1 00:00:01,374 --> 00:00:04,509 ( theme music playing ) 2 00:00:33,800 --> 00:00:35,935 Good afternoon. Carry on. 3 00:00:35,936 --> 00:00:37,836 Sit down, sit down. 4 00:00:37,837 --> 00:00:40,771 Now then, everybody, I have exciting news, 5 00:00:40,772 --> 00:00:42,908 Exciting news indeed. 6 00:00:42,909 --> 00:00:45,743 Gasforth has been selected to host the next 7 00:00:45,744 --> 00:00:48,377 Subdistrict regional police conference. 8 00:00:51,314 --> 00:00:53,716 Yes, I thought you'd be excited. 9 00:00:53,717 --> 00:00:55,617 When I read the letter this morning, 10 00:00:55,618 --> 00:00:58,119 I nearly had to have another cup of tea. 11 00:00:58,120 --> 00:01:00,956 We are to have an opportunity to put our views 12 00:01:00,957 --> 00:01:05,125 To a deputy assistant undersecretary of state to the cabinet, 13 00:01:05,126 --> 00:01:09,495 A man who has the ear of a man who has the ear of the man 14 00:01:09,496 --> 00:01:12,531 Who has a foot in the home office. 15 00:01:12,532 --> 00:01:15,133 You've lost me completely now, sir. 16 00:01:15,134 --> 00:01:19,003 We are just two ears and a foot from the home secretary. 17 00:01:19,004 --> 00:01:21,005 We must not waste this chance 18 00:01:21,006 --> 00:01:22,973 To place the issues that really count 19 00:01:22,974 --> 00:01:24,608 Right at the heart of government. 20 00:01:24,609 --> 00:01:26,142 You're absolutely right, sir. 21 00:01:26,143 --> 00:01:28,510 Let's ask the old git for a pay raise. 22 00:01:28,511 --> 00:01:30,845 There are some of us, constable Habib, who believe 23 00:01:30,846 --> 00:01:33,348 There is more to policing than the weekly stipend. 24 00:01:33,349 --> 00:01:36,451 Like being able to drive through red lights when you feel like it. 25 00:01:36,452 --> 00:01:38,719 I beg your pardon? 26 00:01:38,720 --> 00:01:41,354 And really cool riot gear like they have on robocop. 27 00:01:42,823 --> 00:01:44,156 And tear gas. 28 00:01:44,157 --> 00:01:46,292 I had to go with that once, it was brilliant. 29 00:01:46,293 --> 00:01:48,927 Except you have to check which way the wind is blowing 30 00:01:48,928 --> 00:01:51,797 'cause I forgot and it didn't half sting, went right in my eye. 31 00:01:51,798 --> 00:01:53,665 Goody. 32 00:01:53,666 --> 00:01:57,302 Tell 'em we want those long truncheons they have on "N.Y.P.D. Blue." 33 00:01:57,303 --> 00:01:59,203 Don't be absurd, constable. 34 00:01:59,204 --> 00:02:01,872 Those telegraph poles that american officers carry 35 00:02:01,873 --> 00:02:04,074 Are just so much macho posturing. 36 00:02:04,075 --> 00:02:06,875 The traditional truncheon is perfectly adequate. 37 00:02:06,876 --> 00:02:09,544 Personally I've always felt more than satisfied 38 00:02:09,545 --> 00:02:12,346 With 14 inches hanging down inside my trouser leg. 39 00:02:15,985 --> 00:02:19,019 - Have I said something amusing, constable Habib? - No, sir. 40 00:02:19,020 --> 00:02:22,655 Then you will oblige me by wiping that silly grin off your face. 41 00:02:22,656 --> 00:02:26,225 Anyway, the subject of the conference is rather specific. 42 00:02:26,226 --> 00:02:28,760 We have been asked to prepare an initiative 43 00:02:28,761 --> 00:02:31,562 On an aspect of juvenile crime. 44 00:02:31,563 --> 00:02:33,163 So what do you think it should be? 45 00:02:33,164 --> 00:02:36,133 Truancy? Taking without consent? 46 00:02:36,134 --> 00:02:40,203 - The scourge of graffiti? - I don't see graffiti as a scourge, sir. 47 00:02:40,204 --> 00:02:42,404 I see it as a new urban art form. 48 00:02:44,541 --> 00:02:46,808 Have you run mad, constable Habib? 49 00:02:46,809 --> 00:02:49,444 No, I'm serious, sir. Isn't it just a vibrant 50 00:02:49,445 --> 00:02:51,546 And contemporary form of youth expression? 51 00:02:51,547 --> 00:02:54,682 No, it's a bunch of nasty little yobs scribbling on walls. 52 00:02:56,018 --> 00:02:59,119 I blame these awful fridge magnets. 53 00:03:03,624 --> 00:03:05,858 Yes, and for those of us who are conducting 54 00:03:05,859 --> 00:03:07,760 This briefing on earth... 55 00:03:07,761 --> 00:03:10,261 I've seen it at my niece's house. 56 00:03:10,262 --> 00:03:13,464 Every time her toddler does a nasty little scribble 57 00:03:13,465 --> 00:03:15,431 It gets stuck up on the fridge. 58 00:03:15,432 --> 00:03:19,670 - Yes... - And everyone has to say how nice it is. 59 00:03:19,671 --> 00:03:21,904 So young people grow up thinking that 60 00:03:21,905 --> 00:03:25,607 Their stupid scribblings are somehow wonderful. 61 00:03:25,608 --> 00:03:28,143 So they carry on scribbling, forever searching 62 00:03:28,144 --> 00:03:32,612 For that warm glow of appreciation that they used to feel 63 00:03:32,613 --> 00:03:34,915 When standing round the fridge. 64 00:03:36,917 --> 00:03:39,652 Yes, and that completes this week's training session 65 00:03:39,653 --> 00:03:42,454 For the Gasforth police synchronized idiots team. 66 00:03:42,455 --> 00:03:45,423 Perhaps you can return to the subject of juvenile crime. 