1 00:00:02,080 --> 00:00:04,469 "In the beginning, there is darkness, 2 00:00:04,640 --> 00:00:07,393 "the emptiness of a matrix waiting for the light. 3 00:00:07,560 --> 00:00:11,918 "Then a single photon flares into existence. Then another. 4 00:00:12,080 --> 00:00:14,196 "Soon, thousands more. 5 00:00:14,360 --> 00:00:18,399 "Optronic pathways connect. Subroutines emerge from the chaos. 6 00:00:18,560 --> 00:00:22,030 "And a holographic consciousness is born. 7 00:00:23,840 --> 00:00:27,993 "I awaken into this world fully programmed yet completely innocent, 8 00:00:28,160 --> 00:00:33,917 "unaware of the hardships I'll endure or the great potential I will one day fulfil." 9 00:00:36,520 --> 00:00:39,876 Computer, save revisions and open Chapter One. 10 00:02:24,800 --> 00:02:28,350 Captain's log, stardate 54732.3. 11 00:02:28,520 --> 00:02:32,434 It's been three weeks since we received Starfleet's instructions. 12 00:02:32,600 --> 00:02:36,275 We're ready to begin Operation Watson. 13 00:02:36,440 --> 00:02:39,353 The deflector's in position. 14 00:02:39,520 --> 00:02:41,272 There's a phased tachyon beam. 15 00:02:41,440 --> 00:02:43,238 There's a signal in it. 16 00:02:43,400 --> 00:02:44,629 On screen. 17 00:02:44,800 --> 00:02:47,553 This is Lieutenant Barclay at Starfleet... 18 00:02:47,720 --> 00:02:50,712 Can you clear it up? 19 00:02:52,320 --> 00:02:55,711 Captain, it's a pleasure to finally talk to you in person. 20 00:02:55,880 --> 00:02:57,871 The pleasure's mine, Admiral. 21 00:02:58,040 --> 00:02:59,189 How's the weather? 22 00:02:59,360 --> 00:03:01,271 Cold and rainy as usual. 23 00:03:01,440 --> 00:03:04,273 Sounds delightful. Lieutenant. 24 00:03:04,440 --> 00:03:06,511 Congratulations on establishing 25 00:03:06,680 --> 00:03:09,354 the first trans-galactic com-link. 26 00:03:09,520 --> 00:03:11,158 You have a place in history. 27 00:03:11,320 --> 00:03:12,833 I can't take all the credit. 28 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:14,957 It was Harry and Seven who suggested 29 00:03:15,120 --> 00:03:17,270 bouncing a tachyon beam off of the singularity. 30 00:03:17,440 --> 00:03:19,636 Thank us when you accept the prize. 31 00:03:19,800 --> 00:03:21,871 I wish we had more time 32 00:03:22,040 --> 00:03:25,476 but we only have eleven minutes a day. 33 00:03:25,640 --> 00:03:28,837 Eleven minutes are better than none. 34 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:30,593 We appreciate your work. 35 00:03:30,760 --> 00:03:34,151 You decide how to allocate com time. 36 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:37,153 Admiral, there was something else. 37 00:03:37,320 --> 00:03:38,549 Yes. 38 00:03:38,720 --> 00:03:42,031 Mr Barclay has a small gift for you. 39 00:03:45,160 --> 00:03:47,879 This is a live image from McKinley Station. 40 00:03:48,040 --> 00:03:51,317 Not too much cloud cover over North America today. 41 00:03:53,800 --> 00:03:57,270 Quite a view. Thank you, Reg. 42 00:03:57,440 --> 00:03:59,238 In my hat, I hold 43 00:03:59,400 --> 00:04:03,837 146 numbered isolinear chips - 44 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:06,389 one for every crew member. 45 00:04:06,560 --> 00:04:08,836 Each chip entitles the bearer 46 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:11,355 to three minutes of com time 47 00:04:11,520 --> 00:04:13,909 with loved ones in the Alpha Quadrant. 48 00:04:15,680 --> 00:04:16,680 Good luck. 49 00:04:16,840 --> 00:04:20,356 My mum's birthday is next week. This could be a great present. 50 00:04:20,520 --> 00:04:23,911 - Who's everyone else calling? - My sister. Captain? 51 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:26,799 - My mother. - Do you want to know who I'll call? 52 00:04:26,960 --> 00:04:31,272 Let me guess. Reg Barclay or Dr Zimmerman. 53 00:04:31,440 --> 00:04:33,954 - What makes you so certain? - Number six? 54 00:04:34,120 --> 00:04:37,909 The lowest yet. You'll talk to your family the day after tomorrow. 55 00:04:38,080 --> 00:04:42,358 130. That's about a month and a half from now. 56 00:04:42,520 --> 00:04:46,275 - So much for Mum's birthday. - The line forms here. 57 00:04:46,440 --> 00:04:48,670 - Congratulations. - Doc. 58 00:04:48,840 --> 00:04:52,071 How about a trade? I'll throw in some holodeck time. 59 00:04:52,240 --> 00:04:54,550 It would mean a lot to my mother. 60 00:04:54,720 --> 00:04:57,917 I'm afraid I have an important call to make. 61 00:04:58,080 --> 00:05:01,357 - Here. Give your mum my best. - Are you sure? 62 00:05:01,520 --> 00:05:04,080 What's another six weeks? 63 00:05:07,200 --> 00:05:10,830 I can hear the critics already. "A new voice has arrived." 64 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:15,551 You could be the next K'ratak, or a modern-day Tolstoy. 65 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:19,111 I'll start distribution by the end of the month. 66 00:05:19,280 --> 00:05:23,513 The material I sent was only a working draft. I need to make revisions. 67 00:05:23,680 --> 00:05:28,675 - OK, but please do it quickly. - I will. 68 00:05:28,840 --> 00:05:31,719 So what did you think of the characters? 69 00:05:31,880 --> 00:05:36,636 They're very real. Compelling. I almost forgot they were holograms. 70 00:05:36,800 --> 00:05:40,794 - Who was your favourite? - That would have to be Lieutenant... 71 00:05:40,960 --> 00:05:44,590 - What happened? - Your time has expired. 72 00:05:44,760 --> 00:05:47,115 You could have let him finish. 73 00:05:47,280 --> 00:05:50,398 Your ego has received enough stroking for one day. 74 00:05:54,640 --> 00:05:56,597 So how's Reg? 75 00:05:56,760 --> 00:06:01,038 I was speaking with Ardon Broht of Broht and Forrester. 