1 00:00:01,333 --> 00:00:03,708 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 2 00:01:01,208 --> 00:01:03,250 What is it you fear? 3 00:01:03,250 --> 00:01:07,166 WOLVERINE: Myself. It's like I don't know who I am any more. 4 00:01:07,166 --> 00:01:08,583 Why now? 5 00:01:08,583 --> 00:01:11,000 I don't know. If I knew, I'd handle it. 6 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:13,500 Is it because of Proteus? 7 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:17,583 Don't make me bust you up. 8 00:01:18,750 --> 00:01:22,083 Hey! Stop it! Make it stop! 9 00:01:22,083 --> 00:01:24,750 No! No more! 10 00:01:26,125 --> 00:01:27,416 (SCREAMING) 11 00:01:32,416 --> 00:01:34,000 (SOBBING) 12 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:36,083 No, I worked through that. 13 00:01:36,208 --> 00:01:40,583 Did the revelation of your Weapon X brainwashing distress you? 14 00:01:41,125 --> 00:01:43,166 SCIENTIST: Despite initial setbacks, 15 00:01:43,166 --> 00:01:45,291 all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning. 16 00:01:45,291 --> 00:01:47,291 We will be able to reintegrate them into society 17 00:01:47,291 --> 00:01:49,583 with no memory that we conditioned them. 18 00:01:49,708 --> 00:01:52,333 The key is to reach the subconscious mind. 19 00:01:53,458 --> 00:01:56,125 When their covert services are needed, 20 00:01:56,125 --> 00:01:59,708 they will attack their target and then remember nothing. 21 00:01:59,708 --> 00:02:01,458 WOLVERINE: I got a lot of memories, Doc. 22 00:02:02,625 --> 00:02:05,166 So what if a few of them ain't real? 23 00:02:10,708 --> 00:02:11,708 (GROWLING) 24 00:02:16,333 --> 00:02:19,166 What's wrong, punk? 25 00:02:22,708 --> 00:02:25,166 Can't take care of your woman? 26 00:02:25,166 --> 00:02:27,875 Your woman... Your woman... 27 00:02:27,875 --> 00:02:29,375 Is it about Jean? 28 00:02:29,375 --> 00:02:31,458 You can't have her! 29 00:02:32,500 --> 00:02:33,500 (GRUNTING) 30 00:02:36,583 --> 00:02:37,833 Jean. 31 00:02:38,583 --> 00:02:40,166 Wolverine. 32 00:02:40,166 --> 00:02:42,125 No, she's happy. 33 00:02:42,125 --> 00:02:44,083 I love her enough to want her to stay that way. 34 00:02:44,083 --> 00:02:47,125 When you first came here, you were wild and confused, 35 00:02:47,125 --> 00:02:48,958 out of control. 36 00:02:48,958 --> 00:02:50,208 (GROWLING) 37 00:02:51,583 --> 00:02:54,583 You learned to harness your rage, as you found a home here. 38 00:02:58,208 --> 00:03:01,208 Yet I sense you are no happier. 39 00:03:01,208 --> 00:03:03,250 What are you afraid that you will do? 40 00:03:03,250 --> 00:03:06,500 When I used to go berserk, I was an animal. 41 00:03:07,166 --> 00:03:09,583 I had no direction, no purpose. 42 00:03:09,583 --> 00:03:13,208 You and the others gave me a reason to fight, or back off. 43 00:03:13,208 --> 00:03:15,000 It's not there any more. 44 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:17,166 Logan! Consider what you're saying. 45 00:03:17,166 --> 00:03:19,833 I wanted to waste a kid today! 46 00:03:19,833 --> 00:03:21,750 For cutting me off in traffic! 47 00:03:22,416 --> 00:03:23,458 (TIRES SQUEALING) 48 00:03:28,458 --> 00:03:30,708 I even came close to hurting Jubilee! 49 00:03:30,708 --> 00:03:34,750 And it didn't bother me. I didn't care, Professor. 50 00:03:34,750 --> 00:03:37,166 Even animals care about each other. 51 00:03:37,166 --> 00:03:42,125 I don't know what's missing inside. I got no idea how I lost it. 52 00:03:42,125 --> 00:03:45,166 But there's one place I might be able to get it back. 53 00:03:45,166 --> 00:03:48,291 I'm going to Japan. I'm leaving the X-Men. 54 00:03:54,708 --> 00:03:55,583 (TAXI HORN HONKING) 55 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:01,625 Open your heart, Herr Logan. 