1 00:00:01,833 --> 00:00:03,208 [narrator] Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:03,208 --> 00:00:05,375 [Apocalypse] I am the instrument 3 00:00:05,375 --> 00:00:08,083 to purify the world. 4 00:00:08,083 --> 00:00:12,875 The evil of human and mutant must be cut away! 5 00:00:12,875 --> 00:00:16,083 Those who oppose me shall perish 6 00:00:16,083 --> 00:00:18,750 through my agents of destruction. 7 00:00:18,750 --> 00:00:22,833 Famine. Pestilence. War. 8 00:00:22,833 --> 00:00:27,291 And my greatest creation, Death. 9 00:00:27,291 --> 00:00:29,583 This is what I've feared the most, 10 00:00:29,583 --> 00:00:31,583 a powerful mutant 11 00:00:31,583 --> 00:00:34,625 driven completely mad by his powers. 12 00:00:34,625 --> 00:00:39,375 I am Apocalypse! 13 00:00:39,375 --> 00:00:45,166 All who oppose me shall be crushed! 14 00:00:46,083 --> 00:00:49,083 [theme music playing] 15 00:01:55,750 --> 00:01:59,208 [footsteps] 16 00:02:20,208 --> 00:02:23,875 Tyler, you must understand why tonight is so important. 17 00:02:24,583 --> 00:02:26,583 For over 5,000 years, 18 00:02:26,583 --> 00:02:29,125 the world has had to put up with Apocalypse's brutalities. 19 00:02:29,958 --> 00:02:31,875 You know what he's meant to us. 20 00:02:33,083 --> 00:02:35,125 We're gonna stop him tonight, Father, I can feel it. 21 00:02:35,125 --> 00:02:36,875 He's in the pyramid, 22 00:02:37,375 --> 00:02:41,166 forcing life through those decaying veins of his. 23 00:02:41,166 --> 00:02:44,250 Five hundred centuries of research points to it. 24 00:02:44,250 --> 00:02:47,333 We get this chance once in a lifetime. 25 00:02:47,333 --> 00:02:49,125 We leave victorious. 26 00:02:49,125 --> 00:02:51,000 Or we don't leave at all. 27 00:03:25,958 --> 00:03:27,625 [Cable] Watch your backsides! 28 00:03:27,625 --> 00:03:30,750 Apocalypse is vulnerable now, but he's not stupid. 29 00:03:44,208 --> 00:03:47,458 The door to his Lazarus Chamber ought to be here. 30 00:03:50,583 --> 00:03:52,708 Computer, how do we get inside? 31 00:03:55,250 --> 00:03:57,708 [computer] Analyzing. One moment. 32 00:03:57,708 --> 00:04:00,375 Locate the snake glyph. Press it. 33 00:04:03,958 --> 00:04:06,000 [CABLE] Ah! I hate snakes. 34 00:04:08,291 --> 00:04:09,458 Cover me. 35 00:04:11,125 --> 00:04:13,416 Not a great start. 36 00:04:14,708 --> 00:04:16,583 [Apocalypse] Feeble mutant! 37 00:04:16,583 --> 00:04:21,000 You dare challenge Apocalypse again. 38 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:22,458 Blasphemer! 39 00:04:23,125 --> 00:04:27,250 You defile my secret chamber. 40 00:04:32,291 --> 00:04:33,333 [grunts] 41 00:04:37,375 --> 00:04:39,375 Your attack was foreseen. 42 00:04:40,625 --> 00:04:43,125 I allowed you to get this far so I might gain 43 00:04:43,125 --> 00:04:45,875 the one great power I lack, 44 00:04:45,875 --> 00:04:49,583 a passport to the dimension of time. 45 00:04:49,583 --> 00:04:54,166 You presume to attempt to destroy me? 46 00:04:54,166 --> 00:04:58,875 Mutant, you shall pay for your hubris. 47 00:04:58,875 --> 00:05:02,000 Right now! 48 00:05:05,333 --> 00:05:06,708 We have to get inside. 49 00:05:06,708 --> 00:05:08,583 Go on. 50 00:05:08,583 --> 00:05:11,625 Take your best shot. You'll never win. 51 00:05:12,250 --> 00:05:16,250 Never win, insect? 52 00:05:16,250 --> 00:05:19,000 [laughing menacingly] 53 00:05:19,000 --> 00:05:21,125 Others will come after you. 54 00:05:21,125 --> 00:05:23,625 The world won't stomach your evil forever. 55 00:05:23,625 --> 00:05:25,458 Evil? 56 00:05:25,458 --> 00:05:27,458 I am not malevolent. 