1 00:00:02,360 --> 00:00:05,910 Captain's log, stardate 48579.4. 2 00:00:06,080 --> 00:00:10,392 The crew scans constantly for anomalies to shorten our journey home. 3 00:00:10,560 --> 00:00:13,120 Ensign Kim has made a discovery - 4 00:00:13,280 --> 00:00:16,159 a subspace disturbance that may be a wormhole. 5 00:00:16,320 --> 00:00:22,430 - Let's see what you have, Mr Kim. - It registers only on subspace bands. 6 00:00:23,360 --> 00:00:27,319 Verteron emanations... tunnelling secondary particles. 7 00:00:28,200 --> 00:00:31,033 - It looks like a wormhole. - But is it stable? 8 00:00:31,200 --> 00:00:33,555 And where does it lead? 9 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:37,111 There is a 75% chance it won't lead to the Alpha Quadrant. 10 00:00:37,280 --> 00:00:41,069 Very true. But there's a one in four chance it will. 11 00:00:41,240 --> 00:00:43,197 Those aren't bad odds. 12 00:00:43,360 --> 00:00:45,715 - Any analysis? - Too far away. 13 00:00:45,880 --> 00:00:48,952 We'd have to be within 1,000 kilometres. 14 00:00:49,120 --> 00:00:52,590 That would mean a significant course change. 15 00:00:54,040 --> 00:00:58,671 If there's even the possibility of finding a wormhole, 16 00:00:59,760 --> 00:01:01,876 I think we can afford a detour. 17 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:07,198 Lieutenant, input the coordinates and change course. 18 00:01:07,360 --> 00:01:11,638 Aye, Captain. And may I suggest, if this works, 19 00:01:11,800 --> 00:01:18,479 we petition the Federation to officially designate this the Harry Kim Wormhole. 20 00:03:09,880 --> 00:03:13,157 We're approaching the coordinates of the wormhole. 21 00:03:13,320 --> 00:03:15,675 On screen. 22 00:03:16,600 --> 00:03:18,671 Are we in visual range? 23 00:03:18,840 --> 00:03:21,912 Yes, and the anomaly is registering. 24 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:24,833 Sensors also indicate it's there. 25 00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:26,957 Magnify. 26 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:30,709 Increase to highest magnification. 27 00:03:35,480 --> 00:03:38,438 That must be the smallest wormhole on record. 28 00:03:38,600 --> 00:03:40,876 Are you able to analyse it? 29 00:03:41,040 --> 00:03:43,475 Aye, Captain. It's virtually microscopic. 30 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:46,473 It's only about 30 cms in diameter. 31 00:03:49,680 --> 00:03:52,911 I guess it's a little too small for us to fly through. 32 00:03:57,160 --> 00:04:01,552 However, it might be large enough to act as a conduit for a message. 33 00:04:01,720 --> 00:04:07,159 It could carry a compressed data transmission to Federation space. 34 00:04:07,320 --> 00:04:11,598 We still have to find out if it goes near the Alpha Quadrant. 35 00:04:12,480 --> 00:04:17,316 I can't get any directional readings. The aperture is too small. 36 00:04:17,480 --> 00:04:20,120 We could launch a microprobe into the wormhole. 37 00:04:20,280 --> 00:04:23,511 - Agreed. Do it, Lieutenant. - Aye, Captain. 38 00:04:27,240 --> 00:04:29,356 We're receiving telemetry. 39 00:04:39,160 --> 00:04:41,629 It's not like any wormhole I've seen. 40 00:04:41,800 --> 00:04:47,318 Microscopic gravitational eddies. Constricted spatial dimensions. 41 00:04:47,480 --> 00:04:50,552 Pathway's barely wider than the probe. 42 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:54,953 I think it's a wormhole in an advanced state of decay. 43 00:04:55,120 --> 00:04:58,795 Must be ancient. Probably been collapsing for centuries. 44 00:04:58,960 --> 00:05:02,510 - So we can't send a message”? - I can do it. 45 00:05:02,680 --> 00:05:06,958 It might be slower, but the wormhole can carry a transmission. 46 00:05:07,120 --> 00:05:11,671 - Where would the message end up? - I'll extrapolate the exit vector. 47 00:05:13,640 --> 00:05:18,760 I can't get it. There's a strange phase variance in the radiation stream. 48 00:05:18,920 --> 00:05:23,391 - We'll have to wait till the probe exits. - That shouldn't take long. 49 00:05:25,240 --> 00:05:28,596 Captain, I'm getting a distorted energy reading. 50 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:32,633 The probe's telemetry has changed. 51 00:05:35,680 --> 00:05:40,390 It's stuck. It's mired in a gravitational eddy. 52 00:05:40,560 --> 00:05:45,270 Because the wormhole's collapsing, those eddies are incredibly dense. 53 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:53,278 That probe will never break free. We'll never know where the wormhole ends. 54 00:05:53,440 --> 00:05:57,070 Give it some time. Maybe it will work itself loose. 55 00:06:02,840 --> 00:06:06,674 - Captain? - What is it, Ensign? 56 00:06:06,840 --> 00:06:10,754 Our probe... was just scanned. 57 00:06:10,920 --> 00:06:14,515 There's somebody on the other side of the wormhole. 58 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:24,156 It started hurting a few days ago. I've been working out. 59 00:06:24,320 --> 00:06:27,073 - Maybe I overdid it. - Is it sore here? 60 00:06:27,240 --> 00:06:30,392 - Yes. - Tenderness to the ulnar bone. 61 00:06:30,560 --> 00:06:34,599 No epidermal damage. Moderate oedema. Possible diagnoses? 