1 00:00:01,833 --> 00:00:04,000 NARRATOR: Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:06,875 PHOENIX: In our hands lies the fate of a billion star systems, 3 00:00:06,875 --> 00:00:09,833 of lives beyond measure. 4 00:00:09,833 --> 00:00:13,000 XAVIER: Do not fear, Lilandra. The X-Men will do all in our power 5 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:15,083 to help you safeguard the crystal. 6 00:00:15,083 --> 00:00:16,125 Get the crystal! 7 00:00:19,333 --> 00:00:20,166 Fire, Raza! 8 00:00:24,166 --> 00:00:25,208 Corsair! 9 00:00:25,208 --> 00:00:27,416 Do you remember this? 10 00:00:28,750 --> 00:00:32,125 The M'Kraan Crystal. Name your price! 11 00:00:33,583 --> 00:00:35,333 Show me the crystal! 12 00:00:35,333 --> 00:00:36,958 I'm coming, Scott! 13 00:00:42,708 --> 00:00:44,625 Start the ball, Cajun! 14 00:00:50,958 --> 00:00:52,208 (GRUNTS) 15 00:00:58,750 --> 00:01:02,583 -Out of my way, woman. -Get out of your own way! 16 00:01:02,583 --> 00:01:05,208 -Thank you, Rogue. -I enjoyed it. 17 00:01:05,208 --> 00:01:07,000 Get ready to... D'Ken! 18 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:09,708 Unlock the power of the M'Kraan... 19 00:01:09,708 --> 00:01:11,125 No! 20 00:01:11,125 --> 00:01:13,375 ...and make the galaxy mine! 21 00:01:15,708 --> 00:01:17,875 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 22 00:02:37,583 --> 00:02:39,875 (MOANS) 23 00:02:41,375 --> 00:02:42,875 (GRUNTS) 24 00:02:43,625 --> 00:02:45,125 (SNARLING) 25 00:02:49,875 --> 00:02:52,833 (LAUGHING) 26 00:02:52,833 --> 00:02:56,625 You fools! Your foolishness amuses me. 27 00:02:56,625 --> 00:02:58,291 I do not understand. 28 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:04,583 What is happening? 29 00:03:04,583 --> 00:03:07,708 D'Ken has been granted his wish. He is one with the crystal. 30 00:03:07,708 --> 00:03:11,583 He is creating his own universe inside the crystal, 31 00:03:11,583 --> 00:03:14,166 where we all will soon be. 32 00:03:14,166 --> 00:03:17,583 Ch'od, get the Starjammer out of here. Now! 33 00:03:17,583 --> 00:03:19,708 What is wrong, Captain? 34 00:03:19,708 --> 00:03:21,583 We are ready to board the Imperial cruiser and retrieve you. 35 00:03:21,583 --> 00:03:25,708 No! Full escape velocity immediately. That's an order. 36 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:30,333 You must join them. 37 00:03:30,333 --> 00:03:33,458 I need time to see if the power of the Phoenix can contain the crystal. 38 00:03:35,500 --> 00:03:40,125 But if it cannot, then nothing in the galaxy can protect any of us. 39 00:03:40,125 --> 00:03:41,625 What can we do? 40 00:03:41,625 --> 00:03:44,875 Nothing. It is what I must do. 41 00:04:07,875 --> 00:04:09,708 Corsair! What is happening? 42 00:04:09,708 --> 00:04:13,000 We are being given a short time to consider our fate 43 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:14,875 while someone attempts to change it. 44 00:04:29,708 --> 00:04:34,958 I must learn. The crystal must be healed. 45 00:04:34,958 --> 00:04:36,458 Can you show us what's happening? 46 00:04:36,458 --> 00:04:38,333 Ch'od, full magnification. 47 00:04:40,500 --> 00:04:44,750 That is all we can do. Soon, we will be out of range. 