1 00:01:00,101 --> 00:01:03,145 TAYLOR: Neighbors heard them screaming at each other, like, for two hours. 2 00:01:03,313 --> 00:01:05,481 Nothing new. Then they heard the gun go off. 3 00:01:05,648 --> 00:01:06,815 Both barrels. 4 00:01:08,151 --> 00:01:10,235 A crime of passion. 5 00:01:10,570 --> 00:01:12,071 Yeah. 6 00:01:12,238 --> 00:01:14,823 Just look at all the passion on that wall. 7 00:01:14,991 --> 00:01:17,910 TAYLOR: Yeah, well, this is a done deal. All but the paperwork. 8 00:01:22,207 --> 00:01:23,540 The kid see it? 9 00:01:23,708 --> 00:01:25,125 TAYLOR: What? 10 00:01:25,376 --> 00:01:26,960 The kid. 11 00:01:27,212 --> 00:01:28,837 What kind of fucking question is that? 12 00:01:29,005 --> 00:01:30,047 13 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:34,468 We are all gonna be real glad when we get rid of you, Somerset, you know that? 14 00:01:34,844 --> 00:01:37,679 There's always these questions with you. Did the kid see it? 15 00:01:37,847 --> 00:01:40,390 Who gives a fuck? He's dead. His wife killed him. 16 00:01:40,850 --> 00:01:43,352 Anything else has nothing to do with us. 17 00:01:43,520 --> 00:01:45,312 18 00:01:51,778 --> 00:01:53,862 Detective Somerset? 19 00:01:55,198 --> 00:01:56,990 I'm Detective Mills. 20 00:01:57,158 --> 00:01:59,576 MILLS: lieutenant, I apologize for interrupting like this. . . 21 00:01:59,744 --> 00:02:02,371 . ..just get in town 20 minutes ago, they dump me here. 22 00:02:02,539 --> 00:02:03,956 Look, um... . 23 00:02:04,290 --> 00:02:05,499 Mills? 24 00:02:05,667 --> 00:02:08,377 I thought we might find a bar someplace. Sit, talk-- 25 00:02:08,545 --> 00:02:10,420 I'd like to get to the precinct. 26 00:02:10,588 --> 00:02:13,674 You know, not much time for this transition thing. 27 00:02:14,676 --> 00:02:17,594 I meant to ask you something, when we spoke on the phone before. 28 00:02:17,762 --> 00:02:18,971 Yeah. 29 00:02:20,223 --> 00:02:21,723 Why here? 30 00:02:21,891 --> 00:02:23,559 I don't follow. 31 00:02:23,726 --> 00:02:26,770 Well, all this effort to get transferred. 32 00:02:27,730 --> 00:02:30,691 It's the first question that popped into my head. 33 00:02:31,025 --> 00:02:32,734 I guess for the same reasons as you. 34 00:02:32,902 --> 00:02:36,113 Or the same reasons you had before you decided to quit, yeah? 35 00:02:37,991 --> 00:02:40,200 You just met me. 36 00:02:40,869 --> 00:02:43,412 Maybe I'm not understanding the question. 37 00:02:44,455 --> 00:02:46,206 It's very simple. 38 00:02:46,708 --> 00:02:50,752 You actually fought to get reassigned here. 39 00:02:51,254 --> 00:02:53,297 I've just never seen it done that way before. 40 00:02:53,464 --> 00:02:55,883 I thought I could do some good. It would be great. . . 41 00:02:56,050 --> 00:02:58,760 . ..if we didn't start out kicking each other in the balls. 42 00:02:58,928 --> 00:03:00,179 43 00:03:01,264 --> 00:03:03,932 -If you're calling the shots, lieutenant-- -Yes. 44 00:03:05,059 --> 00:03:08,312 I want you to look and I want you to listen, okay? 45 00:03:08,479 --> 00:03:10,939 Now, I wasn't standing around guarding the Taco Bell. 46 00:03:11,107 --> 00:03:13,192 -I've worked Homicide five years. -Not here. 47 00:03:13,359 --> 00:03:14,401 I understand that. 48 00:03:14,569 --> 00:03:19,114 Well, over the next seven days, detective, you'll do me the favor of remembering that. 49 00:03:30,877 --> 00:03:33,629 MAN 1 : Hey, hey. I almost died. 50 00:03:38,343 --> 00:03:40,344 51 00:03:45,975 --> 00:03:48,977 52 00:03:57,028 --> 00:03:59,238 MAN 2: Shut the fuck up down there! 53 00:06:19,295 --> 00:06:22,381 54 00:06:43,820 --> 00:06:47,322 55 00:07:01,671 --> 00:07:03,213 56 00:07:03,381 --> 00:07:05,382 Hello? Yeah. 57 00:07:05,550 --> 00:07:06,967 Okay. 58 00:07:07,885 --> 00:07:09,386 Say it again. 59 00:07:11,973 --> 00:07:15,684 I thought we moved here to get away from tractor pulls. 60 00:07:15,852 --> 00:07:17,853 61 00:07:20,022 --> 00:07:21,022 62 00:07:21,190 --> 00:07:23,316 Serpico's gotta go. 63 00:07:23,484 --> 00:07:27,362 Yeah, well, you might wanna get rid of this little crusty. 64 00:07:27,530 --> 00:07:29,156 This eye, Serpico. 65 00:07:29,323 --> 00:07:30,782 -Did you get it? -Got it. 66 00:07:30,950 --> 00:07:32,284 Good. 67 00:07:44,714 --> 00:07:46,089 68 00:07:48,676 --> 00:07:50,010 Coffee? No? 69 00:07:54,474 --> 00:07:57,559 DAVIS: Nothing's been touched. Everything's like I found it. 70 00:07:57,727 --> 00:07:59,394 SOMERSET: What time was death established? 71 00:07:59,562 --> 00:08:01,062 DAVIS: like I said.. . 72 00:08:01,230 --> 00:08:02,564 . .. I didn't touch anything. 73 00:08:03,316 --> 00:08:06,735 But he's had his face in a plate of spaghetti for about 45 minutes now. 74 00:08:06,903 --> 00:08:09,654 MILLS: Wait a minute. No one bothers with vital signs? 75 00:08:09,822 --> 00:08:10,989 DAVIS: Did I stutter? 76 00:08:11,157 --> 00:08:14,534 This guy ain't breathing unless he started breathing spaghetti sauce. 77 00:08:14,702 --> 00:08:17,913 MILLS: So that's how it's done around here? DAVIS: I beg your pardon, detective. 78 00:08:18,080 --> 00:08:21,082 But this guy's been sitting in a pile of his own piss and shit. 79 00:08:21,250 --> 00:08:23,418 If he wasn't dead, he would've stood up by now. 80 00:08:23,586 --> 00:08:25,754 -all right, thank you, officer. -Okay. 81 00:08:26,088 --> 00:08:27,756 Thank you. 82 00:08:37,266 --> 00:08:38,850 I wonder. 83 00:08:40,937 --> 00:08:45,065 What exactly was the point of the conversation you were about to get into? 84 00:08:45,233 --> 00:08:46,274 MILLS: Don't know. 85 00:08:46,442 --> 00:08:50,362 How many times has Barney Fife found dead bodies that weren't dead? 86 00:08:51,906 --> 00:08:53,406 Drop it. 87 00:08:55,284 --> 00:08:57,160 88 00:09:18,641 --> 00:09:19,641 Oof. 89 00:09:23,271 --> 00:09:27,357 Somebody phone Guinness. I think we've got a record here. 90 00:09:43,749 --> 00:09:46,126 Better Homes and Gardens. 91 00:09:46,294 --> 00:09:47,502 92 00:09:47,670 --> 00:09:48,670 Oof. 93 00:09:56,721 --> 00:09:58,179 Who said this was murder? 94 00:09:58,764 --> 00:10:00,223 No one. 95 00:10:02,018 --> 00:10:05,520 Guy's heart's gotta be the size of a canned ham. 96 00:10:08,190 --> 00:10:13,987 If this isn't a coronary, well, ha, ha, I don't know. 97 00:10:30,713 --> 00:10:32,839 Whoops. 98 00:10:39,180 --> 00:10:41,348 How about that? 99 00:10:51,233 --> 00:10:52,984 We had this case once. 100 00:10:54,111 --> 00:10:56,029 Guy dead on the ground. 101 00:10:56,197 --> 00:10:57,364 Knife in his back. 102 00:10:57,531 --> 00:10:59,574 Gotta be murder, right? 103 00:11:01,369 --> 00:11:02,410 Fuck. 104 00:11:03,245 --> 00:11:05,789 Anyway, big insurance policy involved, yeah? 105 00:11:05,956 --> 00:11:10,669 So the guy took the tip of the blade, stuck it in his own shoulder blades. 106 00:11:10,836 --> 00:11:14,506 And he must've screwed up a few times because there was multiples back there. 107 00:11:14,674 --> 00:11:16,591 Could you please be quiet? 108 00:11:26,102 --> 00:11:27,143 MILLS: Wait a minute. 109 00:11:27,478 --> 00:11:28,687 What? 110 00:11:31,315 --> 00:11:33,233 Got a bucket here. 111 00:11:33,901 --> 00:11:34,943 What's in it? 112 00:11:38,489 --> 00:11:39,823 Agh! 113 00:11:39,990 --> 00:11:41,908 Oh, God. 114 00:11:42,076 --> 00:11:43,702 Fucking vomit. 115 00:11:43,869 --> 00:11:46,037 116 00:11:46,205 --> 00:11:47,288 Any blood in it? 117 00:11:47,998 --> 00:11:50,500 I didn't see any. Help yourself. 118 00:11:50,668 --> 00:11:52,419 119 00:11:55,631 --> 00:11:57,632 Are you thinking it's poison? 120 00:11:58,801 --> 00:12:01,177 O'NEILL: Oh, wonderful. Very moody. 121 00:12:01,345 --> 00:12:02,971 Thinking it's poison, Somerset? 122 00:12:03,139 --> 00:12:06,599 You girls have got Forensics waiting outside. 123 00:12:06,767 --> 00:12:10,687 -Don't know if we'll all fit, though. -There's room, light's the problem. 124 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:12,647 -Hi, how are you? -Hey. 125 00:12:12,815 --> 00:12:17,110 Detective Mills, would you go help the officers question the neighbors? 126 00:12:19,655 --> 00:12:22,323 -What? -Send in Forensics on your way out, please. 127 00:12:38,174 --> 00:12:39,966 He's dead. 128 00:12:41,051 --> 00:12:43,011 Thank you, doctor. 129 00:12:44,263 --> 00:12:46,264 130 00:12:48,642 --> 00:12:52,187 You've seen my flies, right? You seen the things I've done. 131 00:12:52,354 --> 00:12:53,813 Nope. 132 00:12:56,233 --> 00:12:58,651 I did my time on door-to-doors and walking the beat. 133 00:12:58,819 --> 00:13:01,154 I did that shit for a long time. 134 00:13:01,989 --> 00:13:03,031 And? 135 00:13:03,199 --> 00:13:06,534 Badge on my belt says "detective." That's the same as yours. 136 00:13:07,953 --> 00:13:10,413 Look, I made a decision. 137 00:13:10,706 --> 00:13:13,416 I had to consider the integrity of the scene. 138 00:13:13,584 --> 00:13:17,295 Couldn't worry whether you thought you were getting enough on the playing field. 139 00:13:17,463 --> 00:13:18,838 Hey, man.. . 140 00:13:20,090 --> 00:13:23,593 . ..just don't be jerking me off, that's all I ask. Don't jerk me off. 141 00:13:30,267 --> 00:13:31,935 He's been dead a long time. 142 00:13:32,102 --> 00:13:34,145 And I can tell you, it was not from poison. 143 00:13:34,313 --> 00:13:35,480 MILLS: Oh, man. 144 00:13:35,648 --> 00:13:37,816 How does someone let themselves go like that? 145 00:13:38,359 --> 00:13:41,569 SANTIAGO: It took four orderlies just to get him on the table. 146 00:13:42,655 --> 00:13:44,239 147 00:13:44,406 --> 00:13:46,783 How'd the fat fuck ever fit out his front door? 148 00:13:46,951 --> 00:13:48,952 Please. It's obvious he was a shut-in. 149 00:13:49,119 --> 00:13:50,537 SANTIAGO: Now, look at this. 150 00:13:50,704 --> 00:13:52,247 See how big this stomach is? 151 00:13:52,414 --> 00:13:55,250 And the strange thing is, it stretches. 152 00:13:55,417 --> 00:13:58,628 Here. Look at the size of the cardiac orifice, where the food-- 153 00:13:58,796 --> 00:14:01,881 Wait, I see what you're pointing out, but that means nothing to me. 154 00:14:02,049 --> 00:14:05,510 Okay. He's got lines of distention across the duodenum. 155 00:14:05,928 --> 00:14:08,596 And the interior wall is ripped open. 156 00:14:09,098 --> 00:14:11,266 This man ate till he burst? 157 00:14:11,433 --> 00:14:13,935 He didn't really burst. Not all the way. 158 00:14:14,103 --> 00:14:16,563 He was hemorrhaging internally. 159 00:14:16,730 --> 00:14:20,942 And there was a hematoma in the rectus and transverse abdominis muscles. 160 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:22,443 So he did die by eating. 161 00:14:22,611 --> 00:14:24,153 Yes and no. 162 00:14:26,156 --> 00:14:27,866 What about these bruises up here? 163 00:14:29,785 --> 00:14:31,536 Well, I haven't figured that out yet. 164 00:14:31,912 --> 00:14:33,580 Gun pressed against his head? 165 00:14:33,747 --> 00:14:35,081 Pressed hard enough, sure. 166 00:14:35,249 --> 00:14:36,708 Fuck, yeah. 167 00:14:36,876 --> 00:14:39,794 Marks from the front side, flush with the muzzle. 168 00:14:41,672 --> 00:14:45,383 Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a homicide. 169 00:14:48,053 --> 00:14:50,805 SOMERSET: Killer put a bucket beneath him, kept on serving. 170 00:14:50,973 --> 00:14:52,348 Took his time, too. 171 00:14:52,516 --> 00:14:55,268 Coroner said this could've gone on more than 1 2 hours. 172 00:14:55,728 --> 00:14:58,730 Victim's throat was swollen, probably from the effort. 173 00:14:58,898 --> 00:15:01,774 And there was definiteIy a point when he passed out. 174 00:15:01,942 --> 00:15:04,485 That's when the killer kicked him and he burst. 175 00:15:04,653 --> 00:15:06,613 Oof. Sadistic fucker, huh? 176 00:15:06,780 --> 00:15:09,198 SOMERSET: When you want somebody dead, you drive by and shoot. 177 00:15:09,366 --> 00:15:12,410 You don't risk the time it takes to do this. 178 00:15:12,578 --> 00:15:15,371 -Unless the act itself has meaning. CAPTAIN: Come on. 179 00:15:15,748 --> 00:15:19,334 Somebody had a problem with the fat boy and decided to torture him. 180 00:15:19,501 --> 00:15:20,501 SimpIe as that. 181 00:15:20,669 --> 00:15:22,670 In the grocery bags, we found two receipts. 182 00:15:22,838 --> 00:15:25,173 That means the killer stopped in the middle. .. 183 00:15:25,341 --> 00:15:27,467 . ..and made a second trip to the supermarket. 184 00:15:27,635 --> 00:15:29,010 So? 185 00:15:30,095 --> 00:15:33,348 Hey, man, it's his thing. I've been out in the rain all day. 186 00:15:33,515 --> 00:15:34,891 This is beginning. 187 00:15:35,059 --> 00:15:37,352 We've got one dead guy, not three. 188 00:15:37,770 --> 00:15:39,562 No motive. 189 00:15:39,897 --> 00:15:43,524 Don't even start that big brain of yours cooking on this, all right? 190 00:15:43,692 --> 00:15:46,527 Please, l'd like to be reassigned. 191 00:15:46,695 --> 00:15:47,737 MILLS: What? CAPTAIN: What? 192 00:15:47,905 --> 00:15:50,865 -What, whoa? -What in the hell are you talking about? 193 00:15:51,325 --> 00:15:53,409 This can't be my last duty. 194 00:15:53,577 --> 00:15:55,536 It's just gonna go on and on and on. 195 00:15:55,704 --> 00:15:56,746 You're retiring. 196 00:15:56,914 --> 00:15:59,082 Six more days and you're all the way gone. 197 00:15:59,249 --> 00:16:01,459 Won't be the first time you've left unfinished-- 198 00:16:01,627 --> 00:16:05,171 Those other cases were taken as close to conclusion as humanly possible. 199 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:06,714 And if I may speak freely? 200 00:16:06,882 --> 00:16:08,216 CAPTAIN: We're all friends here. 201 00:16:08,384 --> 00:16:11,886 -This should not be his first assignment. -Oh, come on, I knew it. 202 00:16:12,054 --> 00:16:14,180 This is not my first assignment, you dick. 203 00:16:14,348 --> 00:16:15,431 It's too soon for him. 204 00:16:15,599 --> 00:16:18,393 Hey, man, l'm right here. You can say that shit to my face. 205 00:16:18,560 --> 00:16:20,228 -Captain-- -It's too soon for you. 206 00:16:21,563 --> 00:16:23,731 Captain, if we can just talk in private? 207 00:16:23,899 --> 00:16:25,942 This isn't working. It's a personaI thing. 