62 00:06:36,880 --> 00:06:43,673 Epicondylitis, strained ligament, torn muscle and hairline fracture. 63 00:06:43,840 --> 00:06:47,629 - That's right. - I'm ready for more study material. 64 00:06:47,800 --> 00:06:51,555 Good. There's a great deal more for you to learn. 65 00:06:52,520 --> 00:06:55,080 This is a small stress fracture. 66 00:06:57,000 --> 00:07:01,870 - Can he do the same as a real doctor? - Yes, he can. 67 00:07:02,040 --> 00:07:05,032 Activate it and direct the beam here. 68 00:07:07,040 --> 00:07:10,670 That's it. Not quite so fast. 69 00:07:10,840 --> 00:07:16,313 If I had to get treatment for something serious, would he be performing it? 70 00:07:16,480 --> 00:07:22,237 - Of course. And quite expertly, too. - I'd have to think twice about that. 71 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:25,677 With luck you wouldn't die while you were deciding. 72 00:07:25,840 --> 00:07:30,676 - That should do it. How does it feel? - Not bad. 73 00:07:30,840 --> 00:07:32,956 Thanks. 74 00:07:40,520 --> 00:07:44,309 Did you notice how rudely that officer treated you? 75 00:07:44,480 --> 00:07:47,791 - Not more so than most. - Others act that way, too? 76 00:07:47,960 --> 00:07:52,397 I've become accustomed to being treated like a hypospray. 77 00:07:53,760 --> 00:07:56,798 Here's some material on first-aid for burns. 78 00:07:56,960 --> 00:07:59,952 I'd like to do more than study first-aid. 79 00:08:00,120 --> 00:08:03,351 I want to know more about anatomy and physiology. 80 00:08:03,520 --> 00:08:06,990 You're intellectually curious. I like that. 81 00:08:11,840 --> 00:08:15,674 These deal with anatomy, but they're not for the layman. 82 00:08:15,840 --> 00:08:20,516 - They're technical. - I understand. I'll do my best. 83 00:08:20,680 --> 00:08:23,593 And I really appreciate your help. 84 00:08:28,640 --> 00:08:33,840 So far, our sensors have detected four separate scans of the microprobe, 85 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:36,116 each on a progressively narrower band. 86 00:08:36,280 --> 00:08:39,352 Someone is interested in that probe. 87 00:08:39,520 --> 00:08:45,391 There may be a entity within the wormhole, curious about an intruder. 88 00:08:45,560 --> 00:08:48,598 Our probe would have detected that. 89 00:08:48,760 --> 00:08:53,357 - What's the condition of the probe? - I've been monitoring it. 90 00:08:53,520 --> 00:08:58,640 It's embedded in a gravitational eddy, but within 72 hours it will be crushed. 91 00:08:58,800 --> 00:09:01,474 But until then it should transmit telemetry. 92 00:09:01,640 --> 00:09:06,350 If we're reading scans from the other side, the probe may be a relay. 93 00:09:06,520 --> 00:09:11,310 We should be able to transmit a message to whoever is scanning. 94 00:09:11,480 --> 00:09:14,711 Yes. I can modify our subspace communications band 95 00:09:14,880 --> 00:09:16,837 to accept the probe as a booster. 96 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:22,029 - Let's try it, Mr Kim. - I'll give you a hand. 97 00:09:24,400 --> 00:09:28,075 His exuberance may turn into disappointment 98 00:09:28,240 --> 00:09:30,197 if his efforts prove in vain. 99 00:09:30,360 --> 00:09:34,752 Maybe. But I'd rather assume that he's going to be successful. 100 00:09:38,920 --> 00:09:42,595 I've boosted power to the communications band width. 101 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:47,709 All we have to do is reconfigure the signal generator to match the sensors. 102 00:09:47,880 --> 00:09:50,554 I'm on it. Just a few minutes more. 103 00:09:50,720 --> 00:09:54,509 This has to work. It will mean so much to people back home. 104 00:09:54,680 --> 00:09:59,117 - To know we're alive. - We haven't been gone that long. 105 00:09:59,280 --> 00:10:03,911 People won't give up on us yet. They probably just think we're lost. 106 00:10:05,360 --> 00:10:07,476 Still gonna be hard on my folks. 107 00:10:07,640 --> 00:10:12,396 I always called them once a week, even when I was on my training missions. 108 00:10:12,560 --> 00:10:16,315 I've never been out of contact for so long. 109 00:10:17,480 --> 00:10:22,475 It's going to work, Starfleet. Soon they'll know you're all right. 110 00:10:25,120 --> 00:10:28,192 How about you? Any family? 111 00:10:29,640 --> 00:10:32,154 I haven't seen my father since I was five. 112 00:10:32,320 --> 00:10:37,315 He and my mother separated, he went back to Earth, and that was it. 113 00:10:39,200 --> 00:10:41,476 And your mum? 114 00:10:41,640 --> 00:10:44,792 I think she's on the Klingon Homeworld. 115 00:10:44,960 --> 00:10:48,078 We didn't get along very well. 116 00:10:48,240 --> 00:10:52,518 OK. The signal generator should be tuned to the probe's sensors. 117 00:10:52,680 --> 00:10:56,116 Isn't there anyone back home who'd be worried about you? 118 00:10:56,280 --> 00:10:59,159 The Maquis are as close to family as I've had. 119 00:10:59,320 --> 00:11:02,711 Most of my friends are here on the ship. 120 00:11:02,880 --> 00:11:05,076 So... no. 121 00:11:06,600 --> 00:11:10,195 There's no one back home who's going to care whether I'm alive. 122 00:11:11,560 --> 00:11:14,359 We're ready to transmit. 