1 00:00:17,080 --> 00:00:21,550 Pulp:柔軟潮濕的物體 2 00:00:21,680 --> 00:00:27,310 低級趣味 印刷簡陋的書刊 3 00:00:30,320 --> 00:00:34,280 算了 太冒險了 我不幹 Forget it It's too risky I'm through doing that shit 4 00:00:34,290 --> 00:00:36,780 你每次都這樣說 You always say that, the same thing every time 5 00:00:36,960 --> 00:00:39,590 太危險了…我不幹了… I'm through, never again, too dangerous 6 00:00:39,760 --> 00:00:42,230 我哪一次說錯 I know that's what I always say I'm always right, too 7 00:00:42,360 --> 00:00:44,230 過兩天你就忘了 But you forget about it in a day or two 8 00:00:44,370 --> 00:00:47,730 從現在開始 我不會忘了 Well, the days of me forgetting are over and the days of me remembering have just begun 9 00:00:47,870 --> 00:00:49,800 你知道你像什麼 You know when you go on like this what you sound like? 10 00:00:49,940 --> 00:00:51,670 像個講理的人 I sound like a sensible fucking man 11 00:00:51,810 --> 00:00:54,370 你像只鴨子 只會嘎嘎叫 You sound like a duck Quack, quack, quack 12 00:00:54,510 --> 00:01:00,340 既然我決定不干 你也不用再聽我嘎嘎叫 Take heart, cause you're never gonna have to hear it again since I'm never gonna do it again you're never gonna have to hear me quack about how I'm never gonna do it again 13 00:01:00,480 --> 00:01:01,880 今天干最後一票 After tonight 14 00:01:02,180 --> 00:01:05,120 那我還有得叫呢 Correct I got all tonight to quack 15 00:01:05,250 --> 00:01:07,480 再來點咖啡嗎 Can I get anyone more coffee 16 00:01:08,020 --> 00:01:11,510 好的 謝謝你 Oh, yes Thank you 17 00:01:11,650 --> 00:01:13,050 不客氣 You're welcome 18 00:01:14,090 --> 00:01:17,380 現在這樣 像搶銀行一樣冒險 I mean, the way it is now you're taking the same risk as when you rob a bank 19 00:01:18,430 --> 00:01:20,790 搶銀行還比較容易 You take more of a risk Banks are easier 20 00:01:20,930 --> 00:01:23,060 搶聯邦銀行最輕鬆了 Federal banks ain't supposed to stop you in any way during a robbery 21 00:01:23,700 --> 00:01:25,520 他們有保險 不怕被搶 They're insured Why should they give a fuck? 22 00:01:25,630 --> 00:01:27,430 連槍都用不著 You don't even need a gun in a federal bank 23 00:01:28,410 --> 00:01:32,970 有個同行拎支大哥大 交給銀行出納員 I heard about this one bloke He walks into a bank with a portable phone He gives the phone to the teller 24 00:01:33,100 --> 00:01:35,230 電話那頭有人說… bloke on the other end of the phone says 25 00:01:35,240 --> 00:01:38,240 我手上有個小女孩 不給錢 我就把小女孩幹掉 We got this guy's little girl If you don't give him all your money we're gonna kill her 26 00:01:38,610 --> 00:01:39,510 有沒有用 Did it work 27 00:01:39,640 --> 00:01:44,040 當然 用大哥大最輕鬆了 Fucking way, it works That's what I'm talking about! Knucklehead walks into a bank with a telephone 28 00:01:44,180 --> 00:01:49,420 不必用獵槍或手槍 一根指頭都不必動 not a pistol, not a shotgun a fucking phone Cleans the place out They don't even lift a fucking finger 29 00:01:49,550 --> 00:01:51,520 那小女孩呢 Did they hurt the little girl 30 00:01:51,660 --> 00:01:55,250 誰知道 有可能是他們瞎掰的 I don't know Probably never was a girl in the first place 31 00:01:55,260 --> 00:01:56,850 重點是… The point of the story isn't the girl The point of the story is 32 00:01:57,130 --> 00:01:59,010 一通電話就能搶銀行 they robbed a bank with a telephone 33 00:01:59,120 --> 00:02:00,560 你想搶銀行 You want to rob banks 34 00:02:00,700 --> 00:02:04,100 我只是說搶銀行比較容易 I'm not saying I want to rob banks If we did, it would be easier than what we been doing 35 00:02:04,230 --> 00:02:05,730 不搶雜貨店了 No more liquor stores 36 00:02:05,970 --> 00:02:08,660 廢話 當然不搶了 What we been talking about? Yeah, no more liquor stores 37 00:02:08,800 --> 00:02:12,000 開雜貨店的都是一堆外國豬 Besides, it ain't the giggle it used to be There's too many foreigners own liquor stores Vietnamese, Koreans, they don't even speak fucking English 38 00:02:12,140 --> 00:02:16,200 你用英文叫他們打開錢櫃 他們懂個屁呀 You tell 'em, Empty out the register they don't know what the fuck you're talking about 39 00:02:16,440 --> 00:02:20,050 被逼急了 你就得幹掉他們 這些蠢蛋 They make it too personal We keep on, one of these gook fucker's gonna make us kill him 40 00:02:20,150 --> 00:02:22,010 我不想殺人… I'm not gonna kill anybody 41 00:02:22,180 --> 00:02:23,980 我也不想 I don't want to kill anybody, either 42 00:02:24,020 --> 00:02:26,950 可是有時候出狀況 就會搞成這樣 But they'll probably put us in a situation where it's us or them 43 00:02:26,990 --> 00:02:30,350 要不是越南人 就是小猶太 And if it's not the gooks, it's these old fucking Jews who've owned the store for fifteen fucking generations 44 00:02:30,420 --> 00:02:35,680 也可能是一個老傢伙 突然就拿著槍指著你 who've owned the store for fifteen fucking generations You got Grandpa Irving sitting behind the counter with a fucking Magnum in his hand 45 00:02:35,930 --> 00:02:39,360 拿大哥大一點用也沒有 Try walking into one of those places with nothing but a phone 46 00:02:39,500 --> 00:02:40,220 老子我不幹了 See how far that gets you Fuck it We're out of it 47 00:02:40,400 --> 00:02:42,700 那就乖乖地找工作 Yeah, well, what then? Day jobs 48 00:02:42,830 --> 00:02:45,200 - 死也不要 - 那怎麼辦 - Not in this life - What, then 49 00:02:47,030 --> 00:02:49,090 小弟 咖啡 Garcon! Coffee! 50 00:02:49,340 --> 00:02:51,370 這裏如何 This place 51 00:02:53,310 --> 00:02:55,120 我是小妹 Garcon means boy 52 00:02:59,510 --> 00:03:02,040 這裏 咖啡店 This place? A coffee shop 53 00:03:02,580 --> 00:03:04,710 又怎樣 What's wrong with that 54 00:03:05,250 --> 00:03:08,740 沒人搶過餐廳 有何不可 Nobody ever robs restaurants Why not 55 00:03:09,350 --> 00:03:16,100 酒吧 加油站和雜貨店都有保安 Bars, liquor stores, gas stations you get your head blown off sticking up one of them 56 00:03:16,230 --> 00:03:20,420 你幾時在餐館看過保鑣 Restaurants, on the other hand, you catch with their pants down 57 00:03:20,560 --> 00:03:22,720 沒人會想要搶餐館 They're not expecting to get robbed Not as expecting, anyway 58 00:03:22,860 --> 00:03:26,890 這種地方也沒人會逞英雄… I bet you could cut down on the hero factorin a place like this 59 00:03:27,940 --> 00:03:31,500 沒錯 餐館通常也有保險 Same as banks, these places are insured 60 00:03:31,640 --> 00:03:34,110 經理才不在乎 Manager he don't give a fuck 61 00:03:34,240 --> 00:03:37,170 他只想趕快把煞星送走 He's just trying to get you out the door before you start plugging the diners 62 00:03:37,180 --> 00:03:40,980 服務生膽子小 更不會逞英雄 Waitresses? Fucking forget it No way they're taking a bullet for the register 63 00:03:41,010 --> 00:03:46,080 收碗盤小弟領一點薪水 才不管你搶他老闆錢 Busboys, some wetback getting paid $1 50 an hour really give a fuck you're stealing from the owner 64 00:03:47,020 --> 00:03:51,320 顧客吃得好好的 突然被槍指住 Customers sitting with food in their mouths They don't know what's going on One minute they're having a Denver omelette next minute, someone's sticking a gun in their face 65 00:03:51,660 --> 00:03:54,090 他們都嚇呆了 See, I got the idea 66 00:03:56,030 --> 00:04:00,060 記得上次搶雜貨店時 顧客一直上門嗎 last liquor store we stuck up Remember? All the customers kept coming in 67 00:04:00,500 --> 00:04:01,460 記得 Yeah 68 00:04:02,600 --> 00:04:04,390 你想到要搶他們的錢包 You got the idea taking their wallets 69 00:04:04,600 --> 00:04:07,070 - 那很正點 - 謝謝 - Now, that was a good idea - Thank you 70 00:04:07,200 --> 00:04:10,130 - 錢包比櫃檯的錢多 - 沒錯 - Made more from the wallets than we did from the register - Yes, we did 71 00:04:10,400 --> 00:04:12,340 餐廳裏顧客很多 A lot of people come into restaurants 72 00:04:12,470 --> 00:04:14,400 一大堆錢包 A lot of wallets 73 00:04:14,540 --> 00:04:16,040 很正點吧 Pretty smart, huh 74 00:04:16,710 --> 00:04:18,640 棒呆了 Pretty smart 75 00:04:19,540 --> 00:04:24,000 好 就在這裏大幹一場 上吧 I'm ready Let's do it Right now, right here Come on 76 00:04:24,020 --> 00:04:29,620 好吧 老規矩 你控制場面 我收錢 All right Same as last time, remember? You're crowd control I handle employees 77 00:04:35,240 --> 00:04:36,400 我愛你 小南瓜 I love you, Pumpkin 78 00:04:36,510 --> 00:04:38,500 我也愛你 小白兔 I love you, Honey Bunny 79 00:04:39,810 --> 00:04:41,710 大家別動 這是搶劫 Everybody, be cool! This is a robbery! 80 00:04:41,910 --> 00:04:48,810 誰敢給我亂來 我就他媽的斃了誰 Any of you fucking pricks move and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of you! 81 00:05:11,040 --> 00:05:15,030 低俗小說 82 00:05:15,550 --> 00:05:19,310 主演:約翰·屈夫塔 83 00:05:19,960 --> 00:05:23,560 主演:薩繆爾·傑克遜 84 00:05:24,180 --> 00:05:27,870 主演:烏瑪·瑟曼 85 00:06:02,520 --> 00:06:06,400 主演:布魯斯·威利 86 00:07:06,820 --> 00:07:09,220 大麻酒吧是怎麼回事 OK, so tell me again about the hash bars 87 00:07:09,320 --> 00:07:10,510 你想知道什麼 OK What you want to know 88 00:07:10,650 --> 00:07:12,140 在這兒吸大麻不犯法 Hash is legal there, right 89 00:07:12,250 --> 00:07:15,820 沒錯 不過不能在餐館裏吃飯 Yeah, it's legal, but it ain't 100% legal You just can't walk into a restaurant 90 00:07:16,120 --> 00:07:18,320 就拿草出來哈 roll a joint, and start puffing away 91 00:07:18,430 --> 00:07:21,400 最好在家裏 或指定場所暗爽 I mean, they want you to smoke in your home or certain designated places 92 00:07:21,500 --> 00:07:22,720 就是大麻酒吧 And those are hash bars 93 00:07:23,060 --> 00:07:26,620 這麼說吧 購買大麻煙是合法的 Yeah, it breaks down like this It's legal to buy it, it's legal to own it 94 00:07:26,770 --> 00:07:30,130 在大麻酒吧裏就買得到 and if you're the proprietor of a hash bar it's legal to sell it 95 00:07:30,270 --> 00:07:34,430 攜帶大麻也行 不過聽好 It's legal to carry it, but but that doesn't matter cause, get a load of this, all right 96 00:07:34,540 --> 00:07:38,700 要是被荷蘭的條子攔下來 他們不能搜你身 If you get stopped by a cop in Amsterdam it's illegal for them to search you 97 00:07:38,840 --> 00:07:41,510 他們沒這權力 I mean, that's a right the cops in Amsterdam don't have 98 00:07:41,650 --> 00:07:45,080 決定了 我一定要去 Oh, man, I'm going That's all there is to it I'm fucking going 99 00:07:45,220 --> 00:07:47,840 我就知道你會很樂 I know, baby You'd dig it the most 100 00:07:48,820 --> 00:07:50,650 你知道歐洲什麼最好玩 But you know what the funniest thing about Europe is 101 00:07:50,790 --> 00:07:53,280 - 什麼 - 美國也有的玩意 - What? - It's the little differences 102 00:07:53,390 --> 00:07:57,450 在那裏就有點不同 I mean, they got the same shit over there that they got here but it's just a little different 103 00:07:57,590 --> 00:07:58,650 像什麼 Example 104 00:07:58,790 --> 00:08:02,320 那裏戲院都買得到啤酒 You can go to a movie theater in Amsterdam and buy a beer And I don't mean just, like, in no paper cup 105 00:08:02,430 --> 00:08:06,090 還是用玻璃杯裝的 I'm talking about a glass of beer 106 00:08:06,170 --> 00:08:09,030 巴黎麥當勞也賣啤酒 And in Paris, you can buy a beer at McDonald's 107 00:08:09,140 --> 00:08:13,600 你知道巴黎的漢堡怎麼叫嗎 And you know what they call a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese in Paris 108 00:08:13,710 --> 00:08:15,570 不叫漢堡 They don't call it a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese 109 00:08:15,710 --> 00:08:18,730 漢堡他們聽都沒聽過 No, man, they got the metric system there They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter-Pounder is 110 00:08:19,080 --> 00:08:20,070 那叫什麼 What do they call it 111 00:08:20,210 --> 00:08:22,610 皇家起士堡 They call it a Royale with Cheese 112 00:08:22,750 --> 00:08:25,040 - 皇家起士堡 - 沒錯 - Royale with Cheese - That's right 113 00:08:25,150 --> 00:08:26,510 麥香堡又叫什麼 What do they call a Big Mac 114 00:08:26,650 --> 00:08:29,380 一樣 不過前面加一個樂字 Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it Le Big Mac 115 00:08:29,520 --> 00:08:32,180 樂麥香堡 Le Big Mac 116 00:08:32,720 --> 00:08:34,250 華堡又叫什麼 What do they call a Whopper 117 00:08:34,360 --> 00:08:36,690 我沒點過 我不知道 I don't know I didn't go into Burger King 118 00:08:36,790 --> 00:08:39,520 你知道荷蘭薯條加什麼嗎 You know what they put on French fries in Holland instead of ketchup 119 00:08:39,630 --> 00:08:42,100 - 加什麼 - 美奶滋 - What? - Mayonnaise 120 00:08:43,700 --> 00:08:46,690 他們老愛放一大團 Ha ha ha I've seen 'em do it, man 121 00:08:50,670 --> 00:08:53,640 幹這種差事 應該帶獵槍 They fucking drown 'em in that shit We should have shotguns for this kind of deal 122 00:08:57,140 --> 00:08:58,110 有多少人 How many up there 123 00:08:58,210 --> 00:08:59,680 三 四個人 Three or four 124 00:08:59,780 --> 00:09:01,740 包括我們的人 That's counting our guy 125 00:09:01,850 --> 00:09:03,400 不知道 I'm not sure 126 00:09:03,550 --> 00:09:06,070 所以有可能五個人 So that means it could be up to five guys up there 127 00:09:06,120 --> 00:09:07,610 很有可能 It's possible 128 00:09:07,720 --> 00:09:10,210 我們應該拿獵槍的 We should have fucking shotguns 129 00:09:10,320 --> 00:09:11,250 她叫什麼 What's her name 130 00:09:11,390 --> 00:09:13,220 - 蜜兒 - 蜜兒 - Mia - Mia 131 00:09:13,360 --> 00:09:15,190 馬沙怎麼認識她的 How did Marsellus and her meet 132 00:09:15,290 --> 00:09:18,380 誰曉得 就這麼認識 I don't know However people meet people 133 00:09:18,490 --> 00:09:20,020 她當過演員 She used to be an actress 134 00:09:20,130 --> 00:09:22,460 是嗎 她演過什麼 Oh, really? She do anything I'd have seen 135 00:09:22,600 --> 00:09:25,290 她參加過首集演出 I think her biggest deal was she starred in a pilot 136 00:09:25,430 --> 00:09:27,020 那是什麼玩意 Pilot? What's a pilot 137 00:09:27,170 --> 00:09:29,030 看過電視影集吧 Well, you know the shows on TV 138 00:09:29,130 --> 00:09:30,600 我從不看電視的 I don't watch TV 139 00:09:30,700 --> 00:09:36,500 那你知道有電視這玩意吧 你也知道有影集吧 Yeah, but you are aware that there's an invention called television and on this invention they show shows, right 140 00:09:36,610 --> 00:09:37,600 知道 Yeah 141 00:09:37,710 --> 00:09:42,040 電視台會先拍一集影集 就叫首集 The way they pick TV shows, they make one show That show's called a pilot 142 00:09:42,150 --> 00:09:44,410 拍好就給主管看 Then they show that one show to the people who pick shows 143 00:09:44,510 --> 00:09:47,610 根據首集影片的好壞來挑選 and on the strength of that one show they decide if they want to make more shows 144 00:09:47,750 --> 00:09:50,310 被選上的就是影集 Some get chosen and become television programs 145 00:09:50,420 --> 00:09:53,250 沒被選上就拜拜吧 Some don't, become nothing 146 00:09:53,390 --> 00:09:56,050 她演的就拜拜了 She starred in one of the ones that became nothing 147 00:09:56,820 --> 00:10:00,120 你記得那個混血兒安東 You remember Antwan Rockamora? 148 00:10:00,360 --> 00:10:02,330 綽號叫恐怖湯尼嗎 Half-black, half-Samoan used to call him "Tony Rocky Horror" 149 00:10:02,430 --> 00:10:04,330 那個胖子 Yeah, maybe Fat, right 150 00:10:04,430 --> 00:10:09,090 他不胖 他只是吃太多了 I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat I mean, he got a weight problem What's the nigger gonna do, he's Samoan 151 00:10:09,200 --> 00:10:11,140 我知道 他怎麼了 Yeah, I think I know who you mean What about him 152 00:10:11,240 --> 00:10:13,430 馬沙整慘了他 Well, Marsellus fucked him up good 153 00:10:13,570 --> 00:10:17,600 聽說是因為馬沙的老婆 Word around the campfire is it was on account of Marsellus Wallace's wife 154 00:10:26,250 --> 00:10:29,880 - 他搞上她了 - 沒這麼糟 - So, what'd he do, fuck her? - No, no, no, no, no Nothing that bad 155 00:10:30,190 --> 00:10:31,620 那是怎麼回事 Well, then, what, then 156 00:10:31,720 --> 00:10:34,120 他替她腳底按摩 Gave her a foot massage 157 00:10:36,120 --> 00:10:38,220 腳底按摩… A foot massage 158 00:10:38,360 --> 00:10:40,330 而已 That's it 159 00:10:40,430 --> 00:10:42,420 馬沙怎麼整他 Then what did Marsellus do 160 00:10:42,560 --> 00:10:47,260 他派手下把他從陽台扔下去 Sent a couple of cats over to his place 161 00:10:47,370 --> 00:10:53,640 他從四樓跌得慘兮兮 樓下有個玻璃花房 They took him out on his patio, threw his ass over the balcony Nigger fell four stories They had a little garden down at the bottom enclosed in glass, like a greenhouse 162 00:10:53,640 --> 00:10:56,040 他就摔到上面 Nigger fell through that 163 00:10:56,110 --> 00:11:00,340 他現在好像變啞吧了 Since then, he kind of developed a speech impediment 164 00:11:00,480 --> 00:11:02,780 真是衰透了 That's a damn shame 165 00:11:08,120 --> 00:11:11,090 不過他自作自受 But still, I have to say you play with matches, you get burned 166 00:11:11,190 --> 00:11:12,350 怎麼說 What do you mean 167 00:11:12,490 --> 00:11:16,010 白癡才替馬沙老婆腳底按摩 You don't be giving Marsellus Wallace's new bride a foot massage 168 00:11:16,120 --> 00:11:18,110 是馬沙太小題大作了吧 You don't think he overreacted 169 00:11:18,230 --> 00:11:23,530 湯尼應該料得到馬沙會抓狂 Well, Antwan probably didn't expect Marsellus to react the way he did, but he had to expect a reaction It was a foot massage A foot massage is nothing 170 00:11:23,630 --> 00:11:27,530 我都替我老媽做過腳底按摩 I give my mother a foot massage 171 00:11:27,630 --> 00:11:36,230 替馬沙的女人腳底按摩 是不是等於跟她上床 No, it's laying hands in a familiar way on Marsellus' new wife I mean, is it as bad as eating her pussy out? No, but it's the same fucking ballpark 172 00:11:36,240 --> 00:11:37,610 等等… Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there 173 00:11:37,710 --> 00:11:41,170 跟她上床和替她按摩可不同了 Eating a bitch out and giving a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fucking thing 174 00:11:41,280 --> 00:11:42,770 是不同… 不過也差不多了 It's not It's the same ballpark 175 00:11:43,050 --> 00:11:45,240 可差得遠了 Ain't no fucking ballpark, neither 176 00:11:45,380 --> 00:11:48,150 也許你按摩的方式不同 Now, look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine 177 00:11:48,250 --> 00:11:56,120 不過腳底按摩和跟女人上床是兩碼子事 差多了 but you know touching his wife's feet and sticking your tongue in her holiest of holies ain't the same fucking ballpark It ain't the same league It ain't even the same fucking sport 178 00:11:56,260 --> 00:11:58,450 腳底按摩根本沒什麼 Look, foot massages don't mean shit 179 00:11:58,590 --> 00:12:01,190 你替人腳底按摩過嗎 Have you ever given a foot massage 180 00:12:01,330 --> 00:12:05,090 開玩笑 我是按摩大師 Don't be telling me about foot massages I'm the foot fucking master 181 00:12:05,200 --> 00:12:06,190 經驗豐富 You given a lot of 'em 182 00:12:06,330 --> 00:12:10,290 當然 技術高超 不是蓋的 Shit, yeah Got my technique down and everything I don't be tickling or nothing 183 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:13,130 你會替男人按摩嗎 Would you give a guy a foot massage 184 00:12:14,610 --> 00:12:16,600 去你的 Fuck you 185 00:12:17,680 --> 00:12:20,410 - 你常做嗎 - 去你的 - You given 'em a lot? - Fuck you 186 00:12:20,540 --> 00:12:23,100 我很累 想來點腳底按摩 You know, I'm kind of tired I could use a foot massage myself 187 00:12:23,210 --> 00:12:26,740 你再鬧 我就要翻臉了 Yo, yo, yo, man You best back off I'm getting a little pissed here 188 00:12:28,320 --> 00:12:30,980 - 就是這裏 - 沒錯 - This is the door - There it is 189 00:12:33,620 --> 00:12:36,110 幾點了 What time you got 190 00:12:36,220 --> 00:12:38,320 七點二十二分 7:22 in the a.m 191 00:12:38,430 --> 00:12:42,090 還早 我們走走 No, it ain't quite time yet Come on Let's hang back 192 00:12:50,240 --> 00:12:52,640 腳底按摩是有點曖昧 Just 'cause I wouldn't give no man a foot massage don't make it right for Marsellus 193 00:12:52,740 --> 00:12:59,140 不過馬沙害湯尼變成啞吧 未免也太過份了 to throw Antwan off a building into a glass motherfucking house fucking up the way the nigger talks That shit ain't right 194 00:12:59,240 --> 00:13:03,680 換了我 我死也要殺他報仇 Motherfucker do that shit to me, he better paralyze my ass cause I'd kill the motherfucker you know what I'm saying 195 00:13:03,780 --> 00:13:05,300 我懂 I ain't saying it's right 196 00:13:05,410 --> 00:13:08,510 我只是說腳底按摩很曖昧 But you're saying a foot massage don't mean nothing and I'm saying it does 197 00:13:08,650 --> 00:13:13,180 我替多少女人按摩 都別有用意 I've given a million ladies a million foot massages and they all meant something 198 00:13:13,320 --> 00:13:17,090 大家心照不宣才好玩 Now, we act like they don't, but they do That's what's so fucking cool about 'em 199 00:13:17,220 --> 00:13:20,960 腳底按摩就像是暗爽 There's a sensuous thing going on where, you know you don't talk about it 200 00:13:21,030 --> 00:13:22,620 你明白 她也明白 but you know it, and she knows it 201 00:13:22,730 --> 00:13:27,390 馬沙很清楚 湯尼也心知肚明 Fucking Marsellus knew it and Antwan should've fucking better known better 202 00:13:28,070 --> 00:13:32,160 惹他老婆 他可會不高興 I mean, that's his fucking wife, man This ain't a man with a sense of humor about this shit 203 00:13:32,270 --> 00:13:35,140 你懂嗎 You know what I'm saying 204 00:13:35,240 --> 00:13:39,180 很有意思… 走吧 該幹活了 It's an interesting point Come on Let's get into character 205 00:13:45,320 --> 00:13:46,980 她叫什麼 What's her name again 206 00:13:47,050 --> 00:13:48,350 - 蜜兒 - 蜜兒 - Mia - Mia 207 00:13:48,480 --> 00:13:51,210 幹嘛對老大的女人感興趣 Why you so interested in big man's wife 208 00:13:51,350 --> 00:13:56,350 老大要出門 叫我照顧她 Well, he's going out of town, Florida and he asked me if I'd take care of her while he's gone 209 00:13:56,490 --> 00:13:58,580 - 照顧她 - 別想歪了 老兄 - Take care of her? - No, man Just take her out 210 00:13:58,730 --> 00:14:03,720 只是負責陪她尋樂子而已 You know, show her a good time Make sure she don't get lonely 211 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:06,360 你要帶蜜兒出去約會 You're gonna be taking Mia Wallace out on a date 212 00:14:06,500 --> 00:14:09,160 不是約會 It is not a date 213 00:14:09,270 --> 00:14:13,400 就像陪好友老婆出去玩玩 It's just like if you were going to take your buddy's wife to a movie or something 214 00:14:13,510 --> 00:14:15,970 大家開開心罷了 It's just good company, that's all 215 00:14:21,210 --> 00:14:25,010 這不算約會 絕對不算 It's not a date It's definitely not a date 216 00:14:31,950 --> 00:14:35,950 小兔崽子 你們好嗎 Hey, kids How you boys doing 217 00:14:36,020 --> 00:14:38,120 輕鬆點 Hey, keep chilling 218 00:14:45,670 --> 00:14:47,960 認識我們嗎 You know who we are 219 00:14:48,030 --> 00:14:51,990 我們是馬沙的朋友 We're associates of your business partner Marsellus Wallace 220 00:14:52,100 --> 00:14:55,470 記得他跟你們合夥嗎 You do remember your business partner, don't you 221 00:14:57,180 --> 00:14:59,640 讓我猜猜看 Let me take a wild guess here 222 00:15:03,010 --> 00:15:04,610 你是布萊特 You're Brett, right 223 00:15:04,710 --> 00:15:07,010 沒錯 我就知道 Yeah I thought so 224 00:15:07,120 --> 00:15:11,380 記得你的合夥人馬沙嗎 You remember your business partner Marsellus Wallace don't you, Brett 225 00:15:11,490 --> 00:15:13,420 記得 Yeah, I remember him 226 00:15:13,520 --> 00:15:19,150 很好 抱歉 打擾你們用早餐 Good Looks like me and Vincent caught you boys at breakfast 227 00:15:19,260 --> 00:15:21,280 你們在吃什麼 Sorry about that What you having 228 00:15:21,400 --> 00:15:24,130 - 漢堡 - 漢堡 - Hamburgers - Hamburgers! 