208 00:16:26,110 --> 00:16:27,652 -Maybe-- -Just shut up, Mills. 209 00:16:27,820 --> 00:16:31,739 Look, I don't have anyone else to put on this and you know it. 210 00:16:31,907 --> 00:16:34,701 This is Metro. You don't just get to swap. 211 00:16:34,868 --> 00:16:36,494 MILLS: Give it to me. 212 00:16:36,662 --> 00:16:38,955 -Say what? -Yeah, he doesn't want it, fuck him. 213 00:16:39,123 --> 00:16:41,249 Sorry, but see you later. Have a nice time. 214 00:16:41,417 --> 00:16:44,085 -Give it to me. -No, I'm putting you on something else. 215 00:16:46,630 --> 00:16:48,131 Go on, Mills. 216 00:16:48,298 --> 00:16:49,882 Just go on. 217 00:16:55,139 --> 00:16:56,848 I'm sorry, oId buddy. 218 00:16:57,016 --> 00:17:00,518 But it looks like you're stuck cleaning up the fat man. 219 00:17:17,453 --> 00:17:19,495 TALBOT: All right, here we go. Quiet down. 220 00:17:19,663 --> 00:17:20,705 221 00:17:20,873 --> 00:17:23,416 All right, caIm down. Calm down. 222 00:17:23,584 --> 00:17:25,293 Quiet down. 223 00:17:25,753 --> 00:17:27,837 Calm down. Quiet down. 224 00:17:28,005 --> 00:17:30,840 Now, here's how it's gonna work. 225 00:17:31,008 --> 00:17:34,927 I'll answer questions for 1 0 minutes and 1 0 minutes only. 226 00:17:35,095 --> 00:17:38,431 If those questions do not come in a calm, sane and orderly fashion. . . 227 00:17:38,599 --> 00:17:39,807 . .. l'm on my way out here. 228 00:17:40,017 --> 00:17:41,809 Detective? Detective? 229 00:17:41,977 --> 00:17:44,353 -Can I have a moment of your time? -No. 230 00:17:49,193 --> 00:17:52,195 I will not discuss the details of this ongoing investigation... 231 00:17:52,362 --> 00:17:53,946 . ..so don't even bother asking. 232 00:17:56,033 --> 00:17:57,867 MAN 1: I've got shopping tools.... 233 00:17:58,035 --> 00:18:00,244 WOMAN [OVER RADIO]: That's 25 Berlin. 234 00:18:00,412 --> 00:18:02,330 235 00:18:05,292 --> 00:18:07,085 MAN 2: That looks like him. 236 00:18:09,046 --> 00:18:11,255 WOMAN [OVER RADIO]: Three items for your case number. 237 00:18:13,342 --> 00:18:16,260 -What you guys got for me? MAN 3: Nothing yet, boss. 238 00:18:19,640 --> 00:18:23,392 Why don't you guys, uh, go get a coffee, huh? 239 00:18:24,353 --> 00:18:26,354 WOMAN [ON TV]: We have this breaking story for you. 240 00:18:26,522 --> 00:18:28,397 We're going to go live downtown... 241 00:18:28,565 --> 00:18:31,859 ...where defense attorney Ell Gould was found murdered this morning. 242 00:18:32,027 --> 00:18:35,696 District Attorney Martin Talbot is taking questions from reporters. 243 00:18:35,864 --> 00:18:37,365 244 00:18:37,533 --> 00:18:39,742 REPORTER 1 : There could be a conflict of interest-- 245 00:18:39,910 --> 00:18:44,038 That is ridiculous to the point of being offensive. There is no conflict whatsoever. 246 00:18:44,206 --> 00:18:45,873 And any claim that there could be... 247 00:18:46,041 --> 00:18:48,292 -...is irresponsible. REPORTER 2: Mr. Talbot, Mr. Talbot. 248 00:18:48,460 --> 00:18:50,294 -Hold on. REPORTER 3: It's rumored you're far... 249 00:18:50,462 --> 00:18:53,131 -...from apprehending a suspect. TALBOT: I've come from a meeting... 250 00:18:53,298 --> 00:18:55,925 ...of law enforcement officials and they've assured me... 251 00:18:56,885 --> 00:18:59,804 ...they have their very best men on this. 252 00:18:59,972 --> 00:19:05,143 This will be the very definition of swift justice. 253 00:19:29,042 --> 00:19:30,751 CAPTAIN: Pardon me, George. 254 00:19:35,132 --> 00:19:37,717 -Somerset. -Come in. 255 00:19:38,719 --> 00:19:41,429 -Have you heard the news? SOMERSET: Nope, haven't heard. 256 00:19:41,597 --> 00:19:44,390 Ell Gould was found murdered this morning. 257 00:19:44,558 --> 00:19:48,311 Someone broke into his law firm and bled him to death. 258 00:19:48,478 --> 00:19:51,439 Wrote the word "greed" on the floor. 259 00:19:56,945 --> 00:19:59,530 -Greed? CAPTAIN: Yeah, in blood. 260 00:20:00,032 --> 00:20:02,074 Mills is heading up the investigation. 261 00:20:02,784 --> 00:20:04,535 Uh, excuse me. Excuse me? 262 00:20:05,954 --> 00:20:07,622 Could you not do that, please? 263 00:20:07,789 --> 00:20:09,165 Oh, okay. 264 00:20:10,292 --> 00:20:12,126 Well, good for him. 265 00:20:12,294 --> 00:20:15,630 What in the hell are you gonna do with yourself out there, Somerset? 266 00:20:15,797 --> 00:20:17,757 Oh, l'll work, maybe on a farm. 267 00:20:17,925 --> 00:20:19,133 Fix my house. 268 00:20:19,301 --> 00:20:20,968 Don't you feel it? 269 00:20:21,136 --> 00:20:23,304 Don't you feel that feeling? 270 00:20:23,472 --> 00:20:26,432 You're not gonna be a cop anymore. 271 00:20:26,600 --> 00:20:28,643 That's the whole idea. 272 00:20:30,145 --> 00:20:31,938 I don't think you're leaving. 273 00:20:32,105 --> 00:20:34,649 Hell, you can't leave all this. 274 00:20:36,735 --> 00:20:38,569 Guy's out walking his dog. 275 00:20:38,737 --> 00:20:40,446 Gets attacked. 276 00:20:40,614 --> 00:20:43,324 His watch is taken, his wallet. 277 00:20:43,492 --> 00:20:46,911 While he's lying there on the sidewalk, helpless. . . 278 00:20:47,162 --> 00:20:50,373 . ..his attacker stabs him in both eyes. 279 00:20:51,625 --> 00:20:54,293 This happened just last night about four blocks from here. 280 00:20:55,379 --> 00:20:57,338 Yeah, I read about it. 281 00:20:57,506 --> 00:21:01,133 -I don't understand this place any longer. -It's the way it's always been. 282 00:21:01,510 --> 00:21:02,510 Maybe you're right. 283 00:21:02,678 --> 00:21:04,011 CAPTAIN: You do this work. 284 00:21:04,179 --> 00:21:07,848 You were made for it and I don't think you can deny that. 285 00:21:08,684 --> 00:21:10,559 Maybe I'm wrong. 286 00:21:11,395 --> 00:21:15,147 Oh, uh, the coroner sent this down for you. 287 00:21:15,482 --> 00:21:19,360 Found them in fat boy's stomach, mixed in with food. 288 00:21:19,528 --> 00:21:23,447 -Looks like plastic, little pieces of plastic. -Set them on the desk, please. 289 00:21:27,869 --> 00:21:29,245 They were, uh. . .. 290 00:21:29,413 --> 00:21:30,454 They were fed to him. 291 00:22:25,302 --> 00:22:28,095 292 00:23:10,472 --> 00:23:11,764 Oh, Lord. 293 00:23:19,523 --> 00:23:21,982 This was found on the wall behind the refrigerator.. . 294 00:23:22,150 --> 00:23:24,318 . ..in the obesity murder scene. 295 00:23:25,320 --> 00:23:30,116 "Long is the way and hard that out of hell leads up to light." 296 00:23:30,283 --> 00:23:32,118 It's from Milton. 297 00:23:32,327 --> 00:23:34,203 Paradise Lost. 298 00:23:34,496 --> 00:23:36,414 All right, l'm confused. 299 00:23:36,581 --> 00:23:39,417 It means that this is beginning. 300 00:23:40,585 --> 00:23:42,586 This was found behind the same refrigerator. 301 00:23:43,088 --> 00:23:44,880 Written in grease. 302 00:23:45,048 --> 00:23:47,758 There are seven deadly sins, captain. 303 00:23:47,926 --> 00:23:49,593 Gluttony. 304 00:23:51,888 --> 00:23:53,514 Greed. 305 00:23:55,183 --> 00:23:58,978 Sloth, wrath, pride, lust... 306 00:23:59,146 --> 00:24:00,187 307 00:24:00,355 --> 00:24:01,856 . ..and envy. 308 00:24:02,315 --> 00:24:04,233 -Seven. -Hold on. 309 00:24:04,526 --> 00:24:06,610 This is not even my desk. 310 00:24:07,737 --> 00:24:09,780 You can expect five more of these. 311 00:24:11,575 --> 00:24:12,616 Now, wait a minute. 312 00:24:14,202 --> 00:24:16,787 I can't get involved in this. 313 00:24:18,665 --> 00:24:20,082 Somerset. 314 00:24:20,250 --> 00:24:21,959 He wanted it. 315 00:24:23,378 --> 00:24:26,255 -Damn. -I'm all over it. 316 00:24:27,424 --> 00:24:29,884 MAN: What's wrong with you? 317 00:24:30,051 --> 00:24:31,719 318 00:24:51,907 --> 00:24:53,240 319 00:25:00,081 --> 00:25:01,665 Where you headed? 320 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:06,587 Far away from here. 321 00:25:16,014 --> 00:25:18,390 SOMERSET: Thanks, George. GEORGE: How you doing? 322 00:25:18,558 --> 00:25:20,184 Just a few things to look up. 323 00:25:20,352 --> 00:25:22,269 GEORGE: Okay. Sit where you'd like. 324 00:25:22,437 --> 00:25:23,437 325 00:25:23,605 --> 00:25:24,813 How's everybody? 326 00:25:26,066 --> 00:25:28,108 MAN 1 : Hi, Smiley. 327 00:25:28,485 --> 00:25:30,778 MAN 2: Come on, George, the cards are getting coId. 328 00:25:30,946 --> 00:25:32,279 Duty calls. 329 00:25:32,447 --> 00:25:33,614 330 00:25:48,380 --> 00:25:50,464 Gentlemen, gentlemen. 331 00:25:50,966 --> 00:25:52,007 I'll never understand. 332 00:25:53,635 --> 00:25:55,135 All these books. . . 333 00:25:55,303 --> 00:25:57,638 . ..a world of knowledge at your fingertips. 334 00:25:57,806 --> 00:25:59,390 What do you do? 335 00:25:59,558 --> 00:26:01,308 You play poker all night. 336 00:26:01,810 --> 00:26:03,644 MAN 3: Hey, we got culture. 337 00:26:03,812 --> 00:26:05,813 Yeah, we got culture coming out of our asses. 338 00:26:05,981 --> 00:26:07,106 339 00:26:08,149 --> 00:26:09,817 MAN 2: All right. 340 00:26:09,985 --> 00:26:12,027 How's this for culture? 341 00:26:12,195 --> 00:26:14,989 342 00:28:04,683 --> 00:28:06,934 343 00:28:49,686 --> 00:28:51,478 You know, Smiley. . . 344 00:28:52,021 --> 00:28:54,148 . ..you're really gonna miss us. 345 00:28:55,567 --> 00:28:57,401 I just might. 346 00:29:40,028 --> 00:29:42,029 347 00:29:54,876 --> 00:29:56,877 Fucking Dante. 348 00:29:57,045 --> 00:30:01,423 Goddamn poetry-writing faggot piece of shit. 349 00:30:01,591 --> 00:30:03,175 Fucker. 350 00:30:03,927 --> 00:30:05,511 351 00:30:11,059 --> 00:30:12,392 Yeah? 352 00:30:13,937 --> 00:30:15,938 Good work, officer. 353 00:30:22,737 --> 00:30:24,905 Thank you, Lord. 354 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:34,331 Oh, l'm sorry. 355 00:30:35,375 --> 00:30:37,584 Be out of your way in a second. 356 00:30:49,681 --> 00:30:51,849 -You want your chair? -No. You go ahead. 357 00:30:52,016 --> 00:30:53,433 MILLS: Yeah? 358 00:31:27,802 --> 00:31:29,219 359 00:31:32,015 --> 00:31:33,473 Phone. 360 00:31:33,975 --> 00:31:35,100 It's a package deal. 361 00:31:35,268 --> 00:31:36,310 Comes with the office. 362 00:31:41,524 --> 00:31:42,983 -Mills. TRACY [OVER PHONE]: Honey. 363 00:31:44,485 --> 00:31:46,737 -Are you okay, something wrong? -No. 364 00:31:47,196 --> 00:31:51,199 You dingleberry, I, uh, told you not to call me here when I'm working. 365 00:31:52,493 --> 00:31:54,161 Yeah. Why? 366 00:31:54,329 --> 00:31:55,913 Why? 367 00:31:56,581 --> 00:31:59,374 -Why? -Come on. 368 00:32:02,754 --> 00:32:04,338 Okay. 369 00:32:08,009 --> 00:32:09,009 It's my wife. 370 00:32:09,469 --> 00:32:10,552 Sorry? 371 00:32:12,013 --> 00:32:13,472 She'd like to speak to you. 372 00:32:22,899 --> 00:32:25,275 Uh, this is Detective Somerset. 373 00:32:25,443 --> 00:32:27,361 Oh, it's nice to speak with you. 374 00:32:27,528 --> 00:32:30,197 Well, it's nice to talk to you too. 375 00:32:31,866 --> 00:32:34,201 I appreciate the offer, but-- 376 00:32:36,913 --> 00:32:39,998 -Well, in that case I'd be delighted. -Great. 377 00:32:40,166 --> 00:32:43,168 -Yes, thank you very much. -Thank you. See you later. 378 00:32:43,336 --> 00:32:44,670 Bye. 379 00:32:47,131 --> 00:32:48,173 Hon, what--? 380 00:32:48,341 --> 00:32:49,716 381 00:32:56,557 --> 00:32:57,849 Well? 382 00:32:58,017 --> 00:33:00,394 -Sorry? Oh, uh. -What? 383 00:33:00,561 --> 00:33:03,105 I've been invited to a late supper at your apartment. 384 00:33:03,272 --> 00:33:04,690 I accepted. 385 00:33:04,857 --> 00:33:07,234 At my-- How's that? 386 00:33:07,402 --> 00:33:08,986 Tonight. 387 00:33:10,446 --> 00:33:12,489 WOMAN [OVER RADIO]: Twenty-one-fifty-seven. 388 00:33:15,535 --> 00:33:17,536 Hello, men. 389 00:33:17,704 --> 00:33:19,871 -Hi, loser. -Hi, idiot. 390 00:33:21,582 --> 00:33:22,874 This is Tracy. 391 00:33:24,002 --> 00:33:26,128 -Somerset. -Hello. 392 00:33:26,295 --> 00:33:29,798 I'm very happy to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. 393 00:33:29,966 --> 00:33:31,925 Except, of course, your first name. 394 00:33:32,093 --> 00:33:33,135 395 00:33:33,302 --> 00:33:34,553 It's William. 396 00:33:35,346 --> 00:33:39,016 Hmm, well, it's a good name, William. 397 00:33:39,517 --> 00:33:41,435 William, l'd like you to meet David. 398 00:33:41,602 --> 00:33:44,146 -David, this is William. -Okay, all right, I'm gonna-- 399 00:33:44,313 --> 00:33:45,439 I'll be right back. 400 00:33:45,606 --> 00:33:47,733 -How are the kids? -Good, they're in the room. 401 00:33:47,900 --> 00:33:49,359 Come on in. 402 00:33:50,653 --> 00:33:52,320 Oh, good dogs. 403 00:33:52,488 --> 00:33:55,365 How are you, good dogs? How are you, pretty? 404 00:33:55,533 --> 00:33:57,200 405 00:33:57,368 --> 00:34:02,456 How are you? 406 00:34:03,291 --> 00:34:04,708 You are? 407 00:34:06,335 --> 00:34:08,295 SOMERSET: Smells good. -What? 408 00:34:08,463 --> 00:34:09,880 -Uh. -Oh. 409 00:34:10,048 --> 00:34:11,673 Yeah. I mean, thank you. 410 00:34:11,841 --> 00:34:13,008 411 00:34:13,176 --> 00:34:16,720 Um, please have a seat, if you like. Would you like something to drink? 412 00:34:16,888 --> 00:34:18,346 Uh, no. No, thanks. 413 00:34:18,514 --> 00:34:21,016 -I'll wait. -Okay, you can just throw that anywhere. 414 00:34:21,184 --> 00:34:25,520 You'll have to excuse all this mess. You know, we're still unpacking. 415 00:34:27,732 --> 00:34:29,983 I understand you two were high school sweethearts. 416 00:34:30,151 --> 00:34:31,318 TRACY: Mm-hm. 417 00:34:32,779 --> 00:34:34,738 Pretty hokey, huh? 418 00:34:35,531 --> 00:34:37,324 You know something? 419 00:34:37,533 --> 00:34:40,702 I knew on our first date that this was the guy I was gonna marry. 420 00:34:40,870 --> 00:34:42,412 -Really? -Mm-hm. 421 00:34:43,164 --> 00:34:45,916 He was the funniest guy l'd ever met. 422 00:34:50,254 --> 00:34:51,296 Really? 423 00:34:54,592 --> 00:34:56,927 Well, it's kind of rare nowadays, you know. 424 00:34:57,095 --> 00:35:00,847 I mean, that level of commitment. 425 00:35:05,311 --> 00:35:07,145 Oh, don't worry. 426 00:35:07,313 --> 00:35:10,190 -I won't wear it to the dinner table. -No, ha, ha. 427 00:35:10,358 --> 00:35:13,860 I, uh-- You know, no matter how often I see guns, I just-- 428 00:35:14,028 --> 00:35:16,988 I can't get used to them. 429 00:35:17,824 --> 00:35:18,907 Same here. 430 00:35:21,869 --> 00:35:24,371 431 00:35:29,252 --> 00:35:30,877 Why aren't you married, William? 