1 00:00:01,708 --> 00:00:03,000 [narrator] Previously on X-Men... 2 00:00:03,583 --> 00:00:04,958 [Joe] Look, Moira! 3 00:00:05,708 --> 00:00:06,833 [Moira] I can see him 4 00:00:06,833 --> 00:00:07,875 [Joe] What's happening? 5 00:00:09,750 --> 00:00:12,458 -What is it? -Come quickly! I need your help! 6 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:19,208 He's young and scared. And he has no idea how powerful he is. 7 00:00:19,625 --> 00:00:21,250 -Joe. -Moira? 8 00:00:21,375 --> 00:00:24,333 -Kevin's out! -Well, put him back! 9 00:00:24,458 --> 00:00:27,458 You could talk to the boy. That's all he wants. 10 00:00:28,125 --> 00:00:30,833 What haven't you told me about this mutant? 11 00:00:30,833 --> 00:00:31,833 I don't know how he-- 12 00:00:33,083 --> 00:00:36,250 Kevin, please, you've got to come back with me! 13 00:00:36,250 --> 00:00:37,500 Never. 14 00:00:37,500 --> 00:00:41,250 [inaudible] 15 00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:45,458 -Who are you looking for? -My father! 16 00:00:46,458 --> 00:00:50,583 -Don't touch him! He is my son! -[Professor X] Your son? 17 00:00:54,583 --> 00:00:56,291 Charles, I'm sinking! 18 00:00:58,875 --> 00:01:00,750 Hey! Stop it! 19 00:01:09,250 --> 00:01:10,875 He's down there somewhere. 20 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:12,208 They can't stop me. 21 00:01:12,875 --> 00:01:14,833 I am going to find my father. 22 00:01:15,875 --> 00:01:16,875 [theme music playing] 23 00:02:15,833 --> 00:02:17,125 [moaning] 24 00:02:19,333 --> 00:02:22,083 [Rogue] Wolverine! What did he do to you? 25 00:02:22,208 --> 00:02:24,250 I'm fine. I don't need your help. 26 00:02:25,958 --> 00:02:27,125 [vomiting] 27 00:02:29,125 --> 00:02:30,583 You wanna talk about it? 28 00:02:30,708 --> 00:02:34,583 No. Not now, not ever. 29 00:02:34,583 --> 00:02:37,250 It's just a matter of time before someone gets hurt. 30 00:02:37,375 --> 00:02:42,000 Moira, don't worry. We will stop Kevin before that happens. 31 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:45,875 Might I suggest we find Proteus' father, Joseph MacTaggert, 32 00:02:45,875 --> 00:02:47,458 and prepare to confront him there. 33 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:50,416 Yes. And if needed, 34 00:02:50,416 --> 00:02:53,833 we can try to afford Mr. MacTaggert some protection. 35 00:02:53,958 --> 00:02:55,583 Joe won't accept your help. 36 00:02:56,416 --> 00:02:58,375 He's the least of our worries. 37 00:03:10,375 --> 00:03:12,333 [people chattering] 38 00:03:14,875 --> 00:03:18,333 Father! Who are those children? 39 00:03:18,333 --> 00:03:21,375 You don't understand, Maeve. I really care. 40 00:03:21,833 --> 00:03:23,708 I'm a lad on the way up, Maeve. 41 00:03:23,708 --> 00:03:25,250 I think we should save Wales, 42 00:03:26,250 --> 00:03:28,250 even the whole of Britain, if that's what it takes. 43 00:03:28,250 --> 00:03:30,750 Oh, it's a keen mind you have, Thomas. 44 00:03:30,750 --> 00:03:32,583 You'll go far in politics. 45 00:03:32,583 --> 00:03:35,166 With me, however, you'll not get far at all. 46 00:03:35,166 --> 00:03:36,166 Good night to you. 47 00:03:40,416 --> 00:03:41,708 No! 48 00:03:43,833 --> 00:03:46,708 [Xavier] MacTaggert's campaign office should be in the next block. 49 00:03:52,958 --> 00:03:55,208 He's here. Over there! 50 00:03:57,375 --> 00:03:58,375 [Professor X] Proteus! 