229 00:15:24,230 --> 00:15:27,430 早上吃漢堡 還真夠營養 The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast 230 00:15:27,570 --> 00:15:30,230 什麼漢堡 What kind of hamburgers 231 00:15:30,370 --> 00:15:31,270 吉事堡 Ch-ch-cheeseburgers 232 00:15:32,870 --> 00:15:36,360 我問你哪買的 麥當勞 溫蒂 大呼拉堡… No, no, no, no Where'd you get 'em? McDonald's, Wendy's, Jack-in-the-Box, where? 233 00:15:36,510 --> 00:15:38,170 轉角那家店 Um, Big Kahuna Burger 234 00:15:38,310 --> 00:15:41,300 那家夏威夷漢堡店 Big Kahuna Burger That's that Hawaiian burger joint 235 00:15:41,410 --> 00:15:46,610 我沒試過 聽說很棒 好吃嗎 I hear they got some tasty burgers I ain't never had one myself How are they 236 00:15:46,950 --> 00:15:49,610 - 好吃 - 我可以嘗嘗嗎 - They're good - You mind if I try one of yours 237 00:15:51,420 --> 00:15:54,080 - 這是你的 - 是 - This is yours here, right? - Yeah 238 00:16:01,530 --> 00:16:06,120 嗯 棒呆了 Mmm! This is a tasty burger 239 00:16:06,270 --> 00:16:10,170 文生 你嘗過大呼拉堡嗎 Vincent, you ever had a Big Kahuna Burger 240 00:16:10,270 --> 00:16:12,570 嘗一口 好吃極了 Want a bite? They're real tasty 241 00:16:12,900 --> 00:16:13,930 我不餓 I ain't hungry 242 00:16:14,040 --> 00:16:18,500 喜歡吃漢堡 一定得嘗嘗 If you like burgers, give 'em a try sometime 243 00:16:18,640 --> 00:16:23,100 我馬子不吃肉 我也跟著吃素 Me, I can't usually get 'em 'cause my girlfriend's a vegetarian which pretty much makes me a vegetarian 244 00:16:23,950 --> 00:16:26,610 不過這漢堡真是好哇 But I do love the taste of a good burger 245 00:16:27,980 --> 00:16:32,040 知道這法國漢堡怎麼叫嗎 You know what they call a Quarter-Pounder with Cheese in France 246 00:16:32,150 --> 00:16:33,950 - 不知道 - 文生 你說 - No - Tell him, Vincent 247 00:16:34,050 --> 00:16:35,680 皇家起士堡 Royale with Cheese 248 00:16:35,990 --> 00:16:37,550 皇家起士堡 Royale with Cheese 249 00:16:37,690 --> 00:16:41,960 為什麼 You know why they call it that 250 00:16:42,060 --> 00:16:45,160 因為法國出過皇帝 Because of the metric system 251 00:16:45,270 --> 00:16:48,500 你真是天才 布萊特 Check out the big brain on Brett! 252 00:16:48,630 --> 00:16:52,260 你真他媽聰明 一點也不錯 You're a smart motherfucker That's right The metric system 253 00:16:54,270 --> 00:16:55,930 這是什麼 What's in this 254 00:16:56,010 --> 00:16:58,030 - 雪碧 - 很好 - Sprite - Sprite, good 255 00:16:58,170 --> 00:17:02,540 我可以喝一口嗎 You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down with 256 00:17:03,180 --> 00:17:05,170 請便 Go right ahead 257 00:17:16,520 --> 00:17:19,320 過癮 That hit the spot 258 00:17:19,990 --> 00:17:23,520 識相點 我們無事不亂海鳥窩 You, Flock of Seagulls You know why we're here 259 00:17:23,660 --> 00:17:26,530 何不告訴文生兄 東西藏哪裏 Why don't you tell my man Vince here where you got the shit hid at 260 00:17:26,630 --> 00:17:31,190 - 在那裏 - 我又沒問你 混帳 - It's over there - I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing! 261 00:17:35,640 --> 00:17:37,230 你說什麼 You were saying 262 00:17:37,340 --> 00:17:39,640 在櫃子裏 It's in the cupboard 263 00:17:41,410 --> 00:17:44,380 不…是底下那個 N-no The one by your kn-knees 264 00:18:07,470 --> 00:18:10,030 文生… Vincent 265 00:18:10,700 --> 00:18:11,690 滿意嗎 We happy 266 00:18:12,000 --> 00:18:13,700 很滿意 Yeah, we happy Pbbbt 267 00:18:15,340 --> 00:18:19,470 抱歉 我不知道你的名字 Look I'm sorry, uh, I didn't get your name 268 00:18:19,580 --> 00:18:23,100 - 你叫文生 對吧 - 那你呢 - I got yours Uh, Vincent, right? - But I never got yours 269 00:18:23,250 --> 00:18:27,480 我叫索命鬼 你別想脫身 My name's Pitt and your ass ain't talking your way out of this shit 270 00:18:29,720 --> 00:18:33,090 我只想讓你瞭解… I just want you to know how 271 00:18:35,390 --> 00:18:40,490 我們很後悔跟馬沙先生鬧翻 I just want you to know how sorry we are that things got so fucked up with us and and Mr.Wallace 272 00:18:40,590 --> 00:18:44,620 不過 我們並無惡意… W-we got into this thing with the best intentions I never 273 00:18:46,570 --> 00:18:49,430 抱歉 我打斷你的話嗎 Oh, I'm sorry Did I break your concentration 274 00:18:50,270 --> 00:18:53,600 我不是故意的 請繼續 I didn't mean to do that Please, continue 275 00:18:53,700 --> 00:18:58,370 你正說你們並無惡意 You were saying something about best intentions 276 00:18:58,510 --> 00:19:02,640 怎麼 說完了 What's the matter? Oh, y-you were finished 277 00:19:02,750 --> 00:19:07,680 現在輪到我說了 Oh, well, allow me to retort 278 00:19:07,980 --> 00:19:12,250 馬沙長什麼樣子 What does Marsellus Wallace look like 279 00:19:12,390 --> 00:19:14,320 什麼 What 280 00:19:14,420 --> 00:19:16,120 你是哪國人 What country are you from 281 00:19:16,220 --> 00:19:17,210 什麼 什麼 Wh-what 282 00:19:17,360 --> 00:19:21,520 有「什麼」國嗎 他們講英文嗎 Why no country I ever heard of, they speak English in What? 283 00:19:21,630 --> 00:19:24,490 - 臭小子 你懂不懂英文 - 懂 - English, motherfucker! Do you speak it? - Yes! 284 00:19:24,630 --> 00:19:26,260 那你聽懂我的話嗎 Then you know what I'm saying 285 00:19:26,370 --> 00:19:30,930 馬沙長什麼樣子 Describe what Marsellus Wallace looks like! 286 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:31,930 什麼 我… What? I 287 00:19:32,000 --> 00:19:34,200 再說一遍 你敢再說一遍 Say "what" again! Say "what" again! 288 00:19:34,340 --> 00:19:38,540 再說一遍「什麼」試試看 I dare you! I double-dare you, motherfucker! Say "what" one more goddamn time! 289 00:19:38,680 --> 00:19:42,040 - 他…他…是黑人 - 還有呢 - H-h-he's black - Go on! 290 00:19:42,150 --> 00:19:43,110 他…是…禿子 He's bald 291 00:19:43,250 --> 00:19:44,540 他樣子很賤嗎 Does he look like a bitch 292 00:19:44,650 --> 00:19:46,310 什麼 What 293 00:19:47,480 --> 00:19:51,480 他模樣很賤嗎 Does he look like a bitch 294 00:19:51,620 --> 00:19:52,590 不像 No! 295 00:19:52,690 --> 00:19:54,950 - 那你幹嘛耍他 - 我沒有 Then why you try to fuck him like a bitch, Brett? - I didn't 296 00:19:55,090 --> 00:19:59,990 你有 你想把他耍著玩 Yes, you did Yes, you did, Brett! You tried to fuck him 297 00:20:00,090 --> 00:20:05,290 馬沙不喜歡被人耍著玩 Marsellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs Wallace 298 00:20:06,230 --> 00:20:08,220 讀過聖經嗎 You read the Bible, Brett 299 00:20:08,370 --> 00:20:09,430 讀過 Y-yes 300 00:20:09,570 --> 00:20:13,590 有段聖經現在讀 應該很恰當 Well, there's this passage I got memorized 301 00:20:13,940 --> 00:20:17,340 「以西結書」二十五章十七節 sort of fits this occasion Ezekiel 25:17 302 00:20:17,440 --> 00:20:26,940 正義之路被暴虐之惡人包圍 The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men 303 00:20:27,050 --> 00:20:31,990 以慈悲與善意為名引導弱者 Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will 304 00:20:32,090 --> 00:20:34,920 通過黑暗之路的人有福了 shepherds the weak through the Valley of Darkness 305 00:20:35,020 --> 00:20:40,930 因為他照應同伴 尋回迷途羔羊 for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children 306 00:20:40,990 --> 00:20:51,530 那些膽敢殘害荼毒我同伴之人 我將向他們大施報復 And I will strike down upon thee "with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers 307 00:20:51,670 --> 00:20:59,370 到時 他們就知道 我是耶和華 And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee! 308 00:21:08,980 --> 00:21:13,320 (魏文生與馬沙之妻) 309 00:21:17,220 --> 00:21:19,990 你會發現… I think you're gonna find 310 00:21:20,130 --> 00:21:24,330 在這一切結束後 when all this shit is over and done 311 00:21:24,460 --> 00:21:28,400 你會發現自己很滿足 I think you're gonna find yourself one smiling motherfucker 312 00:21:30,400 --> 00:21:33,200 雖然… Thing is, Butch, 313 00:21:33,300 --> 00:21:37,970 你現在還很強 right now you got ability 314 00:21:38,110 --> 00:21:40,470 但不幸的是… But painful as it may be 315 00:21:40,580 --> 00:21:43,940 你強不了多久 ability don't last 316 00:21:45,680 --> 00:21:49,550 你就快完蛋了 And your days are just about over 317 00:21:49,680 --> 00:21:54,180 現實是殘酷的 Now, that's a hard motherfucking fact of life but that's a fact of life 318 00:21:54,290 --> 00:21:58,490 不由得你不低頭 your ass is gonna have to get realistic about 319 00:22:01,330 --> 00:22:05,920 這圈子有一大堆蠢蛋 不肯向現實低頭 See, this business is filled to the brim with unrealistic motherfuckers 320 00:22:06,900 --> 00:22:11,890 這些蠢蛋以為 他們越老會越強 motherfuckers who thought their ass would age like wine 321 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:17,130 他們的確會變老… If you mean it turns to vinegar, it does 322 00:22:17,270 --> 00:22:21,440 可是你們絕對不會變強… If you mean it gets better with age, it don't 323 00:22:23,310 --> 00:22:26,370 布奇… Besides, Butch 324 00:22:26,480 --> 00:22:30,420 你還能再打幾場拳賽 how many fights you think you got in you, anyway 325 00:22:33,290 --> 00:22:35,260 兩場 Hmm? Two 326 00:22:36,290 --> 00:22:40,660 老拳手沒有友誼賽 Boxers don't have an Old-timer's Day 327 00:22:40,930 --> 00:22:44,560 你差點就成名 但你不夠強 You came close, but you never made it 328 00:22:44,900 --> 00:22:48,890 你成名了就不會在這裏 And if you were gonna make it You would have made it before now 329 00:23:05,910 --> 00:23:08,210 你是我好兄弟嗎 You my nigger 330 00:23:12,520 --> 00:23:15,280 應該是吧 It certainly appears so 331 00:23:21,590 --> 00:23:25,220 拳賽那天 你會有點難堪… Night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting 332 00:23:28,600 --> 00:23:32,130 那是自尊在搞鬼 That's pride fucking with you 333 00:23:33,100 --> 00:23:35,500 去他娘的自尊 Fuck pride! 334 00:23:37,310 --> 00:23:42,040 自尊只會傷人… 不能幫人 Pride only hurts It never helps 335 00:23:43,880 --> 00:23:46,370 你得拋開自尊 You fight through that shit 336 00:23:47,280 --> 00:23:52,220 一年後 你在快活逍遙的時候 Cause a year from now when you're kicking it in the Caribbean 337 00:23:52,320 --> 00:23:56,950 你就會知道馬沙說的沒錯 you're gonna say to yourself, Marsellus Wallace was right 338 00:23:59,260 --> 00:24:02,020 我很瞭解 馬沙先生 I got no problem with that, Mr. Wallace 339 00:24:03,560 --> 00:24:07,520 第五回合 你會被撂倒 In the fifth, your ass goes down 340 00:24:11,400 --> 00:24:13,390 說一次 Say it 341 00:24:15,610 --> 00:24:19,060 第五回合 我會被撂倒 In the fifth, my ass goes down 342 00:24:21,040 --> 00:24:27,210 文生 朱斯老鄉 快滾進來 Yo, Vincent Vega, our man in Amsterdam Jules Winnfield, our man in Inglewood Get your asses on in here! 343 00:24:28,520 --> 00:24:30,850 死黑佬 他們都穿了些什麼 Goddamn, nigger! What's up with them clothes 344 00:24:30,950 --> 00:24:33,080 別糗我們了 You don't even want to know 345 00:24:34,220 --> 00:24:35,280 老大呢 Where's the big man 346 00:24:35,390 --> 00:24:38,050 老大在打理生意 Big man's right over there taking care of some business 347 00:24:38,190 --> 00:24:40,220 先休息一下 Why don't you hang back for a second or two, you know 348 00:24:40,330 --> 00:24:43,590 小白臉一走 你們就進去 You see the white boy leave, just go on over 349 00:24:45,960 --> 00:24:47,430 你好嗎 How you been 350 00:24:47,570 --> 00:24:49,530 我很好 你呢 I've been doing pretty good How 'bout yourself 351 00:24:49,870 --> 00:24:51,300 很好 All right 352 00:24:54,440 --> 00:24:57,310 聽說你要帶蜜兒出去玩 So, I hear you're taking Mia out tomorrow 353 00:24:59,410 --> 00:25:02,210 是馬沙吩咐的 At Marsellus' request 354 00:25:03,650 --> 00:25:06,980 - 你見過她嗎 - 還沒 - Have you met Mia? - Not yet 355 00:25:07,080 --> 00:25:08,380 你們在笑什麼 What's so fucking funny 356 00:25:08,480 --> 00:25:11,920 - 沒事 - 我去尿尿 - Not a goddamn thing - I got to piss 357 00:25:12,020 --> 00:25:15,510 我敢拿老大的老婆怎樣 Look, I'm not a fucking idiot, all right 358 00:25:15,820 --> 00:25:20,890 我只會規規矩矩當她跟班小弟 It's the big man's wife I'm gonna sit across from her chew my food with my mouth closed laugh at her fucking jokes, and that's it 359 00:25:20,990 --> 00:25:23,990 我沒笨到要插手這件事 Hey, my name's Paul, and this shit's between y'all 360 00:25:24,130 --> 00:25:27,500 那你問那麼多幹嘛 Then what did you fucking ask me about it for 361 00:25:35,440 --> 00:25:36,570 來包香煙 Asshole 362 00:25:36,840 --> 00:25:39,830 - 要濾嘴嗎 - 不 - Filters? - Nah 363 00:25:42,610 --> 00:25:44,440 你看什麼看 老友 You looking at something, friend 364 00:25:44,550 --> 00:25:48,310 我不是你好友 傻子 You ain't my friend, palooka 365 00:25:48,420 --> 00:25:49,850 再說一遍 What was that 366 00:25:49,990 --> 00:25:52,420 你聽得很清楚了 禿子 I think you heard me just fine, punchy 367 00:25:52,550 --> 00:25:58,550 文生來了 好兄弟 給我過來 Vincent Vega's in the house? My nigger Get your ass over here 368 00:26:11,070 --> 00:26:14,330 香煙一塊四毛 Pack of Red Apples $ 1 40 369 00:26:16,440 --> 00:26:18,810 火柴 And some matches 370 00:26:25,810 --> 00:26:30,810 好像把你全身每個地方都變成龜頭 It's as if it turns every part of your body into the tip of a penis 371 00:26:31,220 --> 00:26:33,810 那本刺洞的書棒呆了 我借你 I'll lend it to you It's a great book on piercing 372 00:26:33,920 --> 00:26:38,360 刺乳頭跟刺耳洞 一樣用槍嗎 Well, you see how they use that gun to pierce your ears? They don't use that to pierce your nipples, too, do they 373 00:26:38,490 --> 00:26:42,950 不 用槍刺洞簡直遜斃了 Forget that gun That gun goes against the entire idea behind piercing 374 00:26:43,060 --> 00:26:47,830 我身上十八個洞都用針刺 All my piercing, eighteen places on my body every one of 'em done with a needle 375 00:26:47,900 --> 00:26:51,300 耳朵各五個 左邊乳頭一個 Five in each ear One through the nipple of my left breast 376 00:26:51,440 --> 00:26:54,130 右鼻孔兩個 左眉一個 Two in my right nostril One in my left eyebrow 377 00:26:54,270 --> 00:26:59,270 肚皮 嘴唇 陰蒂和舌頭各一個 One in my belly One in my lip One in my clit And I wear a stud in my tongue 378 00:26:59,380 --> 00:27:01,240 借問一下 Excuse me 379 00:27:01,340 --> 00:27:04,140 只是好奇… I was just curious, but, um 380 00:27:04,280 --> 00:27:06,980 舌頭上幹嘛穿釘戴環 why would you wear a stud in your tongue 381 00:27:07,080 --> 00:27:10,380 這樣才爽啊 It's a sex thing Helps fellatio 382 00:27:10,520 --> 00:27:14,110 文生老兄 快點進來 Vincenzo Step into my office 383 00:27:21,130 --> 00:27:23,960 墨西哥海洛因很棒 This is Panda, from Mexico Very good stuff 384 00:27:24,060 --> 00:27:27,060 這叫巴法 一樣正點 Now, that's Bava Different, but equally good 385 00:27:27,200 --> 00:27:30,400 這是德國高山貨 And that is Choco, from the Hartz Mountains of Germany 386 00:27:30,540 --> 00:27:35,400 前兩種特價 一公克三百塊 Now, the first two are the same 300 a gram Those are friend prices 387 00:27:35,510 --> 00:27:40,070 這種貴點 一克五百塊 But this one is a little more expensive This is 500 a gram 388 00:27:40,210 --> 00:27:43,980 但…保證用了 你就知道貴在哪兒 but when you shoot it you will know where that extra money went 389 00:27:44,110 --> 00:27:48,110 這兩種貨一樣棒 Now, there's nothing wrong with these two This is real, real, real good shit 390 00:27:48,250 --> 00:27:52,050 可是這種會讓你爽死了 But this one is a fucking madman 391 00:27:52,190 --> 00:27:52,880 別唬我 荷蘭貨更好 Remember, I just got back from Amsterdam 392 00:27:54,960 --> 00:27:59,290 在我地盤 招子就放亮點 Are we in Inglewood? No You're in my home 393 00:27:59,430 --> 00:28:04,160 行家都來我這裏買貨 Now, white people who know the difference between good shit and bad shit, this is the house they come to 394 00:28:04,300 --> 00:28:09,200 你想比貨 我隨時奉陪 Now, my shit, I'll take the Pepsi Challenge with that Amsterdam shit any old day of the fucking week 395 00:28:09,330 --> 00:28:11,200 你還真有自信 That's a bold statement 396 00:28:11,300 --> 00:28:14,970 這兒不是荷蘭 行家才來 This ain't Amsterdam, Vince This is a seller's market 397 00:28:15,110 --> 00:28:18,970 古柯堿不流行了 Coke is fucking dead as dead 398 00:28:19,110 --> 00:28:22,480 海洛因又要捲土重來了 Heroin is coming back in a big fucking way 399 00:28:24,480 --> 00:28:27,380 那就給我三公克會爽死的 All right, give me three grams of madman 400 00:28:27,520 --> 00:28:30,480 有你說的這麼好 我會再買 If it's as good as you say it is I'll come back and buy another thousand 401 00:28:30,590 --> 00:28:33,880 希望還有剩 Well, I just hope that I still have some left for you 402 00:28:33,950 --> 00:28:40,260 給你我的私房貨 夠朋友吧 But I'm giving you some out of my own private stash 403 00:28:42,160 --> 00:28:44,360 用袋子裝 好嗎 Hey, I'm out of balloons Is a baggie all right 404 00:28:44,500 --> 00:28:46,190 沒問題 Yeah, that's cool 405 00:28:46,330 --> 00:28:47,630 我馬上拿來 All right I'll just get one for you 406 00:28:47,900 --> 00:28:53,270 甜心 請拿些袋子給我好嗎 Honey, will you get me some baggies and, uh, twistix from the kitchen 407 00:28:54,610 --> 00:29:00,200 你覺得雀蒂如何 想泡她嗎 Hey, uh, what do you think about Trudi? She ain't got a boyfriend You want to, uh, hang out, get high 408 00:29:00,310 --> 00:29:03,640 誰是雀蒂 臉上都是洞的那一個啊 Which one is Trudi? The one with all the shit in her face 409 00:29:03,910 --> 00:29:07,870 那是瓊蒂 我老婆 No, that's Jody That's my wife 410 00:29:10,420 --> 00:29:13,110 你真厲害 謝謝 I'm sorry, man Thank you 411 00:29:13,250 --> 00:29:15,420 不行 我還有事 No, I can't Um, I gotta be someplace 412 00:29:15,520 --> 00:29:16,850 好吧 隨你便 All right No problemo 413 00:29:16,990 --> 00:29:19,080 改天再說吧 I'll take a rain check 414 00:29:22,060 --> 00:29:23,860 謝都不說一聲 Thank you, Jody 415 00:29:23,960 --> 00:29:26,490 車子還在吧 Still got your Malibu 416 00:29:26,600 --> 00:29:29,930 媽的 提到這我就有氣 Ah, man You know what some fucker did the other day 417 00:29:30,070 --> 00:29:30,970 怎麼了 What 418 00:29:31,100 --> 00:29:32,360 被人偷了 Fucking keyed it 419 00:29:32,470 --> 00:29:34,400 真他媽衰透了 Oh, man, that's fucked up 420 00:29:34,500 --> 00:29:38,170 你才知道 我停在車庫三年 Tell me about it I had it in storage for 3 years 421 00:29:38,310 --> 00:29:42,400 才開出來五天 就被個混蛋偷了 It was out 5 days and some dickless piece of shit fucked with it 422 00:29:42,550 --> 00:29:44,140 應該斃了他 They should be fucking killed, man 423 00:29:44,250 --> 00:29:46,840 不用上法庭 就地正法 No trial, no jury, straight to execution 424 00:29:46,980 --> 00:29:49,280 我真想當場逮到這個混蛋 Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it 425 00:29:49,420 --> 00:29:52,250 他再偷一次 鐵要他好看 I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it 426 00:29:52,350 --> 00:29:55,190 什麼比車子被人亂弄更嚴重 It'a been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it 427 00:29:55,320 --> 00:29:56,520 真是渾蛋 What a fucker! 