1 00:00:01,583 --> 00:00:03,000 [Narrator] Previously onX-Men. 2 00:00:03,125 --> 00:00:04,500 Who are you? 3 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:07,708 My name is Arkon, ruler of Polemachus. 4 00:00:08,291 --> 00:00:10,250 My planet is dying. 5 00:00:10,250 --> 00:00:13,958 You, mistress of the elements, can save us. 6 00:00:13,958 --> 00:00:16,583 When you cast your eyes on my troubled world, 7 00:00:16,583 --> 00:00:18,458 you will begin to understand. 8 00:00:18,458 --> 00:00:20,708 These storms have weakened the Ring of Verdon, 9 00:00:20,708 --> 00:00:24,375 which protects our planet the way the ozone layer protects your Earth. 10 00:00:24,375 --> 00:00:29,083 I sense a terrible wound. What is that device? 11 00:00:29,083 --> 00:00:31,208 It is the central energy transmitter. 12 00:00:31,208 --> 00:00:35,375 Polemachus depends on it for a great deal, including our security. 13 00:00:35,375 --> 00:00:37,625 But, Arkon, it is causing... 14 00:00:37,625 --> 00:00:40,583 Surely your powers are strong enough to accommodate its presence. 15 00:00:40,583 --> 00:00:45,708 [Arkon] It's over, my darling. We are saved! 16 00:00:45,708 --> 00:00:49,708 Storm, will you rule by my side, as empress? 17 00:00:50,833 --> 00:00:52,708 Yes, I will! 18 00:00:52,708 --> 00:00:58,000 I present to you, our queen, Storm! 19 00:00:58,416 --> 00:00:59,875 Oh, my! 20 00:01:03,291 --> 00:01:05,833 [opening theme song playing] 21 00:01:32,708 --> 00:01:36,166 [Arkon] People of Polemachus, in honor of Storm, 22 00:01:36,166 --> 00:01:40,500 as both the savior of our planets and as my betrothed, 23 00:01:40,500 --> 00:01:45,708 I hereby proclaim the observance of the Festival of Storm! 24 00:01:45,708 --> 00:01:47,875 Every year this honor shall be bestowed, 25 00:01:47,875 --> 00:01:50,291 to show our new queen 26 00:01:50,291 --> 00:01:54,708 how citizens of Polemachus demonstrate their love and gratitude! 27 00:01:55,125 --> 00:02:00,625 Polemachus will again be a kingdom of riches and contentment! 28 00:02:00,625 --> 00:02:02,416 Rebuilding our world is a hard task. 29 00:02:02,416 --> 00:02:04,291 [man yelling] 30 00:02:04,291 --> 00:02:08,125 We must not close our hearts to the joys of life! 31 00:02:08,125 --> 00:02:11,000 Let the celebrations begin! 32 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:15,000 Something ain't right about this dump. I can smell it. 33 00:02:15,416 --> 00:02:17,416 I don't want to lose her either, Logan. 34 00:02:17,416 --> 00:02:20,500 But if this is what Storm wants, who are we to stand in her way? 35 00:02:20,500 --> 00:02:24,583 -We're her friends, that's who. -[Beast] Wolverine is correct. 36 00:02:24,583 --> 00:02:28,958 Storm's acceptance of this marriage proposal seems unnaturally sudden. 37 00:02:28,958 --> 00:02:32,708 And she's planning to stay with him on this mud ball forever. 38 00:02:32,708 --> 00:02:34,750 Storm's not acting like herself! 39 00:02:34,750 --> 00:02:39,416 Perhaps that is because, for the first time in my life, 40 00:02:39,416 --> 00:02:43,875 I am truly happy. I understand your concern. 41 00:02:43,875 --> 00:02:48,875 Cyclops, as our leader, you worry for my safety, 42 00:02:48,875 --> 00:02:53,291 yet you are generous enough to want for me only what is good. 43 00:02:53,291 --> 00:02:58,583 Hank, you have analyzed my decision and found my logic wanting. 44 00:02:58,583 --> 00:03:04,166 My dear friend, my decision comes not from my mind, 45 00:03:04,166 --> 00:03:05,958 but from my heart. 46 00:03:05,958 --> 00:03:09,875 And Logan, you more than anyone know the pain that comes 47 00:03:09,875 --> 00:03:12,208 when one is not at peace. 