1 00:00:03,360 --> 00:00:07,354 Captain's log, stardate 54129.4. 2 00:00:07,520 --> 00:00:10,353 A bitter-sweet day for Voyager's crew. 3 00:00:10,520 --> 00:00:14,036 We've finally found a home for some precious cargo. 4 00:00:14,200 --> 00:00:18,159 Thank you for taking care of them. We're very grateful. 5 00:00:18,320 --> 00:00:22,029 We're just glad Rebi and Azan will grow up with their own people 6 00:00:22,200 --> 00:00:24,669 and that you've let Mezoti join them. 7 00:00:27,600 --> 00:00:31,150 - You can still come with us. - You can still stay on Voyager. 8 00:00:31,320 --> 00:00:35,279 Adapting to your absence will be difficult. 9 00:00:35,440 --> 00:00:38,478 I'll miss you, too. 10 00:00:38,640 --> 00:00:40,631 It's time. 11 00:00:41,600 --> 00:00:46,037 I've been studying data relevant to the species, as you recommended. 12 00:00:46,200 --> 00:00:48,714 Familiarising will help you adapt. 13 00:00:48,880 --> 00:00:52,157 On Wysanti, it's customary not to say goodbye, 14 00:00:52,320 --> 00:00:54,834 but I think I prefer the human way. 15 00:01:18,520 --> 00:01:20,113 Energise. 16 00:01:31,040 --> 00:01:34,999 - De-activate the children's alcoves. - Right now? 17 00:01:35,160 --> 00:01:38,551 They're a drain on Voyager's power reserves. 18 00:01:38,720 --> 00:01:40,916 Is there a problem? 19 00:01:41,080 --> 00:01:46,393 It just seems like an insufficient amount of time has passed. 20 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:49,632 An emotional response to the children's departure. 21 00:01:49,800 --> 00:01:52,633 They'll be fine. We should be happy for them. 22 00:01:52,800 --> 00:01:55,110 - Seven. - Yes? 23 00:01:56,480 --> 00:01:58,471 You're crying. 24 00:02:01,160 --> 00:02:04,312 My ocular implant must be malfunctioning. 25 00:03:49,600 --> 00:03:51,830 Crying is nothing to be ashamed of. 26 00:03:52,000 --> 00:03:53,559 The first time I heard. 27 00:03:53,720 --> 00:03:55,836 Puccini's "Tosca" in the holodeck, 28 00:03:56,000 --> 00:03:58,196 I sobbed the entire third act. 29 00:03:58,360 --> 00:04:01,113 You're a hologram. You can't cry. 30 00:04:01,280 --> 00:04:03,476 Torres enhanced my subroutine 31 00:04:03,640 --> 00:04:06,359 so I could appreciate the performance. 32 00:04:06,520 --> 00:04:09,399 A technological enhancement. 33 00:04:09,560 --> 00:04:12,632 Mine was a technological malfunction. 34 00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:15,269 Saying goodbye was traumatic. 35 00:04:15,440 --> 00:04:17,397 Crying's a normal response. 36 00:04:17,560 --> 00:04:20,552 I was in control of my emotions. 37 00:04:26,600 --> 00:04:28,557 Seems I owe you an apology. 38 00:04:28,720 --> 00:04:30,199 Your tears were due to 39 00:04:30,360 --> 00:04:32,636 a glitch in your cortical node. 40 00:04:32,800 --> 00:04:35,235 Any other malfunctions lately? 41 00:04:35,400 --> 00:04:37,118 Headache, dizziness? 42 00:04:37,280 --> 00:04:38,953 No. 43 00:04:39,120 --> 00:04:40,554 Really? 44 00:04:40,720 --> 00:04:43,678 Mind if I check your bio-monitors, 45 00:04:43,840 --> 00:04:46,150 just to be sure? 46 00:04:46,320 --> 00:04:48,072 An occasional headache. 47 00:04:48,240 --> 00:04:49,753 Why didn't you see me? 48 00:04:49,920 --> 00:04:52,116 They have not affected my work. 49 00:04:52,280 --> 00:04:55,796 If you have problems, let me know. 50 00:04:55,960 --> 00:04:57,792 If it'll make you feel better, 51 00:04:57,960 --> 00:04:59,951 I'll be more forthcoming in future. 52 00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:02,077 You're all heart. 53 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:04,559 Some more tests, 54 00:05:04,720 --> 00:05:06,711 and I'll report to the captain. 55 00:05:06,880 --> 00:05:08,473 Keep it private. 56 00:05:08,640 --> 00:05:10,756 I don't want to worry the captain. 57 00:05:10,920 --> 00:05:13,116 We've always kept her informed. 58 00:05:13,920 --> 00:05:15,957 It's my understanding that crew 59 00:05:16,120 --> 00:05:18,760 have the right to confidentiality. 60 00:05:20,920 --> 00:05:23,309 If you want to keep this between us, 61 00:05:23,480 --> 00:05:25,596 that's where it'll stay. 62 00:05:44,840 --> 00:05:48,117 Have you finished charting the nebula? 63 00:05:49,480 --> 00:05:51,437 Several hours ago. 64 00:05:57,040 --> 00:05:58,997 I've been thinking. 65 00:05:59,160 --> 00:06:02,312 I'm grateful for the chance to assist in astrometrics. 66 00:06:02,480 --> 00:06:05,040 But I'd like more challenging assignments. 