1 00:00:02,160 --> 00:00:05,790 Captain's log, stardate 48623.5. 2 00:00:05,960 --> 00:00:09,555 There are 246 elements known to Federation science. 3 00:00:09,720 --> 00:00:16,478 We have just discovered the 247th in the ring system of a Class-D planet. 4 00:00:16,640 --> 00:00:20,793 The element has an unusually large atomic mass - over 550 nucleons. 5 00:00:20,960 --> 00:00:23,474 And it appears to be stable. 6 00:00:23,640 --> 00:00:27,349 A stable transuranic element in a natural environment! 7 00:00:27,520 --> 00:00:29,511 Imagine what we could make! 8 00:00:29,680 --> 00:00:33,560 Probe casings that could go into a sun, reactor shielding. 9 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:38,317 If we can mine it. Locate the highest concentration of the element. 10 00:00:38,480 --> 00:00:43,156 It's in the asteroids comprising the rings. I'll beam a sample aboard. 11 00:00:43,320 --> 00:00:47,712 Or we could look at this element in its natural environment. 12 00:00:47,880 --> 00:00:51,714 Most of these asteroids support Class-M atmospheres. 13 00:00:51,880 --> 00:00:55,111 Good idea. Commander, you're in charge. 14 00:00:55,280 --> 00:01:00,958 - Mr Kim, would you like to join us? - I wouldn't miss it, Sir. 15 00:01:02,560 --> 00:01:06,838 The highest concentration is about 30 metres directly ahead. 16 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:10,436 There's a large cavern in there. The readings are... 17 00:01:10,600 --> 00:01:12,989 What the hell is this? 18 00:01:14,320 --> 00:01:17,915 It's organic. Some kind of biopolymer residue. 19 00:01:19,640 --> 00:01:22,200 I wanna see what's ahead. 20 00:01:38,680 --> 00:01:43,754 The readings are higher over here, but I still can't find the source of the... 21 00:01:46,120 --> 00:01:48,077 Commander? 22 00:01:52,960 --> 00:01:58,638 Class-5 humanoid. Appears to be dead. 23 00:04:16,560 --> 00:04:21,350 There are 18 humanoid bodies here. Eleven male, seven female. 24 00:04:21,520 --> 00:04:24,990 They're in various stages of decomposition. 25 00:04:25,160 --> 00:04:28,596 Some have been here for years, others a few days. 26 00:04:28,760 --> 00:04:31,229 One body arrived twelve hours ago. 27 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:33,437 - From where? - I don't know. 28 00:04:33,600 --> 00:04:37,230 But I'd say we're looking at some kind of burial site. 29 00:04:37,400 --> 00:04:39,471 What about the element? 30 00:04:39,640 --> 00:04:42,393 It's emanating from their bodies. 31 00:04:42,560 --> 00:04:46,838 We think it's a by-product of their decomposition process. 32 00:04:47,000 --> 00:04:49,150 I recommend we leave them in peace. 33 00:04:49,320 --> 00:04:52,631 However, Mr Kim has a different opinion. 34 00:04:52,800 --> 00:04:55,679 With all due respect, I have to disagree. 35 00:04:55,840 --> 00:05:00,152 It's our first contact with this race and we should learn all we can. 36 00:05:00,320 --> 00:05:02,277 It's a unique opportunity. 37 00:05:02,440 --> 00:05:05,159 I understand that chance, 38 00:05:05,320 --> 00:05:10,599 but this race meant for their dead to be left alone and we should respect that. 39 00:05:10,760 --> 00:05:13,673 I'm afraid I agree with Commander Chakotay. 40 00:05:13,840 --> 00:05:17,231 Set your tricorders for passive scans. 41 00:05:17,400 --> 00:05:20,791 The sanctity of these bodies should be respected. 42 00:05:20,960 --> 00:05:25,511 I recommend we make visual observations only. No tricorders. 43 00:05:25,680 --> 00:05:28,433 Very well. Keep me informed. Janeway out. 44 00:05:30,040 --> 00:05:33,510 Your only sensors are your eyes. Concentrate on details. 45 00:05:33,680 --> 00:05:36,957 We'll have to do a thorough report when we get back. 46 00:05:38,280 --> 00:05:41,796 Thanks for letting me voice my opinion to the Captain. 47 00:05:41,960 --> 00:05:46,033 The first time I went on a tomb excavation on Ktaria VII, 48 00:05:46,200 --> 00:05:50,273 I wanted a memento so I picked up a rock from the burial site. 49 00:05:50,440 --> 00:05:53,398 I found out later it wasn't just a rock. 50 00:05:53,560 --> 00:05:56,791 - What was it? - It was a sacred stone. 51 00:05:56,960 --> 00:06:01,955 The Ktarians lay thousands of them in the tomb, each representing a prayer. 52 00:06:02,120 --> 00:06:05,590 I had desecrated that man's grave. 53 00:06:09,360 --> 00:06:13,638 - I've found out all I can with my eyes. - Really? 54 00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:16,360 What have you learned about the culture? 55 00:06:16,520 --> 00:06:19,512 They like to bury their dead on asteroids. 56 00:06:19,680 --> 00:06:25,278 That's about all I can tell. Just some naked dead people. 57 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:29,229 You're looking but not seeing. Their nakedness says a lot. 58 00:06:29,400 --> 00:06:32,472 This race doesn't believe in dressing the deceased. 59 00:06:32,640 --> 00:06:37,794 And they don't believe any worldly goods can be taken into the afterlife. 60 00:06:37,960 --> 00:06:41,430 What makes you think they believe in an afterlife at all? 61 00:06:41,600 --> 00:06:44,353 Look at the position of the arms and hands. 