1 00:00:41,542 --> 00:00:45,413 2 00:00:56,657 --> 00:00:59,693 Decisive moments. 3 00:00:59,793 --> 00:01:03,497 Those once-in-a-lifetime moments. 4 00:01:07,835 --> 00:01:11,272 That's what we're talkin' about here, Buddy. 5 00:01:11,372 --> 00:01:13,441 Remember your first uniform? 6 00:01:13,541 --> 00:01:17,077 How you felt holding it, seeing your number? 7 00:01:17,178 --> 00:01:21,815 For me, it's like it was ten minutes ago. 8 00:01:21,915 --> 00:01:24,618 And I don't know about you. 9 00:01:24,718 --> 00:01:29,790 But I ran straight home and found the mirror. Am I right? 10 00:01:29,890 --> 00:01:34,528 And in all my years as a player and all the time I've put here as an assistant coach, 11 00:01:34,628 --> 00:01:38,532 you wanna know the one feeling that topped that? 12 00:01:38,632 --> 00:01:42,703 Standing... in that runway... 13 00:01:42,803 --> 00:01:46,774 Twelve guys dressed in St. Joe's blue and gold, 14 00:01:46,874 --> 00:01:50,211 listening to the sound of 20,000 people... 15 00:01:50,311 --> 00:01:52,646 Goin' out of their minds. 16 00:01:52,746 --> 00:01:56,784 17 00:01:56,884 --> 00:02:00,254 Introducing the six-foot, eight-inch... 18 00:02:00,354 --> 00:02:03,657 Star forward for the St. Joseph's Bulls, 19 00:02:03,757 --> 00:02:06,794 from Chautauqua Falls, Illinois, 20 00:02:06,894 --> 00:02:09,563 number 31, 21 00:02:09,663 --> 00:02:12,433 Buddy Wilson! 22 00:02:12,533 --> 00:02:15,169 23 00:02:16,637 --> 00:02:19,640 You forgot the part about the smell, the sweat and the liniment. 24 00:02:19,740 --> 00:02:24,712 Look at him. He's out there dreaming about his guest spot on Arsenio. 25 00:02:28,549 --> 00:02:33,921 How many games are televised? Ten nationally televised games per season. 26 00:02:34,021 --> 00:02:38,526 I want it in writing that I crack starting lineup freshmen year. 27 00:02:40,561 --> 00:02:41,895 What? 28 00:02:43,997 --> 00:02:46,900 Ooh, it's not a problem, Buddy. 29 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:51,205 Pro scouts gotta see me on the floor. 30 00:02:51,305 --> 00:02:54,174 My agent said put it in writing, or I sign with U.N.L.V. 31 00:02:56,009 --> 00:02:58,479 What else does your agent want? 32 00:02:58,579 --> 00:03:02,716 He said the school I pick won't recruit another power forward 'til my junior year. 33 00:03:02,816 --> 00:03:06,754 And wheels. Something in a convertible because of my height. 34 00:03:06,854 --> 00:03:10,291 Saab's cool. Karl Malone drives a Saab convertible. 35 00:03:10,391 --> 00:03:14,462 We gotta get goin'. You have dinner with the cheerleaders, 36 00:03:14,562 --> 00:03:19,533 seven o'clock. Hey, how about an A.C. Cobra? Isaiah drives a cobra. 37 00:03:21,001 --> 00:03:23,871 Shit, yeah! 38 00:03:23,971 --> 00:03:27,475 Maybe you oughta play for Publisher's Clearing House. Jimmy... 39 00:03:27,575 --> 00:03:33,247 - Buddy, what Jimmy means... - hey, this program is only as good as the deal I get. 40 00:03:33,347 --> 00:03:36,317 Look at the time. 41 00:03:36,417 --> 00:03:39,387 Buddy, coach Fox wants to see you before we meet up with the Cowbelles. 42 00:03:39,487 --> 00:03:43,257 Hey, did I tell you one of them was asked to pose for Playboy? 43 00:03:43,357 --> 00:03:48,228 I wanna see the head fake. This is the spot, right? 1981 championship. 44 00:03:48,329 --> 00:03:53,000 - Jimmy, why don't you show Buddy your ring? - This is the spot. 45 00:03:53,100 --> 00:03:57,571 The Jimmy Dolan "shake-and-bake." "The mouth that scored." 46 00:03:57,671 --> 00:04:01,709 - Oh, shit. - Bet you can't drive on me. 47 00:04:04,044 --> 00:04:07,448 I'll take a rain check. 48 00:04:07,548 --> 00:04:11,251 Nah, come on, let's do it, 50 bucks a point, 11-point game. 49 00:04:13,554 --> 00:04:15,556 Some other time. 50 00:04:15,656 --> 00:04:18,292 Come on, man. I'll even spot you five. 51 00:04:31,805 --> 00:04:34,508 So that's what, nine-three? 52 00:04:34,608 --> 00:04:37,277 Me up six? $50 a point. 53 00:04:40,981 --> 00:04:43,884 Six times $50 is what? Huh? 54 00:04:47,721 --> 00:04:50,624 - Once more. - Aw, this is ridiculous. This is... 55 00:04:50,724 --> 00:04:53,394 Aw, you okay? Guys, guys, we really gotta get goin'. 56 00:04:53,494 --> 00:04:56,697 Seven times $50! 57 00:05:01,735 --> 00:05:04,338 You're down $350. 58 00:05:04,438 --> 00:05:07,841 Let me guess. Your agent took your SATs for you? 59 00:05:11,044 --> 00:05:13,947 Keep your hands up! 60 00:05:15,583 --> 00:05:17,951 Defense is more important than breathing. 61 00:05:18,051 --> 00:05:19,553 Buddy, we really gotta get goin'. 62 00:05:20,788 --> 00:05:22,065 There's nothin' uglier than a bunch of hungry cheerleaders. 63 00:05:22,089 --> 00:05:24,658 So, you wanna see the head fake? 64 00:05:24,758 --> 00:05:26,860 Jimmy Dolan's "shake-and-bake." 65 00:05:27,961 --> 00:05:31,465 It's a three-stage process. Pay attention. 66 00:05:31,565 --> 00:05:34,602 First, 67 00:05:34,702 --> 00:05:37,905 you think I'm gonna go left. 68 00:05:38,005 --> 00:05:40,508 So, I indicate left. 69 00:05:40,608 --> 00:05:44,678 But you know I'm not gonna go with my first move, not with this thing on my leg. 70 00:05:44,778 --> 00:05:47,448 So, now... I go left again! 71 00:05:47,548 --> 00:05:51,652 Am I going too fast for you? You having trouble following me with that megabyte mind? 72 00:05:51,752 --> 00:05:54,988 Okay, pay attention. Here comes the second stage. 73 00:05:55,088 --> 00:05:58,859 You think I'm tryin' to sell ya on my right side. 74 00:06:00,628 --> 00:06:04,097 But what I'm really doin'... 75 00:06:05,566 --> 00:06:09,637 That's the third stage. 76 00:06:09,737 --> 00:06:13,474 Hey, don't worry about it. When it's really workin'... I don't know where I'm goin'. 77 00:06:13,574 --> 00:06:16,910 Buddy, don't sweat the $400. 78 00:06:17,010 --> 00:06:20,714 You can take it out of the $50,000 you were gonna pay me. 79 00:06:20,814 --> 00:06:23,817 I'm not playin' for you! 80 00:06:23,917 --> 00:06:27,955 But, Bud... wait, Buddy... Th-the Cowbelles. 81 00:06:28,055 --> 00:06:31,058 To hell with the Cowbelles! 82 00:06:44,672 --> 00:06:47,174 How long we been trackin' this kid? 83 00:06:50,978 --> 00:06:53,514 Seventy-five mailings, coach. 84 00:06:53,614 --> 00:06:56,617 Eight in-home visits. Two trips to Disneyworld. 85 00:06:56,717 --> 00:06:59,419 Thirty-seven sweatshirts and, um... 86 00:06:59,520 --> 00:07:03,123 And 19 lobster dinners. 87 00:07:03,223 --> 00:07:06,727 That's a lot of lobster, wouldn't you say, J.D.? 88 00:07:06,827 --> 00:07:09,863 - There are better power forwards. - Oh, yeah? Name one. 89 00:07:09,963 --> 00:07:14,001 - Conover. - Conover? You can deliver Conover? 90 00:07:14,101 --> 00:07:17,571 Damn straight! Talked to his father yesterday. He's in the bag. 91 00:07:17,671 --> 00:07:21,609 Your bag, the one with Conover in it, is addressed to Bobby Knight. 92 00:07:21,709 --> 00:07:24,678 Conover signed a letter of intent with Indiana yesterday afternoon. 93 00:07:24,778 --> 00:07:28,516 I bet you lost a lot of sleep waitin' to tell me that. 94 00:07:28,616 --> 00:07:31,985 - Buddy Wilson was mine, and you lost him! - Mark, get outta here. 95 00:07:32,085 --> 00:07:34,488 - You get... - Now. 96 00:07:43,764 --> 00:07:48,035 Take a load off, J.D. 97 00:07:49,903 --> 00:07:51,705 I said, sit. 98 00:07:57,678 --> 00:07:59,680 Knee's hurtin', huh? 99 00:08:01,515 --> 00:08:05,128 Docs say you don't watch it, you end up in a wheelchair by 40, but what do they know, right? 100 00:08:05,152 --> 00:08:08,488 Always time for a little one-on-one? 101 00:08:08,589 --> 00:08:11,158 The Wilson kid is an asshole, Foxie. 102 00:08:11,258 --> 00:08:13,861 Kid's 18. You expect Gandhi maybe? 103 00:08:13,961 --> 00:08:17,731 - He's not a team player! - Yeah? Neither were you. 104 00:08:17,831 --> 00:08:20,000 You were a showboat and a ball hog. 105 00:08:20,100 --> 00:08:24,538 I had to bench you almost as many times as I brought you home for dinner! 106 00:08:24,638 --> 00:08:28,809 Look at you now. You're practically a functioning adult. 107 00:08:28,909 --> 00:08:32,012 Jesus, Jimmy, we needed that goddamn kid! 108 00:08:32,112 --> 00:08:36,550 - Wouldn't want him on my team. - It's not your team! 109 00:08:36,650 --> 00:08:39,753 What is the matter with you? 110 00:08:39,853 --> 00:08:44,692 I mean, we keep going over the same ground time and time again! 111 00:08:44,792 --> 00:08:47,795 You got one of the finest basketball minds I've ever come across, 112 00:08:47,895 --> 00:08:51,665 but you haven't got a clue as to what coaching's all about! 113 00:08:51,765 --> 00:08:55,736 Why? Because I don't coach the way you do? No, I'm sorry, I don't play by the rules! 114 00:08:55,836 --> 00:09:00,140 Because you don't see the big picture! You're always thinking about yourself! 