428 00:29:56,860 --> 00:30:02,290 別亂搞別人的車 What's more chicken shit than fucking with a man's automobile 429 00:30:02,400 --> 00:30:04,160 簡直不上道嘛 It's just against the rules 430 00:30:04,300 --> 00:30:05,190 謝謝 Thank you 431 00:30:05,300 --> 00:30:08,790 謝謝你 可以在這兒爽嗎 Thank you Mind if I shoot up here 432 00:30:08,900 --> 00:30:10,390 請便 Mi casa, su casa 433 00:30:10,530 --> 00:30:12,800 謝啦 Muchas gracias 434 00:31:56,820 --> 00:32:00,590 文生 我在換衣服 門沒鎖 435 00:32:00,860 --> 00:32:03,990 進來弄杯酒喝 蜜兒 436 00:32:13,940 --> 00:32:15,960 喂 Hello 437 00:32:21,980 --> 00:32:23,910 文生 Vincent 438 00:32:25,110 --> 00:32:27,310 文生… Vincent 439 00:32:27,420 --> 00:32:29,880 用對講機 I'm on the intercom 440 00:32:30,020 --> 00:32:32,320 對講機在哪 Where is it? Where is the intercom 441 00:32:32,420 --> 00:32:35,350 兩個非洲雕像旁邊牆上 It's on the wall by the two African fellows 442 00:32:35,460 --> 00:32:37,420 在你右手邊 To your right 443 00:32:40,490 --> 00:32:46,830 接近…接近…中獎 Warm Warmer Disco 444 00:32:46,960 --> 00:32:49,490 喂 Hello 445 00:32:49,830 --> 00:32:53,570 要講話就按鈕 Push the button if you want to talk 446 00:32:53,870 --> 00:32:55,240 喂 Hello 447 00:32:55,340 --> 00:32:59,800 去弄杯酒喝 我馬上下來 Go make yourself a drink and I'll be down in two shakes of a lamb's tail 448 00:32:59,880 --> 00:33:04,180 酒在壁爐旁邊 The bar is by the fireplace 449 00:33:04,310 --> 00:33:06,410 收到 OK 450 00:34:10,130 --> 00:34:12,000 我們走 Let's go 451 00:34:16,910 --> 00:34:18,740 這是什麼鬼地方 What the fuck is this place 452 00:34:18,880 --> 00:34:24,750 兔寶寶餐廳 貓王也愛來 This is Jack Rabbit Slim's An Elvis man should love it 453 00:34:24,810 --> 00:34:26,300 不如去牛排館 Come on, Mia, let's go get a steak 454 00:34:26,450 --> 00:34:32,040 這裏也有牛排 別這麼死板 You can get a steak here, daddy-o 455 00:34:32,150 --> 00:34:34,880 你先請 小貓咪 Oh, after you, kitty cat 456 00:34:54,870 --> 00:34:58,500 先生小姐晚安 能效勞嗎 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen Now, how may I help you 457 00:34:58,810 --> 00:35:00,370 我訂了位 There's a reservation under Wallace 458 00:35:00,510 --> 00:35:02,270 是嗎 Wallace 459 00:35:03,380 --> 00:35:05,780 我訂了一輛車 We reserved a car 460 00:35:06,480 --> 00:35:09,210 請他們坐那裏 克萊斯勒 Oh, a car Why don't you seat them in the Chrysler 461 00:36:14,770 --> 00:36:19,940 瑞奇尼爾遜 請掌聲鼓勵 Let's hear it for Ricky Nelson! Fantastic job, Rick Thank you very much 462 00:36:20,040 --> 00:36:21,910 文生 Vincent! 463 00:36:25,250 --> 00:36:29,310 他下半場會再回來 為大家表演 Just so that you all know Ricky will be back in the second half of our show 464 00:36:29,420 --> 00:36:34,750 希望各位用餐愉快 謝謝大家 So we hope you enjoy your meals here at Jack Rabbit Slim's 465 00:36:34,890 --> 00:36:42,820 誰…要…香…煙 Phillip Morris! 466 00:36:42,930 --> 00:36:44,920 如何 What do you think 467 00:36:45,030 --> 00:36:48,160 像活的臘像館 I think it's like a wax museum with a pulse 468 00:36:48,300 --> 00:36:50,820 我是巴迪 要點些什麼 Hi, I'm Buddy What can I get you 469 00:36:55,240 --> 00:36:56,870 牛排…牛排… Let's see Steak, steak, steak 470 00:36:57,010 --> 00:37:00,970 我就點道格拉斯牛排 Yeah, the Douglas Sirk steak I'll have that 471 00:37:01,110 --> 00:37:03,810 幾分熟 要烤焦還是血淋淋 How do you want that cooked? Burnt to a crisp, or bloody as hell 472 00:37:03,950 --> 00:37:09,140 血淋淋 你看 有香草可樂 Bloody as hell, and oh, yeah, look at this Vanilla Coke 473 00:37:09,280 --> 00:37:11,310 你呢 女同學 What about you, Peggy Sue 474 00:37:11,450 --> 00:37:16,480 我點…漢堡 I'll have the Durwood Kirby burger 475 00:37:16,760 --> 00:37:18,350 三分熟 bloody 476 00:37:18,460 --> 00:37:21,150 還有… and 477 00:37:21,260 --> 00:37:22,890 五塊錢的奶昔 the $5 00 shake 478 00:37:22,990 --> 00:37:25,190 什麼口味 香草還是巧克力 How do you want that shake? Martin and Lewis, or Amos and Andy 479 00:37:25,300 --> 00:37:27,290 香草 Martin and Lewis 480 00:37:27,400 --> 00:37:29,990 奶昔要五塊錢 Did you just order a $5 00 shake 481 00:37:30,130 --> 00:37:31,760 沒錯 Mm-hmm 482 00:37:31,840 --> 00:37:34,460 只是牛奶加冰淇淋 That's a shake That's milk and ice cream 483 00:37:34,770 --> 00:37:35,830 應該沒錯 Last I heard 484 00:37:35,970 --> 00:37:37,340 這要五塊錢 That's $5 00 485 00:37:37,440 --> 00:37:39,310 沒放酒或加料 You don't put bourbon in it or nothin 486 00:37:39,410 --> 00:37:40,500 沒有 No 487 00:37:40,780 --> 00:37:42,040 只是好奇 Just checkin 488 00:37:42,140 --> 00:37:44,170 我馬上把飲料拿來 I'll be right back with your drinks 489 00:37:52,350 --> 00:37:57,290 可以替我卷一根嗎 牛仔 Could you, um roll me one of those, cowboy 490 00:37:57,390 --> 00:37:59,910 這根給你 女牛仔 You can have this one, cowgirl 491 00:38:00,060 --> 00:38:01,860 謝謝 Thanks 492 00:38:05,800 --> 00:38:07,860 別客氣 Think nothing of it 493 00:38:14,500 --> 00:38:19,030 馬沙說你剛從荷蘭回來 So Marsellus said you just got back from Amsterdam 494 00:38:19,140 --> 00:38:22,170 沒錯 去多久 Sure did How long were you there 495 00:38:22,310 --> 00:38:24,800 三年多 Just over three years 496 00:38:26,950 --> 00:38:30,210 我每年都去那裏休息一個月 I go there about once a year to chill out for a month 497 00:38:30,350 --> 00:38:34,810 真的 這我倒不知道 No kidding? I didn't know that 498 00:38:34,920 --> 00:38:37,120 你為什麼要知道 Why would you 499 00:38:41,090 --> 00:38:44,190 聽說你演過電視 I heard you did a pilot 500 00:38:44,300 --> 00:38:46,920 那是我以前風光時 That was my fifteen minutes 501 00:38:47,030 --> 00:38:48,330 什麼影集 What was it 502 00:38:48,430 --> 00:38:52,960 《霹靂女嬌娃》 講女特務的影集 It was a show about a team of female secret agents called Fox Force Five 503 00:38:53,100 --> 00:38:55,540 - 什麼 - 《霹靂五嬌娃》 - What? - Fox Force Five 504 00:38:55,840 --> 00:38:57,970 嬌娃是指我們 Fox, as in we're a bunch of foxy chicks 505 00:38:58,070 --> 00:39:00,410 霹靂表示我們很厲害 Force, as in we're a force to be reckoned with 506 00:39:00,510 --> 00:39:03,540 五是因為有五個人 And Five, as in there's one, two, three, four, five of us 507 00:39:03,810 --> 00:39:07,110 金髮的歐妮是隊長 There was a blond one Sommerset O'Neal She was the leader 508 00:39:07,250 --> 00:39:10,220 日本妞會功夫 The Japanese Fox was a kung-fu master 509 00:39:10,320 --> 00:39:14,280 黑妞是爆破專家 The black girl was a demolition expert 510 00:39:14,420 --> 00:39:17,290 法國妞很風騷 French Fox's speciality was sex 511 00:39:17,420 --> 00:39:19,720 那你擅長什麼 What was your specialty 512 00:39:19,830 --> 00:39:21,880 飛刀 Knives 513 00:39:22,030 --> 00:39:28,020 我的角色在馬戲團長大 Character I played, Raven McCoy her background was she grew up raised by circus performers 514 00:39:28,170 --> 00:39:32,860 世上最致命的飛刀高手 she was the deadliest woman in the world with a knife 515 00:39:32,970 --> 00:39:35,030 她也很會說笑話 and she knew a zillion old jokes 516 00:39:35,140 --> 00:39:39,040 因為她爺爺會脫口秀 Her grandfather, an old vaudevillian, taught her 517 00:39:39,140 --> 00:39:46,880 要是影集繼續拍下去 每集我都會說個笑話 And if we would've got picked up they would've worked in a gimmick where every show I would've told another joke 518 00:39:48,980 --> 00:39:50,380 你現在還記得嗎 You know any of them old jokes 519 00:39:50,480 --> 00:39:54,350 我只說過一個 影集只拍一集 Well, I only got the chance to say one cause we only did one show 520 00:39:54,450 --> 00:39:57,480 - 說來聽聽 - 平淡無奇 - Tell me - It's corny 521 00:39:57,790 --> 00:39:59,920 不要彆扭 說啊 Don't be that way Tell me 522 00:40:00,060 --> 00:40:03,030 你不會笑 我會很糗 No You wouldn't like it, and I'd be embarrassed 523 00:40:03,160 --> 00:40:07,930 你在電視說過 現在卻不肯說 You'd be em You told 50 million people, and you can't tell me 524 00:40:08,030 --> 00:40:10,020 我答應不笑 I promise I won't laugh 525 00:40:10,130 --> 00:40:12,160 我就怕你不笑 That's what I'm afraid of, Vince 526 00:40:12,300 --> 00:40:14,170 我不是這個意思 That's not what I meant, and you know it 527 00:40:14,300 --> 00:40:17,930 我不說 因為現在期望太高了 Well, now I'm definitely not gonna tell you cause it's been built up too much 528 00:40:18,040 --> 00:40:20,270 真是彆扭 What a gyp 529 00:40:22,740 --> 00:40:24,370 香草奶昔 Martin and Lewis 530 00:40:27,010 --> 00:40:28,950 香草可樂 Vanilla Coke 531 00:40:36,060 --> 00:40:39,390 好喝 我可以嘗嘗嗎 Mmm Yummy You think I could have a sip of that 532 00:40:42,430 --> 00:40:44,050 請便 Be my guest 533 00:40:44,200 --> 00:40:47,160 我得嘗嘗五塊一杯的奶昔 I gotta know what a $5 00 shake tastes like 534 00:40:47,830 --> 00:40:50,030 用我的 別怕 我沒病 You can use my straw I don't have cooties 535 00:40:50,130 --> 00:40:51,460 搞不好我有 Yeah, but maybe I do 536 00:40:51,770 --> 00:40:54,430 我才不怕 Cooties, I can handle 537 00:40:54,770 --> 00:40:56,760 好吧 All right 538 00:41:04,010 --> 00:41:06,410 媽的 這奶昔棒透了 Goddamn, that's a pretty fucking good milk shake 539 00:41:06,680 --> 00:41:07,670 是不是 Told you 540 00:41:07,780 --> 00:41:11,180 不值得 可是實在好喝 I don't know if it was worth $5 00 but it was pretty fucking good 541 00:41:45,250 --> 00:41:47,740 真討厭 Don't you hate that 542 00:41:47,850 --> 00:41:49,180 討厭什麼 Hate what 543 00:41:49,280 --> 00:41:52,720 尷尬的沉默 Uncomfortable silences 544 00:41:52,820 --> 00:41:58,720 為什麼一定要打屁才不尷尬 Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable 545 00:41:58,820 --> 00:42:02,760 問得好 我不知道 I don't know, but it's a good question 546 00:42:02,890 --> 00:42:06,690 當兩個人有默契 That's when you know you've found somebody really special 547 00:42:06,830 --> 00:42:11,130 就能閉嘴享受片刻的沉默 when you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably share a silence 548 00:42:11,230 --> 00:42:16,300 我們剛認識 還沒有默契 Well, I don't think we're quite there yet but don't feel bad We just met each other 549 00:42:17,040 --> 00:42:20,270 這樣好了… I'll tell you what 550 00:42:20,380 --> 00:42:23,340 我去洗手間補妝 I'm going to go to the bathroom and powder my nose 551 00:42:23,680 --> 00:42:27,910 你好好想要說什麼 You sit here and think of something to say 552 00:42:28,020 --> 00:42:30,010 我會的 I'll do that 553 00:42:33,750 --> 00:42:35,980 好 OK 554 00:42:59,710 --> 00:43:04,910 爽啊 爽斃了 I said goddamn! Goddamn 555 00:43:17,990 --> 00:43:22,790 - 去趟洗手間 菜就上了 - 真好 Mmm Don't you just love it when you come back from the bathroom to find your food waiting for you? We're lucky we got anything at all 556 00:43:22,890 --> 00:43:28,130 能上菜就很好了 服務生真遜 I don't think Buddy Holly's much of a waiter 557 00:43:28,230 --> 00:43:30,830 應該坐夢露的桌子 Maybe we should've sat in Marilyn Monroe's section 558 00:43:30,930 --> 00:43:32,160 哪個 有兩個夢露 Which one? There's two Monroes 559 00:43:32,270 --> 00:43:34,130 才沒有 No, there's not 560 00:43:34,270 --> 00:43:36,300 那是夢露 That is Marilyn Monroe 561 00:43:38,110 --> 00:43:44,170 沒看見珍·曼絲菲爾德 她可能請假 And I don't see Jayne Mansfield She must have the night off or something 562 00:43:44,310 --> 00:43:46,400 挺在行嘛 Pretty smart 563 00:43:46,680 --> 00:43:48,380 我也風光過 Yeah, I got my moments 564 00:43:48,720 --> 00:43:50,380 想到要說什麼嗎 So, did you think of something to say 565 00:43:50,720 --> 00:43:53,380 想到了 Actually, I did 566 00:43:53,720 --> 00:43:56,120 不過… However 567 00:43:58,190 --> 00:44:03,890 你人還不錯 我不想惹你生氣 You seem like a really nice person and I don't want to offend you 568 00:44:04,000 --> 00:44:08,990 這可不像是無聊的客套話 Ooh This doesn't sound like the usual mindless, boring getting-to-know-you chitchat 569 00:44:09,130 --> 00:44:11,360 你好像真有話要說 That sounds like you actually have something to say 570 00:44:11,640 --> 00:44:15,630 沒錯 沒錯 Well, well, I do I do 571 00:44:15,740 --> 00:44:17,870 不過你得答應不能生氣 But you have to promise not to be offended 572 00:44:18,010 --> 00:44:21,370 這可不成 No! No, no, no 573 00:44:21,680 --> 00:44:23,340 要問就直接問 You can't promise something like that 574 00:44:23,650 --> 00:44:25,410 我又不知道你要問什麼 I have no idea what you're gonna ask me 575 00:44:25,710 --> 00:44:28,010 我聽了有可能會生氣 and my natural response could be to get offended 576 00:44:28,120 --> 00:44:31,080 所以我不能答應不生氣 I would've broken my promise 577 00:44:31,220 --> 00:44:32,710 那就算了 Let's just forget it 578 00:44:32,820 --> 00:44:37,810 不成 這麼有趣的事不能算了 That's an impossibility, Trying to forget anything as intriguing as this would be an exercise in futility 579 00:44:37,960 --> 00:44:39,290 是嗎 Is that a fact 580 00:44:39,390 --> 00:44:43,290 況且 沒我允許 問起來會更刺激 Besides, isn't it more exciting when you don't have permission? 581 00:44:43,400 --> 00:44:47,920 好吧 我就問了 All right All right Well, here it goes 582 00:44:48,070 --> 00:44:51,000 安東是怎麼回事 What did you, uh, think about what happened to Antwan 583 00:44:51,100 --> 00:44:54,970 - 誰 - 湯尼 你認識他 - Who's Antwan? - Tony Rocky Horror You know him 584 00:44:55,100 --> 00:44:57,940 他跌下陽台 He fell out of a window 585 00:44:58,070 --> 00:45:02,440 沒錯 可以說有人推他下去 Mmm Mmm Well, that is one way to say it Another way to say it would be that he was thrown out 586 00:45:02,740 --> 00:45:05,870 也可以說是馬沙干的 Another way would be was he was thrown out by Marsellus 587 00:45:06,980 --> 00:45:11,350 更可以說馬沙是因為你幹的 and yet even another way is to say he was thrown of a window by Marsellus because of you 588 00:45:11,650 --> 00:45:13,120 真的嗎 Is that a fact 589 00:45:13,220 --> 00:45:17,050 不 我只是聽說而已 No, no It's not a fact It's just what I heard 590 00:45:17,190 --> 00:45:18,620 聽誰說 Who told you 591 00:45:18,720 --> 00:45:20,750 他們 They 592 00:45:20,890 --> 00:45:24,020 他們還真長舌 They talk a lot, don't they 593 00:45:24,130 --> 00:45:27,120 一點也沒錯 They certainly do They certainly do 594 00:45:27,260 --> 00:45:29,230 別怕 他們還說什麼 Don't be shy, Vincent What else did they say 595 00:45:29,330 --> 00:45:32,030 我不是怕… Well, I'm not I'm not shy Um 596 00:45:32,170 --> 00:45:33,970 跟打炮有關 Did it involve the F word 597 00:45:34,100 --> 00:45:35,660 不是 No No, no, no 598 00:45:35,770 --> 00:45:39,830 他們只說湯尼替你腳底按摩 They just said that Antwan had given you a foot massage 599 00:45:39,940 --> 00:45:40,930 還有呢 And 600 00:45:41,040 --> 00:45:44,070 - 沒啦 - 沒有了 - And nothin - That's it 601 00:45:46,080 --> 00:45:51,680 你聽說湯尼替我按摩腳 馬沙就把他推下樓 You heard Marsellus threw Tony Rocky Horror out of a four-story window for giving me a foot massage 602 00:45:51,780 --> 00:45:55,240 - 對 - 你相信嗎 - Mm-hmm - And you believe that 603 00:45:55,350 --> 00:45:58,650 聽起來似乎有可能 Well, I mean at the time I was told, it sounded reasonable 604 00:45:58,760 --> 00:46:04,290 替我按摩腳就要殺人合理嗎 Marsellus throwing Tony out of a four-story window for massaging my feet seemed reasonable 605 00:46:04,400 --> 00:46:07,630 是很小題大作 但不是不可能 No, it seemed excessive but that doesn't mean it didn't happen I mean, I understand 606 00:46:07,760 --> 00:46:11,930 我知道馬沙很愛護你 that Marsellus is very, very protective of you 607 00:46:12,040 --> 00:46:15,700 愛護老婆是理所當然 A husband being protective of his wife is one thing 608 00:46:15,840 --> 00:46:20,330 老婆被人碰就殺人 這也太誇張了 A husband almost killing another man for touching his wife's feet is something else 609 00:46:20,610 --> 00:46:21,870 不是這樣 But did it happen 610 00:46:21,980 --> 00:46:28,250 湯尼只在婚禮上握過我的手 Only thing Antwan ever touched of mine was my hand when he shook it at my wedding 611 00:46:28,350 --> 00:46:30,150 真的 Really 612 00:46:30,250 --> 00:46:35,950 馬沙為何殺湯尼 只有他們知道 Truth is, nobody knows why Marsellus threw Tony out of that four-story window except Marsellus and Tony 613 00:46:36,060 --> 00:46:39,350 你們這群人比三姑六婆還雞婆 But when you little scamps get together you're worse than a sewing circle 614 00:46:39,620 --> 00:46:41,620 先生們 女士們 Ladies and gentlemen 615 00:46:41,730 --> 00:46:43,960 各位期待已久的 now the moment you've all been waiting for 616 00:46:44,090 --> 00:46:48,960 兔寶寶餐廳的扭扭舞大賽 the world-famous Jack Rabbit Slim's Twist Contest 617 00:46:53,200 --> 00:47:00,370 優勝者可獲得夢露手上的獎盃 This is where one lucky couple will win this handsome trophy that Marilyn here is holding 618 00:47:00,680 --> 00:47:03,910 誰願意先上台 Now, who'll be our first contestants 619 00:47:04,010 --> 00:47:07,070 我 Right here! 620 00:47:07,210 --> 00:47:08,200 我想跳舞 I wanna dance 621 00:47:08,310 --> 00:47:09,710 不行 No, no, no, no, no, no, no 622 00:47:09,820 --> 00:47:11,840 由不得你 No, no, no, no, no, no 623 00:47:11,990 --> 00:47:14,650 我相信馬沙… 你的老大 也就是我老公 I do believe Marsellus my husband, your boss 624 00:47:14,750 --> 00:47:17,380 要你陪我 讓我隨心所欲 told you to take me out and do whatever I wanted 625 00:47:17,690 --> 00:47:21,850 我想跳舞 我要贏 我要那座獎盃 Now I want to dance I want to win I want that trophy, so dance good 626 00:47:21,960 --> 00:47:23,690 給我好好地跳 好吧 All right You asked for it 627 00:47:23,760 --> 00:47:26,290 請掌聲鼓勵 Let's hear it for our first contestants 628 00:47:32,170 --> 00:47:37,300 讓我們見見他們 小姐貴姓 Let's meet our first contestants here this evening Young lady, what is your name 629 00:47:37,410 --> 00:47:39,340 馬沙太太 Mrs. Mia Wallace 630 00:47:39,670 --> 00:47:42,140 你的舞伴 And how about your fella here 631 00:47:42,240 --> 00:47:44,070 文生 Vincent Vega 632 00:47:44,210 --> 00:47:47,040 就看你們表現吧 加油 All right Let's see what you can do Take it away! 633 00:50:31,750 --> 00:50:34,840 這算不算尷尬的沉默 Is that what you call an uncomfortable silence 634 00:50:34,950 --> 00:50:37,950 我不知道這算什麼 I don't know what you call that 635 00:50:39,790 --> 00:50:41,950 準備喝的 來點音樂 Drinks Music 636 00:50:42,060 --> 00:50:44,690 我要去小便 I'm gonna take a piss 637 00:50:44,830 --> 00:50:49,660 不必告訴我 請便 That's a little bit more information than I needed, Vince, but go right ahead 638 00:51:42,210 --> 00:51:44,770 只喝一杯就夠了 One drink and that's it 639 00:51:44,880 --> 00:51:48,810 別衝動 快點喝 Don't be rude Drink your drink But do it quickly 640 00:51:50,220 --> 00:51:53,340 道聲晚安就趕快走人 Say good night and go home 641 00:52:27,850 --> 00:52:34,150 你得搞清楚… 這是在考驗你的忠誠度 You see, this is a moral test of oneself Whether or not you can maintain loyalty 642 00:52:34,310 --> 00:52:38,020 因為忠誠非常重要 Because being loyal is very important 643 00:53:28,730 --> 00:53:33,730 記得出去跟她說 你玩得很愉快 So, you're gonna go out there, you're gonna say Good night I've had a very lovely evening 644 00:53:33,870 --> 00:53:36,630 走出大門上車 Walk out the door and get in the car 645 00:53:36,740 --> 00:53:39,940 然後回家乖乖打手槍 只能這樣 Go home, jerk off, and that's all you're gonna do 646 00:54:27,060 --> 00:54:32,550 蜜兒 我得先走 好嗎 All right, Mia So, listen, I gotta go All right 647 00:54:35,670 --> 00:54:41,610 老天爺 老天爺 Oh, Jesus fucking Christ 648 00:54:41,710 --> 00:54:44,870 完了 完了 Oh, fuck me! Fuck me! 649 00:54:45,010 --> 00:54:48,570 來我們走 快走 Oh, come on, girl We're getting out of here We gotta walk now 650 00:54:59,660 --> 00:55:03,960 別翹辮子 蜜兒 小白癡 Don't fucking die on me, Mia Silly fuck 651 00:55:11,880 --> 00:55:13,940 接電話 Answer! 652 00:55:30,940 --> 00:55:34,170 媽的 接電話呀 Fuck you, Lance! Answer! 653 00:55:45,320 --> 00:55:48,760 蘭斯 爛電話在響 Lance! The goddamn phone's ringing! 654 00:55:49,830 --> 00:55:51,260 我聽到了 I can hear it 655 00:55:51,600 --> 00:55:54,590 你不是不准這些混蛋 這麼晚打來嗎 I thought you told those fucking assholes never to call here this late 656 00:55:54,730 --> 00:55:59,330 沒錯 我會跟這混蛋說的 Yeah, I told 'em and that is exactly what I'm going to tell this fucking asshole right now 657 00:56:04,850 --> 00:56:09,880 蘭斯 我是文生 麻煩大了 我就過來 Lance, Vincent I'm in big fucking trouble, man I'm coming to your house 658 00:56:10,020 --> 00:56:13,980 等等 是什麼麻煩 Whoa, whoa Hold your horses, man Wh-what's the problem 659 00:56:14,090 --> 00:56:16,250 小妞嗑錯藥快掛了 I got this chick, she's fucking O D Ing on me 660 00:56:16,600 --> 00:56:19,190 別帶她來 我不是開玩笑 Don't bring her here I'm not even fucking joking with you, man 661 00:56:19,300 --> 00:56:21,770 別帶小鬼來 Don't not be bringing some fucked-up pooh-butt to my house 662 00:56:21,900 --> 00:56:23,160 我沒辦法 No choice 663 00:56:23,300 --> 00:56:24,270 她嗑錯藥 She's O D In 664 00:56:24,610 --> 00:56:27,340 就快掛了 She's fucking dying on me, man! 665 00:56:27,610 --> 00:56:31,570 你最好去醫院 再找個律師 OK, well, then you bite the fucking bullet and you take her to a hospital and call a lawyer 666 00:56:31,680 --> 00:56:32,610 不行 Negative 667 00:56:32,720 --> 00:56:37,920 你惹的麻煩自己解決 This is not my fucking problem, man! You fucked her up, you fucking deal with this! 668 00:56:38,060 --> 00:56:41,320 你在打大哥大嗎 Are you talking to me on a cellular phone 669 00:56:41,630 --> 00:56:45,760 你打錯電話 我要掛斷了 I don't know you Who is this? Don't come here I'm hanging up the phone Prank caller! Prank caller! 