1 00:00:01,708 --> 00:00:02,708 NARRATOR: Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:02,708 --> 00:00:05,958 Exterminate the vermin. 3 00:00:08,458 --> 00:00:09,583 (ROARING) 4 00:00:11,291 --> 00:00:14,583 What's this? A temporal storm? 5 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:19,333 What's happening? 6 00:00:19,333 --> 00:00:22,458 COMPUTER VOICE: Somehow, the past is being changed and the time stream is realigning. 7 00:00:22,458 --> 00:00:24,625 As soon as the time stream has realigned, 8 00:00:24,625 --> 00:00:27,083 you and your world will cease to exist. 9 00:00:27,083 --> 00:00:31,083 It begins with a time traveler from the 21st century. 10 00:00:31,083 --> 00:00:34,875 We'll stop this plague or die trying! 11 00:00:36,333 --> 00:00:39,458 My beautiful virus! 12 00:00:39,458 --> 00:00:41,000 COMPUTER VOICE: Because of Bishop, 13 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:43,250 the plague never infected mutants. 14 00:00:43,250 --> 00:00:46,750 As a result, antibodies key to the future stabilization 15 00:00:46,750 --> 00:00:49,500 of the mutant genetic code were never created. 16 00:00:49,500 --> 00:00:53,333 If our future is to survive, the mutant plague must occur. 17 00:00:53,333 --> 00:00:55,125 What do I do? 18 00:00:55,125 --> 00:00:56,875 To save my world, 19 00:00:56,875 --> 00:01:00,625 I have to help Apocalypse destroy a past one. 20 00:01:02,458 --> 00:01:04,833 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 21 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:17,958 Show me everything. I gotta know what to do. 22 00:02:18,375 --> 00:02:21,125 COMPUTER VOICE: The mutant named Bishop remains the key. 23 00:02:21,625 --> 00:02:26,375 Apocalypse's plague must occur so that our time can survive. 24 00:02:26,375 --> 00:02:29,750 I can't help Apocalypse! 25 00:02:29,750 --> 00:02:32,416 The logic is mathematically simple. 26 00:02:32,416 --> 00:02:36,625 Millions must die in the past so that future billions may be born. 27 00:02:36,625 --> 00:02:38,416 What's happening? 28 00:02:38,416 --> 00:02:40,833 Do something! Make it stop! 29 00:02:40,833 --> 00:02:42,000 Tyler! 30 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:43,708 Help me, Dad! 31 00:02:49,958 --> 00:02:52,125 Get me back there! Now! 32 00:02:52,125 --> 00:02:54,708 COMPUTER VOICE: Vectoring for trans-time injection on 33 00:02:54,708 --> 00:02:56,875 previously calculated coordinates. 34 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:07,750 Here we go again. 35 00:03:08,583 --> 00:03:10,416 Bishop! 36 00:03:10,416 --> 00:03:14,833 I already know that part. Who, or what, are you? 37 00:03:14,833 --> 00:03:17,875 A time traveler. Like you. 38 00:03:17,875 --> 00:03:21,708 You can't stop the plague your way. We've got to find a way... 39 00:03:21,708 --> 00:03:25,458 Nobody gets in my way! I got a job to do! 40 00:03:25,458 --> 00:03:27,708 And I can't let you do it. 41 00:03:31,708 --> 00:03:33,708 This one's for the future! 42 00:03:35,208 --> 00:03:36,583 (EXCLAIMS) 43 00:03:36,583 --> 00:03:38,208 I got no time for this. 44 00:03:40,250 --> 00:03:43,375 The X-Men, they've gotta be told the truth. 45 00:03:48,625 --> 00:03:52,208 Computer, body slide by one to intercept Bishop. 46 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:56,166 (GASPS) 47 00:04:03,125 --> 00:04:04,458 Who is that guy? 48 00:04:04,458 --> 00:04:06,458 CABLE: I don't wanna hurt you, 49 00:04:06,458 --> 00:04:09,333 but I can't let you stop the plague. 