1 00:00:01,458 --> 00:00:02,416 Previously onX-Men... 2 00:00:03,291 --> 00:00:06,250 Aliens, Corsair! Ugly ones, too! 3 00:00:06,250 --> 00:00:07,583 Get the crystal! 4 00:00:07,583 --> 00:00:09,583 These are not the Emperor's troops. 5 00:00:09,583 --> 00:00:11,708 They are intergalactic pirates. 6 00:00:12,875 --> 00:00:14,708 (GROANS) 7 00:00:14,708 --> 00:00:16,291 Re-calibrate the stun ray for humans! 8 00:00:16,291 --> 00:00:18,500 Surrender, or I'll fire! 9 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:22,583 No, Scott! You can't! 10 00:00:22,583 --> 00:00:23,875 Fire, Raza! 11 00:00:25,250 --> 00:00:28,583 WOLVERINE: Why did you stop Cyke when he was about to blast that joker? 12 00:00:28,583 --> 00:00:30,125 I can't tell you. 13 00:00:30,625 --> 00:00:32,958 That he's Scott's father. 14 00:00:32,958 --> 00:00:35,208 Why are you so determined to destroy him? 15 00:00:35,208 --> 00:00:38,333 D'Ken has destroyed millions in his quest for power. 16 00:00:38,333 --> 00:00:41,083 One of those millions was my wife. 17 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,875 I come from your planet. 18 00:00:43,875 --> 00:00:44,958 How is that possible? 19 00:00:45,458 --> 00:00:49,250 (CHUCKLES) That's a long story. 20 00:00:49,875 --> 00:00:52,416 -Do you have any children? -No. 21 00:00:52,416 --> 00:00:54,875 CORSAIR: I wouldn't know mine now if I saw them. 22 00:00:54,875 --> 00:00:59,750 Except I remember my oldest boy. He had his mother's eyes. 23 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:01,583 (THEME MUSIC PLAYING) 24 00:02:14,458 --> 00:02:15,458 (POUNDING) 25 00:02:17,833 --> 00:02:19,583 (PASSENGERS SCREAMING) 26 00:02:33,458 --> 00:02:34,583 (WOMAN SCREAMING) 27 00:02:44,083 --> 00:02:45,125 Look at that! 28 00:02:50,083 --> 00:02:51,458 What the... 29 00:03:02,083 --> 00:03:04,750 Well, it can't be an X-Man. They don't get up this early. 30 00:03:04,750 --> 00:03:08,375 Perhaps it is Gambit, just back from a very long night. 31 00:03:10,458 --> 00:03:12,083 It wouldn't be the first time. 32 00:03:12,833 --> 00:03:14,125 Good morning. 33 00:03:14,125 --> 00:03:16,458 X-Men, do you read me? 34 00:03:16,458 --> 00:03:21,000 This is Commander Raknar of the Shi'ar Intergalactic Patrol, 35 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:23,958 under the authority of Empress Lilandra. 36 00:03:23,958 --> 00:03:25,875 What brings you to our planet, Commander? 37 00:03:25,875 --> 00:03:27,958 Pursuit of a criminal vessel. 38 00:03:27,958 --> 00:03:29,875 We do not know why the criminal vessel 39 00:03:29,875 --> 00:03:32,458 fled across half the galaxy to this spot. 40 00:03:32,458 --> 00:03:36,833 Be forewarned: its crew is heavily armed and dangerous! 41 00:03:36,833 --> 00:03:38,458 Let's go! 42 00:03:42,625 --> 00:03:44,208 (ALARMS BLARING) 43 00:03:44,708 --> 00:03:46,875 CORSAIR: Give me some altitude, old girl. 44 00:03:46,875 --> 00:03:50,000 Blowing up their house is no way to say hello. 45 00:03:58,708 --> 00:04:02,375 RAKNAR: X-Men, stay back! Let us deal with the survivors! 46 00:04:02,375 --> 00:04:05,750 If we don't get to them fast, there won't be any survivors! 47 00:04:29,833 --> 00:04:33,208 A whirlwind shall help you effect a rescue! 