1 00:00:08,848 --> 00:00:13,558 ويسمي نفسه ظهيراً ربعياً؟؟ لقد قذفت حصاة من كليتي بشكل ادق منه 2 00:00:14,691 --> 00:00:18,889 روز,,هلا جلبتِ لي حقيبتي؟ لقد تركتها في الاستوديو 3 00:00:19,239 --> 00:00:21,434 ولم لا تاخذها انت؟ 4 00:00:21,702 --> 00:00:23,658 كنت لافعل,,ولكنه يسخر مني في كل مرة 5 00:00:23,914 --> 00:00:26,144 وماذا تظن انه يفعل بي؟ 6 00:00:26,418 --> 00:00:30,889 الاسبوع الماضي قدمني كصديقة مارتينا كافارتيلوفا الحميمة 7 00:00:33,513 --> 00:00:36,107 جك,,انا اسف ان كنت قد اساءت لك 8 00:00:36,393 --> 00:00:40,386 والان,,,لم لا تعاود ارتداء تنورتك وتذهب لغسل بعض الصحون؟ 9 00:00:40,733 --> 00:00:43,452 الخطوط مفتوحه 10 00:00:44,990 --> 00:00:48,869 ماذا عن بعض المتصلين من الرجال وليس مثل الاطفال البكائين كجك؟ 11 00:00:51,250 --> 00:00:54,606 انظروا من زحف الى هنا للتو انه الدكتور فريزر كرين 12 00:00:54,924 --> 00:00:58,121 وكلنا نعلم ماذا نفعل عندما يزورنا الطبيب في المنزل 13 00:00:58,429 --> 00:01:02,468 اخلع سروالك,,انحني ساقيس لك الحرارة 14 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:06,206 مرحبا,,بولدوغ 15 00:01:06,484 --> 00:01:09,317 من تظن انه سيفوز هذا الاسبوع العمالقة ام القديسيين؟ 16 00:01:09,614 --> 00:01:11,764 ـ العمالقة؟ ـ لا 17 00:01:12,035 --> 00:01:14,185 ـ القديسيين ـ لا 18 00:01:14,455 --> 00:01:18,767 ـ على احدهم ان يفوز ـ هذا في حالة كانوا سيلعبون هذا الاسبوع 19 00:01:21,926 --> 00:01:24,679 مضحكة جدا عليك ان تذيعها في برنامجي 20 00:01:24,973 --> 00:01:28,886 لانها تستحق ان تسمع من قبل جمهور اكبر 21 00:01:37,243 --> 00:01:39,393 مرحبا,,دكتور كرين 22 00:01:39,664 --> 00:01:43,657 ـ لقد جلبت هذا للعشاء ـ نايلز لقد جئت مبكراً 23 00:01:44,005 --> 00:01:48,476 لقد وضعت ماريس في قطار شيكاغو وانا بائس للغاية بدونها 24 00:01:48,846 --> 00:01:50,837 شامبانيا؟ 25 00:01:51,851 --> 00:01:53,842 انها تلائم جميع المناسبات 26 00:01:54,104 --> 00:01:57,414 ـ هل استطيع ان اساعد في المطبخ؟ ـ كلا,,فقد اعددت كل الاشياء 27 00:01:57,735 --> 00:01:59,930 يا لحظ هذه الاشياء 28 00:02:12,134 --> 00:02:16,764 ـ ماذا تفعل؟ ـ احرك الجوزة من لوحة الشطرنج 29 00:02:17,142 --> 00:02:20,691 وضعتها بدلاً من الجندي لان ايدي اكله 30 00:02:21,024 --> 00:02:23,697 في هذه الحالة اذا,,الجوزة الى المربع السابع 31 00:02:23,987 --> 00:02:25,864 مرحبا جميعا 32 00:02:26,116 --> 00:02:29,347 مرحبا لقد جلب لنا اخاك الشمبانيا 33 00:02:29,663 --> 00:02:32,860 هل ذهبت ماريس الى شيكاغو مجددا؟ 34 00:02:35,005 --> 00:02:37,439 انها في القطار بينما نحن نتحدث الان 35 00:02:37,717 --> 00:02:39,992 لما لم تذهب بالطائرة؟ 36 00:02:40,264 --> 00:02:43,973 لقد اصبحت تخاف الطائرات منذ الحادثة المروعة تلك 37 00:02:44,312 --> 00:02:46,223 هل كانت طائرتها على وشك التحطم؟ 38 00:02:46,482 --> 00:02:49,042 كلا,,لقد اخرجوها من الدرجة الممتازة 39 00:02:50,698 --> 00:02:52,654 لازالت تستيقظ هلعة وتصرخ من نومها لهذا اليوم 40 00:02:52,909 --> 00:02:56,458 ـ فريزر اريد ان اسالك معروفاً؟ ـ وما هو؟ 41 00:02:56,791 --> 00:03:00,909 صديق لي ينظم مهرجاناً لجمع التبرعات للايتام والارامل 42 00:03:01,257 --> 00:03:05,091 وهو يحتاج لبعض المشاهير المحليين لاجل فقرة المزاد على الرجال العزاب 43 00:03:05,430 --> 00:03:09,264 فسالني ان كنت قادراً على سؤال احد شخصيات المحطة التي انت فيها 44 00:03:09,604 --> 00:03:13,040 ـ يسعدني ان اساعد ـ سوف تطلب من بولدوغ المجيء اذاً؟ 45 00:03:16,282 --> 00:03:19,240 ـ بولدوغ؟ ـ انت تعلم 46 00:03:19,537 --> 00:03:21,892 حسنا...