1 00:00:01,708 --> 00:00:03,333 NARRATOR: Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:06,250 --> 00:00:09,333 Come and get us, you overgrown lizard! 3 00:00:10,375 --> 00:00:12,000 (ROARING) 4 00:00:15,458 --> 00:00:17,500 I thought I could forget what I've been. 5 00:00:17,500 --> 00:00:18,958 (SNARLING) 6 00:00:18,958 --> 00:00:20,000 Cowards! 7 00:00:21,291 --> 00:00:22,833 (GRUNTS) 8 00:00:22,833 --> 00:00:26,416 It's adamantium-tasting time, boys! 9 00:00:26,416 --> 00:00:29,166 This one's for you, Morph! 10 00:00:30,583 --> 00:00:33,333 There's no peace for me! 11 00:00:33,333 --> 00:00:34,708 (GRUNTS) 12 00:00:34,708 --> 00:00:36,583 Don't you think we're getting 13 00:00:36,583 --> 00:00:38,875 a little carried away here? 14 00:00:38,875 --> 00:00:39,875 Hey! 15 00:00:41,708 --> 00:00:44,708 Pig-faced runt couldn't take a joke. 16 00:00:44,708 --> 00:00:47,750 You always liked pushing around people smaller than you. 17 00:00:47,750 --> 00:00:50,875 Well, I'm smaller! Try pushing me! 18 00:00:50,875 --> 00:00:53,250 (WOLVERINE ROARING) 19 00:00:53,250 --> 00:00:57,875 Some things you just got to face, alone. 20 00:01:01,833 --> 00:01:04,750 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 21 00:02:00,208 --> 00:02:02,000 (ECHOING) Heather! 22 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:04,375 (WOLF HOWLING) 23 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:09,083 Heather! 24 00:02:12,000 --> 00:02:13,333 Heather? 25 00:02:15,583 --> 00:02:17,458 Heather? Hey! 26 00:02:18,958 --> 00:02:20,375 (GRUNTS) 27 00:02:20,375 --> 00:02:21,875 (SCREAMING) 28 00:02:24,250 --> 00:02:25,750 Vindicator? 29 00:02:25,750 --> 00:02:28,708 She didn't ask you out here, Wolverine. 30 00:02:28,708 --> 00:02:29,958 I did! 31 00:02:29,958 --> 00:02:33,125 Been a long time, little man. 32 00:02:33,125 --> 00:02:35,583 Not nearly long enough. 33 00:02:35,583 --> 00:02:38,416 You may have deserted our team to work for Xavier, 34 00:02:38,416 --> 00:02:40,333 but you belong here. 35 00:02:40,333 --> 00:02:42,958 I've come to take you back. 36 00:02:42,958 --> 00:02:45,958 Yeah? You and what army? 37 00:02:45,958 --> 00:02:47,500 PUCK: Funny you should ask. 38 00:02:50,583 --> 00:02:54,208 Alpha Flight! Forget it, Vindicator. 39 00:02:54,208 --> 00:02:57,750 You can send every mutant in Canada after me! 40 00:02:57,750 --> 00:02:59,875 I ain't coming back! 41 00:02:59,875 --> 00:03:01,458 VINDICATOR: Wolverine, no! 42 00:03:07,000 --> 00:03:10,083 Wolverine, no! You don't have to do this! 43 00:03:11,500 --> 00:03:12,583 Devil I don't! 44 00:03:12,583 --> 00:03:14,291 (GROANS) 45 00:03:14,291 --> 00:03:15,458 Losing your touch, Puck. 46 00:03:15,458 --> 00:03:16,708 Aah! 47 00:03:16,708 --> 00:03:20,000 You left us! That was wrong. 48 00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:22,416 I hope you missed me, Sasquatch. 49 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:25,125 (SCREECHING) 50 00:03:32,833 --> 00:03:35,333 Your turn, Vindicator. 51 00:03:35,333 --> 00:03:36,375 No! 52 00:03:38,333 --> 00:03:41,583 Lousy force field can't protect you forever! 