48 00:04:44,750 --> 00:04:47,583 I am the guardian, 49 00:04:47,583 --> 00:04:51,458 teach me to... No! 50 00:04:57,250 --> 00:04:58,625 (ALL EXCLAIM) 51 00:05:07,583 --> 00:05:09,458 Who slam on the brakes? 52 00:05:09,458 --> 00:05:11,250 Phoenix has failed. 53 00:05:11,625 --> 00:05:14,625 We shall soon join my brother inside the crystal. 54 00:05:14,625 --> 00:05:16,458 How are you so blamed sure? 55 00:05:16,458 --> 00:05:18,333 -She might still... -Look! 56 00:05:21,750 --> 00:05:23,000 Jean! 57 00:05:33,333 --> 00:05:36,291 I got a real bad feeling we're next. 58 00:05:42,125 --> 00:05:44,458 CORSAIR: Ch'od, open fire! 59 00:05:45,583 --> 00:05:48,416 -What are you doing? -Trying to live. 60 00:05:51,875 --> 00:05:53,875 GLADIATOR: It has no effect. 61 00:05:53,875 --> 00:05:56,708 Anybody else got any bright ideas? 62 00:06:19,166 --> 00:06:20,583 What's that? 63 00:06:22,291 --> 00:06:23,291 (GASPS) 64 00:06:24,125 --> 00:06:26,708 And Cerebro reports environmental disturbances 65 00:06:26,708 --> 00:06:31,125 everywhere around the world. I will do what I can. 66 00:06:31,125 --> 00:06:33,708 As we all shall. 67 00:06:33,708 --> 00:06:38,583 Professor Xavier! Professor! The sun, it's, well, kind of fading away! 68 00:06:38,583 --> 00:06:40,500 I know, Jubilee. 69 00:06:40,500 --> 00:06:43,958 We have discovered a phenomenon much like a black hole, 70 00:06:43,958 --> 00:06:47,375 an enormous gravitational force near the sun. 71 00:06:47,375 --> 00:06:50,458 We must assume it is the M'Kraan Crystal. 72 00:06:50,458 --> 00:06:55,166 It is slowly drawing everything into it, even the sun's light. 73 00:06:55,166 --> 00:06:58,083 Soon, it will absorb the sun itself, 74 00:06:58,083 --> 00:07:01,875 the entire solar system including the Earth. 75 00:07:01,875 --> 00:07:04,708 The rest of the galaxy may well follow, 76 00:07:04,708 --> 00:07:08,208 though, by that time, we shall have long since ceased to care. 77 00:07:08,208 --> 00:07:10,875 There's gotta be some way to stop it! 78 00:07:10,875 --> 00:07:15,208 There is one hope, the X-Men. 79 00:07:15,208 --> 00:07:18,000 Maintain full power! Don't give up! 80 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:20,000 I regret, my Empress, 81 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:22,208 that my service to you must begin under such circumstances. 82 00:07:30,583 --> 00:07:32,375 All is lost, Empress! 83 00:07:32,958 --> 00:07:37,833 Hang on, chere.If this be our last ride, we take it together... 84 00:07:39,583 --> 00:07:42,250 (ALL GROANING) 85 00:07:47,708 --> 00:07:49,708 (BOTH GROANING) 86 00:07:59,583 --> 00:08:02,333 If this is death, it's not so bad, huh? 87 00:08:02,333 --> 00:08:04,166 (COUGHS) 88 00:08:04,166 --> 00:08:05,750 Speak for yourself, Cajun. 89 00:08:07,500 --> 00:08:09,333 BEAST: Fascinating. 90 00:08:16,458 --> 00:08:18,833 The legends of the crystal are true. 91 00:08:22,333 --> 00:08:23,875 But what of D'Ken? 92 00:08:25,166 --> 00:08:28,416 D'KEN: What of D'Ken? He lives! 93 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:32,000 (D'KEN LAUGHING) 94 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:33,458 Show yourself! 