1 00:01:04,920 --> 00:01:07,639 Don't move. 2 00:03:07,320 --> 00:03:09,311 What's this? 3 00:03:09,440 --> 00:03:12,876 We found him just past Grove Yellow. 4 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:14,752 - Arms? - None. 5 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:17,998 - These colours? - We didn't ask. 6 00:03:19,480 --> 00:03:22,154 He's no Krady beast, is he? 7 00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:25,079 No, sir. But he doesn't bear Vori colours. 8 00:03:25,200 --> 00:03:27,476 His glimpse is too tame to be a Kradin. 9 00:03:28,560 --> 00:03:30,551 I hadn't fathomed that, sir. 10 00:03:30,680 --> 00:03:32,671 Well, fathom it now. 11 00:03:32,800 --> 00:03:34,791 He's no nemesis, is he? 12 00:03:36,240 --> 00:03:38,231 I'm not certain what he is, sir. 13 00:03:38,400 --> 00:03:40,994 You were drilled to fathom the nemesis? 14 00:03:41,120 --> 00:03:43,157 And we abhor none but the nemesis. 15 00:03:43,280 --> 00:03:45,237 No, sir. None but the nemesis. 16 00:03:45,360 --> 00:03:48,352 Then set him loose. 17 00:03:48,480 --> 00:03:50,869 Didn't you hear, novice? 18 00:04:00,080 --> 00:04:01,878 Thanks. 19 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:03,991 Go take provisions. 20 00:04:08,200 --> 00:04:09,599 I'm sorry. 21 00:04:09,720 --> 00:04:11,040 Go. 22 00:04:12,560 --> 00:04:15,154 I take it you're in charge here? 23 00:04:15,280 --> 00:04:17,590 Team Leader Brone, Vori Defence. 24 00:04:17,720 --> 00:04:18,720 Commander Chakotay, 25 00:04:18,840 --> 00:04:20,672 of the starship Voyager. 26 00:04:26,080 --> 00:04:27,957 Sorry for my defenders. 27 00:04:28,080 --> 00:04:31,118 They're new to the clash and see the nemesis all around. 28 00:04:31,240 --> 00:04:35,074 - The clash? You're at war. - You've strayed into the fullness of it. 29 00:04:35,200 --> 00:04:37,840 That explains why my shuttle came under fire. 30 00:04:37,960 --> 00:04:40,952 A defender glimpsed a vessel falling in Grove Yellow. 31 00:04:41,080 --> 00:04:43,071 It must have been yours. 32 00:04:44,480 --> 00:04:47,871 - Why fly so close to this sphere? - I was on a survey mission. 33 00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:51,834 I picked up traces of omicron radiation so I slowed down to look. 34 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:54,998 As soon as I did that I came under attack. 35 00:04:55,120 --> 00:04:58,238 I had to make an emergency transport to the surface. 36 00:04:58,360 --> 00:05:00,829 - It will be the Kradin who fired. - The Kradin? 37 00:05:00,960 --> 00:05:03,076 Our nemesis. 38 00:05:03,200 --> 00:05:05,396 I see. 39 00:05:05,520 --> 00:05:10,117 I explained that I had no hostile intentions but they just kept shooting. 40 00:05:10,240 --> 00:05:14,154 The nemesis fire on any craft that doesn't show Kradin colours. 41 00:05:14,280 --> 00:05:17,398 I tried to contact my ship but my communicator's broken. 42 00:05:17,520 --> 00:05:21,070 All dispatching in the clash zone has been suppressed. 43 00:05:21,200 --> 00:05:23,874 I have to find my vessel. Maybe it's salvageable. 44 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:28,597 Little likely. We're clustering with the 7th Contingent, two new lights from now. 45 00:05:28,720 --> 00:05:32,315 They'll have means to signal your people. Walk with us to meet them. 46 00:05:32,440 --> 00:05:36,513 I appreciate the offer but I can't wait two days. I have to find my vessel now. 47 00:05:36,640 --> 00:05:40,759 It wouldn't be sharp to return to the trunks. The nemesis is there. 48 00:05:42,240 --> 00:05:45,392 Then I'll have to do my best to steer clear of them. 49 00:05:45,520 --> 00:05:49,229 - If your tactic won't change. - It won't. 50 00:05:51,480 --> 00:05:54,472 It's sharper to wait for the new light. 51 00:05:57,680 --> 00:06:00,513 Then I'll take your advice and wait. 52 00:06:34,920 --> 00:06:36,991 Provisions? 53 00:06:39,680 --> 00:06:43,514 - It's not so savoury. - Thanks. I'm sure it will be fine. 54 00:06:46,080 --> 00:06:48,356 They call me Rafin. 55 00:06:48,480 --> 00:06:51,677 Chakotay. Pleased to meet you. 56 00:06:51,800 --> 00:06:55,031 In the trunks... did you glimpse any? 57 00:06:56,280 --> 00:06:59,272 - Any what? - Krady beasts. 58 00:07:01,560 --> 00:07:03,517 No, I didn't. 59 00:07:03,720 --> 00:07:08,271 Rafin's never glimpsed the face of the nemesis either. Have you, Rafin? 60 00:07:09,440 --> 00:07:11,431 No. 61 00:07:12,520 --> 00:07:16,957 - It's my first walk in the clash zone. - You'll glimpse them in the soonafter. 62 00:07:18,280 --> 00:07:23,070 When you do, you'll fathom there's no heart thumping beneath their flesh. 