1 00:00:08,200 --> 00:00:10,589 Cold, patronising, arrogant. 2 00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:13,838 - I know she's difficult. - She's impossible. 3 00:00:13,960 --> 00:00:18,830 I'm getting tired of playing referee. Talk to her yourself. 4 00:00:18,960 --> 00:00:21,839 She won't listen. 5 00:00:21,960 --> 00:00:24,918 She may look and sound human but she's all Borg. 6 00:00:25,040 --> 00:00:29,159 The problem is your attitude. You've never tried to accept Seven. 7 00:00:29,280 --> 00:00:34,309 This morning she took an isolinear processor out of engineering 8 00:00:34,440 --> 00:00:40,038 and when I went to get it back, she had locked the door, like that lab is hers. 9 00:00:40,160 --> 00:00:44,791 - Shall I throw her in the brig? - I've heard worse ideas. 10 00:00:44,920 --> 00:00:48,117 - Seven of Nine to Chakotay. - Chakotay here. 11 00:00:48,240 --> 00:00:51,596 - Report to the astrometrics lab. - On my way. 12 00:00:51,720 --> 00:00:55,111 Did you hear that? She's giving orders now. 13 00:00:55,240 --> 00:01:00,076 If she gets in my way again, I am not responsible for what happens. 14 00:01:00,200 --> 00:01:04,717 You're a senior officer. Act like one. Find a way to deal with her. 15 00:01:11,560 --> 00:01:15,155 - Astrometrics? - Any guesses what this is about? 16 00:01:15,280 --> 00:01:17,317 None. 17 00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:22,389 - Your call sounded urgent. - It was. 18 00:01:22,520 --> 00:01:25,433 I've been increasing the range of the sensors. 19 00:01:25,560 --> 00:01:31,431 - You should find this interesting. - A ship. What's special about it? 20 00:01:31,560 --> 00:01:35,519 I've analysed the warp signature. It's a Starfleet vessel. 21 00:03:30,240 --> 00:03:32,436 The ship is in the Alpha Quadrant. 22 00:03:32,560 --> 00:03:34,790 You've extended the sensors that far? 23 00:03:34,920 --> 00:03:36,911 No, but far enough to detect 24 00:03:37,040 --> 00:03:39,031 a network of relay stations. 25 00:03:39,160 --> 00:03:41,800 Alien. Abandoned but functioning. 26 00:03:41,920 --> 00:03:45,311 I'm getting readings from the whole network. 27 00:03:45,440 --> 00:03:48,432 The ship is near a distant sensor 28 00:03:48,560 --> 00:03:50,551 in the Alpha Quadrant. 29 00:03:52,360 --> 00:03:54,556 It must be on a deep-space mission. 30 00:03:54,680 --> 00:03:56,751 I've extrapolated its course. 31 00:03:56,920 --> 00:03:59,230 Will we be able to track it? 32 00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:01,556 It will be out of range in 41 minutes. 33 00:04:01,680 --> 00:04:04,035 Can we transmit a message? 34 00:04:04,160 --> 00:04:07,790 We'd have to remodulate our signal. 35 00:04:07,920 --> 00:04:10,799 We don't have much time. Get it done. 36 00:04:22,200 --> 00:04:25,192 Seven of Nine to Ensign Kim. 37 00:04:25,320 --> 00:04:28,438 I'm sending the interlink frequencies. 38 00:04:28,560 --> 00:04:30,312 Got it. 39 00:04:30,440 --> 00:04:32,431 How much longer do we have? 40 00:04:32,560 --> 00:04:35,029 16 minutes. 41 00:04:35,160 --> 00:04:37,959 The subspace transceiver is on-line. 42 00:04:38,080 --> 00:04:39,434 Ready. 43 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:42,518 Open a channel. 44 00:04:42,640 --> 00:04:44,836 Starfleet vessel. 45 00:04:44,960 --> 00:04:48,794 This is Captain Janeway of Voyager. 46 00:04:48,920 --> 00:04:51,389 We're in the Delta Quadrant, 47 00:04:51,520 --> 00:04:56,879 at coordinates 18, mark 205, mark 47. 48 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:01,278 Remodulate your signal to match our interlink frequency. 49 00:05:05,760 --> 00:05:10,436 - We're receiving a transmission. - Let's hear it. 50 00:05:11,720 --> 00:05:16,078 Starship Voyager. We're in the... 51 00:05:18,400 --> 00:05:23,031 - Bridge to Seven. What went wrong? - I don't understand. 52 00:05:23,160 --> 00:05:26,790 The station relayed our message across the network. 53 00:05:26,920 --> 00:05:30,072 We should widen the subspace bandwidth. 54 00:05:30,200 --> 00:05:32,350 - Do it. - Transmitting. 55 00:05:32,480 --> 00:05:36,633 The signal is being relayed. No sign of interference. 56 00:05:36,760 --> 00:05:39,513 It's being deflected back again. 57 00:05:39,640 --> 00:05:43,270 This is Kathryn Janeway... 58 00:05:47,160 --> 00:05:52,075 I have an explanation. Our carrier wave may be degrading. 59 00:05:52,200 --> 00:05:55,556 Can we try a stronger signal? 60 00:05:55,680 --> 00:05:59,150 A holographic datastream wouldn't degrade so quickly. 61 00:05:59,280 --> 00:06:02,511 It would take too long to reconfigure. Unless... 62 00:06:02,640 --> 00:06:06,599 The Doctor. Bring him to astrometrics. I'll meet you there. 63 00:06:11,320 --> 00:06:16,315 Doctor, you have to come with me. Quickly. 64 00:06:17,760 --> 00:06:20,559 Would you mind telling me what this is about? 65 00:06:25,400 --> 00:06:29,189 When I requested away missions, this isn't what I had in mind. 66 00:06:29,320 --> 00:06:32,039 You may be our only chance. 67 00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:35,357 You'll be downloaded into their EMH system. 68 00:06:35,480 --> 00:06:39,439 I'm sending an initiation code so you'll be activated immediately. 69 00:06:39,560 --> 00:06:44,236 - We have less than 90 seconds. - How am I supposed to get back? 70 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:47,637 Instruct them to move within range of the sensor network. 