53 00:03:42,708 --> 00:03:44,416 VINDICATOR: Doesn't have to. 54 00:03:47,333 --> 00:03:50,708 Wolverine, enough. I am your friend, Wolverine. 55 00:03:50,708 --> 00:03:55,833 You know I will not harm you, but I cannot allow you to pass. 56 00:03:55,833 --> 00:04:00,875 I'm warning you, medicine man, don't make me move you. 57 00:04:00,875 --> 00:04:02,208 (GRUNTS) 58 00:04:02,208 --> 00:04:04,208 Out of my way, Shaman! 59 00:04:04,208 --> 00:04:07,583 You must do whatever the Great Spirit wills, my friend. 60 00:04:07,583 --> 00:04:10,458 And so, I fear, must I. 61 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:17,291 Forget it, Shaman, save your carnival tricks for kiddie shows! 62 00:04:18,583 --> 00:04:20,458 (GROWLING) 63 00:04:20,458 --> 00:04:22,250 Now, where were... 64 00:04:22,250 --> 00:04:23,375 (WOLVERINE EXCLAIMS) 65 00:04:23,375 --> 00:04:25,625 Do not struggle, mon ami! 66 00:04:25,625 --> 00:04:28,875 Oui.You wouldn't want us to drop you from such a height, no? 67 00:04:28,875 --> 00:04:33,458 Still don't know me real well, do you, Northstar? 68 00:04:33,458 --> 00:04:34,458 (GRUNTS) 69 00:04:35,500 --> 00:04:37,291 (SCREAMING) 70 00:04:42,875 --> 00:04:45,083 He should be right here, eh? 71 00:04:45,083 --> 00:04:47,708 No! I won't let him do it to me again! 72 00:04:50,291 --> 00:04:54,416 Fan out! Find him! And hurry! The lab is expecting us! 73 00:04:56,291 --> 00:04:57,875 Lab, huh? 74 00:04:57,875 --> 00:05:01,625 No thanks. I've had my fill of labs. 75 00:05:08,625 --> 00:05:11,250 Dr. Cornelius, how is our patient? 76 00:05:11,250 --> 00:05:12,875 DR. CORNELIUS ON INTERCOM: Could be better, Professor. 77 00:05:12,875 --> 00:05:14,458 He put up some resistance 78 00:05:14,458 --> 00:05:16,333 when our boys picked him up last night. 79 00:05:16,333 --> 00:05:17,458 Is he damaged? 80 00:05:17,458 --> 00:05:18,750 Nothing serious. 81 00:05:18,750 --> 00:05:22,083 Then begin the adamantium feed. 82 00:05:22,083 --> 00:05:26,250 DR. CORNELIUS: Feed initiated. Steady... 83 00:05:26,250 --> 00:05:28,708 Cardiotach higher than expected. 84 00:05:33,458 --> 00:05:37,625 Suffusion enacting. Cardiotach rising. 85 00:05:37,625 --> 00:05:40,250 Incredible! The feed is impeded. 86 00:05:40,250 --> 00:05:41,416 He's resisting, sir. 87 00:05:41,416 --> 00:05:43,333 Adjust the feed accordingly! 88 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:49,583 DR. CORNELIUS: Adamantium feed is compensating, 89 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:51,708 but I've never seen anything like this. 90 00:05:51,708 --> 00:05:54,625 PROFESSOR: It appears we chose well, Cornelius. 91 00:05:54,625 --> 00:05:57,625 DR. CORNELIUS: Adamantium reservoirs drained, sir. 92 00:05:57,625 --> 00:05:59,500 Absorption process complete. 93 00:05:59,500 --> 00:06:01,458 PROFESSOR: And our dear Logan? 94 00:06:01,458 --> 00:06:02,708 DR. CORNELIUS: Why not ask him yourself? 95 00:06:02,708 --> 00:06:04,416 A splendid idea. 96 00:06:04,416 --> 00:06:07,166 Logan, can you hear me? 97 00:06:09,375 --> 00:06:11,250 (GROWLING) 98 00:06:11,250 --> 00:06:13,291 I shall take that as a yes. 99 00:06:13,291 --> 00:06:16,291 You really should be proud, you know. 100 00:06:16,291 --> 00:06:18,458 You are the first. 