1 00:00:01,708 --> 00:00:03,250 NARRATOR: Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:03,250 --> 00:00:05,375 SHAW: You X-Men were allowed to enter, 3 00:00:05,375 --> 00:00:07,458 so that I could have the pleasure of introducing you 4 00:00:07,458 --> 00:00:10,291 to the Inner Circle's newest member. 5 00:00:10,958 --> 00:00:13,291 WYNGARDE: To our new queen! 6 00:00:13,291 --> 00:00:15,708 ALL: Our new queen! 7 00:00:15,708 --> 00:00:17,500 Jean! 8 00:00:17,500 --> 00:00:20,333 We can't deceive and control the Phoenix forever. 9 00:00:20,333 --> 00:00:24,500 Some day she'll discover the truth, and turn against the Inner Circle. 10 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:29,500 PHOENIX: Your pathetic attempt to use me has opened my eyes! 11 00:00:29,500 --> 00:00:31,375 No! Please! 12 00:00:33,250 --> 00:00:36,833 You had me do evil to gain you power. 13 00:00:36,833 --> 00:00:40,500 But through this body, I felt the thrill of that evil. 14 00:00:40,500 --> 00:00:43,750 Now I thirst for more! 15 00:00:44,750 --> 00:00:48,583 Jean, it's you. Talk to me! Help me! 16 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:53,625 PHOENIX: For this new sensation, the rapture of destruction, 17 00:00:53,625 --> 00:00:59,000 for the pleasure of the Phoenix! The unbound joy of evil! 18 00:00:59,750 --> 00:01:03,750 The mortal Jean Grey is no more. 19 00:01:03,750 --> 00:01:09,875 I am fire made flesh! Power incarnate! 20 00:01:09,875 --> 00:01:14,250 I am the Dark Phoenix! 21 00:01:15,166 --> 00:01:17,083 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 22 00:02:20,375 --> 00:02:22,000 Do not do it. 23 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:23,375 Oh, dear. 24 00:02:23,375 --> 00:02:25,375 (SHRIEKING) 25 00:02:28,875 --> 00:02:33,708 You wish me to return to the cold nothingness of space? 26 00:02:33,708 --> 00:02:36,750 You wish me to give up the body? 27 00:02:36,750 --> 00:02:38,125 Never! 28 00:02:39,750 --> 00:02:44,000 There is a power beyond good and evil, 29 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:49,416 the power to create and the power to destroy. 30 00:02:49,416 --> 00:02:51,625 Jean, can you hear me? 31 00:02:51,625 --> 00:02:57,000 Jean Grey can hear nothing. Speak only to the Phoenix. 32 00:02:57,000 --> 00:03:00,750 Jean, fight it! Use the powers of your mind. 33 00:03:01,416 --> 00:03:04,208 Remember what we mean to each other. 34 00:03:04,208 --> 00:03:07,750 Jean, please, don't leave me. 35 00:03:09,125 --> 00:03:12,250 Scott? Scott, help me. 36 00:03:12,250 --> 00:03:15,416 Enough! You are of no use to me. 37 00:03:15,416 --> 00:03:18,000 (ALL SCREAMING) 38 00:03:21,375 --> 00:03:22,416 WOLVERINE: Ducks. 39 00:03:29,750 --> 00:03:32,250 I hate ducks. 40 00:03:32,250 --> 00:03:37,458 Gambit can't help but notice you save him, chere, and not Wolverine. 41 00:03:37,458 --> 00:03:39,166 Must be my way with women. 42 00:03:39,166 --> 00:03:41,458 Don't flatter yourself, swamp-boy. 43 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:43,000 (GAMBIT GRUNTS) 44 00:03:43,458 --> 00:03:45,458 Little piece of advice, Cajun. 45 00:03:45,458 --> 00:03:48,291 Never make that woman mad at you. 46 00:03:48,291 --> 00:03:51,375 Speaking of mood swings, what's bugging the Phoenix? 47 00:03:51,375 --> 00:03:53,208 She used to be on our side. 48 00:03:53,208 --> 00:03:56,583 I fear Xavier's intuition has proved prescient. 49 00:03:56,583 --> 00:04:00,125 Through Jean's keen human senses, the Phoenix has experienced 50 00:04:00,125 --> 00:04:03,125 exhilarating new sensations and emotions. 