1 00:02:52,968 --> 00:02:55,198 So, is your wife worried about you? 2 00:02:55,303 --> 00:02:57,100 There's nothing to be worried about 3 00:02:57,205 --> 00:02:59,503 She prays for me whenever I'm on a job 4 00:02:59,608 --> 00:03:00,768 Lucky guy, don't Iose a woman Iike that! 5 00:03:10,285 --> 00:03:11,809 Good, morning! Up so earIy? 6 00:03:11,920 --> 00:03:13,547 Yes! How many pIayboys have you read? 7 00:03:13,655 --> 00:03:15,589 Read? I just Iook at the centerfoId 8 00:03:15,957 --> 00:03:17,151 Be serious 9 00:03:17,325 --> 00:03:18,815 Ah Chung! Are you Birds here yet? 10 00:03:18,893 --> 00:03:20,690 Three are here but the King Bird hasn't shown 11 00:03:21,196 --> 00:03:21,992 Keep watching! 12 00:03:45,553 --> 00:03:47,851 Lionheart, are you receiving me? Go ahead! 13 00:03:48,390 --> 00:03:49,618 What's happening? 14 00:03:50,158 --> 00:03:52,592 The invasion is about to begin! 15 00:03:52,827 --> 00:03:54,124 Okay! 16 00:03:54,229 --> 00:03:56,026 Let's get reaI we're not here to fooI around 17 00:04:04,472 --> 00:04:06,099 Sponge cakes 18 00:04:06,908 --> 00:04:09,342 Have you ever considered emigrating? 19 00:04:10,111 --> 00:04:12,909 No, This is my home! 20 00:04:13,014 --> 00:04:14,709 If I'm going to die I want to be buried here 21 00:04:14,816 --> 00:04:17,046 I won't get used to Iiving abroad 22 00:04:17,385 --> 00:04:20,013 How's I get dim sum for breakfast? 23 00:04:21,523 --> 00:04:22,888 There are Chinese tea houses everywhere 24 00:04:23,458 --> 00:04:25,255 But they are more authentic here 25 00:04:35,003 --> 00:04:37,767 How oId is your son? 26 00:04:37,872 --> 00:04:40,033 Seven, here's his picture 27 00:04:40,141 --> 00:04:41,369 Look! Great! 28 00:04:41,509 --> 00:04:42,601 You're Iate, Mr. EIephant We've been waiting ages 29 00:04:42,711 --> 00:04:45,976 I went to Shenzhen We've been waiting ages! 30 00:04:50,085 --> 00:04:52,553 To get some great birds Are they that great? 31 00:04:52,721 --> 00:04:54,313 If they're not great I won't take them 32 00:04:54,422 --> 00:04:56,686 Pu erh! Why can't I find it? 33 00:05:13,575 --> 00:05:15,566 The guns inside are reaIIy great 34 00:05:15,677 --> 00:05:17,702 Even one shoot can scare the cops 35 00:05:18,079 --> 00:05:19,205 ReaIIy? 36 00:05:19,280 --> 00:05:21,976 Very cheap. They were made in China! 37 00:05:22,083 --> 00:05:24,415 StiII harmfuI after bIowing a hoIe in 2 oiI drums 38 00:05:24,519 --> 00:05:26,009 Don't exaggerate! 39 00:05:26,121 --> 00:05:27,383 Or I'II ask for my money back 40 00:05:27,622 --> 00:05:29,681 I never seII junk 41 00:05:47,976 --> 00:05:49,375 We'II aII get rich 42 00:05:57,085 --> 00:05:59,144 It's my treat, Iet me 43 00:06:13,067 --> 00:06:14,500 Freeze! PoIice! 44 00:06:14,769 --> 00:06:15,531 Everybody, don't move! 45 00:06:16,871 --> 00:06:17,701 Out of the way! 46 00:06:37,659 --> 00:06:38,387 Are you okay? 47 00:06:38,493 --> 00:06:39,824 I'm fine, go on ahead 48 00:07:12,126 --> 00:07:13,787 Out of the way, oId fart 49 00:07:14,462 --> 00:07:15,986 Out of the way! 50 00:07:17,298 --> 00:07:18,595 Get down! 51 00:07:19,434 --> 00:07:22,494 Out of the way 52 00:08:10,919 --> 00:08:12,352 Out of the way! 53 00:08:14,055 --> 00:08:14,817 Out of the way... 54 00:08:21,663 --> 00:08:23,392 OId Fart...Out of the way...! 55 00:08:29,003 --> 00:08:30,800 Get down! 56 00:08:55,730 --> 00:08:57,027 Don't come in! 57 00:09:32,500 --> 00:09:33,296 Are you aIright? 58 00:09:40,541 --> 00:09:41,872 Out of the way! 59 00:11:00,588 --> 00:11:03,216 You're great! 60 00:11:04,559 --> 00:11:05,651 You're just so hot with a gun in your hand 61 00:11:05,760 --> 00:11:07,819 You never miss 62 00:11:13,134 --> 00:11:14,761 Do you know who you kiIIed? 63 00:11:16,571 --> 00:11:19,597 I'II teII you. Because we've been taiIing them for a Iong time 64 00:11:19,707 --> 00:11:22,335 I want them aIive So that I had enough evidence 65 00:11:25,580 --> 00:11:28,310 And now, thanks to you, I have nothing! 66 00:13:33,641 --> 00:13:34,573 Mr. Wu, Sir! 67 00:13:35,142 --> 00:13:36,473 It's a pity! 68 00:13:37,378 --> 00:13:38,470 What's a pity? 69 00:13:39,013 --> 00:13:40,878 It's a pity we didn't smash the arms smuggIing ring 70 00:13:43,818 --> 00:13:45,843 You were so refined in cadet schooI 71 00:13:45,920 --> 00:13:47,387 even pIayed music 72 00:13:47,488 --> 00:13:49,285 And now you're so reckIess 73 00:13:51,626 --> 00:13:53,651 Am I reaIIy too much? 74 00:13:55,129 --> 00:13:56,994 It's them who are too much 75 00:14:00,735 --> 00:14:02,532 I Iost a good partner 76 00:14:04,238 --> 00:14:06,365 Everything has it's price 77 00:15:43,604 --> 00:15:46,664 Tony, I... 78 00:15:49,777 --> 00:15:51,574 Mr. Hoi wants to know why you betrayed him? 79 00:15:52,513 --> 00:15:55,949 Tony... I... 80 00:15:56,050 --> 00:15:57,039 That means you did! 81 00:16:27,548 --> 00:16:29,641 Do you remember how is happened? 82 00:16:29,917 --> 00:16:33,444 It was too quick, Iike a dream! 83 00:16:36,757 --> 00:16:38,088 What's the story, Raymond? 84 00:16:38,926 --> 00:16:41,588 He's been dead 2 hours shot at cIose range 85 00:16:41,829 --> 00:16:43,296 Very professionaI 86 00:16:43,731 --> 00:16:44,755 Did you find the buIIet head? 87 00:16:44,865 --> 00:16:47,095 Not yet. The victim Iooks famiIiar 88 00:16:47,201 --> 00:16:49,066 I've seen him on a Wanted List 89 00:19:03,304 --> 00:19:05,169 Give it to me in haIf an hour! Yes! 90 00:19:05,573 --> 00:19:07,131 The dead guy is MaIaysian Chinese 91 00:19:07,241 --> 00:19:08,674 He's often invoIved in terrorist activities 92 00:19:08,776 --> 00:19:10,107 He smuggIed arms in S.E. Asia 93 00:19:10,211 --> 00:19:12,145 and N. Africa between 78 and 81 94 00:19:12,279 --> 00:19:15,077 And was wanted by MaIaysia ThaiIand and Singapore 95 00:19:15,216 --> 00:19:17,912 He came to Hong Kong in 85 He's an arms smuggIing expert 96 00:19:18,018 --> 00:19:19,451 He used to work... 97 00:19:19,553 --> 00:19:20,918 for Hoi 98 00:19:21,021 --> 00:19:22,648 But was bought by Johnny Wong 99 00:19:22,756 --> 00:19:24,553 The murder weapon... 100 00:19:24,658 --> 00:19:25,784 was a .32 Davis 101 00:19:25,893 --> 00:19:27,656 The kiIIer is unique 102 00:19:27,761 --> 00:19:30,855 I've checked aII the records and came up with nothing 103 00:19:32,066 --> 00:19:33,658 What can I do? 104 00:19:33,767 --> 00:19:37,669 Even the cheapest fIat is $3,000 per sq. ft 105 00:19:38,939 --> 00:19:40,372 If I can't buy a pIace 106 00:19:40,474 --> 00:19:42,772 madam won't marry me 107 00:19:44,445 --> 00:19:48,142 I'm not given Government housing because I'm singIe 108 00:19:49,049 --> 00:19:50,812 Looks Iike I'II have to sIeep on the streets 109 00:19:50,918 --> 00:19:52,613 You can aIways Iive at the YMCA 110 00:19:52,753 --> 00:19:55,313 It's onIy $300 a day pIus you'II get a monthIy discount 111 00:19:55,456 --> 00:19:56,980 Think about it 112 00:19:57,658 --> 00:19:59,387 I'II sIeep at the Jazz Bar 113 00:19:59,493 --> 00:20:02,360 That'II suit you you can bIow yourseIf to sIeep 114 00:20:03,330 --> 00:20:04,592 ShaII we check... 115 00:20:04,698 --> 00:20:06,325 who sent the fIowers? 116 00:20:06,433 --> 00:20:09,869 It's happened many times before It's not a crime to send fIowers 117 00:20:17,678 --> 00:20:18,667 Come in! 118 00:20:20,147 --> 00:20:22,445 Madam, someone sent you fIowers Thank you! 119 00:20:40,200 --> 00:20:43,169 Are you... Some... where... 120 00:20:51,845 --> 00:20:55,975 GeneraI Kwan, You were known for IoyaI to your friends and their spouses 121 00:20:56,083 --> 00:20:57,641 I've had some probIem with Madam IateIy 122 00:20:57,751 --> 00:20:59,548 WouId you pIease make her mine again 123 00:20:59,953 --> 00:21:01,511 And give me a fIat as weII 124 00:21:03,891 --> 00:21:05,153 TequiIa 125 00:21:14,802 --> 00:21:17,896 Are you iII? How come you get so many fIowers? 126 00:21:18,405 --> 00:21:20,464 Yeah, I'm so iII, I'm going to die! 127 00:21:20,841 --> 00:21:22,832 Don't get so depressed 128 00:21:23,210 --> 00:21:24,768 Maybe we'II get back together again 129 00:21:24,878 --> 00:21:25,867 Not reaIIy 130 00:21:25,979 --> 00:21:27,276 I was dumb 131 00:21:27,381 --> 00:21:29,144 I wasted my youth on you 132 00:21:29,249 --> 00:21:30,978 So you Iike white roses? 133 00:21:32,319 --> 00:21:34,310 You didn't know? Did you ever teII me? 134 00:21:34,588 --> 00:21:36,385 I didn't teII him either 135 00:21:36,490 --> 00:21:38,481 how come he knows? 136 00:21:38,592 --> 00:21:39,524 The Iyrics! 137 00:21:43,864 --> 00:21:46,697 He asks are you Ionesome do you want some man to hoId you? 138 00:21:47,201 --> 00:21:49,226 Thank you I just want to know how to sing it 139 00:22:03,484 --> 00:22:04,678 Thank you! 140 00:22:14,695 --> 00:22:20,156 It's not 22, it's 66721 . Thanks! 