1 00:00:01,583 --> 00:00:03,416 [theme music playing] 2 00:01:06,625 --> 00:01:09,000 You slime-sucking dirtbag. 3 00:01:09,000 --> 00:01:12,250 You've got a lot of guts coming up here, Sabretooth. 4 00:01:12,250 --> 00:01:16,333 That's no way to greet your old partner, runt, 5 00:01:16,333 --> 00:01:19,166 after all we've been through. 6 00:01:19,500 --> 00:01:22,708 Logan. He's crazy. 7 00:01:23,125 --> 00:01:25,375 What's wrong, punk? 8 00:01:28,125 --> 00:01:31,208 Ah. Can't take care of your woman? 9 00:01:31,208 --> 00:01:32,875 [growling] 10 00:01:32,875 --> 00:01:36,375 You're gonna pay for hurting her, Creed. 11 00:01:36,375 --> 00:01:38,333 [screaming] 12 00:01:38,333 --> 00:01:41,000 The nightmares and delusions are getting worse! 13 00:01:41,000 --> 00:01:43,458 We've got to do something for him! 14 00:01:43,458 --> 00:01:46,583 All I have done to help him has collapsed. 15 00:01:47,083 --> 00:01:50,125 Strange, tortuous memories 16 00:01:50,125 --> 00:01:53,291 pouring out, as if a dam had burst. 17 00:01:53,291 --> 00:01:56,333 I... [screaming] 18 00:01:56,333 --> 00:01:57,375 Professor! 19 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:04,583 Wolverine! 20 00:02:04,583 --> 00:02:06,291 You're mine. 21 00:02:06,291 --> 00:02:07,875 [Wolverine] Sabretooth! 22 00:02:12,458 --> 00:02:16,750 Logan, stop. It's Jean! Logan! 23 00:02:16,750 --> 00:02:19,166 -Check on Scott. -Be careful, Hank. 24 00:02:19,166 --> 00:02:20,833 He doesn't know what he's doing. 25 00:02:22,375 --> 00:02:25,458 Logan. Logan! 26 00:02:27,958 --> 00:02:30,583 Stop! Logan! 27 00:02:32,333 --> 00:02:35,208 I fear for what you may do. 28 00:02:50,125 --> 00:02:54,291 Hank? I found this inside an envelope postmarked two weeks ago. 29 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:56,708 There was no return address. 30 00:02:56,708 --> 00:02:59,291 I've seen this image in his mind. 31 00:02:59,291 --> 00:03:01,458 This must be a clue to his delusions! 32 00:03:01,458 --> 00:03:03,458 Maybe it triggered them. 33 00:03:03,458 --> 00:03:05,208 But what about the back of the picture? 34 00:03:05,208 --> 00:03:06,875 I'm sure that's where he's gone. 35 00:03:07,250 --> 00:03:09,000 [Beast] Most intriguing. 36 00:03:09,000 --> 00:03:11,291 These coordinates are in southern Canada. 37 00:03:11,291 --> 00:03:12,583 Go after him, Hank. 38 00:03:12,583 --> 00:03:14,375 I shall leave at once. 39 00:03:15,333 --> 00:03:17,875 I just pray Wolverine is better prepared 40 00:03:17,875 --> 00:03:20,500 for whatever is waiting for him than I. 41 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:30,875 Somehow, I ain't surprised. 42 00:03:45,208 --> 00:03:47,416 [groaning] 43 00:03:51,083 --> 00:03:54,000 Who's messing with my head? 44 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:55,458 [Professor] Is he damaged? 45 00:03:55,458 --> 00:03:56,583 [man, on intercom] Nothing serious. 46 00:03:57,083 --> 00:03:59,458 [Professor] Then begin the adamantium feed. 47 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:03,458 [man, on intercom] Feed initiated. Steady. 48 00:04:04,125 --> 00:04:06,458 Cardiotach higher than expected. 49 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:08,833 [muffled screaming] 50 00:04:08,833 --> 00:04:10,583 Extraordinary. 51 00:04:11,250 --> 00:04:13,583 We hope to make use of your gift. 52 00:04:18,750 --> 00:04:20,000 No! 53 00:04:20,583 --> 00:04:22,750 Security! Help me! 54 00:04:28,583 --> 00:04:31,750 Wolverine, I... It's Hank! 55 00:04:36,208 --> 00:04:38,416 Wake up! You're having one of your delusions! 