67 00:03:45,424 --> 00:03:47,859 I think the first step is to stop seeing 68 00:03:47,860 --> 00:03:50,227 These kids as nothing but criminal thugs, sir. 69 00:03:50,228 --> 00:03:52,462 And what other description might one find 70 00:03:52,463 --> 00:03:54,530 For those who vandalize property, 71 00:03:54,531 --> 00:03:56,399 Steal cars, and instruct me 72 00:03:56,400 --> 00:03:58,267 Whenever I venture out in my helmet 73 00:03:58,268 --> 00:04:01,369 To remove the cold tit from my head? 74 00:04:01,370 --> 00:04:03,839 These kids are bored. We've got to provide them 75 00:04:03,840 --> 00:04:05,774 With some meaning in their lives. 76 00:04:05,775 --> 00:04:09,143 Yes, constable Habib, in fact I was thinking along similar lines. 77 00:04:09,144 --> 00:04:12,512 What do you suggest we do to bring about this sense of moral renewal? 78 00:04:12,513 --> 00:04:15,816 Well, we need real jobs, decent housing, 79 00:04:15,817 --> 00:04:19,218 We need long-term investment in the urban social infrastructure. 80 00:04:19,219 --> 00:04:22,121 Hmm. Yes, I was thinking more along the lines 81 00:04:22,122 --> 00:04:24,355 Of a short camping trip. 82 00:04:25,424 --> 00:04:27,224 A camping trip? 83 00:04:27,225 --> 00:04:30,460 A bleeding camping trip? 84 00:04:30,461 --> 00:04:31,694 Blimey! 85 00:04:31,695 --> 00:04:33,897 Am I to take it that you do not approve 86 00:04:33,898 --> 00:04:35,732 Of my proposed initiative? 87 00:04:35,733 --> 00:04:37,532 Yes you may take it, Raymond, 88 00:04:37,533 --> 00:04:40,136 And you may shove it up your truncheon pouch. 89 00:04:40,137 --> 00:04:43,337 Society is collapsing round our ears, 90 00:04:43,338 --> 00:04:48,175 And baden-powell here calls for a chorus of ging gang goolies. 91 00:04:48,176 --> 00:04:51,778 - Ging gang gooly. - What? 92 00:04:51,779 --> 00:04:54,313 The goolies are singular. 93 00:04:54,314 --> 00:04:56,549 The song you refer to goes, 94 00:04:56,550 --> 00:04:59,051 "ging gang gooly gooly gooly gooly wotcher 95 00:04:59,052 --> 00:05:01,552 Ging gang goo ging gang goo"-- 96 00:05:01,553 --> 00:05:03,554 Fowler! 97 00:05:03,555 --> 00:05:07,190 We are discussing youth crime, which will not be solved 98 00:05:07,191 --> 00:05:11,693 By shoving a sausage on a stick and whistling "kumbaya." 99 00:05:11,694 --> 00:05:15,564 It's war out there, mate, war, and the bleeding kids are winning. 100 00:05:15,565 --> 00:05:18,801 It's not war, Derek, or anything of the sort. 101 00:05:18,802 --> 00:05:22,971 The vast majority of young people are law-abiding citizens. 102 00:05:22,972 --> 00:05:25,038 I admit we don't like them, 103 00:05:25,039 --> 00:05:28,608 But if it were illegal to be sex-mad, 104 00:05:28,609 --> 00:05:31,077 Tone-deaf, and impossible to understand, 105 00:05:31,078 --> 00:05:34,147 We should have to arrest the entire population of France. 106 00:05:36,150 --> 00:05:39,784 Our problem is the tiny minority of repeat offenders. 107 00:05:39,785 --> 00:05:43,154 Exactly, and what they need is a short, sharp shock, mate, 108 00:05:43,155 --> 00:05:45,389 Not having their coddles mollied. 109 00:05:45,390 --> 00:05:48,325 I have no intention of mollying anyone. 110 00:05:48,326 --> 00:05:50,894 What I'm proposing is tough, demanding, 111 00:05:50,895 --> 00:05:53,528 But ultimately rewarding physical endeavor. 112 00:05:53,529 --> 00:05:56,165 There is a course for probationary young offenders 113 00:05:56,166 --> 00:05:58,233 Run by brigadier Blaster Sump. 114 00:05:58,234 --> 00:06:00,902 Blaster Sump? That looney? 115 00:06:00,903 --> 00:06:04,538 - I admit he's eccentric. - Eccentric? The bloke tried to be the first man 116 00:06:04,539 --> 00:06:08,107 To reach the south pole in short trousers. 117 00:06:08,108 --> 00:06:12,544 Look, I'm not having you disgracing this station 118 00:06:12,545 --> 00:06:15,880 With a load of wishy-washy, diddums' 119 00:06:15,881 --> 00:06:19,983 Half cock, up your social worker, folderol, 120 00:06:19,984 --> 00:06:25,022 Blame it on society, psycho, sicko, socio, 121 00:06:25,023 --> 00:06:27,256 Claptrap crap. 122 00:06:29,526 --> 00:06:31,559 Well at least I'm doing something. 123 00:06:32,562 --> 00:06:34,529 What are you doing? Nothing. 124 00:06:34,530 --> 00:06:37,397 Where's your passion? Your commitment? 125 00:06:37,398 --> 00:06:39,700 You know what your trouble is, don't you? 126 00:06:39,701 --> 00:06:42,302 You have no bottom, man. 127 00:06:42,303 --> 00:06:46,739 Did you just call me a man with no bottom? 128 00:06:46,740 --> 00:06:48,908 Yes I did. Apart, of course, 129 00:06:48,909 --> 00:06:51,543 From the one you use to communicate with. 130 00:06:51,544 --> 00:06:53,411 Right. I'll show you who's got 131 00:06:53,412 --> 00:06:55,579 The bigger bottom round this station. 132 00:06:55,580 --> 00:06:58,749 C.I.D. are gonna make a presentation. 133 00:06:58,750 --> 00:07:02,353 I'll show the conference what you do with juvenile offenders. 