50 00:04:09,333 --> 00:04:12,583 The future, my future needs it. 51 00:04:12,583 --> 00:04:15,833 BISHOP: I'm not gonna stand by and let millions die! 52 00:04:16,416 --> 00:04:19,708 If you don't, my future won't exist. 53 00:04:19,708 --> 00:04:21,750 BISHOP: That's not my problem! 54 00:04:21,750 --> 00:04:24,375 My future matters as much as yours. 55 00:04:29,583 --> 00:04:31,708 I wish there was some other way. 56 00:04:31,708 --> 00:04:34,125 Save it for somebody who cares. 57 00:04:37,833 --> 00:04:39,958 Where'd that come from? 58 00:04:39,958 --> 00:04:43,416 Bishop, you fool. 59 00:04:43,416 --> 00:04:46,750 Wait! You don't understand what you're doing! 60 00:04:47,583 --> 00:04:48,958 What's up? 61 00:04:48,958 --> 00:04:50,875 I thought you all should see this. 62 00:04:50,875 --> 00:04:53,125 City officials have begun the quarantine of mutants... 63 00:04:53,125 --> 00:04:55,875 Get rid of the mutants! It's the only way to stop the plague! 64 00:04:55,875 --> 00:04:57,875 ...in an effort to control the mysterious illness which is sweeping the country. 65 00:04:57,875 --> 00:05:00,375 MAN: Send them back to where they came from! 66 00:05:00,375 --> 00:05:02,083 I've seen that man before. 67 00:05:02,083 --> 00:05:04,375 He was at the mall where Jubilee was attacked. 68 00:05:04,375 --> 00:05:06,166 Come on. Let's go. 69 00:05:06,166 --> 00:05:09,375 Computer, analyze for Bishop's aura residue. 70 00:05:09,375 --> 00:05:14,125 COMPUTER VOICE: Analysis maximization underway. Aura trail confirmation. 71 00:05:14,125 --> 00:05:15,708 Good. 72 00:05:16,416 --> 00:05:18,625 COMPUTER VOICE: Question, why did you not destroy 73 00:05:18,625 --> 00:05:20,750 Bishop in the previous encounter? 74 00:05:20,750 --> 00:05:23,708 I've seen too much killing in my life. 75 00:05:24,166 --> 00:05:26,583 Bishop is only trying to help his people. 76 00:05:26,583 --> 00:05:31,833 Illogical. The needs of the many prevail over the needs of the few. 77 00:05:31,833 --> 00:05:35,125 Destroy Bishop and your mission is accomplished. 78 00:05:35,125 --> 00:05:39,458 I will if I have to, but not until I have to. 79 00:05:39,458 --> 00:05:42,500 TV ANNOUNCER: We interrupt our programming for this special report. 80 00:05:42,500 --> 00:05:45,458 City officials have begun the quarantine of mutants 81 00:05:45,458 --> 00:05:47,583 in an effort to control the mysterious illness 82 00:05:47,583 --> 00:05:49,458 sweeping the area. 83 00:05:49,458 --> 00:05:52,375 The mayor has asked all citizens to cooperate 84 00:05:52,375 --> 00:05:56,000 so the quarantine can be conducted in an orderly manner. 85 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:57,583 Get rid of the mutants! 86 00:05:57,583 --> 00:06:01,583 Scum like that, and I'm on their side. 87 00:06:01,583 --> 00:06:03,625 There's got to be some other way! 88 00:06:03,625 --> 00:06:05,750 (SIREN WAILING) 89 00:06:06,583 --> 00:06:08,583 (ALL CLAMORING) 90 00:06:24,458 --> 00:06:25,875 I can't do it. 91 00:06:28,375 --> 00:06:32,750 Go home! The plague isn't caused by mutants. 92 00:06:32,750 --> 00:06:35,291 He's one of them. He's a mutant. 93 00:06:37,416 --> 00:06:39,583 Don't make me hurt you. 94 00:06:40,291 --> 00:06:42,291 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 95 00:06:47,458 --> 00:06:49,291 I do not believe it. 96 00:06:49,291 --> 00:06:51,750 Cyclops, that mob is attacking Bishop. 97 00:06:52,375 --> 00:06:53,750 Bishop? 