48 00:04:37,083 --> 00:04:38,125 (COUGHS) 49 00:04:48,208 --> 00:04:49,833 Are you all right? I-- 50 00:04:50,875 --> 00:04:54,416 Corsair? You're the Shi'ar criminal? 51 00:04:54,416 --> 00:04:55,583 (COUGHING) 52 00:04:56,208 --> 00:04:58,583 You've been talking to Raknar. 53 00:04:58,583 --> 00:04:59,708 (COUGHING) 54 00:05:01,166 --> 00:05:04,083 Sorry to drop my problems on your doorstep, 55 00:05:04,083 --> 00:05:06,500 but I need your help. 56 00:05:06,500 --> 00:05:09,500 Well, I doubt Lilandra would look kindly on our harboring a fugitive 57 00:05:09,500 --> 00:05:11,250 from her Shi'ar officers. 58 00:05:11,250 --> 00:05:12,958 Fine. Don't help. 59 00:05:12,958 --> 00:05:14,625 But give me back my dog tags. 60 00:05:14,625 --> 00:05:16,458 They're all that's left of my family. 61 00:05:16,875 --> 00:05:20,750 Sure, I... Wait a minute! This is a picture of me! 62 00:05:20,750 --> 00:05:23,708 And my brother! That's my mother! 63 00:05:23,708 --> 00:05:25,208 Where did you get these? 64 00:05:25,208 --> 00:05:26,750 Your mother? 65 00:05:26,750 --> 00:05:28,416 And these dog tags belonged to my father! 66 00:05:28,416 --> 00:05:29,625 How did you get them? 67 00:05:30,333 --> 00:05:34,958 Scott? This can't be. 68 00:05:34,958 --> 00:05:36,708 Tell me your name. 69 00:05:36,708 --> 00:05:38,458 Major Christopher Summers. 70 00:05:38,458 --> 00:05:41,875 You're my father? I don't believe it! 71 00:05:41,875 --> 00:05:44,708 I won't believe it! My father's dead! 72 00:05:46,625 --> 00:05:49,083 You had better explain yourself quickly. 73 00:05:49,083 --> 00:05:50,875 Your pursuers are here. 74 00:05:51,583 --> 00:05:55,125 Cyclops, you have done well. Thank you. 75 00:05:55,125 --> 00:05:56,875 We will take over from here. 76 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:59,416 Hold your troopers. I need a moment first. 77 00:05:59,416 --> 00:06:03,125 RAKNAR: The pirate Corsair is wanted for kidnapping and attempted murder. 78 00:06:03,125 --> 00:06:06,333 I understand, but I must have a few minutes with him. 79 00:06:06,333 --> 00:06:10,750 And anyone who helps him resist arrest will be treated as a criminal as well. 80 00:06:10,750 --> 00:06:13,000 Where are the rest of the X-Men? 81 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:16,833 They're off helping someone who isn't wanted throughout the galaxy. 82 00:06:17,333 --> 00:06:19,375 Why are you here? 83 00:06:19,375 --> 00:06:23,166 I'm being set up! I thought the X-Men would help me prove it. 84 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:26,416 Looks like I was wrong. 85 00:06:30,583 --> 00:06:32,875 Storm, buy me some time. 86 00:06:32,875 --> 00:06:35,458 I shall meet you at the monorail. 87 00:06:42,708 --> 00:06:43,750 (BEEPS) 88 00:06:55,875 --> 00:06:57,583 What are they up to? 89 00:06:57,583 --> 00:07:00,333 Initiate a full spectrum scan of the area. Now! 90 00:07:04,458 --> 00:07:06,708 CORSAIR: Where are we going? 91 00:07:06,708 --> 00:07:09,500 To a mini-jet. If you're telling the truth, we'll use it to get out of here. 92 00:07:09,500 --> 00:07:12,000 The truth? Son, how can you be... 93 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:14,875 Don't ever call me that! 94 00:07:14,875 --> 00:07:17,750 For 20 years I dreamed about my father, 95 00:07:17,750 --> 00:07:19,500 a man to look up to, 96 00:07:19,500 --> 00:07:22,125 a hero who sacrificed his life to save his family! 