134 00:07:02,354 --> 00:07:04,589 You nick 'em, you lock 'em up, 135 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:07,125 And you throw away the door. 136 00:07:07,126 --> 00:07:08,895 I mean the key. 137 00:07:08,896 --> 00:07:10,796 You throw away the key. 138 00:07:12,467 --> 00:07:15,202 All right, sir, let's see your driving license. 139 00:07:15,203 --> 00:07:17,337 Do you have any idea who my father is? 140 00:07:17,338 --> 00:07:19,674 I'm afraid I can't help you on that one, sir. 141 00:07:21,677 --> 00:07:23,344 Have you tried asking your mother? 142 00:07:26,783 --> 00:07:30,285 What do you reckon, sir? ¶ doo-doo-doo, acid! ¶ 143 00:07:31,689 --> 00:07:34,257 Very nice, very ravey. 144 00:07:34,258 --> 00:07:37,795 - You gotta make the effort, haven't you, sir? - Yes you have, Kray. 145 00:07:37,796 --> 00:07:40,131 'cause this is a very important operation. 146 00:07:40,132 --> 00:07:43,035 And it's my ass, and if you stuff it 147 00:07:43,036 --> 00:07:45,404 I'm going to end up very red in the face. 148 00:07:46,707 --> 00:07:49,208 Now, the kids in this squat 149 00:07:49,209 --> 00:07:51,746 Are the nastiest little gits in the neighborhood? 150 00:07:51,747 --> 00:07:56,083 - All repeat offenders, sir. - Right, all we have to do is catch 'em at it. 151 00:07:56,084 --> 00:08:00,022 Undercover operation, constables, very sensitive stuff. 152 00:08:00,023 --> 00:08:01,857 Now... 153 00:08:01,858 --> 00:08:04,027 I'm a van driver, as you can see. 154 00:08:05,929 --> 00:08:09,700 You two will have to play the part of brain-dead juvenile morons. 155 00:08:09,701 --> 00:08:14,372 I'd probably be better off using some of Fowler's lot. 156 00:08:16,709 --> 00:08:18,677 - Did you hear that, Kray? - Yeah. 157 00:08:18,678 --> 00:08:22,514 I said a good one. I said, "I'd probably be better off--" 158 00:08:22,515 --> 00:08:24,516 Yes, brilliant, sir. 159 00:08:24,517 --> 00:08:27,921 Try not to be too hilarious, I've only got one pair of these trousers. 160 00:08:27,922 --> 00:08:31,358 Well anyway... Down to business. 161 00:08:31,359 --> 00:08:34,796 I'll show the subdistrict regional police conference 162 00:08:34,797 --> 00:08:37,432 What sort of kids the modern copper has to face. 163 00:08:37,433 --> 00:08:39,869 Nothing but villains and hooligans the lot of 'em. 164 00:08:39,870 --> 00:08:42,873 Do you know what? There's only one way to deal with it. 165 00:08:42,874 --> 00:08:44,708 You put the maternity hospitals 166 00:08:44,709 --> 00:08:46,945 Inside the juvenile detention centers. 167 00:08:46,946 --> 00:08:48,846 What? 168 00:08:48,847 --> 00:08:51,616 Out of the mom and into the cell? 169 00:08:51,617 --> 00:08:55,688 - Yeah. - That's a very good idea, Kray. 170 00:08:55,689 --> 00:08:59,426 I may suggest that to the home secretary. 171 00:08:59,427 --> 00:09:01,461 Come on. 172 00:09:01,462 --> 00:09:04,798 I'm really looking forward to going on this camping trip, 173 00:09:04,799 --> 00:09:07,769 Really getting back to basics. 174 00:09:07,770 --> 00:09:10,171 I always think that food tastes so much better 175 00:09:10,172 --> 00:09:13,142 If you have to open the tins yourself. 176 00:09:13,143 --> 00:09:15,511 Oh yes, it'll be good getting right back 177 00:09:15,512 --> 00:09:17,413 To nature and living life in the raw. 178 00:09:17,414 --> 00:09:20,917 You're not thinking of taking your clothes off are you, Kevin? 179 00:09:20,918 --> 00:09:23,755 As if. My mother would do her raving nana. 180 00:09:23,756 --> 00:09:25,690 Oh good, good. 181 00:09:25,691 --> 00:09:29,928 Because I always thought that naturism is a very dangerous idea. 182 00:09:29,929 --> 00:09:32,631 I mean it would only take one short-sighted squirrel. 183 00:09:32,632 --> 00:09:36,736 Well squirrels is all we're likely to see on this camping trip. 184 00:09:36,737 --> 00:09:38,505 Do you know, I wish there were still 185 00:09:38,506 --> 00:09:40,407 Proper, dangerous wild animals. 186 00:09:40,408 --> 00:09:42,509 Then I could save constable Habib from one 187 00:09:42,510 --> 00:09:44,012 And she'd fall in love with me. 188 00:09:44,013 --> 00:09:46,314 Lots of women are scared of spiders. 189 00:09:46,315 --> 00:09:47,984 Maybe Maggie is. 190 00:09:47,985 --> 00:09:51,053 If I put one in her tent, maybe you could save her from it. 191 00:09:51,054 --> 00:09:52,922 Yes, yes, that's quite a good plan. 192 00:09:52,923 --> 00:09:54,624 But the only problem is... 193 00:09:54,625 --> 00:09:56,693 I wouldn't go within five million miles 194 00:09:56,694 --> 00:09:58,628 Of any tent that had a spider in it. 195 00:10:02,067 --> 00:10:05,170 More social reports on juvenile repeat offenders, sir, 196 00:10:05,171 --> 00:10:07,540 Mostly connected with drugs and alcohol. 197 00:10:07,541 --> 00:10:10,076 Oh, great curried dumplings. 198 00:10:10,077 --> 00:10:12,712 It really is very depressing, isn't it? 199 00:10:12,713 --> 00:10:14,848 I just want to show a few youngsters 200 00:10:14,849 --> 00:10:17,419 That innocent pastimes can be fun too. 201 00:10:17,420 --> 00:10:20,655 - Yes, sir. - I mean, I didn't need drink and drugs 202 00:10:20,656 --> 00:10:23,058 To have a good time when I was their age. 203 00:10:23,059 --> 00:10:25,260 I had meccano. 