63 00:07:27,560 --> 00:07:32,031 How many beasts will you send to the Wayafter, Rafin? 64 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:34,197 I couldn't say. 65 00:07:34,320 --> 00:07:39,554 Me, I'll nullify one for each brother and cousin that I've lost. 66 00:07:39,680 --> 00:07:42,479 And then one more after. 67 00:07:42,600 --> 00:07:45,592 - True or not, my allies? - True! 68 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:52,197 So I ask you again, Rafin. How many will you nullify? 69 00:07:52,320 --> 00:07:55,073 As many as I am able. 70 00:07:57,560 --> 00:07:59,676 You've got the trembles. 71 00:07:59,800 --> 00:08:02,872 If you don't wrestle your trembles to rages, ally, 72 00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:06,038 the nemesis will nullify you. 73 00:08:12,080 --> 00:08:16,870 This nemesis of yours. Why do you call them "beasts"? 74 00:08:24,680 --> 00:08:27,752 It's told they all wear the same horrid face. 75 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:34,396 Their flesh is gnarled and blistery like the rotting trunks. 76 00:08:36,360 --> 00:08:39,193 Their glimpses flame like fire. 77 00:08:40,680 --> 00:08:44,230 And if you dare near enough, their breath stinks of muck. 78 00:08:44,360 --> 00:08:47,239 People say terrible things about their enemies 79 00:08:47,360 --> 00:08:50,239 to make them seem worse than they really are. 80 00:08:50,360 --> 00:08:54,558 Some young Kradin soldier might be more afraid of you than you are of him. 81 00:08:56,440 --> 00:08:59,876 The nemesis wasn't scared to fume my village. 82 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:03,550 Nor scared to nullify my cousins and brothers in their sleep. 83 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:08,514 And my old mother's mother, too. 84 00:09:09,720 --> 00:09:14,510 Never told an unkind word nor nullified an insect in all her days on this sphere. 85 00:09:15,320 --> 00:09:17,516 That's pretty rough. 86 00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:22,635 And who but a Krady beast would leave the nullified bodies of ours upturned 87 00:09:22,760 --> 00:09:26,071 so they'll never descend to the gloried Wayafter? 88 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:29,750 - What do you mean by upturned? - Which of you will walk with Chakotay? 89 00:09:31,360 --> 00:09:34,637 I appreciate the offer but I'll be fine on my own. 90 00:09:34,760 --> 00:09:37,354 You don't fathom the trunks or carry arms. 91 00:09:37,480 --> 00:09:41,394 One of my defenders will walk with you. Which will it be? 92 00:09:41,520 --> 00:09:45,150 - You, Rafin. - Sir... I... 93 00:09:45,280 --> 00:09:51,151 I'll walk with the stranger. If any beast comes to clash, I'll nullify the beast. 94 00:09:51,280 --> 00:09:54,352 Well told, Namon. Close your glimpsers, defenders. 95 00:09:55,840 --> 00:09:58,514 And dream of your sisters and mothers. 96 00:10:13,880 --> 00:10:17,510 Have you never nullified another, stranger? 97 00:10:17,640 --> 00:10:20,678 Killing's the worst thing I've ever had to do. 98 00:10:20,800 --> 00:10:25,431 Then the nemesis you nullified wasn't half so beastly as the Kradin. 99 00:10:25,560 --> 00:10:27,437 Maybe not. 100 00:10:27,560 --> 00:10:30,120 In their glimpsers, we're less than nothing. 101 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:33,073 They flame our homes, take our plantings, 102 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:36,431 make playthings of our sisters. 103 00:10:36,560 --> 00:10:41,555 If you were a Vori, you'd crave to drive them from this sphere, just as I do. 104 00:10:41,680 --> 00:10:46,311 Maybe I would, if they did things like that to the people I love. 105 00:10:46,440 --> 00:10:51,435 But on the sphere I come from, we try to find other ways to resolve differences. 106 00:10:51,560 --> 00:10:54,916 Peaceful solutions. Negotiations. 107 00:10:56,960 --> 00:11:00,430 You don't fathom the nemesis. 108 00:11:00,560 --> 00:11:03,154 No. I suppose I don't. 109 00:11:04,360 --> 00:11:08,797 Beg the power you believe in that you never will. 110 00:11:17,680 --> 00:11:21,719 The light will be old soon. We'd be sharp to cluster with the others. 111 00:11:21,840 --> 00:11:24,275 In a few minutes. We should be getting close. 112 00:11:24,400 --> 00:11:27,279 You'd be sharp to do my tellings. 113 00:11:27,400 --> 00:11:30,233 Go back if you want to. I've got to keep looking. 114 00:11:30,360 --> 00:11:32,158 No, wait. 115 00:11:33,480 --> 00:11:36,040 I pledged to walk with you. 116 00:11:37,200 --> 00:11:39,430 Glimpse there. 117 00:11:45,440 --> 00:11:48,193 Doesn't look like there's much left of my shuttle. 