98 00:06:53,750 --> 00:06:55,708 What's that time-jockey doing back? 99 00:06:55,708 --> 00:06:58,958 Look! On the roof! He's aiming at Bishop! 100 00:06:58,958 --> 00:07:00,708 I'm sorry, Bishop. 101 00:07:03,500 --> 00:07:05,166 Remember me, bright eyes? 102 00:07:07,833 --> 00:07:10,708 You X-Men better stay out of this! 103 00:07:12,750 --> 00:07:14,833 You don't know us very well. 104 00:07:14,833 --> 00:07:17,875 OK, mystery man. What you got against Bishop? 105 00:07:18,458 --> 00:07:19,458 Huh? 106 00:07:26,458 --> 00:07:29,458 We've got to calm that mob down before somebody gets hurt. 107 00:07:29,458 --> 00:07:30,875 WOLVERINE: I'll take care of Bishop! 108 00:07:33,333 --> 00:07:34,625 Hey! Darn it! 109 00:07:37,208 --> 00:07:38,375 (GRUNTS) 110 00:07:45,708 --> 00:07:47,125 I'm sorry, Bishop. 111 00:07:49,750 --> 00:07:51,958 Looks like you got everybody mad at you, rookie! 112 00:07:51,958 --> 00:07:54,000 And one of them has a big gun. 113 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:56,708 It's time I lost that guy once and for all! 114 00:07:58,833 --> 00:08:00,166 Oh, man! 115 00:08:09,500 --> 00:08:10,500 Scott! 116 00:08:14,458 --> 00:08:16,375 (CYCLOPS SHOUTS) 117 00:08:26,458 --> 00:08:28,458 Pretty good shot from way up there. 118 00:08:33,458 --> 00:08:34,750 (GRUNTS) 119 00:08:37,708 --> 00:08:38,708 (CABLE GRUNTS) 120 00:08:46,291 --> 00:08:47,333 (GRUNTS) 121 00:08:53,333 --> 00:08:56,750 Mutant freaks! I'll show you how to stand up to... 122 00:08:56,750 --> 00:08:58,458 Not today, friend! 123 00:08:58,458 --> 00:09:00,750 (MAN SCREAMING) 124 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:18,875 (GRUNTING) 125 00:09:22,583 --> 00:09:24,166 (EXCLAIMS) 126 00:09:31,333 --> 00:09:33,458 I don't need this. 127 00:09:37,708 --> 00:09:40,583 Computer, body slide to HQ. Now! 128 00:09:43,250 --> 00:09:46,000 That old boy sure knows how to make an exit. 129 00:09:47,333 --> 00:09:50,416 Looks like you got yourself a powerful enemy, rookie. 130 00:09:50,416 --> 00:09:53,083 Why don't you fight your battles in your own time, Bishop? 131 00:09:53,083 --> 00:09:54,625 You could've gotten a lot of people hurt! 132 00:09:54,625 --> 00:09:56,708 I was trying to save lives. 133 00:09:56,708 --> 00:09:59,333 Yours and millions in my future. 134 00:10:07,083 --> 00:10:09,000 Good as the day it was made. 135 00:10:11,583 --> 00:10:14,000 Computer, reference the X-Men. 136 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:16,208 I need to know what I'm up against. 137 00:10:16,208 --> 00:10:18,333 They aren't the wimps I thought they were. 138 00:10:19,208 --> 00:10:23,166 COMPUTER VOICE: Name, Cyclops. Field commander of the X-Men. 139 00:10:23,166 --> 00:10:26,125 Mutant power, optic energy beams. 140 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:29,583 I know about him and Jean Grey. Continue. 141 00:10:30,583 --> 00:10:33,875 Storm. Second in command of the X-Men. 142 00:10:33,875 --> 00:10:36,958 Ability to control the elements of nature. 143 00:10:36,958 --> 00:10:41,875 Wolverine. Possesses indestructible adamantium skeleton. 144 00:10:41,875 --> 00:10:45,333 Mutant power, instantaneous healing and recovery. 145 00:10:46,250 --> 00:10:48,291 Stop. Go back. 146 00:10:51,333 --> 00:10:54,625 Computer, you've just given me an idea. 147 00:10:54,625 --> 00:10:58,208 And saved the future for everybody. 148 00:11:00,625 --> 00:11:03,708 REPORTER 1: You claim to have proof that mutants don't carry this disease? 