62 00:06:44,520 --> 00:06:47,558 They're arranged in poses of serenity, 63 00:06:47,720 --> 00:06:51,839 and wrapped in the biopolymer residue we found earlier. 64 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:56,631 This culture has a lot of ritual associated with disposing of the dead. 65 00:06:56,800 --> 00:06:59,394 That shows some belief in the afterlife. 66 00:06:59,560 --> 00:07:03,713 The Klingons believe in an afterlife, but there's no ritual. 67 00:07:03,880 --> 00:07:06,713 They just dispose of the corpse efficiently. 68 00:07:06,880 --> 00:07:11,909 Good point. But some archaeological digs on the Klingon Homeworld... 69 00:07:15,920 --> 00:07:17,877 Tricorders. 70 00:07:19,240 --> 00:07:22,631 A dimensional distortion is forming. A subspace vacuole. 71 00:07:22,800 --> 00:07:25,838 Chakotay to Voyager. Emergency beam-out. 72 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:28,833 We can't lock on to your signals. Stand by. 73 00:07:29,000 --> 00:07:34,154 Have everyone stand closer together. I'm centring on your com signal. 74 00:07:34,320 --> 00:07:36,311 Energise! 75 00:07:38,720 --> 00:07:41,314 Transporter room 3, do you have them? 76 00:07:41,480 --> 00:07:45,030 Subspace distortions are interfering with the lock. 77 00:07:45,200 --> 00:07:47,714 I'm attempting to compensate. 78 00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:50,633 OK. I think I've got them. 79 00:07:54,080 --> 00:07:56,230 Chakotay and Torres are aboard. 80 00:07:56,400 --> 00:08:00,439 So is one of the bodies. But there's no sign of Ensign Kim. 81 00:08:00,600 --> 00:08:02,716 Scan the asteroid. 82 00:08:02,880 --> 00:08:06,157 No lifesigns, Captain. I'm broadening the scan. 83 00:08:07,200 --> 00:08:11,194 Nothing. He is nowhere in the entire asteroid field. 84 00:08:11,360 --> 00:08:14,557 Initiate emergency transport procedure 21-Alpha. 85 00:08:14,720 --> 00:08:18,236 I'm already on it. It's no use. His pattern's gone. 86 00:08:18,400 --> 00:08:20,789 The vacuole has disappeared. 87 00:08:20,960 --> 00:08:24,635 My only guess is he was pulled into the vacuole. 88 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:28,395 This isn't one of the bodies we found in the cavern. 89 00:08:28,560 --> 00:08:32,918 This body might have come out of the vacuole when Kim was taken in. 90 00:08:33,080 --> 00:08:36,277 There are signs of electrical activity in the brain. 91 00:08:36,440 --> 00:08:40,399 She died just a few minutes ago. We might be able to revive her. 92 00:08:40,560 --> 00:08:43,074 If we can, we might get some answers. 93 00:08:43,240 --> 00:08:47,279 We can't interfere with her natural process of death. 94 00:08:48,320 --> 00:08:51,517 What do you suggest we do? Kim's gone. 95 00:08:51,680 --> 00:08:56,629 She's the only one who might be able to tell us what happened. 96 00:08:56,800 --> 00:08:58,552 Beam us directly to sickbay. 97 00:09:00,200 --> 00:09:02,794 Death is the end of this life. 98 00:09:02,960 --> 00:09:06,316 But it is also the beginning of a new journey. 99 00:09:06,480 --> 00:09:10,792 Ptera will now thrive in the Next Emanation. 100 00:09:10,960 --> 00:09:14,669 This is both her sacred duty and her great privilege. 101 00:09:16,760 --> 00:09:18,797 As she begins her transition, 102 00:09:18,960 --> 00:09:22,749 we promise to carry memories of her so that when we enter the... 103 00:09:24,440 --> 00:09:26,750 Help! Get me out of here! 104 00:09:27,840 --> 00:09:32,357 She's alive! Deactivate the cenotaph! Quickly! 105 00:09:32,520 --> 00:09:34,875 Let me out! 106 00:09:41,840 --> 00:09:43,831 Here it is. 107 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:46,674 Thanks. 108 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:50,950 A lot of memories in this. 109 00:09:51,120 --> 00:09:56,240 We're so proud of you, Hatil. This is such a generous, selfless act. 110 00:09:56,400 --> 00:10:00,359 It's my last gift for you and the children. 111 00:10:00,520 --> 00:10:03,239 And it's one we will always cherish. 112 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:09,835 - But I'm still gonna miss you. - I know. 113 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:12,674 I'll miss you too. 114 00:10:13,920 --> 00:10:19,074 But I'll see you in the Next Emanation when you're ready to join me. 115 00:10:20,240 --> 00:10:22,880 Give my love to your father. 116 00:10:23,040 --> 00:10:28,319 Tell him that the garili trees he planted have bloomed for three years straight. 117 00:10:29,480 --> 00:10:31,596 I will. 118 00:10:36,360 --> 00:10:39,557 Goodbye. 119 00:10:57,560 --> 00:11:01,679 Lie down. It's going to be all right. 120 00:11:01,840 --> 00:11:03,990 We won't harm you. 121 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:08,874 - Who is that? - We're not sure yet. 122 00:11:09,040 --> 00:11:12,476 We think he came from the Next Emanation. 123 00:11:12,640 --> 00:11:16,110 The Next Emanation? 124 00:11:16,280 --> 00:11:19,238 - You mean he's come back? - Come back from where? 125 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:22,756 The thanatologist will be here any moment. 