1 00:00:01,560 --> 00:00:04,074 Last time on Star Trek Voyager... 2 00:00:04,240 --> 00:00:06,834 - Stay the course! - They're breaking through. 3 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:10,675 We'll die if we don't get the shields back up. Arm yourselves! 4 00:00:13,720 --> 00:00:16,394 - Who attacked you? - We don't know. 5 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:20,679 We can't communicate with them. They've been attacking us for weeks. 6 00:00:20,840 --> 00:00:25,471 - Your crew runs criminal experiments. - I know. I designed them. 7 00:00:25,640 --> 00:00:30,510 - That's a violation of your program. - They deleted my ethical subroutines. 8 00:00:31,960 --> 00:00:37,592 It's easy to cling to principles when your vessel has its bulkheads intact. 9 00:00:37,760 --> 00:00:43,153 It's never easy, but if we turn our backs on our principles we stop being human. 10 00:00:43,320 --> 00:00:47,791 I'm putting an end to your experiments and you're relieved of your command. 11 00:00:47,960 --> 00:00:51,635 I rerouted transporter control to the next junction. 12 00:00:57,320 --> 00:00:59,357 They got the field generator. 13 00:00:59,520 --> 00:01:02,751 - What do you mean? - They beamed it off Voyager. 14 00:01:02,920 --> 00:01:06,959 We're going home. We can't let Voyager stop us. 15 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:09,270 Not when we're this close. 16 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:13,116 - Shields are down. - Arm yourselves. 17 00:01:13,280 --> 00:01:15,396 Get us out of here. 18 00:01:16,720 --> 00:01:18,950 And now the conclusion... 19 00:01:20,120 --> 00:01:22,873 Fissures are opening, all decks. 20 00:01:27,280 --> 00:01:28,714 Captain! 21 00:01:34,240 --> 00:01:36,470 Give me tactical control. 22 00:01:42,440 --> 00:01:46,434 I used a deflector pulse to reinforce shields. It won't hold for long. 23 00:01:46,600 --> 00:01:50,434 Bridge to sickbay, we have a medical emergency. 24 00:01:51,720 --> 00:01:55,714 Casualty reports coming in. Two dead, 13 wounded. Engine damage. 25 00:01:55,880 --> 00:01:57,837 - The Equinox? - Gone to warp. 26 00:01:58,000 --> 00:02:00,037 - Nucleogenic particles? - No. 27 00:02:00,200 --> 00:02:04,080 They haven't engaged their warp drive. Keep looking for... 28 00:02:12,000 --> 00:02:15,709 - Report. - The shield grid is back in place. 29 00:02:15,880 --> 00:02:20,078 - Are sensors picking up Voyager? - They're under attack. 30 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:24,996 Maintain course. 31 00:04:26,800 --> 00:04:30,555 I found the Doctor's emitter on deck 9. 32 00:04:30,720 --> 00:04:33,314 You might want to take it to sickbay. 33 00:04:56,640 --> 00:04:58,597 Any sign of the doc? 34 00:04:58,760 --> 00:05:00,717 I've got him right here. 35 00:05:03,280 --> 00:05:05,476 Please state the nature of the... 36 00:05:05,640 --> 00:05:07,153 Don't bother. 37 00:05:07,320 --> 00:05:08,913 Start with Chakotay. 38 00:05:09,080 --> 00:05:11,720 He's got internal injuries. 39 00:05:11,880 --> 00:05:14,269 We found your emitter on deck 9. 40 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:16,670 I was a hostage of the Equinox crew. 41 00:05:16,840 --> 00:05:20,071 I deactivated myself to escape. Did you stop them? 42 00:05:20,240 --> 00:05:23,631 - No. - I don't want to hear the status report. 43 00:05:23,800 --> 00:05:27,998 Harry's analysing those sounds. He thinks it's a form of communication. 44 00:05:28,160 --> 00:05:32,313 I figured out how to speak with a Terrellian seapod. This can't be harder. 45 00:05:32,480 --> 00:05:37,509 - When I'm out of here, I'll lend a hand. - Let's focus on finding the Equinox. 46 00:05:37,680 --> 00:05:42,595 - We've got to stop these attacks. - The aliens aren't enemies. 47 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:44,717 It's crucial that you don't... 48 00:05:54,760 --> 00:05:57,878 - Who is it? - It's Max. I brought you a visitor. 49 00:05:58,040 --> 00:06:00,998 Hold on. 50 00:06:01,160 --> 00:06:03,071 Come in. 51 00:06:06,040 --> 00:06:10,716 I'm glad you're OK. I've been using this synaptic stimulator. 52 00:06:10,880 --> 00:06:15,511 I was strolling along the Tenkaran coast. You're welcome to try it. 53 00:06:15,680 --> 00:06:18,274 State your intentions. 54 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:23,674 Once we get our enhanced warp drive on-line, we'll be on our way home. 55 00:06:23,840 --> 00:06:27,117 But it'll still take months to get there. 