1 00:00:01,708 --> 00:00:03,000 NARRATOR: Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:03,250 --> 00:00:05,750 Your destiny is at its end, X-Men. 3 00:00:05,750 --> 00:00:10,875 The Dark Phoenix has come to destroy you all! 4 00:00:11,583 --> 00:00:15,583 That thing, whatever it is, just destroyed an entire star system. 5 00:00:16,250 --> 00:00:19,583 We must destroy that creature before it feeds again. 6 00:00:19,583 --> 00:00:23,333 LILANDRA: Gladiator, assemble the Imperial Guard immediately 7 00:00:23,333 --> 00:00:25,458 and make ready the Imperial Star Cruiser! 8 00:00:25,458 --> 00:00:27,291 What has happened, my Empress? 9 00:00:27,291 --> 00:00:29,416 Our worst nightmare. 10 00:00:29,416 --> 00:00:32,208 I won't allow you to enter my... 11 00:00:32,208 --> 00:00:33,500 (JEAN SCREAMING) 12 00:00:34,333 --> 00:00:38,583 Jean. Help me. Help me. Help me. 13 00:00:38,583 --> 00:00:43,125 This can't be! No! 14 00:00:43,125 --> 00:00:45,833 The Phoenix is contained, for now. 15 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:48,125 Lilandra! 16 00:00:48,125 --> 00:00:51,583 It is the decision of the High Council of the Shi'ar Empire, 17 00:00:51,583 --> 00:00:55,208 that the being known both as the Phoenix and as Jean Grey, 18 00:00:55,208 --> 00:00:57,125 must be destroyed! 19 00:00:58,250 --> 00:00:59,250 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 20 00:01:58,708 --> 00:02:00,333 Capture Jean Grey! 21 00:02:00,333 --> 00:02:02,125 Don't let them through! 22 00:02:02,125 --> 00:02:03,750 You got that right! 23 00:02:03,750 --> 00:02:05,458 LILANDRA: Do not resist, X-Men! 24 00:02:09,583 --> 00:02:10,708 No! 25 00:02:10,708 --> 00:02:12,208 (SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE) 26 00:02:13,000 --> 00:02:15,166 (LILANDRA SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE) 27 00:02:15,166 --> 00:02:17,583 They stopped! Why? 28 00:02:17,583 --> 00:02:20,375 Maybe they want to live a little longer. 29 00:02:20,375 --> 00:02:22,583 I have probed Lilandra's mind. 30 00:02:22,583 --> 00:02:24,583 The Shi'ar have an ancient law, 31 00:02:24,583 --> 00:02:28,958 the challenge to a duel of honor which cannot be refused. 32 00:02:28,958 --> 00:02:31,583 I have made the challenge in our names. 33 00:02:31,583 --> 00:02:34,000 In all of our names? 34 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:37,583 It is the only way to save Jean's life. 35 00:02:37,583 --> 00:02:39,875 So let's get to it. 36 00:02:39,875 --> 00:02:40,958 (SPEAKING ALIEN LANGUAGE) 37 00:02:53,875 --> 00:02:56,333 What happened? 38 00:02:56,333 --> 00:03:00,750 I believe that the technology involves molecular dispersal and reconstitution. 39 00:03:00,750 --> 00:03:03,083 In the vernacular, we were moved. 40 00:03:03,083 --> 00:03:07,125 CYCLOPS: Lilandra, the X-Men were your friends, why have you kidnapped us? 41 00:03:07,125 --> 00:03:12,333 You are my friends. I owe you my life and my throne. 42 00:03:12,333 --> 00:03:15,208 CYCLOPS: Then why not trust us to deal with Jean? 43 00:03:15,208 --> 00:03:17,958 LILANDRA: The Phoenix is too powerful. 44 00:03:17,958 --> 00:03:22,416 Once, she existed only to serve our empire. 45 00:03:22,416 --> 00:03:26,958 Now she lives only to experience new sensations. 