51 00:04:03,125 --> 00:04:05,208 I doubt she wants to give them up. 52 00:04:05,208 --> 00:04:07,166 Why not ask her? 53 00:04:07,166 --> 00:04:09,583 WOLVERINE: Better ask her real nice. 54 00:04:10,458 --> 00:04:13,458 Your destiny is at its end, X-Men. 55 00:04:13,458 --> 00:04:18,250 The Dark Phoenix has come to destroy you all! 56 00:04:22,458 --> 00:04:24,208 Defend yourselves. 57 00:04:24,208 --> 00:04:27,458 But remember, Jean is up there with her. Be careful. 58 00:04:27,458 --> 00:04:31,708 I call upon the power of the hurricane! 59 00:04:33,125 --> 00:04:34,708 (ALL GRUNTING) 60 00:04:34,708 --> 00:04:36,250 Hang on, sugar. 61 00:04:40,458 --> 00:04:42,583 (PHOENIX LAUGHING) 62 00:04:42,583 --> 00:04:47,083 Do you really think your puny powers mean anything to me? 63 00:04:47,083 --> 00:04:48,708 Forgive me, Jean. 64 00:04:50,083 --> 00:04:51,833 This is too easy. 65 00:04:51,833 --> 00:04:55,458 You provide me only annoyance, frustration. 66 00:04:58,208 --> 00:05:01,583 The power of lightning! 67 00:05:02,708 --> 00:05:07,166 Why does the body excite when I must struggle to get at them? 68 00:05:07,166 --> 00:05:08,500 (STORM SCREAMS) 69 00:05:09,708 --> 00:05:11,708 Get away from her, you witch! 70 00:05:17,708 --> 00:05:19,708 What in the world? 71 00:05:19,708 --> 00:05:20,708 Uh-oh! 72 00:05:22,500 --> 00:05:24,458 (WOLVERINE GRUNTS) 73 00:05:24,458 --> 00:05:27,708 Why does the sensation lessen when the opponent is weak? 74 00:05:36,166 --> 00:05:37,875 Cyclops, now! 75 00:05:40,500 --> 00:05:42,125 No! 76 00:05:42,125 --> 00:05:43,708 ROGUE: Beast! 77 00:05:48,500 --> 00:05:54,000 Fools! Do you think I need eyes to see, ears to hear? 78 00:05:55,250 --> 00:05:57,750 Shouldn't have done that, gal. 79 00:05:57,750 --> 00:06:01,750 Let's see how cocky you are once I've drained off some of your power. 80 00:06:01,750 --> 00:06:03,250 Stop it! 81 00:06:03,250 --> 00:06:04,416 (ROGUE SCREAMS) 82 00:06:05,708 --> 00:06:08,458 Is this all you can do against me? 83 00:06:08,458 --> 00:06:10,583 This is too easy. 84 00:06:10,583 --> 00:06:12,208 Give her back! 85 00:06:15,458 --> 00:06:18,375 Why do you care about this body? 86 00:06:18,375 --> 00:06:20,291 I love her. 87 00:06:20,291 --> 00:06:25,333 Love? I do not understand. Your answer is unacceptable. 88 00:06:26,416 --> 00:06:27,833 (GRUNTS) 89 00:06:32,416 --> 00:06:34,958 Scott? What have I done? 90 00:06:41,333 --> 00:06:42,958 I love you, Scott. 91 00:06:43,416 --> 00:06:47,708 No matter what the future holds, I will always love you. 92 00:06:47,708 --> 00:06:49,000 Never forget. 93 00:07:11,375 --> 00:07:13,458 (ALL GROANING) 94 00:07:18,875 --> 00:07:19,875 Jeannie. 95 00:07:44,708 --> 00:07:47,750 Life readings, Eluke? As if I didn't already know. 96 00:07:47,750 --> 00:07:49,625 Nothing, Captain. 97 00:07:49,625 --> 00:07:52,458 The D'Bari star system is as devoid of life as the others. 98 00:07:52,458 --> 00:07:54,333 It seems such a waste. 99 00:07:54,333 --> 00:07:57,333 An entire universe out there, waiting to be discovered, 100 00:07:57,333 --> 00:07:59,708 and we're asked to map dead star systems. 101 00:07:59,708 --> 00:08:02,333 Who knows? Maybe one day we shall find something. 102 00:08:05,500 --> 00:08:06,708 (SCANNER BEEPING) 103 00:08:06,708 --> 00:08:09,291 What is it? What's happening? 104 00:08:10,416 --> 00:08:12,000 I don't know. 105 00:08:13,833 --> 00:08:15,625 (ALARM BLARING) 106 00:08:18,458 --> 00:08:21,375 Eluke! What was that? A comet? 107 00:08:21,375 --> 00:08:25,083 No. It is alive! 108 00:08:29,500 --> 00:08:31,375 It just plunged into the sun. 109 00:08:31,375 --> 00:08:33,416 Surely, it cannot have survived. 