670 00:56:56,810 --> 00:56:59,010 搞什麼鬼 What the hell was that! 671 00:57:00,120 --> 00:57:01,980 你瘋了 Have you lost your fucking mind 672 00:57:02,120 --> 00:57:04,110 別用大哥大講吸毒 You were talking about drug shit on a cellular ph Lance, help me 673 00:57:04,260 --> 00:57:07,380 你還撞上我家 You crashed your car into my fucking house! 674 00:57:07,660 --> 00:57:11,650 你聾啦 別帶個死妞到我家 Hey, hey, hey! Are you deaf? You are not bringing this fucked-up bitch into my house! 675 00:57:11,730 --> 00:57:15,330 她是馬沙太太 聽過馬沙嗎 This fucked-up bitch is Marsellus Wallace's wife Do you know who Marsellus Wallace is 676 00:57:15,640 --> 00:57:18,770 - 聽過 - 她掛了 我就死定了 - Yeah - If she croaks on me, I'm a fucking grease spot! 677 00:57:18,910 --> 00:57:23,170 我會跟他說你不肯幫忙 I will be forced to tell him that you did not help 678 00:57:23,280 --> 00:57:27,270 還讓她死在你門口 來 幫幫忙 and that you let her die on your fucking lawn Now, come on, help me Help me Pick her up 679 00:57:29,150 --> 00:57:31,280 媽的 Shit! 680 00:57:33,090 --> 00:57:35,360 蘭斯 Lance! 681 00:57:38,100 --> 00:57:42,060 三更半夜 你在搞什麼鬼 It's 1:30 in the goddamn morning What the fuck's going on out here 682 00:57:44,010 --> 00:57:45,100 她是誰 Who's she 683 00:57:45,240 --> 00:57:48,230 把腎上素和針筒拿來 Go to the fridge and get the adrenaline shot 684 00:57:48,380 --> 00:57:49,280 她怎麼了 What's wrong with her 685 00:57:49,410 --> 00:57:51,380 嗑錯藥 把她趕出去 She's O D Ing! Get her out of here! 686 00:57:51,680 --> 00:57:52,710 快去呀 Get the shot! 687 00:57:52,850 --> 00:57:54,980 去你的 也去你的 Fuck you! Fuck you, too! 688 00:57:55,120 --> 00:57:56,450 臭婆娘 What a fucking bitch 689 00:57:56,720 --> 00:58:00,250 跟她說話 我去拿醫學指南 Just keep talking to her She's getting the shot I'm gonna go get my little black medical book 690 00:58:00,390 --> 00:58:01,880 你要醫學指南幹嘛 What the fuck you need a medical book for 691 00:58:02,000 --> 00:58:03,690 我又沒替人打過針 I never had to give an adrenaline shot before 692 00:58:03,760 --> 00:58:04,960 你沒有 You've never given an adrenaline shot 693 00:58:05,100 --> 00:58:08,400 我沒跟這種蠢蛋嗑過藥 我朋友都很有經驗 I never had to I don't go joypopping with a bunch of bubblegummers My friends can handle their highs 694 00:58:08,670 --> 00:58:09,700 快去拿 Get the shot! 695 00:58:09,840 --> 00:58:11,860 別逼我 快去啊 I am if you'll let me 696 00:58:12,010 --> 00:58:13,770 別煩我 快跟她說話 I ain't fucking stopping you! Well, stop talking to me Start talking to her! 697 00:58:13,910 --> 00:58:16,380 - 快去拿 - 好啦 - Get the shot! - All right! 698 00:58:19,690 --> 00:58:21,020 快點 她快掛了 Hurry up, Lance! We're losing her! 699 00:58:21,150 --> 00:58:22,880 我也很急呀 I'm looking as fast as I can! 700 00:58:22,990 --> 00:58:24,720 他在找什麼 What's he looking for 701 00:58:24,860 --> 00:58:26,350 一本書 I don't know Some book 702 00:58:26,690 --> 00:58:27,680 你在找什麼 What are you looking for 703 00:58:27,830 --> 00:58:29,260 我的醫學指南 My little black medical book! 704 00:58:29,400 --> 00:58:30,360 什麼 What are you looking for 705 00:58:30,670 --> 00:58:35,100 他媽的醫學指南 教導醫護用的 A little black fucking medical book! It's like a textbook they give to nurses 706 00:58:35,240 --> 00:58:38,140 - 我沒看到過 - 一定有 I never saw no medical book Well, trust me, I have one 707 00:58:38,280 --> 00:58:40,180 幹嘛不跟針筒放在一起 If it's so important, why don't you keep it with the shot 708 00:58:40,310 --> 00:58:42,070 別煩我 I don't know! Stop bothering me! 709 00:58:42,180 --> 00:58:45,670 等你找到 那小妞也死了 While you're looking for it, she's gonna die on our carpet You're never gonna find anything in this mess 710 00:58:45,820 --> 00:58:50,190 你再多嘴 我就斃了你 Honey, I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't shut up! Get in here! 711 00:58:52,360 --> 00:58:54,230 別擋路 Get the fuck out of my way 712 00:58:54,330 --> 00:58:55,260 豬 Pig 713 00:58:55,400 --> 00:58:57,730 別鬧 快替她注射 Quit fucking around and give her the shot 714 00:58:57,800 --> 00:59:01,700 脫掉她衣服 找她的心臟 While I'm doing this you take off her shirt and find her heart 715 00:59:01,810 --> 00:59:02,970 一定要分毫不差 It's got to be exact 716 00:59:03,110 --> 00:59:05,800 沒錯 針頭得直接插進她心臟 Yeah, exact A shot in the heart, so I guess it's gotta be exact 717 00:59:05,940 --> 00:59:08,380 我不確定 在這兒嗎 I don't know exactly where her heart is I think it's here 718 00:59:08,650 --> 00:59:13,080 是那 還是這 給我支籤字筆 That's it This it? What I need is a big fat magic marker 719 00:59:13,190 --> 00:59:14,310 - 懂嗎 - 什麼 - You got it? - What 720 00:59:14,660 --> 00:59:19,920 簽字筆 黑色簽字筆 A magic marker! A felt pen! A fucking black magic marker! 721 00:59:20,060 --> 00:59:22,050 快點 All right Hurry up 722 00:59:22,200 --> 00:59:25,730 好了 應該沒問題 Fuck OK, OK, OK I think it's ready 723 00:59:28,270 --> 00:59:29,400 快點 Hurry up, man Hurry up 724 00:59:29,670 --> 00:59:30,700 我告訴你怎麼做 I'll tell you what to do 725 00:59:30,810 --> 00:59:32,870 我不行 你來比較好 No, no, no You're gonna give her the shot 726 00:59:32,980 --> 00:59:34,880 你來 我不幹 You're gonna give her the shot I ain't giving her the shot 727 00:59:34,980 --> 00:59:35,970 我沒幹過也不想幹 I ain't giving her the shot I never done this before 728 00:59:36,080 --> 00:59:37,810 我也一樣 I ain't never done it before, either I ain't starting now 729 00:59:37,920 --> 00:59:39,980 你惹的麻煩自己解決 You brought her here, that means you're gonna give her the shot 730 00:59:40,120 --> 00:59:43,110 我有麻煩才自己來 The day I bring an O D Ing bitch to your house then I give her the shot Give her the shot 731 00:59:43,220 --> 00:59:45,950 拿來 拿來 Give it to me Here Give me that 732 00:59:46,960 --> 00:59:48,760 告訴我怎麼做 Tell me what to do 733 00:59:48,900 --> 00:59:52,130 你得直接插入心臟 OK You're giving her an injection of adrenaline straight to her heart, but she's got a breastplate 734 00:59:52,270 --> 00:59:54,790 她隆過胸 你得插深點 You've got to pierce through that 735 00:59:54,940 --> 00:59:57,700 你得用力刺下去 You gotta bring the needle down in a stabbing motion 736 00:59:57,840 --> 00:59:59,170 我得刺三次嗎 I gotta stab her three times 737 00:59:59,310 --> 01:00:01,140 蠢蛋 一次就夠了 No! You don't gotta stab her three times Just once 738 01:00:01,250 --> 01:00:03,770 不過你得用力刺穿她的假奶 But hard enough to get through her breastplate into her heart 739 01:00:03,880 --> 01:00:06,820 然後按下針筒 Once you do that, you press down on the plunger 740 01:00:06,920 --> 01:00:09,150 然後會怎樣 OK, then what happens 741 01:00:09,260 --> 01:00:10,420 我也很想知道 I'm kind of curious about that myself 742 01:00:10,690 --> 01:00:12,320 別開玩笑 我會害死她嗎 This ain't no fucking joke, man! Am I gonna kill her 743 01:00:12,430 --> 01:00:15,060 她應該會馬上醒來 She's supposed to come out of it like that 744 01:00:15,200 --> 01:00:16,720 好吧 數到三 All right Count to three 745 01:00:16,830 --> 01:00:19,230 好了嗎 一… Ready? One 746 01:00:24,280 --> 01:00:26,740 二… two 747 01:00:34,390 --> 01:00:36,380 三 Three! 748 01:00:50,440 --> 01:00:54,280 你沒事就開口說話 If you're all right, then say something 749 01:00:54,380 --> 01:00:57,180 說話 Something 750 01:00:57,290 --> 01:01:00,280 他媽的酷斃了 Ha ha That was fucking trippy Ha ha ha ha 751 01:01:29,090 --> 01:01:31,460 蜜兒…蜜兒… Mia Mia 752 01:01:36,300 --> 01:01:41,240 你覺得該怎樣處理此事 what's your thoughts on on on how to handle this 753 01:01:41,340 --> 01:01:43,900 你覺得呢 What's yours 754 01:01:46,110 --> 01:01:53,920 我覺得馬沙永遠 都不必知道今天的事 Well, I'm of the opinion that if Marsellus lived his whole life he don't need to know nothing about this incident 755 01:01:54,060 --> 01:01:58,960 要是他知道 我也會有麻煩 If Marsellus knew about this incident I'd be in as much trouble as you 756 01:01:59,100 --> 01:02:01,930 我看不見得 I seriously doubt that 757 01:02:02,030 --> 01:02:05,440 你不說 我也不會講 I can keep a secret if you can 758 01:02:06,670 --> 01:02:08,700 握個手 Shake on it 759 01:02:14,280 --> 01:02:16,440 一言為定 Mum's the word 760 01:02:18,790 --> 01:02:22,050 我先失陪 然後回家發心臟病 Now, if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go home and have a heart attack 761 01:02:25,300 --> 01:02:32,790 文生 想聽我的笑話嗎 Vincent! Do you want to hear my Fox Force Five joke 762 01:02:32,940 --> 01:02:38,000 想… 不過我是笑不出來了 Sure Except that I think I'm still a little too petrified to laugh 763 01:02:38,110 --> 01:02:43,880 想聽我就說 反正不好笑 No, you won't laugh 'cause it's not funny But if you still wanna hear it, I'll tell it I can't wait 764 01:02:44,020 --> 01:02:46,960 說吧 OK 765 01:02:47,090 --> 01:02:51,360 一家蕃茄三口走在路上 Three tomatoes are walking down the street Papa Tomato, Mama Tomato, and Baby Tomato 766 01:02:51,500 --> 01:02:56,300 小蕃茄走太慢 老蕃茄就發飆 Baby Tomato starts lagging behind and Papa Tomato gets really angry 767 01:02:56,400 --> 01:03:01,030 老蕃茄轉過頭來說… 快跟上(音同「蕃茄醬」) and Papa Tomato gets really angry goes back and squishes him, and says, Catch up 768 01:03:04,310 --> 01:03:06,710 蕃茄醬… Ketchup 769 01:03:10,460 --> 01:03:13,720 回頭見 See you around 770 01:03:34,150 --> 01:03:41,080 笨狗 他以為雕像是活的 Oh, that Paddlefoot he funny, silly dog He think totem pole alive Hee hee hee! 771 01:03:41,230 --> 01:03:44,820 真是蠢 He arctic tenderfoot 772 01:03:44,970 --> 01:03:47,730 雕像是木頭做的 That totem pole been here forever 773 01:03:47,840 --> 01:03:49,740 布奇 Butch 774 01:03:51,910 --> 01:03:54,240 過來 別看電視 Butch, stop watching TV a second 775 01:03:54,380 --> 01:03:56,740 - 幹嘛 - 有人來看你 - Yeah? - We got a special visitor 776 01:04:01,950 --> 01:04:05,350 記得我過說你爸死在戰俘營嗎 Now do you remember when I told you your daddy died in a P O W Camp 777 01:04:07,960 --> 01:04:12,690 這是柯上尉 他和你爸關在一起 Well this here is Captain Koons He was in the P O W Camp with Daddy 778 01:04:19,210 --> 01:04:24,310 小子 我早就聽過你了 Hello, little man Boy, I sure heard a bunch about you 779 01:04:24,420 --> 01:04:27,710 我是你爸爸的好友 See, I was a good friend of your dad's 780 01:04:27,790 --> 01:04:33,320 一起被關在越南五年 We were in that Hanoi pit of hell together over five years 781 01:04:33,460 --> 01:04:38,490 希望你不必經歷這種事 Hopefully you'll never have to experience this yourself 782 01:04:38,800 --> 01:04:44,830 我和你爸同甘共苦了這麼久 but when two men are in a situation like me and your dad were for as long as we were 783 01:04:44,940 --> 01:04:49,110 彼此肝膽相照 you take on certain responsibilities of the other 784 01:04:49,250 --> 01:04:54,310 要是今天出來的不是我… If it had been me who'd not made it 785 01:04:54,450 --> 01:04:59,220 古少校也會去看我兒子 Major Coolidge would be talking right now to my son Jim 786 01:04:59,330 --> 01:05:02,850 然而現在是我來看你 But the way it turned out I'm talking to you 787 01:05:04,000 --> 01:05:06,930 布奇… Butch 788 01:05:07,070 --> 01:05:09,770 我要給你一件東西 I got something for you 789 01:05:15,980 --> 01:05:22,480 你曾祖父第一次世界大戰時帶的表 This watch I got here was first purchased by your great-grandfather during the First World War 790 01:05:22,790 --> 01:05:27,280 是他在田納西小雜貨店買的 It was bought in a little general store in Knoxville, Tennessee 791 01:05:27,430 --> 01:05:31,020 這是首批出廠的表 Made by the first company to ever make wristwatches 792 01:05:31,170 --> 01:05:36,000 當時只有懷表 Up till then, people just carried pocket watches 793 01:05:36,110 --> 01:05:40,200 那時他被徵召到巴黎 It was bought by Private Doughboy Erine Coolidge on the day he set sail for Paris 794 01:05:40,310 --> 01:05:46,080 這就變成他須臾不離的戰表 This was your great- grandfather's war watch and he wore it every day he was in that war 795 01:05:46,190 --> 01:05:49,950 服完役 他回老家找你曾祖母 And when he'd done his duty he went home to your great-grandmother took the watch off 796 01:05:50,090 --> 01:05:54,990 把表放在一個舊咖啡盒裏 put it in an old coffee can and in that can it stayed Till your gr anddad, Dane Coolidge 797 01:05:55,100 --> 01:06:02,500 後來你祖父又榮獲徵召 遠赴海外打德國人 was called upon by his country to go overseas and fight the Germans once again 798 01:06:02,770 --> 01:06:06,330 這次是第二次世界大戰 This time they called it World War II 799 01:06:06,440 --> 01:06:11,350 你曾祖父把手錶交給你祖父 Your great-grandfather gave this watch to your granddad for good luck 800 01:06:11,450 --> 01:06:21,090 不過他沒他老爸幸運 他在威克島之役中陣亡 Unfortunately, Dane's luck wasn't as good as his old man's Dane was a marine, and he was killed along with all the other marines at the Battle of Wake Island 801 01:06:21,200 --> 01:06:25,760 你祖父知道他會死 Your granddad was facing death He knew it 802 01:06:26,500 --> 01:06:31,200 在那島上沒人能夠生還 None of those boys had any illusions about ever leaving that island alive 803 01:06:31,310 --> 01:06:37,110 日軍進攻前 他請一名空軍 so, three days before the Japanese took the island your granddad asked a gunner on an Air Force transport 804 01:06:37,250 --> 01:06:41,950 一個叫維努奇的陌生人 name of Winocki a man he had never met before in his life 805 01:06:42,090 --> 01:06:49,960 把金錶帶給他年幼的兒子 to deliver to his infant son who he had never seen in the flesh his gold watch 806 01:06:50,070 --> 01:06:54,970 你祖父死後 維努奇很守信用 Three days later, your granddad was dead but Winocki kept his word 807 01:06:55,110 --> 01:06:58,540 戰後他去找你祖母 After the war was over he paid a visit to your gr andmother 808 01:06:58,810 --> 01:07:03,010 把金錶送去給你父親 delivering to your infant father his dad's gold watch 809 01:07:03,150 --> 01:07:05,880 就是這只表 This watch 810 01:07:11,060 --> 01:07:16,260 你父親在越南被捕時就帶著它 This watch was on your daddy's wrist when he was shot down over Hanoi 811 01:07:16,400 --> 01:07:19,800 他隨後就被關進戰俘營 He was captured, put in a Vietnamese prison camp 812 01:07:19,940 --> 01:07:27,400 他知道這只表如果被越共發現 會被搶走 He knew that if the gooks ever saw the watch they'd confiscate it take it away 813 01:07:27,510 --> 01:07:32,110 你爸覺得這是你們家的傳家寶 The way your dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright 814 01:07:32,220 --> 01:07:36,420 絕對不能丟掉 於是他藏起來 He'd be damned if any slopes put their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright, so he hid it 815 01:07:36,560 --> 01:07:39,460 有個地方最保險 就是他的屁眼 in one place he knew he could hide something his ass 816 01:07:39,600 --> 01:07:42,860 五年來 他的屁眼一直塞著這玩意 Five long years he wore this watch up his ass 817 01:07:42,970 --> 01:07:47,130 他死後把表交給我 Then he died of dysentery, he give me the watch 818 01:07:47,270 --> 01:07:52,400 我也把這玩意塞我屁眼兩年 I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass, two years 819 01:07:52,550 --> 01:07:57,070 被關七年後 我回到家人身邊 Then after seven years I was sent home to my family And 820 01:07:57,190 --> 01:08:01,490 現在… now 821 01:08:01,620 --> 01:08:04,920 小子 我把表交給你 little man, I give the watch to you 822 01:08:27,590 --> 01:08:29,460 該出場了 布奇 It's time, Butch 823 01:08:50,390 --> 01:08:52,980 (金錶) 824 01:08:53,120 --> 01:08:55,320 正式宣佈:威爾森死了 It's official It's official Wilson is dead! 825 01:08:55,460 --> 01:08:59,520 這是我見過的最慘不忍睹的拳賽 Dan, that had to be the bloodiest and the most brutal fight this city has ever seen 826 01:08:59,860 --> 01:09:03,130 沒見過優勝者這麼快退場 Coolidge left faster than I've ever seen a victorious boxer leave the ring 827 01:09:03,240 --> 01:09:04,630 他知道威爾森死了嗎 Do you think he knew Wilson was dead 828 01:09:04,910 --> 01:09:08,360 我猜他知道 他的眼光很瘋狂 My guess would be yes, Richard I could see the frenzy in his eyes 829 01:09:08,510 --> 01:09:12,170 他知道才會趕快退場 give way to the realization of what he was doing I think any man would have left the ring that fast 830 01:09:12,310 --> 01:09:14,940 這場悲劇會影響拳擊界嗎 Do you feel this tragedy is gonna have an effect on the world of boxing 831 01:09:15,050 --> 01:09:19,180 這種悲劇一定會引起大震憾 Such a tragedy can't help but shake the boxing world to its very foundations 832 01:09:19,290 --> 01:09:23,420 不過重要的是未來數周… but par amount importance is during the sad weeks ahead the eyes of the WBA remain 833 01:10:00,910 --> 01:10:03,000 馬沙 Marsellus 834 01:10:03,110 --> 01:10:05,880 不關我事…不關我事… I didn't do it, man 835 01:10:05,950 --> 01:10:07,510 你還好吧 How you doing 836 01:10:07,820 --> 01:10:11,310 很好 我忘了 謝謝你陪我 Great I never thanked you for dinner 837 01:10:13,390 --> 01:10:14,950 - 怎麼回事 - 他開溜了 - What you got? - He booked 838 01:10:15,060 --> 01:10:16,250 教練呢 His trainer 839 01:10:16,400 --> 01:10:18,890 他說不關他事 我相信他 Says he don't know nothing I believe him 840 01:10:19,000 --> 01:10:20,330 布奇沒跟他… Think Butch surprised his ass same as us 841 01:10:20,470 --> 01:10:25,500 要確定他知不知道 就帶他去餵狼狗 No, we don't wanna think, we wanna know Take him to the kennel, sic the dogs on his ass 842 01:10:25,840 --> 01:10:28,330 看他肯不肯說 We'll find out for goddamn sure what he knows and what he don't 843 01:10:28,440 --> 01:10:30,570 你想怎樣處理布奇 Butch's search how do you want it done 844 01:10:30,880 --> 01:10:33,510 搜遍全世界 也要找出這混球 I'm prepared to scour the earth for that motherfucker 845 01:10:33,620 --> 01:10:39,390 追到天涯海角 我也要他的命 If Butch goes to Indochina I want a nigger hiding in a bowl of rice ready to pop a cap in his ass 846 01:10:39,490 --> 01:10:42,120 我會處理的 I will take care of it 847 01:10:56,080 --> 01:10:59,240 - 先生 - 幹嘛 - Hey, mister? - What 848 01:10:59,350 --> 01:11:03,910 收音機報導的那場拳賽 You were in that fight The fight on the radio 849 01:11:04,020 --> 01:11:05,920 你是那個拳手 You're the fighter 850 01:11:06,030 --> 01:11:07,580 你怎麼會這麼想 Now, what gave you that idea 851 01:11:07,860 --> 01:11:14,420 你一定是 我知道你是 You're him I know you're him 852 01:11:16,870 --> 01:11:18,360 告訴我實話 Tell me you're him 853 01:11:18,510 --> 01:11:21,170 我就是他 I'm him 854 01:11:21,310 --> 01:11:24,040 你打死了對手 You killed the other boxing man 855 01:11:27,850 --> 01:11:29,450 他死了 He's dead 856 01:11:29,630 --> 01:11:32,460 收音機裏說的 The radio said he was dead 857 01:11:35,160 --> 01:11:37,490 抱歉 老威 Sorry about that, Floyd 858 01:11:38,430 --> 01:11:41,090 感覺如何 What does it feel like 859 01:11:41,240 --> 01:11:42,860 什麼感覺 What does what feel like 860 01:11:42,970 --> 01:11:45,170 殺人的感覺 Killing a man 861 01:11:46,940 --> 01:11:51,310 赤手空拳打死另一個人 Beating another man to death with your bare hands 862 01:11:51,450 --> 01:11:52,940 你是變態嗎 Are you a weirdo 863 01:11:53,050 --> 01:11:57,650 不 我對這種事很感興趣 No It is a subject I have much interest in 864 01:11:59,960 --> 01:12:03,920 你是我見過的第一個殺人兇手 You are the first person I've met who has killed somebody 865 01:12:06,340 --> 01:12:13,000 打死人的感覺如何 So what does it feel like to kill a man 866 01:12:13,110 --> 01:12:14,910 這樣好了 I'll tell you what 867 01:12:15,050 --> 01:12:18,880 給我抽根煙 我就跟你說 You give me one of them cigarettes you got up there and I'll tell you all about it 868 01:12:38,640 --> 01:12:44,980 愛斯米達拉·薇拉蘿珀 你是墨西哥人 So Esmarelda Villalobos Is that Mexican 869 01:12:45,120 --> 01:12:48,110 西班牙名字 我是哥倫比亞人 The name is Spanish, but I am Colombian 870 01:12:48,250 --> 01:12:49,980 你開車真不賴 That's some handle you got there, honey 871 01:12:50,090 --> 01:12:54,190 謝謝 你叫什麼 Thank you And what is your name 872 01:12:54,300 --> 01:12:55,630 布奇 Butch 873 01:12:55,900 --> 01:12:59,230 布奇 什麼意思 Butch What does it mean 874 01:12:59,370 --> 01:13:02,600 美國名字沒什麼狗屁意思 I'm an American, honey Our names don't mean shit 875 01:13:04,440 --> 01:13:10,070 愛斯米達拉 你想知道什麼 So, moving right along, Esmarelda What is it you wanna know 876 01:13:10,180 --> 01:13:13,080 我想知道殺人的感覺 I want to know what it feels like to kill a man 877 01:13:13,190 --> 01:13:15,350 不知道 I couldn't tell ya 878 01:13:20,900 --> 01:13:25,030 你不說 我都不知道他死了 I didn't know he was dead until you told me he was dead 879 01:13:25,130 --> 01:13:28,540 知道了又有何感想 Now that I know he's dead you wanna know how I feel about it 880 01:13:33,580 --> 01:13:36,510 我一點也不內疚 I don't feel the least bit bad about it 881 01:13:48,060 --> 01:13:53,660 我放水的消息傳出去 賭注馬上就飆高 What the fuck I tell ya, huh? As soon as the word got out the fix was in, man the odds went through the roof 882 01:13:53,940 --> 01:13:56,430 真不可思議 I know I know Unbelievable 883 01:13:56,580 --> 01:13:59,670 活該 他好好打就不會死 If he was a better boxer, he'd still be alive 884 01:13:59,980 --> 01:14:04,210 他把拳套紮緊點也不會死 He never laced up his gloves which he never shoulda done in the first fucking place he'd still be alive 885 01:14:06,320 --> 01:14:10,190 誰還管他死活 who