46 00:03:26,958 --> 00:03:30,333 The planets were, fortunately, uninhabited. 47 00:03:30,333 --> 00:03:35,875 But what of next time? Soon single stars will not satiate her. 48 00:03:35,875 --> 00:03:38,375 She will consume galaxies. 49 00:03:38,375 --> 00:03:43,583 Like the crystal that spawned her, she can destroy all that is! 50 00:03:43,583 --> 00:03:45,833 I have no choice. 51 00:03:46,416 --> 00:03:49,375 But Professor Xavier has cured her! 52 00:03:49,375 --> 00:03:53,875 Scott, the Phoenix may be under control, but she is still within me. 53 00:03:53,875 --> 00:03:58,291 To kill an innocent creature to get at another is barbarous! 54 00:03:58,291 --> 00:04:03,958 Lilandra, I have invoked the challenge of "Arin'nn Haelar!" 55 00:04:03,958 --> 00:04:05,750 You cannot refuse it! 56 00:04:05,750 --> 00:04:08,958 Take no solace in your cleverness. 57 00:04:08,958 --> 00:04:12,458 You have only compounded the tragedy. 58 00:04:12,458 --> 00:04:15,708 The Shi'ar empire does not act alone, 59 00:04:16,333 --> 00:04:19,500 Phoenix is a creature of such immense power, 60 00:04:19,500 --> 00:04:21,875 that she threatens stellar empires 61 00:04:21,875 --> 00:04:25,208 that were ancient before your sun had planets. 62 00:04:25,708 --> 00:04:28,750 I must consult them. 63 00:04:28,750 --> 00:04:32,166 Earthers are a stubborn breed, but honorable. 64 00:04:32,166 --> 00:04:34,416 The Kree do not object to this duel! 65 00:04:34,416 --> 00:04:38,125 Nor do I, Empress of the Skrulls, 66 00:04:38,125 --> 00:04:43,125 provided the X-Men are not permitted to win! 67 00:04:43,125 --> 00:04:46,166 You'll have your duel, Charles Xavier. 68 00:04:46,166 --> 00:04:50,625 Though I fear you will live to regret what you have done this day. 69 00:04:53,458 --> 00:04:56,833 Beast, there is a question I must ask of you. 70 00:04:56,833 --> 00:04:59,333 You wonder if we are on the right side. 71 00:04:59,333 --> 00:05:02,458 She is someone I love, as I would love a sister. 72 00:05:02,458 --> 00:05:06,458 Of course, but there is far more at stake here, Ororo. 73 00:05:06,458 --> 00:05:10,291 Jean has committed no crime, has injured no one. 74 00:05:10,291 --> 00:05:12,958 Yet, we are asked to allow her to be destroyed 75 00:05:12,958 --> 00:05:15,250 to prevent the possible future crimes of another. 76 00:05:15,250 --> 00:05:18,458 But she has given Jean a trial by combat. 77 00:05:18,458 --> 00:05:22,875 Such a trial is no contest of reason, it is a war. 78 00:05:22,875 --> 00:05:26,458 Such a position mocks justice. Lilandra is wrong. 79 00:05:26,458 --> 00:05:28,875 WOLVERINE: You're getting slow, gumbo! 80 00:05:30,458 --> 00:05:32,000 GAMBIT: Gambit will be ready. 81 00:05:33,833 --> 00:05:35,583 Could Lilandra be right? 82 00:05:35,583 --> 00:05:37,583 Is Phoenix too dangerous to exist? 83 00:05:37,583 --> 00:05:38,875 Maybe, 84 00:05:40,166 --> 00:05:45,708 but if push comes to shove I stand by Jean all the way. 85 00:05:46,458 --> 00:05:51,708 XAVIER, TELEPATHICALLY: Lilandra, let our minds join as one. 86 00:05:54,458 --> 00:05:58,875 We must not let these events wither our love, Lilandra. 87 00:05:58,875 --> 00:06:02,458 LILANDRA: I wish only to cherish you, Charles. 88 00:06:02,458 --> 00:06:07,416 Then help me. Join with me to contain the Phoenix. 