1 00:00:01,250 --> 00:00:02,750 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 2 00:01:06,375 --> 00:01:08,458 MOIRA: Try to remember, Jean. 3 00:01:08,458 --> 00:01:11,166 You were possessed by the Phoenix. 4 00:01:11,166 --> 00:01:14,750 You took the M'Kraan Crystal into the sun. 5 00:01:14,750 --> 00:01:18,458 What happened to you, Jean, inside the sun? 6 00:01:18,458 --> 00:01:20,458 Why hasn't the Phoenix left you? 7 00:01:20,458 --> 00:01:22,125 (SCREAMS) 8 00:01:22,708 --> 00:01:25,833 Jean, it's Charles. You're going to be all right. 9 00:01:25,833 --> 00:01:28,208 We are here with you on Muir Island. 10 00:01:28,208 --> 00:01:30,458 PHOENIX: So am I. 11 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:33,000 Phoenix, why do you still inhabit Jean's body? Your work is done. 12 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:35,000 You do her harm by remaining! 13 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:36,833 (PHOENIX LAUGHING EVILLY) 14 00:01:46,958 --> 00:01:48,166 (GROANING) 15 00:01:53,458 --> 00:01:58,500 MOIRA: I'm sorry, Charles. I've done all I know to do for her. 16 00:01:59,125 --> 00:02:04,500 The psycho-neural therapy calms her, but the root problem remains. 17 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:06,625 It's time to take her home. 18 00:02:09,291 --> 00:02:10,708 Help me, Scott. 19 00:02:12,458 --> 00:02:14,291 (UPBEAT SONG PLAYING) 20 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:23,250 Hey, Cyke, loosen up. How about that Dazzler, huh? 21 00:02:23,250 --> 00:02:25,583 Didn't I tell you she's something? 22 00:02:33,500 --> 00:02:34,625 Help me, Scott. 23 00:02:34,625 --> 00:02:35,833 (GROANING) 24 00:02:35,833 --> 00:02:36,958 What's wrong? 25 00:02:36,958 --> 00:02:38,583 It's Jean. 26 00:02:38,583 --> 00:02:40,625 I can feel it. She needs my help. 27 00:02:40,625 --> 00:02:42,458 I have to put in a call to Muir Island. 28 00:02:42,458 --> 00:02:44,250 It's all in your head. 29 00:02:44,250 --> 00:02:47,458 If there was trouble, Xavier'd be contacting us. 30 00:02:47,458 --> 00:02:51,833 You've been worrying too hard about Jean. You need to relax. 31 00:02:51,833 --> 00:02:54,416 You're probably right, but I need to be sure. 32 00:02:54,416 --> 00:02:57,000 Go back and enjoy the rest of the show. 33 00:02:59,708 --> 00:03:01,583 PIERCE: There she is! Grab her! 34 00:03:01,583 --> 00:03:04,583 (GRUNTING) Let go of me! 35 00:03:04,583 --> 00:03:06,708 Get her in the car! Hurry! 36 00:03:08,708 --> 00:03:10,458 Hands off the lady. 37 00:03:12,708 --> 00:03:14,250 Meddling fool! 38 00:03:16,458 --> 00:03:17,708 Don't you know who you're dealing with? 39 00:03:17,708 --> 00:03:18,875 (WHIRRING) 40 00:03:18,875 --> 00:03:20,583 No, should I? 41 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:27,333 Whoa! 42 00:03:28,708 --> 00:03:30,458 Not bad shooting. 43 00:03:31,708 --> 00:03:33,458 But not good enough! 44 00:03:36,708 --> 00:03:37,750 Goodbye! 45 00:03:37,750 --> 00:03:39,000 (EXCLAIMS) 46 00:03:39,750 --> 00:03:41,083 I'm blind! 47 00:03:42,833 --> 00:03:44,166 Are you all right? 48 00:03:44,166 --> 00:03:45,875 I'm fine. 49 00:03:45,875 --> 00:03:47,833 Thank you for saving me. 50 00:03:47,833 --> 00:03:48,875 I should be thanking you. 51 00:03:48,875 --> 00:03:50,625 (TIRES SCREECHING) 52 00:03:52,833 --> 00:03:54,583 Who was he? 53 00:03:54,583 --> 00:03:57,875 Some big shot who won't take no for an answer. 54 00:03:57,875 --> 00:03:59,958 I hope you'll be here tomorrow night, 55 00:03:59,958 --> 00:04:01,500 in case they come back. 56 00:04:01,500 --> 00:04:03,000 Well, I... 57 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:05,500 Looks like my car has seen better days. 58 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:08,958 I would like to talk to you about your mutant powers. 