115 00:09:00,240 --> 00:09:05,579 You think I've been grooming you for ten years for fun? Think I'm gonna be here forever? 116 00:09:05,679 --> 00:09:08,716 Foxie, you've been sayin' that for years. You're never gonna retire! 117 00:09:08,816 --> 00:09:13,787 Not for you I'm not, because never once have you proven to me that you're ready for my job! 118 00:09:13,887 --> 00:09:17,557 - And Collins has? - He can bring in the talent! He can recruit! 119 00:09:17,658 --> 00:09:19,993 Hey, I gave everything I had to Saint Joe's! 120 00:09:20,093 --> 00:09:23,697 If I don't blow my knee out senior year, I'm playin' pro ball! 121 00:09:23,797 --> 00:09:28,702 Hearts and flowers. Only reason you're coachin' here is because you can't be playin' there. 122 00:09:28,802 --> 00:09:31,204 You still wanna be the star! 123 00:09:31,304 --> 00:09:33,974 I don't need this. 124 00:09:34,074 --> 00:09:38,846 There's only room for one star around here, Ray, and that's you! You got that covered! 125 00:09:38,946 --> 00:09:42,115 Hey! Get your ass back here! Jimmy! 126 00:09:50,791 --> 00:09:54,161 Yo, yo, Jimmy D.! We got somethin' for you. 127 00:09:54,261 --> 00:09:58,098 Hold up, hold up. What's goin' on, man? Where ya goin' so fast? 128 00:09:58,198 --> 00:10:02,102 Yo, yo, what's your rush? Check it out. 129 00:10:02,202 --> 00:10:05,706 We switched numbers. 130 00:10:05,806 --> 00:10:08,141 That's McGraph's number you're wearin' on your head. 131 00:10:08,241 --> 00:10:11,178 Man, you are trippin', man. Go home. Hey, when are you gonna let me ride... 132 00:10:11,278 --> 00:10:15,148 Jimmy, when are you gonna gimme a ride in this car? Come on, Jimmy. 133 00:10:15,248 --> 00:10:18,618 ♪ Your work is not done ♪ 134 00:10:18,719 --> 00:10:24,758 ♪ with visions of glory ♪ 135 00:10:24,858 --> 00:10:30,330 ♪ prepare for the race yet run ♪ 136 00:10:30,430 --> 00:10:36,203 ♪ the gold and the azure ♪ 137 00:10:36,303 --> 00:10:43,076 ♪ strive on 'til the day is won 138 00:10:43,176 --> 00:10:47,080 Thank you. Thank you very much. Ladies and gentlemen. 139 00:10:47,180 --> 00:10:52,052 If you go out and ask anyone what they know about St. Joe's, they'll say one thing: 140 00:10:52,152 --> 00:10:57,424 The greatest basketball coach in college history, Ray Fox! 141 00:11:00,761 --> 00:11:02,796 Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! 142 00:11:02,896 --> 00:11:07,267 Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! 143 00:11:07,367 --> 00:11:11,238 Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! 144 00:11:11,338 --> 00:11:13,841 Foxie! Foxie! Foxie! Thank you. 145 00:11:13,941 --> 00:11:17,978 In the last 31 years, 146 00:11:20,313 --> 00:11:24,451 I've won 641 basketball games, 147 00:11:24,551 --> 00:11:28,055 seven national championships... 148 00:11:30,223 --> 00:11:34,194 And caught five fish. 149 00:11:35,495 --> 00:11:38,866 I think it's time to even the score. 150 00:11:40,233 --> 00:11:42,903 This will be my last season. 151 00:11:45,405 --> 00:11:48,842 In two weeks time, 152 00:11:48,942 --> 00:11:51,879 I will make the recommendation for my successor... 153 00:11:51,979 --> 00:11:56,716 To the board of regents at their annual meeting. 154 00:11:56,817 --> 00:11:59,753 I know a lot of you people out there. 155 00:11:59,853 --> 00:12:04,758 You come to the games. You come to the dinners. Some of your sons have played on the team 156 00:12:04,858 --> 00:12:09,029 for providing serious, catholic education 157 00:12:09,129 --> 00:12:12,732 to the farthest reaches of the third world. 158 00:12:12,833 --> 00:12:15,903 As you all know, each year at our banquet, 159 00:12:16,003 --> 00:12:19,272 we focus on a specific mission. 160 00:12:19,372 --> 00:12:22,910 And tonight, it is my honor to bring you 161 00:12:23,010 --> 00:12:27,347 the Winabi Parish School in Kenya. 162 00:12:27,447 --> 00:12:30,250 Students at Winabi 163 00:12:30,350 --> 00:12:33,520 are matriculating through all 12 grades. 164 00:12:33,620 --> 00:12:36,790 And there are plans for a nurses' training program next year. 165 00:12:36,890 --> 00:12:40,027 Schools must practically reach it's... 166 00:12:40,127 --> 00:12:44,264 And although the average age of the teachers is 32, 167 00:12:44,364 --> 00:12:48,068 they seem to be teaching enormously well... (where ya going?) 168 00:12:48,168 --> 00:12:51,905 ...under rather aggravated circumstances because of the size of the class they have. 169 00:12:52,005 --> 00:12:55,008 But of course, having so many classes 170 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:58,445 sports becomes a very, very positive part... 171 00:13:03,416 --> 00:13:05,052 Yeah. 172 00:13:05,152 --> 00:13:07,154 That's it. 173 00:13:12,492 --> 00:13:13,961 Yes! 174 00:13:14,061 --> 00:13:15,963 It turns out the school is run 175 00:13:16,063 --> 00:13:18,298 by none other than father Kermit O'Hara, 176 00:13:18,398 --> 00:13:20,968 the other guard on Bob Cousy's Holy Cross team. 177 00:13:21,068 --> 00:13:24,547 I looked up O'Hara's stats; He's six-foot. Then, I had a kid in the physics department 178 00:13:24,571 --> 00:13:28,275 take the angle of the sun, depth of the field and the camera angle under consideration. 179 00:13:28,375 --> 00:13:32,112 Given that data, this kid is at least six-eight, 180 00:13:32,212 --> 00:13:34,514 with a vertical leap that's off the charts. 181 00:13:34,614 --> 00:13:37,851 You're sayin' there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll? - Eat me. 182 00:13:37,951 --> 00:13:42,155 - When's the last time you saw a big man move like that? - His name was Buddy Wilson. 183 00:13:42,255 --> 00:13:45,825 Do the names Olajuwon, Manute Bol, Dikembe Mutombo mean anything to you? 184 00:13:45,926 --> 00:13:51,431 All native africans, all playin' in the N.B.A. - The guard's got tits. 185 00:13:51,531 --> 00:13:54,401 Small ones. You're right. He's playing against a girl. 186 00:13:54,501 --> 00:13:58,605 - So what? Collins, run that back, will ya? - Turn it off, Mark. 187 00:13:58,705 --> 00:14:04,144 I got a good feeling about this, Foxie. All I need is a week and you spot me the airfare to Africa. 188 00:14:04,244 --> 00:14:07,280 I already got a flight booked, Jimmy. 189 00:14:07,380 --> 00:14:09,282 You're on a 6:30 to Boise. 190 00:14:09,382 --> 00:14:13,853 Boise? Boise's a Class D tournament. Boise is... 191 00:14:15,422 --> 00:14:17,757 His assignment. 192 00:14:21,628 --> 00:14:23,630 Change of plans. 193 00:14:40,513 --> 00:14:43,283 Nice try. 194 00:14:54,327 --> 00:15:02,327 195 00:15:03,036 --> 00:15:07,274 196 00:15:46,313 --> 00:15:48,248 Excuse me. 197 00:15:49,449 --> 00:15:52,052 Are we near "Win-nah-bee?" 198 00:15:53,453 --> 00:15:55,422 Uh... 199 00:15:55,522 --> 00:15:58,091 "Win-nay-bee?" 200 00:15:58,191 --> 00:16:00,160 Winabi. Winabi. Yeah. 201 00:16:00,260 --> 00:16:02,162 - Hey. - Yeah? 202 00:16:14,274 --> 00:16:17,277 Thank you. Thank you very much. 203 00:17:18,438 --> 00:17:21,474 That's it. No. The other one. Blue and gold. Right. 204 00:17:54,707 --> 00:17:58,678 Excuse me. Hi. How ya doin'? 205 00:17:58,778 --> 00:18:04,351 Uh... Jambo. Jambo. 206 00:18:09,756 --> 00:18:13,526 Can I help you? You speak English. 207 00:18:16,663 --> 00:18:19,832 Yeah. Uh, I'm trying to get to this place... Winabi. 208 00:18:19,932 --> 00:18:23,370 Is there a bus or something? When do you wish to travel there? 209 00:18:23,470 --> 00:18:26,773 When's the next one leave? I will check the schedule for you. 210 00:18:26,873 --> 00:18:30,410 Oh, great, thank you very much. I appreciate it. 211 00:18:44,291 --> 00:18:49,796 Why do you go to Winabi? I'm meeting someone there. Father O'Hara. You know him? 212 00:18:49,896 --> 00:18:53,400 You're a priest? 213 00:18:53,500 --> 00:18:56,236 Me? Jesus, no. 214 00:19:06,446 --> 00:19:11,150 I'm afraid I have bad news for you. You have missed the last bus. 215 00:19:11,251 --> 00:19:13,886 Oh, shit. When was that? 216 00:19:15,722 --> 00:19:18,658 1974. 217 00:19:18,758 --> 00:19:21,561 218 00:19:33,806 --> 00:19:36,209 Welcome to Mingori! 219 00:19:37,877 --> 00:19:41,581 - I'm Nyaga. - Jimmy Dolan. 220 00:19:41,681 --> 00:19:45,318 You dress strangely for a copper speculator. 221 00:19:45,418 --> 00:19:48,321 - I beg your pardon? - Come on, Jimmy Dolan, please. 222 00:19:48,421 --> 00:19:50,557 You don't go to Winabi to sightsee. 223 00:19:50,657 --> 00:19:52,959 How did you know I was going to Winabi? 224 00:19:53,059 --> 00:19:57,964 This is a very small town, and I'm the biggest man in it. 225 00:19:58,064 --> 00:20:00,199 Now, 226 00:20:00,300 --> 00:20:03,670 if you're interested in copper mining Winabi, you talk the turkey to me. 227 00:20:03,770 --> 00:20:08,207 The Winabi hills will be belonging to me very soon, and I'll be looking for shareholders. 