankers, 218 00:10:47,458 --> 00:10:49,458 the community leaders! 219 00:10:49,458 --> 00:10:51,875 The American dream will become a reality 220 00:10:51,875 --> 00:10:54,833 For every mutant, young and old. 221 00:10:55,291 --> 00:10:57,875 And when we're in charge, 222 00:10:57,875 --> 00:11:01,333 we'll make them pay for the way they've treated us! 223 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:05,875 [kids] The future is now. 224 00:11:05,875 --> 00:11:07,625 We will be respected. 225 00:11:07,625 --> 00:11:10,458 The future is now. 226 00:11:10,458 --> 00:11:12,708 We will be respected. 227 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:17,250 And now, my young friends, 228 00:11:17,250 --> 00:11:21,291 it's time to pay a little visit to the capital building. 229 00:11:22,416 --> 00:11:25,458 You, Taki, will use your wheelchair transformation power 230 00:11:25,458 --> 00:11:27,166 to gain access. 231 00:11:32,250 --> 00:11:34,875 Skids and Boom Boom, you will hold off the guards. 232 00:11:44,083 --> 00:11:46,458 [gasps and screams] 233 00:11:52,875 --> 00:11:55,083 And, Rusty, you'll provide me 234 00:11:55,083 --> 00:11:57,875 with that extra sense of security. 235 00:12:10,333 --> 00:12:13,416 While I pay a visit to the governor. 236 00:12:16,708 --> 00:12:20,291 -Killgrave? -You know what I want, Governor. 237 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:22,000 A Platte River project. 238 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:24,333 Obey me. 239 00:12:29,333 --> 00:12:31,166 Thanks for staying to help us out. 240 00:12:31,583 --> 00:12:33,416 How was it sleeping on the couch? 241 00:12:33,416 --> 00:12:34,583 Lumpy. 242 00:12:35,875 --> 00:12:37,708 That's the first time I've seen you smile. 243 00:12:37,708 --> 00:12:39,333 Who's Jean? 244 00:12:39,333 --> 00:12:41,083 You cried her name out In your sleep. 245 00:12:41,083 --> 00:12:43,250 Was she the woman you... spoke of? 246 00:12:44,208 --> 00:12:45,291 Yes. 247 00:12:45,875 --> 00:12:47,208 Jean was my... 248 00:12:47,583 --> 00:12:49,416 Was someone I loved. 249 00:12:49,416 --> 00:12:50,583 Sorry. 250 00:12:50,583 --> 00:12:52,000 [stammering] I didn't mean to... 251 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:53,458 No. It's okay. 252 00:12:53,458 --> 00:12:56,000 I just don't know how to talk about it yet. 253 00:12:56,000 --> 00:12:57,250 It'll be all right. 254 00:12:57,250 --> 00:12:58,708 No. [stammering] 255 00:12:58,708 --> 00:13:01,250 Look, you've been really kind to me, Sarah, 256 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:04,250 -but I should go. -[woman on TV] We interrupt this broadcast 257 00:13:04,250 --> 00:13:06,458 to bring you a News Nine Special Report. 258 00:13:06,458 --> 00:13:09,250 -[kids] Oh, no. -Governor Barkley has announced 259 00:13:09,250 --> 00:13:11,000 he's resigning from office, 260 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:13,416 citing health problems as the cause. 261 00:13:13,416 --> 00:13:17,000 This will likely bode well for Zebediah Killgrave, 262 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:19,291 since the governor has led the opposition 263 00:13:19,291 --> 00:13:21,208 to Killgrave's bid to control 264 00:13:21,208 --> 00:13:23,125 the multi-billion-dollar hydroelectric facility... 265 00:13:23,125 --> 00:13:24,500 Maybe rusty was right. 266 00:13:25,291 --> 00:13:26,625 We've got to get the kids. 267 00:13:32,625 --> 00:13:34,291 [Sarah] That's Killgrave's house. 