57 00:05:27,458 --> 00:05:29,291 I simply am. 58 00:05:29,291 --> 00:05:33,125 Which soon will be more than I can say for you. 59 00:05:40,500 --> 00:05:44,708 But then again, I am given pause to wonder. 60 00:05:44,708 --> 00:05:47,291 Is it possible you are correct, mutant? 61 00:05:47,291 --> 00:05:51,375 I have been battling your kind for thousands of years. 62 00:05:51,375 --> 00:05:54,583 I ought to have triumphed long ago. 63 00:05:54,583 --> 00:05:58,083 But what if, like tortured Sisyphus, 64 00:05:58,083 --> 00:06:01,000 I cannot win. Ever? 65 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:04,166 What a cruel joke. 66 00:06:04,166 --> 00:06:07,458 Am I doomed to struggle with such filth 67 00:06:07,458 --> 00:06:10,083 until the end of time? 68 00:06:10,083 --> 00:06:14,416 Perhaps my newfound power can show me the answer. 69 00:06:14,416 --> 00:06:17,416 I've got your answer, right here! 70 00:06:20,708 --> 00:06:22,125 Apocalypse! 71 00:06:28,958 --> 00:06:30,000 [Tyler] Father? 72 00:06:32,708 --> 00:06:33,708 Did you find him? 73 00:06:33,708 --> 00:06:35,083 Yeah. 74 00:06:35,083 --> 00:06:38,000 But he took off with my computer. 75 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:40,708 Now I can't time travel and he can. 76 00:06:40,708 --> 00:06:43,875 What bothers me is that he didn't finish me off. 77 00:06:43,875 --> 00:06:45,416 Like he didn't need to, 78 00:06:45,416 --> 00:06:48,000 like nothing I could do to him mattered. 79 00:06:53,166 --> 00:06:54,416 Sorry, pal. 80 00:06:55,416 --> 00:06:56,708 Oh, you'll be fine 81 00:06:56,708 --> 00:06:58,208 in a day or two. 82 00:07:01,708 --> 00:07:05,375 [Bantam] I hate this! 83 00:07:09,708 --> 00:07:11,333 [Bishop] Wow. 84 00:07:11,333 --> 00:07:14,208 It's incredible how one kid could mean so much 85 00:07:14,208 --> 00:07:15,583 to so many people. 86 00:07:19,875 --> 00:07:21,166 What now? 87 00:07:21,166 --> 00:07:22,708 With him alive, 88 00:07:22,708 --> 00:07:24,750 we ain't even supposed to exist. 89 00:07:24,750 --> 00:07:26,250 I don't know! 90 00:07:26,708 --> 00:07:28,875 Why are we still here? 91 00:07:28,875 --> 00:07:31,208 As long as your armbands are on you and functioning, 92 00:07:31,208 --> 00:07:33,500 you'll both exist outside of time. 93 00:07:33,500 --> 00:07:35,083 -How long? -Sorry. 94 00:07:35,083 --> 00:07:37,625 The charge only lasts a couple of days. 95 00:07:40,125 --> 00:07:41,500 It was good, darling. 96 00:07:55,000 --> 00:07:56,125 [Shard] Here he comes. 97 00:07:56,125 --> 00:07:57,500 Forge, what is it? 98 00:07:57,500 --> 00:07:59,375 I do not understand! 99 00:07:59,375 --> 00:08:01,625 The portal is functioning properly. 100 00:08:01,625 --> 00:08:04,000 There is a massive impediment in the time stream. 101 00:08:04,000 --> 00:08:05,583 Do something! 102 00:08:06,458 --> 00:08:07,625 Bishop! 103 00:08:09,625 --> 00:08:12,291 [screaming] 104 00:08:13,125 --> 00:08:16,291 [laughter menacingly] 105 00:08:23,625 --> 00:08:26,875 [screaming] 106 00:08:29,083 --> 00:08:30,000 [grunts] 107 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:33,583 [panting] 108 00:08:33,583 --> 00:08:35,833 What is this place? 109 00:08:36,708 --> 00:08:39,250 [cackling] 110 00:08:40,583 --> 00:08:44,583 A visitor! Just in time to catch me if you can! 111 00:08:44,583 --> 00:08:46,458 [Bishop] Hey! Wait! 112 00:08:46,458 --> 00:08:50,416 So close yet so far. So far, so good. So long! 113 00:08:51,750 --> 00:08:53,416 What the... 114 00:08:53,416 --> 00:08:54,458 I'm not half the man I used to be. 115 00:08:56,833 --> 00:08:59,500 You can't catch me, you can't catch me. 116 00:08:59,500 --> 00:09:01,416 I'm neither here nor there. 