97 00:07:22,125 --> 00:07:24,875 It was your family you sacrificed! 98 00:07:24,875 --> 00:07:28,250 You threw us away so you could go knock around the galaxy! 99 00:07:28,250 --> 00:07:30,125 That's not what happened! 100 00:07:30,125 --> 00:07:33,500 No? Did I imagine the orphanage? 101 00:07:33,500 --> 00:07:36,083 The foster homes where nobody wanted me? 102 00:07:36,083 --> 00:07:40,000 Tell me, Dad, am I making this up? 103 00:07:48,166 --> 00:07:50,000 We have them, Commander. 104 00:07:50,000 --> 00:07:52,458 An underground facility extending from the residence. 105 00:07:52,458 --> 00:07:57,375 Blow it open! All units, bring him to me, dead or alive! 106 00:08:23,291 --> 00:08:24,708 (BOTH EXCLAIM) 107 00:08:43,250 --> 00:08:44,291 (GRUNTS) 108 00:08:45,333 --> 00:08:46,875 Thank you, Storm. 109 00:08:50,708 --> 00:08:53,458 If we stay low, it'll take their sensors a while to find us. 110 00:08:54,958 --> 00:08:57,208 I'd better take the stick. 111 00:08:57,208 --> 00:09:00,000 You might not like everything I'm gonna tell you. 112 00:09:05,833 --> 00:09:09,250 Commander, no one is on board, living or dead. 113 00:09:09,250 --> 00:09:11,250 Corsair is alone. 114 00:09:11,250 --> 00:09:14,083 Why did no one notice when he ejected the witness? 115 00:09:15,291 --> 00:09:19,083 Twenty years ago we were flying home from a camping trip in Alaska. 116 00:09:19,083 --> 00:09:21,125 You, your brother, your mother and I. 117 00:09:21,125 --> 00:09:23,583 I was flying our old De Havilland Mosquito, 118 00:09:23,583 --> 00:09:26,583 when a starcraft began shadowing us from above. 119 00:09:27,333 --> 00:09:29,000 It opened fire. 120 00:09:29,708 --> 00:09:32,833 We only had seconds before the fuel tanks were gonna blow! 121 00:09:36,083 --> 00:09:38,833 The flames had destroyed all our parachutes but one. 122 00:09:38,833 --> 00:09:41,375 I strapped you into that chute, 123 00:09:41,375 --> 00:09:44,000 and we tied little Alex into your arms. 124 00:09:46,583 --> 00:09:50,958 Your mother and I said what we thought would be our last goodbyes to you. 125 00:09:54,375 --> 00:09:56,583 We pushed you to safety, watching after you, 126 00:09:56,583 --> 00:09:59,333 praying you'd make it down all right. 127 00:09:59,333 --> 00:10:03,458 But as your parachute began to burn, we had little hope. 128 00:10:05,083 --> 00:10:07,458 Just as our fuel tanks went, 129 00:10:07,458 --> 00:10:10,125 your mother and I were transported into the attacker's ship. 130 00:10:10,125 --> 00:10:11,750 Imprisoned, 131 00:10:12,250 --> 00:10:16,375 collected as biological specimens for the Shi'ar. 132 00:10:16,375 --> 00:10:17,583 It looked hopeless. 133 00:10:18,250 --> 00:10:22,125 Until the Starjammer crew sprung us loose. 134 00:10:22,125 --> 00:10:23,958 What happened to my mother? 135 00:10:23,958 --> 00:10:29,458 Destroyed before my eyes by the Shi'ar tyrant D'Ken. 136 00:10:29,458 --> 00:10:32,625 The monster you X-Men and the Phoenix helped me defeat. 137 00:10:32,625 --> 00:10:37,625 As far as I knew, my entire family was gone. 138 00:10:38,583 --> 00:10:40,583 I had no reason to go home. 139 00:10:45,583 --> 00:10:47,750 I think these belong to you. 140 00:10:53,458 --> 00:10:56,833 If you'd known Alex and I were still alive... 