228 00:20:08,308 --> 00:20:12,312 No, no, you don't understand. See, I'm a coach. Basketball. 229 00:20:12,412 --> 00:20:15,982 I'm here to scout a player, not copper. You know what basketball is? 230 00:20:28,060 --> 00:20:32,932 Come, come, Jimmy Dolan, come and meet the guys. 231 00:20:33,032 --> 00:20:36,769 Welcome to the home of the Mingori Pistons! 232 00:20:39,772 --> 00:20:42,775 I knew the sport travelled, but where did you learn? 233 00:20:45,578 --> 00:20:47,514 Satellite dish TV. 234 00:20:47,614 --> 00:20:50,750 And we get ESPN, 235 00:20:50,850 --> 00:20:53,886 HBO, MTV... 236 00:20:53,986 --> 00:20:56,489 And of course... 237 00:20:56,589 --> 00:20:58,691 Home Shopping Network. 238 00:21:00,560 --> 00:21:01,919 We defeated the central bank team three times. 239 00:21:01,920 --> 00:21:03,105 We played the Tanzanian railroad team... 240 00:21:03,129 --> 00:21:05,432 For two million Kenyan shillings. 241 00:21:05,532 --> 00:21:08,034 And of course, the winner takes everything. 242 00:21:08,134 --> 00:21:11,904 - You mean, a bet? - That's it! A bet. 243 00:21:12,004 --> 00:21:14,441 Ah, everyone... 244 00:21:14,541 --> 00:21:17,644 And this gym was paid for with those moneys. 245 00:21:17,744 --> 00:21:20,413 New Dream Team: Team Mingori! 246 00:21:20,513 --> 00:21:23,450 Atlanta, '96! 247 00:21:23,550 --> 00:21:26,953 Mifundo! 248 00:21:27,053 --> 00:21:29,689 Yeah? Mifundo, meet the coach. 249 00:21:29,789 --> 00:21:32,959 We're old friends. You've got some nice moves. 250 00:21:33,059 --> 00:21:37,697 I go for the iron. Mifundo, the coach wants you. He wants to take you to America. 251 00:21:39,666 --> 00:21:42,469 And we make the deal right now, okay, Jimmy Dolan? 252 00:21:42,569 --> 00:21:45,472 Wait, no, no, hold on a second, fellas. I didn't say that. 253 00:21:45,572 --> 00:21:48,341 I'm impressed that you guys are so interested in the game, 254 00:21:48,441 --> 00:21:51,010 but if you could please tell me, how do I get to Winabi? 255 00:21:51,110 --> 00:21:54,013 Winabi? 256 00:21:54,113 --> 00:21:58,885 Someone is confusing you. There's nothing in Winabi. 257 00:21:58,985 --> 00:22:02,989 Do you know why the crows fly upside down over Winabi? 258 00:22:03,089 --> 00:22:05,592 No. Why? 259 00:22:05,692 --> 00:22:09,596 It's because the place is hardly worth shitting on. 260 00:22:11,598 --> 00:22:16,335 Hey, just don't talk to me about places not worth shitting on! All right? 261 00:22:16,436 --> 00:22:18,371 I'm from Buffalo. 262 00:22:43,863 --> 00:22:46,433 Aw, shit. 263 00:22:48,568 --> 00:22:52,572 Thank god. Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, slow down just one second! 264 00:22:52,672 --> 00:22:55,742 Hold on, hold on, stop, slow down... hey! 265 00:22:55,842 --> 00:22:57,953 I just wanna know how do i... Just tell me... 266 00:22:57,977 --> 00:23:00,847 let me just ask you... which way is... 267 00:23:00,947 --> 00:23:03,983 Winabi? 268 00:23:04,083 --> 00:23:08,855 269 00:23:37,083 --> 00:23:39,752 Second from the left. Check him out. 270 00:23:39,852 --> 00:23:45,057 Fourteen foot and he can dribble. This is not the zoo. Africa, Ray. 271 00:23:45,157 --> 00:23:50,997 This is Africa. Jimmy Dolan, international recruiter, reporting. 272 00:24:00,907 --> 00:24:02,842 Peace? 273 00:24:04,577 --> 00:24:07,079 Live long and prosper? 274 00:24:11,851 --> 00:24:13,920 Winabi? 275 00:24:19,592 --> 00:24:23,462 Guys, I'll give you anything you want. 276 00:24:24,631 --> 00:24:27,600 Anything I have. If you could please 277 00:24:27,700 --> 00:24:30,670 just tell me how to get to Winabi. 278 00:24:40,279 --> 00:24:43,015 Hey, guys? 279 00:24:43,115 --> 00:24:46,586 Fellas, how-how-how much farther is it? 280 00:24:46,686 --> 00:24:49,055 Huh? Could you just give me a clue? 281 00:24:49,155 --> 00:24:52,224 Are we almost there? 282 00:24:52,324 --> 00:24:55,928 Hey, yo, how we doing? Yo, wait up. 283 00:24:56,028 --> 00:24:58,798 Come on, 20-second timeout. Hey. 284 00:25:25,224 --> 00:25:26,492 Hi. 285 00:25:30,362 --> 00:25:33,065 Hey, how are you? 286 00:25:35,167 --> 00:25:37,970 How ya doin'? 287 00:25:42,141 --> 00:25:44,176 Holy shit. 288 00:25:46,378 --> 00:25:48,180 How ya doin'? 289 00:25:53,385 --> 00:25:56,255 Hey, buddy. Hey, wait up. 290 00:25:57,924 --> 00:26:01,127 Just-just-just a second. Let me ask you... 291 00:26:01,227 --> 00:26:04,230 Where ya goin'? 292 00:26:27,854 --> 00:26:30,990 I'm looking for Father O'Hara. 293 00:26:31,090 --> 00:26:33,693 O'Hara? 294 00:26:33,793 --> 00:26:36,328 B... 295 00:26:38,230 --> 00:26:41,333 Six. B-six. 296 00:26:45,237 --> 00:26:49,809 B, as in... 297 00:26:52,144 --> 00:26:55,347 - Bingo! - Bingo! 298 00:26:55,447 --> 00:26:59,051 Another lucky winner. Bring it up here, and St. George will take care of you. 299 00:26:59,151 --> 00:27:01,087 Bingo! Bingo! 300 00:27:01,187 --> 00:27:05,291 You are the same Kermit O'Hara who played with Bob Cousy at Holy Cross? 301 00:27:05,391 --> 00:27:09,071 Oh, I wouldn't call it playing, son. The man never even passed. All right, that's enough now. 302 00:27:09,095 --> 00:27:11,935 - But the picture... - If you're coming, Mr. Dolan, you'd better hurry up, 303 00:27:11,998 --> 00:27:14,333 because I'm celebrating mass in Ngongorola. 304 00:27:14,433 --> 00:27:17,003 It's a 52-kilometer drive before sundown. 305 00:27:17,103 --> 00:27:19,071 Well, if you could just take a look. 306 00:27:19,171 --> 00:27:21,340 - Ah. - Beisa. 307 00:27:21,440 --> 00:27:25,644 Beisa? Oh, tough luck, son. She's getting married next week. 308 00:27:25,745 --> 00:27:29,415 No, not the girl. The guy in the background. I know it's a blur... Saleh. 309 00:27:29,515 --> 00:27:31,984 The boy's name is Saleh. "Sah-lay." 310 00:27:32,084 --> 00:27:35,387 - Where do I find him? - Ah, Saleh. Yes, Saleh. 311 00:27:35,487 --> 00:27:37,724 The boy will tell you! 312 00:27:37,824 --> 00:27:39,391 What... 313 00:27:39,491 --> 00:27:42,028 Well, I'll see you all next week. 314 00:27:42,128 --> 00:27:45,998 I don't speak... Father, what boy? 315 00:27:46,098 --> 00:27:48,267 What boy? 316 00:27:49,501 --> 00:27:52,739 Ready when you are. 317 00:27:57,443 --> 00:27:59,045 You speak English? 318 00:27:59,145 --> 00:28:02,281 Your watch? It's digital? 319 00:28:02,381 --> 00:28:05,317 Saleh! 320 00:28:25,237 --> 00:28:27,439 Saleh. 321 00:28:42,822 --> 00:28:45,057 How ya doin'? 322 00:28:47,226 --> 00:28:49,829 Jimmy Dolan, St. Joe's college. 323 00:28:52,364 --> 00:28:54,333 Jambo. 324 00:28:54,433 --> 00:28:56,803 Great to meet ya. 325 00:29:04,410 --> 00:29:08,915 You come halfway around basketball? 326 00:29:09,015 --> 00:29:11,050 That's what I said. 327 00:29:11,150 --> 00:29:14,220 - Are you healthy up here? - Never said that. 328 00:29:19,191 --> 00:29:21,093 Go on, take a shot. 329 00:29:48,154 --> 00:29:50,890 Yeah, that's a little better. 330 00:29:50,990 --> 00:29:53,459 Try not to slap the ball. 331 00:29:53,559 --> 00:29:55,494 Try it again with your left hand. 332 00:30:11,878 --> 00:30:15,181 Are you very sad, Jimmy Dolan? 333 00:30:16,115 --> 00:30:18,284 A little. 334 00:30:18,384 --> 00:30:21,053 I disappoint you maybe? 335 00:30:21,153 --> 00:30:23,555 Well, you're not exactly what I expected. 336 00:30:23,655 --> 00:30:28,027 Who is this person that tells you I'm such a good player? 337 00:30:28,127 --> 00:30:31,163 Me. I told myself. 338 00:30:48,580 --> 00:30:51,050 339 00:30:51,150 --> 00:30:54,453 340 00:31:26,485 --> 00:31:29,888 I played a good joke on you? 341 00:31:29,989 --> 00:31:31,991 Yeah, I'm laughing my ass off. 342 00:31:32,091 --> 00:31:34,160 Let's shoot some hoops. 343 00:31:36,495 --> 00:31:38,597 Nice shot. But you know, 344 00:31:38,697 --> 00:31:41,567 you've been coming down the right side for the past two hours. 345 00:31:41,667 --> 00:31:45,271 Do you think you can take me on the left? Come on, it's all yours. Left! Left! 346 00:31:45,371 --> 00:31:48,540 - My grandmother can dribble with her left hand. - Can she see enough to shoot? 347 00:31:48,640 --> 00:31:51,143 Left! Come on! Left! 348 00:31:51,243 --> 00:31:53,679 Which one's left? I'm always forgetting this. 349 00:31:53,779 --> 00:31:56,348 Left hand. 350 00:31:58,584 --> 00:32:00,552 Naftalanja! 351 00:32:00,652 --> 00:32:03,155 It's fun, yes, this game? 352 00:32:03,255 --> 00:32:06,425 - No. It's more than fun. - More than fun? 353 00:32:06,525 --> 00:32:11,030 Do you have any idea what's it's like to play against top players in the championship game? 354 00:32:11,130 --> 00:32:15,467 It brings out the talent that's sleeping inside your body. It's talent you never knew you had. 355 00:32:15,567 --> 00:32:18,270 I mean, it's like suddenly... you could fly. 356 00:32:18,370 --> 00:32:21,473 I often think I would like to fly. 357 00:32:21,573 --> 00:32:24,276 Yeah, well, you can fly, my man. 358 00:32:24,376 --> 00:32:27,013 - Number one "nubah" draft pick. - "Nubah"? 