1 00:00:01,625 --> 00:00:02,875 [title music playing] 2 00:00:34,833 --> 00:00:36,166 [chiming] 3 00:00:53,208 --> 00:00:54,833 [footsteps approaching] 4 00:00:59,708 --> 00:01:02,000 [screams] 5 00:01:14,750 --> 00:01:15,875 Ah! 6 00:01:21,708 --> 00:01:22,750 Ah! 7 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:25,708 [whistle blowing] 8 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:30,333 [Inspector] With all due respect, Doctor, 9 00:01:30,333 --> 00:01:33,000 I still can't believe that these sinister goings-on in Whitechapel 10 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:34,833 are the work of a man in his 60s. 11 00:01:34,833 --> 00:01:37,458 I mean, be serious, Dr. Xavier! 12 00:01:37,458 --> 00:01:39,583 You must believe me, Inspector! 13 00:01:39,583 --> 00:01:41,208 Dr. Nathaniel Essex 14 00:01:41,208 --> 00:01:43,416 is responsible for these crimes! 15 00:01:43,416 --> 00:01:45,375 Every person who has seen this butcher 16 00:01:45,375 --> 00:01:47,375 agrees that he's a younger man. 17 00:01:47,375 --> 00:01:49,500 And I can't credit a man of science 18 00:01:49,500 --> 00:01:52,208 with these inhuman atrocities! 19 00:01:52,208 --> 00:01:54,708 Essex isn't human, Inspector! 20 00:01:55,208 --> 00:01:56,833 Not anymore. 21 00:01:56,833 --> 00:01:58,875 And after tracking him round the world 22 00:01:58,875 --> 00:02:00,458 for half my life, 23 00:02:00,458 --> 00:02:01,583 I begin to think 24 00:02:02,208 --> 00:02:03,500 he never was! 25 00:02:04,625 --> 00:02:06,625 [whinnying] 26 00:02:08,083 --> 00:02:09,083 Whoa! 27 00:02:10,875 --> 00:02:13,250 Hey, move this wagon out of the way! 28 00:02:33,625 --> 00:02:36,708 Now, Doctor, how is it you know this mad doctor, Essex? 29 00:02:36,708 --> 00:02:40,583 I first became aware of his obsessions 30 00:02:40,583 --> 00:02:43,625 in the year of our lord, 1859, 31 00:02:43,625 --> 00:02:45,708 while in the employ of Lord Grey, 32 00:02:45,708 --> 00:02:47,625 his patron and father-in-law. 33 00:02:48,875 --> 00:02:50,708 Essex had been fascinated 34 00:02:50,708 --> 00:02:53,000 with the theories of Charles Darwin. 35 00:02:53,500 --> 00:02:56,375 In particular, the groundbreaking work assembled 36 00:02:56,375 --> 00:02:59,333 -in hisOrigin of Species. -[yawns] 37 00:02:59,333 --> 00:03:01,166 [Darwin] And therefore, I am convinced 38 00:03:01,166 --> 00:03:03,458 that natural selection has been the main, 39 00:03:03,458 --> 00:03:05,083 but not exclusive means 40 00:03:05,083 --> 00:03:06,833 of species modification. 41 00:03:06,833 --> 00:03:08,875 I open the floor for questions. 42 00:03:08,875 --> 00:03:10,291 [audience clamoring] 43 00:03:10,291 --> 00:03:11,458 Mr. Darwin, 44 00:03:11,458 --> 00:03:13,333 while your theory may explain 45 00:03:13,333 --> 00:03:15,500 diversity in the lower animals, 46 00:03:15,500 --> 00:03:17,208 how can your natural selection 47 00:03:17,208 --> 00:03:19,125 account for the human soul? 48 00:03:19,125 --> 00:03:21,875 Were we not created in God's own image? 49 00:03:21,875 --> 00:03:24,083 I have not, uh, 50 00:03:24,083 --> 00:03:25,708 as yet, applied 51 00:03:25,708 --> 00:03:27,708 my observations to mankind. 52 00:03:28,291 --> 00:03:30,208 Though I may do so at some future point. 