126 00:11:22,920 --> 00:11:27,949 There should be no further discussion about this until he arrives. 127 00:11:37,960 --> 00:11:40,474 How did you get here? 128 00:11:41,840 --> 00:11:44,116 I'm not sure. 129 00:11:45,880 --> 00:11:49,953 I just sort of woke up inside one of those pods. 130 00:11:50,120 --> 00:11:55,354 I was conducting an investigation on an asteroid. We found some dead bodies. 131 00:11:55,520 --> 00:11:59,275 Then there was some kind of subspace phenomenon. 132 00:11:59,440 --> 00:12:02,956 What do you mean, you saw dead people there? 133 00:12:10,800 --> 00:12:16,990 I'm Dr Neria, the chief thanatologist of this facility. 134 00:12:17,160 --> 00:12:21,711 Ensign Harry Kim of the Federation starship Voyager. 135 00:12:21,880 --> 00:12:26,909 I see. What race are you from? 136 00:12:27,080 --> 00:12:29,754 We call ourselves human. 137 00:12:29,920 --> 00:12:33,993 We come from Earth, in a distant part of the galaxy. 138 00:12:34,160 --> 00:12:37,835 He said he saw dead people on an asteroid. 139 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:41,550 - Dead? - Look, can you tell me where I am? 140 00:12:41,720 --> 00:12:46,874 - Doctor, what does this mean? - Rest, Hatil. 141 00:12:47,040 --> 00:12:49,509 There's no need for concern. 142 00:12:54,720 --> 00:12:58,475 May I speak to you privately, Ensign Harry? 143 00:12:58,640 --> 00:13:01,393 Just Harry is fine. 144 00:13:01,560 --> 00:13:05,633 We are the Vhnori and this is our Homeworld. 145 00:13:05,800 --> 00:13:10,317 We were investigating an asteroid in the rings around your planet. 146 00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:13,996 There are no rings around our world. 147 00:13:15,080 --> 00:13:20,632 So the subspace vacuole must have transported me somewhere else. 148 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:23,360 Do you have any star charts I could see? 149 00:13:23,520 --> 00:13:27,036 I'd like to know where I am now, in relation to where I was. 150 00:13:27,200 --> 00:13:31,319 Where you are now is in the world of the living. 151 00:13:31,480 --> 00:13:36,953 Where you came from was another dimension. 152 00:13:37,120 --> 00:13:39,236 - Another dimension? - Yes. 153 00:13:39,400 --> 00:13:45,351 You returned from the Next Emanation. The afterlife. 154 00:13:52,120 --> 00:13:55,795 - How were you able to revive her? - It's a simple process. 155 00:13:55,960 --> 00:14:01,034 She died of a cancer on the brain. I removed it, replicated new tissue, 156 00:14:01,200 --> 00:14:05,637 and used the Starfleet postmortem resuscitation technique. 157 00:14:05,800 --> 00:14:07,757 Why was she covered with this biopolymer? 158 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:12,756 She wasn't covered with it. It's a by-product of her tissues. 159 00:14:12,920 --> 00:14:16,834 As her tissues decayed, the cell membranes broke down 160 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:21,597 into a biopolymer resin which was then excreted by her epidermal layer. 161 00:14:21,760 --> 00:14:25,674 It's a natural decomposition process for this species. 162 00:14:25,840 --> 00:14:28,275 So the other biopolymer fibres... 163 00:14:28,440 --> 00:14:33,469 Were probably the result of other bodies that had left a membrane. 164 00:14:33,640 --> 00:14:38,271 In essence, Commander, you were strolling through dead bodies. 165 00:14:41,320 --> 00:14:46,679 - Can you wake her? - Yes. Kes, 2 cc's of netinaline. 166 00:14:58,520 --> 00:15:00,955 Hello. 167 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:04,670 This must be very confusing, but you're all right. 168 00:15:04,840 --> 00:15:07,958 My name is Kathryn Janeway. 169 00:15:08,120 --> 00:15:12,079 I'm Ptera. Where's my brother? 170 00:15:12,240 --> 00:15:15,437 Your brother? I'm afraid he's not here. 171 00:15:16,600 --> 00:15:20,275 But he should be here. They should all be here. 172 00:15:20,440 --> 00:15:23,990 Ptera, we were able to remove the tumour from your brain. 173 00:15:24,160 --> 00:15:26,800 You'll be fine. We revived you because... 174 00:15:26,960 --> 00:15:30,669 This is the Next Emanation? This is the afterlife? 175 00:15:33,440 --> 00:15:37,149 No. No, it's not. You're on a starship. 176 00:15:37,320 --> 00:15:41,029 This can't be right. My brother's supposed to be here. 177 00:15:41,200 --> 00:15:43,794 - Let me explain. - No. 178 00:15:43,960 --> 00:15:47,590 Get away from me. This isn't right. This can't be right! 179 00:15:58,680 --> 00:16:01,479 There was a woman in here before I arrived? 180 00:16:01,640 --> 00:16:07,591 Her name was Ptera. She was dying of a tumourous lesion to her midbrain. 181 00:16:07,760 --> 00:16:10,752 Dying. So she wasn't dead yet? 182 00:16:10,920 --> 00:16:14,800 No. She didn't die until the cenotaph was activated. 183 00:16:14,960 --> 00:16:20,717 It terminates a life just before the appearance of a spectral rupture. 184 00:16:20,880 --> 00:16:25,716 And then it allows their body to be taken to the Next Emanation. 185 00:16:25,880 --> 00:16:29,999 - Spectral rupture? - I can show you. 186 00:16:33,800 --> 00:16:39,079 This looks like a subspace vacuole. Does the cenotaph create ruptures? 