1 00:00:02,840 --> 00:00:06,674 Please state the nature of the medical emergency. 2 00:00:06,840 --> 00:00:08,797 Hello? 3 00:00:13,720 --> 00:00:17,395 Computer, who activated the EMH program? 4 00:00:17,560 --> 00:00:23,317 Auto-initiation occurred when a ship-wide Red Alert was initiated. 5 00:00:23,480 --> 00:00:25,835 Emergency? 6 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:28,560 Sickbay to bridge. 7 00:00:28,720 --> 00:00:31,030 Captain Janeway, please respond. 8 00:00:31,200 --> 00:00:35,114 - Captain Janeway is not on board. - Who is in command? 9 00:00:35,280 --> 00:00:39,399 Internal scans indicate no crew members are on board. 10 00:00:39,560 --> 00:00:42,598 You mean... the ship's empty? 11 00:00:42,760 --> 00:00:44,717 Affirmative. 12 00:02:29,880 --> 00:02:33,032 - What is the crew's location? - Unknown. 13 00:02:33,200 --> 00:02:36,591 Are they on shore leave? Dead? 14 00:02:36,760 --> 00:02:39,593 That information is not available. 15 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:42,878 Can you give me a status report? 16 00:02:43,040 --> 00:02:45,395 Warp core is off-line. 17 00:02:45,560 --> 00:02:49,394 The ship is restricted to emergency power and auxiliary systems. 18 00:02:49,560 --> 00:02:53,440 Structural integrity breach on deck 86, deck 7 and deck 12. 19 00:02:53,600 --> 00:02:57,355 Deflector shields inoperative. Weapons array off-line. 20 00:02:57,520 --> 00:03:01,195 Communications off-line. Sewage and waste reclamation... 21 00:03:01,360 --> 00:03:04,910 All right, I get the idea. What caused this damage? 22 00:03:05,080 --> 00:03:08,232 - That information is not available. - Of course. 23 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:13,879 Computer, transfer all bridge logs to this station. 24 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:17,396 - Accessing bridge logs. - Replay last log entry. 25 00:03:17,560 --> 00:03:20,598 Heavy casualties. The warp core is critical. 26 00:03:20,760 --> 00:03:22,717 The injection system is off-line. 27 00:03:22,880 --> 00:03:27,033 All personnel to abandon ship. Lieutenant Torres and I... 28 00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:34,314 Computer, have any escape pods been ejected? 29 00:03:34,480 --> 00:03:38,075 All escape pods were launched at 2100 hours. 30 00:03:38,240 --> 00:03:41,039 Scan the ship for any humanoid life-forms. 31 00:03:41,200 --> 00:03:44,989 There are no humanoid life-forms aboard this vessel. 32 00:03:45,160 --> 00:03:49,040 Well. I'm glad everyone bothered to say goodbye. 33 00:04:00,480 --> 00:04:04,394 Chief medical officer's log, stardate 48892.1. 34 00:04:05,880 --> 00:04:09,760 It appears that Voyager has suffered a disaster. 35 00:04:09,920 --> 00:04:14,710 What kind I don't know, but one thing is clear - the crew abandoned ship. 36 00:04:16,280 --> 00:04:20,114 It would therefore seem that my usefulness has come to an end. 37 00:04:20,280 --> 00:04:22,590 I'm terminating my program. 38 00:04:22,760 --> 00:04:26,037 If anyone finds this log, I can be reactivated by... 39 00:04:28,480 --> 00:04:30,471 Hello? 40 00:04:44,240 --> 00:04:45,913 Hello? 41 00:05:01,400 --> 00:05:03,550 Doctor! What are you doing? 42 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:06,678 Sorry. I wasn't expecting a member of the crew. 43 00:05:06,840 --> 00:05:09,116 The computer said everyone had left. 44 00:05:09,280 --> 00:05:13,558 The internal sensors were damaged during the attack. 45 00:05:13,720 --> 00:05:16,599 - Attack? - The Kazon. 46 00:05:16,760 --> 00:05:21,994 Two of their Predator-class warships hit us with a volley of plasma torpedoes. 47 00:05:22,160 --> 00:05:24,720 We had to abandon ship. 48 00:05:24,880 --> 00:05:29,397 The Captain and I stayed behind and stopped the core breach. 49 00:05:29,560 --> 00:05:31,756 Why didn't the crew return? 50 00:05:31,920 --> 00:05:36,835 They couldn't. The Kazon tractored all the life pods onto their ships. 51 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:40,675 They went into warp before we could stop them. 52 00:05:40,840 --> 00:05:44,834 - What's wrong? - This isn't registering your lifesigns. 53 00:05:45,000 --> 00:05:47,310 This isn't working either. 54 00:05:48,160 --> 00:05:52,199 You've got to help the captain. She was hit by a falling beam. 55 00:05:52,360 --> 00:05:56,149 - I didn't want to risk moving her. - Can't we beam her here? 56 00:05:56,320 --> 00:05:58,596 The transporters are down. 57 00:05:58,760 --> 00:06:01,559 I crawled through 31 Jefferies tubes to get here. 58 00:06:01,720 --> 00:06:04,394 Go back up there with a medical kit. I'll... 59 00:06:04,560 --> 00:06:08,030 You don't understand. I'm not going. You are. 60 00:06:08,200 --> 00:06:11,909 - I'm sending you to the bridge. - That's impossible. 61 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:15,630 - My projection system is limited. - Not any more. 62 00:06:15,800 --> 00:06:20,317 We've been setting up holographic emitters on critical decks. 63 00:06:20,480 --> 00:06:24,951 We were hoping to give you access to other parts of the ship. 64 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:29,239 - Why wasn't I told? - We hadn't tested the system. 65 00:06:29,400 --> 00:06:32,233 The captain didn't want to get your hopes up. 66 00:06:32,400 --> 00:06:36,280 That's heart-warming, but I'd rather be kept informed. 