123 00:11:14,520 --> 00:11:17,353 - Engineering to bridge. - Janeway here. 124 00:11:17,520 --> 00:11:19,989 We have a link with the microprobe. 125 00:11:20,160 --> 00:11:24,597 We're gonna try sending a series of subharmonic pulses. 126 00:11:24,760 --> 00:11:27,991 They stand the best chance of transmission. 127 00:11:28,160 --> 00:11:30,720 - Proceed. - Aye, Captain. 128 00:11:30,880 --> 00:11:35,192 I'm reading transmission of the test signal. The probe has relayed it. 129 00:11:35,360 --> 00:11:39,797 How will we know if the signal reaches somebody? 130 00:11:39,960 --> 00:11:43,271 We'll know if somebody answers. 131 00:11:55,840 --> 00:11:58,673 - There's no response. - It's too soon. 132 00:11:58,840 --> 00:12:02,390 We have no idea how long it takes to reach the other side. 133 00:12:02,560 --> 00:12:05,439 - Are you reading anything? - Negative. 134 00:12:05,600 --> 00:12:08,638 There's nothing that would suggest a response. 135 00:12:08,800 --> 00:12:12,634 It might take some time to figure out how to return our signal. 136 00:12:12,800 --> 00:12:16,509 You're right. Janeway to Kim. Continue transmitting. 137 00:12:16,680 --> 00:12:19,354 Aye, Captain. How long shall we keep it up? 138 00:12:19,520 --> 00:12:23,275 Until I tell you otherwise. You have the bridge, Commander. 139 00:12:24,120 --> 00:12:26,760 - Captain. - Mr Tuvok. 140 00:12:26,920 --> 00:12:29,355 - I'm getting something. - Me, too. 141 00:12:29,520 --> 00:12:32,478 A subspace signal relayed through the probe. 142 00:12:32,640 --> 00:12:36,156 It's being transmitted on the same frequency as ours. 143 00:12:36,320 --> 00:12:42,589 It's a response. Someone received our transmission and sent one back. 144 00:12:42,760 --> 00:12:46,958 And their signal originated in the... Alpha Quadrant. 145 00:12:56,160 --> 00:12:58,231 Captain's log, supplemental. 146 00:12:58,400 --> 00:13:02,075 Encouraged by his success in sending a signal to the Alpha Quadrant, 147 00:13:02,240 --> 00:13:05,596 Mr Kim is trying to establish a voice link 148 00:13:05,760 --> 00:13:08,798 with whoever is at the other end of the wormhole. 149 00:13:12,960 --> 00:13:15,554 Come in. 150 00:13:16,720 --> 00:13:21,078 - Kes. This is a surprise. - Am I interrupting? 151 00:13:21,240 --> 00:13:25,199 Not at all. I was just going to have some soup. Would you like anything? 152 00:13:25,360 --> 00:13:29,638 Spinach juice with pear, please. Tom Paris introduced me to it. 153 00:13:29,800 --> 00:13:34,317 Computer, one spinach juice with pear and one cup of vegetable bouillon. 154 00:13:43,320 --> 00:13:45,789 What can I do for you? 155 00:13:49,360 --> 00:13:53,638 If there were a member of the crew whose needs weren't being met, 156 00:13:53,800 --> 00:13:55,757 would you want to know about it? 157 00:13:55,920 --> 00:14:01,074 Of course. Kes, do you and Neelix feel that your needs are being ignored? 158 00:14:01,240 --> 00:14:03,550 Of course not. We're very happy here. 159 00:14:03,720 --> 00:14:07,759 - I'm referring to the Doctor. - The Doctor? 160 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:11,675 I don't understand why people treat him the way they do. 161 00:14:13,960 --> 00:14:17,157 - How do people treat him? - As though he doesn't exist. 162 00:14:17,320 --> 00:14:20,597 They talk about him while he's standing there. 163 00:14:20,760 --> 00:14:23,673 They ignore him. They insult him. 164 00:14:23,840 --> 00:14:26,753 I've been hearing the other side of the coin. 165 00:14:26,920 --> 00:14:31,835 Many of the crew have complained that the Doctor is rude. 166 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:35,755 - We might reprogram him. - You can do that? 167 00:14:35,920 --> 00:14:39,675 - It doesn't seem right. - He's only a hologram. 168 00:14:39,840 --> 00:14:43,595 - He's your medical officer. He's alive. - No, he's not. 169 00:14:43,760 --> 00:14:48,596 He's self-aware, he's communicative, he has the ability to learn. 170 00:14:48,760 --> 00:14:50,956 He's been programmed to do that. 171 00:14:51,120 --> 00:14:56,399 So because he's a hologram, he doesn't have to be treated with respect 172 00:14:56,560 --> 00:14:59,234 or any consideration at all? 173 00:15:02,240 --> 00:15:07,519 - Very well. I'll look into it. - Thank you, Captain. 174 00:15:14,600 --> 00:15:17,479 We'll be ready to go on-line in a few minutes. 175 00:15:17,640 --> 00:15:19,995 I'm worried about the interference. 176 00:15:20,160 --> 00:15:24,074 I don't think the isolator will work with the vocal transmission. 177 00:15:24,240 --> 00:15:26,959 Let's invert the narrowband filter. 178 00:15:29,440 --> 00:15:32,432 - Progress report? - We're ready to give it a try. 179 00:15:32,600 --> 00:15:35,353 But we're pushing through heavy interference. 180 00:15:35,520 --> 00:15:39,639 - I can't guarantee the clarity. - Let's see what happens. 181 00:15:39,800 --> 00:15:43,589 This is Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation starship Voyager. 182 00:15:43,760 --> 00:15:46,036 Do you read? 183 00:15:47,440 --> 00:15:50,034 I'll narrow the filter bandpass more. 184 00:15:50,200 --> 00:15:52,157 Try again, Captain. 185 00:15:52,320 --> 00:15:55,119 This is Kathryn Janeway of the Federation ship Voyager. 