56 00:06:27,280 --> 00:06:32,878 You can spend that time in the brig or you can become part of this crew. 57 00:06:33,760 --> 00:06:37,310 - I'd prefer the latter. - I'd prefer the brig. 58 00:06:38,360 --> 00:06:43,070 Janeway's not the only captain who can help you explore humanity. 59 00:06:43,240 --> 00:06:47,393 You would be an inferior role model. 60 00:06:47,560 --> 00:06:51,155 Janeway clung to her morality at the expense of her crew. 61 00:06:51,320 --> 00:06:53,960 Maybe you should learn from that mistake. 62 00:06:54,120 --> 00:06:57,317 Her only mistake was trusting you. 63 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:02,670 Take care of her wound. 64 00:07:14,960 --> 00:07:18,669 First degree phaser burns, minor lacerations. 65 00:07:18,840 --> 00:07:21,116 Looks like we'll have to amputate. 66 00:07:21,280 --> 00:07:23,999 That was a joke. You're supposed to smile. 67 00:07:24,160 --> 00:07:27,630 I'm familiar with human banter. Yours is crude. 68 00:07:27,800 --> 00:07:30,997 You know, Seven... Can I call you Seven? 69 00:07:31,160 --> 00:07:36,234 All we've got is each other out here. Let your shields down or it'll be a lonely trip. 70 00:07:36,400 --> 00:07:40,837 I'll be damned. Looks like our doctor left us a replacement. 71 00:07:42,400 --> 00:07:45,279 - Seven? - We are captives. 72 00:07:45,440 --> 00:07:49,991 - I was attacked by their EMH. - He loaded you into our database. 73 00:07:50,160 --> 00:07:52,959 You can treat your friend. 74 00:07:58,520 --> 00:08:03,276 - Priming the injectors. - Marla to bridge, we're ready. 75 00:08:03,440 --> 00:08:08,389 - Infuse warp drive with 20 isograms. - Aye, sir. 76 00:08:11,440 --> 00:08:14,751 - Warp drive ready. - Engage. 77 00:08:19,960 --> 00:08:21,917 What happened? 78 00:08:22,080 --> 00:08:24,640 Power relays are off. They're encoded. 79 00:08:28,080 --> 00:08:30,151 - Give us the codes. - No. 80 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:35,394 - We'll extract them ourselves. - Her cranial infrastructure is complex. 81 00:08:35,560 --> 00:08:38,632 You'll need months to find what she had for breakfast. 82 00:08:38,800 --> 00:08:41,360 - You'll help us. - I refuse. 83 00:08:41,520 --> 00:08:43,796 - Doctor... - Don't worry, they need me. 84 00:08:43,960 --> 00:08:47,874 They'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face. I suggest you... 85 00:08:49,560 --> 00:08:53,554 All right, Doctor. Get to work. You know what we're looking for. 86 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:58,351 Very well. She'll try to resist. I'll have to restrain her. 87 00:08:58,520 --> 00:09:03,071 I deleted his ethical subroutines. He'll be a little more cooperative now. 88 00:09:03,240 --> 00:09:07,120 - Keep me posted. - Aye, Captain. This way, please. 89 00:09:13,320 --> 00:09:18,076 - It's not Shakespeare but it works. - A small olive branch is still a branch. 90 00:09:18,240 --> 00:09:22,438 - Run it through your translation matrix. - Set your weapons down. 91 00:09:22,600 --> 00:09:26,195 - Somebody has to trust somebody. - Belay that order. 92 00:09:26,360 --> 00:09:28,556 In this case, weapons. 93 00:09:28,720 --> 00:09:32,509 - Ready to transmit. - Drop shields. Bridge only. 94 00:09:32,680 --> 00:09:34,637 Go ahead, Harry. 95 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:52,876 Raise shields. 96 00:09:57,200 --> 00:10:00,477 If they understood our message, they haven't responded. 97 00:10:00,640 --> 00:10:04,429 There's your response. Activate another deflector pulse. 98 00:10:05,720 --> 00:10:10,237 - Shields are holding at 62%. - That should buy a few minutes. 99 00:10:10,400 --> 00:10:15,520 Make the most of it. Repair the warp drive. We must find the Equinox. 100 00:10:15,680 --> 00:10:18,399 I'd like to take another stab at the message. 101 00:10:18,560 --> 00:10:22,918 They're not listening. We should track Ransom, not tinker with adverbs. 102 00:10:25,320 --> 00:10:27,630 Want your first officer's advice? 103 00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:32,078 Our deflector is losing power. When if fails, we'll be defenceless. 104 00:10:32,240 --> 00:10:34,959 It's Voyager we should be worrying about. 105 00:10:35,120 --> 00:10:37,953 It's advice worth taking. 106 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:43,991 - We have a crew member on that ship. - Is this about Seven or Ransom? 107 00:10:44,160 --> 00:10:48,472 - I don't know what you're talking about. - You're known to hold grudges. 108 00:10:48,640 --> 00:10:53,157 This man betrayed Starfleet, dishonoured everything you believe in. 109 00:10:53,320 --> 00:10:57,791 - And threw Voyager to the wolves. - We've run into our share of bad guys. 110 00:10:57,960 --> 00:11:01,316 - Ransom's no different. - He is. You said it yourself. 111 00:11:01,480 --> 00:11:04,950 He's human. I don't blame you for being angry. 112 00:11:05,120 --> 00:11:08,909 But you can't compromise this ship's safety to satisfy a vendetta. 113 00:11:09,080 --> 00:11:13,199 I appreciate your candour. Now let me be just as blunt. 114 00:11:13,360 --> 00:11:17,991 You're right. I am angry. I'm damned angry. 115 00:11:18,160 --> 00:11:20,117 He's a Starfleet captain. 116 00:11:20,280 --> 00:11:23,238 He abandoned everything this uniform stands for. 117 00:11:23,400 --> 00:11:27,997 He's out there now torturing innocent life-forms to get home a little quicker. 118 00:11:28,160 --> 00:11:30,834 I'm not gonna stand for it. 119 00:11:31,880 --> 00:11:36,909 I'm gonna hunt him down no matter how long it takes, no matter what the cost. 120 00:11:37,080 --> 00:11:40,914 If you want to call that a vendetta, go right ahead. 121 00:11:58,600 --> 00:12:02,514 - Why did you bring us here? - It has a parthogenic atmosphere. 122 00:12:02,680 --> 00:12:07,072 - It'll keep us from being detected. - We also found deuterium deposits. 123 00:12:07,240 --> 00:12:10,358 Take an away team, Noah. See if you can localise the ore. 124 00:12:10,520 --> 00:12:15,117 You won't be protected from the aliens. If there's trouble, we'll beam you back. 125 00:12:15,280 --> 00:12:17,157 Aye, sir. 126 00:12:17,320 --> 00:12:20,278 The ocular node's connected to the sensory node. 127 00:12:20,440 --> 00:12:23,159 The sensory node's connected to the cortical node. 128 00:12:23,320 --> 00:12:26,631 The cortical node's connected to the reticular node. 129 00:12:26,800 --> 00:12:30,794 Don't look so gloomy. There's a silver lining to all this. 130 00:12:30,960 --> 00:12:35,591 - We're finally going to see Earth. - You're obviously delusional. 131 00:12:35,760 --> 00:12:39,958 - Allow me to repair your program. - Why would I want you to do that? 132 00:12:40,120 --> 00:12:45,798 You should understand. Having no ethics has made me more efficient. 133 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:51,472 - Status. - I'm going to extract her cortical array. 134 00:12:51,640 --> 00:12:56,510 It contains memory engrams. Once I've removed it her higher brain functions - 135 00:12:56,680 --> 00:13:00,799 language, cognitive skills, will be severely damaged. 136 00:13:07,880 --> 00:13:10,918 - Tell me the codes. - No. 137 00:13:11,080 --> 00:13:14,471 Janeway was right about one thing. 138 00:13:14,640 --> 00:13:19,350 You are unique. It would be a shame to lose you. 139 00:13:19,520 --> 00:13:24,196 - Your compassion is irrelevant. - You think this is easy for me? 140 00:13:25,680 --> 00:13:28,559 The sight of you on that table. 141 00:13:28,720 --> 00:13:31,792 But you're leaving me no choice. 142 00:13:31,960 --> 00:13:35,919 No choice? You say that frequently. 143 00:13:36,080 --> 00:13:41,029 You destroy life-forms to attain goals, and then claim they left you no choice. 144 00:13:41,200 --> 00:13:44,716 Does that logic comfort you? 145 00:13:47,640 --> 00:13:50,200 The codes. 146 00:13:50,360 --> 00:13:53,273 You'll have to destroy me to obtain them. 147 00:14:04,480 --> 00:14:07,871 The reticular node's connected to the occipital node. 148 00:14:08,040 --> 00:14:10,714 Captain's log, supplemental. 149 00:14:10,880 --> 00:14:15,795 Our warp drive's on-line, but sweeps have failed to locate the Equinox. 150 00:14:17,400 --> 00:14:19,835 Come in. 151 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:21,957 You wanted to see me? 152 00:14:22,120 --> 00:14:25,590 It's not like you to submit recommendations in writing. 153 00:14:25,760 --> 00:14:30,880 - Last time you weren't very receptive. - I won't be this time either. 154 00:14:31,040 --> 00:14:34,874 Interesting idea, but the Ankari are in the wrong direction. 155 00:14:35,040 --> 00:14:39,750 I understand, but they introduced Ransom to these life-forms. 156 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:43,675 It stands to reason they might tell them to call off the attacks. 157 00:14:43,840 --> 00:14:46,150 Our first priority is to find Ransom. 158 00:14:50,160 --> 00:14:53,551 - Still no sign of nucleogenic particles? - Not yet. 159 00:14:53,720 --> 00:14:58,590 Then he couldn't have gotten far. His ship will only be capable of warp 6. 160 00:14:59,680 --> 00:15:04,834 I've been studying his record. He's had his share of run-ins with hostile aliens. 161 00:15:05,000 --> 00:15:09,870 It seems that when he's being pursued, he tends to hide. 162 00:15:10,040 --> 00:15:13,431 At Epsilon IV he ran into a Klingon bird-of-prey. 163 00:15:13,600 --> 00:15:17,434 Played cat and mouse for three days before the Klingons gave up. 164 00:15:17,600 --> 00:15:24,552 Two years later, he eluded a Romulan warbird by hiding in a gas giant. 165 00:15:26,120 --> 00:15:31,354 Go to astrometrics. Look for a place you'd hide if your ship was damaged. 166 00:15:31,520 --> 00:15:34,034 Yes, ma'am. 167 00:16:22,200 --> 00:16:25,636 - How was the beach? - Do these programs have people? 168 00:16:25,800 --> 00:16:30,078 - No, just landscapes. Why? - Forget it. 169 00:16:34,200 --> 00:16:39,513 I'm reading a vein of ore, azimuth 1.17, 30 metres. 170 00:16:39,680 --> 00:16:43,719 It could run pretty deep. We might need phasers to excavate. 171 00:16:43,880 --> 00:16:46,599 This reminds me of McKinley Park. 172 00:16:46,760 --> 00:16:49,036 I took my sister there when we were kids. 173 00:16:49,200 --> 00:16:54,639 This place is just like it. There was a family of ground squirrels over there 174 00:16:54,800 --> 00:16:57,189 and a patch of poison ivy next to it. 175 00:16:57,360 --> 00:17:01,752 When I was ten, I walked through it. I swelled up like a Regellian bloodworm. 176 00:17:01,920 --> 00:17:04,230 When I get back to Earth, I'll... 177 00:17:06,720 --> 00:17:08,677 Four to beam up. 178 00:17:13,320 --> 00:17:16,631 - We have a subspace transmission. - From who? 179 00:17:16,800 --> 00:17:21,271 - I can't tell. - I don't see a ship. Open a channel. 180 00:17:21,440 --> 00:17:23,511 Doctor to Equinox. Respond. 181 00:17:23,680 --> 00:17:27,355 - We can hear you. - Voyager's here. It's entered orbit. 182 00:17:27,520 --> 00:17:29,477 They've masked their approach. 183 00:17:29,640 --> 00:17:31,995 They've planned to ambush the away team. 184 00:17:32,160 --> 00:17:34,356 Janeway's tracked the Equinox... 185 00:17:36,280 --> 00:17:38,351 - Get him back. - I can't. 186 00:17:38,520 --> 00:17:43,356 Ransom to away team. Noah, prepare to beam back here. 187 00:17:45,440 --> 00:17:47,511 They're not down there. 188 00:17:51,760 --> 00:17:54,274 All hands to battle stations. 189 00:17:59,440 --> 00:18:03,115 - 30,000 kilometres and closing. - Target their power core. 190 00:18:11,120 --> 00:18:14,556 - Direct hit. Minor damage. - Return fire. 191 00:18:16,320 --> 00:18:20,439 - Bridge to Torres, status? - I can't locate their shield generator. 192 00:18:20,600 --> 00:18:23,991 - Divert more power to sensors. - Stand by. 193 00:18:24,160 --> 00:18:29,030 If our deflector goes off-line, we're vulnerable to alien attacks. 194 00:18:29,200 --> 00:18:32,113 Noted. Target his weapons array. 195 00:18:33,840 --> 00:18:37,117 - We lost all phaser banks. - Torpedoes, full spread. 196 00:18:37,280 --> 00:18:41,877 - B'Elanna's bypassing our security. - Stop her. 197 00:18:46,360 --> 00:18:51,355 Computer, open a com-link to the Equinox. Workstation 33-beta. 198 00:18:51,520 --> 00:18:54,990 - Max, listen to me. - Back for round two, BLT? 199 00:18:55,160 --> 00:18:58,391 This isn't a game. People are dying over here. 200 00:18:58,560 --> 00:19:02,519 - I wish you weren't one of them. - Max, please. 201 00:19:04,880 --> 00:19:07,998 - Shields are weakening. - We've almost got him. 202 00:19:08,160 --> 00:19:12,836 Keep targeting their weapons array. One more torpedo ought to do it. Fire. 203 00:19:19,480 --> 00:19:22,598 - Weapons are down. - Janeway to Ransom. Surrender. 204 00:19:22,760 --> 00:19:26,754 - We still have thrusters, don't we? - Aye, sir. 205 00:19:26,920 --> 00:19:31,551 Lay in a course through the planet's atmosphere. 60 degree vector. 206 00:19:37,960 --> 00:19:40,873 What the hell is he doing? Follow him. 207 00:19:43,880 --> 00:19:47,794 - Crossing the upper thermosphere. - Phasers. 208 00:19:57,800 --> 00:20:02,431 Shields are weakening. 31%... 29... 209 00:20:03,560 --> 00:20:06,359 Inertial dampers are off-line. 210 00:20:06,520 --> 00:20:09,751 If we lose our shields we'll be attacked by the aliens. 211 00:20:11,200 --> 00:20:13,589 Captain! 212 00:20:13,760 --> 00:20:15,717 Break off pursuit. 213 00:20:19,600 --> 00:20:22,558 - They're retreating. - Take us up. 214 00:20:26,480 --> 00:20:29,836 - They took heavy damage. - Get us out of here. 215 00:20:31,800 --> 00:20:35,031 - They've gone to warp. - Match their course and speed. 216 00:20:35,200 --> 00:20:39,876 We can't until we restore primary systems. We'll need a few hours. 217 00:20:41,320 --> 00:20:44,199 At least we didn't come away empty-handed. 218 00:20:53,880 --> 00:20:57,874 I want Ransom's tactical status. I want it now, Mr Lessing. 219 00:21:00,440 --> 00:21:03,478 Or what? You'll hit me? 220 00:21:05,960 --> 00:21:10,636 No, crewman. I'll drop the shields around this room. 221 00:21:10,800 --> 00:21:14,236 And let your little friends pay you a visit. 222 00:21:14,400 --> 00:21:18,553 - That would be murder. - You could also call it poetic justice. 223 00:21:20,640 --> 00:21:24,156 I suppose the plan is that you're going to rescue me, right? 224 00:21:24,320 --> 00:21:27,392 There's no plan. The captain's on her own. 225 00:21:27,560 --> 00:21:30,837 Ransom's status, now. 226 00:21:31,000 --> 00:21:33,196 No way in hell. 227 00:21:36,960 --> 00:21:42,080 We all make our own hell. I hope you enjoy yours. 228 00:21:42,240 --> 00:21:47,440 The com is active. We'll be outside if you have a change of heart. 229 00:21:56,640 --> 00:21:59,712 - What are you doing? - Weren't you listening? 230 00:21:59,880 --> 00:22:02,838 - Don't do this. - He'll break. 231 00:22:07,680 --> 00:22:11,560 Bridge to Captain, we've lost shields in section 29-alpha. 232 00:22:11,720 --> 00:22:13,870 I know. Stand by. 233 00:22:14,040 --> 00:22:16,316 He's not going to betray his captain. 234 00:22:16,480 --> 00:22:19,871 - Put up the shields. - He'll break. 235 00:22:20,040 --> 00:22:23,032 - Captain! - As you were. 236 00:22:24,600 --> 00:22:28,309 - Level 9 authorisation required. - Damn it, Kathryn! 237 00:22:28,480 --> 00:22:30,994 You're panicking. He's going to talk. 238 00:22:31,760 --> 00:22:35,515 - Captain, a fissure is opening there. - Understood. 239 00:22:53,640 --> 00:22:57,429 You've demonstrated your loyalty to your captain. Fine. 240 00:22:57,600 --> 00:23:00,911 Now let's talk about the Ankari. 241 00:23:05,480 --> 00:23:09,758 If there's an Ankari vessel near here, why haven't we detected it? 242 00:23:09,920 --> 00:23:14,118 They use a unique form of propulsion which makes them hard to find. 243 00:23:14,280 --> 00:23:17,830 - You think they'll be willing to help us? - It's worth a try. 244 00:23:18,000 --> 00:23:20,879 Mr Lessing will show you how to adjust the sensors. 245 00:23:21,040 --> 00:23:23,509 Once you find the Ankari ship, set a course. 246 00:23:23,680 --> 00:23:26,479 Did our prisoner disclose other information? 247 00:23:26,640 --> 00:23:30,429 I'm afraid not. The rest of you continue with repairs. 248 00:23:30,600 --> 00:23:32,557 Dismissed. 249 00:23:34,040 --> 00:23:35,678 Commander. 250 00:23:35,840 --> 00:23:41,313 All right. We're going to try it your way. But I want to make one thing clear. 251 00:23:41,480 --> 00:23:46,839 Our priority is to get Ransom. If there's one thing you've made clear, it's that. 252 00:23:47,000 --> 00:23:51,153 We've had disagreements but you've never openly opposed me. 253 00:23:51,320 --> 00:23:54,551 - You almost killed that man. - It was a calculated risk. 254 00:23:54,720 --> 00:23:57,394 - It was a bad call. - I'll note it in my log. 255 00:23:57,560 --> 00:24:01,793 I don't give a damn about your log. This is about right and wrong. 256 00:24:01,960 --> 00:24:05,555 And I'm warning you, I won't let you cross that line again. 257 00:24:05,720 --> 00:24:09,156 Then you leave me no choice. 258 00:24:10,440 --> 00:24:13,671 You're hereby relieved of duty until further notice. 259 00:24:17,760 --> 00:24:21,833 - What's happened to you? - I could ask you the same question. 260 00:24:33,600 --> 00:24:36,718 - They're not responding. - Tractor beam. 261 00:24:36,880 --> 00:24:40,191 - Captain, the Ankari ship... - Just do it. 262 00:24:44,320 --> 00:24:47,278 - We're being hailed. - On screen. 263 00:24:47,440 --> 00:24:52,879 Starfleet. Leave us alone. There's nothing of value on our ship. 264 00:24:53,040 --> 00:24:56,795 We need help. Your "spirits of good fortune" are attacking us. 265 00:24:56,960 --> 00:25:02,160 - Of course. You're killing them. - We are not the ones responsible. 266 00:25:02,320 --> 00:25:06,439 - Equinox. - Can you speak with the aliens? 267 00:25:06,600 --> 00:25:12,516 - Release my ship. - Not until you agree to talk to them. 268 00:25:14,080 --> 00:25:18,119 I will summon them, but you must talk to them. 269 00:25:18,280 --> 00:25:20,237 You must convince them. 270 00:25:34,320 --> 00:25:37,676 They say they want the humans to die. 271 00:25:37,840 --> 00:25:40,753 A difficult place to start a negotiation. 272 00:25:40,920 --> 00:25:43,799 - Will they understand me? - Yes. 273 00:25:43,960 --> 00:25:48,033 We didn't do this to you. We're trying to stop the humans who did. 274 00:25:51,160 --> 00:25:54,471 They don't believe you'd harm your own kind. 275 00:25:54,640 --> 00:25:56,756 We have rules for behaviour. 276 00:25:56,920 --> 00:26:02,040 The Equinox has broken those rules by killing you. We need to stop them. 277 00:26:05,320 --> 00:26:10,952 "Give us the Equinox. Give us the Equinox!" 278 00:26:11,120 --> 00:26:14,351 They insist on destroying the ones responsible. 279 00:26:14,520 --> 00:26:17,990 We will punish them according to our own rules. 280 00:26:20,280 --> 00:26:22,999 They will be imprisoned and lose their freedom. 281 00:26:25,880 --> 00:26:27,359 All right. 282 00:26:29,760 --> 00:26:33,435 If you stop your attacks, I'll deliver the Equinox to you. 283 00:26:33,600 --> 00:26:35,637 - Captain. - I know what I'm doing. 284 00:26:35,800 --> 00:26:39,111 - They will destroy Ransom's crew. - What's their answer? 285 00:26:39,280 --> 00:26:41,874 We could find another solution. 286 00:26:42,040 --> 00:26:46,238 I confined my first officer to quarters. Would you like to join him? 287 00:26:47,920 --> 00:26:50,116 They agree. 288 00:26:54,480 --> 00:26:58,917 We need more fuel. We only have enough left for 500 light years. 289 00:26:59,080 --> 00:27:02,675 Fuel. Is that the euphemism we're using now? 290 00:27:02,840 --> 00:27:05,753 You mean we need to kill more life-forms. 291 00:27:05,920 --> 00:27:07,877 Several more. 292 00:27:12,800 --> 00:27:18,955 Oh my darling, oh my darling, oh my darling. 293 00:27:19,120 --> 00:27:20,474 Clementine. 294 00:27:21,560 --> 00:27:24,552 - How much longer? - Another hour or so. 295 00:27:24,720 --> 00:27:30,159 - You are lost and gone forever. - Dreadful sorry, Clementine. 296 00:27:30,320 --> 00:27:33,915 - What are you doing? - Her auditory processor. 297 00:27:34,080 --> 00:27:38,358 We used to practice duets together. I taught her this old chestnut. 298 00:27:39,400 --> 00:27:44,918 - Light she was and like a fairy. - And her shoes were number nine. 299 00:27:45,080 --> 00:27:51,634 - Herring boxes without topses. - Sandals were for Clementine. 300 00:27:51,800 --> 00:27:54,440 Drove she ducklings to the water. 301 00:27:54,600 --> 00:27:56,273 Enough. 302 00:27:57,200 --> 00:28:00,989 Why the long face? You're about to get your crew home. 303 00:28:02,520 --> 00:28:05,672 She tried to stand in your way. You had no choice. 304 00:28:06,920 --> 00:28:09,309 No choice. 305 00:28:10,400 --> 00:28:12,630 Thank you, Doctor. 306 00:28:14,360 --> 00:28:18,319 When this is over, perhaps you'll allow me to teach you my repertoire. 307 00:28:18,480 --> 00:28:20,994 I'm going to need a new partner. 308 00:28:25,960 --> 00:28:28,474 Drove she ducklings to the water. 309 00:29:05,440 --> 00:29:10,594 - You. What are you doing here? - Hiding. Like you. 310 00:29:10,760 --> 00:29:13,400 I'm not hiding. 311 00:29:13,560 --> 00:29:17,918 It's beautiful. I can see why this brings you comfort. 312 00:29:18,080 --> 00:29:20,515 I don't know what you mean. 313 00:29:20,680 --> 00:29:26,073 - But it isn't real. - You're not real. Now leave me alone. 314 00:29:26,240 --> 00:29:29,631 - It's not too late to stop. - I don't have a choice. 315 00:29:29,800 --> 00:29:33,077 - Find another way. - There is no other way. 316 00:29:33,240 --> 00:29:36,312 - Stop trying to hide. - I'm not. Get away from me. 317 00:29:36,480 --> 00:29:38,517 - End this. - No! 318 00:29:44,320 --> 00:29:46,277 Bridge to Ransom. 319 00:29:49,080 --> 00:29:51,833 - Go ahead. - Janeway's found us. 320 00:29:54,680 --> 00:29:56,637 On my way. 321 00:30:02,200 --> 00:30:05,192 - Distance. - 50,000 kilometres. Closing fast. 322 00:30:05,360 --> 00:30:07,317 Maintain course. 323 00:30:08,240 --> 00:30:12,711 Voyager's approaching. There's a Class 2 nebula under a light year away. 324 00:30:12,880 --> 00:30:18,239 - I think we should pursue this... - No. Open a channel. 325 00:30:18,400 --> 00:30:21,791 - Change of tactics? - You might say that. 326 00:30:21,960 --> 00:30:25,590 - It's time we found another way home. - Another way? 327 00:30:25,760 --> 00:30:30,197 We're going to cooperate with Janeway, if she's willing. 328 00:30:30,360 --> 00:30:33,591 - Have you lost your mind? - Just the opposite. 329 00:30:34,880 --> 00:30:38,236 - They're in range. Charging weapons. - Hail them. 330 00:30:38,400 --> 00:30:42,917 - Belay that order. Raise shields. - You're relieved of duty. 331 00:30:43,080 --> 00:30:46,357 I'm taking command. Anyone not with me speak up now. 332 00:30:51,280 --> 00:30:53,920 Take him to the brig. 333 00:31:00,000 --> 00:31:02,116 I'm sorry. 334 00:31:07,800 --> 00:31:12,112 - What's the status of our weapons? - Full complement of torpedoes. 335 00:31:12,280 --> 00:31:14,556 Open a secure channel to their sickbay. 336 00:31:14,720 --> 00:31:16,836 Stand by weapons. 337 00:31:28,600 --> 00:31:33,151 - I'm here. - Find Voyager's shield frequency. 338 00:31:33,320 --> 00:31:35,914 Acknowledged. I'll need a few minutes. 339 00:31:40,840 --> 00:31:43,559 They're firing torpedoes. 340 00:31:43,720 --> 00:31:47,873 - Port shields hit. They're holding. - Return the favour. 341 00:31:58,440 --> 00:32:01,637 - This isn't the brig. - I know. 342 00:32:01,800 --> 00:32:06,112 I'm with you, sir. Let's find a way to end this. 343 00:32:07,480 --> 00:32:10,518 We'll need to access transporter control. 344 00:32:16,680 --> 00:32:19,320 We've damaged their port nacelle. 345 00:32:19,480 --> 00:32:22,074 - They're dropping out of warp. - Stay with them. 346 00:32:28,000 --> 00:32:30,753 I got their shield frequency. 347 00:32:30,920 --> 00:32:35,835 - I'm transmitting it now. - They'll remodulate. Monitor it. 348 00:32:37,040 --> 00:32:40,590 - They've slowed down. - Prepare a tractor beam. 349 00:32:40,760 --> 00:32:45,357 - They're launching another torpedo. - Full power to the forward shields. 350 00:32:50,000 --> 00:32:53,709 - Hull breach on deck 4. - How did they get through? 351 00:32:53,880 --> 00:32:57,191 Hard about. Get us out of range. Remodulate shields. 352 00:33:01,480 --> 00:33:05,553 - They're retreating. - Pursuit course. Maintain fire. 353 00:33:05,720 --> 00:33:08,473 - They took out the weapons array. - Tuvok! 354 00:33:08,640 --> 00:33:12,429 I've been rotating the shield frequency every ten seconds. 355 00:33:13,400 --> 00:33:17,314 - We've lost impulse engines. - We're being hailed. It's Ransom. 356 00:33:18,640 --> 00:33:20,597 Put him through. 357 00:33:21,600 --> 00:33:26,436 I'm prepared to surrender the Equinox, but I'm no longer in command. 358 00:33:26,600 --> 00:33:30,195 Max decided to stage a mutiny, but I can stop him. 359 00:33:30,360 --> 00:33:33,239 I can beam all of us to Voyager. 360 00:33:33,400 --> 00:33:36,153 Have some guards standing by. 361 00:33:36,320 --> 00:33:39,233 Not everyone here will be happy to see you. 362 00:33:41,760 --> 00:33:43,558 Proceed. 363 00:33:43,720 --> 00:33:46,553 - Ma'am? - He's still a Starfleet captain. 364 00:33:46,720 --> 00:33:51,191 He may have forgotten that for a while, but I believe him. 365 00:33:58,120 --> 00:34:00,953 Someone's trying to beam us off. Force fields! 366 00:34:01,120 --> 00:34:05,318 - They're deflecting our scanners. - Beam the others to Voyager. 367 00:34:05,480 --> 00:34:09,075 Yourself included. I'll take care of Max. 368 00:34:09,240 --> 00:34:11,038 Aye, sir. 369 00:34:12,120 --> 00:34:14,873 Computer, give me access to the shield grid. 370 00:34:25,600 --> 00:34:28,991 - You've made yourself at home. - What are you doing here? 371 00:34:29,160 --> 00:34:31,515 Taking back my sickbay. 372 00:34:31,680 --> 00:34:36,709 I've planted charges throughout. With one command, I can blow out your... 373 00:34:36,880 --> 00:34:39,394 Computer, delete the Equinox EMH. 374 00:34:41,520 --> 00:34:44,990 - The Doctor's not transmitting. - Burke to Doctor, report. 