118 00:11:48,320 --> 00:11:50,914 You'll have to walk with us to the 7th Contingent. 119 00:11:57,840 --> 00:12:00,275 Don't make me kill you. 120 00:12:14,160 --> 00:12:16,197 How is he? 121 00:12:18,200 --> 00:12:20,476 Nullified. 122 00:12:27,640 --> 00:12:30,598 We beg peace from the power who made us Vori, 123 00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:36,875 and we commend our brother, Namon, to the gloried Wayafter. 124 00:13:09,640 --> 00:13:12,712 - What's this? - Namon's coverings. 125 00:13:13,800 --> 00:13:15,871 Shouldn't they go to his family? 126 00:13:16,000 --> 00:13:20,551 It's a long walk to the cluster mark. It's sharper to blend with the trunks. 127 00:13:20,680 --> 00:13:23,752 Your fleet colours will get us all nullified. 128 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:28,516 I'm sorry about what happened to Namon. 129 00:13:28,640 --> 00:13:35,080 The nemesis has nullified mine and ours in the before, and will in the now. 130 00:13:35,200 --> 00:13:41,196 But in the soonafter, we'll send them flying from this sphere, 131 00:13:41,320 --> 00:13:44,233 and go back to our sisters and mothers. 132 00:13:46,440 --> 00:13:48,192 Take it. 133 00:13:48,320 --> 00:13:51,312 This isn't my war. I'm not planning to shoot anybody. 134 00:13:51,440 --> 00:13:55,513 If we greet the nemesis in the trunks you'll fire like the rest. 135 00:13:55,680 --> 00:13:59,560 As long as you're with us, you do my tellings. Fathom? 136 00:14:03,040 --> 00:14:04,599 Fathom. 137 00:14:06,200 --> 00:14:08,555 - Rafin. - Yes, sir. 138 00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:12,638 Drill Chakotay to fire Vori arms. 139 00:14:17,760 --> 00:14:19,956 Now you. 140 00:14:27,560 --> 00:14:30,029 Your glimpse is too low. 141 00:14:30,160 --> 00:14:34,518 With these arms, it's sharper to aim higher than the mark. 142 00:14:39,760 --> 00:14:41,876 You're good. 143 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:45,470 - Don't mock me. - I was paying you a compliment. 144 00:14:45,600 --> 00:14:50,879 It is one matter to fire at clay marks but much another to nullify the nemesis. 145 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:56,234 That's what Namon told. And he told the truth before he went to the Wayafter. 146 00:14:56,360 --> 00:14:59,432 He was right. Killing's not easy. 147 00:15:01,520 --> 00:15:05,991 Risking my own days and nights to drive the nemesis from our sphere. 148 00:15:07,400 --> 00:15:10,631 That should be as easy as a long sleep. 149 00:15:10,760 --> 00:15:13,878 Who taught you that? 150 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:16,958 My brothers and uncles who were in the clash. 151 00:15:17,840 --> 00:15:20,036 Brone, my driller. 152 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:26,030 And Namon, my ally 153 00:15:26,960 --> 00:15:29,520 who was nullified because of me. 154 00:15:30,640 --> 00:15:32,836 You think it's your fault Namon died? 155 00:15:32,960 --> 00:15:37,113 If I didn't have the coward's trembles, I would have walked with you. 156 00:15:37,240 --> 00:15:40,232 Then it would be me and not he who went to the Wayafter. 157 00:15:40,360 --> 00:15:43,159 You weren't the one who pulled the trigger, Rafin. 158 00:15:43,280 --> 00:15:48,593 And there's no shame in being afraid of fighting. Having the trembles is natural. 159 00:15:48,720 --> 00:15:52,350 - How do you fathom that? - Because I've been in battle before. 160 00:15:52,480 --> 00:15:56,553 Fighting to free my people from a nemesis called the Cardassians. 161 00:15:57,680 --> 00:16:01,992 These Cardassians... were they beasts? 162 00:16:03,080 --> 00:16:05,754 Let's just say they weren't very friendly. 163 00:16:05,880 --> 00:16:09,396 The point is, even though I believed in what we were doing, 164 00:16:09,520 --> 00:16:11,909 I always felt fear before a fight. 165 00:16:12,040 --> 00:16:15,670 But you wrestled your trembles to rages, didn't you? 166 00:16:17,440 --> 00:16:22,150 - I guess I did. But that doesn't mean... - I was told to drill you, Chakotay. 167 00:16:22,280 --> 00:16:25,477 But it's you who have drilled me. 168 00:16:25,600 --> 00:16:28,479 Drilled me to fathom the rages. 169 00:17:06,680 --> 00:17:08,079 Brone. 170 00:17:08,200 --> 00:17:11,033 - What is it? - I don't know. 171 00:17:21,040 --> 00:17:25,511 Neck-strapped and upturned. Left to be cooked by the glare. 172 00:17:25,640 --> 00:17:27,870 He's one of yours? 173 00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:30,560 By his coverings he's of the 7th Contingent. 174 00:17:30,680 --> 00:17:34,355 - Likely a scout walker. - Desecrated by the Kradin. 