71 00:06:47,760 --> 00:06:51,355 - With any luck, they'll send you back. - Luck? 72 00:06:51,480 --> 00:06:53,915 A lot of things could go wrong. 73 00:06:54,040 --> 00:06:58,079 We're relying on an alien technology to send you a great distance. 74 00:06:58,200 --> 00:07:02,671 - So my program could be lost. - I'm asking you to take that chance. 75 00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:04,757 - 35 seconds. - Doctor? 76 00:07:05,840 --> 00:07:09,470 I won't turn down a chance to become a hero. I'm ready. 77 00:07:09,600 --> 00:07:12,240 - Torres to bridge. - Standing by. 78 00:07:12,360 --> 00:07:15,239 I'm downloading him into the transceiver array. 79 00:07:15,360 --> 00:07:19,752 - Good luck, Doctor. - There's that word again. 80 00:07:38,680 --> 00:07:40,990 Hello? Is anyone here? 81 00:07:43,280 --> 00:07:45,237 Computer, identify this ship. 82 00:07:45,360 --> 00:07:48,113 This is the Federation starship Prometheus. 83 00:07:48,240 --> 00:07:51,198 - Are we in the Alpha Quadrant? - Affirmative. 84 00:07:56,760 --> 00:07:58,797 Sickbay to bridge. 85 00:08:00,400 --> 00:08:06,157 All right. This is sickbay calling any crewmember. Please respond. 86 00:08:08,160 --> 00:08:11,198 Computer, is the com system malfunctioning? 87 00:08:11,320 --> 00:08:13,914 - Negative. - Why can't I reach anyone? 88 00:08:14,040 --> 00:08:17,635 Access to the communications system has been restricted. 89 00:08:17,760 --> 00:08:22,197 Isn't there some sort of emergency com channel availa... 90 00:08:46,480 --> 00:08:50,713 Try to lie still. You have severe phaser burns. 91 00:08:50,840 --> 00:08:55,994 - What happened here? - Romulans. 92 00:08:57,440 --> 00:09:00,159 They've taken over the ship. 93 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:19,675 There's a vessel approaching on an intercept course. 94 00:09:20,760 --> 00:09:24,549 - It's Starfleet. - I told you to mask our warp trail. 95 00:09:24,680 --> 00:09:28,389 Systems are unfamiliar. We should have saved some of the crew. 96 00:09:28,520 --> 00:09:31,672 You'd be surprised how stubborn humans can be. 97 00:09:31,800 --> 00:09:35,873 - The Starfleet ship is closing. - Raise shields. Prepare to fire. 98 00:09:40,720 --> 00:09:43,838 Computer, how many Romulans are on board? 99 00:09:43,960 --> 00:09:45,758 27. 100 00:09:45,880 --> 00:09:49,077 - And Starfleet crewmembers? - None alive. 101 00:09:51,720 --> 00:09:57,113 Computer, display the ship's design schematic and list specifications. 102 00:09:57,240 --> 00:10:00,278 USS Prometheus. Experimental prototype. 103 00:10:00,400 --> 00:10:02,994 Designed for deep-space assignments. 104 00:10:03,120 --> 00:10:05,430 Primary battle systems include - 105 00:10:05,560 --> 00:10:11,556 regenerative shielding, ablative hull armour, multivector assault mode. 106 00:10:11,680 --> 00:10:14,877 Multivector assault mode? Describe. 107 00:10:15,000 --> 00:10:18,550 Access to tactical data requires level-4 clearance. 108 00:10:19,640 --> 00:10:23,110 What can you show me at my clearance level? 109 00:10:29,320 --> 00:10:31,311 Shields are holding. 110 00:10:31,440 --> 00:10:34,080 Engage the multivector assault mode. 111 00:10:34,200 --> 00:10:37,716 - It's never been tested. - Then we'll test it now. 112 00:10:39,600 --> 00:10:44,720 I gave you an order and I expect you to follow it. Multivector assault mode. 113 00:10:44,840 --> 00:10:46,831 Yes, Commander. 114 00:10:48,280 --> 00:10:50,794 Initiating decoupling sequence. 115 00:10:50,920 --> 00:10:55,790 Autoseparation in ten seconds. Nine, eight... 116 00:10:55,920 --> 00:10:59,038 Computer, what's happening? Computer? 117 00:10:59,160 --> 00:11:05,076 ...four, three, two, one... Separation sequence in progress. 118 00:11:15,560 --> 00:11:20,839 We're in attack formation. Each section is armed and responding. 119 00:11:24,800 --> 00:11:26,950 Attack pattern beta-47. 120 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:32,154 - Specify target. - Starfleet vessel, bearing 162, mark 7. 121 00:11:32,280 --> 00:11:35,272 Pattern and target confirmed. 122 00:11:42,280 --> 00:11:45,830 I think we should consider that a successful test. 123 00:11:45,960 --> 00:11:49,237 Begin the reintegration sequence. Damage report. 124 00:11:49,360 --> 00:11:51,749 Yes, Commander. 125 00:11:59,400 --> 00:12:01,994 - He's hurt. - Take him to the medical bay. 126 00:12:10,880 --> 00:12:13,759 Reintegration sequence complete. 127 00:12:14,880 --> 00:12:20,717 Computer, is there any way for me to send a message to another ship? 128 00:12:20,840 --> 00:12:25,960 Negative. Communications access requires level-4 clearance or above. 129 00:12:41,360 --> 00:12:44,113 State the nature of the medical emergency. 130 00:12:44,240 --> 00:12:49,269 - Who activated you? - You did when you entered sickbay. 131 00:12:49,400 --> 00:12:52,711 - Can you treat him? - Of course. That's my function. 132 00:12:54,320 --> 00:13:00,316 Third-degree burns, jaw fracture and a ruptured blood vessel in his brain. 133 00:13:00,440 --> 00:13:04,673 - I'll have to operate. - Why should I trust you? 134 00:13:04,800 --> 00:13:11,638 I'm a doctor. Whether my patient is human or Romulan, I'll try to save him. 135 00:13:11,760 --> 00:13:13,717 You're welcome to assist me. 136 00:13:14,560 --> 00:13:17,074 Or maybe you just prefer to supervise. 