187 00:16:39,240 --> 00:16:41,834 No. They're natural occurrences. 188 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:48,349 The complex was built here because a spectral rupture occurs here. 189 00:16:48,520 --> 00:16:51,831 Forgive my curiosity, Harry, 190 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:58,758 but you are the first person ever to come back from the afterlife. 191 00:16:58,920 --> 00:17:05,110 I have quite a few questions. You said that you saw dead bodies? 192 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:11,515 That's right. There were seven females, eleven males. 193 00:17:11,680 --> 00:17:14,752 Some had been there for years, others a few days. 194 00:17:14,920 --> 00:17:21,314 Are you saying that when we die we go to some asteroid and decompose? 195 00:17:22,800 --> 00:17:25,519 That's what it looked liked to us. 196 00:17:25,680 --> 00:17:29,753 These bodies. Did you perform bioscans on them? 197 00:17:29,920 --> 00:17:33,470 Was there any specific medical data that you remember? 198 00:17:33,640 --> 00:17:36,758 Doctor, maybe I should just stop right there. 199 00:17:36,920 --> 00:17:39,878 This is what we call a "first contact” situation, 200 00:17:40,040 --> 00:17:44,796 and we're careful about how much we tell alien cultures we've just met. 201 00:17:44,960 --> 00:17:50,911 I would like to start a complete bioanalysis. Just follow Dr Renora. 202 00:17:52,560 --> 00:17:57,555 Bioanalysis? Look, all I want to do is get back to my ship. 203 00:17:57,720 --> 00:18:02,556 - I can use this spectral rupture... - You're not going anywhere. 204 00:18:02,720 --> 00:18:08,750 You are our first glimpse into what lies beyond death. 205 00:18:08,920 --> 00:18:12,515 We are not going to let this opportunity pass us by. 206 00:18:15,120 --> 00:18:17,839 We've analysed the ring system. 207 00:18:18,000 --> 00:18:22,551 There are over 200,000 alien bodies on various asteroids in the rings. 208 00:18:22,720 --> 00:18:28,636 A subspace vacuole appears every two hours, deposits a body and disappears. 209 00:18:28,800 --> 00:18:33,795 Try to probe the vacuoles with high-resolution subspace scans. 210 00:18:33,960 --> 00:18:37,590 - See if you can find Mr Kim. - Sickbay to Captain Janeway. 211 00:18:37,760 --> 00:18:41,071 Our guest is conscious and is calmer this time. 212 00:18:41,240 --> 00:18:43,880 I'm on my way. You have the bridge. 213 00:18:45,480 --> 00:18:50,031 That's all I know. I'm sorry. I can't tell you anything more. 214 00:18:50,200 --> 00:18:54,990 You've told me a lot. Now I know what might have happened to Mr Kim. 215 00:18:56,520 --> 00:18:58,477 Is there anything I can do for you? 216 00:18:59,480 --> 00:19:02,711 - I'd like some answers. - About what? 217 00:19:02,880 --> 00:19:06,111 About what happens to my people when we die. 218 00:19:07,240 --> 00:19:10,756 We're not sure exactly. 219 00:19:10,920 --> 00:19:16,791 But we think the vacuoles deposit the bodies on the asteroids. 220 00:19:16,960 --> 00:19:19,600 - Then what? - I'm not sure what you mean. 221 00:19:20,600 --> 00:19:24,355 We're supposed to evolve into a higher level of consciousness, 222 00:19:24,520 --> 00:19:27,239 to gain a greater understanding. 223 00:19:27,400 --> 00:19:30,358 All of our questions are meant to be answered. 224 00:19:30,520 --> 00:19:33,751 Ptera, I know this must be frightening for you. 225 00:19:33,920 --> 00:19:38,039 You've been through a very traumatic experience. 226 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:40,760 But please try to understand. 227 00:19:40,920 --> 00:19:46,154 Just because I don't have the answers doesn't mean there aren't any. 228 00:19:48,000 --> 00:19:52,949 My brother... I always thought I'd see him again. 229 00:19:54,640 --> 00:20:01,080 I had so many things to tell him about his children, the people he left behind. 230 00:20:03,080 --> 00:20:07,199 But he isn't here, is he? He's... 231 00:20:09,360 --> 00:20:15,754 What am I supposed to do now? Spend the rest of my life on this starship? 232 00:20:16,760 --> 00:20:22,676 Ptera, I'll do everything in my power to figure out just how you got here. 233 00:20:22,840 --> 00:20:28,040 And as soon as I know anything, I will tell you, all right? 234 00:20:28,200 --> 00:20:30,157 All right. 235 00:20:30,320 --> 00:20:36,350 Maybe we should get out of sickbay, clear your mind, get something to eat. 236 00:20:36,520 --> 00:20:40,832 - Are you hungry? - Yes. I could use something to eat. 237 00:20:41,440 --> 00:20:44,159 - What was that? - Janeway to bridge. Report. 238 00:20:44,320 --> 00:20:49,918 A dimensional distortion is forming. It looks like a subspace vacuum. 239 00:20:50,080 --> 00:20:51,991 B'Elanna, what's going on? 240 00:20:52,160 --> 00:20:57,473 I've pinpointed the location. It's right here in engineering. Stand by. 241 00:21:06,760 --> 00:21:09,434 Hatil, what are you saying? 242 00:21:11,880 --> 00:21:15,271 I'm just not sure I'm ready, that's all. 243 00:21:16,240 --> 00:21:19,790 - I don't understand. - Neither do 1. 