56 00:04:01,625 --> 00:04:06,250 Would it hurt so much to see the world through different eyes? 57 00:04:06,250 --> 00:04:07,875 Wish I could, pal. 58 00:04:07,875 --> 00:04:09,125 (LAUGHING) 59 00:04:09,125 --> 00:04:11,625 But my eyes see me too well. 60 00:04:12,375 --> 00:04:13,958 Your taxi's here. 61 00:04:15,875 --> 00:04:18,000 Why do you have to leave? 62 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:20,500 Don't you get it? I didn't care what happened to that kid! 63 00:04:20,500 --> 00:04:22,583 I didn't care what happened to you! 64 00:04:22,583 --> 00:04:24,166 The professor helped you before. 65 00:04:24,166 --> 00:04:26,625 He'll do it again! We'll all help! 66 00:04:26,625 --> 00:04:30,375 Thanks, kid. But right now, I'm not fit to be one of the X-Men. 67 00:04:34,416 --> 00:04:36,708 WOLVERINE: There's a place I was happy once. 68 00:04:36,708 --> 00:04:40,000 A simple world, where I knew how to live. 69 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:42,875 Maybe I can find what I'm looking for there. 70 00:04:45,625 --> 00:04:47,625 OKU: Yokoso,Logan-san. 71 00:04:48,291 --> 00:04:52,833 Though many years have passed, I have been expecting your return. 72 00:04:52,958 --> 00:04:55,166 Domo,Master Oku. 73 00:04:55,708 --> 00:04:57,708 I see you're not done with your new temple. 74 00:04:57,708 --> 00:04:59,333 We do what we can. 75 00:04:59,875 --> 00:05:03,000 Using those tools, you're gonna be doing it for a long time. 76 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:04,708 We have nowhere to go. 77 00:05:04,708 --> 00:05:06,708 There is no hurry. 78 00:05:06,708 --> 00:05:09,708 Feels like I've been in a hurry ever since I left Japan. 79 00:05:09,708 --> 00:05:11,708 Mind if I pick up where I left off? 80 00:05:11,708 --> 00:05:13,583 It would be an honor. 81 00:05:17,708 --> 00:05:20,000 (GRUNTING) 82 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:24,708 Perhaps building the temple will aid you in rebuilding your soul. 83 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:48,000 (BELL RINGING) 84 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:51,958 The workday is over. 85 00:05:51,958 --> 00:05:53,708 I ain't tired. 86 00:05:53,708 --> 00:05:55,708 The villagers have prepared a feast tonight. 87 00:05:55,708 --> 00:05:58,708 It would dishonor them to keep them waiting. 88 00:06:08,708 --> 00:06:12,625 They don't seem too friendly. What, did I step on a duck? 89 00:06:12,625 --> 00:06:15,291 They are curious, Logan-san. 90 00:06:15,708 --> 00:06:17,875 You are different. 91 00:06:17,875 --> 00:06:19,750 This is Logan-san. 92 00:06:19,750 --> 00:06:21,458 He works with us building the temple. 93 00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:25,208 Logan, this is Yoshida-san, the village elder. 94 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:29,291 We have seen you working at the temple. 95 00:06:29,291 --> 00:06:34,083 If Master Oku has welcomed you, we can do no less. 96 00:06:34,750 --> 00:06:38,416 Kisara! Show Logan-san to the table. 97 00:06:38,416 --> 00:06:42,833 Konichiwa,Logan-san. My name is Kisara. 98 00:06:42,833 --> 00:06:43,833 (SPEAKING JAPANESE) 99 00:06:48,750 --> 00:06:49,750 (ENGINE REVVING) 100 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:52,583 Who's Evel Knievel? 101 00:06:52,583 --> 00:06:55,583 He is my brother, Soichi. 102 00:06:55,583 --> 00:06:57,833 He has a wild spirit. 103 00:06:57,833 --> 00:06:59,875 My condolences. 104 00:06:59,875 --> 00:07:02,625 You should have been with the fishing fleet this morning. 105 00:07:02,625 --> 00:07:06,833 I have been training the few who have the courage to fight our enemies! 