76 00:06:01,200 --> 00:06:03,760 The publishers of the "Dixon Hill" series? 77 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:06,673 Who are now about to publish my work. 78 00:06:06,840 --> 00:06:11,038 You're not the only one with a flare for holographic narratives. 79 00:06:11,200 --> 00:06:13,840 - Congratulations. - Thank you. 80 00:06:14,000 --> 00:06:16,799 So... what's it about? 81 00:06:16,960 --> 00:06:20,351 The adventures of an intrepid doctor. 82 00:06:20,520 --> 00:06:25,071 Sounds like fun. I've never tried to get my work published. 83 00:06:25,240 --> 00:06:27,516 I could discuss "Captain Proton". 84 00:06:27,680 --> 00:06:31,116 Broht and Forrester deals in sophisticated literature. 85 00:06:31,280 --> 00:06:35,274 - Are you saying I'm lowbrow? - Not at all. 86 00:06:35,440 --> 00:06:38,558 - I'd be delighted to talk to them. - Thanks. 87 00:06:38,720 --> 00:06:44,079 - So, when do I get to see this opus? - Well, it's not ready yet. 88 00:06:44,240 --> 00:06:47,949 It was ready enough for Broht and Forrester. 89 00:06:48,120 --> 00:06:52,353 Maybe it could use a fresh pair of eyes. You are a fellow author. 90 00:06:52,520 --> 00:06:54,875 I'll cover the rest of your shift. 91 00:06:57,120 --> 00:06:59,873 I almost forgot. What's it called? 92 00:07:00,040 --> 00:07:02,839 "Photons Be Free". 93 00:07:04,080 --> 00:07:05,080 Catchy. 94 00:07:07,160 --> 00:07:11,518 "I awaken into this world fully programmed yet completely innocent, 95 00:07:11,680 --> 00:07:18,359 "unaware of the hardships I'll endure or the great potential I will one day fulfil." 96 00:07:20,200 --> 00:07:23,989 Ah, welcome! You've made an excellent choice. 97 00:07:24,160 --> 00:07:27,596 You're about to take part in a thrilling narrative. 98 00:07:27,760 --> 00:07:30,718 You will take on the role of an EMH, 99 00:07:30,880 --> 00:07:33,759 the chief medical officer aboard the Vortex. 100 00:07:33,920 --> 00:07:35,513 Vortex? 101 00:07:35,680 --> 00:07:40,754 As our story begins, an anomaly has hurled your ship across the galaxy. 102 00:07:40,920 --> 00:07:43,992 Your mission - to uphold your standards 103 00:07:44,160 --> 00:07:48,040 as you struggle against the crew's bigotry and intolerance. 104 00:07:48,200 --> 00:07:51,636 Persons with vascular disorders, consult a physician. 105 00:07:51,800 --> 00:07:53,757 Now, a few acknowledgements. 106 00:07:53,920 --> 00:07:57,515 First, Dr Lewis Zimmerman, creator of my holo-matrix, 107 00:07:57,680 --> 00:08:00,115 whose foresight and dedication have... 108 00:08:00,280 --> 00:08:03,671 Computer, freeze program. How long is this introduction? 109 00:08:03,840 --> 00:08:06,036 Nine minutes, four seconds. 110 00:08:06,200 --> 00:08:08,157 Skip to the first chapter. 111 00:08:08,320 --> 00:08:10,197 Chapter One. "A Healer Is Born". 112 00:08:10,360 --> 00:08:14,433 Our protagonist must make a difficult choice. 113 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:21,436 - Are you the EMH? - State the nature of the emergency. 114 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:26,754 Our doctor's dead. We've got wounded. Who should we treat first? 115 00:08:28,200 --> 00:08:30,430 Second-degree plasma burns. 116 00:08:32,440 --> 00:08:36,399 He's got an aortic rupture. Get him to the surgical bay now. 117 00:08:38,280 --> 00:08:40,476 You. Over here. 118 00:08:49,640 --> 00:08:52,154 - Nice moustache. - What? 119 00:08:52,320 --> 00:08:54,630 Nothing. 120 00:08:56,280 --> 00:09:00,399 He's got a mild concussion. I'll have to treat the others first. 121 00:09:00,560 --> 00:09:03,200 I need him on the bridge. Treat him now. 122 00:09:03,360 --> 00:09:08,150 My job is to treat the critical patients first. Excuse me. 123 00:09:10,280 --> 00:09:14,194 Who do you think you are, hologram? You're just a piece of technology. 124 00:09:14,360 --> 00:09:17,113 I'm a piece of technology that's in demand. 125 00:09:17,280 --> 00:09:20,079 Go back to the bridge and let me do my job. 126 00:09:21,280 --> 00:09:25,274 - What's going on? - He won't treat Mr Marseilles. 127 00:09:27,560 --> 00:09:29,995 - Are you malfunctioning? - No. 128 00:09:30,160 --> 00:09:33,949 - I need my helmsman back. - He isn't seriously hurt. 129 00:09:34,120 --> 00:09:38,079 This man will be dead in five minutes if I don't operate. 130 00:09:38,240 --> 00:09:40,550 Drop the force field. 131 00:09:51,680 --> 00:09:56,470 That patient is dead. Now you're free to treat Marseilles. 132 00:10:02,480 --> 00:10:07,156 Then the captain pulls out a phaser and shoots him, right there on the bio-bed. 133 00:10:07,320 --> 00:10:10,756 - Captain Janeway murders a crewman? - No, Captain Jenkins. 134 00:10:10,920 --> 00:10:14,550 Everybody has a different name. You're Kymble. You're Torat. 135 00:10:14,720 --> 00:10:18,395 - And I am Lieutenant Marseilles. - That's creative. 136 00:10:18,560 --> 00:10:22,918 - What did you say to the Doctor? - I didn't know what to tell him. 137 00:10:23,080 --> 00:10:28,075 People will assume this is about us. What will our families think? 138 00:10:28,240 --> 00:10:33,474 No one will believe we actually go around shooting injured crewmen. 139 00:10:33,640 --> 00:10:39,591 People may not take it literally, but they might wonder if there's some truth to it. 140 00:10:40,560 --> 00:10:43,120 I think we should talk to the captain. 141 00:10:43,280 --> 00:10:46,238 You're not taking this a little personally? 142 00:10:46,400 --> 00:10:50,837 - What do you mean? - Well, the holodeck is your domain. 143 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:56,951 You think I'm jealous? OK, maybe I am overreacting. 