51 00:04:06,291 --> 00:04:08,000 [Thomas screaming] 52 00:04:11,125 --> 00:04:12,875 What is that? What's that? 53 00:04:16,625 --> 00:04:19,583 Kevin! It's time to come home. 54 00:04:20,000 --> 00:04:23,166 Can't you understand, Mother? I'm going to see him! 55 00:04:23,291 --> 00:04:26,458 Your father can't help you. He won't help you. 56 00:04:26,583 --> 00:04:29,166 That's not true! You never gave him a chance. 57 00:04:29,166 --> 00:04:32,458 It'll be okay, Kevin. Just listen to your mama. 58 00:04:32,583 --> 00:04:36,416 No! No one can keep me from him! 59 00:04:44,333 --> 00:04:45,250 [people screaming] 60 00:04:45,375 --> 00:04:47,458 Just leave me alone! 61 00:04:47,583 --> 00:04:48,750 I wish I could! 62 00:05:04,458 --> 00:05:05,458 [Rogue grunting] 63 00:05:05,458 --> 00:05:07,708 This kid has some temper. 64 00:05:17,875 --> 00:05:18,833 He won't listen. 65 00:05:19,958 --> 00:05:21,833 And if Kevin does reach Joe, 66 00:05:21,833 --> 00:05:24,875 he's going to find out that Joe left me because of him! 67 00:05:24,875 --> 00:05:27,250 Joe didn't want a mutant for a child. 68 00:05:27,375 --> 00:05:28,833 It's gonna make him crazy. 69 00:05:28,958 --> 00:05:30,708 There'll be no way to stop him, short of... 70 00:05:30,708 --> 00:05:33,500 Destroying him? We will find another way. 71 00:05:35,875 --> 00:05:36,875 [birds chirping] 72 00:05:38,708 --> 00:05:40,625 He'll know where my father is. 73 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:47,000 Huh? 74 00:05:47,458 --> 00:05:48,458 [screaming] 75 00:05:51,583 --> 00:05:54,958 Moira wanted custody. Kevin is not my problem anymore. 76 00:05:55,416 --> 00:05:57,125 What do you want me to do? Put him on telly? 77 00:05:57,250 --> 00:06:01,250 No, Mr. MacTaggert. Just talk to the boy. 78 00:06:01,250 --> 00:06:05,416 He doesn't know why you left him. Tell him the truth. 79 00:06:05,416 --> 00:06:08,000 Are you nuts? The vote's tomorrow. 80 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:09,875 There are cameras everywhere I go. 81 00:06:09,875 --> 00:06:12,208 I don't want people to remember I'm divorced, 82 00:06:12,583 --> 00:06:14,833 much less find out I'm the father of some sort of... 83 00:06:14,833 --> 00:06:19,416 Son, Joe! He's a boy. And he needs his father. 84 00:06:19,500 --> 00:06:21,625 Well, tell him that Xavier's his father. 85 00:06:21,625 --> 00:06:23,583 You always wanted it that way. 86 00:06:23,583 --> 00:06:25,333 You fool, MacTaggert! 87 00:06:25,333 --> 00:06:27,708 He's coming for you, whether you like it or not! 88 00:06:27,875 --> 00:06:29,833 Don't you think I want to help the lad? 89 00:06:30,333 --> 00:06:32,458 Remember, Moira, he's mine too. 90 00:06:32,583 --> 00:06:36,958 I appreciate your offer of protection, but I have my own. 91 00:06:41,333 --> 00:06:43,166 Father. Father! 92 00:06:47,708 --> 00:06:48,708 [doorbell ringing] 93 00:06:54,833 --> 00:06:56,291 [footsteps approaching] 94 00:07:04,625 --> 00:07:05,875 [children laughing] 95 00:07:23,458 --> 00:07:24,833 Where is my father? 96 00:07:44,500 --> 00:07:45,500 [gasps] 97 00:07:51,833 --> 00:07:53,500 [Joe] If the boy shows up, 98 00:07:53,500 --> 00:07:55,583 keep him out of sight until after the vote. 99 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:59,458 If you don't, all our work will be for nothing. 100 00:07:59,458 --> 00:08:01,000 [man] How bad is he? 101 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:02,375 How should I know? I haven't 102 00:08:02,375 --> 00:08:03,875 seen him since he was crawling. 