359 00:32:27,113 --> 00:32:29,548 Yeah, "nubah," N.B.A. 360 00:32:29,648 --> 00:32:32,318 Oh, N.B.A. Where did you learn about that? 361 00:32:32,418 --> 00:32:35,054 Sports illustrated, swimsuit editions. 362 00:32:35,154 --> 00:32:38,424 You're going with me, Saleh. 363 00:32:38,524 --> 00:32:41,727 And I promise you, you're gonna live the rest of your life like a king. 364 00:32:41,827 --> 00:32:44,330 Like a king? 365 00:32:44,430 --> 00:32:48,000 Just like a king. 366 00:32:48,100 --> 00:32:50,069 I like you, Jimmy Dolan. 367 00:32:50,169 --> 00:32:52,604 It makes a lovely idea. So you'll do it? 368 00:32:52,704 --> 00:32:55,974 You'll come? 369 00:32:56,075 --> 00:32:57,976 Jalang. 370 00:32:58,077 --> 00:33:00,646 Hey, Saleh, wait up. Hey, yo, where ya goin'? 371 00:33:09,221 --> 00:33:11,123 Come on, we... 372 00:33:12,391 --> 00:33:15,227 Hey, come on, where ya goin'? 373 00:33:15,327 --> 00:33:18,664 Don't leave me here with the goat. 374 00:33:55,667 --> 00:34:00,772 Coffee? Light with sugar. 375 00:34:27,266 --> 00:34:30,302 - Ow! - Sorry. 376 00:34:30,402 --> 00:34:34,673 So, it, uh... must be hard working out here all alone? 377 00:34:34,773 --> 00:34:37,476 Mr. Dolan, I am never alone. 378 00:34:37,576 --> 00:34:40,279 How far do these kids go in school anyway? 379 00:34:43,382 --> 00:34:45,851 You want to know if Saleh can get into St. Joe's? 380 00:34:45,951 --> 00:34:49,455 It's not like he's got to take quantum physics. Don't be patronizing. 381 00:34:49,555 --> 00:34:53,859 Winabi have survived adversities that would have knocked you out of the picture centuries ago. 382 00:34:53,959 --> 00:34:58,197 They are remarkable people. No kidding. This kid's got the hang time of a hot air balloon. 383 00:34:58,297 --> 00:35:00,266 I'd forget about Saleh if I were you. 384 00:35:00,366 --> 00:35:03,202 Forget about him? I just found a future N.B.A. hall of famer. 385 00:35:03,302 --> 00:35:05,804 - What you found is a headman's son. - A what? 386 00:35:05,904 --> 00:35:08,474 He's the son of Urudu, chief of the Winabi. 387 00:35:08,574 --> 00:35:10,809 Saleh's royalty, like a prince. 388 00:35:10,909 --> 00:35:13,745 - Is that the reason for the bodyguard? - Mm-hmm. 389 00:35:13,845 --> 00:35:17,749 Saleh's gonna fit right in at St. Joe's. We got two princes, we got a duke, 390 00:35:17,849 --> 00:35:21,187 - we got a sheik from Bahrain... - Saleh is the next in line to lead his people. 391 00:35:21,287 --> 00:35:23,121 His parents are extremely protective. 392 00:35:23,222 --> 00:35:25,657 Sister... Sister, parents are my specialty. 393 00:35:25,757 --> 00:35:28,794 All I gotta do is explain to Saleh's mom and dad 394 00:35:28,894 --> 00:35:34,166 that I'm only gonna borrow him for four years and return him with a first-class education. 395 00:35:37,903 --> 00:35:40,906 And your N.B.A., are they going to borrow him after that? 396 00:35:41,006 --> 00:35:44,510 After that, we'll see. Anyway, Saleh's already on board. 397 00:35:44,610 --> 00:35:49,515 - Oh, how so? - I spoke to him last night and he said very clearly, "jalang." 398 00:35:49,615 --> 00:35:52,918 Why, what's so funny? 399 00:35:53,018 --> 00:35:56,855 "Jalang," Mr. Dolan, is a Winabi way of saying "no" without insulting you. 400 00:35:56,955 --> 00:36:00,826 It means, "I will consider it for eternity." Keep that on for an hour. 401 00:36:00,926 --> 00:36:03,229 You know, it's working. What is it? 402 00:36:03,329 --> 00:36:08,200 It's iodine, kerosene, and sterilized camel stool. 403 00:36:08,300 --> 00:36:12,438 Is she serious? 404 00:36:14,406 --> 00:36:16,842 405 00:36:16,942 --> 00:36:20,546 - Now, Saleh's father's name is... - Urudu. - Urudu. 406 00:36:20,646 --> 00:36:24,283 Okay, and these elders, they're all guys, right? - Yes. 407 00:36:24,383 --> 00:36:26,943 Oh, excellent! You see, I love talking to guys about this stuff. 408 00:36:26,985 --> 00:36:31,923 I mean, after all, it's a male thing, right? I mean it's that "Iron John" thing. 409 00:36:39,064 --> 00:36:41,667 Excuse me, gentlemen, if I might just, uh, break in... 410 00:36:46,805 --> 00:36:49,408 Uh, uh... 411 00:36:49,508 --> 00:36:52,911 Which one of you is Saleh's dad? 412 00:36:56,748 --> 00:36:59,385 Nubah! Nubah! 413 00:36:59,485 --> 00:37:01,720 Nubah. Nubah. 414 00:37:01,820 --> 00:37:05,324 Yeah, the N.B.A. No, I'm glad you asked that. 415 00:37:05,424 --> 00:37:07,893 - He would make money like Air Jordan? - Yes. 416 00:37:07,993 --> 00:37:10,729 Saleh could be just like him. 417 00:37:10,829 --> 00:37:13,465 Which one of you is Urudu? 418 00:37:17,569 --> 00:37:19,771 Because if you could just... tell him... 419 00:37:19,871 --> 00:37:22,608 that the N.B.A. can be very generous. 420 00:37:34,085 --> 00:37:36,288 That was Urudu? 421 00:37:57,643 --> 00:37:59,778 Hi. 422 00:37:59,878 --> 00:38:03,349 Listen, I thought I would come up here and try to explain. 423 00:38:03,449 --> 00:38:07,653 I mean, maybe I'm pressin' a little hard, but it's only because your son... 424 00:38:07,753 --> 00:38:11,390 Well, let me put it to you like this. I could put him in with any four guys, 425 00:38:11,490 --> 00:38:15,727 any four guys and take that team straight to the Final Four. 426 00:38:17,396 --> 00:38:21,533 You probably don't even know what the Final Four are. 427 00:38:23,402 --> 00:38:25,404 Forget it. 428 00:38:25,504 --> 00:38:29,408 Together, we could set up a package that kept Saleh away from home 429 00:38:29,508 --> 00:38:31,943 a maximum five months at the most. 430 00:38:32,043 --> 00:38:36,882 You could visit! I don't know what your holiday schedule is like, but... 431 00:38:39,017 --> 00:38:43,021 I mean, if I may say so, sir, you look to be in quite good health, 432 00:38:43,121 --> 00:38:45,924 and I mean that only to say that it... 433 00:38:54,132 --> 00:38:57,569 I have this problem. I... I can't shut up. 434 00:38:57,669 --> 00:39:00,839 My tribe has many problems, Mr. Dolan. 435 00:39:06,712 --> 00:39:10,449 I'm sorry. But I cannot listen to you. 436 00:39:48,153 --> 00:39:51,757 Am I good enough to play for you? 437 00:39:52,824 --> 00:39:56,094 You're better than that. 438 00:39:56,194 --> 00:39:59,030 Tell me about St. Joseph's. 439 00:40:01,667 --> 00:40:03,969 Well, hmm... 440 00:40:04,069 --> 00:40:06,137 It's very old. 441 00:40:06,237 --> 00:40:08,073 A lot of tradition. 442 00:40:11,710 --> 00:40:14,045 It's where I went to school. 443 00:40:14,145 --> 00:40:16,982 That's where you played? 444 00:40:17,082 --> 00:40:20,486 1981 championship ring. 445 00:40:24,790 --> 00:40:27,425 Here. 446 00:40:30,261 --> 00:40:32,464 It's beautiful. 447 00:40:32,564 --> 00:40:36,568 I'd like to play for St. Joseph's, very, very much. 448 00:40:41,206 --> 00:40:45,076 My father is a stubborn man. He says I have a lot to learn before I am a leader. 449 00:40:45,644 --> 00:40:49,548 He says I must put my people's heart in front of mine. 450 00:40:50,549 --> 00:40:53,885 Your father says there's a lot of problems. 451 00:40:54,686 --> 00:40:58,056 - Maybe I could help. - You are an outsider. 452 00:40:58,156 --> 00:41:01,660 - My father does not trust you. - Well... 453 00:41:01,760 --> 00:41:04,630 Of course he doesn't trust me. He-he doesn't even know me. 454 00:41:04,730 --> 00:41:07,308 You have no idea how many chicken dinners I've had with fathers 455 00:41:07,332 --> 00:41:11,703 just like yours just so they could get to know me. - We do not eat chicken. 456 00:41:11,803 --> 00:41:15,774 Yeah, well, whatever you do eat, I'm gonna eat it too. 457 00:41:15,874 --> 00:41:19,578 You guys go to work in the morning, I'm workin' too. 458 00:41:19,678 --> 00:41:21,680 I believe in you, Saleh. 459 00:41:21,780 --> 00:41:25,116 I believe... in what you can do. 460 00:41:25,216 --> 00:41:28,119 And once your father understands that, he will too. 461 00:41:28,219 --> 00:41:30,088 Are you with me? 462 00:41:31,823 --> 00:41:34,092 Yes! Yes, I'm with you. 463 00:41:34,192 --> 00:41:35,994 Let's do it! 464 00:41:37,228 --> 00:41:39,965 Who, whoa, whoa, slow down, hey, hey! 465 00:41:40,065 --> 00:41:44,035 Come on! Hey, fellas, fellas, fellas! Take it easy! 466 00:41:44,135 --> 00:41:46,504 Slow down! Whoa! 467 00:41:50,308 --> 00:41:52,911 Fellas, slow, slow. Come on, don't run! 468 00:41:53,011 --> 00:41:54,880 Whoa, whoa, hey! 469 00:42:01,587 --> 00:42:06,191 Whoa, whoa, you don't wanna do that! Stop, stop, stop! Whoa! 470 00:42:06,291 --> 00:42:11,229 Come on, make... stop! You don't wanna go over there. There's a McDonald's over there. 471 00:42:17,302 --> 00:42:22,608 Now, you give me a sump pump and a three-inch pipe, and I'll cut your workload in half. 472 00:42:22,708 --> 00:42:27,178 But then we could not visit with each other. 