48 00:03:12,208 --> 00:03:16,250 I have been dedicated to the X-Men since I was a teenager, 49 00:03:16,250 --> 00:03:19,583 never allowing myself a life beyond my work. 50 00:03:19,583 --> 00:03:22,875 For years I have fought our lonely fight 51 00:03:22,875 --> 00:03:27,708 and yet, our world is still no home for mutants. 52 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:29,708 It's the only home we got. 53 00:03:29,708 --> 00:03:31,375 Not for me. 54 00:03:31,375 --> 00:03:34,125 I have a chance to make a difference here! 55 00:03:34,125 --> 00:03:39,750 To heal a wounded planet and to be happy with a man that I love. 56 00:03:39,750 --> 00:03:43,208 -A great man! -Who you just met. 57 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:47,125 Please. You are my family. 58 00:03:47,125 --> 00:03:51,125 Why can you not help me through this and share my joy? 59 00:03:51,125 --> 00:03:52,875 Of course we will. 60 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:55,458 [Jubilee] I wouldn't miss this wedding for the world! 61 00:03:55,458 --> 00:03:58,208 Hey! Get one of those golf balls from Arkon, 62 00:03:58,208 --> 00:04:00,708 and we'll get the Professor here to give you away! 63 00:04:01,875 --> 00:04:04,750 Thank you all so much. 64 00:04:04,750 --> 00:04:09,500 You will see, Arkon is a truly wonderful man! 65 00:04:22,625 --> 00:04:26,708 The fleet is ready, Your Majesty. They await only the order to strike. 66 00:04:26,708 --> 00:04:31,583 Excellent! The great eco-instability is now under control. 67 00:04:31,583 --> 00:04:35,000 But it has cost Polemachus dearly in production and wealth! 68 00:04:35,458 --> 00:04:38,458 Your Majesty, the Science Council has determined 69 00:04:38,458 --> 00:04:41,458 that the great chaos was due to the central power grid. 70 00:04:41,458 --> 00:04:43,083 It could have been solved 71 00:04:43,083 --> 00:04:45,875 by simply turning off the main transmitter. 72 00:04:45,875 --> 00:04:49,166 And then what, you fool? 73 00:04:49,166 --> 00:04:51,958 It would be like before, no power for the guards, 74 00:04:51,958 --> 00:04:54,166 no obedience rings to control the workers! 75 00:04:54,166 --> 00:04:55,958 Chaos, rebellion! 76 00:04:55,958 --> 00:04:58,958 I agree! Turning off the grid is out of the question. 77 00:04:58,958 --> 00:05:01,458 There are more laborers than Polemachuns in the city! 78 00:05:01,458 --> 00:05:03,625 Our world is in ruin. 79 00:05:03,625 --> 00:05:06,583 We desperately need help to rebuild it. 80 00:05:06,583 --> 00:05:11,416 And we will get that help from our nearest neighbor, Belgania! 81 00:05:11,416 --> 00:05:15,291 It is my duty to remind, Your Majesty, of our peace treaty with Belgania. 82 00:05:15,291 --> 00:05:17,458 Our people need workers! 83 00:05:17,458 --> 00:05:22,000 Without them, we return to the barren lives of our ancestors. 84 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:24,583 Polemachus' destiny will not be stopped 85 00:05:24,583 --> 00:05:26,583 by a scrap of paper! 86 00:05:28,416 --> 00:05:32,708 We attack tonight! Fill the worker ships until they burst. 87 00:05:34,708 --> 00:05:37,458 Show no mercy! 88 00:05:41,458 --> 00:05:46,000 [Jubilee] Wow! This is totally awesome! It's real gold! 89 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:48,125 I could get used to being a queen! 90 00:05:48,500 --> 00:05:50,083 [laughing] 91 00:05:51,375 --> 00:05:52,708 [woman yells] 92 00:05:54,625 --> 00:05:56,000 [Jubilee] Uh-oh. 93 00:05:59,375 --> 00:06:00,958 [Storm laughing] 94 00:06:00,958 --> 00:06:02,458 [both laughing] 95 00:06:02,458 --> 00:06:05,375 I'm sorry, mistress. Please do not report me! 96 00:06:05,375 --> 00:06:07,458 It shall not happen again. Forgive me. 97 00:06:07,458 --> 00:06:13,083 -Hey! It was my fault. -I beg you. Do not report me. 98 00:06:14,708 --> 00:06:18,583 Storm, that was weird. She was like... 99 00:06:18,583 --> 00:06:20,625 She was terrified! 