117 00:09:01,416 --> 00:09:02,875 I'm over here. No, I'm not there. I'm over here. 118 00:09:02,875 --> 00:09:05,083 Stop it! Give me some straight answers! 119 00:09:05,083 --> 00:09:08,750 Okay, okay, I'll spill! Call me Bender, so few do. 120 00:09:08,750 --> 00:09:10,291 But that's because you're the only other one here. 121 00:09:11,458 --> 00:09:14,000 That's crazy! And where's here? 122 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:16,333 The Axis of Time. 123 00:09:16,333 --> 00:09:18,708 No time like the present. 124 00:09:18,708 --> 00:09:20,583 Can't run away from your past. 125 00:09:21,250 --> 00:09:23,583 But your future's so bright, I can hardly see you! 126 00:09:23,583 --> 00:09:26,625 Been here over 10,000 years, give or take! 127 00:09:26,625 --> 00:09:28,958 [laughing] 128 00:09:28,958 --> 00:09:31,125 Oh, your molecules, they get a little unstable after a while. 129 00:09:31,125 --> 00:09:32,958 But how did I get here? 130 00:09:32,958 --> 00:09:34,583 Through the Axis, how else? 131 00:09:34,583 --> 00:09:36,583 All time travelers pass through there. 132 00:09:36,583 --> 00:09:38,458 [chuckles mockingly] Anyone knows that. 133 00:09:38,458 --> 00:09:40,750 Some big guy threw you off course. 134 00:09:40,750 --> 00:09:43,083 If the Axis is the way out of this dump, 135 00:09:43,083 --> 00:09:44,583 that's where I'm going. 136 00:09:45,583 --> 00:09:48,000 [Bender] Oh, we're going on a trip! 137 00:09:48,000 --> 00:09:49,458 How exciting. 138 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:50,583 Follow the Yellow Brick Road. 139 00:09:50,583 --> 00:09:51,875 [laughing] 140 00:09:51,875 --> 00:09:54,333 This clown's wearing thin. 141 00:09:57,458 --> 00:09:59,583 [Bender] Pictures! Someone's playing with time! 142 00:10:03,500 --> 00:10:04,458 The X-Men! 143 00:10:06,583 --> 00:10:07,708 Oh! 144 00:10:10,125 --> 00:10:12,333 You can't kill time, silly. 145 00:10:14,750 --> 00:10:17,000 Don't you like those people? 146 00:10:17,000 --> 00:10:19,625 Anybody who can get me out of here will be my friend for life. 147 00:10:20,875 --> 00:10:23,375 Don't everybody volunteer at once. 148 00:10:26,458 --> 00:10:28,000 [Beast] "And the brass will crash 149 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:29,833 "and the trumpets bray. 150 00:10:29,833 --> 00:10:31,625 And they'll cut a dash on their wedding day" 151 00:10:32,875 --> 00:10:35,458 Professor, you have outdone yourself. 152 00:10:35,458 --> 00:10:39,625 Well, Jean and Scott deserve nothing but the very best. 153 00:10:39,625 --> 00:10:41,458 Ah! Here we go. 154 00:10:47,291 --> 00:10:49,875 [whispering] Weddings are so totally cool! 155 00:10:49,875 --> 00:10:52,375 [whispering] That all depend on your point of view, chere. 156 00:11:00,583 --> 00:11:03,708 A joyous day, long in coming. 157 00:11:03,708 --> 00:11:06,583 "The joys of marriage are the heaven on Earth, 158 00:11:06,583 --> 00:11:08,291 "Life's paradise, 159 00:11:08,291 --> 00:11:10,708 "the soul's quiet, Sinews of concord, 160 00:11:10,708 --> 00:11:14,875 earthly immortality," John Ford, 1630. 161 00:11:14,875 --> 00:11:18,875 For my first two X-Men, I pray it is so. 162 00:11:21,833 --> 00:11:23,583 [guests applauding and laughing] 163 00:11:26,000 --> 00:11:27,125 [man] That's it. 164 00:11:28,166 --> 00:11:31,583 If you don't make her happy, don't let me find out. 165 00:11:40,875 --> 00:11:43,625 You came to me as children, 166 00:11:43,625 --> 00:11:46,125 now look at the extraordinary people 167 00:11:46,125 --> 00:11:47,708 you have become. 