56 00:04:39,250 --> 00:04:41,458 [screaming] 57 00:04:43,291 --> 00:04:45,416 Hank, I don't know what... 58 00:04:45,416 --> 00:04:48,500 Calm yourself! I have come to take you home. 59 00:04:48,500 --> 00:04:50,583 -Get out of here. -I will not leave-- 60 00:04:50,583 --> 00:04:52,208 I said get out of here! 61 00:04:52,208 --> 00:04:54,000 You shouldn't have followed me. 62 00:04:54,000 --> 00:04:55,250 I'm going nuts! 63 00:04:55,250 --> 00:04:57,208 I cannot let you face this alone. 64 00:04:57,208 --> 00:04:59,000 You must tell me what is going on! 65 00:04:59,000 --> 00:05:00,708 I don't know! 66 00:05:00,708 --> 00:05:02,625 I've got to figure this out! 67 00:05:02,625 --> 00:05:05,208 I don't want to hurt anyone else. 68 00:05:06,208 --> 00:05:08,708 Now, something is drawing me back. 69 00:05:08,708 --> 00:05:10,000 [Beast] Do you know this place? 70 00:05:10,000 --> 00:05:13,083 I got my bones here. 71 00:05:13,083 --> 00:05:15,250 I got to find out why. 72 00:05:18,166 --> 00:05:21,500 Perhaps not as satisfying, but effective nonetheless. 73 00:05:29,708 --> 00:05:33,333 No! [groaning] 74 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:57,458 [screaming] 75 00:06:00,458 --> 00:06:02,375 Subject taking direction well. 76 00:06:04,208 --> 00:06:05,458 Increase programing. 77 00:06:05,458 --> 00:06:07,500 Logan, can you hear me? 78 00:06:07,500 --> 00:06:08,875 [groaning] 79 00:06:08,875 --> 00:06:11,708 Yeah. What's wrong? 80 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:14,083 You just went into a dream state again. 81 00:06:14,083 --> 00:06:15,208 What did you see? 82 00:06:15,583 --> 00:06:19,708 Me... being trained to take people out. 83 00:06:20,416 --> 00:06:22,250 Our Lotus! 84 00:06:22,250 --> 00:06:24,583 [Beast] The car in the photograph. 85 00:06:34,458 --> 00:06:36,583 Silver Fox. 86 00:06:41,166 --> 00:06:44,500 [tires screeching] 87 00:07:03,375 --> 00:07:05,833 [shouting] 88 00:07:08,500 --> 00:07:10,875 [Sabretooth] What's wrong, punk? 89 00:07:14,333 --> 00:07:16,875 Ah! Can't take care of your woman? 90 00:07:16,875 --> 00:07:18,500 [shouting] 91 00:07:18,500 --> 00:07:20,833 I should have known. 92 00:07:20,833 --> 00:07:24,375 Why drag me all the way here, runt? 93 00:07:24,375 --> 00:07:26,458 I could've sliced you up stateside! 94 00:07:27,708 --> 00:07:29,166 [growling] 95 00:07:29,166 --> 00:07:32,583 You're gonna pay for hurting her, Creed! 96 00:07:32,583 --> 00:07:35,833 -You sent me that photo! -[Sabretooth] What photo? 97 00:07:35,833 --> 00:07:37,583 You little weasel! 98 00:07:41,125 --> 00:07:42,291 [groaning] 99 00:07:44,166 --> 00:07:46,833 You can't face me man-to-man! 100 00:07:47,125 --> 00:07:50,625 So you get cue ball Xavier to mess with my head! 101 00:07:50,625 --> 00:07:53,333 I fight my own battles! 102 00:07:53,333 --> 00:07:56,458 You taught me that you can't count on your friends! 103 00:07:56,458 --> 00:07:59,500 I saved both our lives, you... 104 00:07:59,500 --> 00:08:01,625 [both screaming] 105 00:08:02,375 --> 00:08:03,625 We've got the C-synth! 106 00:08:03,625 --> 00:08:05,000 [Sabretooth] Move it, runt! 107 00:08:05,000 --> 00:08:07,416 [Wolverine] Come on, Fox! Let's go! 108 00:08:11,708 --> 00:08:12,750 Head for the door! 109 00:08:18,833 --> 00:08:20,708 Come on, Fox! Run for it! 110 00:08:20,708 --> 00:08:22,083 We'll cover you! 111 00:08:26,583 --> 00:08:29,208 Forget it, kid! They're expendable! 