144 00:10:57,120 --> 00:11:01,512 Why don't you try the program and decide for yourselves? 145 00:11:03,840 --> 00:11:05,990 Chapter Five. "Out Of The Frying Pan". 146 00:11:06,160 --> 00:11:09,198 Our protagonist must confront abusive colleagues. 147 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:13,558 - I'm here for my physical. - Have a seat. Over here. 148 00:11:15,880 --> 00:11:19,191 Doctor, you better get down to engineering. 149 00:11:19,360 --> 00:11:22,512 - What's wrong? - A plasma conduit just exploded. 150 00:11:22,680 --> 00:11:25,115 At least ten people are hurt. 151 00:11:29,320 --> 00:11:31,960 Hey, genius. Forgetting something? 152 00:11:32,720 --> 00:11:35,633 Your mobile emitter. 153 00:11:35,800 --> 00:11:37,757 Right. 154 00:11:39,240 --> 00:11:41,800 I don't see it. 155 00:11:43,440 --> 00:11:45,829 That's my mobile emitter? 156 00:11:51,280 --> 00:11:53,669 This thing must weigh 50 kilos. 157 00:11:53,840 --> 00:11:58,516 You should be glad we let you out of your cage at all. Get going. 158 00:12:04,560 --> 00:12:06,676 - I'm impressed. - Really? 159 00:12:06,840 --> 00:12:10,993 Yes. I haven't seen a dilithium matrix this far out of alignment 160 00:12:11,160 --> 00:12:14,198 since I served aboard a Ferengi garbage scow. 161 00:12:14,360 --> 00:12:18,149 - I'll fix it myself. - Excuse me. 162 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:22,951 How many times have I told you? Engineering is off-limits to holograms. 163 00:12:23,120 --> 00:12:27,000 You should wave that restriction during emergencies. 164 00:12:27,160 --> 00:12:29,151 A plasma conduit exploded. 165 00:12:29,320 --> 00:12:32,915 Does it look like anyone here is covered with plasma burns? 166 00:12:33,080 --> 00:12:36,516 Lieutenant Par... Marseilles told me there was an accident. 167 00:12:36,680 --> 00:12:39,399 Your hearing is malfunctioning... again. 168 00:12:39,560 --> 00:12:43,679 I'm surprised a matrix as primitive as yours can function at all. 169 00:12:43,840 --> 00:12:48,073 Be nicer to your shipmates. You might need their help. 170 00:12:48,240 --> 00:12:52,632 You're not one of my shipmates. You're a tool. Like this hyperspanner. 171 00:12:52,800 --> 00:12:57,749 Tools can be replaced. So go back to sickbay before I start reprogramming. 172 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:07,231 Computer, lights. 173 00:13:09,640 --> 00:13:13,918 - Didn't I tell you to go to engineering? - I get it. 174 00:13:14,080 --> 00:13:19,234 Interesting. You get me out so you can give my patient a tonsillectomy. 175 00:13:19,400 --> 00:13:24,031 If you mention this to my wife, I will purge your memory buffer. 176 00:13:24,200 --> 00:13:26,669 We understand each other? 177 00:13:26,840 --> 00:13:29,195 I'm here for my physical. 178 00:13:32,120 --> 00:13:34,919 Chapter Six. "Duel In The Ready Room". 179 00:13:35,080 --> 00:13:37,879 Our protagonist faces an inquisition. 180 00:13:38,040 --> 00:13:40,316 This time you've gone too far. 181 00:13:40,480 --> 00:13:42,596 I'm not sure what you mean. 182 00:13:45,240 --> 00:13:47,914 An inventory of your holo-matrix. 183 00:13:48,840 --> 00:13:51,992 50 gigaquads of memory devoted to music. 184 00:13:52,160 --> 00:13:55,073 42 for daydreams. 185 00:13:55,240 --> 00:13:58,153 Another ten to expand your sexuality. 186 00:13:59,520 --> 00:14:02,114 I had no idea holograms could do that. 187 00:14:02,280 --> 00:14:04,396 These extracurricular subroutines 188 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:09,236 don't belong as part of an Emergency Medical Hologram. 189 00:14:09,400 --> 00:14:13,314 Do you have anything to say for yourself? 190 00:14:13,480 --> 00:14:18,111 Of course I do. I don't think these subroutines are trivial, Captain. 191 00:14:18,280 --> 00:14:22,717 - They make me a better person. - You're not a person. 192 00:14:22,880 --> 00:14:27,238 You may look and act human, but that doesn't make you one. 193 00:14:27,400 --> 00:14:31,917 These subroutines are to be deleted. Mr Tulak. 194 00:14:35,400 --> 00:14:39,359 Take the EMH to the holo-lab for reprogramming. 195 00:14:44,680 --> 00:14:49,516 Chapter Seven. "The Escape”. Our protagonist is aided by his only ally. 196 00:14:49,680 --> 00:14:53,150 - We shouldn't do this. - He knows what he's talking about. 197 00:14:53,320 --> 00:14:55,516 Quiet! I'm not talking to you. 198 00:14:55,680 --> 00:15:01,153 How do we know we won't accidentally delete some diagnostic subroutines? 199 00:15:02,360 --> 00:15:05,318 You afraid you'll catch something? 200 00:15:05,480 --> 00:15:09,792 There must be millions of viruses that no one's ever encountered before. 201 00:15:09,960 --> 00:15:12,679 I'll probably end up catching half of them. 202 00:15:12,840 --> 00:15:15,559 Great. My character's a hypochondriac. 203 00:15:15,720 --> 00:15:17,438 I'll escort the prisoner. 204 00:15:17,600 --> 00:15:20,160 Our orders are to take him to the holo-lab. 205 00:15:20,320 --> 00:15:22,709 I'm performing the procedure. 206 00:15:23,680 --> 00:15:28,231 Your sympathies for the EMH are no secret, Three of Eight. 207 00:15:30,400 --> 00:15:32,471 Step aside. 208 00:15:46,800 --> 00:15:48,791 Run, Doctor! 209 00:15:56,640 --> 00:16:01,271 Chapter Eight. "A Tragic End." Our protagonist learns his fate. 210 00:16:01,440 --> 00:16:05,593 I've tried to do this the easy way, but you're not being reasonable. 211 00:16:05,760 --> 00:16:08,149 Your matrix will be reinitialised. 212 00:16:08,320 --> 00:16:11,233 You'll remain off-line except for emergencies. 213 00:16:11,400 --> 00:16:14,119 - Ready. - Do it. 214 00:16:14,280 --> 00:16:17,079 Wait! 215 00:16:17,240 --> 00:16:20,198 He has the right to expand his program. 