432 00:35:31,045 --> 00:35:33,213 Oh, Trace, what the hell? 433 00:35:33,381 --> 00:35:35,507 I was close once. 434 00:35:36,175 --> 00:35:37,300 It just didn't happen. 435 00:35:37,718 --> 00:35:39,761 It surprises me. 436 00:35:39,929 --> 00:35:41,930 It really does. 437 00:35:42,932 --> 00:35:44,391 Well. . . . 438 00:35:45,226 --> 00:35:49,855 Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with me finds me disagreeable. 439 00:35:50,439 --> 00:35:51,815 Just ask your husband. 440 00:35:51,983 --> 00:35:53,316 Very true. 441 00:35:53,484 --> 00:35:55,735 Very, very true. 442 00:35:56,070 --> 00:35:58,530 So how long have you lived here? 443 00:35:58,948 --> 00:35:59,990 Too long. 444 00:36:04,203 --> 00:36:05,287 How are you liking it? 445 00:36:07,165 --> 00:36:11,585 You know, takes time, settle in. 446 00:36:12,545 --> 00:36:13,962 It'Il be good. 447 00:36:14,130 --> 00:36:16,256 Well, you get numb after awhile. 448 00:36:16,424 --> 00:36:17,424 449 00:36:17,592 --> 00:36:19,092 There are things to any city. 450 00:36:19,260 --> 00:36:21,553 451 00:36:21,721 --> 00:36:23,138 452 00:36:25,558 --> 00:36:26,933 Subway. 453 00:36:27,101 --> 00:36:30,061 -It will go away in a minute. -It's nothing. 454 00:36:32,940 --> 00:36:34,900 Real estate guy. 455 00:36:35,067 --> 00:36:36,401 Fucking piece of. . . . 456 00:36:36,569 --> 00:36:38,361 Sorry, honey. He's... . 457 00:36:38,529 --> 00:36:40,864 He shows us the place a few times. 458 00:36:41,032 --> 00:36:42,908 I think he's good. He's efficient. 459 00:36:43,075 --> 00:36:44,951 Tracy really likes him. 460 00:36:45,119 --> 00:36:49,456 Then I start wondering why will he only bring us here five minutes at a time, yeah? 461 00:36:49,624 --> 00:36:51,333 We found out the first night. 462 00:36:51,751 --> 00:36:56,755 The soothing, relaxing, vibrating home, huh? 463 00:36:57,423 --> 00:36:59,132 464 00:37:01,052 --> 00:37:02,844 465 00:37:03,012 --> 00:37:04,846 466 00:37:05,014 --> 00:37:06,806 I'm sorry. 467 00:37:07,725 --> 00:37:10,685 468 00:37:11,938 --> 00:37:13,355 469 00:37:13,522 --> 00:37:15,440 Yeah, all right, laugh it up. 470 00:37:18,861 --> 00:37:20,528 I don't know why you're laughing. 471 00:37:24,450 --> 00:37:26,534 All right, already. 472 00:37:30,206 --> 00:37:31,790 The guy would've had to get in... 473 00:37:31,958 --> 00:37:34,501 . ..before the office was closed and security tightened. 474 00:37:34,669 --> 00:37:36,503 Now, Gould would've been working late. 475 00:37:36,671 --> 00:37:39,714 I'm certain. He was the biggest defense lawyer in town. 476 00:37:39,882 --> 00:37:40,924 Infamous, really. 477 00:37:41,092 --> 00:37:43,301 Now listen, body was found on Tuesday morning. 478 00:37:43,469 --> 00:37:47,639 The office was closed on Monday, which means the guy could've gotten in Friday. . . 479 00:37:47,807 --> 00:37:52,060 . ..laid low till the cleaning crew left then had his way with Gould all day Saturday. . . 480 00:37:52,228 --> 00:37:54,771 . ..Sunday, maybe even Monday. 481 00:37:55,147 --> 00:37:56,690 Hey, look at this. 482 00:37:56,857 --> 00:37:59,109 Gould was bound, right arm almost free. 483 00:37:59,277 --> 00:38:00,777 He was handed a butcher's knife. 484 00:38:02,863 --> 00:38:04,572 Check out the scale. 485 00:38:04,740 --> 00:38:05,991 SOMERSET: A pound of flesh? 486 00:38:06,367 --> 00:38:08,118 Yeah. 487 00:38:19,672 --> 00:38:21,715 -Merchant of Venice. -Didn't see it. 488 00:38:21,882 --> 00:38:25,051 "This task done and he would go free." 489 00:38:25,219 --> 00:38:28,388 I'm telling you that chair was soaked through with sweat. 490 00:38:28,556 --> 00:38:30,307 Of course. 491 00:38:30,725 --> 00:38:33,768 The killer would've wanted Gould to take his time. .. 492 00:38:33,936 --> 00:38:37,439 . ..to sit and decide which cut to make first. 493 00:38:37,606 --> 00:38:39,107 Imagine it. 494 00:38:39,275 --> 00:38:41,568 There's a gun in your face. 495 00:38:41,819 --> 00:38:44,654 Which part of your body is expendable? 496 00:38:44,822 --> 00:38:46,656 What about the love handle? 497 00:38:46,824 --> 00:38:49,576 Cut along the side of his own stomach. 498 00:38:50,244 --> 00:38:52,746 All right, let's take a fresh look at these. 499 00:38:52,913 --> 00:38:55,206 Even though the corpse is there, look through it. 500 00:38:55,374 --> 00:38:57,083 Edit out the initial shock. 501 00:38:57,251 --> 00:39:02,672 Trick is to find one item, one detail and focus on it... 502 00:39:02,840 --> 00:39:05,383 . ..until it's an exhausted possibility. 503 00:39:05,551 --> 00:39:07,344 Just gonna get another beer. Beer? 504 00:39:07,511 --> 00:39:09,721 Uh, wine, please. 505 00:39:16,687 --> 00:39:18,104 506 00:39:18,272 --> 00:39:19,773 He's preaching. 507 00:39:20,149 --> 00:39:21,733 He's punishing. 508 00:39:23,527 --> 00:39:26,863 The sins were used in medieval sermons. 509 00:39:27,281 --> 00:39:29,991 There were seven cardinal virtues and seven deadly sins. . . 510 00:39:30,159 --> 00:39:31,451 . ..used as teaching tools. 511 00:39:31,619 --> 00:39:34,120 Yeah, yeah, yeah, like in, uh, The Parson's Tale and-- 512 00:39:34,288 --> 00:39:35,789 What's this? Uh, Dante. 513 00:39:35,956 --> 00:39:38,166 -You read them? -Yeah. 514 00:39:38,334 --> 00:39:41,419 Well, parts. Hey, remember in, uh, Purgatory? 515 00:39:41,587 --> 00:39:43,963 Dante and his buddy, they're climbing up the hill.. . 516 00:39:44,131 --> 00:39:46,299 . ..they're checking out all the sinners, yeah? 517 00:39:46,467 --> 00:39:49,761 -Yeah, the seven terraces of purgation. -Yeah, yeah, right. 518 00:39:49,929 --> 00:39:53,181 But there, pride comes first, not gluttony. 519 00:39:53,349 --> 00:39:57,352 Yeah, well, for now, let's just consider that the books were the killer's inspiration. 520 00:39:57,520 --> 00:40:00,980 The sermons were about atonement for sin. 521 00:40:01,232 --> 00:40:03,274 These murders are like forced attrition. 522 00:40:03,984 --> 00:40:06,027 -Forced what? -Attrition. 523 00:40:06,195 --> 00:40:08,988 It's when you regret your sins, but not because you love God. 524 00:40:09,156 --> 00:40:12,200 Oh, like because someone's sticking a fucking gun in your face. 525 00:40:12,368 --> 00:40:13,827 Mm-hm. 526 00:40:16,205 --> 00:40:18,581 -No fingerprints. -Nope. 527 00:40:18,749 --> 00:40:22,001 -Totally unrelated victims. -Yup. 528 00:40:22,169 --> 00:40:24,629 And no witnesses of any kind. 529 00:40:24,797 --> 00:40:26,464 Which I don't get. 530 00:40:26,632 --> 00:40:29,884 Because the fucker had to get back out. 531 00:40:30,386 --> 00:40:34,973 Well, in any major city, minding your own business is a science. 532 00:40:35,391 --> 00:40:39,018 The first thing they teach women in rape prevention is never cry for help. 533 00:40:39,854 --> 00:40:41,354 Always yell "Fire." 534 00:40:41,522 --> 00:40:42,814 Nobody answers to "Help." 535 00:40:42,982 --> 00:40:44,899 You holler "fire," they come running. 536 00:40:45,317 --> 00:40:46,734 That's fucked up. 537 00:40:46,902 --> 00:40:50,196 He must've left another puzzle piece. 538 00:40:51,866 --> 00:40:52,907 You know what? 539 00:40:53,075 --> 00:40:56,369 Thank you for talking this out, but I gotta sleep. 540 00:40:56,745 --> 00:41:00,165 -WaIk the dogs. -This is just strictly to satisfy my curiosity. 541 00:41:00,332 --> 00:41:03,042 -I'm still leaving at the end of the week. -Oh, shit. 542 00:41:03,210 --> 00:41:04,836 No, wait, wait. 543 00:41:06,088 --> 00:41:08,840 Gould's wife. She was out of town at the time. 544 00:41:09,008 --> 00:41:12,218 -So this means she saw something. -What if it's a threat? 545 00:41:12,386 --> 00:41:15,054 Well, I put her in a safe house. She wasn't too happy about it. 546 00:41:15,222 --> 00:41:17,015 547 00:41:17,183 --> 00:41:19,225 548 00:41:24,398 --> 00:41:26,858 SOMERSET: What if it isn't something she has seen? 549 00:41:27,026 --> 00:41:31,112 But something she's supposed to see, but hasn't been given a chance? 550 00:41:31,614 --> 00:41:32,989 Yeah, okay. What? 551 00:41:33,449 --> 00:41:35,116 I don't know. 552 00:41:36,702 --> 00:41:38,995 But that's the one thing. 553 00:42:24,041 --> 00:42:25,667 MILLS: Sign us in. 554 00:42:25,834 --> 00:42:27,919 Gotta see Mrs. Gould. 555 00:42:28,420 --> 00:42:30,421 GOULD: --treat me like a prisoner. 556 00:42:30,589 --> 00:42:33,758 Why do you have a phone if I can't make long distance phone calls? 557 00:42:33,926 --> 00:42:35,009 Mrs. Gould? 558 00:42:35,177 --> 00:42:36,594 GOULD: Don't treat people like this. 559 00:42:37,304 --> 00:42:39,639 560 00:42:41,642 --> 00:42:44,102 Mrs. Gould, I am sorry. I truly am. 561 00:42:44,895 --> 00:42:46,604 I don't understand. 562 00:42:47,314 --> 00:42:51,859 Okay, I need you to look at each photo very carefully. 563 00:42:52,027 --> 00:42:56,990 Look and see if there's anything strange or out of place. 564 00:42:57,157 --> 00:42:58,157 Um, anything at all. 565 00:42:59,201 --> 00:43:01,244 -I don't see anything. -You're sure? 566 00:43:01,412 --> 00:43:03,913 Please, I just-- I can't do this right now. 567 00:43:04,081 --> 00:43:05,707 Okay. 568 00:43:06,166 --> 00:43:07,750 SOMERSET [WHISPERS]: It's got to be now. 569 00:43:07,918 --> 00:43:10,211 There may be something we haven't seen. 570 00:43:19,054 --> 00:43:20,471 GOULD: Wait. 571 00:43:20,639 --> 00:43:22,890 -What? -Here. 572 00:43:26,270 --> 00:43:29,856 This painting, it's upside down. 573 00:43:37,197 --> 00:43:39,240 -You sure your men didn't move this? -No, no. 574 00:43:39,408 --> 00:43:42,118 Those shots were taken before forensics. 575 00:43:45,205 --> 00:43:46,664 Nothing. 576 00:43:47,583 --> 00:43:50,209 There's gotta be something. 577 00:44:00,554 --> 00:44:03,389 -Moved the screws to rehang it. -Yep. 578 00:44:07,561 --> 00:44:09,437 What the fuck is that? 579 00:44:10,522 --> 00:44:12,273 Switchblade. 580 00:44:20,199 --> 00:44:22,116 Goddamn it. 581 00:44:25,204 --> 00:44:28,081 There must be something. 582 00:44:32,878 --> 00:44:35,380 He didn't paint the fucking thing. 583 00:44:43,013 --> 00:44:46,057 No, he's fucking with us, that's what he's doing. 584 00:44:47,101 --> 00:44:49,143 See this? This is us. 585 00:44:49,770 --> 00:44:50,812 Yeah. 586 00:44:50,979 --> 00:44:52,605 Just wait a minute. 587 00:44:55,025 --> 00:44:57,151 Now Somerset's climbing on the furniture. 588 00:44:57,319 --> 00:44:59,278 Just wait a minute. 589 00:45:04,326 --> 00:45:05,993 You're kidding me. 590 00:45:06,453 --> 00:45:08,621 Call the Print Lab. 591 00:45:13,544 --> 00:45:15,461 Oh, man. 592 00:45:18,340 --> 00:45:22,969 HonestIy, have you ever seen anything like this? 593 00:45:24,680 --> 00:45:26,097 No. 594 00:45:28,142 --> 00:45:30,977 MAN: I can tell you, guys, just by looking at the swirl pattern... 595 00:45:31,353 --> 00:45:33,771 . ..they're not the victim's fingerprints. 596 00:45:43,991 --> 00:45:48,494 I don't know, man. I say he's whacked enough. 597 00:45:49,788 --> 00:45:50,913 It doesn't fit. 598 00:45:51,707 --> 00:45:54,459 -He doesn't wants us to help him stop. MILLS: Who knows? 599 00:45:54,626 --> 00:45:58,629 So many freaks out there doing their little evil deeds they don't wanna do. 600 00:45:58,797 --> 00:46:01,883 "The voices made me do it. My dog made me do it. 601 00:46:02,050 --> 00:46:03,843 Jodie Foster told me to do it." 602 00:46:04,011 --> 00:46:07,597 You know, um, I've seen this baby take as long as three days to make a match... 603 00:46:07,765 --> 00:46:11,267 . ..so maybe you guys wanna cross your fingers somewhere else. 604 00:46:12,227 --> 00:46:13,519 605 00:46:14,646 --> 00:46:17,356 You meant what you said to Mrs. Gould, didn't you? 606 00:46:17,524 --> 00:46:20,735 -About catching this guy. -Yeah. 607 00:46:20,903 --> 00:46:22,028 SOMERSET: Hmm. 608 00:46:22,863 --> 00:46:25,782 Wish I still thought the way you do. 609 00:46:26,909 --> 00:46:30,703 Why don't you tell me what the hell it is you think we're doing then. 610 00:46:31,079 --> 00:46:33,331 Picking up the pieces. 611 00:46:34,541 --> 00:46:39,337 We're collecting all the evidence, taking all the pictures and samples. 612 00:46:39,505 --> 00:46:41,464 Writing everything down. 613 00:46:41,632 --> 00:46:44,300 Noting the time things happened. 614 00:46:45,385 --> 00:46:48,554 -That's all? -That's all. 615 00:46:48,722 --> 00:46:52,767 Putting everything into neat little piles and filing it away. 616 00:46:53,060 --> 00:46:56,896 On the off chance it will ever be needed in the courtroom. 617 00:46:59,191 --> 00:47:02,360 Picking up diamonds on a deserted island. 618 00:47:02,528 --> 00:47:06,072 Saving them in case we get rescued. 619 00:47:08,909 --> 00:47:10,576 MILLS: Bullshit. 620 00:47:12,454 --> 00:47:16,749 Even the most promising clues usually only lead to others. 621 00:47:17,751 --> 00:47:22,004 So many corpses roll away unrevenged. 622 00:47:23,966 --> 00:47:28,177 Don't try to tell me you didn't get that rush tonight. 623 00:47:28,720 --> 00:47:30,596 I saw you. 624 00:47:31,223 --> 00:47:33,266 We're getting somewhere. 625 00:47:48,782 --> 00:47:50,157 Wake up, Glimmer Twins. 626 00:47:50,659 --> 00:47:52,618 You've got a winner. 627 00:47:58,417 --> 00:48:02,086 This guy goes by the name of Victor. His real name is Theodore Allen. 628 00:48:02,254 --> 00:48:04,922 His prints were found at the scene by Homicide. 629 00:48:05,090 --> 00:48:08,551 He's got a long history of serious mental illness. 630 00:48:08,719 --> 00:48:11,888 His parents gave him a very strict Southern Baptist upbringing. 631 00:48:12,055 --> 00:48:14,724 But somewhere along the line, they fell short. 632 00:48:15,100 --> 00:48:17,768 Now, Victor dabbled in drugs, armed robbery and assault. 633 00:48:17,936 --> 00:48:21,606 Spent time in prison here a while back for the attempted rape of a minor. 634 00:48:21,773 --> 00:48:24,233 But his lawyer saw to it that didn't last long. 635 00:48:24,401 --> 00:48:26,986 His lawyer, by the way, is the recently deceased Eli Gould. 636 00:48:27,154 --> 00:48:28,738 -Greed murder victim. OFFlCER: Yes, sir. 637 00:48:28,906 --> 00:48:31,657 We're gonna finish this thing up today, ladies and germs. 638 00:48:31,825 --> 00:48:35,828 Victor's been out of circulation a while, but there's still a residence in his name. 639 00:48:35,996 --> 00:48:37,705 You're not buying all this, are you? 640 00:48:37,873 --> 00:48:41,834 -Doesn't seem like our guy, does it? -You tell me. 641 00:48:42,502 --> 00:48:44,503 Our killer seems to have more purpose. 642 00:49:13,533 --> 00:49:14,825 You ever take a bullet? 643 00:49:15,369 --> 00:49:18,663 Never in my 34 years, knock wood. 644 00:49:20,123 --> 00:49:24,168 I've only taken my gun out three times with the intention of using it. 645 00:49:24,336 --> 00:49:25,670 Never pulled the trigger. 646 00:49:25,837 --> 00:49:27,797 Not once. 647 00:49:27,965 --> 00:49:29,048 You? 648 00:49:29,216 --> 00:49:35,388 Yeah, but, no, I never took a bullet, but I pulled my gun once, shot it once. 649 00:49:35,555 --> 00:49:37,598 -Really? -It was my first one of these. 650 00:49:37,766 --> 00:49:39,976 We were a secondary unit. 651 00:49:40,143 --> 00:49:43,229 I was pretty shaky going in. I was a rookie then. 652 00:49:43,397 --> 00:49:46,691 Anyway, we bust open the door looking for this junkie and, uh... 653 00:49:46,858 --> 00:49:49,235 . ..the fucker just opened fire on us. 654 00:49:49,403 --> 00:49:51,195 One cop got hit in the arm. 655 00:49:53,240 --> 00:49:55,449 Christ, what was his name? 656 00:49:56,785 --> 00:49:58,786 Spun him like a top. 657 00:49:58,954 --> 00:50:01,038 You know, I mean, more like slow motion. 658 00:50:02,666 --> 00:50:04,583 I remember. .. 659 00:50:05,752 --> 00:50:07,086 . ..riding in that ambulance. 660 00:50:07,629 --> 00:50:10,214 Well, he died right there. 661 00:50:10,757 --> 00:50:12,425 Right there. 662 00:50:12,801 --> 00:50:14,927 Christ, what was his fucking name? 663 00:50:27,816 --> 00:50:30,985 OFFlCER 1 : All rise. OFFlCER 2: Let's do it. Let's do it. 664 00:50:31,862 --> 00:50:34,405 OFFlCER 1 : Go, go, go. Move. 665 00:50:36,700 --> 00:50:38,617 Okay. 666 00:50:57,637 --> 00:50:59,305 OFFlCER 3: Get up there. 667 00:51:33,048 --> 00:51:36,092 SWAT goes before dicks. 668 00:51:36,259 --> 00:51:37,718 Hey. 669 00:51:39,012 --> 00:51:41,097 They love this. 670 00:51:41,681 --> 00:51:43,432 Police. 671 00:51:44,434 --> 00:51:45,810 Clear. 672 00:51:47,854 --> 00:51:49,522 -Clear. OFFlCER: Clear. 673 00:51:49,689 --> 00:51:50,898 Clear. 674 00:52:04,204 --> 00:52:05,704 OFFlCER 2: Clear. 675 00:52:13,588 --> 00:52:15,464 Morning, sweetheart. 676 00:52:16,383 --> 00:52:17,883 Get up now, motherfucker. 677 00:52:18,051 --> 00:52:19,343 Now! 678 00:52:28,395 --> 00:52:30,437 Get up, you sack of shit. 679 00:52:35,235 --> 00:52:36,819 680 00:52:36,987 --> 00:52:38,737 Oh, fuck me. 681 00:52:38,905 --> 00:52:43,075 Dicks, you'Il wanna come take a look at this. 682 00:52:45,871 --> 00:52:47,496 Dicks! 683 00:52:53,003 --> 00:52:54,211 Oof. 684 00:52:54,379 --> 00:52:55,421 Jesus. 685 00:52:55,797 --> 00:52:57,631 -Victor? MILLS: What the hell? 686 00:52:57,799 --> 00:52:59,049 Yeah, it's just Victor. 687 00:52:59,217 --> 00:53:01,177 SOMERSET: Call an ambulance. OFFlCER: What is this? 688 00:53:01,344 --> 00:53:03,596 CALIFORNIA: Hearse more like it. SOMERSET: Also Forensics. 689 00:53:03,763 --> 00:53:05,973 -California, get your people out. CALIFORNIA: Go on now. 690 00:53:06,141 --> 00:53:07,600 No one touches anything. 691 00:53:07,767 --> 00:53:09,935 It's some frigging wax sculpture or something. 692 00:53:10,478 --> 00:53:12,021 693 00:53:14,065 --> 00:53:15,274 "Sloth." 694 00:53:24,826 --> 00:53:26,076 MILLS: Oh, man. 695 00:53:26,244 --> 00:53:28,037 Goddamn. 696 00:53:28,205 --> 00:53:30,915 SOMERSET: Those pictures were dated three days ago. 697 00:53:38,882 --> 00:53:41,091 This must be the first one. Look. 698 00:53:42,093 --> 00:53:44,428 It's dated exactly one year ago today. 699 00:53:46,723 --> 00:53:52,478 I got a hair sample, I got a stool sample, I got piss, I got fingernails. 700 00:53:54,522 --> 00:53:58,567 -He's laughing at us. -You got what you deserved. 701 00:53:58,902 --> 00:54:00,569 702 00:54:01,446 --> 00:54:03,072 CALIFORNIA: He's alive, he's alive! 703 00:54:03,240 --> 00:54:05,032 -That cocksucker's alive! SOMERSET: Guns down. 704 00:54:05,200 --> 00:54:08,160 -Still breathing! -Guns down! Emergency on that ambulance! 705 00:54:08,328 --> 00:54:10,329 706 00:54:10,497 --> 00:54:12,289 707 00:54:16,002 --> 00:54:17,086 Coming through. 708 00:54:25,345 --> 00:54:28,430 -He's playing games. -No shit. 709 00:54:29,224 --> 00:54:32,142 Look, we have to divorce ourselves from emotion here. 710 00:54:32,310 --> 00:54:33,352 Oh. 711 00:54:33,520 --> 00:54:35,521 No matter how hard it is, we have to remain focused. 712 00:54:35,689 --> 00:54:37,856 Hey, man, I feed off my emotions. How's that? 713 00:54:38,024 --> 00:54:40,818 -Are you listening to me? -Yes, I can hear you. 714 00:54:40,986 --> 00:54:42,611 MAN: Excuse me. -What are you doing? 715 00:54:42,779 --> 00:54:45,364 -Closed crime scene, get out. -I got a right to be here. 716 00:54:45,532 --> 00:54:46,907 -UPI photographer. -Get out. 717 00:54:47,075 --> 00:54:49,827 MAN: Hey, I got a fucking right to be here. MILLS: Get out of here. 718 00:54:49,995 --> 00:54:51,912 -Get out. Jesus. -Fucking jerk. Fuck you. 719 00:54:52,080 --> 00:54:53,706 -I got your picture, man. -Oh, yeah? 720 00:54:53,873 --> 00:54:55,332 MAN: I got your picture. MILLS: Yeah? 721 00:54:55,500 --> 00:54:58,544 Detective Mills, M-I-L-L-S, fuck off. 722 00:54:58,712 --> 00:55:01,005 MAN: l'm surprised you can spell. MILLS: Fuck you. 723 00:55:01,756 --> 00:55:04,091 How do they get here so fucking quick? 724 00:55:04,551 --> 00:55:06,635 They pay police for the information. 725 00:55:06,803 --> 00:55:07,845 And they pay well. 726 00:55:08,722 --> 00:55:10,681 Hey, man, l'm sorry, I . . .. 727 00:55:10,849 --> 00:55:12,516 Those, ugh.. . . 728 00:55:12,809 --> 00:55:15,394 -You know, they piss me off. -It's okay. 729 00:55:15,562 --> 00:55:18,063 It's impressive to see a man feeding off his emotions. 730 00:55:25,030 --> 00:55:27,072 BEARDSLEY: A year of immobility seems about right. . . 731 00:55:27,240 --> 00:55:30,159 . ..judging by the deterioration of the muscles and the spine. 732 00:55:30,327 --> 00:55:33,829 Blood tests show a whole smorgasbord of drugs in his system. 733 00:55:33,997 --> 00:55:35,247 Even an antibiotic.. . 734 00:55:35,415 --> 00:55:39,626 . ..which must've been administered to keep the bed sores from infecting. 735 00:55:39,794 --> 00:55:43,756 Now, has he tried to speak or communicate in any way? 736 00:55:43,923 --> 00:55:46,592 Even if his brain were not mush, which it is. . . 737 00:55:46,760 --> 00:55:49,636 . ..he chewed off his own tongue long ago. 738 00:55:51,139 --> 00:55:53,223 SOMERSET: Uh, Doc. 739 00:55:54,017 --> 00:55:57,269 Is there absoluteIy no chance that he might survive? 740 00:55:57,771 --> 00:56:03,067 Detective, he'd die of shock right now if you were to shine a flashlight in his eyes. 741 00:56:03,234 --> 00:56:06,779 He's experienced about as much pain and suffering as anyone I've encountered. 742 00:56:06,946 --> 00:56:08,781 Give or take. 743 00:56:09,240 --> 00:56:12,242 And he still has hell to look forward to. 744 00:56:12,494 --> 00:56:13,535 Good night. 745 00:56:13,703 --> 00:56:14,787 746 00:56:14,954 --> 00:56:17,539 MAN [ON RADIO]: Tonight we bring you the Charlie Parker Quintet. 747 00:56:17,707 --> 00:56:20,709 Featuring Sir Charles Thompson on piano, Herb Pomeroy's trumpet... 748 00:56:20,877 --> 00:56:25,422 ...Jimmy Woode, bass, Kenny Clarke, drums, and the alto saxophone of Charlie Parker. 749 00:56:25,590 --> 00:56:28,133 -Yeah? TRACY [OVER PHONE]: hello, William? 750 00:56:28,301 --> 00:56:32,012 -It's Tracy. -Tracy? 751 00:56:32,180 --> 00:56:36,517 -Is everything all right? TRACY: Yeah, yes, everything's fine. 752 00:56:36,684 --> 00:56:38,352 -Where's David? TRACY: He's just, uh-- 753 00:56:38,520 --> 00:56:40,896 He's in the other room. He's in the shower. 754 00:56:41,064 --> 00:56:43,982 Um, l'm sorry to call you like this. 755 00:56:44,150 --> 00:56:46,026 Oh, it's all right. Um. . . . 756 00:56:46,486 --> 00:56:48,028 What can I do for you, Tracy? 757 00:56:49,572 --> 00:56:51,156 I, uh.... 758 00:56:52,117 --> 00:56:53,659 Um, heh. 759 00:56:53,827 --> 00:56:55,702 I need someone to talk to. 760 00:56:55,870 --> 00:56:59,331 Do you think you could meet me somewhere... 761 00:56:59,499 --> 00:57:00,999 . ..maybe tomorrow morning? 762 00:57:02,168 --> 00:57:04,336 I don't understand. 763 00:57:04,963 --> 00:57:08,048 I feel stupid calling, but, uh... 764 00:57:09,134 --> 00:57:12,511 . ..you're the only person that I know here. 765 00:57:12,679 --> 00:57:14,012 There's no one else. 766 00:57:14,597 --> 00:57:18,642 If you can, just, uh, give me a call, okay? 767 00:57:18,810 --> 00:57:20,811 I have to go now. 768 00:57:21,354 --> 00:57:23,689 -Well, good night. -Good night. 769 00:57:24,732 --> 00:57:26,859 770 00:57:32,991 --> 00:57:36,827 TRACY: I mean, you know this city so well. 771 00:57:36,995 --> 00:57:40,956 You've been here so long. 772 00:57:41,875 --> 00:57:44,209 SOMERSET: It can be a hard place. 773 00:57:44,586 --> 00:57:47,045 I don't know why I asked you to come. 774 00:57:48,882 --> 00:57:51,175 Why don't you talk to him about it? 775 00:57:51,342 --> 00:57:53,010 tell him how you feeI. 776 00:57:54,220 --> 00:57:57,055 I can't. You know, I can't be a burden. 777 00:57:57,223 --> 00:57:59,308 Especially now. 778 00:58:01,060 --> 00:58:03,061 I'll get used to things. 779 00:58:03,229 --> 00:58:05,189 You know? I think I just. . . . 780 00:58:05,356 --> 00:58:09,651 I wanted to talk to someone who's lived here for a long time and.... 781 00:58:09,986 --> 00:58:16,200 I mean, upstate, you know, it's a completely different environment. 782 00:58:18,870 --> 00:58:21,371 Did David tell you that I teach fifth grade? 783 00:58:21,539 --> 00:58:23,207 Well, I did. 784 00:58:24,918 --> 00:58:27,002 Uh, he mentioned it. 785 00:58:30,048 --> 00:58:33,592 I've been going around, you know, looking at schools. 786 00:58:34,260 --> 00:58:35,260 787 00:58:35,428 --> 00:58:39,765 But the conditions here are horrible. 788 00:58:41,059 --> 00:58:42,100 What about private schools? 789 00:58:42,268 --> 00:58:43,393 790 00:58:45,271 --> 00:58:47,231 I don't know. 791 00:58:48,274 --> 00:58:51,443 Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you, Tracy. 792 00:58:53,613 --> 00:58:56,240 David and I are gonna have a baby. 793 00:59:00,703 --> 00:59:02,704 Oh, Tracy, I . . .. 794 00:59:03,831 --> 00:59:05,707 I don't think I'm the, heh. . . . 795 00:59:05,875 --> 00:59:08,168 I'm the one to talk to about this. 796 00:59:08,336 --> 00:59:10,587 I hate this city. 797 00:59:14,384 --> 00:59:16,927 I had a relationship once. 798 00:59:17,303 --> 00:59:19,304 It was very much like a marriage. 799 00:59:22,267 --> 00:59:24,309 We got pregnant. 800 00:59:25,103 --> 00:59:27,104 This was a long time ago. 801 00:59:31,818 --> 00:59:32,859 802 00:59:33,027 --> 00:59:36,321 I remember getting up one morning and going to work. 803 00:59:38,157 --> 00:59:42,869 Just another day like any other, except it was the first day after I knew about. . . 804 00:59:43,454 --> 00:59:45,080 . ..the pregnancy. 805 00:59:46,207 --> 00:59:51,336 And I feIt this fear for the first time ever. 806 00:59:53,423 --> 00:59:57,759 I remember thinking how can I bring a child into a world like this? 807 00:59:57,927 --> 01:00:02,180 How can--? How can a person grow up with all this around them? 808 01:00:09,689 --> 01:00:12,107 I told her I didn't want to have it. 809 01:00:14,110 --> 01:00:15,902 And over the next few weeks. .. 810 01:00:17,322 --> 01:00:19,323 . .. I wore her down. 811 01:00:21,701 --> 01:00:23,952 I wanna have children. 812 01:00:28,374 --> 01:00:30,709 I can tell you now that. . . . 813 01:00:31,252 --> 01:00:33,378 I'm-- I know, I mean. . . . 814 01:00:33,546 --> 01:00:34,880 815 01:00:35,590 --> 01:00:39,509 I'm positive that I made the right decision. 816 01:00:39,677 --> 01:00:41,970 But there's not a day that passes. . . 817 01:00:42,138 --> 01:00:46,600 . ..that I don't wish that I had made a different choice. 818 01:00:49,729 --> 01:00:52,314 If you don't keep. . . . 819 01:00:53,733 --> 01:00:57,235 The baby, I mean, if that's your decision. . . 820 01:00:59,072 --> 01:01:01,490 . ..don't ever tell him that you were pregnant. 821 01:01:03,201 --> 01:01:06,620 But if you choose to have this baby. . . 822 01:01:07,121 --> 01:01:10,666 . ..you spoil that kid every chance you get. 823 01:01:15,963 --> 01:01:17,130 824 01:01:17,298 --> 01:01:22,135 That's about all the advice I can give you, Tracy. 825 01:01:23,262 --> 01:01:24,846 826 01:01:29,185 --> 01:01:30,769 I got to go. 827 01:01:30,937 --> 01:01:32,604 William. 828 01:01:39,362 --> 01:01:40,529 Thank you. 829 01:01:54,377 --> 01:01:58,380 SOMERSET: Victor's landlord said there was an envelope of cash in the office mailbox. .. 830 01:01:58,548 --> 01:02:00,632 . ..the first of every month. 831 01:02:05,138 --> 01:02:06,555 Quote: 832 01:02:06,723 --> 01:02:10,183 "I never heard a single complaint from the tenant in Apartment 306. 833 01:02:10,351 --> 01:02:12,978 -And nobody ever complained about him. -Heh. 834 01:02:13,146 --> 01:02:15,731 He's the best tenant I've ever had," end quote. 835 01:02:15,898 --> 01:02:17,816 Yeah, a landlord's dream. 836 01:02:17,984 --> 01:02:19,651 A paralyzed tenant with no tongue. 837 01:02:19,819 --> 01:02:21,445 Who pays the rent on time. 838 01:02:22,613 --> 01:02:25,490 -I'm sick of all this waiting. -This is the job. 839 01:02:25,658 --> 01:02:26,783 840 01:02:26,951 --> 01:02:28,285 Why aren't we out there, huh? 841 01:02:28,453 --> 01:02:33,665 Why do we gotta sit here rotting, waiting till the lunatic does it again? 842 01:02:33,833 --> 01:02:36,710 It's dismissive to call him a lunatic. Don't make that mistake. 843 01:02:36,878 --> 01:02:39,504 Come on, he's insane. Look. 844 01:02:39,672 --> 01:02:43,633 Right now he's probably dancing around in his grandma's panties. 