473 00:42:27,278 --> 00:42:30,315 We'll start... with the fundamentals. 474 00:42:32,183 --> 00:42:36,554 Now, all I want you to do 475 00:42:36,655 --> 00:42:41,259 is bend your knees. Just let it roll off your fingertips. 476 00:42:41,359 --> 00:42:45,063 You don't even have to jump. 477 00:42:47,666 --> 00:42:49,635 Nice shot. 478 00:42:49,735 --> 00:42:52,971 Jimmy. This is Harimbo. He's not so much with the shooting but... 479 00:42:53,071 --> 00:42:57,075 - I defend like a buffalo. - You smell like a buffalo. 480 00:42:57,175 --> 00:43:00,646 Don't start, Ntzuko. I'll crush you like a cockroach. 481 00:43:00,746 --> 00:43:03,715 - Excuse me! - I'll play. 482 00:43:03,815 --> 00:43:07,352 - My sister's bridegroom-to-be. - My game is much larger than I look! 483 00:43:07,452 --> 00:43:10,355 I bet you say that to all the girls. 484 00:43:10,455 --> 00:43:13,291 All right... let's get it on. 485 00:43:31,276 --> 00:43:33,111 Thank you. 486 00:43:34,713 --> 00:43:37,348 Sign you up for a St. Joe's season ticket package, Sister? 487 00:43:37,448 --> 00:43:41,853 I wouldn't uncork your pom-poms just yet, Mr. Dolan. 488 00:43:44,022 --> 00:43:47,258 489 00:43:51,062 --> 00:43:53,398 How 'bout your ring? 490 00:43:53,498 --> 00:43:56,401 Not if I was dying of thirst. Forget it. 491 00:44:00,105 --> 00:44:03,742 Okay. What is it? 492 00:44:03,842 --> 00:44:06,644 Goat's milk. 493 00:44:28,433 --> 00:44:31,770 I'll be right back. 494 00:44:31,870 --> 00:44:34,672 Nature is screaming. 495 00:44:37,308 --> 00:44:39,778 Ho! 496 00:44:39,878 --> 00:44:42,180 I'll be right back. 497 00:44:42,280 --> 00:44:44,249 Are you okay? 498 00:44:44,349 --> 00:44:46,785 I'm fine. 499 00:44:46,885 --> 00:44:51,056 Case of the Winabi trots, I'd say. - I see! 500 00:44:55,927 --> 00:44:58,229 Ow! 501 00:44:58,329 --> 00:45:02,267 Hey, Sister! How ya' doin'? 502 00:45:02,367 --> 00:45:04,435 I got Christmas tree lights from Father O'Hara. 503 00:45:04,535 --> 00:45:07,438 I thought maybe we could hook them up to your generator for the wedding. 504 00:45:07,538 --> 00:45:11,709 And I took you for a typically American, selfishly opportunistic, sports pimp. 505 00:45:11,810 --> 00:45:14,455 And all the while you're actually a samaritan. And a handyman to boot! 506 00:45:14,479 --> 00:45:17,448 - You're allowed to say "pimp"? - Only if I really mean it. 507 00:45:17,548 --> 00:45:22,353 Hey, what is it that pisses you off so much about me, Sister, huh? Please, tell me, what? 508 00:45:22,453 --> 00:45:26,491 You're always playing a game, Mr. Dolan, but you don't have a clue who or what you're playing for. 509 00:45:26,591 --> 00:45:31,096 - Is that right? - Yes. And you're frightened that if you actually stop playing, you'll disappear! 510 00:45:31,196 --> 00:45:35,266 - You're doing a mile a minute, going absolutely nowhere. - The gospel according to Susan, huh? 511 00:45:35,366 --> 00:45:38,069 Something wrong, Mr. Dolan? 512 00:45:38,169 --> 00:45:41,506 Well, you know, at least I'm playing instead of dropping out and hiding out here in the wilderness. 513 00:45:44,075 --> 00:45:46,177 What did you say to me? 514 00:45:46,277 --> 00:45:50,415 Who do you think you're kidding? Do you know what the elders call you behind your back? 515 00:45:50,515 --> 00:45:53,184 "Nada ndimu." The lemon nun. 516 00:45:53,284 --> 00:45:56,421 Oh, yeah, well there's a new Winabi word for the village idiot. It's a "Dolan"! 517 00:45:58,389 --> 00:46:02,493 You know, you're just jealous. You're just jealous because you know all the wonderful things 518 00:46:02,593 --> 00:46:06,064 I'm gonna be able to do for these people once I take Saleh back with me. 519 00:46:06,164 --> 00:46:09,034 What, after you finish winning the hearts and minds of the Winabi? 520 00:46:09,134 --> 00:46:13,404 - You don't think I'm gonna get Saleh to come back with me, do ya? - You don't have a prayer! 521 00:46:13,504 --> 00:46:16,407 You see this ring, Sister? 522 00:46:16,507 --> 00:46:20,178 This is a 1981 national championship ring. 523 00:46:20,278 --> 00:46:24,282 You can't buy these rings, Sister! 524 00:46:24,382 --> 00:46:27,552 Fourth quarter. We're down seven points to Georgetown. 525 00:46:27,652 --> 00:46:31,122 Nineteen seconds on the clock. Their ball! 526 00:46:32,323 --> 00:46:35,026 We won that game, sister! 527 00:46:35,126 --> 00:46:37,896 So don't talk to me about a prayer! 528 00:47:14,299 --> 00:47:16,601 Uh-oh. 529 00:47:46,031 --> 00:47:48,299 God! Damn! Button! Fly! 530 00:47:48,399 --> 00:47:50,235 Oh, no. 531 00:47:57,575 --> 00:48:00,578 532 00:48:02,180 --> 00:48:05,150 Whoa! 533 00:48:31,009 --> 00:48:33,011 You. 534 00:48:33,111 --> 00:48:35,180 I... 535 00:48:40,151 --> 00:48:42,153 I... I... 536 00:48:42,253 --> 00:48:44,622 I... I... I mean, I... 537 00:48:44,722 --> 00:48:49,027 I don't know what to say. You, you saved my life! 538 00:49:18,356 --> 00:49:20,591 Are you all right? 539 00:49:20,691 --> 00:49:24,595 Fine! Fine. Never better. 540 00:49:24,695 --> 00:49:27,665 This is my sister, Beisa. She has something for your stomach. 541 00:49:31,669 --> 00:49:33,738 Mmm. Thank you. 542 00:49:40,311 --> 00:49:42,980 - Beisa. - Beisa. 543 00:49:44,615 --> 00:49:48,086 What? 544 00:49:48,186 --> 00:49:50,755 She wants you to come to her wedding to Ntzuko. 545 00:49:50,855 --> 00:49:53,124 Great! Thank you. Yeah. 546 00:49:54,892 --> 00:49:58,132 Where is Ntzuko? I haven't seen him around lately. Not getting cold feet, is he? 547 00:49:58,196 --> 00:50:02,500 Ntzuko is far away. He is on a journey he must make to become Winabi. 548 00:50:02,600 --> 00:50:04,769 Beisa! 549 00:50:07,138 --> 00:50:09,540 Beisa asks if you're married? 550 00:50:09,640 --> 00:50:12,043 Uh, no. 551 00:50:12,143 --> 00:50:15,012 No, I, uh... have a lot of girlfriends. 552 00:50:24,655 --> 00:50:27,258 What did she say? 553 00:50:27,358 --> 00:50:30,061 It's an old Winabi saying: 554 00:50:30,161 --> 00:50:33,198 "The hunt is fun... but does not keep you warm at night." 555 00:50:33,298 --> 00:50:36,401 - She's gonna keep Ntzuko busy. - Yes. 556 00:50:36,501 --> 00:50:39,737 We're very happy Ntzuko is marrying her. 557 00:50:42,140 --> 00:50:44,175 What's wrong? 558 00:50:46,811 --> 00:50:50,281 Jimmy, there is something my father hasn't told you. 559 00:50:52,283 --> 00:50:56,754 Over a year ago, a man named Nyaga came to us, wanting to buy our land. 560 00:50:56,854 --> 00:51:01,058 Nyaga? That's the fat guy who owns Mingori? - Yes. 561 00:51:01,159 --> 00:51:05,096 He wants to own our land too. It's very rich with copper. 562 00:51:05,196 --> 00:51:07,732 But my father refused to sell. 563 00:51:07,832 --> 00:51:11,068 So Nyaga began attacking us and stealing our cattle. 564 00:51:11,169 --> 00:51:13,571 Cattle are a big thing for you guys, right? 565 00:51:13,671 --> 00:51:18,543 We depend on cattle. Without them, we'll have to leave our land. 566 00:51:18,643 --> 00:51:20,811 Well... 567 00:51:20,911 --> 00:51:24,682 Let's just hope cows aren't considered a recruiting violation. 568 00:51:31,422 --> 00:51:35,326 569 00:51:35,426 --> 00:51:39,197 You're beating me up on this. This is the latest model camcorder they make. 570 00:51:39,297 --> 00:51:42,867 100,000 shillings for the plane ticket, 571 00:51:42,967 --> 00:51:46,404 50,000 for the camcorder. That's my best. 572 00:51:46,504 --> 00:51:51,342 - You believe this guy? - If you need cash in a hurry, there's always a premium. 573 00:51:51,442 --> 00:51:54,379 It's true the world over. 574 00:51:54,479 --> 00:51:57,415 - Jimmy, are you sure you want to do this? - All right, 575 00:51:57,515 --> 00:52:01,519 150,000 for the ticket, 100,000 for the camcorder. 576 00:52:01,619 --> 00:52:04,455 A hundred and twenty-five for the ticket, 577 00:52:04,555 --> 00:52:07,124 50,000 for the camera. 578 00:52:07,225 --> 00:52:10,495 - But you said we might have more. - Don't worry about it. 579 00:52:18,336 --> 00:52:21,806 You know, if I still owned the video camera, 580 00:52:21,906 --> 00:52:25,643 I would want the battery to go with it. 581 00:52:25,743 --> 00:52:28,513 - Wait a minute... - When you need cash in a hurry, 582 00:52:28,613 --> 00:52:33,150 - you gotta pay a premium. - It's true the world over. 583 00:52:33,251 --> 00:52:35,386 Good morning! 584 00:52:35,486 --> 00:52:38,256 Lose your traveler's checks, Coach Dolan? 585 00:52:40,356 --> 00:52:41,158 Oh... 586 00:52:41,259 --> 00:52:45,296 So, trying your hand at cattle ranching, eh? 587 00:52:45,396 --> 00:52:48,599 That's none of your business. 588 00:52:48,699 --> 00:52:52,670 Everything in Mingori is my business. 589 00:52:52,770 --> 00:52:54,939 Not anymore. 590 00:52:55,039 --> 00:52:59,377 I strongly suggest that you take your memories back to America. 