186 00:15:55,280 --> 00:15:58,318 Is anyone receiving this communication? 187 00:16:00,800 --> 00:16:02,791 ...vessel... 188 00:16:04,520 --> 00:16:07,672 Narrow the bandpass a little more. 189 00:16:07,840 --> 00:16:10,753 - Try again, Captain. - This is Janeway. 190 00:16:10,920 --> 00:16:13,514 Please repeat your last transmission. 191 00:16:16,240 --> 00:16:18,675 ...cargo vessel... 192 00:16:23,360 --> 00:16:28,196 We're still trying to clear up your last transmission. Please repeat. 193 00:16:29,440 --> 00:16:33,115 I am Captain of the cargo vessel Talvath. Location, Alpha Quadrant. 194 00:16:33,280 --> 00:16:37,239 Sector 1385. What is your location? 195 00:16:37,400 --> 00:16:41,155 We're in the Delta Quadrant, but since it hasn't been charted, 196 00:16:41,320 --> 00:16:43,357 I can't specify our exact location. 197 00:16:44,160 --> 00:16:46,720 Please confirm. You said Delta Quadrant? 198 00:16:46,880 --> 00:16:50,316 - Correct. - In a Federation starship? 199 00:16:50,480 --> 00:16:54,439 Yes. We were on a mission and we got pulled into this quadrant. 200 00:16:54,600 --> 00:16:57,752 - Pulled in? How? - It's a complicated story. 201 00:16:57,920 --> 00:17:02,391 Deconstruct the phase shift of our hailing frequency to verify. 202 00:17:02,560 --> 00:17:05,916 You are in the Alpha Quadrant. What are you coordinates? 203 00:17:06,080 --> 00:17:08,390 I am telling you the truth. 204 00:17:08,560 --> 00:17:12,997 We are in the Delta Quadrant, 70,000 light years from you. 205 00:17:13,160 --> 00:17:17,074 This is preposterous. I am terminating communication. 206 00:17:17,240 --> 00:17:19,709 No, wait! Hail them again. 207 00:17:21,680 --> 00:17:24,593 No response, Captain. 208 00:17:25,920 --> 00:17:29,834 Why would he have broken off transmission? 209 00:17:30,000 --> 00:17:32,674 Perhaps I can explain. 210 00:17:32,840 --> 00:17:37,198 His comm link signature indicates that the message was from a Romulan ship. 211 00:17:37,360 --> 00:17:41,274 There are no known shipping lanes in the sector he identified. 212 00:17:41,440 --> 00:17:43,875 Given the calibration of his signal, 213 00:17:44,040 --> 00:17:47,396 I would suggest he is on board a science vessel. 214 00:17:47,560 --> 00:17:49,995 Why pretend to be a cargo captain? 215 00:17:50,160 --> 00:17:53,790 He might be engaged in some kind of secret research. 216 00:17:53,960 --> 00:17:57,510 Precisely. And when we claimed to be in the Delta Quadrant, 217 00:17:57,680 --> 00:18:02,072 an impossibility so far as he knows, he may have feared we were spies. 218 00:18:02,240 --> 00:18:05,392 We raise one ship and it has to be Romulan. 219 00:18:05,560 --> 00:18:09,440 That Romulan can still get a message to Starfleet. 220 00:18:09,600 --> 00:18:12,319 Hail the Talvath repeatedly. 221 00:18:12,480 --> 00:18:16,075 Call me when you make contact. Commander, you have the bridge. 222 00:18:16,240 --> 00:18:18,800 Aye, Captain. 223 00:18:32,840 --> 00:18:36,913 Computer, initiate Emergency Medical Holographic Program. 224 00:18:37,080 --> 00:18:39,674 Please state the nature of the emergency. 225 00:18:39,840 --> 00:18:44,391 - There is no emergency, Doctor. - Oh. That's good. 226 00:18:44,560 --> 00:18:48,155 I was preparing a culture to test Hargrove for Arethian flu 227 00:18:48,320 --> 00:18:50,709 when Ensign Kyoto deactivated me. 228 00:18:50,880 --> 00:18:53,440 I'm sure she didn't realise you were busy. 229 00:18:53,600 --> 00:19:00,552 - What is it you want, Captain? - Actually, I thought we might talk. 230 00:19:00,720 --> 00:19:03,314 About what? 231 00:19:03,480 --> 00:19:07,360 You were originally programmed to serve during an emergency. 232 00:19:07,520 --> 00:19:10,751 Now you're being asked to do much more. 233 00:19:10,920 --> 00:19:15,551 Yes. I'm providing full-time medical service for the entire crew, 234 00:19:15,720 --> 00:19:19,315 functioning as doctor and nurse, and now as instructor. 235 00:19:19,480 --> 00:19:24,600 You can't think of yourself as an Emergency Medical Program anymore. 236 00:19:24,760 --> 00:19:27,229 You've become a full-fledged crew member. 237 00:19:28,720 --> 00:19:32,350 I see. Are you suggesting that I be reprogrammed? 238 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:35,516 No. 239 00:19:36,320 --> 00:19:40,473 I'm asking if there's anything I can do to help you. 240 00:19:40,640 --> 00:19:42,392 Help me? 241 00:19:42,560 --> 00:19:46,554 If there's anything you need or want, I'll see that you get it. 242 00:19:46,720 --> 00:19:49,633 I'd like to be turned off when people leave. 243 00:19:49,800 --> 00:19:53,156 I spend hours here with nothing to do. 244 00:19:54,120 --> 00:19:59,877 When someone does deactivate me, it's without asking if it's convenient. 245 00:20:02,440 --> 00:20:05,159 What if I gave you control... 246 00:20:07,440 --> 00:20:10,319 over your deactivation sequence. 247 00:20:10,480 --> 00:20:14,599 - I beg your pardon? - You can turn yourself off. 248 00:20:14,760 --> 00:20:17,149 Or prevent being turned off. 249 00:20:17,320 --> 00:20:20,233 I might like that. 250 00:20:21,360 --> 00:20:23,874 I'll look into it. 251 00:20:24,880 --> 00:20:26,837 Anything else? 252 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:31,038 I'm not sure. I'll have to give it some thought. 