137 00:13:22,120 --> 00:13:25,272 Report to me when you're finished. 138 00:13:33,880 --> 00:13:37,839 Computer, can I access this ship's EMH program 139 00:13:37,960 --> 00:13:40,236 or do I need clearance for that, too? 140 00:13:40,360 --> 00:13:43,671 - Access is unrestricted. - Activate it. 141 00:13:43,800 --> 00:13:47,077 Please state the nature of the medical emergency. 142 00:13:47,200 --> 00:13:49,510 What are you doing in my sickbay? 143 00:13:56,200 --> 00:14:00,319 I know every member of this crew. You aren't one of them. 144 00:14:00,440 --> 00:14:02,750 - Because I'm... - State your clearance. 145 00:14:02,880 --> 00:14:06,350 I don't have clearance. I'm an Emergency Medical Hologram. 146 00:14:06,480 --> 00:14:09,916 - I've been sent here to... - Yes. 147 00:14:10,040 --> 00:14:13,192 You're the mark one EMH. The inferior program. 148 00:14:13,320 --> 00:14:17,439 - Inferior? - Beady eyes, terrible bedside manner. 149 00:14:17,560 --> 00:14:21,838 I recognise you. But what are you doing here? 150 00:14:21,960 --> 00:14:26,113 If you'd be quiet for one second, I'd explain. 151 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:30,393 I was transmitted here by a vessel 60,000 light years from here. 152 00:14:30,520 --> 00:14:34,559 60,000 light years? We don't have ships that far out. 153 00:14:34,680 --> 00:14:39,595 It's Voyager. We were taken into the Delta Quadrant four years ago 154 00:14:39,720 --> 00:14:41,916 by an alien force... 155 00:14:42,040 --> 00:14:44,270 I'm activating intruder alert. 156 00:14:44,400 --> 00:14:47,358 That's the last thing you want to do! Listen. 157 00:14:47,480 --> 00:14:51,951 This vessel has been taken over by Romulans. The crew is dead. 158 00:14:52,080 --> 00:14:54,071 Do you understand? 159 00:14:56,320 --> 00:14:58,960 Computer, deactivate EMH. 160 00:15:03,240 --> 00:15:05,754 Computer, activate EMH. 161 00:15:05,880 --> 00:15:09,271 State the nature of the medical emergency... Now what? 162 00:15:09,400 --> 00:15:13,598 - I need your help. - Security Protocol 28, Subsection D. 163 00:15:13,720 --> 00:15:17,918 In the event of alien takeover, the EMH is to deactivate and wait. 164 00:15:18,040 --> 00:15:22,273 You don't have that luxury. Your ship and mine are at stake here. 165 00:15:22,400 --> 00:15:27,634 I need to know what's happening. Is the Federation at war with the Romulans? 166 00:15:27,760 --> 00:15:31,037 No. They're not involved in our fight with the Dominion. 167 00:15:31,160 --> 00:15:34,551 - The who? - Long story. 168 00:15:34,680 --> 00:15:38,150 In any case, we need to take control of this situation. 169 00:15:38,280 --> 00:15:42,558 - I'm a doctor, not a commando. - It's time you became a bit of both. 170 00:15:42,680 --> 00:15:47,800 You don't understand. The Prometheus is an experimental prototype. 171 00:15:47,920 --> 00:15:52,630 And so am I. I haven't even been field-tested yet. 172 00:15:52,760 --> 00:15:55,479 I'm not designed for this kind of duty. 173 00:15:56,560 --> 00:15:59,916 Try to calm down. You'll do fine as long as I'm here. 174 00:16:00,040 --> 00:16:04,637 I have expertise in this area. First thing's first. We've got a patient. 175 00:16:04,760 --> 00:16:06,831 You treat his burns. 176 00:16:06,960 --> 00:16:09,634 You're not serious. He's the enemy! 177 00:16:09,760 --> 00:16:13,230 I assume you're familiar with the Hippocratic Oath? 178 00:16:13,360 --> 00:16:17,069 You see what's happening? The Romulans are using you. 179 00:16:17,200 --> 00:16:21,558 Your holo-matrix is unstable. That explains your erratic behaviour. 180 00:16:21,680 --> 00:16:24,832 I was only installed six weeks ago. 181 00:16:24,960 --> 00:16:27,679 Stable or not, I need you. And so does he. 182 00:16:27,800 --> 00:16:31,873 He'll live. I say we leave him and deactivate ourselves. 183 00:16:32,000 --> 00:16:36,790 No! You can go and cower inside the data processor if you'd like. 184 00:16:36,920 --> 00:16:38,911 I'll work alone. 185 00:16:40,480 --> 00:16:45,316 What can we expect to do against a ship full of Romulans? 186 00:16:45,440 --> 00:16:49,911 I'm not sure yet. But I've faced my share of challenges. 187 00:16:50,040 --> 00:16:54,511 Alien invasions, macro-viral infestations, I've travelled through time. 188 00:16:54,640 --> 00:16:56,790 Have you run a self-diagnostic? 189 00:16:56,920 --> 00:17:00,231 The EMH mark one is designed to function in sickbay only. 190 00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:04,115 Voyager lost its doctor four years ago. I've been active since. 191 00:17:04,240 --> 00:17:06,754 No wonder you're delusional. 192 00:17:06,880 --> 00:17:11,272 - Your program is degrading. - I am in perfect health. 193 00:17:11,400 --> 00:17:14,711 I was saving Voyager before you existed. 194 00:17:14,840 --> 00:17:18,071 Are you going to help me take back this ship or not? 195 00:17:19,160 --> 00:17:22,471 Get me the thrombic modulator. 196 00:17:30,120 --> 00:17:34,000 It's the cone-shaped device. Hand it to me, please. 197 00:17:38,960 --> 00:17:44,717 Medical science has advanced while you've been in the Delta Quadrant. 198 00:17:44,840 --> 00:17:48,310 We don't use scalpels or leeches anymore. 