204 00:10:27,064 --> 00:10:30,733 Ecstasy? Huh! I'll tell you what ecstasy is- 205 00:10:30,734 --> 00:10:34,872 Completing a scale model of the fourth bridge, that's what ecstasy is. 206 00:10:36,209 --> 00:10:38,944 It makes me sad to see these children today 207 00:10:38,945 --> 00:10:42,215 With their drugs and sex and music. 208 00:10:42,216 --> 00:10:44,750 They'll never know the joy a young lad can have 209 00:10:44,751 --> 00:10:46,819 Sitting alone in his room... 210 00:10:49,991 --> 00:10:53,160 With his tool in his hand... 211 00:10:53,161 --> 00:10:55,330 Tightening his little nuts. 212 00:10:55,331 --> 00:10:57,131 ( giggles ) 213 00:10:57,132 --> 00:10:58,834 ( faking cough ) 214 00:10:58,835 --> 00:11:02,172 - Sounds like you've got a cough coming on, constable. - Yeah. 215 00:11:04,475 --> 00:11:06,609 - ( loud music playing ) - Grim: Listen to 'em. 216 00:11:06,610 --> 00:11:08,846 Ruddy morons. 217 00:11:08,847 --> 00:11:11,315 High on ecstasy, no doubt. 218 00:11:11,316 --> 00:11:14,353 - ( sobbing ) - Kray: Yeah, well if that girl's on ecstasy, 219 00:11:14,354 --> 00:11:17,122 She should ask for her money back. 220 00:11:17,123 --> 00:11:19,091 Bas... 221 00:11:22,163 --> 00:11:24,164 - I've done it, Bas. - Told you it'd be easy. 222 00:11:24,165 --> 00:11:27,234 It was the most terrible thing I've ever had to do in my life. 223 00:11:27,235 --> 00:11:29,837 Yeah, yeah, it's horrible. Did you get my fags? 224 00:11:32,608 --> 00:11:35,778 Right, you two, this is it, let's hear your inane giggles. 225 00:11:38,082 --> 00:11:41,218 Not bad, not bad, we'll make detectives of you yet. 226 00:11:41,219 --> 00:11:43,620 Go on, then. Go and do your stuff. 227 00:11:46,425 --> 00:11:48,295 What's happening, man? Nice one. 228 00:11:48,296 --> 00:11:51,032 Yeah, happening. Sounds like a banging good rave. 229 00:11:52,069 --> 00:11:54,004 Got any E? I want to score. 230 00:11:54,005 --> 00:11:56,075 Bug off, copper. 231 00:12:02,520 --> 00:12:04,889 Some kids kicked over our bins, Pat. 232 00:12:04,890 --> 00:12:06,827 I was clearing it up a bit and I found this. 233 00:12:06,828 --> 00:12:09,332 You shouldn't have picked it up, it could be a bomb. 234 00:12:09,333 --> 00:12:11,937 If it is, it's a stink bomb. 235 00:12:11,938 --> 00:12:14,140 ( baby crying ) 236 00:12:19,986 --> 00:12:22,722 The social services are coming to take it to hospital 237 00:12:22,723 --> 00:12:25,427 - In about half an hour. - No hurry. 238 00:12:25,428 --> 00:12:28,700 How could somebody just dump their baby like that? 239 00:12:28,701 --> 00:12:30,903 She's so beautiful. 240 00:12:30,904 --> 00:12:33,174 She's ugly, Pat. 241 00:12:33,175 --> 00:12:36,147 All newborn babies are. They're like prunes. 242 00:12:36,148 --> 00:12:38,751 They get nice, but they start ugly. 243 00:12:38,752 --> 00:12:42,358 How would you look after you'd spent nine months in somebody's stomach? 244 00:12:42,359 --> 00:12:44,961 That's true, that's true. I've seen things 245 00:12:44,962 --> 00:12:48,869 That haven't spent more than five minutes in my stomach. 246 00:12:48,870 --> 00:12:53,777 I wouldn't want to go wheeling them around tesco's in a pram. 247 00:12:54,914 --> 00:12:56,816 Habib, it's all hands to the pumps. 248 00:12:56,817 --> 00:12:59,588 There's been a disturbance at the britannia social club. 249 00:12:59,589 --> 00:13:02,627 Some kind of right-wing meeting has developed into an affray. 250 00:13:02,628 --> 00:13:05,499 If it's fascists, sir, am I the best person to go? 251 00:13:05,500 --> 00:13:08,804 - I might provoke things. - What do you mean? 252 00:13:08,805 --> 00:13:11,976 Well, sir, I'm Asian. 253 00:13:11,977 --> 00:13:15,684 I don't care if you've just beamed down from venus, constable. 254 00:13:15,685 --> 00:13:19,023 You are a police officer and we recognize only one color- 255 00:13:19,024 --> 00:13:21,260 That of the thin blue line. 256 00:13:21,261 --> 00:13:24,266 For god's sake, Raymond, don't be such a pompous git. 257 00:13:25,669 --> 00:13:27,738 As a matter of fact, I did not hear that. 258 00:13:27,739 --> 00:13:29,942 ( shouts ) I said don't be such a pompous git. 259 00:13:29,943 --> 00:13:31,579 ( baby crying ) 260 00:13:31,580 --> 00:13:33,449 Now look, you've upset the baby. 261 00:13:35,287 --> 00:13:37,990 - ( skinheads chanting ) - get off me, you fascist! 262 00:13:41,431 --> 00:13:44,369 Goody: Keep the noise down or I will lose my temper. 263 00:13:44,370 --> 00:13:46,740 - Ohhh! - We're not going to warn you again. 264 00:13:46,741 --> 00:13:49,412 - Into the cells. - Now, not next christmas. 265 00:13:49,413 --> 00:13:51,949 Paki cow. Get back to freakin' curryland. 266 00:13:51,950 --> 00:13:54,354 You ain't fit enough to lick english boots. 267 00:13:54,355 --> 00:13:56,959 - What did you say? - It's all right, Kevin. 268 00:13:56,960 --> 00:14:00,565 I said she's a black tart and she should go back to the jungle. 269 00:14:02,068 --> 00:14:05,039 ( crying ) I'm telling my mom. 270 00:14:05,040 --> 00:14:07,610 Oh no... 271 00:14:07,611 --> 00:14:09,881 You shouldn't have done that, Kevin. 272 00:14:09,882 --> 00:14:12,519 But thanks. 273 00:14:16,996 --> 00:14:19,899 Is she? Is she? 274 00:14:19,900 --> 00:14:22,136 Well I expect that'll just be wind. 275 00:14:22,137 --> 00:14:24,440 When I had her I found that just rubbing her back 276 00:14:24,441 --> 00:14:28,414 And the tinniest drop of calpol on her dummy and she'd go down. 277 00:14:28,415 --> 00:14:31,887 Well yes I know I only had her for three quarters of an hour, but- 278 00:14:31,888 --> 00:14:35,527 Well anyway, just make sure she's not sleeping on her tummy, and- 279 00:14:35,528 --> 00:14:38,465 Goodbye. 280 00:14:38,466 --> 00:14:40,536 - Do you want to know something? - No. 281 00:14:40,537 --> 00:14:43,008 10 years from now there won't be a woman on the force, 282 00:14:43,009 --> 00:14:45,045 And do you know why? Women's lib. 283 00:14:45,046 --> 00:14:47,416 Oh yeah? And how'd you work that out then? 284 00:14:47,417 --> 00:14:49,819 Women have babies, right? But you can't sack 'em, 285 00:14:49,820 --> 00:14:52,624 'cause if you do - bosh, 200 grand compensation. 286 00:14:52,625 --> 00:14:54,528 I don't see why a woman should lose her job 287 00:14:54,529 --> 00:14:56,999 For performing an essential function of existence. 288 00:14:57,000 --> 00:15:00,505 That's fine. Except your average villain objects to being interviewed 289 00:15:00,506 --> 00:15:02,442 By a copper with leaky nipples. 290 00:15:04,547 --> 00:15:07,885 Catch-22, isn't it? Can't do the job, can't be sacked. 291 00:15:07,886 --> 00:15:10,390 Answer - don't take 'em on in the first place. 292 00:15:10,391 --> 00:15:12,193 Not all women want babies, anyway. 293 00:15:12,194 --> 00:15:13,996 All women want babies. 294 00:15:13,997 --> 00:15:17,169 They say they don't, then bang, they turn 30 and suddenly it's 295 00:15:17,170 --> 00:15:21,210 "quick, put a bun in my oven before my gas runs out." 296 00:15:21,211 --> 00:15:23,481 You are such a neanderthal. 297 00:15:23,482 --> 00:15:25,950 - Eh? - Pat, you're in your 30s, 298 00:15:25,951 --> 00:15:29,957 - You aren't desperate for a child, are you? - No, not at all, not desperate. 299 00:15:29,958 --> 00:15:32,662 You have to remember the restrictions babies bring. 300 00:15:32,663 --> 00:15:35,935 The sleepless nights, the sick all over everything, 301 00:15:35,936 --> 00:15:38,740 The fat little cheeks you just want to gobble up. 302 00:15:38,741 --> 00:15:40,878 The laughs, the smiles. 303 00:15:42,214 --> 00:15:44,618 I can take it or leave it. 304 00:15:44,619 --> 00:15:48,224 Habib, you and Goody in my office, now. 305 00:15:50,195 --> 00:15:54,536 Constable Goody, I've received a very serious complaint. 306 00:15:54,537 --> 00:15:59,278 Did you punch a handcuffed 15-year-old boy last night 307 00:15:59,279 --> 00:16:01,382 While taking him to the cells? 308 00:16:01,383 --> 00:16:03,485 He was defending me, sir. 309 00:16:03,486 --> 00:16:06,089 He was defending you, constable Habib? 310 00:16:06,090 --> 00:16:07,759 Oh I see. 311 00:16:07,760 --> 00:16:09,596 And exactly what threat did this 312 00:16:09,597 --> 00:16:12,634 Securely handcuffed juvenile pose? 313 00:16:12,635 --> 00:16:15,039 What he threatening to wither you with a glance? 314 00:16:15,040 --> 00:16:18,612 He was using racist abuse, sir. 315 00:16:18,613 --> 00:16:21,117 The boy has swastikas tattooed on his arms. 316 00:16:21,118 --> 00:16:23,521 What did you expect him to do? 317 00:16:23,522 --> 00:16:26,025 Give you a chorus of "ebony and ivory"? 318 00:16:28,297 --> 00:16:31,402 You fool, Goody. You bloody fool. 319 00:16:31,403 --> 00:16:34,907 - Suppose the lad had sustained brain damage? - Huh! How would we tell? 320 00:16:34,908 --> 00:16:38,147 Don't you dare be facetious with me, young woman. 321 00:16:38,148 --> 00:16:43,155 - I'm sorry, sir. - I'm afraid we're a long way past sorry, constable. 322 00:16:43,156 --> 00:16:47,632 You have created an appallingly serious situation. 323 00:16:47,633 --> 00:16:50,669 - I'm going to have to charge you with assault. - Sir, you can't! 324 00:16:50,670 --> 00:16:53,508 - Did Goody hit the boy, constable Habib? - Yes, sir. 325 00:16:53,509 --> 00:16:56,413 Was Goody or anyone else in any physical danger at the time? 326 00:16:56,414 --> 00:16:58,450 - No, sir. - Under the circumstances then, 327 00:16:58,451 --> 00:17:00,453 What do you consider to be my duty? 328 00:17:00,454 --> 00:17:04,295 You - you could issue a severe reprimand, sir. 329 00:17:04,296 --> 00:17:07,031 I'm afraid I do not have that option, constable. 330 00:17:07,032 --> 00:17:09,671 The boy's mother is pressing charges. 331 00:17:11,642 --> 00:17:14,379 Constable Goody, you will continue with your duties, 332 00:17:14,380 --> 00:17:17,885 - Pending an investigation for unprovoked assault. - Yes, sir. 333 00:17:17,886 --> 00:17:19,588 That will be all. 334 00:17:20,890 --> 00:17:22,694 These boots are killing me. 335 00:17:22,695 --> 00:17:26,133 You should have stuffed them with damp newspaper, and leave overnight. 