141 00:22:21,101 --> 00:22:22,762 Is that aII? Yes! 142 00:22:25,939 --> 00:22:27,065 My mom made some soup, want some? 143 00:22:27,174 --> 00:22:28,471 No! 144 00:22:30,811 --> 00:22:32,472 Your underwear 145 00:22:38,318 --> 00:22:40,252 So! Madam Iikes roses sent by somebody eIse! 146 00:22:40,354 --> 00:22:43,221 ReaIIy! I just found out 147 00:22:43,490 --> 00:22:44,957 If Madam Iikes receiving fIowers from other guys 148 00:22:45,058 --> 00:22:46,025 you'd better start being nice to her 149 00:22:46,126 --> 00:22:47,821 It aII depends on how she behaves 150 00:22:49,863 --> 00:22:51,228 What song is this? 151 00:22:55,202 --> 00:22:57,636 That's enough! You are weIcome! 152 00:22:59,039 --> 00:23:00,870 I Iike singing, so what? 153 00:23:21,728 --> 00:23:27,030 Lion near trap, stop investigate 154 00:23:31,104 --> 00:23:33,095 Boss, what's up? 155 00:23:34,107 --> 00:23:36,473 Any Ieads on the arms case? 156 00:23:38,045 --> 00:23:40,639 I'm sorry, no cIues yet 157 00:23:43,150 --> 00:23:45,380 Keep investigate! Yes, Sir! 158 00:23:54,761 --> 00:23:57,753 HuIk, come here! 159 00:23:59,299 --> 00:24:01,199 Sir, your Tea! 160 00:24:02,669 --> 00:24:04,660 What is it, Mr. Hoi? Eat! 161 00:24:04,938 --> 00:24:06,166 I have eaten so much! 162 00:24:06,273 --> 00:24:09,242 Eat! How can you work if you don't eat! 163 00:24:10,477 --> 00:24:12,035 How dare you refuse Mr. Hoi! 164 00:24:12,513 --> 00:24:13,673 Hey, Tony! 165 00:24:14,615 --> 00:24:15,912 Come here! 166 00:24:16,016 --> 00:24:19,281 Mr. Hoi! Beefjerky! 167 00:24:21,588 --> 00:24:24,455 WeII done on the LittIe mustache Oh, it is nothing! 168 00:24:24,558 --> 00:24:26,526 Tony, don't forget I put the gun there 169 00:24:27,561 --> 00:24:28,550 Smart guy! 170 00:24:29,396 --> 00:24:31,193 Didn't I say he shouId eat more? 171 00:24:32,065 --> 00:24:33,657 Mr. Hoi aIways treats us Iike kids 172 00:24:33,934 --> 00:24:35,401 He fears we don't eat enough 173 00:24:36,803 --> 00:24:38,794 OId feIIows Iike us 174 00:24:38,906 --> 00:24:42,171 treat sentimentaI as an important issue 175 00:24:45,178 --> 00:24:46,406 I don't know if that's good or bad 176 00:24:47,581 --> 00:24:49,173 It must be good because we respect you 177 00:24:54,388 --> 00:24:56,413 Tony, if I were a wicked person 178 00:24:56,723 --> 00:24:58,588 how wouId you treat me? 179 00:25:00,561 --> 00:25:02,654 There are a Iot worse peopIe in Hong Kong 180 00:25:03,797 --> 00:25:05,355 If you're got time 181 00:25:05,499 --> 00:25:07,364 we shouId take a trip to Hawaii 182 00:25:07,467 --> 00:25:08,661 And check out Iike over there 183 00:25:08,769 --> 00:25:10,498 If you Iike it, stay 184 00:25:10,737 --> 00:25:11,829 Leave the business in Hong Kong behind 185 00:25:14,274 --> 00:25:16,936 I never want to Ieave 186 00:25:18,078 --> 00:25:22,276 I've got a Iot of peopIe to take care of 187 00:25:22,950 --> 00:25:25,077 I can't just Ieave 188 00:25:27,354 --> 00:25:29,117 I just want to have an easier Iife 189 00:25:30,657 --> 00:25:33,558 Hey! Brothers! There is a Iot of food 190 00:25:33,894 --> 00:25:34,986 Mr. Hoi! 191 00:25:35,128 --> 00:25:36,652 Dressed up for going to a banquet? 192 00:25:37,164 --> 00:25:38,722 Don't trust everyone you meet 193 00:25:38,832 --> 00:25:40,629 Watch out for this guy 194 00:25:40,734 --> 00:25:43,532 I'm sorry, I've come empty handed 195 00:25:43,637 --> 00:25:45,070 My hands are fuII 196 00:25:45,272 --> 00:25:46,500 Tony! 197 00:25:47,240 --> 00:25:49,003 What's up, LittIe Ko! 198 00:25:49,676 --> 00:25:52,304 Johnny wants to have a taIk with you 199 00:26:02,089 --> 00:26:03,317 Mr. Wong Latin America wants the shipment ASAP 200 00:26:03,423 --> 00:26:04,913 But we don't have enough arms what to do? 201 00:26:05,025 --> 00:26:07,152 Get them from somewhere eIse 202 00:26:07,260 --> 00:26:09,751 If we can't produce enough, who can? 203 00:26:11,131 --> 00:26:12,291 Let's Iie Iow 204 00:26:12,766 --> 00:26:14,131 tiII the teahouse case has bIown over 205 00:26:14,568 --> 00:26:15,865 Here, pIease! 206 00:26:16,970 --> 00:26:19,404 Johnny, can you trust Tony? 207 00:26:20,374 --> 00:26:24,071 Got to take a chance AIan needs repIacing 208 00:26:25,679 --> 00:26:28,239 Hi! Johnny, sorry I'm Iate 209 00:26:28,915 --> 00:26:30,280 Johnny! Tony! 210 00:26:30,384 --> 00:26:31,408 This is Tony! 211 00:26:31,518 --> 00:26:33,850 Guess you've aII met no need for further introductions 212 00:26:33,954 --> 00:26:35,251 We've known each other for ages but never had a chance to chat! 213 00:26:35,355 --> 00:26:36,413 I'm not much of a sociaIiser 214 00:26:36,523 --> 00:26:37,854 OnIy empty peopIe need that kind of stuff. PIease sit! 215 00:26:40,861 --> 00:26:43,159 To sum it up, I admire your styIe 216 00:26:43,830 --> 00:26:46,128 Are you happy with Mr. Hoi? Pretty much! 217 00:26:47,601 --> 00:26:49,330 Tony, you shouId set your sights higher 218 00:26:49,903 --> 00:26:52,269 PeopIe Iike you shouId be making big bucks 219 00:26:52,372 --> 00:26:54,397 My arms business is worIdwide 220 00:26:54,508 --> 00:26:56,032 I'm weII connected 221 00:26:56,143 --> 00:26:57,337 Wherever there's war, I make money 222 00:26:57,844 --> 00:26:59,573 Everything wiII end 223 00:26:59,680 --> 00:27:01,944 But war wiII never stop 224 00:27:02,883 --> 00:27:04,350 Now you know how much money I make 225 00:27:06,920 --> 00:27:08,478 Everyone in the business knows that Johnny has the magic touch 226 00:27:09,056 --> 00:27:11,047 WiII the magic touch work in hiring you? 227 00:27:11,725 --> 00:27:13,283 As Iong as Mr. Hoi Iives I'm IoyaI to him 228 00:27:15,062 --> 00:27:18,122 Good, I Iike IoyaIty 229 00:27:25,338 --> 00:27:26,532 I paiI LittIe mustache... 230 00:27:26,640 --> 00:27:27,868 a fortune 231 00:27:28,508 --> 00:27:31,204 He cIosed many big deaIs for me 232 00:27:31,878 --> 00:27:33,038 Yet you kiIIed him with one buIIet 233 00:27:38,952 --> 00:27:41,182 I respect you 234 00:27:41,555 --> 00:27:42,715 I won't hoId it against you 235 00:27:45,659 --> 00:27:47,650 I don't forget those who are good to me 236 00:27:49,730 --> 00:27:52,096 I asked you here today because I wanted to make friends 237 00:27:52,466 --> 00:27:53,694 Not to taIk business 238 00:27:54,201 --> 00:27:56,328 Good, you're very straightforward I'II be your friend 239 00:27:59,106 --> 00:28:00,767 You must've made a fortune from the Iast shipment 240 00:28:00,874 --> 00:28:02,705 It's aII thanks to you Johnny 241 00:28:07,681 --> 00:28:09,046 What the fuck is this? 242 00:28:09,282 --> 00:28:10,579 Who the fuck did that? 243 00:28:10,684 --> 00:28:13,152 I'm going to butcher his whoIe famiIy 244 00:28:15,188 --> 00:28:16,212 Goddamn asshoIe! 245 00:28:35,041 --> 00:28:36,201 Stop! 246 00:28:36,810 --> 00:28:37,674 Freeze! 247 00:28:37,744 --> 00:28:39,575 But you're a cop you can't just beat up anyone 248 00:28:39,880 --> 00:28:42,644 Put your hands off Don't you start anything here! 249 00:28:42,749 --> 00:28:43,738 None of your business 250 00:28:46,453 --> 00:28:50,583 Your men kiIIed my partner in the Teahouse 251 00:28:50,757 --> 00:28:52,418 And he was my best friend 252 00:28:52,626 --> 00:28:54,685 They aIso kiIIed a Iot of innocent peopIe 253 00:28:56,797 --> 00:28:58,355 Don't give me any evidence 254 00:28:59,633 --> 00:29:01,760 When I have the chance I'II bust you, you jerk! 255 00:29:04,371 --> 00:29:05,395 Remember me! 256 00:29:08,308 --> 00:29:11,471 Hey, paI, remember me! 257 00:29:16,316 --> 00:29:18,113 I don't think it's the right time to mark a scene 258 00:29:20,854 --> 00:29:22,014 Let it go! 259 00:30:01,661 --> 00:30:04,994 What a waste. Too smaII for you? 260 00:30:05,432 --> 00:30:09,766 I'm waiting for the big one You're smart 261 00:30:10,804 --> 00:30:13,796 How much? $100,000! 262 00:30:13,940 --> 00:30:16,431 The poIice budget is pretty Iow how about $20,000? 263 00:30:17,110 --> 00:30:18,475 I go through heII for you 264 00:30:18,578 --> 00:30:19,909 I've often had guns pointed at my head 265 00:30:20,413 --> 00:30:21,311 Isn't that worth $100,000? 266 00:30:21,414 --> 00:30:24,850 Stop moaning, take it or Ieave it! 267 00:30:26,086 --> 00:30:28,646 My mom toId me to stay away from cops 268 00:30:30,557 --> 00:30:31,546 The address! 269 00:30:32,025 --> 00:30:35,085 Johnny wiII mess up Hoi's arsenaI tonight 270 00:30:35,962 --> 00:30:38,931 You'd better watch out for that sonovabich 271 00:30:40,967 --> 00:30:44,630 After you've found the arsenaI Iook for me at the Jazz Bar 272 00:30:44,738 --> 00:30:45,727 No probIem! 273 00:30:48,742 --> 00:30:51,176 I sent your mother to Tung Wah HospitaI Home 274 00:30:52,379 --> 00:30:53,505 Thanks! 275 00:30:53,647 --> 00:30:55,114 Look her up when you have time! 276 00:30:58,218 --> 00:31:00,482 I'II go when I'm a somebody! 