141 00:10:56,833 --> 00:11:01,875 Not even the Shi'ar slave pens could have stopped me from finding you! 142 00:11:05,458 --> 00:11:08,500 -(LOUD BEEPING) -Look! The Shi'ar starcruiser! 143 00:11:08,500 --> 00:11:09,875 It's closing fast! 144 00:11:12,208 --> 00:11:14,083 Check out your old man! 145 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:33,708 Clear the area, fast! 146 00:11:34,500 --> 00:11:36,708 We've achieved target lock. 147 00:11:36,708 --> 00:11:38,000 Fire! 148 00:11:52,583 --> 00:11:54,750 If that's the way they want to play it. 149 00:12:03,125 --> 00:12:07,875 RAKNAR: X-Men, I do not know what Corsair told you to gain your support. 150 00:12:07,875 --> 00:12:10,000 The witness he abducted knows the location 151 00:12:10,000 --> 00:12:12,583 of the Lord Chamberlain's horded fortune. 152 00:12:12,583 --> 00:12:13,583 Big mouth! 153 00:12:15,500 --> 00:12:18,708 Corsair wants the girl so she can lead him to the money. 154 00:12:18,708 --> 00:12:22,208 Anything else he told you is a self-serving lie. 155 00:12:23,458 --> 00:12:24,708 Is this true? 156 00:12:27,125 --> 00:12:30,000 I saved Jandra because I care about her. 157 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:32,583 But I also have a starship to maintain, 158 00:12:32,583 --> 00:12:34,875 and fusion fuel doesn't come cheap! 159 00:12:34,875 --> 00:12:38,500 You mean we're out here fighting the Shi'ar police so you can get rich? 160 00:12:39,458 --> 00:12:41,583 Scott, you're not listening to me! 161 00:12:42,208 --> 00:12:43,708 Some father! 162 00:12:43,708 --> 00:12:45,000 For all I know, the Lord Chamberlain 163 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:47,000 hired you to kill the witness! 164 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:51,833 Storm, find Jandra and keep her safe. From everybody! 165 00:12:52,333 --> 00:12:53,708 I have to find out the truth. 166 00:12:57,458 --> 00:12:59,583 Shi'ar patrol, hold your fire! 167 00:13:01,458 --> 00:13:02,458 (CORSAIR GRUNTS) 168 00:13:03,291 --> 00:13:06,500 Corsair is my prisoner. I'm turning him in. 169 00:13:08,708 --> 00:13:11,583 CORSAIR: Haven't you understood anything I've told you? 170 00:13:11,583 --> 00:13:16,708 The Starjammers are protecting Jandra from these Shi'ar police. 171 00:13:16,708 --> 00:13:18,750 They're in with the Lord Chamberlain. 172 00:13:19,458 --> 00:13:21,375 They're bad cops. 173 00:13:21,375 --> 00:13:24,416 We'll see, Dad. Get in and shut up. 174 00:13:24,416 --> 00:13:27,083 We'll find Jandra, and then we'll talk. 175 00:13:36,875 --> 00:13:39,583 RAKNAR: The galaxy is in your debt, Cyclops. 176 00:13:39,583 --> 00:13:42,083 I have agreed to nothing. 177 00:13:42,083 --> 00:13:45,083 When we get the girl, we'll see who's lying. 178 00:13:45,083 --> 00:13:47,708 This is Cyclops. Storm, come in. 179 00:13:47,708 --> 00:13:50,208 Scott, I am moving toward the location 180 00:13:50,208 --> 00:13:52,333 of the beacon light we saw coming in. 181 00:13:52,333 --> 00:13:55,750 Nothing yet. Wait a minute. 182 00:13:57,583 --> 00:13:59,958 I may have picked up their trail. 183 00:14:05,958 --> 00:14:08,208 Scott, I am under attack! 184 00:14:12,000 --> 00:14:15,208 HEPZIBAH: Surrender now, flying one! 185 00:14:18,375 --> 00:14:21,291 STORM: Save your breath for saving yourself. 