67 00:06:05,200 --> 00:06:08,716 - Additional diagnostics? - That's not what I meant. 68 00:06:08,880 --> 00:06:12,714 - I want to work on the bridge. - You don't have the training. 69 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:17,477 That's why I'd like to take the entrance exam for Starfleet Academy. 70 00:06:17,640 --> 00:06:20,553 I'd forward it to Earth in the datastream. 71 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:24,031 If I pass, I could take basic classes from Tuvok. 72 00:06:24,200 --> 00:06:26,635 He was an instructor at the Academy. 73 00:06:26,800 --> 00:06:30,270 - Your plan is ambitious. - You think it's a good idea? 74 00:06:32,320 --> 00:06:35,597 Take the classes with me. Earn a commission. 75 00:06:35,760 --> 00:06:37,910 I've had enough training. 76 00:06:38,080 --> 00:06:40,594 I need the captain's recommendation. 77 00:06:40,760 --> 00:06:42,717 I'll speak to her. 78 00:06:49,480 --> 00:06:52,472 I have work in the cargo bay. Can you finish here? 79 00:06:52,640 --> 00:06:54,597 Of course. 80 00:07:06,840 --> 00:07:09,912 Computer, initiate regeneration cycle. 81 00:07:10,080 --> 00:07:12,151 Unable to comply. 82 00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:15,756 - Why? - Incompatible interface. 83 00:07:15,920 --> 00:07:18,912 Run a diagnostic of alcove 01. 84 00:07:19,840 --> 00:07:25,950 Alcove 01 is operating within normal parameters. 85 00:07:26,120 --> 00:07:29,158 Initiate regeneration cycle. 86 00:07:29,320 --> 00:07:32,438 - Unable to comply. - Clarify. 87 00:07:32,600 --> 00:07:35,433 Your cortical node is malfunctioning. 88 00:07:46,040 --> 00:07:48,236 Seven, I didn't see you. 89 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:51,677 - I was just leaving. - Before breakfast? 90 00:07:51,840 --> 00:07:54,719 - What time is it? - 0500. 91 00:07:55,960 --> 00:07:58,156 Have you been here all night? 92 00:07:59,200 --> 00:08:01,350 I was unable to regenerate. 93 00:08:01,520 --> 00:08:03,477 Anything on your mind? 94 00:08:04,480 --> 00:08:06,835 My alcove is malfunctioning. 95 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:10,994 - You should ask B'Elanna to look at it. - I didn't want to wake her. 96 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:14,152 - What's all this? - Nutritional supplements. 97 00:08:14,320 --> 00:08:16,630 I thought they would compensate. 98 00:08:16,800 --> 00:08:21,158 - Your own recipe? - Metabolic enzymes and protein extract. 99 00:08:21,320 --> 00:08:25,837 Let me make you a Talaxian omelette. No enzymes, but it tastes better. 100 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:28,037 That won't be necessary. 101 00:08:28,200 --> 00:08:30,635 I think I'll wake Lieut... 102 00:08:30,800 --> 00:08:32,552 Lieutenant... 103 00:08:34,120 --> 00:08:35,872 Seven! 104 00:08:41,520 --> 00:08:44,797 Neelix to sickbay. Medical emergency. 105 00:08:54,080 --> 00:08:56,833 You lost consciousness in the mess hall. 106 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:05,473 - Your body's rejecting your implants. - It's the glitch in your cortical node. 107 00:09:05,640 --> 00:09:08,519 Apparently, it's more serious than we thought. 108 00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:16,036 - The node is destabilising. - It's unable to regulate your implants. 109 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:19,397 They're shutting down one by one. 110 00:09:20,560 --> 00:09:24,076 When you've disconnected implants in the past, I've adapted. 111 00:09:24,240 --> 00:09:28,791 Minor implants. An assimilation tubule, a few nanoprobes. 112 00:09:28,960 --> 00:09:31,520 Nothing crucial to your human physiology. 113 00:09:31,680 --> 00:09:37,517 - These implants control vital functions. - Without my cortical node, I'll die. 114 00:09:37,680 --> 00:09:39,034 Correct? 115 00:09:45,880 --> 00:09:50,750 Borg technology is highly adaptive. My cortical node will repair itself. 116 00:09:50,920 --> 00:09:55,312 I don't think so. If anything, the deterioration is accelerating. 117 00:09:55,480 --> 00:09:59,360 - Stay here for observation... - I've been sufficiently observed. 118 00:09:59,520 --> 00:10:01,477 Excuse us, please. 119 00:10:04,760 --> 00:10:09,789 I'm sorry. You've a right to be angry but it won't solve the problem. 120 00:10:09,960 --> 00:10:15,194 - The node will correct itself. - And if it doesn't, for argument's sake? 121 00:10:15,360 --> 00:10:20,196 - Is it possible to replicate a new one? - The technology is too complex. 