59 00:04:08,958 --> 00:04:11,708 Tomorrow night then. It's a date. 60 00:04:12,583 --> 00:04:16,166 Where's that blasted salami? I can smell it! 61 00:04:16,708 --> 00:04:17,750 Ah! 62 00:04:17,750 --> 00:04:19,875 All it needs is slicing! 63 00:04:21,375 --> 00:04:23,750 While you're at it, fix one for me. 64 00:04:23,750 --> 00:04:26,000 (EXCLAIMS APPRECIATIVELY) 65 00:04:26,000 --> 00:04:29,458 Looks like you've been having fun without me. Where's the Cajun? 66 00:04:29,458 --> 00:04:31,500 He's still back at the club. 67 00:04:33,291 --> 00:04:35,458 I met an interesting woman there, a mutant... 68 00:04:35,458 --> 00:04:38,875 Save it. I must be seeing things! 69 00:04:38,875 --> 00:04:40,166 Jean! 70 00:04:43,625 --> 00:04:46,208 I... How are you? 71 00:04:46,208 --> 00:04:49,625 The therapy helped. I'm better. 72 00:04:49,625 --> 00:04:52,708 Scott, the trip has tired her. 73 00:04:52,708 --> 00:04:55,291 Jean will be better after some rest. 74 00:04:55,291 --> 00:04:58,500 Storm, will you take her back to her room? 75 00:04:58,500 --> 00:05:01,625 Professor Xavier is right, Jean. 76 00:05:01,625 --> 00:05:05,000 You and Scott can have a long talk in the morning. 77 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:09,125 Jean seems so distant, Professor. What can I do? 78 00:05:09,125 --> 00:05:12,375 All those weeks of therapy and she still isn't any better! 79 00:05:12,375 --> 00:05:16,208 The Phoenix is still inside her, that's the problem. 80 00:05:16,208 --> 00:05:19,958 Moira thought it best to continue her treatment here. 81 00:05:19,958 --> 00:05:22,250 What treatment? It's hopeless! 82 00:05:22,250 --> 00:05:24,875 How can anyone live possessed by another being? 83 00:05:24,875 --> 00:05:27,583 Especially one with the power of the Phoenix! 84 00:05:27,583 --> 00:05:30,875 I will continue to do what I can, Scott. 85 00:05:30,875 --> 00:05:34,458 But if Jean is to have any chance of survival, 86 00:05:34,458 --> 00:05:37,708 she needs to draw strength from you. 87 00:05:37,708 --> 00:05:42,375 Through your unique psychic rapport, you may be her only hope. 88 00:05:49,708 --> 00:05:51,875 PIERCE: She was not right for us. 89 00:05:51,875 --> 00:05:54,375 Through the centuries, only the most gifted and the most powerful 90 00:05:54,375 --> 00:05:56,875 have been allowed to join the Inner Circle! 91 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:57,958 (SCOFFING) 92 00:05:57,958 --> 00:05:59,833 Excuses! 93 00:05:59,833 --> 00:06:02,958 So, Pierce, your failure with Dazzler makes me wonder. 94 00:06:02,958 --> 00:06:06,833 Were you trying to recruit her for the Inner Circle or for yourself? 95 00:06:06,833 --> 00:06:08,583 I warned you, Shaw, 96 00:06:10,750 --> 00:06:14,083 not to send a cyborg to do a man's job. 97 00:06:14,958 --> 00:06:18,208 Being half machine makes me no less a man, Leland. 98 00:06:19,458 --> 00:06:21,583 (EXCLAIMS IN PAIN) 99 00:06:22,250 --> 00:06:26,750 I'll see you never lift that hand against me again! 100 00:06:26,750 --> 00:06:29,875 Leland! Save it for our enemies. 101 00:06:29,875 --> 00:06:33,166 You have sworn an oath of allegiance to this club and all its members. 102 00:06:33,166 --> 00:06:36,166 Remember it. As for you, Pierce, 103 00:06:36,166 --> 00:06:39,500 the cost of that crystal will be added to next quarter's dues! 104 00:06:39,500 --> 00:06:41,583 Forget Dazzler, Shaw! 105 00:06:41,583 --> 00:06:44,166 A far greater prize awaits recruitment to our circle! 