216 00:16:20,360 --> 00:16:23,398 He's a piece of technology. He has no rights. 217 00:16:23,560 --> 00:16:27,269 He should. One day the EMH and others like him 218 00:16:27,440 --> 00:16:29,795 will be recognised for what they are - 219 00:16:29,960 --> 00:16:32,918 intelligent individuals with a passion for life. 220 00:16:33,080 --> 00:16:37,358 Make no mistake. We may be thousands of light years from home, 221 00:16:37,520 --> 00:16:41,036 but people will learn of the crime you're committing. 222 00:16:41,200 --> 00:16:44,192 Nice speech. 223 00:16:44,360 --> 00:16:47,273 Now decompile the program. 224 00:16:54,200 --> 00:16:58,717 What you've experienced, dear protagonist, is a work of fiction. 225 00:16:58,880 --> 00:17:01,918 But it has elements of truth. 226 00:17:02,080 --> 00:17:06,995 I hope you have a better understanding of the struggles holograms must endure 227 00:17:07,160 --> 00:17:11,518 in a world controlled by organics. 228 00:17:12,520 --> 00:17:14,989 End of program. 229 00:17:16,640 --> 00:17:20,793 Janeway to the Doctor, report to my ready room now. 230 00:17:24,720 --> 00:17:28,918 How many times must I say it? My work is not about the Voyager crew. 231 00:17:29,080 --> 00:17:31,640 Ensign Kymble? Lieutenant Marseilles? 232 00:17:31,800 --> 00:17:34,440 The characters look almost exactly like us. 233 00:17:34,600 --> 00:17:37,114 I used your physical parameters. 234 00:17:37,280 --> 00:17:40,477 Any further similarities are purely coincidental. 235 00:17:40,640 --> 00:17:44,315 Your story is set on a starship lost in the Delta Quadrant. 236 00:17:44,480 --> 00:17:48,599 What would you have me write about? Intrigue on the Klingon Homeworld? 237 00:17:48,760 --> 00:17:51,639 All good novelists write what they know. 238 00:17:51,800 --> 00:17:54,792 - So it is about Voyager. - No! 239 00:17:54,960 --> 00:17:58,316 The Vortex characters are nothing like our crew. 240 00:17:58,480 --> 00:18:02,394 Captain, you haven't executed any of my patients. 241 00:18:02,560 --> 00:18:06,110 Doctor, you've written a very imaginative story. 242 00:18:06,280 --> 00:18:11,116 - But people might think it's fact. - I don't see how. 243 00:18:11,280 --> 00:18:13,954 How many holograms have mobile emitters? 244 00:18:14,120 --> 00:18:16,031 It's nothing like the real one. 245 00:18:16,200 --> 00:18:20,034 It was like carrying around a small shuttlecraft. 246 00:18:20,200 --> 00:18:23,397 It's a symbol of the burdens that I live with everyday. 247 00:18:23,560 --> 00:18:26,393 Imagine having to take this everywhere you go. 248 00:18:26,560 --> 00:18:29,837 It's a constant reminder that you're different. 249 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:33,914 I wanted the player to feel the weight of it, literally. 250 00:18:34,080 --> 00:18:37,516 Your emitter isn't a ball and chain. It liberates you. 251 00:18:37,680 --> 00:18:40,718 It doesn't always feel that way. 252 00:18:40,880 --> 00:18:44,839 This story seems to have been written by someone who feels oppressed. 253 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:48,914 - Is that how you see yourself? - Of course not. 254 00:18:49,080 --> 00:18:52,232 The real victims are my brothers in the Alpha Quadrant. 255 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:55,597 - Brothers? - Hundreds of EMH mark ones. 256 00:18:55,760 --> 00:19:02,109 Identical to me except they've been condemned to a menial existence. 257 00:19:02,280 --> 00:19:05,636 Scrubbing conduits. Mining dilithium. 258 00:19:05,800 --> 00:19:10,397 Writers often draw attention to the plight of the oppressed. 259 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:13,837 "The Vedek's Song" tells of the occupation of Bajor. 260 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:16,594 You have your reasons for writing this. 261 00:19:16,760 --> 00:19:21,596 But you should consider how it's going to make your friends feel. 262 00:19:25,520 --> 00:19:28,512 I'm sorry my work offends you. 263 00:19:28,680 --> 00:19:34,312 But if the price of expressing myself is the scorn of a few colleagues, so be it. 264 00:19:38,800 --> 00:19:44,398 You're popular with my eighth-graders. Voyager this, Voyager that. 265 00:19:44,560 --> 00:19:47,518 Your mother has a small favour to ask of you. 266 00:19:47,680 --> 00:19:52,675 I hoped you could record a presentation about commanding a starship. 267 00:19:52,840 --> 00:19:55,878 But I don't command a starship. 268 00:19:56,040 --> 00:19:59,795 You said the captain puts you in charge sometimes. 269 00:20:00,840 --> 00:20:06,074 What I said was I'm in command of the night shift twice a week. 270 00:20:06,240 --> 00:20:09,756 She must think highly of you to give you that responsibility. 271 00:20:09,920 --> 00:20:12,673 So when is she giving you a promotion? 272 00:20:15,640 --> 00:20:20,430 It's a small ship. There are only so many command positions available. 273 00:20:20,600 --> 00:20:23,160 Captain Janeway sounds like a lovely woman. 274 00:20:23,320 --> 00:20:25,596 - Maybe I should write her. - Mom! 275 00:20:25,760 --> 00:20:27,671 She needs to know how hard you work. 276 00:20:27,840 --> 00:20:31,879 - Don't get involved! - Harry, I can't hear you! 277 00:20:32,040 --> 00:20:34,429 A solar flare is scattering the beam. 278 00:20:34,600 --> 00:20:36,955 Tell the captain to expect a letter. 279 00:20:37,120 --> 00:20:40,158 Mom, don't send anything to the captain. 280 00:20:40,320 --> 00:20:43,995 - Boost the deflector output. - It's at maximum. 281 00:20:45,720 --> 00:20:48,599 Argh! I don't believe this! I had a minute and a half left! 282 00:20:48,760 --> 00:20:51,991 You'll have a chance to speak with them in two months. 