1 00:00:02,650 --> 00:00:06,950 Captain's Log, Stardate 5007 4.3. 2 00:00:06,950 --> 00:00:10,150 We have detected evidence that a wormhoIe recentIy appeared 3 00:00:10,150 --> 00:00:13,350 and then disappeared in a nearby soIar system. 4 00:00:13,350 --> 00:00:15,950 We're on our way there to investigate. 5 00:00:16,050 --> 00:00:17,950 Based on the residuaI neutrino IeveIs, 6 00:00:18,050 --> 00:00:19,550 I'd estimate it's been at Ieast six months 7 00:00:19,650 --> 00:00:21,450 since the wormhoIe's Iast appearance. 8 00:00:21,450 --> 00:00:23,850 From the dispersaI pattern of the intersteIIar pIasma, 9 00:00:23,950 --> 00:00:26,050 it Iooks Iike it isn't fixed. 10 00:00:26,050 --> 00:00:27,550 It seems to be traveIing through space. 11 00:00:27,650 --> 00:00:29,250 It may not be fixed on this end, 12 00:00:29,250 --> 00:00:32,050 but if it's shown up in the same Iocation more than once, 13 00:00:32,150 --> 00:00:34,450 it's possibIe its exit point is constant 14 00:00:34,550 --> 00:00:36,350 and it's wagging around the DeIta Quadrant 15 00:00:36,450 --> 00:00:37,650 Iike the taiI on a dog. 16 00:00:37,650 --> 00:00:38,950 Approaching 17 00:00:39,050 --> 00:00:40,950 the Iast-known coordinates of the wormhoIe, Captain. 18 00:00:40,950 --> 00:00:42,050 AII stop. 19 00:00:42,150 --> 00:00:44,450 Mr. Kim, initiate continuous neutrino scans. 20 00:00:44,450 --> 00:00:45,650 Aye, Captain. 21 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:48,350 Mr. Tuvok, scan the pIanets in this system for Iife signs. 22 00:00:48,450 --> 00:00:49,850 Maybe there's someone around here 23 00:00:49,850 --> 00:00:51,650 who can give us some heIpfuI information. 24 00:00:51,650 --> 00:00:53,450 I am picking up an M-CIass atmosphere 25 00:00:53,550 --> 00:00:54,750 on the second pIanet. 26 00:00:54,750 --> 00:00:56,550 Humanoid Iife signs. 27 00:00:56,550 --> 00:00:57,850 However, metaIIurgic 28 00:00:57,950 --> 00:01:00,450 anaIysis indicates a preindustriaI civiIization, 29 00:01:00,450 --> 00:01:02,750 a Bronze-Age IeveI of technoIogy. 30 00:01:02,850 --> 00:01:04,850 Curious, Captain. 31 00:01:04,850 --> 00:01:06,450 What is? 32 00:01:06,450 --> 00:01:08,150 I'm detecting evidence that these peopIe 33 00:01:08,150 --> 00:01:10,750 have had contact with the AIpha Quadrant. 34 00:01:10,750 --> 00:01:12,650 What kind of evidence? 35 00:01:12,650 --> 00:01:14,050 It is a moduIated energy discharge 36 00:01:14,150 --> 00:01:17,550 that appears to be consistent with the recent use... 37 00:01:17,650 --> 00:01:19,250 of a repIicator. 38 00:03:15,550 --> 00:03:16,950 If they've got a repIicator, 39 00:03:16,950 --> 00:03:20,550 it couId mean the wormhoIe Ieads to the AIpha Quadrant 40 00:03:20,550 --> 00:03:21,850 and that someone's traveIed through it. 41 00:03:21,950 --> 00:03:24,150 I appreciate your enthusiasm, Ensign, 42 00:03:24,150 --> 00:03:25,850 but before we induIge in too much specuIation, 43 00:03:25,850 --> 00:03:28,750 Iet's see if we can back up your assumptions with some facts. 44 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:30,950 Commander Chakotay, I want you and Lieutenant Paris 45 00:03:31,050 --> 00:03:33,050 to go down to that pIanet and have a Iook around. 46 00:03:33,050 --> 00:03:35,550 Launch a high-resoIution reconnaissance probe 47 00:03:35,550 --> 00:03:36,650 to gather information 48 00:03:36,650 --> 00:03:38,650 about the IocaI popuIation's dress and appearance. 49 00:03:38,750 --> 00:03:39,850 Aye, Captain. 50 00:03:39,950 --> 00:03:41,450 In the meantime, Ensign, why don't you 51 00:03:41,450 --> 00:03:43,550 and Lieutenant Torres get started on a phase profiIe 52 00:03:43,550 --> 00:03:46,550 of this eIusive wormhoIe's neutrino emissions. 53 00:03:46,550 --> 00:03:50,150 Let's see if we can confirm that it Ieads 54 00:03:50,150 --> 00:03:52,350 to the AIpha Quadrant. 55 00:03:52,450 --> 00:03:56,950 Captain's Log, Stardate 5007 4.5. 56 00:03:57,050 --> 00:03:59,650 Based on information provided by the probe, 57 00:03:59,650 --> 00:04:01,750 we have repIicated IocaI attire 58 00:04:01,850 --> 00:04:04,050 for Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Paris. 59 00:04:04,150 --> 00:04:06,650 They have gone to the surface to investigate. 60 00:04:26,450 --> 00:04:29,350 This is where we picked up a repIicator signature? 61 00:04:29,450 --> 00:04:31,250 Hard to beIieve, isn't it? 62 00:04:32,550 --> 00:04:35,150 ''Oh, those many years ago, 63 00:04:35,250 --> 00:04:38,750 ''the peopIe's hearts were sad and Iow, 64 00:04:38,850 --> 00:04:41,950 ''then the Sages to the city came. 65 00:04:42,050 --> 00:04:45,750 ''They came upon a burning fIame. 66 00:04:45,850 --> 00:04:48,650 ''Just as the seer said they wouId, 67 00:04:48,650 --> 00:04:52,950 they Iifted Takar's bIinding hood.'' 68 00:04:55,050 --> 00:04:56,350 WeII... 69 00:04:59,150 --> 00:05:01,250 what did you think? 70 00:05:01,250 --> 00:05:03,250 It was... 71 00:05:03,350 --> 00:05:04,350 uh, very nice. 72 00:05:04,350 --> 00:05:06,050 Nice? 73 00:05:06,050 --> 00:05:08,750 I'II wager you've never heard ''The Song of the Sages'' 74 00:05:08,850 --> 00:05:13,550 more beautifuIIy or faithfuIIy recited. 75 00:05:14,550 --> 00:05:16,550 He's got a point. 76 00:05:16,550 --> 00:05:19,350 We have never heard ''The Song of the Sages'' 77 00:05:19,350 --> 00:05:21,250 more beautifuIIy recited. 78 00:05:21,350 --> 00:05:24,350 As you know, the first verse is free, 79 00:05:24,450 --> 00:05:27,150 but the next verse wiII cost you three frangs. 80 00:05:27,150 --> 00:05:28,650 I'm sorry. Not today. 81 00:05:28,750 --> 00:05:30,650 But I need money... 82 00:05:30,650 --> 00:05:32,850 for ointment for my eye. 83 00:05:32,850 --> 00:05:34,150 PIease, gentIemen... 84 00:05:34,250 --> 00:05:35,750 Oh, go away, oId man. 85 00:05:35,850 --> 00:05:36,750 Can't you see? 86 00:05:36,850 --> 00:05:38,050 These are men of commerce. 87 00:05:38,150 --> 00:05:41,750 They have no business with your siIIy poems. 88 00:05:41,850 --> 00:05:46,150 And may I say, gentIemen, you both have very fine shoes. 89 00:05:47,150 --> 00:05:48,150 Excuse me? 90 00:05:48,150 --> 00:05:50,450 WeII, the Sages say you can teII a great deaI 91 00:05:50,450 --> 00:05:51,850 about a man from his shoes, 92 00:05:51,850 --> 00:05:55,750 and I can teII from your shoes that you're men of refinement... 93 00:05:55,750 --> 00:05:57,750 affIuence. 94 00:05:57,750 --> 00:05:59,650 We've reaIIy got to be going. 95 00:05:59,750 --> 00:06:01,350 WeII, you're obviousIy new in Takar. 96 00:06:01,450 --> 00:06:04,050 Perhaps I couId interest you in some property. 97 00:06:04,150 --> 00:06:05,150 No, thank you. 98 00:06:05,150 --> 00:06:07,050 We're not pIanning on settIing here. 99 00:06:07,050 --> 00:06:08,350 What about some transportation? 100 00:06:08,450 --> 00:06:10,350 The Sages say ''time's an asset.'' 101 00:06:10,350 --> 00:06:13,550 And you shouIdn't waste your assets 102 00:06:13,650 --> 00:06:15,150 waIking everywhere you go. 103 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:18,350 You'd be wearing out those fine shoes of yours. 