168 00:11:47,708 --> 00:11:49,958 Thanks, but we still have a lot to learn. 169 00:11:50,750 --> 00:11:53,708 I am not so sure. Perhaps. 170 00:11:54,416 --> 00:11:56,708 [women clamoring] 171 00:12:00,625 --> 00:12:03,166 Whole lot of good it's gonna do me. 172 00:12:03,166 --> 00:12:05,083 Gambit fix their car good. 173 00:12:08,333 --> 00:12:10,333 [all cheering] 174 00:12:20,333 --> 00:12:23,000 After what happened the last time they tried to get married, 175 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:25,875 I am pleased that this has gone so smoothly. 176 00:12:30,958 --> 00:12:34,000 -[both screaming] -[tires squealing] 177 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:41,000 Jean! 178 00:12:41,750 --> 00:12:45,500 As practical jokes go, that seems a bit excessive. 179 00:12:45,500 --> 00:12:47,291 But Gambit just soap the window! 180 00:12:47,291 --> 00:12:49,583 I shut the defensive perimeter down 181 00:12:49,583 --> 00:12:51,875 -for the wedding. -[all screaming] 182 00:12:51,875 --> 00:12:53,333 [Gambit] It's Ruckus. 183 00:12:59,250 --> 00:13:02,416 [people screaming] 184 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:08,750 [Storm grunts] Can't fly! 185 00:13:13,833 --> 00:13:15,583 This party ain't over yet! 186 00:13:23,625 --> 00:13:26,166 The Nasty Boys got Jean and Cyclops! 187 00:13:26,166 --> 00:13:27,875 That means, Sinister! 188 00:13:27,875 --> 00:13:30,833 That's no way to start a honeymoon, huh, chere? 189 00:13:35,000 --> 00:13:37,000 [metallic creaking] 190 00:13:42,375 --> 00:13:45,833 Nice work, Slab. The boss is gonna be psyched! 191 00:13:45,833 --> 00:13:48,708 Toss the woman in the portal and let's blow this dive. 192 00:13:52,833 --> 00:13:53,875 [groaning] 193 00:14:02,208 --> 00:14:05,875 Jean Grey! Scott Summers! 194 00:14:05,875 --> 00:14:10,000 The mighty X-Men, ours to play with. 195 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:12,416 [laughing] 196 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:21,166 Leave him. This wedding day belongs to the bride. 197 00:14:21,166 --> 00:14:24,166 Ruckus, Vertigo, Hairbag, move it! 198 00:14:24,166 --> 00:14:25,208 We're travelin'. 199 00:14:32,833 --> 00:14:35,750 Storm, I can't sense Jean anymore. 200 00:14:35,750 --> 00:14:37,458 That cannot be! 201 00:14:37,458 --> 00:14:39,291 We shall search for her, Professor. 202 00:14:43,750 --> 00:14:46,333 Jubilee, get rid of the guests. 203 00:14:46,333 --> 00:14:48,875 Uh, sure, I'll think of something. 204 00:14:53,375 --> 00:14:54,625 [groaning] 205 00:14:54,625 --> 00:14:55,875 He don't look so good. 206 00:14:57,208 --> 00:14:59,000 Where is she? 207 00:14:59,458 --> 00:15:01,000 Cyclops will be all right. 208 00:15:03,458 --> 00:15:06,250 How'd the Nasty Boys show up out of nowhere 209 00:15:06,250 --> 00:15:08,083 and then disappear? 210 00:15:08,083 --> 00:15:11,000 And it is curious that they would take only Jean. 211 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:12,500 [Wolverine sniffing] 212 00:15:12,500 --> 00:15:14,000 They were here all right. 213 00:15:14,708 --> 00:15:16,875 But I can't tell which direction they went. 214 00:15:16,875 --> 00:15:19,875 They better hope I never find them. 215 00:15:19,875 --> 00:15:21,875 [Beast] There's nothing more we can do here. 216 00:15:21,875 --> 00:15:23,833 Perhaps this was simply a ruse 217 00:15:23,833 --> 00:15:25,625 to draw us away from the mansion. 