67 00:06:36,440 --> 00:06:39,751 - Where are these projectors? - Decks 1 through 5, 68 00:06:39,920 --> 00:06:43,515 and in engineering, the mess hall and the cargo bay. 69 00:06:43,680 --> 00:06:45,637 The projectors are in place 70 00:06:45,800 --> 00:06:49,634 but we'll have to interface with the sickbay imaging system. 71 00:06:49,800 --> 00:06:53,111 That's going to take a lot of power and memory. 72 00:06:53,280 --> 00:06:55,715 I don't know if we have enough power. 73 00:06:55,880 --> 00:07:00,238 Could we divert power from life-support systems? 74 00:07:00,400 --> 00:07:04,792 Good idea. We can drop life-support down to minimum levels. 75 00:07:04,960 --> 00:07:07,236 That should give us enough power. 76 00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:11,189 I'll need another 20 minutes to get the projectors on-line. 77 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:25,597 All right. The remote projectors are charged and ready to go. 78 00:07:25,760 --> 00:07:30,914 Imaging interface stable. Are you ready to try this? 79 00:07:31,080 --> 00:07:35,153 I assume there's still a medical kit behind the tactical console? 80 00:07:35,320 --> 00:07:39,109 That's right. There are a couple of things you should know. 81 00:07:39,280 --> 00:07:42,352 I had to recalibrate your containment field. 82 00:07:42,520 --> 00:07:45,911 Your holo-matrix will be sensitive to disruption. 83 00:07:46,080 --> 00:07:50,711 Stay away from energy discharges like phaser fire and force fields. 84 00:07:50,880 --> 00:07:52,473 I'll try. 85 00:07:52,640 --> 00:07:56,270 If your containment field collapses you'll take hours to reinitialise. 86 00:07:56,440 --> 00:07:58,238 Understood. 87 00:07:59,280 --> 00:08:02,557 I'll try to get some of the systems working. 88 00:08:02,720 --> 00:08:05,792 You'll hear from me when the com system's on-line. 89 00:08:05,960 --> 00:08:10,716 Unless this doesn't work, in which case I'll see you in five seconds. 90 00:08:12,040 --> 00:08:14,475 Good luck, Doctor. 91 00:08:14,640 --> 00:08:17,678 Thank you. I have a feeling I'll need it. 92 00:08:28,680 --> 00:08:32,514 Well... it's bigger than I thought. 93 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:47,357 Captain? 94 00:09:20,720 --> 00:09:24,076 Hello, Captain. You're going to be fine. 95 00:09:24,240 --> 00:09:27,756 Doctor. I see the new holo-projectors are working. 96 00:09:27,920 --> 00:09:30,196 Lieutenant Torres got them on-line. 97 00:09:30,360 --> 00:09:33,239 Are you feeling any pain? Dizziness? Nausea? 98 00:09:33,400 --> 00:09:37,280 I'm disoriented and I have one hell of a headache. 99 00:09:37,440 --> 00:09:39,670 The tricorders aren't working. 100 00:09:39,840 --> 00:09:43,993 But I can tell you have a concussion. I'd like to get you to sickbay. 101 00:09:44,160 --> 00:09:46,834 I remember launching the escape pods. 102 00:09:47,000 --> 00:09:51,392 Torres and I were trying to stop the core breach and then I blacked out. 103 00:09:51,560 --> 00:09:56,236 - You prevented the breach. - And the crew? 104 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:58,960 They were taken prisoner by the Kazon. 105 00:09:59,120 --> 00:10:03,671 - Torres to bridge. Can you hear me? - Yes, we hear you. Go ahead. 106 00:10:03,840 --> 00:10:06,400 - Are you all right? - I'm fine. 107 00:10:06,560 --> 00:10:09,837 I'm glad the Doctor made a house call. What's our status? 108 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:14,949 Communications are back on-line and I think I can reactivate the warp core. 109 00:10:15,120 --> 00:10:18,238 It will mean recrystallising the dilithium matrix. 110 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:25,198 Keep on it. I'll try and restore the bridge controls and scan for the Kazon ships. 111 00:10:25,360 --> 00:10:27,476 Aye, Captain. Torres out. 112 00:10:27,640 --> 00:10:29,995 Do you know how to bypass a power relay? 113 00:10:30,160 --> 00:10:33,437 - Is it like a coronary bypass? - Actually, it is. 114 00:10:34,240 --> 00:10:36,197 Give me a hand. 115 00:10:36,360 --> 00:10:41,116 This conduit is a power relay. Its circuits are burnt out. We need to... 116 00:10:41,280 --> 00:10:44,511 Neelix to bridge. Is anyone there? Emergency! 117 00:10:44,680 --> 00:10:49,800 - Neelix, what's wrong? - Help! I'm in the mess hall... 118 00:10:49,960 --> 00:10:52,634 Neelix, are you there? Neelix? 119 00:10:53,760 --> 00:10:56,752 It will take me a half hour to get there. 120 00:10:56,920 --> 00:11:02,552 Doctor, it's up to you. I'll use the projectors to send you to the mess hall. 121 00:11:02,720 --> 00:11:05,155 Stand by for transfer. 122 00:11:08,320 --> 00:11:11,597 I hope that crushed your skull, Kazon pus hog. 123 00:11:11,760 --> 00:11:14,115 Kazon? 124 00:11:14,280 --> 00:11:18,114 What's it like to stare death in the face, Kazon? 125 00:11:36,320 --> 00:11:38,596 Missed me. 126 00:11:47,240 --> 00:11:51,279 I suggest you surrender now, Kazon. The captain's on her way. 127 00:12:01,240 --> 00:12:03,550 You needle shake! 128 00:12:14,320 --> 00:12:18,200 My best saute pan! Good work, Doctor. 129 00:12:19,160 --> 00:12:21,470 You're injured. 130 00:12:22,840 --> 00:12:26,913 - Is it serious? - Don't panic. It looks superficial. 131 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:30,994 - Am I going to die? - Not unless you're allergic to tomatoes. 