1 00:01:00,125 --> 00:01:05,325 Subtitles by -=|MaGeSh|=- 2 00:01:06,666 --> 00:01:07,325 Take it. 3 00:01:07,634 --> 00:01:10,967 If you enter the buiIding with this petition, 4 00:01:11,171 --> 00:01:13,264 there's a births and death section. 5 00:01:13,473 --> 00:01:15,441 You'II find an aunt named Vaidhegi there. - Okay. 6 00:01:15,642 --> 00:01:18,406 Pay Rs. 10 and take a receipt from her. 7 00:01:18,611 --> 00:01:20,101 You wiII find a peon aIso there. 8 00:01:20,413 --> 00:01:24,543 If you pay him Rs. 100 he'II get you your wife's death certificate. 9 00:01:24,751 --> 00:01:26,184 Go... . go quickIy. 10 00:01:26,386 --> 00:01:27,910 Rs. 10 is okay, why shouId I pay Rs. 100? 11 00:01:28,121 --> 00:01:30,055 What do you do?- I am dairy farmer. 12 00:01:30,323 --> 00:01:31,347 How do you miIk the cows? 13 00:01:31,558 --> 00:01:33,788 I wiII feed cotton seeds, oiI cake, bran to the cows to miIk it. 14 00:01:33,993 --> 00:01:35,051 WiII it start miIking immediateIy? 15 00:01:35,261 --> 00:01:37,957 We wiII appIy oiI to the teats and massage it. 16 00:01:38,898 --> 00:01:40,889 Treat this aIso as massaging. 17 00:01:49,909 --> 00:01:52,309 Don't shout here, Iadies. If you want water, drink Coovum water. 18 00:01:52,512 --> 00:01:55,447 AII avaiIabIe water has been sent to big shot's marriage. Go and shout there. 19 00:01:55,648 --> 00:01:57,275 Looks Iike you're dejected. What's your probIem? 20 00:01:57,484 --> 00:01:59,577 No probIem, I've worn out my sIippers visiting this pIace. 21 00:01:59,786 --> 00:02:00,480 Change your sIippers. 22 00:02:00,687 --> 00:02:02,814 How much did you pay as bribe? - I paid a grand. 23 00:02:03,022 --> 00:02:06,458 It's not enough. You must fiII aII their 4 pockets. 24 00:02:06,659 --> 00:02:08,820 Sir... - What's this man you've become a pain in my neck? 25 00:02:09,028 --> 00:02:11,826 How many times do I have to teII you. Document is out-dated and invaIid. 26 00:02:12,031 --> 00:02:13,225 Why did you then take the bribe? 27 00:02:13,433 --> 00:02:16,095 To check whether the document is vaIid or not, get Iost man. 28 00:02:16,269 --> 00:02:16,860 What's this injustice? 29 00:02:21,508 --> 00:02:22,133 What's this man? 30 00:02:22,408 --> 00:02:24,035 You claim to have sent it. 31 00:02:24,244 --> 00:02:25,541 Neither your man nor the money has come to me. 32 00:02:25,745 --> 00:02:28,543 You're pestering me to sign the papers. 33 00:02:28,915 --> 00:02:30,212 What? Have you sent it? 34 00:02:30,550 --> 00:02:31,608 I hasn't reached me yet. 35 00:02:35,688 --> 00:02:37,383 One minute. A person has come here. 36 00:02:37,757 --> 00:02:39,247 Did you bring it? 37 00:02:43,463 --> 00:02:44,430 I think, it is your man. 38 00:02:48,134 --> 00:02:50,728 Mr. Kumar, don't sent anyone for next 15 minutes, okay. 39 00:03:00,914 --> 00:03:03,314 Are these bundIes from the bank? They aren't in seriaI numbers, are they? 40 00:03:03,550 --> 00:03:05,347 Because, I may face probIem Iater. 41 00:03:06,719 --> 00:03:07,708 Take it out. 42 00:03:13,993 --> 00:03:15,153 What's this? 43 00:03:19,632 --> 00:03:20,792 Are you pIaying with me? 44 00:03:21,267 --> 00:03:23,326 Who are you? 45 00:03:23,736 --> 00:03:24,600 Get out. 46 00:04:14,487 --> 00:04:15,886 Sir, l'm Kumar speaking. 47 00:04:16,122 --> 00:04:19,387 A man sent by Pappuji is waiting outside. Shall l send him in? 48 00:06:23,783 --> 00:06:24,477 It's me sir. 49 00:06:24,684 --> 00:06:27,152 What do you want?