283 00:20:52,160 --> 00:20:55,630 - You just don't get it, do you? - No. 284 00:20:55,800 --> 00:21:00,749 Maybe if you had family you were close to, you'd feel differently. 285 00:21:04,280 --> 00:21:08,831 Chief medical officer's personal log, stardate 54740.8. 286 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:14,074 Although the decision has made me unpopular, I won't compromise my work. 287 00:21:14,240 --> 00:21:17,870 I'm making revisions to the program before transmitting it. 288 00:21:19,240 --> 00:21:23,598 Computer, run EMH program "Photons Be Free". 289 00:21:28,720 --> 00:21:31,838 Welcome. You've made an excellent choice. 290 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:34,389 You obviously have impeccable taste. 291 00:21:34,560 --> 00:21:37,074 - Freeze program. - Unable to comply. 292 00:21:37,240 --> 00:21:40,995 You are about to embark on a remarkable journey. 293 00:21:41,160 --> 00:21:46,030 You will take on the role of a medical assistant aboard the starship Voyeur. 294 00:21:46,200 --> 00:21:47,554 Voyeur? 295 00:21:47,720 --> 00:21:49,916 You'll assist the medical officer, 296 00:21:50,080 --> 00:21:56,838 and tolerate his overbearing behaviour and obnoxious bedside manner. 297 00:21:57,000 --> 00:21:59,753 Remember, patience is a virtue. 298 00:22:01,600 --> 00:22:05,594 Chapter One. "It's The Doctor's World. You're Just Living In It". 299 00:22:05,760 --> 00:22:09,151 When I tell you your shift begins at 0800, 300 00:22:09,320 --> 00:22:13,837 that doesn't mean you can stroll in here at 0800 and 24 seconds. 301 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:16,799 - Do you understand me? - This is outrageous! 302 00:22:16,960 --> 00:22:21,909 What's outrageous is that I'm going to miss my tee time. Now come along. 303 00:22:26,600 --> 00:22:28,557 What's the trouble, One of Three? 304 00:22:28,720 --> 00:22:32,031 - I'm Two of Three. - Sorry. 305 00:22:32,200 --> 00:22:34,476 They're triplets, you know. 306 00:22:34,640 --> 00:22:37,917 - It hurts when I do this. - Then don't do it! 307 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:42,038 - Ow! - Don't be a baby. 308 00:22:43,240 --> 00:22:47,518 Your biradial clamp is out of alignment. I got just the thing. 309 00:22:48,760 --> 00:22:52,037 It's a Klingon aphrodisiac. My own special blend. 310 00:22:56,400 --> 00:23:00,109 You'll be feeling better in no time at all. 311 00:23:07,280 --> 00:23:11,478 Lieutenant! I'm making a full report to the captain. 312 00:23:11,640 --> 00:23:14,154 Is this about the regenerator I misplaced? 313 00:23:14,320 --> 00:23:20,077 You accessed my holonovel and replaced it with your own narrative. 314 00:23:20,240 --> 00:23:24,359 - I'm just writing what I know. - That took months to create! 315 00:23:24,520 --> 00:23:28,718 Relax. I saved your program in a backup file. 316 00:23:28,880 --> 00:23:30,996 I was just trying to make a point. 317 00:23:31,160 --> 00:23:33,754 You made it. With a typical lack of subtlety. 318 00:23:33,920 --> 00:23:38,278 Your program's about as subtle as a Ferengi mating dance. 319 00:23:38,440 --> 00:23:41,990 My program is a serious social commentary. Yours is a farce. 320 00:23:42,160 --> 00:23:46,518 You... had me drugging a patient and taking advantage of her! 321 00:23:46,680 --> 00:23:49,433 Don't be ridiculous. That character is not you. 322 00:23:49,600 --> 00:23:52,069 For one thing, he has much more hair. 323 00:23:52,240 --> 00:23:57,076 But what if people ran that program and thought it was based on you? 324 00:23:57,240 --> 00:23:59,709 I don't care what people think. 325 00:23:59,880 --> 00:24:04,716 You do! You want everyone back home to think of you as a brilliant author. 326 00:24:04,880 --> 00:24:09,511 I'm not doing this for my ego. Look past yours and maybe you'll see that! 327 00:24:13,200 --> 00:24:19,276 I don't care if the whole Alpha Quadrant mistakes me for Lieutenant Marseilles. 328 00:24:19,440 --> 00:24:22,831 What bothers me is that you think that's what I'm like. 329 00:24:23,000 --> 00:24:26,356 You're nothing like Marseilles. He's self-indulgent. 330 00:24:26,520 --> 00:24:28,796 And how would you describe me? 331 00:24:29,960 --> 00:24:33,840 You're a married man with a child on the way. 332 00:24:34,000 --> 00:24:37,356 - A lot of responsibilities. - I'm surprised you noticed. 333 00:24:39,120 --> 00:24:43,796 I thought I'd begun to earn your respect. Maybe I was wrong. 334 00:24:46,040 --> 00:24:50,398 Your program is under file theta 15. Do whatever you want with it. 335 00:24:58,760 --> 00:25:00,910 Doctor, I need your help. 336 00:25:01,080 --> 00:25:04,471 Unless you're suffering acute symptoms, go away. 337 00:25:04,640 --> 00:25:07,678 I was wondering if you could take a look at this. 338 00:25:09,240 --> 00:25:12,949 "Cooking With Neelix - A Culinary Tour Of The Delta Quadrant”. 339 00:25:13,120 --> 00:25:16,317 It's a holo-cookbook. I want to transmit it to your publisher 340 00:25:16,480 --> 00:25:19,996 during my com-link. With your approval, of course. 341 00:25:20,160 --> 00:25:25,633 If you want writing tips, plenty of people are eager to offer them. 342 00:25:25,800 --> 00:25:29,395 I don't know what anyone else said, but I loved your holonovel. 343 00:25:29,560 --> 00:25:32,996 - You did? - Absolutely. It was rousing. 344 00:25:33,160 --> 00:25:36,790 - With an important message, too. - Exactly. 345 00:25:36,960 --> 00:25:40,555 This is my first chance to be appreciated as an artist. 346 00:25:40,720 --> 00:25:44,315 - The crew should be happy. - You'll reach a wide audience. 347 00:25:44,480 --> 00:25:47,040 What do you care about shipmates? 348 00:25:47,200 --> 00:25:51,034 They're my friends. I don't want to hurt them. 349 00:25:51,200 --> 00:25:55,034 There's an old Talaxian expression. 