gives a fuck? It's over now 886 01:14:10,330 --> 01:14:16,320 別管那個蠢蛋 我就要發了 Well, enough about the poor unfortunate Mr.Floyd Let's talk about the rich and prosperous Mr.Butch 887 01:14:16,430 --> 01:14:19,490 你向幾個組頭下注 How many bookies you lay it around on 888 01:14:19,600 --> 01:14:24,060 八個 幾時收錢 All eight? How long to collect 889 01:14:24,180 --> 01:14:28,580 明天 我知道有些人會拖 So you'll have it all by tomorrow night? No, I understand, a few stragglers aside 890 01:14:28,880 --> 01:14:32,220 干 這簡直棒呆了 No, I understand, a few stragglers aside Oh, fuck, Scotty, that is good news that is great news, man 891 01:14:34,390 --> 01:14:37,050 我和菲比一早就走 No, me and Fabienne are gonna leave in the morning 892 01:14:37,190 --> 01:14:40,160 過兩天才會到納西維 It'll probably take us a couple of days to get to Knoxville 893 01:14:40,260 --> 01:14:45,600 好兄弟 你說的一點沒錯 OK, my brother You're right You're goddamn right 894 01:14:46,910 --> 01:14:51,430 田納西見 別擔心 好兄弟 All right, Scotty Next time I see you, we'll be on Tennessee time Be cool, brother 895 01:15:07,900 --> 01:15:10,870 四十五塊六毛 45 60 896 01:15:14,240 --> 01:15:19,610 這些錢賞你 And, uh, here's a little something for the effort 897 01:15:19,880 --> 01:15:23,150 有人問你 你怎麼說 Now if anybody asks you who your fare was tonight what are you gonna say 898 01:15:23,250 --> 01:15:24,410 說實話… The truth 899 01:15:24,520 --> 01:15:29,150 我載了三個墨西哥人 Three well-dressed, slightly toasted Mexicans 900 01:15:30,600 --> 01:15:32,930 晚安 愛斯米達拉 Bonsoir, Esmarelda Villalobos 901 01:15:33,060 --> 01:15:35,970 晚安 布奇 Buenas noches, Butch 902 01:15:50,250 --> 01:15:52,450 別開燈 Keep the light off 903 01:15:52,560 --> 01:15:54,150 好點嗎 小甜心 Is that better, sugar pop 904 01:15:54,260 --> 01:15:56,190 好 Oui 905 01:15:59,520 --> 01:16:01,430 上班辛苦嗎 Hard day at the office 906 01:16:01,620 --> 01:16:05,630 很累 我跟人打了一架 Pretty hard I got in a fight 907 01:16:06,120 --> 01:16:10,470 可憐 還有力氣親熱嗎 Poor baby Can we make spoons 908 01:16:10,810 --> 01:16:14,570 我想先洗個澡 我臭得要命 You know what? I was thinking about taking a shower I'm stinking like a dog over here 909 01:16:14,920 --> 01:16:17,880 我喜歡你的味道 Mmm I like the way you stink 910 01:16:18,120 --> 01:16:20,460 我先脫掉夾克 Let me take this jacket off 911 01:16:22,490 --> 01:16:25,920 - 剛才我在照鏡子 - 怎樣 - I was looking at myself in the mirror 912 01:16:26,170 --> 01:16:29,400 我希望那裏變圓點 I wish I had a pot 913 01:16:29,540 --> 01:16:32,700 你照鏡子 哪裏想變圓點 You were looking at yourself in the mirror and you wish you had some pot 914 01:16:32,910 --> 01:16:36,470 我的肚皮啦 A pot belly 915 01:16:36,580 --> 01:16:39,510 圓肚皮很性感 Pot bellies are sexy 916 01:16:39,620 --> 01:16:43,140 你肚皮很圓 高興了嗎 Well, you should be happy cause you have one 917 01:16:43,320 --> 01:16:47,050 才怪 我的肚皮才不圓 Shut up, fatso! I don't have a pot 918 01:16:47,160 --> 01:16:52,220 我肚子有點突 但是不夠圓 I have a bit of a tummy like Madonna when she did Lucky Star It's not the same thing 919 01:16:52,330 --> 01:16:55,320 突跟圓有什麼不同 I didn't know there was such a difference between a pot belly and a tummy 920 01:16:55,470 --> 01:16:58,170 圓的才夠大 The difference is huge 921 01:17:00,010 --> 01:17:02,200 你喜歡我大肚皮嗎 Would you like it if I had a pot belly 922 01:17:02,340 --> 01:17:08,310 不 男人大肚皮會像大猩猩 No Pot bellies make a man Iook either oafish or like a gorilla 923 01:17:08,500 --> 01:17:11,680 女人大肚皮就很性感 But on a woman, a pot belly is very sexy 924 01:17:12,010 --> 01:17:17,620 全身上下都很正常 The rest of you is normal face, normal legs, normal hips, 925 01:17:17,730 --> 01:17:21,960 只有肚皮特別大特別圓 normal ass but with a big perfectly round pot belly 926 01:17:22,040 --> 01:17:26,200 我會穿特小號T恤突出它 If I had one, I'd wear a T-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it 927 01:17:26,340 --> 01:17:29,070 男人會喜歡這樣 You think men would find that attractive 928 01:17:29,280 --> 01:17:32,300 我才不管男人怎麼想 I don't give a damn what men find attractive 929 01:17:32,400 --> 01:17:37,690 很不幸 好看和好摸很不同 It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same 930 01:17:41,390 --> 01:17:44,690 要是你有大肚皮 我就扁它 If you had a pot belly I would punch you in it 931 01:17:45,030 --> 01:17:46,360 你會扁我的肚皮 You'd punch me in my belly? 932 01:17:46,470 --> 01:17:48,260 狠狠揍一拳 Right in the belly 933 01:17:48,400 --> 01:17:53,740 我要用我的大肚皮把你悶死 Ah! I'd smother you I'd drop it right on your face till you couldn't breathe 934 01:17:54,010 --> 01:17:57,340 - 真的 - 真的 - You'd do that? - Yes Yes 935 01:18:12,530 --> 01:18:14,660 - 東西帶齊了 - 帶齊了 - Did you get everything? - Yes, I did 936 01:18:15,000 --> 01:18:16,990 幹得好 小甜心 Good job, sugar pop 937 01:18:17,140 --> 01:18:19,110 一切都順利嗎 Did everything go as planned 938 01:18:19,240 --> 01:18:23,200 你沒聽廣播 You didn't listen to the radio 939 01:18:23,350 --> 01:18:27,280 我從不聽你比賽 你贏了 I never listen to your fights Were you the winner 940 01:18:27,420 --> 01:18:29,050 我贏了 I won, all right 941 01:18:29,200 --> 01:18:30,500 你準備退休嗎 Are you still retiring 942 01:18:30,600 --> 01:18:32,700 當然 Sure am 943 01:18:32,800 --> 01:18:35,660 結果圓滿嗎 So, it all worked out in the finish 944 01:18:35,760 --> 01:18:38,460 還沒完全結束 We're not at the finish yet, baby 945 01:18:47,580 --> 01:18:50,780 我們很危險 對嗎 We're in a lot of danger, aren't we 946 01:18:52,020 --> 01:18:56,750 我們被逮到會死 對嗎 If they find us, they'll kill us, won't they 947 01:18:57,020 --> 01:18:59,360 我們不會被逮到吧 But they won't find us, will they 948 01:19:02,600 --> 01:19:05,760 你還想帶我走嗎 Do you still want me to go with you 949 01:19:07,300 --> 01:19:10,540 我不想拖累你 I don't want to be a burden or a nuisance, it's 950 01:19:17,450 --> 01:19:19,380 說啊 Say it 951 01:19:22,490 --> 01:19:25,680 我要你陪著我 I want you to be with me 952 01:19:25,800 --> 01:19:27,180 永遠嗎 Forever 953 01:19:27,290 --> 01:19:30,690 直到永遠 Forever and ever 954 01:19:31,030 --> 01:19:32,760 你愛我嗎 Do you love me 955 01:19:33,070 --> 01:19:35,440 愛死了 Very, very much 956 01:19:40,110 --> 01:19:43,550 - 布奇 - 什麼事 - Butch? - Yes 957 01:19:44,680 --> 01:19:48,140 可以用嘴巴讓我爽嗎 Will you give me oral pleasure 958 01:19:48,850 --> 01:19:52,580 那你呢 Will you kiss it 959 01:19:52,680 --> 01:19:55,060 你先來 But you first 960 01:19:55,130 --> 01:19:57,460 好 OK 961 01:20:07,750 --> 01:20:13,650 布奇 上吧 Butch Mon amour L'aventure commence 962 01:20:29,540 --> 01:20:31,570 我好像弄斷肋骨了 I think I cracked a rib 963 01:20:31,710 --> 01:20:33,440 跟我親熱弄斷的 Giving me oral pleasure 964 01:20:33,550 --> 01:20:35,170 傻瓜 打拳弄斷的 No, retard From the fight 965 01:20:35,310 --> 01:20:36,580 別叫我傻瓜 Don't call me retard 966 01:20:36,680 --> 01:20:40,740 我叫菲比 我叫菲比 My name is Fabby My name is Fabienne 967 01:20:41,020 --> 01:20:42,460 住嘴… Stop it Stop it 968 01:20:42,560 --> 01:20:46,050 住嘴 別把我當白癡 Shut up, fuckhead! I hate that mongoloid voice 969 01:20:46,130 --> 01:20:48,650 對不起 I hate that mongoloid voice 970 01:20:50,130 --> 01:20:52,070 我收回 I take it back 971 01:20:54,510 --> 01:20:57,600 請給我條毛巾 小寶貝 Would you hand me a dry towel, Miss Beautiful Tulip 972 01:20:57,740 --> 01:21:01,180 我喜歡你叫我小寶貝 Oh, I like that I like being called a tulip 973 01:21:01,280 --> 01:21:03,480 比把我當白癡好多了 Tulip is much better than mongoloid 974 01:21:03,580 --> 01:21:05,280 我沒把你當白癡 I didn't call you a mongoloid 975 01:21:05,390 --> 01:21:08,410 我叫你傻瓜 我收回了 I called you a retard, and I took it back 976 01:21:10,130 --> 01:21:11,320 布奇 Butch 977 01:21:11,430 --> 01:21:13,020 幹嘛 檸檬派 Yes, lemon pie 978 01:21:13,100 --> 01:21:14,460 我們要上哪兒 Where are we going to go 979 01:21:14,570 --> 01:21:19,000 不知道 那兒都成 Well, I'm not sure yet Wherever you want 980 01:21:19,100 --> 01:21:20,730 我們發財了 We're gonna get a lot of money from this 981 01:21:21,040 --> 01:21:27,140 不過…還不夠我們一輩子的吃喝玩樂 but it ain't gonna be the kinda money that we can live like hogs in the fat house forever 982 01:21:27,280 --> 01:21:31,650 我想去南太平洋的小島 I was thinking maybe we could go down someplace in the South Pacific 983 01:21:31,750 --> 01:21:35,020 那種地方夠我們逍遙好一陣子 The kinda money we're gonna have is gonna carry us a long way down there 984 01:21:35,160 --> 01:21:36,590 我們可以去布拉島 If we wanted, we could live in Bora Bora 985 01:21:36,730 --> 01:21:38,130 當然行 You betcha 986 01:21:38,260 --> 01:21:44,100 住厭了就搬去大溪地或墨西哥 And if after a while you didn't dig that go someplace else, maybe Tahiti Mexico 987 01:21:44,200 --> 01:21:46,070 可我不會講西班牙語 But I do not speak Spanish 988 01:21:46,140 --> 01:21:51,040 沒關係 住墨西哥太容易了 Well, you do not speak Bora Boran, either Besides, Mexican is easy 989 01:21:51,180 --> 01:21:53,150 (西班牙語) Donde esta el zapateria 990 01:21:53,280 --> 01:21:54,300 什麼意思 What does that mean 991 01:21:54,420 --> 01:21:56,320 鞋店在哪裏 Where is the shoe store 992 01:21:56,690 --> 01:21:59,090 先吐掉水 Spit, please 993 01:21:59,590 --> 01:22:01,560 (西班牙語) Donde esta el zapateria 994 01:22:01,660 --> 01:22:05,060 發音不錯 Excellent pronunciation 995 01:22:05,700 --> 01:22:08,160 你會學得很快 You'll be my little mamacita in no time 996 01:22:09,430 --> 01:22:11,230 (西班牙語) Que hor a es 997 01:22:11,370 --> 01:22:13,400 現在幾點 What time is it 998 01:22:13,510 --> 01:22:15,470 該睡覺了 Time for bed 999 01:22:16,480 --> 01:22:19,000 晚安 小豆豆 Sweet dreams, jellybean 1000 01:22:26,320 --> 01:22:28,420 布奇 Butch 1001 01:22:34,200 --> 01:22:36,030 算了 Never mind 1002 01:22:46,210 --> 01:22:50,310 嚇我一跳 你做噩夢 Merde You startled me Did you have a bad dream 1003 01:23:00,770 --> 01:23:02,290 你在看什麼 What is this you're watching 1004 01:23:03,360 --> 01:23:07,200 動作片 不知道片名 A motorcycle movie I'm not sure the name 1005 01:23:08,740 --> 01:23:10,380 你在看嗎 Are you watching it 1006 01:23:10,910 --> 01:23:12,670 算是吧 In a way 1007 01:23:14,180 --> 01:23:17,240 現在看暴力片未免太早 It's a little early in the morning for explosions and war 1008 01:23:20,660 --> 01:23:22,060 是什麼 What was it about 1009 01:23:22,190 --> 01:23:24,560 我怎麼知道 是你在看的 How should I know, Fabienne? You were the one who was watching it 1010 01:23:24,700 --> 01:23:27,320 呆瓜 你夢到什麼 No, imbecile, what was your dream about 1011 01:23:27,470 --> 01:23:31,060 不曉得 不記得了 I don't know I don't remember 1012 01:23:31,810 --> 01:23:33,710 我很少記得住夢的內容 It's really rare that I remember my dreams 1013 01:23:34,080 --> 01:23:36,600 今天幹嘛這麼兇 Well, let's look at the grumpy man in the morning 1014 01:23:39,480 --> 01:23:42,140 起床 我們去買早點 Why don't you get up and we'll get some breakfast 1015 01:23:42,150 --> 01:23:44,450 再親一個 我就起來 One more kiss, and I'll get up 1016 01:23:47,060 --> 01:23:49,120 滿意嗎 Satisfied 1017 01:23:49,130 --> 01:23:51,120 滿意 Yep 1018 01:23:51,260 --> 01:23:54,820 那就起床 懶骨頭 Then get up, lazy bones 1019 01:23:56,140 --> 01:23:59,630 天啊 現在幾點 God Unh What time is it 1020 01:23:59,780 --> 01:24:03,770 - 早上九點 - 火車幾點到 - Almost 9:00 in the morning - What time does our train arrive 1021 01:24:04,110 --> 01:24:05,710 十一點 11:00 1022 01:24:05,850 --> 01:24:07,610 你知道我想吃什麼 You know what I'm gonna have for breakfast 1023 01:24:07,750 --> 01:24:10,020 什麼 檸檬派 What, lemon pie 1024 01:24:10,160 --> 01:24:16,090 我想吃藍莓鬆餅澆楓葉糖漿 I'm gonna order a big plate of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup 1025 01:24:16,230 --> 01:24:20,190 再來客炒蛋 加五根肉腸 eggs over easy, and five sausages 1026 01:24:20,330 --> 01:24:22,060 你準備喝什麼 Anything to drink with that 1027 01:24:22,200 --> 01:24:25,540 你很帥 Ah, that looks nice 1028 01:24:25,670 --> 01:24:31,580 我要喝一大壺柳橙汁 再加上黑咖啡 To drink a tall glass of orange juice and a black cup of coffee 1029 01:24:31,720 --> 01:24:34,310 然後我還要吃塊派 After that, I'm going to have a slice of pie 1030 01:24:34,450 --> 01:24:36,390 早上就吃派 Pie for breakfast 1031 01:24:36,520 --> 01:24:40,180 什麼時候吃派都好 Any time of the day is a good time for pie 1032 01:24:40,190 --> 01:24:42,660 一樣是藍莓口味 Blueberry pie to go with the pancakes 1033 01:24:42,800 --> 01:24:46,390 上面擺起士 And on top, a thin slice of melted cheese 1034 01:24:46,530 --> 01:24:48,400 我的表呢 Where's my watch 1035 01:24:52,200 --> 01:24:55,270 在裏頭呀 It's there 1036 01:24:55,280 --> 01:24:57,340 沒有 No, it's not 1037 01:24:57,480 --> 01:24:58,470 你找過嗎 Have you looked 1038 01:24:58,620 --> 01:25:02,380 當然 你以為我在幹嘛 Yes, I fucking looked What the fuck do you think I'm doing 1039 01:25:02,520 --> 01:25:04,680 你確定拿了 You sure you got it 1040 01:25:04,980 --> 01:25:06,500 確定 在抽屜旁 Yes Bedside table drawer 1041 01:25:06,660 --> 01:25:08,180 掛在小袋鼠上 On the little kangaroo 1042 01:25:08,190 --> 01:25:10,130 沒錯 Yes It was on the little kangaroo 1043 01:25:10,260 --> 01:25:14,200 可是不在了 Yeah, well, it's not here now 1044 01:25:14,340 --> 01:25:16,230 應該在呀 Well, it should be 1045 01:25:16,240 --> 01:25:20,470 應該在卻找不到 到底在哪 It most definitely should be, but it's not here now So where the fuck is it 1046 01:25:25,650 --> 01:25:29,310 那是我老爸的表 Fabienne that was my father's fucking watch 1047 01:25:31,360 --> 01:25:35,050 他千辛萬苦把表留給我 Do you have any idea what he had to go through to get me that watch 1048 01:25:35,050 --> 01:25:37,190 我沒時間多說 不過是真的 I don't have time to go into it, but he went through a lot 1049 01:25:37,330 --> 01:25:39,020 別的東西不重要 All this other shit you could set on fire 1050 01:25:39,030 --> 01:25:43,230 我特別交待你 別忘了這只表 but I specifically reminded you not to forget the fucking watch! 1051 01:25:44,100 --> 01:25:47,540 仔細想 你有沒有拿 Now think Did you get it 1052 01:25:47,680 --> 01:25:48,650 應該有 I believe so 1053 01:25:48,880 --> 01:25:52,080 那是什麼話 有拿就是有拿 You believe so? What the fuck does that mean? You either did, or you didn't get it! 1054 01:25:53,550 --> 01:25:55,120 那我有拿 Then I did 1055 01:25:57,150 --> 01:25:58,350 你確定 Are you sure 1056 01:26:00,830 --> 01:26:02,090 不 No 1057 01:26:03,800 --> 01:26:08,360 媽的 去你媽的 Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Motherfucker! 1058 01:26:08,510 --> 01:26:12,600 你知道你有多蠢嗎 Do you know how fucking stupid you fucking are 1059 01:26:12,740 --> 01:26:14,800 不 No! 1060 01:26:17,590 --> 01:26:20,210 不是你的錯 It's not your fault 1061 01:26:24,460 --> 01:26:27,360 沒把表帶出來… If you left it at the apartment 1062 01:26:32,450 --> 01:26:35,700 沒把表帶出來不是你的錯 If you left it at the apartment, it's not your fault 1063 01:26:37,680 --> 01:26:40,340 我叫你帶一大堆東西 I had you bring a bunch of stuff 1064 01:26:43,000 --> 01:26:45,220 我提醒過你 I reminded you about it 1065 01:26:45,350 --> 01:26:48,580 但是沒強調它的重要意義 but I didn't illustrate how personal the watch was to me 1066 01:26:49,660 --> 01:26:52,350 我應該早講 If all I gave a fuck about was the watch I should've told you that 1067 01:26:54,330 --> 01:26:58,070 你又不是我肚裏蛔蟲 You're not a mind reader, are you 1068 01:27:09,020 --> 01:27:10,840 對不起 I'm sorry 1069 01:27:11,000 --> 01:27:14,550 別道歉 不過你得自己吃早點 Don't be It just means I can't have breakfast with you 1070 01:27:15,290 --> 01:27:17,250 為什麼 Why does it mean that 1071 01:27:19,730 --> 01:27:23,170 因為我得回去拿 Because I got to go back to my apartment and get my watch 1072 01:27:24,070 --> 01:27:27,070 那些人會在那裏等你 Won't the gangsters be looking for you there 1073 01:27:27,110 --> 01:27:30,630 去了就知道 Well that's what I'm going to find out 1074 01:27:30,780 --> 01:27:34,910 要是應付不來 我就會開溜 If they are and I don't think I can handle it Then I'll split 1075 01:27:35,080 --> 01:27:40,210 我以為我有帶 對不起 I saw your watch I thought I brought it I'm so sorry 1076 01:27:46,400 --> 01:27:51,060 我給你買鬆餅 好好吃 Here's some money Go out and get those pancakes Have a nice breakfast I'll take your Honda 1077 01:27:51,100 --> 01:27:53,130 沒說完藍莓派就回來 I'll be back before you can say blueberry pie 1078 01:27:53,570 --> 01:27:55,170 藍莓派 Blueberry pie 1079 01:27:56,840 --> 01:28:00,810 沒這麼快 不過不會很久 Maybe not that fast but pretty fast, OK 1080 01:28:00,950 --> 01:28:01,980 好吧 OK 1081 01:28:04,250 --> 01:28:08,160 媽的 她竟然忘了 我老爸的表 Shit! Of all the fucking things she could fucking forget she forgets my father's watch! 1082 01:28:08,200 --> 01:28:13,020 我特別提醒她 在桌旁小袋鼠上 I specifically reminded her Bedside table, on the kangaroo 1083 01:28:13,300 --> 01:28:16,660 我說別忘了我老爸的表 I said the words, Don't forget my father's watch 1084 01:30:54,270 --> 01:30:56,700 情況不錯 Looking good, Butch 1085 01:34:05,380 --> 01:34:10,210 他們老低估我才會輸 That's how you're going to beat 'em, Butch They keep underestimating you 1086 01:34:15,390 --> 01:34:20,760 數數牆上的花 我才不在乎 Counting flowers on the wall That don't bother me at all 1087 01:34:21,870 --> 01:34:24,390 玩玩二十一點 Playing Solitaire till dawn With a deck of 51 1088 01:34:28,240 --> 01:34:33,270 抽根煙看電視 Smoking cigarettes And watching Captain Kangaroo Now, don't tell me 1089 01:34:42,690 --> 01:34:44,780 混帳東西 Motherfucker 1090 01:34:55,340 --> 01:34:57,940 他死了嗎 He's dead 1091 01:34:58,380 --> 01:35:00,400 他死了 He's dead 1092 01:35:10,260 --> 01:35:13,420 我可以替你作證 那人瘋了 If you need someone to go to court, I'll be glad to help That guy was a drunken maniac 1093 01:35:13,560 --> 01:35:16,360 他撞了你又撞到路邊 He hit you, and then he crashed into that car 1094 01:35:16,500 --> 01:35:17,800 誰 Who 1095 01:35:17,940 --> 01:35:19,370 他 Him 1096 01:35:22,980 --> 01:35:25,240 他奶奶的 I'll be damned 1097 01:36:05,500 --> 01:36:06,550 可以效勞嗎 Can I help you with something 1098 01:36:06,700 --> 01:36:08,290 給我閉嘴 Shut the fuck up 1099 01:36:09,400 --> 01:36:13,570 等等 你在搞什麼鬼 Now, you just wait a goddamn minute now What the fuck are you up to 1100 01:36:13,710 --> 01:36:15,730 來呀 混蛋 Come here, motherfucker! 