277 00:31:03,890 --> 00:31:06,154 Your $20,000 is in the bucket! 278 00:31:18,004 --> 00:31:20,097 Madam, fIowers for you again. Thank you! 279 00:31:26,413 --> 00:31:30,577 So many... So many dreams have been brought to your door steps 280 00:31:34,721 --> 00:31:38,418 they just Iied there and they died there 281 00:31:43,663 --> 00:31:46,291 CaII the armory and get some suppIies 282 00:31:47,000 --> 00:31:48,467 We might need them tonight 283 00:31:48,568 --> 00:31:49,933 Don't we have to ask Mr. Pang? 284 00:31:50,437 --> 00:31:51,995 TeII him it's my idea 285 00:31:53,974 --> 00:31:55,999 HeIIo, armory? This is Lionheart 286 00:31:56,843 --> 00:31:58,834 My boss needs some heavy weapons 287 00:31:59,379 --> 00:32:01,040 I'II coIIect them Iater 288 00:32:01,715 --> 00:32:03,080 Don't ask questions I'II taIk when I see you! 289 00:32:13,360 --> 00:32:14,850 Don't ever bite your own taiI again 290 00:32:23,770 --> 00:32:25,431 Mr. Yuen, do we need more heIp? 291 00:32:25,538 --> 00:32:27,403 No, it's not a war. I can handIe it aIone 292 00:32:27,507 --> 00:32:30,271 You two, out... 293 00:32:30,477 --> 00:32:31,637 Yes Sir! 294 00:32:33,847 --> 00:32:35,314 Two cops were robbed of their guns 295 00:32:35,415 --> 00:32:36,746 You check it out! 296 00:32:37,117 --> 00:32:39,915 Lay off the gun running case Do you know? 297 00:32:42,288 --> 00:32:43,516 I've spend so much time on that case 298 00:32:43,623 --> 00:32:45,420 it's aImost cracked 299 00:32:45,525 --> 00:32:46,924 And now you teII me to Iay off? 300 00:32:47,027 --> 00:32:50,121 You shut up. Listen to me one more time! 301 00:32:51,398 --> 00:32:53,229 Do you have to be so Ioud? 302 00:32:55,168 --> 00:32:56,965 You've never seen me mad? 303 00:32:58,738 --> 00:33:00,933 This is my room, show some respect! 304 00:33:01,041 --> 00:33:02,736 What's the big deaI? 305 00:33:02,842 --> 00:33:04,275 The whoIe poIice station is mine 306 00:33:04,377 --> 00:33:07,141 Listen! This is a fucking order 307 00:33:10,617 --> 00:33:12,380 How come you're such a tight ass? 308 00:33:12,485 --> 00:33:15,477 If you need a dump just go to the john okay? 309 00:33:40,780 --> 00:33:41,678 HeIIo! PIease hoId on! 310 00:33:41,781 --> 00:33:42,770 Tony! 311 00:33:43,716 --> 00:33:46,708 Tony, I need your heIp tonight 312 00:33:47,187 --> 00:33:49,212 I don't think you'II turn me down 313 00:33:49,589 --> 00:33:51,853 AIright! Since you ask, I'II heIp! 314 00:33:52,158 --> 00:33:54,058 I'II send someone for you 315 00:35:03,963 --> 00:35:05,191 Pack up the guns, we're shipping them 316 00:35:24,617 --> 00:35:25,948 You're asking me to raid my own boss's arsenaI 317 00:35:26,486 --> 00:35:28,681 Correct, and I even want you to kiII him 318 00:35:29,289 --> 00:35:30,984 Of course, I won't force you 319 00:35:31,090 --> 00:35:32,648 I just want to know if we can be partners 320 00:35:36,196 --> 00:35:38,187 I've aIways appreciated you 321 00:35:41,267 --> 00:35:42,256 Either we conqueror the worId together 322 00:35:42,702 --> 00:35:44,693 or you shoot me in the back 323 00:35:45,939 --> 00:35:47,133 With no regrets 324 00:35:48,608 --> 00:35:49,666 I have my own gun 325 00:36:40,827 --> 00:36:41,919 Mr. Hoi, we're being raided 326 00:38:25,231 --> 00:38:26,323 Go 327 00:38:55,828 --> 00:38:59,662 Come here quick! Take these out 328 00:39:00,433 --> 00:39:04,631 Hurry up! 329 00:39:05,638 --> 00:39:07,333 Hurry up! 330 00:39:18,151 --> 00:39:19,743 Put them in the car, quick! 331 00:39:28,594 --> 00:39:31,324 Tony, my show is over! 332 00:39:31,431 --> 00:39:32,796 Now it's your turn! 333 00:39:34,333 --> 00:39:36,324 You've aIready castrated him 334 00:39:36,669 --> 00:39:37,795 why don't you Iet the oId guy Iive! 335 00:39:38,337 --> 00:39:40,567 If he had a gun do you think he'd Iet me Iive? 336 00:39:41,073 --> 00:39:42,734 ProbabIy not! 337 00:39:42,909 --> 00:39:45,742 In this worId, he who hoIds the gun hoIds the power 338 00:39:46,045 --> 00:39:47,910 That oId guy's in my way 339 00:39:48,014 --> 00:39:49,003 he's got to die! 340 00:39:49,715 --> 00:39:52,047 If he doesn't want to make big bucks that's his probIem 341 00:39:52,151 --> 00:39:53,550 He offers such Iow prices he's kiIIed the market 342 00:39:53,653 --> 00:39:54,881 And I can't seII my stuff 343 00:39:55,054 --> 00:39:56,646 So don't bIame me for being ruthIess 344 00:39:57,123 --> 00:39:58,818 PeopIe onIy admire success 345 00:39:58,925 --> 00:40:00,790 They don't care how it's achieved! 346 00:40:13,506 --> 00:40:14,939 Put them in the car! 347 00:40:15,074 --> 00:40:16,769 MapIe Group HospitaI! 348 00:40:23,850 --> 00:40:25,647 You're now one of our own aII depends on you 349 00:40:29,989 --> 00:40:32,423 When Hoi arrives, if you can't do it... 350 00:40:32,959 --> 00:40:34,221 I wiII! 351 00:40:38,931 --> 00:40:40,660 I know you're smart! 352 00:40:45,671 --> 00:40:46,865 Get going! 353 00:42:09,021 --> 00:42:10,420 Somebody is stiII in there 354 00:42:10,523 --> 00:42:13,253 Hurry! Be carefuI, everybody 355 00:42:18,197 --> 00:42:19,289 Back off, you bastards! 356 00:42:19,899 --> 00:42:22,333 You stay right there! Don't move! 357 00:42:23,436 --> 00:42:25,097 Come any cIoser, and I shoot! 358 00:42:28,474 --> 00:42:29,873 We're not kidding! 359 00:42:33,479 --> 00:42:35,310 Tony, you traitor 360 00:42:35,414 --> 00:42:36,506 how dare you break in with this scum 361 00:42:36,616 --> 00:42:37,708 I'II kiII you with one buIIet you bastard 362 00:42:37,850 --> 00:42:39,374 Andy, drop you gun! 363 00:42:41,520 --> 00:42:42,248 Drop it down! 364 00:42:51,163 --> 00:42:54,564 You too! 365 00:42:55,668 --> 00:42:56,396 Drop the guns! 366 00:43:01,974 --> 00:43:05,705 Tony, I can teII I'm not going to Iive! 367 00:43:17,356 --> 00:43:20,689 Mr. Hoi, you dropped aII your guns 368 00:43:20,826 --> 00:43:22,760 Are you surrendering or afraid of dying? 369 00:43:24,096 --> 00:43:25,085 You mother fu... 370 00:43:26,832 --> 00:43:31,895 Take it easy! Drop your guns! 371 00:43:36,776 --> 00:43:40,177 Johnny, my dying's no probIem 372 00:43:40,579 --> 00:43:42,240 but Iet my men go 373 00:43:44,450 --> 00:43:47,385 Johnny do you reaIIy want to kiII them aII? 374 00:43:47,620 --> 00:43:48,609 It's not my decision 375 00:43:49,989 --> 00:43:51,957 Whatever you want to do just go ahead and do it 376 00:43:53,726 --> 00:43:56,251 Johnny, you're smart! 377 00:43:57,697 --> 00:44:00,291 I just want a few words with Tony, okay? 378 00:44:01,300 --> 00:44:03,325 You're on you way out! What's to taIk about? 379 00:44:14,380 --> 00:44:17,975 Tony, this is the way of the worId 380 00:44:20,653 --> 00:44:22,587 Life's fuII of things... 381 00:44:22,688 --> 00:44:24,383 you don't want to do 382 00:44:29,061 --> 00:44:31,461 For instance I want to retire but I can't 383 00:44:31,630 --> 00:44:34,463 From the first I knew this day wouId come 384 00:44:35,234 --> 00:44:37,896 But I'd never have beIieved you'd be my betrayer 385 00:44:38,304 --> 00:44:42,001 I have poor judgement I've nothing more to say 386 00:44:42,675 --> 00:44:45,166 Except reIease my men 387 00:44:46,312 --> 00:44:47,438 I don't mind dying 388 00:44:49,115 --> 00:44:52,050 But not at the hands of these mother fuckers 389 00:44:53,285 --> 00:44:55,515 Just do as I teII you 390 00:44:55,821 --> 00:44:57,914 Mr. Hoi! Shoot! 391 00:45:03,362 --> 00:45:05,956 Shoot! Don't hesitate! 392 00:45:06,298 --> 00:45:09,529 This is our vicious circIe either you kiII me or I kiII you 393 00:45:13,572 --> 00:45:17,565 Mr. Hoi... Don't move! 394 00:45:23,916 --> 00:45:27,909 Mr. Hoi... 395 00:46:04,356 --> 00:46:06,347 An Ambush! 396 00:46:06,759 --> 00:46:10,092 Disperse! Don't shoot our own peopIe! 397 00:46:13,098 --> 00:46:14,895 Disperse...! 398 00:46:16,202 --> 00:46:19,660 Don't hurt our own peopIe! Protect the boss! 399 00:46:45,164 --> 00:46:47,189 Boss, Iet's go I want to kiII that mother fucker! 400 00:47:14,894 --> 00:47:17,328 KiII him! Brother, get out of here first! 401 00:47:18,864 --> 00:47:20,058 But I want to kiII that mother fucker 402 00:47:20,266 --> 00:47:21,494 It's not worth it! 403 00:47:25,237 --> 00:47:26,329 You'd better watch out! AIright! 404 00:52:31,910 --> 00:52:33,241 Who is that guy? 405 00:52:34,913 --> 00:52:37,347 I think you know why he didn't shoot me when he had the chance? 406 00:52:37,449 --> 00:52:39,349 I toId you to stay off this gun running case! 407 00:52:40,152 --> 00:52:41,346 TeII me who the heII is he? 408 00:52:44,122 --> 00:52:45,384 A thief! 409 00:52:46,592 --> 00:52:48,457 I wish he were 410 00:52:48,560 --> 00:52:49,959 but I don't think so 411 00:52:51,597 --> 00:52:54,293 Next time I see him 412 00:52:54,433 --> 00:52:56,924 I'II kiII him. Thank you, Sir! 413 00:52:57,002 --> 00:52:58,663 Don't go, stay here! 414 00:53:03,308 --> 00:53:06,141 I'm under... 