122 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:26,316 If this had happened when you were in the collective, 123 00:10:26,480 --> 00:10:29,791 how would the Borg have repaired the damage? 124 00:10:29,960 --> 00:10:34,875 They wouldn't have. Trying to repair a node would be futile. 125 00:10:35,040 --> 00:10:37,680 The Borg would simply replace it. 126 00:10:41,040 --> 00:10:44,670 Harry? We passed a Borg debris field six days ago, 127 00:10:44,840 --> 00:10:46,797 outside the Yontasa Expanse. 128 00:10:46,960 --> 00:10:49,349 - See if you can find it. - Yes, ma'am. 129 00:10:50,720 --> 00:10:53,519 It's not every day we look for the Borg. What's up? 130 00:10:53,680 --> 00:10:55,751 Seven needs a new cortical node. 131 00:10:55,920 --> 00:10:59,914 Captain, the Borg often return to salvage damaged cubes. 132 00:11:00,080 --> 00:11:01,639 I'll risk it. 133 00:11:01,800 --> 00:11:06,112 I want to help Seven, but we could all end up with cortical nodes. 134 00:11:06,280 --> 00:11:10,319 - I'm taking the Flyer, alone. - I've located the field. 135 00:11:10,480 --> 00:11:13,916 Transmit the coordinates. You have the bridge. 136 00:11:14,080 --> 00:11:18,472 With respect, the last time you took the Flyer to confront the Borg, 137 00:11:18,640 --> 00:11:20,597 it ended up in pieces. 138 00:11:20,760 --> 00:11:25,038 - I'll bring it back in one piece. - A good pilot might help. 139 00:11:25,200 --> 00:11:28,955 Particularly if accompanied by a tactical officer. 140 00:11:29,120 --> 00:11:31,839 You shouldn't do this by yourself. 141 00:11:34,080 --> 00:11:37,038 Well, gentlemen, I guess you're with me. 142 00:11:44,680 --> 00:11:46,114 Captain. 143 00:11:46,280 --> 00:11:48,669 I'll meet you in the shuttle bay. 144 00:11:48,840 --> 00:11:52,515 - Have you talked to Seven? - Just a few minutes ago. 145 00:11:52,680 --> 00:11:54,671 - You don't approve? - Of what? 146 00:11:54,840 --> 00:11:57,116 - My request. - Request? 147 00:11:58,280 --> 00:12:01,671 I'm sure Seven will discuss it when she has the chance. 148 00:12:01,840 --> 00:12:06,232 - I'm sorry I bothered you. - Obviously no one's told you. 149 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:09,916 - Told me what? - Seven isn't well. 150 00:12:10,080 --> 00:12:13,789 - What's wrong with her? - Her cortical node is failing. 151 00:12:13,960 --> 00:12:17,510 Her cortical node? She's going to die. 152 00:12:17,680 --> 00:12:21,594 Not if we find a new node. We're searching a Borg debris field. 153 00:12:21,760 --> 00:12:24,718 I know Borg technology. Let me come with you. 154 00:12:24,880 --> 00:12:28,111 - It's too dangerous. - I'm willing to take the risk. 155 00:12:28,280 --> 00:12:30,430 I'm not willing to let you. 156 00:12:30,600 --> 00:12:34,594 I'll let you know how we did as soon as we're back. Don't worry. 157 00:12:47,240 --> 00:12:48,719 Seven. 158 00:12:52,960 --> 00:12:56,078 - Why are you here? - The captain said you were ill. 159 00:12:56,240 --> 00:12:59,596 - I'm fine. - Then why are you in sickbay? 160 00:12:59,760 --> 00:13:04,038 - You've work to do in astrometrics. - I've finished my work. 161 00:13:04,200 --> 00:13:06,714 - I'll assign you more. - Is there a problem? 162 00:13:06,880 --> 00:13:09,394 I wish to be alone. 163 00:13:09,560 --> 00:13:11,631 Come with me, please. 164 00:13:18,080 --> 00:13:21,152 - Why is she angry with me? - She's not angry with you. 165 00:13:21,320 --> 00:13:24,438 - She's just angry. - I don't understand. 166 00:13:24,600 --> 00:13:28,673 A common response to serious illness. She's frustrated. 167 00:13:28,840 --> 00:13:33,038 - Embarrassed to appear vulnerable. - She shouldn't be embarrassed. 168 00:13:33,200 --> 00:13:35,191 - I'm her friend. - And her pupil. 169 00:13:35,360 --> 00:13:38,671 She doesn't want anyone to see her, she's not at her best. 170 00:13:38,840 --> 00:13:41,354 - It's not her fault. - Of course not. 171 00:13:41,520 --> 00:13:46,356 But we have to allow her to deal with this in her own way, with dignity. 172 00:13:46,520 --> 00:13:49,831 Give her time. She may decide she wants company. 173 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:53,755 If she does, you're the first person I'll call. 174 00:14:08,440 --> 00:14:12,877 I've isolated a section with the bodies of approximately 37 drones. 175 00:14:13,040 --> 00:14:17,113 - 37 doesn't sound "approximate". - They were killed in an explosion. 176 00:14:17,280 --> 00:14:22,275 - There are only a few left intact. - The atmosphere's breathable inside. 