244 00:21:21,200 --> 00:21:26,752 It's just that I'm starting to wonder what really happens when we die. 245 00:21:27,800 --> 00:21:32,795 If I'm really going on to a higher level of consciousness? 246 00:21:33,720 --> 00:21:36,519 The alien. What has he been telling you? 247 00:21:36,680 --> 00:21:41,709 All he's done is made me think about something we've taken for granted. 248 00:21:43,240 --> 00:21:48,997 Now that I've thought about it, I'm not so eager to go through with it any more. 249 00:21:49,160 --> 00:21:53,711 Hatil, we know nothing about him, or why he's come here, 250 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:57,032 or why he's spreading lies. 251 00:21:57,200 --> 00:22:01,114 You can't throw away a lifetime of belief because of him. 252 00:22:01,280 --> 00:22:03,351 It doesn't make any sense. 253 00:22:05,120 --> 00:22:07,873 I don't know what to think any more. 254 00:22:09,320 --> 00:22:12,153 I'm scared, Loria. 255 00:22:13,440 --> 00:22:20,198 It's going to be all right. Think about your father. He's waiting for you. 256 00:22:25,640 --> 00:22:28,519 I'll see you at the transference ritual. 257 00:22:34,240 --> 00:22:37,119 I don't know who you are or where you come from, 258 00:22:37,280 --> 00:22:40,113 but you stay away from my husband. 259 00:22:40,280 --> 00:22:43,477 I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... 260 00:22:45,840 --> 00:22:48,593 Harry, you have to forgive my wife. 261 00:22:49,600 --> 00:22:55,152 She's having trouble understanding my concerns. 262 00:22:55,320 --> 00:23:01,191 That's why I'm here. I'm getting ready to die. 263 00:23:02,120 --> 00:23:04,350 Forgive me for asking again 264 00:23:04,520 --> 00:23:09,435 but can you tell me anything about what I might find in the Next Emanation? 265 00:23:09,600 --> 00:23:15,357 Everyone's asking me that, and I keep giving the same answer. I don't know. 266 00:23:16,480 --> 00:23:19,313 But you do come from the afterlife? 267 00:23:19,480 --> 00:23:22,518 I come from a different reality, 268 00:23:22,680 --> 00:23:26,594 maybe another dimension, maybe your afterlife. 269 00:23:26,760 --> 00:23:33,075 Countless billions of people there are born, live and die, just like you. 270 00:23:33,240 --> 00:23:38,997 But you did see my people there. You said they were dead. 271 00:23:39,160 --> 00:23:45,475 Yes, but... Look, for all I know, your thanatologists are right, 272 00:23:45,640 --> 00:23:48,792 and I just saw the corporeal remains of your people, 273 00:23:48,960 --> 00:23:51,634 and you do go on to a higher consciousness. 274 00:23:51,800 --> 00:23:53,996 But it's... 275 00:23:54,160 --> 00:24:00,679 It's also possible that there is no higher existence for us, 276 00:24:00,840 --> 00:24:05,198 that when we die we simply cease to exist. 277 00:24:07,920 --> 00:24:10,389 I really can't say. 278 00:24:10,560 --> 00:24:13,996 I don't know what happens to your people after they die, 279 00:24:14,160 --> 00:24:16,754 or what happens to my people. 280 00:24:16,920 --> 00:24:21,198 Don't you have thanatologists, people who study death? 281 00:24:21,360 --> 00:24:23,317 Sort of. 282 00:24:23,480 --> 00:24:29,874 There have certainly been medical experts, philosophers, theologians, 283 00:24:30,040 --> 00:24:33,999 who have debated what happens after death. 284 00:24:34,160 --> 00:24:36,390 But no one has an answer yet. 285 00:24:36,560 --> 00:24:42,476 My people think of death as just another stage of our existence. 286 00:24:43,400 --> 00:24:46,711 There are some people who are even eager to die. 287 00:24:46,880 --> 00:24:53,035 If they feel depressed or lonely in this life, they move on to the next one. 288 00:24:53,200 --> 00:24:57,876 Is that why you're here? Because you're not happy with your life? 289 00:25:00,880 --> 00:25:04,714 Ever since the accident... 290 00:25:07,080 --> 00:25:10,436 ...life hasn't been easy. 291 00:25:11,520 --> 00:25:16,117 But this is more my family's idea than it is mine. 292 00:25:16,280 --> 00:25:20,592 - Your family? - I'm a burden to them right now. 293 00:25:20,760 --> 00:25:26,756 It takes time and resources to care for me and I can't give much back. 294 00:25:26,920 --> 00:25:30,311 So there was a family meeting and it was agreed 295 00:25:30,480 --> 00:25:34,951 that I should move on to the Next Emanation. 296 00:25:39,880 --> 00:25:44,078 - You look appalled. - It's not my place to judge your culture. 297 00:25:44,240 --> 00:25:48,279 But from my perspective, it's a little chilling to hear that. 298 00:25:50,080 --> 00:25:53,960 Even though the family did it out of love, 299 00:25:55,800 --> 00:25:59,077 and everyone was happy for me, 300 00:25:59,240 --> 00:26:04,474 and they said they'd see me when they got to the Next Emanation... 301 00:26:05,960 --> 00:26:12,115 I have to admit there was a little voice inside of me that is terrified of dying. 302 00:26:12,280 --> 00:26:15,750 And since I've been talking to you, 303 00:26:15,920 --> 00:26:19,629 that little voice has started to get louder. 304 00:26:28,760 --> 00:26:33,118 Another vacuole is forming. Tuvok, Remodulate the shield harmonics. 305 00:26:33,280 --> 00:26:36,511 It's no use. The vacuole is still forming. 