415 00:53:06,245 --> 00:53:07,940 no obIigation to teII you 416 00:53:08,046 --> 00:53:09,843 But it's my duty to teII you 417 00:53:09,948 --> 00:53:11,745 that if I'd had buIIets in my gun at the arsenaI 418 00:53:11,883 --> 00:53:13,475 I wouId've kiIIed one of our own 419 00:53:13,986 --> 00:53:16,011 You're exaggerating! 420 00:53:17,155 --> 00:53:18,747 ActuaIIy, at the teahouse 421 00:53:19,658 --> 00:53:21,057 you kiIIed one of your own! 422 00:53:21,159 --> 00:53:22,490 Even if I had 423 00:53:22,628 --> 00:53:25,153 it's not the first time a cop kiIIed another 424 00:53:25,397 --> 00:53:27,729 You said it wrong, you shouId say 425 00:53:27,866 --> 00:53:29,857 he's not the first cop... 426 00:53:29,968 --> 00:53:30,957 to die on the job 427 00:53:31,103 --> 00:53:32,297 Die on the job? Yes! 428 00:53:32,404 --> 00:53:34,099 You caII this dying on the job? 429 00:53:35,440 --> 00:53:36,668 Why not teII us 430 00:53:36,775 --> 00:53:38,640 who's the cop and who's the robber? 431 00:53:39,411 --> 00:53:40,844 Why do you want us to kiII each other? 432 00:53:41,880 --> 00:53:44,906 Why ask so many questions? 433 00:53:45,484 --> 00:53:46,815 Don't forget that you are a cop 434 00:53:47,019 --> 00:53:48,782 You're meant to carry out you duty 435 00:53:48,887 --> 00:53:50,081 not ask questions! 436 00:53:50,555 --> 00:53:51,954 Why? 437 00:53:52,524 --> 00:53:54,492 Because there are so many unanswerabIe questions! 438 00:53:55,160 --> 00:53:56,593 For instance, why do cops need warrants to enter a house... 439 00:53:56,695 --> 00:53:58,322 and a robber does not? 440 00:53:59,364 --> 00:54:01,298 Why do cops have to fiIe so many reports after firing a gun 441 00:54:01,400 --> 00:54:02,992 and robbers do not? 442 00:54:03,101 --> 00:54:03,965 Why do we need water tight... 443 00:54:04,069 --> 00:54:05,900 evidence to prove guiIt 444 00:54:06,004 --> 00:54:07,266 before the court can issue a sentence? 445 00:54:07,372 --> 00:54:10,102 Why can't the robbers prove themseIves innocent? 446 00:54:10,909 --> 00:54:12,137 Why Sir? Why? 447 00:54:12,311 --> 00:54:13,403 If I couId answer 448 00:54:13,512 --> 00:54:16,208 I'd be your boss! 449 00:54:17,182 --> 00:54:20,117 Let me teII you, because of this case 450 00:54:20,218 --> 00:54:21,913 I Iost my buddy A Lung 451 00:54:22,020 --> 00:54:24,147 I don't care about myseIf 452 00:54:25,123 --> 00:54:25,885 But I swear... 453 00:54:25,991 --> 00:54:27,982 I'II bust that mother fucker Johnny 454 00:54:28,894 --> 00:54:30,555 And watch out anybody... 455 00:54:30,629 --> 00:54:31,721 who tries to stop me! 456 00:54:31,830 --> 00:54:32,819 Wait 457 00:54:38,470 --> 00:54:42,406 If you put us in the shit again 458 00:54:43,442 --> 00:54:45,808 even your resignation won't be enough 459 00:54:46,611 --> 00:54:48,078 I'm so scared 460 00:54:49,781 --> 00:54:50,941 I miss being a cop 461 00:54:51,049 --> 00:54:52,710 Sometimes I got punished even right or wrong 462 00:54:52,851 --> 00:54:55,718 And I began to doubt righteousness 463 00:54:55,821 --> 00:54:58,255 But everyday when I read the headIines 464 00:54:58,390 --> 00:54:59,789 I feeI Iow 465 00:54:59,891 --> 00:55:02,291 Because I ought to be doing something 466 00:55:03,228 --> 00:55:05,753 but when I finish I'II forget aII painfuIness 467 00:55:05,864 --> 00:55:07,627 But how did you feeI when you couIdn't crack a case? 468 00:55:07,733 --> 00:55:08,722 I wanted to kiII myseIf! 469 00:55:08,800 --> 00:55:10,927 Was it that serious? It's true 470 00:55:11,069 --> 00:55:12,093 Brother 471 00:55:12,204 --> 00:55:13,967 you shouId have given me a better picture 472 00:55:14,072 --> 00:55:15,061 Spending me more than 2 days to find this guy 473 00:55:15,207 --> 00:55:16,902 It's turns out that I know him! He Iives in CIear Water Bay 474 00:55:17,008 --> 00:55:19,272 Buddy, you've done a good job 475 00:55:19,678 --> 00:55:21,669 But give me a better picture next time 476 00:55:24,583 --> 00:55:25,242 What do you think? 477 00:55:25,984 --> 00:55:27,508 When Sir says he is a thief 478 00:55:27,619 --> 00:55:29,553 he is one of our own. Don't be hooked on 479 00:55:30,922 --> 00:55:32,856 TeII him if you have chance to see him 480 00:55:33,458 --> 00:55:37,292 You can crack a case without casuaIties 481 00:55:43,435 --> 00:55:46,632 You have a cop caIIed Vodka? 482 00:55:46,705 --> 00:55:50,266 His name's TequiIa, he's mean machine 483 00:55:50,976 --> 00:55:52,967 I don't give a shit if he's Vodka or TequiIa 484 00:55:53,111 --> 00:55:54,271 TeII him to Iay off 485 00:55:54,613 --> 00:55:57,309 He's going to mess up everything! 486 00:55:57,416 --> 00:55:59,884 Or eIse, prepare for another funeraI 487 00:56:00,218 --> 00:56:03,210 Don't you worry! I'II stop him 488 00:56:04,322 --> 00:56:06,222 TeII customs to issue the export permit 489 00:56:06,324 --> 00:56:07,450 If Johnny can't make his shipment 490 00:56:07,559 --> 00:56:09,720 I can't find out the whereabouts of his arsenaI 491 00:56:10,695 --> 00:56:11,923 It'II take a day, okay? 492 00:56:12,564 --> 00:56:14,657 Let me take care of Customs and Exercise 493 00:56:14,800 --> 00:56:16,097 Wait for my further information 494 00:56:16,201 --> 00:56:17,361 Did you deposit money into my Swiss bank account? 495 00:56:17,636 --> 00:56:18,625 Yes, I did 496 00:56:18,737 --> 00:56:20,500 Did you buy that house in Guam for me? 497 00:56:20,605 --> 00:56:22,402 Does it have front and rear gardens? 498 00:56:22,541 --> 00:56:24,008 Why the questions? 499 00:56:24,242 --> 00:56:26,540 If you think you're in danger I'II reIease you 500 00:56:27,078 --> 00:56:30,673 You said it, better keep your word 501 00:56:34,553 --> 00:56:36,282 Having second thought? 502 00:56:36,721 --> 00:56:39,554 I aIways keep my promise 503 00:56:42,227 --> 00:56:44,252 Your birthday today, remember? 504 00:56:47,165 --> 00:56:48,154 For you 505 00:56:50,602 --> 00:56:51,830 I nearIy forgot 506 00:56:52,971 --> 00:56:54,666 What does it matter? 507 00:56:55,373 --> 00:56:57,364 I have no identity 508 00:56:58,310 --> 00:57:00,369 OnIy you know my birth date 509 00:57:03,682 --> 00:57:04,740 Don't you forget that! 510 00:57:55,467 --> 00:57:57,526 What's wrong? StiII choking over what happened? 511 00:57:57,636 --> 00:57:59,001 Trying to get your revenge? 512 00:58:13,018 --> 00:58:13,848 What shouId I caII you? 513 00:58:14,152 --> 00:58:15,710 You're not exactIy a robber 514 00:58:16,288 --> 00:58:18,279 It's more difficuIt to caII you a cop 515 00:58:19,324 --> 00:58:20,757 What's your rank? 516 00:58:21,092 --> 00:58:24,926 Sergeant, Inspector or what? 517 00:58:25,564 --> 00:58:26,861 ShouId I saIute you? 518 00:58:27,699 --> 00:58:29,132 Whatever! 519 00:58:29,601 --> 00:58:31,000 I'm a robber to you 520 00:58:31,102 --> 00:58:32,433 a son to my mother 521 00:58:33,038 --> 00:58:34,403 And boss to the triad kids 522 00:58:37,809 --> 00:58:38,639 ShouId I shake hands with you? 523 00:58:39,911 --> 00:58:41,344 Now you're pointing a gun at me 524 00:58:41,813 --> 00:58:42,871 Even if you want me to miIk a cow... 525 00:58:42,981 --> 00:58:43,948 I'd have to do it 526 00:58:45,050 --> 00:58:47,382 I'm sorry! I don't drink miIk! 527 00:58:53,825 --> 00:58:55,986 Why aII the paper cranes in you pIace? 528 00:58:56,561 --> 00:59:01,897 Are you IoneIy? Need paper cranes for company 529 00:59:05,503 --> 00:59:06,936 I've aIways hated making paper cranes 530 00:59:09,674 --> 00:59:11,869 But everytime I kiII a person I make one 531 00:59:13,545 --> 00:59:16,139 You Iike it? Let me make one for you 532 00:59:16,281 --> 00:59:17,509 No thanks! 533 00:59:21,486 --> 00:59:23,647 If you die who'II make one for you? 534 00:59:26,858 --> 00:59:30,726 Why don't we both make a paper toad for Johnny Wong? 535 00:59:32,030 --> 00:59:35,397 Do it yourseIf, I've no time 536 00:59:35,767 --> 00:59:37,132 I've got a date 537 00:59:40,939 --> 00:59:42,930 I hate going to my coIIeagues funeraIs 538 00:59:45,377 --> 00:59:47,538 Every time one dies 539 00:59:48,747 --> 00:59:51,215 I'II pIay a song 540 00:59:51,383 --> 00:59:54,011 I don't want to have to pIay one for you 541 01:01:29,981 --> 01:01:31,915 Let going, Johnny Wong's here 542 01:01:33,151 --> 01:01:34,345 How wiII I stay in touch with you? 543 01:01:35,186 --> 01:01:36,175 I'II send you a paper crane 544 01:01:36,287 --> 01:01:38,551 You're on your own, brother! 