89 00:06:08,708 --> 00:06:11,000 That was unworthy of you. 90 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:14,875 Lilandra, you do not understand... 91 00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:18,458 I am Empress of the Shi'ar Empire. 92 00:06:18,458 --> 00:06:21,958 My duty, before the longings of my heart, 93 00:06:21,958 --> 00:06:25,458 is to protect those in my dominion! 94 00:06:25,458 --> 00:06:30,500 Please, Lilandra, it doesn't have to be... No! 95 00:06:39,375 --> 00:06:42,708 I can't help thinking, Rogue, what if Lilandra's right? 96 00:06:42,708 --> 00:06:46,500 If the psychic circuit breakers Xavier placed in Jean's mind fail, 97 00:06:46,500 --> 00:06:50,416 a universe full of innocent life would be at the Phoenix's mercy. 98 00:06:50,416 --> 00:06:53,166 I know how much you love Jean. 99 00:06:53,166 --> 00:06:58,000 It's the kind of love I've always wanted in my life, but never had. 100 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,333 This must be tearing you apart. 101 00:07:00,333 --> 00:07:02,583 I know what you're asking yourself. 102 00:07:02,583 --> 00:07:06,583 If I were in Lilandra's place, would I act any differently? 103 00:07:06,583 --> 00:07:09,208 I'd like to think, I would. 104 00:07:09,208 --> 00:07:11,458 No matter what the cost? 105 00:07:11,458 --> 00:07:14,125 You're wearing your old X-Men uniform. 106 00:07:14,125 --> 00:07:18,000 It is how you first knew me. It felt right. 107 00:07:19,291 --> 00:07:21,000 My daddy always said, 108 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:23,583 "Two's company, and three's an eavesdropper." 109 00:07:24,583 --> 00:07:26,000 Jean... 110 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:30,583 I destroyed a solar system and reveled in it. 111 00:07:30,583 --> 00:07:32,625 Phoenix did! Not you. 112 00:07:32,625 --> 00:07:35,958 What if she breaks free? What if... 113 00:07:35,958 --> 00:07:40,208 What if the next world we ravage is Earth? 114 00:07:40,208 --> 00:07:43,333 Jean, you're not evil. You can win. 115 00:07:43,333 --> 00:07:45,083 We can stop Phoenix! 116 00:07:45,083 --> 00:07:48,833 No, Scott, before you say any more, 117 00:07:50,625 --> 00:07:55,291 see my fears and then give me your answer. 118 00:07:55,291 --> 00:07:58,708 I can imagine losing control again. 119 00:07:58,708 --> 00:08:02,291 Only this time, my victims would be my friends. 120 00:08:13,458 --> 00:08:15,875 And the world that I call home. 121 00:08:17,583 --> 00:08:20,291 Am I worth the risk? 122 00:08:20,291 --> 00:08:22,875 You're worth everything there is. 123 00:08:23,625 --> 00:08:27,208 I love you, too, Scott. With all my heart. 124 00:08:29,583 --> 00:08:32,583 The X-Men will battle the Imperial Guard 125 00:08:32,583 --> 00:08:35,750 in the uncharted blue area of Earth's moon. 126 00:08:35,750 --> 00:08:40,500 If the X-Men win, those who survive will be set free. 127 00:08:40,500 --> 00:08:43,125 If my Imperial Guard wins, 128 00:08:43,125 --> 00:08:48,583 Phoenix, Jean Grey, is ours to do with as we will. 129 00:08:50,250 --> 00:08:52,458 Technician, beam them down. 130 00:08:57,083 --> 00:09:00,458 The X-Men face hopeless odds, Your Majestrix. 