845 01:02:43,801 --> 01:02:46,762 Yeah, rubbing himself in peanut butter. Ooh. 846 01:02:47,180 --> 01:02:50,056 -How's that? -I don't think so. 847 01:02:50,933 --> 01:02:53,560 His luck will run out. 848 01:02:54,187 --> 01:02:56,396 Not depending on luck. 849 01:02:59,275 --> 01:03:03,111 We waked into that apartment exactly one year after he tied Victor to the bed. 850 01:03:03,279 --> 01:03:05,197 One year to the day. 851 01:03:05,364 --> 01:03:07,657 -He wanted us to. -Don't know that for sure. 852 01:03:07,825 --> 01:03:09,576 Oh, yes, we do. 853 01:03:10,369 --> 01:03:12,287 This note he left. 854 01:03:12,455 --> 01:03:14,164 His first words to us. 855 01:03:20,797 --> 01:03:22,005 Fuck him. So what? 856 01:03:22,173 --> 01:03:24,049 He's right, so far. 857 01:03:24,217 --> 01:03:28,720 Imagine the will it takes to keep a man bound for a fuIl year. 858 01:03:28,888 --> 01:03:32,724 To sever his hand and use it to plant fingerprints. 859 01:03:32,892 --> 01:03:35,685 To insert tubes into his genitals. 860 01:03:36,103 --> 01:03:40,899 This guy is methodical, exacting, and worst of all, patient. 861 01:03:41,275 --> 01:03:43,026 He's a nut bag. 862 01:03:43,194 --> 01:03:47,447 And just because the fucker's got a library card doesn't make him Yoda. 863 01:03:51,786 --> 01:03:55,121 -How much money you got? -I got like 50. 50 bucks. 864 01:03:55,289 --> 01:03:58,250 SOMERSET: I propose a field trip. Come on. 865 01:04:01,587 --> 01:04:02,587 We'll make a list. 866 01:04:02,755 --> 01:04:05,590 At the top we'll put Purgatory, Canterbury Tales. 867 01:04:05,758 --> 01:04:08,385 Anything relating to the seven deadly sins. 868 01:04:08,553 --> 01:04:10,011 -Ask yourself-- -Hey, wait, wait. 869 01:04:10,179 --> 01:04:12,931 --what would he study to do the things he's done? 870 01:04:13,099 --> 01:04:15,141 What are his interests now? 871 01:04:15,643 --> 01:04:17,435 Jack the Ripper, for instance. 872 01:04:17,603 --> 01:04:19,312 MILLS: Where are we going? SOMERSET: library. 873 01:04:33,619 --> 01:04:35,495 MAN: Coupons, coupons, free coupons. 874 01:04:35,663 --> 01:04:38,081 Discount-- Discount coupons. 875 01:04:39,375 --> 01:04:43,628 They must've had about 50 health violations during the last inspection. 876 01:04:43,796 --> 01:04:48,466 Could you at least sit across from me? I don't want people thinking we're dating. 877 01:04:48,634 --> 01:04:50,635 Give me your money. 878 01:04:51,637 --> 01:04:55,932 I'm giving you this, but for some reason, I don't think I know what we're doing. 879 01:04:58,477 --> 01:04:59,978 Fuck. 880 01:05:00,980 --> 01:05:03,023 GREASY: Hey, Somerset, how you doing? -Okay. 881 01:05:03,190 --> 01:05:06,651 -Didn't figure this was a ménage à trois. -It's not a problem. 882 01:05:06,819 --> 01:05:08,486 Sit down. 883 01:05:12,825 --> 01:05:16,328 only for you do I do this, so it's a big risk. 884 01:05:16,662 --> 01:05:18,997 So I figure we're just fair and square. 885 01:05:19,165 --> 01:05:21,374 -It's a deal. -all right. 886 01:05:25,379 --> 01:05:27,088 About an hour. 887 01:05:28,841 --> 01:05:31,134 Yeah, help yourself. 888 01:05:31,302 --> 01:05:32,677 889 01:05:33,095 --> 01:05:35,430 Well, that was money Well spent. 890 01:05:36,349 --> 01:05:37,682 Yeah. 891 01:05:45,358 --> 01:05:46,650 All right. 892 01:05:46,817 --> 01:05:50,028 By telling you this, l'm trusting you more than I trust most people. 893 01:05:50,196 --> 01:05:52,989 Well, good, because l'm ready to punch you. 894 01:05:54,742 --> 01:05:58,912 It's probably nothing, but even if it is, it's no skin off our teeth. 895 01:06:01,707 --> 01:06:04,501 The guy in the pizza parlor is a friend from the Bureau. 896 01:06:06,545 --> 01:06:07,629 Who, stinky man? 897 01:06:08,589 --> 01:06:12,592 See, for years the FBI's been hooked into the library system, keeping records. 898 01:06:12,760 --> 01:06:17,097 -Mm-hm. Assessing fines? -No, monitoring reading habits. 899 01:06:17,264 --> 01:06:18,598 -Look. -What? 900 01:06:18,766 --> 01:06:20,642 Certain books are flagged. 901 01:06:20,810 --> 01:06:25,397 Books on, say, nuclear weapons and, well, Mein Kampf. 902 01:06:25,564 --> 01:06:27,440 Anyone who checks out a flagged book. .. 903 01:06:27,608 --> 01:06:30,568 . ..has his library records fed into the FBI's computers then on. 904 01:06:30,736 --> 01:06:32,737 Wait, wait, wait, how is this legal? 905 01:06:32,905 --> 01:06:35,740 Oh, legal, illegal. These terms don't apply. 906 01:06:35,908 --> 01:06:37,075 -Oh. -You-- 907 01:06:37,243 --> 01:06:41,413 You can't use the information directIy. It's just a useful guide. 908 01:06:41,580 --> 01:06:44,249 It might sound silly, but you can't get a library card. .. 909 01:06:44,417 --> 01:06:46,418 . ..without, uh, an ID and a current phone bill, see? 910 01:06:46,585 --> 01:06:47,877 911 01:06:50,256 --> 01:06:52,924 -So they run a list. -Precisely. 912 01:06:53,092 --> 01:06:56,469 If you wanna know who's reading Purgatory and Paradise Lost... 913 01:06:56,637 --> 01:07:01,641 ...and Helter Skelter, the FBI's computers will tell us. 914 01:07:01,809 --> 01:07:03,768 -It could give us a name. -It could. 915 01:07:03,936 --> 01:07:07,772 Could get a name of some college kid writing a term paper on 20th-century crime. 916 01:07:08,649 --> 01:07:10,775 At least you're out of the office. 917 01:07:10,943 --> 01:07:12,652 Get a haircut. 918 01:07:13,612 --> 01:07:15,530 -How do you know all this? -I don't. 919 01:07:16,240 --> 01:07:18,825 -Neither do you. -Exactly. 920 01:07:26,625 --> 01:07:30,879 "The Divine Comedy. History of Catholicism." 921 01:07:31,047 --> 01:07:33,214 There's a book called Murderers and Madmen. 922 01:07:33,382 --> 01:07:37,177 "Modern Homicide Investigation, In Cold Blood. 923 01:07:37,470 --> 01:07:39,345 Of Human Bondage." Bondage? 924 01:07:39,513 --> 01:07:41,806 -Not what you think. -Okay. 925 01:07:41,974 --> 01:07:44,142 "The Marquis de Sade." 926 01:07:44,310 --> 01:07:46,144 -It's the Marquis de Sade. -Whatever. 927 01:07:46,312 --> 01:07:48,688 "The Writings of Saint Thomas Aqua--" Something. 928 01:07:48,856 --> 01:07:51,107 Saint Thomas Aquinas. There it is. 929 01:07:51,275 --> 01:07:54,110 He wrote about the seven deadly sins. 930 01:07:54,278 --> 01:07:56,863 -Is that it? -Yeah. 931 01:07:57,490 --> 01:08:00,325 -Let's try it. -Jonathan Doe? 932 01:08:00,493 --> 01:08:01,576 Whatever. 933 01:08:01,744 --> 01:08:03,328 SOMERSET: We're sure about that name? 934 01:08:03,496 --> 01:08:04,496 MILLS: Yeah. 935 01:08:04,663 --> 01:08:07,207 You saw it, John Doe. 936 01:08:07,374 --> 01:08:09,793 You wanna go back, l'll go back. 937 01:08:09,960 --> 01:08:12,212 Let's take a look at him. talk to him. 938 01:08:12,963 --> 01:08:14,506 MILLS: This is crazy. 939 01:08:14,673 --> 01:08:17,467 -Ah, we'Il just talk to him. -Uh-huh. 940 01:08:17,635 --> 01:08:21,054 "Excuse me, sir. Are you by any chance a serial killer?" 941 01:08:22,431 --> 01:08:24,057 Okay. 942 01:08:24,225 --> 01:08:26,101 You do the talking. 943 01:08:26,894 --> 01:08:29,062 -Put that sliver tongue of yours to work. -No. 944 01:08:29,230 --> 01:08:31,481 You been talking to my wife? 945 01:08:33,109 --> 01:08:34,234 946 01:08:34,401 --> 01:08:36,653 This is retarded. 947 01:08:36,821 --> 01:08:38,613 Charlie's Fucking Angels. 948 01:08:39,365 --> 01:08:41,783 A name off a computer. 949 01:08:45,121 --> 01:08:46,704 Mills. 950 01:08:50,751 --> 01:08:52,252 951 01:08:54,130 --> 01:08:55,630 Fuck. 952 01:08:57,216 --> 01:08:59,551 -You hit? -No. 953 01:08:59,718 --> 01:09:00,844 954 01:09:02,138 --> 01:09:04,639 MILLS: He's going down, he's going down! 955 01:09:20,739 --> 01:09:22,157 Fifth floor. 956 01:09:22,324 --> 01:09:23,783 Mills. 957 01:09:25,411 --> 01:09:27,412 GIRL: Mommy? 958 01:09:28,080 --> 01:09:29,414 Mommy? 959 01:09:41,093 --> 01:09:42,260 960 01:09:42,428 --> 01:09:44,721 Police. ls there a back way out? 961 01:09:45,222 --> 01:09:46,264 Lock your door. 962 01:09:46,432 --> 01:09:47,932 963 01:09:48,100 --> 01:09:51,978 MAN: What the hell is going on, man? -Get out of the fucking hall, please. 964 01:09:52,771 --> 01:09:55,148 965 01:10:07,912 --> 01:10:10,288 966 01:10:17,379 --> 01:10:18,880 -Get down. -Aah! 967 01:10:19,048 --> 01:10:20,131 Hey. 968 01:10:20,674 --> 01:10:22,008 Get the fuck down. 969 01:10:23,510 --> 01:10:24,886 970 01:10:51,038 --> 01:10:52,205 Aah! 971 01:10:55,668 --> 01:10:57,252 Shit. 972 01:10:58,671 --> 01:11:01,172 MAN: Get the fuck out of there. 973 01:11:02,258 --> 01:11:04,175 974 01:11:10,641 --> 01:11:12,850 975 01:11:13,018 --> 01:11:16,688 MAN: Hey! Shut the fuck up! 976 01:11:17,564 --> 01:11:19,607 977 01:11:59,106 --> 01:12:00,315 Goddamn it. 978 01:12:10,826 --> 01:12:12,201 Fuck. 979 01:12:15,414 --> 01:12:16,664 980 01:12:25,632 --> 01:12:27,300 981 01:12:27,468 --> 01:12:29,927 982 01:12:35,476 --> 01:12:37,935 983 01:13:03,045 --> 01:13:05,671 MILLS: Get out of the fucking way! Move! 984 01:13:41,792 --> 01:13:43,376 985 01:13:47,047 --> 01:13:48,673 986 01:14:06,191 --> 01:14:08,025 Mills? 987 01:14:09,027 --> 01:14:10,695 No. 988 01:14:30,966 --> 01:14:32,425 Mills. 989 01:14:34,470 --> 01:14:37,889 -Mills, you okay? -I'm all right. 990 01:14:40,058 --> 01:14:41,726 I'm all right. 991 01:14:45,689 --> 01:14:47,440 SOMERSET: Where are you going? -I'm going in. 992 01:14:47,608 --> 01:14:50,026 No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. 993 01:14:50,360 --> 01:14:52,028 -Wait. -What are you talking about? 994 01:14:52,196 --> 01:14:53,571 -He shot at us. -You can't. 995 01:14:53,739 --> 01:14:55,531 -The hell we can't. -We need a warrant. 996 01:14:55,699 --> 01:14:57,408 We got probable cause. Come on. 997 01:14:57,576 --> 01:14:58,743 Think about it, think. 998 01:14:58,911 --> 01:15:00,411 -How did we get here? -Huh? 999 01:15:00,579 --> 01:15:03,789 -I can't tell anyone this, I can't tell anyone. -Oh, come on, out of the way. 1000 01:15:03,957 --> 01:15:05,833 We have no reason to be here. 1001 01:15:06,001 --> 01:15:07,460 -Will you listen to me? -Get off. 1002 01:15:07,628 --> 01:15:09,795 -Listen to me, listen. -Get the fuck off me. 1003 01:15:09,963 --> 01:15:11,589 All right, all right, I'm sorry. 1004 01:15:11,757 --> 01:15:14,258 But would you just pay attention a minute? 1005 01:15:14,426 --> 01:15:17,720 If we leave a hole like this, we won't be able to prosecute. 1006 01:15:17,888 --> 01:15:20,556 The fucking guy will walk. Now, is that what you want? 1007 01:15:20,724 --> 01:15:23,518 By the time we clear a warrant, someone else-- No, fuck that. 1008 01:15:23,685 --> 01:15:28,022 -We need a reason to knock on this door. -No, no. 1009 01:15:28,524 --> 01:15:30,316 Think about it. 1010 01:15:31,568 --> 01:15:33,152 Okay? 1011 01:15:35,239 --> 01:15:37,281 Okay, man. Okay. 1012 01:15:37,449 --> 01:15:39,992 You're right. l'm all fucked up. 1013 01:15:40,160 --> 01:15:42,119 When you're right, you're right. 1014 01:15:50,003 --> 01:15:54,215 Well, no point in arguing anymore. 1015 01:15:55,217 --> 01:15:56,801 Unless you can fix that. 1016 01:15:58,720 --> 01:16:01,847 You stupid son of a.... 1017 01:16:09,773 --> 01:16:11,732 How much money we got left? 1018 01:16:12,526 --> 01:16:16,237 So, yeah, like, I noticed this guy going out a lot. 1019 01:16:16,405 --> 01:16:19,323 When the murders was happening, so l, um.... 1020 01:16:19,491 --> 01:16:21,826 -So-- -So you called Detective Somerset, right? 1021 01:16:21,994 --> 01:16:26,122 Yeah, right, right, so I called the detective, because this guy was creepy and shit. 1022 01:16:26,290 --> 01:16:29,000 And one of the murders, it happened right over there. 1023 01:16:29,167 --> 01:16:31,794 -Okay. I told you the rest. You got it? -Called the cops. 1024 01:16:31,962 --> 01:16:33,004 -Good? -Got your story. 1025 01:16:33,171 --> 01:16:34,880 -Have her sign. You gotta sign. -Okay. 1026 01:16:35,048 --> 01:16:37,300 Okay? Good, good, good. 1027 01:16:37,467 --> 01:16:40,177 -all right. -You did good. 1028 01:16:40,345 --> 01:16:42,638 WOMAN: I did what you said. MILLS: Here you go. 1029 01:16:42,806 --> 01:16:45,349 You get something to eat, all right? You eat. 1030 01:16:48,437 --> 01:16:50,563 SOMERSET: Everybody, stay outside. 1031 01:17:51,875 --> 01:17:53,459 Victor. 1032 01:20:06,384 --> 01:20:08,719 Somerset! 1033 01:20:09,846 --> 01:20:13,224 -Somerset! -Yeah? 1034 01:20:16,770 --> 01:20:19,313 -What? -We had him. 1035 01:20:19,606 --> 01:20:21,273 What are you talking about? 1036 01:20:21,441 --> 01:20:24,902 The fucking photographer in the fucking stairs. 1037 01:20:29,407 --> 01:20:31,867 We had him and we let him go. 1038 01:20:32,410 --> 01:20:33,828 1039 01:20:38,250 --> 01:20:39,792 You're sure this is him? 1040 01:20:39,960 --> 01:20:41,252 Yup, good, good. Yup. 1041 01:20:41,419 --> 01:20:43,087 -Yeah, good, get it out. SARA: All right. 1042 01:20:43,255 --> 01:20:46,423 Uh, we've got nothing, no pay stubs, no appointment books, no addresses. 1043 01:20:46,591 --> 01:20:48,425 -This is the best, this receipt. -Keep looking. 1044 01:20:48,593 --> 01:20:50,553 Let me show you something. This was under the bed. 1045 01:20:50,720 --> 01:20:52,680 Uh, his only source of funds. 1046 01:20:52,848 --> 01:20:55,182 No kidding, we got his money. Fucking A, I like it. 1047 01:20:55,350 --> 01:20:56,433 SARA: One thing. MILLS: Yes? 1048 01:20:56,601 --> 01:20:59,562 You're probably not gonna believe this. We haven't found a fingerprint yet. 1049 01:20:59,729 --> 01:21:03,732 -Um, not a single one. -You're right, I don't. Keep looking. 1050 01:21:08,530 --> 01:21:09,989 We could use some more men here. 1051 01:21:10,156 --> 01:21:13,576 Hey, man, l'm doing the best I can. What are you getting with all this? 1052 01:21:13,743 --> 01:21:15,744 There are 2000 notebooks on these shelves. 1053 01:21:15,912 --> 01:21:18,789 And each notebook contains about 250 pages. 1054 01:21:18,957 --> 01:21:21,584 Forget it. Anything about the killings? 1055 01:21:22,002 --> 01:21:26,213 "What sick ridiculous puppets we are, and what a gross stage we dance on. 1056 01:21:26,381 --> 01:21:30,301 What fun we have dancing and fucking. Not a care in the world. 1057 01:21:30,468 --> 01:21:32,136 Not knowing that we are nothing. 1058 01:21:32,304 --> 01:21:34,555 We are not what was intended." 