ان قصدي 47 00:03:22,166 --> 00:03:25,795 لا تسيء فهمي لقد كنت ساسالك ايضاً 48 00:03:26,131 --> 00:03:29,362 ـ لقد كنت اجعلك مسك الختام فقط 49 00:03:29,678 --> 00:03:33,557 If he back-pedals any faster, he'll trip over his walker. 50 00:03:36,064 --> 00:03:38,100 All right, I'll do it. 51 00:03:38,360 --> 00:03:40,396 I really appreciate it. 52 00:03:40,655 --> 00:03:44,807 - You won't forget to ask Bulldog? - I'll leave a note on his hydrant. 53 00:03:46,873 --> 00:03:50,502 Oh, a bachelor auction. It'd be fun to pick a man off the block 54 00:03:50,839 --> 00:03:53,751 to do my bidding and fulfill my every desire. 55 00:03:54,052 --> 00:03:57,169 - Doctor Crane? - I'd love to. I mean... I... 56 00:03:58,643 --> 00:04:00,042 Uh... Frasier? 57 00:04:01,064 --> 00:04:03,658 What if no one bids? 58 00:04:03,943 --> 00:04:07,902 What if you're left standing there with flop sweat trickling down your back 59 00:04:08,242 --> 00:04:11,120 amidst a great gaping silence? 60 00:04:11,414 --> 00:04:14,167 - It'll never happen. - Thank you, Dad. 61 00:04:14,460 --> 00:04:17,338 Yeah, we got a band. 62 00:04:21,097 --> 00:04:24,055 (Auctioneer) Our next bachelor on the block is public TV's 63 00:04:24,352 --> 00:04:27,344 own cute and cuddly Mr. Science! 64 00:04:27,649 --> 00:04:30,288 (Women cheer and yell) 65 00:04:30,571 --> 00:04:34,325 God, the estrogen level is off the charts out there. 66 00:04:34,660 --> 00:04:36,696 Yeah, isn't it great! 67 00:04:36,956 --> 00:04:40,266 Deep down, chicks are just like guys - we all want the same thing. 68 00:04:40,587 --> 00:04:43,055 Frasier Crane does not put out. 69 00:04:43,342 --> 00:04:45,810 All they're getting is a gourmet meal 70 00:04:46,096 --> 00:04:49,247 - and a handshake at the door. - Boring! 71 00:04:49,560 --> 00:04:53,712 My date gets a stretch limo, dinner, floor seats at the Sonics game, 72 00:04:54,068 --> 00:04:58,539 and these incredible buns of steel. Feel them, Doc. C'mon, feel them! 73 00:04:58,909 --> 00:05:00,706 Thank you, no. 74 00:05:00,954 --> 00:05:03,149 (Women shout) 75 00:05:03,416 --> 00:05:07,329 Ladies, keep your articles of clothing off the stage. 76 00:05:07,674 --> 00:05:11,633 Show these women celebrity beefcake and they go nutso! 77 00:05:11,973 --> 00:05:17,411 Typical mob mentality. I hope the fire exits are clearly marked. 78 00:05:17,815 --> 00:05:20,488 Relax, will you? 79 00:05:20,778 --> 00:05:24,691 You're not the one jumping into the Rottweiler pit carrying a pork chop. 80 00:05:25,035 --> 00:05:29,426 Hey, That's T.J. Smith he's a linebacker for the Seahawks! 81 00:05:29,793 --> 00:05:33,832 They call him "The Enforcer". He's put two quarterbacks in hospital. 82 00:05:34,175 --> 00:05:36,484 T.J., Marty Crane! 83 00:05:36,763 --> 00:05:40,642 - Number 19? - Please don't make me go out there. 84 00:05:40,978 --> 00:05:45,290 Oh... You'll be fine. Just go on out there and have a good time. 85 00:05:45,653 --> 00:05:47,803 (Women scream and yell) 86 00:05:49,534 --> 00:05:51,490 They're gonna have him for breakfast. 87 00:05:55,210 --> 00:05:57,929 (Door opens. Women scream and yell) 88 00:05:58,215 --> 00:05:59,967 How was it? 89 00:06:00,218 --> 00:06:03,096 They're like sharks in a feeding frenzy. 90 00:06:03,390 --> 00:06:05,506 The one who bought me looked crazed. 