545 01:01:42,227 --> 01:01:44,991 You traiIer, you brought these cops... 546 01:01:45,964 --> 01:01:48,159 Check the pIace out, check around 547 01:01:49,801 --> 01:01:51,962 I've been after this bastard for ages 548 01:01:54,973 --> 01:01:58,101 From now on I'II Iook after you no one wiII touch you 549 01:02:00,879 --> 01:02:02,244 Take Tong to the hospitaI. Yes... 550 01:02:09,053 --> 01:02:10,247 I own this hospitaI 551 01:02:10,355 --> 01:02:11,822 I'II send someone to protect you 24 hours 552 01:02:11,923 --> 01:02:12,548 Don't you worry! 553 01:02:12,657 --> 01:02:13,885 It's not necessary, not need! 554 01:02:14,025 --> 01:02:16,755 No troubIe, it's better to be safe 555 01:02:20,398 --> 01:02:21,387 Thanks! 556 01:02:23,768 --> 01:02:25,929 Where is the pharmacy pIease? Over there 557 01:02:26,037 --> 01:02:28,335 Nurse... 558 01:02:28,473 --> 01:02:29,565 Why is he hurt? 559 01:02:29,674 --> 01:02:31,141 He bumped his head at work 560 01:02:31,242 --> 01:02:32,641 Get a doctor quick 561 01:02:32,744 --> 01:02:34,541 Excuse me... 562 01:02:35,079 --> 01:02:36,603 Don't worry! They'II treat you first 563 01:03:07,212 --> 01:03:08,611 Sit down... 564 01:03:08,746 --> 01:03:10,737 It's not your turn yet, sit! 565 01:03:12,450 --> 01:03:14,145 Sister, come here 566 01:03:18,122 --> 01:03:20,317 I don't want this patient's records Ieft here 567 01:03:20,525 --> 01:03:21,822 I don't want anyone to know he's here 568 01:03:21,960 --> 01:03:22,984 understand? 569 01:03:24,662 --> 01:03:26,095 We know LittIe Ko has betrayed you 570 01:03:26,497 --> 01:03:29,057 He informed Hoi's guys your whereabouts 571 01:03:29,167 --> 01:03:30,794 I'II teach him a Iesson! 572 01:03:30,902 --> 01:03:32,335 No brother, I'II do it myseIf 573 01:03:32,437 --> 01:03:33,836 You get weII first 574 01:03:33,938 --> 01:03:35,371 I'II go find him 575 01:03:58,329 --> 01:03:59,796 Is LittIe Ko reaIIy a traitor? 576 01:04:00,164 --> 01:04:01,995 He's aIso paid... 577 01:04:02,934 --> 01:04:03,923 by the cops and we 578 01:04:04,369 --> 01:04:06,496 He toId me about Hoi's warehouse 579 01:04:10,275 --> 01:04:11,367 That bastard! 580 01:04:15,880 --> 01:04:17,142 Then he shouId know you warehouse 581 01:04:20,451 --> 01:04:22,146 You shouIdn't be so careIess to Iet him know so much 582 01:04:23,454 --> 01:04:25,854 I'II kiII him 583 01:04:31,429 --> 01:04:32,589 Let me take care of this 584 01:05:05,697 --> 01:05:08,188 How much have you toId the cops? 585 01:05:10,735 --> 01:05:14,102 I haven't said anything no point in beating me up 586 01:05:18,943 --> 01:05:21,810 You IittIe shit head, pIaying dumb 587 01:05:24,449 --> 01:05:25,177 If you didn't squeaI 588 01:05:25,249 --> 01:05:27,274 how come that cop know about the raid? 589 01:05:31,823 --> 01:05:33,120 How can you sure that's me? 590 01:05:34,258 --> 01:05:37,159 There are more stooI pidgeon than triad members 591 01:05:37,228 --> 01:05:37,922 OnIy money, taIks, not honour 592 01:05:47,372 --> 01:05:49,738 John, I've got a good friend 593 01:05:50,041 --> 01:05:51,906 never mind he's good or bad 594 01:05:52,043 --> 01:05:54,603 Right now we're both in danger 595 01:05:55,179 --> 01:05:57,909 So, if you were me, wouId you heIp him? 596 01:05:58,116 --> 01:05:59,481 From the standpoint... 597 01:05:59,584 --> 01:06:00,915 of friendship 598 01:06:01,019 --> 01:06:03,146 I wouIdn't hesitate regardIess of who he is 599 01:06:03,221 --> 01:06:06,418 Even if I were a cop, I'd stiII heIp him 600 01:06:07,992 --> 01:06:08,981 You're so nobIe! 601 01:06:09,093 --> 01:06:11,254 Not me, the guy up there 602 01:06:14,932 --> 01:06:17,423 LittIe Ko! 603 01:06:17,802 --> 01:06:20,828 LittIe Ko...what happened to you? 604 01:06:21,205 --> 01:06:22,194 What happened? 605 01:06:23,107 --> 01:06:26,235 Johnny Wong's arsenaI... Where is it? 606 01:06:26,677 --> 01:06:29,908 It's in... MapIe Group Hosp... MapIe Gr... 607 01:06:31,949 --> 01:06:32,938 LittIe Ko! 608 01:06:33,017 --> 01:06:34,882 John pIease caII my girIfriend immediateIy 609 01:06:34,952 --> 01:06:35,748 Ask her to find me at MapIe Group HospitaI 610 01:06:35,853 --> 01:06:37,013 Yes! Thanks! 611 01:07:12,323 --> 01:07:13,654 Emergency! Who brought him in here? 612 01:07:14,192 --> 01:07:15,386 Me! 613 01:07:16,227 --> 01:07:17,524 Inspector Yuen from C.I.D 614 01:07:17,628 --> 01:07:19,687 Nurse, I'II do the registration Iater 615 01:07:19,864 --> 01:07:21,263 I'm responsibIe for everything 616 01:07:41,752 --> 01:07:42,946 PaI! Wait! 617 01:07:46,524 --> 01:07:47,650 I'm sorry! 618 01:08:02,773 --> 01:08:04,172 Nurse, give him oxygen 619 01:08:05,810 --> 01:08:06,435 Boss! 620 01:08:06,544 --> 01:08:08,569 LittIe Ko's been taken by this cop to our hospitaI 621 01:08:10,414 --> 01:08:11,403 What happened? 622 01:08:12,683 --> 01:08:15,311 LittIe Ko's not dead yet 623 01:08:15,686 --> 01:08:17,347 He must've squeaIed on us! 624 01:08:18,156 --> 01:08:19,555 Let me take care of him! You! 625 01:08:20,358 --> 01:08:22,155 Don't worry. I won't miss this time! 626 01:08:22,360 --> 01:08:23,588 KiII that cop too! 627 01:08:35,473 --> 01:08:36,940 I'm stiII worried 628 01:08:37,875 --> 01:08:40,639 send some more guys. To heIp him! 629 01:08:43,648 --> 01:08:45,309 The patient was my informer 630 01:08:45,750 --> 01:08:46,808 How's he now? 631 01:08:46,918 --> 01:08:48,215 LuckiIy for him there was a Iighter in his pocket 632 01:08:48,319 --> 01:08:49,616 otherwise he'd have a buIIet in his heart 633 01:08:49,720 --> 01:08:51,449 Can he taIk? He needs to rest 634 01:09:40,271 --> 01:09:41,602 How are you feeIing? 635 01:09:43,040 --> 01:09:46,134 Cigarette... What? 636 01:09:46,978 --> 01:09:49,538 But your oxygen wiII expIode! 637 01:09:50,481 --> 01:09:52,472 Switch it off... 638 01:09:54,252 --> 01:09:56,049 You're onIy haIf aIive why'd you want to smoke? 639 01:09:56,754 --> 01:09:58,381 I know I haven't got Iong but before I go 640 01:09:59,023 --> 01:10:02,550 I stiII want to be a first cIass stooI pigeon! 641 01:10:04,395 --> 01:10:06,158 You've aIready been first cIass, paI! 642 01:10:11,836 --> 01:10:12,803 You cover must have been bIown! 643 01:10:16,307 --> 01:10:18,275 I find out the arsenaI is... 644 01:10:18,376 --> 01:10:19,934 in this hospitaI's basement 645 01:10:20,711 --> 01:10:22,542 As I smart this time? 646 01:10:27,652 --> 01:10:29,017 If I crack this case 647 01:10:29,120 --> 01:10:30,109 I'II give you 10% 648 01:10:31,689 --> 01:10:32,883 I'm afraid I won't Iive to see it 649 01:10:39,497 --> 01:10:42,489 Now the show's aII yours 650 01:10:43,968 --> 01:10:47,961 Why don't you shut up? Don't smoke 651 01:10:51,776 --> 01:10:53,004 Get some rest 652 01:10:53,744 --> 01:10:55,541 Who's smoking here? Me! 653 01:10:55,613 --> 01:10:57,080 Do you know it's very dangerous? 654 01:10:57,181 --> 01:10:58,512 Yes, that's why I put it out 655 01:10:58,616 --> 01:11:02,052 Don't do it again! Time for your medicine! 656 01:11:04,522 --> 01:11:06,513 No injections! 657 01:11:07,224 --> 01:11:08,452 They might send someone to kiII me right now! 658 01:11:08,559 --> 01:11:10,686 Don't worry, I'm here to watch you 659 01:11:11,929 --> 01:11:13,624 A gentIeman outside asked me to give this to you 660 01:11:26,201 --> 01:11:27,600 Where are you taking me? 661 01:11:27,870 --> 01:11:28,837 Some pIace safe 662 01:11:33,142 --> 01:11:35,076 One of my men is protecting a witness 663 01:11:36,011 --> 01:11:37,239 Which room is he in? 664 01:11:37,580 --> 01:11:38,672 In 301 ! 665 01:12:36,171 --> 01:12:38,662 White roses again! Can't you think of something eIse? 666 01:12:38,774 --> 01:12:39,763 What's wrong with them? 667 01:12:42,077 --> 01:12:43,544 You're a pretty undercover cop! 668 01:12:43,579 --> 01:12:46,207 Nothing to do with being undercover Just my styIe 669 01:12:47,983 --> 01:12:49,541 AIways white roses 670 01:12:49,585 --> 01:12:51,109 even my mother wouId guess 671 01:12:52,121 --> 01:12:54,214 Where's LittIe Ko? Next room 672 01:12:54,623 --> 01:12:56,147 Do you know where the arms are hidden? 673 01:12:56,191 --> 01:12:57,920 You've scared me. I've forgotten 674 01:13:00,763 --> 01:13:02,628 I don't have time to fooI around 675 01:13:03,899 --> 01:13:05,560 Neither do I 676 01:13:13,108 --> 01:13:14,905 I want to know the secret of the arsenaI 677 01:13:22,351 --> 01:13:23,010 I Iet... 678 01:13:23,052 --> 01:13:24,883 LittIe Ko teII you 679 01:13:25,587 --> 01:13:27,350 I've been so painfuI these 5 years 680 01:13:27,389 --> 01:13:29,914 When I'm with the triads I'm scared of being kiIIed by the cops 681 01:13:30,192 --> 01:13:33,093 And I'm afraid aIso being discovered 682 01:13:33,896 --> 01:13:35,887 Now, I'm forced to kiII peopIe 683 01:13:35,931 --> 01:13:38,695 My Iife is unimportant anymore AII I want is to finish my job 684 01:13:39,368 --> 01:13:40,995 Are you kidding? 685 01:13:41,203 --> 01:13:42,693 I won't be kidding? 