101 00:06:18,458 --> 00:06:20,833 Your skeleton has been infused with 102 00:06:20,833 --> 00:06:23,875 a rare metal called adamantium. 103 00:06:23,875 --> 00:06:28,291 Fascinating substance, virtually indestructible. 104 00:06:28,291 --> 00:06:33,125 Your bones should now be unbreakable. 105 00:06:33,125 --> 00:06:37,333 In return, we hope to make use of your gift. 106 00:06:37,333 --> 00:06:40,583 So, you have nothing to say? 107 00:06:40,583 --> 00:06:45,458 WOLVERINE: Hands... Itching... Why? What... 108 00:06:45,458 --> 00:06:47,458 What have... What have you done to... 109 00:06:47,458 --> 00:06:49,416 (SCREAMING) 110 00:06:50,958 --> 00:06:53,083 (CONTINUES SCREAMING) 111 00:06:53,083 --> 00:06:56,000 Extraordinary. I never imagined... 112 00:06:58,375 --> 00:07:01,000 Quickly, Cornelius! Increase the sedative drip before... 113 00:07:03,875 --> 00:07:05,208 (WOLVERINE ROARING) 114 00:07:05,208 --> 00:07:07,125 No! 115 00:07:07,125 --> 00:07:10,000 Security! Security, help me! 116 00:07:19,375 --> 00:07:21,416 Oh, no. No, no! 117 00:07:22,875 --> 00:07:24,875 (GRUNTING) 118 00:07:41,083 --> 00:07:42,875 (PEOPLE SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) 119 00:07:47,500 --> 00:07:49,000 (EXPLOSION) 120 00:07:51,291 --> 00:07:53,875 No more labs. 121 00:07:53,875 --> 00:07:56,000 Please,Professor, speak to me. 122 00:07:57,250 --> 00:08:02,250 Wherever you are, give Cerebro a sign. Let us know you're alive. 123 00:08:04,083 --> 00:08:05,625 Any sign of the old man, chere? 124 00:08:05,625 --> 00:08:08,250 Quiet, Gambit, no distractions. 125 00:08:08,250 --> 00:08:12,250 If Jean and Cerebro are going to have any chance to find Professor Xavier, 126 00:08:12,250 --> 00:08:15,750 she has to maintain absolute concentration. 127 00:08:15,750 --> 00:08:18,708 Professor Xavier has got to be out there somewhere. 128 00:08:18,708 --> 00:08:20,291 (CEREBRO BEEPING) 129 00:08:23,291 --> 00:08:25,000 SHAMAN: He is near. 130 00:08:29,291 --> 00:08:30,583 (EXCLAIMS) 131 00:08:32,458 --> 00:08:33,458 (GROANS) 132 00:08:37,291 --> 00:08:38,333 (GROANS) 133 00:08:40,333 --> 00:08:42,291 (SCREAMING) 134 00:08:42,291 --> 00:08:45,375 Mon Dieu,Wolverine, stop fighting us. 135 00:08:45,375 --> 00:08:48,750 Please, mon ami, do not force us to do this! 136 00:08:48,750 --> 00:08:52,458 PUCK: Better listen to the Frenchies, big fellow. 137 00:08:52,458 --> 00:08:55,625 This time, for all our sakes, stay down! 138 00:08:55,625 --> 00:08:57,458 (GROWLING) 139 00:08:57,458 --> 00:08:58,583 (GRUNTS) 140 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:05,416 Better get the shackles on him while we still can. 141 00:09:17,125 --> 00:09:21,333 You know I won't work for you, Vindicator. 142 00:09:22,333 --> 00:09:25,250 Why are you doing this? 143 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:28,875 We don't want you, my old friend, 144 00:09:28,875 --> 00:09:31,416 only the secret you keep inside you. 145 00:09:35,500 --> 00:09:36,875 Wh-- Where? 