- I want Iicense to run heavy duty trucks. 50 00:06:27,353 --> 00:06:28,513 Who wants it?- Me. 51 00:06:30,490 --> 00:06:31,184 Do you've aII the papers? 52 00:06:31,391 --> 00:06:33,291 I have aII the papers Iike Ration card, LMV etc. 53 00:06:33,626 --> 00:06:34,183 Give them to me. 54 00:06:37,263 --> 00:06:38,195 Rejected. 55 00:06:39,799 --> 00:06:42,097 Why did you reject, when I've presented aII the necessary documents? 56 00:06:44,237 --> 00:06:46,432 Dog, why're you barking at him? 57 00:06:46,806 --> 00:06:49,832 He's such a great officer, you're misbehaving with him. Shut up. 58 00:06:52,278 --> 00:06:54,940 Without the most important paper he insists on getting a Iicense. 59 00:06:55,148 --> 00:06:57,207 Don't get tensed officer. I'II take care. 60 00:06:57,683 --> 00:06:59,548 Go man. Listen to me. 61 00:07:00,820 --> 00:07:04,085 Listen, your face is Iike wet toweI. I wiII squeeze it. . , go man. 62 00:07:04,290 --> 00:07:04,813 If you come to me, 63 00:07:05,024 --> 00:07:07,322 Get an inter-state tourist permit. Earth mover, oiI tanker. 64 00:07:07,527 --> 00:07:09,620 water tanker, conductor, driver... 65 00:07:09,829 --> 00:07:12,764 why did you bring an LLR to me? What's your name?- LLR... No Reshma. 66 00:07:12,965 --> 00:07:13,897 Okay Reshma. 67 00:07:14,100 --> 00:07:15,761 Get photocopies of ration card, MC & S. S. L. C certificate. 68 00:07:15,968 --> 00:07:18,801 Bring this appIication fiIIed aIong with 7 copies of your photo. 69 00:07:19,005 --> 00:07:19,767 TeII her cIearIy man. 70 00:07:19,972 --> 00:07:21,098 Go... - If you jump queue you wiII be thrashed. 71 00:07:21,307 --> 00:07:21,898 Greetings. 72 00:07:22,108 --> 00:07:22,938 Parthasarathy. 73 00:07:23,142 --> 00:07:24,439 Great, how did you know my name? 74 00:07:24,644 --> 00:07:26,509 It's written boIdIy on your forehead. What do you want? 75 00:07:26,712 --> 00:07:27,872 I want a driving Iicense. 76 00:07:28,314 --> 00:07:30,714 Pay Rs. 365. - They said it's just Rs. 35. 77 00:07:30,917 --> 00:07:33,943 You can get it for Rs. 35 & Rs. 365 aIso. - What is the difference? 78 00:07:34,153 --> 00:07:35,051 Difference? 79 00:07:35,254 --> 00:07:39,657 You have go up this fIoor and join a miIe Iong queue. 80 00:07:39,859 --> 00:07:42,020 They'II receive appIication from 10 AM to 10. 30 AM & cIose the counter. 81 00:07:42,228 --> 00:07:43,286 You must spend 3 days to submit it. 82 00:07:43,496 --> 00:07:44,793 Where're you working. - L & T. 83 00:07:44,997 --> 00:07:46,794 You've to come under Ioss of pay, haven't you?- Yes, what eIse? 84 00:07:46,999 --> 00:07:51,163 3 days saIary, add taxi & auto fares, it wiII cost you Rs. 900. 85 00:07:51,370 --> 00:07:53,838 Which is better Rs. 900 or Rs. 365? - Why're you Iooting peopIe Iike this? 86 00:07:54,040 --> 00:07:54,506 Shut up man. 87 00:07:54,707 --> 00:07:58,199 Why're you wasting time with MyIapore guys? 88 00:07:58,444 --> 00:07:58,967 Get Iost man. 89 00:07:59,178 --> 00:07:59,906 Shut up man. 90 00:08:00,112 --> 00:08:02,979 You're starting new businesses near Government offices. 91 00:08:03,182 --> 00:08:04,080 I wiII inform the poIice. 92 00:08:04,283 --> 00:08:05,716 Did you see this?- What is this? 93 00:08:05,918 --> 00:08:07,010 This Asst. Commissioner's appIication. 94 00:08:07,220 --> 00:08:08,881 He's aIso my cIient. Go ahead & compIain. 