186 00:14:21,291 --> 00:14:23,708 Words to live by, Storm. 187 00:14:25,250 --> 00:14:27,250 RAZA: I would suggest that calm weather 188 00:14:27,250 --> 00:14:29,875 holds the key to your continued existence. 189 00:14:33,708 --> 00:14:35,833 NAVIGATOR: There! I've got a fix on their location. 190 00:14:38,458 --> 00:14:42,166 I apologize, Cyclops, but I can't allow you to interfere. 191 00:14:42,166 --> 00:14:45,375 Navigator, I leave our guest in your care. 192 00:14:47,958 --> 00:14:52,333 RAKNAR: Corsair, what a pleasure to see you looking so well. 193 00:14:52,333 --> 00:14:55,458 I need to know how you learned that I am the one 194 00:14:55,458 --> 00:14:59,000 the Lord Chamberlain hired to dispose of the witness. 195 00:14:59,000 --> 00:15:02,125 I don't betray friends to murderers like you. 196 00:15:02,125 --> 00:15:05,000 That's what I was hoping you would say. 197 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:08,875 STORM: Why do you Starjammers treat me as an enemy? 198 00:15:10,125 --> 00:15:13,833 Did we not fight side-by-side against the tyrant D'Ken? 199 00:15:13,833 --> 00:15:17,250 True. Though we have maintained communications silence, 200 00:15:17,250 --> 00:15:21,166 Corsair's open communicator allowed us to hear everything. 201 00:15:21,166 --> 00:15:23,375 Including Cyclops-son 202 00:15:23,375 --> 00:15:27,125 betraying Corsair-father to evil Commander! 203 00:15:27,125 --> 00:15:32,083 X-Men the ones who act like enemy, not Starjammers! 204 00:15:36,458 --> 00:15:40,333 JANDRA: I am glad you are back. But why is the lady tied up? 205 00:15:40,333 --> 00:15:44,125 Her friend betrayed our location to the false Shi'ar officer. 206 00:15:44,125 --> 00:15:47,875 On the other hand, from the lies Cyclops was told, 207 00:15:47,875 --> 00:15:50,291 it is no more than we expected. 208 00:15:52,250 --> 00:15:53,625 (BUZZING) 209 00:15:56,250 --> 00:15:57,958 (BUZZING STOPS) 210 00:15:57,958 --> 00:16:00,416 Is it true you are Corsair's son? 211 00:16:00,416 --> 00:16:02,291 Not by choice! 212 00:16:02,291 --> 00:16:03,875 Watch and learn. 213 00:16:08,333 --> 00:16:13,125 What are you going to see is the ship's log for three days in the future. 214 00:16:13,125 --> 00:16:15,458 But that's impossible. 215 00:16:15,458 --> 00:16:20,000 MAN: 1821 hours. Encountered magnetic storm of force 10 intensity. 216 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:22,250 Life support temporarily failed. 217 00:16:22,250 --> 00:16:25,750 Six crew injured. The witness, Jandra, lost. 218 00:16:25,750 --> 00:16:28,958 This faked sequence was programed in advance 219 00:16:28,958 --> 00:16:31,458 to cover up what was really going to be a murder! 220 00:16:31,458 --> 00:16:34,250 Exactly. I went to your father for help, 221 00:16:34,250 --> 00:16:36,583 because he was the one man I knew with the guts 222 00:16:36,583 --> 00:16:39,875 to rescue Jandra and see that justice was done. 223 00:16:39,875 --> 00:16:41,625 Until I ruined it. 224 00:16:41,625 --> 00:16:45,125 My mistake could cost all of you your lives. 225 00:16:45,125 --> 00:16:49,625 We'll see. For now, just try to have a little faith in your father. 226 00:16:50,083 --> 00:16:52,416 I gave orders that I wasn't to be... 227 00:16:52,416 --> 00:16:53,958 Disturbed? 