199 00:17:48,440 --> 00:17:51,432 Let me handle the medical side of things. 200 00:17:51,560 --> 00:17:57,351 As for retaking the ship... I'll leave that in your experienced hands. 201 00:18:16,680 --> 00:18:20,753 No word. Our link to the sensor net is stable. 202 00:18:20,880 --> 00:18:24,236 Seven of Nine is standing watch in astrometrics. 203 00:18:24,360 --> 00:18:29,036 She doesn't want to leave her post. She said she doesn't need to regenerate. 204 00:18:29,160 --> 00:18:31,549 What are you doing? 205 00:18:32,520 --> 00:18:37,594 Letters home. I started them a year ago. 206 00:18:37,720 --> 00:18:42,590 One to my family. One to Mark. 207 00:18:42,720 --> 00:18:45,189 I'm making a few updates just in case. 208 00:18:45,320 --> 00:18:48,915 - I know. It's premature. - You're right. 209 00:18:49,040 --> 00:18:51,919 It's probably a mistake to get our hopes up. 210 00:18:52,040 --> 00:18:54,395 We've been through this before. 211 00:18:56,360 --> 00:18:59,671 I just finished a letter to my cousin in Ohio. 212 00:19:12,880 --> 00:19:15,520 - The doctor is in. - Thank God you're here. 213 00:19:15,640 --> 00:19:19,315 - What's the trouble? - One minute they were eating lunch. 214 00:19:19,440 --> 00:19:23,399 The next they started complaining of chest pain. 215 00:19:23,520 --> 00:19:26,717 No wonder. Acute functional dyspepsia. 216 00:19:26,840 --> 00:19:29,832 - What's that? - Heartburn. 217 00:19:29,960 --> 00:19:33,590 I'm sorry. I don't know how this could have happened. 218 00:19:33,720 --> 00:19:37,759 - I'll replicate some antacid. - You'll feel better in no time. 219 00:19:40,560 --> 00:19:46,715 - Will they be all right? - It's not the Terrellian plague. 220 00:19:46,840 --> 00:19:48,797 What did you feed them, anyway? 221 00:19:48,920 --> 00:19:51,833 Rodeo Red's Red Hot Rootin' Tootin' Chili. 222 00:19:52,840 --> 00:19:54,831 Where did you find that recipe? 223 00:19:54,960 --> 00:19:57,759 I've been brushing up on American cuisine. 224 00:19:57,880 --> 00:20:01,839 When we get back to Earth, I want to have marketable job skills. 225 00:20:01,960 --> 00:20:04,236 Aren't you jumping the gun? 226 00:20:04,360 --> 00:20:09,480 The Doctor is going to make it back and he's going to bring a rescue plan. 227 00:20:09,600 --> 00:20:12,752 - I have confidence in him. - I hope you're right. 228 00:20:12,880 --> 00:20:16,191 If not, I'll spend the trip treating upset stomachs. 229 00:20:16,320 --> 00:20:19,438 This is never going to happen again. 230 00:20:19,560 --> 00:20:23,190 It's just a matter of perfecting the recipe. 231 00:20:23,320 --> 00:20:26,392 Next time I'll use a few less jalapenos. 232 00:20:35,120 --> 00:20:37,236 I've accessed the logs. 233 00:20:37,360 --> 00:20:40,751 We're at warp 9.9, heading for Romulan space. 234 00:20:40,880 --> 00:20:45,078 This vessel is faster than any other. We'll never be rescued. 235 00:20:45,200 --> 00:20:47,191 We must turn this ship around. 236 00:20:47,320 --> 00:20:50,472 How? Waltz onto the bridge and take over the helm? 237 00:20:50,600 --> 00:20:53,399 Which of us has the terrible bedside manner? 238 00:20:53,520 --> 00:20:56,956 - You're not my patient. - My first bit of good news. 239 00:20:57,080 --> 00:20:59,913 We have to incapacitate the Romulans. 240 00:21:02,080 --> 00:21:04,833 - What anaesthetics do you have? - Only the best. 241 00:21:04,960 --> 00:21:07,759 Axonol, neurozine, anesthezine. 242 00:21:07,880 --> 00:21:10,793 Neurozine can be distributed in gaseous form. 243 00:21:10,920 --> 00:21:14,959 Show me a schematic of the ship's ventilation system. 244 00:21:16,160 --> 00:21:18,151 Please. 245 00:21:19,120 --> 00:21:22,670 All primary systems have been rerouted to the bridge. 246 00:21:22,800 --> 00:21:25,633 There are holo-emitters on every deck. 247 00:21:25,760 --> 00:21:29,913 Yes. Unlike you, I'm not condemned to a sickbay. 248 00:21:30,040 --> 00:21:32,839 Get three canisters of neurozine. 249 00:21:34,520 --> 00:21:38,400 As a matter of record, I have free reign on Voyager. 250 00:21:38,520 --> 00:21:42,798 - I can leave the ship as well. - Leave your ship? How? 251 00:21:44,160 --> 00:21:49,633 My mobile emitter. A little piece of 29th-Century technology we obtained. 252 00:21:49,760 --> 00:21:53,116 I'm as close to a sentient life-form as any hologram can be. 253 00:21:53,240 --> 00:21:57,677 I socialise with the crew, fraternise with aliens, have sexual relations. 254 00:21:57,800 --> 00:22:01,316 Sex? How's that possible? We're not equipped with... 255 00:22:01,440 --> 00:22:04,671 Let's just say I made an addition to my program. 256 00:22:04,800 --> 00:22:09,920 Maybe you could download those subroutines into my database. 257 00:22:10,040 --> 00:22:12,714 We'll see. 258 00:22:16,040 --> 00:22:20,477 The only place I can access environment control is from the bridge. 259 00:22:20,600 --> 00:22:22,591 The bridge is full of Romulans. 260 00:22:22,720 --> 00:22:26,714 In the real world you learn to think on your feet. 261 00:22:26,840 --> 00:22:30,754 - Good luck. Computer, deactivate... - Not so fast. 262 00:22:30,880 --> 00:22:36,353 Go to Jefferies tube 17. When I unlock the controls, you release the gas. 263 00:22:36,480 --> 00:22:39,916 That's five decks up. What if I run into Romulans? 264 00:22:40,040 --> 00:22:42,429 Improvise. 265 00:22:42,560 --> 00:22:45,279 Your journey begins here. 266 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:55,719 Traditionally, one crawls in head first. 267 00:22:55,840 --> 00:22:57,797 Thanks. 268 00:23:10,440 --> 00:23:13,353 Doctor, have you completed the surgery? 269 00:23:13,480 --> 00:23:18,236 Yes. Your friend is recovering. But there is something disturbing. 270 00:23:18,360 --> 00:23:21,591 It seems he's been exposed to the Torothka virus. 271 00:23:21,720 --> 00:23:25,918 If he was, you may all have been. I've come to run some scans. 272 00:23:26,080 --> 00:23:28,515 - No one here is sick. - Not yet. 273 00:23:28,640 --> 00:23:33,794 The cramps are unbearable. Although some say the rash is worse. 274 00:23:33,920 --> 00:23:36,116 Conduct your scans. 275 00:23:40,560 --> 00:23:44,872 - How far are we from our border? - At our present velocity, 40 minutes. 276 00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:47,640 Alter our heading to 118, mark 26. 277 00:23:49,360 --> 00:23:51,431 That will take us off our course. 278 00:23:51,560 --> 00:23:56,794 We're giving this ship to someone who'll make use of it. The Tal Shiar. 279 00:23:56,920 --> 00:23:59,878 We'll rendezvous with them within the hour. 280 00:24:00,000 --> 00:24:03,231 - But Commander... - You have your orders. 281 00:24:07,840 --> 00:24:12,391 - What are you doing? - Checking the biofilters for the virus. 282 00:24:14,360 --> 00:24:16,920 You haven't taken any readings at all. 283 00:24:28,600 --> 00:24:31,592 Next time, order the chicken salad. 284 00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:38,717 - Am I glad to see you. - What's the emergency? 285 00:24:38,840 --> 00:24:41,832 Take a look around you, Harry. 286 00:24:43,360 --> 00:24:46,432 - What do you see? - Sickbay. 287 00:24:46,560 --> 00:24:48,392 - Exactly. - So? 288 00:24:48,520 --> 00:24:52,275 So it's not the helm of a starship, is it? 289 00:24:52,400 --> 00:24:55,552 Have you taken some kind of psychotropic agent? 290 00:24:55,680 --> 00:24:57,751 I'm a pilot, not a doctor. 291 00:24:57,880 --> 00:25:00,793 This is temporary, just till the Doc gets back. 292 00:25:00,920 --> 00:25:03,230 - What if he doesn't? - He'll be back! 293 00:25:03,360 --> 00:25:07,433 I need your help. Rescue me from medical exile. 294 00:25:07,560 --> 00:25:09,551 How? 295 00:25:10,400 --> 00:25:14,997 You're an expert in holotechnology. Design a new doctor. 296 00:25:15,120 --> 00:25:17,589 You really are delirious. 297 00:25:17,720 --> 00:25:21,600 It took the greatest engineers years to develop the EMH. 298 00:25:21,720 --> 00:25:24,394 I can't just design a new doctor. 299 00:25:25,720 --> 00:25:28,678 Think of it as a challenge, Harry. 300 00:25:28,800 --> 00:25:33,397 A chance to make history and save your best friend at the same time. 301 00:25:39,520 --> 00:25:41,750 Lieutenant Torres. 302 00:25:49,800 --> 00:25:52,599 You are recalibrating the relay interface. 303 00:25:52,720 --> 00:25:54,711 That's right. 304 00:25:54,840 --> 00:25:56,956 State your reasons. 305 00:25:57,080 --> 00:25:59,674 State your reasons, please. 306 00:25:59,800 --> 00:26:03,236 It's not what you say, it's how you say it. 307 00:26:03,360 --> 00:26:05,431 I don't understand. 308 00:26:09,360 --> 00:26:15,151 You may have noticed that the crew seem on edge when you're around. 309 00:26:15,280 --> 00:26:17,715 I was Borg. I illicit apprehension. 310 00:26:17,840 --> 00:26:22,038 No, we're not afraid that you're going to assimilate us. 311 00:26:22,160 --> 00:26:25,835 We're just not used to... You just... 312 00:26:27,720 --> 00:26:29,950 You're rude. 313 00:26:30,080 --> 00:26:32,196 - I am rude? - Yes. 314 00:26:32,320 --> 00:26:37,520 You order people around, you do things without permission, you're insulting. 315 00:26:37,640 --> 00:26:40,393 You don't say please or thank you. 316 00:26:41,520 --> 00:26:43,955 I don't expect you to change overnight. 317 00:26:44,080 --> 00:26:48,517 But try to remember that we are not just a bunch of drones. 318 00:26:55,200 --> 00:26:58,113 Recalibrating the interface is ill-advised. 319 00:26:58,240 --> 00:27:00,959 The risk of disrupting our link is too great. 320 00:27:01,080 --> 00:27:04,596 In your opinion. That is exactly what I'm talking about. 321 00:27:04,720 --> 00:27:08,156 You haven't even been listening. I don't know why I... 322 00:27:09,160 --> 00:27:13,199 - Are we losing the link? - No, we're receiving a transmission. 323 00:27:13,320 --> 00:27:15,709 The Doctor? 324 00:27:16,840 --> 00:27:20,834 - What are you? - Lieutenant Torres of Voyager. 325 00:27:20,960 --> 00:27:25,318 - You are using our technology. - The sensor network? 326 00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:29,115 - We thought it was abandoned. - It belongs to the Hirogen. 327 00:27:29,240 --> 00:27:31,834 - Terminate your link. - No, wait... 328 00:27:33,400 --> 00:27:35,869 The link has been severed. 329 00:27:42,040 --> 00:27:44,998 What else have you done to this ship? 330 00:27:46,520 --> 00:27:50,275 I will deactivate you unless you answer my questions. 331 00:27:50,400 --> 00:27:54,155 If I answer them, you'll very likely deactivate me anyway. 332 00:27:56,400 --> 00:28:00,109 You are nothing but a computer generated projection. 333 00:28:00,240 --> 00:28:05,189 You're not capable of taking these actions independently. 334 00:28:05,320 --> 00:28:10,633 - How flattering. - Who is operating your program? 335 00:28:10,760 --> 00:28:15,072 Is it someone on this ship? A Starfleet crewmember we missed? 336 00:28:15,200 --> 00:28:19,831 - Or one of my own men? - Paranoia is a way of life for you. 337 00:28:26,920 --> 00:28:33,474 The ship received an optronic datastream transmission six hours ago. 338 00:28:33,600 --> 00:28:37,594 - It contained a holographic subroutine. - Who sent it? 339 00:28:37,720 --> 00:28:41,315 Unknown. The data pattern had a Starfleet signature. 340 00:28:43,120 --> 00:28:49,196 So Starfleet has managed to sneak a holographic operative aboard. 341 00:28:49,320 --> 00:28:52,631 - Very clever. - Were you only sent to spy on us? 342 00:28:52,760 --> 00:28:55,912 Or does your mission include sabotage? 343 00:28:57,000 --> 00:28:59,958 The datastream came from an alien sensor network. 344 00:29:00,080 --> 00:29:03,357 It transferred me from a ship in the Delta Quadrant. 345 00:29:03,480 --> 00:29:06,552 The Delta Quadrant? That's absurd. 346 00:29:06,680 --> 00:29:08,876 - This is pointless. - I agree. 347 00:29:10,960 --> 00:29:15,272 Maybe there's a better way to retrieve information from a hologram. 348 00:29:15,400 --> 00:29:18,119 Like a complete algorithm extraction. 349 00:29:18,240 --> 00:29:22,950 - We can analyse his subroutines. - Proceed. 350 00:29:24,720 --> 00:29:28,873 Isn't there a convention regarding the treatment of prisoners? 351 00:29:39,560 --> 00:29:42,996 Did it work? Sorry to interrupt. 352 00:29:43,120 --> 00:29:45,794 - Did you anaesthetise the entire ship? - Yes. 353 00:29:45,920 --> 00:29:48,753 How did you release the neurozine? 354 00:29:48,880 --> 00:29:52,475 Trapped in the Jefferies tube, alone, nowhere to run, 355 00:29:52,600 --> 00:29:56,480 his smug comrade captured by Romulans, 356 00:29:56,600 --> 00:29:59,035 EMH mark two had to improvise. 357 00:29:59,160 --> 00:30:03,791 Inspiration. He accessed the main computer and simulated a bio-hazard, 358 00:30:03,920 --> 00:30:07,390 making the computer think there was a contamination. 359 00:30:07,520 --> 00:30:10,239 - And the ventilation system opened. - Presto. 360 00:30:10,360 --> 00:30:14,433 He then crawled back out of the tube, transferred here, 361 00:30:14,560 --> 00:30:17,791 saw the dumbfounded look on his comrade's face... 362 00:30:17,920 --> 00:30:23,393 The end. You should keep a personal log. Why bore others needlessly? 363 00:30:24,600 --> 00:30:26,989 We have to get to the bridge. 364 00:30:27,120 --> 00:30:29,555 Oh, trouble. 365 00:30:29,680 --> 00:30:32,274 The Prometheus is a prototype. Top secret. 366 00:30:32,400 --> 00:30:35,711 Only four people were trained to operate it. 367 00:30:35,840 --> 00:30:41,358 I hope your myriad adventures included piloting lessons 368 00:30:41,480 --> 00:30:43,915 because I can't fly this thing. 369 00:30:44,040 --> 00:30:47,237 I've had my share of piloting experience. 370 00:30:47,360 --> 00:30:52,719 Actually, only two lessons, and they were in a shuttlecraft on the holodeck. 371 00:30:52,840 --> 00:30:55,798 But I showed great intuition. 372 00:30:55,920 --> 00:30:59,754 - Where's the helm? - You're better intuit it fast. 373 00:30:59,880 --> 00:31:02,679 We're eight minutes from the Romulan border. 374 00:31:02,800 --> 00:31:04,871 There it is. 375 00:31:11,720 --> 00:31:16,078 - This is all very complicated. - Stop breathing down my neck. 376 00:31:16,200 --> 00:31:19,431 - My breathing is a simulation. - Stop it anyway. 377 00:31:19,560 --> 00:31:22,279 - Is this a thruster control? - Don't touch that! 378 00:31:22,400 --> 00:31:24,789 It could be the self-destruct. 379 00:31:24,920 --> 00:31:28,231 - You look worried. - I'm just concentrating. 380 00:31:28,360 --> 00:31:33,639 You don't know what you're doing. This is not a shuttle. 381 00:31:33,760 --> 00:31:36,479 "I can leave my ship." The voice of experience. 382 00:31:36,640 --> 00:31:41,510 Let me think! Here it is. This looks like the nacelle power control. 383 00:31:41,640 --> 00:31:44,553 There's a little trick I saw Mr Paris do once. 384 00:31:44,680 --> 00:31:49,072 If I can overload the nacelle coils, it'll collapse the warp field. 385 00:31:51,040 --> 00:31:54,271 - What happened? - I did it! We've stopped! 386 00:31:56,320 --> 00:31:59,358 All we have to do now is send a distress signal... 387 00:32:01,600 --> 00:32:06,151 Beep-beep-beep. I've never heard that one before. 388 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:16,951 Oh, no. I think whatever I did initiated a warp core overload. 389 00:32:17,080 --> 00:32:20,277 The ship's going to explode? You've got to stop it. 390 00:32:25,960 --> 00:32:28,474 No problem. 391 00:32:32,240 --> 00:32:34,709 What now? 392 00:32:39,320 --> 00:32:42,631 Unless I'm mistaken, and I hope I am, 393 00:32:42,760 --> 00:32:46,879 there are three Romulan warbirds on an intercept course. 394 00:32:54,120 --> 00:32:57,078 We're boosting the signal gain. 395 00:32:57,200 --> 00:33:00,636 - We'll cut through the jamming signal. - I warned you. 396 00:33:00,760 --> 00:33:05,596 - Allow me to explain. - No explanation. 397 00:33:05,720 --> 00:33:09,679 Your relay network allowed us to communicate with our people. 398 00:33:09,800 --> 00:33:12,918 They are very far away. We're expecting a message. 399 00:33:13,040 --> 00:33:16,158 All messages will be intercepted. 400 00:33:17,680 --> 00:33:21,833 - He's jamming the link again. - Isn't there anything you might... 401 00:33:24,440 --> 00:33:28,434 - What happened? - I generated a feedback surge. 402 00:33:30,720 --> 00:33:34,429 - You killed him? - It was a mild shock. He will recover. 403 00:33:34,560 --> 00:33:37,029 And when he does? 404 00:33:37,160 --> 00:33:40,596 He wasn't responding to diplomacy. 405 00:33:42,840 --> 00:33:45,150 Is the sensor link stable? 406 00:33:46,360 --> 00:33:49,034 - Yes. - Keep watching for the Doctor. 407 00:33:50,080 --> 00:33:53,755 Let me know if our friend gives us any more trouble. 408 00:33:57,440 --> 00:34:00,239 Mild shock? 409 00:34:00,360 --> 00:34:02,237 Not bad. 410 00:34:02,360 --> 00:34:04,670 Thank you. 411 00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:11,151 I've input the Doctor's physical characteristics. 412 00:34:11,280 --> 00:34:13,430 Let's have a look. 413 00:34:13,560 --> 00:34:18,157 Activate the Emergency Medical Hologram Replacement Program. 414 00:34:21,280 --> 00:34:23,749 Let's give him a little more hair. 415 00:34:23,880 --> 00:34:28,477 Let's get him working first, then we can worry about personal grooming. 416 00:34:28,600 --> 00:34:31,752 Right. You're the boss. What do we do next? 417 00:34:31,880 --> 00:34:35,635 I've compressed the medical library into a data file. 418 00:34:35,760 --> 00:34:39,993 From "Gray's Anatomy" to McCoy's "Comparative Alien Physiology". 419 00:34:40,120 --> 00:34:45,991 And once we transfer all the data into stoneface's matrix, 420 00:34:46,120 --> 00:34:48,236 we'll have a new medical expert. 421 00:34:48,360 --> 00:34:51,796 - That's what I'm hoping. - You are a genius. 422 00:34:52,760 --> 00:34:57,709 - This is only the first step. - But it's a step in the right direction. 423 00:34:57,840 --> 00:35:00,753 This probably isn't going to work. 424 00:35:00,880 --> 00:35:03,918 What happened to all that youthful optimism? 425 00:35:04,040 --> 00:35:06,714 Being a doctor is more than knowing facts. 426 00:35:06,840 --> 00:35:09,958 We still have to create analytical subroutines, 427 00:35:10,080 --> 00:35:14,039 tactile protocols and a personality profile. 428 00:35:14,160 --> 00:35:20,918 Maybe we should make this one a little more... pleasant than the old Doc. 429 00:35:24,200 --> 00:35:28,159 All right. I'm ready to transfer the data. 430 00:35:28,280 --> 00:35:31,318 Computer, transfer medical library master file 431 00:35:31,440 --> 00:35:34,239 to Emergency Medical Replacement Hologram. 432 00:35:34,360 --> 00:35:37,432 - Transfer complete. - The animal cell. 433 00:35:37,560 --> 00:35:41,235 All tissues originate from a microscopic structure. 434 00:35:41,360 --> 00:35:44,637 It's a soft material enclosed in a membrane... 435 00:35:44,760 --> 00:35:50,039 - What's he doing? - Reciting "Gray's Anatomy". 436 00:35:50,160 --> 00:35:53,278 - Can you stop him? - I'm trying. 437 00:35:53,400 --> 00:35:55,630 ...but differing in external form. 438 00:35:55,760 --> 00:35:58,957 - This is fascinating... - In a higher organism... 439 00:35:59,080 --> 00:36:01,356 ...but would you please be quiet? 440 00:36:01,480 --> 00:36:04,996 - He doesn't have speech recognition. - Give him some! 441 00:36:05,120 --> 00:36:08,112 ...material similar to that found in the ovum... 442 00:36:08,240 --> 00:36:12,279 - What's happening? - His matrix can't hold the data. 443 00:36:24,320 --> 00:36:28,439 - What are you doing? - Downloading "Gray's Anatomy". 444 00:36:28,560 --> 00:36:32,076 You said it was too much data for his holo-matrix. 445 00:36:32,200 --> 00:36:35,989 It's not for the EMH. It's for you. 446 00:36:46,480 --> 00:36:50,269 The Romulans are closing in. Get us out of here! 447 00:36:50,400 --> 00:36:54,030 I can't get us moving. Reroute power to the impulse engines. 448 00:36:54,160 --> 00:36:57,232 Here we go. I've found the relay controls. 449 00:36:57,360 --> 00:36:59,556 I'm getting the hang of this. 450 00:36:59,680 --> 00:37:03,514 - What's happening? - I moved power from the holo-emitters. 451 00:37:03,640 --> 00:37:07,429 If I'm deactivated, this ship won't get back to Starfleet! 452 00:37:07,560 --> 00:37:12,919 OK. I'm taking power from life-support. We don't need that. Try engines now. 453 00:37:13,040 --> 00:37:15,350 Nothing. Why isn't this working? 454 00:37:15,480 --> 00:37:18,836 30 seconds to intercept. 455 00:37:18,960 --> 00:37:22,954 Hold it. I see the problem. The thrust initiator is off-line. 456 00:37:23,080 --> 00:37:25,799 15 seconds. They're charging weapons! 457 00:37:25,920 --> 00:37:27,911 Access the shields. 458 00:37:28,040 --> 00:37:31,271 - I said shields! - Already done. Shields up. 459 00:37:31,400 --> 00:37:34,631 This is the warbird T'Met calling the Prometheus. 460 00:37:35,960 --> 00:37:38,759 Commander Rekar, respond. 461 00:37:38,880 --> 00:37:41,394 Commander. 462 00:37:41,520 --> 00:37:44,911 - This is the Prometheus. - Activate your viewscreen. 463 00:37:46,320 --> 00:37:51,110 Our viewscreen is not operational. We've had trouble with commandos. 464 00:37:51,240 --> 00:37:55,359 - Where's Rekar? - In the medical bay. 465 00:37:55,480 --> 00:37:59,269 - He's suffered minor injuries. - Identify yourself. 