110 00:08:33,416 --> 00:08:37,166 According to my readings, Captain, the creature is still alive. 111 00:08:37,166 --> 00:08:40,333 Not only alive, but feeding! 112 00:08:40,333 --> 00:08:42,375 Feeding? On a star? 113 00:08:45,875 --> 00:08:48,583 Engine room! Full forward, now! 114 00:08:59,083 --> 00:09:00,583 All engines stop! 115 00:09:00,583 --> 00:09:03,125 Why are we stopping? Get us out of here! 116 00:09:03,125 --> 00:09:05,208 No. 117 00:09:05,208 --> 00:09:08,166 That thing, whatever it is, just destroyed an entire star system. 118 00:09:08,750 --> 00:09:10,583 If those planets had been inhabited, 119 00:09:10,583 --> 00:09:13,125 billions of innocent beings would have been wiped out. 120 00:09:13,125 --> 00:09:16,125 We must destroy that creature before it feeds again. 121 00:09:35,125 --> 00:09:37,458 Eluke, where is the creature now? 122 00:09:37,458 --> 00:09:41,166 Gone. Just gone! 123 00:09:41,166 --> 00:09:43,333 Connect me with the Empress. 124 00:09:44,750 --> 00:09:48,375 LILANDRA: No, do not pursue, return to me now. 125 00:09:49,166 --> 00:09:51,708 -Gladiator. -Yes, my Empress! 126 00:09:51,708 --> 00:09:54,166 Assemble the Imperial Guard immediately 127 00:09:54,166 --> 00:09:56,708 and make ready the Imperial Star Cruiser! 128 00:09:56,708 --> 00:09:58,500 What has happened, my Empress? 129 00:09:58,500 --> 00:10:00,250 Our worst nightmare. 130 00:10:03,166 --> 00:10:06,416 I'm afraid Jean Grey no longer exists. 131 00:10:06,416 --> 00:10:09,958 When she first inhabited Jean's body, we were thankful. 132 00:10:09,958 --> 00:10:13,166 Jean helped her protect us from the M'Kraan Crystal. 133 00:10:13,583 --> 00:10:18,166 But now, Jean has been overwhelmed by the alien force within her. 134 00:10:18,166 --> 00:10:21,708 As long as Jean is alive, we can't stop trying. 135 00:10:21,708 --> 00:10:25,708 Of course, Scott, but we must also be honest with ourselves 136 00:10:25,708 --> 00:10:27,625 about the depth of the problem. 137 00:10:27,625 --> 00:10:30,833 Unless the Phoenix agrees to leave Jean's body, 138 00:10:30,833 --> 00:10:33,333 I see no way to save our friend. 139 00:10:33,333 --> 00:10:34,333 (GROANS IN PAIN) 140 00:10:35,208 --> 00:10:37,375 Professor, she's coming back. 141 00:10:47,250 --> 00:10:48,875 She's coming back. 142 00:10:48,875 --> 00:10:51,250 How do you know the Phoenix is returning? 143 00:10:51,250 --> 00:10:55,000 Jean is returning. Our psychic rapport is still functioning. 144 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:58,250 We will do everything in our power to protect Jean. 145 00:10:58,250 --> 00:11:01,375 But at the same time, we must do all we can 146 00:11:01,375 --> 00:11:06,250 to defeat the Phoenix within her or our world will not survive. 147 00:11:06,250 --> 00:11:09,583 How do you beat something that can melt you in a split second? 148 00:11:09,583 --> 00:11:11,583 -That's it! -What's it? 149 00:11:11,583 --> 00:11:13,875 Why hasn't the Phoenix melted us? 150 00:11:13,875 --> 00:11:15,833 How should I know? 151 00:11:15,833 --> 00:11:19,333 Because Jean has at least some control over the creature. 152 00:11:19,333 --> 00:11:21,875 That means there's still hope of reaching her. 153 00:11:21,875 --> 00:11:24,833 Ah, yes, its mind. 154 00:11:24,833 --> 00:11:30,083 The Inner Circle controlled the Phoenix-Jean entity, at least for a time, 155 00:11:30,083 --> 00:11:32,833 by attacking its most vulnerable spot. 156 00:11:32,833 --> 00:11:35,583 But, Beast, it's Jean's mind! 157 00:11:35,583 --> 00:11:40,500 I do not propose to harm her mind, only disable it. 158 00:11:41,083 --> 00:11:44,291 A mnemonic scrambling device would temporarily prevent her 159 00:11:44,291 --> 00:11:46,333 from forming coherent thought. 