175 00:17:34,480 --> 00:17:37,040 He'll never turn his face to the Wayafter. 176 00:17:37,160 --> 00:17:42,075 We're 300 footfalls from the cluster mark. Signal the 7th. 177 00:17:48,320 --> 00:17:50,391 Again. 178 00:17:53,160 --> 00:17:56,516 - Why don't they answer? - Maybe they moved their camp. 179 00:17:56,640 --> 00:18:00,156 Little likely. Walk to the cluster mark and glimpse what you can. 180 00:18:00,280 --> 00:18:02,112 - Sir! - What? 181 00:18:02,240 --> 00:18:04,993 Let me go. 182 00:18:06,320 --> 00:18:10,598 Well told, novice. Keep the talk low and your glimpse wide. 183 00:18:27,080 --> 00:18:29,071 Sir! 184 00:18:30,440 --> 00:18:34,274 - What have you glimpsed? - The 7th Contingent, sir. 185 00:18:35,280 --> 00:18:38,272 - Nullified. - What? All of them? 186 00:18:38,400 --> 00:18:43,190 At least 20 defenders. And that's not the whole terrible of it. 187 00:18:44,680 --> 00:18:46,830 They're all... 188 00:18:46,960 --> 00:18:50,316 - They're all... - Tell it, Rafin! They're all how? 189 00:18:51,280 --> 00:18:55,194 Like him, sir. Upturned. 190 00:18:55,320 --> 00:18:59,678 - Staked to the dirt and upturned. - Those motherless Krady beasts. 191 00:19:03,240 --> 00:19:06,835 Do you glimpse the fullness of it now, stranger? 192 00:19:06,960 --> 00:19:09,713 Yes, I think I do. 193 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:12,673 Now you fathom why we name them beasts and not men. 194 00:19:14,760 --> 00:19:17,070 I'm sorry. 195 00:19:17,200 --> 00:19:20,830 We are much more than sorry. 196 00:19:20,960 --> 00:19:24,351 - Aren't we, defenders? - Yes, sir! 197 00:19:24,480 --> 00:19:27,996 - The nemesis wants your plantings. - True! True! 198 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:31,469 He wants your homes. 199 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:35,996 He wants your sisters. 200 00:19:36,120 --> 00:19:40,079 - Does it suffice him to nullify you? - No! 201 00:19:40,200 --> 00:19:44,717 He craves to shame you, mock you, keep you from the gloried Wayafter. 202 00:19:44,880 --> 00:19:47,394 - We're wearied of it, aren't we? - Yes, sir! 203 00:19:47,520 --> 00:19:50,751 - We're wrestled to the rages for it! - Yes, sir! 204 00:19:50,880 --> 00:19:55,954 And we're not gonna swallow it! Not in the now, or in the soonafter! 205 00:19:59,080 --> 00:20:00,753 Assault! 206 00:20:01,920 --> 00:20:03,911 Sly yourselves and fire back! 207 00:20:26,880 --> 00:20:29,554 - Motherless beasts! - Rafin, no! Stay down! 208 00:20:29,680 --> 00:20:31,796 I'll nullify you all! 209 00:20:37,120 --> 00:20:40,158 Hold on. I'm gonna get you out of here. 210 00:20:48,800 --> 00:20:53,271 Please. Turn my face to the Wayafter. 211 00:21:46,240 --> 00:21:50,120 A defender! Mark, neighbours! A defender! 212 00:21:54,200 --> 00:21:57,591 Welcome to Larhana settlement, gloried defender. 213 00:21:57,720 --> 00:22:00,439 You're brightly greeted. 214 00:22:07,520 --> 00:22:10,797 Captain's log, stardate 51082.4. 215 00:22:10,920 --> 00:22:17,030 After searching for two days, we've found what's left of Chakotay's shuttle. 216 00:22:17,160 --> 00:22:21,154 I can only hope the commander has fared better than his vessel. 217 00:22:21,280 --> 00:22:24,636 Commander Chakotay's shuttle was hit by enemy fire, 218 00:22:24,760 --> 00:22:27,593 and crash-landed on the southernmost continent. 219 00:22:27,720 --> 00:22:29,597 - In the war zone. - I'm afraid so. 220 00:22:29,720 --> 00:22:34,157 - Can we get a lock on him? - Too much atmospheric radiation. 221 00:22:34,280 --> 00:22:37,398 - We don't know if he's alive. - Why don't we assume he is. 222 00:22:37,520 --> 00:22:40,672 - I should have gone. - It's not your fault, Tom. 223 00:22:40,800 --> 00:22:44,919 What we've got to do is deal with it. B'Elanna, modify the scanners. 224 00:22:45,040 --> 00:22:47,429 - Cut through interference. - Aye, Captain. 225 00:22:47,560 --> 00:22:50,951 - Neelix, do you know about this war? - It's vicious. 226 00:22:51,080 --> 00:22:54,198 Ambassador Treen's people have defended themselves 227 00:22:54,320 --> 00:22:56,960 from a savage aggressor for more than a decade. 228 00:22:57,080 --> 00:22:59,117 Would he help us find Chakotay? 229 00:22:59,240 --> 00:23:03,552 - He's willing, but he may not able to. - His resources are extremely limited. 230 00:23:03,680 --> 00:23:05,671 And the situation is chaotic. 231 00:23:05,800 --> 00:23:08,758 But he's assured me, if his troops do find Chakotay, 232 00:23:08,880 --> 00:23:12,191 he'll get transported to the nearest command post. 233 00:23:12,320 --> 00:23:14,994 Let's hope he doesn't meet the aggressors first. 234 00:23:15,120 --> 00:23:17,555 Captain, let me lead a team down there. 