1101 01:36:18,250 --> 01:36:22,200 輪到你難堪了 自尊在搞鬼 You feel that sting, big boy, huh? That's pride fucking with you, see 1102 01:36:22,380 --> 01:36:24,280 你得忍著點 You got to fight through that shit 1103 01:36:25,520 --> 01:36:26,490 你最好殺了我 You better kill me 1104 01:36:26,620 --> 01:36:31,220 我會把你的頭轟成碎片 Yeah, somebody's going to get killed Somebody's going to get their motherfucking head blown to 1105 01:36:31,260 --> 01:36:33,290 你別動 Hold it right there, God damn it 1106 01:36:33,430 --> 01:36:34,860 少管閒事 先生 This ain't none of your business, mister 1107 01:36:35,100 --> 01:36:38,630 我管定了 把槍丟掉 I'm making it my business Toss the weapon 1108 01:36:38,810 --> 01:36:40,330 你不懂 You don't understand, man 1109 01:36:40,360 --> 01:36:41,940 把槍丟掉 Toss the weapon 1110 01:36:48,680 --> 01:36:54,620 腳拿開 手放頭上 過來 Take your foot off the nigger Put your hands behind your head Approach the counter right now 1111 01:36:54,760 --> 01:36:57,460 這豬玀想…殺我 This motherfucker's trying to kill me 1112 01:36:57,630 --> 01:37:00,430 給我閉嘴 過來 Shut up Keep a-coming Come on 1113 01:38:20,430 --> 01:38:24,630 在我店裏 只有我和撒德能殺人 Nobody kills anybody in my place of business except me or Zed 1114 01:38:28,680 --> 01:38:30,410 撒德來了 That's Zed 1115 01:38:43,430 --> 01:38:44,760 你沒等我就動手 I thought you said you waited for me 1116 01:38:44,900 --> 01:38:46,730 沒有啊 I did 1117 01:38:51,510 --> 01:38:55,470 他們怎麼這麼慘 So how come they're all beat up 1118 01:38:55,480 --> 01:38:58,450 他們自己打架弄的 They did that to each other, man They came in fighting 1119 01:38:59,080 --> 01:39:02,750 這傢伙想幹掉這胖子 Now, this one right here, he was going to shoot that one 1120 01:39:02,890 --> 01:39:06,120 是嗎 你想幹掉他 Is that right? You going to shoot him, boy 1121 01:39:10,700 --> 01:39:13,890 機車擺外面沒問題 Hey, is Grace all right out front 1122 01:39:14,040 --> 01:39:15,700 沒問題 今天不是禮拜二 Yeah It ain't Tuesday, is it 1123 01:39:15,840 --> 01:39:17,030 今天禮拜四 No It's Thursday 1124 01:39:17,370 --> 01:39:19,310 那就沒問題 She ought to be fine 1125 01:39:23,450 --> 01:39:26,370 把野獸牽出來 Bring out The Gimp 1126 01:39:26,380 --> 01:39:29,480 他在睡覺 I think The Gimp's sleeping 1127 01:39:29,490 --> 01:39:32,480 那只好把他叫醒囉 I guess you'll just have to go wake him up, now, won't you 1128 01:40:12,640 --> 01:40:14,840 起來 Get up 1129 01:40:27,900 --> 01:40:29,800 跪下 Get down 1130 01:40:39,810 --> 01:40:42,780 哪個先來 Which one of 'em you want to do first 1131 01:40:43,780 --> 01:40:46,510 我還沒決定 I ain't for sure yet 1132 01:40:49,890 --> 01:40:53,420 點指兵兵 Catch a nigger by the toe 1133 01:40:53,560 --> 01:41:02,630 點到誰 誰倒楣… If he hollers let him go 1134 01:41:09,350 --> 01:41:21,820 老媽叫我仔細挑 就是你 My mother said To pick the perfect one and you are 1135 01:41:24,470 --> 01:41:26,770 就是你了 胖子 I guess that means you, big boy 1136 01:41:31,810 --> 01:41:33,270 在這裏幹嗎 You want to do it in here 1137 01:41:33,280 --> 01:41:36,440 我們到後面老地方 No Let's do it back there in Russell's old room 1138 01:41:37,250 --> 01:41:39,050 隨便 Sounds good to me 1139 01:42:02,320 --> 01:42:04,550 看好這傢伙 You keep an eye on this one 1140 01:44:54,130 --> 01:44:56,400 給我閉嘴 Shut the fuck up! 1141 01:45:43,400 --> 01:45:46,630 你想拿槍 是不是 You want that gun, don't you, Zed 1142 01:45:50,370 --> 01:45:55,710 儘管拿呀 Go ahead and pick it up 1143 01:45:59,180 --> 01:46:03,210 拿呀 這就對了 Go ahead, pick it up Come on Atta boy 1144 01:46:03,520 --> 01:46:05,960 我要你把槍拿起來 I want you to pick it up Zed 1145 01:46:12,230 --> 01:46:14,330 站開點 布奇 Step aside, Butch 1146 01:46:27,150 --> 01:46:29,380 媽的 Fuck! 1147 01:46:32,690 --> 01:46:34,820 你還好吧 You OK 1148 01:46:37,000 --> 01:46:42,400 我不好 我非常不爽 No, man I'm pretty fucking far from OK 1149 01:46:53,820 --> 01:46:55,050 現在怎樣 What now 1150 01:46:58,430 --> 01:47:03,060 怎樣 我告訴你吧 What now? Let me tell you what now 1151 01:47:05,020 --> 01:47:10,240 我會叫兩個煞星 帶噴火器來 I'm going to call a couple of hard pipe-hitting niggers to 1152 01:47:10,910 --> 01:47:14,470 先毀了這房子 go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch 1153 01:47:15,950 --> 01:47:18,380 聽見嗎 臭小子 You hear me talking, hillbilly boy 1154 01:47:20,120 --> 01:47:24,990 你這賤人 你的屁眼要開花了 I ain't through with you by a damn sight I'm going to get medieval on your ass 1155 01:47:29,130 --> 01:47:31,530 我是說你和我怎樣 I meant, what now between me and you 1156 01:47:36,910 --> 01:47:38,620 你指這個 Oh, that what now 1157 01:47:40,710 --> 01:47:43,850 我告訴你 我和你怎樣 I tell you what now between me and you 1158 01:47:46,220 --> 01:47:52,090 我和你不怎麼樣 There is no me and you not no more 1159 01:47:55,870 --> 01:47:57,530 那就沒事了 So are we cool 1160 01:47:58,800 --> 01:48:03,160 沒事了 記得兩件事 Yeah, we cool Two things 1161 01:48:05,020 --> 01:48:07,850 別跟人提這事 Don't tell nobody about this 1162 01:48:09,280 --> 01:48:12,610 這是你 我 This shit is between me, you 1163 01:48:12,620 --> 01:48:19,030 和這人渣的事 and Mr Soon To Be Living The Rest Of His Short-Ass Life In Agonizing Pain rapist here 1164 01:48:20,460 --> 01:48:24,090 和其他人無關 It ain't nobody else's business 1165 01:48:24,220 --> 01:48:29,030 第二件事 你馬上走人 Two You leave town tonight right now 1166 01:48:30,310 --> 01:48:36,870 走了就別回來 否則就宰了你 And when you're gone you stay gone or you be gone 1167 01:48:37,500 --> 01:48:40,580 洛衫磯已容不下你 懂嗎 You lost all your L A Privileges Deal 1168 01:48:42,130 --> 01:48:44,120 我懂 Deal 1169 01:48:45,360 --> 01:48:47,750 給我滾出去 Get your ass out of here 1170 01:49:48,510 --> 01:49:55,540 菲比… Fabienne! 1171 01:49:56,620 --> 01:50:00,580 菲比 寶貝 快點 我們快走 Fabienne Come on, baby, come on Get your shit We got to go right now 1172 01:50:00,760 --> 01:50:02,230 我擔心死了 行李怎麼辦 I was so worried What about our bags 1173 01:50:02,490 --> 01:50:04,580 別管它 再不走就趕不上火車 Fuck the bags If we don't split right now we'll miss the train 1174 01:50:04,730 --> 01:50:06,130 我就在樓下 I'll be downstairs 1175 01:50:06,260 --> 01:50:07,460 一切順利嗎 Is everything well 1176 01:50:07,600 --> 01:50:09,160 快點 別問這麼多 Just come on! No talking now 1177 01:50:09,500 --> 01:50:12,130 我們有危險嗎 Are we in danger 1178 01:50:15,180 --> 01:50:17,770 來吧 甜心 Come on, honey! 1179 01:50:19,950 --> 01:50:21,920 摩托車從哪兒來的 Where did you get this motorcycle 1180 01:50:22,050 --> 01:50:24,780 這不是摩托車 這是台哈雷 It's not a motorcycle, baby It's a chopper 1181 01:50:24,920 --> 01:50:26,610 我的車呢 What happened to my Honda 1182 01:50:26,620 --> 01:50:30,750 抱歉 撞壞了 拜託你快點 I'm sorry, baby I had to crash that Honda Will you come on now, please 1183 01:50:30,900 --> 01:50:33,490 走吧 我們快走 Come on, let's go, let's go 1184 01:50:37,540 --> 01:50:38,500 你受了傷 You're hurt 1185 01:50:38,670 --> 01:50:42,110 只是撞歪鼻樑而己 騎上來 No, no I might've broken my nose It's no biggie Come on, hop on 1186 01:50:42,240 --> 01:50:46,700 拜託 你他媽的快點好嗎 Baby, please Honey, we got to hit the fucking road Get on 1187 01:50:49,690 --> 01:50:54,820 過來 對不起 對不起 I'm sorry Come here, come here I'm sorry I'm so sorry 1188 01:50:54,990 --> 01:50:58,160 你去這麼久 我擔心得要命 You were gone so long I started to think dreadful thoughts 1189 01:50:58,300 --> 01:51:00,620 對不起 甜心 Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie I didn't mean to worry you 1190 01:51:00,630 --> 01:51:02,160 - 早點好吃嗎 - 好吃 - How was your breakfast? - It was good 1191 01:51:02,300 --> 01:51:04,170 你有吃藍莓鬆餅嗎 Did you get the blueberry pancakes 1192 01:51:04,310 --> 01:51:07,740 沒有藍莓口味 你確定沒事 They didn't have blueberry pancakes I had to get buttermilk Are you sure you're OK 1193 01:51:07,880 --> 01:51:15,210 沒事 沒碰過這麼詭異的一天 先騎上來再慢慢說 Honey, since I left you, this has been without a doubt the single weirdest fucking day of my life Come on, hop on I'll tell you all about it 1194 01:51:15,550 --> 01:51:17,650 我們走吧 Come on, get on Gotta go 1195 01:51:18,190 --> 01:51:19,950 這是誰的摩托車 Whose motorcycle is this 1196 01:51:20,090 --> 01:51:21,060 這是台哈雷 It's a chopper, baby 1197 01:51:21,190 --> 01:51:22,520 這是誰的哈雷 Whose chopper is this 1198 01:51:22,660 --> 01:51:24,550 - 撒德的 - 撒德是誰 - Zed's - Whose chopper is this? 1199 01:51:24,560 --> 01:51:28,020 撒德完了 他死定了 Zed's dead, baby Zed's dead 1200 01:51:40,250 --> 01:51:43,220 (邦妮的狀況) 1201 01:51:43,690 --> 01:51:47,180 你想耍他 布萊特 Yes, you did, Brett! You tried to fuck him 1202 01:51:47,530 --> 01:51:52,190 馬沙不喜歡被人當猴子耍 And Marsellus Wallace don't like to be fucked By anybody except Mrs Wallace 1203 01:51:52,200 --> 01:51:53,190 我不想死 Oh, God, please I don't want to die 1204 01:51:53,500 --> 01:51:55,760 - 你讀過聖經嗎 - 讀過 - You read the Bible, Brett? - Yes 1205 01:51:55,900 --> 01:51:59,960 有段經文現在讀 應該很恰當 Well, there's this passage I got memorized It sort of fits the occasion 1206 01:52:00,100 --> 01:52:03,540 「以西結書」二十五章十七節 Ezekiel 25:17 1207 01:52:03,670 --> 01:52:12,980 正義之路被暴虐之惡人包圍 The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men 1208 01:52:13,120 --> 01:52:17,980 以慈悲與善意為名引導弱者 Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will 1209 01:52:18,120 --> 01:52:21,490 通過黑暗之谷的人有福了 shepherds the weak through the Valley of Darkness 1210 01:52:21,620 --> 01:52:26,790 因為他照應同伴 尋回迷途羔羊 for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children 1211 01:52:26,960 --> 01:52:32,920 那些膽敢殘害荼毒我同伴之人 And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger 1212 01:52:33,060 --> 01:52:37,730 我將向他們大施報復 those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers 1213 01:52:37,870 --> 01:52:45,900 到時 他們就知道 我是耶和華 And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee 1214 01:52:53,250 --> 01:52:55,680 媽的 媽的 I'm fucked I'm fucked 1215 01:52:55,820 --> 01:52:58,550 你認識他嗎 Is he a friend of yours 1216 01:52:58,690 --> 01:53:00,880 這是馬文 這是文生 Oh, Vincent, Marvin Marvin, Vincent 1217 01:53:01,020 --> 01:53:03,050 叫他閉嘴 他這樣很煩人 Better tell him to shut the fuck up He's getting on my nerves 1218 01:53:03,190 --> 01:53:08,530 馬文 你最好閉嘴 Marvin Marvin! I'd knock that shit off if I was you 1219 01:53:09,160 --> 01:53:11,890 去死吧 混帳東西 死吧 Die, you motherfuckers! Die! 1220 01:53:40,590 --> 01:53:43,560 你怎麼沒說廁所裏頭有人 Why the fuck didn't you tell us somebody was in the bathroom 1221 01:53:43,720 --> 01:53:48,490 你忘了有人拿槍藏在裏面 You forget someone was in there with a goddamn hand-cannon 1222 01:53:48,630 --> 01:53:52,030 看到嗎 那把槍比他人還大 You see the size of that gun he fired at us? It was bigger than him 1223 01:53:57,770 --> 01:54:00,170 我們早該被射死了 We should be fucking dead, man 1224 01:54:00,540 --> 01:54:02,060 我知道 我們很走運 I know We was lucky 1225 01:54:02,240 --> 01:54:05,000 我們不是走運 No, no, no, no That shit wasn't luck 1226 01:54:05,140 --> 01:54:07,500 是嗎 Yeah, maybe 1227 01:54:07,510 --> 01:54:11,710 這是神跡 知道神跡是什麼嗎 This was divine intervention You know what divine intervention is 1228 01:54:18,450 --> 01:54:19,750 知道 I think so 1229 01:54:19,920 --> 01:54:22,910 就是神下凡 替我們擋住了子彈 That means that God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets 1230 01:54:23,090 --> 01:54:29,460 沒錯 神替我們擋住子彈 That's right That's exactly what it means God came down from Heaven and stopped these motherfucking bullets 1231 01:54:29,890 --> 01:54:31,660 我們該走了 朱斯 I think it's time for us to leave, Jules 1232 01:54:31,800 --> 01:54:34,200 別不把它當回事 Don't do that Don't fucking blow this shit off 1233 01:54:34,530 --> 01:54:36,520 這是個神跡 What just happened here was a fucking miracle 1234 01:54:36,530 --> 01:54:38,190 別誇張 這種事偶爾會有 Chill, Jules This shit happens 1235 01:54:38,570 --> 01:54:41,590 錯了 這事絕非偶然 Wrong Wrong This shit doesn't just happen 1236 01:54:41,740 --> 01:54:45,100 你要到車上繼續研討神學 Do you want to continue this theological discussion 1237 01:54:45,440 --> 01:54:46,910 還是被條子抓進牢 in a car or in a jailhouse with the cops 1238 01:54:47,040 --> 01:54:49,600 我們應該早被射死 We should be fucking dead, my friend 1239 01:54:49,740 --> 01:54:54,440 我要你承認 這是個神跡 What happened here was a miracle and I want you to fucking acknowledge it 1240 01:54:54,580 --> 01:54:58,540 好吧 這是個神跡 可以走嗎 All right, it was a miracle Can we go now 1241 01:55:05,890 --> 01:55:08,020 走吧 小子 Let's go, nigger Come on 1242 01:55:12,060 --> 01:55:14,690 你看過警察紀實嗎 You ever seen that show Cops 1243 01:55:14,860 --> 01:55:19,600 有個警察說他和歹徒槍戰 I was watching it one time, and there was this cop on and he was talking about this gunfight he had in a hallway with this guy, right? 1244 01:55:19,730 --> 01:55:23,670 他向這傢伙猛開火 卻打不到人 And he just unloaded on this guy and nothing happened He didn't hit nothing 1245 01:55:23,810 --> 01:55:27,610 他說他瞄得很準 OK? It was just him and this guy 1246 01:55:27,740 --> 01:55:30,010 不可思議 但就有這種事 I mean, you know it's freaky, but it happens 1247 01:55:30,140 --> 01:55:34,840 別睜著眼說瞎話 我想清楚了 You want to play blind man, go walk with the shepherd but me, my eyes are wide fucking open 1248 01:55:35,010 --> 01:55:36,680 你想怎樣 What the fuck does that mean 1249 01:55:36,820 --> 01:55:40,440 不幹了 現在起 我洗手不幹 It means that's it for me From here on in, you can consider my ass retired 1250 01:55:40,590 --> 01:55:42,480 - 老天爺 - 別褻瀆神明 - Jesus Christ - Don't blaspheme 1251 01:55:42,490 --> 01:55:43,920 - 去他的神 - 別這樣 - God damn it - I said don't do that 1252 01:55:44,060 --> 01:55:46,050 你幹嘛突然變白癡 Why are you fucking freaking out on us 1253 01:55:46,190 --> 01:55:48,850 我馬上告訴馬沙我不幹了 Look, I'm telling Marsellus today I'm through 1254 01:55:48,990 --> 01:55:50,890 你最好也順便告訴他理由 Why don't you tell him at the same time why 1255 01:55:51,060 --> 01:55:51,960 別擔心 我會的 Don't worry I will 1256 01:55:52,130 --> 01:55:54,590 我打賭他會笑破肚皮 Yeah, and I'll bet you $ 10,000 he laughs his ass off 1257 01:55:54,600 --> 01:55:56,500 我才不在乎 I don't give a damn if he does 1258 01:55:57,130 --> 01:56:00,120 馬文 你有何意見 Marvin, what do you make of all this 1259 01:56:00,470 --> 01:56:01,940 我什麼意思都沒有 Man, I don't even have an opinion 1260 01:56:02,070 --> 01:56:06,440 少來 你認為是神下凡擋住… You got to have an opinion Do you think that God came down from Heaven and stopped 1261 01:56:07,370 --> 01:56:10,100 你在搞什麼鬼 他媽的 What the fuck's happening? Oh, shit, man! 1262 01:56:10,480 --> 01:56:11,740 天啊 我把馬文的臉轟掉了 Oh, man, I shot Marvin in the face 1263 01:56:11,910 --> 01:56:13,140 你幹嘛殺他 Why the fuck did you do that 1264 01:56:13,510 --> 01:56:14,910 我不是故意的 純粹是意外 Well, I didn't mean to do it It was an accident 1265 01:56:15,050 --> 01:56:17,570 什麼屁事我都見過 可是這… Oh, man, I've seen some crazy-ass shit in my time 1266 01:56:17,580 --> 01:56:21,040 我不是故意的 車子大概不穩 Chill out, man I told you it was an accident You probably You went over a bump or something 1267 01:56:21,390 --> 01:56:22,550 車子穩得很 Hey, the car didn't hit no motherfucking bump 1268 01:56:22,690 --> 01:56:26,710 我不是故意射他的 槍突然走火了 Hey, look, man, I didn't mean to shoot the son of a bitch The gun went off I don't know why 1269 01:56:26,860 --> 01:56:29,920 大白天車裏有具屍體 Well, look at this fucking mess, man! We're on a city street in broad daylight 1270 01:56:30,090 --> 01:56:31,990 - 我不敢相信 - 現在就得信 - I can't believe it, man - Well, believe it now, motherfucker 1271 01:56:32,130 --> 01:56:33,490 我們得找地方避避 We got to get this car off the road 1272 01:56:33,630 --> 01:56:36,720 車上血肉模糊 準被條子抄 You know, cops tend to notice shit like you're driving a car drenched in fucking blood 1273 01:56:36,870 --> 01:56:38,660 趕快找地方躲躲 Just take it to a friendly place, that's all 1274 01:56:38,800 --> 01:56:40,990 沒辦法 這裏不是馬沙地盤 This is the Valley, Vincent Marsellus ain't got no friendly places 1275 01:56:41,140 --> 01:56:43,130 這裏也不是我的地盤 Jules, this ain't my fucking town, man! 1276 01:56:43,470 --> 01:56:44,840 媽的 Shit! 1277 01:56:44,970 --> 01:56:47,500 你幹嘛 打電話給我老友 What you doing? I'm calling my partner in Toluca Lake 1278 01:56:47,510 --> 01:56:49,530 他住哪兒 過了山 Where's Toluca Lake? It's just over the hill here, over by Burbank Studios 1279 01:56:49,540 --> 01:56:51,440 在影城附近 It's just over the hill here, over by Burbank Studios 1280 01:56:51,610 --> 01:56:57,540 吉米不在就完了 附近我沒有朋友了 If Jimmie's ass ain't home I don't know what the fuck we going to do, man cause I ain't got no other partners in 818 1281 01:56:57,550 --> 01:56:59,740 吉米 你好嗎 我是朱斯 Jimmie, yo, how you doing, man? It's Jules Just listen up, man 1282 01:56:59,880 --> 01:57:04,980 我和我搭檔在附近有點麻煩 Me and my homeboy are in some serious fucking shit, man We're in a car, and we got to get off the road pronto 1283 01:57:05,120 --> 01:57:07,450 想借用你車庫一會兒 I need to use your garage for a couple hours 1284 01:57:08,860 --> 01:57:14,520 我們得小心點 他隨時都會趕我們走 We got to be real fucking delicate with this Jimmie situation He's one remark away from kicking our asses out the door 1285 01:57:14,530 --> 01:57:16,020 那該怎麼辦 If he does, what do we do 1286 01:57:16,160 --> 01:57:19,600 我們先打電話 希望不會這樣 We ain't leaving till we made a couple calls but I don't want it to reach that pitch 1287 01:57:19,730 --> 01:57:23,560 他是我朋友 不能呼來喚去 Jimmie's a friend You don't come into your friend's house and start telling him what's what 1288 01:57:23,570 --> 01:57:26,090 叫他別太過分就好了 Just tell him not to be abusive, that's all 1289 01:57:28,470 --> 01:57:29,540 他看到馬文差點要抓狂 He kind of freaked out back there when he saw Marvin 1290 01:57:28,550 --> 01:57:33,480 一大早看見死人 不抓狂才怪 Well, put yourself in his position It's 8:00 in the morning He just woke up He wasn't expecting this shit 1291 01:57:33,610 --> 01:57:36,170 別忘了是他在幫我們忙 Shit, we got to remember here who's doing who a favor 1292 01:57:36,510 --> 01:57:40,780 幫個忙就這麼屌 我才不甩 If that favor means that I got to take shit then he can stick that favor straight up his ass 1293 01:57:40,920 --> 01:57:43,580 媽的 毛巾 怎麼這麼髒 Nigger, what the fuck did you just do to his towel 1294 01:57:43,590 --> 01:57:44,680 我只有擦手而已 I was drying my hands 1295 01:57:44,850 --> 01:57:46,010 你得先洗了手再擦 You're supposed to wash them first 1296 01:57:46,190 --> 01:57:47,160 我有洗呀 You watched me wash them 1297 01:57:47,520 --> 01:57:48,720 你只沾了點水 I watched you get them wet 1298 01:57:48,860 --> 01:57:51,220 我洗了 這玩意很難洗乾淨 I was washing them This shit's hard to get off 1299 01:57:51,560 --> 01:57:53,190 有輕石肥皂就好了 Maybe if he had Lava, I could've done a better job 1300 01:57:53,530 --> 01:57:57,690 我也用肥皂 毛巾怎麼髒得像衛生棉 I used the same fucking soap you did and the towel didn't look like no goddamn maxipad 1301 01:57:57,830 --> 01:58:00,460 要是被他看見怎麼辦 What if he was to come in here and see his towel like this 1302 01:58:00,600 --> 01:58:04,590 這樣會把事情搞砸 It's shit like this that'll bring this situation to a head, man 1303 01:58:07,510 --> 01:58:11,070 我沒逼你 你知道 我很尊重你 I ain't threatening you with nothing, all right? You know I respect you and all 1304 01:58:11,410 --> 01:58:13,600 可是別讓我難做人 好嗎 but just don't put me in this position, all right 1305 01:58:13,740 --> 01:58:19,510 你這樣好好地說就沒事 All right Fine Fine Ask me nice like that, no problem 1306 01:58:19,520 --> 01:58:22,450 無所謂 把你朋友搞定就好 Just go handle your friend Go ahead I don't care 1307 01:58:25,890 --> 01:58:29,510 吉米 這咖啡真是人間至味 Mmm Goddamn, Jimmie This is some serious gourmet shit 1308 01:58:29,520 --> 01:58:34,480 我們以為有即溶咖啡 就很好了 Me and Vincent would've been satisfied with some freeze-dried Taster's Choice, right 1309 01:58:34,490 --> 01:58:38,760 沒想到你會煮這種高級貨 Heh! And he springs this serious gourmet shit on us 1310 01:58:38,930 --> 01:58:40,560 少來這套 朱斯 What flavor is this? Knock it off, Julie 1311 01:58:40,570 --> 01:58:41,620 怎麼 What 1312 01:58:41,800 --> 01:58:44,590 不必說我的咖啡有多好 I don't need you to tell me how fucking good my coffee is 1313 01:58:44,600 --> 01:58:46,800 我買的我自己知道 I'm the one who buys it I know how good it is 1314 01:58:46,940 --> 01:58:49,430 邦妮買的全是爛貨 When Bonnie goes shopping, she buys shit 1315 01:58:49,570 --> 01:58:52,630 我買高級咖啡 就是想嘗美味 I buy the gourmet expensive stuff because when I drink it, I want to taste it 1316 01:58:52,780 --> 01:58:56,710 可是現在我沒心情喝咖啡 But you know what's on my mind right now? It ain't the coffee in my kitchen 1317 01:58:56,850 --> 01:58:59,080 因為車庫裏有個死老黑 It's the dead nigger in my garage 1318 01:58:59,450 --> 01:59:00,570 吉米 別擔心 Oh, Jimmie, don't even worry about it 1319 01:59:00,720 --> 01:59:04,610 少來 我只想問你 I don't think about anything I want to ask you a question 1320 01:59:04,620 --> 01:59:07,710 你看到門口寫著「死老黑倉庫」嗎 When you came pulling in here did you notice a sign out in the front of my house that said Dead Nigger Storage 1321 01:59:07,860 --> 01:59:09,020 你知道我沒有 Jimmie, you know I didn't see no shit 1322 01:59:09,160 --> 01:59:13,920 你看到門口寫著「死老黑倉庫」嗎 Did you notice a sign in the front of my house that said Dead Nigger Storage 1323 01:59:14,060 --> 01:59:16,390 沒有 No I didn't 1324 01:59:16,560 --> 01:59:18,930 知道為什麼嗎 為什麼 You know why you didn't see that sign? Why 1325 01:59:19,100 --> 01:59:23,500 因為沒寫 因為這不關我事 Cause it ain't there cause storing dead niggers ain't my fucking business! 