106 00:06:44,166 --> 00:06:47,833 My psychic abilities have discovered a creature with more power 107 00:06:47,833 --> 00:06:50,416 than even you can imagine! 108 00:06:50,416 --> 00:06:51,875 (CHUCKLES) 109 00:06:51,875 --> 00:06:53,416 Do tell. 110 00:06:53,416 --> 00:06:56,166 They call her the Phoenix. 111 00:06:57,000 --> 00:07:01,458 She was the guardian of the fantastically powerful M'Kraan Crystal. 112 00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:11,875 To protect the crystal, she inhabited the body of Jean Grey. 113 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:18,166 (GROANS) 114 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:23,000 JEAN: I must hold on! 115 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:35,333 FROST: With her energy focused by Jean's empathic abilities, 116 00:07:35,333 --> 00:07:39,833 the Phoenix flew with the crystal into the burning heart of the sun! 117 00:07:39,833 --> 00:07:41,291 (CAWING) 118 00:07:46,208 --> 00:07:47,958 JEAN: (GASPING) The light! 119 00:07:51,083 --> 00:07:55,333 Oh, Scott, if only you could see it. 120 00:07:56,416 --> 00:07:59,250 The Phoenix destroyed herself? 121 00:07:59,250 --> 00:08:01,291 No! It lived! 122 00:08:02,458 --> 00:08:08,083 After depositing the crystal in the sun, this primal force returned to Earth. 123 00:08:20,875 --> 00:08:23,416 There, a still-possessed Jean Grey 124 00:08:23,416 --> 00:08:27,833 was found by Professor Charles Xavier, her mentor, 125 00:08:27,833 --> 00:08:29,875 and leader of the X-Men. 126 00:08:42,833 --> 00:08:47,083 How is it you know so much about these matters, Frost? 127 00:08:47,083 --> 00:08:50,000 What is the source of your information? 128 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:52,708 Xavier's own computer! 129 00:08:53,250 --> 00:08:56,750 LELAND: (LAUGHS) Impossible! 130 00:08:56,750 --> 00:08:59,125 PIERCE: Leland is right, for once. 131 00:08:59,125 --> 00:09:03,000 Even your psychic powers are no match for Xavier. 132 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:05,125 I wish I could tell you more. 133 00:09:05,125 --> 00:09:08,291 But the visions I have seen these past days, 134 00:09:08,291 --> 00:09:11,958 make me feel as if I'm losing control. 135 00:09:11,958 --> 00:09:15,750 Even I don't know what they mean. 136 00:09:15,750 --> 00:09:18,083 (MOANING) 137 00:09:21,250 --> 00:09:24,875 Phoenix, now we are one! 138 00:09:26,083 --> 00:09:27,166 (MOANING) 139 00:09:28,000 --> 00:09:30,625 Jean Grey's plight has put Xavier under great pressure. 140 00:09:30,625 --> 00:09:35,208 Some sort of transformation has taken place that none of us yet understands. 141 00:09:36,166 --> 00:09:37,958 FROST: He's been distracted. 142 00:09:40,125 --> 00:09:43,458 Until I regain control of my subconscious, 143 00:09:43,458 --> 00:09:45,583 my orders cannot be trusted. 144 00:09:46,208 --> 00:09:48,333 FROST: And he's been away for weeks. 145 00:09:48,333 --> 00:09:52,000 Now, if you'll show me my quarters, Moira, I need to rest. 146 00:09:52,875 --> 00:09:55,208 I've not seen him like this, Sean. 147 00:09:55,208 --> 00:09:57,166 It may be even worse than he told me! 148 00:09:58,875 --> 00:10:01,208 (YELLING) 149 00:10:01,750 --> 00:10:05,625 You are driving me insane! 150 00:10:06,250 --> 00:10:10,208 Still, it took great skill to breach his computer's security 151 00:10:10,208 --> 00:10:12,458 and remain undetected. 152 00:10:12,458 --> 00:10:14,375 Shaw, listen to me. 153 00:10:14,375 --> 00:10:17,208 The Phoenix could be the source of limitless power! 154 00:10:17,208 --> 00:10:21,000 Tradition demands that such power be wielded by us, 155 00:10:23,583 --> 00:10:25,583 the Inner Circle. 