103 00:08:04,500 --> 00:08:08,583 [scoffs] Ought to just let Proteus get a good look at dear old dad. 104 00:08:09,583 --> 00:08:11,458 How much trouble can one boy be? 105 00:08:11,875 --> 00:08:13,458 And don't get careless. 106 00:08:18,708 --> 00:08:20,875 Professor, we got to change shifts. 107 00:08:20,875 --> 00:08:23,958 I need a shower after babysitting this slime. 108 00:08:35,625 --> 00:08:37,458 [supporters cheering] 109 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:45,625 Joe MacTaggert. Appreciate your support. 110 00:08:47,458 --> 00:08:49,166 Hope you'll be with me on election day. 111 00:08:50,583 --> 00:08:53,291 MacTaggert, how you doing? Good man. 112 00:08:55,000 --> 00:08:56,875 It's in the bag, Bill. 113 00:08:58,458 --> 00:09:01,166 I don't go along with abandoning kids. 114 00:09:01,166 --> 00:09:04,500 [Beast] "Political campaigns are designedly made to paralyze 115 00:09:04,500 --> 00:09:08,000 "what slight powers of cerebration man can normally muster." 116 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:09,458 James Harvey Robinson. 117 00:09:09,458 --> 00:09:11,125 Just remember to report 118 00:09:11,125 --> 00:09:12,583 the least sign of a disturbance. 119 00:09:12,583 --> 00:09:14,000 Is that understood? 120 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:15,583 [Beast] Certainly, Professor. 121 00:09:15,708 --> 00:09:17,291 Logan, are you there? 122 00:09:17,416 --> 00:09:18,375 Are you all right? 123 00:09:19,625 --> 00:09:23,416 Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. No angry boy clouds in the basement. 124 00:09:23,416 --> 00:09:24,583 Hold it! 125 00:09:28,875 --> 00:09:30,458 All clear. 126 00:09:30,458 --> 00:09:32,625 Are you holding up okay, Logan? 127 00:09:32,750 --> 00:09:35,333 Worry about that kid if I find him first! 128 00:09:43,416 --> 00:09:48,958 [supporters screaming] 129 00:09:52,625 --> 00:09:56,708 Thank you! I take that as support not just for me, 130 00:09:57,291 --> 00:09:59,125 but for my platform 131 00:09:59,125 --> 00:10:03,583 for every family in Scotland, for our children! 132 00:10:03,708 --> 00:10:08,708 Guess he likes children if they ain't his. I've seen that happen before. 133 00:10:09,458 --> 00:10:12,125 My own flesh and blood, a mutant! 134 00:10:12,250 --> 00:10:14,000 Daddy, please! 135 00:10:14,166 --> 00:10:17,375 You're a disgrace! I'm ashamed to be seen with you! 136 00:10:18,458 --> 00:10:22,125 You ain't my daughter! Not anymore. 137 00:10:23,333 --> 00:10:27,458 Daddy! Daddy, please! 138 00:10:34,291 --> 00:10:38,125 I wonder, Professor, if Proteus might not wish to avoid so public a location-- 139 00:10:38,125 --> 00:10:41,250 He's here! Proteus is in the hall! 140 00:10:42,875 --> 00:10:47,875 I know that without my children, I would simply cease to exist. 141 00:10:47,875 --> 00:10:52,208 They're my life. Our children are more than our future. 142 00:10:52,708 --> 00:10:53,500 They are... 143 00:10:58,750 --> 00:11:00,458 Father, it's Kevin! 144 00:11:01,000 --> 00:11:02,000 [people screaming] 145 00:11:03,958 --> 00:11:05,375 Careful, sugar. 146 00:11:05,458 --> 00:11:07,875 Mr. MacTaggert may not recognize you. 147 00:11:10,375 --> 00:11:13,208 I told you, stay away! 148 00:11:15,458 --> 00:11:18,875 Moira, stay back! I'll help them. Where are you, Logan? 149 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:20,166 [Professor X] Wolverine! 150 00:11:25,833 --> 00:11:27,500 I can't! 151 00:11:37,291 --> 00:11:38,291 [Rogue grunts] 152 00:11:40,875 --> 00:11:41,708 Wolverine! 