149 00:11:03,708 --> 00:11:06,500 Indisputably. Scientific analysis shows 150 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:10,166 that the virus which causes this plague was created in a laboratory. 151 00:11:10,166 --> 00:11:12,833 How does that prove mutants aren't carrying it? 152 00:11:12,833 --> 00:11:15,875 It shows no sign of contact with mutant DNA. 153 00:11:15,875 --> 00:11:18,333 But, Dr. McCoy, what do you think about the way... 154 00:11:18,333 --> 00:11:20,458 Ladies, gentlemen, I must testify. 155 00:11:20,458 --> 00:11:22,750 Excuse me. 156 00:11:22,750 --> 00:11:25,000 REPORTER 2: Something big's gonna come out on this plague story today. 157 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:28,875 A mutant scientist says he has proof it's not their fault. 158 00:11:28,875 --> 00:11:30,625 The Friends of Humanity say he's lying. 159 00:11:35,875 --> 00:11:39,333 Time to reach out and touch someone. 160 00:11:40,583 --> 00:11:41,875 BISHOP: Beast! Look out! 161 00:11:42,625 --> 00:11:44,250 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 162 00:11:44,250 --> 00:11:46,958 Looks like the party's already started. 163 00:11:46,958 --> 00:11:50,250 SENATOR GOODE: Order! Security, clear the chamber. 164 00:12:01,708 --> 00:12:03,458 Hey! 165 00:12:03,458 --> 00:12:06,375 Next time, try stealing candy from a baby. 166 00:12:11,875 --> 00:12:15,583 Look who's back. I wanted another crack at that guy! 167 00:12:16,083 --> 00:12:19,083 No, Wolverine! Focus on protecting Bishop. 168 00:12:19,875 --> 00:12:23,125 You protect him your way, I'll protect him mine. 169 00:12:23,875 --> 00:12:28,166 How about a game of one-on-one? Just you and me, pal! 170 00:12:28,166 --> 00:12:31,291 Whatever you say, Wolverine, 171 00:12:31,291 --> 00:12:33,416 but you'll lose. 172 00:12:33,416 --> 00:12:34,750 Wanna bet? 173 00:12:36,583 --> 00:12:40,875 You're pretty fast, but a bit outdated. 174 00:12:40,875 --> 00:12:42,458 Outdated! 175 00:12:42,458 --> 00:12:44,125 (WOLVERINE ROARS) 176 00:12:45,583 --> 00:12:47,458 Put me down, you freak! 177 00:12:47,458 --> 00:12:48,833 You lousy mutant! 178 00:12:48,833 --> 00:12:51,958 You cannot reason with closed minds. 179 00:12:54,083 --> 00:12:56,500 Get Bishop! We've gotta get him out of here! 180 00:12:56,500 --> 00:12:58,750 Enough, Bishop! Desist! 181 00:12:58,750 --> 00:13:02,125 You have generated enough excitement for one day. 182 00:13:03,708 --> 00:13:05,375 See what they've done? 183 00:13:05,375 --> 00:13:10,708 Let the world see that mutants carry the plague. 184 00:13:10,708 --> 00:13:12,583 (CREED GROANING) 185 00:13:19,458 --> 00:13:22,250 Computer, body slide by two to HQ. 186 00:13:22,250 --> 00:13:23,583 -Now! -JEAN: No, wait! 187 00:13:28,416 --> 00:13:31,458 No, it can't be! 188 00:13:35,750 --> 00:13:37,000 (PEOPLE CLAMORING) 189 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:38,458 Get him to the Blackbird! 190 00:13:38,458 --> 00:13:39,958 What about Wolverine? 191 00:13:39,958 --> 00:13:42,208 We've got a plague to stop. 192 00:13:44,625 --> 00:13:46,125 (CAR HONKS) 193 00:13:50,833 --> 00:13:52,833 Don't you guys ever use cars? 194 00:13:53,750 --> 00:13:55,833 Let's just finish it here. 195 00:13:55,833 --> 00:14:00,958 I'd love to, but right now I need your help. 196 00:14:00,958 --> 00:14:04,458 My help? Now, why should I help you? 197 00:14:04,458 --> 00:14:08,000 Because Apocalypse is behind the techno-virus. 