95 00:08:33,458 --> 00:08:35,375 D'KEN: You wish to see me? 96 00:08:35,375 --> 00:08:40,458 Behold the power of a living galaxy! 97 00:08:40,583 --> 00:08:43,250 Soon, the universe will tremble! 98 00:08:43,250 --> 00:08:47,708 If we're not gonna make it out of here, let's at least shut this guy 99 00:08:48,708 --> 00:08:50,125 Logan, stop it! 100 00:08:50,125 --> 00:08:51,875 (ROARING) 101 00:08:53,708 --> 00:08:55,000 (GRUNTS) 102 00:08:55,708 --> 00:08:56,750 (GROANS) 103 00:08:56,750 --> 00:08:59,125 Perhaps another approach... 104 00:08:59,125 --> 00:09:01,333 Maybe he likes to play catch. 105 00:09:03,958 --> 00:09:06,000 (GRUNTING) 106 00:09:09,416 --> 00:09:12,500 (LAUGHING) 107 00:09:12,500 --> 00:09:15,458 You fools! None of you understand. 108 00:09:18,375 --> 00:09:19,708 (SIGHS) 109 00:09:24,416 --> 00:09:25,458 Look out! 110 00:09:25,458 --> 00:09:27,583 (LAUGHING) 111 00:09:31,458 --> 00:09:34,000 It has no effect, Empress! 112 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:38,458 Your pathetic efforts gain you nothing. Your weapons feed me. 113 00:09:38,583 --> 00:09:44,000 The crystal will gain you nothing. You are trapped within it, as we are. 114 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:46,416 Its power will destroy you! 115 00:09:46,416 --> 00:09:52,125 Destroy me? The crystal is life. I am reborn! 116 00:09:52,125 --> 00:09:57,208 I need only think of your destruction and it shall be! 117 00:10:08,875 --> 00:10:12,291 (LAUGHING) 118 00:10:14,375 --> 00:10:18,583 D'Ken, brother, unless the crystal is sealed, 119 00:10:18,583 --> 00:10:23,500 it will destroy the galaxy, including the entire Shi'ar empire. 120 00:10:23,500 --> 00:10:26,458 We must join forces to stop it. 121 00:10:26,458 --> 00:10:27,833 Stop it? 122 00:10:27,833 --> 00:10:31,458 (LAUGHING) 123 00:10:31,458 --> 00:10:33,166 I hunger for it. 124 00:10:33,166 --> 00:10:36,500 He hears nothing, Empress. We are on our own. 125 00:10:36,500 --> 00:10:39,166 Prepare to be destroyed, creature! 126 00:10:40,000 --> 00:10:41,875 (YELLING) 127 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:46,750 You? Fight me? You insect! 128 00:10:47,583 --> 00:10:50,416 (GROANING) 129 00:10:51,833 --> 00:10:53,500 Gotcha, big guy. 130 00:10:53,500 --> 00:10:56,625 You see how easily I defeat your protectors. 131 00:10:56,625 --> 00:10:58,833 I tire of you, sister. 132 00:11:04,833 --> 00:11:07,166 (LAUGHING) 133 00:11:09,166 --> 00:11:10,583 (SCREAMING) 134 00:11:10,583 --> 00:11:12,750 Empress! 135 00:11:12,750 --> 00:11:16,208 I never thought I'd say it, Logan, but there's nothing we can do. 136 00:11:38,000 --> 00:11:40,083 Everybody evacuate to the shelter! 137 00:11:40,083 --> 00:11:41,875 (WOMAN GRUNTING) 138 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:47,208 (ALL SCREAMING) 139 00:12:04,208 --> 00:12:06,875 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 140 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:17,583 The immediate threat to New York City has been averted. 141 00:12:17,583 --> 00:12:20,875 -XAVIER: Well done, Storm! -It is terrible, Professor. 142 00:12:20,875 --> 00:12:24,208 It is as though the Earth has gone mad. 143 00:12:24,208 --> 00:12:28,250 Calm yourself, Storm. You cannot be everywhere at once. 144 00:12:28,250 --> 00:12:30,333 Help where you can. 145 00:12:30,333 --> 00:12:33,458 The disturbances will cease if the X-Men are successful. 