218 00:15:25,625 --> 00:15:28,000 Rogue, you and I shall take Cyclops back 219 00:15:28,000 --> 00:15:29,416 and check headquarters. 220 00:15:29,416 --> 00:15:31,083 The rest of you, see if you can find 221 00:15:31,083 --> 00:15:33,000 some trace of the Nasty Boys. 222 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:36,125 If I can't smell 'em, we ain't finding 'em. 223 00:15:43,458 --> 00:15:45,416 [beeping] 224 00:15:45,416 --> 00:15:47,416 The guests are all gone. 225 00:15:47,416 --> 00:15:50,125 I still cannot find Jean. 226 00:15:50,125 --> 00:15:54,500 There have been a few spikes of unusual energy. 227 00:15:54,500 --> 00:15:56,250 [Mr. Sinister] Like me? 228 00:15:58,208 --> 00:16:00,000 [Xavier] Sinister! 229 00:16:00,000 --> 00:16:02,166 [Mr. Sinister] I missed the wedding. 230 00:16:02,166 --> 00:16:03,291 I'm hurt. 231 00:16:03,291 --> 00:16:06,625 [screaming] 232 00:16:07,625 --> 00:16:09,000 Get away from him! 233 00:16:10,375 --> 00:16:13,166 Foolish girl, do you think your puny powers 234 00:16:13,166 --> 00:16:15,208 can affect me? 235 00:16:16,083 --> 00:16:17,208 [screams] 236 00:16:21,625 --> 00:16:24,458 Xavier, don't let him take you. 237 00:16:24,458 --> 00:16:26,208 You don't like the movie, change the channel. 238 00:16:26,208 --> 00:16:27,500 [laughing] 239 00:16:27,500 --> 00:16:29,458 Why am I seeing these things? 240 00:16:29,458 --> 00:16:30,708 Is this happening now? 241 00:16:30,708 --> 00:16:31,625 -Beats me! -[screams] 242 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:36,458 [cackling] 243 00:16:36,458 --> 00:16:37,875 Someone to play with! 244 00:16:39,333 --> 00:16:41,625 Look, I've got no time for games. 245 00:16:41,625 --> 00:16:43,208 Give me some straight answers, 246 00:16:43,208 --> 00:16:44,375 and I'll take you out of here with me. 247 00:16:44,375 --> 00:16:45,708 Out? 248 00:16:45,708 --> 00:16:47,333 [laughs] 249 00:16:47,333 --> 00:16:48,833 There is no way out! 250 00:16:51,708 --> 00:16:53,875 We'll see about that. 251 00:16:53,875 --> 00:16:56,000 [Forge] I can find nothing wrong with the time portal. 252 00:16:56,000 --> 00:16:58,083 Your brother should have arrived safely. 253 00:16:58,083 --> 00:17:00,083 Then send me back to find him. 254 00:17:00,083 --> 00:17:01,583 If something happened to Bishop 255 00:17:01,583 --> 00:17:03,416 while he was traveling through time, 256 00:17:03,416 --> 00:17:05,583 then he could be anywhere, 257 00:17:05,583 --> 00:17:07,000 or in any time. 258 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:09,125 The only trace indicators point 259 00:17:09,125 --> 00:17:11,208 to the north-eastern United States, 260 00:17:11,208 --> 00:17:13,000 in the late 1990s. 261 00:17:13,000 --> 00:17:15,875 The X-Men. That's a start. 262 00:17:15,875 --> 00:17:17,416 Send me there. 263 00:17:17,416 --> 00:17:19,333 Are you sure you want to try this? 264 00:17:19,333 --> 00:17:22,750 If we lost Bishop, we may very well lose you. 265 00:17:27,250 --> 00:17:29,708 Where's my portal? 266 00:17:32,333 --> 00:17:34,250 You're Mr. Sinister! 267 00:17:34,250 --> 00:17:36,625 Who dares defy me? 268 00:17:36,625 --> 00:17:39,000 A friend of Charles Xavier's. 269 00:17:40,708 --> 00:17:43,458 Drop him! Easy. 270 00:17:43,458 --> 00:17:44,583 No chance. 271 00:17:51,375 --> 00:17:52,250 [Jubilee groaning] 272 00:17:54,416 --> 00:17:55,583 Easy, kid. 273 00:17:56,375 --> 00:17:59,375 Who... Who are you? 274 00:17:59,375 --> 00:18:03,208 Shard. Bishop's sister. I'll explain more later. 275 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:05,166 Right now, we must help the Professor. 