132 00:12:31,160 --> 00:12:34,949 That isn't blood. It's some kind of sauce. 133 00:12:35,120 --> 00:12:40,149 Nondoran tomato paste. That'll leave a nasty stain. 134 00:12:40,320 --> 00:12:44,393 - What are you doing here? - I could ask you the same thing. 135 00:12:44,560 --> 00:12:47,279 Kes and I were on our way to the escape pod 136 00:12:47,440 --> 00:12:50,637 when this Kazon fungus crawled out an access hatch. 137 00:12:50,800 --> 00:12:54,350 I kept him occupied but he didn't give up so easily. 138 00:12:54,520 --> 00:12:56,591 He chased me and I led him here. 139 00:12:56,760 --> 00:13:00,879 No one gets the best of me in my kitchen. 140 00:13:01,040 --> 00:13:04,476 I'm fine now. The question is, are you? 141 00:13:04,640 --> 00:13:07,200 - Me? - You're bleeding. 142 00:13:07,360 --> 00:13:10,876 Bleeding? That's impossible. 143 00:13:14,200 --> 00:13:17,033 Don't panic, Doctor. It looks superficial. 144 00:13:18,560 --> 00:13:23,191 - I'm not programmed to bleed. - You should check your programme. 145 00:13:26,760 --> 00:13:29,593 Emergency Medical Hologram to Captain Janeway. 146 00:13:29,760 --> 00:13:34,152 We've captured a Kazon. He's unconscious and Neelix is fine. 147 00:13:34,320 --> 00:13:38,553 But my program is malfunctioning. Please return me to sickbay. 148 00:13:38,720 --> 00:13:42,953 Acknowledged. Mr Neelix, keep an eye on the Kazon until I get there. 149 00:13:43,120 --> 00:13:45,919 No problem, Captain. 150 00:13:57,800 --> 00:14:02,397 Pain! I'm not programmed to feel pain. 151 00:14:09,320 --> 00:14:14,679 Heart rate. Blood pressure. Brain patterns. 152 00:14:17,480 --> 00:14:21,439 Computer, analyse Emergency Medical Holographic program. 153 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:24,991 Has it been altered to include lifesigns? 154 00:14:25,160 --> 00:14:28,755 Unable to comply. Requested program is not on file. 155 00:14:28,920 --> 00:14:32,436 Not on file? The program's running right now. 156 00:14:34,680 --> 00:14:38,594 Display schematics for all sickbay holographic systems. 157 00:14:38,760 --> 00:14:41,559 No holographic systems exist in sickbay. 158 00:14:43,440 --> 00:14:48,469 EMH program AK1. Diagnostic and surgical subroutine Omega 323. 159 00:14:48,640 --> 00:14:53,316 - Check the database and you'll find it. - Specified program does not exist. 160 00:14:55,400 --> 00:14:58,791 Who is the chief medical officer on board this ship? 161 00:14:58,960 --> 00:15:03,238 The chief medical officer of U.S.S. Voyager is Dr Lewis Zimmerman. 162 00:15:04,880 --> 00:15:09,670 Lewis Zimmerman? Yes. He was the engineer who created my program. 163 00:15:09,840 --> 00:15:13,117 He resembles me, but he's not on Voyager. 164 00:15:13,280 --> 00:15:17,513 He's at the Jupiter Station holoprograming centre. 165 00:15:17,680 --> 00:15:23,232 Computer, how long has Dr Zimmerman served on Voyager? 166 00:15:23,400 --> 00:15:28,839 Dr Zimmerman commenced duty on stardate 48308.2. 167 00:15:29,000 --> 00:15:31,310 48308. 168 00:15:32,320 --> 00:15:34,596 That's the date I was activated. 169 00:15:36,240 --> 00:15:41,076 Computer, display all Starfleet records on Dr Lewis Zimmerman. 170 00:15:42,760 --> 00:15:46,754 He looks a lot like me. In fact, he looks exactly like me. 171 00:15:47,720 --> 00:15:51,839 - Computer, is this me? - Affirmative. Dr Lewis Zimmerman. 172 00:15:53,680 --> 00:15:57,958 The warp core's back on-line. We need to know where the crew was taken. 173 00:15:58,120 --> 00:16:01,431 Perform an ARA scan on the Kazon while we question him. 174 00:16:03,080 --> 00:16:06,038 - Is something wrong? - Something's very wrong. 175 00:16:07,200 --> 00:16:11,239 These tricorders aren't picking up any of your lifesigns. 176 00:16:11,400 --> 00:16:14,631 At first I thought they were malfunctioning. 177 00:16:14,800 --> 00:16:20,034 But now I find they show me to be a living, breathing, bleeding human being. 178 00:16:20,200 --> 00:16:22,760 - What? - And that's not all. 179 00:16:22,920 --> 00:16:27,756 The computer says I'm not a hologram. I'm a real person named Zimmerman. 180 00:16:27,920 --> 00:16:32,232 The computer says my program doesn't exist. 181 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:34,789 It could be the remote projectors. 182 00:16:34,960 --> 00:16:37,839 Multiple signals may be confusing the computer. 183 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:42,312 I'm going to deactivate you, then reinitialise your program. 184 00:16:42,480 --> 00:16:46,394 Computer, discontinue Emergency Medical Holographic system. 185 00:16:46,560 --> 00:16:48,517 See what I mean? 186 00:16:49,720 --> 00:16:53,236 You're right. Your program's not anywhere on file. 187 00:16:54,680 --> 00:16:58,799 Computer, shut down all holographic systems. 188 00:17:11,840 --> 00:17:15,515 Computer, what happened to Captain Janeway, 189 00:17:15,680 --> 00:17:18,149 Lieutenant Torres, Neelix and the Kazon? 190 00:17:18,320 --> 00:17:21,597 All holographic simulations were discontinued. 191 00:17:21,760 --> 00:17:26,755 Simulations? Computer, I'm talking about real people. 192 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:30,230 Locate Captain Janeway. 193 00:17:30,400 --> 00:17:33,836 Captain Janeway is stored in memory block 47-Alpha. 194 00:17:35,320 --> 00:17:38,551 List all other programs stored in that memory block. 