235 00:23:17,680 --> 00:23:20,672 I understand how you feel, Tom, but one step at a time. 236 00:23:20,800 --> 00:23:24,714 Ask Ambassador Treen for any tactical support he's willing to provide - 237 00:23:24,840 --> 00:23:28,390 maps, weapons analyses, intelligence reports. 238 00:23:28,520 --> 00:23:32,639 Before I risk lives, I want to know what we're getting ourselves into. 239 00:23:35,280 --> 00:23:39,433 By your coverings, you're a novice, defender. 240 00:23:39,560 --> 00:23:41,551 Do I tell the truth? 241 00:23:41,680 --> 00:23:45,514 Listen, there's been a misunderstanding. I'm not a defender. 242 00:23:45,640 --> 00:23:49,076 My shuttle was shot down and I landed in the clash zone. 243 00:23:49,200 --> 00:23:52,591 I met up with one of your patrols. They gave me this uniform. 244 00:23:52,720 --> 00:23:55,758 - Which contingent? - The 4th. 245 00:23:55,880 --> 00:23:59,396 The 4th? They're sturdy clashers. 246 00:23:59,520 --> 00:24:04,993 Tell us. Did you and your allies drive the nemesis from the trunks? 247 00:24:05,960 --> 00:24:07,997 We put up a brave fight. 248 00:24:08,120 --> 00:24:10,919 You are a gloried defender even if you claim not to be. 249 00:24:11,040 --> 00:24:15,750 Marna tells the truth, Chakotay. You are welcome among my neighbours. 250 00:24:15,880 --> 00:24:19,953 Thank you. That's very kind. 251 00:24:20,080 --> 00:24:23,789 Do you crave anything more? Drink? Warm coverings? 252 00:24:23,920 --> 00:24:27,550 What I need is some communications equipment to contact my crew. 253 00:24:27,680 --> 00:24:30,149 We have no means to signal your people. 254 00:24:30,280 --> 00:24:35,354 The Kradin drove us from our homes and plantings and took all our machinery. 255 00:24:35,480 --> 00:24:39,997 Do you know where I might find some place with communications equipment? 256 00:24:40,120 --> 00:24:42,555 - The restock unit. - Where is it? 257 00:24:42,680 --> 00:24:47,117 It's not near. At least 10,000 footfalls through the thick of the trunks. 258 00:24:48,040 --> 00:24:50,634 Then I'd better get started. 259 00:24:50,760 --> 00:24:56,790 - The new light is coming. Rest till then. - Yes, please. Rest until the new light. 260 00:24:59,880 --> 00:25:01,996 I think I will. 261 00:25:04,240 --> 00:25:08,154 Come, neighbours. Let's give Defender Chakotay some quiet. 262 00:25:28,400 --> 00:25:31,153 I wanted to know if you crave more. 263 00:25:34,280 --> 00:25:37,432 - No, thank you. - Oh. 264 00:25:37,560 --> 00:25:40,279 But it was delicious. 265 00:25:40,400 --> 00:25:43,597 And the blossoms? Do you like them? 266 00:25:43,720 --> 00:25:46,599 I planted them myself. 267 00:25:46,720 --> 00:25:48,950 They're very pretty. 268 00:25:49,080 --> 00:25:53,790 I've heard tellings that the Kradin leave our nullied defenders upturned. 269 00:25:53,920 --> 00:25:57,754 Is it true? You can tell me. 270 00:25:57,880 --> 00:26:01,475 Penno says I'm too small to be told, but I'm not. 271 00:26:02,480 --> 00:26:04,869 The Kradin don't respect your beliefs. 272 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:09,039 The Kradin are beasty. I don't fathom why they flamed our homes. 273 00:26:09,160 --> 00:26:12,949 - Nor why they crave to nully us all. - I don't either. 274 00:26:13,080 --> 00:26:17,039 We never took their plantings. We never nullied their brothers. 275 00:26:17,160 --> 00:26:20,755 - So why do they hate us? - I wish I could tell you. 276 00:26:20,880 --> 00:26:24,555 Hate's not something I understand very well. 277 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:28,071 My brother's a defender, too. 278 00:26:28,200 --> 00:26:31,591 - Really? - He left two plantings before. 279 00:26:32,760 --> 00:26:35,593 I was much smaller then. 280 00:26:36,440 --> 00:26:40,195 He was sturdy and pleasing to glimpse in his colours. 281 00:26:41,360 --> 00:26:43,874 Like you. 282 00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:47,231 Maybe you've glimpsed him. He's called Daryo. 283 00:26:47,360 --> 00:26:51,558 There are a lot of soldiers in the war. I only met a few of them. 284 00:26:51,680 --> 00:26:55,594 He's a team leader of the 7th Defence Contingent. 285 00:26:55,720 --> 00:26:59,600 The 7th. Are you sure he was with the 7th? 286 00:26:59,720 --> 00:27:03,475 They're very sturdy in the clash. Have you heard of them? 287 00:27:04,600 --> 00:27:08,070 - We were to rendezvous with them. - Why didn't you? 288 00:27:08,200 --> 00:27:12,717 - You would have glimpsed him. - We were ambushed before we could. 