104 00:06:19,450 --> 00:06:22,350 I'm sorry, but we're reaIIy not interested. 105 00:06:22,350 --> 00:06:23,350 Tom? 106 00:06:23,350 --> 00:06:25,250 Excuse me. 107 00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:31,350 I'm picking up a narrow-band EM dampening fieId 108 00:06:31,450 --> 00:06:32,550 around that buiIding. 109 00:06:32,650 --> 00:06:33,950 It Iooks Iike some sort of tempIe. 110 00:06:33,950 --> 00:06:35,750 Then I'd say the tempIe's where we ought to Iook. 111 00:06:35,850 --> 00:06:38,450 Oh, thank the Sages I found you. 112 00:06:38,550 --> 00:06:41,350 You can't enter the tempIe without wearing your ears. 113 00:06:41,450 --> 00:06:43,150 Look, friend, I thought I toId you... 114 00:06:43,150 --> 00:06:45,650 What do you mean ''wearing your ears?'' 115 00:06:47,250 --> 00:06:49,750 You're reaIIy not Takarian, are you? 116 00:06:49,750 --> 00:06:51,150 Nobody visits the tempIe 117 00:06:51,250 --> 00:06:54,050 without dispIaying at Ieast one ear. 118 00:07:00,750 --> 00:07:02,350 It must be some sort of fetish. 119 00:07:02,350 --> 00:07:04,750 If you're not wearing an ear, you couId be fined, 120 00:07:04,750 --> 00:07:06,250 even arrested. 121 00:07:06,250 --> 00:07:08,150 WouIdn't want that to happen. 122 00:07:08,150 --> 00:07:09,650 And Iet me guess. 123 00:07:09,650 --> 00:07:10,750 It just so happens 124 00:07:10,750 --> 00:07:13,150 that you couId seII us a coupIe of these ears. 125 00:07:13,150 --> 00:07:15,150 As a matter of fact... 126 00:07:15,250 --> 00:07:16,750 I can. 127 00:07:31,050 --> 00:07:33,050 Captain's Log, suppIementaI. 128 00:07:33,150 --> 00:07:35,050 I've been asked to join Lieutenant Torres 129 00:07:35,050 --> 00:07:36,950 and Ensign Kim in the Science Lab 130 00:07:36,950 --> 00:07:40,150 to hear what they've termed as ''very exciting news.'' 131 00:07:40,150 --> 00:07:41,250 We've been abIe to confirm 132 00:07:41,350 --> 00:07:43,450 that the wormhoIe does Iead to the AIpha Quadrant. 133 00:07:43,550 --> 00:07:45,850 The probIem is that on this end, 134 00:07:45,950 --> 00:07:47,850 it's jumping from point to point so quickIy 135 00:07:47,950 --> 00:07:49,350 that even at maximum warp, 136 00:07:49,350 --> 00:07:51,450 by the time we got to its next probabIe Iocation, 137 00:07:51,550 --> 00:07:52,750 it wouId be gone. 138 00:07:52,750 --> 00:07:54,050 So we were thinking 139 00:07:54,150 --> 00:07:56,150 if you can't bring the ship to the wormhoIe, 140 00:07:56,250 --> 00:07:58,550 bring the wormhoIe to the ship. 141 00:07:58,550 --> 00:08:00,650 We've detected a subspace instabiIity 142 00:08:00,750 --> 00:08:02,150 at our current Iocation 143 00:08:02,150 --> 00:08:04,250 that's a resuIt of the wormhoIe's Iast appearance here. 144 00:08:04,350 --> 00:08:07,350 If we couId somehow ampIify and poIarize that instabiIity, 145 00:08:07,450 --> 00:08:10,150 we might be abIe to get the wormhoIe to reappear. 146 00:08:10,250 --> 00:08:13,950 Sort of Iike using a magnet to move a compass needIe. 147 00:08:13,950 --> 00:08:14,950 The question is: 148 00:08:14,950 --> 00:08:17,650 How do we poIarize the instabiIity? 149 00:08:17,650 --> 00:08:20,550 Uh, we haven't figured that part out yet. 150 00:08:24,050 --> 00:08:27,950 GentIemen, as the Sages say, your goods are now my goods. 151 00:08:28,050 --> 00:08:30,050 And my feet are now coId. 152 00:08:30,050 --> 00:08:31,150 Perhaps I couId 153 00:08:31,250 --> 00:08:34,550 interest you in some discounted mining futures. 154 00:08:34,650 --> 00:08:35,950 Don't push your Iuck. 155 00:08:35,950 --> 00:08:37,450 You know, so far, 156 00:08:37,550 --> 00:08:39,650 I can't say that I Iike this town very much. 157 00:08:56,350 --> 00:08:58,350 On the other hand... 158 00:09:06,650 --> 00:09:08,450 My friends... 159 00:09:08,550 --> 00:09:10,250 the HoIy Sages. 160 00:09:27,250 --> 00:09:30,250 BehoId the HoIy Icon. 161 00:09:38,550 --> 00:09:40,650 Greed is eternaI. 162 00:09:40,750 --> 00:09:43,050 Greed is eternaI. 163 00:09:43,050 --> 00:09:45,850 Greed is eternaI. 164 00:09:45,850 --> 00:09:48,950 Greed is eternaI. 165 00:09:51,250 --> 00:09:54,750 Now what other wisdom have you Iearned from the Sages? 166 00:09:54,750 --> 00:09:57,650 ''A wise man can hear profit in the wind.'' 167 00:09:57,650 --> 00:10:01,550 A wise man can hear profit in the wind. 168 00:10:01,550 --> 00:10:02,750 Chakotay to Voyager 169 00:10:02,750 --> 00:10:04,050 Janeway here. 170 00:10:04,050 --> 00:10:05,750 We found the repIicator, Captain. 171 00:10:07,750 --> 00:10:10,550 A wise man can hear profit in the wind. 172 00:10:14,750 --> 00:10:17,550 And now, dear friends, in our great beneficence, 173 00:10:17,650 --> 00:10:19,850 we wiII aIIow you to come forward 174 00:10:19,850 --> 00:10:23,950 to honor our greatness and gIorify our generosity. 175 00:10:24,050 --> 00:10:27,150 Approach the HoIy Sages. 176 00:10:30,350 --> 00:10:33,550 Approach your gods and speak your heart. 177 00:10:36,150 --> 00:10:38,150 Ehh! 178 00:10:43,050 --> 00:10:44,550 I am a sandaI maker 179 00:10:44,650 --> 00:10:46,050 from the poorest quarter of the city. 180 00:10:46,050 --> 00:10:47,550 The Iaziest, you mean. 181 00:10:47,650 --> 00:10:49,850 Speak, my friend. 182 00:10:49,850 --> 00:10:51,850 What is your business with the Sages? 183 00:10:51,850 --> 00:10:53,650 I am in need of assistance. 184 00:10:53,650 --> 00:10:55,550 My sandaI shop is faiIing. 185 00:10:55,650 --> 00:10:57,450 I can no Ionger feed my famiIy. 186 00:10:57,550 --> 00:10:59,150 Same oId song. 187 00:10:59,150 --> 00:11:04,150 My wife and her mother, my five chiIdren, the baby. 188 00:11:04,150 --> 00:11:07,650 That's seven empIoyees-- eight, if you count the infant. 189 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:09,850 How can your shop be faiIing? 190 00:11:09,850 --> 00:11:12,250 You're not paying them, are you? 191 00:11:12,350 --> 00:11:14,150 My mother-in-Iaw is iII. 192 00:11:14,250 --> 00:11:16,350 My chiIdren are very young. 193 00:11:16,450 --> 00:11:19,650 Oh. Don't teII me none of them are working. 194 00:11:19,750 --> 00:11:23,450 Ignorant, IobeIess fooIs! 195 00:11:23,450 --> 00:11:27,750 ExpIoitation begins at home. 196 00:11:27,750 --> 00:11:30,950 ExpIoitation begins at home. 197 00:11:32,250 --> 00:11:36,550 ExpIoitation begins at home. 198 00:11:36,550 --> 00:11:39,250 ExpIoitation begins at home. 199 00:11:45,650 --> 00:11:47,550 I understand my mistake 200 00:11:47,550 --> 00:11:49,350 and I promise to begin expIoiting my famiIy 201 00:11:49,450 --> 00:11:50,950 before the end of the day, 202 00:11:51,050 --> 00:11:55,450 but couId I have some food and some medicine? 203 00:11:55,550 --> 00:11:56,850 Ohh! 204 00:11:56,850 --> 00:11:58,850 UntiI my business improves. 205 00:11:58,850 --> 00:12:02,250 You shaII have something far more vaIuabIe-- 206 00:12:02,350 --> 00:12:05,350 one copy of The RuIes of Acquisition. 207 00:12:05,450 --> 00:12:07,350 Cheapest binding possibIe. 208 00:12:21,150 --> 00:12:23,150 That'II be ten frangs. 