131 00:09:00,458 --> 00:09:04,375 But they're exceptional beings. Suppose they win? 132 00:09:04,375 --> 00:09:09,625 They will not win, Araki. They cannot win. 133 00:09:14,708 --> 00:09:17,750 Looks like some spooky Mardi Gras. 134 00:09:17,750 --> 00:09:19,375 Fascinating! 135 00:09:19,375 --> 00:09:22,625 These ruins mean the moon was once inhabited! 136 00:09:22,625 --> 00:09:26,500 I can fly and we can all breathe. 137 00:09:26,500 --> 00:09:30,625 Wait! I'm picking up multiple telepathic impressions. 138 00:09:30,625 --> 00:09:32,208 Over there. 139 00:09:37,583 --> 00:09:39,625 Looks like it's show time. 140 00:09:39,625 --> 00:09:41,583 Remember the plan, 141 00:09:41,583 --> 00:09:43,833 we split up into teams and start hitting and running 142 00:09:43,833 --> 00:09:45,583 until we whittle them down! 143 00:09:45,583 --> 00:09:48,583 STARBOLT: You can neither hide nor escape from us! 144 00:09:48,583 --> 00:09:50,708 Guess again, hot shot! 145 00:09:59,375 --> 00:10:00,583 (SCREAMS) 146 00:10:05,375 --> 00:10:06,875 GAMBIT: The party's started without us! 147 00:10:07,333 --> 00:10:13,250 Oh, dear, we have met the enemy, and he is big. 148 00:10:13,250 --> 00:10:16,708 We offer you the choice of honorable surrender. 149 00:10:16,708 --> 00:10:19,250 Stuff your offer, tin man! 150 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:22,750 Where'd you come from? 151 00:10:25,458 --> 00:10:26,708 Gambit! 152 00:10:28,750 --> 00:10:31,250 Gambit is much obliged, my brave belle. 153 00:10:31,250 --> 00:10:33,375 I look forward to making it up to you. 154 00:10:33,583 --> 00:10:35,708 EARTHQUAKE: Nice try! 155 00:10:35,708 --> 00:10:41,291 But you can't fight a man who controls the ground under your feet. 156 00:10:42,166 --> 00:10:47,333 Controlling the dirt is nothing to one who commands wind and rain! 157 00:10:48,333 --> 00:10:49,333 (SCREAMS) 158 00:10:56,000 --> 00:10:59,333 First round to the Imperial Guard, Hussar. 159 00:10:59,333 --> 00:11:00,583 A good omen! 160 00:11:00,583 --> 00:11:02,500 You have angered Starbolt! 161 00:11:02,500 --> 00:11:05,458 My rage is feared throughout the empire! 162 00:11:09,458 --> 00:11:11,708 Honey, you're giving me goose bumps! 163 00:11:16,625 --> 00:11:19,208 If you want me, you got to catch me first. 164 00:11:19,208 --> 00:11:22,708 You're fast as a swamp bug on a hot skillet! 165 00:11:22,708 --> 00:11:24,958 Let's see if you're as nimble! 166 00:11:29,625 --> 00:11:30,958 Guess not. 167 00:11:31,750 --> 00:11:35,625 Organics are too slow to fight Warstar. 168 00:11:36,166 --> 00:11:38,750 Your elimination is inevitable. 169 00:11:46,291 --> 00:11:48,875 Initiate repair sequence. 170 00:11:49,625 --> 00:11:51,000 Take your time. 171 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:53,166 Arrogant fool! 172 00:11:53,166 --> 00:11:57,250 To fight the Imperial Guard is to face the wrath of Gladiator! 173 00:11:58,125 --> 00:11:59,416 WOLVERINE: I get the message. 174 00:12:07,208 --> 00:12:12,416 Your loyalty to this Jean creature speaks well for your species, human. 175 00:12:16,416 --> 00:12:17,458 Jean. 176 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:25,583 Oracle, you're making this too easy. 177 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:36,875 GLADIATOR: We have fought before, Rogue. 178 00:12:36,875 --> 00:12:39,458 You know you cannot match my power. 