253 00:20:32,920 --> 00:20:35,480 You do that. 254 00:20:56,040 --> 00:20:58,316 Kim to Captain Janeway. 255 00:20:59,520 --> 00:21:02,717 - Janeway here. - Captain, we've got him back. 256 00:21:02,880 --> 00:21:04,837 The Romulan. 257 00:21:05,000 --> 00:21:07,879 Good work. Put him through to my quarters. 258 00:21:12,280 --> 00:21:16,956 - This is Kathryn Janeway. - This is the cargo vessel Talvath. 259 00:21:17,120 --> 00:21:20,078 Thank you for answering our hail. 260 00:21:20,240 --> 00:21:23,119 What is your name? How may I address you? 261 00:21:27,840 --> 00:21:31,799 - I'd prefer not to give my name. - Very well. 262 00:21:31,960 --> 00:21:35,237 You must have been sceptical when I told you where we are. 263 00:21:35,400 --> 00:21:38,995 I hope you've verified our position. 264 00:21:39,160 --> 00:21:44,678 Your hailing frequency seems to originate in the Delta Quadrant. 265 00:21:44,840 --> 00:21:49,596 But you may have been able to create that illusion somehow. 266 00:21:50,680 --> 00:21:53,718 - To what end? - I'm not sure. 267 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:56,599 But that doesn't negate the possibility. 268 00:21:58,040 --> 00:22:01,158 How can I assure you of my truthfulness? 269 00:22:01,320 --> 00:22:05,359 You say you are a Federation ship. Are you a Starfleet vessel? 270 00:22:08,520 --> 00:22:12,354 - Yes, we are. - Your mission in the Delta Quadrant? 271 00:22:13,680 --> 00:22:16,752 Our mission was originally in the Alpha Quadrant. 272 00:22:16,920 --> 00:22:20,959 We were pulled against our will to our present location. 273 00:22:21,120 --> 00:22:26,832 - Now we're trying to get home. - Aren't you in fact Starfleet spies? 274 00:22:28,160 --> 00:22:31,471 Captain, I understand your concern. 275 00:22:32,760 --> 00:22:37,516 The Romulan Empire doesn't want Starfleet spying on its science vessels. 276 00:22:38,520 --> 00:22:41,990 But since we're 70,000 light years from Romulan space, 277 00:22:42,160 --> 00:22:45,391 and a subspace message to Starfleet would take years, 278 00:22:45,560 --> 00:22:49,918 you have to admit that we can't be much of a threat to you. 279 00:22:51,200 --> 00:22:53,919 You have nothing to fear from us. 280 00:22:54,080 --> 00:22:58,119 Soothing words, Captain, but they are only words. 281 00:23:00,840 --> 00:23:07,280 If we were spies, we wouldn't be asking what I'm going to ask you now. 282 00:23:10,200 --> 00:23:15,718 We have no way of communicating with Starfleet, with our friends and families. 283 00:23:20,440 --> 00:23:24,195 We're hoping you might relay a message for us. 284 00:23:25,840 --> 00:23:30,960 Our crew is not large. Each of them could write a short, personal message. 285 00:23:31,120 --> 00:23:35,079 You'd be welcome to read them before passing them on. 286 00:23:35,240 --> 00:23:39,029 They're nothing more than the heartfelt words of some... 287 00:23:41,320 --> 00:23:43,277 very lonely people. 288 00:23:45,440 --> 00:23:48,956 Captain, it would ease my apprehension 289 00:23:49,120 --> 00:23:52,112 if I could see that you are who you say you are. 290 00:23:52,280 --> 00:23:54,874 I have a signal amplifier on board. 291 00:23:55,040 --> 00:23:59,796 I've been working to penetrate the radiation stream of the wormhole. 292 00:23:59,960 --> 00:24:05,160 It might be possible to establish a visual link between us. 293 00:24:05,320 --> 00:24:08,517 I have no objection. 294 00:24:08,680 --> 00:24:13,277 When that's done, will you help us? 295 00:24:13,440 --> 00:24:17,877 I make no promises. Let us proceed one step at a time. 296 00:24:18,040 --> 00:24:21,590 Have your officers contact me to attempt the visual link. 297 00:24:22,600 --> 00:24:25,558 - Good night. - Good night. 298 00:24:41,960 --> 00:24:44,474 We're ready to try a visual link. 299 00:24:44,640 --> 00:24:47,109 We had no trouble configuring the protocols. 300 00:24:47,280 --> 00:24:50,352 But that phase variance gave us a few problems. 301 00:24:50,520 --> 00:24:54,150 Torres is going to balance it manually. 302 00:24:54,320 --> 00:24:57,870 We've got the communications frequency locked in. 303 00:24:58,040 --> 00:25:00,077 On screen. 304 00:25:12,400 --> 00:25:15,756 - I presume you are Captain Janeway. - Yes. 305 00:25:17,880 --> 00:25:20,918 Thank you for maintaining contact with us. 306 00:25:21,080 --> 00:25:24,630 It means a great deal to me and to my crew. 307 00:25:25,480 --> 00:25:31,874 - I am not familiar with this class of ship. - It's new but it isn't classified. 308 00:25:32,040 --> 00:25:35,317 Your Intelligence hasn't provided you with information? 309 00:25:35,480 --> 00:25:40,475 I have been in space for a year and am not privy to the latest intelligence. 310 00:25:40,640 --> 00:25:45,760 I'm sure our operatives have told the government about your new ship. 311 00:25:45,920 --> 00:25:51,040 No doubt. Have you been able to communicate with your government 312 00:25:51,200 --> 00:25:53,840 about sending on our messages? 313 00:25:54,000 --> 00:25:57,880 I have. They've promised to take the matter under advisement. 314 00:25:58,040 --> 00:26:02,352 I see. And when do you think they will have an answer? 