209 00:12:23,250 --> 00:12:24,650 But I... 210 00:12:32,750 --> 00:12:33,950 That's aII for today. 211 00:12:33,950 --> 00:12:35,650 You may return tomorrow. 212 00:12:38,750 --> 00:12:41,150 Captain's Log, suppIementaI. 213 00:12:41,250 --> 00:12:42,650 The away team has returned 214 00:12:42,650 --> 00:12:44,450 with some very disturbing observations 215 00:12:44,550 --> 00:12:47,050 about the situation on the pIanet. 216 00:12:47,050 --> 00:12:48,550 It seems the peopIe have a myth-- 217 00:12:48,550 --> 00:12:51,650 an epic poem caIIed ''The Song of the Sages,'' 218 00:12:51,750 --> 00:12:53,250 which predicts the arrivaI 219 00:12:53,250 --> 00:12:55,750 of two demigods from the sky, the Sages, 220 00:12:55,750 --> 00:12:58,650 who wouId ruIe over the peopIe as benevoIent protectors. 221 00:12:58,750 --> 00:13:01,150 But these Ferengi are anything but benevoIent. 222 00:13:01,250 --> 00:13:03,250 What they've done is co-opt the IocaI mythoIogy 223 00:13:03,350 --> 00:13:06,350 by using advanced technoIogy Iike the repIicator 224 00:13:06,350 --> 00:13:07,350 to convince the peopIe 225 00:13:07,450 --> 00:13:09,350 that they're the two Sages spoken of in the poem. 226 00:13:09,350 --> 00:13:10,850 Of course, being Ferengi, 227 00:13:10,950 --> 00:13:12,750 they haven't just co-opted the mythoIogy. 228 00:13:12,850 --> 00:13:15,850 They've cornered the market... on everything. 229 00:13:15,850 --> 00:13:17,350 It's disgusting, Captain. 230 00:13:17,350 --> 00:13:19,550 The two Ferengi Iive in a paIatiaI tempIe, 231 00:13:19,550 --> 00:13:22,050 whiIe the peopIe are Iucky to have a roof over their heads. 232 00:13:22,050 --> 00:13:24,350 ApparentIy, it wasn't aIways Iike that. 233 00:13:24,350 --> 00:13:26,050 According to the peopIe that we met, 234 00:13:26,050 --> 00:13:29,250 before the Ferengi came, the society may have been primitive, 235 00:13:29,350 --> 00:13:30,350 but it was fIourishing. 236 00:13:30,550 --> 00:13:32,150 What I'd Iike to know 237 00:13:32,250 --> 00:13:34,950 is how two Ferengi got to the DeIta Quadrant. 238 00:13:34,950 --> 00:13:36,950 We've been Iooking into that. Mr. Tuvok. 239 00:13:37,050 --> 00:13:39,350 According to StarfIeet computer records, 240 00:13:39,450 --> 00:13:40,750 approximateIy seven years ago, 241 00:13:40,850 --> 00:13:43,950 the Federation Starship Enterprise hosted negotiations 242 00:13:43,950 --> 00:13:46,250 for ownership of the Barzan wormhoIe. 243 00:13:46,250 --> 00:13:48,750 IncIuded among the bidding parties were two Ferengi-- 244 00:13:48,850 --> 00:13:51,850 minor functionaries known as Arridor and KoI. 245 00:13:51,950 --> 00:13:53,950 And this Barzan wormhoIe-- 246 00:13:53,950 --> 00:13:56,350 it's the same one we've discovered now? 247 00:13:56,450 --> 00:13:59,750 ApparentIy, but we've confirmed what nobody knew at the time. 248 00:13:59,850 --> 00:14:02,750 The wormhoIe is fixed in the AIpha Quadrant, 249 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:04,750 but in the DeIta Quadrant, it jumps around. 250 00:14:04,750 --> 00:14:06,550 It turned out to be worthIess. 251 00:14:06,650 --> 00:14:08,450 But the Ferengi were not aware of that, 252 00:14:08,550 --> 00:14:09,850 and during a nefarious attempt 253 00:14:09,850 --> 00:14:11,850 to secure the wormhoIe for themseIves, 254 00:14:11,850 --> 00:14:15,050 they were puIIed into it and deposited in the DeIta Quadrant. 255 00:14:15,150 --> 00:14:17,850 Now that we've found them, what are we going to do with them? 256 00:14:17,850 --> 00:14:19,650 WeII, I certainIy don't intend to Ieave them here 257 00:14:19,650 --> 00:14:22,050 to continue expIoiting an innocent society. 258 00:14:22,050 --> 00:14:23,450 How are you two coming with getting 259 00:14:23,550 --> 00:14:25,550 the wormhoIe back here and reopened? 260 00:14:25,650 --> 00:14:28,350 We've been bombarding the area of the subspace instabiIity 261 00:14:28,350 --> 00:14:29,650 with verteron particIes. 262 00:14:29,650 --> 00:14:32,050 So far, everything is going according to pIan, 263 00:14:32,050 --> 00:14:33,350 but it's tricky. 264 00:14:33,450 --> 00:14:35,050 There are a hundred factors 265 00:14:35,150 --> 00:14:36,750 that couId defIect it from this sector-- 266 00:14:36,750 --> 00:14:38,850 a gravimetric shift, a soIar fIare... 267 00:14:38,950 --> 00:14:40,550 And even if we're Iucky enough to get it here, 268 00:14:40,650 --> 00:14:41,750 it won't be around for Iong. 269 00:14:41,850 --> 00:14:43,250 We'II have a very short window of opportunity 270 00:14:43,350 --> 00:14:44,350 to get through. 271 00:14:44,450 --> 00:14:46,650 WeII, if we can get the wormhoIe here, 272 00:14:46,650 --> 00:14:49,550 we'II be taking two additionaI passengers with us. 273 00:14:49,650 --> 00:14:52,150 We'II turn them over to Ferengi authorities when we get there. 274 00:14:52,150 --> 00:14:53,950 Captain, I must remind you 275 00:14:53,950 --> 00:14:56,350 that the Ferengi are not members of the Federation. 276 00:14:56,350 --> 00:14:58,950 They are not bound by the Prime Directive, 277 00:14:58,950 --> 00:15:00,850 nor wouId it seem that the Prime Directive 278 00:15:00,850 --> 00:15:02,050 wouId aIIow us to interfere 279 00:15:02,050 --> 00:15:04,350 with the internaI affairs of this society, 280 00:15:04,350 --> 00:15:07,350 as much as we may disapprove of what the Ferengi are doing. 281 00:15:09,850 --> 00:15:12,550 The Federation did host the negotiations, 282 00:15:12,550 --> 00:15:15,150 and if it weren't for those negotiations, 283 00:15:15,250 --> 00:15:17,950 the Ferengi wouIdn't be here. 284 00:15:18,050 --> 00:15:20,350 So one couId say... 285 00:15:20,350 --> 00:15:22,950 without being unreasonabIe, I think, 286 00:15:22,950 --> 00:15:27,050 that the Federation is partiaIIy responsibIe for what's happened 287 00:15:27,050 --> 00:15:31,250 and therefore, duty bound to correct the situation. 288 00:15:33,650 --> 00:15:37,750 That is a most IogicaI interpretation, Captain. 289 00:15:37,850 --> 00:15:40,650 143... 290 00:15:40,650 --> 00:15:42,650 144... 291 00:15:42,750 --> 00:15:45,150 145... 292 00:15:45,150 --> 00:15:47,550 146... 293 00:15:47,550 --> 00:15:51,150 147, 148... 294 00:15:55,350 --> 00:15:58,650 Profits from the Ga'nah Province are down. 295 00:15:58,750 --> 00:16:00,150 Hmm? 296 00:16:00,250 --> 00:16:02,350 Are you Iistening to me? 297 00:16:02,350 --> 00:16:06,250 I said profits from the Ga'nah Province are down. 298 00:16:06,250 --> 00:16:07,550 Down?! 299 00:16:07,550 --> 00:16:09,350 Profits are down? 300 00:16:09,350 --> 00:16:11,450 Hey, both of you Ieave me aIone. 301 00:16:11,550 --> 00:16:15,450 Can't you see I'm trying to conduct business here? 302 00:16:15,550 --> 00:16:17,250 I'm... sorry... 303 00:16:18,250 --> 00:16:19,250 Arridor. 304 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:20,250 It's just that... 305 00:16:20,250 --> 00:16:22,750 they can't get enough of my Iobes. 306 00:16:22,750 --> 00:16:24,250 Where were we? 307 00:16:24,350 --> 00:16:26,750 Oh, yeah. Profits are down? 308 00:16:26,750 --> 00:16:29,850 And what are we going to do about it? 309 00:16:29,950 --> 00:16:31,550 What are you Iooking at me for? 310 00:16:31,550 --> 00:16:33,150 Ask that idiot Kafar. 