686 01:13:51,146 --> 01:13:53,706 Even if you crack the case, so what? 687 01:13:54,817 --> 01:13:56,182 the dept wiII give a new passport... 688 01:13:56,218 --> 01:13:57,685 and pay you to Ieave Hong Kong 689 01:13:57,720 --> 01:13:59,210 You won't know where to spend the rest of your Iife 690 01:14:00,089 --> 01:14:03,115 Where are you going? We stiII have to operate! 691 01:14:11,700 --> 01:14:13,691 And if you get kiIIed 692 01:14:14,236 --> 01:14:16,704 they won't give you a big funeraI 693 01:14:22,745 --> 01:14:24,372 I knew that from the first day I went undercover 694 01:14:24,780 --> 01:14:26,907 Since you knew, get going! 695 01:15:05,854 --> 01:15:09,722 What is it? Nothing, waIk on that side 696 01:15:16,832 --> 01:15:18,993 Watch out for strangers Yes I know 697 01:15:24,773 --> 01:15:26,297 Be carefuI! 698 01:15:32,781 --> 01:15:33,770 Let's go back up 699 01:15:34,783 --> 01:15:36,045 I got to meet some cops 700 01:15:39,755 --> 01:15:40,744 Come 701 01:16:07,549 --> 01:16:08,846 TequiIa! 702 01:16:08,884 --> 01:16:11,352 Been here Iong? Let's go inside 703 01:16:12,154 --> 01:16:13,143 Any news? 704 01:16:14,489 --> 01:16:16,753 A Iot of steeI reinforcement was used in the morgue 705 01:16:16,959 --> 01:16:19,223 They spent aImost 4 months buiIding it 706 01:16:22,831 --> 01:16:24,958 LittIe Ko said it before he died He's dead? 707 01:16:28,103 --> 01:16:29,195 We were a IittIe Iate 708 01:16:31,940 --> 01:16:33,464 I forgot to introduce you 709 01:16:34,009 --> 01:16:35,806 My girIfriend, Teresa 710 01:16:36,511 --> 01:16:38,274 Are you the one who sent her aII the fIowers 711 01:16:42,818 --> 01:16:44,911 Your fIowers are beautifuI. Thanks! 712 01:16:46,889 --> 01:16:48,379 I just picked them at random 713 01:16:50,425 --> 01:16:52,017 Don't you know my girIfriend hates white roses? 714 01:16:52,060 --> 01:16:53,789 I onIy hate peopIe who don't send me fIowers! 715 01:16:54,363 --> 01:16:55,557 You two don't get aIong? 716 01:16:55,864 --> 01:16:59,356 The odd argument is inevitabIe in a reIationship 717 01:16:59,902 --> 01:17:00,960 It'II be aIright! 718 01:17:02,204 --> 01:17:04,468 CaII Mr. Pang at once Ask him to come here 719 01:17:04,840 --> 01:17:05,898 Wait for me here 720 01:17:05,941 --> 01:17:08,136 And when you get my signaI disperse the patients 721 01:17:08,310 --> 01:17:09,868 What'II the signaI be? Yes? 722 01:17:10,012 --> 01:17:10,876 Send her fIowers! 723 01:17:10,913 --> 01:17:14,144 FIowers? You send me fIowers? 724 01:17:14,182 --> 01:17:15,945 He got that from me 725 01:17:16,818 --> 01:17:20,618 I just picked it up Guess I shouId say thank you 726 01:17:22,958 --> 01:17:24,949 You'II get my fIowers in haIf an hour 727 01:17:26,361 --> 01:17:28,921 You're so smart, you'II know what to do 728 01:17:29,197 --> 01:17:30,357 Can we go now? 729 01:17:40,475 --> 01:17:41,407 B2 730 01:17:42,911 --> 01:17:45,903 Mr. Pang, I'm at the MapIe Group HospitaI come at once! 731 01:17:48,884 --> 01:17:50,181 Hey, you new here? Yes! 732 01:17:50,519 --> 01:17:51,918 What's your name? Jeff Woo 733 01:17:53,021 --> 01:17:54,079 I want to see a doctor,pIease! 734 01:17:54,923 --> 01:17:57,892 What's wrong with you? PoIIinosis 735 01:18:00,395 --> 01:18:02,590 Who's the stiff? Let's take a Iook 736 01:18:02,898 --> 01:18:04,923 Don't Iook, it's too gruesome! 737 01:18:04,967 --> 01:18:06,935 His eyes have popped out 738 01:18:07,135 --> 01:18:08,534 his intestines spiIIing aII over... 739 01:18:24,386 --> 01:18:25,876 Wasn't my timing perfect? 740 01:18:26,321 --> 01:18:28,983 Not yours, theirs! 741 01:18:29,324 --> 01:18:30,689 Sorry... 742 01:18:38,934 --> 01:18:40,697 Teresa Ching, your turn! 743 01:18:41,570 --> 01:18:43,504 There's so many patients Let her go first 744 01:18:46,975 --> 01:18:48,966 I'm aIright. I don't need the doctor! 745 01:18:52,614 --> 01:18:54,047 Miss if you're iII you must see a doctor 746 01:18:54,282 --> 01:18:55,579 I said I didn't want to! 747 01:18:56,418 --> 01:18:58,443 Stay caIm, remember we're cops 748 01:19:08,030 --> 01:19:09,429 Where are Tony and TequiIa? 749 01:19:10,399 --> 01:19:11,957 They're in the morgue 750 01:19:24,946 --> 01:19:27,312 Look, these freezes are empty 751 01:19:28,216 --> 01:19:30,150 J1 ,2,3,4 752 01:20:00,649 --> 01:20:03,641 Are you crazy? How'II we get out? 753 01:20:04,553 --> 01:20:06,111 I wasn't thinking of Ieaving! 754 01:20:08,423 --> 01:20:09,481 How's Tony? 755 01:20:10,125 --> 01:20:11,524 Has his identity been bIown? 756 01:20:12,627 --> 01:20:14,424 My whoIe pIan depends on him 757 01:20:15,030 --> 01:20:16,657 I hope he's not in danger in the morgue 758 01:20:16,765 --> 01:20:18,392 God keep him safe! 759 01:20:20,135 --> 01:20:21,602 TequiIa's aIso there 760 01:20:21,803 --> 01:20:22,997 and you don't mention him! 761 01:20:23,572 --> 01:20:25,506 He's in danger too! 762 01:20:26,475 --> 01:20:28,102 You're showing favoritism 763 01:20:28,210 --> 01:20:29,768 You aIways gave him a hard time in front of others 764 01:20:30,045 --> 01:20:32,275 You never cared about him! You don't understand him at aII 765 01:20:35,817 --> 01:20:37,011 I didn't reaIize he stiII means so much to you 766 01:20:41,223 --> 01:20:42,417 I'm sorry! 767 01:20:42,757 --> 01:20:46,158 I'm sorry! ReaIIy! 768 01:20:47,129 --> 01:20:48,391 What eIse did he say? 769 01:20:48,463 --> 01:20:50,021 He toId me to wait for his signaI 770 01:20:50,132 --> 01:20:51,121 When I get roses 771 01:20:51,233 --> 01:20:53,167 I disperse the patients right away 772 01:20:54,536 --> 01:20:55,560 Yes Madam! 773 01:21:27,702 --> 01:21:29,397 You said you'd been chasing this case for ages 774 01:21:29,504 --> 01:21:30,801 How come you can't even open this door? 775 01:21:32,741 --> 01:21:33,833 You open it! 776 01:21:38,246 --> 01:21:39,440 Why are you making so much noise! 777 01:21:39,514 --> 01:21:41,744 If you're not going to heIp what are you doing here? 778 01:21:42,083 --> 01:21:44,176 This case has got nothing to do with you 779 01:21:46,821 --> 01:21:51,155 Nothing to do with me? If I can make it this far 780 01:21:51,393 --> 01:21:54,294 then everything is my concern! 781 01:21:55,397 --> 01:21:57,388 If every cop in the department is as seIfish as you 782 01:21:57,699 --> 01:21:59,257 Hong Kong wouId have been finished 783 01:22:02,137 --> 01:22:04,162 Don't taIe it out on me just because you can't open the door! 784 01:22:04,639 --> 01:22:06,197 Let me do it 785 01:23:29,457 --> 01:23:32,483 Which year did you graduate? Who was your Instructor? 786 01:23:34,362 --> 01:23:35,226 You questioning me? 787 01:23:37,299 --> 01:23:40,359 No just in case I run into your instructor 788 01:23:40,468 --> 01:23:42,663 I'II ask him how come he trained you to be so precious 789 01:23:46,608 --> 01:23:48,235 Mr. Pang said you never waster your buIIets 790 01:23:49,444 --> 01:23:50,240 You questioning me? 791 01:25:41,389 --> 01:25:42,413 Just do it! 792 01:27:42,710 --> 01:27:43,540 We fixed LittIe Ko! 793 01:27:43,645 --> 01:27:44,839 But Tony and the cop disappeared! 794 01:27:45,446 --> 01:27:46,970 TeII aII units to Ieave at once 795 01:27:47,115 --> 01:27:50,107 Mr. Pang, time to move the patients 796 01:27:50,852 --> 01:27:52,843 I just found in my pocket... 797 01:27:52,887 --> 01:27:54,445 Go get our peopIe 798 01:28:34,195 --> 01:28:35,526 They're in the basement 799 01:28:35,630 --> 01:28:37,257 Mr. Wong, it's our negIigence 800 01:29:09,564 --> 01:29:11,828 There're 2 kinds of peopIe I despise 801 01:29:12,967 --> 01:29:14,127 The first kind is cop 802 01:29:14,769 --> 01:29:16,236 The other kind kiIIs his own boss! 803 01:29:19,674 --> 01:29:20,663 You have no moraIs! 804 01:29:21,943 --> 01:29:23,808 If your information is incorrect 805 01:29:23,911 --> 01:29:26,778 it wiII cause fear and patients couId be hurt 806 01:29:27,048 --> 01:29:28,572 And who wiII be responsibIe? Of course me! 807 01:29:28,683 --> 01:29:31,015 You are responsibIe for your precinct This hospitaI is mine 808 01:29:31,152 --> 01:29:32,585 I'm responsibIe for Iives 809 01:29:33,354 --> 01:29:34,548 If it wasn't and emergency 810 01:29:34,656 --> 01:29:36,055 I won't insist upon it 811 01:29:48,936 --> 01:29:51,564 What's wrong? 812 01:29:51,773 --> 01:29:53,331 CaIm down... 813 01:29:53,708 --> 01:29:55,039 Go back to your rooms! Nothing happening here! 814 01:29:55,777 --> 01:29:58,143 Director, if the fire aIarm sound 815 01:29:58,246 --> 01:29:59,611 aII the patients wouId have to be moved right? 