198 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:10,708 Apocalypse! Yeah, right! 199 00:14:10,708 --> 00:14:13,291 Teamed up with the Tooth Fairy. 200 00:14:14,333 --> 00:14:16,458 I can't let you do that. 201 00:14:18,458 --> 00:14:20,000 (GUN FIRING) 202 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:25,333 What did you think you were doing, attacking Creed on national television? 203 00:14:25,333 --> 00:14:27,708 Saving Beast's life. 204 00:14:27,708 --> 00:14:30,250 Creed had some kind of a weapon. 205 00:14:30,250 --> 00:14:32,000 I heard it go off when we were fighting, 206 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:33,958 and then he got sick. 207 00:14:33,958 --> 00:14:37,708 A viral weapon could be easily concealed. 208 00:14:37,708 --> 00:14:41,208 I set the computer to record the broadcast from the committee hearing. 209 00:14:41,750 --> 00:14:44,000 Computer, image scan mode. 210 00:14:44,458 --> 00:14:46,083 Closer. Stop. 211 00:14:46,750 --> 00:14:48,208 What is it, Jean? 212 00:14:48,208 --> 00:14:49,875 Are you worried about Wolverine? 213 00:14:49,875 --> 00:14:53,333 I touched Cable's mind. 214 00:14:53,333 --> 00:14:56,375 Who is he? What's he really up to? 215 00:14:56,375 --> 00:15:00,750 He's more important for the future, our future, 216 00:15:00,750 --> 00:15:02,708 than you could ever imagine. 217 00:15:02,708 --> 00:15:04,708 BEAST: Diabolically clever. 218 00:15:06,250 --> 00:15:09,500 An ingenious delivery system for an airborne virus. 219 00:15:09,500 --> 00:15:12,083 Creed infected himself trying to get to you. 220 00:15:12,083 --> 00:15:13,500 He'll need treatment. 221 00:15:13,500 --> 00:15:15,000 Let's follow him. 222 00:15:15,416 --> 00:15:18,208 CABLE: Time to wake up, sleeping beauty! 223 00:15:19,208 --> 00:15:21,958 (COUGHING) 224 00:15:21,958 --> 00:15:24,583 What are you trying to do, drown me? 225 00:15:24,583 --> 00:15:27,291 I've got more important things in mind. 226 00:15:27,291 --> 00:15:31,583 Computer, access primitive power grid and affect electro-transport 227 00:15:31,583 --> 00:15:34,583 to co-ordinates outside Creed's Virginia headquarters. 228 00:15:35,083 --> 00:15:36,708 COMPUTER VOICE: Access completed. 229 00:15:36,708 --> 00:15:39,000 (SIGHING) Not again! 230 00:15:57,875 --> 00:15:58,875 (EXCLAIMS) 231 00:16:04,500 --> 00:16:06,250 (MEN SCREAMING) 232 00:16:06,250 --> 00:16:08,833 Jean, see if you can locate Creed in the mansion. 233 00:16:12,208 --> 00:16:15,500 JEAN: Not in the mansion. Beneath it. 234 00:16:15,500 --> 00:16:19,208 A secret laboratory. And something else is in there, 235 00:16:19,208 --> 00:16:21,458 something with incredible power. 236 00:16:21,458 --> 00:16:23,208 (JEAN SCREAMS) 237 00:16:23,208 --> 00:16:24,625 Jean! What is it? 238 00:16:24,625 --> 00:16:27,708 Hurry, Scott, before it's too late. 239 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:29,958 Don't worry, we'll stop them. 240 00:16:32,375 --> 00:16:34,125 Get us down to the lab! 241 00:16:34,125 --> 00:16:35,708 Leave that to me. 242 00:16:45,500 --> 00:16:46,875 I'm sick. 243 00:16:46,875 --> 00:16:48,583 I need help. 244 00:16:49,125 --> 00:16:52,750 I can't be sick now, with the plague about to spread. 245 00:16:52,750 --> 00:16:56,958 By the time I recover, it'll be too late to direct events. 246 00:16:56,958 --> 00:16:58,833 (CREED COUGHING) 247 00:17:00,458 --> 00:17:02,208 CYCLOPS: Your game's up, Creed. 248 00:17:02,208 --> 00:17:04,083 We're here to put an end to your plague. 