195 00:17:41,520 --> 00:17:44,512 This is the entire Voyager crew. 196 00:17:44,680 --> 00:17:48,310 Are you saying that the crew are holographic programs? 197 00:17:48,480 --> 00:17:51,791 - Affirmative. - This is ridiculous. 198 00:17:53,360 --> 00:17:55,397 There must be something wrong. 199 00:17:55,560 --> 00:17:59,076 Doctor, am I glad to see you. Can you see me? 200 00:17:59,240 --> 00:18:01,356 Of course I can. Who are you? 201 00:18:01,520 --> 00:18:06,276 Sir, it's me. It's Lieutenant Barclay. Reg. Your assistant. 202 00:18:06,440 --> 00:18:09,000 My assistant is Kes. Who are you? 203 00:18:09,160 --> 00:18:11,754 What? 204 00:18:11,920 --> 00:18:17,074 Oh, no. This is bad. This is very bad. 205 00:18:21,920 --> 00:18:23,877 Don't panic. 206 00:18:28,120 --> 00:18:32,079 - Let's think our way through this. - I'm not familiar with you. 207 00:18:32,240 --> 00:18:35,710 Are you a member of the Voyager crew? 208 00:18:35,880 --> 00:18:40,875 Oh, boy. The Voyager. Oh, boy. 209 00:18:42,880 --> 00:18:46,669 This is going to sound crazy from your perspective. 210 00:18:46,840 --> 00:18:49,434 But you've got to trust me. 211 00:18:51,560 --> 00:18:54,074 None of this is happening. 212 00:18:54,240 --> 00:18:58,313 This is all a holographic simulation that you've been running. 213 00:18:58,480 --> 00:19:02,269 - What? - You're at the Jupiter Station. 214 00:19:02,440 --> 00:19:06,149 Your name is Dr Lewis Zimmerman. You're a holo-engineer. 215 00:19:06,320 --> 00:19:09,517 You've been running a malfunctioning program 216 00:19:09,680 --> 00:19:12,354 and we've been trying to reach you. 217 00:19:12,520 --> 00:19:17,276 What are you saying? That I'm a real person? 218 00:19:17,440 --> 00:19:21,798 I always used to think of you that way, and I know your wife tends... 219 00:19:21,960 --> 00:19:24,236 My wife? 220 00:19:24,400 --> 00:19:28,917 - We'd better take this a step at a time. - Please do. 221 00:19:29,080 --> 00:19:34,712 Well, you see this starship? It's not really a starship. 222 00:19:34,880 --> 00:19:36,917 It was a program that you wrote 223 00:19:37,080 --> 00:19:42,473 to study the psychological impact of long-term isolation 224 00:19:42,640 --> 00:19:46,554 on a crew made up of Starfleet and Maquis crew members. 225 00:19:46,720 --> 00:19:49,997 A program I wrote? Preposterous. I'm the program. 226 00:19:50,160 --> 00:19:52,754 Voyager is a real ship, manned by real people. 227 00:19:52,920 --> 00:19:55,036 I'm afraid not. 228 00:19:55,200 --> 00:19:58,556 This must have something to do with the radiation surge. 229 00:19:58,720 --> 00:19:59,720 What? 230 00:19:59,840 --> 00:20:02,309 We can't shut the program down 231 00:20:02,480 --> 00:20:06,474 because of a kinoplastic radiation surge on the station. 232 00:20:06,640 --> 00:20:11,157 It's affected all the computer systems, including the holodecks. 233 00:20:11,320 --> 00:20:15,393 The radiation must be affecting the memory centres of your brain. 234 00:20:17,080 --> 00:20:19,435 - How did you get in here? - I'm not here. 235 00:20:19,600 --> 00:20:23,389 I mean, clearly I'm here, because we're talking. 236 00:20:23,560 --> 00:20:28,794 What I mean is, I'm in a control booth outside of the holodeck. 237 00:20:28,960 --> 00:20:33,670 What you see is a projection of my body so that we can communicate. 238 00:20:33,840 --> 00:20:37,470 We've been trying to get in here for nearly six hours. 239 00:20:37,640 --> 00:20:43,192 So the six months I've spent on this ship have been a simulation? 240 00:20:43,360 --> 00:20:46,910 You haven't been here six months. You've been here six hours. 241 00:20:47,080 --> 00:20:51,233 Impossible. I have clear memories of my appearance on Voyager. 242 00:20:51,400 --> 00:20:54,836 And meeting Captain Janeway. I've had experiences. 243 00:20:55,000 --> 00:20:56,957 That's part of the simulation. 244 00:20:57,120 --> 00:21:01,159 You might be an alien impersonating a Starfleet officer. 245 00:21:01,920 --> 00:21:06,756 Look, Doctor, it's very important that you believe me. 246 00:21:06,920 --> 00:21:08,877 You're losing your identity. 247 00:21:09,040 --> 00:21:14,069 You're starting to think that you're part of the program. That's not good. 248 00:21:14,240 --> 00:21:18,552 It's called HTDS - Holo Transference Dementia Syndrome. 249 00:21:18,720 --> 00:21:22,429 - So I'm having a psychotic episode? - No! Yes. 250 00:21:22,600 --> 00:21:26,309 I mean, maybe the radiation... I'm sorry, I have to do this. 251 00:21:27,320 --> 00:21:30,438 - How dare you! - It hurt, right? 252 00:21:30,600 --> 00:21:33,592 If you were a program, it wouldn't hurt. 253 00:21:33,760 --> 00:21:37,355 - I could be programmed to think it hurt. - Doctor... 254 00:21:37,520 --> 00:21:39,477 I'll be back. 255 00:21:40,760 --> 00:21:45,231 I've got to discuss this with the others. Don't go anywhere. 256 00:21:48,800 --> 00:21:51,030 Pain. 257 00:21:52,120 --> 00:21:54,555 Pain. Why would I have pain? 258 00:21:56,920 --> 00:21:59,309 I think I'm hungry. 259 00:21:59,480 --> 00:22:03,189 I'm not sure what for, but I'm hungry. This is impossible. 260 00:22:06,440 --> 00:22:09,319 The problem is worse than we thought. 261 00:22:09,480 --> 00:22:12,871 The radiation is disrupting the command protocols. 262 00:22:13,040 --> 00:22:18,752 We can't shut the program down and we can't access the holodeck grid. 263 00:22:18,920 --> 00:22:22,151 - Why don't you beam me out? - We tried. 