1059 01:21:34,723 --> 01:21:37,141 No, wait, there's a lot more. 1060 01:21:38,143 --> 01:21:41,478 "On the subway today, a man came up to me to start a conversation. 1061 01:21:42,022 --> 01:21:46,150 He made small talk, a loneIy man, talking about the weather and things. 1062 01:21:46,318 --> 01:21:48,444 I tried to be pleasant and accommodating. 1063 01:21:48,612 --> 01:21:51,405 But my head began to hurt from his banality. 1064 01:21:51,573 --> 01:21:56,535 I almost didn't notice it had happened, but I suddenly threw up all over him. 1065 01:21:56,828 --> 01:22:01,624 He was not pleased. And I couldn't stop laughing." 1066 01:22:02,459 --> 01:22:03,959 No dates. 1067 01:22:04,127 --> 01:22:07,463 Placed on the shelves in no discernible order. 1068 01:22:08,381 --> 01:22:11,467 Just his mind poured out on paper. 1069 01:22:11,635 --> 01:22:13,010 Looks like a life's work. 1070 01:22:13,178 --> 01:22:16,555 If we had 50 men reading in 24-hour shifts, it'd still take two months. 1071 01:22:16,723 --> 01:22:18,474 I know, I know, I know. 1072 01:22:18,642 --> 01:22:20,517 1073 01:22:22,562 --> 01:22:23,812 MAN: Where's that phone? 1074 01:22:27,192 --> 01:22:28,776 Phone? Phone? 1075 01:22:28,944 --> 01:22:30,027 Phone? 1076 01:22:32,948 --> 01:22:34,949 People, quiet. 1077 01:22:49,881 --> 01:22:52,716 -Hello? JOHN [OVER PHONE]: I admire you. 1078 01:22:53,551 --> 01:22:57,137 I don't know how you found me, but imagine my surprise. 1079 01:22:57,889 --> 01:23:01,016 I respect you law enforcement agents more every day. 1080 01:23:01,184 --> 01:23:04,228 Well, I appreciate that, John. 1081 01:23:04,396 --> 01:23:06,105 -I tell you-- JOHN: No, listen, all right? 1082 01:23:06,272 --> 01:23:10,359 I'll be re-adjusting my schedule in light of today's little setback. 1083 01:23:10,527 --> 01:23:12,945 I just had to call and express my admiration. 1084 01:23:13,113 --> 01:23:15,948 Sorry I had to hurt one of you... 1085 01:23:16,116 --> 01:23:18,742 -...but I didn't really have a choice, did l? -Hmm. 1086 01:23:18,910 --> 01:23:20,619 JOHN: You will accept my apology, won't you? 1087 01:23:20,787 --> 01:23:23,205 I feel like saying more, but I don't wanna ruin the surprise. 1088 01:23:23,373 --> 01:23:24,540 1089 01:23:26,376 --> 01:23:27,960 1090 01:23:28,128 --> 01:23:31,005 JOHN [ON RECORDER]: --adjusting my schedule after today's little setback. 1091 01:23:31,172 --> 01:23:32,506 Got it. 1092 01:23:36,928 --> 01:23:38,762 All right, everybody, back to work. 1093 01:23:40,765 --> 01:23:42,182 -You were right. SOMERSET: Hmm? 1094 01:23:42,350 --> 01:23:45,936 -Ugh, he's preaching. -Yeah. 1095 01:23:46,563 --> 01:23:48,564 These murders are his sermons to us. 1096 01:23:49,024 --> 01:23:52,276 Look, we know him, we know him, we know him. 1097 01:23:55,071 --> 01:23:56,822 Who's the blonde? 1098 01:24:00,827 --> 01:24:02,453 Looks like a pro. 1099 01:24:02,620 --> 01:24:04,038 Maybe. 1100 01:24:04,205 --> 01:24:06,540 She caught John Doe's eye. 1101 01:24:11,796 --> 01:24:14,339 BILL: Yeah, he came and collected it last night. 1102 01:24:14,507 --> 01:24:16,008 MILLS: Last night? BILL: Yeah. 1103 01:24:16,176 --> 01:24:17,634 -This man? -Yeah, John Doe. 1104 01:24:17,802 --> 01:24:20,012 It's an easy name to remember. He had a limp. 1105 01:24:20,180 --> 01:24:23,807 -What was this job you did for him? -I've got a picture of it. Hang on. 1106 01:24:23,975 --> 01:24:26,143 One sweet piece, actually. 1107 01:24:26,311 --> 01:24:29,646 I thought he was one of them performance artists, that's what I thought. 1108 01:24:29,814 --> 01:24:35,569 You know, the sort of guy that pisses in a cup on stage and, uh, then drinks it. 1109 01:24:35,737 --> 01:24:38,113 -Performance art. -Hmm. 1110 01:24:41,034 --> 01:24:43,202 I think I undercharged him, actually. 1111 01:24:43,369 --> 01:24:44,620 You made this for him? 1112 01:24:44,788 --> 01:24:47,498 Yeah, I've made weirder shit than that. So what? 1113 01:24:47,665 --> 01:24:48,916 1114 01:24:49,084 --> 01:24:50,918 1115 01:24:53,421 --> 01:24:55,214 They found the blonde. 1116 01:24:58,093 --> 01:25:00,886 The picture. 1117 01:25:02,514 --> 01:25:03,931 Fucking pigs. 1118 01:25:06,059 --> 01:25:08,852 OFFlCER: We need you to move, paI. MAN: l'll come out, but you guys-- 1119 01:25:09,020 --> 01:25:12,356 OFFlCER: Get the fuck out of the booth. -I've been in this cage the whole time. 1120 01:25:12,524 --> 01:25:14,733 -Okay? -I'm not fucking with you. 1121 01:25:14,901 --> 01:25:16,652 Come on, this way. 1122 01:25:16,820 --> 01:25:19,863 1123 01:25:23,368 --> 01:25:25,160 Can you do something about this music? 1124 01:25:25,328 --> 01:25:27,955 Yeah, we're working on it. We're looking for the guy. 1125 01:25:40,677 --> 01:25:42,386 You from Homicide? You-- 1126 01:25:42,554 --> 01:25:44,513 -You better see this. -Yeah. All right. 1127 01:25:46,266 --> 01:25:48,767 OFFlCER: Hey, easy. Got him? 1128 01:25:50,895 --> 01:25:53,230 MAN: Get this thing off of me. 1129 01:25:53,606 --> 01:25:55,440 Oh, God, get this thing off of me! 1130 01:25:56,067 --> 01:25:57,651 Get this thing off of me! 1131 01:25:57,819 --> 01:25:59,820 -Get this off! MILLS: Get him out of here, now. 1132 01:25:59,988 --> 01:26:01,446 Get him out of here, now! 1133 01:26:02,866 --> 01:26:04,992 MILLS: Come on, I wanna hear it again. 1134 01:26:05,160 --> 01:26:08,412 -Tell me again. MAN: Just-- I don't know. 1135 01:26:08,788 --> 01:26:11,915 You heard nothing strange, you saw nothing strange. 1136 01:26:12,458 --> 01:26:14,084 -No. MILLS: No. 1137 01:26:15,795 --> 01:26:17,462 He asked me if I was married. 1138 01:26:17,630 --> 01:26:20,674 -And I could see he had a gun in his hand. -Where was the girl? 1139 01:26:20,884 --> 01:26:23,135 The what? What? 1140 01:26:23,303 --> 01:26:25,762 The girl, the prostitute. Where was she? 1141 01:26:25,972 --> 01:26:28,432 Someone comes to your establishment. 1142 01:26:28,600 --> 01:26:31,435 They want to go downstairs and wanna get a little ooh Ia Ia. 1143 01:26:31,603 --> 01:26:33,103 Whatever. 1144 01:26:33,271 --> 01:26:36,648 -They got to come to you, yeah? -Yeah. 1145 01:26:36,816 --> 01:26:38,192 You didn't see anyone? 1146 01:26:39,194 --> 01:26:42,571 With a package? A knapsack? Something under their arm? 1147 01:26:42,739 --> 01:26:46,992 Hey, everybody that comes in there's got a package under their arms. 1148 01:26:47,160 --> 01:26:50,537 Some guys are carrying suitcases fuIl of stuff. 1149 01:26:50,705 --> 01:26:53,332 She was just sitting on the bed. 1150 01:26:59,797 --> 01:27:02,132 Who tied her down? You or him? 1151 01:27:02,634 --> 01:27:04,927 Do you like what you do for a living? 1152 01:27:05,220 --> 01:27:08,013 -These things you see? -No. 1153 01:27:09,140 --> 01:27:10,807 No, I don't. 1154 01:27:12,310 --> 01:27:14,978 But that's life, isn't it? 1155 01:27:18,608 --> 01:27:24,321 He had a gun and he made it happen. 1156 01:27:24,489 --> 01:27:25,989 1157 01:27:26,157 --> 01:27:27,866 He made me do it. 1158 01:27:28,034 --> 01:27:31,536 He put that thing on me. 1159 01:27:31,704 --> 01:27:34,331 And he made me wear it. 1160 01:27:34,499 --> 01:27:38,502 Then he told me to fuck her. 1161 01:27:39,963 --> 01:27:42,172 And I did. I fucked her. 1162 01:27:42,966 --> 01:27:44,424 Oh, God. Oh, God. 1163 01:27:44,592 --> 01:27:46,593 Oh, God, he had a gun in my mouth. 1164 01:27:46,761 --> 01:27:50,389 The fucking gun was in my throat. 1165 01:27:50,974 --> 01:27:52,015 Fuck. 1166 01:27:52,183 --> 01:27:53,809 1167 01:27:55,019 --> 01:27:56,603 Oh, God, God. 1168 01:27:56,771 --> 01:27:59,648 God, help me. Please, please, help me. 1169 01:27:59,816 --> 01:28:01,525 Please, please, help me. 1170 01:28:16,082 --> 01:28:17,916 1171 01:28:18,835 --> 01:28:21,586 You know, this isn't gonna have a happy ending. 1172 01:28:21,754 --> 01:28:25,173 -It's not possible. -Hey, if we catch him, I'll be happy enough. 1173 01:28:27,385 --> 01:28:30,095 If we catch John Doe and he turns out to be the devil-- 1174 01:28:30,263 --> 01:28:34,057 I mean, if he's Satan himself, that might live up to our expectations... 1175 01:28:34,225 --> 01:28:37,102 . ..but he's not the devil. 1176 01:28:38,730 --> 01:28:40,230 He's just a man. 1177 01:28:41,107 --> 01:28:42,733 You know. . . 1178 01:28:42,900 --> 01:28:45,736 . ..see, you bitch and you complain and you tell me these things. These: 1179 01:28:45,903 --> 01:28:47,362 1180 01:28:47,530 --> 01:28:51,491 If you think you're preparing me for hard times, thank you, but.... 1181 01:28:52,160 --> 01:28:54,828 But you gotta be a hero. 1182 01:28:55,621 --> 01:28:58,915 You wanna be a champion. Let me tell you, people don't want a champion. 1183 01:28:59,083 --> 01:29:01,585 They wanna eat cheeseburgers, play lotto and watch TV. 1184 01:29:01,753 --> 01:29:03,503 How did you get like this? 1185 01:29:04,088 --> 01:29:06,882 -I wanna know. -Ah. 1186 01:29:08,468 --> 01:29:09,760 1187 01:29:09,927 --> 01:29:12,429 It wasn't one thing, I can tell you that. 1188 01:29:13,973 --> 01:29:15,265 Go on. 1189 01:29:18,478 --> 01:29:22,939 I just don't think I can continue to live in a place that embraces and nurtures apathy. . . 1190 01:29:23,107 --> 01:29:25,359 . ..as if it was a virtue. 1191 01:29:25,943 --> 01:29:27,444 You're no different, no better. 1192 01:29:27,779 --> 01:29:30,405 I didn't say I was different or better. I'm not. 1193 01:29:30,573 --> 01:29:33,617 Hell, I sympathize. I sympathize completeIy. 1194 01:29:33,785 --> 01:29:36,119 Apathy is a solution. 1195 01:29:36,287 --> 01:29:40,916 I mean, it's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. 1196 01:29:41,084 --> 01:29:43,126 -Yeah. -It's easier to steal what you want... 1197 01:29:43,294 --> 01:29:44,795 -. . .than it is to earn it. -Yeah. 1198 01:29:44,962 --> 01:29:47,297 It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. 1199 01:29:47,465 --> 01:29:50,258 Hell, love costs. It takes effort and work. 1200 01:29:50,426 --> 01:29:52,969 We are talking about people who are mentally ill. 1201 01:29:53,137 --> 01:29:55,847 We are talking about people, fucking crazies. 1202 01:29:56,015 --> 01:29:57,474 -No. No, we're not. -Yes, today. 1203 01:29:57,642 --> 01:30:00,894 We're talking about everyday life here. 1204 01:30:01,062 --> 01:30:02,104 1205 01:30:02,271 --> 01:30:04,648 You can't afford to be this naive. 1206 01:30:04,816 --> 01:30:06,400 Fuck off. 1207 01:30:06,567 --> 01:30:10,821 See, you should listen to yourself. Yeah. 1208 01:30:10,988 --> 01:30:14,658 You say that the problem with people is that they don't care. 1209 01:30:15,660 --> 01:30:17,494 So I don't care about people. 1210 01:30:17,829 --> 01:30:19,371 It makes no sense. You know why? 1211 01:30:19,831 --> 01:30:21,832 -Uh, you care? -You wanna know--? 1212 01:30:21,999 --> 01:30:24,501 -Damn right. -And you're gonna make a difference? 1213 01:30:24,669 --> 01:30:28,964 Whatever, the point is, is that I don't think you're quitting. . . 1214 01:30:29,132 --> 01:30:32,342 . ..because you believe these things you say. I don't. 1215 01:30:32,510 --> 01:30:36,012 I think you wanna believe them because you're quitting. 1216 01:30:37,682 --> 01:30:41,101 You want me to agree and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. 1217 01:30:41,269 --> 01:30:43,228 It's all fucked up. It's a fucking mess. 1218 01:30:43,396 --> 01:30:46,815 We should all go live in a fucking log cabin." 1219 01:30:47,442 --> 01:30:49,192 But I won't. 1220 01:30:49,360 --> 01:30:51,486 I won't say that. 1221 01:30:52,321 --> 01:30:55,740 I don't agree with you. I do not. 1222 01:30:59,370 --> 01:31:00,912 I can't. 1223 01:31:10,339 --> 01:31:12,174 I'm gonna go home. 1224 01:31:19,891 --> 01:31:21,558 Thank you, though. 1225 01:31:51,756 --> 01:31:53,590 I love you, honey. 1226 01:31:54,091 --> 01:31:59,429 So much. 1227 01:32:03,726 --> 01:32:05,477 TRACY: I know. 1228 01:32:06,270 --> 01:32:08,939 1229 01:33:05,413 --> 01:33:06,913 1230 01:33:07,498 --> 01:33:10,000 MAN: 91 1 , what's your emergency? 1231 01:33:10,835 --> 01:33:11,876 Could you repeat that? 1232 01:33:12,044 --> 01:33:15,505 JOHN [OVER PHONE]: I've gone and done it again. 1233 01:33:25,558 --> 01:33:26,766 What have we got? 1234 01:33:27,101 --> 01:33:29,352 Uh, sleeping pills. 1235 01:33:30,104 --> 01:33:31,688 Glued to one hand. 1236 01:33:31,856 --> 01:33:33,398 Telephone glued to the other. 1237 01:33:35,192 --> 01:33:36,359 You see what he did? 1238 01:33:37,486 --> 01:33:38,862 He sliced her up. 1239 01:33:39,488 --> 01:33:40,947 Then he bandaged her. 1240 01:33:41,532 --> 01:33:43,533 Call for help and you'Il live. 1241 01:33:43,701 --> 01:33:45,994 But you'll be disfigured. 1242 01:33:46,871 --> 01:33:49,914 Or you can put yourself out of your own misery. 1243 01:33:50,958 --> 01:33:52,042 Come on. 1244 01:33:52,376 --> 01:33:53,543 Cut off her nose. 1245 01:33:53,711 --> 01:33:55,378 To spite her face. 1246 01:33:55,546 --> 01:33:58,214 And he did it very recentIy. 1247 01:34:05,264 --> 01:34:06,723 SOMERSET: listen. 1248 01:34:07,391 --> 01:34:12,395 I've decided to stay on till this is done. I figure one of two things will happen. 1249 01:34:12,563 --> 01:34:17,192 We'll get John Doe or he'll finish his series of seven and this case will go on for years. 1250 01:34:17,360 --> 01:34:20,570 MILLS: Hey man, you don't have to do me any favors. Thank you, but I got it. 1251 01:34:20,738 --> 01:34:24,074 SOMERSET: I'm requesting that you keep me on as your partner for a few more days. 1252 01:34:24,241 --> 01:34:26,159 You'd be doing me a favor. 1253 01:34:36,837 --> 01:34:38,380 MILLS: You knew I'd say yes. 1254 01:34:38,547 --> 01:34:40,006 -Hey, we're here. SERGEANT: Wonderful. 1255 01:34:40,174 --> 01:34:43,635 Your wife called. Get yourself an answering machine. 1256 01:34:45,805 --> 01:34:47,472 JOHN: Detective? 1257 01:34:48,683 --> 01:34:50,934 After this, l'm gone. 1258 01:34:51,435 --> 01:34:53,937 -No big surprise. JOHN: Detective! 1259 01:34:56,941 --> 01:34:58,316 You're looking for me. 1260 01:34:58,776 --> 01:34:59,776 Hey! 1261 01:34:59,944 --> 01:35:00,985 1262 01:35:01,153 --> 01:35:03,613 Don't you fucking move. On the fucking floor. 