112 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:31,458 No! 113 00:08:31,458 --> 00:08:33,625 No! 114 00:08:34,083 --> 00:08:35,583 Easy, Logan. 115 00:08:37,000 --> 00:08:41,708 Fox, Maverick. You left them to die! 116 00:08:41,708 --> 00:08:43,250 So what? 117 00:08:43,250 --> 00:08:45,166 -Traitor! -Coward! 118 00:08:53,458 --> 00:08:55,583 [Wolverine] Say good night, Creed! 119 00:08:56,458 --> 00:08:57,458 [groans] 120 00:08:59,416 --> 00:09:04,291 [Wolverine] Silver Fox, Maverick, you're alive! 121 00:09:06,625 --> 00:09:09,416 That was only a level three blast, gentlemen. 122 00:09:09,416 --> 00:09:13,583 Believe me, there's nothing I'd rather do than finish both of you right now, 123 00:09:13,583 --> 00:09:16,458 but unfortunately that's not an option. 124 00:09:16,458 --> 00:09:19,291 You better do some fast talking! 125 00:09:19,291 --> 00:09:22,583 Save it, Creed! I'm not in the mood. 126 00:09:22,583 --> 00:09:26,125 The only reason you're still breathing is so we can get some answers. 127 00:09:26,125 --> 00:09:29,250 It's good to be needed, eh, Logan? 128 00:09:29,250 --> 00:09:31,458 [Silver Fox] I hope you enjoyed the photo. 129 00:09:31,458 --> 00:09:34,708 I assume you've been having headaches and nightmares like Maverick and I. 130 00:09:34,708 --> 00:09:37,083 They did something to our minds when we worked here, 131 00:09:37,083 --> 00:09:39,250 something code-named "Talos." 132 00:09:39,250 --> 00:09:41,875 Our pain's not gonna stop until we figure all this out. 133 00:09:41,875 --> 00:09:44,333 So let's try to keep from eviscerating each other 134 00:09:44,333 --> 00:09:46,000 until we get the job done. 135 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:51,708 Welcome, gentlemen. 136 00:09:54,208 --> 00:09:56,625 Welcome to our past. 137 00:09:57,875 --> 00:10:00,708 What is this, Fox? Hoser Hollywood? 138 00:10:00,708 --> 00:10:02,833 Take a closer look, Logan. 139 00:10:06,291 --> 00:10:09,291 You remember these places, don't you? 140 00:10:09,625 --> 00:10:11,583 [Beast] Created memories. 141 00:10:11,583 --> 00:10:13,333 But to what purpose? 142 00:10:18,166 --> 00:10:20,500 [screaming] 143 00:10:28,166 --> 00:10:30,000 [growling] 144 00:10:42,125 --> 00:10:44,208 [Wolverine] That's not how it happened! 145 00:10:44,208 --> 00:10:47,083 I wasn't kidnapped in a parking lot! 146 00:10:47,083 --> 00:10:49,083 [screaming] 147 00:10:50,958 --> 00:10:52,708 What happened? 148 00:10:52,708 --> 00:10:56,583 Hairy little fireplug can't take it. 149 00:10:57,000 --> 00:11:01,583 What the... But... that's... home. 150 00:11:01,583 --> 00:11:04,083 [screaming] 151 00:11:05,125 --> 00:11:09,208 [Professor] He's no son of mine. He's some kind of animal. 152 00:11:09,208 --> 00:11:11,125 He's full of wickedness. 153 00:11:11,125 --> 00:11:12,583 That's what it is. 154 00:11:12,583 --> 00:11:14,083 But don't you worry, boy. 155 00:11:14,500 --> 00:11:18,583 Jebediah Creed knows how to get the wickedness out of you! 156 00:11:18,583 --> 00:11:22,375 No, please! Please, Pa, not again! 157 00:11:22,375 --> 00:11:24,208 I'll be good! 158 00:11:24,208 --> 00:11:25,750 [crying] I'll be good. 159 00:11:26,291 --> 00:11:27,875 [screaming] 160 00:11:29,500 --> 00:11:33,416 No! Creed! Stop him! 161 00:11:33,416 --> 00:11:36,000 Somebody stop him! 162 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:37,458 This is nuts. 163 00:11:37,458 --> 00:11:39,708 Why would somebody want us to remember this 164 00:11:39,708 --> 00:11:41,000 like it was all terrible? 