146 00:09:38,416 --> 00:09:40,083 Why can't I... 147 00:09:41,166 --> 00:09:42,583 (GRUNTING) 148 00:09:45,166 --> 00:09:49,833 Let me up or I'll rearrange your windpipe. 149 00:09:49,833 --> 00:09:53,166 Sorry, Wolverine. I'm not authorized to do that. 150 00:09:53,166 --> 00:09:55,458 Don't hand me that garbage! 151 00:09:55,458 --> 00:09:57,958 If you're not in charge here, who is? 152 00:09:57,958 --> 00:10:01,458 HEATHER: I'm afraid I am. Hello, Wolverine. 153 00:10:01,458 --> 00:10:05,333 Heather? Then it was you who set me up. 154 00:10:05,333 --> 00:10:06,708 Why, lady? 155 00:10:06,708 --> 00:10:08,833 I thought we were friends. 156 00:10:08,833 --> 00:10:12,083 I'm sorry, Wolverine. I had no choice. 157 00:10:12,083 --> 00:10:16,583 There's always a choice. You're the one who taught me that. 158 00:10:26,750 --> 00:10:27,958 (TWIGS SNAPPING) 159 00:10:29,291 --> 00:10:32,000 (WIND HOWLING) 160 00:10:32,000 --> 00:10:35,166 The tracks are still fresh. It's our buck, all right. 161 00:10:37,375 --> 00:10:38,875 I wonder how much he's grown. 162 00:10:40,375 --> 00:10:43,000 (GROWLING) 163 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:44,250 (GASPS) 164 00:10:49,458 --> 00:10:51,583 James! 165 00:10:51,583 --> 00:10:52,708 -(GUN COCKING) -(GROWLING) 166 00:10:52,708 --> 00:10:54,083 Okay, that's enough! 167 00:10:56,166 --> 00:10:59,000 (GRUNTS) 168 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:01,208 (ROARS) 169 00:11:01,208 --> 00:11:02,208 I warned you! 170 00:11:13,458 --> 00:11:16,208 Back with us? Good. 171 00:11:16,208 --> 00:11:19,000 For a while I was afraid I'd used too many tranquilizers. 172 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:20,625 (GRUNTS) 173 00:11:20,625 --> 00:11:22,416 (ROARING) 174 00:11:22,416 --> 00:11:25,333 Easy, fellow. My husband is just outside, 175 00:11:25,333 --> 00:11:26,458 and there are more tranq darts... 176 00:11:26,458 --> 00:11:27,833 (GASPS) 177 00:11:27,833 --> 00:11:30,000 No! Don't! 178 00:11:33,166 --> 00:11:36,708 Please, no! We mean you no harm. 179 00:11:36,708 --> 00:11:38,583 We only want to help you. 180 00:11:38,583 --> 00:11:42,250 Please, you've got to listen to me. 181 00:11:42,250 --> 00:11:43,583 Please... 182 00:11:44,958 --> 00:11:46,708 (GRUNTS) 183 00:11:46,708 --> 00:11:48,125 (GROANING) 184 00:11:48,125 --> 00:11:49,958 Why did they do this? 185 00:11:49,958 --> 00:11:51,125 (WOLVERINE CRYING) 186 00:11:51,125 --> 00:11:54,833 It's okay, really. 187 00:11:54,833 --> 00:11:57,291 It's going to be all right. 188 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:03,333 We'll help you. 189 00:12:13,500 --> 00:12:16,000 You've helped me more than I can say. 190 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:18,583 Believe me, my friend, it was our pleasure. 191 00:12:18,583 --> 00:12:22,708 And we have some friends who might be able to help you even more. 192 00:12:22,708 --> 00:12:25,500 WOLVERINE: Department H. Sounds impressive. 