1 00:00:01,750 --> 00:00:03,625 NARRATOR: Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:03,625 --> 00:00:06,000 LILANDRA: Help me, Charles Xavier. Help me. 3 00:00:09,291 --> 00:00:11,500 They're coming! 4 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:15,125 XAVIER: The space shuttle Starcore is scheduled for launch tomorrow. 5 00:00:15,125 --> 00:00:18,625 You must find a way to get aboard that shuttle. 6 00:00:18,625 --> 00:00:21,250 And go to the Eagle One space station. 7 00:00:21,250 --> 00:00:26,000 All I can tell you is that an event of immense importance 8 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:29,375 is about to occur in space. You must be ready. 9 00:00:29,375 --> 00:00:32,291 CORBEAU: Docking sequence initiated. 10 00:00:32,291 --> 00:00:34,291 -What is it, Jean? -I don't know. 11 00:00:34,291 --> 00:00:36,708 A trap! Quickly! Back to the shuttle! 12 00:00:36,708 --> 00:00:37,958 (GROANS) 13 00:00:39,583 --> 00:00:43,166 My purpose here is to intercept an enemy of my emperor, 14 00:00:43,166 --> 00:00:44,875 the rebel Lilandra. 15 00:00:50,500 --> 00:00:53,416 Agent! Has Lilandra's ship been stopped? 16 00:00:53,416 --> 00:00:55,333 Not as yet, Excellency. 17 00:00:55,333 --> 00:00:58,000 But her agents will soon be destroyed. 18 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:00,166 Back to the shuttle! It's our only chance! 19 00:01:02,083 --> 00:01:04,458 CORBEAU: We're going to fly right through the energy contrail! 20 00:01:04,458 --> 00:01:08,458 Look like there gonna be a barbecue and we gonna be the main course. 21 00:02:20,708 --> 00:02:22,250 (GROANING) 22 00:02:24,166 --> 00:02:26,833 I must hold on! 23 00:02:36,875 --> 00:02:38,000 (SCREAMS) 24 00:02:42,125 --> 00:02:45,458 Course correction! I must... 25 00:02:48,291 --> 00:02:50,875 Scott! Logan! 26 00:02:50,875 --> 00:02:53,583 Someone, help me. 27 00:03:12,708 --> 00:03:14,000 (GRUNTS) 28 00:03:29,875 --> 00:03:32,125 (EXCLAIMING) 29 00:03:40,458 --> 00:03:41,833 (ALL SCREAMING) 30 00:03:41,833 --> 00:03:43,000 (GROANING) 31 00:03:48,416 --> 00:03:52,000 The capsule appears to have lost its watertight integrity. 32 00:03:53,458 --> 00:03:55,500 (GRUNTING) 33 00:03:55,500 --> 00:03:57,000 The hatch is jammed! 34 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:00,250 Not for long. Hold your breath. 35 00:04:00,250 --> 00:04:01,500 (GRUNTS) 36 00:04:08,875 --> 00:04:09,958 (GASPING) 37 00:04:11,875 --> 00:04:13,166 (COUGHING) 38 00:04:13,166 --> 00:04:14,333 Jean! 39 00:04:16,000 --> 00:04:17,208 Jean! 40 00:04:19,333 --> 00:04:21,000 (COUGHING) 41 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:22,458 Jean! 42 00:04:24,958 --> 00:04:26,083 (PANTING) 43 00:04:27,416 --> 00:04:29,166 I can't find her! 44 00:04:29,166 --> 00:04:31,583 (COUGHING) 45 00:04:31,583 --> 00:04:32,833 Jean! 46 00:04:35,291 --> 00:04:36,375 Jean! 47 00:04:43,333 --> 00:04:47,958 I am Phoenix! 48 00:04:47,958 --> 00:04:49,500 Fascinating. 