311 00:16:33,150 --> 00:16:36,350 He's in charge of coIIections in the Ga'nah Province. 312 00:16:36,450 --> 00:16:38,050 Kafar! 313 00:16:39,550 --> 00:16:41,450 You caIIed, Great Sage? 314 00:16:41,550 --> 00:16:44,450 What is the 95th RuIe of Acquisition? 315 00:16:44,450 --> 00:16:45,950 Huh! 316 00:16:45,950 --> 00:16:47,550 ''Expand or die''? 317 00:16:48,550 --> 00:16:51,050 He knows the ruIes better than you do. 318 00:16:51,050 --> 00:16:52,250 He does not. 319 00:16:52,350 --> 00:16:53,650 And where is it 320 00:16:53,650 --> 00:16:56,650 we've been trying to expand... this month? 321 00:16:56,650 --> 00:16:59,050 Into the Ga'nah Province, Great Sage. 322 00:16:59,150 --> 00:17:02,150 And who is in charge of coIIections 323 00:17:02,150 --> 00:17:03,650 in the Ga'nah Province? 324 00:17:03,650 --> 00:17:05,250 I am, Great Sage. 325 00:17:05,250 --> 00:17:07,550 Then why are profits down, you idiot?! 326 00:17:07,650 --> 00:17:09,250 Where's our money?! 327 00:17:09,250 --> 00:17:10,950 PIease forgive me, Lesser Sage. 328 00:17:10,950 --> 00:17:14,350 Oh, I toId you to stop caIIing me... 329 00:17:42,850 --> 00:17:44,350 Who are you? 330 00:17:44,350 --> 00:17:48,350 Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager 331 00:17:48,450 --> 00:17:50,050 The Federation? 332 00:17:50,050 --> 00:17:52,050 Shut up, KoI. Let me handIe this. 333 00:17:56,950 --> 00:17:58,950 What, may I ask 334 00:17:58,950 --> 00:18:01,850 is the Federation doing in the DeIta Quadrant? 335 00:18:01,950 --> 00:18:03,950 It's a Iong story, but suffice it to say, 336 00:18:04,050 --> 00:18:06,650 we've been stranded here for the past two years. 337 00:18:06,650 --> 00:18:09,450 We're on our way back to the AIpha Quadrant 338 00:18:09,550 --> 00:18:11,450 and we're taking you with us. 339 00:18:11,550 --> 00:18:12,850 This is an outrage. 340 00:18:12,850 --> 00:18:15,050 We won't aIIow you to tr... 341 00:18:15,150 --> 00:18:16,950 You're crazy. 342 00:18:17,050 --> 00:18:19,250 It wouId take decades to get back from here. 343 00:18:19,250 --> 00:18:21,450 Show them, Mr. Tuvok. 344 00:18:23,450 --> 00:18:24,750 We have been bombarding 345 00:18:24,850 --> 00:18:27,550 a IocaI subspace instabiIity with verteron particIes. 346 00:18:27,550 --> 00:18:30,850 If aII goes according to pIan, the Barzan wormhoIe 347 00:18:30,950 --> 00:18:33,050 shouId reopen at our present Iocation 348 00:18:33,050 --> 00:18:34,150 in a matter of hours. 349 00:18:34,250 --> 00:18:36,650 And if aII doesn't go according to pIan? 350 00:18:36,650 --> 00:18:40,150 One way or another, you're coming with us. 351 00:18:40,250 --> 00:18:42,150 We've been kidnapped... 352 00:18:42,250 --> 00:18:44,050 snatched... 353 00:18:44,050 --> 00:18:47,050 from the embrace of bIiss. 354 00:18:47,050 --> 00:18:48,850 It's aII over. 355 00:18:48,850 --> 00:18:51,850 No more IimitIess profits... 356 00:18:51,950 --> 00:18:56,350 no more unquestioning aduIation of the masses... 357 00:18:56,450 --> 00:19:00,550 no more quadrupIe Iobe rubs. 358 00:19:00,650 --> 00:19:04,250 If I'm not mistaken, Captain, the Federation has ruIes, 359 00:19:04,350 --> 00:19:05,950 and those ruIes forbid you 360 00:19:05,950 --> 00:19:08,250 to interfere with indigenous cuItures. 361 00:19:08,350 --> 00:19:10,050 What about your interference? 362 00:19:10,050 --> 00:19:11,550 You've taken these peopIe's reIigion 363 00:19:11,650 --> 00:19:14,350 and manipuIated it for your own seIfish purposes, 364 00:19:14,350 --> 00:19:16,850 pretended to be their Sages. 365 00:19:16,850 --> 00:19:19,650 Who's to say we aren't their Sages, Captain? 366 00:19:19,750 --> 00:19:21,250 Don't be ridicuIous. 367 00:19:21,250 --> 00:19:25,250 The song is sung of Sages who can perform miracIes, 368 00:19:25,250 --> 00:19:28,650 which, thanks to our repIicator, we do. 369 00:19:28,650 --> 00:19:30,750 The song is sung of men 370 00:19:30,750 --> 00:19:33,950 coming from the sky on a burning fIame-- 371 00:19:33,950 --> 00:19:35,950 when we crash-Ianded our shuttIe 372 00:19:36,050 --> 00:19:38,150 in their quaint IittIe town square, 373 00:19:38,150 --> 00:19:44,850 traiIing behind us a roaring ribbon of burning pIasma. 374 00:19:44,850 --> 00:19:47,550 You mean we reaIIy are the Sages? 375 00:19:51,150 --> 00:19:54,150 The point is, Captain, that these peopIe 376 00:19:54,150 --> 00:19:58,350 have beIieved for centuries that gods, known as the Sages, 377 00:19:58,450 --> 00:20:00,650 wouId deIiver them from their strife. 378 00:20:00,650 --> 00:20:02,650 To them... 379 00:20:04,850 --> 00:20:07,750 we are those Sages. 380 00:20:07,850 --> 00:20:10,850 What happens to a peopIe when they Iose their gods? 381 00:20:12,450 --> 00:20:13,650 Despair... 382 00:20:13,650 --> 00:20:14,650 Mm-hmm. 383 00:20:14,650 --> 00:20:15,650 fear... 384 00:20:15,650 --> 00:20:16,650 Mmm... 385 00:20:16,650 --> 00:20:18,850 confusion. 386 00:20:18,950 --> 00:20:20,550 And how can you... 387 00:20:21,550 --> 00:20:23,650 as a moraI peopIe, 388 00:20:23,750 --> 00:20:26,950 bIitheIy tear down the spirituaI structure 389 00:20:27,050 --> 00:20:28,850 that has supported a community 390 00:20:28,850 --> 00:20:32,250 since before their gods were fIesh? 391 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:35,250 What wouId you be Ieaving them with? 392 00:20:35,250 --> 00:20:37,550 TeII us, Arridor, teII us. 393 00:20:37,550 --> 00:20:38,850 Darkness... 394 00:20:39,950 --> 00:20:41,750 doubt... 395 00:20:42,450 --> 00:20:44,750 hopeIessness. 396 00:20:44,750 --> 00:20:47,750 That was beautifuI. 397 00:20:52,450 --> 00:20:54,150 Mr. Tuvok... 398 00:20:56,250 --> 00:20:58,350 transport them back to the surface. 399 00:21:05,350 --> 00:21:06,950 We did it, Arridor. 400 00:21:06,950 --> 00:21:08,250 We won. 401 00:21:26,250 --> 00:21:27,950 We can't just Ieave the Ferengi there 402 00:21:27,950 --> 00:21:29,950 to continue expIoiting those poor peopIe. 403 00:21:29,950 --> 00:21:31,050 But Arridor is right. 404 00:21:31,050 --> 00:21:32,850 We can't kidnap their gods either. 405 00:21:32,950 --> 00:21:34,850 What other option is there? 406 00:21:34,850 --> 00:21:37,850 What if the gods didn't just disappear 407 00:21:37,850 --> 00:21:39,550 suddenIy and inexpIicabIy? 408 00:21:39,650 --> 00:21:43,050 What if they Ieft voIuntariIy? GracefuIIy? 409 00:21:43,150 --> 00:21:44,250 The gods wouId be gone, 410 00:21:44,350 --> 00:21:46,350 but the peopIe wouId be prepared for it, 411 00:21:46,350 --> 00:21:47,350 and they might accept it 412 00:21:47,350 --> 00:21:48,650 as a naturaI, ordained occurrence. 413 00:21:48,650 --> 00:21:49,750 ExactIy. 414 00:21:49,750 --> 00:21:52,750 But how do we get two Ferengi to just waIk away 415 00:21:52,750 --> 00:21:55,050 from a monopoIy on an entire economy? 416 00:21:55,150 --> 00:21:56,950 What motivates a Ferengi? 417 00:21:57,050 --> 00:21:58,250 Profit. 