153 00:11:42,958 --> 00:11:44,000 Blast it! 154 00:11:46,458 --> 00:11:48,500 I paid you to keep this from happening! 155 00:11:48,625 --> 00:11:49,875 That's no boy! 156 00:11:51,958 --> 00:11:56,000 Talk to me, Kevin. Stop fighting us and I'll listen. 157 00:11:56,458 --> 00:11:57,958 Where is my father? 158 00:11:58,250 --> 00:12:01,750 You frightened him, Kevin! He ran away because... 159 00:12:01,750 --> 00:12:04,125 Shut up! You kept him from me! 160 00:12:08,583 --> 00:12:09,583 Stop! 161 00:12:11,375 --> 00:12:12,375 Listen... 162 00:12:22,583 --> 00:12:23,708 [sceaming] 163 00:12:24,208 --> 00:12:25,333 Get them off of me! 164 00:12:32,458 --> 00:12:33,416 [screaming] 165 00:12:37,750 --> 00:12:38,708 [Rogue] You ain't going anywhere, Beast. 166 00:12:41,166 --> 00:12:42,166 Hold on, Chuck! 167 00:12:49,208 --> 00:12:51,250 Better talk to your boy, Professor. 168 00:12:51,958 --> 00:12:54,208 'Cause he ain't listening to any of us. 169 00:12:57,625 --> 00:13:00,833 [Professor X] Kevin. Kevin MacTaggert. 170 00:13:02,458 --> 00:13:03,875 [Rogue sighs] That's more like it. 171 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:06,083 Kevin, please listen. 172 00:13:06,083 --> 00:13:07,583 Why? 173 00:13:07,583 --> 00:13:09,750 I sense that beneath your anger 174 00:13:09,750 --> 00:13:11,833 there's a yearning, a reaching out. 175 00:13:11,833 --> 00:13:13,000 I am a doctor. 176 00:13:13,625 --> 00:13:16,833 Let me help you understand what it is you seek. 177 00:13:16,958 --> 00:13:20,833 What I want is my father. If you want to help me, bring him to me! 178 00:13:21,625 --> 00:13:24,250 My father wants me! Get out of the way! 179 00:13:25,375 --> 00:13:26,958 [X-Men screaming] 180 00:13:26,958 --> 00:13:28,333 [people screaming] 181 00:13:33,125 --> 00:13:37,625 Fascinating. His power seems limited only by his imagination. 182 00:13:37,750 --> 00:13:39,416 And that temper. 183 00:13:39,416 --> 00:13:41,500 Stopping him is beyond our power. 184 00:13:41,500 --> 00:13:44,875 We must continue to try to reason with him. 185 00:13:45,000 --> 00:13:49,708 No, Charles. You've tried. It is I that must do something now. 186 00:13:49,875 --> 00:13:51,250 Moira! Wait! 187 00:13:51,250 --> 00:13:52,875 Do you wish me to bring her back? 188 00:13:55,416 --> 00:13:58,083 If only I had more time with him. 189 00:13:59,583 --> 00:14:03,583 Even with more time, Professor, what could we possibly accomplish? 190 00:14:04,125 --> 00:14:06,333 Proteus attacks with the speed of thought. 191 00:14:06,333 --> 00:14:09,583 Though a young man, he has the immature emotions of a child. 192 00:14:09,708 --> 00:14:11,500 I say we nail him. 193 00:14:11,500 --> 00:14:13,000 What are you talking about? 194 00:14:13,875 --> 00:14:16,583 -And by the way, when he was tossing us around, where were you hiding? 195 00:14:16,708 --> 00:14:18,750 Back off, cornpone. 196 00:14:18,875 --> 00:14:20,875 Your anger serves no purpose, Rogue. 197 00:14:20,875 --> 00:14:23,375 Wolverine could not prevent his hesitation. 198 00:14:23,458 --> 00:14:25,625 What's that supposed to mean? 199 00:14:25,750 --> 00:14:29,750 Only that there's no emotion harder to control than a paralyzing fear. 200 00:14:29,875 --> 00:14:31,750 We have all experienced it. 201 00:14:31,750 --> 00:14:33,875 But it must be even worse for you, 202 00:14:33,875 --> 00:14:35,583 who has never felt it before. 203 00:14:35,708 --> 00:14:38,833 You saying I'm a coward, Blue Boy? 204 00:14:38,958 --> 00:14:40,000 Stop it, both of you! 205 00:14:40,500 --> 00:14:43,583 We cannot afford petty fights among ourselves! 