106 00:07:06,833 --> 00:07:11,416 You know this is forbidden! We will do what we have always done. 107 00:07:12,083 --> 00:07:14,750 We will pay. No! This time we... 108 00:07:14,750 --> 00:07:16,708 Show some respect for your elders, kid. 109 00:07:16,708 --> 00:07:19,416 I only respect those who earn it! 110 00:07:20,583 --> 00:07:24,000 You're right, kid. I was wrong to interfere. 111 00:07:24,125 --> 00:07:28,291 Coward! Go back to the temple and hide from the world! 112 00:07:28,833 --> 00:07:32,833 It is often the braver man who chooses not to fight. 113 00:07:40,875 --> 00:07:42,958 JUBILEE: Dear Professor Xavier, 114 00:07:42,958 --> 00:07:44,875 I don't know why Wolverine left. 115 00:07:44,875 --> 00:07:47,583 But I know he's unhappy and he's alone. 116 00:07:47,583 --> 00:07:51,000 I peeked at his personal file and it took a while, 117 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:53,875 but I think I know where he went in Japan. 118 00:07:53,875 --> 00:07:57,958 I have to try to help him, or I'd never forgive myself. 119 00:07:58,750 --> 00:08:00,750 I know you'll understand. 120 00:08:01,375 --> 00:08:02,375 (GRUNTING) 121 00:08:04,333 --> 00:08:07,708 We need more timbers for the temple roof, Logan-san. 122 00:08:07,708 --> 00:08:09,458 I will get them, Master Oku. 123 00:08:10,458 --> 00:08:12,000 Do you not need a saw? 124 00:08:12,166 --> 00:08:13,875 And spoil the fun? 125 00:08:18,083 --> 00:08:20,250 Timber! 126 00:08:23,458 --> 00:08:26,875 Dareda,mutant. What are you doing here? 127 00:08:26,875 --> 00:08:29,458 The name's Logan, and I'm cutting trees. 128 00:08:29,458 --> 00:08:31,166 (SPEAKING JAPANESE) 129 00:08:31,166 --> 00:08:33,500 I am called Silver Samurai. 130 00:08:33,500 --> 00:08:36,500 The people of this province know to fear me. 131 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:38,875 Perhaps I will learn, too. 132 00:08:38,875 --> 00:08:41,125 Let me give you some advice, gaijin. 133 00:08:41,125 --> 00:08:44,166 Stay out of matters that do not concern you. 134 00:08:44,166 --> 00:08:46,333 Not that it's any of your business, 135 00:08:46,333 --> 00:08:48,583 but that's just what I had in mind. 136 00:08:49,625 --> 00:08:51,583 An excellent decision. 137 00:08:51,583 --> 00:08:53,333 May you live to benefit from it. 138 00:08:56,833 --> 00:08:59,458 Somehow I don't think he's local. 139 00:08:59,583 --> 00:09:00,708 (MOTORCYCLES APPROACHING) 140 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:08,000 We are here to remind you 141 00:09:08,000 --> 00:09:12,291 that the tribute you owe Silver Samurai is due in three days. 142 00:09:12,291 --> 00:09:14,958 It has been a bad year for our village. 143 00:09:14,958 --> 00:09:17,000 We can scarcely feed ourselves. 144 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:18,708 (CHUCKLES) 145 00:09:18,708 --> 00:09:21,958 Silver Samurai cannot eat your excuses. 146 00:09:21,958 --> 00:09:24,166 Have the tribute ready in three days! 147 00:09:24,166 --> 00:09:28,333 No! The thieving will stop! We will not pay your extortion! 148 00:09:30,875 --> 00:09:32,583 Soichi! 149 00:09:32,583 --> 00:09:35,708 Peasant! You will pay dearly for that! 150 00:09:35,708 --> 00:09:38,875 No, Takaki. We do not need a martyr. 151 00:09:38,875 --> 00:09:41,208 You disappoint me, Yoshida. 152 00:09:41,208 --> 00:09:44,958 You should have better control of your villagers. 153 00:09:44,958 --> 00:09:49,083 We return in two days, and the payment will be doubled. 154 00:09:49,083 --> 00:09:51,125 Leave them a reminder. 155 00:09:53,250 --> 00:09:55,458 Smoke, coming from the temple! 156 00:10:02,000 --> 00:10:03,875 Master Oku is trapped inside! 157 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:09,416 Master Oku! 158 00:10:14,125 --> 00:10:16,125 Master Oku. 159 00:10:16,125 --> 00:10:19,333 I hope you're not upset if we don't stick around to chat. 160 00:10:22,375 --> 00:10:24,833 Is Master Oku all right? 161 00:10:24,833 --> 00:10:27,125 How did this happen? 162 00:10:27,125 --> 00:10:29,583 Each year the Silver Samurai demands tribute from all the villagers. 163 00:10:29,583 --> 00:10:32,208 -If we do not pay... -I get the picture. 164 00:10:32,208 --> 00:10:35,458 The old protection racket, samurai style. 165 00:10:35,583 --> 00:10:39,000 This year we have no money to pay. We are fishermen. 166 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,000 They will destroy our village! 167 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:44,583 It never ends. 168 00:10:55,708 --> 00:10:57,958 Logan-san, you must help. 169 00:10:57,958 --> 00:11:01,208 Soichi is trying to organize the people to fight the bandits. 170 00:11:01,208 --> 00:11:04,375 Dameda,Kisara. I'm sorry. 171 00:11:04,375 --> 00:11:06,875 I came to find myself, not to fight. 172 00:11:06,875 --> 00:11:09,625 But the villagers are not trained as fighters. 173 00:11:09,625 --> 00:11:11,250 We have no weapons. 174 00:11:11,250 --> 00:11:13,625 What would Master Oku say, Kisara? 175 00:11:13,625 --> 00:11:17,958 He would say that no worldly possession are worth the risk of one's life. 176 00:11:17,958 --> 00:11:20,000 So tell that to the villagers. 177 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:23,250 But Master Oku would also say that inner peace is found, 178 00:11:23,250 --> 00:11:27,583 not by avoiding conflict, but in serving your true nature. 179 00:11:27,583 --> 00:11:29,416 My true nature. 180 00:11:31,208 --> 00:11:33,708 Huh, I wish I knew what that was. 181 00:11:35,375 --> 00:11:40,000 Wolverine. You sure you haven't seen him? 182 00:11:40,583 --> 00:11:44,458 He used to hang out here with an Oku guy. 183 00:11:45,833 --> 00:11:46,958 Great. 184 00:11:47,750 --> 00:11:51,833 And, if the fishmongers dare to fight back, destroy them! 185 00:11:51,958 --> 00:11:53,708 (ALL CHEERING) 186 00:11:53,708 --> 00:11:56,500 One small village, what does it matter? 187 00:11:56,500 --> 00:11:58,583 Each village that fears us 188 00:11:58,583 --> 00:12:01,708 is a link in the chain that keeps them under our control. 189 00:12:01,708 --> 00:12:04,708 If one resists, the chain is broken. 190 00:12:04,708 --> 00:12:08,083 Better to crush one village, to set an example, 191 00:12:08,083 --> 00:12:10,208 than let the chain be broken. 192 00:12:10,208 --> 00:12:15,583 Silver Samurai is evil! This time, we fight back! 193 00:12:16,583 --> 00:12:18,708 This is foolish, Soichi! 194 00:12:18,708 --> 00:12:22,500 We are farmers and fishermen, no match for armed fighters! 195 00:12:22,500 --> 00:12:26,750 Better to die defending ourselves than to live in fear! 196 00:12:26,750 --> 00:12:31,416 Since I was a child, I have watched our people work hard, 197 00:12:31,416 --> 00:12:35,333 only to have these criminals take what little we earned! 198 00:12:35,333 --> 00:12:38,500 Our children shall not suffer as we have! 199 00:12:39,708 --> 00:12:42,875 Go back and hide with the monks, gaijin. 200 00:12:42,875 --> 00:12:45,000 I don't hide from anybody, kid. 201 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:47,083 I'm fighting my own battle right now. 202 00:12:47,708 --> 00:12:50,250 But you're right. 203 00:12:50,250 --> 00:12:53,500 Either you stand and fight, or you'll be kissing their backsides forever. 204 00:12:53,500 --> 00:12:56,166 -OK! No more tribute! -We will fight! 205 00:12:56,166 --> 00:12:58,083 Is this how you repay us? 206 00:12:58,083 --> 00:13:00,750 By helping bring destruction to our village? 