49 00:04:52,583 --> 00:04:54,375 JEAN: Help me. 50 00:04:54,375 --> 00:04:55,625 CYCLOPS: Jean! 51 00:05:00,416 --> 00:05:01,625 (GASPS) 52 00:05:01,625 --> 00:05:03,833 (COUGHING) 53 00:05:03,833 --> 00:05:05,500 Jean! Jean! 54 00:05:08,708 --> 00:05:11,000 FEMALE NEWSCASTER: And the investigation continues 55 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:13,291 on what went wrong with the shuttle's flight plan-- 56 00:05:13,291 --> 00:05:15,208 CYCLOPS: I thought we'd lost you. 57 00:05:15,208 --> 00:05:17,750 Then you rose up out of the water. 58 00:05:17,750 --> 00:05:21,166 You said something, and then you lost consciousness. 59 00:05:21,166 --> 00:05:23,750 I don't remember. 60 00:05:23,750 --> 00:05:26,958 How did I survive? Did I survive? 61 00:05:26,958 --> 00:05:28,833 You're here, aren't you? 62 00:05:28,833 --> 00:05:34,000 Yes, but I feel strange, like I'm someone else. 63 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:39,333 Like I could reach out and touch the moon and crush it in my hand. 64 00:05:39,333 --> 00:05:41,958 Jean, who is Phoenix? 65 00:05:41,958 --> 00:05:46,750 Phoenix? Am I Phoenix? 66 00:05:46,750 --> 00:05:51,208 You claimed her identity once before, Jean, when you rose not from the ashes, 67 00:05:51,208 --> 00:05:52,708 but from the depths of New York Harbor. 68 00:05:52,708 --> 00:05:53,875 I flew? 69 00:05:53,875 --> 00:05:56,291 XAVIER: Yes, Jean. 70 00:05:56,291 --> 00:06:00,208 Some sort of transformation has taken place that none of us yet understands. 71 00:06:00,208 --> 00:06:02,333 Until we know what has happened, 72 00:06:02,333 --> 00:06:05,458 it will be best that you do not leave the hospital. 73 00:06:13,833 --> 00:06:16,291 I spoke privately with Dr. Corbeau. 74 00:06:16,291 --> 00:06:19,250 He informed me that NASA cannot explain the existence 75 00:06:19,250 --> 00:06:23,166 of the alien spacecraft or the strange readings we registered 76 00:06:23,166 --> 00:06:25,833 or, for that matter, how we survived. 77 00:06:25,833 --> 00:06:28,875 All is being denied to prevent a public panic. 78 00:06:28,875 --> 00:06:31,083 He also said a number of governments are concerned 79 00:06:31,083 --> 00:06:33,750 over new activity within the vortex. 80 00:06:33,750 --> 00:06:35,458 Another alien ship coming through? 81 00:06:35,458 --> 00:06:37,875 So it seems. 82 00:06:37,875 --> 00:06:40,375 It's time you told us everything you know, Professor. 83 00:06:40,375 --> 00:06:43,833 I've told you all I can. 84 00:06:43,833 --> 00:06:45,875 All that makes any sense. 85 00:06:45,875 --> 00:06:47,708 That's not good enough! 86 00:06:47,708 --> 00:06:50,000 Jean's lying in there because you sent us in blind 87 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:51,958 against something that almost destroyed us! 88 00:06:51,958 --> 00:06:53,708 Because you failed to warn us! 89 00:06:53,708 --> 00:06:55,625 You had all the information then available. 90 00:06:55,625 --> 00:06:58,333 A good leader doesn't have to be warned to be on his guard! 91 00:06:58,333 --> 00:07:00,583 Are you saying it's my fault what happened to Jean? 92 00:07:00,583 --> 00:07:02,708 If I might interject. 93 00:07:02,708 --> 00:07:06,375 Concern over Jean's condition has rendered both of you irrational. 94 00:07:06,375 --> 00:07:10,375 Neither preparation nor leadership could have prevented what occurred. 95 00:07:10,375 --> 00:07:12,583 And now, if you will excuse me, 96 00:07:14,208 --> 00:07:17,083 I'm eager to examine the mind-control implants 97 00:07:17,083 --> 00:07:19,250 removed from the space station astronauts. 