179 00:12:39,458 --> 00:12:42,458 Come on, give a gal a little credit. 180 00:12:49,333 --> 00:12:50,333 (GRUNTS) 181 00:13:15,958 --> 00:13:20,958 My X-Men! I never dreamed it would end like this! 182 00:13:20,958 --> 00:13:24,250 Why do you not go to him, Majestrix? 183 00:13:24,250 --> 00:13:27,708 The part of me that is woman wants to comfort him 184 00:13:27,708 --> 00:13:30,333 with every breath that I take. 185 00:13:30,333 --> 00:13:35,291 But an Empress must be made of steel, even at the cost of her heart. 186 00:13:40,750 --> 00:13:44,375 Scott, I've lost telepathic contact with the other X-Men! 187 00:13:44,375 --> 00:13:47,625 I think we're the only ones left. In here! 188 00:13:48,083 --> 00:13:50,458 SCOTT: It's too shallow. They'll spot us. 189 00:13:50,458 --> 00:13:54,875 Leave that to me. We're safe, for now. 190 00:13:54,875 --> 00:13:56,625 Jean, we don't have much time. 191 00:13:57,416 --> 00:14:00,583 There's so much I feel, so much we haven't done, 192 00:14:01,416 --> 00:14:03,208 so much I want to say to you! 193 00:14:03,208 --> 00:14:06,958 Where I'm concerned, it's the thoughts that count. 194 00:14:06,958 --> 00:14:10,291 And yours, like you, are beautiful. 195 00:14:17,166 --> 00:14:18,458 Ready? 196 00:14:33,500 --> 00:14:34,583 (GRUNTS) 197 00:14:34,583 --> 00:14:35,958 Scott! 198 00:14:41,083 --> 00:14:42,875 I let you down. 199 00:14:51,375 --> 00:14:54,875 Majestrix! Sensors are registering off the scales! 200 00:14:54,875 --> 00:14:56,958 Go to plan Omega! Now! 201 00:15:01,166 --> 00:15:04,583 Araki, get the weapons online and fire at will! 202 00:15:04,583 --> 00:15:06,583 The Phoenix must be destroyed! 203 00:15:07,500 --> 00:15:09,000 Lilandra was right. 204 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:12,416 I know it now. I must stop Phoenix! 205 00:15:12,416 --> 00:15:15,583 Hear me, X-Men! You must revive! 206 00:15:15,583 --> 00:15:17,458 Phoenix must be stopped! 207 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:19,166 This has gone too far! 208 00:15:19,166 --> 00:15:22,125 You must strike while you still can! 209 00:15:22,125 --> 00:15:25,250 PHOENIX: The great Gladiator! 210 00:15:25,250 --> 00:15:29,583 How I have missed the pleasure of thrashing you! 211 00:15:29,583 --> 00:15:35,000 Scott, destroy Phoenix now, before she fully re-energizes! 212 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:37,833 Professor, there must be some other way! 213 00:15:37,833 --> 00:15:39,583 There is not! 214 00:15:51,708 --> 00:15:53,083 (SCREAMS) 215 00:15:55,875 --> 00:15:59,125 I can't do it, Jeannie... 216 00:15:59,625 --> 00:16:01,166 How touching! 217 00:16:01,708 --> 00:16:02,750 (GRUNTS) 218 00:16:04,166 --> 00:16:06,208 Rogue! Now! 219 00:16:08,125 --> 00:16:09,625 Beast, now! 220 00:16:12,000 --> 00:16:13,625 Forgive me, Jean! 221 00:16:19,291 --> 00:16:21,000 It's done. 222 00:16:23,583 --> 00:16:24,625 JEAN: Scott. 223 00:16:25,583 --> 00:16:27,458 Scott, help me. 224 00:16:28,708 --> 00:16:33,375 The Phoenix is growing within me. I can't control her. 225 00:16:33,375 --> 00:16:35,250 Stop us, now! 226 00:16:35,625 --> 00:16:39,625 Jean! Fight it! Use the powers of your mind! 227 00:16:39,625 --> 00:16:42,958 I can't fight it! Not every second of every day. 228 00:16:42,958 --> 00:16:45,166 Never slipping, not even for an instant. 