315 00:26:02,520 --> 00:26:05,717 I cannot predict the Senate's timetable. 316 00:26:05,880 --> 00:26:08,269 When they've decided, I will hear from them. 317 00:26:08,440 --> 00:26:11,432 We don't have a great deal of time. 318 00:26:11,600 --> 00:26:15,719 The probe will become inoperable in the next 48 hours. 319 00:26:15,880 --> 00:26:20,238 Captain, I am a low-ranking scientist. A minor functionary. 320 00:26:20,400 --> 00:26:25,110 I cannot tell the Senate to speed up their decision-making process. 321 00:26:26,160 --> 00:26:28,800 You said you've been in space for a year. 322 00:26:31,440 --> 00:26:33,829 Do you have any family? 323 00:26:37,200 --> 00:26:40,477 - Yes. - They're not with you in space? 324 00:26:42,440 --> 00:26:47,753 My wife and my daughter are on Romulus. 325 00:26:48,520 --> 00:26:51,160 A daughter. How old is she? 326 00:26:53,280 --> 00:26:57,239 She is... seven months. 327 00:26:59,080 --> 00:27:01,469 Then you've never seen her? 328 00:27:01,640 --> 00:27:06,874 To my sorrow, no. She'll be two years old before I get back. 329 00:27:07,040 --> 00:27:09,429 You must miss your family very much. 330 00:27:11,840 --> 00:27:15,629 I knew that there would be a price to pay for this assignment. 331 00:27:17,440 --> 00:27:20,876 Perhaps I didn't realise how high that price would be. 332 00:27:21,640 --> 00:27:24,200 Captain... 333 00:27:24,360 --> 00:27:30,470 everyone of us on this ship has left behind friends, family, loved ones. 334 00:27:30,640 --> 00:27:33,758 We may not see them again for years. Maybe never. 335 00:27:34,560 --> 00:27:37,996 So we can all understand how lonely you must be. 336 00:27:38,160 --> 00:27:41,790 Surely you can understand our feelings as well. 337 00:27:41,960 --> 00:27:45,510 We would be deeply grateful for any efforts you might make 338 00:27:45,680 --> 00:27:49,435 to persuade your government to send our messages. 339 00:27:52,880 --> 00:27:56,111 I cannot guarantee success. 340 00:27:56,280 --> 00:28:00,672 But I will try to persuade my superiors to make their decision quickly. 341 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:06,472 - And positively. - Thank you. 342 00:28:08,360 --> 00:28:11,079 I will contact you again. 343 00:28:15,160 --> 00:28:18,710 Commander, let's assume he's going to be successful. 344 00:28:19,560 --> 00:28:22,757 Tell the crew to have messages ready within the hour. 345 00:28:22,920 --> 00:28:25,389 With pleasure, Captain. 346 00:28:29,320 --> 00:28:32,392 - Captain, I have to talk to you. - Go ahead. 347 00:28:32,560 --> 00:28:34,676 No. I mean, in private. 348 00:28:41,760 --> 00:28:45,116 I didn't want to bring this up in front of the crew. 349 00:28:45,280 --> 00:28:49,592 It wouldn't be right to get their hopes up, although I think it will work. 350 00:28:49,760 --> 00:28:52,878 Tell me what you're talking about. 351 00:28:53,040 --> 00:28:57,159 The phase amplitude of the visual link with the Romulan ship. 352 00:28:57,320 --> 00:29:01,029 It's within just a few megahertz of meeting transporter protocols. 353 00:29:02,680 --> 00:29:07,390 We might be able to piggyback a transporter beam onto the visual link 354 00:29:07,560 --> 00:29:10,951 and transport the crew back to the Alpha Quadrant. 355 00:29:11,120 --> 00:29:13,794 Reconfigure the matter transmission rate. 356 00:29:13,960 --> 00:29:17,669 And we risk losing whatever we try to beam out. 357 00:29:17,840 --> 00:29:22,914 See to it. You have my authorisation to use any personnel you need. 358 00:29:23,080 --> 00:29:25,674 This is top priority. And don't be secretive. 359 00:29:25,840 --> 00:29:28,639 You won't be able to keep this quiet. 360 00:29:53,520 --> 00:29:56,672 - I'm ready for more. - You finished those already? 361 00:29:56,840 --> 00:30:01,437 I enjoyed anatomy. It would be interesting to see an autopsy. 362 00:30:03,840 --> 00:30:07,470 - What are the bones of the middle ear? - Malleum, incus and stapes. 363 00:30:07,640 --> 00:30:10,837 And the tissue between the middle and the auditory canal? 364 00:30:11,000 --> 00:30:13,594 - The tympanic membrane. - Huh! 365 00:30:13,760 --> 00:30:16,752 You have an eidetic memory. An astonishing gift. 366 00:30:16,920 --> 00:30:19,560 I'll do a full neural scan on you some time. 367 00:30:20,760 --> 00:30:27,598 If we do get back to Federation space, I'd like to go to medical school. 368 00:30:27,760 --> 00:30:30,149 If you continue to apply yourself, 369 00:30:30,320 --> 00:30:33,756 by the time we get back you may have the equivalent of a degree. 370 00:30:33,920 --> 00:30:36,196 - You haven't heard? - Heard what? 371 00:30:36,360 --> 00:30:38,317 That we might get back soon. 372 00:30:40,600 --> 00:30:45,117 If there's one thing you can count on, it's that I'm the last to know anything. 373 00:30:45,280 --> 00:30:50,832 There may be a way to transport all of us to the Alpha Quadrant. 374 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:54,789 Half of engineering are working on it right now. 375 00:30:55,920 --> 00:31:00,915 I see. Well, I'll say goodbye now. I won't be transporting with the rest of you. 376 00:31:01,080 --> 00:31:03,356 But can't we take you with us? 377 00:31:03,520 --> 00:31:06,717 My program is fully integrated into sickbay. 