98 00:07:23,333 --> 00:07:24,875 Fascinating. 99 00:07:32,375 --> 00:07:33,625 (CLATTERING) 100 00:07:35,875 --> 00:07:37,875 (YELLING) 101 00:07:46,875 --> 00:07:49,458 I share your concern, Wolverine. 102 00:07:49,458 --> 00:07:51,958 Jean seems to be feeling much better. 103 00:07:51,958 --> 00:07:53,583 Why don't you go see for yourself? 104 00:07:53,583 --> 00:07:55,875 Maybe I don't like hospitals. 105 00:07:55,875 --> 00:08:01,708 Last time I was on an operating table, it didn't turn out so well. 106 00:08:01,708 --> 00:08:04,208 Science can wait. 107 00:08:04,208 --> 00:08:08,208 Perhaps a sojourn to a Manhattan nightspot might help clear your mind. 108 00:08:08,208 --> 00:08:09,958 Maybe. 109 00:08:09,958 --> 00:08:11,875 (WHISTLES) Taxi! 110 00:08:11,875 --> 00:08:14,291 Driver, my friend and I... 111 00:08:14,291 --> 00:08:15,583 (SCREAMS) 112 00:08:19,625 --> 00:08:23,875 Why is it always so difficult to get a cab in New York? 113 00:08:23,875 --> 00:08:26,625 Thanks, Hank. I think I'll just spend some time alone. 114 00:08:32,125 --> 00:08:33,416 (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) 115 00:08:45,416 --> 00:08:47,208 (GROANS) 116 00:08:47,208 --> 00:08:48,458 Not again! 117 00:08:48,458 --> 00:08:50,083 (SCREAMING) 118 00:08:51,375 --> 00:08:54,166 Who are you? 119 00:08:54,166 --> 00:08:55,500 What-- 120 00:08:55,500 --> 00:08:58,291 What are you trying to tell me? 121 00:09:05,458 --> 00:09:09,000 My mind. Must keep control. 122 00:09:14,083 --> 00:09:15,583 (SCREAMING) 123 00:09:57,875 --> 00:09:59,166 Yuriko! 124 00:10:01,625 --> 00:10:04,625 Locked. Good thing I brought a key. 125 00:10:12,458 --> 00:10:14,125 What's going on here? 126 00:10:15,958 --> 00:10:17,458 (SCREAMS) 127 00:10:18,875 --> 00:10:20,000 (SNARLS) 128 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:21,375 (YELLING) 129 00:10:24,333 --> 00:10:26,333 (GROANING) 130 00:10:31,875 --> 00:10:33,833 Professor? Walking? 131 00:10:35,583 --> 00:10:36,958 (EXCLAIMS) 132 00:10:40,250 --> 00:10:42,291 (GRUNTING) 133 00:10:44,708 --> 00:10:49,416 You're an animal. Always causing trouble. 134 00:10:49,416 --> 00:10:54,250 You never follow orders. It was a mistake to save you. 135 00:10:54,250 --> 00:10:59,625 I'm sick of your selfish, undisciplined arrogance! 136 00:10:59,625 --> 00:11:03,291 I ain't too fond of you right now either, Professor! 137 00:11:03,291 --> 00:11:04,458 (JUBILEE SCREAMS) 138 00:11:04,458 --> 00:11:07,875 -What? -Wolverine! 139 00:11:07,875 --> 00:11:09,458 (JUBILEE GRUNTING) 140 00:11:11,000 --> 00:11:12,875 (GRUNTING) 141 00:11:34,416 --> 00:11:37,458 (SIGHS) Next time I'll walk. 142 00:11:45,166 --> 00:11:47,458 Hey, chere, 143 00:11:47,458 --> 00:11:50,958 where can you and me go and get some good Cajun food in this town, huh? 144 00:11:50,958 --> 00:11:55,000 Hey! You said you'd take me to this Broadway show! 145 00:11:55,000 --> 00:11:58,625 This show not gonna last night, petite, but I still be going. 146 00:11:58,625 --> 00:12:01,083 DARK XAVIER: I have a ticket for you. 147 00:12:01,083 --> 00:12:02,250 (SNIFFS) 148 00:12:02,250 --> 00:12:03,416 (SNARLS) 149 00:12:03,416 --> 00:12:05,500 One way to oblivion. 