289 00:27:12,840 --> 00:27:17,960 But when you go back to the clash, likely you will glimpse Daryo then. 290 00:27:18,080 --> 00:27:20,037 You could take a letter to him. 291 00:27:20,160 --> 00:27:22,754 I'm not going back to the clash zone. 292 00:27:22,880 --> 00:27:26,077 I've got to get to the restock unit and contact my ship. 293 00:27:26,200 --> 00:27:31,195 Then bring my letter to the restock unit. A defender there can take it to Daryo. 294 00:27:31,320 --> 00:27:34,870 Will you do it? Please. 295 00:27:38,680 --> 00:27:41,957 I'll go write it now, before the new light comes. 296 00:27:53,520 --> 00:27:56,080 - I wish you a good day. - Thank you. 297 00:27:56,200 --> 00:27:59,033 Provisions for your long walk. 298 00:27:59,160 --> 00:28:03,358 - Walk well, Defender Chakotay. - Thank you both. 299 00:28:03,480 --> 00:28:06,552 You've all been very kind. 300 00:28:08,880 --> 00:28:12,714 Writings for my brother. You'll be sure he gets them? 301 00:28:12,840 --> 00:28:16,071 - I'll do my best. - Your best will be enough. 302 00:28:17,240 --> 00:28:21,916 The pretty smell of the blossoms will hold the nemesis far away. 303 00:28:22,040 --> 00:28:25,431 Then you'd better keep one for yourself. 304 00:29:32,440 --> 00:29:35,671 Offer no opposition, or you'll be nullified. 305 00:29:50,440 --> 00:29:53,751 No evidence of cellular residue on the shuttle wreckage. 306 00:29:53,880 --> 00:29:55,871 So Chakotay may have survived. 307 00:29:56,000 --> 00:29:59,391 Unfortunately the wreckage was found inside enemy territory. 308 00:29:59,520 --> 00:30:02,911 So he may have been captured or killed by the nemesis. 309 00:30:03,040 --> 00:30:06,078 There you go looking on the bright side again, Tuvok. 310 00:30:06,200 --> 00:30:10,512 - What is this "nemesis"? - The term they use for their enemy. 311 00:30:10,640 --> 00:30:14,474 Apparently they shoot without warning, use biochemical weapons, 312 00:30:14,600 --> 00:30:16,830 routinely massacre civilians. 313 00:30:16,960 --> 00:30:20,157 If we run into them, they won't be hanging out a welcome sign. 314 00:30:21,480 --> 00:30:24,950 - I want a team on the surface. - Tuvok, let's get moving. 315 00:30:25,080 --> 00:30:29,950 My tactical analysis does not bode well for the success of such a mission. 316 00:30:30,080 --> 00:30:32,469 Given the situation in the battle zone, 317 00:30:32,600 --> 00:30:37,117 there's a very high probability that an away team will sustain heavy casualties. 318 00:30:37,240 --> 00:30:40,232 - Are you saying we abandon Chakotay? - On the contrary. 319 00:30:40,360 --> 00:30:43,159 - I suppose you have an alternative plan. - Indeed. 320 00:30:43,280 --> 00:30:48,514 The least risky course of action is for a single crew member to infiltrate, 321 00:30:48,640 --> 00:30:52,349 accompanied by a commando unit that Ambassador Treen will provide. 322 00:30:52,480 --> 00:30:55,074 Fine with me. When do I leave? 323 00:30:55,200 --> 00:30:58,556 Something tells me that's not what Tuvok has in mind. 324 00:30:58,680 --> 00:31:02,958 Naturally, I am the logical person to carry out this mission. 325 00:31:03,920 --> 00:31:05,911 Naturally. 326 00:31:10,720 --> 00:31:13,360 - Get down there. - Chakotay! 327 00:31:17,640 --> 00:31:20,678 I heard the explosions. I came back to help. 328 00:31:22,120 --> 00:31:27,069 - What did the Kradin do to you? - They interrogated me. 329 00:31:30,320 --> 00:31:33,358 - Where's your grandfather? - I don't know. 330 00:31:33,480 --> 00:31:38,031 He's very grey and his heart's not sturdy. He needs me to tend him. 331 00:31:40,600 --> 00:31:43,353 You. 332 00:31:44,720 --> 00:31:47,439 You, I want to talk to your superior. 333 00:31:48,680 --> 00:31:52,435 Hey, I want to know what you've done with this girl's grandfather. 334 00:31:52,560 --> 00:31:54,836 He's old and needs medical... 335 00:31:54,960 --> 00:31:56,553 Chakotay! 336 00:31:58,880 --> 00:32:03,113 Penno always tells it will be brighter when the new light comes. 337 00:32:04,120 --> 00:32:06,680 Your grandfather's a wise man. 338 00:32:15,560 --> 00:32:18,712 That's right. Now get some sleep. 339 00:32:18,840 --> 00:32:22,879 You'll tend me, won't you, no matter what comes in the soonafter? 340 00:32:25,440 --> 00:32:27,909 Close your glimpsers. 341 00:32:29,040 --> 00:32:31,759 And dream of your gloried brother. 342 00:33:00,760 --> 00:33:02,558 Move along! 343 00:33:06,160 --> 00:33:08,151 Where are they taking them? 344 00:33:08,280 --> 00:33:11,398 They'll be walked to the extermination facility. 345 00:33:11,520 --> 00:33:14,876 - Why? - Because they're too long-lived. 346 00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:19,551 The Kradin think them unfit for toiling. They won't make good servers like us. 347 00:33:19,680 --> 00:33:22,240 - Offer no resistance. - Penno! 