378 00:31:06,880 --> 00:31:10,396 At present I cannot be downloaded. 379 00:31:16,200 --> 00:31:18,999 Thank you for everything. 380 00:31:20,160 --> 00:31:22,674 Wait. I'd like... 381 00:31:22,840 --> 00:31:27,869 - That is... could I ask a favour of you? - Anything. 382 00:31:28,040 --> 00:31:34,514 If you do leave, before you go, could you make sure I've been deactivated? 383 00:31:34,680 --> 00:31:36,717 I promise. 384 00:31:45,800 --> 00:31:50,397 We've managed to bind a transporter beam to the visual link. 385 00:31:50,560 --> 00:31:54,519 You've matched your data transmission to our comm signal? 386 00:31:54,680 --> 00:31:57,354 Exactly. 387 00:31:57,520 --> 00:32:01,150 Our intelligence operatives are not doing their job. 388 00:32:01,320 --> 00:32:04,278 You clearly have technology we are unaware of. 389 00:32:04,440 --> 00:32:07,956 This would be an incredible breakthrough in subspace mechanics. 390 00:32:08,120 --> 00:32:11,556 We'd like to try transmitting a test cylinder to you. 391 00:32:11,720 --> 00:32:14,758 A test cylinder of what sort? 392 00:32:14,920 --> 00:32:18,629 It is a standard mechanism with a varietal molecular matrix. 393 00:32:18,800 --> 00:32:22,031 It simulates organic and non-organic compounds. 394 00:32:22,200 --> 00:32:25,431 - It is not classified technology. - I am aware of it. 395 00:32:25,600 --> 00:32:31,152 We use a similar device. I will allow the transport. 396 00:32:31,320 --> 00:32:35,075 - Bridge to transporter room 1. - We're all set, Captain. 397 00:32:35,240 --> 00:32:38,870 We're focused on the Romulan's transporter coordinates. 398 00:32:39,040 --> 00:32:41,509 All right, then. 399 00:32:43,840 --> 00:32:47,720 - Let's give it a try. - Energise. 400 00:32:52,200 --> 00:32:54,271 The cylinder has dematerialised. 401 00:33:00,800 --> 00:33:05,351 - Can you get it back? - The pattern buffer won't accept it. 402 00:33:05,520 --> 00:33:08,672 I'll increase power to the phase transition coils. 403 00:33:16,600 --> 00:33:20,992 - Ramp the coils to 37 megajoules. - 37 megajoules. 404 00:33:35,440 --> 00:33:40,958 Congratulations, Captain. You've done it. Very impressive. 405 00:33:41,120 --> 00:33:45,751 We should run a series of these tests, but we have to act quickly. 406 00:33:45,920 --> 00:33:50,278 - I understand. - We'll have to transport a person. 407 00:33:50,440 --> 00:33:54,035 One of our crew will beam to your ship if you'll allow it. 408 00:33:54,200 --> 00:33:58,956 My government would never allow Starfleet personnel on this ship. 409 00:33:59,120 --> 00:34:01,794 I wouldn't want my logs to show that activity. 410 00:34:01,960 --> 00:34:04,918 Then what would you suggest? 411 00:34:05,080 --> 00:34:09,233 I'll volunteer to transport to your ship and back again. 412 00:34:09,400 --> 00:34:14,190 But Captain... if we can't transport to your ship, 413 00:34:14,360 --> 00:34:16,920 how are we to get back? 414 00:34:18,360 --> 00:34:22,957 If the procedure is successful, I will arrange for a troop ship to join me. 415 00:34:23,120 --> 00:34:25,430 That would accommodate your crew. 416 00:34:25,600 --> 00:34:27,830 Very well. We'll be in touch. 417 00:34:40,920 --> 00:34:44,629 We've made more than 20 transports of the test cylinder. 418 00:34:44,800 --> 00:34:48,589 Every one of them has been successful. 419 00:34:48,760 --> 00:34:53,118 - Let's hope it works with the Romulan. - I must stay with him at all times. 420 00:34:53,280 --> 00:34:56,875 We're locked onto him. Whenever you're ready, Captain. 421 00:34:57,760 --> 00:35:01,549 Well, let's try it. Energise. 422 00:35:10,280 --> 00:35:14,274 - What's the problem? - It's the phase variance. 423 00:35:14,440 --> 00:35:16,511 I'm balancing it manually. 424 00:35:26,360 --> 00:35:31,992 Welcome to the Delta Quadrant... Captain. 425 00:35:44,440 --> 00:35:46,909 My first officer, Commander Chakotay. 426 00:35:47,080 --> 00:35:50,914 Lieutenant Tuvok, head of security. Chief engineer Torres. 427 00:35:51,080 --> 00:35:53,435 And operations officer Kim. 428 00:35:55,520 --> 00:35:59,275 My congratulations on your remarkable accomplishment. 429 00:35:59,440 --> 00:36:02,034 This is an astonishing breakthrough. 430 00:36:02,200 --> 00:36:06,671 I didn't think you were going to make it. There was a strange phase variance. 431 00:36:06,840 --> 00:36:09,354 It almost kept us from pulling you through. 432 00:36:09,520 --> 00:36:13,832 Mr Tuvok, you may begin evacuation procedures. 433 00:36:14,000 --> 00:36:16,719 I suggest we delay that for the moment. 434 00:36:16,880 --> 00:36:19,759 I've found the reason for the phase variance. 435 00:36:19,920 --> 00:36:23,629 - What is it? - Captain, what year is it? 436 00:36:25,640 --> 00:36:28,075 - What year? - If you please. 437 00:36:30,360 --> 00:36:33,000 By your calendar, the year is 2351. 438 00:36:36,400 --> 00:36:39,552 But this is 2371. 439 00:36:39,720 --> 00:36:44,271 Exactly. Our Romulan visitor is a person out of time. 440 00:36:44,440 --> 00:36:47,512 He's showing evidence of temporal displacement. 441 00:36:48,600 --> 00:36:53,913 I would surmise that the wormhole is a rift not just in space, but in time. 442 00:36:54,080 --> 00:36:58,995 The unusual phase variance was an indication of a temporal shift. 