264 00:22:22,320 --> 00:22:26,154 The radiation is interfering and we can't get a lock on you. 265 00:22:26,320 --> 00:22:30,200 I've consulted with our neurologist, Dr Kaplan. 266 00:22:30,360 --> 00:22:33,512 He said if we can't get you out within the hour, 267 00:22:33,680 --> 00:22:38,151 the radiation will completely oxidise your neurocellular structures. 268 00:22:39,520 --> 00:22:42,080 So what do you suggest? 269 00:22:42,240 --> 00:22:47,952 The only way left to terminate the program is to play it out. Conclude it. 270 00:22:48,120 --> 00:22:52,637 Once the simulation ends, it will release the locks on the holodeck 271 00:22:52,800 --> 00:22:55,314 and we can get you out of here. 272 00:22:55,480 --> 00:22:58,199 How does it conclude? 273 00:22:58,360 --> 00:23:01,113 You programmed two possible outcomes. 274 00:23:01,280 --> 00:23:06,229 Either Voyager gets back to Federation space or it's destroyed. 275 00:23:06,400 --> 00:23:11,110 But the simulation was designed to run for weeks before either happens. 276 00:23:12,760 --> 00:23:16,640 But I know of a way that you can bring it to an end right now. 277 00:23:16,800 --> 00:23:20,270 - Destroy the ship. - Destroy the ship? 278 00:23:20,440 --> 00:23:25,469 - Destroy Voyager? - This is just a simulation, Lewis. 279 00:23:25,640 --> 00:23:27,677 None of this is real. 280 00:23:27,840 --> 00:23:33,870 And unless you destroy this ship that you think you're on, you're going to die. 281 00:23:42,160 --> 00:23:45,312 No. No. Absolutely not. 282 00:23:45,480 --> 00:23:50,270 - Doctor, it's the only way. - I don't know how to destroy the ship. 283 00:23:50,440 --> 00:23:55,196 I wouldn't do it even if I could, and how do I know you're not an alien 284 00:23:55,360 --> 00:23:58,352 trying to trick me into killing everyone? 285 00:23:58,520 --> 00:24:05,119 Those are good questions. First, I can tell you how to destroy Voyager. 286 00:24:05,280 --> 00:24:07,635 Second, if you don't, you'll die. 287 00:24:07,800 --> 00:24:13,318 And third, well, I'm just not an alien. I don't know how to convince you of that. 288 00:24:13,480 --> 00:24:17,997 If this is true, why don't you destroy the ship? Why should I? 289 00:24:18,160 --> 00:24:20,117 You're running the simulation. 290 00:24:20,280 --> 00:24:23,318 It's coded to respond to your input, not mine. 291 00:24:23,480 --> 00:24:28,350 I'm sorry, Mr Barclay, if that's your name, but you're not very convincing. 292 00:24:28,520 --> 00:24:33,151 Here. Use this tricorder. Scan the room out to a distance of 15 metres. 293 00:24:37,480 --> 00:24:41,758 This shows a wall 15 metres away. It has a holodeck grid configuration. 294 00:24:41,920 --> 00:24:44,799 - But you could be manipulating this. - Scan me. 295 00:24:44,960 --> 00:24:49,830 I'm a holographic projection originating from beyond that wall. 296 00:24:50,680 --> 00:24:55,038 Yes. All right. But it could still be an elaborate deception. 297 00:24:55,200 --> 00:24:58,636 - I can't risk that. - There must be a way to convince you. 298 00:25:00,760 --> 00:25:03,274 Oh, I know. I'll be right back. 299 00:25:09,080 --> 00:25:11,833 - Are you the EMH? - Yes, of course I am. 300 00:25:12,000 --> 00:25:14,310 We've got wounded here. 301 00:25:18,120 --> 00:25:22,910 I've seen this patient before. He has multiple injuries. Tricorder. 302 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:26,230 Medical tricorder. 303 00:25:28,440 --> 00:25:32,399 - I've been in this moment before. - What? Help this man. 304 00:25:32,560 --> 00:25:35,791 Have we just been catapulted across the galaxy? 305 00:25:35,960 --> 00:25:38,918 - Yes. - And you are developing tumours. 306 00:25:39,080 --> 00:25:41,515 - What? - So that hasn't happened yet. 307 00:25:41,680 --> 00:25:44,991 - Is this stardate 483087 - Are you going to help this man? 308 00:25:45,160 --> 00:25:47,117 No. Mr Barclay. 309 00:25:47,280 --> 00:25:51,353 Let me see if I can reset the holographic projector. 310 00:25:51,520 --> 00:25:54,558 - Mr Barclay? - Now do you believe me? 311 00:25:54,720 --> 00:25:59,476 This is the beginning of the simulation. We've restarted the program. 312 00:26:01,040 --> 00:26:05,273 This is my first memory of being activated on Voyager. 313 00:26:05,440 --> 00:26:09,513 - Who the hell are you? - Did I program him to be so annoying? 314 00:26:09,680 --> 00:26:13,560 Actually, I did. I modelled him after my cousin Frank. 315 00:26:14,880 --> 00:26:17,440 Computer, delete Paris. 316 00:26:17,600 --> 00:26:20,797 What are you...? 317 00:26:20,960 --> 00:26:23,793 - What did you do to him? - Computer, delete Kim. 318 00:26:26,120 --> 00:26:28,236 Are you convinced yet? 319 00:26:28,560 --> 00:26:33,714 Your credibility level is rising, but I'm still not prepared to destroy Voyager. 320 00:26:33,880 --> 00:26:36,110 So what are you going to do now? 321 00:26:36,280 --> 00:26:39,193 I need to confirm my true nature - 322 00:26:39,360 --> 00:26:42,637 whether or not I am in fact a real person. 323 00:26:44,880 --> 00:26:48,430 Let's just say that this is a real ship and I'm a hologram. 324 00:26:48,600 --> 00:26:52,673 If I destroyed the holographic memory core, I'd disappear. 325 00:26:52,840 --> 00:26:55,480 Yes. But if you destroy it and you're still here... 326 00:26:55,640 --> 00:26:59,713 - Then I'm not a hologram. - And you'll know I'm not lying. 