146 00:12:34,166 --> 00:12:39,083 (D'KEN LAUGHING) 147 00:12:55,708 --> 00:12:58,458 (LAUGHING) 148 00:13:38,833 --> 00:13:40,166 (GRUNTS) 149 00:13:41,166 --> 00:13:42,625 (D'KEN LAUGHING) 150 00:13:58,291 --> 00:14:00,000 (GROANS) 151 00:14:14,875 --> 00:14:17,708 Fear what I have become, sister? 152 00:14:17,708 --> 00:14:22,833 Let the others watch as I repay you for your treachery in opposing me. 153 00:14:25,166 --> 00:14:26,708 PHOENIX: Do not despair. 154 00:14:28,833 --> 00:14:31,208 The Phoenix survives. 155 00:14:31,208 --> 00:14:33,333 No! Begone! 156 00:14:34,125 --> 00:14:37,333 Fear not, Empress. You are safe now. 157 00:14:42,500 --> 00:14:45,583 Leave my world. I command it! 158 00:14:48,583 --> 00:14:51,125 PHOENIX: Lilandra's star cruiser approaches. 159 00:14:51,125 --> 00:14:55,125 I will teleport you all to the ship, beyond the reach of D'Ken's power. 160 00:14:59,291 --> 00:15:03,875 No one is safe from my power! I am one with the crystal. 161 00:15:05,875 --> 00:15:09,166 The galaxy is mine to destroy. 162 00:15:09,166 --> 00:15:12,000 PHOENIX: The power has destroyed you, D'Ken. 163 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:15,416 The galaxy shall not share your fate. 164 00:15:23,416 --> 00:15:26,833 -You're alive! -Yes, my darling. 165 00:15:26,833 --> 00:15:31,750 What about the crystal? Can you truly stop its power? 166 00:15:31,750 --> 00:15:33,708 We have learned of one way... 167 00:15:33,708 --> 00:15:35,291 (GASPS) 168 00:15:35,291 --> 00:15:37,208 ...if my body can take it. 169 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:41,083 Jean was chosen for her empathic abilities. 170 00:15:41,083 --> 00:15:45,708 We have learned much from the orb, the living center of the crystal. 171 00:15:45,708 --> 00:15:48,458 She felt its pain where I could not. 172 00:15:48,458 --> 00:15:52,875 I know now what must be done, if I am strong enough. 173 00:15:53,458 --> 00:15:57,958 We must try to join with the matrix of the crystal's energy field. 174 00:15:57,958 --> 00:16:02,625 The power of Phoenix may be able to restore what D'Ken has broken. 175 00:16:02,625 --> 00:16:04,875 You could be locked in here forever! 176 00:16:04,875 --> 00:16:07,458 Don't try to stop me, Scott. 177 00:16:07,458 --> 00:16:12,500 I'm only doing what must be done, what any of the X-Men would do. 178 00:16:12,500 --> 00:16:14,250 I'm coming with you. 179 00:16:14,250 --> 00:16:16,875 You can't be a part of where I'm going. 180 00:16:16,875 --> 00:16:20,333 He knows, Jean. That don't make it easy to take. 181 00:16:22,250 --> 00:16:26,458 -Jean! -Goodbye, my friends. I love you all. 182 00:16:37,500 --> 00:16:39,583 Goodbye, Scott! 183 00:16:45,875 --> 00:16:48,708 Someone help me find a way. 184 00:16:49,583 --> 00:16:53,000 Your wisdom. Your compassion. 185 00:16:53,000 --> 00:16:57,291 Your gentleness. Your innocence. 186 00:16:57,291 --> 00:17:01,416 Your courage. Your love. 187 00:17:10,208 --> 00:17:13,583 No! You cannot contain the power of the crystal. 188 00:17:13,583 --> 00:17:17,708 You cannot! No! 189 00:17:29,291 --> 00:17:31,000 What does it mean, Professor? 