375 00:34:45,160 --> 00:34:48,391 Your physician's no longer on call. 376 00:34:48,560 --> 00:34:51,313 Max, I've dropped the shield grid 377 00:34:51,480 --> 00:34:53,596 except in the bridge and my location. 378 00:34:53,760 --> 00:34:58,596 The vital systems are exposed. Beam to Voyager while you still can. 379 00:35:01,320 --> 00:35:04,153 The core is overloading. We've got to leave here. 380 00:35:04,320 --> 00:35:07,278 - To Voyager's brig? - Better than being vaporised. 381 00:35:07,440 --> 00:35:11,399 - We have a working shuttle. - The shuttlebay is two decks down. 382 00:35:11,560 --> 00:35:14,393 - The aliens! - We'll make it. 383 00:35:27,240 --> 00:35:29,038 This way. 384 00:35:44,960 --> 00:35:48,510 There's only one lifesign left. It's Ransom. 385 00:35:53,480 --> 00:35:56,359 - Captain. - 'Things didn't work out as I planned. 386 00:35:56,520 --> 00:36:00,036 - You've got everyone you need. - We're beaming you out. 387 00:36:00,200 --> 00:36:04,910 This ship is about to explode. I've got to put some distance between us. 388 00:36:05,080 --> 00:36:08,550 You can set auto-navigation and transport to Voyager. 389 00:36:08,720 --> 00:36:10,677 There's no time. 390 00:36:10,840 --> 00:36:15,437 You've got a fine crew, Captain. Promise me you'll get them home. 391 00:36:16,560 --> 00:36:18,710 I promise. 392 00:37:23,920 --> 00:37:27,709 Captain's log, supplemental. With the Equinox destroyed, 393 00:37:27,880 --> 00:37:30,156 the aliens withdrew to their realm. 394 00:37:30,320 --> 00:37:34,234 I've reinstated Chakotay and we've set a course for home. 395 00:37:35,360 --> 00:37:39,115 Good as new. I'd like you to regenerate for the next few hours. 396 00:37:39,280 --> 00:37:42,716 - It'll stabilise your cortical array. - Understood. 397 00:37:42,880 --> 00:37:48,637 Regarding the... unpleasantness aboard the Equinox. 398 00:37:48,800 --> 00:37:52,430 - I hope you don't think less of me. - Your program was altered. 399 00:37:52,600 --> 00:37:57,879 It's disconcerting that one flick of a switch turns me into Mr Hyde. 400 00:37:58,040 --> 00:38:02,830 Enhance your program with security protocols to prevent future tampering. 401 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:05,958 - Good thinking. - Later, I will assist you. 402 00:38:06,120 --> 00:38:08,077 Thanks. 403 00:38:08,240 --> 00:38:11,039 - You were off-key. - I beg your pardon. 404 00:38:11,200 --> 00:38:15,114 - "My Darling Clementine", third verse. - That's impossible. 405 00:38:15,280 --> 00:38:19,638 Your vocal modulations deviated by 0.30 deci-hertz. 406 00:38:19,800 --> 00:38:23,680 - I can assist you with that as well. - Really? 407 00:38:23,840 --> 00:38:27,549 Holodeck 2, tomorrow. 1600 hours. 408 00:38:27,720 --> 00:38:33,079 Just you, me... and a tuning fork. 409 00:38:33,240 --> 00:38:35,390 I look forward to it. 410 00:38:43,240 --> 00:38:47,313 The last time we welcomed you aboard, you took advantage of our trust. 411 00:38:47,480 --> 00:38:52,475 You betrayed this crew. I won't make that mistake again. 412 00:38:52,640 --> 00:38:58,431 Noah Lessing, Marla Gilmore, James Morrow, Brian Sofin, Angelo Tassoni. 413 00:38:58,600 --> 00:39:01,638 You're hereby stripped of rank. 414 00:39:01,800 --> 00:39:05,270 You'll be expected to serve as crewmen on this vessel. 415 00:39:05,440 --> 00:39:11,595 Privileges will be limited. You'll be under supervision for as long as I deem fit. 416 00:39:11,760 --> 00:39:14,991 This time you'll have to earn our trust. 417 00:39:15,160 --> 00:39:17,117 Dismissed. 418 00:39:22,760 --> 00:39:26,071 - Repairs. - Coming along. 419 00:39:31,960 --> 00:39:36,158 - How's the crew? - A lot of frayed nerves. 420 00:39:41,640 --> 00:39:45,759 Neelix is organising a pot luck to help boost morale. 421 00:39:45,920 --> 00:39:49,311 Will I see you there? 422 00:39:49,480 --> 00:39:53,439 - I'm replicating the salad. - I'll bring the croutons. 423 00:40:09,360 --> 00:40:11,397 You know... 424 00:40:14,720 --> 00:40:19,317 ...you may have had good reason to stage a little mutiny of your own. 425 00:40:23,520 --> 00:40:28,754 The thought had occurred to me, but that would have been crossing the line. 426 00:40:33,040 --> 00:40:35,429 Will you look at that? 427 00:40:43,280 --> 00:40:46,716 All these years, all these battles. 428 00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:50,157 This thing's never fallen down before. 429 00:40:58,040 --> 00:41:00,953 Let's put it back up where it belongs.