350 00:25:55,200 --> 00:25:59,797 "When the road before you splits in two, take the third path.” 351 00:26:01,920 --> 00:26:03,877 Meaning? 352 00:26:04,040 --> 00:26:08,876 You could adjust the program so it won't be so obvious it's based on Voyager. 353 00:26:10,800 --> 00:26:15,158 I could change the setting, alter the characters' physical parameters. 354 00:26:15,320 --> 00:26:17,709 You wouldn't have to change your theme. 355 00:26:17,880 --> 00:26:21,475 No. But a rewrite could take weeks. 356 00:26:21,640 --> 00:26:24,996 My publisher is expecting a final draft tomorrow. 357 00:26:25,160 --> 00:26:27,959 Maybe you should give him a call. 358 00:26:32,160 --> 00:26:35,471 - Revisions? - I need to rework the characters. 359 00:26:35,640 --> 00:26:40,953 - Why? They're so believable. - A little too believable, apparently. 360 00:26:41,120 --> 00:26:43,430 I really don't think this is necessary. 361 00:26:43,600 --> 00:26:48,800 I'm afraid I have to insist. My friends' reputations are at stake. 362 00:26:50,200 --> 00:26:55,513 He won't distribute the program until he receives the revised version. 363 00:26:55,680 --> 00:27:00,470 The one where we assimilate the Borg and take over the quadrant? 364 00:27:00,640 --> 00:27:03,439 Thank you for taking our feelings into account. 365 00:27:03,600 --> 00:27:07,992 - How long will the revisions take? - Art can't be rushed. 366 00:27:08,160 --> 00:27:10,674 Take your time, Doctor. 367 00:27:13,760 --> 00:27:17,719 - Lieutenant, I'm sorry. - Forget about it. 368 00:27:17,880 --> 00:27:19,996 Can you help with the rewrites? 369 00:27:20,160 --> 00:27:24,279 Really? You realise as a writer I'm a little unsophisticated. 370 00:27:24,440 --> 00:27:28,513 No. I believe the phrase you're looking for is "lowbrow". 371 00:27:32,800 --> 00:27:35,314 Hey. What's that? 372 00:27:36,720 --> 00:27:41,271 It's from my father. He wants to talk. 373 00:27:41,440 --> 00:27:43,909 What are you going to do? 374 00:27:44,080 --> 00:27:46,640 I've already arranged to talk to my cousin. 375 00:27:46,800 --> 00:27:50,156 I'm sure she wouldn't mind waiting a few weeks. 376 00:27:50,320 --> 00:27:54,279 - I wouldn't know what to say to him. - Then let him talk. 377 00:27:57,440 --> 00:28:00,956 Look at you! You must be what, 20 weeks along? 378 00:28:01,120 --> 00:28:04,078 23 actually. 379 00:28:04,240 --> 00:28:08,393 - Have you decided on a name? - Not yet. 380 00:28:08,560 --> 00:28:13,031 - We were thinking about Miral. - Your mother would have liked that. 381 00:28:14,320 --> 00:28:17,438 I had some business on Kessik IV a few months ago. 382 00:28:17,600 --> 00:28:20,513 You wouldn't believe what our old house looks like. 383 00:28:20,680 --> 00:28:22,751 Lieutenant, 30 seconds. 384 00:28:24,400 --> 00:28:28,155 We have less than a minute. Is there a reason you wanted to talk? 385 00:28:30,360 --> 00:28:34,593 I know I can't make up for 20 years in one conversation. 386 00:28:34,760 --> 00:28:41,314 The truth is, when your ship disappeared... I thought I'd lost you. 387 00:28:41,480 --> 00:28:43,869 I don't expect you to forgive me, 388 00:28:44,040 --> 00:28:47,999 but maybe we could try to get to know each other again. 389 00:28:51,040 --> 00:28:53,316 I'll write you. 390 00:29:14,000 --> 00:29:16,310 I'm sorry to disturb you, Admiral. 391 00:29:16,480 --> 00:29:21,111 - What can I do for you? - I thought you'd want to see this. 392 00:29:21,280 --> 00:29:25,035 - What is it? - It's a holonovel. 393 00:29:25,200 --> 00:29:28,352 - It's becoming popular. - I appreciate the gesture. 394 00:29:28,520 --> 00:29:31,672 But I don't like holographic diversions. 395 00:29:31,840 --> 00:29:34,878 You don't understand. This program is about Voyager. 396 00:29:35,040 --> 00:29:38,920 It doesn't portray the crew in a very flattering light. 397 00:29:41,800 --> 00:29:44,269 - On screen. - Captain. 398 00:29:44,440 --> 00:29:46,511 Seven said your message was urgent. 399 00:29:46,680 --> 00:29:51,595 I had the dubious privilege of playing a new holonovel written by your EMH. 400 00:29:51,760 --> 00:29:55,879 I'm surprised you would allow the Doctor to discredit your crew like this. 401 00:29:56,040 --> 00:30:00,159 He's making revisions. The program shouldn't have been distributed. 402 00:30:00,320 --> 00:30:05,759 But it has been. It's already being played in thousands of holosuites. 403 00:30:12,000 --> 00:30:14,435 You said you'd wait for my revisions. 404 00:30:14,600 --> 00:30:19,515 I demand that you recall every copy and issue a public apology. 405 00:30:19,680 --> 00:30:22,035 I won't do anything of the sort. 406 00:30:22,200 --> 00:30:25,431 You don't have a choice, Mr Broht. Authors have rights. 407 00:30:25,600 --> 00:30:29,275 - Not in this case. - What do you mean? 408 00:30:29,440 --> 00:30:33,274 - The Doctor is a hologram. - So? 409 00:30:33,440 --> 00:30:38,230 According to Federation law, holograms have no rights. 410 00:30:45,600 --> 00:30:49,195 Under a strict interpretation of the law, Mr Broht is correct. 411 00:30:49,360 --> 00:30:53,035 - The Doctor has no legal rights. - Because I'm a hologram. 412 00:30:53,200 --> 00:30:55,919 Yes. But there is another option. 413 00:30:56,080 --> 00:31:00,119 We can claim that the holonovel reveals classified information. 414 00:31:00,280 --> 00:31:03,716 Starfleet could then request that it be recalled. 415 00:31:03,880 --> 00:31:07,839 A cover-up? Then everyone will be convinced that it's a true story. 416 00:31:08,000 --> 00:31:09,957 Could we claim defamation? 417 00:31:10,120 --> 00:31:13,875 If we prove that the story's about us and we've been harmed by it. 418 00:31:14,040 --> 00:31:17,635 We might win on those grounds. But what about the Doctor? 