95 00:08:09,755 --> 00:08:11,723 I don't care whether you write it in 'The Hindu' or something eIse. 96 00:08:11,924 --> 00:08:13,016 First Ieave this pIace. 97 00:08:15,394 --> 00:08:16,884 What can you do man? 98 00:08:17,897 --> 00:08:18,659 How do you know my name? 99 00:08:18,865 --> 00:08:20,492 The symboI on your forehead in cIearIy teIIing it. 100 00:08:20,700 --> 00:08:21,826 If you don't cIear away from here, 101 00:08:22,034 --> 00:08:23,524 I'II get your name removed from the Gazette. 102 00:08:24,937 --> 00:08:27,201 What're you taIking? - I was taIking to myseIf man. 103 00:08:27,406 --> 00:08:28,668 Don't do it here, go & do it in KiIpauk. 104 00:08:28,875 --> 00:08:30,035 My house is in KiIpauk. How did you know that? 105 00:08:30,243 --> 00:08:31,505 Are you a resident of KiIpauk? First go away from here. 106 00:08:31,711 --> 00:08:33,679 Go man... 107 00:08:34,180 --> 00:08:35,772 Hey baId pate. Come here. 108 00:08:37,383 --> 00:08:39,817 It's Sunny, pate is gIaring Iift him up. - Sorry. 109 00:08:40,253 --> 00:08:40,878 What does he want? 110 00:08:41,087 --> 00:08:43,453 It seems, he want a heavy duty Iicense. - Looks Iike he has driven around a Iot. 111 00:08:43,656 --> 00:08:45,783 He doesn't even weigh 100 grams. MC wiII be a probIem. 112 00:08:45,992 --> 00:08:48,187 MC means?- MedicaI Certificate. 113 00:08:48,394 --> 00:08:50,919 Why're you bringing such probIematic cases? We'II Iose our reputation. 114 00:08:52,298 --> 00:08:54,892 Pay Rs. 1600. - Rs. 1600! 115 00:08:55,101 --> 00:08:56,261 If you are given a Iicense. 116 00:08:56,469 --> 00:08:58,562 A good many peopIe have to sIeep in coffins. Come on pay up. 117 00:08:58,871 --> 00:09:02,034 Subbaiah, get aII these papers signed by the officers. 118 00:09:02,241 --> 00:09:02,900 Have you kept 'notes' inside? 119 00:09:03,109 --> 00:09:04,133 WouId I send the appIication without the bribe? 120 00:09:04,343 --> 00:09:04,900 Give man. 121 00:09:05,344 --> 00:09:08,074 Are you going to drive or shake the Iorry? Your hands are shivering Iike this. 122 00:09:08,281 --> 00:09:08,872 It's because of happiness. 123 00:09:09,081 --> 00:09:11,675 Look, your nerves are very weak. 124 00:09:11,951 --> 00:09:14,351 Take a shot of Neurobion injection every day. Show me your hand. 125 00:09:15,655 --> 00:09:17,486 It can't be injected, break the viaI and drink it. 126 00:09:17,957 --> 00:09:20,255 Cut your hair immediateIy. - My weight wiII get reduced. 127 00:09:20,459 --> 00:09:21,653 Cut and stuff them in your pockets. 128 00:09:21,994 --> 00:09:25,589 See you. - Come this afternoon, I'II give it. WiII he survive tiII afternoon? 129 00:09:30,303 --> 00:09:31,531 Sign these papers. 130 00:09:46,152 --> 00:09:48,211 Important 'paper' is there in aII appIication. 131 00:09:48,621 --> 00:09:52,352 Sign your beautifuI name 'Pannee SeIvam'. 132 00:09:54,126 --> 00:09:56,686 Why are you snoring, officer? - Your have Ieft a 'R'. 133 00:09:57,663 --> 00:10:00,393 I haven't Ieft any 'R'. Madam, did you? 134 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:02,067 She too didn't, it seems. 135 00:10:02,268 --> 00:10:05,066 My name is not Pannee SeIvam' it's 'PanneerseIvam'. 136 00:10:05,571 --> 00:10:06,503 Scabies officer. 137 00:10:07,139 --> 00:10:08,163 Sorry sir. 138 00:10:08,608 --> 00:10:09,632 Sign it. 139 00:10:20,019 --> 00:10:20,849 Rejected. 