268 00:13:34,291 --> 00:13:36,583 I still can't believe that a man like him 269 00:13:36,583 --> 00:13:38,875 could be involved in anything criminal. 270 00:13:38,875 --> 00:13:40,000 You may be right, Sarah, 271 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:41,250 but we can't take the chance. 272 00:13:43,583 --> 00:13:45,625 Wait here. It may not be safe. 273 00:13:45,625 --> 00:13:47,166 But if the kids are in danger-- 274 00:13:47,166 --> 00:13:49,416 Wait here. I want to see Killgrave. 275 00:14:11,250 --> 00:14:12,875 I want to see Killgrave. 276 00:14:13,750 --> 00:14:15,083 It's all right, Wayne. 277 00:14:16,375 --> 00:14:18,375 You're Sarah's friend. 278 00:14:18,375 --> 00:14:19,750 Scott summers. 279 00:14:19,750 --> 00:14:21,166 I have reason to believe 280 00:14:21,166 --> 00:14:22,458 Rusty and the others are in danger. 281 00:14:22,458 --> 00:14:23,875 Danger? 282 00:14:23,875 --> 00:14:25,750 Whatever would give you that idea? 283 00:14:26,583 --> 00:14:29,333 As you can see, they're all perfectly safe. 284 00:14:29,333 --> 00:14:32,625 I encourage the children to improve their minds. 285 00:14:33,125 --> 00:14:36,166 Children, say hello to Mr. Summers. 286 00:14:36,583 --> 00:14:38,958 [speaking woodenly] Hello, Mr. Summers. 287 00:14:38,958 --> 00:14:41,250 With discipline and hard work, 288 00:14:41,250 --> 00:14:44,291 they will be the future leaders of our community. 289 00:14:45,125 --> 00:14:46,125 Rusty? 290 00:14:48,000 --> 00:14:50,458 -Would you like a cookie? -Are you okay? 291 00:14:50,458 --> 00:14:52,958 Of course. Everything's fine now. 292 00:14:52,958 --> 00:14:55,291 I was wrong about Mr. Killgrave. 293 00:14:59,291 --> 00:15:00,375 [screams] 294 00:15:02,166 --> 00:15:03,583 Dump him out back. 295 00:15:04,083 --> 00:15:06,875 [ groaning] 296 00:15:07,708 --> 00:15:09,500 I've got a press conference to hold. 297 00:15:29,208 --> 00:15:30,875 -Scott. -Jean. 298 00:15:36,583 --> 00:15:39,708 -[coughing] -Thank goodness. 299 00:15:43,083 --> 00:15:45,708 -[groans] -When I saw Killgrave drive off, 300 00:15:45,708 --> 00:15:47,458 I thought something might be wrong. 301 00:15:47,458 --> 00:15:49,958 -Were the kids with him? -I don't think so. 302 00:15:49,958 --> 00:15:51,000 The basement! 303 00:15:51,416 --> 00:15:52,958 I hope we're not too late. 304 00:15:54,250 --> 00:15:57,333 Welcome to the final stage of your training. 305 00:15:57,333 --> 00:16:01,208 After this, you will always be part of our family. 306 00:16:01,208 --> 00:16:04,208 [all] We hear, and we obey. 307 00:16:05,958 --> 00:16:08,875 Everything Killgrave has taught you is a lie. 308 00:16:12,500 --> 00:16:16,000 Acceptance must be earned, not forced on people. 309 00:16:16,458 --> 00:16:17,958 Are you kids all right? 310 00:16:18,833 --> 00:16:21,125 Sarah, can we go home now? 311 00:16:21,583 --> 00:16:23,583 Of course we can, darling. 312 00:16:26,708 --> 00:16:28,958 How could I have been so foolish? 313 00:16:28,958 --> 00:16:30,583 Don't blame yourself, Sarah. 314 00:16:30,583 --> 00:16:33,208 The whole state's been taken in by this guy. 315 00:16:33,208 --> 00:16:34,833 Whatever hold he has on the children, 316 00:16:34,833 --> 00:16:36,375 evidently isn't total. 317 00:16:36,375 --> 00:16:38,333 Let's get all the kids somewhere safe. 318 00:16:38,333 --> 00:16:41,000 The press and the authorities should be here any minute. 319 00:16:41,708 --> 00:16:45,208 Sarah, when I... used my mutant powers 320 00:16:45,208 --> 00:16:48,375 back at Killgrave's, you weren't shocked. 