193 00:12:25,500 --> 00:12:27,750 VINDICATOR: General Chasen can tell you more about it. 194 00:12:27,750 --> 00:12:31,875 Department H and its enforcement arm, Alpha Flight, 195 00:12:31,875 --> 00:12:34,958 were created to offer a useful, patriotic outlet 196 00:12:34,958 --> 00:12:39,208 for Canadians with special abilities like you. 197 00:12:39,208 --> 00:12:42,625 We think you could be vital to our team, Logan. 198 00:12:42,625 --> 00:12:45,083 What do you say, "Weapon X"? 199 00:12:45,083 --> 00:12:47,250 What can I say? 200 00:12:47,250 --> 00:12:49,583 You need me, you got me. 201 00:12:49,583 --> 00:12:50,583 Just two favors. 202 00:12:50,583 --> 00:12:51,875 Name them. 203 00:12:51,875 --> 00:12:53,583 Find out who did this to me. 204 00:12:53,583 --> 00:12:55,250 And? 205 00:12:55,250 --> 00:12:58,166 WOLVERINE: And forget that "Weapon X" stuff. 206 00:13:02,291 --> 00:13:05,000 Just call me Wolverine! 207 00:13:06,166 --> 00:13:08,416 You betrayed me, sister. 208 00:13:08,416 --> 00:13:12,208 I'm doing what I have to for the nation's security. 209 00:13:12,208 --> 00:13:14,500 -For all of us. -Right! 210 00:13:14,500 --> 00:13:17,625 Did you think you could hide from your responsibilities forever? 211 00:13:17,625 --> 00:13:18,875 Chasen! 212 00:13:18,875 --> 00:13:21,000 Why so surprised? 213 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:23,625 Department H invested a lot in you before you went over the wall. 214 00:13:23,625 --> 00:13:25,375 It's time we saw some return. 215 00:13:25,375 --> 00:13:27,166 Meaning what? 216 00:13:27,166 --> 00:13:29,208 Meaning you're one of a kind. 217 00:13:29,208 --> 00:13:32,083 Since your defection, we've tried repeatedly 218 00:13:32,083 --> 00:13:35,583 to duplicate the process that created your adamantium skeleton. 219 00:13:35,583 --> 00:13:38,875 The results have been less than encouraging. 220 00:13:38,875 --> 00:13:43,250 We brought you home to find out how you managed to survive the process. 221 00:13:43,250 --> 00:13:46,708 I survived it because I'm a mutant, you dimwit! 222 00:13:46,708 --> 00:13:49,458 I heal fast, remember? 223 00:13:49,458 --> 00:13:51,458 Maybe so. 224 00:13:51,458 --> 00:13:55,250 Unfortunately, there's only one way we can be certain. 225 00:13:55,250 --> 00:13:59,750 I only agreed to help if I was allowed to conduct the testing, Logan. 226 00:13:59,750 --> 00:14:03,166 I wanted it to be as easy on you as I could. 227 00:14:03,166 --> 00:14:05,708 It didn't have to be at all. 228 00:14:05,708 --> 00:14:07,625 Cut her some slack! 229 00:14:07,625 --> 00:14:10,750 Believe it or not, Wolverine, Heather is your friend. 230 00:14:10,750 --> 00:14:12,083 We all are. 231 00:14:12,083 --> 00:14:14,625 You abandoned us, remember? 232 00:14:14,625 --> 00:14:19,833 Duty and sacrifice may not mean much to you, but they do to us. 233 00:14:19,833 --> 00:14:21,291 Why did you leave? 234 00:14:21,291 --> 00:14:23,583 It's none of your bleeding business. 235 00:14:23,583 --> 00:14:25,833 I don't know why I bother to try. 236 00:14:27,166 --> 00:14:29,833 I'm sorry for all this, Wolverine. 237 00:14:29,833 --> 00:14:32,458 I promise we'll try to be gentle. 238 00:14:32,458 --> 00:14:35,333 Well, maybe not too gentle. 