306 00:26:44,240 --> 00:26:46,754 Take the body to the ship's morgue. 307 00:26:50,600 --> 00:26:54,992 This is odd. Three bodies have appeared on Voyager so far, 308 00:26:55,160 --> 00:26:58,915 and each one of them has released some kind of neural energy. 309 00:26:59,080 --> 00:27:03,870 In every case, the energy has passed through the hull and out into the rings. 310 00:27:04,960 --> 00:27:09,591 The frequency is identical to the ambient radiation in the asteroid field. 311 00:27:11,840 --> 00:27:16,960 The vacuoles are disrupting the warp core. We'll lose antimatter containment. 312 00:27:17,120 --> 00:27:22,593 The vacuoles have all formed within 20 metres of the warp core. 313 00:27:22,760 --> 00:27:25,274 Janeway to bridge. Lay in a course. 314 00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:29,832 I want to get at least a half a light year away. Warp 7. 315 00:27:37,560 --> 00:27:42,634 Paris to Janeway. We're out of warp, 0.6 light years from the ring system. 316 00:27:42,800 --> 00:27:46,111 - Any other vacuoles forming? - No. 317 00:27:46,280 --> 00:27:49,636 The magnetic interlocks have stabilised. 318 00:27:49,800 --> 00:27:54,397 Work on a way to protect the warp core from these vacuoles. 319 00:27:59,240 --> 00:28:03,199 Sometimes I just stare out at the stars for hours. 320 00:28:03,360 --> 00:28:06,079 I never get tired of looking at them. 321 00:28:06,240 --> 00:28:10,359 We were told we would see beautiful sights in the Next Emanation - 322 00:28:10,520 --> 00:28:12,591 colours, lights - 323 00:28:12,760 --> 00:28:16,674 and that we would see them with a new understanding. 324 00:28:16,840 --> 00:28:20,959 But now... What happened to the others? 325 00:28:22,080 --> 00:28:27,598 My brother, my father and everyone before them? 326 00:28:29,720 --> 00:28:35,910 People die every day on my world. Do they all end up as lifeless corpses? 327 00:28:36,080 --> 00:28:39,152 When people die on my world, we bury them, 328 00:28:39,320 --> 00:28:43,996 and we believe that their comra is released into the afterlife. 329 00:28:44,160 --> 00:28:46,117 Their comra? 330 00:28:46,280 --> 00:28:50,717 Our soul, our spirit, the essence of our beings. 331 00:28:50,880 --> 00:28:54,077 Maybe something similar happens to you. 332 00:28:54,240 --> 00:28:59,997 But you don't understand. We don't believe in any kind of spirit. 333 00:29:00,160 --> 00:29:06,156 When we die, we're supposed to reappear as physical beings. 334 00:29:06,320 --> 00:29:10,279 That's the point of sending people through the spectral ruptures. 335 00:29:10,440 --> 00:29:14,991 We're supposed to travel on to the Next Emanation as ourselves, 336 00:29:15,160 --> 00:29:18,391 and be reunited with our families. 337 00:29:21,560 --> 00:29:25,519 But none of that is true, is it? 338 00:29:30,280 --> 00:29:33,238 None of the people I love are here. 339 00:29:34,920 --> 00:29:37,833 I'm alone. 340 00:29:40,000 --> 00:29:43,880 I don't belong here. I can't live like this. 341 00:29:44,880 --> 00:29:47,076 Please, can't you send me home? 342 00:29:47,240 --> 00:29:52,553 There is only one person on this ship who could answer that question. 343 00:29:52,720 --> 00:29:55,792 We're doing everything we can to get you home. 344 00:29:55,960 --> 00:29:59,635 Our missing officer might be able to tell us enough to... 345 00:29:59,800 --> 00:30:05,318 Captain, maybe there is a way to send Ptera home and find Ensign Kim. 346 00:30:05,480 --> 00:30:09,599 - Explain. - What if we recreated the accident? 347 00:30:09,760 --> 00:30:12,354 If Harry was pulled through the vacuole, 348 00:30:12,520 --> 00:30:16,400 we could reproduce those circumstances and send Ptera home. 349 00:30:16,560 --> 00:30:19,234 We could send Ptera through the transponder 350 00:30:19,400 --> 00:30:24,554 and lock on to Kim with the transporter beam. 351 00:30:24,720 --> 00:30:27,394 So I can get home? 352 00:30:27,560 --> 00:30:31,076 Ptera, there's no guarantee this is going to work. 353 00:30:31,240 --> 00:30:33,436 I understand, 354 00:30:33,600 --> 00:30:38,231 but I've been dead once and I'm prepared to die again. 355 00:30:38,400 --> 00:30:43,190 So if there's a chance I can get home, I'm willing to take the risk. 356 00:30:43,360 --> 00:30:48,992 Prepare a subspace transponder and teach Ptera how to use it. 357 00:30:51,600 --> 00:30:53,955 Captain's log, supplemental. 358 00:30:54,120 --> 00:30:58,671 We're preparing to send Ptera back to her dimension. 359 00:30:58,840 --> 00:31:02,959 Lieutenant Torres can protect the warp core against the vacuoles, 360 00:31:03,120 --> 00:31:07,432 but she is uncertain how long her measures will be effective. 361 00:31:07,600 --> 00:31:11,230 You understand the instructions for Mr Kim if you find him. 362 00:31:11,400 --> 00:31:14,791 We've got one forming ten metres below us, deck 13. 363 00:31:14,960 --> 00:31:18,157 Will your dampening field protect the warp core? 364 00:31:18,320 --> 00:31:21,950 The field is fluctuating slightly, but holding. 365 00:31:22,120 --> 00:31:26,273 Engineering to transporter room 3. There's a vacuole forming on deck 13. 