91 00:06:05,770 --> 00:06:07,886 Where do I pay? 92 00:06:08,148 --> 00:06:11,458 - Roz! - I saw what I wanted and I went after it. 93 00:06:12,781 --> 00:06:14,533 Stay! 94 00:06:16,161 --> 00:06:17,913 Number 20? 95 00:06:18,207 --> 00:06:22,883 - That's me. - I really appreciate this. 96 00:06:23,257 --> 00:06:26,454 Having somebody like you in the auction really adds class. 97 00:06:26,762 --> 00:06:29,834 If the bidding gets slow, 98 00:06:30,142 --> 00:06:34,215 drop a quarter and take a couple of minutes to pick it up, huh? 99 00:06:38,365 --> 00:06:42,483 (Auctioneer) Sold! To that determined lady in the back row for $500! 100 00:06:42,831 --> 00:06:45,220 (Women cheer) 101 00:06:45,501 --> 00:06:48,937 - So, Doc, who bought you? - No idea. 102 00:06:49,258 --> 00:06:51,692 The last thing I remember is someone shouting out: 103 00:06:51,971 --> 00:06:54,280 "Shake your money maker!" 104 00:06:57,104 --> 00:07:00,574 - Number 21. - Ladies, start your engines! 105 00:07:00,901 --> 00:07:03,859 (Women cheer) 106 00:07:05,326 --> 00:07:07,317 Doctor Crane? 107 00:07:07,580 --> 00:07:10,731 Kristina Harper. I just bought you. 108 00:07:14,925 --> 00:07:17,359 You... bought me? 109 00:07:17,638 --> 00:07:21,028 Yeah. I listen to your show. I'm a big fan of yours. 110 00:07:21,353 --> 00:07:23,947 Well, how... wonderful. 111 00:07:27,028 --> 00:07:30,577 You bought me for $500. That's a lot of money. 112 00:07:30,910 --> 00:07:33,424 I did a layout for "Seattle Style". 113 00:07:33,706 --> 00:07:36,539 - Are you a photographer? - No, I'm a model. 114 00:07:36,836 --> 00:07:39,953 A model! How wonderful! For you... 115 00:07:40,258 --> 00:07:42,374 How about Friday? 116 00:07:42,638 --> 00:07:46,517 OK. I live at the Elliot Bay Towers. Around seven? 117 00:07:46,852 --> 00:07:50,447 - Sounds great. See you then. - Bye. 118 00:07:55,242 --> 00:07:57,392 That's my new owner. 119 00:08:02,128 --> 00:08:04,119 She's a model. 120 00:08:04,382 --> 00:08:06,942 No kidding. She almost put my eye out. 121 00:08:08,013 --> 00:08:10,083 You're back quick. 122 00:08:10,350 --> 00:08:13,786 I was one of the last guys. The money was running low. 123 00:08:14,106 --> 00:08:18,179 But there was still one rawhide chew-toy out there for the Bulldog. 124 00:08:22,578 --> 00:08:26,332 I got to take a squirt. When I come back, we'll play fetch. 125 00:08:26,668 --> 00:08:28,784 My God! Daphne, why? 126 00:08:29,048 --> 00:08:32,358 Things were slow, so your father asked me to shill. 127 00:08:32,678 --> 00:08:36,512 I opened at $100. Who knew that would be the only bid? 128 00:08:43,237 --> 00:08:45,193 (Doorbell) 129 00:08:46,201 --> 00:08:48,157 Whoosh! 130 00:09:09,155 --> 00:09:11,874 Kristina. Buonanotte. 131 00:09:12,160 --> 00:09:14,549 Sorry I'm late but I got a call for a job. 132 00:09:14,831 --> 00:09:17,220 OK. You're here now. 133 00:09:17,502 --> 00:09:21,097 No, the job's tonight, but we could have dinner later. 134 00:09:21,426 --> 00:09:23,496 All right. 135 00:09:23,762 --> 00:09:26,071 I hope you didn't go to too much trouble. 136 00:09:26,350 --> 00:09:28,341 Oh, no! 137 00:09:29,772 --> 00:09:33,811 - You rented a restaurant trolley. - No, I own it. You don't have one? 138 00:09:35,157 --> 00:09:39,708 One more thing. My friend Sandy got called in on the same job 139 00:09:40,081 --> 00:09:43,960 and she was supposed to look after my daughter. 