321 00:16:48,375 --> 00:16:50,583 No. I already knew. 322 00:16:50,583 --> 00:16:51,625 But when did you... 323 00:16:51,625 --> 00:16:52,875 I've known since that day 324 00:16:52,875 --> 00:16:54,375 back when we were kids. 325 00:17:02,083 --> 00:17:04,416 When the others were so cruel to you. 326 00:17:05,375 --> 00:17:07,416 When no one would adopt you. 327 00:17:07,416 --> 00:17:09,708 But you never made me feel like an outcast, 328 00:17:10,458 --> 00:17:11,708 Like the others did. 329 00:17:11,708 --> 00:17:13,333 It didn't matter to me, Scott. 330 00:17:13,333 --> 00:17:15,125 You were always my friend. 331 00:17:15,125 --> 00:17:18,083 -Sarah, I... -[helicopter rotors whirring] 332 00:17:23,125 --> 00:17:26,166 Sarah, I know you have my children. 333 00:17:26,166 --> 00:17:28,125 They're not yours anymore. 334 00:17:28,125 --> 00:17:30,208 You're making a big mistake. 335 00:17:30,208 --> 00:17:31,708 No, Killgrave. 336 00:17:33,000 --> 00:17:35,208 You're the one making the mistake. 337 00:17:35,208 --> 00:17:37,583 I should have made sure I was rid of you 338 00:17:37,583 --> 00:17:38,958 when I had the chance. 339 00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:48,708 Grab your camera, Bill. I gotta have this. 340 00:17:52,125 --> 00:17:54,875 Humans like Sarah hate mutants. 341 00:17:55,375 --> 00:17:58,000 I'll teach you to turn your back on your own kind. 342 00:17:59,333 --> 00:18:01,000 [groaning] 343 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:03,000 On your knees! 344 00:18:03,958 --> 00:18:07,750 Yours is the only hatred I feel, Killgrave. 345 00:18:07,750 --> 00:18:10,000 As long as I'm alive, 346 00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:12,166 you'll never get these children. 347 00:18:12,166 --> 00:18:14,125 It's too late. 348 00:18:14,125 --> 00:18:16,958 I already own them. 349 00:18:17,416 --> 00:18:18,625 Rusty! 350 00:18:18,625 --> 00:18:20,708 Obey me. 351 00:18:24,250 --> 00:18:25,416 Scott! 352 00:18:25,416 --> 00:18:26,958 No! 353 00:18:27,833 --> 00:18:30,500 Won't... let you! 354 00:18:32,875 --> 00:18:34,125 [both groan] 355 00:18:38,708 --> 00:18:40,875 Taki! He's still inside! 356 00:18:41,333 --> 00:18:43,083 Sarah! No! 357 00:18:43,708 --> 00:18:46,208 No! Not again! 358 00:18:55,375 --> 00:18:56,458 [gasping] 359 00:19:05,291 --> 00:19:07,083 Let's get it on the air. 360 00:19:10,458 --> 00:19:12,083 It's all gone, Sarah. 361 00:19:12,083 --> 00:19:13,375 What will you do? 362 00:19:13,375 --> 00:19:15,583 Rebuild. What else can I do? 363 00:19:15,583 --> 00:19:17,833 This is my home, where I belong. 364 00:19:17,833 --> 00:19:20,000 These kids are my family. 365 00:19:20,000 --> 00:19:23,083 There's a place here for you as well, Scott, if you want it. 366 00:19:23,083 --> 00:19:24,875 Part of me does, Sarah 367 00:19:24,875 --> 00:19:27,875 But helping you and the children made me realize 368 00:19:27,875 --> 00:19:30,250 that there's another place where I belong 369 00:19:30,875 --> 00:19:32,458 where I'm also needed. 370 00:19:37,708 --> 00:19:39,000 Scott. 371 00:19:41,416 --> 00:19:42,625 Professor. 372 00:19:42,625 --> 00:19:45,166 [alarm sounding] 373 00:19:45,166 --> 00:19:47,083 It's Cerebro's autoscan. 374 00:19:47,083 --> 00:19:48,458 It's found something. 375 00:19:50,458 --> 00:19:51,958 She's alive. 376 00:19:54,125 --> 00:19:55,250 Jean! 377 00:19:57,208 --> 00:19:58,583 Fascinating. 378 00:19:58,583 --> 00:20:00,166 [Scott] I miss you. 379 00:20:07,000 --> 00:20:09,166 [closing theme playing]