336 00:17:26,134 --> 00:17:28,538 Ah, good, good. Carry on, carry on. 337 00:17:28,539 --> 00:17:30,541 Marvelous. 338 00:17:31,611 --> 00:17:34,280 Well sergeant, we're off. 339 00:17:34,281 --> 00:17:37,620 It is a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done. 340 00:17:37,621 --> 00:17:42,062 We shall drive to the squat, collect a minibus full of miscreants, 341 00:17:42,063 --> 00:17:46,269 And escort them along the rocky path to the straight and narrow. 342 00:17:46,270 --> 00:17:48,633 Yes, Raymond, and perhaps next weekend 343 00:17:48,634 --> 00:17:50,765 You could take the Arabs and the Israelis 344 00:17:50,766 --> 00:17:52,928 To Chessington zoo for the day? 345 00:17:54,295 --> 00:17:56,991 Dear, oh dear. 346 00:17:56,992 --> 00:17:59,289 Dib-dib-dib. 347 00:17:59,290 --> 00:18:01,420 Dob-dob-dob. 348 00:18:01,421 --> 00:18:03,619 Lovely legs, Raymond. 349 00:18:03,620 --> 00:18:06,150 You watch out for those sheep, 350 00:18:06,151 --> 00:18:08,280 They'll nibble your toggle, mate. 351 00:18:08,281 --> 00:18:09,879 ( Grim laughing ) 352 00:18:09,880 --> 00:18:12,410 Are you sure I can't persuade you to come, Derek? 353 00:18:12,411 --> 00:18:15,574 I'm a policeman, not a bleeding girl guide, Raymond. 354 00:18:15,575 --> 00:18:18,238 Besides, I'm rather busy tonight. 355 00:18:18,239 --> 00:18:21,735 While you fanny about rewarding young offenders, 356 00:18:21,736 --> 00:18:24,232 I shall be nicking a few. 357 00:18:24,233 --> 00:18:26,829 Dear, oh dear, oh dear. 358 00:18:26,830 --> 00:18:28,094 ( laughs ) 359 00:18:29,094 --> 00:18:30,726 ( tires screech ) 360 00:18:30,727 --> 00:18:33,589 Grim: Go, go, go, go, go, go. 361 00:18:33,590 --> 00:18:35,887 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. 362 00:18:36,886 --> 00:18:38,751 ( doorbell rings ) 363 00:18:38,752 --> 00:18:41,948 Right, they've had long enough. Kray, give it some mallet. 364 00:18:41,949 --> 00:18:45,778 They're out now. Some of your lot have taken 'em camping. 365 00:18:47,843 --> 00:18:49,174 ( curses ) 366 00:18:49,175 --> 00:18:51,772 Fowler has nicked my villains. 367 00:18:51,773 --> 00:18:54,503 ( screaming ) 368 00:18:58,533 --> 00:19:01,628 My name's blaster sump, damn you. 369 00:19:01,629 --> 00:19:04,959 Now- 370 00:19:04,960 --> 00:19:07,256 You play a straight bat with me 371 00:19:07,257 --> 00:19:10,021 And you'll find we'll rub along pretty well together. 372 00:19:10,022 --> 00:19:12,584 Use a bent bat, however, a wobbly bat, 373 00:19:12,585 --> 00:19:15,448 A bat with a hole in it and bits sticking out of the end, 374 00:19:15,449 --> 00:19:19,643 And by thunder I'll crush your young testicles beneath the hard granite 375 00:19:19,644 --> 00:19:21,809 Of the mull of Ben Craggy. 376 00:19:21,810 --> 00:19:24,339 And those of the party not equipped with testicles? 377 00:19:24,340 --> 00:19:27,937 - The victims of tragic accidents, you mean? - No, I mean girls. 378 00:19:27,938 --> 00:19:31,532 Fortunately I've never been called upon to discipline a girl. 379 00:19:31,533 --> 00:19:33,830 No, quite the other way round as a matter of fact. 380 00:19:33,831 --> 00:19:37,027 - ( phone rings ) - oh, hell's tits! 381 00:19:37,028 --> 00:19:39,591 Yes? Brigadier Blaster Sump, damn you. 382 00:19:39,592 --> 00:19:41,589 What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy? 383 00:19:42,922 --> 00:19:44,952 Damn technology. 384 00:19:44,953 --> 00:19:48,782 A present from Mrs. Blaster Sump, God rot her vicious soul. 385 00:19:48,783 --> 00:19:52,046 "hey, guvnor," I said, "do you want to buy me something useful? 386 00:19:52,047 --> 00:19:54,177 Then get me a big stick with a nail in the end 387 00:19:54,178 --> 00:19:56,741 And somebody who deserves a damn good thrashing." 388 00:19:56,742 --> 00:19:59,305 Huh? Huh? Huh? 389 00:19:59,306 --> 00:20:01,569 Ah... Mmm. 390 00:20:01,570 --> 00:20:05,132 Now here's your gear, you'll find everything you could possibly need, 391 00:20:05,133 --> 00:20:07,331 From lavatory paper to sandpaper. 392 00:20:07,332 --> 00:20:09,295 Don't confuse the two. 393 00:20:09,296 --> 00:20:12,758 I did myself once. Not a wholly unpleasant experience, 394 00:20:12,759 --> 00:20:15,688 But then I went to charterhouse. 395 00:20:15,689 --> 00:20:17,954 Right, well I think that's everything. 396 00:20:17,955 --> 00:20:21,483 Let's get up that mountain like a ferret up a trouser leg, huh? 397 00:20:21,484 --> 00:20:24,048 Brigadier Blaster Sump- 398 00:20:24,049 --> 00:20:26,046 Yes, young lady? 399 00:20:26,047 --> 00:20:29,242 I'm a trained orienteer, as are two of my officers. 400 00:20:29,243 --> 00:20:31,473 We wish only to use your equipment. 401 00:20:31,474 --> 00:20:33,205 Damn you, you bitch! 402 00:20:33,206 --> 00:20:35,236 Are you telling me I'm off the team? 403 00:20:35,237 --> 00:20:37,267 Reluctantly, sir, yes. 404 00:20:37,268 --> 00:20:39,066 Oh well, probably just as well. 405 00:20:39,067 --> 00:20:41,430 I like to sleep naked when I'm out of doors. 