348 00:33:22,360 --> 00:33:24,636 - Penno! - Karya! 349 00:33:24,800 --> 00:33:28,919 - Where are they taking you? - Be sturdy, my daughter's daughter. 350 00:33:29,040 --> 00:33:32,317 - Who'll tend to you? - We'll glimpse each other again. 351 00:33:32,440 --> 00:33:34,511 In the Wayafter. 352 00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:36,950 - Set him loose! - Karya! 353 00:33:38,600 --> 00:33:41,194 - Be still! - Keep your hands off her! 354 00:33:41,320 --> 00:33:43,470 Don't touch her! 355 00:33:47,240 --> 00:33:51,154 - What's the matter, pretty one? - Set my mother's father loose! 356 00:33:51,280 --> 00:33:55,160 - Is that the man you mean? - No! Karya! 357 00:33:55,280 --> 00:33:58,352 Please! Set him loose! 358 00:33:58,480 --> 00:34:01,950 You don't want to see him suffer, do you, pretty one? 359 00:34:02,080 --> 00:34:03,115 No. 360 00:34:03,240 --> 00:34:06,358 The old Vori's suffering will be over soon enough. 361 00:34:06,480 --> 00:34:09,074 No! Penno! 362 00:34:09,240 --> 00:34:12,835 Take this screeching waif to the extermination facility. 363 00:34:12,960 --> 00:34:17,830 No! Chakotay! Set me loose! Chakotay! Help me! 364 00:34:22,480 --> 00:34:25,836 Motherless beast! 365 00:34:34,440 --> 00:34:37,353 - Are they ready to beam aboard? - Aye, Captain. 366 00:34:37,480 --> 00:34:39,630 Energise. 367 00:34:42,640 --> 00:34:46,759 Welcome aboard, Ambassador. Thank you for helping us find our crewman. 368 00:34:46,880 --> 00:34:49,440 Your thanks are unnecessary, Captain. 369 00:34:49,560 --> 00:34:53,235 Any victim of our bloodthirsty nemesis, the Vori, 370 00:34:53,360 --> 00:34:56,432 will always find friends among the Kradin people. 371 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:12,550 Chakotay. 372 00:35:12,680 --> 00:35:15,513 Be calm now. I'll set you loose. 373 00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:23,640 Sorry to leave you upturned so long. 374 00:35:24,880 --> 00:35:27,872 I had to shroud myself till the Kradin walked on. 375 00:35:41,240 --> 00:35:46,633 - The villagers from the settlement? - They were walked through the trunks. 376 00:35:46,760 --> 00:35:49,957 - And your defenders? - All nullified. 377 00:35:51,520 --> 00:35:55,957 Thank you for coming back for me. You put yourself at risk. 378 00:35:56,080 --> 00:36:00,517 And you, Chakotay, clashed beside us though you're a stranger to this sphere. 379 00:36:00,640 --> 00:36:05,111 I glimpsed you chancing your days and nights to save Rafin from our nemesis. 380 00:36:05,240 --> 00:36:08,232 You tell the truth when you name them beasts. 381 00:36:10,520 --> 00:36:13,273 What will you do now that your men are gone? 382 00:36:13,400 --> 00:36:17,394 Join with the 5th Contingent. They're trying to free the villagers. 383 00:36:17,520 --> 00:36:19,955 It doesn't go brightly for them. 384 00:36:21,000 --> 00:36:23,753 - I'll come with you. - No. 385 00:36:23,880 --> 00:36:26,713 I'll bring you to command to signal your people. 386 00:36:26,840 --> 00:36:28,831 That can wait till the soonafter. 387 00:36:28,960 --> 00:36:32,635 In the now, you need my help to nullify the nemesis. 388 00:36:44,040 --> 00:36:47,158 Back walk! Back walk! 389 00:36:48,760 --> 00:36:52,754 The nemesis is nearing! It's sharper to back walk! 390 00:37:15,720 --> 00:37:17,836 Brone! 391 00:37:19,240 --> 00:37:21,993 Vori soldiers, you are surrounded. 392 00:37:22,120 --> 00:37:24,475 Lay down your arms and surrender. 393 00:37:28,920 --> 00:37:32,311 - Hold your fire. - You'll have to nullify me first! 394 00:37:32,960 --> 00:37:35,110 Hold your fire, Commander Chakotay. 395 00:37:37,360 --> 00:37:40,671 - Do not fire, Commander. - How do you know my name? 396 00:37:40,800 --> 00:37:43,792 - I am Lieutenant Tuvok. - Tuvok? 397 00:37:43,920 --> 00:37:46,070 Don't walk any closer! 398 00:37:46,200 --> 00:37:48,396 I have come to bring you back to Voyager. 399 00:37:48,520 --> 00:37:51,273 Nullify him, Chakotay! It's a Kradin tactic! 400 00:37:51,400 --> 00:37:53,835 I assure you, Commander, this is no ruse. 401 00:37:53,960 --> 00:37:56,759 It is Lieutenant Tuvok. Don't you recognise me? 402 00:37:59,600 --> 00:38:01,716 He's the nemesis! 403 00:38:01,840 --> 00:38:03,638 You're a Kradin beast. 404 00:38:03,760 --> 00:38:07,196 You destroyed that village, nullified Penno, took away Karya. 405 00:38:07,320 --> 00:38:09,231 She was only a child! 406 00:38:09,440 --> 00:38:12,432 They've brainwashed you, Commander. Look closer. 407 00:38:14,800 --> 00:38:17,838 Try to recall. Your shuttle was shot down. 408 00:38:17,960 --> 00:38:21,555 These people, the Vori, they captured you. 409 00:38:21,680 --> 00:38:23,956 No. They rescued me. 410 00:38:24,080 --> 00:38:26,390 They is what they want you to believe. 