239 00:14:35,333 --> 00:14:37,083 (GROWLING) 240 00:14:39,958 --> 00:14:43,458 I wish you would tell me more about this place, Magneto. 241 00:14:43,458 --> 00:14:45,875 Its splendor seems boundless. 242 00:14:47,458 --> 00:14:51,583 Halt, trespasser. Advance no farther. 243 00:14:51,583 --> 00:14:53,750 Who are you? What do you want with us? 244 00:14:53,750 --> 00:14:55,750 Ask your companion. 245 00:14:55,750 --> 00:15:00,208 All the Mutates in the Savage Land are Magneto's creations. 246 00:15:00,208 --> 00:15:02,458 We now follow a new master. 247 00:15:02,458 --> 00:15:03,958 What does she mean? 248 00:15:03,958 --> 00:15:06,000 It doesn't matter now. 249 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:10,208 Surrender, so I can make your death as painless as possible. 250 00:15:10,208 --> 00:15:12,750 Let us talk. We mean you no... 251 00:15:12,750 --> 00:15:14,000 (SCREECHING) 252 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:15,625 (BOTH GROANING) 253 00:15:19,375 --> 00:15:20,583 (GRUNTS) 254 00:15:26,708 --> 00:15:28,458 MAGNETO: I have you, Charles. 255 00:15:29,583 --> 00:15:31,166 (STRAINS) 256 00:15:35,458 --> 00:15:36,875 Hold on! 257 00:15:51,875 --> 00:15:55,750 You will never leave here alive. Never! 258 00:16:03,833 --> 00:16:05,750 Can't you speed this up? 259 00:16:05,750 --> 00:16:09,125 I was promised the time to take proper precautions! 260 00:16:09,125 --> 00:16:11,458 We have a man's life in our hands. 261 00:16:16,375 --> 00:16:17,708 (GROANS) 262 00:16:17,708 --> 00:16:19,875 Thanks for the light, kid. 263 00:16:19,875 --> 00:16:22,125 I could use a good tan. 264 00:16:24,000 --> 00:16:26,375 (SCREAMING) 265 00:16:27,458 --> 00:16:29,000 (GASPS) 266 00:16:29,000 --> 00:16:30,708 CYCLOPS: Jean, what is it? What's wrong? 267 00:16:30,708 --> 00:16:35,833 Wolverine... Felt him... Such pain. 268 00:16:35,833 --> 00:16:38,250 Man been a pain since the get-go, chere. 269 00:16:38,250 --> 00:16:41,458 Not funny, Gambit. Do you know where Wolverine is, Jean? 270 00:16:41,458 --> 00:16:43,416 Can you help us find him? 271 00:16:43,416 --> 00:16:47,583 No, the impression was too vague, too distant. 272 00:16:47,583 --> 00:16:51,375 But wherever he is, heaven help him. 273 00:16:51,375 --> 00:16:53,000 (SCREAMING) 274 00:16:55,083 --> 00:16:57,166 (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) 275 00:17:02,375 --> 00:17:04,250 That's enough! No more. 276 00:17:17,333 --> 00:17:19,416 Resume the probe! 277 00:17:19,416 --> 00:17:23,583 I scanned as deeply as I could and we learned nothing. 278 00:17:23,583 --> 00:17:26,083 We're wasting our time and we're hurting him. 279 00:17:26,083 --> 00:17:29,750 Very well. We'll just have to do this the hard way. 280 00:17:29,750 --> 00:17:33,125 The only sure way to learn the secret of Wolverine's skeleton 281 00:17:33,125 --> 00:17:35,083 is to remove it from his body. 282 00:17:35,083 --> 00:17:36,875 Are you crazy? 283 00:17:36,875 --> 00:17:39,458 He's no animal that you can cut apart! 284 00:17:39,458 --> 00:17:41,166 It's his own fault! 285 00:17:41,166 --> 00:17:43,208 His desertion weakened this department! 286 00:17:43,208 --> 00:17:47,500 Hey, you want my bones, Chasen? 