1263 01:35:03,781 --> 01:35:05,073 Keep away from him! 1264 01:35:05,241 --> 01:35:06,950 MILLS: On the fucking floor. -I know you. 1265 01:35:07,118 --> 01:35:08,493 Now. Get down. 1266 01:35:09,203 --> 01:35:11,913 Get down on your stomach, you piece of shit. 1267 01:35:12,081 --> 01:35:13,957 Now. all the way! 1268 01:35:14,125 --> 01:35:16,292 All the way, fucker! Down! 1269 01:35:16,460 --> 01:35:19,003 Faster. Faster. Faster, fucker. 1270 01:35:19,171 --> 01:35:22,424 Now. Nose on the ground. 1271 01:35:25,261 --> 01:35:28,054 Jesus Christ. What the fuck is this? 1272 01:35:28,222 --> 01:35:31,391 I'd like to speak to my lawyer, please. 1273 01:35:33,144 --> 01:35:35,019 Goddamn it. 1274 01:35:36,814 --> 01:35:38,982 CAPTAIN: He cuts the skin off the tips of his fingers. 1275 01:35:39,150 --> 01:35:43,403 That's why we couldn't find one single usable print in his apartment. 1276 01:35:43,571 --> 01:35:45,905 Looks like he's been doing it for a quite sometime. 1277 01:35:46,073 --> 01:35:48,491 MILLS: What about the bank accounts? The guns? 1278 01:35:48,659 --> 01:35:50,493 CAPTAIN: So far everything's a dead end. 1279 01:35:50,661 --> 01:35:53,413 No credit history. No employment records. 1280 01:35:53,581 --> 01:35:57,333 His bank account's only 5 years old and it was started with cash. 1281 01:35:57,501 --> 01:35:59,377 We're even trying to trace his furniture. 1282 01:35:59,545 --> 01:36:01,963 About only thing we know about that guy right now. . . 1283 01:36:02,131 --> 01:36:06,968 . ..is that he's independently wealthy, well-educated and totally insane. 1284 01:36:07,136 --> 01:36:09,137 Because he's John Doe by choice. 1285 01:36:09,305 --> 01:36:11,848 -Okay, so when do we get to question him? CAPTAIN: You don't. 1286 01:36:12,016 --> 01:36:13,850 -He going to court now. MILLS: What? 1287 01:36:14,018 --> 01:36:16,478 I'm telling you, there's no way he'd turn himself in. 1288 01:36:16,645 --> 01:36:18,271 It doesn't make any sense. 1289 01:36:18,439 --> 01:36:22,025 Well, there he sits. It's not supposed to make any sense. 1290 01:36:22,193 --> 01:36:24,861 -He's not finished. -No, he's pissing in our faces. 1291 01:36:25,029 --> 01:36:29,282 We're just taking it like idiots. You know what l'm talking about. 1292 01:36:29,450 --> 01:36:33,369 For the first time ever, you and I are in total agreement. 1293 01:36:33,621 --> 01:36:37,040 -He wouldn't just stop. MILLS: Ugh, so, what the fuck, man? 1294 01:36:37,208 --> 01:36:40,418 SOMERSET: He's two murders away from completing his masterpiece. 1295 01:36:41,837 --> 01:36:43,922 We'll wait for his plea. 1296 01:36:47,051 --> 01:36:51,638 My client says there are two more bodies. Two more victims hidden away. 1297 01:36:51,806 --> 01:36:54,599 He will take Detectives Mills and Somerset to these bodies. . . 1298 01:36:54,767 --> 01:36:58,937 . ..but only Detective Mills and Somerset, only at 6:00 today. 1299 01:36:59,104 --> 01:37:00,688 Why us? 1300 01:37:00,856 --> 01:37:02,315 He says he admires you. 1301 01:37:04,068 --> 01:37:05,401 It's part of the game. 1302 01:37:05,569 --> 01:37:08,321 The client claims if the detectives do not accept this... 1303 01:37:08,489 --> 01:37:12,408 -. . .these bodies will never be found. -Frankly, I'm inclined to let them rot. 1304 01:37:12,576 --> 01:37:13,827 Hey. 1305 01:37:13,994 --> 01:37:15,245 We've got him. 1306 01:37:15,412 --> 01:37:17,622 Downstairs, locked up. Done deal. 1307 01:37:17,790 --> 01:37:20,834 He's gonna get his free room and board, get his free cable TV. 1308 01:37:21,001 --> 01:37:24,462 Hell, my wife doesn't even have cable. Why are we having this conversation? 1309 01:37:24,630 --> 01:37:27,090 -Mills. -No. Hey, something stinks. 1310 01:37:27,258 --> 01:37:28,424 And this one here-- 1311 01:37:28,592 --> 01:37:32,262 Yeah, you, in your $3000 suit and that smug smile on your face... 1312 01:37:32,429 --> 01:37:35,014 -. . .dealing for that shit, I don't like it-- -Mills. 1313 01:37:35,182 --> 01:37:37,433 I am required by law to serve my clients. . . 1314 01:37:37,601 --> 01:37:39,352 -. . .to the best of my ability. -Aw, Jesus. 1315 01:37:39,520 --> 01:37:42,981 -To serve their best interest. -We don't make deals here, Mr. Swarr. 1316 01:37:43,148 --> 01:37:45,567 My client wishes inform you if you do not accept... 1317 01:37:45,734 --> 01:37:48,361 . ..he will plead insanity across the board. 1318 01:37:48,529 --> 01:37:50,196 TALBOT: Let him try it. 1319 01:37:50,364 --> 01:37:51,489 I'd like to see him try. 1320 01:37:51,657 --> 01:37:54,659 Come on, now, we all know the extreme nature of these crimes... 1321 01:37:54,827 --> 01:37:57,245 . .. I could get him off with such a plea. 1322 01:37:57,413 --> 01:38:00,123 I'm not letting this conviction slide. I can tell you that. 1323 01:38:00,291 --> 01:38:03,918 He says that if you do accept under his specific conditions... 1324 01:38:04,086 --> 01:38:06,713 . ..he'Il sign a full confession, plead guilty right now. 1325 01:38:07,089 --> 01:38:09,299 It's your case. Make a decision. 1326 01:38:11,093 --> 01:38:12,719 FuIl confession. 1327 01:38:12,887 --> 01:38:15,680 -I'm in. -It has to be the both of you. 1328 01:38:17,141 --> 01:38:22,604 If he were to claim insanity, this conversation is admissible. 1329 01:38:22,771 --> 01:38:25,023 The fact that he's blackmailing us with his plea. 1330 01:38:25,190 --> 01:38:27,817 And my client would like to remind you two more are dead. 1331 01:38:27,985 --> 01:38:29,485 Press would have a field day... 1332 01:38:29,653 --> 01:38:32,614 . ..if they find out the police didn't seem concerned about them. 1333 01:38:32,781 --> 01:38:35,992 -Giving them a proper burial. -If in fact there are two more dead. 1334 01:38:36,160 --> 01:38:40,330 Lab report came up from downtown. They did a quickie on Doe's clothing and nails. 1335 01:38:40,497 --> 01:38:44,000 They found blood from Doe. From him slicing his fingers. 1336 01:38:44,168 --> 01:38:46,794 Blood from the woman who's face he cut off. 1337 01:38:46,962 --> 01:38:51,674 And blood from a third party, as yet unidentified. 1338 01:38:54,887 --> 01:38:56,971 You'd be escorting an unarmed man. 1339 01:39:00,017 --> 01:39:01,476 Let's finish it. 1340 01:39:05,105 --> 01:39:08,107 SOMERSET: If John Doe's head splits open and a UFO should fly out. .. 1341 01:39:08,525 --> 01:39:11,027 . .. I want you to have expected it. 1342 01:39:12,696 --> 01:39:14,364 I will. 1343 01:39:16,659 --> 01:39:18,910 Hey, man, if I was to accidentally shave off a nipple... 1344 01:39:19,078 --> 01:39:20,703 . ..would it be covered by workman's comp? 1345 01:39:20,871 --> 01:39:21,871 Hmm. 1346 01:39:22,039 --> 01:39:24,248 1347 01:39:26,085 --> 01:39:28,169 I suppose so. 1348 01:39:28,879 --> 01:39:30,380 -Yeah. -If you were man enough... 1349 01:39:30,547 --> 01:39:34,759 . ..to actually file a claim, I'd buy you one out of my own pocket. 1350 01:39:35,719 --> 01:39:38,972 If I keep coming home late, my wife's gonna think something's up. 1351 01:39:48,065 --> 01:39:49,565 You know. . . . 1352 01:39:50,734 --> 01:39:52,026 Yeah. 1353 01:39:57,866 --> 01:39:59,158 What? 1354 01:40:52,296 --> 01:40:53,504 1355 01:40:55,049 --> 01:40:57,467 1356 01:40:57,634 --> 01:41:00,136 1357 01:41:07,227 --> 01:41:09,812 1358 01:41:10,773 --> 01:41:11,981 Let's go. 1359 01:41:42,429 --> 01:41:44,847 PILOT [OVER RADIO]: C-Victor-5-5 take. Clear the TC. 1360 01:41:45,015 --> 01:41:46,265 Pull around. 1361 01:41:47,684 --> 01:41:50,770 There it is. Late-model black sedan at your 1 0 o'clock. 1362 01:41:54,858 --> 01:41:57,193 1363 01:42:00,030 --> 01:42:01,197 Who are you, John? 1364 01:42:02,282 --> 01:42:04,075 Who are you really? 1365 01:42:04,368 --> 01:42:05,451 What do you mean? 1366 01:42:05,619 --> 01:42:09,372 At this stage, what harm can it do to tell us a bit about yourself? 1367 01:42:09,873 --> 01:42:13,042 It doesn't matter who I am. Who I am means absolutely nothing. 1368 01:42:13,210 --> 01:42:15,128 You need to stay on your left up here. 1369 01:42:19,383 --> 01:42:21,092 So where are we heading? 1370 01:42:21,760 --> 01:42:22,802 You'll see. 1371 01:42:23,554 --> 01:42:27,056 We're not just going to pick up two more dead bodies, are we, John? 1372 01:42:27,558 --> 01:42:29,433 That wouldn't be shocking enough. 1373 01:42:29,601 --> 01:42:32,728 We've got newspapers to think about, yeah? 1374 01:42:33,814 --> 01:42:36,023 Wanting people to listen... 1375 01:42:36,191 --> 01:42:39,735 . ..you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. 1376 01:42:39,903 --> 01:42:42,280 You have to hit them with a sledgehammer. 1377 01:42:42,447 --> 01:42:45,408 And then you'll notice you've got their strict attention. 1378 01:42:45,576 --> 01:42:47,451 MILLS: But the question is: 1379 01:42:47,619 --> 01:42:50,288 What makes you so special that people should listen? 1380 01:42:50,831 --> 01:42:51,956 I'm not special. 1381 01:42:53,083 --> 01:42:55,585 JOHN [ON RADIO]: I've never been exceptional. 1382 01:42:55,919 --> 01:42:59,589 This is, though, what I'm doing. My work. 1383 01:43:00,048 --> 01:43:01,340 Your work, John? 1384 01:43:01,925 --> 01:43:03,050 Yes. 1385 01:43:03,218 --> 01:43:06,179 See, I don't-- I don't see anything special about it, John. 1386 01:43:07,598 --> 01:43:08,639 That's not true. 1387 01:43:08,807 --> 01:43:09,891 No, it is true. 1388 01:43:10,058 --> 01:43:13,227 And the funny thing is, all this work... 1389 01:43:13,395 --> 01:43:15,396 . ..two months from now, no one's gonna care. 1390 01:43:15,564 --> 01:43:17,899 No one's gonna give a shit, no one's gonna remember. 1391 01:43:18,066 --> 01:43:21,110 You can't see the whole complete act yet. 1392 01:43:21,862 --> 01:43:23,446 But when this is done... 1393 01:43:24,781 --> 01:43:26,115 . ..when it's finished... 1394 01:43:27,951 --> 01:43:29,452 . ..it's going to be. . . . 1395 01:43:32,456 --> 01:43:35,791 People will barely be able to comprehend. 1396 01:43:35,959 --> 01:43:38,002 But they won't be able to deny. 1397 01:43:39,630 --> 01:43:41,088 Could the freak be more vague? 1398 01:43:42,257 --> 01:43:44,508 I mean, as far as master plans go, John-- 1399 01:43:44,676 --> 01:43:48,512 I can't wait for you to see. I really can't. It's really going to be something. 1400 01:43:49,598 --> 01:43:52,308 Well, you know what? I'm gonna be standing next to you. 1401 01:43:52,476 --> 01:43:55,728 So when this big thing happens, you be sure and let me know. 1402 01:43:55,896 --> 01:43:59,398 -Because I wouldn't wanna miss it. JOHN: Oh, don't worry. 1403 01:43:59,566 --> 01:44:00,608 You won't. 1404 01:44:02,611 --> 01:44:04,737 You won't miss a thing. 1405 01:44:05,030 --> 01:44:07,698 1406 01:44:11,328 --> 01:44:14,622 PILOT: With the tour bus itself, give two miles separation. 1407 01:44:31,390 --> 01:44:32,723 What's so exciting? 1408 01:44:33,934 --> 01:44:35,851 It's not too far now. 1409 01:44:39,564 --> 01:44:41,315 PILOT: High-tension lines ahead. 1410 01:44:41,483 --> 01:44:42,650 Prepare for frequency change. 1411 01:44:43,277 --> 01:44:45,569 I've been trying to figure something in my head. 1412 01:44:45,737 --> 01:44:48,114 And maybe you can help me out, yeah? 1413 01:44:49,533 --> 01:44:53,703 When a person is insane, as you clearly are. . . 1414 01:44:53,870 --> 01:44:56,205 . ..do you know that you're insane? 1415 01:44:56,373 --> 01:44:58,791 Maybe you're sitting around, reading Guns and Ammo... 1416 01:44:58,959 --> 01:45:02,211 . ..masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go: 1417 01:45:02,379 --> 01:45:05,881 "Wow, it is amazing how fucking crazy I really am"? 1418 01:45:06,216 --> 01:45:08,551 Yeah? Do you guys do that? 1419 01:45:09,386 --> 01:45:12,054 It's more comfortable for you to label me insane. 1420 01:45:12,222 --> 01:45:13,431 It's very comfortable. 1421 01:45:14,224 --> 01:45:17,560 It's not something I would expect you to accept. 1422 01:45:17,936 --> 01:45:20,730 But I did not choose. I was chosen. 1423 01:45:21,148 --> 01:45:24,775 MILLS: Well, whatever. -I don't doubt that you believe that, John. 1424 01:45:25,319 --> 01:45:29,405 But seems to me that you're overlooking a glaring contradiction. 1425 01:45:29,573 --> 01:45:30,823 Meaning what? 1426 01:45:32,034 --> 01:45:33,951 Glad you asked. 1427 01:45:35,287 --> 01:45:36,912 If you were chosen... 1428 01:45:37,080 --> 01:45:40,916 . ..that is, by a higher power... 1429 01:45:41,668 --> 01:45:43,502 . ..and if your hand was forced... 1430 01:45:44,087 --> 01:45:47,173 . ..it seems strange to me that you'd get such enjoyment out of it. 1431 01:45:47,841 --> 01:45:50,718 You enjoyed torturing those people. 1432 01:45:51,428 --> 01:45:54,930 This doesn't seem in keeping with martyrdom, does it? 1433 01:45:56,099 --> 01:45:57,308 John? 1434 01:46:02,147 --> 01:46:05,024 I doubt I enjoyed it any more than Detective Mills. . . 1435 01:46:05,192 --> 01:46:08,903 . ..would enjoy time alone with me in a room without windows. 1436 01:46:09,488 --> 01:46:11,280 Isn't that true? 1437 01:46:11,615 --> 01:46:14,533 How happy would it make you to hurt me with impunity. 1438 01:46:14,701 --> 01:46:15,785 That hurts my feelings. 1439 01:46:17,371 --> 01:46:20,539 -I would never-- -You wouldn't because there's consequences. 1440 01:46:22,042 --> 01:46:24,668 It's in those eyes of yours, though. 1441 01:46:24,836 --> 01:46:27,505 Nothing wrong with a man taking pleasure in his work. 1442 01:46:28,256 --> 01:46:33,177 I won't deny my own personal desire to turn each sin against the sinner. 1443 01:46:34,179 --> 01:46:37,431 Wait a minute, I thought all you did was kill innocent people. 1444 01:46:39,434 --> 01:46:42,019 Innocent? ls that supposed to be funny? 1445 01:46:42,896 --> 01:46:44,355 An obese man. 1446 01:46:44,523 --> 01:46:47,024 A disgusting man who could barely stand up. 1447 01:46:47,192 --> 01:46:51,487 If you saw him, you'd point him out to your friends so they'd join you in mocking him. 1448 01:46:51,655 --> 01:46:53,948 A man, who if you saw him while you were eating.. . 