190 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:32,708 The X-Men have succeeded. 191 00:17:32,708 --> 00:17:35,375 The power of the crystal has been contained. 192 00:17:35,375 --> 00:17:37,416 But at what cost? 193 00:17:39,416 --> 00:17:42,125 PHOENIX: The crystal is sealed, 194 00:17:42,125 --> 00:17:45,708 but the only way to guarantee that its power will never be released again 195 00:17:45,708 --> 00:17:49,583 is for me to take it beyond the reach of any living being. 196 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:53,208 The crystal cannot be destroyed, even in the heart of the sun, 197 00:17:53,208 --> 00:17:56,083 but there it, and I, will be safe. 198 00:18:00,500 --> 00:18:03,250 For this, I am sorry, Cyclops. 199 00:18:03,250 --> 00:18:05,708 Goodbye, my love. 200 00:18:11,583 --> 00:18:13,833 The crystal shall be buried forever. 201 00:18:26,458 --> 00:18:27,708 The light! 202 00:18:27,708 --> 00:18:29,000 (GASPS) 203 00:18:30,958 --> 00:18:35,458 Oh, Scott, if only you could see it. 204 00:18:41,375 --> 00:18:44,958 Goodbye, Charles. I shall never forget you and the X-Men. 205 00:18:44,958 --> 00:18:49,291 -Stay with us, Lilandra. -I am Shi'ar Empress now. 206 00:18:49,291 --> 00:18:51,125 I must return to my world 207 00:18:51,125 --> 00:18:53,750 and try to set right all the wrong my brother did. 208 00:18:53,750 --> 00:18:55,333 Come with me, Charles. 209 00:18:56,458 --> 00:19:02,333 Until there is peace between mutants and ordinary humans, I cannot leave. 210 00:19:04,708 --> 00:19:06,250 We both have our work to do. 211 00:19:11,333 --> 00:19:14,458 I'm sorry I tried to use you against the Emperor, Cyclops. 212 00:19:14,458 --> 00:19:17,708 Since I lost my wife, I've lived only for my revenge. 213 00:19:17,708 --> 00:19:21,000 None of us know how we'll react when we lose someone we love. 214 00:19:21,000 --> 00:19:23,833 I'll have to find a new reason for living now. 215 00:19:23,833 --> 00:19:25,625 So will I. 216 00:19:25,625 --> 00:19:29,875 I'm proud to have known you and the X-Men. Farewell. 217 00:19:29,875 --> 00:19:35,166 I've lost Jean, and Corsair lost his wife. I wish we had a chance to talk. 218 00:19:35,166 --> 00:19:38,208 I believe Emily Dickinson said it best, 219 00:19:38,208 --> 00:19:42,500 "Parting is all we know of heaven And all we need of hell" 220 00:19:42,625 --> 00:19:46,708 There are some bonds that cannot be broken, Charles Xavier. 221 00:19:46,708 --> 00:19:48,000 We shall meet again. 222 00:20:01,166 --> 00:20:03,000 Jean. 223 00:20:06,083 --> 00:20:08,458 XAVIER: Do you know the legend of the Phoenix? 224 00:20:08,458 --> 00:20:11,333 I'm not interested in legends right now. 225 00:20:11,333 --> 00:20:17,166 The Phoenix was a mythical bird that was consumed by fire, 226 00:20:17,166 --> 00:20:21,000 but always rose again from the ashes. 227 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:24,333 Perhaps that's what the Phoenix represents, 228 00:20:24,333 --> 00:20:26,583 hope which never dies. 229 00:20:28,208 --> 00:20:31,375 Please think about it, Cyclops. 230 00:20:42,833 --> 00:20:44,208 Jean. 231 00:20:52,583 --> 00:20:56,166 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)