150 00:12:05,500 --> 00:12:06,500 (SCREAMS) 151 00:12:08,500 --> 00:12:10,208 (HORN BLARING) 152 00:12:11,208 --> 00:12:13,958 Professor Xavier is walking! 153 00:12:13,958 --> 00:12:16,208 'Cause that ain't Xavier. 154 00:12:16,208 --> 00:12:18,625 Wolverine! What's happening? 155 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:19,875 Silence! 156 00:12:21,250 --> 00:12:22,458 (EXCLAIMS) 157 00:12:23,875 --> 00:12:27,708 Don't worry, Monsieur Ghost. Plenty more where that came from! 158 00:12:27,708 --> 00:12:30,458 This is not a game. 159 00:12:30,458 --> 00:12:31,500 (SCREAMING) 160 00:12:34,833 --> 00:12:36,625 Where'd he go? 161 00:12:36,625 --> 00:12:40,458 I said distract him, Jub, not disintegrate him. 162 00:12:40,458 --> 00:12:46,083 Fools! Your puny mutant powers cannot harm me. 163 00:12:46,083 --> 00:12:49,416 I created the X-Men! 164 00:12:49,416 --> 00:12:51,625 And what I created, 165 00:12:51,625 --> 00:12:54,583 I can destroy! 166 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:04,875 -JUBILEE: Storm! -Yes, Jubilee? 167 00:13:04,875 --> 00:13:08,625 Come to Times Square! Hurry! The Professor's going nuts! 168 00:13:08,625 --> 00:13:10,750 With the speed of the wind. 169 00:13:11,750 --> 00:13:13,083 (XAVIER GRUNTING) 170 00:13:14,458 --> 00:13:16,291 No, Storm! 171 00:13:16,291 --> 00:13:19,291 I can't control it. 172 00:13:19,291 --> 00:13:21,333 Will hurt you, too. 173 00:13:24,208 --> 00:13:26,583 You cannot be trusted, Gambit! 174 00:13:26,583 --> 00:13:30,750 So you must be eliminated. 175 00:13:35,416 --> 00:13:36,708 (SCREAMING) 176 00:13:41,416 --> 00:13:42,875 Freeze, mutants! 177 00:13:42,875 --> 00:13:45,416 Arrest him, not us! 178 00:13:45,416 --> 00:13:46,708 Arrest who? 179 00:13:48,083 --> 00:13:50,708 Can't see him 'cause he ain't there. 180 00:13:50,708 --> 00:13:52,958 Then how come he hurt us so bad? 181 00:13:52,958 --> 00:13:56,250 How should I know, Cajun? But I know he ain't real. 182 00:13:56,250 --> 00:13:57,833 'Cause I can't smell him. 183 00:13:57,833 --> 00:13:59,208 Silence! 184 00:13:59,208 --> 00:14:01,000 He's gone! 185 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:02,583 Way to go, Wolverine. 186 00:14:02,583 --> 00:14:04,000 POLICE OFFICER: I said freeze! 187 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:06,583 Shut up and get your hands up now! 188 00:14:08,083 --> 00:14:11,083 How you gonna explain we been fighting somebody who ain't there? 189 00:14:11,083 --> 00:14:12,458 I won't. 190 00:14:12,458 --> 00:14:15,333 Wolverine! Allow me. 191 00:14:18,125 --> 00:14:21,000 Let mist cover your retreat! 192 00:14:21,000 --> 00:14:23,583 Come on, let's get lost in the fog. 193 00:14:23,583 --> 00:14:24,833 I can't see a thing. 194 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:33,166 She's at a small private hospital on the East Side. 195 00:14:33,166 --> 00:14:35,708 A colleague of Beast's is looking after her. 196 00:14:35,708 --> 00:14:39,083 And, Rogue, get back as soon as you can. We may need you. 197 00:14:39,083 --> 00:14:40,333 DARK XAVIER: Ingrate! 