53 00:03:30,208 --> 00:03:31,583 [man] But, Mr. Darwin, 54 00:03:31,583 --> 00:03:33,958 shouldn't natural selection operate 55 00:03:33,958 --> 00:03:36,375 within any naturally occurring population, 56 00:03:36,375 --> 00:03:39,708 be it animal, vegetable or man himself? 57 00:03:39,708 --> 00:03:42,166 Yes, yes, quite right. 58 00:03:42,166 --> 00:03:45,250 And, given that we have removed ourselves 59 00:03:45,250 --> 00:03:47,583 from the mechanisms of natural selection, 60 00:03:47,583 --> 00:03:50,333 isn't mankind overdue 61 00:03:50,333 --> 00:03:52,583 for the next evolutionary step? 62 00:03:53,208 --> 00:03:55,333 [Darwin] No, no, not at all. 63 00:03:55,833 --> 00:03:59,083 Man is still in direct competition with his fellows, 64 00:03:59,083 --> 00:04:01,875 and thus subject to natural selection. 65 00:04:01,875 --> 00:04:03,250 Uh, yes, you had a question. 66 00:04:05,458 --> 00:04:07,708 Mr. Darwin, I am Dr. Nathaniel Essex. 67 00:04:07,708 --> 00:04:09,833 Ah, a pleasure, Doctor. 68 00:04:09,833 --> 00:04:13,166 Gentlemen, I wanted to speak to you about my own research. 69 00:04:13,166 --> 00:04:15,250 I have made detailed observations 70 00:04:15,250 --> 00:04:16,875 on mutated humans, 71 00:04:16,875 --> 00:04:18,708 incorporating some of your theories. 72 00:04:18,708 --> 00:04:20,875 I must caution you, these are dangerous times 73 00:04:20,875 --> 00:04:22,625 for free-thinking men of science. 74 00:04:22,625 --> 00:04:25,583 I shall very much look forward to reading it 75 00:04:25,583 --> 00:04:27,000 when you publish it, sir. 76 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:29,000 But I have irrefutable evidence 77 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:30,375 to back up my claims. 78 00:04:30,375 --> 00:04:32,166 And I'm sure with your support... 79 00:04:32,166 --> 00:04:33,750 In light to the lukewarm reception 80 00:04:33,750 --> 00:04:35,458 my theories received here, sir, 81 00:04:35,458 --> 00:04:36,708 I believe it is I 82 00:04:36,708 --> 00:04:38,625 who am in need of your support. 83 00:04:38,625 --> 00:04:41,875 -Thank you, sir. -Be patient, my boy. 84 00:04:41,875 --> 00:04:44,250 And discreet. [coughs] 85 00:04:45,250 --> 00:04:46,458 [Essex] Oh, Mr. Darwin, 86 00:04:46,458 --> 00:04:48,458 may I present Dr. James Xavier, 87 00:04:48,458 --> 00:04:50,875 family physician to Grey Hall. 88 00:04:50,875 --> 00:04:53,083 So, Dr. Xavier, 89 00:04:53,083 --> 00:04:55,500 do you believe me a heretic 90 00:04:55,500 --> 00:04:57,166 or merely a madman? 91 00:04:57,166 --> 00:05:00,000 I have the utmost respect for your early work, sir, 92 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,875 but natural selection 93 00:05:01,875 --> 00:05:04,458 seems to deny the divine hand in creation. 94 00:05:04,458 --> 00:05:06,000 [chuckles] Heretic it is, then. 95 00:05:06,000 --> 00:05:07,750 [coughs] 96 00:05:09,583 --> 00:05:11,500 Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me. 97 00:05:12,583 --> 00:05:14,750 But I grow weary of this debate. 98 00:05:14,750 --> 00:05:17,000 How is Rebecca faring? 99 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:18,708 If my wife's condition has changed at all, 100 00:05:18,708 --> 00:05:20,083 it is for the worse. 101 00:05:20,875 --> 00:05:24,166 -Will you be coming by to check on her this evening? -Of course, 102 00:05:24,166 --> 00:05:26,208 [Xavier] Though Essex was qualified 103 00:05:26,208 --> 00:05:28,083 to treat his wife's disorder, 104 00:05:28,083 --> 00:05:31,333 it was considered improper then, as now, 105 00:05:31,333 --> 00:05:33,958 for a physician to treat members of his own family. 