591 00:52:59,477 --> 00:53:01,279 Now. 592 00:53:02,380 --> 00:53:05,283 Not until I'm done seeing the sights. 593 00:53:26,937 --> 00:53:30,841 My father should have seen that. Naftalanja! 594 00:53:30,941 --> 00:53:33,944 Naftalanja! By the way, what the hell does that mean? 595 00:53:34,044 --> 00:53:37,582 Naftalanja means the smell after a heavy rain. But when you say it, it means 596 00:53:37,682 --> 00:53:42,687 "Today my life starts fresh, and my troubles are all behind me." - Naftalanja, my friend. 597 00:53:42,787 --> 00:53:45,723 - Saleh! - Hey, what the hell are you doing? 598 00:54:06,576 --> 00:54:07,578 Who was that? 599 00:54:08,678 --> 00:54:10,748 - Halawi. - Who? 600 00:54:10,848 --> 00:54:13,384 My brother. Your older brother? 601 00:54:13,484 --> 00:54:17,422 No one... you never said anything about an older brother. 602 00:54:17,522 --> 00:54:22,893 When Nyaga first offered to buy our land, Halawi tried to make a deal without my father knowing. 603 00:54:22,993 --> 00:54:26,631 He thought Nyaga was the future. My father felt betrayed. 604 00:54:26,731 --> 00:54:30,401 So, he banished him. He went to work for Nyaga. 605 00:54:30,501 --> 00:54:33,538 To my father, Halawi does not exist. 606 00:54:34,872 --> 00:54:37,942 Man, I know how that feels. 607 00:54:38,042 --> 00:54:42,313 608 00:54:55,759 --> 00:54:57,794 Moo, Sister. 609 00:55:04,034 --> 00:55:06,537 Hey! 610 00:55:06,637 --> 00:55:09,940 They don't call us the St. Joe's bulls for nothing. 611 00:55:13,809 --> 00:55:14,879 Chief Urudu? 612 00:55:17,982 --> 00:55:20,585 And this must be the lovely Mrs. Urudu. 613 00:55:20,685 --> 00:55:24,088 And may I say, you look way too young to have a son Saleh's age. 614 00:55:24,188 --> 00:55:27,792 615 00:55:29,727 --> 00:55:34,064 These cattle are a gift to your tribe from my tribe at St. Joseph's. 616 00:55:34,164 --> 00:55:38,769 I'm sure they'll come in handy right now given the upcoming expense of your daughter's wedding. 617 00:55:40,871 --> 00:55:46,611 I-I-I want you to know that my goal here is to give to your village, not to take away. 618 00:55:49,814 --> 00:55:52,116 Jalang. 619 00:55:55,652 --> 00:55:57,722 Jalang, huh? Hey, 620 00:55:57,822 --> 00:56:02,393 is that the same jalang that means for eternity? - The very same. 621 00:56:03,893 --> 00:56:05,463 They don't sound too happy. 622 00:56:05,563 --> 00:56:07,866 You just tried to buy the headman's son for a herd of cattle. 623 00:56:08,266 --> 00:56:10,268 What'd you expect? 624 00:56:18,743 --> 00:56:21,045 Hello, Mr. Ray Fox. 625 00:56:21,145 --> 00:56:24,515 - Foxie. - Foxie! 626 00:56:25,616 --> 00:56:28,519 Son-of-a-bitch! He did it! 627 00:56:28,619 --> 00:56:31,556 A blue chip big man. For 40 cows! 628 00:56:31,656 --> 00:56:33,624 This is Saleh. 629 00:56:33,724 --> 00:56:36,961 I'm a... dunkaholic. 630 00:56:37,061 --> 00:56:39,664 Jimmy told me all about St. Joe's. 631 00:56:39,764 --> 00:56:43,834 Let's send him a couple hundred rabbits. Maybe he can find us a point guard. 632 00:56:43,934 --> 00:56:46,837 Send him the cash! 633 00:56:46,937 --> 00:56:49,707 Make it express. 634 00:56:55,212 --> 00:56:58,749 635 00:57:15,065 --> 00:57:19,003 636 00:57:58,208 --> 00:58:01,912 637 00:58:17,862 --> 00:58:19,964 638 00:58:44,288 --> 00:58:46,857 639 01:00:03,200 --> 01:00:06,103 Watch out! Come here! Come here! Hey! 640 01:00:06,203 --> 01:00:10,340 Hey! Come here! Grab my arm! 641 01:00:10,440 --> 01:00:13,811 It's all right. It's okay. 642 01:00:16,346 --> 01:00:20,751 Saleh! 643 01:01:17,441 --> 01:01:18,943 Sister. 644 01:01:20,010 --> 01:01:23,280 Everyone's alive, Mr. Dolan. 645 01:01:47,872 --> 01:01:50,040 Where's everyone going? 646 01:01:50,140 --> 01:01:54,078 To a different place. Away from Mingori. 647 01:01:54,178 --> 01:01:58,415 You're just gonna walk away? Quit? That's it? 648 01:02:00,350 --> 01:02:04,789 Jimmy, I am a Winabi. 649 01:02:04,889 --> 01:02:08,225 I must do what my leader says. You are a leader. 650 01:02:08,325 --> 01:02:11,228 You understand that? 651 01:02:14,531 --> 01:02:16,166 No. 652 01:02:17,034 --> 01:02:19,837 No, I guess I don't. 653 01:02:19,937 --> 01:02:22,472 I'll walk you to Mingori. 654 01:02:24,074 --> 01:02:26,210 To say good-bye. 655 01:02:48,999 --> 01:02:50,801 Andrews is dribbling, 656 01:02:50,901 --> 01:02:52,545 and tips it up to Hatchinson who's at the top of the key. 657 01:02:52,569 --> 01:02:55,239 Bill dribbles right, pulls up a 22-footer. Yes! 658 01:03:08,385 --> 01:03:10,054 Nyaga! 659 01:03:45,923 --> 01:03:48,558 Your father is reporting a crime. 660 01:03:48,658 --> 01:03:53,130 Mr. Basketball. Mr. Big Coach. 661 01:03:53,230 --> 01:03:56,066 So what's this? Are you leaving us? 662 01:03:56,166 --> 01:03:59,469 Ahhh. We'll miss you, Jimmy Dolan. 663 01:03:59,569 --> 01:04:04,408 But tell me. Aren't you sorry now that you didn't let me sell you one of my players? 664 01:04:04,508 --> 01:04:08,145 Hey, I'm just waitin' for a bus. I'll be outside. 665 01:04:08,245 --> 01:04:11,448 Who did you expect to find in Winabi? Shaquille O'Neal? 666 01:04:15,352 --> 01:04:18,622 Hey, I'd take the Winabi women over your starting five. 667 01:04:18,722 --> 01:04:22,059 What's the matter? You think I cannot beat the women? 668 01:04:22,159 --> 01:04:24,594 Not on your best day, butthead. 669 01:04:39,709 --> 01:04:44,648 Thirty-two inch TV! With remote. 670 01:04:51,221 --> 01:04:55,392 Wish to make a bet? 671 01:04:55,492 --> 01:04:58,562 We play basketball game. 672 01:04:58,662 --> 01:05:02,132 Mingori versus Winabi? 673 01:05:14,011 --> 01:05:17,047 What do you wish to play for? 674 01:05:17,147 --> 01:05:20,150 Quiet! I am still headman of the Winabi. 675 01:05:21,718 --> 01:05:24,121 We bet all our land... 676 01:05:24,221 --> 01:05:27,624 Against the cattle you have already stolen. 677 01:05:27,724 --> 01:05:31,561 And an agreement in front of the army commander that you leave us alone forever. 678 01:05:34,598 --> 01:05:37,534 I hear nothing but a breeze. 679 01:05:37,634 --> 01:05:39,569 Father! 680 01:05:46,376 --> 01:05:51,315 You said with my son you can take any four men and win everything. 681 01:05:51,415 --> 01:05:55,552 - That was the truth or not? - W-W-Wait a minute. No, it's not that simple. 682 01:05:55,652 --> 01:05:59,189 - You will be our coach. - I don't think this is what you want. 683 01:06:01,158 --> 01:06:03,260 Shut up, Halawi. 684 01:06:03,360 --> 01:06:07,097 - So, it's a bet. - Count me out. 685 01:06:07,697 --> 01:06:09,499 Jimmy! 686 01:06:10,734 --> 01:06:13,270 I'll go back with you. 687 01:06:15,205 --> 01:06:17,074 What? 688 01:06:17,174 --> 01:06:21,278 If we win, I'll go back to St. Joe's with you. 689 01:06:25,549 --> 01:06:28,085 Are you sure about this? 690 01:06:29,253 --> 01:06:31,388 Father, do you agree? 691 01:06:33,090 --> 01:06:35,325 No! 692 01:06:37,761 --> 01:06:40,530 - Yes. - Wah! 693 01:06:40,630 --> 01:06:43,067 If we win, I get Saleh. 694 01:06:43,167 --> 01:06:45,069 No more jalang? 695 01:06:45,169 --> 01:06:48,338 You've all lost your minds! The Winabi will be ground to dust! 696 01:06:48,438 --> 01:06:51,741 Get the army commander. Tell him to bring the seal. 697 01:06:52,809 --> 01:06:55,545 Mingori versus Winabi. 698 01:06:55,645 --> 01:06:59,683 We make this bet official. 699 01:07:03,187 --> 01:07:05,155 All right. Come on. 700 01:07:05,255 --> 01:07:07,391 I'm definitely gonna need St. George, Father. 701 01:07:07,491 --> 01:07:10,494 He's the only guy we got who can bring the ball up and get it to Saleh. 702 01:07:10,594 --> 01:07:14,398 - Ruwala. Sololo. - Yeah, you did a good job with them. Opozo? 703 01:07:14,498 --> 01:07:17,134 Well, there are two Opozos. 704 01:07:20,104 --> 01:07:22,672 Well, I hate to break up a pair. 705 01:07:24,574 --> 01:07:26,643 Ntzuko. 706 01:07:44,494 --> 01:07:46,763 The guard has tits. 707 01:07:49,899 --> 01:07:53,603 All right. Listen up. When I call your name, step forward. 708 01:07:53,703 --> 01:07:56,573 You call this off. And you call it off now! Hey, slow down a minute. 709 01:07:56,673 --> 01:07:58,542 Now, Sister, you... Stuff it, Father! 710 01:07:58,642 --> 01:08:01,145 Have you no conscience? Do you realize what they're risking? 711 01:08:01,245 --> 01:08:03,547 Sometimes you gotta put it all on the line and go for it. 712 01:08:03,647 --> 01:08:07,351 Spare me the beer commercial! These people have been here since before time. 713 01:08:07,451 --> 01:08:10,687 You've been here a week, and they're about to lose everything. 714 01:08:10,787 --> 01:08:12,956 Wrong, Sister. They're about to gain their 715 01:08:12,957 --> 01:08:15,225 self-respect! These people are not children. 716 01:08:15,325 --> 01:08:17,484 They made a decision for themselves, and I'm 717 01:08:17,485 --> 01:08:19,596 just helping 'em. You do whatever you want. 718 01:08:21,598 --> 01:08:24,668 I just hope you're as good a coach as you are a bullshit artist. 