198 00:14:40,333 --> 00:14:42,000 Incompetent fool! 199 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:43,458 Professor, you're... 200 00:14:44,833 --> 00:14:46,333 (SCREAMING) 201 00:14:48,458 --> 00:14:51,000 I am here to destroy you. 202 00:14:52,625 --> 00:14:55,458 -Scott! -Why are you doing this? 203 00:14:55,458 --> 00:14:57,458 I don't want to hurt you. 204 00:14:58,583 --> 00:15:01,458 But I want to hurt you! 205 00:15:02,583 --> 00:15:03,875 JEAN: No, Scott! 206 00:15:05,500 --> 00:15:07,708 (GRUNTING) 207 00:15:07,708 --> 00:15:10,166 I can't fight it! 208 00:15:10,166 --> 00:15:13,583 He's making you imagine that a force beam's affecting you. 209 00:15:13,583 --> 00:15:15,250 It's all in your mind! 210 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:27,458 He was just a psychic projection from the Professor's mind. 211 00:15:27,458 --> 00:15:29,625 -But why? -Something's wrong. 212 00:15:29,625 --> 00:15:31,958 His mind seems to be out of control. 213 00:15:31,958 --> 00:15:34,625 See if you can reach him, Jean, while I contact the X-Men. 214 00:15:34,625 --> 00:15:37,500 Professor Xavier. Professor... 215 00:15:40,208 --> 00:15:41,375 JEAN: He's on the roof. 216 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:44,708 Professor? 217 00:15:44,708 --> 00:15:46,000 It was here. 218 00:15:46,000 --> 00:15:47,708 What was here, Professor? 219 00:15:47,708 --> 00:15:49,416 I don't know. 220 00:15:49,416 --> 00:15:53,458 I felt a psychic probe of enormous power. 221 00:15:53,458 --> 00:15:55,833 The same one that has been haunting me, 222 00:15:55,833 --> 00:15:59,250 that warned me of the trouble aboard the space station. 223 00:15:59,250 --> 00:16:01,583 Only this time it dug deeper. 224 00:16:01,583 --> 00:16:04,958 The probe overwhelmed all of the safeguards 225 00:16:04,958 --> 00:16:08,208 I have built to control the surging powers of my mind, 226 00:16:08,208 --> 00:16:10,333 including the dark side, 227 00:16:10,333 --> 00:16:13,500 the destructive urges that live within us all. 228 00:16:13,500 --> 00:16:16,583 With the shroud that conceals it ripped away, 229 00:16:16,583 --> 00:16:21,583 that dark side of my nature lashed out, without reason or compassion, 230 00:16:21,583 --> 00:16:27,708 trying to destroy what I care about the most, the X-Men. 231 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:29,583 Xavier is the key. 232 00:16:29,583 --> 00:16:31,375 We shall be ready. 233 00:16:37,708 --> 00:16:43,750 Until I regain +control of my subconscious, my orders cannot be trusted. 234 00:16:43,750 --> 00:16:47,708 Cyclops will be in command of the X-Men until I return. 235 00:16:47,708 --> 00:16:49,458 Return from where? 236 00:17:04,833 --> 00:17:06,875 So good to see you, Charles. 237 00:17:06,875 --> 00:17:11,416 I'd like you to meet Sean Cassidy, my fiance. 238 00:17:11,416 --> 00:17:15,250 Moira's told me a great deal about you, Mr. Xavier. 239 00:17:15,250 --> 00:17:18,000 How fortunate. 240 00:17:18,000 --> 00:17:21,125 Now if you'll show me my quarters, Moira, I need to rest. 241 00:17:22,708 --> 00:17:24,875 I've not seen him like this, Sean. 242 00:17:24,875 --> 00:17:27,208 It may be even worse than he told me. 243 00:17:32,708 --> 00:17:35,208 Are you out there? 244 00:17:35,208 --> 00:17:40,833 I fear you, yet I sense you may be the answer to my loneliness. 245 00:17:41,875 --> 00:17:44,083 Does he not still love you, Moira? 