1449 01:46:54,116 --> 01:46:56,659 . ..you wouldn't be able to finish your meaI. 1450 01:46:56,952 --> 01:47:00,496 And after him, lawyer. You must've secretly been thanking me for that one. 1451 01:47:00,997 --> 01:47:03,916 This is a man who dedicated his life... 1452 01:47:04,084 --> 01:47:08,712 . ..to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster... 1453 01:47:08,880 --> 01:47:11,757 . ..to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets. 1454 01:47:11,925 --> 01:47:13,342 -Murderers? -A woman. 1455 01:47:13,510 --> 01:47:15,594 -Murderers, John, like yourself? -A woman... 1456 01:47:15,762 --> 01:47:18,472 . ..so ugly inside that she couldn't bear to go on living. .. 1457 01:47:18,640 --> 01:47:20,933 . ..if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside? 1458 01:47:21,101 --> 01:47:25,521 A drug dealer. A drug dealing pederast, actually. 1459 01:47:25,689 --> 01:47:28,357 And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore. 1460 01:47:30,610 --> 01:47:33,028 only in a world this shitty. . . 1461 01:47:33,196 --> 01:47:36,907 . ..could you try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. 1462 01:47:40,120 --> 01:47:41,996 But that's the point. 1463 01:47:43,165 --> 01:47:46,208 We see a deadly sin on every street corner.. . 1464 01:47:46,376 --> 01:47:49,253 . ..in every home and we tolerate it. 1465 01:47:49,921 --> 01:47:52,673 We tolerate it because it's common, it's. ... 1466 01:47:52,841 --> 01:47:54,508 It's triviaI. 1467 01:47:54,676 --> 01:47:57,636 We tolerate it morning, noon and night. 1468 01:48:00,724 --> 01:48:02,892 Well, not anymore. 1469 01:48:04,895 --> 01:48:07,271 I'm setting the example. 1470 01:48:08,273 --> 01:48:09,982 And what I've done is gonna be. . . 1471 01:48:10,150 --> 01:48:11,901 . ..puzzled over.. . 1472 01:48:12,068 --> 01:48:13,903 . ..and studied. . . 1473 01:48:14,696 --> 01:48:16,405 . ..and followed. . . 1474 01:48:17,908 --> 01:48:18,949 . ..forever. 1475 01:48:19,743 --> 01:48:21,535 Yeah. 1476 01:48:22,412 --> 01:48:24,747 Delusions of grandeur. 1477 01:48:25,624 --> 01:48:27,416 You should be thanking me. 1478 01:48:27,918 --> 01:48:29,126 Why's that, John? 1479 01:48:29,294 --> 01:48:32,421 Because you're going to be remembered after this. 1480 01:48:32,589 --> 01:48:36,425 Realize, detective, the only reason that I'm here right now... 1481 01:48:36,593 --> 01:48:38,636 . ..is that I wanted to be. 1482 01:48:38,803 --> 01:48:41,305 No. No, we would've got you eventually. 1483 01:48:41,473 --> 01:48:42,765 Oh, really? 1484 01:48:42,933 --> 01:48:47,186 So, what were you doing, biding your time? Toying with me? 1485 01:48:47,771 --> 01:48:53,192 Allowing five innocent people to die until you felt like springing your trap? 1486 01:48:53,360 --> 01:48:57,446 tell me, what was the indisputable evidence you were going to use on me.. . 1487 01:48:57,614 --> 01:49:02,076 . ..right before I walked up to you and put my hands in the air? 1488 01:49:02,244 --> 01:49:04,453 John, caIm down. 1489 01:49:04,621 --> 01:49:06,997 I seem to remember us knocking on your door. 1490 01:49:07,332 --> 01:49:09,166 Oh, that's right. 1491 01:49:09,334 --> 01:49:12,670 And I seem to remember breaking your face. 1492 01:49:17,425 --> 01:49:20,261 You're only alive because I didn't kill you. 1493 01:49:20,428 --> 01:49:22,388 -Okay, sit back. -I spared you. 1494 01:49:22,556 --> 01:49:23,597 Sit back. 1495 01:49:23,765 --> 01:49:26,058 Remember that every time you look in the mirror. .. 1496 01:49:26,226 --> 01:49:28,936 . ..at that face of yours for the rest of your life... 1497 01:49:29,104 --> 01:49:30,771 . ..or should I say for the rest... 1498 01:49:30,939 --> 01:49:33,315 -. . .of what life I allow you to have. MILLS: Sit back. 1499 01:49:33,483 --> 01:49:37,069 Sit back, you fucking freak. Shut your fucking mouth. 1500 01:49:38,697 --> 01:49:41,448 You're no messiah. You're a movie of the week. 1501 01:49:41,616 --> 01:49:45,202 You're a fucking T-shirt at best. 1502 01:49:58,300 --> 01:50:00,551 Don't ask me to pity those people. 1503 01:50:00,719 --> 01:50:02,136 I don't mourn them any more. . . 1504 01:50:02,304 --> 01:50:04,847 . ..than the thousands that died at Sodom and Gomorrah. 1505 01:50:05,181 --> 01:50:09,643 Is that to say, John, that what you were doing was God's good work? 1506 01:50:12,897 --> 01:50:16,191 The Lord works in mysterious ways. 1507 01:50:18,111 --> 01:50:20,237 Do you see those high-tension towers? 1508 01:50:20,697 --> 01:50:23,032 JOHN: That's where we're headed. PILOT: I see where. 1509 01:50:23,199 --> 01:50:25,534 Right to your 9 o'clock and follow that access road. 1510 01:50:31,875 --> 01:50:34,043 MAN: Your signal's breaking up, Viking. 1511 01:50:34,210 --> 01:50:37,671 PILOT: Un-fucking-avoidable, Center. We're in power-line city, deal with it. 1512 01:50:39,174 --> 01:50:42,009 This sure as shit is no ambush out here. 1513 01:50:42,177 --> 01:50:44,928 -No fucking nothing out here. -Can't land anywhere near. 1514 01:50:45,096 --> 01:50:47,931 They're gonna be coming up behind us in about two minutes. 1515 01:50:48,099 --> 01:50:50,351 I want you to go up, way up. 1516 01:50:50,518 --> 01:50:53,646 Thirty seconds, bank east on my mark. Thirty seconds. 1517 01:51:20,131 --> 01:51:21,215 1518 01:51:55,709 --> 01:51:57,459 I'm getting him out. 1519 01:51:59,546 --> 01:52:01,630 PILOT: Target is now fully into standby. 1520 01:52:02,465 --> 01:52:03,465 Got you in sight. 1521 01:52:03,633 --> 01:52:05,050 MILLS [ON RADIO]: Get out. 1522 01:52:05,593 --> 01:52:07,428 Slowly. 1523 01:52:07,721 --> 01:52:09,221 Stop. 1524 01:52:09,764 --> 01:52:11,306 Stay. 1525 01:52:14,060 --> 01:52:15,769 What do you got? 1526 01:52:16,896 --> 01:52:18,647 Dead dog. 1527 01:52:19,941 --> 01:52:21,483 I didn't do that. 1528 01:52:25,155 --> 01:52:27,322 PILOT: We're holding on standby, copy? 1529 01:52:28,324 --> 01:52:29,408 What time is it? 1530 01:52:30,326 --> 01:52:32,911 -Why? -I'd like to know. 1531 01:52:36,291 --> 01:52:37,374 Seven-oh-one. 1532 01:52:40,670 --> 01:52:41,754 It's close. 1533 01:52:42,839 --> 01:52:44,006 Let's go take a look. 1534 01:52:47,761 --> 01:52:48,802 It's this way. 1535 01:52:51,848 --> 01:52:53,891 PILOT 1 : Bird 2, close your distance. 1536 01:52:54,058 --> 01:52:56,602 PILOT 2: This is Bird 2. They're away from the car. 1537 01:52:56,770 --> 01:52:58,937 Coming in closer. 1538 01:53:00,815 --> 01:53:04,193 We got them. We got them. Closing in. 1539 01:53:04,360 --> 01:53:05,986 PILOT 1 : Negative. Negative. Hold your go. 1540 01:53:10,033 --> 01:53:12,785 1541 01:53:31,971 --> 01:53:33,055 Mills? 1542 01:53:37,310 --> 01:53:40,354 Down, down, down. 1543 01:53:41,356 --> 01:53:42,856 Watch him. 1544 01:53:44,108 --> 01:53:45,943 There he goes. 1545 01:53:46,152 --> 01:53:48,320 JOHN: It's good we have some time to talk. 1546 01:53:52,408 --> 01:53:53,826 PILOT: Van approaching. 1547 01:53:53,993 --> 01:53:57,412 Stay on the guy in red. Do not take the crosshairs off the guy in red. 1548 01:54:02,043 --> 01:54:04,670 PILOT: He's going out to meet the van. Just stay down. 1549 01:54:05,129 --> 01:54:08,298 There's a van coming down the road. From the north. 1550 01:54:17,475 --> 01:54:20,060 Be ready for anything, now. Wait for my signal. 1551 01:54:20,228 --> 01:54:21,854 Wait for me. 1552 01:54:27,277 --> 01:54:29,319 Get out of the van! 1553 01:54:30,738 --> 01:54:31,780 SOMERSET [ON RADIO]: Out! 1554 01:54:31,948 --> 01:54:34,116 MAN: Jesus Christ, man. Don't shoot me. 1555 01:54:34,284 --> 01:54:35,951 Step away. 1556 01:54:36,411 --> 01:54:38,620 Turn around. Put your hands on your head. 1557 01:54:38,788 --> 01:54:40,956 CALIFORNIA: What the hell is going on? 1558 01:54:41,124 --> 01:54:43,917 SOMERSET: What are you doing here? -I'm delivering a package. 1559 01:54:44,085 --> 01:54:45,794 I got this package for this guy, David. 1560 01:54:45,962 --> 01:54:49,256 Uh, Detective David Mills. 1561 01:54:56,222 --> 01:54:58,557 Get it. Slowly. 1562 01:54:59,434 --> 01:55:01,977 PILOT: Stay alert. He's opening the back of the van. 1563 01:55:02,145 --> 01:55:03,812 We've got him in sight. 1564 01:55:10,069 --> 01:55:13,322 This guy paid me 500 bucks to bring it out here, man. 1565 01:55:13,489 --> 01:55:15,574 He said he wanted it here at exactly 7:00. 1566 01:55:16,326 --> 01:55:17,826 Put it down. 1567 01:55:18,453 --> 01:55:19,786 SOMERSET: We got a box. 1568 01:55:19,954 --> 01:55:24,249 We got a box. Call the bomb squad. I need a bomb squad. We got a box. 1569 01:55:24,709 --> 01:55:26,418 SOMERSET: Face the van. 1570 01:55:26,794 --> 01:55:28,253 Hands up. 1571 01:55:35,678 --> 01:55:37,304 Turn around. 1572 01:55:38,181 --> 01:55:40,098 Okay. Go. Off you go. Go. 1573 01:55:40,266 --> 01:55:42,392 PILOT: Do you want us to pick this guy up? 1574 01:55:43,311 --> 01:55:45,312 I'm sending the driver out on foot. 1575 01:55:48,191 --> 01:55:52,152 PILOT: Got the driver in sight. -He's headed north. Have him picked up. 1576 01:56:01,412 --> 01:56:03,330 Oh, I don't know. 1577 01:56:09,545 --> 01:56:11,046 I'm gonna open it. 1578 01:56:11,214 --> 01:56:15,092 JOHN: When I said I admired you, I meant what I said. 1579 01:56:33,736 --> 01:56:34,820 SOMERSET: It's blood. 1580 01:56:34,988 --> 01:56:36,738 JOHN: You've made quite a life for yourself. 1581 01:56:36,906 --> 01:56:37,948 MILLS: Hmm. 1582 01:56:38,116 --> 01:56:41,243 JOHN: You should be very proud. -Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit. 1583 01:56:46,374 --> 01:56:47,541 1584 01:56:54,924 --> 01:56:56,341 PILOT: Someone lost contact, copy. 1585 01:57:08,938 --> 01:57:10,397 California, stay away from here. 1586 01:57:10,565 --> 01:57:13,025 Stay away from here, now. Don't come in here. 1587 01:57:13,484 --> 01:57:15,193 Whatever you hear, stay away. 1588 01:57:16,404 --> 01:57:19,489 John Doe has the upper hand. Mills! 1589 01:57:19,907 --> 01:57:21,033 Here he comes. 1590 01:57:21,200 --> 01:57:23,076 SOMERSET: Throw your gun down! -What? 1591 01:57:23,244 --> 01:57:25,454 -I wish I could've lived like you. -Shut up. 1592 01:57:25,621 --> 01:57:28,415 -What the fuck you talking about? SOMERSET: Go away! 1593 01:57:28,583 --> 01:57:29,875 Do you hear me, detective? 1594 01:57:30,043 --> 01:57:34,379 I'm trying to tell you how much I admire you and your pretty wife. 1595 01:57:35,465 --> 01:57:37,299 -What? -Tracy. 1596 01:57:37,467 --> 01:57:38,675 SOMERSET: Mills! 1597 01:57:38,843 --> 01:57:39,926 What'd you fucking say? 1598 01:57:40,094 --> 01:57:44,181 It's disturbing how easily a member of the press can purchase information. . . 1599 01:57:44,348 --> 01:57:46,058 . ..from the men in your precinct. 1600 01:57:46,559 --> 01:57:48,060 CALIFORNIA: What the fuck? 1601 01:57:48,478 --> 01:57:50,353 SOMERSET: Throw your gun down! 1602 01:57:50,521 --> 01:57:52,564 JOHN: I visited your home this morning. ... 1603 01:57:53,566 --> 01:57:55,358 After you'd left. 1604 01:57:55,526 --> 01:57:57,652 SOMERSET: Mills! -I tried to play husband. 1605 01:57:58,321 --> 01:58:01,573 I tried to taste the life of a simple man. 1606 01:58:01,783 --> 01:58:03,033 SOMERSET: Throw it away! 1607 01:58:03,201 --> 01:58:05,494 Tsk, it didn't work out. 1608 01:58:05,661 --> 01:58:07,329 So.... 1609 01:58:07,497 --> 01:58:09,414 I took a souvenir. 1610 01:58:11,042 --> 01:58:12,751 Her pretty head. 1611 01:58:12,919 --> 01:58:14,503 SOMERSET: Mills. 1612 01:58:15,046 --> 01:58:16,671 Mills. 1613 01:58:17,673 --> 01:58:18,840 What's he talking about? 1614 01:58:19,008 --> 01:58:21,384 -Give me your gun. -What's going on over there? 1615 01:58:21,552 --> 01:58:22,844 Put the, ugh-- Put the gun down. 1616 01:58:23,012 --> 01:58:25,013 I saw you with a box. What was in the box? 1617 01:58:25,181 --> 01:58:28,100 -Because I envy your normal life. -Put the gun down, David. 1618 01:58:28,267 --> 01:58:31,228 -It seems that envy is my sin. -Oh, what's in the box? 1619 01:58:31,395 --> 01:58:33,730 -Not until you give me the gun. -What's in the box? 1620 01:58:33,898 --> 01:58:35,649 SOMERSET: Give me the gun. -He just told you. 1621 01:58:35,817 --> 01:58:39,444 -You lie. You're a fucking liar, shut up. SOMERSET: David. 1622 01:58:39,612 --> 01:58:42,364 That's what he wants. He wants you to shoot him. 1623 01:58:42,532 --> 01:58:45,659 No! No. 1624 01:58:46,035 --> 01:58:47,828 You tell me that's not true. 1625 01:58:47,995 --> 01:58:50,122 -That's not true. -Become vengeance, David. 1626 01:58:50,289 --> 01:58:53,166 -Oh, she's all right. You tell me. -Become... 1627 01:58:53,334 --> 01:58:55,836 -. . .wrath. -Tell me she's all right! 1628 01:58:56,003 --> 01:58:58,130 -If you murder a suspect, David-- -No. 1629 01:58:58,297 --> 01:59:00,048 SOMERSET: You throw it all away, he knows it. 1630 01:59:00,216 --> 01:59:01,216 No! 1631 01:59:01,384 --> 01:59:03,385 -She begged for her life. SOMERSET: Shut up. 1632 01:59:03,553 --> 01:59:07,222 She begged for her life and for the life of the baby inside of her. 1633 01:59:07,390 --> 01:59:08,473 1634 01:59:23,281 --> 01:59:24,656 Oh. 1635 01:59:26,576 --> 01:59:27,784 He didn't know. 1636 01:59:41,757 --> 01:59:43,717 Give me the gun, David. 1637 01:59:48,681 --> 01:59:50,182 David. 1638 01:59:51,475 --> 01:59:52,893 If you kill him... 1639 01:59:54,395 --> 01:59:56,146 . ..he will win. 1640 01:59:59,859 --> 02:00:04,070 Oh, God. 1641 02:00:04,780 --> 02:00:05,947 Oh! 1642 02:00:19,378 --> 02:00:21,129 CALIFORNIA: Oh, fuck, he shot him. 1643 02:00:43,236 --> 02:00:45,820 Set it down somewhere. 1644 02:00:47,031 --> 02:00:49,324 Come on, set us down. 1645 02:00:51,744 --> 02:00:55,538 Holy Christ. Somebody call somebody. 1646 02:00:55,706 --> 02:00:57,540 Call somebody. 1647 02:01:04,548 --> 02:01:07,634 1648 02:01:12,014 --> 02:01:15,058 Well, we'll take care of him. 1649 02:01:23,734 --> 02:01:25,777 Whatever he needs. 1650 02:01:26,696 --> 02:01:28,196 Where are you gonna be? 1651 02:01:28,364 --> 02:01:29,948 1652 02:01:30,908 --> 02:01:32,284 Around. 1653 02:01:36,622 --> 02:01:38,540 I'll be around. 1654 02:01:42,420 --> 02:01:44,671 SOMERSET: Ernest Hemingway once wrote: 1655 02:01:44,839 --> 02:01:49,259 "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." 1656 02:01:50,094 --> 02:01:52,679 I agree with the second part. 1657 02:06:42,845 --> 02:06:44,846