719 01:08:31,275 --> 01:08:33,843 You're allowed to say "bullshit"? 720 01:08:35,912 --> 01:08:39,216 Only if I really mean it. 721 01:08:39,316 --> 01:08:41,385 Well, go on. 722 01:08:45,889 --> 01:08:49,726 Every day I thank the Lord she's on our side. 723 01:08:49,826 --> 01:08:53,597 All right, guys! Let's get to work. We only got eight days. 724 01:08:55,432 --> 01:08:57,501 That's right. Time your jump. 725 01:08:57,601 --> 01:09:00,370 I want you in the air when the ball hits the board. 726 01:09:00,470 --> 01:09:03,607 Make Mingori feel like they're glued to the ground. 727 01:09:03,707 --> 01:09:05,875 That's good. Way to go. Saleh, this is yours. 728 01:09:05,975 --> 01:09:07,644 Ow! 729 01:09:07,744 --> 01:09:09,846 Here we go. Come on, move it, move it. 730 01:09:09,946 --> 01:09:12,782 High step. Get 'em up. Get 'em up. 731 01:09:12,882 --> 01:09:16,886 Get 'em up. Get 'em up. Get 'em up. Step, step, side. 732 01:09:16,986 --> 01:09:19,256 Side. Side. Side. 733 01:09:19,356 --> 01:09:22,659 Come on, get back, get back. Let's go, let's go. 734 01:09:24,761 --> 01:09:28,932 All right, watch St. George. Go right! 735 01:09:29,032 --> 01:09:31,401 And back! Up! Jump! 736 01:09:31,501 --> 01:09:34,771 Left! Right! 737 01:09:34,871 --> 01:09:37,641 Harimbo, your other right. 738 01:09:41,911 --> 01:09:44,648 Arms up! Arms up! Arms up! No! 739 01:09:44,748 --> 01:09:46,650 Saleh, defense. 740 01:09:46,750 --> 01:09:49,486 Defense is more important than breathing. 741 01:09:49,586 --> 01:09:53,523 We will win by shooting. Not by waving our hands in the air like crazy people. 742 01:09:53,623 --> 01:09:57,261 You shoot. I'm gonna wave my hands in the air like a crazy person. 743 01:09:59,363 --> 01:10:01,298 My turn. 744 01:10:01,398 --> 01:10:05,535 I'm Mingori Mining. I've just stolen your cattle. 745 01:10:05,635 --> 01:10:08,505 Now I'm going after your family. 746 01:10:08,605 --> 01:10:10,940 That hoop is your "boma." 747 01:10:11,040 --> 01:10:14,444 If I get past you... I'll kill you! 748 01:10:14,544 --> 01:10:19,449 Yeah. Right. Kill me. 749 01:10:19,549 --> 01:10:21,951 But next time, do it without touching me. 750 01:10:22,051 --> 01:10:24,220 That's defense. 751 01:10:26,055 --> 01:10:28,725 What's wrong with them? 752 01:10:28,825 --> 01:10:32,729 You say defense is more important than breathing. They took you by your word. 753 01:10:41,838 --> 01:10:44,574 Okay, you guys, let's go, let's go! Come on, sharp turn! 754 01:10:44,674 --> 01:10:47,344 Last man in does it again! That's right. Go! Go! 755 01:10:47,444 --> 01:10:50,347 Show me your stuff! Show me your stuff! 756 01:10:53,116 --> 01:10:55,985 Come on, Harimbo! Keep moving! Come on! 757 01:10:56,085 --> 01:10:58,888 Come on! Let's go! Go, go, go! 758 01:10:58,988 --> 01:11:01,491 Keep your hands up. Don't be lazy. 759 01:11:01,591 --> 01:11:03,991 Come on. I've seen you guys throw spears. It's the same deal. 760 01:11:04,060 --> 01:11:07,897 - It's a matter of life and death. - Pass, pass, pass. 761 01:11:07,997 --> 01:11:11,701 Or the coach will kick our ass. 762 01:11:16,506 --> 01:11:20,777 - Thank you. - You're welcome. 763 01:11:28,752 --> 01:11:32,622 Come on! Watch St. George. He's the man, our playmaker. 764 01:11:32,722 --> 01:11:36,526 - Eyes on St. George! - No, watch him! 765 01:11:39,028 --> 01:11:41,665 Ow! Ow, ow, ow! 766 01:11:43,132 --> 01:11:46,069 What is it? What's wrong? Move over, guys. 767 01:11:49,773 --> 01:11:53,309 It's these ridiculous snow tire sandals. Let Itumbo see him. 768 01:11:53,410 --> 01:11:56,079 You will not cure him with Itumbo's chanting and antelope oils. 769 01:11:56,179 --> 01:11:58,782 Without him, we can't get the ball out of the backcourt. 770 01:11:58,882 --> 01:12:01,818 He keeps off it, he'll be playing in a month. 771 01:12:01,918 --> 01:12:04,788 Wow, that's just great. 772 01:12:04,888 --> 01:12:06,990 Jimmy. 773 01:12:08,592 --> 01:12:10,527 Where're you going? 774 01:12:12,929 --> 01:12:14,898 Home. 775 01:12:35,785 --> 01:12:38,722 776 01:12:53,870 --> 01:12:57,974 I spoke to the elders. Can any of 'em play guard? 777 01:12:58,074 --> 01:13:03,480 You can play guard. We want you to play for us. 778 01:13:03,580 --> 01:13:05,582 Saleh. 779 01:13:05,682 --> 01:13:07,584 Wake up. 780 01:13:07,684 --> 01:13:10,587 You know the rules. It's Winabi versus Mingori. 781 01:13:10,687 --> 01:13:12,689 You must become one of us. 782 01:13:15,124 --> 01:13:19,896 Become? You mean like Ntzuko? 783 01:13:19,996 --> 01:13:22,466 Forget it. 784 01:13:24,968 --> 01:13:28,037 You're serious? 785 01:13:28,137 --> 01:13:30,774 Saleh. 786 01:13:37,146 --> 01:13:41,518 This is all my fault. I should never have said yes. Damn! 787 01:13:41,618 --> 01:13:43,887 - Why? - Look, you gotta call it off. 788 01:13:43,987 --> 01:13:46,523 It's over. It's finished. You gotta call it off now. 789 01:13:46,623 --> 01:13:48,658 We would not even if we could. 790 01:13:48,758 --> 01:13:51,495 You don't get it, do ya? You're gonna lose. 791 01:13:51,595 --> 01:13:53,597 Everything. Cattle. Land. 792 01:13:53,697 --> 01:13:57,200 Didn't you say that the game is not over until the fat lady sings? 793 01:13:57,300 --> 01:13:59,503 Forget what I said! I'm nothing but talk! 794 01:13:59,603 --> 01:14:01,705 We can win with you. You're a champion. 795 01:14:01,805 --> 01:14:06,075 No, I'm a has-been. I'm nothin'. I'm an assistant coach. 796 01:14:06,175 --> 01:14:09,979 - You won a ring. - But I blew out my knee! 797 01:14:10,079 --> 01:14:12,616 I blew out my knee! 798 01:14:43,947 --> 01:14:47,216 I believe in you, Jimmy Dolan. 799 01:14:47,316 --> 01:14:49,586 I would like to be your brother. 800 01:14:58,161 --> 01:15:00,129 Is that a fact? 801 01:15:01,229 --> 01:15:03,066 That is a fact. 802 01:15:14,744 --> 01:15:18,948 Well, assuming that I do this, 803 01:15:19,048 --> 01:15:22,852 can we skip the part with the rap music and the large knife? 804 01:15:29,626 --> 01:15:31,628 Jalang. 805 01:15:36,165 --> 01:15:41,304 806 01:15:41,404 --> 01:15:44,240 807 01:15:54,216 --> 01:15:56,886 With no map? 808 01:15:56,986 --> 01:16:00,323 I follow the river to a wall of wood, 809 01:16:00,423 --> 01:16:04,060 face the sunrise and look to the air up there. 810 01:16:07,731 --> 01:16:10,600 811 01:16:37,360 --> 01:16:41,364 Come on. Now, this... Th-this is ridiculous. 812 01:16:41,464 --> 01:16:43,700 I can't do this. 813 01:16:43,800 --> 01:16:46,936 814 01:16:47,036 --> 01:16:50,373 815 01:17:18,868 --> 01:17:22,772 It is said that you must leave a large part of you there... 816 01:17:22,872 --> 01:17:26,109 So that you can take a larger part of you away. 817 01:19:14,583 --> 01:19:18,754 Standing in that runway... 818 01:19:18,855 --> 01:19:23,993 For the first time... 12 guys dressed in St. Joe's 819 01:19:24,093 --> 01:19:28,998 blue and gold, watching the lovely Cowbelles shake their pom-poms. 820 01:19:35,404 --> 01:19:40,343 821 01:19:40,443 --> 01:19:48,151 822 01:20:34,397 --> 01:20:40,469 Naftalanja! 823 01:20:50,279 --> 01:20:54,183 824 01:20:54,283 --> 01:21:02,283 825 01:21:02,591 --> 01:21:06,896 826 01:21:21,510 --> 01:21:24,880 Not too low. 827 01:21:31,587 --> 01:21:35,091 828 01:22:04,553 --> 01:22:09,225 829 01:22:25,141 --> 01:22:29,045 830 01:22:36,285 --> 01:22:38,521 All right, guys, let's show 'em what we got! 831 01:22:38,621 --> 01:22:42,258 All right, hands in! 832 01:22:42,358 --> 01:22:44,260 Winabi! Winabi! Go! 833 01:22:49,132 --> 01:22:52,301 No, no, no. 834 01:22:52,401 --> 01:22:55,104 He can't play! We made the rules. 835 01:22:55,204 --> 01:22:57,340 It's Winabi only! Get him off the court! 836 01:22:57,440 --> 01:22:59,742 He is Winabi. 837 01:22:59,842 --> 01:23:02,478 Read it and weep. 838 01:23:07,750 --> 01:23:09,685 Let him play. 839 01:23:11,387 --> 01:23:14,190 With or without him, it doesn't make any difference. 840 01:23:24,667 --> 01:23:28,371 841 01:23:31,140 --> 01:23:33,076 That's two points! 842 01:23:35,778 --> 01:23:37,180 Let's go! 843 01:23:40,416 --> 01:23:43,486 Heads up! 844 01:23:45,388 --> 01:23:47,756 Yes! Yes! 845 01:23:55,531 --> 01:23:59,802 846 01:24:07,676 --> 01:24:11,414 No, no, no, no, no, no, no! 847 01:24:22,891 --> 01:24:25,361 - Hey! - Get out! Get out! Play! 848 01:24:25,461 --> 01:24:29,565 Hey, you better watch it! 849 01:24:29,665 --> 01:24:34,170 Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. 850 01:24:42,545 --> 01:24:46,282 Yeah! 851 01:24:46,382 --> 01:24:48,384 Okay, boys! Let's go! Let's go! 852 01:24:48,484 --> 01:24:53,389 Mingori! Mingori! Mingori! 853 01:24:53,489 --> 01:24:56,592 Mingori! Mingori! 854 01:24:56,692 --> 01:25:00,196 - Mmm! Beautiful! - Ohh! 855 01:25:00,296 --> 01:25:03,132 Winabi! Winabi! 