140 00:10:21,621 --> 00:10:24,590 Why are you throwing it at my face? - An important 'paper' is missing. 141 00:10:24,790 --> 00:10:26,917 Can't you sign one free for every 10 books? 142 00:10:27,126 --> 00:10:29,060 I am very strict in my duty, got it? 143 00:10:31,631 --> 00:10:33,826 Wait, I'II damage your intestines. 144 00:10:36,869 --> 00:10:38,302 PIease have your tea, officer. 145 00:10:45,878 --> 00:10:46,776 Escaped. 146 00:10:57,723 --> 00:10:58,485 Come Chandru. 147 00:10:58,691 --> 00:11:00,158 Have you brought everything? - Yes. 148 00:11:00,693 --> 00:11:02,490 That most important thing... - WiII I forget it? 149 00:11:03,229 --> 00:11:06,255 It seems it's Iatest... Soft touch... strapIess. 150 00:11:08,901 --> 00:11:10,163 Oh, I forgot. 151 00:11:10,369 --> 00:11:11,301 Face pack. 152 00:11:13,539 --> 00:11:16,440 After aII the expenses, baIance is Rs. 5000. 153 00:11:20,546 --> 00:11:23,071 If you pay the baIance Rs. 1, 24, 500. 154 00:11:23,282 --> 00:11:24,681 ... Chandru wiII become a Break Inspector. 155 00:11:25,317 --> 00:11:26,409 Don't scratch my back. 156 00:11:26,619 --> 00:11:29,645 Aunt, you must taIk to uncIe and get this done for me. 157 00:11:29,789 --> 00:11:34,123 There are 50 peopIe ready to pay Rs. 2 Iakhs for Break Inspector's job. 158 00:11:34,326 --> 00:11:34,849 Do you know, Chandru? 159 00:11:35,061 --> 00:11:38,087 This concession rate is for you onIy as you do odd jobs for me. 160 00:11:42,268 --> 00:11:44,532 There are six bIouse bits. 161 00:11:44,737 --> 00:11:45,567 I want to attend a marriage. 162 00:11:45,771 --> 00:11:48,262 TeII our Mums taiIor to stitch niceIy. 163 00:11:48,474 --> 00:11:50,874 I have kept my bIouse for measurement. - I wiII do it. 164 00:11:51,077 --> 00:11:52,510 Don't you have any inner skirt to get stitched? 165 00:11:52,712 --> 00:11:53,701 TeII him to stitch it of Iatest fashion. 166 00:11:53,913 --> 00:11:55,540 What's the Iatest fashion for an inner skirt? 167 00:11:55,748 --> 00:11:58,876 She's taIking about something eIse. You pIease keep quiet. 168 00:11:59,385 --> 00:12:03,344 Madhuri Dixit wore a window designed bIouse in a movie. 169 00:12:03,556 --> 00:12:05,581 You can wear a bIouse with a door aIso. - Do you think it'II Iook good on me? 170 00:12:05,791 --> 00:12:08,885 Anything on you'II Iook good. - OnIy the onIookers wiII not find it good. 171 00:12:09,095 --> 00:12:10,858 Dog! It's barking. - Look. 172 00:12:11,063 --> 00:12:14,089 Subbaiah, our Rathi is going on barking for Iast 2 days. 173 00:12:14,366 --> 00:12:16,834 You take her out when you go and bring it back. 174 00:12:17,303 --> 00:12:18,099 Okay, Aunt. 175 00:12:18,804 --> 00:12:22,797 UncIe said that he'II bring the appIication for break inspector's job. 176 00:12:23,008 --> 00:12:24,873 He had brought it. Wait, I'II check. 177 00:12:25,411 --> 00:12:26,969 It seems she'II check. - Let her check. 178 00:12:27,179 --> 00:12:28,908 For a break inspector's job, 179 00:12:29,115 --> 00:12:31,743 I have to get bIouses stitched, buy sanitary napkin. 180 00:12:31,951 --> 00:12:33,418 I have to take the dog out aIso. 181 00:12:33,619 --> 00:12:35,246 Why are you adding saIt to the injury? 182 00:12:35,721 --> 00:12:38,281 AppIication is not here. Sapna is having it. Take it from her. 183 00:12:38,958 --> 00:12:40,016 In a fix again. 184 00:12:40,259 --> 00:12:42,853 Just now we finished with a heavy vehicIe. Now, Iight vehicIe. 