443 00:37:00,480 --> 00:37:04,792 We have transported him from 20 years in the past to our present. 444 00:37:10,080 --> 00:37:12,390 I've gone over the transporter logs. 445 00:37:12,560 --> 00:37:16,519 If we try to transport ourselves through that wormhole, 446 00:37:16,680 --> 00:37:19,354 we'll end up 20 years in the past. 447 00:37:20,560 --> 00:37:25,919 Then let's do it! It's better than spending 70 years trying to get back. 448 00:37:26,080 --> 00:37:29,869 We'd be going back to a time when you were two years old. 449 00:37:31,080 --> 00:37:34,436 I know you're disappointed, Harry. We all are. 450 00:37:36,000 --> 00:37:38,514 It seemed we were so close. 451 00:37:40,960 --> 00:37:43,429 But clearly we can't go back. 452 00:37:44,480 --> 00:37:48,439 The consequences would be unimaginable. 453 00:37:49,720 --> 00:37:52,439 We'll have to send you back alone... 454 00:37:52,600 --> 00:37:56,150 and ask that you not reveal anything that has happened. 455 00:37:56,320 --> 00:38:00,234 I would not do anything that might contaminate the future 456 00:38:00,400 --> 00:38:03,153 and perhaps harm the Romulan Empire. 457 00:38:05,000 --> 00:38:06,991 But... 458 00:38:07,160 --> 00:38:11,631 in 20 years... 459 00:38:11,800 --> 00:38:16,397 I could alert Starfleet not to launch the mission which sent you here. 460 00:38:17,840 --> 00:38:23,916 That's not possible either. We've had a huge impact on this quadrant. 461 00:38:24,080 --> 00:38:27,516 People and events here would be drastically affected. 462 00:38:31,080 --> 00:38:34,198 I'm afraid we're left with our original request. 463 00:38:38,120 --> 00:38:42,876 In 20 years, would you relay our personal messages to Starfleet? 464 00:38:43,040 --> 00:38:47,750 Of course. At the proper time, I will transmit them. 465 00:38:52,320 --> 00:38:55,392 If you should find a way back within my lifetime... 466 00:38:57,360 --> 00:39:02,036 I'd be an old man, but I'd welcome a message from you. 467 00:39:02,200 --> 00:39:06,717 I am Telek R'Mor of the Romulan Astrophysical Academy. 468 00:39:10,800 --> 00:39:13,440 I promise you'll hear from us. 469 00:39:15,440 --> 00:39:17,795 Because we will get back. 470 00:39:20,840 --> 00:39:23,195 These are our messages. 471 00:39:25,960 --> 00:39:30,238 - I wish you luck on your journey. - And I thank you for your help. 472 00:39:42,040 --> 00:39:43,792 Energise. 473 00:39:55,360 --> 00:39:59,797 His signal is in the pattern buffer. Transferring to the emitter array. 474 00:39:59,960 --> 00:40:03,635 - Phase variance is out of synch. - Compensating. 475 00:40:06,200 --> 00:40:08,430 Transport complete, Captain. 476 00:40:09,600 --> 00:40:11,830 He made it. 477 00:40:14,360 --> 00:40:16,317 I'll tell the crew. 478 00:40:16,480 --> 00:40:20,314 They'll be glad their messages have reached their families. 479 00:40:20,480 --> 00:40:26,078 Captain. I did not want to mention this in front of our guest. 480 00:40:26,240 --> 00:40:30,552 I checked the computer's databanks for a Romulan named Telek R'Mor. 481 00:40:30,720 --> 00:40:32,040 And? 482 00:40:32,200 --> 00:40:36,637 I'm sorry to report Dr R'Mor died in 2367. 483 00:40:38,000 --> 00:40:41,470 - That was four years ago. - That is correct. 484 00:40:41,640 --> 00:40:44,951 Before he would have sent our messages. 485 00:40:50,840 --> 00:40:55,311 Maybe he left a will, telling someone else to transmit the messages, 486 00:40:55,480 --> 00:40:58,233 or gave our chip to the Romulan government. 487 00:40:58,400 --> 00:41:02,519 It is possible. Unfortunately, there is no way to know. 488 00:41:10,480 --> 00:41:14,394 Then let's move on. We've got a long way to go. 489 00:41:26,840 --> 00:41:30,231 I tried a new exercise. Maybe I overdid it. 490 00:41:30,400 --> 00:41:34,075 But my workouts keep me from a severe case of cabin fever. 491 00:41:35,600 --> 00:41:39,070 Lieutenant, I am the chief medical officer of this ship. 492 00:41:39,240 --> 00:41:44,030 If you have something to say to me, please direct the statement to me. 493 00:41:46,440 --> 00:41:50,638 - You see, I need to work out. - I'm not telling you not to. 494 00:41:50,800 --> 00:41:54,589 I'm suggesting you use common sense when you do it. 495 00:41:54,760 --> 00:41:57,479 If you get another exercise-related injury, 496 00:41:57,640 --> 00:42:00,154 I'll discuss it with your superiors. 497 00:42:00,320 --> 00:42:03,676 - Yes... sir. - You're fine. You may leave. 498 00:42:03,840 --> 00:42:07,037 Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. 499 00:42:12,600 --> 00:42:15,353 He won't ignore you again. 500 00:42:16,720 --> 00:42:21,556 I must function as more than an Emergency Medical replacement. 501 00:42:21,720 --> 00:42:25,111 I must think of myself as a member of the crew. 502 00:42:25,280 --> 00:42:27,351 You're absolutely right. 503 00:42:29,240 --> 00:42:32,835 I've prepared a list of things I'd like to see in sickbay. 504 00:42:34,400 --> 00:42:38,109 - Could you present it to the Captain? - I'd be happy to. 505 00:42:39,920 --> 00:42:45,677 There's one more request. Something of a personal nature. 506 00:42:46,800 --> 00:42:50,270 I would like a name.