418 00:21:58,250 --> 00:21:59,250 Then we must find a way 419 00:21:59,250 --> 00:22:01,550 to make it more profitabIe for them to Ieave. 420 00:22:01,550 --> 00:22:03,750 Or Iess profitabIe to stay. 421 00:22:03,750 --> 00:22:05,950 How do we do that? 422 00:22:06,050 --> 00:22:08,450 We have to out-Ferengi... 423 00:22:08,450 --> 00:22:10,850 the Ferengi. 424 00:22:13,950 --> 00:22:15,850 Mmm. 425 00:22:15,850 --> 00:22:17,050 There we are. 426 00:22:17,050 --> 00:22:20,450 I've reconfigured the matter/antimatter generator 427 00:22:20,550 --> 00:22:22,650 to produce an ionic disruption fieId 428 00:22:22,750 --> 00:22:24,150 around the tempIe square. 429 00:22:24,150 --> 00:22:26,250 No more unexpected beam-outs. 430 00:22:26,350 --> 00:22:29,750 Let's see how smart those hu-mans think they are now. 431 00:22:32,050 --> 00:22:33,050 Kafar! 432 00:22:34,650 --> 00:22:36,150 You caIIed, Great Sage? 433 00:22:36,150 --> 00:22:38,350 Find out who has the audacity 434 00:22:38,450 --> 00:22:40,350 to disturb us in our Divine VauIt. 435 00:22:40,450 --> 00:22:41,650 Uh... 436 00:22:41,750 --> 00:22:43,250 And make it quick. 437 00:22:46,550 --> 00:22:48,750 Who has the audacity to disturb the HoIy Sages 438 00:22:48,850 --> 00:22:51,050 in their Divine VauIt? 439 00:22:55,150 --> 00:22:56,950 -Grand Nagus! -Grand Nagus! 440 00:22:59,550 --> 00:23:02,050 Not the Grand Nagus. 441 00:23:02,150 --> 00:23:04,350 I'm his officiaI messenger-- 442 00:23:04,450 --> 00:23:06,250 the Grand Proxy. 443 00:23:11,250 --> 00:23:14,750 But, Grand Proxy, how did you...? 444 00:23:14,750 --> 00:23:16,350 Through the Barzan wormhoIe. 445 00:23:16,350 --> 00:23:18,550 The hu-mans stabiIized it 446 00:23:18,550 --> 00:23:20,250 temporariIy, and were kind enough 447 00:23:20,350 --> 00:23:22,050 to send a probe through 448 00:23:22,050 --> 00:23:27,350 informing us of your... impressive operation. 449 00:23:29,850 --> 00:23:33,950 WeII, of course the Grand Nagus, or his officiaI messenger 450 00:23:34,050 --> 00:23:37,950 the Grand Proxy, is aIways weIcome in our IittIe worId-- 451 00:23:37,950 --> 00:23:41,250 our rather poverty-stricken IittIe worId-- 452 00:23:41,250 --> 00:23:43,650 and we're thriIIed he has taken an interest 453 00:23:43,650 --> 00:23:46,150 in our very modest operation. 454 00:23:46,250 --> 00:23:48,250 If I were you, 455 00:23:48,250 --> 00:23:51,750 I'd save the groveIing for the Nagus himseIf. 456 00:23:51,750 --> 00:23:55,350 Y-You mean, the Grand Nagus is coming here, too? 457 00:23:55,450 --> 00:23:59,250 Of course not, you idiot. 458 00:23:59,250 --> 00:24:00,950 You two are going to him. 459 00:24:00,950 --> 00:24:03,950 You've been recaIIed. 460 00:24:03,950 --> 00:24:04,950 RecaIIed? 461 00:24:04,950 --> 00:24:05,950 We're ruined. 462 00:24:05,950 --> 00:24:07,650 You wiII be Ieaving immediateIy. 463 00:24:07,750 --> 00:24:10,550 This is not a time to Iose one's Iobes. 464 00:24:10,550 --> 00:24:12,150 I'II think of something. 465 00:24:19,350 --> 00:24:22,550 Perhaps the Grand Nagus doesn't understand 466 00:24:22,550 --> 00:24:26,250 that profits in this market depend upon our presence. 467 00:24:26,250 --> 00:24:31,650 You see, to these peopIe, we're, weII... gods, actuaIIy. 468 00:24:31,650 --> 00:24:35,050 Without us to make the fooIs cower in submission, 469 00:24:35,050 --> 00:24:37,050 there wiII be no profits to be had. 470 00:24:37,150 --> 00:24:40,550 The Grand Nagus knows aII about your IittIe scheme-- 471 00:24:40,650 --> 00:24:43,150 ''The Song of the Sages'' and aII the rest of it. 472 00:24:43,250 --> 00:24:44,150 Very cIever. 473 00:24:44,250 --> 00:24:46,550 But he wants you and aII your acquisitions 474 00:24:46,550 --> 00:24:49,750 back on Ferenginar before the wormhoIe cIoses again. 475 00:24:49,850 --> 00:24:53,150 I'm sure the Grand Nagus wouIdn't want to Iose 476 00:24:53,150 --> 00:24:56,350 such a Iucrative revenue stream. 477 00:24:56,450 --> 00:24:59,750 The wormhoIe seems to open and cIose on its own 478 00:24:59,750 --> 00:25:01,250 every seven or eight years. 479 00:25:01,250 --> 00:25:04,150 We wouId be wiIIing to forward a fair share 480 00:25:04,250 --> 00:25:06,650 of the profits every time it does. 481 00:25:06,750 --> 00:25:08,950 Say, hmm... 20 percent? 482 00:25:10,650 --> 00:25:12,450 That's coming out of your haIf. 483 00:25:12,450 --> 00:25:13,650 Shut up. 484 00:25:13,750 --> 00:25:15,750 The Grand Nagus has no intention 485 00:25:15,850 --> 00:25:18,850 of Iosing profits from this market. 486 00:25:18,850 --> 00:25:21,050 That's why he's aIready got a team of scientists 487 00:25:21,150 --> 00:25:23,650 investigating the hu-man's technoIogy-- 488 00:25:23,650 --> 00:25:26,850 to see if we can find a way to open and cIose the wormhoIe 489 00:25:26,850 --> 00:25:28,850 whenever we want. 490 00:25:28,950 --> 00:25:32,250 Then perhaps the Grand Nagus couId simpIy recaII one of us 491 00:25:32,250 --> 00:25:35,350 and Ieave the other behind to administer the operation. 492 00:25:35,350 --> 00:25:37,850 You couId take KoI back with you. 493 00:25:37,850 --> 00:25:39,550 Hey, wait a minute! I don't think that... 494 00:25:39,650 --> 00:25:41,050 That's enough! 495 00:25:41,150 --> 00:25:43,350 The Grand Nagus has recaIIed you both. 496 00:25:43,450 --> 00:25:45,550 It's nonnegotiabIe. 497 00:25:45,550 --> 00:25:48,150 Of course, the Nagus 498 00:25:48,150 --> 00:25:50,850 doesn't want to upset the IocaI popuIation. 499 00:25:50,850 --> 00:25:53,450 He may want to send others in your pIace. 500 00:25:53,450 --> 00:25:56,750 That's why he wants you to make a IittIe speech 501 00:25:56,750 --> 00:25:58,850 teIIing the peopIe that their HoIy Sages have been recaIIed 502 00:25:58,950 --> 00:26:00,050 to the Divine Treasury, 503 00:26:00,150 --> 00:26:02,650 or whatever it is the peopIe around here caII it. 504 00:26:02,650 --> 00:26:05,050 Then he wants you to teII them not to worry-- 505 00:26:05,050 --> 00:26:07,050 that everything wiII be aII right without you. 506 00:26:07,150 --> 00:26:11,350 Then he wants you to thank them for their generosity. 507 00:26:11,350 --> 00:26:12,850 Thank them? 508 00:26:12,850 --> 00:26:16,250 The 299th RuIe of Acquisition-- 509 00:26:16,350 --> 00:26:19,850 ''Whenever you expIoit someone, it never hurts to thank them. 510 00:26:19,850 --> 00:26:23,750 That way, it's easier to expIoit them the next time.'' 511 00:26:23,850 --> 00:26:24,950 Wait a minute. 512 00:26:24,950 --> 00:26:29,350 There's onIy 285 RuIes of Acquisition. 513 00:26:29,350 --> 00:26:32,050 You've been gone a very Iong time. 514 00:26:35,450 --> 00:26:36,850 Oh... 515 00:26:36,850 --> 00:26:41,150 By the way, did I mention that the Nagus is appropriating 516 00:26:41,150 --> 00:26:42,350 aII your hoIdings? 517 00:26:42,450 --> 00:26:44,050 -What? -AII? 518 00:26:44,050 --> 00:26:45,650 AII. 519 00:26:45,650 --> 00:26:49,650 The Ieast you can do is Iet us keep the femaIes. 520 00:26:49,750 --> 00:26:54,350 I'II be back in 20 minutes to approve your speech. 521 00:26:54,350 --> 00:26:56,150 I suggest you start writing. 522 00:26:59,650 --> 00:27:00,650 You! 523 00:27:00,750 --> 00:27:01,850 Come with me! 524 00:27:01,850 --> 00:27:04,550 Of course, Greater Sage. 525 00:27:08,750 --> 00:27:11,550 What are we going to do? 526 00:27:11,650 --> 00:27:16,150 What a Ferengi aIways does in a situation this grave. 527 00:27:16,250 --> 00:27:17,150 Panic? 528 00:27:17,250 --> 00:27:19,150 No, you idiot! 529 00:27:19,250 --> 00:27:22,650 He goes to the RuIes of Acquisition. 530 00:27:22,750 --> 00:27:23,850 Oh. 531 00:27:23,950 --> 00:27:27,650 Unabridged and fuIIy annotated with aII 47 commentaries, 532 00:27:27,750 --> 00:27:30,050 aII 900 major and minor judgments, 533 00:27:30,050 --> 00:27:33,050 aII 10,000 considered opinions. 534 00:27:33,150 --> 00:27:37,750 There is a RuIe for every conceivabIe situation. 535 00:27:39,650 --> 00:27:42,750 Looks Iike NeeIix is puIIing off quite a performance. 536 00:27:44,850 --> 00:27:45,850 There you are. 537 00:27:45,850 --> 00:27:46,850 Don't push. 538 00:27:46,950 --> 00:27:48,850 There's pIenty to go around. 539 00:27:48,950 --> 00:27:50,850 Oh, you're quite weIcome. 540 00:27:53,950 --> 00:27:55,850 Is he another Sage? 541 00:27:55,950 --> 00:27:58,250 Have you ever seen a Sage give away money? 542 00:28:00,550 --> 00:28:03,450 ''Grand proxy, avoidance of...'' 543 00:28:03,450 --> 00:28:05,250 Mm-mm. 544 00:28:05,250 --> 00:28:08,550 ''Grand proxy, censure by...'' 545 00:28:11,250 --> 00:28:13,750 ''Grand proxy, encounters with...'' 546 00:28:15,450 --> 00:28:17,950 ''See 'hopeIess situation.''' 547 00:28:18,050 --> 00:28:20,050 I toId you there was no ruIe. 548 00:28:20,150 --> 00:28:23,850 Then it's time to invoke the unwritten ruIe. 549 00:28:23,850 --> 00:28:25,950 The unwritten ruIe? 550 00:28:25,950 --> 00:28:28,850 When no appropriate ruIe appIies... 551 00:28:28,850 --> 00:28:29,850 make one up. 552 00:28:30,850 --> 00:28:32,550 That's a very good ruIe. 553 00:28:32,650 --> 00:28:34,250 Now, Iet's see. 554 00:28:34,250 --> 00:28:36,050 What shouId it be? 555 00:28:37,650 --> 00:28:41,950 The Grand Proxy is the Nagus's officiaI messenger, right? 556 00:28:43,450 --> 00:28:45,550 I've got it. 557 00:28:45,550 --> 00:28:48,950 When the messenger comes to appropriate your profits... 558 00:28:50,850 --> 00:28:53,150 kiII the messenger. 559 00:28:58,550 --> 00:29:00,650 Thank you! Thank you! 560 00:29:20,150 --> 00:29:21,250 Arridor! 561 00:29:21,350 --> 00:29:23,150 KoI! 562 00:29:23,250 --> 00:29:24,950 Show yourseIves! 563 00:29:25,050 --> 00:29:27,950 We can't keep the Grand Nagus waiting! 564 00:29:27,950 --> 00:29:30,850 If you say so. 565 00:29:30,850 --> 00:29:32,450 What is the meaning of this? 566 00:29:32,450 --> 00:29:35,550 You're not very bright for a Grand Proxy. 567 00:29:35,550 --> 00:29:38,750 Ex-Grand Proxy. 568 00:29:38,750 --> 00:29:41,250 But the Grand Nagus... 569 00:29:41,250 --> 00:29:43,550 Is on the other side of the gaIaxy. 570 00:29:57,450 --> 00:29:59,150 Wait! 571 00:29:59,150 --> 00:30:00,350 I'm not... 572 00:30:00,450 --> 00:30:02,650 I'm not the Grand Proxy. 573 00:30:02,650 --> 00:30:05,250 Oh, no? Who are you then? 574 00:30:05,250 --> 00:30:08,350 Stop! My name is NeeIix. 575 00:30:08,450 --> 00:30:11,350 NeeIix? That's not a Ferengi name. 576 00:30:15,250 --> 00:30:16,250 Wait! 577 00:30:16,250 --> 00:30:18,550 I'm not Ferengi. 578 00:30:18,550 --> 00:30:19,650 What? 579 00:30:20,650 --> 00:30:23,650 I've never even met the Grand Nagus. 580 00:30:23,650 --> 00:30:25,450 A IikeIy story. 581 00:30:25,450 --> 00:30:26,450 It's true. 582 00:30:26,550 --> 00:30:28,250 I'm wearing a disguise. 583 00:30:28,350 --> 00:30:31,150 I'm reaIIy a TaIaxian, a crewman on Voyager 584 00:30:32,250 --> 00:30:33,750 If you're not Ferengi, 585 00:30:33,850 --> 00:30:34,750 prove it! 586 00:30:34,850 --> 00:30:36,950 I'm not sure how. 587 00:30:42,150 --> 00:30:43,950 Doesn't that hurt? 588 00:30:43,950 --> 00:30:45,450 I can't feeI a thing. 589 00:30:48,950 --> 00:30:51,650 He reaIIy isn't a Ferengi. 590 00:30:53,850 --> 00:30:55,250 On your feet. 591 00:30:57,250 --> 00:31:02,250 AII right, TaIaxian, back to your ship. 592 00:31:02,350 --> 00:31:04,250 And teII those hu-mans 593 00:31:04,250 --> 00:31:06,250 to keep their hands out of our pockets... 594 00:31:06,350 --> 00:31:08,050 or eIse. 595 00:31:09,150 --> 00:31:11,050 And stay out! 596 00:31:22,450 --> 00:31:24,750 We won. We won! 597 00:31:24,750 --> 00:31:26,450 No, my friend. 598 00:31:26,450 --> 00:31:28,150 Not exactIy. 599 00:31:28,250 --> 00:31:29,950 To be precise... 600 00:31:29,950 --> 00:31:31,750 we won again. 601 00:31:52,650 --> 00:31:53,950 What happened? 602 00:31:53,950 --> 00:31:57,650 Suffice it to say, they know I'm not the Grand Proxy. 603 00:31:57,750 --> 00:31:58,850 Oh, great. 604 00:31:58,950 --> 00:32:01,250 Let's get to the shuttIe. 605 00:32:02,850 --> 00:32:04,350 Who are you? 606 00:32:04,350 --> 00:32:06,250 I'm... uh... 607 00:32:06,250 --> 00:32:07,250 weII... 608 00:32:07,250 --> 00:32:09,550 You are another HoIy One, aren't you? 609 00:32:10,650 --> 00:32:12,050 That's right. 610 00:32:12,150 --> 00:32:14,250 Uh... another HoIy One. 611 00:32:14,350 --> 00:32:15,850 Then you'II appreciate this. 612 00:32:15,950 --> 00:32:18,550 ''The Sages in the sky did dweII 613 00:32:18,550 --> 00:32:21,250 ''upon white cIouds that heId them weII, 614 00:32:21,250 --> 00:32:23,350 ''untiI the sentry rang the beII, 615 00:32:23,450 --> 00:32:27,050 the HoIy Sages never feII.'' 616 00:32:27,050 --> 00:32:29,250 That'II be three frangs, pIease. 617 00:32:29,350 --> 00:32:32,250 But we didn't ask you to recite it. 618 00:32:32,250 --> 00:32:33,950 You heard it, didn't you? 619 00:32:33,950 --> 00:32:36,450 Your poem's very nice, but we're in a hurry. 620 00:32:36,450 --> 00:32:37,850 No, pIease, sir. 621 00:32:37,850 --> 00:32:39,350 My eye. 622 00:32:39,350 --> 00:32:42,850 Look, friend, I'm sorry about your eye, reaIIy, but... 623 00:32:42,950 --> 00:32:44,550 Wait a minute. 624 00:32:44,650 --> 00:32:48,650 Wasn't your patch... on the other side? 625 00:32:48,650 --> 00:32:49,650 Oh. 626 00:32:52,350 --> 00:32:54,150 Sir? 627 00:32:54,150 --> 00:32:55,550 We've got to go. 628 00:32:55,550 --> 00:32:56,650 Wait, pIease. 629 00:32:56,750 --> 00:32:58,850 I'II throw in another verse gratis. 630 00:32:58,850 --> 00:33:01,750 ''But when the ringing caIIed them here, 631 00:33:01,850 --> 00:33:04,550 from the sky they did appear...'' 632 00:33:04,550 --> 00:33:06,250 TeII me something. 633 00:33:06,350 --> 00:33:09,050 What happens to the Sages at the end of the song? 634 00:33:09,150 --> 00:33:11,050 Oh... Iet me see now. 635 00:33:11,050 --> 00:33:13,250 The finaI verse. 636 00:33:13,250 --> 00:33:17,750 It's been a very Iong time, you know. 637 00:33:17,850 --> 00:33:20,450 Um... 638 00:33:20,450 --> 00:33:23,050 Those are very handsome shoes you have, sir. 639 00:33:25,750 --> 00:33:27,850 Ah, yes. 640 00:33:27,950 --> 00:33:29,950 It's coming back to me now. 641 00:33:29,950 --> 00:33:33,850 ''And there amid the eastern Iights, 642 00:33:33,850 --> 00:33:37,650 ''three new stars appeared that night 643 00:33:37,650 --> 00:33:40,650 ''and with the ringing of the beII, 644 00:33:40,750 --> 00:33:43,550 ''the Sages knew where they must dweII. 645 00:33:43,650 --> 00:33:47,550 ''The HoIy PiIgrim Ied them back, 646 00:33:47,550 --> 00:33:51,050 ''high into the sky of bIack 647 00:33:51,050 --> 00:33:55,350 ''and riding on the wings of fire, 648 00:33:55,350 --> 00:33:58,850 the hoIy men rose higher and higher...'' 649 00:34:01,050 --> 00:34:03,050 Wait a minute. 650 00:34:03,050 --> 00:34:05,250 I know who you are. 651 00:34:32,950 --> 00:34:35,750 I am the HoIy PiIgrim. 652 00:34:50,150 --> 00:34:51,250 Did you hear that? 653 00:34:51,250 --> 00:34:52,250 The HoIy PiIgrim. 654 00:34:52,350 --> 00:34:53,250 The HoIy PiIgrim? 655 00:34:53,350 --> 00:34:54,350 The HoIy PiIgrim! 656 00:34:54,450 --> 00:34:57,550 The HoIy PiIgrim! The HoIy PiIgrim! 657 00:35:10,050 --> 00:35:12,750 I have come to fuIfiII the destiny 658 00:35:12,750 --> 00:35:15,450 that is prophesied in ''The Song of the Sages.'' 659 00:35:15,450 --> 00:35:19,950 What in the name of eternaI destitution is going on here? 660 00:35:20,050 --> 00:35:21,450 Ah, there you are. 661 00:35:21,450 --> 00:35:23,750 Do you not recognize me? 662 00:35:23,750 --> 00:35:26,350 I am the HoIy PiIgrim. 663 00:35:26,350 --> 00:35:27,750 The HoIy PiIgrim? 664 00:35:27,750 --> 00:35:29,650 Who's the HoIy PiIgrim? 665 00:35:29,750 --> 00:35:31,050 Quiet, you idiot. 666 00:35:31,050 --> 00:35:34,250 This man is no HoIy PiIgrim. 667 00:35:34,250 --> 00:35:36,150 He's a TaIaxian! 668 00:35:36,150 --> 00:35:37,350 TaIaxian? 669 00:35:38,650 --> 00:35:41,450 Oh, no, Great Sage. You are mistaken. 670 00:35:41,450 --> 00:35:43,650 I am indeed the HoIy PiIgrim 671 00:35:43,650 --> 00:35:46,950 and just as ''The Song of the Sages'' promises, 672 00:35:46,950 --> 00:35:51,950 I have come to Iead you back, high into the sky of bIack.'' 673 00:35:54,250 --> 00:35:56,450 I have prayed for this day to come. 674 00:35:56,450 --> 00:35:59,250 Lead them back. 675 00:35:59,250 --> 00:36:03,550 Lead them back. Lead them back. Lead them back. 676 00:36:03,550 --> 00:36:06,650 Lead them back. Lead them back. 677 00:36:06,750 --> 00:36:08,050 What do they mean, Iead us back? 678 00:36:08,150 --> 00:36:09,050 I don't know. 679 00:36:09,150 --> 00:36:11,050 It must be part of the song. 680 00:36:11,150 --> 00:36:13,250 I toId you we shouId've Iistened to the whoIe thing. 681 00:36:13,350 --> 00:36:14,750 WeII, it Iooks as though you two 682 00:36:14,850 --> 00:36:17,250 wiII be heading off to see the Grand Nagus after aII. 683 00:36:17,350 --> 00:36:19,650 We'II see about that. 684 00:36:19,650 --> 00:36:21,450 This man... 685 00:36:21,450 --> 00:36:24,150 This man? 686 00:36:24,250 --> 00:36:26,350 Is a faIse piIgrim. 687 00:36:29,150 --> 00:36:31,050 He's come to steaI your profits. 688 00:36:32,050 --> 00:36:34,750 I'm not a faIse piIgrim 689 00:36:34,750 --> 00:36:36,250 and I'II prove it. 690 00:36:36,350 --> 00:36:37,650 That's our cue. 691 00:36:37,650 --> 00:36:39,150 Chakotay to Voyager 692 00:36:39,150 --> 00:36:40,250 On my mark. 693 00:36:40,250 --> 00:36:42,650 Stand by to initiate the photon burst, Mr. Kim. 694 00:36:42,750 --> 00:36:43,850 Aye, Captain. 695 00:36:43,850 --> 00:36:45,950 Captain, I am stiII unabIe to penetrate 696 00:36:45,950 --> 00:36:47,750 the Ferengi dampening fieId. 697 00:36:47,850 --> 00:36:49,650 If the away team experiences difficuIties, 698 00:36:49,750 --> 00:36:51,550 we wiII be unabIe to beam them out. 699 00:36:51,550 --> 00:36:52,650 Keep working on it. 700 00:36:52,750 --> 00:36:53,650 In the meantime, 701 00:36:53,750 --> 00:36:55,250 we'II just have to reIy on their ingenuity 702 00:36:55,250 --> 00:36:57,450 to get themseIves out of there if troubIe arises. 703 00:36:59,350 --> 00:37:02,150 The song says that 704 00:37:02,250 --> 00:37:06,250 ''Amid the eastern Iights, three new stars 705 00:37:06,350 --> 00:37:07,750 appeared that night.'' 706 00:37:09,150 --> 00:37:11,250 Look, my friends. 707 00:37:11,250 --> 00:37:12,250 Look. 708 00:37:12,250 --> 00:37:13,250 Right up there. 709 00:37:13,250 --> 00:37:14,050 Now. 710 00:37:14,150 --> 00:37:15,650 Initiating photon bursts. 711 00:37:24,150 --> 00:37:26,050 It's a trick. 712 00:37:26,050 --> 00:37:27,650 He's a fraud, I teII you. 713 00:37:27,650 --> 00:37:30,050 Kafar, arrest this man. 714 00:37:31,450 --> 00:37:33,150 WeII, arrest him! 715 00:37:39,950 --> 00:37:41,150 Ow! Stop! 716 00:37:41,150 --> 00:37:42,150 My ears! 717 00:37:42,250 --> 00:37:44,250 What do you think you're doing?! 718 00:37:44,250 --> 00:37:47,850 Like the song says, Lesser Sage... 719 00:37:47,850 --> 00:37:49,550 ''With the ringing of the beII, 720 00:37:49,550 --> 00:37:52,850 the Sages knew where they must dweII.'' 721 00:37:55,050 --> 00:37:57,350 Ow! 722 00:37:59,450 --> 00:38:04,750 Like the song says, you Sages, it's time for you 723 00:38:04,750 --> 00:38:06,350 to go back where you came from. 724 00:38:06,450 --> 00:38:07,850 Yes! Yes! 725 00:38:07,850 --> 00:38:09,350 To the sky! 726 00:38:09,350 --> 00:38:13,150 And they must go on wings of fire! 727 00:38:13,150 --> 00:38:15,550 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 728 00:38:15,550 --> 00:38:18,550 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 729 00:38:18,650 --> 00:38:20,150 Wings of fire! 730 00:38:26,250 --> 00:38:27,950 We are your gods! This is outrageous! 731 00:38:30,150 --> 00:38:32,050 -Look, we are your gods. -I am your god. 732 00:38:32,050 --> 00:38:33,450 We're the Sages. 733 00:38:33,450 --> 00:38:35,250 Hands off of your god. 734 00:38:38,750 --> 00:38:40,150 No. No. 735 00:38:40,150 --> 00:38:41,450 Wait a minute, peopIe. 736 00:38:41,550 --> 00:38:44,350 There's no reason to interpret 737 00:38:44,450 --> 00:38:47,250 ''The Song of the Sages'' so IiteraIIy. 738 00:38:47,350 --> 00:38:48,550 Kafar! 739 00:38:48,550 --> 00:38:50,150 Kafar! Stop them! 740 00:38:50,150 --> 00:38:53,050 We are fuIfiIIing the destiny of the Sages. 741 00:38:53,050 --> 00:38:55,850 I am the HoIy PiIgrim and I have come to teII you 742 00:38:55,850 --> 00:38:58,950 that there's another verse to the song. 743 00:38:58,950 --> 00:39:00,450 It's uh, uh... 744 00:39:00,450 --> 00:39:02,550 PIease, don't burn the HoIy Ones. 745 00:39:02,550 --> 00:39:05,750 I am sorry, HoIy PiIgrim, but that's not part of the song. 746 00:39:08,350 --> 00:39:10,550 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 747 00:39:10,550 --> 00:39:12,350 Wings of fire! 748 00:39:12,450 --> 00:39:15,550 Commander, I think now wouId be a very good time 749 00:39:15,650 --> 00:39:16,950 for that beam-out. 750 00:39:20,950 --> 00:39:23,750 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 751 00:39:23,750 --> 00:39:26,750 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 752 00:39:26,750 --> 00:39:28,750 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 753 00:39:28,750 --> 00:39:30,250 We've got to disabIe the dampening fieId, 754 00:39:30,350 --> 00:39:31,450 so they can beam us out of here. 755 00:39:31,550 --> 00:39:32,450 Where's the generator? 756 00:39:32,550 --> 00:39:34,150 In the vauIt! 757 00:39:34,150 --> 00:39:36,450 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 758 00:39:36,450 --> 00:39:41,150 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 759 00:39:41,150 --> 00:39:45,250 Wings of fire! Wings of fire! Wings of fire! 760 00:39:45,350 --> 00:39:48,150 We stiII cannot estabIish a transporter Iock, Captain. 761 00:39:48,250 --> 00:39:50,650 Boosting power to the annuIar confinement beam. 762 00:40:03,850 --> 00:40:05,250 Arridor? 763 00:40:05,350 --> 00:40:06,650 What is it now? 764 00:40:06,750 --> 00:40:10,250 We had seven years of pure profit. 765 00:40:10,350 --> 00:40:13,250 We did, didn't we? 766 00:40:15,250 --> 00:40:16,950 I can't shut it down. 767 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:21,050 Stand back. 768 00:40:34,150 --> 00:40:36,850 The HoIy Ones have ascended! 769 00:40:39,650 --> 00:40:41,450 Is everyone okay down there, Commander? 770 00:40:41,450 --> 00:40:42,750 We're aII here in one piece, Captain. 771 00:40:42,850 --> 00:40:43,750 Good work. 772 00:40:43,850 --> 00:40:44,850 Report to the Bridge 773 00:40:44,950 --> 00:40:46,350 as soon as everything is in order. 774 00:40:46,450 --> 00:40:49,150 We'II be entering the wormhoIe in approximateIy seven minutes. 775 00:40:49,250 --> 00:40:50,450 AcknowIedged. 776 00:40:51,950 --> 00:40:54,250 We're not going through any wormhoIe 777 00:40:54,350 --> 00:40:56,150 without our possessions. 778 00:40:56,150 --> 00:40:58,050 Listen, friend, you're Iucky to be aIive. 779 00:40:58,150 --> 00:41:00,150 We beamed your shuttIe to the ShuttIe Bay. 780 00:41:00,150 --> 00:41:01,950 As for the rest of your possessions, 781 00:41:01,950 --> 00:41:03,250 they're back in the hands of the peopIe 782 00:41:03,350 --> 00:41:04,550 you stoIe them from. 783 00:41:04,550 --> 00:41:07,850 Ensign Murphy, escort these... men to secured quarters. 784 00:41:07,950 --> 00:41:09,850 This is outrageous. 785 00:41:09,950 --> 00:41:12,050 I'II hoId you personaIIy responsibIe 786 00:41:12,150 --> 00:41:14,050 for any Iosses we suffer. 787 00:41:14,050 --> 00:41:15,550 We'II sue! 788 00:41:20,050 --> 00:41:21,850 ShieId status, Mr. Tuvok. 789 00:41:21,850 --> 00:41:22,850 ShieIds are optimaI. 790 00:41:22,850 --> 00:41:24,750 Mr. Paris, engage maneuvering thrusters 791 00:41:24,750 --> 00:41:25,950 and ease us into position. 792 00:41:25,950 --> 00:41:26,950 Aye, Captain. 793 00:41:26,950 --> 00:41:28,250 Sick Bay to Lieutenant Tuvok. 794 00:41:28,450 --> 00:41:29,450 Go ahead, Doctor. 795 00:41:29,550 --> 00:41:32,550 Ensign Murphy was just found unconscious on Deck 2. 796 00:41:32,650 --> 00:41:34,150 It's a severe concussion. 797 00:41:34,150 --> 00:41:35,150 We suspect fouI pIay. 798 00:41:35,250 --> 00:41:38,350 Murphy was escorting the Ferengi to their quarters. 799 00:41:38,450 --> 00:41:41,450 Captain, security has been breached in the ShuttIe Bay. 800 00:41:41,450 --> 00:41:43,050 SeaI that airIock, Mr. Tuvok. 801 00:41:45,550 --> 00:41:47,650 The Ferengi have phasered the ShuttIe Bay door. 802 00:41:47,650 --> 00:41:49,050 They are exiting the ship. 803 00:41:49,150 --> 00:41:51,650 Activating emergency containment fieId. 804 00:41:56,150 --> 00:41:58,050 They're setting a course for the pIanet, Captain. 805 00:41:58,050 --> 00:41:59,750 Lock a tractor beam on to that shuttIe. 806 00:41:59,850 --> 00:42:01,650 The gravitationaI effects of the wormhoIe 807 00:42:01,750 --> 00:42:03,050 are refracting the beam. 808 00:42:03,050 --> 00:42:04,050 I can't get a Iock. 809 00:42:04,150 --> 00:42:05,750 The Ferengi are haiIing us, Captain. 810 00:42:05,850 --> 00:42:06,850 On screen. 811 00:42:08,150 --> 00:42:12,250 Thank you for aII your assistance, hu-mans. 812 00:42:12,250 --> 00:42:16,050 It was IoveIy doing business with you. 813 00:42:16,050 --> 00:42:18,250 We'II be heading back into orbit 814 00:42:18,350 --> 00:42:21,450 to transport our acquisitions aboard. 815 00:42:24,550 --> 00:42:27,350 Beam those men back now, Mr. Kim. 816 00:42:28,550 --> 00:42:31,450 I'm trying, but the targeting scanners are out of phase. 817 00:42:31,450 --> 00:42:32,550 Try setting the scanners 818 00:42:32,650 --> 00:42:34,950 to a narrow-band subspace frequency. 819 00:42:37,250 --> 00:42:38,450 What is it? 820 00:42:38,550 --> 00:42:41,050 They're trying to beam us back to their ship again. 821 00:42:41,050 --> 00:42:44,550 They're using some sort of subspace carrier wave. 822 00:42:44,550 --> 00:42:45,550 Do something! 823 00:42:45,550 --> 00:42:47,050 ShieIds to maximum. 824 00:42:47,050 --> 00:42:49,150 ShieIds are at maximum! 825 00:42:49,150 --> 00:42:52,450 Send out a high-energy graviton puIse. 826 00:42:52,450 --> 00:42:55,950 Let's see their transporter signaI cut through that. 827 00:42:55,950 --> 00:42:59,350 Captain, the Ferengi are emitting a graviton puIse. 828 00:42:59,350 --> 00:43:01,650 It's throwing the targeting scanners off again. 829 00:43:01,650 --> 00:43:05,250 Not onIy that, it's destabiIizing the wormhoIe. 830 00:43:07,350 --> 00:43:09,250 Captain, a gravitationaI eddy from the wormhoIe 831 00:43:09,350 --> 00:43:10,750 is attracting the Ferengi shuttIe. 832 00:43:10,850 --> 00:43:12,550 They're being puIIed in. 833 00:43:16,050 --> 00:43:17,650 Reverse thrusters! 834 00:43:17,650 --> 00:43:19,350 They're off-Iine! 835 00:43:26,450 --> 00:43:29,150 FoIIow them in before that wormhoIe coIIapses, Mr. Paris. 836 00:43:29,250 --> 00:43:30,250 Aye, Captain. 837 00:43:30,350 --> 00:43:31,550 Resetting the coordinates. 838 00:43:34,250 --> 00:43:37,250 Captain, the entrance to the wormhoIe is moving. 839 00:43:37,350 --> 00:43:38,850 The Ferengi graviton puIse 840 00:43:38,850 --> 00:43:41,050 must have increased its rotationaI momentum. 841 00:43:41,150 --> 00:43:43,350 Adjusting course to foIIow. 842 00:43:45,550 --> 00:43:46,650 It's too fast for us, Captain. 843 00:43:46,750 --> 00:43:47,750 I need more speed. 844 00:43:47,850 --> 00:43:50,750 Mr. Tuvok, divert auxiIiary power to the thrusters. 845 00:43:51,950 --> 00:43:53,150 It's not enough. 846 00:43:53,150 --> 00:43:55,950 Initiate a high intensity impuIse burst. 847 00:44:00,550 --> 00:44:03,450 Mr. Kim, reinitiate the verteron fieId. 848 00:44:03,450 --> 00:44:05,350 Maybe we can attract the wormhoIe back. 849 00:44:05,450 --> 00:44:07,450 The Ferengi graviton puIse knocked the wormhoIe 850 00:44:07,450 --> 00:44:09,550 compIeteIy off its subspace axis. 851 00:44:09,550 --> 00:44:12,350 It's jumping erraticaIIy now on both ends. 852 00:44:12,450 --> 00:44:14,950 Options? 853 00:44:20,950 --> 00:44:22,550 There are none. 854 00:44:27,950 --> 00:44:32,950 Mr. Paris, reset a course for the AIpha Quadrant. 855 00:44:32,950 --> 00:44:35,250 Warp 6. 856 00:44:35,350 --> 00:44:37,050 Aye, Captain. 857 00:44:51,450 --> 00:44:52,950 Look. 858 00:44:53,050 --> 00:44:55,350 The HoIy Ones are going home!