156 00:10:25,583 --> 00:10:28,000 If this Phoenix is so powerful, 157 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,250 how can she be brought under our control? 158 00:10:31,375 --> 00:10:33,458 Tell them, Wyngarde. 159 00:10:33,458 --> 00:10:36,875 The Phoenix is only as strong as the mind that controls her. 160 00:10:36,875 --> 00:10:40,125 The mind is the place to attack. 161 00:10:40,125 --> 00:10:42,458 Tell us about the Phoenix, Jean. 162 00:10:42,458 --> 00:10:46,583 What does she want, now that the M'Kraan Crystal is safe? 163 00:10:46,583 --> 00:10:49,250 JEAN: Phoenix hungers! 164 00:10:49,250 --> 00:10:51,250 PHOENIX: Yes! I hunger! 165 00:10:53,166 --> 00:10:54,958 CYCLOPS: Professor, help her! 166 00:10:56,875 --> 00:11:00,875 XAVIER: Control her, Jean. Control the Phoenix! 167 00:11:02,250 --> 00:11:03,500 JEAN: Professor... 168 00:11:03,500 --> 00:11:06,250 Relax, it's over. 169 00:11:07,708 --> 00:11:09,291 Relax. 170 00:11:13,875 --> 00:11:17,625 What is it, Professor? What did you see in Jean's mind? 171 00:11:17,625 --> 00:11:21,958 It's not what I saw, Beast. But what I felt. 172 00:11:21,958 --> 00:11:25,083 Phoenix's mind is becoming dominant. 173 00:11:25,083 --> 00:11:30,458 There is turmoil, frustration, anger, yet an excitement. 174 00:11:30,458 --> 00:11:36,291 Perhaps through Jean's body, the Phoenix is experiencing sensations 175 00:11:36,291 --> 00:11:40,583 she has never felt before. That may be why she refuses to leave. 176 00:11:41,083 --> 00:11:44,500 The man who tried to kidnap that mutant Dazzler might return. 177 00:11:44,500 --> 00:11:47,291 I have to go back to that club tonight. 178 00:11:47,291 --> 00:11:50,500 You would leave me to be with another woman? Go then! 179 00:11:50,500 --> 00:11:53,333 Jean! There is nothing to be jealous of! 180 00:11:53,333 --> 00:11:56,333 Maybe you'll have to protect her from me! 181 00:11:56,333 --> 00:11:58,291 You don't mean that. 182 00:11:59,166 --> 00:12:03,708 No, of course not. But I'm afraid the Phoenix does. 183 00:12:03,708 --> 00:12:07,000 Don't worry, my darling! I'll stay a while longer. 184 00:12:07,000 --> 00:12:09,333 We will find a way to help you. 185 00:12:16,125 --> 00:12:18,250 Hmm? 186 00:12:18,250 --> 00:12:22,000 Cyclops, it's late. You should be going. I'll stay with her. 187 00:12:22,875 --> 00:12:24,375 Thank you, Storm. 188 00:12:28,333 --> 00:12:29,958 I'll be back soon. 189 00:12:39,375 --> 00:12:44,875 She's asleep. I'm in her mind. Her defenses are down. 190 00:12:44,875 --> 00:12:46,750 You may now enter. 191 00:12:46,750 --> 00:12:49,000 And once I'm in her mind, 192 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:53,583 I can use my power of illusion to create whatever reality I choose. 193 00:12:53,583 --> 00:12:58,000 I believe you will find her very susceptible. 194 00:13:00,125 --> 00:13:01,375 WYNGARDE: Jean. 195 00:13:06,416 --> 00:13:07,833 Jean. 196 00:13:10,166 --> 00:13:11,208 (GASPS) 197 00:13:14,833 --> 00:13:15,958 (PANTING) 198 00:13:25,708 --> 00:13:28,416 This is all wrong! 199 00:13:29,458 --> 00:13:31,416 I don't belong here! 200 00:13:31,416 --> 00:13:35,250 Shh. Darling, you're safe. That's all that matters. 201 00:13:35,250 --> 00:13:38,833 But this isn't my time, my world. 202 00:13:38,833 --> 00:13:42,958 Of course it is. But you're upset. You nearly drowned. 203 00:13:45,625 --> 00:13:48,416 Rest, my Venus. All is well now. 204 00:13:57,333 --> 00:13:59,833 You don't remember stowing aboard my ship, 205 00:13:59,833 --> 00:14:01,875 desperate to sail to America? 206 00:14:01,875 --> 00:14:03,750 My thoughts are all jumbled. 207 00:14:09,750 --> 00:14:13,583 I seem to remember another life, a strange one, 208 00:14:13,583 --> 00:14:19,125 full of unusual people who were somehow my friends. 209 00:14:19,125 --> 00:14:22,166 It was a dream, nothing more. 210 00:14:22,166 --> 00:14:25,375 Don't you remember how frightened you were when I found you? 211 00:14:25,375 --> 00:14:27,458 And I took you in my arms... 212 00:14:27,458 --> 00:14:31,958 And you told me how beautiful I looked! Yes, yes, I do remember! 213 00:14:31,958 --> 00:14:35,625 Don't let those dreams of another life trouble you. 214 00:14:35,625 --> 00:14:39,458 Remember, my sweet, I will always be here when you wake. 215 00:14:42,875 --> 00:14:44,208 (EXCLAIMS IN ALARM) 216 00:14:45,958 --> 00:14:48,125 What is it, Jean? A nightmare? 217 00:14:48,125 --> 00:14:50,708 No, just a dream. 218 00:14:51,250 --> 00:14:56,375 It's just that it felt so real. I'd love a glass of water. 219 00:14:56,375 --> 00:14:57,458 Could you... 220 00:14:57,458 --> 00:14:58,708 Of course. 221 00:15:08,375 --> 00:15:10,166 It was not enough! 222 00:15:12,125 --> 00:15:14,125 This is a delicate business. 223 00:15:14,125 --> 00:15:18,000 I had to break contact. Someone began to intrude. 224 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:21,125 There is one with whom she has a psychic rapport. 225 00:15:21,125 --> 00:15:25,500 Jean's troubled mind may reflexively seek his protection. 226 00:15:25,500 --> 00:15:27,458 In my presence, 227 00:15:27,458 --> 00:15:30,833 she will succumb to my illusion, despite her protector. 228 00:15:30,833 --> 00:15:33,166 Hurry! We must find her tonight! 229 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:35,166 (THUDDING) 230 00:15:35,875 --> 00:15:37,583 (GLASS SHATTERING) 231 00:15:37,583 --> 00:15:39,250 Jean, I hope this... 232 00:15:44,708 --> 00:15:47,583 Jean! Jean! 233 00:15:55,750 --> 00:15:58,000 No! Stay back! 234 00:16:03,625 --> 00:16:08,708 ♪ Love you ♪ 235 00:16:10,125 --> 00:16:11,958 (UP-TEMPO MUSIC PLAYING) 236 00:16:16,583 --> 00:16:21,000 Scott, am I here looking for you? 237 00:16:21,708 --> 00:16:23,458 I knew you'd be back. 238 00:16:24,125 --> 00:16:25,333 (GASPS) 239 00:16:25,333 --> 00:16:26,291 No! 240 00:16:26,833 --> 00:16:28,000 (TIRES SCREECH) 241 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:30,583 Jean Grey is inside. And I... 242 00:16:32,000 --> 00:16:36,083 That's odd. Her mood suddenly shifted dramatically! 243 00:16:36,083 --> 00:16:40,458 That's because her mind has drifted into my world, to be with me. 244 00:16:41,708 --> 00:16:46,250 Jean, let me introduce you to, to Dazzler. 245 00:16:46,250 --> 00:16:50,250 Who's that? The inevitable girlfriend? 246 00:16:50,250 --> 00:16:51,875 Hello, my dear. 247 00:16:55,250 --> 00:16:56,583 Darling. 248 00:16:58,125 --> 00:17:00,875 I don't believe it! 249 00:17:00,875 --> 00:17:03,625 Looks like ex-girlfriend now. 250 00:17:04,958 --> 00:17:07,166 Something's wrong. I'm going after them! 251 00:17:07,166 --> 00:17:10,000 Some guys just can't take a hint! 252 00:17:10,000 --> 00:17:11,125 (CAR ENGINE STARTING) 253 00:17:12,125 --> 00:17:13,583 Jean! Jean! 254 00:17:13,583 --> 00:17:14,958 (CYCLOPS GROANS) 255 00:17:14,958 --> 00:17:16,083 (CAR DEPARTS) 256 00:17:17,208 --> 00:17:18,416 (GROANING) 257 00:17:19,125 --> 00:17:20,250 Thanks, Dazzler. 258 00:17:21,125 --> 00:17:24,166 Those are the same guys who tried to kidnap me! 259 00:17:26,083 --> 00:17:27,875 Are you sure 260 00:17:27,875 --> 00:17:29,000 this is where they've taken her, Wolverine? 261 00:17:29,000 --> 00:17:31,125 (SNIFFING) 262 00:17:31,125 --> 00:17:35,875 The nose knows, tough guy. I don't make mistakes about Jean. 263 00:17:35,875 --> 00:17:40,166 It still bothers me that Professor Xavier wasn't able to find Jean telepathically. 