177 00:14:22,440 --> 00:14:26,195 - Any sign of active Borg ships? - Nothing on sensors. 178 00:14:26,360 --> 00:14:30,718 - That could change. Run scans. - Yes, ma'am. 179 00:15:00,320 --> 00:15:04,314 Tuvok, here. Help me get this off him. 180 00:15:17,640 --> 00:15:20,154 No apparent damage to the cortical node. 181 00:16:04,360 --> 00:16:08,069 Captain, you've got company. There's a ship... 182 00:16:09,120 --> 00:16:11,077 Two to beam out. 183 00:16:12,080 --> 00:16:14,390 Delta Flyer, respond. 184 00:16:16,440 --> 00:16:18,636 Three humanoids aboard this vessel. 185 00:16:18,800 --> 00:16:22,475 - Drones? - The only drones here are dead. 186 00:16:22,640 --> 00:16:24,677 And they belong to us. 187 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:30,675 - Who are you? - Captain Janeway, starship Voyager. 188 00:16:30,840 --> 00:16:35,437 - This is my debris field, Captain. - We weren't aware of that. 189 00:16:35,600 --> 00:16:38,797 - What have you taken? - A cortical node. 190 00:16:38,960 --> 00:16:43,670 - We need it to save one of my crew. - Everything here belongs to us. 191 00:16:44,760 --> 00:16:49,038 Put down your weapons and I won't activate this laser scalpel. 192 00:17:11,200 --> 00:17:15,512 Sorry about the delay. They knocked our transporters off-line. 193 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:32,358 I need you at tactical. When I bring us around, target their engine core. 194 00:17:32,520 --> 00:17:34,272 Aye, sir. 195 00:17:43,960 --> 00:17:46,076 Nice shot. 196 00:17:46,240 --> 00:17:48,550 They're breaking pursuit. 197 00:18:05,240 --> 00:18:09,916 - May I ask what you're doing? - I'm implementing a new filing system. 198 00:18:10,080 --> 00:18:12,037 You should be in bed. 199 00:18:12,200 --> 00:18:16,512 Delivery for Seven of Nine. Tarcanian wildflowers. 200 00:18:16,680 --> 00:18:18,637 Cheery, don't you think? 201 00:18:20,240 --> 00:18:24,279 - If you prefer gladiolas, I'll go back... - That won't be necessary. 202 00:18:24,440 --> 00:18:27,751 The flowers are lovely. Aren't they, Seven? 203 00:18:29,120 --> 00:18:31,475 Thank you. I'll admire them later. 204 00:18:31,640 --> 00:18:34,280 I thought I'd keep you company. 205 00:18:36,360 --> 00:18:41,036 - Seven prefers not to have visitors. - Even with a Kadis-Kot board? 206 00:18:41,200 --> 00:18:44,591 - Correct. - But it's your favourite game. 207 00:18:45,920 --> 00:18:48,116 Personally, I can't blame her. 208 00:18:48,280 --> 00:18:50,840 - You're being insensitive. - Lam? 209 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:57,155 Seven is in a weakened state. She wouldn't stand a chance against you. 210 00:18:57,320 --> 00:19:00,597 You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. 211 00:19:00,760 --> 00:19:03,400 We'll play when you're feeling up to it. 212 00:19:03,560 --> 00:19:06,120 - Green. - I beg your pardon? 213 00:19:07,440 --> 00:19:10,239 I prefer the green pieces. You'll use red. 214 00:19:10,400 --> 00:19:13,518 - Doctor, is she up to it? - Go easy on her. 215 00:19:13,680 --> 00:19:16,559 - Janeway to the Doctor. - Yes, Captain? 216 00:19:16,720 --> 00:19:19,917 We're back and we have the node. 217 00:19:41,320 --> 00:19:44,153 Ready to disengage the damaged node. 218 00:19:44,320 --> 00:19:47,631 - Transfer cortical functions. - Understood. 219 00:19:51,400 --> 00:19:54,552 - Done. - Initiating the extraction. 220 00:20:08,840 --> 00:20:10,797 - Functions stable. - Time? 221 00:20:10,960 --> 00:20:12,917 20 seconds. 222 00:20:13,080 --> 00:20:16,550 Not yet. I have to realign her primary neurodes. 223 00:20:19,000 --> 00:20:22,834 The computer can't maintain her functions much longer. 224 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:24,752 Ready. 225 00:20:31,960 --> 00:20:35,316 Neural relays will destabilise in ten seconds. 226 00:20:35,480 --> 00:20:38,711 - Nine... eight... seven... - Almost finished. 227 00:20:38,880 --> 00:20:41,235 ...six...five... 228 00:20:41,400 --> 00:20:43,869 Transfer functions to the new node. 229 00:20:47,680 --> 00:20:50,479 - Something's wrong. - Anaphylactic shock. 230 00:20:50,640 --> 00:20:54,270 Her implants aren't adapting. They're rejecting the node. 231 00:20:54,440 --> 00:20:59,435 - It's losing synaptic cohesion. - Apply a 20 millijoule neurostatic pulse. 232 00:21:00,600 --> 00:21:02,830 Now! 233 00:21:04,920 --> 00:21:07,639 - No effect. - Again. 234 00:21:10,280 --> 00:21:13,193 Increase the pulse. 