366 00:31:26,440 --> 00:31:28,716 Magnetic interlocks are stable. 367 00:31:28,880 --> 00:31:31,076 I see the vacuole. Locking on. 368 00:31:37,680 --> 00:31:40,354 Good luck, Ptera. 369 00:31:41,240 --> 00:31:43,959 I have a transporter lock. Energising. 370 00:31:45,040 --> 00:31:48,920 Matching her pattern to the subspace distortions... Wait. 371 00:31:49,080 --> 00:31:52,152 I can't get her pattern through. 372 00:31:52,320 --> 00:31:56,678 - Abort the procedure. Pull her back. - I'm losing her pattern. 373 00:31:56,840 --> 00:31:59,958 Shunt emergency power into buffer tank 4. 374 00:32:00,840 --> 00:32:02,990 That's it. I've got the pattern. 375 00:32:14,280 --> 00:32:19,878 - She's dead. - Can we revive her? 376 00:32:20,040 --> 00:32:22,680 How long until we have to leave? 377 00:32:22,840 --> 00:32:26,913 - We're safe for two hours. - We have two hours to find Mr Kim. 378 00:32:27,080 --> 00:32:32,553 Perform another subspace scan. This time extend the scan radius to ten AU. 379 00:32:32,720 --> 00:32:35,030 I'm on my way to engineering. 380 00:32:35,200 --> 00:32:39,080 Ensign, beam her onto one of the asteroids. 381 00:32:39,240 --> 00:32:42,119 That's where she was meant to be. 382 00:32:46,840 --> 00:32:50,117 I hope you find your afterlife, Ptera. 383 00:32:53,440 --> 00:32:55,192 Why? 384 00:32:55,360 --> 00:32:58,193 We want to scan your microcellular structures 385 00:32:58,360 --> 00:33:03,673 and examine your neurochemistry. This facility isn't equipped for that. 386 00:33:03,840 --> 00:33:06,878 The complex at Paffran has everything we need. 387 00:33:07,040 --> 00:33:11,511 If my ship is still searching for me, they won't stay there forever. 388 00:33:11,680 --> 00:33:16,151 - I have to get back. - We don't know how you got here. 389 00:33:16,320 --> 00:33:20,791 Maybe I can work out how to get back. Let me look at a cenotaph. 390 00:33:20,960 --> 00:33:24,555 There's no time. Word about you has spread very quickly, 391 00:33:24,720 --> 00:33:27,439 in the scientific world and the community. 392 00:33:27,600 --> 00:33:32,515 There are many people who are very nervous about what you represent. 393 00:33:32,680 --> 00:33:36,071 Some see you as a threat to their beliefs. 394 00:33:36,240 --> 00:33:39,278 We need to take you to a more secure location. 395 00:33:39,440 --> 00:33:42,114 It's for your own protection. 396 00:33:42,280 --> 00:33:46,319 - Wait! - I'm sorry, Harry. 397 00:33:46,480 --> 00:33:48,756 It's out of my control. 398 00:33:57,480 --> 00:34:01,792 - What are you doing? - Preparing for the transference ritual. 399 00:34:04,920 --> 00:34:10,518 This is a ceremonial shroud that's been in my family for five generations. 400 00:34:12,200 --> 00:34:14,999 You wrap yourself in your own death shroud? 401 00:34:15,160 --> 00:34:19,472 It's something we look forward to, actually. 402 00:34:19,640 --> 00:34:25,830 I remember when my father used this shroud, his father before him. 403 00:34:27,760 --> 00:34:30,639 The difference is when my father put this on 404 00:34:30,800 --> 00:34:34,873 there was no doubt in his mind about where he was going. 405 00:34:35,880 --> 00:34:39,555 Can't you just back out? Say you've changed your mind. 406 00:34:40,840 --> 00:34:46,791 I have thought of just walking out and disappearing. 407 00:34:46,960 --> 00:34:51,511 My friends in the Cararian Mountains would let me stay with them. 408 00:34:53,400 --> 00:34:57,997 But my family would worry about me. They'd wonder what was happening, 409 00:34:58,160 --> 00:35:02,916 if I was all right, if I were hurt. 410 00:35:04,960 --> 00:35:10,592 No. Everyone's expecting a transference ritual, and they'll get one. 411 00:35:10,760 --> 00:35:14,196 What if you did disappear into the mountains, 412 00:35:15,160 --> 00:35:17,754 but your family thought you were dead? 413 00:35:17,920 --> 00:35:22,232 They're here for a transference ritual, right? 414 00:35:22,400 --> 00:35:26,189 - Do you know what you're suggesting? - It's perfect. 415 00:35:26,360 --> 00:35:31,309 Those cenotaphs send you back to my dimension, which is where I want to go. 416 00:35:31,480 --> 00:35:34,996 Voyager's probably still near the asteroid. 417 00:35:35,160 --> 00:35:40,678 As soon as I appear, they'll pick up my signal and beam me aboard. 418 00:35:40,840 --> 00:35:44,071 And you, you can just disappear. 419 00:35:44,240 --> 00:35:47,039 Your family will think you're dead, 420 00:35:47,200 --> 00:35:50,989 and you can live out your life in the mountains. 421 00:35:51,160 --> 00:35:55,074 Harry, if you go into that cenotaph 422 00:35:55,240 --> 00:35:58,358 and go through with the ritual, you'll die. 423 00:35:58,520 --> 00:36:01,956 If Voyager can beam me aboard quickly enough, 424 00:36:02,120 --> 00:36:05,272 our doctor should be able to revive me. 425 00:36:06,440 --> 00:36:09,193 Medicine's pretty advanced in our culture. 426 00:36:09,360 --> 00:36:14,355 People have been dead for hours and still been brought back to life. 427 00:36:14,520 --> 00:36:18,639 - But it's not certain. - No, it's not. 428 00:36:20,200 --> 00:36:23,795 But I think this is my only chance to get home. 429 00:36:31,800 --> 00:36:38,035 The shroud must be wrapped properly. I'll show you how, but we have to hurry. 