287 00:17:47,500 --> 00:17:49,833 Come and get them yourself. 288 00:17:49,833 --> 00:17:51,708 He's right, General. 289 00:17:51,708 --> 00:17:53,708 You're going to have to do your own dirty work. 290 00:17:53,708 --> 00:17:57,000 Effective immediately, I quit! 291 00:17:58,500 --> 00:18:01,000 Stop! I gave you an order! 292 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:02,458 Heather! 293 00:18:02,458 --> 00:18:04,583 No, James. You know this is wrong! 294 00:18:11,458 --> 00:18:12,875 Sentimental fool! 295 00:18:12,875 --> 00:18:15,333 I won't let you hurt him any more! 296 00:18:15,333 --> 00:18:17,125 Let me go! 297 00:18:19,083 --> 00:18:21,333 -That's enough! Let me go! -VINDICATOR: Heather, please! 298 00:18:27,291 --> 00:18:30,875 You hurt her, Vindicator, you'll pay! 299 00:18:30,875 --> 00:18:33,000 Shut up, you fool! 300 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:36,208 All right, Vindicator, I want that skeleton now! 301 00:18:36,208 --> 00:18:40,458 What's the matter, old pal? Forget your pocket knife? 302 00:18:40,458 --> 00:18:43,750 We saved you! We gave you back your life! 303 00:18:43,750 --> 00:18:45,083 How could you leave us? 304 00:18:45,083 --> 00:18:48,000 So I could be your weapon? 305 00:18:48,000 --> 00:18:50,083 Sorry, James. 306 00:18:50,083 --> 00:18:51,458 James! Stop! 307 00:18:53,000 --> 00:18:54,750 What are you doing here? 308 00:18:54,750 --> 00:18:57,583 Checking up on a rumor, General. 309 00:18:57,583 --> 00:19:01,958 You told us we were getting Wolverine back so he could work with us again. 310 00:19:01,958 --> 00:19:04,708 Looks like we were told wrong. 311 00:19:04,708 --> 00:19:07,583 Security! Subdue Alpha Flight! 312 00:19:17,291 --> 00:19:19,750 Hey, these guys aren't even human! 313 00:19:20,958 --> 00:19:22,291 They're androids! 314 00:19:23,500 --> 00:19:26,000 Oh, this is gonna be fun! 315 00:19:28,708 --> 00:19:31,250 Stop them! Vindicator, call off your team. 316 00:19:34,875 --> 00:19:36,458 (GRUNTING) 317 00:19:36,458 --> 00:19:38,125 (SHOUTING) 318 00:19:40,416 --> 00:19:41,458 (GROANS) 319 00:19:50,958 --> 00:19:52,416 (GRUNTS) 320 00:19:57,250 --> 00:19:59,750 Traitor! You're not going! 321 00:19:59,750 --> 00:20:01,625 Out of my way. 322 00:20:01,625 --> 00:20:04,000 I won't let you leave us again! 323 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:06,458 Chasen was wrong, but you're still part of Alpha Flight. 324 00:20:10,708 --> 00:20:12,500 My force field! 325 00:20:12,500 --> 00:20:14,750 WOLVERINE: You should have let me go, Jimbo. 326 00:20:16,708 --> 00:20:17,708 No! 327 00:20:17,708 --> 00:20:19,291 Stay out of this, Heather. 328 00:20:20,708 --> 00:20:22,291 You cared for me once. 329 00:20:22,291 --> 00:20:25,458 If you still do, let my husband go. 330 00:20:25,458 --> 00:20:27,875 I still love him. 331 00:20:27,875 --> 00:20:28,875 This time. 332 00:20:29,458 --> 00:20:31,125 For you. 333 00:20:31,125 --> 00:20:34,500 But if any of you ever comes after me again, 334 00:20:34,500 --> 00:20:36,583 for any reason, 335 00:20:36,583 --> 00:20:39,000 all bets are off.