30 millijoules. 235 00:21:19,720 --> 00:21:22,917 Computer, end simulation. 236 00:21:25,040 --> 00:21:27,350 - Why did you stop? - It wasn't working. 237 00:21:27,520 --> 00:21:30,512 - Run it again. - This was our 12th simulation. 238 00:21:30,680 --> 00:21:35,231 - 13 won't be our lucky number. - The node's been inactive too long. 239 00:21:36,320 --> 00:21:39,039 Then we'll find one that hasn't. 240 00:21:40,040 --> 00:21:44,477 No matter how many we sift through, a node from a dead drone won't work. 241 00:21:44,640 --> 00:21:47,154 - Who said a dead drone? - What? 242 00:21:47,320 --> 00:21:50,711 We've infiltrated Borg vessels before. We can do it again. 243 00:21:50,880 --> 00:21:54,236 - End one life to save another? - I'm not giving up on her. 244 00:21:54,400 --> 00:21:58,758 Neither am I! I'll do everything to help her. 245 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:02,993 But we have to face the possibility that it may not be enough. 246 00:22:10,120 --> 00:22:13,511 Red. Grid 13-3. 247 00:22:15,040 --> 00:22:19,671 - They should have finished by now. - I'm sure they'll let you know. 248 00:22:19,840 --> 00:22:23,595 - Your move. - Don't you have more important duties? 249 00:22:23,760 --> 00:22:26,513 Nothing that can't wait. 250 00:22:26,680 --> 00:22:32,358 - Despite what the Doctor said, I'm fine. - Really? It looks like you're losing. 251 00:22:36,520 --> 00:22:40,070 - Kadis-Kot. - I should have seen that coming. 252 00:22:40,240 --> 00:22:44,393 Well, that makes what, 16-3 your lead? 253 00:22:44,560 --> 00:22:47,552 - 16-2. - My mistake. 254 00:22:51,120 --> 00:22:55,751 Oh, er... I should really see how things are going in the mess hall. 255 00:22:55,920 --> 00:22:58,514 I'll be back later for a re-match. 256 00:22:58,680 --> 00:23:01,069 Are you ready to proceed? 257 00:23:02,920 --> 00:23:07,312 According to the simulations, the salvaged node won't work. I'm sorry. 258 00:23:07,480 --> 00:23:09,994 I'm researching alternative treatments. 259 00:23:10,160 --> 00:23:15,234 Harry and B'Elanna are trying to repair the node with alcove components. 260 00:23:15,400 --> 00:23:17,676 They'll fail. 261 00:23:19,760 --> 00:23:23,594 We're not giving up hope. Neither should you. 262 00:23:26,640 --> 00:23:31,430 - I'd like to return to my duties. - I need to monitor your condition. 263 00:23:31,600 --> 00:23:35,275 - Captain? - I have to defer to the Doctor. 264 00:23:36,800 --> 00:23:40,634 If you'd like, I can ask Icheb to bring your work here. 265 00:24:03,520 --> 00:24:05,193 Doctor? 266 00:24:06,680 --> 00:24:09,638 - Computer, locate the Doctor. - The EMH is off-line. 267 00:24:09,800 --> 00:24:11,473 Activate the EMH. 268 00:24:11,640 --> 00:24:14,234 - ...forced to sedate you! - Doctor? 269 00:24:14,400 --> 00:24:17,950 - Sorry, I wasn't talking to you. - Where's Seven? 270 00:24:18,120 --> 00:24:22,193 I wish I knew. She overrode my autonomy protocols, 271 00:24:22,360 --> 00:24:24,636 in the middle of a sentence. 272 00:24:24,800 --> 00:24:27,076 Computer, locate Seven of Nine. 273 00:24:27,240 --> 00:24:30,073 Seven of Nine is in sickbay. 274 00:24:39,880 --> 00:24:42,030 He's looking for you. 275 00:24:42,200 --> 00:24:46,433 The Doctor, I ran into him in the corridor. 276 00:24:46,600 --> 00:24:50,639 He's about 30 seconds away from calling a ship-wide alert. 277 00:24:50,800 --> 00:24:54,077 - Are you going to tell him where I am? - No. 278 00:24:54,240 --> 00:24:56,914 I know what it's like to be stuck in sickbay. 279 00:24:57,080 --> 00:25:00,869 I've escaped the Doctor myself, once or twice. 280 00:25:01,040 --> 00:25:04,317 - Thank you. - Any time. 281 00:25:06,120 --> 00:25:07,838 Lieutenant... 282 00:25:10,960 --> 00:25:16,319 ...when you die, do you believe your spirit will go to Sto-Vo-Kor? 283 00:25:16,480 --> 00:25:18,676 You shouldn't be thinking about dying. 284 00:25:18,840 --> 00:25:23,676 The Doctor's simulations show any bid to adapt the salvaged node will fail. 285 00:25:32,520 --> 00:25:36,673 Sto-Vo-Kor, Lieutenant. Do you believe you'll go there? 286 00:25:38,200 --> 00:25:43,593 I guess it all depends on how honourable my death is. 287 00:25:43,760 --> 00:25:46,957 But you do believe there's something after death? 288 00:25:48,160 --> 00:25:50,197 I hope so. 289 00:25:56,200 --> 00:25:58,350 What about you? 290 00:25:59,640 --> 00:26:02,393 The Borg have no concept of an afterlife. 291 00:26:03,480 --> 00:26:05,949 But when a drone is de-activated, 292 00:26:06,120 --> 00:26:10,193 its memories reside in the collective's consciousness. 