430 00:36:38,200 --> 00:36:41,591 I'm scheduled for transference in less than an hour. 431 00:36:47,200 --> 00:36:49,635 A pleasant trip, Hatil. 432 00:36:49,800 --> 00:36:52,872 Say hello to Varel and Toyan. 433 00:36:53,040 --> 00:36:55,680 I'll see you there in a few years. 434 00:36:57,520 --> 00:37:02,799 We're joined here today to bid farewell to our dear friend Hatil Garan. 435 00:37:02,960 --> 00:37:05,395 We salute not only his life, 436 00:37:05,560 --> 00:37:09,030 but the manner in which he has chosen to end it. 437 00:37:09,200 --> 00:37:14,912 He makes a noble sacrifice today that his family may have a better tomorrow. 438 00:37:15,080 --> 00:37:17,594 We send him on to the Next Emanation 439 00:37:17,760 --> 00:37:23,392 with the full knowledge that the life there is better than the one here, 440 00:37:23,560 --> 00:37:26,871 that he will no longer be hampered by his infirmity 441 00:37:27,040 --> 00:37:31,079 and that he will come to understand the cosmos 442 00:37:31,240 --> 00:37:34,119 in a way that he could never have imagined. 443 00:37:37,800 --> 00:37:42,158 Goodbye, Hatil. I love you. 444 00:38:04,280 --> 00:38:06,476 Another vacuole. Deck 15. 445 00:38:07,720 --> 00:38:09,791 The body of an alien female. 446 00:38:09,960 --> 00:38:16,434 Chakotay to transporter room 3. Transport the body to an asteroid. 447 00:38:16,600 --> 00:38:18,716 Status on the warp core. 448 00:38:18,880 --> 00:38:24,671 The dampening field's down to 21%. The interlocks won't hold much longer. 449 00:38:24,840 --> 00:38:27,309 I recommend leaving, Captain. 450 00:38:35,880 --> 00:38:41,910 Very well. Mr Paris, bring us about. Prepare to resume our... 451 00:38:43,160 --> 00:38:45,913 I'm picking up a vacuole forming on deck 12. 452 00:38:46,080 --> 00:38:48,993 - It deposited a human body. - Human? 453 00:38:50,200 --> 00:38:52,760 But it's dead. 454 00:38:52,920 --> 00:38:57,471 Janeway to Seska. Beam the body on deck 12 directly to sickbay. 455 00:39:03,000 --> 00:39:05,071 2 cc's cordrazine. 456 00:39:25,960 --> 00:39:29,999 Relax, Mr Kim. Everything's fine. You're alive. 457 00:40:01,840 --> 00:40:04,559 - Mind if I join you? - No, not at all. Please. 458 00:40:04,720 --> 00:40:07,030 Thank you. 459 00:40:08,560 --> 00:40:11,279 So how are you feeling? 460 00:40:11,440 --> 00:40:14,353 Better. I'll be ready for duty tomorrow. 461 00:40:14,520 --> 00:40:18,753 - You're off duty for the next two days. - Captain, I'm fine. 462 00:40:18,920 --> 00:40:21,116 It's not your capabilities. 463 00:40:21,280 --> 00:40:26,275 I just want to give you a chance to reflect on what's happened. 464 00:40:26,440 --> 00:40:31,355 This may not make much sense to you now, a young man, 465 00:40:31,520 --> 00:40:35,991 but one of the things you'll learn as you get a little older is that... 466 00:40:37,880 --> 00:40:40,474 you wish you had more time in your youth 467 00:40:40,640 --> 00:40:43,951 to really absorb all the things that happen to you. 468 00:40:44,120 --> 00:40:46,430 It goes by so fast. 469 00:40:48,360 --> 00:40:50,317 It's so easy to become jaded, 470 00:40:50,480 --> 00:40:54,235 to treat the extraordinary like just another day at the office. 471 00:40:54,400 --> 00:41:00,749 But sometimes there are experiences which transcend all that. 472 00:41:00,920 --> 00:41:06,836 You've just had one, and I want you to live with it for a little while. 473 00:41:07,000 --> 00:41:10,709 Write about it, if you feel like it. Paint. 474 00:41:10,880 --> 00:41:13,156 Express yourself in some fashion. 475 00:41:13,320 --> 00:41:18,474 - The bridge will be there in two days. - Thank you, Captain. 476 00:41:18,640 --> 00:41:22,599 I have been a little preoccupied with the experience. 477 00:41:24,080 --> 00:41:28,074 All those people think they know what happens after death. 478 00:41:28,240 --> 00:41:31,312 They look forward to it. They're prepared for it. 479 00:41:31,480 --> 00:41:35,235 But the truth is, none of it's real. 480 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:40,520 They don't have an afterlife. They just decay inside those asteroids. 481 00:41:40,680 --> 00:41:43,354 I wouldn't be so sure of that. 482 00:41:43,520 --> 00:41:47,479 That neural energy their bodies release, 483 00:41:47,640 --> 00:41:52,032 it becomes part of the electromagnetic field surrounding the planet. 484 00:41:52,200 --> 00:41:55,909 The energy is unusually dynamic. 485 00:41:56,080 --> 00:42:00,517 There's variation in pattern complexity, quantum density. 486 00:42:01,200 --> 00:42:05,558 Are you saying you think they do have an afterlife? 487 00:42:05,720 --> 00:42:11,398 That the energy field is where they exist at a higher level of consciousness? 488 00:42:13,240 --> 00:42:15,754 I'm not certain. 489 00:42:15,920 --> 00:42:19,072 But I am certain about this: 490 00:42:19,240 --> 00:42:26,510 What we don't know about death is far, far greater than what we do know. 491 00:42:29,240 --> 00:42:31,959 See you in two days, Ensign. 492 00:42:32,120 --> 00:42:34,350 Thank you, Captain.