100 00:06:22,750 --> 00:06:25,458 A most magnificent homage, is it not? 101 00:06:25,458 --> 00:06:29,125 Oh, yeah. Maybe a little too magnificent. 102 00:06:29,125 --> 00:06:32,250 You know about Storm's tribe worshiping her when she was a kid. 103 00:06:32,250 --> 00:06:35,583 -[Beast] Yeah. -All that goddess stuff messed up her head. 104 00:06:35,583 --> 00:06:38,333 But Xavier worked her through all that. 105 00:06:38,333 --> 00:06:41,583 Maybe. But take a good look around. 106 00:06:41,583 --> 00:06:45,125 I ain't so sure this place is as great for her as she thinks. 107 00:06:46,125 --> 00:06:48,958 [Wolverine] Hey, pal. We're buddies of your new queen. 108 00:06:48,958 --> 00:06:52,000 Know where a guy can get a burger and fries around here? 109 00:06:52,500 --> 00:06:53,500 Please! 110 00:06:54,458 --> 00:06:55,625 [screams] 111 00:06:56,333 --> 00:06:59,500 I am sorry, but I must return to my work at once! 112 00:06:59,500 --> 00:07:03,000 He seemed very concerned about that robot guard. 113 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:06,833 He wasn't concerned, Hank. He was shaking in his boots. 114 00:07:06,833 --> 00:07:09,000 Get your nose ready, Logan. 115 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:13,000 We may have some local slime to sniff out before our visit is over. 116 00:07:23,208 --> 00:07:25,708 [Wolverine] They don't look like they're going out for pizza. 117 00:07:29,583 --> 00:07:32,250 Hold on, Logan. We don't know anything about this. 118 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:34,125 -Those ships could be... -Family cruise ships. 119 00:07:34,125 --> 00:07:36,208 Come on, Cyke. 120 00:07:36,208 --> 00:07:38,875 You've spent enough time in space to know war birds when you see 'em. 121 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:40,875 We need to check this out. 122 00:07:40,875 --> 00:07:44,458 -Let's follow the tough boys. -Let's not get in too deep. 123 00:07:49,875 --> 00:07:52,166 [Jubilee] Boy! They're in one heck of a hurry. 124 00:07:52,166 --> 00:07:53,625 I wonder where they're going? 125 00:07:53,625 --> 00:07:55,250 [Arkon] They are traveling to Belgania, 126 00:07:55,250 --> 00:07:57,375 our nearest neighbor in space. 127 00:07:57,375 --> 00:07:59,208 They will bring back supplies, workers, 128 00:07:59,208 --> 00:08:01,625 and the dignitaries for tonight's royal dinner. 129 00:08:01,625 --> 00:08:04,208 Most important of all, my love, 130 00:08:04,208 --> 00:08:07,875 they will bring back wedding treasures to tempt and delight you. 131 00:08:07,875 --> 00:08:09,625 Arkon, please. 132 00:08:09,625 --> 00:08:12,458 You should not go to so much trouble just for me. 133 00:08:12,458 --> 00:08:16,458 In pleasing you, there is no trouble, only happiness. 134 00:08:16,458 --> 00:08:18,625 That was an awful lot of ships. 135 00:08:18,625 --> 00:08:21,708 The recent crises have ravaged Polemachus. 136 00:08:21,708 --> 00:08:26,833 Our farmlands, factories, villages, and our people have suffered terribly. 137 00:08:26,833 --> 00:08:29,708 Those ships will bring help in restoring them. 138 00:08:29,708 --> 00:08:31,708 The task is enormous. 139 00:08:32,458 --> 00:08:34,958 And we shall face it together. 140 00:08:34,958 --> 00:08:38,958 What is this? How dare you not kneel in my presence! 141 00:08:40,833 --> 00:08:42,458 [beeping] 142 00:08:42,458 --> 00:08:46,875 Arkon, you are hurting her! Stop this, please! 143 00:08:46,875 --> 00:08:48,875 As you wish, beloved. 144 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:50,625 [gasps] 145 00:08:50,625 --> 00:08:54,333 Forgive me, Your Majesty. It will not happen again. 146 00:08:54,333 --> 00:08:55,958 [Arkon] You may go. 147 00:08:58,250 --> 00:09:01,500 The poor girl was terrified at the sight of you. 148 00:09:01,500 --> 00:09:05,083 Fear is so thick around here, you could Rollerblade on it. 149 00:09:05,083 --> 00:09:07,625 Please, you are new to Polemachus. 