140 00:09:47,844 --> 00:09:51,393 Don't tell me you want me to baby-sit. 141 00:09:51,725 --> 00:09:55,798 Sandy will take her when I get back and that'll leave just the two of us. 142 00:09:56,149 --> 00:09:58,299 Kristina, I'm not really sure if I can... 143 00:09:59,906 --> 00:10:03,103 - I'll make points for this, won't I? - A ton. 144 00:10:06,083 --> 00:10:08,517 Bring the darling in. 145 00:10:10,590 --> 00:10:13,787 - This is my daughter Renata. - Hello. 146 00:10:14,096 --> 00:10:16,052 She's shy at first. 147 00:10:16,307 --> 00:10:17,262 (Bell) 148 00:10:17,476 --> 00:10:20,468 Oh, there's the elevator. See you later. 149 00:10:24,028 --> 00:10:27,304 Well, come on in. Have a seat. 150 00:10:29,371 --> 00:10:32,124 Can I get you, uh... a soft drink? 151 00:10:34,629 --> 00:10:36,620 Goose liver pâté? 152 00:10:38,469 --> 00:10:42,018 "Renata" that's a pretty name. It must have... 153 00:10:42,350 --> 00:10:44,739 Can I use your phone? 154 00:10:45,021 --> 00:10:48,730 We're spending the evening together. Let's make the best of it. 155 00:10:49,070 --> 00:10:53,268 I may surprise you. I probably am more "with it" than you think I am. 156 00:10:54,829 --> 00:10:57,787 The phone's right there. 157 00:11:00,755 --> 00:11:04,714 No way! No way! 158 00:11:05,054 --> 00:11:07,648 That is so fresh. 159 00:11:09,395 --> 00:11:11,226 No way! 160 00:11:12,650 --> 00:11:14,402 No way! 161 00:11:16,156 --> 00:11:17,589 No... 162 00:11:17,825 --> 00:11:19,258 ...way! 163 00:11:22,666 --> 00:11:26,181 Hold on, there's another call. Hello? 164 00:11:26,507 --> 00:11:29,101 (Irritated) He'll call you back. 165 00:11:31,139 --> 00:11:33,095 - No way! - Who was that? 166 00:11:33,351 --> 00:11:35,819 I don't know. No way! 167 00:11:36,105 --> 00:11:40,621 - Another call's coming in. - I'll take this one. Hello? 168 00:11:42,032 --> 00:11:44,148 It's for you. 169 00:11:45,079 --> 00:11:47,434 Hello? Hey, Tiffany. 170 00:11:47,708 --> 00:11:49,983 Tiffany! You just spoke to Tiffany! 171 00:11:50,254 --> 00:11:53,690 That was Tiffany Schwartz. This is Tiffany Martinez. 172 00:11:55,304 --> 00:11:59,695 I celebrate the ethnic mosaic that is America, but nonetheless... 173 00:12:00,062 --> 00:12:02,098 What's your damage? 174 00:12:02,357 --> 00:12:04,746 You've been on the phone for 1½ hours. 175 00:12:05,028 --> 00:12:07,781 You haven't spoken to me except to ask for more Cheetos! 176 00:12:08,075 --> 00:12:11,112 They're coming, Eddie! 177 00:12:14,419 --> 00:12:17,456 I'm supposed to be happy I'm here? 178 00:12:17,757 --> 00:12:19,713 Her fabulousness dumps me here 179 00:12:19,970 --> 00:12:22,040 with a total stranger who could be a perv. 180 00:12:22,307 --> 00:12:27,779 I'm not thrilled about it either. And I am not a perv. 181 00:12:28,192 --> 00:12:32,708 You don't get it. She's always doing this. She's a flake. 182 00:12:33,074 --> 00:12:38,785 Flake or not, you are in my charge. You should have something nutritious. 183 00:12:39,210 --> 00:12:41,770 Now, how about seafood crêpes? 184 00:12:42,048 --> 00:12:44,118 Lobster Newburg? 185 00:12:44,385 --> 00:12:46,660 Corndog dipped in curare? 186 00:12:49,185 --> 00:12:53,576 - Have you got any raw cookie dough? - Even more lethal. Let's see. 187 00:12:53,943 --> 00:12:59,176 You wouldn't have gotten anywhere with this gourmet meal routine. 