406 00:20:41,431 --> 00:20:45,093 We don't want you young ladies getting all flushed and dampened, do we? 407 00:20:45,094 --> 00:20:47,424 It's not that I cut quite such a dash as I used to 408 00:20:47,425 --> 00:20:50,422 Since that savage encounter with a short-sighted squirrel. 409 00:20:50,423 --> 00:20:54,818 All right then, off you go and last one to the summit's a euro-federalist. 410 00:20:54,819 --> 00:20:57,547 - Go on, go away with you. - ( shrieking ) 411 00:21:02,477 --> 00:21:06,806 Now, when I was a boy scout back in Trinidad, 412 00:21:06,807 --> 00:21:09,502 They taught us how to light a fire with a stick 413 00:21:09,503 --> 00:21:11,434 And a piece of string. 414 00:21:13,200 --> 00:21:17,162 I could never understand why because I found it a lot easier to use matches. 415 00:21:20,161 --> 00:21:23,023 Well, long walk tomorrow. 416 00:21:23,024 --> 00:21:24,888 Best turn in. 417 00:21:24,889 --> 00:21:26,919 Great heavenly chestnuts, 418 00:21:26,920 --> 00:21:29,649 My sleeping bag will be a welcome sight tonight. 419 00:21:33,780 --> 00:21:35,743 Unless of course I can interest anyone 420 00:21:35,744 --> 00:21:37,941 In a chorus or two of "ging gang gooly gooly." 421 00:21:39,474 --> 00:21:41,670 Sir, sir - Natalie's disappeared. 422 00:21:43,870 --> 00:21:46,068 - Gladstone: Natalie! - Habib: Natalie! 423 00:21:46,069 --> 00:21:48,066 - Natalie! - Natalie! 424 00:21:51,728 --> 00:21:54,292 Nothing at all, sir. She's vanished. 425 00:21:54,293 --> 00:21:57,622 What on earth could have moved the girl to abscond like that? 426 00:21:57,623 --> 00:22:00,386 On wrong step in the dark and she could fall to her death. 427 00:22:00,387 --> 00:22:02,884 Habib: Inspector Fowler - we found her. 428 00:22:02,885 --> 00:22:05,980 This is your fault, Bas. You made me do it. 429 00:22:05,981 --> 00:22:08,845 Do what? Tell me what this nonsense is all about, boy, 430 00:22:08,846 --> 00:22:11,242 Or by thunder you'll live to regret it. 431 00:22:11,243 --> 00:22:14,345 It's the baby. I told her to get rid of it. 432 00:22:14,346 --> 00:22:17,714 So the silly cow dumped it by some rubbish outside your nick. 433 00:22:17,715 --> 00:22:20,650 She reckons it got thrown away, she reckons she killed it. 434 00:22:20,651 --> 00:22:24,419 I say so what? Who cares? It probably weren't mine anyway. 435 00:22:24,420 --> 00:22:26,622 Why, you little- 436 00:22:29,992 --> 00:22:32,827 Habib: Natalie... 437 00:22:32,828 --> 00:22:35,428 - I found your baby. - You found her? 438 00:22:35,429 --> 00:22:37,596 Yes, she's all right, she's in hospital. 439 00:22:37,597 --> 00:22:40,900 - You didn't kill her. - I didn't mean it. 440 00:22:40,901 --> 00:22:43,035 I do love her. 441 00:22:43,036 --> 00:22:47,072 Well I think it's time we all got some rest. 442 00:22:47,073 --> 00:22:50,742 As you go to sleep, I want you to think hard about the lessons learned today. 443 00:22:50,743 --> 00:22:53,510 Think about... 444 00:22:53,511 --> 00:22:55,479 Turning over a new leaf. 445 00:22:57,547 --> 00:23:01,651 - Will you do that? - Kids: Yes, inspector Fowler. 446 00:23:01,652 --> 00:23:04,052 Good night. 447 00:23:15,696 --> 00:23:18,631 Oh, bugger! 448 00:23:21,701 --> 00:23:23,569 Habib that is enough. 449 00:23:23,570 --> 00:23:26,505 I cannot drop the charges against constable Goody. 450 00:23:26,506 --> 00:23:28,707 The boy's mother is here now. 451 00:23:28,708 --> 00:23:31,108 There is nothing I can do about it. 452 00:23:31,109 --> 00:23:33,543 I bet you could if you really wanted to. 453 00:23:33,544 --> 00:23:36,580 - Don't be insubordinate, constable. - But you don't want to 454 00:23:36,581 --> 00:23:39,082 Because you think he should be charged. And why? 455 00:23:39,083 --> 00:23:43,452 Because the precise letter of the law is more important to you than justice. 456 00:23:43,453 --> 00:23:44,987 You understand what Kevin did. 457 00:23:44,988 --> 00:23:47,021 You nearly slapped that thug on the mountain. 458 00:23:47,022 --> 00:23:49,990 And had I done so I would expect to face the consequences. 459 00:23:49,991 --> 00:23:52,426 We do not have a choice in this matter. 460 00:23:52,427 --> 00:23:56,496 The police cannot choose when and when not to enforce the law. 461 00:23:56,497 --> 00:24:00,833 If we do that, how can we expect the public ever to trust us? 462 00:24:00,834 --> 00:24:04,235 If I could see a way out of this, believe me I'd take it. 463 00:24:04,236 --> 00:24:06,305 But I can't. 464 00:24:11,643 --> 00:24:15,745 Ah, come in. Please sit down. 465 00:24:19,317 --> 00:24:22,518 Now then, Mrs. Bludger, 466 00:24:22,519 --> 00:24:25,621 You have brought charges of assault against one of my officers. 467 00:24:25,622 --> 00:24:28,757 Where's the thug that hit my defenseless boy? 468 00:24:28,758 --> 00:24:32,626 Little Geoffrey here could have been permanently brain damaged. 469 00:24:32,627 --> 00:24:34,227 Possibly... 470 00:24:34,228 --> 00:24:37,464 But I cannot imagine how we would tell. 471 00:24:37,465 --> 00:24:41,166 I want to know from the lad himself exactly what happened. 