293 00:26:10,360 --> 00:26:13,557 As long as the hive exists, 294 00:26:13,720 --> 00:26:16,280 so will a part of that drone. 295 00:26:17,800 --> 00:26:21,270 You don't seem to take much comfort in that. 296 00:26:21,440 --> 00:26:25,752 My link to the collective has been severed for nearly four years. 297 00:26:26,840 --> 00:26:30,356 If I die, everything I accomplished in that time, 298 00:26:30,520 --> 00:26:34,479 everything I achieved as an individual, will be lost. 299 00:26:35,760 --> 00:26:38,718 My memories, my experiences... 300 00:26:40,280 --> 00:26:43,238 It will be as if they... 301 00:26:43,400 --> 00:26:46,711 as if I never existed. 302 00:26:52,240 --> 00:26:57,633 I think... you're more memorable than you give yourself credit for. 303 00:26:57,800 --> 00:27:01,634 You don't need the collective to validate your existence. 304 00:27:01,800 --> 00:27:05,680 You've made an impact on every member of this crew. 305 00:27:05,840 --> 00:27:08,354 That's your legacy. 306 00:27:10,360 --> 00:27:12,317 There you are. 307 00:27:12,480 --> 00:27:15,359 I knew she'd be the one to harbour a fugitive. 308 00:27:15,520 --> 00:27:18,399 We difficult patients need to stick together. 309 00:27:19,280 --> 00:27:23,399 - I want you to return to sickbay. - Have you devised a new treatment? 310 00:27:23,560 --> 00:27:27,872 - Not yet. - I won't distract you from finding one. 311 00:27:28,040 --> 00:27:32,671 If you continue to exert yourself, your condition will only deteriorate. 312 00:27:32,840 --> 00:27:37,232 - Is that what you want? - What I want is to be useful. 313 00:27:38,960 --> 00:27:43,830 I really could use her help. I promise not to let her overdo it. 314 00:27:46,520 --> 00:27:50,832 You can stay. Provided you wear this cortical monitor. 315 00:27:57,520 --> 00:27:59,477 Thank you. 316 00:28:20,600 --> 00:28:24,833 - Are you feeling better? - My condition is unchanged. 317 00:28:28,320 --> 00:28:33,110 I've spoken to the captain about your desire to apply to Starfleet Academy. 318 00:28:33,280 --> 00:28:38,309 She's agreed to admit us to the entrance exam before the next datastream. 319 00:28:40,040 --> 00:28:43,715 It's a list of crewmen who can help you study. 320 00:28:43,880 --> 00:28:46,952 Lieutenant Torres is well-versed in warp mechanics. 321 00:28:47,120 --> 00:28:50,317 Ensign Kim "aced" the quantum theory section. 322 00:28:50,480 --> 00:28:53,154 What about astrometrics? 323 00:28:54,800 --> 00:28:59,829 - You know more than most officers... - I need someone to review the material. 324 00:29:00,000 --> 00:29:04,790 - I'll ask Lieutenant Paris. - I'd rather study with you. 325 00:29:08,560 --> 00:29:11,916 You're too dependent on me. Learn to rely on others. 326 00:29:12,080 --> 00:29:14,913 - And if I don't want to? - That is irrelevant. 327 00:29:15,080 --> 00:29:18,277 Why are you acting like this? You think you're dying? 328 00:29:18,440 --> 00:29:20,954 I am dying. 329 00:29:25,000 --> 00:29:27,753 - I'm sorry. - You may have given up. 330 00:29:27,920 --> 00:29:30,150 But I haven't. 331 00:30:03,720 --> 00:30:05,677 I know how to save her. 332 00:30:05,840 --> 00:30:10,516 - I'm open to suggestions. - I analysed the simulations you did. 333 00:30:10,680 --> 00:30:14,230 They failed because you used a node from a dead drone. 334 00:30:14,400 --> 00:30:17,199 - Correct. - You require a live drone. 335 00:30:17,360 --> 00:30:21,194 - I've already been through that. - My node is operational. 336 00:30:21,360 --> 00:30:25,797 - Remove it and give it to Seven. - Absolutely not! 337 00:30:25,960 --> 00:30:28,520 - Review my research. - A suicide note! 338 00:30:28,680 --> 00:30:30,671 - I disagree. - That's comforting. 339 00:30:30,840 --> 00:30:34,879 You took scans of me. By your own estimation, 340 00:30:35,040 --> 00:30:38,715 I emerged from my maturation chamber before I was assimilated. 341 00:30:38,880 --> 00:30:44,000 - So I'm less dependent on implants. - They regulate many vital functions. 342 00:30:44,160 --> 00:30:48,552 What about my age? I'm younger. It should be easier to adapt to the loss. 343 00:30:48,720 --> 00:30:52,839 - Too young to understand the risk. - I understand perfectly. 344 00:30:53,000 --> 00:30:57,153 - Do nothing and Seven will die. - With your idea, you could both die. 345 00:30:57,320 --> 00:31:02,679 My research shows an 86.9% chance Seven's implants will adapt to my node. 346 00:31:02,840 --> 00:31:05,309 - 867 - Point nine. 347 00:31:07,520 --> 00:31:11,718 What about you? How will you regulate your implants? 