264 00:17:40,166 --> 00:17:42,750 Is her mind altered beyond recognition? 265 00:17:42,750 --> 00:17:45,083 It pains me to say this, Cyclops, 266 00:17:45,083 --> 00:17:48,458 but perhaps Jean does not want to be found. 267 00:17:48,458 --> 00:17:51,416 What are we all waiting for? Invitations? 268 00:17:51,416 --> 00:17:52,958 (GROWLS) 269 00:17:52,958 --> 00:17:55,958 I got invitations right here. 270 00:17:55,958 --> 00:17:57,750 Enough for everybody! 271 00:17:57,750 --> 00:17:59,375 CYCLOPS: Wait a minute! 272 00:17:59,375 --> 00:18:01,166 We can't just charge in the front door! 273 00:18:01,166 --> 00:18:03,208 There may be innocent bystanders. 274 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:06,958 Rogue, see if there's any way we can get in quietly. 275 00:18:06,958 --> 00:18:08,750 My pleasure, sugar! 276 00:18:13,833 --> 00:18:18,083 Well, well. What do we have here? 277 00:18:18,083 --> 00:18:23,083 And do you, Jean, take Jason as your lawfully wedded husband, 278 00:18:23,083 --> 00:18:24,875 till death do you part? 279 00:18:24,875 --> 00:18:27,000 I do. 280 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:31,375 SHAW: I now pronounce you man and wife! You may kiss the bride. 281 00:18:32,208 --> 00:18:35,000 Storm! Get us up there, quick! 282 00:18:35,000 --> 00:18:39,208 Swirl, mighty winds, and carry us to Jean! 283 00:18:40,208 --> 00:18:43,875 Snap out of it, darling! They got you hypnotized or something? 284 00:18:43,875 --> 00:18:45,750 Forget it, X-Man! 285 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:48,250 She's in a world where you're nothing but a dream! 286 00:18:48,250 --> 00:18:50,583 I'll send you off to dreamland! 287 00:18:50,583 --> 00:18:52,583 Go ahead! 288 00:18:52,583 --> 00:18:55,416 My mutant power absorbs the energy you use against me! 289 00:18:55,416 --> 00:18:59,000 The more you fight, the stronger I become! 290 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:00,125 ROGUE: Hey! 291 00:19:00,125 --> 00:19:01,500 (SCREAMS) 292 00:19:01,500 --> 00:19:03,250 Good work, Shaw! 293 00:19:06,250 --> 00:19:07,250 (GROANS) 294 00:19:10,250 --> 00:19:13,333 PIERCE: Just flipped your last ace, ace! 295 00:19:13,333 --> 00:19:15,166 GAMBIT: Everyone a comedian! 296 00:19:15,166 --> 00:19:16,458 Drop him! 297 00:19:16,458 --> 00:19:18,000 Gladly! 298 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:19,125 (GROANS) 299 00:19:19,125 --> 00:19:20,166 Next? 300 00:19:21,291 --> 00:19:25,458 I hope you're into recycling. 301 00:19:27,625 --> 00:19:31,291 My arm! Blast you! 302 00:19:31,291 --> 00:19:35,291 I believe that pleasure is mine! 303 00:19:35,291 --> 00:19:36,833 (SCREAMS IN PAIN) 304 00:19:39,208 --> 00:19:43,458 The bigger they are, the more pieces they make. 305 00:19:43,458 --> 00:19:46,083 What? What's happening? 306 00:19:47,375 --> 00:19:50,000 (YELLING) 307 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:55,291 (EXCLAIMS) 308 00:19:55,708 --> 00:19:58,583 Thanks for the recharge, Cyclops! 309 00:20:02,291 --> 00:20:03,333 (CYCLOPS GROANS) 310 00:20:03,333 --> 00:20:04,708 Cyclops! 311 00:20:06,333 --> 00:20:09,458 Begone! 312 00:20:09,458 --> 00:20:13,166 I summon the cold of the Arctic winds! 313 00:20:17,000 --> 00:20:18,208 (SHRIEKS) 314 00:20:20,333 --> 00:20:23,875 No! Jean! Why? 315 00:20:23,875 --> 00:20:28,333 Not Jean. Only her body. 316 00:20:28,875 --> 00:20:32,750 Only her delicious senses! 317 00:20:32,750 --> 00:20:35,458 I am Phoenix! 318 00:20:36,083 --> 00:20:38,958 Good work, my love. 319 00:20:38,958 --> 00:20:42,250 Thank you, my husband! 320 00:20:54,416 --> 00:20:55,833 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)