276 00:18:05,166 --> 00:18:08,291 [Gambit] Mmm. This more my kind of time travel. 277 00:18:08,875 --> 00:18:11,291 [Jubilee] All right, the cavalry's here. 278 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:14,875 [sniffs] I smell something Sinister! 279 00:18:14,875 --> 00:18:16,583 Come on, he's got the Professor inside! 280 00:18:16,583 --> 00:18:18,000 [groaning] 281 00:18:20,291 --> 00:18:22,250 George, it is time. 282 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:27,750 Say farewell to your world, old man. 283 00:18:27,750 --> 00:18:29,083 [Cyclops] Don't count on it, Sinister. 284 00:18:31,000 --> 00:18:34,750 George, I need you and the others! Now! 285 00:18:39,458 --> 00:18:40,833 Setback, sir? 286 00:18:40,833 --> 00:18:42,000 Stop them! 287 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:44,416 And get me out of here. 288 00:18:44,416 --> 00:18:46,583 How'd you get in here? 289 00:18:46,583 --> 00:18:47,958 Where's Jean? 290 00:18:49,083 --> 00:18:50,875 [Rogue] Get her out of here. 291 00:18:51,750 --> 00:18:53,083 Cover your ears. 292 00:18:53,958 --> 00:18:56,833 Vertigo's powers attack the equilibrium. 293 00:18:56,833 --> 00:18:59,583 [Gambit] So we turn her music off. 294 00:18:59,583 --> 00:19:03,583 [bellowing] 295 00:19:08,083 --> 00:19:10,875 This boy better lay off the ice-cream sandwiches. 296 00:19:10,875 --> 00:19:13,458 [Jubilee] Hey, this isn't a date. 297 00:19:16,166 --> 00:19:17,291 Yeow! 298 00:19:18,583 --> 00:19:22,000 Somebody, open a portal. 299 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:24,375 Xavier was your job, Sinister, not ours. 300 00:19:24,375 --> 00:19:26,375 I'll see what I can do about transportation. 301 00:19:28,708 --> 00:19:30,583 Traitors! 302 00:19:30,583 --> 00:19:32,583 [Beast] Despite his newfound time travel abilities, 303 00:19:32,583 --> 00:19:34,583 I believe Mr. Sinister is caught between 304 00:19:34,583 --> 00:19:36,833 the proverbial rock and a hard place. 305 00:19:36,833 --> 00:19:40,000 Do we find out where Jean is now 306 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:41,458 or after? 307 00:19:41,458 --> 00:19:43,458 What have you done with my wife? 308 00:19:44,125 --> 00:19:47,875 Mrs. Summers is just another broken blossom 309 00:19:47,875 --> 00:19:50,708 floating through the winds of time. 310 00:19:50,708 --> 00:19:52,416 What do you mean, floating through time? 311 00:19:52,416 --> 00:19:54,166 [laughing cruelly] 312 00:19:54,166 --> 00:19:57,166 Follow to find her, if you dare. 313 00:19:57,166 --> 00:19:59,125 [Rogue] Oh, no, you don't! 314 00:19:59,125 --> 00:20:01,750 [Cyclops] I'll follow you to the ends of the earth! 315 00:20:03,375 --> 00:20:07,166 They've taken Jean to the one place you can't get to. 316 00:20:07,166 --> 00:20:08,083 Another time. 317 00:20:09,291 --> 00:20:12,083 But you can! Show me how! 318 00:20:13,333 --> 00:20:14,500 [Jean] Where am I? 319 00:20:16,250 --> 00:20:18,083 Can anyone hear me? 320 00:20:19,625 --> 00:20:21,166 Am I still alive? 321 00:20:21,166 --> 00:20:22,333 [screams] 322 00:20:22,333 --> 00:20:23,708 I guess so. 323 00:20:23,708 --> 00:20:25,333 Looks like I can expect company. 324 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:30,583 Sinister, what is this place? 325 00:20:30,583 --> 00:20:32,458 Why have you kidnapped me? 326 00:20:32,458 --> 00:20:35,833 [Apocalypse] Because I told him to! 327 00:20:35,833 --> 00:20:37,458 [footsteps thumping] 328 00:20:42,166 --> 00:20:44,500 [laughing menacingly] 329 00:20:46,083 --> 00:20:48,875 [theme music playing]