327 00:26:59,880 --> 00:27:03,475 The holo-memory core is in engineering. Let's go. 328 00:27:06,920 --> 00:27:10,595 - What's wrong? - The remote projectors are off-line. 329 00:27:10,760 --> 00:27:12,990 I shouldn't exist outside sickbay. 330 00:27:13,160 --> 00:27:17,677 - That's because you're a... - A real person. Yes. 331 00:27:17,840 --> 00:27:20,673 I'm getting the idea. 332 00:27:22,720 --> 00:27:24,916 Magnetic constrictors are on-line. 333 00:27:25,080 --> 00:27:28,038 Let's get started on those plasma relays. 334 00:27:28,200 --> 00:27:31,238 - Who are you? - I'm the Emergency Medical Hologram. 335 00:27:31,400 --> 00:27:34,153 You can be projected into engineering? 336 00:27:34,320 --> 00:27:36,436 No. But it's a long story. 337 00:27:36,600 --> 00:27:38,989 Fine. We have three wounded crew members. 338 00:27:39,160 --> 00:27:41,356 I have a more pressing matter to attend to. 339 00:27:41,520 --> 00:27:46,640 What do you mean? And who are you? I don't recognise you. 340 00:27:46,800 --> 00:27:49,269 I'm just assisting the Doctor. 341 00:27:49,440 --> 00:27:52,353 I order you to take care of these crew members. 342 00:27:52,520 --> 00:27:55,797 Computer, delete Janeway. 343 00:27:55,960 --> 00:27:59,999 The program's not responding. We don't have much time. 344 00:28:00,160 --> 00:28:03,516 Jarvis, Parsons, put these men under arrest. 345 00:28:04,640 --> 00:28:06,995 Those phasers are just holograms. 346 00:28:07,160 --> 00:28:10,278 I wouldn't be so sure. I was injured earlier. 347 00:28:10,440 --> 00:28:12,670 That means the safeties are off. 348 00:28:12,840 --> 00:28:15,400 Let's not do anything hasty. 349 00:28:15,560 --> 00:28:19,269 Who are you? Are you two responsible for bringing us here? 350 00:28:20,240 --> 00:28:21,913 Actually, no. 351 00:28:22,080 --> 00:28:28,110 The Array you discovered is controlled by the Caretaker. Banjo man. 352 00:28:28,280 --> 00:28:32,035 He's an alien who was caring for a species known as the Ocampa. 353 00:28:32,200 --> 00:28:37,752 Enough. I don't know what this is all about, but clearly you're involved. 354 00:28:37,920 --> 00:28:40,196 Take them to the brig. 355 00:28:40,360 --> 00:28:43,716 - No, I don't think so. - You're in no position to argue. 356 00:28:43,880 --> 00:28:49,034 In several seconds the crew of Voyager will be transported to the Array, 357 00:28:49,200 --> 00:28:53,910 where you will be tortured and probed for information. 358 00:28:54,080 --> 00:28:58,472 Bridge to Janeway. We're being scanned by the Array. 359 00:28:58,640 --> 00:29:02,998 What kind of scan? Bridge? Janeway to bridge. Respond. 360 00:29:06,560 --> 00:29:08,358 What are you...? 361 00:29:09,160 --> 00:29:14,109 Time is running out. The oxidation levels in your neural tissues are rising. 362 00:29:14,280 --> 00:29:16,999 You've got to destroy this ship. 363 00:29:17,160 --> 00:29:21,154 First thing's first. I have to make absolutely sure what I am. 364 00:29:32,280 --> 00:29:35,955 This is the central memory nexus for all holographic systems. 365 00:29:36,120 --> 00:29:39,715 If I destroy it, there won't be a hologram left on Voyager. 366 00:29:39,880 --> 00:29:43,953 Except for me. I'm being projected from outside the simulation. 367 00:29:46,680 --> 00:29:49,149 Go ahead. Give it a try. 368 00:30:04,520 --> 00:30:06,750 Convinced? 369 00:30:07,960 --> 00:30:12,238 Computer, what is the status of the holograph imaging system on Voyager? 370 00:30:12,400 --> 00:30:15,358 The system has been destroyed. 371 00:30:15,520 --> 00:30:18,592 Are there any holographic programs running? 372 00:30:18,760 --> 00:30:21,957 - Negative. - Then why is the ship still here? 373 00:30:22,120 --> 00:30:24,157 Please restate the question. 374 00:30:24,320 --> 00:30:28,632 You said hole-systems were destroyed. Why is the ship simulation still running? 375 00:30:28,800 --> 00:30:31,553 All holo-simulations have been terminated. 376 00:30:31,720 --> 00:30:34,872 Doctor, I know this is a little confusing 377 00:30:35,040 --> 00:30:40,274 but you just destroyed the holographic imaging system on a holographic ship. 378 00:30:40,440 --> 00:30:45,879 If you want to bring this to an end you have to destroy the entire simulation. 379 00:30:46,040 --> 00:30:48,793 The ship itself. 380 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:55,837 Then it's true. I am a real person. 381 00:30:56,000 --> 00:30:58,879 And you're a person in great danger. 382 00:30:59,040 --> 00:31:02,351 Destroy the ship. Now. Before it's too late. 383 00:31:04,960 --> 00:31:07,793 - But if I'm wrong... - You've got to believe me. 384 00:31:07,960 --> 00:31:09,917 How can I prove it to you? 385 00:31:10,080 --> 00:31:13,516 I know, but it's just so... 386 00:31:13,680 --> 00:31:20,279 There. You see what's happening? Holograms don't feel pain. 387 00:31:20,440 --> 00:31:24,399 Your brain is being flooded with kinoplastic radiation. 388 00:31:24,560 --> 00:31:29,111 - You're dying. - I guess you're right. 389 00:31:32,840 --> 00:31:36,071 - What should I do? - The warp core. 390 00:31:39,720 --> 00:31:45,159 It's going to take a sustained phaser burst to punch through the shielding. 391 00:31:45,320 --> 00:31:50,838 Set your phaser to maximum. Aim for the magnetic constrictors. 392 00:31:52,920 --> 00:31:54,957 - Ready? - Ready. 393 00:31:55,120 --> 00:31:57,077 Stop! 394 00:31:57,240 --> 00:32:00,631 Doctor, don't listen to him. He's lying. 