188 00:12:59,576 --> 00:13:02,648 She eats nothing. She's a total diet freak. 189 00:13:02,958 --> 00:13:05,472 And she only talks about herself. 190 00:13:05,753 --> 00:13:09,302 - You don't care much for your mother? - Well, duh (!) 191 00:13:09,635 --> 00:13:13,947 I hate to think that when my son's your age, he'll think of me as a... 192 00:13:14,309 --> 00:13:17,062 - Dweeb? - Thank you. 193 00:13:17,356 --> 00:13:19,916 Brace yourself. 194 00:13:21,864 --> 00:13:25,413 Oh, well, look what we have here. Will one tube suffice? 195 00:13:25,744 --> 00:13:30,340 - Cool. - Put that in your pipe and smoke it. 196 00:13:34,217 --> 00:13:38,688 Renata, you know... I am a psychiatrist. 197 00:13:39,058 --> 00:13:43,574 And if you're having problems with your mother, I'd be glad to listen. 198 00:13:43,941 --> 00:13:48,173 You want me to tell you my problems like those gomers on your show? 199 00:13:49,826 --> 00:13:53,819 - Like you care (!) - I do care about the gomers. 200 00:13:55,461 --> 00:13:58,897 - I even care about you. - Don't make me hurl. 201 00:14:07,940 --> 00:14:12,934 - She tells people I'm younger. - Why do you think she does that? 202 00:14:13,323 --> 00:14:15,598 So they won't know how old SHE is. 203 00:14:15,869 --> 00:14:20,545 - I've been nine for three years. - Really? 204 00:14:20,919 --> 00:14:24,070 Once she promised to take me ice-skating. 205 00:14:24,383 --> 00:14:26,977 On the way there, she saw a tattoo parlor. 206 00:14:27,263 --> 00:14:31,222 She left me outside to get a butterfly tattooed on her shoulder. 207 00:14:31,562 --> 00:14:35,316 - She forgot I was out there. - How old were you? 208 00:14:35,652 --> 00:14:38,166 That was the FIRST time I was nine. 209 00:14:40,827 --> 00:14:43,216 What does your father say about this? 210 00:14:43,498 --> 00:14:47,457 Tony? He's on the road with Whitesnake all the time. 211 00:14:47,797 --> 00:14:50,994 - Is that a musical group or a pet? - It's his new wife. 212 00:14:55,602 --> 00:15:00,198 I was apprehensive about going out with you tonight, 213 00:15:00,568 --> 00:15:05,403 but I'm having a jolly time unless it's the champagne getting to me. 214 00:15:05,784 --> 00:15:09,697 I have had quite a bit, haven't I? Oh, who cares? 215 00:15:10,042 --> 00:15:14,479 That's the beauty of being in a limo unless the driver's drinking. 216 00:15:14,841 --> 00:15:19,073 You're not drinking, are you? He's not drinking. 217 00:15:19,432 --> 00:15:21,423 (Klaxon honks) 218 00:15:21,686 --> 00:15:26,885 - Let's drink to the driver not drinking! - Man, you're really looped... Great! 219 00:15:27,278 --> 00:15:29,917 (Car horn blares) 220 00:15:30,200 --> 00:15:34,876 It certainly is taking a long time getting out of this parking lot. 221 00:15:35,250 --> 00:15:40,483 Did I say this was my first basketball game? I did, four times. 222 00:15:40,884 --> 00:15:45,321 I still can't get over those players. They're positively gigantic. 223 00:15:45,684 --> 00:15:49,962 Not that being tall is the only measure of a man... but it's a bloody good one! 224 00:15:53,781 --> 00:15:58,172 Oh, dear, I just insulted you, didn't I? Sorry. 225 00:15:58,539 --> 00:16:02,657 Oh, well, you can take it. You're a tough little nut. 226 00:16:04,047 --> 00:16:07,357 Oh, dear... This is not good, not good at all. 227 00:16:07,679 --> 00:16:11,957 - You don't like the champagne? - No, I can see the bottom of my glass! 