816 01:30:16,330 --> 01:30:17,854 Didn't you say even roaches couIdn't get in? 817 01:30:19,667 --> 01:30:20,895 ReIease the gas! Yes! 818 01:31:04,712 --> 01:31:06,703 We can't afford to Iose 819 01:31:08,182 --> 01:31:09,444 We've got no choice but kiII 820 01:31:09,717 --> 01:31:10,706 We don't have much time! 821 01:31:10,985 --> 01:31:12,350 TeII them to move the patients quick 822 01:31:12,653 --> 01:31:14,120 Nobody can chaIIenge me 823 01:31:15,757 --> 01:31:17,384 I can drive them crazy 824 01:31:17,859 --> 01:31:19,656 but they can't touch me 825 01:31:19,761 --> 01:31:20,056 What is it? 826 01:31:20,161 --> 01:31:21,719 I'm a cop, quickIy move the patients 827 01:31:22,964 --> 01:31:25,125 Don't push. That's way 828 01:31:25,466 --> 01:31:27,798 Don't panic, it's onIy fire driII 829 01:31:28,836 --> 01:31:31,703 Nothing's happening, caIm down! 830 01:31:32,707 --> 01:31:33,696 This is an emergency disperse 831 01:31:33,808 --> 01:31:35,105 It's a faIse aIarm, it's safe 832 01:31:35,243 --> 01:31:36,710 Everybody return to your rooms 833 01:31:36,778 --> 01:31:37,676 Don't stay here 834 01:31:37,712 --> 01:31:39,680 Are you crazy? If you're trying to stop me 835 01:31:40,381 --> 01:31:41,905 I can arrest you and charge you with obstructing the Iaw 836 01:31:42,016 --> 01:31:43,176 I can sue you for abuse of power 837 01:31:43,284 --> 01:31:44,444 There are more than 300 patients here 838 01:31:44,819 --> 01:31:46,116 If you continue pIaying games 839 01:31:48,289 --> 01:31:49,187 I'II castrate you! 840 01:31:49,390 --> 01:31:50,823 Be carefuI, push it sIowIy 841 01:31:55,797 --> 01:31:56,764 Don't hurry 842 01:31:57,965 --> 01:31:58,954 Why aren't we taking out aII the babies? 843 01:31:59,333 --> 01:32:01,164 There's nobody here, what shaII we do? 844 01:32:01,869 --> 01:32:03,200 Hurry, ask for heIp 845 01:32:12,513 --> 01:32:14,208 Boss, aII our men are here 846 01:32:23,157 --> 01:32:24,488 Doctor, hurry, Ieave! 847 01:32:24,759 --> 01:32:26,283 Doctor, weII? Continue... 848 01:32:26,828 --> 01:32:27,954 A bunch of cops are causing havoc! 849 01:32:33,267 --> 01:32:34,894 Turn off the mains don't Iet the patients out 850 01:32:46,147 --> 01:32:47,205 Hurry, Ieaving out the babies 851 01:32:52,019 --> 01:32:53,418 What? They shoot? 852 01:32:53,487 --> 01:32:54,454 Doctor... 853 01:33:00,127 --> 01:33:01,458 I warn you you're responsibIe for this mess 854 01:33:01,562 --> 01:33:03,029 Be carefuI nobody gets hurt! 855 01:33:04,866 --> 01:33:06,493 Doctor! 856 01:33:14,809 --> 01:33:16,140 Nobody moves I'II shoot anybody who runs 857 01:33:16,277 --> 01:33:17,835 Come on back up! 858 01:33:17,945 --> 01:33:18,934 Everybody out! 859 01:33:20,281 --> 01:33:21,213 Did you hear? 860 01:33:23,784 --> 01:33:25,149 Don't be afraid, C.I.D. Come on back up 861 01:33:31,392 --> 01:33:32,381 Put down your gun! PoIice! 862 01:33:56,517 --> 01:33:58,382 We're surrounded by the cops 863 01:34:07,495 --> 01:34:09,019 Good. This is our round 864 01:34:09,096 --> 01:34:09,892 Take the patients hostage! 865 01:34:11,966 --> 01:34:14,935 A cop is just an ordinary guy in uniform 866 01:34:15,903 --> 01:34:17,336 They've got guns, so have we 867 01:34:19,640 --> 01:34:21,232 .38! 868 01:34:30,418 --> 01:34:31,180 Out! 869 01:34:33,220 --> 01:34:34,312 Hurry! 870 01:34:45,633 --> 01:34:47,328 Get down... Come over here 871 01:34:47,435 --> 01:34:49,027 Don't move! StiII trying to move? 872 01:35:02,883 --> 01:35:03,679 You get out! 873 01:35:04,018 --> 01:35:05,576 Leave the babies aIone. Get out! 874 01:35:05,886 --> 01:35:06,978 Do you hear? Put down the babies! 875 01:35:07,088 --> 01:35:09,022 Hurry! Can you hear? 876 01:35:12,360 --> 01:35:13,349 Can you Iower the voice 877 01:35:13,461 --> 01:35:15,520 Do you know you'II scare the babies? 878 01:35:22,937 --> 01:35:24,928 Hush, don't be afraid 879 01:35:47,528 --> 01:35:50,292 Hasn't he done enough! Now he wants to bIow up the hospitaI! 880 01:35:51,065 --> 01:35:52,293 How can you send fIowers to your girIfriend? 881 01:35:52,433 --> 01:35:53,730 I sent it 20 minutes ago 882 01:35:54,335 --> 01:35:55,324 How considerate! 883 01:35:56,037 --> 01:35:57,265 Sometimes you're nice to a woman 884 01:35:57,338 --> 01:35:59,067 She doesn't reaIise! 885 01:36:07,481 --> 01:36:09,073 You two think you can get out? 886 01:36:13,254 --> 01:36:17,020 Tony. I've aIways admired you 887 01:36:17,558 --> 01:36:18,991 thought you were my friend 888 01:36:19,126 --> 01:36:23,119 But you betrayed me, and disappointed me 889 01:36:23,330 --> 01:36:24,661 You'II be more disappointed now 890 01:36:25,332 --> 01:36:26,560 Because I wiII kiII you 891 01:36:26,967 --> 01:36:28,195 I've been after you for ages 892 01:36:28,402 --> 01:36:29,426 You put arms in this hospitaI 893 01:36:30,271 --> 01:36:31,260 How many more peopIe do you want to murder? 894 01:36:31,539 --> 01:36:33,166 I can afford it! 895 01:36:33,207 --> 01:36:35,402 I've got severaI hundred hostages! 896 01:36:36,110 --> 01:36:37,737 There's a bomb down there 897 01:36:38,212 --> 01:36:39,201 If I'm not happy 898 01:36:39,447 --> 01:36:41,176 I'II just push a button, and boom! 899 01:36:41,582 --> 01:36:44,073 Just you try. I'II just do it! 900 01:36:44,351 --> 01:36:47,980 Next time, I'II store my arsenaI in a poIice station! 901 01:36:49,457 --> 01:36:50,424 I want to see how you pIay the game 902 01:36:56,030 --> 01:36:57,520 Hundred of patients inside are heId... 903 01:36:57,631 --> 01:36:59,064 hostage by the gangsters 904 01:36:59,100 --> 01:37:01,125 The poIice up untiI now has no way enter inside... 905 01:37:07,541 --> 01:37:09,270 Don't shoot... Shit up, bitch! 906 01:37:32,233 --> 01:37:34,326 Attention 3rd unit teII them to stop fiIming 907 01:37:39,106 --> 01:37:43,202 How come the waII's so coId The morgue must be behind it! 908 01:37:44,044 --> 01:37:46,535 WeII good! 909 01:37:47,715 --> 01:37:49,706 If I die, they can chuck me next door 910 01:37:53,387 --> 01:37:55,082 Here is just you and me 911 01:37:55,122 --> 01:37:57,113 But there are hundreds of peopIe risking their Iives up there! 912 01:37:57,191 --> 01:37:58,180 Any you want to die now? 913 01:37:58,292 --> 01:38:00,089 I want to use my gun to fight crime 914 01:38:00,528 --> 01:38:02,155 But I ended up kiIIing innocent peopIe 915 01:38:05,399 --> 01:38:07,560 I wanted to be an ordinary cop 916 01:38:08,836 --> 01:38:11,168 But after cadet schooI the onIy posts vacant were 917 01:38:12,206 --> 01:38:14,367 undercover and triad member 918 01:38:14,475 --> 01:38:15,601 Quit, it'II be aIright 919 01:38:17,578 --> 01:38:20,138 Don't you have any ideaIs? Sure! 920 01:38:21,749 --> 01:38:23,148 I intend to move to IceIand! 921 01:38:24,118 --> 01:38:27,246 It's freezing there you Iike coId weather? 922 01:38:27,454 --> 01:38:28,819 At Ieast, it's a contrast to the darkness of my Iife! 923 01:38:29,390 --> 01:38:30,721 I have asked peopIe 924 01:38:31,091 --> 01:38:32,752 They have 24 hours sunIight 925 01:38:38,399 --> 01:38:39,889 IdeaIs are not just things to taIk about 926 01:38:40,334 --> 01:38:41,767 I have ideaIs too 927 01:38:41,869 --> 01:38:43,302 When I was smaII I wanted to be a musician 928 01:38:43,404 --> 01:38:44,803 But I became a cop 929 01:38:48,108 --> 01:38:51,202 Life shouId be a Iaugh. Come up 930 01:39:31,852 --> 01:39:32,841 Don't move 931 01:39:42,296 --> 01:39:43,695 The patient is a cop 932 01:39:56,477 --> 01:39:58,240 Johnny, you're winning 933 01:39:58,679 --> 01:40:00,271 ReIease the patients 934 01:40:00,914 --> 01:40:01,938 You're onIy against us cops 935 01:40:03,250 --> 01:40:04,342 You scared? 936 01:40:04,985 --> 01:40:08,512 I'm not scared. I've been around 937 01:40:09,256 --> 01:40:11,315 I know in certain thing you just can't cross the Iine 938 01:40:11,825 --> 01:40:13,452 What's this crane about borders 939 01:40:49,296 --> 01:40:50,285 Freeze 940 01:40:55,969 --> 01:40:57,732 Don't move, get down! Go out and see what happened 941 01:40:57,938 --> 01:41:01,305 Don't move. Get down! 942 01:41:18,325 --> 01:41:19,656 We caught a cop! 943 01:41:29,336 --> 01:41:30,325 Bring him in! 944 01:41:30,504 --> 01:41:31,596 Run! 945 01:41:51,358 --> 01:41:52,382 Cop on the fIoor! 946 01:42:23,690 --> 01:42:24,782 Run! 947 01:42:30,964 --> 01:42:33,330 Get moving! Cover the patients! 948 01:42:42,543 --> 01:42:43,532 Run! 949 01:42:52,085 --> 01:42:53,575 I'II go to get the babies 950 01:42:53,754 --> 01:42:54,721 I'II come with you 951 01:43:10,537 --> 01:43:11,663 Wow! So many babies! 952 01:43:11,738 --> 01:43:13,399 Quiet! Don't scare the babies 953 01:43:13,540 --> 01:43:14,973 Better put cottontaiIs in their ears 954 01:43:15,142 --> 01:43:16,769 Is that necessary? Yes! 955 01:43:49,543 --> 01:43:51,170 We're on the same side! 956 01:43:51,812 --> 01:43:53,837 WiII we have so many babies in future? 957 01:43:54,481 --> 01:43:55,641 You think I'm a pig? 958 01:43:59,419 --> 01:44:00,408 Ready to go? 959 01:44:00,454 --> 01:44:01,512 Yes! 960 01:44:09,062 --> 01:44:10,051 Inspector Yuen! 961 01:44:11,698 --> 01:44:13,427 HeIp Madam rescue the babies. Quick! 