150 00:09:07,625 --> 00:09:09,458 Our enemies are clever and ruthless. 151 00:09:09,458 --> 00:09:12,000 Friends have been lost through a moment's carelessness. 152 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:13,583 I must be firm. 153 00:09:13,583 --> 00:09:16,083 Caution is possible without cruelty! 154 00:09:16,083 --> 00:09:18,125 Do not judge me harshly 155 00:09:18,125 --> 00:09:21,458 until you know more of the difficult ways of our world. 156 00:09:21,458 --> 00:09:25,166 I cannot live this way, Arkon! We must discuss this! 157 00:09:25,166 --> 00:09:27,166 Of course, Storm. 158 00:09:27,166 --> 00:09:31,000 Your love means more to me than the beating of my own heart. 159 00:09:31,000 --> 00:09:33,958 Won't you give me your trust as well? 160 00:09:36,416 --> 00:09:39,166 You shall not regret it, I promise you. 161 00:10:20,416 --> 00:10:22,958 [man grunts] No! 162 00:10:22,958 --> 00:10:24,250 [speaking indistinctly] 163 00:10:30,125 --> 00:10:33,583 You gonna try and tell me these guys are volunteers? 164 00:10:33,583 --> 00:10:35,750 You've made your point, Logan. 165 00:10:35,750 --> 00:10:39,375 I'm gonna turn those iron bully-boys into scrap metal! 166 00:10:39,375 --> 00:10:43,166 I wouldn't advise that, my eager friend! All of you, come with me, now! 167 00:10:43,166 --> 00:10:47,583 Buddy, you just pointed that pop gun at the wrong man! 168 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:54,625 -Wolverine, wait! -An excellent idea. 169 00:10:54,625 --> 00:10:56,750 He just took out one of those robot guards! 170 00:10:56,750 --> 00:10:59,208 There are more coming! You've triggered the alarms. 171 00:10:59,208 --> 00:11:00,750 [Mentor] We must leave, now! 172 00:11:00,750 --> 00:11:02,375 Looks like he's got a point. 173 00:11:11,000 --> 00:11:14,166 I guess this means we're not invited to the bachelor party. 174 00:11:28,208 --> 00:11:31,750 You fight well. You must do this often. 175 00:11:31,750 --> 00:11:35,583 I am Mentor, leader of the Belganian resistance. 176 00:11:35,583 --> 00:11:38,500 Perhaps you will help me to free my people. 177 00:11:41,708 --> 00:11:45,833 Beast! Wolverine! Get those prisoners out of there! 178 00:11:45,833 --> 00:11:46,875 [Wolverine yelling] 179 00:11:48,291 --> 00:11:50,000 Now you're talking! 180 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:07,416 Everyone, into the hills, now! 181 00:12:17,333 --> 00:12:20,458 The new workers! Section Five! Code Omega! 182 00:12:20,458 --> 00:12:22,750 Wolverine! Any more guards? 183 00:12:22,750 --> 00:12:26,833 About those guards, here comes the B team. 184 00:12:28,416 --> 00:12:30,875 OK! We've got to get out of here! 185 00:12:33,833 --> 00:12:37,750 -We're cut off! -So? 186 00:12:42,375 --> 00:12:47,333 -I was saving this for an emergency. -I believe this qualifies. 187 00:12:53,875 --> 00:12:56,833 Beast! Hurry, it's beginning to close! 188 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:07,000 [grunts] 189 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:10,875 -Hank. How bad is it? -A bit worse than I might have liked. 190 00:13:10,875 --> 00:13:12,000 [groans] 191 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:14,333 Summon the healers at once! 192 00:13:16,208 --> 00:13:19,750 You have always lived on Polemachus. Which one would you suggest? 193 00:13:19,750 --> 00:13:23,083 Mistress, it is not my place! 194 00:13:23,583 --> 00:13:28,333 If my choice were wrong... Please do not ask me! 195 00:13:28,333 --> 00:13:32,291 You have nothing to fear, I have spoken to Arkon. 196 00:13:32,291 --> 00:13:33,750 No! Please! 