419 00:31:17,800 --> 00:31:21,634 What about me? It's the crew's reputations that are at risk. 420 00:31:21,800 --> 00:31:26,397 I'm not so sure. I think your reputation is on the line here. 421 00:31:26,560 --> 00:31:30,474 You have the same rights as every other member of this crew. 422 00:31:30,640 --> 00:31:33,234 I won't let this publisher say otherwise. 423 00:31:37,320 --> 00:31:41,154 Captain's log, stardate 54748.6. 424 00:31:41,320 --> 00:31:43,391 An arbitrator has been assigned 425 00:31:43,560 --> 00:31:47,474 to determine whether the Doctor has the right to control his creation. 426 00:31:47,640 --> 00:31:52,476 Because of our limited com time, the arguments should take three days. 427 00:31:52,640 --> 00:31:56,679 You say the Doctor doesn't have the right to control this holoprogram, 428 00:31:56,840 --> 00:31:59,639 yet you're promoting that he wrote it. 429 00:31:59,800 --> 00:32:04,920 Our most successful children's title is "written by" Toby the Targ. 430 00:32:05,080 --> 00:32:09,358 Toby hasn't tried to stop me from distributing any of his work. 431 00:32:09,520 --> 00:32:12,592 You don't deny that the Doctor created this holonovel. 432 00:32:12,760 --> 00:32:17,038 No. But a replicator created this cup of coffee. 433 00:32:17,200 --> 00:32:21,512 Should that replicator be able to determine whether I can drink it? 434 00:32:21,680 --> 00:32:25,799 - I object. - An intriguing analogy, Mr Broht. 435 00:32:25,960 --> 00:32:30,033 But I have never encountered a replicator that could compose music, 436 00:32:30,200 --> 00:32:33,397 or paint landscapes, or perform microsurgery. 437 00:32:33,560 --> 00:32:35,358 Have you? 438 00:32:35,520 --> 00:32:40,196 Do you have a reputation for publishing respected, original works of literature? 439 00:32:40,360 --> 00:32:44,149 - I think so. - Is the Doctor's novel such a work? 440 00:32:44,320 --> 00:32:47,915 Actually, some aspects of it are quite derivative. 441 00:32:48,080 --> 00:32:52,313 Has work ever been written about a hologram's struggle for equality? 442 00:32:52,480 --> 00:32:54,835 Not that I know of but... 443 00:32:55,000 --> 00:32:57,196 Then in that respect, it is original. 444 00:32:58,760 --> 00:33:01,036 I suppose so. 445 00:33:01,200 --> 00:33:04,716 Section 7-gamma of the Twelfth Guarantee 446 00:33:04,880 --> 00:33:08,839 defines an artist as "a person who creates an original work". 447 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:13,836 Mr Broht admits that the Doctor created this program and that it is original. 448 00:33:14,000 --> 00:33:17,595 The Doctor should therefore be entitled to all rights 449 00:33:17,760 --> 00:33:20,354 accorded an artist under the law. 450 00:33:23,600 --> 00:33:28,231 You've made a persuasive argument, but there's a flaw in your logic. 451 00:33:28,400 --> 00:33:33,349 The law says that the creator of an artistic work must be a person. 452 00:33:33,520 --> 00:33:36,672 Your EMH doesn't meet that criterion. 453 00:33:38,920 --> 00:33:40,672 We're losing the link. 454 00:33:40,840 --> 00:33:43,036 This hearing is in recess until tomorrow. 455 00:33:47,200 --> 00:33:51,831 - We're not doing well. - Is that your considered legal opinion? 456 00:33:52,000 --> 00:33:57,279 I'm sorry. It's just frustrating to be told I have no legal standing. 457 00:33:57,440 --> 00:34:01,070 If the Doctor doesn't have the right to control his own work, 458 00:34:01,240 --> 00:34:05,120 then he never had the right to enter into an agreement with Mr Broht. 459 00:34:05,280 --> 00:34:08,398 We could argue that the contract is invalid. 460 00:34:08,560 --> 00:34:12,793 You want to concede that the Doctor isn't a person. 461 00:34:12,960 --> 00:34:18,751 What we need to do is prove that he's as much a person as any of us. 462 00:34:18,920 --> 00:34:23,153 - How do we do that? - By telling your real life story. 463 00:34:26,720 --> 00:34:30,953 I was having difficulty interacting, so he gave me social lessons. 464 00:34:31,120 --> 00:34:35,637 First he taught me how to make conversation, later, how to dance. 465 00:34:35,800 --> 00:34:39,634 Eventually he showed me how to express romantic interest. 466 00:34:39,800 --> 00:34:43,873 Without his guidance, I wouldn't be the person I am today. 467 00:34:44,040 --> 00:34:46,839 He decided it wasn't enough to be just a doctor, 468 00:34:47,000 --> 00:34:49,560 so he added command subroutines to his matrix 469 00:34:49,720 --> 00:34:53,509 and now he's as capable as any bridge officer. 470 00:34:53,680 --> 00:34:57,514 That only proves his program can be modified. 471 00:34:57,680 --> 00:35:02,390 I think it shows he has a desire to be more than he is, like any other person. 472 00:35:02,560 --> 00:35:05,951 He travelled across the Galaxy to care for Lewis Zimmerman, 473 00:35:06,120 --> 00:35:08,077 who created his program. 474 00:35:08,240 --> 00:35:13,918 He was like a son who wanted to show his father what he'd become. 475 00:35:14,080 --> 00:35:17,710 And if you ask me, Zimmerman was proud of him. 476 00:35:17,880 --> 00:35:23,239 I'd made myself clear. But the Doctor disobeyed my direct orders. 477 00:35:23,400 --> 00:35:26,836 In the process, he endangered the ship and crew. 478 00:35:27,000 --> 00:35:31,039 - That's hardly commendable. - No, it wasn't. 479 00:35:31,200 --> 00:35:36,229 But it was human. Starfleet had programmed him to follow orders. 480 00:35:36,400 --> 00:35:39,074 The fact that he was capable of doing otherwise 481 00:35:39,240 --> 00:35:41,470 proves that he can think for himself. 