165 00:11:43,125 --> 00:11:45,166 Fox, you OK? 166 00:11:45,166 --> 00:11:46,375 Don't touch me! 167 00:11:47,291 --> 00:11:50,958 The cabin. Was that a lie, too? 168 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:54,000 Fox, what's going on? 169 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:56,250 [Beast, on mic] I think I may have found your answer. 170 00:11:56,250 --> 00:11:58,833 I have located records, a video journal 171 00:11:58,833 --> 00:12:00,583 of the experiments carried out here. 172 00:12:00,583 --> 00:12:03,208 Direct your attention to the overhead screens. 173 00:12:04,125 --> 00:12:08,250 Despite initial setbacks, all subjects are responding to the trauma conditioning. 174 00:12:08,250 --> 00:12:10,416 We will be able to reintegrate them into society 175 00:12:10,416 --> 00:12:12,750 with no memory that we conditioned them. 176 00:12:13,166 --> 00:12:15,500 When their covert services are needed, 177 00:12:15,500 --> 00:12:18,291 they will attack their target and then remember nothing. 178 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:21,083 The key is to reach the subconscious mind. 179 00:12:21,833 --> 00:12:23,875 The subjects must be repeatedly exposed 180 00:12:23,875 --> 00:12:26,875 to a simulation of extreme emotional trauma. 181 00:12:26,875 --> 00:12:29,208 While using psychoactive chemicals, 182 00:12:29,208 --> 00:12:31,625 we flood the subjects' minds with false memories. 183 00:12:32,208 --> 00:12:34,708 Overwhelming them. Breaking them down. 184 00:12:35,208 --> 00:12:37,208 Making them controllable. 185 00:12:37,708 --> 00:12:42,291 The process seems to work best when based on actual life events. 186 00:12:42,291 --> 00:12:44,750 "A lie which is half a truth 187 00:12:44,750 --> 00:12:48,125 is ever the blackest of lies." Tennyson. 188 00:12:48,458 --> 00:12:53,458 There's your answer, Fox. It's all a load of garbage! 189 00:12:53,458 --> 00:12:57,083 Our memories are some chrome dome's science project. 190 00:12:57,083 --> 00:13:01,000 Let's find the jerk and do some traumatizing of our own! 191 00:13:01,000 --> 00:13:04,083 One moment, Sabretooth. There's more. 192 00:13:05,625 --> 00:13:08,583 The remarkable tissue regeneration in the subjects 193 00:13:08,583 --> 00:13:13,208 code named Wolverine and Sabretooth, appears to be genetic. 194 00:13:13,208 --> 00:13:16,583 We believe this healing factor may enable subjects 195 00:13:16,583 --> 00:13:19,333 to survive the adamantium bonding process 196 00:13:19,333 --> 00:13:21,416 theorized by Professor Oyama. 197 00:13:21,416 --> 00:13:24,333 We will try the process on Wolverine first, 198 00:13:24,333 --> 00:13:27,000 then if successful, on Sabretooth. 199 00:13:27,000 --> 00:13:31,583 Well, what do you know. If the runt hadn't trashed the place, 200 00:13:31,583 --> 00:13:34,750 I could've had tin-plated bones, too! 201 00:13:34,750 --> 00:13:36,083 You ought to thank me. 202 00:13:53,333 --> 00:13:55,583 That is the final tape. 203 00:13:56,750 --> 00:14:00,375 I've checked this place out, but there's one chamber I can't get into. 204 00:14:00,708 --> 00:14:02,583 That's why I sent for you. 205 00:14:09,708 --> 00:14:11,125 Hmm. 206 00:14:11,125 --> 00:14:12,250 Adamantium? 