472 00:24:41,167 --> 00:24:43,902 I ain't talkin' to no copper without my lawyer. 473 00:24:43,903 --> 00:24:47,672 You bleeding well talk to him or I'll fetch your father from the pub. 474 00:24:49,107 --> 00:24:51,075 ( whimpering ) 475 00:24:53,878 --> 00:24:58,414 Mrs. Bludger, are you aware of the european law regarding the treatment of minors? 476 00:24:58,415 --> 00:25:02,250 - Eh? - Oh well, it doesn't matter. Ignorance is no defense. 477 00:25:02,251 --> 00:25:05,520 I'm arresting you for assaulting your child. 478 00:25:05,521 --> 00:25:09,257 - Do what? - On the other hand, of course, 479 00:25:09,258 --> 00:25:12,259 We could forget the whole thing. 480 00:25:13,728 --> 00:25:15,695 I hope you learned your lesson, laddie. 481 00:25:15,696 --> 00:25:17,530 Yes I have, sir, thank you for asking. 482 00:25:19,400 --> 00:25:23,597 Of all the juveniles in Gasforth and you had to pinch mine. 483 00:25:25,580 --> 00:25:28,333 We worked damn hard on that pull. 484 00:25:28,334 --> 00:25:30,886 - Didn't we, Kray? - What? 485 00:25:30,887 --> 00:25:34,345 Now I've got nothing to present to the deputy assistant undersecretary 486 00:25:34,346 --> 00:25:36,798 At the subdistrict regional conference. 487 00:25:36,799 --> 00:25:39,384 Well, Derek, I've been thinking. 488 00:25:39,385 --> 00:25:42,441 Oh, god save us! 489 00:25:42,442 --> 00:25:44,893 The conference is about youth. 490 00:25:44,894 --> 00:25:47,884 Who better to discuss it than youthful coppers? 491 00:25:47,885 --> 00:25:51,106 You have a story to tell, constable Goody. 492 00:25:51,107 --> 00:25:54,030 Perhaps conference should hear it? 493 00:25:54,031 --> 00:25:57,557 Yes, I think it should. 494 00:26:03,066 --> 00:26:05,081 What story would that be then? 495 00:26:13,682 --> 00:26:15,998 I couldn't believe the crush at the checkout. 496 00:26:15,999 --> 00:26:18,013 I was in the six-items-or-less queue. 497 00:26:18,014 --> 00:26:20,802 The woman in front of me had some special-offer toothpaste, 498 00:26:20,803 --> 00:26:23,353 A big tube with a little one cellotaped on for free. 499 00:26:23,354 --> 00:26:25,134 That's two items, isn't it? 500 00:26:25,135 --> 00:26:27,184 Which brought her up to seven. 501 00:26:27,185 --> 00:26:29,232 Seven items in the six items queue. 502 00:26:29,233 --> 00:26:31,248 I cannot stand that sort of thing. 503 00:26:31,249 --> 00:26:33,430 Well you're right not to. 504 00:26:33,431 --> 00:26:36,723 That type of antisocial behavior corrupts the entire system. 505 00:26:36,724 --> 00:26:39,511 - I hope you said something. - I very nearly said something. 506 00:26:39,512 --> 00:26:42,467 - You should have said something. - I was gonna say something. 507 00:26:42,468 --> 00:26:45,188 Then I saw these on a promotional stand by the till. 508 00:26:45,189 --> 00:26:47,439 I just couldn't resist them. What do you think? 509 00:26:47,440 --> 00:26:49,755 I don't think they'll fit you. 510 00:26:49,756 --> 00:26:51,838 I don't know why I got them really, 511 00:26:51,839 --> 00:26:54,393 Just they were on special and it seemed silly not to. 512 00:26:54,394 --> 00:26:56,743 I suppose now we've got the socks and everything, 513 00:26:56,744 --> 00:26:58,590 It'd be silly not to have a baby. 514 00:26:58,591 --> 00:27:01,177 Well I have to think about these things, 515 00:27:01,178 --> 00:27:04,570 - I'm not getting any younger. - Nobody gets any younger, Patricia, 516 00:27:04,571 --> 00:27:07,425 With the possible exception of Joan Collins. 517 00:27:07,426 --> 00:27:09,272 It's just a fact of life. 518 00:27:09,273 --> 00:27:11,288 It's all very well for you, 519 00:27:11,289 --> 00:27:13,572 You've been married, you've had a child. 520 00:27:13,573 --> 00:27:17,569 Yes, and he's the best argument I can think of for not having another. 521 00:27:17,570 --> 00:27:21,129 Besides which, we haven't got time to start a family. 522 00:27:21,130 --> 00:27:25,363 Ours is not an occupation one can walk away from at the end of the day. 523 00:27:25,364 --> 00:27:28,553 I'm a police officer. You're a police officer. 524 00:27:28,554 --> 00:27:32,046 - I am also a woman. - I know that, Patricia. 525 00:27:32,047 --> 00:27:33,827 But you must get a grip. 526 00:27:33,828 --> 00:27:35,976 There is no place in the queen's uniform 527 00:27:35,977 --> 00:27:38,092 For ill-disciplined hormones. 528 00:27:42,157 --> 00:27:44,171 You do realize, Patricia, 529 00:27:44,172 --> 00:27:46,626 That if you hit me with that halibut, 530 00:27:46,627 --> 00:27:49,548 You lay yourself open to charges of assault. 531 00:27:49,549 --> 00:27:52,401 Give me the fish, Patricia. 532 00:27:52,402 --> 00:27:54,350 Give me the fish. 533 00:28:00,903 --> 00:28:03,656 You may think yourself lucky that we're not having 534 00:28:03,657 --> 00:28:05,671 A leg of lamb for supper tonight, 535 00:28:05,672 --> 00:28:08,021 Or this whole incident could have been 536 00:28:08,022 --> 00:28:10,743 Much more serio- 537 00:28:10,744 --> 00:28:13,396 ( theme music playing )