246 00:17:44,083 --> 00:17:47,291 I dunnae think so, but he needs me. 247 00:17:47,291 --> 00:17:51,250 Charles has given everything for his students, his X-Men. 248 00:17:51,250 --> 00:17:53,833 But friends, aye, that's different. 249 00:17:53,833 --> 00:17:57,083 Sometimes I think I'm the only one he has. 250 00:18:05,375 --> 00:18:06,833 (SCREAMING) 251 00:18:08,416 --> 00:18:11,958 You are driving me insane! 252 00:18:14,500 --> 00:18:17,166 But I must not fight you. 253 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:30,708 Who are you? 254 00:18:32,750 --> 00:18:35,583 My name is Lilandra. 255 00:18:36,583 --> 00:18:40,250 I come from a world unknown to you. A world called Shi'ar. 256 00:18:40,250 --> 00:18:42,875 Why have you come here, to the Earth? 257 00:18:42,875 --> 00:18:45,458 Charles Xavier. Let me show you. 258 00:18:47,125 --> 00:18:50,291 I am the sister of D'Ken, the emperor of the Shi'ar. 259 00:18:50,291 --> 00:18:53,208 I served my brother loyally, 260 00:18:53,208 --> 00:18:55,083 until I learned that he sought to control 261 00:18:55,083 --> 00:18:57,375 the greatest power in the universe, 262 00:18:57,375 --> 00:19:01,416 the ancient Crystal of M'Kraan. Immeasurably powerful. 263 00:19:02,708 --> 00:19:05,500 My brother hopes to harness the crystal's power 264 00:19:05,500 --> 00:19:07,625 to use it as a weapon. 265 00:19:07,625 --> 00:19:09,375 My brother is mad. 266 00:19:10,375 --> 00:19:12,583 It is written that if the crystal is breached, 267 00:19:12,583 --> 00:19:15,125 both of our galaxies could be at risk. 268 00:19:18,833 --> 00:19:20,125 (SCREECHING) 269 00:19:30,458 --> 00:19:32,583 To keep the crystal from my brother, 270 00:19:32,583 --> 00:19:35,250 I violated its ancient sanctuary, 271 00:19:35,250 --> 00:19:37,833 the most sacred temple of Shi'ar. 272 00:19:38,833 --> 00:19:41,000 I stole the M'Kraan Crystal. 273 00:19:44,833 --> 00:19:47,416 I escaped aboard a star cruiser, 274 00:19:47,416 --> 00:19:50,833 but my brother pursued me, with the warships of the Imperial fleet. 275 00:19:50,833 --> 00:19:54,000 They attempted to destroy me and my ship to get the crystal. 276 00:19:56,833 --> 00:19:59,125 I managed to reach your solar system. 277 00:19:59,125 --> 00:20:01,458 But D'Ken will follow me here, in time. 278 00:20:03,458 --> 00:20:06,166 That is why you must help me. 279 00:20:06,166 --> 00:20:09,166 What led you here, to me? 280 00:20:09,166 --> 00:20:11,875 The Shi'ar believe that two minds can be linked 281 00:20:11,875 --> 00:20:14,583 from the moment of their creation, 282 00:20:14,583 --> 00:20:17,458 destined to seek each other out in their time of need. 283 00:20:17,458 --> 00:20:21,416 It's a bond like love, only deeper. 284 00:20:21,416 --> 00:20:23,291 Do you also believe this? 285 00:20:23,291 --> 00:20:25,125 I do now. 286 00:20:25,125 --> 00:20:28,458 I have seen your face a thousand times, in my mind. 287 00:20:28,458 --> 00:20:29,583 (DOOR ALARM BEEPING) 288 00:20:29,583 --> 00:20:31,291 It's all right, Moira. 289 00:20:33,416 --> 00:20:37,250 The name's Juggernaut, dear brother! 290 00:20:37,250 --> 00:20:38,833 (GROANING) 291 00:20:38,833 --> 00:20:41,875 And you must be Lilandra! 292 00:20:41,875 --> 00:20:43,333 (LAUGHING)