207 00:14:12,250 --> 00:14:13,500 I held a cutting laser on it 208 00:14:13,500 --> 00:14:14,500 for over an hour. 209 00:14:14,500 --> 00:14:16,583 This is all it did. 210 00:14:16,583 --> 00:14:19,125 The thing's got some sort of DNA lock on it. 211 00:14:19,125 --> 00:14:21,750 This is the only way in. 212 00:14:22,291 --> 00:14:25,375 Four panels, four of us. 213 00:14:25,375 --> 00:14:27,500 The answers have got to be in there! 214 00:14:27,500 --> 00:14:30,500 Your hypothesis appears correct, Ms. Fox. 215 00:14:30,500 --> 00:14:34,000 -It is a genetic scanner, but I fail to-- -Can it, fuzzball! 216 00:14:38,458 --> 00:14:39,875 Let's do it! 217 00:14:42,416 --> 00:14:44,083 Something is wrong here. 218 00:14:44,458 --> 00:14:46,833 If they were trying to hide the truth from you, 219 00:14:46,833 --> 00:14:50,875 why would they place it behind a door only the four of you could open? 220 00:14:50,875 --> 00:14:53,458 This whole deal is rotten, Hank. 221 00:14:53,458 --> 00:14:56,416 But whatever's in there, I got to know. 222 00:15:03,708 --> 00:15:07,250 [Sabretooth] Nothing! Not a blasted thing! 223 00:15:08,708 --> 00:15:09,958 Look! 224 00:15:10,875 --> 00:15:14,875 Welcome. I cannot say I'm happy you four are here. 225 00:15:14,875 --> 00:15:16,708 Your presence indicates that you've discovered 226 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:19,291 the truth about your memory therapy. 227 00:15:19,291 --> 00:15:21,625 Conditioning has failed. 228 00:15:21,625 --> 00:15:24,333 When you opened the door, a failsafe program was activated, 229 00:15:24,333 --> 00:15:26,208 code named "Talos," 230 00:15:26,208 --> 00:15:28,250 which will see to your capture and reprogramming. 231 00:15:28,250 --> 00:15:30,583 Uncontrolled with your true memories returning, 232 00:15:30,583 --> 00:15:32,500 you are a threat to our operations. 233 00:15:32,500 --> 00:15:36,625 Mmm. Looks like we'll get a little action this trip after all. 234 00:15:36,625 --> 00:15:39,291 Hold it, Creed! Let's find out what we're up against! 235 00:15:39,291 --> 00:15:41,083 Maverick, scan the area! 236 00:15:41,375 --> 00:15:43,375 Blue Boy, get those doors open. 237 00:15:43,375 --> 00:15:47,875 My name is Mr. McCoy, madam. Not Blue Boy. 238 00:15:50,416 --> 00:15:53,583 I am Talos. You are to be reprogrammed. 239 00:15:53,583 --> 00:15:55,291 If you resist, I will terminate you. 240 00:15:55,875 --> 00:15:58,458 Another tin can with an attitude. 241 00:15:58,458 --> 00:16:01,000 Maverick, give Sabretooth a blaster. 242 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:02,000 You got it. 243 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:03,000 Keep the robot busy 244 00:16:03,000 --> 00:16:04,458 while Wolverine attacks. 245 00:16:05,000 --> 00:16:07,416 Unit in capture mode! 246 00:16:07,416 --> 00:16:10,708 If you tough guys have a plan, this would be a real good time to use it! 247 00:16:14,458 --> 00:16:16,500 Weaponry at stun level. 248 00:16:16,500 --> 00:16:20,333 Stun, huh? Sorry, pal, I play for keeps! 249 00:16:20,875 --> 00:16:23,166 [Maverick] Power source is buried pretty deep. 250 00:16:23,166 --> 00:16:26,333 We have to get a thermite grenade right next to it, inside the armor. 251 00:16:26,333 --> 00:16:29,583 I'll dig the hole, you plant the seed. 252 00:16:36,875 --> 00:16:39,000 Unit structurally Zcompromised. 253 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:40,166 [groans] 254 00:16:40,166 --> 00:16:41,458 End capture mode. 255 00:16:43,333 --> 00:16:45,208 [Professor] He's no son of mine. 256 00:16:46,583 --> 00:16:48,000 [screaming] 257 00:16:57,250 --> 00:16:58,708 Thanks, Mr. McCoy. 