197 00:13:34,958 --> 00:13:37,875 Storm, something's really wrong here. 198 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:43,291 I will change it! Whatever it is, I can make it better. 199 00:13:43,291 --> 00:13:47,333 Arkon admits that some of their ways may seem harsh to us. 200 00:13:47,333 --> 00:13:53,416 But Polemachus is fighting to survive. Oh, Jubilee, I am needed here. 201 00:13:53,416 --> 00:13:59,416 Arkon is a kind and decent man! I love him! He asked me for my trust. 202 00:13:59,416 --> 00:14:03,000 -Can't you understand? -Sure. 203 00:14:03,000 --> 00:14:06,125 [Jubilee] But I'm not the one you're trying to convince. 204 00:14:08,708 --> 00:14:09,875 [Cyclops] How are you feeling, Beast? 205 00:14:09,875 --> 00:14:11,958 [Beast] Thankful for life, 206 00:14:11,958 --> 00:14:14,708 yet ambivalent about the true function of the pain receptors 207 00:14:14,708 --> 00:14:16,833 of the human nervous system. 208 00:14:16,833 --> 00:14:20,458 Scott, I have grave misgivings about this wedding. 209 00:14:20,458 --> 00:14:22,500 Arkon is a ruthless tyrant! 210 00:14:22,500 --> 00:14:25,250 Thousands of my people have been enslaved. 211 00:14:25,250 --> 00:14:29,583 Thousands more have perished at the hands of his robot guards. 212 00:14:29,583 --> 00:14:33,166 Maybe I should have a little talk with the groom. 213 00:14:33,166 --> 00:14:36,625 I wish it were that easy, Logan. But Storm loves him. 214 00:14:36,625 --> 00:14:39,458 She's got to see Arkon's tyranny for herself. 215 00:14:39,458 --> 00:14:42,500 We have learned the access codes to Arkon's transport ships. 216 00:14:42,500 --> 00:14:46,000 We could use them to escape, but for this. 217 00:14:46,000 --> 00:14:49,250 That tower feeds energy to the robots, and the control rings. 218 00:14:49,250 --> 00:14:52,750 The entire structure of their police state depends upon it. 219 00:14:52,750 --> 00:14:56,416 Arkon is building an even more powerful transmitter, 220 00:14:56,416 --> 00:15:00,125 one that will detect us even in these caverns. 221 00:15:00,125 --> 00:15:03,125 I'm afraid it's time to break the news to Storm. 222 00:15:03,125 --> 00:15:04,500 nd break her heart. 223 00:15:05,250 --> 00:15:09,500 The resistance and your guests rescued most of the slaves 224 00:15:09,500 --> 00:15:10,958 before we could apprehend them. 225 00:15:10,958 --> 00:15:12,875 This is intolerable! 226 00:15:12,875 --> 00:15:15,333 These Earth criminals must be stopped! 227 00:15:15,333 --> 00:15:18,583 But, Your Majesty, they're your fiancee's friends! 228 00:15:18,583 --> 00:15:21,750 -What if they resist? -Eliminate them. 229 00:15:21,750 --> 00:15:26,416 The mood of my fiancee need not concern you. 230 00:15:33,125 --> 00:15:36,333 Don't worry, Storm. They'll show up. 231 00:15:37,458 --> 00:15:39,958 You are not eating your dinner, my dear. 232 00:15:39,958 --> 00:15:43,958 -Does it not please you? -It must be all of the excitement. 233 00:15:43,958 --> 00:15:47,083 Ah, but it has only just begun! 234 00:15:47,708 --> 00:15:53,583 My loyal subjects, by the spirit of my ancestors, a toast! 235 00:15:53,583 --> 00:15:58,875 To Storm, savior of our planet, conqueror of my heart. 236 00:16:00,958 --> 00:16:04,125 Storm, will you stand and acknowledge the love of our people? 237 00:16:04,125 --> 00:16:05,250 I... 238 00:16:05,250 --> 00:16:06,625 [crashing] 239 00:16:10,166 --> 00:16:13,375 -Hope I didn't miss chow. -Seize them! 240 00:16:13,375 --> 00:16:16,375 No! Stop this madness! 241 00:16:16,375 --> 00:16:19,708 Cyclops! Logan! What are you doing? 242 00:16:19,708 --> 00:16:21,708 Ask your boyfriend. 