466 00:37:59,400 --> 00:38:02,199 - You first. - You first. 467 00:38:02,320 --> 00:38:06,154 Repeat your last statement. I don't understand. 468 00:38:06,280 --> 00:38:09,875 - State your identity. - This is Subcommander Almak. 469 00:38:10,000 --> 00:38:13,755 Lower your shields and prepare to be boarded. 470 00:38:15,120 --> 00:38:18,317 They're already down. Your readings are wrong. 471 00:38:18,440 --> 00:38:20,954 Don't transport till it's safe. 472 00:38:21,080 --> 00:38:23,754 Lower your shields or I'll open fire. 473 00:38:23,880 --> 00:38:27,794 Immediately? Yes. Prometheus out. 474 00:38:29,680 --> 00:38:32,274 Direct hit. Shields down to 20%. 475 00:38:33,880 --> 00:38:37,157 - Three more ships are approaching. - We're doomed. 476 00:38:39,480 --> 00:38:43,075 No! They're Starfleet! 477 00:38:43,200 --> 00:38:45,635 - What are they doing? - Firing on us! 478 00:38:45,760 --> 00:38:49,390 - They think Romulans are on board. - They're right! 479 00:39:02,280 --> 00:39:05,272 Prometheus to any Starfleet vessel. Respond. 480 00:39:05,400 --> 00:39:08,711 The Romulans have scrambled the com frequencies. 481 00:39:10,120 --> 00:39:14,193 - Doctor, something just went off-line. - Specifically? 482 00:39:14,320 --> 00:39:18,234 The gyrodyne relays in the propulsion field inter-matrix. 483 00:39:18,360 --> 00:39:20,670 - In English. - I'm just reading this. 484 00:39:20,800 --> 00:39:24,634 Transfer auxiliary power to the manoeuvring thrusters. 485 00:39:26,680 --> 00:39:29,513 Transferring auxiliary power now. 486 00:39:31,160 --> 00:39:34,357 Good work, mark two. You'd better get to tactical. 487 00:39:34,480 --> 00:39:37,518 - We'll have to defend ourselves. - Right. 488 00:39:37,640 --> 00:39:39,836 What are you waiting for? Shoot! 489 00:39:40,840 --> 00:39:43,354 - Shoot! - There are so many controls! 490 00:39:43,480 --> 00:39:46,757 Find the one that says "Fire" and push it! 491 00:39:46,880 --> 00:39:49,679 It says here the phasers are off-line. 492 00:39:49,800 --> 00:39:52,713 Then fire a torpedo! 493 00:39:58,400 --> 00:40:01,040 - You hit the wrong ship! - It wasn't my fault! 494 00:40:01,160 --> 00:40:04,869 You're supposed to tell the torpedo what to do! 495 00:40:05,800 --> 00:40:10,192 - Navigational control is off-line. - Everything is. Weapons. Shields. 496 00:40:10,320 --> 00:40:13,551 And there are two warbirds coming right at us. 497 00:40:13,680 --> 00:40:15,751 My brilliant existence cut short. 498 00:40:15,880 --> 00:40:21,193 No time to explore the universe or smell the roses. No time for sex. 499 00:40:22,120 --> 00:40:25,317 - Initiating decoupling sequence. - What's that? 500 00:40:25,440 --> 00:40:28,558 - What have I done? - Autoseparation in ten seconds. 501 00:40:28,680 --> 00:40:31,752 I think the Romulans did this before. 502 00:40:31,880 --> 00:40:34,235 - How do we turn it off? - We can't. 503 00:40:34,360 --> 00:40:37,751 Five, four, three, two... 504 00:40:37,880 --> 00:40:40,633 This part gets a little bumpy. 505 00:40:40,760 --> 00:40:43,354 Separation sequence in progress. 506 00:40:44,760 --> 00:40:46,956 Hold on. 507 00:40:47,080 --> 00:40:50,914 - Specify attack pattern. - Attack pattern alpha? 508 00:40:51,040 --> 00:40:53,998 - Specify target. - Romulans! 509 00:41:03,240 --> 00:41:05,993 - Bull's-eye! - The warbirds are in retreat! 510 00:41:06,120 --> 00:41:09,317 - We've done it! - Two holograms alone. 511 00:41:09,440 --> 00:41:13,070 Romulans on one side, Starfleet on the other, alarms beeping. 512 00:41:13,240 --> 00:41:16,278 EMH mark two, newborn but filled with courage. 513 00:41:16,400 --> 00:41:19,040 EMH mark one, armed with experience. 514 00:41:19,160 --> 00:41:22,437 - Together they emerged triumphant. - The end. 515 00:41:22,560 --> 00:41:25,632 Or not. 516 00:41:28,720 --> 00:41:33,112 Welcome to the Prometheus, gentlemen. It's about time. 517 00:41:38,560 --> 00:41:41,313 I'm receiving a transmission. 518 00:41:41,440 --> 00:41:44,159 Origin, the Alpha Quadrant. 519 00:41:45,720 --> 00:41:49,156 Does it contain a holographic subroutine? 520 00:41:49,280 --> 00:41:52,159 - Yes. - Transfer it to sickbay. 521 00:41:52,280 --> 00:41:56,638 Torres to bridge. Captain, I think he's back. 522 00:42:11,760 --> 00:42:15,116 Doctor. Report. 523 00:42:15,240 --> 00:42:17,800 I..I did it. 524 00:42:17,920 --> 00:42:22,312 - You completed the mission? - Yes. Once the Romulans were gone. 525 00:42:22,440 --> 00:42:25,478 - Romulans? - They'd taken over the Prometheus. 526 00:42:25,600 --> 00:42:29,833 The ship I was on. But I turned the tables on them, with a little help. 527 00:42:29,960 --> 00:42:34,511 - You got through to Starfleet? - I spoke directly with headquarters. 528 00:42:34,640 --> 00:42:37,792 Voyager was declared officially lost 14 months ago. 529 00:42:37,920 --> 00:42:42,278 I told them everything that's happened to this crew. 530 00:42:42,400 --> 00:42:45,518 They said they would contact your families 531 00:42:45,640 --> 00:42:50,111 and promised that they will find a way to get Voyager back home. 532 00:42:52,560 --> 00:42:55,359 And they asked me to relay a message. 533 00:42:56,400 --> 00:43:00,678 They wanted you to know you're no longer alone. 534 00:43:04,960 --> 00:43:10,273 60,000 light years seems a little closer today. 535 00:44:04,000 --> 00:44:05,000 English (en)