348 00:31:11,880 --> 00:31:15,111 Compensate with genetic resequencing. 349 00:31:15,280 --> 00:31:19,399 This isn't suicide, Doctor. I believe it can work. 350 00:31:19,560 --> 00:31:22,074 All I ask is that you consider it. 351 00:31:30,800 --> 00:31:35,317 Earth's biggest ditch. That's what my father used to call it. 352 00:31:35,480 --> 00:31:37,835 We hiked the north rim when I was nine. 353 00:31:38,000 --> 00:31:39,957 An impressive formation. 354 00:31:40,120 --> 00:31:44,512 Too dusty. I've always preferred farm country, myself. 355 00:31:46,280 --> 00:31:52,549 Bloomington, Indiana. Your home town. You mentioned it on several occasions. 356 00:31:52,720 --> 00:31:57,271 - So, what do you think? - It appears a pleasant environment. 357 00:31:57,440 --> 00:32:00,114 When we get to Earth, I'll take you there. 358 00:32:00,280 --> 00:32:05,354 - It's likely you'll reach Earth without me. - You don't know that. 359 00:32:06,400 --> 00:32:09,677 You refuse to acknowledge the severity of my condition. 360 00:32:09,840 --> 00:32:12,480 Just as I did, at first. 361 00:32:12,640 --> 00:32:16,679 - Are you giving up? - I'm merely accepting reality. 362 00:32:18,840 --> 00:32:23,789 If I'd accepted reality, I'd have settled on the first planet we found. 363 00:32:23,960 --> 00:32:27,590 Instead, I'm 30,000 light years closer to Bloomington. 364 00:32:27,760 --> 00:32:31,435 Minus several members of your crew. 365 00:32:32,800 --> 00:32:35,952 Ensign Marie Kaplan, Ensign Lyndsay Ballard, 366 00:32:36,120 --> 00:32:38,794 - Crewman Timothy Lang... - The point? 367 00:32:38,960 --> 00:32:42,555 Every person on this list died under your command. 368 00:32:42,720 --> 00:32:48,159 You accepted their deaths. But I don't believe you'll accept mine. 369 00:32:48,320 --> 00:32:52,075 - That's presumptuous. - I'm not being egotistical. 370 00:32:52,240 --> 00:32:55,870 - I'm trying to make a point. - Which is? 371 00:32:59,400 --> 00:33:04,713 All of these crew members came to Voyager with unique personalities. 372 00:33:04,880 --> 00:33:08,589 I required constant assistance to develop my individuality. 373 00:33:08,760 --> 00:33:12,276 - You've come a long way. - Not far enough. 374 00:33:12,440 --> 00:33:17,310 I've disappointed you. You feel your task is incomplete. 375 00:33:17,480 --> 00:33:21,519 That's why my death will be difficult for you to accept. 376 00:33:21,680 --> 00:33:24,274 Is that what you think? 377 00:33:24,440 --> 00:33:29,594 - You haven't lived up to expectations? - Clearly, I haven't. 378 00:33:29,760 --> 00:33:32,229 But I want you to know... 379 00:33:33,280 --> 00:33:37,353 ...that the failure has been mine, not yours. 380 00:33:37,520 --> 00:33:40,592 You haven't failed, Seven. 381 00:33:40,760 --> 00:33:43,752 You've exceeded my expectations. 382 00:33:43,920 --> 00:33:47,914 You've become an individual, an extraordinary individual. 383 00:33:48,080 --> 00:33:51,118 If I have trouble accepting your condition, 384 00:33:51,280 --> 00:33:54,636 it's only because I don't want to lose a friend. 385 00:33:56,920 --> 00:34:01,039 Doctor to the captain, I need to see you and Seven right away. 386 00:34:03,400 --> 00:34:06,153 - A complicated procedure. - No doubt. 387 00:34:06,320 --> 00:34:09,438 - But you believe it'll work. - There are risks. 388 00:34:09,600 --> 00:34:14,197 To Seven and Icheb. But if you're asking if it's possible, I'd say yes. 389 00:34:14,360 --> 00:34:19,230 - What sort of precautions... - It's not worth the risk to Icheb. 390 00:34:19,400 --> 00:34:23,394 - I won't extend my life at your expense. - Review the data. 391 00:34:23,560 --> 00:34:27,997 If there's a chance you won't survive, the data is irrelevant. 392 00:34:28,960 --> 00:34:32,237 - I'd like to return to sickbay now. - As you wish. 393 00:34:36,080 --> 00:34:38,435 Captain, you could order her to do it. 394 00:34:38,600 --> 00:34:42,150 - I have to respect her wishes. - Even if it kills her? 395 00:34:42,320 --> 00:34:44,914 I want to help her just as much as you do. 396 00:34:45,080 --> 00:34:48,391 If that were true, you wouldn't let her die. 397 00:34:58,200 --> 00:35:02,751 Anything I can bring from the cargo bay to make you feel more at home? 398 00:35:02,920 --> 00:35:04,672 No, thank you. 399 00:35:04,840 --> 00:35:08,151 Something from the mess hall? A piece of fruit? 