228 00:17:00,291 --> 00:17:03,875 That's the Scott Summers I gave my last parachute to! 229 00:17:03,875 --> 00:17:05,458 Took you long enough! 230 00:17:05,458 --> 00:17:08,000 Plan the family picnic later. Let's go! 231 00:17:10,416 --> 00:17:11,583 Follow me! 232 00:17:20,125 --> 00:17:23,500 CH'OD: Corsair, sorry to break communications silence, 233 00:17:23,500 --> 00:17:27,875 but I strongly suggest you alter your course 13 degrees to the north. 234 00:17:27,875 --> 00:17:31,708 Fools! We have them now. 235 00:17:31,708 --> 00:17:34,458 CH'OD: And remember Aldebaran 5. 236 00:17:34,458 --> 00:17:36,458 I remember it well. 237 00:17:36,458 --> 00:17:39,458 STORM: Professor Xavier sends his regards. 238 00:17:39,458 --> 00:17:44,416 Xavier is half-a-planet away, and Aldebaran is in another galaxy. 239 00:17:44,416 --> 00:17:46,000 What are they up to? 240 00:17:56,625 --> 00:17:58,083 (CHEERING) 241 00:18:02,458 --> 00:18:04,875 I don't know what happened on Aldebaran 5, 242 00:18:04,875 --> 00:18:06,416 but it better have been good. 243 00:18:06,416 --> 00:18:07,583 It was. 244 00:18:14,166 --> 00:18:15,708 (CORSAIR MOANS IN PAIN) 245 00:18:24,625 --> 00:18:25,958 Now! 246 00:18:25,958 --> 00:18:30,250 Let power pour from the sky. 247 00:18:30,250 --> 00:18:31,333 Fire! 248 00:18:59,250 --> 00:19:00,708 (LAUGHING) 249 00:19:01,708 --> 00:19:05,166 You'll have to forgive Ch'od. He gets carried away. 250 00:19:05,166 --> 00:19:06,833 That's okay, Dad. 251 00:19:06,833 --> 00:19:09,000 I think I understand how he's feeling. 252 00:19:11,500 --> 00:19:14,583 Get up here, everyone! We have a trial to get to! 253 00:19:14,583 --> 00:19:17,958 And a renegade cop to turn over to Shi'ar justice. 254 00:19:18,583 --> 00:19:20,083 CORSAIR: What made you change your mind? 255 00:19:20,083 --> 00:19:22,750 Let's just say I like long odds. 256 00:19:22,750 --> 00:19:24,625 Seems to run in the family. 257 00:19:24,625 --> 00:19:26,708 Our talk got interrupted. 258 00:19:27,500 --> 00:19:29,166 There's so much I want to know. 259 00:19:29,166 --> 00:19:31,708 We'll get to it. All of it. 260 00:19:32,208 --> 00:19:34,250 I've got a question or two myself. 261 00:19:34,250 --> 00:19:35,333 Then stay! 262 00:19:35,333 --> 00:19:36,750 What? 263 00:19:36,750 --> 00:19:39,833 I don't mean forever. Just a few hours. 264 00:19:39,833 --> 00:19:42,625 You're not telling me your hot spacecraft can't make up 265 00:19:42,625 --> 00:19:45,416 a few hours flying across a whole galaxy! 266 00:19:45,416 --> 00:19:46,500 Well, I... 267 00:19:47,500 --> 00:19:51,208 I guess we could spend a little extra time in hyperdrive. 268 00:19:51,208 --> 00:19:54,708 Oh, no. Break out the cards! 269 00:19:54,708 --> 00:19:56,250 Better save your fuel. 270 00:19:56,250 --> 00:19:58,083 Looks like we're going to be here a while. 271 00:20:00,416 --> 00:20:02,875 So, you're gonna marry that redhead 272 00:20:02,875 --> 00:20:05,208 that beat the pants off of the Imperial Guard. 273 00:20:05,208 --> 00:20:08,000 CYCLOPS: She's calmed down a bit since then. 274 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:09,833 Reminds me a lot of your mother. 275 00:20:09,833 --> 00:20:11,166 CYCLOPS: How? 276 00:20:12,333 --> 00:20:15,583 CORSAIR: Maybe I should wait to tell you till after you're married.