106 00:05:33,958 --> 00:05:36,500 James, can you give me any good news 107 00:05:36,500 --> 00:05:37,625 about my daughter? 108 00:05:37,625 --> 00:05:38,875 Not as yet, sir. 109 00:05:38,875 --> 00:05:41,125 But I'm confident my treatments 110 00:05:41,125 --> 00:05:43,000 will prove effective in time. 111 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:45,166 Treatments? Why can't you admit 112 00:05:45,166 --> 00:05:46,875 you haven't the slightest idea 113 00:05:46,875 --> 00:05:48,250 what's wrong with my wife? 114 00:05:48,250 --> 00:05:49,583 You insult me, sir! 115 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:50,583 No, I... 116 00:05:51,500 --> 00:05:52,875 Please forgive me, my friend. 117 00:05:53,583 --> 00:05:55,583 My frustration got the better of me. 118 00:05:55,583 --> 00:05:57,458 I understand. 119 00:05:57,458 --> 00:05:59,875 Lack of sleep, I expect. 120 00:05:59,875 --> 00:06:01,333 I bid you goodnight. 121 00:06:01,333 --> 00:06:03,708 It is his work that worries me, sir. 122 00:06:03,708 --> 00:06:06,208 I tell you, his ideas verge on blasphemy. 123 00:06:06,208 --> 00:06:07,875 I understand. 124 00:06:07,875 --> 00:06:09,750 But he is my son-in-law. 125 00:06:09,750 --> 00:06:12,166 And one of the few things that bring a smile 126 00:06:12,166 --> 00:06:13,875 to my daughter's lips. 127 00:06:15,458 --> 00:06:17,500 [Xavier] Though I dared not admit it, 128 00:06:17,500 --> 00:06:19,875 Rebecca's illness confounded me. 129 00:06:19,875 --> 00:06:21,333 Rebecca, darling, 130 00:06:21,333 --> 00:06:23,500 I need another sample of your blood. 131 00:06:23,500 --> 00:06:25,000 Am I your wife, 132 00:06:25,000 --> 00:06:26,416 or your guinea pig? 133 00:06:27,708 --> 00:06:29,333 You are the most precious thing 134 00:06:29,333 --> 00:06:30,875 in all the world to me. 135 00:06:30,875 --> 00:06:32,250 And that is why I must do 136 00:06:32,250 --> 00:06:34,291 everything within my power 137 00:06:34,291 --> 00:06:35,333 to make you well. 138 00:06:36,583 --> 00:06:38,000 [Xavier] Essex's laboratory 139 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:39,875 was located in an asylum 140 00:06:39,875 --> 00:06:41,375 -for the physically infirm... -[knocking] 141 00:06:41,375 --> 00:06:43,083 ...on the west end of the estate. 142 00:06:43,083 --> 00:06:45,583 As director of the asylum, 143 00:06:45,583 --> 00:06:48,125 Essex took in those poor unfortunates 144 00:06:48,125 --> 00:06:50,750 who, through some accident of birth, 145 00:06:50,750 --> 00:06:54,125 could not function in normal society. 146 00:06:54,125 --> 00:06:57,708 Disreputable procurers knew he would pay well. 147 00:06:57,708 --> 00:06:59,250 So they aided him 148 00:06:59,250 --> 00:07:01,875 in seeking out these curiosities 149 00:07:01,875 --> 00:07:04,708 in the traveling carnivals and dumb shows, 150 00:07:04,708 --> 00:07:07,625 where they were obliged to earn their keep. 151 00:07:07,625 --> 00:07:10,083 I shall never forget the day I arrived, 152 00:07:10,083 --> 00:07:11,291 along with Darwin, 153 00:07:11,291 --> 00:07:13,083 to witness the unveiling 154 00:07:13,083 --> 00:07:15,333 of Essex's great work. 155 00:07:15,333 --> 00:07:17,250 You've caught me in good health 156 00:07:17,250 --> 00:07:19,375 and high spirits, Dr. Essex. 157 00:07:19,375 --> 00:07:22,250 We're all most eager to hear of your discoveries. 158 00:07:22,250 --> 00:07:23,833 And so you shall, gentlemen. 159 00:07:23,833 --> 00:07:25,625 Please, step this way. 160 00:07:26,875 --> 00:07:29,250 As you know, my interest lies 161 00:07:29,250 --> 00:07:30,875 not in the gradual mutations 162 00:07:30,875 --> 00:07:32,375 that occur over millennia, 163 00:07:32,375 --> 00:07:34,583 but in the leaps that manifest themselves 164 00:07:34,583 --> 00:07:36,125 in a single generation. 165 00:07:37,000 --> 00:07:40,583 Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you 166 00:07:40,583 --> 00:07:41,583 to the men of tomorrow. 167 00:07:42,166 --> 00:07:43,166 Mr. Fuente. 168 00:07:43,166 --> 00:07:44,375 You will, no doubt, 169 00:07:44,375 --> 00:07:45,833 recognize the electroscope, 170 00:07:45,833 --> 00:07:48,000 a device for demonstrating the effect 171 00:07:48,000 --> 00:07:49,458 of an electromagnetic charge. 172 00:07:58,000 --> 00:07:59,625 Mr. Flannery, if you please. 173 00:08:06,166 --> 00:08:09,125 Dr. Essex, I am speechless. 174 00:08:09,125 --> 00:08:10,583 I came today expecting 175 00:08:10,583 --> 00:08:12,625 some minor breakthrough in biology, 176 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:13,708 and instead, 177 00:08:13,708 --> 00:08:15,458 you insult these learned men 178 00:08:15,458 --> 00:08:17,291 with parlor tricks and quackery! 179 00:08:17,291 --> 00:08:18,583 But, but... 180 00:08:18,583 --> 00:08:20,291 Now if you'll excuse me, Doctor, 181 00:08:20,291 --> 00:08:22,083 I have no time for such foolishness! 182 00:08:22,083 --> 00:08:23,333 No! Wait! 183 00:08:23,333 --> 00:08:24,583 I have discovered the mechanisms 184 00:08:24,583 --> 00:08:25,708 of heredity! 185 00:08:25,708 --> 00:08:27,458 In time, I shall bring an end 186 00:08:27,458 --> 00:08:29,000 to hereditary disorders 187 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:30,458 to all disease! 188 00:08:30,458 --> 00:08:32,250 Man shall at last possess 189 00:08:32,250 --> 00:08:34,458 complete mastery over his own body! 190 00:08:34,458 --> 00:08:36,708 We shall become more than men! 191 00:08:36,708 --> 00:08:38,333 We shall be Gods! 192 00:08:38,333 --> 00:08:39,833 Good heavens! 193 00:08:39,833 --> 00:08:41,333 You're quite mad! 194 00:08:41,333 --> 00:08:42,333 Fools! 195 00:08:42,333 --> 00:08:45,208 You blind old fools! 196 00:08:45,208 --> 00:08:46,333 You require proof? 197 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:48,083 I'll provide you with proof! 198 00:08:48,083 --> 00:08:49,166 In abundance! 199 00:08:49,166 --> 00:08:50,291 I shall show you, 200 00:08:50,291 --> 00:08:51,708 I shall show the world! 201 00:08:59,000 --> 00:09:00,458 But I don't see what that's got to do 202 00:09:00,458 --> 00:09:02,750 with the butchery here in the East End. 203 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:05,000 [Xavier] That's only half the tale, Inspector. 204 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:07,291 Please, if you could just... 205 00:09:07,291 --> 00:09:09,750 Well, Doctor, do you still think 206 00:09:09,750 --> 00:09:11,875 this is the work of a slighted scientist? 207 00:09:11,875 --> 00:09:14,166 He has altered nature itself. 208 00:09:15,291 --> 00:09:18,416 I believe the creature responsible for this outrage 209 00:09:18,416 --> 00:09:20,458 to be the result of this man's 210 00:09:20,458 --> 00:09:22,625 sinister experiments. 211 00:09:22,625 --> 00:09:25,250 Inspector, I implore you 212 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:28,500 to accompany me to Mansell Street! 213 00:09:28,500 --> 00:09:30,500 This may be a chance to stop 214 00:09:30,500 --> 00:09:32,166 the most diabolical madman 215 00:09:32,166 --> 00:09:33,625 the world has ever known! 216 00:09:38,875 --> 00:09:40,750 I shall finish the tale as we ride. 217 00:09:43,083 --> 00:09:46,250 After his expulsion from the Royal Society, 218 00:09:46,250 --> 00:09:49,375 Essex became even more obsessed with his research. 219 00:09:49,375 --> 00:09:52,583 But still he met with failure after failure. 220 00:09:52,583 --> 00:09:53,750 As time passed, 221 00:09:53,750 --> 00:09:55,333 he grew more reclusive. 222 00:09:56,833 --> 00:09:58,166 Eccentric. 223 00:09:58,166 --> 00:09:59,333 A fanatic. 224 00:09:59,333 --> 00:10:01,458 Stories of strange goings-on 225 00:10:01,458 --> 00:10:02,875 at the Grey Hall Asylum 226 00:10:02,875 --> 00:10:04,625 circulated around Parliament 227 00:10:04,625 --> 00:10:07,250 and made their way into the papers. 228 00:10:07,250 --> 00:10:08,875 Essex and Lord Grey 229 00:10:08,875 --> 00:10:11,000 became estranged, 230 00:10:11,000 --> 00:10:14,416 while Rebecca's condition worsened. 231 00:10:14,416 --> 00:10:17,500 Even the most advanced techniques of medical science 232 00:10:17,500 --> 00:10:19,166 were to no avail. 233 00:10:19,166 --> 00:10:22,458 And though Essex still fought to save Rebecca, 234 00:10:22,458 --> 00:10:23,875 his growing fascination 235 00:10:23,875 --> 00:10:25,583 with human mutation 236 00:10:25,583 --> 00:10:27,583 became all consuming. 237 00:10:28,458 --> 00:10:29,458 Yes! 238 00:10:29,458 --> 00:10:30,875 Yes! 239 00:10:30,875 --> 00:10:32,333 I've done it! 240 00:10:32,333 --> 00:10:34,833 [laughing triumphantly] 241 00:10:34,833 --> 00:10:36,708 Mad, am I, Darwin? 242 00:10:36,708 --> 00:10:38,083 Fool! 243 00:10:38,083 --> 00:10:41,333 You are a mere spectator to creation, 244 00:10:41,333 --> 00:10:43,000 while I, 245 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:44,708 I have become 246 00:10:44,708 --> 00:10:46,375 the creator! 247 00:10:46,375 --> 00:10:48,250 [laughing maniacally] 248 00:11:09,208 --> 00:11:10,208 Excellent. 249 00:11:10,750 --> 00:11:13,083 I feel like a new man! 250 00:11:15,875 --> 00:11:18,583 What... what are you doing to us? 251 00:11:19,083 --> 00:11:20,625 Have no fear, my friends. 252 00:11:20,625 --> 00:11:22,333 With these transfusions, 253 00:11:22,333 --> 00:11:24,000 you shall become more than men! 254 00:11:24,000 --> 00:11:26,166 Much more! [gasps] 255 00:11:27,958 --> 00:11:28,958 Remarkable! 256 00:11:30,208 --> 00:11:31,708 Not even a blister! 257 00:11:31,708 --> 00:11:32,708 [laughs] 258 00:11:34,416 --> 00:11:36,458 [Xavier] I don't understand it. 259 00:11:36,458 --> 00:11:39,000 Other than a slight pallor, your daughter is making 260 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:41,458 quite an amazing recovery, Lord Grey. 261 00:11:41,458 --> 00:11:42,875 [giggles] 262 00:11:42,875 --> 00:11:44,291 What is it, my dear? 263 00:11:44,291 --> 00:11:47,250 He made me promise not to tell you. 264 00:11:47,250 --> 00:11:49,333 I-I suppose it doesn't really matter now. 265 00:11:49,333 --> 00:11:51,291 Nathaniel has been giving me treatments! 266 00:11:51,291 --> 00:11:53,125 He's been what? 267 00:11:53,125 --> 00:11:55,375 What kind of treatments? 268 00:11:55,375 --> 00:11:58,291 No professional jealousy, James. 269 00:11:58,291 --> 00:12:01,291 You said yourself my recovery was amazing! 270 00:12:01,291 --> 00:12:02,333 How dare he! 271 00:12:03,291 --> 00:12:06,000 That arrogant, insolent little jumped-up pipsqueak! 272 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:08,000 Sir, I think we'd best 273 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:09,416 not disturb Rebecca 274 00:12:09,416 --> 00:12:10,750 at this critical stage. 275 00:12:12,500 --> 00:12:13,708 [Lord Grey] James, you must speak with Essex. 276 00:12:13,708 --> 00:12:15,458 Perhaps he'll listen to you! 277 00:12:15,458 --> 00:12:17,750 We must learn what that madman has given to my daughter! 278 00:12:24,875 --> 00:12:27,125 Essex! It's Xavier. 279 00:12:27,125 --> 00:12:28,750 Please, I must speak with you. 280 00:12:30,416 --> 00:12:31,833 Very well, James. 281 00:12:32,458 --> 00:12:33,458 Do come in. 282 00:12:40,375 --> 00:12:41,583 Dr. Essex, I-- 283 00:12:41,583 --> 00:12:44,083 I am no longer a doctor, James. 284 00:12:44,083 --> 00:12:45,583 Tell me, do they speak of me still 285 00:12:45,583 --> 00:12:47,166 at the Royal Society? 286 00:12:47,166 --> 00:12:49,333 Indeed. They speak of... 287 00:12:49,333 --> 00:12:50,958 sinister experiments 288 00:12:50,958 --> 00:12:52,750 you are rumored to perform. 289 00:12:52,750 --> 00:12:53,833 Sinister. 290 00:12:54,708 --> 00:12:55,875 I'll have to remember that 291 00:12:55,875 --> 00:12:57,708 when Queen Victoria knights me. 292 00:12:57,708 --> 00:12:58,750 After you. 293 00:13:08,291 --> 00:13:10,291 [all moaning] 294 00:13:12,333 --> 00:13:15,000 This is your asylum? 295 00:13:15,875 --> 00:13:16,875 Ah! 296 00:13:21,250 --> 00:13:23,958 Thus out of small beginnings, 297 00:13:23,958 --> 00:13:26,833 greater things have been produced. 298 00:13:26,833 --> 00:13:29,000 Please, sir, no more! 299 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:30,583 Good lord, man! 300 00:13:30,583 --> 00:13:32,875 Even animals don't deserve such treatment! 301 00:13:32,875 --> 00:13:35,708 And the treatment they'd receive outside these walls 302 00:13:35,708 --> 00:13:36,833 would be better? 303 00:13:36,833 --> 00:13:38,458 Release these poor creatures! 304 00:13:38,458 --> 00:13:39,500 At once! 305 00:13:41,291 --> 00:13:44,708 They are unfinished, Doctor. 306 00:13:46,708 --> 00:13:48,875 [Essex] I cannot allow you to do this! 307 00:13:48,875 --> 00:13:50,291 Ah! 308 00:13:52,333 --> 00:13:53,333 Ah! 309 00:13:57,583 --> 00:13:58,583 [grunts] 310 00:13:58,583 --> 00:14:00,583 You truly have gone mad. 311 00:14:00,583 --> 00:14:02,750 I am not mad! 312 00:14:13,083 --> 00:14:14,833 [all clamoring] 313 00:14:20,125 --> 00:14:21,583 [grunting] 314 00:14:22,708 --> 00:14:25,166 I won't let you stop me, James. 315 00:14:33,458 --> 00:14:34,458 [grunts] 316 00:14:35,583 --> 00:14:37,375 [all shouting] 317 00:14:38,583 --> 00:14:40,458 It is over, Nathaniel! 318 00:14:42,125 --> 00:14:43,750 No! My work! 319 00:14:43,750 --> 00:14:44,875 My subjects! 320 00:14:47,458 --> 00:14:48,833 -What are you... -[Essex] Don't go! 321 00:14:48,833 --> 00:14:50,583 My children! No! 322 00:14:52,375 --> 00:14:54,583 [all shouting] 323 00:14:54,583 --> 00:14:56,166 [whinnying] 324 00:15:01,375 --> 00:15:02,875 [whinnying] 325 00:15:02,875 --> 00:15:04,250 Demons! 326 00:15:04,250 --> 00:15:06,125 Spawn of the Devil himself! 327 00:15:08,083 --> 00:15:09,708 They appeared from the darkness, 328 00:15:09,708 --> 00:15:12,416 demons spewing the fires of Hades! 329 00:15:12,416 --> 00:15:14,708 [stammering] I didn't mean to. 330 00:15:14,708 --> 00:15:16,458 Flannery, Vochek! 331 00:15:16,458 --> 00:15:18,333 -My children! -[whinnying] 332 00:15:21,458 --> 00:15:23,458 [people clamoring] 333 00:15:28,375 --> 00:15:29,500 [Man] Get him! 334 00:15:38,375 --> 00:15:40,125 [Flannery] I'm frightened, Lord. 335 00:15:40,875 --> 00:15:42,708 Why do you forsake me so? 336 00:15:43,458 --> 00:15:45,583 If you truly have mercy, 337 00:15:45,583 --> 00:15:47,333 deliver me from this. 338 00:15:47,333 --> 00:15:49,000 Oh! [crying] 339 00:15:49,000 --> 00:15:51,333 Please don't hurt me, sir. 340 00:15:51,333 --> 00:15:53,875 The lord cares for all his creatures. 341 00:15:53,875 --> 00:15:56,166 Why do you believe he has forsaken you? 342 00:15:56,166 --> 00:15:57,750 I only wanted to find work 343 00:15:57,750 --> 00:15:59,208 so I could send money back 344 00:15:59,208 --> 00:16:00,708 to my family in Ireland. 345 00:16:00,708 --> 00:16:03,416 The... the famine. We... we... [crying] 346 00:16:03,416 --> 00:16:05,583 I'm not going to hurt you. 347 00:16:05,583 --> 00:16:08,833 My name is James Xavier. I'm a doctor. 348 00:16:08,833 --> 00:16:11,708 No! No, no, t-that's what the other one said! 349 00:16:11,708 --> 00:16:13,708 I'm nothing like that madman! 350 00:16:13,708 --> 00:16:14,875 I want to help you. 351 00:16:15,625 --> 00:16:16,625 What's your name? 352 00:16:18,333 --> 00:16:20,333 Flannery, sir. Thomas Flannery. 353 00:16:20,833 --> 00:16:22,833 [people clamoring] 354 00:16:24,250 --> 00:16:25,875 There's one of them! Demon! 355 00:16:26,583 --> 00:16:27,708 Stay where you are! 356 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:29,375 Listen to me! 357 00:16:29,375 --> 00:16:31,000 That's Dr. Xavier! 358 00:16:31,000 --> 00:16:32,083 Let him speak! 359 00:16:33,458 --> 00:16:35,875 This man is no demon! 360 00:16:35,875 --> 00:16:37,291 He's a monster! 361 00:16:37,291 --> 00:16:39,833 No! He is different, true! 362 00:16:39,833 --> 00:16:42,750 Born with abilities that may frighten us. 363 00:16:42,750 --> 00:16:44,708 But he had no choice in the matter. 364 00:16:44,708 --> 00:16:48,000 Any more than we choose the color of our eyes. 365 00:16:48,000 --> 00:16:50,083 The true monsters 366 00:16:50,083 --> 00:16:52,875 walk amongst us undetected. 367 00:16:52,875 --> 00:16:54,500 There is your monster. 368 00:16:54,500 --> 00:16:56,166 Nathaniel Essex! 369 00:16:56,166 --> 00:16:57,416 Essex! 370 00:16:57,416 --> 00:16:59,333 That madman at Grey Hall! 371 00:16:59,333 --> 00:17:00,625 Butcher! 372 00:17:00,625 --> 00:17:03,458 -Heretic! -No! Stay away from me. 373 00:17:06,583 --> 00:17:08,500 What in blazes! 374 00:17:08,500 --> 00:17:09,500 Fools! 375 00:17:09,500 --> 00:17:11,833 Who are you to judge me? 376 00:17:12,583 --> 00:17:14,083 [people gasping] 377 00:17:15,166 --> 00:17:17,083 [all shouting] 378 00:17:24,083 --> 00:17:25,500 What is going on? 379 00:17:25,500 --> 00:17:26,583 The noise! 380 00:17:27,125 --> 00:17:29,708 My dear, we must flee at once to the continent. 381 00:17:29,708 --> 00:17:32,250 What is this all about? Ah! 382 00:17:32,250 --> 00:17:33,291 You're hurting me! 383 00:17:34,125 --> 00:17:35,291 Ah! 384 00:17:35,291 --> 00:17:37,208 What have you done to yourself? 385 00:17:37,208 --> 00:17:38,708 The treatments. 386 00:17:38,708 --> 00:17:39,708 [gasps] 387 00:17:39,708 --> 00:17:41,708 What have you done to me? 388 00:17:41,708 --> 00:17:43,875 Do not fear, my darling. 389 00:17:43,875 --> 00:17:46,083 Together we shall be the Adam and Eve 390 00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:47,375 of a new genesis. 391 00:17:47,375 --> 00:17:49,500 [all shouting angrily] 392 00:17:53,166 --> 00:17:54,750 Rebecca! Rebecca! 393 00:18:01,875 --> 00:18:03,458 [whinnying] 394 00:18:09,000 --> 00:18:11,166 [Xavier] The mob's justice was swift. 395 00:18:11,166 --> 00:18:13,250 Nothing would spare their vengeance. 396 00:18:14,708 --> 00:18:16,500 Essex was gone. 397 00:18:16,500 --> 00:18:19,333 His laboratory and notes destroyed in the fire. 398 00:18:20,125 --> 00:18:22,000 All I could find in the rubble 399 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:23,958 was the madman's journal. 400 00:18:24,625 --> 00:18:27,166 Lord Grey spent his remaining years 401 00:18:27,166 --> 00:18:28,875 quietly working on behalf 402 00:18:28,875 --> 00:18:31,208 of the mutant humans of London. 403 00:18:31,208 --> 00:18:33,958 Most of whom disappeared into the sewers. 404 00:18:35,291 --> 00:18:38,416 Rebecca never spoke another word. 405 00:18:38,416 --> 00:18:39,583 [thunder rumbling] 406 00:18:42,291 --> 00:18:43,458 As for myself, 407 00:18:43,458 --> 00:18:44,958 I traveled the world 408 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:46,375 in search of Essex, 409 00:18:46,375 --> 00:18:47,875 chronicling the carnage 410 00:18:47,875 --> 00:18:50,291 left by his terrible experiments 411 00:18:50,291 --> 00:18:52,708 by his unfortunate "new men." 412 00:18:55,708 --> 00:18:57,500 And here my search has ended. 413 00:18:58,291 --> 00:18:59,583 I've tracked Essex 414 00:18:59,583 --> 00:19:01,500 to the upstairs flat. 415 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:02,583 Let's go, men! 416 00:19:04,208 --> 00:19:06,875 I got the samples you wanted, Dr. Essex. 417 00:19:06,875 --> 00:19:08,583 Jack, you fool! 418 00:19:08,583 --> 00:19:10,708 I told you I wanted this one alive! 419 00:19:10,708 --> 00:19:13,208 I gave you life, Jack. 420 00:19:13,208 --> 00:19:16,583 Do you doubt I could undo my own creation? 421 00:19:16,583 --> 00:19:18,875 Sorry, Dr. Essex. 422 00:19:18,875 --> 00:19:21,208 Essex is no more. 423 00:19:21,208 --> 00:19:23,000 From this day forward, 424 00:19:23,000 --> 00:19:24,416 you shall address me 425 00:19:24,416 --> 00:19:26,583 as Mr. Sinister! 426 00:19:29,583 --> 00:19:32,000 I do not understand. 427 00:19:32,000 --> 00:19:34,583 [Essex laughing maniacally] 428 00:19:40,375 --> 00:19:42,166 A final taunt. 429 00:19:42,166 --> 00:19:43,291 I fear now 430 00:19:43,291 --> 00:19:44,708 I shan't catch him 431 00:19:44,708 --> 00:19:45,958 in my lifetime. 432 00:19:46,958 --> 00:19:49,000 But if I cannot, 433 00:19:49,000 --> 00:19:52,250 then I pray that someone else can. 434 00:20:06,958 --> 00:20:09,125 [Essex laughing maniacally] 435 00:20:21,500 --> 00:20:24,083 [theme music playing]