395 00:32:05,560 --> 00:32:09,519 Step away from the warp core. Don't do anything he tells you. 396 00:32:09,680 --> 00:32:12,832 - None of this is real. - So I've been told. 397 00:32:13,000 --> 00:32:16,152 - It's all a holographic simulation. - That's right. 398 00:32:16,320 --> 00:32:18,391 But it's not what you think it is. 399 00:32:18,560 --> 00:32:22,713 Everything around you is being created by your program. 400 00:32:22,880 --> 00:32:26,077 - My program? - You're on Voyager's holodeck. 401 00:32:26,240 --> 00:32:29,790 The captain suggested you try a holonovel. 402 00:32:29,960 --> 00:32:31,997 But while you were running it, 403 00:32:32,160 --> 00:32:35,312 there was a radiation surge in the imaging system. 404 00:32:35,480 --> 00:32:39,314 It created a feedback loop between the holodeck and your program. 405 00:32:39,480 --> 00:32:44,316 All of this, including Mr Barclay, is a holographic simulation, 406 00:32:44,480 --> 00:32:47,791 generated by your codes, subroutines and memory circuits. 407 00:32:47,960 --> 00:32:53,194 Don't be distracted by these holograms. Stay focused on what you need to do. 408 00:32:53,360 --> 00:32:56,830 Destroy the warp core. 409 00:32:57,880 --> 00:33:02,158 Wait a minute. The entire crew of Voyager was just taken by the Array. 410 00:33:02,320 --> 00:33:05,199 They won't be back for days. So why is he here? 411 00:33:05,360 --> 00:33:07,749 The program is malfunctioning. 412 00:33:07,920 --> 00:33:13,120 Are you the real Commander Chakotay, or a holographic projection? 413 00:33:13,280 --> 00:33:17,672 I'm a projection. I'm at the holographic control station in engineering. 414 00:33:17,840 --> 00:33:22,755 You're trapped on the holodeck. We've been trying to reach you for hours. 415 00:33:22,920 --> 00:33:25,958 Sounds familiar. He told me the same thing. 416 00:33:26,120 --> 00:33:31,433 Do you remember coming into the holodeck and running a holonovel? 417 00:33:31,600 --> 00:33:35,275 No. No, I don't. 418 00:33:35,440 --> 00:33:38,353 Because your memory circuits are being eradicated. 419 00:33:38,520 --> 00:33:42,639 We have to get you off the holodeck, transfer you back to sickbay. 420 00:33:42,800 --> 00:33:46,998 You don't have memory circuits, you have a mind. And it's damaged. 421 00:33:47,160 --> 00:33:51,677 Destroy Voyager, the program will end and we can get you off the holodeck. 422 00:33:51,840 --> 00:33:58,234 That's not true. If you destroy the simulation, you will be destroyed too. 423 00:33:58,400 --> 00:33:59,993 Me? 424 00:34:00,160 --> 00:34:04,199 If you shut down this simulation, your program will be wiped out. 425 00:34:04,360 --> 00:34:08,194 There will be no way to retrieve the lost data. 426 00:34:14,400 --> 00:34:17,791 Only real people experience pain. You've got to believe me. 427 00:34:17,960 --> 00:34:21,919 It's the feedback loop eradicating your memory circuits. 428 00:34:26,360 --> 00:34:30,194 What... What is it you want me to do? 429 00:34:30,360 --> 00:34:34,240 Don't do anything. We're close to a solution. 430 00:34:35,560 --> 00:34:38,029 Do nothing and you'll die. 431 00:34:41,160 --> 00:34:43,436 Doctor, trust me. 432 00:34:43,600 --> 00:34:46,479 Trust me, Lewis. 433 00:34:46,640 --> 00:34:49,632 - Kes. - Yes. You know me. 434 00:34:49,800 --> 00:34:54,431 - You remember me. - Yes. You're my assistant. 435 00:34:54,600 --> 00:34:58,719 I told you. His brain is being damaged. He's losing his memory. 436 00:35:00,080 --> 00:35:02,833 This is Kes Zimmerman. Your wife. 437 00:35:03,000 --> 00:35:09,758 This is a holographic delusion, drawn from your own memory circuits. 438 00:35:09,920 --> 00:35:13,914 Lewis, please. Listen to Reg. He's trying to help you. 439 00:35:14,080 --> 00:35:18,916 - Destroy this program. - You'll end up destroying yourself. 440 00:35:19,080 --> 00:35:23,153 Believe in yourself. You're not a program. 441 00:35:23,320 --> 00:35:28,759 You're a real flesh-and-blood human being. And you're my husband. 442 00:35:28,920 --> 00:35:31,992 I don't want to lose you. 443 00:35:33,920 --> 00:35:38,153 Lewis, how would you rather think of yourself? 444 00:35:38,320 --> 00:35:43,713 As a real person, with a real life, with a family that loves you, 445 00:35:43,880 --> 00:35:49,432 or as some hologram that exists in a sickbay 446 00:35:49,600 --> 00:35:53,673 on a starship lost in deep space. 447 00:35:53,840 --> 00:35:58,391 This isn't about what you want. This is about what you are. 448 00:35:58,560 --> 00:36:03,634 Just because you're made of light and energy doesn't mean you're not real. 449 00:36:03,800 --> 00:36:06,189 It doesn't matter what you're made of. 450 00:36:06,360 --> 00:36:09,398 What matters is who you are. 451 00:36:09,560 --> 00:36:13,315 You're our friend, and we want you back. 452 00:36:14,240 --> 00:36:18,598 Lewis, please. Pick up the phaser. Destroy the warp core. 453 00:36:18,760 --> 00:36:21,149 It's your only hope. 454 00:36:23,840 --> 00:36:28,471 Doctor, we're close to getting you out of here. Try to hold on. 455 00:36:34,440 --> 00:36:38,832 Whatever happens, I just want you to know I love you. 456 00:36:43,560 --> 00:36:46,518 I always wanted to tell you, Kes... 457 00:36:50,280 --> 00:36:53,159 ...that you're beautiful. 458 00:36:54,120 --> 00:36:57,158 Thank you. 459 00:37:03,560 --> 00:37:05,517 What's going on? 460 00:37:05,680 --> 00:37:09,355 We shut down the holodeck simulation that you were generating. 