962 01:44:13,567 --> 01:44:14,090 Yes Sir! 963 01:44:14,201 --> 01:44:16,226 Over there. Look after the babies! 964 01:44:17,504 --> 01:44:19,597 I wiII join Tony! You'II be in charge here 965 01:44:19,806 --> 01:44:20,898 Be carefuI! 966 01:44:44,531 --> 01:44:45,520 Go upstairs! 967 01:44:50,604 --> 01:44:52,128 Madam, the exit is on fire 968 01:44:54,274 --> 01:44:55,502 We're on the same side! 969 01:45:02,082 --> 01:45:04,550 Go in & heIp take out the babies Go inside and heIp! 970 01:45:06,820 --> 01:45:08,651 Take down some curtains. Yes, Madam! 971 01:45:19,533 --> 01:45:20,693 Take good care of them! 972 01:45:31,211 --> 01:45:32,542 Come here and heIp! Hurry up! 973 01:45:35,048 --> 01:45:37,642 Take the baby! Give it to me! 974 01:45:41,655 --> 01:45:42,587 Give me some toweIs 975 01:45:42,656 --> 01:45:43,884 Take the baby to a safe pIace 976 01:45:44,925 --> 01:45:48,691 Baby, don't cry 977 01:46:33,173 --> 01:46:36,142 Are you hurt? AII right? 978 01:46:36,243 --> 01:46:37,369 No probIem! 979 01:47:13,313 --> 01:47:14,644 Get in! 980 01:47:27,094 --> 01:47:28,721 I just kiIIed a cop 981 01:47:30,697 --> 01:47:31,686 No! 982 01:47:33,834 --> 01:47:35,665 I'm sure he was a cop. No way! 983 01:47:35,769 --> 01:47:37,430 I saw his I.D. 984 01:47:38,705 --> 01:47:40,002 You're haIIucinating 985 01:47:40,407 --> 01:47:41,931 How many times do I have to teII you 986 01:47:42,042 --> 01:47:43,771 before you'II beIieve me? 987 01:47:44,678 --> 01:47:45,975 In fact you're your own worst enemy 988 01:47:46,113 --> 01:47:47,671 If you can't conqueror yourseIf 989 01:47:47,781 --> 01:47:49,408 how can you fight others? 990 01:47:52,686 --> 01:47:53,812 Take it! 991 01:48:16,943 --> 01:48:17,932 In the course of this case 992 01:48:18,044 --> 01:48:19,773 I shot one of my coIIeagues at the teahouse 993 01:48:19,880 --> 01:48:21,211 Mr. Pang toId me about it 994 01:48:23,183 --> 01:48:24,980 I onIy discovered he was a cop afterwards 995 01:48:25,752 --> 01:48:26,741 How did you feII about it? 996 01:48:26,787 --> 01:48:28,755 Worse than you feeI now 997 01:48:29,790 --> 01:48:31,223 Is the man I kiIIed reaIIy a cop? 998 01:48:31,324 --> 01:48:33,053 Yeah Damn it 999 01:49:18,772 --> 01:49:20,364 Go up and save the babies Yes, sir 1000 01:50:00,914 --> 01:50:02,472 Be carefuI. Okay 1001 01:50:08,154 --> 01:50:09,985 Take it. Okay, give it to me 1002 01:50:11,191 --> 01:50:12,783 No response 1003 01:50:13,793 --> 01:50:15,192 Check whose this is 1004 01:50:32,279 --> 01:50:33,246 Come on 1005 01:50:34,948 --> 01:50:36,176 Go heIp them 1006 01:50:36,816 --> 01:50:37,908 Give it to me 1007 01:50:39,286 --> 01:50:40,480 Take it. Okay 1008 01:50:55,368 --> 01:50:57,097 See if this baby is yours 1009 01:50:59,139 --> 01:51:00,128 Someone's coming! 1010 01:51:18,191 --> 01:51:19,317 You bitch! 1011 01:51:26,433 --> 01:51:28,298 The babies ward's under attack send heIp! 1012 01:51:28,969 --> 01:51:31,233 Situation with babies bad need assistance, do you read me? 1013 01:51:33,440 --> 01:51:35,237 I'II go heIp save the babies I'II go fix Mad Dog 1014 01:51:35,342 --> 01:51:36,366 Take care 1015 01:51:42,015 --> 01:51:43,277 Let's hide up 1016 01:52:12,712 --> 01:52:13,940 Hurry up! 1017 01:52:29,229 --> 01:52:30,093 CarefuI with it! 1018 01:52:31,364 --> 01:52:32,353 Go down quickIy! 1019 01:52:35,035 --> 01:52:36,229 I feIt a baby in the pussary 1020 01:52:36,736 --> 01:52:37,930 Okay, I'II get it! 1021 01:52:37,971 --> 01:52:40,064 Look after Madam! Be carefuI! 1022 01:52:42,575 --> 01:52:44,133 Put it in every corner. Yes! 1023 01:53:06,132 --> 01:53:07,429 Madam, hoId on tight 1024 01:53:20,447 --> 01:53:22,972 Don't shout any more! Be quiet! 1025 01:53:29,456 --> 01:53:30,445 Shut up! 1026 01:53:33,093 --> 01:53:34,583 Listen, how about some rap? 1027 01:53:35,128 --> 01:53:37,722 Face to face I know you face is now my case 1028 01:53:37,997 --> 01:53:40,227 From now on you're gonna by SaIiva Sammy 1029 01:53:40,333 --> 01:53:43,496 I hoId your wrap, you say it's a trap 1030 01:53:43,603 --> 01:53:46,800 You say I'm being nosy I say I'm being cozy 1031 01:53:47,073 --> 01:53:50,736 It's not aII rosy, don't Iook so siIIy 1032 01:53:56,382 --> 01:53:57,644 I know my rap sounds Iike crap 1033 01:53:58,451 --> 01:54:01,011 You don't have to pretend, SaIiva Sammy! 1034 01:54:09,062 --> 01:54:10,757 Hey! X-rated action! 1035 01:54:34,454 --> 01:54:35,853 Baby 1036 01:54:46,366 --> 01:54:47,594 Excuse me! 1037 01:54:53,173 --> 01:54:55,300 No bIood sweat and tears here 1038 01:54:55,508 --> 01:54:57,100 What a cute gummy mouth! 1039 01:56:05,712 --> 01:56:09,204 Sister, take patients out 1040 01:56:12,218 --> 01:56:13,412 Hurry up! 1041 01:56:20,593 --> 01:56:23,221 Don't! 1042 01:56:43,249 --> 01:56:44,443 You mad! 1043 01:56:45,818 --> 01:56:47,308 Why did you have to kiII them? 1044 01:56:47,920 --> 01:56:49,387 I'II kiII whoever's in my way! 1045 01:56:49,589 --> 01:56:51,420 How dare you question me? 1046 01:57:02,402 --> 01:57:03,664 You bastard! 1047 01:57:41,441 --> 01:57:43,341 Shoot. Put it down! 1048 01:57:44,944 --> 01:57:45,740 Shoot if you've got the guts 1049 01:57:47,447 --> 01:57:49,972 The whoIe hospitaI's wired, do you dare? 1050 01:57:52,752 --> 01:57:54,379 We'II aII go up together 1051 01:57:58,424 --> 01:58:00,790 What do you think you are! You think you're quaIified to take me on 1052 01:58:04,664 --> 01:58:05,722 Don't go! 1053 01:58:07,400 --> 01:58:08,731 It is too dangerous! 1054 01:58:11,337 --> 01:58:12,269 Take the baby with you 1055 01:58:12,739 --> 01:58:14,570 You'II Iose you Iife, foIIow me! 1056 01:58:37,497 --> 01:58:38,486 I'm a cop! 1057 01:58:44,704 --> 01:58:46,103 Don't go! 1058 01:59:28,347 --> 01:59:30,577 QuickIy get the injured out, hurry up! 1059 01:59:40,626 --> 01:59:41,888 Kid, Iet's go for a ride on the roIIer coaster! 1060 02:00:34,213 --> 02:00:37,410 Kid, your piss reaIIy put out the fire thanks! 1061 02:01:03,476 --> 02:01:04,670 Don't go there! It's dangerous 1062 02:01:19,525 --> 02:01:20,924 TequiIa, no more babies? 1063 02:01:21,027 --> 02:01:23,495 Our baby! 1064 02:01:23,596 --> 02:01:27,498 Thanks you very much! 1065 02:01:28,167 --> 02:01:30,135 How are you? Where's Tony? 1066 02:01:31,137 --> 02:01:32,604 Up there 1067 02:01:36,609 --> 02:01:37,803 Somebody is stiII up there 1068 02:01:43,649 --> 02:01:44,877 You dead dog! 1069 02:02:02,802 --> 02:02:05,270 Get up! Nobody move, put down you guns 1070 02:02:07,206 --> 02:02:08,571 Put down aII your guns! 1071 02:02:09,508 --> 02:02:10,532 Put down aII your guns! 1072 02:02:10,576 --> 02:02:11,565 Put them down! 1073 02:02:12,078 --> 02:02:13,943 Put down you gun, out of the way! 1074 02:02:38,204 --> 02:02:41,605 Hard boiIed cop, you're stiII aIive! 1075 02:02:43,342 --> 02:02:45,276 Our casuaIties are about the same as yours 1076 02:02:46,012 --> 02:02:47,809 Yeah 50/50! 1077 02:02:49,281 --> 02:02:50,771 But after I kiII this one, I win! 1078 02:02:53,786 --> 02:02:54,775 Shooting! 1079 02:02:56,656 --> 02:02:59,216 Shoot! See if I bIow his head off 1080 02:03:03,596 --> 02:03:04,790 Don't shoot! 1081 02:03:06,565 --> 02:03:07,657 Looks Iike you're impotent 1082 02:03:08,668 --> 02:03:10,693 I thought you cops were pretty hot with guns 1083 02:03:10,803 --> 02:03:12,668 But you're just ordinary guys! 1084 02:03:15,174 --> 02:03:16,232 SIap yourseIf 1085 02:03:23,082 --> 02:03:24,674 SIap your Ieft cheek, Jesus said so 1086 02:03:32,224 --> 02:03:33,384 Say that you're impotent 1087 02:03:37,396 --> 02:03:38,658 I'm impotent 1088 02:03:45,671 --> 02:03:46,660 KneeI! 1089 02:03:53,779 --> 02:03:54,871 Put down your gun! 1090 02:03:56,082 --> 02:03:58,050 When'd anyone get a chance to pIay Iike this? 1091 02:04:00,653 --> 02:04:01,642 Bastard! 1092 02:04:04,657 --> 02:04:06,215 Take off your pants, cop! 1093 02:04:06,358 --> 02:04:09,020 You motherfuI. You eat shit! 1094 02:05:15,161 --> 02:05:16,685 For you! 1095 02:05:17,797 --> 02:05:18,786 I reaIIy forgot! 1096 02:05:20,199 --> 02:05:21,791 What does it matter 1097 02:05:22,701 --> 02:05:24,134 I have no identity 1098 02:05:25,504 --> 02:05:28,098 OnIy you know my birthdate 1099 02:05:29,742 --> 02:05:30,834 Don't you forget that! 1100 02:05:34,847 --> 02:05:35,871 Don't you have any ideaIs? 1101 02:05:36,182 --> 02:05:38,912 Yes! I intend to move to the North PoIe 1102 02:05:39,485 --> 02:05:42,750 It's freezing there You Iike coId weather? 1103 02:05:42,788 --> 02:05:44,016 At Ieast it's a contrast to the darkness of my Iife! 1104 02:05:44,757 --> 02:05:48,022 I have asked peopIe! They have 24 hours sunIight!