243 00:16:21,708 --> 00:16:24,375 Ask him how he recruits the palace help. 244 00:16:24,375 --> 00:16:28,416 -It ain't the want ads, baby. -They are not servants, are they? 245 00:16:28,416 --> 00:16:30,875 -They are slaves! -What of it? 246 00:16:30,875 --> 00:16:34,000 When Belgania was the stronger planet, they raided us. 247 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:37,458 Now it is our turn! What is wrong with that? 248 00:16:37,458 --> 00:16:39,583 It is the way of all great people! 249 00:16:39,583 --> 00:16:42,833 It is not the way of a just people! 250 00:16:42,833 --> 00:16:46,250 How could you lie to me, you butcher! 251 00:16:46,833 --> 00:16:49,583 How could you make me love you? 252 00:16:49,583 --> 00:16:52,708 I did not give you permission to leave! 253 00:16:53,416 --> 00:16:56,833 She doesn't need anyone's permission. Let her go! 254 00:16:56,833 --> 00:16:59,000 Enough of this childishness! 255 00:17:02,333 --> 00:17:04,958 Throw them in the slave pits! 256 00:17:07,583 --> 00:17:09,208 [all shouting] 257 00:17:15,458 --> 00:17:18,000 [Arkon] I shall dispose of you myself! 258 00:17:33,875 --> 00:17:36,000 You like scaring people, pal? 259 00:17:36,458 --> 00:17:39,333 Why don't you let me show you how it feels? 260 00:17:39,333 --> 00:17:40,416 [screams] 261 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:45,125 [Beast grunts] 262 00:17:52,458 --> 00:17:57,375 -It's Storm! -[Arkon] The rings! 263 00:17:57,375 --> 00:18:01,000 If she damages them further, she'll undo all she healed! 264 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:03,000 Polemachus will be devastated! 265 00:18:03,000 --> 00:18:05,833 Storm, stop! Please! 266 00:18:12,625 --> 00:18:17,000 Storm, listen to me! What you're doing is wrong! 267 00:18:21,291 --> 00:18:25,458 If you want this dirt pile to still be here in the morning, friend, 268 00:18:25,458 --> 00:18:28,458 I'd get us some of those glowing golf balls right now! 269 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:31,583 You'll hurt innocent people! 270 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:42,000 Arkon's making you act against everything you believe in! 271 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:45,083 Please, Storm, he's not worth it! 272 00:18:47,166 --> 00:18:50,458 You are right. Forgive me. 273 00:18:51,750 --> 00:18:54,583 Come on, let's get out of here. 274 00:19:05,500 --> 00:19:07,583 [Arkon] Storm! Please! 275 00:19:07,583 --> 00:19:12,250 Storm, I can get anything, riches beyond your imagining, 276 00:19:12,250 --> 00:19:14,375 our world will worship you! 277 00:19:14,875 --> 00:19:17,000 We are going home. 278 00:19:17,458 --> 00:19:20,750 You will be nothing on Earth, cast out and despised, 279 00:19:20,750 --> 00:19:23,166 feared and reviled for your gifts! 280 00:19:23,166 --> 00:19:24,958 What of the slaves, Arkon? 281 00:19:24,958 --> 00:19:28,708 The slaves? What are they to our happiness? 282 00:19:28,708 --> 00:19:30,958 Everything, Arkon. 283 00:19:30,958 --> 00:19:36,333 I am offering you a world! Don't be a fool! The slaves are nothing. 284 00:19:36,333 --> 00:19:40,000 No living being has the right to enslave another. 285 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:42,583 One day you may understand. 286 00:19:49,000 --> 00:19:51,208 [shouting] 287 00:19:51,208 --> 00:19:57,208 -What have you done? -A royal wedding gift, from the heart. 288 00:19:58,458 --> 00:20:01,125 To the ships! To the ships! 289 00:20:01,750 --> 00:20:05,000 [Arkon] Storm! 290 00:20:11,333 --> 00:20:15,000 [Jubilee] Wolverine, she seems so sad. 291 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:17,166 I got to go talk to her. 292 00:20:17,166 --> 00:20:20,000 Give it a while, kid. Storm knows you care. 293 00:20:20,583 --> 00:20:22,833 You helped her back there when it counted. 294 00:20:22,833 --> 00:20:23,708 The rest... 295 00:20:24,583 --> 00:20:27,500 well, she's gonna have to work through for herself. 296 00:20:37,375 --> 00:20:39,583 [closing music playing]