258 00:17:11,208 --> 00:17:12,708 Now, Maverick! Do it! 259 00:17:14,708 --> 00:17:16,291 Fire in the hole! 260 00:17:22,833 --> 00:17:24,000 Maverick! 261 00:17:27,708 --> 00:17:29,208 Nice suit. 262 00:17:29,208 --> 00:17:31,416 Thanks. I'll refer you to my tailor. 263 00:17:33,416 --> 00:17:35,166 [Wolverine] How's that door coming, Hank? 264 00:17:35,166 --> 00:17:36,416 [Beast] I believe I... 265 00:17:36,958 --> 00:17:38,125 Ah. 266 00:17:39,291 --> 00:17:41,458 [Sabretooth] Well, looky here! 267 00:17:41,458 --> 00:17:44,416 I got me a new ashtray! 268 00:17:44,416 --> 00:17:47,166 Structural integrity severely compromised. 269 00:17:47,583 --> 00:17:49,875 Activating mnemonic trauma triggers. 270 00:17:49,875 --> 00:17:52,125 [groaning] 271 00:17:52,125 --> 00:17:53,833 My word! 272 00:17:53,833 --> 00:17:56,000 [Talos] Primary attack unit now disabled! 273 00:17:56,000 --> 00:17:58,250 Activating secondary attack unit. 274 00:17:58,250 --> 00:18:00,291 This could be a problem. 275 00:18:05,416 --> 00:18:07,000 [engine starting] 276 00:18:22,125 --> 00:18:24,583 I am Talos. You are to be terminated. 277 00:18:26,750 --> 00:18:27,875 [Beast] Catch! 278 00:18:45,833 --> 00:18:46,875 Oh, dear. 279 00:18:55,875 --> 00:18:59,083 These pyrotechnics are bound to attract unwanted attention. 280 00:18:59,083 --> 00:19:01,375 I suggest we beat a hasty retreat. 281 00:19:01,375 --> 00:19:02,833 I shall prepare the mini jet. 282 00:19:03,416 --> 00:19:06,625 So long, Logan. It was good to see you. 283 00:19:06,625 --> 00:19:08,708 Yeah, me, too. 284 00:19:10,083 --> 00:19:14,458 Fox, I... I don't know what they did to us, to our memories. 285 00:19:14,458 --> 00:19:17,333 But some of you and me must have been true. 286 00:19:17,708 --> 00:19:19,208 You remember the cabin. 287 00:19:19,583 --> 00:19:21,875 I carved our names in that door. 288 00:19:21,875 --> 00:19:24,291 Don't you get it, Logan? 289 00:19:24,291 --> 00:19:26,500 It was all made up! 290 00:19:26,500 --> 00:19:30,875 The fake cabin in there didn't have any names on the door. 291 00:19:30,875 --> 00:19:33,166 Ours did. It happened, Fox. 292 00:19:33,166 --> 00:19:34,958 We happened. 293 00:19:35,375 --> 00:19:38,708 Perhaps. But that was another lifetime. 294 00:19:38,708 --> 00:19:40,708 Goodbye, Logan. 295 00:19:41,125 --> 00:19:42,166 [beeps] 296 00:19:56,250 --> 00:19:59,000 Mini jet's ready. Where's Sabretooth? 297 00:19:59,000 --> 00:20:00,875 Don't know and don't care. 298 00:20:01,583 --> 00:20:05,000 Whatever his reasons were, he saved my skin back there. 299 00:20:05,333 --> 00:20:07,291 I think we've both had enough for one day. 300 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:10,291 What does it all mean, Hank? 301 00:20:10,291 --> 00:20:15,083 I came here to find answers, and now I know less than I did before. 302 00:20:15,625 --> 00:20:17,750 I can't even trust my own memories. 303 00:20:17,750 --> 00:20:20,708 I have no simple solution for you, Logan. 304 00:20:20,708 --> 00:20:23,750 Professor Xavier has helped you in the past. 305 00:20:23,750 --> 00:20:26,583 He and the other X-Men are there for you now. 306 00:20:27,333 --> 00:20:31,625 Those are real memories, ones I know you can trust. 307 00:20:35,625 --> 00:20:39,166 Come on now. Let's go home. 308 00:20:44,708 --> 00:20:46,875 [theme music playing]