160 00:11:46,333 --> 00:11:49,208 That could cause the creature to leave her! 161 00:11:49,208 --> 00:11:51,500 My thoughts, exactly. 162 00:11:51,500 --> 00:11:54,125 How could I have not seen it? 163 00:11:54,125 --> 00:11:57,333 All those weeks we worked to make Jean whole again, 164 00:11:57,333 --> 00:11:59,833 simply made her the perfect host. 165 00:12:01,166 --> 00:12:04,375 Phoenix, why do you still inhabit Jean's body? Your work is done. 166 00:12:04,375 --> 00:12:06,583 You do her harm by remaining! 167 00:12:06,583 --> 00:12:09,000 (PHOENIX LAUGHING MANIACALLY) 168 00:12:28,708 --> 00:12:31,708 One mnemonic scrambler, made-to-order. 169 00:12:33,583 --> 00:12:36,416 Now, to find a suitable test subject. 170 00:12:36,416 --> 00:12:38,458 Volunteers? 171 00:12:42,375 --> 00:12:43,625 (GROANS IN PAIN) 172 00:12:44,375 --> 00:12:46,375 -What is it? -It's Jean. 173 00:12:46,875 --> 00:12:48,208 I feel her presence. 174 00:12:48,208 --> 00:12:49,875 Where? Here? 175 00:12:49,875 --> 00:12:54,625 No, somewhere near. A place from her past. 176 00:12:55,375 --> 00:12:57,958 A place full of emotional memories. 177 00:13:03,250 --> 00:13:06,208 Mom, Dad, I'm home. 178 00:13:12,583 --> 00:13:14,875 Mom? Dad? 179 00:13:16,291 --> 00:13:18,375 Mom? Are you here? 180 00:13:20,583 --> 00:13:22,125 Prometheus! 181 00:13:22,125 --> 00:13:23,208 (HISSING) 182 00:13:23,583 --> 00:13:27,166 Prometheus, it's me. Jean. 183 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:49,250 (SQUEAKING) 184 00:13:57,208 --> 00:13:58,208 (VEHICLE APPROACHING) 185 00:14:06,125 --> 00:14:08,750 Daddy? Daddy's home! 186 00:14:18,458 --> 00:14:21,125 Daddy? Is that you? 187 00:14:21,583 --> 00:14:26,000 Daddy? Where are you going? Daddy? 188 00:14:27,750 --> 00:14:30,458 Forgive me, chere, this is the only way. 189 00:14:30,458 --> 00:14:31,583 Fools! 190 00:14:35,458 --> 00:14:37,875 ROGUE: Why ain't that brain buster working? 191 00:14:37,875 --> 00:14:41,250 Patience, Rogue. It should take effect momentarily. 192 00:14:42,833 --> 00:14:46,500 Jean, my friend! Do not reject our help. 193 00:14:46,500 --> 00:14:47,958 Let your mind... 194 00:14:47,958 --> 00:14:49,458 I have no friends! 195 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:53,416 ROGUE: What is this, "Catch the X-Men" day? 196 00:14:54,875 --> 00:14:58,583 Her mind is more powerful than anything I could imagine. 197 00:14:58,583 --> 00:15:01,416 She has overloaded the scrambler's circuitry. 198 00:15:02,625 --> 00:15:04,958 We knew it could come to this. 199 00:15:08,000 --> 00:15:09,000 We got to end it. 200 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:10,250 Logan? 201 00:15:10,250 --> 00:15:11,500 -Jean? -Do it. 202 00:15:12,458 --> 00:15:14,833 Quickly, while I still have control. 203 00:15:14,833 --> 00:15:16,458 Stop her now! 204 00:15:18,833 --> 00:15:20,500 I can't! 205 00:15:20,500 --> 00:15:23,958 Please, if you truly love me, don't let her... 206 00:15:24,875 --> 00:15:29,000 You should have destroyed me when you had the chance. 207 00:15:33,500 --> 00:15:38,166 What a pity, Beast. I've ruined your little toy. 208 00:15:41,833 --> 00:15:45,708 Now we'll play on my terms! 209 00:15:48,125 --> 00:15:50,875 CYCLOPS: Let them go. Jean. 210 00:15:51,500 --> 00:15:54,708 Jean Grey no longer exists! 211 00:15:54,708 --> 00:15:58,458 I know you're there, Jean. I can still feel you. 212 00:15:58,958 --> 00:16:01,583 You cannot destroy your friends. 