229 00:16:45,166 --> 00:16:47,708 Scott, please. Do it! 230 00:16:47,708 --> 00:16:49,708 I can't! 231 00:16:58,708 --> 00:17:01,125 The weapons just came online. 232 00:17:01,125 --> 00:17:02,500 But how? 233 00:17:02,500 --> 00:17:04,500 It's Jean! 234 00:17:05,000 --> 00:17:08,958 Jean, come back! Come back! 235 00:17:13,208 --> 00:17:14,708 I love you, Scott. 236 00:17:20,333 --> 00:17:21,750 Jean! 237 00:17:21,750 --> 00:17:24,416 Part of me will always be with you! 238 00:17:28,375 --> 00:17:29,708 She's gone! 239 00:17:30,750 --> 00:17:32,708 You've won! 240 00:17:44,458 --> 00:17:49,291 You've got your justice, Lilandra. The universe is safe! 241 00:17:49,291 --> 00:17:51,875 I take no pleasure in this, Scott Summers. 242 00:17:51,875 --> 00:17:55,083 Don't. Not a word. 243 00:17:57,958 --> 00:18:01,500 I am the entity known to you as Phoenix. 244 00:18:01,500 --> 00:18:05,250 To save all that exists, I became one with Jean Grey. 245 00:18:05,250 --> 00:18:07,291 We preserved the crystal. 246 00:18:07,291 --> 00:18:10,583 But I discovered an element to humans called emotion. 247 00:18:10,583 --> 00:18:12,625 I lost my way. 248 00:18:12,625 --> 00:18:16,458 Now that the fire within Jean Grey has been extinguished, 249 00:18:16,458 --> 00:18:21,750 I am as I was, guardian of creation. 250 00:18:21,750 --> 00:18:23,750 And what about Jean? 251 00:18:23,750 --> 00:18:26,500 Or are the dreams of a mortal beneath your notice? 252 00:18:26,500 --> 00:18:29,833 The radiance within her is no more. 253 00:18:29,833 --> 00:18:33,958 It can be rekindled only by taking the flame from another. 254 00:18:33,958 --> 00:18:35,750 Then take mine. 255 00:18:35,750 --> 00:18:38,000 Sorry, bub, you're out of line. 256 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:39,458 I'm your man. 257 00:18:39,458 --> 00:18:41,750 Don't even think about it. 258 00:18:41,750 --> 00:18:43,750 I ain't giving you a choice! 259 00:18:43,750 --> 00:18:47,208 The gift need not come from a single entity. 260 00:18:47,208 --> 00:18:51,625 A smaller portion from many is possible. Be warned! 261 00:18:51,625 --> 00:18:55,583 Your own flames would be diminished by the amount sundered. 262 00:18:55,583 --> 00:18:59,083 We understand and we accept. 263 00:19:16,375 --> 00:19:17,458 (SCREAMS) 264 00:19:20,416 --> 00:19:23,833 Scott? Scott? 265 00:19:24,583 --> 00:19:28,375 Jean! Oh, Jean! 266 00:19:29,500 --> 00:19:30,875 I love you, Scott. 267 00:19:31,750 --> 00:19:36,625 My time here has ended. I must depart. 268 00:19:43,875 --> 00:19:47,166 The Mansion? The control room? 269 00:19:47,875 --> 00:19:49,208 We're home! 270 00:19:52,875 --> 00:19:54,708 LILANDRA, TELEPATHICALLY: Farewell, Charles. 271 00:19:56,875 --> 00:19:58,458 XAVIER, TELEPATHICALLY: Lilandra, 272 00:19:59,750 --> 00:20:02,875 part of your mind is hidden from me. 273 00:20:02,875 --> 00:20:06,875 You have never denied me before, why now? 274 00:20:06,875 --> 00:20:11,875 LILANDRA, TELEPATHICALLY: As Empress, there is a part of me that will forever be alone. 275 00:20:12,375 --> 00:20:13,833 Goodbye, Charles. 276 00:20:32,833 --> 00:20:33,875 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING)