1 00:00:05,880 --> 00:00:07,837 - Anything? - Not really. 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:10,879 The polyferranide deposits are contaminated. 3 00:00:11,040 --> 00:00:14,158 There's something here I think you should see. 4 00:00:14,320 --> 00:00:17,119 Pack it up. We'll find better quality down the line. 5 00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:21,353 Our nacelles will burn themselves up if we don't find it soon. 6 00:00:21,520 --> 00:00:26,310 - What have you got, Lieutenant? - There have been other recent visitors. 7 00:00:26,480 --> 00:00:29,996 What do you think this is? A message? 8 00:00:41,600 --> 00:00:46,720 - I don't want you to go wandering off. - I'm not. I'm just looking at something. 9 00:00:47,720 --> 00:00:49,438 Antonio. 10 00:01:00,600 --> 00:01:03,194 He says you're quite a scout. 11 00:01:03,360 --> 00:01:06,193 I was just looking at a lizard when I saw it. 12 00:01:06,360 --> 00:01:10,877 It was your eyes that saw it. No one else's. That's the important thing. 13 00:01:11,040 --> 00:01:15,113 Come. I want you to understand this. 14 00:01:18,160 --> 00:01:22,233 It's a blessing to the land, an ancient healing symbol. 15 00:01:22,400 --> 00:01:26,792 A CHAH-mooz-ee. They probably cut this down for firewood. 16 00:01:26,960 --> 00:01:28,917 The Rubber Tree People? 17 00:01:29,080 --> 00:01:33,233 The closest thing to the ancient Rubber Tree People we'll ever see. 18 00:01:33,400 --> 00:01:37,473 The people in this tribe are their descendants, just like we are. 19 00:01:38,440 --> 00:01:42,991 But they never left this jungle and rarely intermarry with other tribes. 20 00:01:43,160 --> 00:01:47,518 And they still use firewood instead of magnesite fuel. 21 00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:51,355 Chakotay, they have chosen to live like this for centuries. 22 00:01:51,520 --> 00:01:54,990 That's why we are on foot and not using a transporter. 23 00:01:55,160 --> 00:01:59,757 We honour the Sky Spirits who led our ancestors to the sacred land. 24 00:01:59,920 --> 00:02:02,389 - Sacred land? - Yes. 25 00:02:02,560 --> 00:02:07,077 Huh. The Sky Spirits must have taken a wrong turn. 26 00:02:19,320 --> 00:02:23,439 Maybe it's a blessing to the land, for damaging it with a campfire. 27 00:02:24,520 --> 00:02:27,034 What is your basis for that conclusion? 28 00:02:29,240 --> 00:02:32,153 Just something somebody told me once. 29 00:04:21,320 --> 00:04:23,630 Describe the nature of your pain. 30 00:04:23,800 --> 00:04:25,757 In the lower back. It's tight. 31 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:28,639 Choose the word describing your pain. 32 00:04:28,800 --> 00:04:32,395 Burning, throbbing, stinging, shooting... 33 00:04:32,560 --> 00:04:35,234 Shooting. It even goes down my legs. 34 00:04:36,880 --> 00:04:39,235 - Is the baby all right? - Certainly. 35 00:04:39,400 --> 00:04:43,030 - Nothing to worry about. - That makes me feel better. 36 00:04:43,200 --> 00:04:48,070 The baby is putting pressure on your sciatic nerve. Return to your post. 37 00:04:49,120 --> 00:04:54,149 The pain makes it difficult to sit for any period of time. It's uncomfortable. 38 00:04:54,320 --> 00:04:57,551 Elevating your legs should provide relief. 39 00:04:57,720 --> 00:05:00,030 Perhaps a day of rest, off duty. 40 00:05:03,120 --> 00:05:06,431 Ensign Wildman, this is your first pregnancy, correct? 41 00:05:07,320 --> 00:05:11,598 Pregnancy causes discomforts and you have to learn to live with them. 42 00:05:11,760 --> 00:05:15,071 That's how it is. Schedule her for follow-up in two days. 43 00:05:15,240 --> 00:05:20,030 If the pain has not subsided, we'll decrease the sensitivity of the nerve. 44 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:22,157 Thank you, Doctor. 45 00:05:25,800 --> 00:05:28,474 Call me day or night if this gets any worse. 46 00:05:32,480 --> 00:05:34,994 Don't you have any compassion for her? 47 00:05:35,160 --> 00:05:39,279 Every member of this crew is an adult. I will not coddle them. 48 00:05:39,440 --> 00:05:43,479 Compassion can be your department. You have enough for both of us. 49 00:05:44,520 --> 00:05:46,636 You've never been sick or in pain. 50 00:05:46,800 --> 00:05:51,271 I wish once in your life you could know how it makes you feel vulnerable. 51 00:05:51,440 --> 00:05:53,397 Then you'd understand. 52 00:05:57,960 --> 00:06:02,033 I don't have a life. I have a program. 53 00:06:07,920 --> 00:06:09,877 I hated every minute of it. 54 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:14,955 My father dragged me from our colony near the Cardassian border on a quest. 55 00:06:15,120 --> 00:06:17,077 Away from my friends, my home, 56 00:06:17,240 --> 00:06:20,437 to the middle of a Central American jungle, 57 00:06:20,600 --> 00:06:23,114 looking for the Rubber People's descendants. 58 00:06:23,280 --> 00:06:26,033 - It must have been important to him. - It was. 59 00:06:26,200 --> 00:06:29,477 He was disappointed I didn't share his enthusiasm. 60 00:06:29,640 --> 00:06:33,315 He'd been tracking down the origins of our tribe for years. 61 00:06:35,560 --> 00:06:38,279 The one on the right is the one I found today. 62 00:06:38,440 --> 00:06:43,799 And now something you saw on that trip years ago shows up again 63 00:06:43,960 --> 00:06:47,510 on a moon's surface almost 70,000 light years away. 64 00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:55,671 I don't suppose you have any theories that might explain this? 65 00:06:55,840 --> 00:06:59,037 I can give you an official Rubber Tree People theory. 66 00:07:00,680 --> 00:07:02,637 Sky Spirits. 67 00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:05,394 - Sky Spirits? - It's an ancient myth. 68 00:07:05,560 --> 00:07:09,952 Sky Spirits created the first Rubber People in their own image 69 00:07:10,120 --> 00:07:13,511 and led them to a sacred land to live for eternity. 70 00:07:13,680 --> 00:07:16,877 You don't put a lot of faith in this explanation. 71 00:07:18,280 --> 00:07:20,794 How much faith do you put in Adam and Eve? 72 00:07:20,960 --> 00:07:25,318 Science proved all humans developed from an evolutionary process. 73 00:07:25,480 --> 00:07:27,471 That's what I was always taught. 74 00:07:27,640 --> 00:07:31,554 But my teachers never spent much time in the Delta Quadrant. 75 00:07:33,040 --> 00:07:37,796 B'Elanna tells me we picked up a warp signature. Think we should follow it? 76 00:07:37,960 --> 00:07:42,716 Is it fair for me to put my own curiosity ahead of the ship's priorities? 77 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:46,350 We still need polyferranide to seal the warp coils. 78 00:07:46,520 --> 00:07:49,990 If they have warp technology, they might help us. 79 00:07:53,440 --> 00:07:57,673 Besides, we are in the business of exploring, aren't we? 80 00:07:59,200 --> 00:08:02,397 My father would put on his hat and shout, "Let's go!" 81 00:08:03,360 --> 00:08:05,317 That's good enough for me. 82 00:08:16,320 --> 00:08:18,277 No lifesigns. 83 00:08:18,440 --> 00:08:22,752 - You're sure the signature ended here? - Positive, Captain. 84 00:08:22,920 --> 00:08:27,596 Harry, check your sensors. That look like a power source to you? 85 00:08:27,760 --> 00:08:30,912 That is a high EM reading for a natural occurrence. 86 00:08:31,080 --> 00:08:33,594 It could be cloaking technology. 87 00:08:33,760 --> 00:08:38,277 Mr Kim, transmit a message identifying who we are, where we're from 88 00:08:38,440 --> 00:08:40,397 and that our intentions are peaceful. 89 00:08:40,560 --> 00:08:43,234 Torres to bridge. We're in luck, Captain. 90 00:08:43,400 --> 00:08:47,712 My readings show polyferranide ten kilometres below the surface. 91 00:08:47,880 --> 00:08:52,590 We'll send an away team. Report to transporter room 3. 92 00:08:52,760 --> 00:08:55,878 If we meet resistance, abort the mission. 93 00:08:56,040 --> 00:08:59,431 I have no intention of disturbing an alien race. 94 00:08:59,600 --> 00:09:02,956 But if we can make contact, our goal is to get permission 95 00:09:03,120 --> 00:09:05,111 to excavate as soon as possible. 96 00:09:05,280 --> 00:09:07,237 Tuvok, you're with me. 97 00:09:07,400 --> 00:09:11,189 Mr Neelix, report to transporter room 3 for an away mission. 98 00:09:11,360 --> 00:09:13,351 I'll meet you there, Commander. 99 00:09:16,760 --> 00:09:18,717 We may be out of luck. 100 00:09:18,880 --> 00:09:21,190 - Problem? - We can't transport down. 101 00:09:21,360 --> 00:09:25,672 Every time we try to lock onto a transport site, a storm begins. 102 00:09:25,840 --> 00:09:30,277 We've tried seven sites. As soon as we lock on, an electrical storm forms. 103 00:09:30,440 --> 00:09:33,432 When we change sites, a new storm forms. 104 00:09:34,280 --> 00:09:37,955 Might the transporter beam cause an electrostatic charge? 105 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:43,069 That's as good a guess as any. I can't explain it. We just can't transport. 106 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:45,197 Fine. We'll take a shuttle. 107 00:09:53,600 --> 00:09:57,878 A storm has formed as a result of our interaction with the atmosphere. 108 00:09:58,040 --> 00:10:01,999 The meteorological conditions changed when we began entry. 109 00:10:02,760 --> 00:10:04,717 Shields are holding. 110 00:10:07,120 --> 00:10:11,990 It takes more than a thunderstorm to bother a mighty Starfleet ship, huh? 111 00:10:12,880 --> 00:10:15,235 Nothing we can't handle. Relax. 112 00:10:27,480 --> 00:10:29,994 That's why they call it a rain forest. 113 00:10:32,520 --> 00:10:36,718 Why do your Sky Spirits choose a place where it rains all the time? 114 00:10:37,760 --> 00:10:40,400 And it's hot and there are so many bugs. 115 00:10:42,440 --> 00:10:47,150 It's said the Sky Spirits honoured the land above all else. 116 00:10:47,320 --> 00:10:52,599 Maybe it's because this land yields so many different kinds of life. 117 00:10:52,760 --> 00:10:56,515 Maybe they wanted us to become friends with everything in nature, 118 00:10:56,680 --> 00:10:58,591 including the bugs. 119 00:10:58,760 --> 00:11:02,799 Sorry, Sky Spirits, I will never make friends with bugs. 120 00:11:03,920 --> 00:11:05,877 Maybe that's why they bite you. 121 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:11,317 You're miserable. 122 00:11:12,720 --> 00:11:14,870 It was a mistake to bring you. Sorry. 123 00:11:16,160 --> 00:11:19,357 I'm sorry I can't be what you want me to be. 124 00:11:21,240 --> 00:11:24,835 From the day you came out of your mother, upside down, 125 00:11:25,880 --> 00:11:29,032 I knew the Spirits had chosen you to be a Contrary. 126 00:11:29,200 --> 00:11:33,273 No one chooses for me. I choose my own way. 127 00:11:33,440 --> 00:11:37,149 If that makes me a Contrary, I'll have to live with it. 128 00:11:38,080 --> 00:11:41,630 If you have no spirits to guide you, you will lose your way. 129 00:11:46,960 --> 00:11:49,110 Altitude, 5,000 metres. 130 00:11:49,960 --> 00:11:54,716 Decreasing speed to 720kph. Entering terminal approach phase. 131 00:11:54,880 --> 00:11:58,111 Visibility zero. Switch to enhanced terrain scanning. 132 00:11:58,760 --> 00:12:02,310 Touchdown site scanned. Continuing descent. 133 00:12:19,320 --> 00:12:22,915 Activate Emergency Medical Holographic program. 134 00:12:24,480 --> 00:12:26,676 State the nature of the emergency. 135 00:12:26,840 --> 00:12:29,912 I thought we changed your program to not say that. 136 00:12:30,080 --> 00:12:35,359 We did. But I became so uncomfortable trying to find new ways to break the ice, 137 00:12:35,520 --> 00:12:39,957 as it were, that I restored it. Let's just say it works for me. 138 00:12:40,120 --> 00:12:44,114 - Doctor. - You noticed. 139 00:12:44,280 --> 00:12:50,834 - Are holograms supposed to sneeze? - No, but I've accepted your challenge. 140 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:54,470 I programmed myself with the symptoms of Levodian flu. 141 00:12:54,640 --> 00:12:59,669 Thus I will gain experience beneficial to the performance of my duties. 142 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:05,236 Holographic tissue paper for a holographic runny nose. 143 00:13:05,400 --> 00:13:07,357 Don't offer them to patients. 144 00:13:09,240 --> 00:13:13,234 Interesting sensation, blowing one's nose. My first time. 145 00:13:14,240 --> 00:13:16,356 I think this is very brave of you. 146 00:13:16,520 --> 00:13:20,115 Nothing of the sort. I intend it to be educational. 147 00:13:20,280 --> 00:13:23,750 - I'm sure you'll learn a lot. - I meant for the crew. 148 00:13:23,920 --> 00:13:28,517 I'm tired of the whiny, cranky attitudes we see around here. 149 00:13:28,680 --> 00:13:33,675 I will serve as an example of how duties do not have to be disrupted by illness. 150 00:13:33,840 --> 00:13:35,797 Doc, I don't feel so good. 151 00:13:35,960 --> 00:13:38,952 Neither do I and you don't hear me complaining. 152 00:13:46,760 --> 00:13:51,391 We are making no progress locating the source of the power reading. 153 00:13:51,560 --> 00:13:55,315 Then we'll search for these people with our eyes and ears. 154 00:13:55,480 --> 00:13:57,949 Is something bothering you, Commander? 155 00:13:58,120 --> 00:14:02,034 No. It just reminds me of another jungle that I visited once. 156 00:14:02,200 --> 00:14:04,919 The Central American rain forest on Earth. 157 00:14:05,080 --> 00:14:08,038 It's the only other place I've seen this flower. 158 00:14:08,200 --> 00:14:13,798 It is a rare variety of Cypripedium, of the Asiatic genus Paphiopedilum. 159 00:14:13,960 --> 00:14:18,352 I never knew you had such horticultural expertise, Mr Vulcan. 160 00:14:18,520 --> 00:14:23,390 In fact, I am, or more accurately, I was, a breeder of prize Vulcan orchids. 161 00:14:24,840 --> 00:14:29,118 Then we have something in common. I breed orchids, too! 162 00:14:29,280 --> 00:14:31,556 Don't they make an exquisite salad? 163 00:14:31,720 --> 00:14:34,917 A touch of Baldoxic vinegar, pure heaven. 164 00:14:35,080 --> 00:14:38,311 I designate you two the team's botanical surveyors. 165 00:14:38,480 --> 00:14:41,871 Collect a sample of that flower. B'Elanna? 166 00:14:42,040 --> 00:14:45,874 It's what we're looking for. Almost pure polyferranide. 167 00:14:46,040 --> 00:14:48,395 But there's a crust-reactivity problem. 168 00:14:48,560 --> 00:14:52,235 If we can't solve it, we might contaminate the entire yield. 169 00:14:52,400 --> 00:14:55,791 Have Kim run an analysis from the ship. We should... 170 00:14:57,720 --> 00:14:59,711 - I'll be damned. - What? 171 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:03,794 It almost looks like a hawk, doesn't it? 172 00:15:06,480 --> 00:15:10,030 Listen to him, Chakotay. What does he say to you? 173 00:15:13,360 --> 00:15:15,590 He says, "You are home". Huh? 174 00:15:17,840 --> 00:15:19,877 I'm leaving the tribe, Father. 175 00:15:20,560 --> 00:15:22,312 What? 176 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:26,792 I got to know Starfleet officers patrolling the Cardassian border. 177 00:15:26,960 --> 00:15:30,396 I asked Captain Sulu to sponsor me at Starfleet Academy. 178 00:15:30,560 --> 00:15:33,757 And he would do that without discussing it with me? 179 00:15:33,920 --> 00:15:40,075 I told him I had your approval. I kept him as far away from you as I could. 180 00:15:40,240 --> 00:15:43,437 I take it you've been accepted by the Academy? 181 00:15:47,680 --> 00:15:53,198 You've never fully embraced the traditions of our tribe. I know that. 182 00:15:53,360 --> 00:15:58,753 You were curious about other societies and I allowed you to read about them. 183 00:15:58,920 --> 00:16:01,912 I believe ignorance is our greatest enemy. 184 00:16:02,080 --> 00:16:04,037 But to leave the tribe... 185 00:16:04,200 --> 00:16:07,556 Our tribe lives in the past. A past of fantasy and myth. 186 00:16:07,720 --> 00:16:11,998 That past is a part of you, no matter how hard you try to reject it. 187 00:16:12,160 --> 00:16:16,472 Other tribes have learned to accept the 24th century. Why can't ours? 188 00:16:19,160 --> 00:16:23,393 It is not the place of a 15-year-old boy to question his tribe. 189 00:16:23,560 --> 00:16:28,316 - I know. That's why I have to leave. - You will never belong to that other life. 190 00:16:28,480 --> 00:16:31,313 If you leave, you will never belong to this one. 191 00:16:31,480 --> 00:16:35,872 - You'll be caught between worlds. - I ask for your blessing, Father. 192 00:16:51,880 --> 00:16:54,110 Botanical surveyor number 1 to Chakotay. 193 00:16:54,280 --> 00:16:57,272 - Go ahead. - You won't believe what I found. 194 00:16:57,440 --> 00:16:58,760 I think it's... 195 00:17:03,640 --> 00:17:06,359 - Neelix, what the... - The bird! The bird! 196 00:17:18,320 --> 00:17:20,072 My eye. 197 00:17:20,240 --> 00:17:23,756 Away team to Voyager. Emergency beam out. 198 00:17:23,920 --> 00:17:26,719 - Get Neelix to sickbay. - Acknowledged. 199 00:17:32,840 --> 00:17:34,797 Commander. 200 00:18:12,480 --> 00:18:16,474 You're lucky this bird didn't snatch your eye out of the socket. 201 00:18:16,640 --> 00:18:20,793 - We have no Talaxian eyeballs. - Is something the matter with him? 202 00:18:21,640 --> 00:18:24,598 He gave himself flu to see what it's like. 203 00:18:24,760 --> 00:18:28,833 - Is he contagious? - It's a simulation, not an actual virus. 204 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:32,356 There's no need for concern. You may sit up. 205 00:18:33,960 --> 00:18:36,110 - Touchy. - He isn't feeling well. 206 00:18:36,280 --> 00:18:39,796 I don't require any compassion. Thank you very much. 207 00:18:39,960 --> 00:18:44,591 I have been experiencing these symptoms for nearly 20 hours 208 00:18:44,760 --> 00:18:47,718 and I am in complete command of my faculties. 209 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:52,117 You may both leave now. 210 00:19:08,200 --> 00:19:11,079 If we bombard the crust with radiation, 211 00:19:11,240 --> 00:19:14,232 we can decontaminate it before excavation. 212 00:19:14,400 --> 00:19:18,394 - Then we need permission. - Any progress? 213 00:19:19,120 --> 00:19:23,671 Everything suggests the people left recently and in a hurry. 214 00:19:23,840 --> 00:19:26,878 - Did we frighten them? - We can't discount it. 215 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:32,271 You'd think with warp technology, they'd have encountered other life. 216 00:19:32,440 --> 00:19:35,080 You'd think they wouldn't live like this. 217 00:19:35,240 --> 00:19:40,189 Have you had any readings to explain the images of a face I've been seeing? 218 00:19:40,360 --> 00:19:42,590 - Images? - Very odd. 219 00:19:42,760 --> 00:19:46,833 Like the flash of a memory, but it's someone I've never met. 220 00:19:47,000 --> 00:19:49,469 Nothing has shown up on the sensors. 221 00:19:49,640 --> 00:19:52,632 Tuvok hasn't detected telepathic activity. 222 00:19:52,800 --> 00:19:55,360 If you want to call it a day, Commander... 223 00:19:55,520 --> 00:20:01,311 We'll press on. If there are problems, I'll let you know. Chakotay out. 224 00:20:01,480 --> 00:20:05,997 Construction is with an alloy polymer matrix we've never encountered. 225 00:20:08,440 --> 00:20:11,990 They're out there. Our tricorders may not tell us so, 226 00:20:12,160 --> 00:20:14,117 but they're out there. 227 00:20:20,360 --> 00:20:22,510 - Lay down your weapons. - Commander? 228 00:20:23,320 --> 00:20:26,039 Disarm. They'll see we don't pose a threat. 229 00:20:27,480 --> 00:20:30,359 May I remind you Starfleet protocol demands 230 00:20:30,520 --> 00:20:33,911 that away teams remain armed until contact is made. 231 00:20:34,080 --> 00:20:36,196 I know about Starfleet protocol. 232 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:40,672 We don't know their intentions. It is not a logical course. 233 00:20:40,840 --> 00:20:43,639 The logical course isn't always the right course. 234 00:20:43,800 --> 00:20:46,679 Lay down your weapons. Those are my orders. 235 00:20:46,840 --> 00:20:50,913 Can I advise the Captain to move the ship into a tactical position? 236 00:20:51,080 --> 00:20:53,913 Negative. We'll show no force of any kind. 237 00:20:55,480 --> 00:20:58,836 For the record, I must take exception to these orders. 238 00:20:59,000 --> 00:21:00,513 Noted. 239 00:21:07,720 --> 00:21:11,714 They have reason to be scared. Who can blame them? 240 00:21:11,880 --> 00:21:14,633 Their history, our history, 241 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:18,031 is filled with conquerors who brought slavery and death. 242 00:21:18,200 --> 00:21:20,237 We should leave them alone. 243 00:21:49,360 --> 00:21:50,919 Father. 244 00:22:53,920 --> 00:22:55,035 CHAH-mooz-ee. 245 00:24:22,800 --> 00:24:27,670 I have no explanation, Commander. There is no storm activity indicated. 246 00:24:27,840 --> 00:24:30,354 All right. Let's get back to the shuttle. 247 00:24:44,920 --> 00:24:47,070 Hey, wait! 248 00:24:54,320 --> 00:24:57,073 - We will never make it. - Where is Chakotay? 249 00:24:57,240 --> 00:25:00,278 Away team to Voyager. Emergency beam out. 250 00:25:18,760 --> 00:25:21,479 He was right behind us. I don't understand. 251 00:25:21,640 --> 00:25:26,191 - Was he wearing the com badge? - He was using it to speak with you. 252 00:25:26,360 --> 00:25:29,273 What are the surface conditions near the shuttle? 253 00:25:29,440 --> 00:25:32,558 They are back to normal. Winds two knots. 254 00:25:32,720 --> 00:25:35,394 But I can't find any sign of their shuttle. 255 00:25:35,560 --> 00:25:38,439 - It's not where they landed. - Is it airborne? 256 00:25:38,600 --> 00:25:40,910 - No. - I'll lead the away team back. 257 00:25:41,080 --> 00:25:45,597 - Mr Tuvok, Lieutenant, you're with me. - 'Captain, this is the Doctor. 258 00:25:45,760 --> 00:25:49,071 Turn to your Emergency Medical Holographic channel. 259 00:25:50,920 --> 00:25:54,470 - What is it, Doctor? - Something terrible has happened. 260 00:25:54,640 --> 00:25:56,597 My program... 261 00:25:56,760 --> 00:26:00,674 Doctor, you're carrying this experiment a little too far. 262 00:26:01,480 --> 00:26:03,437 One hour too far to be precise. 263 00:26:03,600 --> 00:26:06,797 I specifically programmed a 29-hour Levodian flu 264 00:26:06,960 --> 00:26:08,917 and it has now been 30 hours. 265 00:26:09,960 --> 00:26:13,919 - We have more pressing matters. - You can't leave me like this. 266 00:26:14,080 --> 00:26:18,199 Get me somebody who can tweak the computer and make me feel better. 267 00:26:20,480 --> 00:26:23,757 Very well. Mr Kim is on his way. 268 00:26:24,600 --> 00:26:27,114 - Try to relax. - I'll see to that, Captain. 269 00:26:27,280 --> 00:26:30,955 I need you with me, Kes. Bring a medkit to transporter room 3. 270 00:26:31,120 --> 00:26:35,557 Commander Chakotay may be injured. Janeway out. 271 00:26:38,920 --> 00:26:40,877 I don't understand it. 272 00:26:41,720 --> 00:26:47,272 I ran a computer diagnostic and it said that my program was fine. 273 00:26:48,200 --> 00:26:50,396 Just rest, Doctor. 274 00:26:50,560 --> 00:26:53,916 Here's a cool holographic towel for your forehead. 275 00:26:54,080 --> 00:26:56,037 Thank you. Thank you so much. 276 00:26:56,840 --> 00:26:58,797 Please, don't go yet. 277 00:26:58,960 --> 00:27:01,759 - I have to... - I feel like I'm fading. 278 00:27:01,920 --> 00:27:06,278 Just fading away. You don't know what that means to a hologram. 279 00:27:06,440 --> 00:27:08,909 What seems to be the problem? 280 00:27:09,080 --> 00:27:13,711 My simulated virus is leading me to a simulated death. 281 00:27:13,880 --> 00:27:18,033 It's nothing to worry about. I added a few hours to his program. 282 00:27:18,200 --> 00:27:20,510 He'll be fine in about 45 minutes. 283 00:27:22,200 --> 00:27:26,194 Knowing when it would end didn't exactly make it a fair test. 284 00:27:35,440 --> 00:27:38,558 She is far more devious than I ever suspected. 285 00:28:26,080 --> 00:28:30,358 No shuttle. Well, at least they got out OK. 286 00:28:49,840 --> 00:28:51,990 You have nothing to fear from me. 287 00:28:53,240 --> 00:28:55,675 Talk to me. Let me see you. 288 00:29:51,720 --> 00:29:54,599 No... thank you. 289 00:30:31,520 --> 00:30:33,511 You have nothing to fear from me. 290 00:30:35,400 --> 00:30:39,394 Talk to me. Let me see you. 291 00:30:59,840 --> 00:31:03,117 I don't understand it. It's the same thing. 292 00:31:03,280 --> 00:31:05,999 A storm develops wherever we try to lock on. 293 00:31:06,160 --> 00:31:09,152 Why can we beam people up, but not down? 294 00:31:10,440 --> 00:31:12,750 We have seen enough to discern a pattern. 295 00:31:12,920 --> 00:31:16,800 Someone is controlling the elements of nature to ward us off. 296 00:31:16,960 --> 00:31:19,600 The transporter anomaly is evidence. 297 00:31:19,760 --> 00:31:22,718 We are allowed to leave, but not to approach. 298 00:31:22,880 --> 00:31:25,713 If that's true, I'd respect their wishes. 299 00:31:25,880 --> 00:31:29,953 But I have a missing crewman to get back first. Janeway to Paris. 300 00:31:30,120 --> 00:31:33,078 - Yes, Captain. - We're going to land Voyager. 301 00:31:33,240 --> 00:31:35,197 Take us into the atmosphere. 302 00:31:35,360 --> 00:31:38,113 Acknowledged. Beginning entry sequence. 303 00:31:49,080 --> 00:31:53,153 - Electrical storms forming around us. - Adjusting flight path. 304 00:31:53,320 --> 00:31:58,520 Barometric pressure is falling. We're looking at monsoon conditions. 305 00:32:37,960 --> 00:32:41,510 The shuttle crew didn't report turbulence this severe. 306 00:32:41,680 --> 00:32:45,639 I'm doing the best I can. I'm showing gale force winds out there. 307 00:32:45,800 --> 00:32:50,829 The aliens may intensify their response now that they know our capabilities. 308 00:32:52,120 --> 00:32:56,034 - Red Alert. - Inertial dampers are off-line. 309 00:32:56,200 --> 00:32:58,999 We are in a vortex. I can't maintain altitude. 310 00:32:59,160 --> 00:33:01,117 Captain, it's a cyclone. 311 00:33:14,240 --> 00:33:18,359 Altitude 20,000 metres and falling. I can't get us out of this. 312 00:33:18,520 --> 00:33:20,750 Bridge to Torres. We need more power. 313 00:33:20,920 --> 00:33:23,719 They're running 20% over maximum. 314 00:33:23,880 --> 00:33:26,315 - It's not enough. - Could we go to low warp? 315 00:33:26,480 --> 00:33:31,839 The ship may make it without inertial dampers, but we'd be stains on the wall. 316 00:33:32,000 --> 00:33:35,197 I can augment the engines from the auxiliary reactors, 317 00:33:35,360 --> 00:33:37,317 but it will take 20 minutes. 318 00:33:37,480 --> 00:33:42,031 - How much time do we have? - Altitude at 18,000 metres and falling. 319 00:33:42,200 --> 00:33:44,714 At this rate, about ten minutes. 320 00:34:09,720 --> 00:34:11,916 If you can hear me, speak to me. 321 00:34:28,800 --> 00:34:33,317 I'm sorry. I don't know the ancient language of my people. 322 00:34:34,520 --> 00:34:35,999 I can't understand. 323 00:34:48,920 --> 00:34:50,479 CHAH-mooz-ee. 324 00:34:52,520 --> 00:34:54,591 CHAH-mooz-ee. 325 00:35:12,120 --> 00:35:13,235 CHAH-mooz-ee. 326 00:35:23,360 --> 00:35:25,670 Altitude 6,000 metres. 327 00:35:25,840 --> 00:35:30,232 Warning. Approach vector too steep. Discontinue landing sequence. 328 00:35:30,400 --> 00:35:33,836 - Would somebody turn that off? - Engineering, report. 329 00:35:34,000 --> 00:35:36,230 We need that extra power, B'Elanna. 330 00:35:37,280 --> 00:35:40,591 Ten minutes. I just need ten minutes. 331 00:35:50,040 --> 00:35:54,955 - Do you understand my words now? - Yes. 332 00:35:55,120 --> 00:35:59,239 - Explain the face marking. - I wear it to honour my father. 333 00:35:59,400 --> 00:36:01,596 He wore it to honour his ancestors. 334 00:36:01,760 --> 00:36:05,958 - Ancestors. You are human? - Yes. 335 00:36:06,120 --> 00:36:08,555 Do others on your world have this mark? 336 00:36:08,720 --> 00:36:11,280 Yes. Not many, but some. 337 00:36:11,440 --> 00:36:14,034 We were taught they had been annihilated. 338 00:36:14,200 --> 00:36:17,033 We were taught your world had been ravaged 339 00:36:17,200 --> 00:36:20,033 by those with no respect for life or land. 340 00:36:20,200 --> 00:36:24,159 There was a time when that was true, but no longer. 341 00:36:25,200 --> 00:36:28,033 He claims to be a descendent of the Inheritors. 342 00:36:29,360 --> 00:36:31,317 Inheritors? 343 00:36:34,880 --> 00:36:37,998 The ones our ancestors chose to honour. 344 00:36:38,160 --> 00:36:42,119 I'm surprised you have no memory of the Inheritors. 345 00:36:42,280 --> 00:36:44,430 One of our gifts was the memory. 346 00:36:45,680 --> 00:36:48,194 A descendent should remember. 347 00:36:50,520 --> 00:36:52,796 I'm not sure I understand. 348 00:36:53,640 --> 00:36:55,870 Perhaps it has been lost over time. 349 00:36:59,240 --> 00:37:03,552 45,000 years ago, on our first visit to your world, 350 00:37:03,720 --> 00:37:06,712 we met a small group of nomadic hunters. 351 00:37:06,880 --> 00:37:09,998 They had no spoken language, no culture, 352 00:37:10,160 --> 00:37:12,879 except the use of fire and stone weapons. 353 00:37:13,040 --> 00:37:15,953 But they did have a respect for the land 354 00:37:16,120 --> 00:37:20,512 and for other living creatures, that impressed us deeply. 355 00:37:20,680 --> 00:37:24,435 We decided to give them an inheritance, a genetic bonding, 356 00:37:24,600 --> 00:37:28,195 so they might thrive and protect your world. 357 00:37:28,360 --> 00:37:32,274 On subsequent visits, we found our genetic gift brought about 358 00:37:32,440 --> 00:37:34,670 a spirit of curiosity and adventure. 359 00:37:34,840 --> 00:37:39,596 It impelled them to migrate away from the cold climate to a new land. 360 00:37:39,760 --> 00:37:43,469 It took them almost 1,000 generations to cross your planet. 361 00:37:43,640 --> 00:37:46,712 Hundreds of thousands flourished in the new land. 362 00:37:46,880 --> 00:37:50,396 They had a profound influence on others of your species. 363 00:37:50,560 --> 00:37:54,918 But then new people came with weapons and disease. 364 00:37:57,320 --> 00:38:02,349 The Inheritors who survived scattered. Many sought refuge in other societies. 365 00:38:02,520 --> 00:38:07,196 12 generations ago, when we returned, we found no sign of their existence. 366 00:38:08,080 --> 00:38:11,152 My people called you the Sky Spirits. 367 00:38:14,800 --> 00:38:16,837 Why have you been hiding from us? 368 00:38:17,000 --> 00:38:19,674 When we heard your message, who you were, 369 00:38:19,840 --> 00:38:23,834 observed you probing our land, we believed you were a threat. 370 00:38:24,000 --> 00:38:27,755 We thought you'd annihilate us, as you had the Inheritors. 371 00:38:27,920 --> 00:38:30,719 We communicated peaceful intentions. 372 00:38:30,880 --> 00:38:35,397 We were taught that is the way human conquerors introduce themselves. 373 00:38:36,280 --> 00:38:38,237 As I said, 374 00:38:38,400 --> 00:38:42,473 we've tried to change our ways since the last time you stopped by. 375 00:38:45,560 --> 00:38:48,029 - Altitude 2,000 metres. - Stand by, bridge. 376 00:38:48,200 --> 00:38:50,510 We're initiating the transfer now. 377 00:38:51,240 --> 00:38:53,197 8% boost in the engines. 378 00:38:53,360 --> 00:38:56,557 - That's all? - Fusion reactors are nearly drained. 379 00:38:56,720 --> 00:38:58,950 The storm is taking every reserve. 380 00:38:59,120 --> 00:39:02,476 - Altitude 1,000 metres. - Impact in 20 seconds. 381 00:39:02,640 --> 00:39:04,756 B'Elanna... 382 00:39:05,760 --> 00:39:08,274 Impact in 15 seconds. 383 00:39:08,440 --> 00:39:11,319 I'm sorry, Captain. That's all we've got. 384 00:39:13,240 --> 00:39:15,754 Impact in ten seconds. 385 00:39:21,840 --> 00:39:23,990 - Report. - We're free. 386 00:39:24,160 --> 00:39:26,117 Gaining altitude. 387 00:39:26,760 --> 00:39:31,118 2,000 metres, 2,500. Dampers back on-line. 388 00:39:32,280 --> 00:39:36,990 Storms have completely dissipated. There's not a cloud in the sky. 389 00:39:41,360 --> 00:39:44,716 Stand down Red Alert. Anybody have an explanation? 390 00:39:45,760 --> 00:39:49,037 The inhabitants have decided to make contact. 391 00:39:49,200 --> 00:39:53,717 The cloaking device is turned off and we are showing an alien population. 392 00:39:54,680 --> 00:39:58,992 It may be possible to locate Commander Chakotay without landing. 393 00:40:00,520 --> 00:40:04,798 Establish a search pattern, Mr Paris. Scan for human lifesigns. 394 00:40:04,960 --> 00:40:08,715 As soon as you find Chakotay, we'll send an away team. 395 00:40:12,760 --> 00:40:14,751 My ship will come for me soon. 396 00:40:15,480 --> 00:40:19,758 I'm sorry we cannot permit you to extract all the materials you need. 397 00:40:20,480 --> 00:40:22,869 You were generous to offer so much. 398 00:40:24,560 --> 00:40:26,551 You have a long journey ahead. 399 00:40:26,720 --> 00:40:30,873 It took us more than two generations to reach your world. 400 00:40:36,920 --> 00:40:40,834 - I wish I could see my father's face. - Does he still live? 401 00:40:42,920 --> 00:40:44,479 No. 402 00:40:46,120 --> 00:40:49,397 He died fighting enemies attacking our colony. 403 00:40:49,560 --> 00:40:53,030 Our tribe moved there a few hundred years ago. 404 00:40:53,200 --> 00:40:56,716 So he honoured the land just as his ancestors did. 405 00:40:58,600 --> 00:41:00,557 Yes. 406 00:41:00,720 --> 00:41:02,358 Yes, he did. 407 00:41:05,760 --> 00:41:08,070 We weren't on good terms when he died. 408 00:41:09,360 --> 00:41:13,194 Once he was gone, I didn't know how to reconcile our differences, 409 00:41:13,360 --> 00:41:15,317 how to heal our old wounds. 410 00:41:15,480 --> 00:41:19,439 I returned to my colony and continued the fight in his name. 411 00:41:19,640 --> 00:41:23,315 I took the mark he wore to honour his ancestors. 412 00:41:23,480 --> 00:41:25,710 I spoke to him in my vision quests... 413 00:41:27,240 --> 00:41:29,197 but he never answered. 414 00:41:30,320 --> 00:41:32,470 Until now. 415 00:41:50,680 --> 00:41:52,512 CHAH-mooz-ee. 416 00:41:57,320 --> 00:41:59,038 Commander? 417 00:42:03,560 --> 00:42:05,710 Put those away. 418 00:42:26,280 --> 00:42:30,638 Listen to him. Do you hear what he says to you? 419 00:42:30,800 --> 00:42:34,873 Yes, Father. I hear him. 420 00:42:36,840 --> 00:42:38,990 I finally hear him. 421 00:42:55,880 --> 00:42:58,030 Four to beam up, Voyager.