206 00:14:43,708 --> 00:14:47,166 Moira feels responsible for Proteus' actions. 207 00:14:47,166 --> 00:14:49,333 And she's gone to do something. 208 00:14:49,458 --> 00:14:53,291 She may try to destroy her own son. 209 00:14:53,291 --> 00:14:56,000 Do you know what that means to her? To me? 210 00:14:57,000 --> 00:15:00,000 Help me make sure that it doesn't happen. 211 00:15:00,583 --> 00:15:02,750 ...where, earlier this evening, 212 00:15:03,291 --> 00:15:06,416 MacTaggert was victim of a vicious physical attack. 213 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:11,000 An attack he says was instigated by his opponent, Bill Wallace. 214 00:15:11,291 --> 00:15:14,166 While the opposition denies any involvement, 215 00:15:14,166 --> 00:15:17,125 sources close to the MacTaggert campaign tell me... 216 00:15:18,500 --> 00:15:19,875 [audience murmuring] 217 00:15:22,583 --> 00:15:24,333 [woman] What is this? What's going on? 218 00:15:25,166 --> 00:15:26,333 [man] What's happening here? 219 00:15:27,166 --> 00:15:30,583 Good evening. Thank you all for having me here tonight. 220 00:15:30,583 --> 00:15:32,875 Of course, after this afternoon, 221 00:15:32,875 --> 00:15:34,750 I'm thankful to be anywhere tonight. 222 00:15:34,750 --> 00:15:36,750 [everyone laughing] 223 00:15:37,583 --> 00:15:40,291 Now where was I? Oh, yes. 224 00:15:40,875 --> 00:15:42,625 Telling you what you already know 225 00:15:42,625 --> 00:15:44,458 and pretending I just thought it up. 226 00:15:44,583 --> 00:15:47,833 Mmm, that boy's slick as hog fat. 227 00:15:47,958 --> 00:15:52,375 The only real hope for a solution to all this is there, behind that podium. 228 00:15:52,708 --> 00:15:55,166 But MacTaggert decided long ago 229 00:15:55,166 --> 00:15:58,166 that his career was more important than his son. 230 00:15:58,833 --> 00:16:00,500 A real prince. 231 00:16:00,500 --> 00:16:02,958 And I have a personal stake in that future, 232 00:16:03,083 --> 00:16:05,833 my love for my children. 233 00:16:05,958 --> 00:16:07,875 [audience cheering] 234 00:16:08,458 --> 00:16:09,833 [Proteus screaming] 235 00:16:09,833 --> 00:16:11,083 [people exclaiming] 236 00:16:11,083 --> 00:16:12,583 [Kevin] Father! Everybody says 237 00:16:12,583 --> 00:16:14,125 you don't want to see me. 238 00:16:14,250 --> 00:16:17,458 But that's not true! It can't be true! 239 00:16:18,875 --> 00:16:20,458 Here now. A joke's a joke. 240 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:24,000 [Wolverine grunting] 241 00:16:26,708 --> 00:16:30,333 You're not real! You're a trick to ruin me! 242 00:16:30,458 --> 00:16:31,416 [audience screaming] 243 00:16:33,583 --> 00:16:34,833 [man] Let me out of here! 244 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:42,375 [screaming] 245 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:43,875 Get away! 246 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:46,125 Rogue! Beast! Stand aside! 247 00:16:46,250 --> 00:16:47,291 Say what? 248 00:16:47,416 --> 00:16:48,958 Let them talk. 249 00:16:54,083 --> 00:16:55,375 Don't you know me, Father? 250 00:16:57,250 --> 00:16:58,583 Somebody do something! 251 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:01,208 Does this help? 252 00:17:01,333 --> 00:17:02,458 What on earth... 253 00:17:02,583 --> 00:17:05,708 It's me, Father. It's Kevin. 254 00:17:05,708 --> 00:17:06,583 It can't be! 255 00:17:06,708 --> 00:17:08,750 Father, I need you! 256 00:17:08,875 --> 00:17:10,708 No, no, get away! 257 00:17:10,708 --> 00:17:11,833 But, Father... 