400 00:35:08,320 --> 00:35:10,516 Are you offering me my last meal? 401 00:35:10,680 --> 00:35:13,752 I... Of course not. Is that what you thought? 402 00:35:13,920 --> 00:35:16,594 I was attempting to lighten the mood. 403 00:35:16,760 --> 00:35:19,878 Ah, yes... Well done. 404 00:35:20,040 --> 00:35:23,431 Icheb to the Doctor, report to Cargo Bay 2 immediately. 405 00:35:23,600 --> 00:35:25,876 - He's persistent. - Not to worry. 406 00:35:26,040 --> 00:35:30,511 I'll make it clear to him that persistence is futile. 407 00:35:37,920 --> 00:35:39,877 You were summoned, too? 408 00:35:40,040 --> 00:35:43,317 Icheb doesn't seem to have grasped the chain of command. 409 00:35:43,480 --> 00:35:45,949 Remind you of anyone we know? 410 00:35:46,200 --> 00:35:47,554 Icheb? 411 00:35:53,000 --> 00:35:55,469 - He's disengaged his cortical node. - How? 412 00:35:55,640 --> 00:35:59,918 My alcove. I programmed it to disconnect my neural relays. 413 00:36:00,080 --> 00:36:02,640 - Can you reconnect? - He's locked me out. 414 00:36:02,800 --> 00:36:06,589 - How could you do this? - It's the only way to prove it'll work. 415 00:36:18,320 --> 00:36:22,996 - What's wrong? - He performed an operation on himself. 416 00:36:23,160 --> 00:36:25,754 - Reconnect his node. - I intend to. 417 00:36:25,920 --> 00:36:28,719 No. If Seven can refuse treatment, so can I. 418 00:36:28,880 --> 00:36:31,679 - We don't have time. - Check your scans. 419 00:36:31,840 --> 00:36:35,310 - I'm adapting. - Some implants have adapted, not all. 420 00:36:35,480 --> 00:36:39,394 - Apply the resequencing technique. - I won't accept the node. 421 00:36:39,560 --> 00:36:42,473 - And I won't keep it. - Someone had better use it. 422 00:36:42,640 --> 00:36:45,393 If it stays disconnected, it won't be any good. 423 00:36:45,560 --> 00:36:48,757 - You're like a child. - I'm trying to save your life. 424 00:36:48,920 --> 00:36:53,153 - You've grown too dependent on me. - So I need to rely on others? 425 00:36:53,320 --> 00:36:57,234 What about you? You've refused to rely on a single member of the crew. 426 00:36:57,400 --> 00:37:00,518 You hid your condition, you de-activated the Doctor. 427 00:37:00,680 --> 00:37:05,231 Now you're rejecting my help. You need to rely on others. 428 00:37:05,400 --> 00:37:08,552 Isn't that what people on this ship do? Help each other? 429 00:37:08,720 --> 00:37:10,677 Whenever we can. 430 00:37:10,840 --> 00:37:14,799 If the captain were dying, you'd risk your life to save her. 431 00:37:14,960 --> 00:37:19,113 When you respond to a distress call, you risk everyone's life on this ship 432 00:37:19,280 --> 00:37:21,715 to respond to the aid of strangers. 433 00:37:21,880 --> 00:37:25,157 - He's right. - Captain, he's just a child. 434 00:37:25,320 --> 00:37:27,789 I don't think he is. 435 00:37:27,960 --> 00:37:29,997 Not any more. 436 00:37:30,160 --> 00:37:33,630 - Doctor? - Don't look at me. 437 00:37:33,800 --> 00:37:37,714 Please, just let us help you. 438 00:37:53,720 --> 00:37:55,677 Let's begin. 439 00:39:23,720 --> 00:39:26,030 Good morning. 440 00:39:26,200 --> 00:39:29,238 - How long have I been regenerating? - Six days. 441 00:39:29,400 --> 00:39:32,756 We needed to make sure your implants had adapted. 442 00:39:32,920 --> 00:39:35,799 The good news is, they have. 443 00:39:37,800 --> 00:39:39,438 Icheb? 444 00:39:41,840 --> 00:39:45,435 His road to recovery has been a little bumpier than yours. 445 00:39:45,600 --> 00:39:48,194 Has he suffered any permanent damage? 446 00:39:48,360 --> 00:39:53,434 I don't think so. He's been experiencing some pain, but it's temporary. 447 00:39:53,600 --> 00:39:55,671 Pain I caused him. 448 00:39:55,840 --> 00:39:58,798 Pain he was willing to endure. 449 00:40:13,640 --> 00:40:17,599 - You've recovered. - I expect the same from you. 450 00:40:19,360 --> 00:40:22,034 The Doctor wants me here another week. 451 00:40:22,200 --> 00:40:27,479 But I'm sure I'll be back on my feet in half that time. 452 00:40:27,640 --> 00:40:30,314 I suggest you get as much rest as you can. 453 00:40:30,480 --> 00:40:33,472 - You're going to need it. - Why? 454 00:40:33,640 --> 00:40:39,272 I've decided to help you prepare for the astrometrics portion of the exam. 455 00:40:39,440 --> 00:40:42,637 You can expect a rigorous and gruelling schedule. 456 00:40:47,080 --> 00:40:49,037 - Seven? - Yes? 457 00:40:50,200 --> 00:40:54,751 Your ocular implant. It's malfunctioning again. 458 00:40:58,800 --> 00:41:02,270 Actually... it's functioning perfectly.