1326 01:59:23,510 --> 01:59:24,700 吉米 我們不打算… Jimmie, we're not going to store the motherfucker 1327 01:59:24,840 --> 01:59:29,640 不 要是邦妮回家看到死人 Don't you fucking realize, man, that if Bonnie comes home 1328 01:59:29,770 --> 01:59:31,460 她會跟我離婚 and finds a body in her house, I'm going to get divorced 1329 01:59:31,470 --> 01:59:34,770 不用輔導 不必先分居 就能離婚 No marriage counselor, no trial separation I'm going to get fucking divorced, OK 1330 01:59:34,940 --> 01:59:37,970 我不想離婚 And I don't want to get fucking divorced 1331 01:59:38,150 --> 01:59:42,980 我想幫忙 但我不想丟掉老婆 Now, man, you know, fuck, I want to help you but I don't want to lose my wife doing it, all right 1332 01:59:43,120 --> 01:59:44,710 吉米 不會的 Jimmie, she ain't going to leave you 1333 01:59:44,850 --> 01:59:47,840 別叫得那麼親熱 Don't fucking Jimmie me, Jules! OK? Don't fucking Jimmie me 1334 01:59:47,990 --> 01:59:53,650 少來這套 你說什麼 我都愛我老婆 There's nothing you're gonna say that's gonna make me forget that I love my wife, is there 1335 01:59:56,130 --> 02:00:01,090 她一個半小時後就會回家 Look, you know she comes home from work in about an hour and a half 1336 02:00:01,430 --> 02:00:05,660 她在醫院上夜班 你要打電話 Graveyard shift at the hospital You got to make some phone calls 1337 02:00:05,800 --> 02:00:11,460 通知你同黨 在她回家前搞定 You got to call some people? Well, then do it, and get the fuck out of my house before she gets here 1338 02:00:11,470 --> 02:00:14,470 沒問題 我不會害你 That's Kool and the Gang We don't want to fuck your shit up 1339 02:00:14,480 --> 02:00:17,500 我只想叫人來替我們解圍 I want to call my people, get them to bring us in 1340 02:00:17,510 --> 02:00:20,410 你不會害我 你已經害慘我了 You're fucking my shit up right now! 1341 02:00:20,550 --> 02:00:23,070 要是邦妮回家 我就完了 You'll fuck my shit up big time if Bonnie comes home 1342 02:00:23,420 --> 02:00:27,110 幫個忙 電話在裏頭 快點打 So just do me that favor, all right? The phone is in my bedroom I suggest you get going 1343 02:00:27,450 --> 02:00:32,150 要是她回家會怎樣 Well, say she comes home What do you think she'll do 1344 02:00:34,160 --> 02:00:38,690 廢話 她一定會抓狂 Oh, no fucking shit, she'll freak That ain't no kind of answer 1345 02:00:38,830 --> 02:00:42,030 她會有點抓狂 還是很抓狂 I mean, you know, I don't How much? A lot or a little 1346 02:00:42,570 --> 02:00:47,440 你得瞭解邦妮的狀況 一觸即發 You got to appreciate what an explosive element this Bonnie situation is 1347 02:00:47,570 --> 02:00:49,400 她忙了整晚 I mean, if she comes home from a hard day's work 1348 02:00:49,570 --> 02:00:52,540 回家發現一堆流氓 在家胡搞 and finds a bunch of gangsters in her kitchen doing a bunch of gangster shit 1349 02:00:52,710 --> 02:00:56,610 她什麼事都幹得出來 there ain't no telling what she's liable to do 1350 02:00:58,580 --> 02:01:02,910 我瞭解 我在設想所有可能性 Yeah, I've grasped that, Jules All I'm doing is contemplating the ifs 1351 02:01:03,050 --> 02:01:05,110 你別設想什麼狗屁可能性 I don't want to hear about no motherfucking ifs 1352 02:01:05,450 --> 02:01:09,480 你只要說別擔心 我會搞定 All I want to hear from your ass is You ain't got no problem I'm on the motherfucker 1353 02:01:09,490 --> 02:01:14,450 回去穩住他 幫手馬上就到 Go back in there, chill them niggers out and wait for the cavalry, which will be coming directly 1354 02:01:14,460 --> 02:01:19,520 別擔心 我會搞定 You ain't got no problem, Jules I'm on the motherfucker 1355 02:01:19,660 --> 02:01:24,830 回去穩住他 沃夫馬上就到 Go back in there and chill them niggers out and wait for The Wolf, who should be coming directly 1356 02:01:25,870 --> 02:01:27,600 你會派沃夫來 You're sending The Wolf 1357 02:01:27,770 --> 02:01:29,830 放心吧 混帳東西 Oh, you feel better, motherfucker 1358 02:01:30,010 --> 02:01:34,000 你早說不就沒事了 Shit, negro, that's all you had to say 1359 02:01:35,410 --> 02:01:39,640 她會窮緊張嗎 她幾點回家 Is she the hysterical type? When is she due 1360 02:01:43,750 --> 02:01:46,550 有哪些人 Give me the principals' names again 1361 02:01:48,590 --> 02:01:54,720 朱斯 文生 Jules Mm-hmm Vincent 1362 02:01:59,460 --> 02:02:04,730 吉米 邦妮 好的 Jimmie Bonnie Mm-hmm 1363 02:02:04,900 --> 02:02:09,100 (一具無頭屍體) 1364 02:02:09,500 --> 02:02:12,340 三十分鐘車程 我十分鐘就到 It's thirty minutes away I'll be there in ten 1365 02:02:14,180 --> 02:02:16,640 (九分二十七秒後) 1366 02:02:29,720 --> 02:02:32,420 你是吉米嗎 這是你家 You're Jimmie, right? This is your house 1367 02:02:32,560 --> 02:02:33,550 沒錯 Sure is 1368 02:02:33,690 --> 02:02:36,480 我是沃夫 我專門解決問題 I'm Winston Wolf I solve problems 1369 02:02:36,490 --> 02:02:37,390 我們問題大了 Good We got one 1370 02:02:37,530 --> 02:02:38,860 我聽說了 我能進來嗎 So I heard May I come in 1371 02:02:39,000 --> 02:02:40,690 請進 Yeah, please do 1372 02:02:41,460 --> 02:02:44,900 你一定是朱斯 你是文生 You must be Jules which would make you Vincent 1373 02:02:45,470 --> 02:02:49,800 我們最好速戰速決 時間不多 Let's get down to brass tacks, gentlemen If I was informed correctly the clock is ticking, is that right, Jimmie 1374 02:02:49,940 --> 02:02:51,530 一點也沒錯 100% 1375 02:02:51,540 --> 02:02:55,410 尊夫人邦妮 九點半到家對嗎 Your wife Bonnie comes home at 9:30 in the a m , is that correct 1376 02:02:55,540 --> 02:02:56,500 對 Uh-huh 1377 02:02:56,510 --> 02:03:00,910 她回家看到我們 肯定會很氣 I was led to believe if she comes home and finds us here she wouldn't appreciate it none too much 1378 02:03:01,080 --> 02:03:02,440 她會很不爽 She wouldn't at that 1379 02:03:02,450 --> 02:03:05,580 我們只剩四十分鐘辦事 That gives us forty minutes to get the fuck out of Dodge 1380 02:03:05,720 --> 02:03:08,550 照我吩咐 綽綽有餘 which, if you do what I say when I say it, should be plenty 1381 02:03:08,690 --> 02:03:13,450 車上有具無頭屍體 帶我去看看 Now, you got a corpse in a car minus a head in a garage Take me to it 1382 02:03:21,460 --> 02:03:23,420 吉米 Jimmie 1383 02:03:23,430 --> 02:03:27,840 我聞到咖啡香 倒杯給我好嗎 I thought I smelled some coffee back there Would you make me a cup 1384 02:03:29,340 --> 02:03:31,430 沒問題 Yeah, sure 1385 02:03:32,070 --> 02:03:34,400 你要加什麼 Oh, how do you take it 1386 02:03:34,540 --> 02:03:37,410 奶精和糖 多加點 Lots of cream, lots of sugar 1387 02:03:39,880 --> 02:03:45,340 這輛車會拋錨 會冒煙嗎 有雜音嗎 有油嗎 About the car is there anything I need to know? Does it stall, smoke, make a lot of noise? Is there gas in it? Anything 1388 02:03:45,480 --> 02:03:48,040 這車很破 可是性能很好 Aside from how it looks, the car is cool 1389 02:03:48,390 --> 02:03:51,790 確定 別開出去發現 沒煞車燈 Positive? Don't get me out there on the road I find out the brake lights don't work 1390 02:03:51,920 --> 02:03:55,360 據我所知 這玩意狀況絕佳 Man, far as I know, the motherfucker's tiptop 1391 02:03:55,520 --> 02:03:59,430 好吧 我們先回廚房 Good enough Let's go back to the kitchen 1392 02:04:04,730 --> 02:04:05,720 咖啡 沃先生 Here you go, Mr. Wolf 1393 02:04:05,870 --> 02:04:07,890 謝謝你 吉米 Thank you, Jimmie 1394 02:04:15,470 --> 02:04:19,880 首先 你們把屍體塞進行李廂 OK, first thing you two, take the body, stick it in the trunk 1395 02:04:20,010 --> 02:04:26,370 這房子這麼乾淨 一定有清潔劑 Now, Jimmie, this looks to be a pretty domesticated house That would lead me to believe that in the garage or under the sink, you got a bunch of cleaners and shit 1396 02:04:26,380 --> 02:04:28,350 有 在洗臉槽底下 Yeah, Mr Wolf Under the sink 1397 02:04:28,490 --> 02:04:32,050 我要你們用清潔劑 洗車子內部 Good What I need you two fellas to do is take those cleaning products and clean the inside of the car 1398 02:04:32,390 --> 02:04:34,380 動作要快 快 快 I'm talking fast, fast, fast 1399 02:04:34,390 --> 02:04:39,990 把後座的腦漿頭骨 都清乾淨 Go in the back seat scoop up all those little pieces of brain and skull 1400 02:04:40,330 --> 02:04:43,420 然後擦一擦椅套 不必太仔細 Get it out of there Wipe down the upholstery Now, it don't need to be spick-and-span 1401 02:04:43,560 --> 02:04:46,460 椅套不是餐桌 不必太講究 You don't need to eat off it Just give it a good once over 1402 02:04:46,600 --> 02:04:49,430 要注意特別麻煩的地方 What you need to take care of are the really messy parts 1403 02:04:49,570 --> 02:04:52,900 一灘灘的血一定要吸乾淨 The pools of blood that have collected you got to soak that shit up 1404 02:04:53,070 --> 02:04:59,500 吉米 搬出所有棉被 床單 床套 Now, Jimmie, we need to raid your linen closet I need blankets I need comforters I need quilts I need bedspreads 1405 02:04:59,510 --> 02:05:02,640 越厚越黑越好 白的不行 The thicker the better, the darker the better No whites Can't use 'em 1406 02:05:02,780 --> 02:05:05,040 我們得掩飾車子內部 We need to camouflage the interior of the car 1407 02:05:05,380 --> 02:05:09,610 用棉被毯子蓋住椅座地板 We're going to line the front seat and back seat and the floorboards with quilts and blankets 1408 02:05:09,790 --> 02:05:14,020 要是被警察攔下檢查會穿幫 So if a cop stops us and sticks his big snout in the car the subterfuge won't last 1409 02:05:14,460 --> 02:05:17,120 可是乍看之下並不可疑 but at a glance, the car will appear to be normal 1410 02:05:17,460 --> 02:05:19,890 吉米 你帶路 開始動手 Jimmie, lead the way Boys, get to work 1411 02:05:20,030 --> 02:05:22,400 說聲「拜託」 Please would be nice 1412 02:05:22,760 --> 02:05:23,690 你說什麼 Come again 1413 02:05:23,830 --> 02:05:27,420 我說你應該說「拜託」 I said a please would be nice 1414 02:05:27,430 --> 02:05:29,490 小子 我不是來說拜託 Get it straight, buster I'm not here to say please 1415 02:05:29,670 --> 02:05:32,540 我是來救你們的 I'm here to tell you what to do 1416 02:05:32,720 --> 02:05:38,100 你想脫身 最好快點動手 And if self-preservation is an instinct you possess you better fucking do it and do it quick 1417 02:05:38,400 --> 02:05:42,450 要是不想我幫忙就請自保 I'm here to help If my help is not appreciated, lots of luck, gentlemen 1418 02:05:42,460 --> 02:05:45,780 沃先生 很感激你大力相助 No, Mr Wolf, it ain't like that Your help is definitely appreciated 1419 02:05:45,920 --> 02:05:49,320 我很尊重你 I don't mean disrespect, OK? I respect you 1420 02:05:49,490 --> 02:05:52,320 我只是不想被人當小弟使喚 I don't like people barking orders at me, that's all 1421 02:05:52,450 --> 02:05:56,480 因為時間緊迫 我才有點沖 If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor 1422 02:05:56,620 --> 02:05:59,620 你們得趕快才能脫身 I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you want out of this 1423 02:05:59,760 --> 02:06:03,360 所以拜託 快去洗車 so pretty please with sugar on top clean the fucking car 1424 02:06:07,500 --> 02:06:10,990 別瞄我 我知道你在怪我 Don't be looking at me like that, all right? I can feel your look 1425 02:06:14,040 --> 02:06:19,500 1974年的雪佛蘭 綠色 It's a 1974 Chevy Nova Green 1426 02:06:22,280 --> 02:06:24,970 除了車裏一團糟 沒別的 Nothing except for the mess inside 1427 02:06:27,950 --> 02:06:33,050 二十分鐘到 屍體沒問題 Mmm, about twenty minutes Nobody who'll be missed 1428 02:06:35,520 --> 02:06:38,460 你是好人 喬 多謝 You're a good man, Joe Thanks a bunch 1429 02:06:39,590 --> 02:06:40,650 怎麼樣 吉米 How we coming, Jimmie 1430 02:06:40,790 --> 02:06:43,730 不錯 都找出來了 不過… Pretty good I got it all here but, uh 1431 02:06:44,660 --> 02:06:45,960 沃先生 你得瞭解… Mr Wolf, you got to understand something 1432 02:06:46,300 --> 02:06:48,060 叫我溫士頓 吉米 Winston, Jimmie, please Winston 1433 02:06:48,400 --> 02:06:52,360 好 你得瞭解 You got to understand something now, Winston 1434 02:06:52,500 --> 02:06:54,400 不用 謝了 Uh, no, thank you 1435 02:06:54,540 --> 02:06:57,410 這些是我最好的被子… This is our best linen here 1436 02:06:57,540 --> 02:07:02,340 是康舅和金姨送的結婚禮物 and it was a wedding present from my Uncle Conrad and my Aunt Ginny 1437 02:07:02,510 --> 02:07:04,400 他們不在了 我很想幫忙 and they're not with us anymore I really want to help you guys out 1438 02:07:04,410 --> 02:07:07,940 不介意我問個問題吧 Let me ask you a question, Jimmie if you don't mind 1439 02:07:08,080 --> 02:07:10,480 不 請直說 No, please, go ahead 1440 02:07:11,690 --> 02:07:17,410 康舅和金姨是百萬富翁嗎 Your Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny were they millionaires 1441 02:07:17,420 --> 02:07:19,050 不是 No 1442 02:07:19,390 --> 02:07:23,620 你馬沙叔叔是 Well, your Uncle Marsellus is 1443 02:07:23,760 --> 02:07:25,790 要是康舅和… and I'm positive if Uncle Conrad and Aunt 1444 02:07:25,930 --> 02:07:27,450 金姨 Ginny 1445 02:07:27,600 --> 02:07:32,470 在的話 他們還會送你寢具 Ginny were here they would furnish you with a whole bedroom set 1446 02:07:32,600 --> 02:07:35,500 馬沙叔會很樂意提供 which your Uncle Marsellus is more than happy to do 1447 02:07:39,810 --> 02:07:44,510 我喜歡橡木傢俱 我有一套 I like oak myself That's what I have in my bedroom 1448 02:07:44,650 --> 02:07:49,580 你呢 你喜歡橡木嗎 How about you, Jimmie? You an oak man 1449 02:07:50,380 --> 02:07:52,580 橡木不錯 Oak's nice 1450 02:07:58,920 --> 02:08:04,690 弄得這麼噁心 我絕不饒你 I will never forgive your ass for this shit This is some fucked-up repugnant shit 1451 02:08:04,830 --> 02:08:11,390 有句成語聽過嗎 知錯能改 善莫大焉 Jules, did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits that he is wrong that he is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings 1452 02:08:11,530 --> 02:08:17,960 別來這套 說這話的人 不用在這兒挑死人骨頭 Get the fuck out my face with that shit The motherfucker said that shit never had to pick up itty-bitty pieces of skull on account of your dumb ass 1453 02:08:18,340 --> 02:08:21,510 你再罵下去 我就要翻臉 I got a threshold, Jules I got a threshold for the abuse that I will take 1454 02:08:21,520 --> 02:08:29,380 我已經忍無可忍 快發作了 讓我忍無可忍很危險 Right now, I'm a fucking race car, all right? And you got me in the red I'm just saying that it's fucking dangerous to have a race car in the fucking red, that's all 1455 02:08:29,520 --> 02:08:31,380 - 我會翻臉的 - 你會翻臉 - I could blow - Oh, you ready to blow 1456 02:08:31,520 --> 02:08:32,580 沒錯 我會翻臉 Yeah, I'm ready to blow 1457 02:08:32,720 --> 02:08:35,440 那我就他媽的快抓狂了 I'm a mushroom cloud-laying motherfucker, motherfucker 1458 02:08:35,450 --> 02:08:40,520 再碰到腦漿 我就要大開殺戒 Every time my fingers touch brain, I'm Superfly TNT I'm The Guns of the Navarone 1459 02:08:40,660 --> 02:08:42,820 我在後面幹嘛 In fact, what the fuck am I doing in the back 1460 02:08:42,960 --> 02:08:45,530 你才應該負責洗腦漿 You the motherfucker who should be on brain detail 1461 02:08:45,540 --> 02:08:49,490 換位 我洗窗 你洗馬文的腦漿 We fucking switching I'm washing the windows and you picking up this nigger's skull 1462 02:08:59,440 --> 02:09:03,840 幹得好 應該可以脫身 Fine job, gentlemen We may get out of this yet 1463 02:09:04,410 --> 02:09:06,570 不敢相信是同一部車 I can't believe this is the same car 1464 02:09:07,410 --> 02:09:10,440 別急著開慶功宴 Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet 1465 02:09:10,580 --> 02:09:14,850 車子洗乾淨 就輪到你們兩個 Phase one is complete clean the car which moves us right along to phase two clean you two 1466 02:09:18,460 --> 02:09:19,820 給我脫 Strip 1467 02:09:20,320 --> 02:09:21,310 全部脫光 All the way 1468 02:09:21,460 --> 02:09:22,980 脫光光 To your bare ass 1469 02:09:23,790 --> 02:09:25,560 兩位快點 Quickly, gentlemen 1470 02:09:25,700 --> 02:09:29,530 吉米的賢妻再十五分鐘 就回來了 We got about fifteen minutes before Jimmie's better half pulls into the driveway 1471 02:09:29,930 --> 02:09:32,060 媽的 早上真是冷 Damn This morning air is some chilly shit 1472 02:09:32,500 --> 02:09:34,370 一定得這樣嗎 Are you sure this is absolutely necessary 1473 02:09:34,500 --> 02:09:36,560 - 知道你們像什麼 - 像什麼 - You know what you two look like? - What 1474 02:09:36,700 --> 02:09:40,360 好像剛轟掉幾百個腦袋 Like a couple of guys who just blew off somebody's head 1475 02:09:40,370 --> 02:09:43,810 絕對要把血衣換掉 Stripping off those bloody rags is absolutely necessary 1476 02:09:48,380 --> 02:09:49,780 丟進垃圾袋裏 Toss them in Jim's garbage bag 1477 02:09:49,950 --> 02:09:54,820 別笨到把這些留給垃圾車來收 Don't do nothing stupid like leaving this shit out front for Otto the Garbageman you know what I'm saying 1478 02:09:54,950 --> 02:09:58,620 我們會一起帶走 吉米 肥皂 Don't worry We're taking it with us Jim, the soap 1479 02:10:01,030 --> 02:10:01,960 文生 Vincent 1480 02:10:02,430 --> 02:10:06,330 二位 你們一定蹲過牢 來了 OK, gentlemen you've both been to County before I'm sure Here it comes 1481 02:10:06,830 --> 02:10:08,800 媽的 水凍斃了 Goddamn! The water's fucking cold 1482 02:10:09,000 --> 02:10:10,620 比讓我受凍好 Better you than me, gentlemen 1483 02:10:13,000 --> 02:10:15,300 肥皂要盡量塗多點 Don't be afraid of the soap Spread it around 1484 02:10:15,440 --> 02:10:16,770 上面塗多點 文生的頭髮很髒 Get him up there a little bit 1485 02:10:16,900 --> 02:10:20,310 我的頭髮快衝點水 Vincent's hair Come on, do it, God damn it! Do it! 1486 02:10:22,640 --> 02:10:24,700 毛巾 Towel 'em 1487 02:10:35,350 --> 02:10:38,010 干了就把衣服給他們 They're dry enough Toss them their clothes 1488 02:10:40,420 --> 02:10:44,720 太好了 訂做的都沒這麼合身 Perfect We couldn't have planned this better 1489 02:10:45,330 --> 02:10:49,700 你們像… 他們像什麼 You guys look like What do they look like, Jimmie 1490 02:10:49,830 --> 02:10:53,530 呆瓜 他們像一對大呆瓜 Dorks They look like a couple of dorks 1491 02:10:55,400 --> 02:10:56,700 那可是你的衣服 Ha ha ha They're your clothes, motherfucker 1492 02:10:56,840 --> 02:11:01,470 快點 再開玩笑 就脫不了身 Come on, gentlemen We're laughing our way right into prison Don't make me beg 1493 02:11:04,780 --> 02:11:08,010 各位 路上的規矩聽好 OK, gentlemen, let's get our rules of the road straight 1494 02:11:08,350 --> 02:11:11,340 我們要去喬老大拖車行 We're going to a place called Monster Joe's Truck and Tow 1495 02:11:11,350 --> 02:11:15,280 喬老大父女很同情我們的處境 Now, Monster Joe and his daughter Raquel are sympathetic to our dilemma 1496 02:11:15,290 --> 02:11:20,690 轉幾個彎 我們會上好萊塢大道 The place is North Hollywood so a few twists and turns aside, we'll be going up Hollywood Way 1497 02:11:20,820 --> 02:11:25,420 我來開車 朱斯跟我坐 Now, I'll drive the tainted car Jules, you ride with me 1498 02:11:25,590 --> 02:11:28,360 文生 你開我的謳歌跟著 Vincent, you follow in my Acura 1499 02:11:28,500 --> 02:11:34,420 碰上條子由我來處理 別輕舉妄動 Now, if we come across the path of any John Q Laws nobody does a fucking thing till I do something 1500 02:11:34,430 --> 02:11:35,830 我說什麼 What did I say 1501 02:11:35,970 --> 02:11:38,560 - 別輕舉妄動 - 然後呢 - Don't do shit unles - Unless what 1502 02:11:38,700 --> 02:11:40,430 由你來處理 Unless you do it first 1503 02:11:40,440 --> 02:11:42,570 你真是天才 Spoken like a true prodigy 1504 02:11:42,740 --> 02:11:46,300 你呢 你不會給我出狀況吧 How about you, Lash LaRue? Can you keep your spurs from jingling and jangling 1505 02:11:46,440 --> 02:11:50,370 沃先生 我保證不會出差錯的 Mr Wolf, look, the gun went off I don't why I'm cool I promise you 1506 02:11:50,380 --> 02:11:53,610 那就好 我開車很快 要跟緊 Fair enough Now, I drive real fucking fast, so keep up 1507 02:11:53,750 --> 02:11:58,920 弄壞我的車 就會多出你的屍體 If I get my car back any different than I gave it Monster Joe's going to be disposing of two bodies 1508 02:12:02,390 --> 02:12:04,420 讓讓 Out of my way, Rex 1509 02:12:06,290 --> 02:12:07,280 沒事了 We cool 1510 02:12:07,430 --> 02:12:09,620 好像什麼也沒發生過 Like it never happened 1511 02:12:09,760 --> 02:12:12,250 各位 這是芮凱兒 Boys, this is Raquel 1512 02:12:12,400 --> 02:12:15,230 有一天她會接管這裏 Someday, all this will be hers 1513 02:12:16,300 --> 02:12:20,530 你們穿這樣 準備去打排球嗎 You guys going to a volleyball game or something 1514 02:12:22,540 --> 02:12:26,640 我帶小姐吃早餐 你們住哪 I'm taking my lady out for breakfast Maybe I could drop you two off Where do you live 1515 02:12:26,780 --> 02:12:28,440 洛丹度 Redondo 1516 02:12:29,580 --> 02:12:36,250 你們問題的答案是 計程車 It's it's your future L I see a a cab ride Move out of the sticks, fellas 1517 02:12:36,690 --> 02:12:37,550 說晚安 芮凱兒 Say good night, Raquel 1518 02:12:37,720 --> 02:12:38,880 晚安 芮凱兒 Good night, Raquel 1519 02:12:39,250 --> 02:12:42,450 再見了 別惹麻煩 小子們 I'll see you guys around Stay out of trouble, you crazy kids 1520 02:12:42,460 --> 02:12:46,450 沃先生 你的功力真令人佩服 Mr Wolf, I just want to tell you it was a real pleasure watching you work 1521 02:12:46,460 --> 02:12:49,020 沒錯 多謝你 沃先生 Yeah, really, and thank you very much, Mr Wolf 1522 02:12:50,500 --> 02:12:52,490 叫我溫士頓 Call me Winston 1523 02:12:53,730 --> 02:12:58,970 看見嗎 尊敬長者才有禮貌 You see that, young lady? Respect Respect for one's elders shows character 1524 02:12:59,300 --> 02:13:00,930 我很有禮貌 I have character 1525 02:13:01,270 --> 02:13:05,270 你比我年輕 不代表你有禮貌 Because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character 1526 02:13:13,320 --> 02:13:14,870 一起搭車吧 Want to share a cab 1527 02:13:15,250 --> 02:13:18,810 我餓了 要一起吃早餐嗎 I could go for some breakfast Feel like having breakfast with me 1528 02:13:18,950 --> 02:13:21,220 好啊 Cool 1529 02:13:25,430 --> 02:13:28,280 我以為他是歐洲人 I don't know why, I thought he'd be European 1530 02:13:28,290 --> 02:13:30,350 他是歐洲人才怪 Yo, man, he's about as European as English Bob 1531 02:13:30,500 --> 02:13:31,620 我知道了… I know that now, but 1532 02:13:31,760 --> 02:13:33,460 他很厲害吧 Was he cool or what 1533 02:13:33,630 --> 02:13:36,830 帥呆了 完全冷靜 Totally fucking cool, in control 1534 02:13:36,970 --> 02:13:41,460 你惹他 他都沒生氣 真是酷 Didn't even really get pissed when you were fucking with him I was amazed 1535 02:13:42,710 --> 02:13:44,300 來點培根吧 Want some bacon 1536 02:13:44,310 --> 02:13:45,830 我不吃豬肉 No, man I don't eat pork 1537 02:13:48,980 --> 02:13:47,240 你是小猶太嗎 Are you Jewish 1538 02:13:47,380 --> 02:13:49,240 不是 我只是不愛吃豬肉 Naw, I ain't Jewish I just don't dig on swine, that's all 1539 02:13:49,380 --> 02:13:50,850 為什麼 Why not 1540 02:13:51,010 --> 02:13:53,910 豬很齷齪 我不吃這種肉 Pigs are filthy animals I don't eat filthy animals 1541 02:13:54,320 --> 02:13:57,950 可是培根和豬排都很好吃 Yeah, but bacon tastes good Pork chops taste good 1542 02:13:58,290 --> 02:14:02,350 老鼠可能也很好吃 但我絕不吃 Hey, a sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie but I'd never know cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfuckers 1543 02:14:03,690 --> 02:14:07,220 豬拉得全身都是 髒死了 Pigs sleep and root in shit That's a filthy animal 1544 02:14:07,260 --> 02:14:10,290 我不吃喜歡自己排泄物的動物 I ain't eating nothing that ain't got sense enough to disregard its own feces 1545 02:14:10,460 --> 02:14:12,930 那狗呢 狗吃自己的屎 How about a dog? A dog eats his own feces 1546 02:14:13,260 --> 02:14:15,360 我也不吃狗肉 I don't eat dog, either 1547 02:14:15,370 --> 02:14:18,600 可是你覺得狗齷齪嗎 But do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal 1548 02:14:18,740 --> 02:14:22,760 狗很髒沒錯 可是並不齷齪 I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty 1549 02:14:22,910 --> 02:14:26,470 狗有人性 這就夠了 But a dog's got personality Personality goes a long way 1550 02:14:26,610 --> 02:14:32,280 要是豬有人性就不齷齪 Ah, so by that rationale if a pig had a better personality he would cease to be a filthy animal Is that true 1551 02:14:32,410 --> 02:14:35,580 那一定要像人的豬才算 We'd have to be talking about one charming motherfucking pig 1552 02:14:35,720 --> 02:14:39,910 它得比豬八戒還好色 懂嗎 He'd have to be ten times more charming than Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm saying 1553 02:14:45,460 --> 02:14:47,360 妙極了 Oh, man, that's good 1554 02:14:47,530 --> 02:14:50,860 笑死人了 你開始放鬆心情了 That's good, man You're starting to lighten up 1555 02:14:51,000 --> 02:14:53,560 剛才你繃著臉好嚴肅 You been sitting there all serious and shit 1556 02:14:53,700 --> 02:14:55,360 我只是在想事情 Man, I've just been sitting here thinking 1557 02:14:55,500 --> 02:14:56,520 想什麼 About what 1558 02:14:56,670 --> 02:14:58,790 我們目睹的神跡 About the miracle we witnessed 1559 02:14:58,940 --> 02:15:01,500 是你目睹的 我看見怪事 The miracle you witnessed I witnessed a freak occurrence 1560 02:15:01,640 --> 02:15:04,800 神跡是什麼 文生 What is a miracle, Vincent 1561 02:15:04,940 --> 02:15:06,330 神做的事 An act of God 1562 02:15:06,340 --> 02:15:08,810 神做的事是什麼 And what's an act of God 1563 02:15:11,610 --> 02:15:16,350 神把不可能的事變成真 God makes the impossible possible 1564 02:15:16,480 --> 02:15:20,250 不過早上的事不能算 But this morning I don't think qualifies 1565 02:15:20,390 --> 02:15:25,190 這並不重要 你都想錯了 Don't you see? That shit don't matter You're judging this shit the wrong way 1566 02:15:25,360 --> 02:15:30,390 不管是不是神擋住子彈 I mean, it could be God stopped the bullets or he changed Coke to Pepsi, he found my fucking car keys 1567 02:15:30,400 --> 02:15:33,190 我們不能只看結果 You don't judge shit like this based on merit 1568 02:15:33,330 --> 02:15:38,530 這件事是不是神跡 並不重要 Now, whether or not what we experienced was an According to Hoyle miracle is insignificant 1569 02:15:38,670 --> 02:15:45,360 重要的是神感動了我 but what is significant is I felt the touch of God God got involved 1570 02:15:45,370 --> 02:15:47,270 為什麼 But why 1571 02:15:47,410 --> 02:15:51,210 我就是不知道才傷腦筋 Well, that's what's fucking with me I don't know why, but I can't go back to sleep 1572 02:15:51,510 --> 02:15:54,740 你不是真的想放棄吧 You're really thinking about quitting 1573 02:15:54,880 --> 02:15:56,370 - 這種生活 - 對呀 - The life? - Yeah 1574 02:15:56,380 --> 02:15:59,370 一點也沒錯 Most definitely 1575 02:15:59,380 --> 02:16:01,820 那你打算做什麼 What you going to do, then 1576 02:16:01,990 --> 02:16:05,420 我就是在想這個 Well, that's what I've been sitting here contemplating 1577 02:16:06,260 --> 02:16:09,780 我得先把皮箱送回去 First, I'm going to deliver this case to Marsellus 1578 02:16:09,930 --> 02:16:12,920 然後在世上四處遊蕩 Then, basically, I'm just going to walk the earth 1579 02:16:13,260 --> 02:16:14,460 四處遊蕩是什麼意思 What you mean, walk the earth 1580 02:16:14,600 --> 02:16:19,360 像苦行僧一樣尋求真理 You know, like Caine in Kung Fu Walk from place to place, meet people, get in adventures 1581 02:16:19,600 --> 02:16:22,200 你打算遊蕩多久 And how long do you intend to walk the earth 1582 02:16:22,340 --> 02:16:24,170 直到神指示我停歇為止 Till God puts me where he wants me to be 1583 02:16:24,380 --> 02:16:25,530 要是他沒指示呢 And what if he don't do that 1584 02:16:25,670 --> 02:16:28,440 那我就永遠遊蕩下去 If it takes forever, then I'll walk forever 1585 02:16:28,680 --> 02:16:30,580 你打算當個流浪漢 So you decided to be a bum 1586 02:16:30,700 --> 02:16:33,680 我打算當我自己 就這麼簡單 I'll just be Jules, Vincent no more, no less 1587 02:16:33,750 --> 02:16:36,270 不 你打算當流浪漢 No, Jules You decided to be a bum 1588 02:16:36,280 --> 02:16:39,380 像那些蹲在街角討零錢 Just like all those pieces of shit out there 1589 02:16:39,550 --> 02:16:42,350 睡垃圾桶 吃剩飯的人 who beg for change who sleep in garbage bins, eat what I throw away 1590 02:16:42,490 --> 02:16:45,480 這種人就叫做流浪漢 They got a name for that, Jules It's called a bum 1591 02:16:45,620 --> 02:16:51,460 你會變得無家可歸 身無分文 And without a job, a residence, or legal tender that's what you're going to be, man You're going to be a fucking bum 1592 02:16:51,590 --> 02:16:54,320 這我們看法就不同 Look, my friend, this is just where you and I differ 1593 02:16:54,330 --> 02:16:57,300 小弟 咖啡 Garcon! Coffee! 1594 02:16:57,600 --> 02:17:01,630 早上的事的確很古怪 What happened this morning, man, I agree it was peculiar 1595 02:17:01,800 --> 02:17:02,960 但分開紅海才是神跡 Garcon means boy But water into wine I 1596 02:17:03,300 --> 02:17:04,860 神是無所不能的 All shapes and sizes, Vincent 1597 02:17:05,210 --> 02:17:06,570 別跟我說這些 Don't fucking talk to me that way, man 1598 02:17:06,710 --> 02:17:10,640 要是怕就別問些嚇人的問題 If my answers frighten you, Vincent then you should cease asking scary questions 1599 02:17:14,030 --> 02:17:16,380 我要去撇大條 I'm going to take a shit 1600 02:17:20,280 --> 02:17:24,520 你幾時決定的 什麼時候 When did you make this decision? When you were sitting there eating that muffin 1601 02:17:24,650 --> 02:17:30,290 對啊 我坐著喝咖啡想事情 Well, yeah I was sitting here eating my muffin and drinking my coffee and replaying the incident in my head 1602 02:17:30,300 --> 02:17:34,850 就有酒鬼所謂的「片刻清醒」 when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity 1603 02:17:35,380 --> 02:17:37,730 去你的 待會再說 Fuck To be continued 1604 02:17:49,710 --> 02:17:51,230 我愛你 小南瓜 I love you, Pumpkin 1605 02:17:51,380 --> 02:17:53,240 我也愛你 小白兔 And I love you, Honey Bunny 1606 02:17:54,350 --> 02:17:56,280 大家別動 這是搶劫 Everybody be cool! This is a robbery! 1607 02:17:56,450 --> 02:18:02,910 哪個蠢蛋敢動 我就斃了大家 Any of you fucking pricks move and I'll execute every one of you motherfuckers! 1608 02:18:04,320 --> 02:18:08,190 快給我滾過來 You got that? You just be quiet! Get the fuck down! Get the fuck down! 1609 02:18:09,190 --> 02:18:13,390 別躲著 給我滾出來 You, you're in a blind spot Take your dames to that booth on the count of ten 1610 02:18:13,530 --> 02:18:15,790 廚房裏的人出來 Take your dames to that booth on the count of ten Mexicans out of the fucking kitchen! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! 1611 02:18:22,900 --> 02:18:25,200 袋子給我 Hey, you, throw those bags! Fucking wanker! Move! Move! 1612 02:18:31,680 --> 02:18:34,300 老頭兒 蹲下來 Grandpa, down! 1613 02:18:37,450 --> 02:18:43,410 你想惹麻煩嗎 我不想 你想惹麻煩嗎 You're going to give me a problem? No, sir, I'm not I thought you said you're going to give me a fucking problem! You're going to give me a fucking problem 1614 02:18:45,890 --> 02:18:47,450 這裏有人逞英雄 小白兔 I think we got a hero here, Honey Bunny! 1615 02:18:47,590 --> 02:18:50,320 把他斃了 Well, just execute him! 1616 02:18:50,330 --> 02:18:54,630 我沒逞英雄 我只是個經理 I am not a hero I'm just a coffee shop 1617 02:18:54,760 --> 02:18:56,250 餐館是我們的 The restaurant's ours! 1618 02:18:56,400 --> 02:18:58,890 要拿什麼儘管拿 Just take whatever you want 1619 02:18:59,600 --> 02:19:01,300 - 安撫一下客人 - 好 - You talk to the customers - Yeah 1620 02:19:01,310 --> 02:19:05,290 叫他們別輕舉妄動就沒事 懂嗎 You tell them to be fucking cool and everything will be over! You understand me 1621 02:19:05,440 --> 02:19:07,230 懂 Yes 1622 02:19:08,810 --> 02:19:15,510 乖乖合作 很快就沒事了 Listen, everybody Be calm cooperate and this will all be over in a minute 1623 02:19:16,250 --> 02:19:18,210 蹲下來 很好 Get the fuck down! Well done 1624 02:19:29,860 --> 02:19:33,320 聽好 我會來收錢包 All right, now, people I'm going to come around and collect your wallets 1625 02:19:33,460 --> 02:19:38,800 乖乖把錢包丟進袋子 懂嗎 You don't fucking talk You just throw them in the bag Are we clear? I said, are we fucking clear 1626 02:19:39,430 --> 02:19:41,530 很好 錢包拿出來 Good Now wallets out 1627 02:19:44,240 --> 02:19:47,430 放進袋子 袋子裏 That's it Get the fuck down In the bag In the fucking bag! 1628 02:19:47,570 --> 02:19:49,510 我啥都沒有 I don't have nothing on me, man 1629 02:19:52,410 --> 02:19:54,240 你在等啥 袋子裏 What am I waiting for? In the fucking bag 1630 02:19:55,280 --> 02:19:57,540 小費放進來 Laura? Laura, tips In the bag Yeah 1631 02:19:58,380 --> 02:20:01,350 大哥大 丟進來 Is that a cellular phone? Yeah In the fucking bag 1632 02:20:02,990 --> 02:20:06,250 很好 趴下來 放進來… Tidy up, tidy up That's it Now get the fuck down on the floor 1633 02:20:06,390 --> 02:20:09,290 放進來 In the bag 1634 02:20:21,530 --> 02:20:23,560 放進來 In the bag 1635 02:20:38,450 --> 02:20:39,500 皮箱有什麼 What's in the case 1636 02:20:39,650 --> 02:20:41,210 老闆的髒衣服 My boss's dirty laundry 1637 02:20:41,380 --> 02:20:42,280 你老闆叫你洗衣服 Your boss makes you do his laundry 1638 02:20:42,450 --> 02:20:43,420 沒錯 When he wants it clean 1639 02:20:43,580 --> 02:20:44,610 爛差事 Sounds like a shit job 1640 02:20:44,790 --> 02:20:46,510 我正好也這麼想 Funny I was thinking the same thing 1641 02:20:46,650 --> 02:20:48,210 打開 Open it 1642 02:20:48,360 --> 02:20:50,380 恐怕不行 Afraid I can't do that 1643 02:20:51,560 --> 02:20:52,580 我沒聽見 I didn't hear you 1644 02:20:52,730 --> 02:20:54,750 你聽見了 Yes, you did 1645 02:20:54,890 --> 02:20:57,190 怎麼回事 What's going on 1646 02:20:57,330 --> 02:20:59,320 這裏好像有個正義超人 Looks like we got a vigilante in our midst 1647 02:20:59,330 --> 02:21:00,700 把他的腦袋轟掉 Shoot him in the face 1648 02:21:00,830 --> 02:21:04,230 別囂張 我不是沒被槍指住過 I hate to shatter your ego, but this ain't the first time I've had a gun pointed at me 1649 02:21:04,370 --> 02:21:06,700 不交出皮箱 你就甭想活命 You don't take your hand off that case, it'll be your last 1650 02:21:06,840 --> 02:21:10,570 別害我們 東西給他就好了 Stop causing problems! You'll get us all killed! Give 'em what you got and get 'em out of there! 1651 02:21:10,710 --> 02:21:14,300 住嘴 肥佬 這不關你事 Shut the fuck up, fat man! This ain't none of your goddamn business 1652 02:21:15,440 --> 02:21:19,400 別激動 小白兔 沒事 Be cool, Honey Bunny Be cool 1653 02:21:21,320 --> 02:21:24,310 我數到三 Now I'm going to count to three 1654 02:21:24,920 --> 02:21:29,180 不打開皮箱 我就轟掉你腦袋 If you don't open that case I'm going to unload in your fucking face 1655 02:21:33,290 --> 02:21:35,450 懂嗎 We clear 1656 02:21:42,930 --> 02:21:45,330 一 one 1657 02:21:45,470 --> 02:21:48,230 三 你贏了 three OK, Ringo You win 1658 02:21:48,910 --> 02:21:50,630 拿去吧 It's yours 1659 02:21:55,910 --> 02:21:57,880 打開來 Open it 1660 02:22:01,450 --> 02:22:05,410 什麼 是什麼 What is it? What is it 1661 02:22:07,490 --> 02:22:08,820 我沒看錯吧 Is that what I think it is 1662 02:22:09,150 --> 02:22:11,150 沒有 Mm-hmm 1663 02:22:13,690 --> 02:22:14,890 美呆了 It's beautiful 1664 02:22:15,260 --> 02:22:17,390 到底是什麼玩意 God damn it, what is it 1665 02:22:20,230 --> 02:22:23,260 放開他 放開他 You let him go! You let him go! Let go of him! 1666 02:22:23,570 --> 02:22:26,560 叫那母狗冷靜點 說冷靜點 Tell that bitch to be cool! I'm gonna kill you! Say, Bitch, be cool! Be cool, Honey Bunny! 1667 02:22:26,770 --> 02:22:28,170 冷靜點 甜心 冷靜點 Say, Bitch, be cool! Be cool! 1668 02:22:28,300 --> 02:22:30,360 叫她別亂叫 Tell that fucking bitch to chill! 1669 02:22:30,510 --> 02:22:31,370 閉嘴 甜心 Be cool, Honey Bunny! 1670 02:22:31,510 --> 02:22:32,630 叫她別亂叫 Chill that fucking bitch out! 1671 02:22:32,810 --> 02:22:35,780 閉嘴 甜心 Chill out, Honey Bunny! - Let go of him! - JULES: Chill! 1672 02:22:36,140 --> 02:22:37,270 跟她說不會有事的 Promise her! 1673 02:22:37,410 --> 02:22:38,540 不會有事的 向她保證 I promise! 1674 02:22:38,680 --> 02:22:40,170 我保證 叫她靜點 Tell her to chill! 1675 02:22:40,310 --> 02:22:41,180 靜點 小白兔 Just chill out, Honey Bunny! 1676 02:22:41,310 --> 02:22:43,210 - 她叫什麼 - 優蘭達 - Now tell me her name - Yolanda 1677 02:22:43,220 --> 02:22:46,380 優蘭達 別做傻事 All right, now, Yolanda! We're not gonna do anything stupid, are we 1678 02:22:46,520 --> 02:22:47,450 別殺他 Don't you hurt him! 1679 02:22:47,590 --> 02:22:54,150 不會的 要學阿諾 阿諾怎樣 Nobody's gonna hurt anybody We're all gonna be like three little Fonzies here And what's Fonzie like 1680 02:22:54,490 --> 02:22:56,390 優蘭達 阿諾怎樣 Come on, Yolanda, what's Fonzie like? 1681 02:22:56,530 --> 02:22:57,620 - 他很酷 - 什麼 - He's cool? - What 1682 02:22:57,760 --> 02:23:00,230 - 他很酷 - 答對了 - Cool - Correctamundo 1683 02:23:00,360 --> 02:23:04,220 我們要學他很酷 And that's what we're gonna be We're gonna be cool 1684 02:23:04,230 --> 02:23:08,670 等我數到三 Now, Ringo, I'm gonna count to three And when I count three 1685 02:23:08,800 --> 02:23:17,340 你就放下槍 把手放在桌上坐下 I want you to let go of your gun put your palms flat on the table and sit your ass down 1686 02:23:18,280 --> 02:23:23,840 千萬別輕舉妄動 好了嗎 But when you do it, you do it cool You ready 1687 02:23:25,250 --> 02:23:30,710 一 二 三 One two three 1688 02:23:39,530 --> 02:23:40,890 現在放他走 OK, now you let him go! 1689 02:23:41,230 --> 02:23:45,330 冷靜點 你這樣叫 我會緊張 Yolanda, I thought you were gonna be cool Now, when you yell at me, it makes me nervous 1690 02:23:45,470 --> 02:23:52,670 我緊張就會怕 怕了就會殺人 And when I get nervous, I get scared And when motherfuckers get scared that's when motherfuckers accidentally get shot 1691 02:23:53,210 --> 02:23:57,610 你敢殺他 你就死定了 Just know, you hurt him, you die Well, that seems to be the situation 1692 02:23:57,740 --> 02:24:04,240 我們都不想有這種結果 But I don't want that, and you don't want that and Ringo here definitely doesn't want that 1693 02:24:04,250 --> 02:24:08,620 尤其是這位老兄 那該怎麼辦 So let's see what we can do 1694 02:24:10,750 --> 02:24:15,120 這麼辦吧 here's the situation 1695 02:24:15,260 --> 02:24:18,630 通常我一定饒不過你們 Normally both your asses would be dead as fucking fried chicken 1696 02:24:18,760 --> 02:24:21,250 不過我正想改過自新 but you happened to pull this shit while I'm in a transitional period 1697 02:24:21,400 --> 02:24:24,260 我不想殺人 我想幫人 and I don't want to kill you I want to help you 1698 02:24:24,430 --> 02:24:28,840 這皮箱不是我的 不能給你 But I can't give you this case, 'cause it don't belong to me 1699 02:24:29,170 --> 02:24:34,570 況且為這皮箱 我受了太多罪 Besides, I been through too much shit over this case to just hand it over to your dumb ass 1700 02:24:35,580 --> 02:24:38,440 文生 冷靜點 Vincent! Be cool! 1701 02:24:39,110 --> 02:24:41,810 沒事的 寶貝 沒事 Yolanda, it's cool, baby! It's cool! 1702 02:24:42,150 --> 02:24:47,310 繼續談 把槍指住我 對了 We still just talking! Come on, point the gun at me! Point the gun at me! There you go 1703 02:24:47,420 --> 02:24:53,450 文生 別動手 跟她說沒事 Now, Vincent, you just hang back and don't do a goddamn thing Tell her we're still cool 1704 02:24:54,290 --> 02:24:55,550 沒事 小白兔 We're still cool, Honey Bunny 1705 02:24:55,690 --> 02:24:57,780 你還好吧 How we doing, baby 1706 02:24:58,130 --> 02:25:01,790 我想尿尿 我想回家 I gotta go pee I want to go home 1707 02:25:02,160 --> 02:25:04,150 幹得好 堅強點 我很驕傲 Just hang in there, baby You're doin' great I'm proud of you 1708 02:25:04,330 --> 02:25:07,170 他也一樣 就快沒事了 And Ringo's proud of you It's almost over 1709 02:25:07,300 --> 02:25:09,170 跟她說你很驕傲 Tell her you're proud of her 1710 02:25:09,300 --> 02:25:10,630 我很驕傲 小白兔 I'm proud of you, Honey Bunny 1711 02:25:10,770 --> 02:25:12,400 我愛你 I love you 1712 02:25:12,540 --> 02:25:14,200 我愛你 小白兔 I love you, too, Honey Bunny 1713 02:25:14,210 --> 02:25:19,670 現在把我的錢包找出來 I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet 1714 02:25:22,310 --> 02:25:23,370 哪一個 Which one is it 1715 02:25:23,550 --> 02:25:26,380 上面寫「混帳東西」那個 It's the one that says Bad Motherfucker 1716 02:25:40,730 --> 02:25:43,630 那就是我的混帳東西 That's my Bad Motherfucker 1717 02:25:43,760 --> 02:25:46,390 打開來 把錢拿出來 Open it up Take out the money 1718 02:25:51,800 --> 02:25:53,770 數一數 Count it 1719 02:26:00,310 --> 02:26:02,280 有多少 How much is there 1720 02:26:05,180 --> 02:26:06,110 一千五 About $1,500 1721 02:26:06,220 --> 02:26:09,380 拿去 全都給你 OK, put it in your pocket It's yours 1722 02:26:09,520 --> 02:26:14,420 加上其他人的錢 收穫算豐富了 With the rest of those wallets and the register that makes this a pretty successful little score 1723 02:26:14,560 --> 02:26:18,520 朱斯 你把錢給他 我就斃了他 Jules, you give that fucking nimrod $ 1,500 and I'll shoot him on general principle 1724 02:26:18,660 --> 02:26:24,220 優蘭達 他不會的 文生閉嘴 No, Yolanda, Yolanda! He ain't gonna do a goddamn mother fucking thing Vince, shut the fuck up! 1725 02:26:25,430 --> 02:26:28,160 別激動 寶貝 Come on, Yolanda, stay with me, baby Now, I ain't giving it to him, Vincent 1726 02:26:28,770 --> 02:26:34,540 我不是給他 我是向他買東西 I'm buying something for my money 1727 02:26:34,710 --> 02:26:36,770 想知道我買什麼嗎 Wanna know what I'm buying, Ringo 1728 02:26:37,140 --> 02:26:38,070 什麼 What 1729 02:26:38,240 --> 02:26:43,700 你的命 我給你錢 就不用殺你 Your life I'm giving you that money so I don't have to kill your ass 1730 02:26:43,850 --> 02:26:46,480 你讀過聖經嗎 You read the Bible, Ringo 1731 02:26:46,620 --> 02:26:48,480 不常讀 Not regularly, no 1732 02:26:48,620 --> 02:26:51,310 有段經文 我熟記在心 Well, there's this passage I got memorized 1733 02:26:51,450 --> 02:26:54,620 「以西結書」二十五章十七節 Ezekiel 25:17 1734 02:26:54,790 --> 02:27:02,190 正義者之路被暴虐之惡人包圍 The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men 1735 02:27:02,200 --> 02:27:05,190 以慈善與善意為名引導弱者 Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will 1736 02:27:05,200 --> 02:27:07,220 通過黑暗之谷的人有福了 shepherds the weak through the Valley of Darkness 1737 02:27:07,370 --> 02:27:11,600 因為他照應同伴 尋回迷途羔羊 for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children 1738 02:27:11,770 --> 02:27:16,260 那些膽敢殘害 荼毒我同伴之人 And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger 1739 02:27:16,270 --> 02:27:19,730 我將向他們大施報復 those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers 1740 02:27:19,880 --> 02:27:24,580 到時 他們就知道 我是耶和華 And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you 1741 02:27:27,180 --> 02:27:33,610 聽我說這段話 通常都會倒大楣 Now, I been saying that shit for years And if you heard it, that meant your ass 1742 02:27:33,790 --> 02:27:40,250 不過我沒仔細想過其中的涵意 I never gave much thought to what it meant I just thought it was some cold-blooded shit to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass 1743 02:27:41,260 --> 02:27:44,630 但是早上有件事 讓我開始反省 But I saw some shit this morning made me think twice 1744 02:27:44,760 --> 02:27:52,470 也許我代表正義 而你是惡人 See, now I'm thinking maybe it means you're the evil man and I'm the righteous man 1745 02:27:52,600 --> 02:27:59,200 我的槍保護我 通過黑暗之谷 and Mr Nine-millimeter here he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the Valley of Darkness 1746 02:27:59,340 --> 02:28:04,710 或者是我在保護你 這正義者 Or it could mean you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd 1747 02:28:04,850 --> 02:28:08,710 對抗這個邪惡的世界 and it's the world that's evil and selfish 1748 02:28:09,180 --> 02:28:13,590 聽來不錯 但是也不對 Now, I'd like that But that shit ain't the truth 1749 02:28:14,350 --> 02:28:23,260 事實是我是暴虐惡人 你是弱者 The truth is you're the weak and I am the tyranny of evil men 1750 02:28:25,130 --> 02:28:33,440 但我很努力 想當慈悲的牧羊人 But I'm trying, Ringo I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd 1751 02:28:49,150 --> 02:28:51,210 走吧 Go on 1752 02:29:09,100 --> 02:29:11,590 我們最好走人 I think we should be leaving now 1753 02:29:11,740 --> 02:29:14,330 你說得沒錯 Yeah, that's probably a good idea 1754 02:29:47,560 --> 02:29:52,810 劇終·謝謝觀賞