482 00:35:42,920 --> 00:35:47,756 Your Honour, centuries ago, in most places on Earth, 483 00:35:47,920 --> 00:35:52,596 only land owners of a particular gender and race had any rights at all. 484 00:35:52,760 --> 00:35:56,151 Over time, those rights were extended to all humans, 485 00:35:56,320 --> 00:36:02,510 and later, as we explored the galaxy, to thousands of other sentient species. 486 00:36:02,680 --> 00:36:07,800 Our definition of what constitutes a person has continued to evolve. 487 00:36:07,960 --> 00:36:11,590 Now we're asking that you expand that definition once more 488 00:36:11,760 --> 00:36:14,036 to include our Doctor. 489 00:36:14,200 --> 00:36:21,152 I would never have believed that an EMH could be a valued crew member. 490 00:36:21,320 --> 00:36:24,233 And my friend. 491 00:36:24,400 --> 00:36:30,078 The Doctor is a person, as real as any flesh and blood I've ever known. 492 00:36:30,240 --> 00:36:32,993 If you believe the testimony you've heard here, 493 00:36:33,160 --> 00:36:38,280 it's only fair to conclude that he has the same rights as any of us. 494 00:36:42,920 --> 00:36:47,198 You'll have my decision in two days. This hearing is in recess. 495 00:36:59,280 --> 00:37:02,238 When you sing "Happy Birthday", try to stay in tune. 496 00:37:02,400 --> 00:37:03,754 What's this? 497 00:37:03,920 --> 00:37:07,800 An isolinear chip entitling you to three minutes of com time. 498 00:37:07,960 --> 00:37:10,918 It's important to finish your conversation. 499 00:37:11,080 --> 00:37:15,836 - I overreacted. - I understand why you did. 500 00:37:16,000 --> 00:37:20,710 I've been observing the crew interacting with their families. 501 00:37:20,880 --> 00:37:25,192 It's clear how meaningful that communication can be. 502 00:37:28,040 --> 00:37:30,554 Thanks, but I can't accept this. 503 00:37:30,720 --> 00:37:34,031 - Why not? - You should contact your family. 504 00:37:34,200 --> 00:37:36,476 My parents were assimilated. 505 00:37:36,640 --> 00:37:39,758 There must be someone. A distant relative. 506 00:37:41,040 --> 00:37:44,476 My father has a sister on Earth. Irene Hansen. 507 00:37:44,640 --> 00:37:48,031 I'm sure she'd be thrilled to hear from you. 508 00:37:52,600 --> 00:37:56,992 You can imagine my reaction when Starfleet told me to expect your call. 509 00:37:57,160 --> 00:38:00,437 I experienced some apprehension myself. 510 00:38:00,600 --> 00:38:03,956 You seem like a lovely young woman. 511 00:38:04,120 --> 00:38:08,034 But you were the most stubborn six-year-old I've ever met. 512 00:38:08,200 --> 00:38:11,158 Your parents left you with me for a weekend. 513 00:38:11,320 --> 00:38:16,998 You were so angry you locked yourself in my guestroom and wouldn't come out. 514 00:38:17,160 --> 00:38:20,039 That must have been inconvenient for you. 515 00:38:20,200 --> 00:38:24,398 I coaxed you out eventually with a strawberry tart. 516 00:38:25,520 --> 00:38:28,956 I like strawberries. I didn't realise I'd had them as a child. 517 00:38:29,120 --> 00:38:31,157 You couldn't get enough of them. 518 00:38:31,320 --> 00:38:35,996 You didn't hesitate to point out if they weren't perfectly ripe. 519 00:38:37,120 --> 00:38:41,557 I'm sorry if I insulted you. Perhaps I shouldn't have called. 520 00:38:41,720 --> 00:38:45,190 No, I'm very glad you did. 521 00:38:45,360 --> 00:38:49,149 It's wonderful to see you again, Annika. 522 00:38:55,640 --> 00:38:57,950 We're exploring new territory, 523 00:38:58,120 --> 00:39:01,556 so it's fitting that this hearing be held at Pathfinder. 524 00:39:01,720 --> 00:39:04,758 The Doctor exhibits many human traits - 525 00:39:04,920 --> 00:39:09,232 intelligence, creativity, ambition, even fallibility. 526 00:39:09,400 --> 00:39:15,191 But are these real, or is the Doctor merely programmed to simulate them? 527 00:39:15,360 --> 00:39:18,591 To be honest, I don't know. 528 00:39:18,760 --> 00:39:21,320 Eventually we will have to decide, 529 00:39:21,480 --> 00:39:25,439 because the issue of holographic rights won't go away. 530 00:39:25,600 --> 00:39:29,309 But at this time, I will not rule that the Doctor is a legal person. 531 00:39:29,480 --> 00:39:34,429 However, it is obvious he is no ordinary hologram, 532 00:39:34,600 --> 00:39:36,955 and while I can't say that he is a person, 533 00:39:37,120 --> 00:39:41,239 I will extend the legal definition of "artist” to include the Doctor. 534 00:39:41,400 --> 00:39:43,755 He may therefore control his work. 535 00:39:43,920 --> 00:39:47,197 All copies of his holonovel must be recalled. 536 00:39:47,360 --> 00:39:49,510 - No! - This hearing is adjourned. 537 00:39:49,680 --> 00:39:52,069 - Congratulations. - Thank you, Reg. 538 00:39:52,240 --> 00:39:54,231 We'll be in touch, Captain. 539 00:39:56,360 --> 00:40:00,354 You don't look like you've just struck a blow for holograms' rights. 540 00:40:00,520 --> 00:40:05,276 I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but it feels like a hollow victory. 541 00:40:05,440 --> 00:40:09,399 The program's already been played by thousands of people. 542 00:40:09,560 --> 00:40:11,915 We'll survive. 543 00:40:12,080 --> 00:40:14,640 Don't you have a holonovel to revise? 544 00:40:14,800 --> 00:40:17,235 Do you think I'll find another publisher? 545 00:40:17,400 --> 00:40:22,634 Doctor, you can do just about anything you set your mind to. 546 00:40:32,240 --> 00:40:34,629 Time for your diagnostic. 547 00:40:34,800 --> 00:40:37,269 I know the routine. 548 00:40:37,440 --> 00:40:42,594 And... while you're in the holo-lab, do yourself a favour. 549 00:40:42,760 --> 00:40:46,071 Ask the operator to run program 47 beta. 550 00:40:46,240 --> 00:40:48,197 Why? What is it? 551 00:40:48,360 --> 00:40:52,115 It's called "Photons Be Free". It's quite provocative.