258 00:17:11,833 --> 00:17:13,875 Guards! Darnley! Security! 259 00:17:13,875 --> 00:17:15,375 Somebody get him! 260 00:17:16,291 --> 00:17:17,875 No! Don't! 261 00:17:18,583 --> 00:17:20,875 Kevin! Kevin, listen! 262 00:17:27,458 --> 00:17:28,625 [people screaming] 263 00:17:36,416 --> 00:17:39,458 Come on, kid, your old man's no saint, 264 00:17:39,458 --> 00:17:41,625 but that's no reason to trash this dump. 265 00:17:41,750 --> 00:17:45,500 If you don't like Xavier, maybe you can talk to me. 266 00:17:47,166 --> 00:17:48,708 [Wolverine screaming] 267 00:17:48,708 --> 00:17:50,958 Charles, Banshee's brought the one thing 268 00:17:50,958 --> 00:17:52,333 that seems to affect Kevin. 269 00:17:52,458 --> 00:17:54,625 Used at low power, it helped control him. 270 00:17:54,750 --> 00:17:55,833 At full power, it might... 271 00:17:57,250 --> 00:18:00,083 If you can't stop him, I'll have to! 272 00:18:00,083 --> 00:18:01,750 Moira, there's no choice! 273 00:18:01,750 --> 00:18:06,250 Moira, wait! I have to try one last time. 274 00:18:06,250 --> 00:18:07,750 Charles, no! It's too late! 275 00:18:09,875 --> 00:18:15,333 Kevin! Kevin, listen to me. My name is Charles Xavier. 276 00:18:16,333 --> 00:18:17,625 You know me now. 277 00:18:17,875 --> 00:18:20,833 I've come to help you face your rage, 278 00:18:20,833 --> 00:18:22,166 and face it you must! 279 00:18:22,875 --> 00:18:25,000 Possess me as you have others, Kevin. 280 00:18:25,166 --> 00:18:29,500 Look inside my mind and see that I know your pain. 281 00:18:30,375 --> 00:18:33,000 Otherwise it will consume you. 282 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:36,750 I can get you through this, if that's what you want. 283 00:18:40,000 --> 00:18:41,750 It is what I want. 284 00:18:41,875 --> 00:18:45,083 Give me your hand, son, and come here. 285 00:18:51,583 --> 00:18:53,458 I have helped many like you, Kevin. 286 00:18:53,833 --> 00:18:58,125 With time, you will learn to master your powers, and this rage. 287 00:18:58,583 --> 00:19:01,875 But only if you learn to trust 288 00:19:01,875 --> 00:19:04,708 those who love you, mother and father. 289 00:19:15,875 --> 00:19:18,625 Kevin? Darling. 290 00:19:19,375 --> 00:19:20,500 Kevin? 291 00:19:22,750 --> 00:19:25,833 Son, is that really you? 292 00:19:25,958 --> 00:19:27,875 It is, Father. 293 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:30,583 Aye, child, though I've no right to the name. 294 00:19:31,458 --> 00:19:33,125 Can you forgive me? 295 00:19:33,875 --> 00:19:35,375 Go ahead, Kevin. 296 00:19:56,875 --> 00:19:58,833 [pieces beeping] 297 00:20:04,625 --> 00:20:05,625 [beeping] 298 00:20:08,875 --> 00:20:11,250 His progress is remarkable. 299 00:20:11,375 --> 00:20:13,875 [Banshee] Aye. Though it's hard-fought, indeed. 300 00:20:14,000 --> 00:20:16,166 I feel much better with him fighting his teacher 301 00:20:16,166 --> 00:20:18,083 than taking on the whole world. 302 00:20:18,208 --> 00:20:22,166 I am sure Mr. MacTaggert is equally thankful, and relieved. 303 00:20:25,208 --> 00:20:27,875 Whatever Chuck did in there, it worked. 304 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:32,166 I don't know how he faced that thing. He never loses his cool. 305 00:20:32,166 --> 00:20:33,458 Forget it, hon. 306 00:20:33,458 --> 00:20:34,875 In our business, we all get shook up 307 00:20:34,875 --> 00:20:36,416 every now and again. 308 00:20:36,875 --> 00:20:38,208 I don't.