228 00:16:12,312 --> 00:16:14,382 Well, bottoms up! 229 00:16:14,648 --> 00:16:19,164 You are a naughty boy. Don't go getting any ideas. 230 00:16:19,531 --> 00:16:23,570 Oh, look who I'm saying this to. You don't have an idea in your head. 231 00:16:26,585 --> 00:16:29,782 Oh! I did it again. I insulted you. 232 00:16:30,090 --> 00:16:32,399 Let's drink to that. Boom! 233 00:16:34,348 --> 00:16:36,623 (Car horn blares) 234 00:16:36,894 --> 00:16:38,885 Now, that is downright rude! 235 00:16:40,107 --> 00:16:45,022 Hey, you there! You in the Firebird! Yes, you, stop that honking! 236 00:16:45,407 --> 00:16:47,762 (Car horn blares) 237 00:16:48,037 --> 00:16:51,586 Just because you look stupid doesn't mean you have to act stupid! 238 00:16:51,918 --> 00:16:54,716 Don't aggravate him! 239 00:16:55,006 --> 00:16:57,474 Tosh! Civilization won't progress 240 00:16:57,761 --> 00:17:01,151 unless someone points out when people's manners are remiss. 241 00:17:01,476 --> 00:17:04,752 - (Man) Move it! - Oh, shut your bloody cakehole! 242 00:17:06,234 --> 00:17:09,431 Don't do that! He's getting out of his car now. 243 00:17:09,739 --> 00:17:12,811 - Ooh, he's a tall one, too. - Roll up your window! 244 00:17:13,120 --> 00:17:15,076 He won't hurt a woman. 245 00:17:15,332 --> 00:17:19,883 - Just roll it up! - Oh...! Let him go! 246 00:17:20,257 --> 00:17:25,456 - (Shouts) Let him go, you big ugly oaf! - Shut up! 247 00:17:26,892 --> 00:17:29,804 (Thumping) 248 00:17:30,106 --> 00:17:32,904 Oh... Well, we're moving. 249 00:17:34,905 --> 00:17:38,659 Thank you, Pit Bull! I had a lovely time! 250 00:17:51,224 --> 00:17:54,534 You know, this cookie dough is not that bad. 251 00:17:56,441 --> 00:18:00,070 Of course, I'm sure later I'll be hurling, but, well... 252 00:18:00,406 --> 00:18:02,397 (Doorbell) 253 00:18:02,659 --> 00:18:06,538 - Her fabulousness. Want that dough? - I'd better not. 254 00:18:06,875 --> 00:18:11,426 If I gain an ounce, she goes ballistic. She makes me weigh in every morning. 255 00:18:11,800 --> 00:18:15,759 - You poor thing. - I'm used to it. 256 00:18:17,518 --> 00:18:19,827 Hi, I'm back. 257 00:18:20,106 --> 00:18:24,384 Renata, honey... Sandy's waiting downstairs in the car. 258 00:18:26,574 --> 00:18:30,044 Renata? I must say, I had a rather enjoyable evening. 259 00:18:30,372 --> 00:18:33,011 You don't get out much, do you? 260 00:18:34,087 --> 00:18:36,043 I think she likes me. 261 00:18:36,298 --> 00:18:40,849 Thank you for helping me out. Now roll out that trolley. I'm starved. 262 00:18:41,223 --> 00:18:44,340 You know... I don't think so. 263 00:18:44,646 --> 00:18:47,763 Spend the evening with your daughter. 264 00:18:48,068 --> 00:18:50,741 But I thought we had a date. 265 00:18:51,031 --> 00:18:56,185 When we first met, I was attracted by your remarkable beauty, 266 00:18:56,582 --> 00:18:59,619 but now that I know a bit more about you, 267 00:18:59,920 --> 00:19:03,230 suddenly you don't look so good, sister. 268 00:19:07,558 --> 00:19:09,310 Excuse me? 269 00:19:09,562 --> 00:19:13,316 You don't leave your daughter on some street corner 270 00:19:13,651 --> 00:19:15,881 while you're getting tattooed, 271 00:19:16,156 --> 00:19:20,354 or keep her in some never-never land where everyone is nine forever! 