856 01:25:03,232 --> 01:25:06,435 Winabi! Winabi! 857 01:25:06,535 --> 01:25:09,438 Winabi! Winabi! 858 01:25:09,538 --> 01:25:12,341 Back door, Saleh! 859 01:25:16,679 --> 01:25:19,482 - Ohhh! - Foul! 860 01:25:23,586 --> 01:25:26,189 That was a charge! 861 01:25:29,958 --> 01:25:33,562 It's all right. I'm all right. 862 01:25:38,301 --> 01:25:40,503 Beisa! 863 01:25:40,603 --> 01:25:42,871 Beisa! Beisa! Beisa! 864 01:25:42,971 --> 01:25:46,475 Beisa! Beisa! Beisa, you bring the ball down. All right? Saleh, post up low. 865 01:25:46,575 --> 01:25:50,746 Look to him. But if you get open, let's see that sweet shot. 866 01:25:50,846 --> 01:25:52,815 Jimmy? Foxie! 867 01:25:52,915 --> 01:25:55,818 You came! All right! Come on! Play! Play hard! 868 01:25:55,918 --> 01:25:58,487 I didn't know you wanted my job that bad. 869 01:26:06,695 --> 01:26:10,699 Come on, ref, watch his hands! He's all over her. Hey, come on! 870 01:26:17,273 --> 01:26:19,442 - Yes! - That's our guy? - That's him! 871 01:26:19,542 --> 01:26:22,462 Tell me you've got him locked up, Jimmy. Tell me you've got him locked up. 872 01:26:22,511 --> 01:26:26,249 - Only if we win. - Go Winabi! 873 01:26:41,297 --> 01:26:45,301 Ohhh! 874 01:26:50,473 --> 01:26:53,709 She's out? What are you, blind? Get a dog! 875 01:26:57,413 --> 01:27:00,549 All right, I'm goin' in. 876 01:27:00,649 --> 01:27:03,986 877 01:27:18,367 --> 01:27:22,605 Rhino! Rhino! 878 01:27:34,850 --> 01:27:38,721 Winabi! Winabi! Winabi! 879 01:27:38,821 --> 01:27:42,425 Winabi! Winabi! Winabi! Winabi! 880 01:27:42,525 --> 01:27:45,328 Winabi! Winabi! 881 01:27:45,428 --> 01:27:49,632 Lace 'em up, boys. Courtesy of the East African Bingo Project. 882 01:27:49,732 --> 01:27:53,369 If you don't stop playing, Mr. Dolan, there may be nothing left to tape. 883 01:27:53,469 --> 01:27:56,339 You're going to injure yourself permanently. - Yeah, yeah. 884 01:27:56,439 --> 01:28:00,042 - Jimmy. Please, no more. - Where's my brace? 885 01:28:00,142 --> 01:28:02,511 - Jimmy. - What? 886 01:28:02,611 --> 01:28:05,381 I'll go back with you whether we win or not. 887 01:28:10,353 --> 01:28:12,355 What do you want? 888 01:28:12,455 --> 01:28:15,023 I want to win. 889 01:28:15,123 --> 01:28:17,926 Yeah, me too. 890 01:28:18,026 --> 01:28:21,497 This isn't about you going back with me anymore. 891 01:28:21,597 --> 01:28:23,932 The deal's off. 892 01:28:24,032 --> 01:28:27,736 When this is over, you do whatever you want, all right? 893 01:28:30,606 --> 01:28:34,810 All right. - Jimmy! You heard what you just said? 894 01:28:34,910 --> 01:28:37,946 We need this kid at St. Joe's. 895 01:28:38,046 --> 01:28:42,551 Foxie, this is not St. Joe's. 896 01:28:42,651 --> 01:28:45,688 All right, all right, you guys. Gather 'round. Listen up. 897 01:28:45,788 --> 01:28:49,692 Saleh, come here. Ruwala, Sololo, I want you guys to get into the flow. 898 01:28:49,792 --> 01:28:53,061 I want to open up this game offensively. Look, Mifundo is a brute, 899 01:28:53,161 --> 01:28:55,898 but you can outthink him, you can outsmart him. 900 01:28:55,998 --> 01:29:00,035 Hey, guys, we're down 14 points. We're playing at home. 901 01:29:00,135 --> 01:29:03,706 And we got new shoes. Let's send Mingori back to the mines. 902 01:29:03,806 --> 01:29:05,708 - Yes! - What did you say? 903 01:29:05,808 --> 01:29:07,576 - Yes! - I can't hear you. 904 01:29:07,676 --> 01:29:09,845 Yes! 905 01:29:11,179 --> 01:29:15,984 906 01:29:34,703 --> 01:29:36,972 Go, Saleh! 907 01:29:37,072 --> 01:29:39,742 Way to go! 908 01:29:45,147 --> 01:29:48,451 All right, get your man. Tough "D"! 909 01:29:49,084 --> 01:29:52,621 Come on, Mifundo! 910 01:29:57,526 --> 01:29:59,628 Saleh, he's all over you! 911 01:29:59,728 --> 01:30:02,565 Is he stronger than you? Is he tougher than you? 912 01:30:02,665 --> 01:30:05,768 Winabi! Winabi! 913 01:30:08,170 --> 01:30:11,173 Here. 914 01:30:19,882 --> 01:30:22,885 915 01:30:22,985 --> 01:30:25,854 All right. Hold on. Take it easy. 916 01:30:25,954 --> 01:30:29,191 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Get off him, man! 917 01:30:40,736 --> 01:30:43,138 918 01:31:04,292 --> 01:31:07,563 - Time-out! Time! - Mingori's chokin'! 919 01:31:22,310 --> 01:31:24,580 Look out, Saleh! He's goin' baseline! 920 01:31:26,749 --> 01:31:30,018 - Yes! Yes! - That's it! 921 01:31:50,606 --> 01:31:52,741 That was a foul! 922 01:31:52,841 --> 01:31:55,110 What are ya doin'? That was a hatchet job. 923 01:31:55,210 --> 01:31:58,246 Careful. No weight on this leg. 924 01:31:58,346 --> 01:32:02,918 Who are we gonna use now? Jimmy, who do you want? 925 01:32:03,018 --> 01:32:06,021 - I don't know. We have no one. - Come on, Jimmy, we gotta use somebody. 926 01:32:06,121 --> 01:32:08,757 We need a point guard. 927 01:32:23,606 --> 01:32:26,308 Halawi! Halawi! 928 01:32:26,408 --> 01:32:29,912 Halawi! Halawi! 929 01:32:30,012 --> 01:32:33,315 Halawi! Halawi! 930 01:32:33,415 --> 01:32:35,984 - Halawi! - Huh? 931 01:32:36,084 --> 01:32:39,321 Halawi! Halawi! 932 01:32:42,725 --> 01:32:45,060 I am playing for Winabi. 933 01:32:49,932 --> 01:32:54,569 No! He cannot play for Winabi. He doesn't belong here. 934 01:33:04,780 --> 01:33:06,749 Hey! 935 01:33:12,888 --> 01:33:15,323 He plays for Winabi. 936 01:33:19,161 --> 01:33:22,831 Hey! Your brother. Can he play? 937 01:33:22,931 --> 01:33:25,333 Does a zebra have stripes? 938 01:33:43,385 --> 01:33:46,188 Come on! 939 01:33:46,288 --> 01:33:49,725 Let's move! Let's move the ball! Pass! Pass! 940 01:33:59,935 --> 01:34:02,938 941 01:34:03,038 --> 01:34:06,274 We've only got two minutes. Two minutes? Two minutes is a lifetime! 942 01:34:06,374 --> 01:34:08,410 Clear. 943 01:34:15,050 --> 01:34:17,886 Halawi! 944 01:34:22,157 --> 01:34:24,092 Mamambo. 945 01:34:51,353 --> 01:34:54,790 946 01:35:09,805 --> 01:35:12,074 Come on, get in. 947 01:35:30,225 --> 01:35:33,896 Come on! Arms up! Guard 'em! Guard 'em! 948 01:35:37,099 --> 01:35:39,067 Time! Time! 949 01:35:39,167 --> 01:35:41,804 - You saw it! He touched it! - Time! 950 01:35:41,904 --> 01:35:44,472 - Number 30. You saw it! - He touched it! Yeah! 951 01:35:44,572 --> 01:35:46,975 Time, time, time, time! 952 01:35:47,075 --> 01:35:49,311 All right. Come on, come on. 953 01:35:49,411 --> 01:35:53,515 All right. Listen up, you guys. Give me your eyes. 954 01:35:53,615 --> 01:35:57,519 We're gonna call this play "warthog in the weeds." 955 01:35:57,619 --> 01:35:59,822 All right, Halawi, 956 01:35:59,922 --> 01:36:02,757 I want you to take the ball out of bounds and pass it to Ruwala. 957 01:36:02,858 --> 01:36:05,060 Everyone's lined up on the free throw line. 958 01:36:05,160 --> 01:36:08,396 The object here is to draw your man away from Saleh. 959 01:36:08,496 --> 01:36:10,398 I want him isolated. Alone. 960 01:36:10,498 --> 01:36:12,968 One on one with the big ugly guy. 961 01:36:13,068 --> 01:36:15,137 It's up to you, my man. 962 01:36:15,237 --> 01:36:17,940 All right, here we go. Hands in. One... 963 01:36:18,040 --> 01:36:20,008 Two... three... 964 01:36:20,108 --> 01:36:22,410 Naftalanja! 965 01:36:22,510 --> 01:36:26,548 Forty-one seconds left. The Winabi's have got no time-out remaining. 966 01:36:26,648 --> 01:36:30,552 967 01:36:30,652 --> 01:36:38,652 968 01:36:43,598 --> 01:36:46,902 You've got lots of time now. Twenty, twenty. 969 01:36:47,002 --> 01:36:49,271 Lots of time. 970 01:36:56,078 --> 01:36:57,445 Come on! 971 01:37:18,266 --> 01:37:20,402 Jimmy Dolan "shake and bake." 972 01:37:36,218 --> 01:37:39,421 That's it! 973 01:37:42,257 --> 01:37:45,360 974 01:38:06,181 --> 01:38:08,116 - Yes! - Yes! 975 01:38:17,192 --> 01:38:20,195 Yeah! 976 01:38:28,403 --> 01:38:32,540 Winabi! Winabi! Winabi! 977 01:38:32,640 --> 01:38:35,610 Winabi! Winabi! 978 01:38:35,710 --> 01:38:38,513 Halawi! 979 01:38:38,613 --> 01:38:42,384 Winabi! Winabi! Winabi! 980 01:39:00,402 --> 01:39:02,504 Sister! You're allowed to kiss? 981 01:39:02,604 --> 01:39:05,173 Only if I really mean it. 982 01:39:11,413 --> 01:39:14,016 Jimmy! Jimmy! 983 01:39:14,116 --> 01:39:22,116 984 01:39:28,363 --> 01:39:33,035 985 01:39:33,135 --> 01:39:36,004 And standing six-foot-nine, 986 01:39:36,104 --> 01:39:40,442 out of Winabi, Africa, 987 01:39:40,542 --> 01:39:43,611 the Bull's new power-forward, 988 01:39:43,711 --> 01:39:48,283 number 11, Saleh Wintambuh! 995 01:40:05,767 --> 01:40:09,271 Ladies and gentlemen, 996 01:40:09,371 --> 01:40:14,209 it gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce to you... 997 01:40:14,309 --> 01:40:18,113 A new era in St. Joe's basketball. 998 01:40:18,213 --> 01:40:20,548 A familiar face. 999 01:40:20,648 --> 01:40:24,652 One of our own. Your new Bull's head coach: 1000 01:40:24,752 --> 01:40:28,190 Jimmy Dolan!