207 00:13:01,708 --> 00:13:04,708 -No more tribute! -VILLAGER 1: No more tribute! 208 00:13:04,708 --> 00:13:07,875 -VILLAGER 1: No more tribute! -VILLAGER 2: No more tribute! 209 00:13:31,833 --> 00:13:35,291 You are trying to decide how to act tomorrow. 210 00:13:35,291 --> 00:13:37,583 They're gonna be slaughtered, Master Oku. 211 00:13:37,583 --> 00:13:39,333 Possibly. 212 00:13:39,333 --> 00:13:41,291 I came here to get away from fighting! 213 00:13:41,291 --> 00:13:44,750 I want to be like you! I just want to live in peace! 214 00:13:44,750 --> 00:13:48,000 Do you? Peace comes with purpose. 215 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:50,416 My faith gives me mine. 216 00:13:50,416 --> 00:13:52,458 Ripping up people is no purpose! 217 00:13:52,458 --> 00:13:56,333 But protecting and caring for people is. 218 00:13:56,833 --> 00:14:02,375 Like many, perhaps you see yourself less well than others see you. 219 00:14:03,291 --> 00:14:07,375 Try looking at yourself through new eyes. 220 00:14:07,375 --> 00:14:11,291 Master Oku, I want to so much, I... 221 00:14:13,875 --> 00:14:15,833 (WATER BUBBLING) 222 00:14:15,833 --> 00:14:18,083 SCIENTIST 1: Begin the adamantium feed. 223 00:14:19,708 --> 00:14:22,833 SCIENTIST 2: Adamantium reservoir is drained, sir. 224 00:14:22,833 --> 00:14:25,250 Absorption process complete. 225 00:14:25,250 --> 00:14:30,250 I am afraid that you will go, and I will never see you again. 226 00:14:30,708 --> 00:14:36,333 I promise, whatever happens, I'll come back to you. 227 00:14:37,125 --> 00:14:40,375 It doesn't have to end this way, Yuriko! 228 00:14:40,375 --> 00:14:44,875 Yuriko is gone! There is only Deathstrike! 229 00:14:45,875 --> 00:14:46,875 (EXCLAIMS) 230 00:14:48,083 --> 00:14:51,208 We used to be old pals, even work together. 231 00:14:51,208 --> 00:14:55,750 But we had some little misunderstandings. 232 00:14:55,750 --> 00:15:00,875 Yeah, right. He wasted some friends of mine, for no reason. 233 00:15:00,875 --> 00:15:03,583 WOLVERINE: And I misunderstood. 234 00:15:03,583 --> 00:15:06,250 Come on, pops. Let's go! Run for it! 235 00:15:08,875 --> 00:15:11,458 Forget it, kid, you're expendable! 236 00:15:12,875 --> 00:15:14,291 No! 237 00:15:14,291 --> 00:15:16,958 Open your heart, Herr Logan. 238 00:15:16,958 --> 00:15:21,375 Would it hurt so much to see the world through different eyes? 239 00:15:29,875 --> 00:15:32,500 WOLVERINE: No! I am not an animal! 240 00:15:32,500 --> 00:15:35,250 KISARA: Look deeper, Logan-san. 241 00:15:35,250 --> 00:15:38,333 You are only yourself, no one else. 242 00:15:54,500 --> 00:15:56,125 They are coming! 243 00:16:04,708 --> 00:16:07,166 Those pig farmers will pay for this! 244 00:16:11,416 --> 00:16:12,708 That way! 245 00:16:17,958 --> 00:16:19,416 (SCREAMING) 246 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:31,375 (ALL EXCLAIMING) 247 00:16:33,583 --> 00:16:34,625 There they are! Get them! 248 00:16:39,583 --> 00:16:44,291 Gentlemen! The children will not hurt you. 249 00:16:44,291 --> 00:16:48,708 Perhaps you mighty warriors wish to attack me instead! 250 00:16:48,708 --> 00:16:50,083 Oku! Don't! 251 00:16:50,083 --> 00:16:51,291 Out of the way, old man! 252 00:16:54,333 --> 00:16:55,750 Don't touch him! 253 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:58,000 (ALL EXCLAIMING) 254 00:16:59,375 --> 00:17:00,375 (ALL SCREAMING) 255 00:17:02,708 --> 00:17:03,875 Are you hurt? 256 00:17:03,875 --> 00:17:05,958 No, Logan-san. 257 00:17:05,958 --> 00:17:07,708 What are you doing here? 258 00:17:07,708 --> 00:17:09,875 We all fight in our own way. 259 00:17:10,708 --> 00:17:13,875 It seems you have rediscovered yours. 260 00:17:19,875 --> 00:17:23,458 The cowards have fled! Rip the place apart! 