411 00:38:26,520 --> 00:38:30,798 But they have been indoctrinating you, training you to fight their war. 412 00:38:30,920 --> 00:38:33,594 Take one more step and I'll nullify you. 413 00:38:34,880 --> 00:38:37,759 You are Commander Chakotay of Voyager. 414 00:38:37,880 --> 00:38:43,000 You are a scientist, an explorer. You are not a killer. 415 00:38:47,640 --> 00:38:50,473 - Tuvok. - Yes, Commander. 416 00:38:52,520 --> 00:38:55,831 How can you wear those colours? They're Kradin. 417 00:38:55,960 --> 00:38:58,349 They're beasts. Murderers. 418 00:38:58,480 --> 00:39:02,599 On the contrary. They are the ones who helped us locate you. 419 00:39:02,720 --> 00:39:07,715 We tracked you to a Vori training camp. We infiltrated it but you were gone. 420 00:39:07,840 --> 00:39:11,196 They had already brought you here to fight this battle. 421 00:39:11,320 --> 00:39:14,472 Before today, nothing you experienced here was real. 422 00:39:14,600 --> 00:39:18,150 It is the method the Vori use to conscript and train soldiers. 423 00:39:18,280 --> 00:39:21,398 - I don't believe you. - I will prove it to you. 424 00:39:21,520 --> 00:39:24,114 If you will lower your weapon. 425 00:39:52,440 --> 00:39:55,114 Do you recognise this place? 426 00:39:57,200 --> 00:39:59,635 It's the Larhana settlement. 427 00:40:13,640 --> 00:40:17,759 A defender! Mark, neighbours! A defender! 428 00:40:20,600 --> 00:40:22,796 Defender! Karya! 429 00:40:25,840 --> 00:40:29,754 Welcome to Larhana settlement, gloried defender. 430 00:40:29,880 --> 00:40:32,315 You're brightly greeted. 431 00:40:42,280 --> 00:40:45,477 Captain's log, stardate 51096.5. 432 00:40:45,600 --> 00:40:50,310 Although Tuvok has managed to bring Commander Chakotay safely back, 433 00:40:50,440 --> 00:40:55,230 it may be some time before his psychological wounds are fully healed. 434 00:40:55,360 --> 00:40:59,149 My guess is the Vori used a combination of mind-control techniques, 435 00:40:59,280 --> 00:41:03,399 including photometric projections, heightened emotional stimuli, 436 00:41:03,520 --> 00:41:05,909 and psychotropic manipulation. 437 00:41:06,040 --> 00:41:08,236 From your hypothalamus' condition, 438 00:41:08,360 --> 00:41:13,799 you were so mixed up they could have convinced you your mother was a turnip. 439 00:41:13,920 --> 00:41:16,594 Everything I experienced was a simulation? 440 00:41:16,720 --> 00:41:20,031 Except for the battle you were fighting when Tuvok found you. 441 00:41:20,160 --> 00:41:22,276 Attacking the simulated commandant 442 00:41:22,400 --> 00:41:25,279 marked your graduation from basic training. 443 00:41:25,400 --> 00:41:28,711 And the men I fought beside. None of them were real? 444 00:41:28,840 --> 00:41:33,311 - Namon and Rafin weren't killed? - They were part of the simulation. 445 00:41:33,440 --> 00:41:37,832 The idea was to make you bond with your fellow soldiers and the villagers 446 00:41:37,960 --> 00:41:40,429 so their deaths would enrage you. 447 00:41:42,840 --> 00:41:45,719 - Why me? - Luck of the draw. 448 00:41:45,840 --> 00:41:50,038 You were passing through and you were as promising a recruit as anyone else. 449 00:41:50,160 --> 00:41:53,039 We're told the Vori have dozens of these facilities, 450 00:41:53,160 --> 00:41:57,040 where they conscript their own people, and any aliens they can capture. 451 00:41:57,160 --> 00:41:59,436 In short, you've been subjected 452 00:41:59,560 --> 00:42:02,029 to a highly sophisticated form of propaganda. 453 00:42:03,480 --> 00:42:05,835 Then the Kradin don't kill civilians? 454 00:42:05,960 --> 00:42:09,271 - They don't desecrate the Vori's dead? - I don't know. 455 00:42:10,280 --> 00:42:13,955 But the Kradin accuse the Vori of the same kinds of atrocities. 456 00:42:14,080 --> 00:42:16,151 I cared about the Vori. 457 00:42:16,280 --> 00:42:19,511 But I hated the Kradin. I wanted to kill every one of them. 458 00:42:19,640 --> 00:42:21,677 Evidently, that was the point. 459 00:42:22,920 --> 00:42:27,153 Captain, Ambassador Treen would like to speak with the commander. 460 00:42:27,280 --> 00:42:32,070 I wish to tell you how pleased our people are to hear of your recovery. 461 00:42:32,200 --> 00:42:36,831 I'm only sorry we weren't able to rescue you sooner from our nemesis. 462 00:42:41,680 --> 00:42:45,389 - Have I said something wrong? - I don't know. 463 00:42:47,200 --> 00:42:49,555 If you'll excuse me, Captain. 464 00:42:55,640 --> 00:42:57,438 Chakotay. 465 00:43:01,520 --> 00:43:06,356 I wish it was as easy to stop hating as it was to start. 466 00:44:01,240 --> 00:44:02,240 English (en)