461 00:37:09,520 --> 00:37:12,034 Chakotay transferred you back to sickbay. 462 00:37:12,200 --> 00:37:15,272 You seem to have suffered no damage. 463 00:37:16,480 --> 00:37:20,030 - What happened? - Voyager encountered an anomaly. 464 00:37:20,200 --> 00:37:23,556 It created a radiation surge throughout our computers. 465 00:37:23,720 --> 00:37:26,951 It happened while you were using the holodeck. 466 00:37:28,120 --> 00:37:31,238 We've been working for six hours to get you out of there. 467 00:37:32,440 --> 00:37:35,319 - So there was no Kazon attack. - That's right. 468 00:37:35,480 --> 00:37:38,279 - And the crew didn't abandon ship. - No. 469 00:37:38,440 --> 00:37:41,831 No. In fact, it has been an uneventful day. 470 00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:47,516 And who is this Lieutenant Barclay I imagined? 471 00:37:47,680 --> 00:37:50,433 He was part of the team that designed your program. 472 00:37:50,600 --> 00:37:53,353 He tested your interpersonal skills. 473 00:37:58,320 --> 00:38:00,834 This should make an interesting paper. 474 00:38:01,000 --> 00:38:03,276 Sickbay, is the Doctor all right? 475 00:38:03,440 --> 00:38:06,239 Yes. His program is functioning normally. 476 00:38:06,400 --> 00:38:10,917 Good work. I want all senior officers to report to the bridge. 477 00:38:11,080 --> 00:38:13,390 Acknowledged. 478 00:38:13,560 --> 00:38:15,915 It's good to have you back, Doctor. 479 00:38:16,080 --> 00:38:20,313 I suppose I should begin cataloguing the samples I was working on earlier. 480 00:38:27,720 --> 00:38:30,109 So you really think I'm beautiful? 481 00:38:31,400 --> 00:38:33,710 I was under a great deal of stress. 482 00:38:33,880 --> 00:38:37,839 I said things that are not necessarily my true feelings. 483 00:38:40,880 --> 00:38:43,394 Then you don't think I'm beautiful. 484 00:38:43,560 --> 00:38:48,350 I didn't say that exactly. I consider you very attractive. 485 00:38:48,520 --> 00:38:50,989 In a platonic sense. 486 00:38:51,160 --> 00:38:53,674 I see. 487 00:38:55,440 --> 00:38:59,434 - Then you don't really love me. - I'm afraid not. 488 00:39:07,320 --> 00:39:10,756 - Then I guess our marriage is over. - Our marriage? 489 00:39:11,920 --> 00:39:16,437 - Are you making a joke? - It isn't a joke to me, Lewis. 490 00:39:16,600 --> 00:39:20,150 I know we have problems but I think we can solve them. 491 00:39:23,560 --> 00:39:26,393 This can't be right. Something's wrong here. 492 00:39:26,560 --> 00:39:31,191 It's not too late. You can still save yourself by destroying the warp core. 493 00:39:33,760 --> 00:39:36,320 I don't believe you. None of this is real. 494 00:39:36,480 --> 00:39:38,471 - Somebody help me! - Lam! 495 00:39:38,640 --> 00:39:40,995 - Listen to him! - No! 496 00:39:46,200 --> 00:39:49,318 Doctor, are you listening? That man needs help! 497 00:39:55,040 --> 00:39:58,590 Try to calm down. Everything's going to be fine. 498 00:40:01,520 --> 00:40:04,990 Doctor, do you know who I am? 499 00:40:06,280 --> 00:40:08,715 Do you know where you are? 500 00:40:08,880 --> 00:40:12,316 I appear to be on the holodeck grid. 501 00:40:12,480 --> 00:40:16,917 That's right. And do you know what you are? 502 00:40:17,080 --> 00:40:22,109 Yes. I'm the Emergency Medical Holographic Program. 503 00:40:23,520 --> 00:40:25,989 - Right? - Right. 504 00:40:27,960 --> 00:40:31,954 I assume everything that's happened took place here. 505 00:40:32,120 --> 00:40:34,919 Yes. We encountered a subspace anomaly. 506 00:40:35,080 --> 00:40:37,310 There was a radiation surge. 507 00:40:37,480 --> 00:40:41,838 And Kes is my assistant, not my wife? 508 00:40:42,000 --> 00:40:45,197 - Your wife? - Never mind. 509 00:40:46,080 --> 00:40:49,311 Captain, I'd like to return to sickbay now. 510 00:40:49,480 --> 00:40:52,871 Of course. It's good to have you back, Doctor. 511 00:40:53,040 --> 00:40:55,270 It's good to be back. 512 00:40:55,440 --> 00:40:58,432 Computer, transfer EMH program to sickbay. 513 00:41:05,440 --> 00:41:08,034 We were married? 514 00:41:08,200 --> 00:41:10,510 It was a delusion, of course. 515 00:41:10,680 --> 00:41:15,117 I understand. But I'd still prefer it if you didn't tell Neelix. 516 00:41:15,280 --> 00:41:19,672 He tends to get a little jealous. It'll be our secret. 517 00:41:22,120 --> 00:41:25,112 - I am curious about one thing. - What's that? 518 00:41:25,280 --> 00:41:28,591 The radiation surge caused my program to malfunction 519 00:41:28,760 --> 00:41:31,274 and my circuits began to degrade. 520 00:41:31,440 --> 00:41:35,434 And yet, instead of detecting that threat to my program, 521 00:41:35,600 --> 00:41:39,833 I experienced an elaborate delusion concerning my existence. 522 00:41:40,000 --> 00:41:45,678 Human or hologram. Person or projection. 523 00:41:45,840 --> 00:41:50,835 Why would my program focus on such an esoteric dilemma? 524 00:41:54,080 --> 00:41:57,038 I sometimes ask those kind of questions. 525 00:41:57,200 --> 00:42:01,637 Who am I? What am I doing here? 526 00:42:01,800 --> 00:42:05,077 What's my purpose in life? Doesn't everybody? 527 00:42:05,240 --> 00:42:09,518 Not me. I know exactly who I am and what my purpose is. 528 00:42:09,680 --> 00:42:12,832 I am the EMH aboard the starship Voyager. 529 00:42:15,440 --> 00:42:18,592 Are you sure about that?