213 00:16:02,875 --> 00:16:05,708 Don't be so sure! 214 00:16:05,708 --> 00:16:07,583 I love you, Jean. 215 00:16:07,583 --> 00:16:10,083 We all love you. And you love us. 216 00:16:10,583 --> 00:16:14,958 You love me. Nothing will ever change that. 217 00:16:14,958 --> 00:16:18,000 Scott? Scott, I... 218 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:19,291 (JEAN SCREAMS) 219 00:16:19,291 --> 00:16:20,458 CYCLOPS: Jean! 220 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:32,583 I'm sorry, Scott, but I had to attack her mind while she was distracted. 221 00:16:32,583 --> 00:16:35,000 As long as I've got her back, safe and... 222 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:36,958 I only stunned her. 223 00:16:36,958 --> 00:16:40,250 The creature inside her must be destroyed now. Quickly. 224 00:16:40,250 --> 00:16:42,583 -No. -Now. Before she... 225 00:16:42,583 --> 00:16:45,583 Recovers? You're too late. 226 00:16:51,083 --> 00:16:53,250 And as for you... 227 00:16:53,250 --> 00:16:54,875 (XAVIER SCREAMS) 228 00:16:55,625 --> 00:17:00,583 You once told Jean Grey that the greatest joy a teacher has 229 00:17:00,583 --> 00:17:04,333 is to be surpassed by his own pupil. 230 00:17:04,333 --> 00:17:05,875 Enjoy! 231 00:17:05,875 --> 00:17:07,583 JEAN: Stop! 232 00:17:07,583 --> 00:17:10,458 I won't allow you to enter my... 233 00:17:10,458 --> 00:17:12,250 (JEAN SCREAMING) 234 00:17:15,583 --> 00:17:20,375 In the battlefield of the mind, my will shall prevail! 235 00:17:20,375 --> 00:17:24,166 Do you really think your puny mind is a match for mine? 236 00:17:35,333 --> 00:17:40,083 As you once used the power of the Phoenix to bind the M'Kraan Crystal, 237 00:17:40,083 --> 00:17:43,375 I now bind the Phoenix with the power of... 238 00:17:43,375 --> 00:17:45,583 (XAVIER SCREAMING) 239 00:17:55,875 --> 00:18:00,000 The conceit of you humans, the arrogance! 240 00:18:02,875 --> 00:18:08,833 Jean. If you can hear me, help me. Help me. Help me. 241 00:18:10,708 --> 00:18:15,875 This can't be. I am Phoenix! 242 00:18:15,875 --> 00:18:19,708 I now bind the Phoenix with the power of my mind! 243 00:18:19,708 --> 00:18:21,458 No! 244 00:18:24,708 --> 00:18:26,875 No! 245 00:18:30,458 --> 00:18:31,708 (XAVIER GROANS) 246 00:18:31,708 --> 00:18:32,750 (JEAN GROANS) 247 00:18:34,166 --> 00:18:35,375 Professor! 248 00:18:36,125 --> 00:18:37,333 CYCLOPS: Jean! 249 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:46,708 Professor, will she be all right? 250 00:18:46,708 --> 00:18:48,416 Jeannie. 251 00:18:48,416 --> 00:18:51,625 The Phoenix is contained, for now. 252 00:18:51,625 --> 00:18:55,708 I could never have defeated the Phoenix if Jean herself had not helped me. 253 00:18:55,708 --> 00:18:59,416 The strength of her mind is truly awesome. 254 00:19:00,708 --> 00:19:02,375 Hi, four-eyes. 255 00:19:02,375 --> 00:19:04,083 Hi yourself, tiger. 256 00:19:09,125 --> 00:19:10,458 ROGUE: We got company. 257 00:19:10,458 --> 00:19:11,583 CYCLOPS: The Shi'ar. 258 00:19:15,583 --> 00:19:17,250 Greetings, Charles. 259 00:19:17,250 --> 00:19:20,291 Lilandra! What is the matter? 260 00:19:20,708 --> 00:19:23,583 Why didn't you alert me telepathically? 261 00:19:23,583 --> 00:19:29,583 Charles Xavier, it is the decision of the High Council of the Shi'ar Empire 262 00:19:29,583 --> 00:19:33,708 that the being known both as the Phoenix and as Jean Grey, 263 00:19:33,708 --> 00:19:36,000 must be destroyed! 264 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:38,375 Lilandra, stop this! 265 00:19:38,375 --> 00:19:43,625 For the sake of all that live, Jean Grey must perish. 266 00:19:52,458 --> 00:19:53,958 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)