272 00:19:20,705 --> 00:19:22,457 Renata told you that? 273 00:19:22,708 --> 00:19:26,747 Yes, she also told me about the time you left her with the coat-check girl. 274 00:19:27,091 --> 00:19:29,764 What kind of mother are you? 275 00:19:30,054 --> 00:19:33,683 Did it occur to you she might be lying? 276 00:19:34,019 --> 00:19:37,409 Cos this is the first night I've been out in a year. 277 00:19:37,733 --> 00:19:41,692 John and Marianne never take her, her father and his new wife. 278 00:19:42,032 --> 00:19:45,388 - Who are Tony and Whitesnake? - Our two dogs. 279 00:19:51,172 --> 00:19:55,324 Most nights, I stay home and I help her with her homework. 280 00:19:55,680 --> 00:20:00,959 Except last Saturday, when I took her and her 12 friends ice-skating. 281 00:20:01,355 --> 00:20:05,234 I don't suppose that during that party you got your shoulder tattooed? 282 00:20:06,865 --> 00:20:09,982 Do you see anything there, hmm? 283 00:20:12,541 --> 00:20:14,372 No. 284 00:20:14,627 --> 00:20:17,937 But then, my eyes are tearing up. 285 00:20:22,932 --> 00:20:26,891 - But why would she lie? - Because she's 12 and mad at me. 286 00:20:27,231 --> 00:20:29,540 I wouldn't let her stay home alone. 287 00:20:29,819 --> 00:20:33,858 I probably would have been better off if I had! Some shrink you are (!) 288 00:20:34,202 --> 00:20:38,275 Child development is not my thing. My specialty is adult relations. 289 00:20:38,626 --> 00:20:41,982 You won't be having any of those tonight. 290 00:20:42,298 --> 00:20:44,050 Don't go! 291 00:20:44,301 --> 00:20:48,010 Oh, by the way, I only have one kidney. Guess who has the other? 292 00:21:13,140 --> 00:21:16,769 Is the coast clear? Where's the supermodel? 293 00:21:17,106 --> 00:21:19,336 She left. 294 00:21:19,609 --> 00:21:22,885 I was afraid I might walk in on an embarrassing moment. 295 00:21:23,199 --> 00:21:29,354 - You would have, half an hour ago. - What are you doing still up? 296 00:21:29,793 --> 00:21:35,663 I was just wondering if my sweet boy is going to be a monster when he's 12. 297 00:21:36,095 --> 00:21:38,370 What the hell brought that up? 298 00:21:39,726 --> 00:21:41,717 It's a long story. Do you really want to hear it? 299 00:21:41,980 --> 00:21:44,050 Well, it is getting late... 300 00:21:45,861 --> 00:21:50,298 All kids start out cute, then somewhere along the way, 301 00:21:50,660 --> 00:21:53,379 they get into that know-it-all stage. 302 00:21:53,665 --> 00:21:56,657 - You think they'll never grow out of it. - Eventually they do. 303 00:21:56,962 --> 00:21:58,953 I'm still hoping. 304 00:22:00,677 --> 00:22:02,747 (Phone) 305 00:22:04,058 --> 00:22:08,051 Hello? Oh, Daphne. How was your evening? 306 00:22:08,398 --> 00:22:10,593 No way! 307 00:22:13,782 --> 00:22:18,412 # Hey, baby, I hear the blues a-calling Tossed salads and scrambled eggs 308 00:22:19,458 --> 00:22:20,811 # Oh, my! 309 00:22:21,044 --> 00:22:25,799 # And maybe I seen a bit confused Well, maybe... but I got you pegged! 310 00:22:28,181 --> 00:22:33,050 # But I don't know what to do with those Tossed salads and scrambled eggs 311 00:22:34,108 --> 00:22:36,542 # They're calling again # 312 00:22:36,820 --> 00:22:39,414 Good night, Seattle, we love you!