249 00:17:06,583 --> 00:17:08,458 And I'm here to help them! 250 00:17:10,083 --> 00:17:15,458 The name's Cable. Remember it, Apocalypse! 251 00:17:15,458 --> 00:17:21,458 Your puny weapons can never prevail against Apocalypse! 252 00:17:22,833 --> 00:17:25,125 Why don't we find out! 253 00:17:27,708 --> 00:17:28,958 A mutant. 254 00:17:29,458 --> 00:17:35,416 I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you. 255 00:17:35,875 --> 00:17:39,000 I am eternal. 256 00:17:40,583 --> 00:17:41,708 (STORM AND GAMBIT GROAN) 257 00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:49,250 You defeated my four Horsemen once, 258 00:17:49,250 --> 00:17:53,000 but now nothing can stop the Apocalypse! 259 00:17:53,000 --> 00:17:54,083 (CYCLOPS GROANS) 260 00:17:54,083 --> 00:17:55,208 JEAN: Scott! 261 00:17:57,458 --> 00:18:00,708 Annoying insects! 262 00:18:02,500 --> 00:18:05,333 I cannot be touched. 263 00:18:05,333 --> 00:18:07,958 I cannot be harmed. 264 00:18:07,958 --> 00:18:11,291 Watch me and tremble, 265 00:18:13,250 --> 00:18:20,166 for I bring the purity of oblivion to your world. 266 00:18:20,291 --> 00:18:21,708 Look out! 267 00:18:21,708 --> 00:18:23,083 No! 268 00:18:25,458 --> 00:18:26,833 Wolverine! 269 00:18:28,583 --> 00:18:31,458 It must be! It's the only way! 270 00:18:32,166 --> 00:18:33,875 (GROANING) 271 00:18:35,000 --> 00:18:37,333 You've let Apocalypse kill him! 272 00:18:37,333 --> 00:18:40,125 No. I've saved us all. 273 00:18:43,125 --> 00:18:47,000 Wolverine's special mutant immune system is curing him. 274 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:49,708 And by doing so, he's creating the antibodies 275 00:18:49,708 --> 00:18:52,000 that all mutants will need to survive. 276 00:18:53,833 --> 00:18:58,708 We have the cure now, Apocalypse! Your virus is useless! 277 00:19:04,375 --> 00:19:08,708 Remember it, Apocalypse. The name's Cable. 278 00:19:09,416 --> 00:19:14,458 I shall not forget this impudence! 279 00:19:16,208 --> 00:19:18,833 CYCLOPS: Get out of here before the whole thing blows! 280 00:19:20,750 --> 00:19:23,291 CREED: Put me down. 281 00:19:23,291 --> 00:19:26,875 Remember, Mr. Creed, a mutant saved your life. 282 00:19:26,875 --> 00:19:30,291 My beautiful virus! 283 00:19:31,083 --> 00:19:35,875 The mutant filth have destroyed everything! 284 00:19:43,875 --> 00:19:46,333 (SCREAMING) 285 00:19:51,083 --> 00:19:52,416 (GRUNTS) 286 00:19:52,416 --> 00:19:54,708 I'm back in the future again. 287 00:19:54,708 --> 00:19:58,708 Nothing's changed. It's all just like I left it. 288 00:20:00,125 --> 00:20:01,708 Did we stop the plague? 289 00:20:01,708 --> 00:20:03,375 FORGE: Plague? What plague? 290 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:06,958 I'll tell you all about it. 291 00:20:09,958 --> 00:20:12,750 Well, do I get a clean bill of health? 292 00:20:15,333 --> 00:20:19,250 As usual, Wolverine's mutant powers have cured him. 293 00:20:19,250 --> 00:20:22,416 But the antibodies they created to kill the plague 294 00:20:22,416 --> 00:20:25,375 are like none I've ever seen before. 295 00:20:25,375 --> 00:20:27,291 Curious. 296 00:20:27,291 --> 00:20:30,458 Who knows what a study of them could lead to in the future. 297 00:20:33,708 --> 00:20:34,833 TYLER: Dad! 298 00:20:34,833 --> 00:20:37,458 Tyler! You're safe! 299 00:20:38,166 --> 00:20:42,625 Wolverine's antibodies did preserve the future. I knew it! 300 00:20:52,250 --> 00:20:55,583 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)