261 00:17:23,958 --> 00:17:25,833 Take everything you can carry! 262 00:17:29,500 --> 00:17:31,000 (MAN EXCLAIMING) 263 00:17:32,291 --> 00:17:34,166 There, on the beach! Get them! 264 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:37,625 (ENGINES REVVING) 265 00:17:40,208 --> 00:17:41,125 (ALL GASPING) 266 00:18:06,000 --> 00:18:08,291 (VILLAGERS LAUGHING) 267 00:18:13,583 --> 00:18:15,083 JUBILEE: Leave them alone! 268 00:18:16,291 --> 00:18:19,458 Everybody's fighting! Logan's got to be here! 269 00:18:19,458 --> 00:18:23,083 If you are his friend come with us! He needs our help! 270 00:18:23,083 --> 00:18:25,083 Don't have to ask me twice! 271 00:18:26,583 --> 00:18:31,458 No matter! We can still defeat these ignorant peasants. 272 00:18:40,083 --> 00:18:41,083 (EXCLAIMS) 273 00:18:42,500 --> 00:18:43,583 (GRUNTS) 274 00:18:45,708 --> 00:18:46,750 (PIG GRUNTING) 275 00:18:49,000 --> 00:18:52,125 Here is the mighty bandit we have feared! 276 00:18:52,125 --> 00:18:55,291 Even the pigs turn up their noses at him! 277 00:18:55,291 --> 00:18:57,416 You will laugh no more, peasant! 278 00:18:57,500 --> 00:18:59,416 (EXCLAIMS) 279 00:18:59,416 --> 00:19:02,000 Can you do as well against the Silver Samurai, boy? 280 00:19:02,583 --> 00:19:05,125 You're fighting the wrong guy, pretty boy. 281 00:19:05,125 --> 00:19:07,125 You're looking for me. 282 00:19:10,000 --> 00:19:11,250 (WOLVERINE EXCLAIMS) 283 00:19:11,250 --> 00:19:13,291 I will destroy you, gaijin! 284 00:19:13,291 --> 00:19:17,875 Control yourself, Logan. Use your head for a change. 285 00:19:17,875 --> 00:19:21,000 This guy likes to come at me from behind. 286 00:19:24,208 --> 00:19:25,125 What? 287 00:19:25,125 --> 00:19:27,291 (SCREAMING) 288 00:19:27,291 --> 00:19:30,000 Just trying out one of our tricks, tin man. Works pretty good. 289 00:19:33,291 --> 00:19:36,500 -Finish him, Logan-san! -I ought to, he's earned it. 290 00:19:37,208 --> 00:19:40,416 But there's no need for that now, kid. You stood up to him. 291 00:19:40,416 --> 00:19:43,416 He won't bother this village again, or any other. 292 00:19:43,416 --> 00:19:45,375 -JUBILEE: Hey, Wolverine! -What? 293 00:19:45,375 --> 00:19:49,250 This one helped us. She says she is your friend, Logan-san. 294 00:19:49,250 --> 00:19:51,250 Jubilee! 295 00:19:51,250 --> 00:19:53,708 I heard there was a former X-Man in the neighborhood. 296 00:19:53,708 --> 00:19:56,500 Guess I felt I had something to do with him going. 297 00:19:56,500 --> 00:19:58,833 My leaving was never your fault, kid. 298 00:19:58,833 --> 00:20:00,458 It was just something I had to do. 299 00:20:05,416 --> 00:20:07,625 You see, Logan-san. 300 00:20:07,625 --> 00:20:10,416 The temple will be completed without you. 301 00:20:10,416 --> 00:20:13,000 I know. Temple-building ain't my job. 302 00:20:13,000 --> 00:20:15,291 We all fight in our own way. 303 00:20:16,166 --> 00:20:18,875 Arigato,Logan-san. No need, kid. 304 00:20:19,583 --> 00:20:21,583 Arigato,Logan-san. 305 00:20:22,333 --> 00:20:23,958 For everything. 306 00:20:23,958 --> 00:20:25,208 No, Kisara. 307 00:20:26,958 --> 00:20:29,000 Thank you. 308 00:20:29,125 --> 00:20:31,458 So, what did I miss? 309 00:20:31,458 --> 00:20:33,708 Who were the biker boys and the big doofus with the shiny metal outfit? 310 00:20:33,708 --> 00:20:36,625 And who's the babe? Sounds like you two got pretty friendly. 311 00:20:36,625 --> 00:20:39,083 Do you know what a tough time I had trying to find you? 312 00:20:39,083 --> 00:20:40,708 Nobody speaks English. 313 00:20:40,708 --> 00:20:42,208 You'd think they'd notice a guy with big claws. 314 00:20:42,208 --> 00:20:44,208 And, wait, who's the Oku guy again? 315 00:20:45,625 --> 00:20:47,208 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)