185 00:13:03,682 --> 00:13:06,651 Is there a way Iike this to get fresh air? 186 00:13:06,852 --> 00:13:08,786 You have gone berserk because there's no one to stop you. 187 00:13:08,988 --> 00:13:09,454 Come. 188 00:13:17,463 --> 00:13:19,192 I have a fashion show in my coIIege. 189 00:13:19,465 --> 00:13:23,265 I've got this MariIyn Monroe sequence for it. 190 00:13:23,836 --> 00:13:25,827 This sequence comes in the fiIm 'Seven years itch'. 191 00:13:26,172 --> 00:13:28,970 How's my idea?- Superb idea, Isn't it? 192 00:13:29,175 --> 00:13:31,268 Get it deveIoped before evening, aren't you a good boy? 193 00:13:32,077 --> 00:13:34,409 I must correct the fIaws after seeing the rehearsaI. 194 00:13:34,613 --> 00:13:37,343 Was this rehearsaI? - Yes, was it good? 195 00:13:37,550 --> 00:13:40,610 When I saw here I got shocked as weII as & charmed by it. 196 00:13:40,820 --> 00:13:44,517 When peopIe see it as audience they'II be mesmerized. 197 00:13:44,723 --> 00:13:47,692 Oh! Give me the appIication. I'II go. 198 00:13:47,893 --> 00:13:50,327 WiII you get it so easiIy? TeII me an 'A'-joke. 199 00:13:50,663 --> 00:13:53,291 I'm popuIar in my coIIege because of your 'A' jokes. 200 00:13:53,499 --> 00:13:55,194 Is it popuIarity? No. 201 00:13:55,701 --> 00:13:58,966 No 'A' jokes, no appIication form. You won't be a break inspector. 202 00:13:59,271 --> 00:14:03,173 I'II compIain to my father, that you roIIed your tongue. 203 00:14:03,375 --> 00:14:08,005 and made sexy gestures. 204 00:14:09,582 --> 00:14:11,880 There's a joke about grapes. 205 00:14:12,084 --> 00:14:13,312 Are you going to teII her that joke? 206 00:14:14,153 --> 00:14:15,177 PIease teII me now. 207 00:14:15,387 --> 00:14:17,218 You give me the appIication I'II teII you tomorrow. 208 00:14:17,423 --> 00:14:20,722 You Iift me and teII me if I've put on weight, 209 00:14:20,926 --> 00:14:22,052 I wiII give you the appIication form. 210 00:14:22,261 --> 00:14:23,990 First appIication, other things Iater. 211 00:14:26,932 --> 00:14:29,526 Are we running a firewood depot to weigh & teII the weight? 212 00:14:29,735 --> 00:14:31,965 Okay, Iift her Iike a piece of wood. She too is a 'piece'. 213 00:14:32,338 --> 00:14:32,827 Take it. 214 00:14:40,412 --> 00:14:42,141 You've put on a 100 grams fat. 215 00:14:42,348 --> 00:14:42,871 Where? 216 00:14:44,116 --> 00:14:45,014 Here. 217 00:14:46,852 --> 00:14:51,118 We had sent medicaI report of Corporation commissioner's murder. 218 00:14:51,323 --> 00:14:52,517 Any improvement in it? 219 00:14:52,925 --> 00:14:55,792 Your poIice department is reaIIy a big headache. 220 00:14:55,995 --> 00:14:58,896 Your photos show the stab wound on the right side. 221 00:14:59,331 --> 00:15:02,164 But medicaI report says it is on the Ieft side. 222 00:15:02,468 --> 00:15:03,992 That's where I'm confused. 223 00:15:06,372 --> 00:15:07,669 PIease show me the photograph. 224 00:15:12,077 --> 00:15:14,705 Photo has been printed in reverse. - How can you say it? 225 00:15:15,981 --> 00:15:18,211 Observe the doIIar in the victim's neck. 226 00:15:19,451 --> 00:15:22,284 Mother Mary aIways carries infant Jesus on the Ieft side. 227 00:15:22,488 --> 00:15:24,115 Look in the photo, it is on the right side. 228 00:15:25,758 --> 00:15:27,749 Have they banded over this case to you for nothing? 229 00:15:30,195 --> 00:15:32,755 What are the forensic experts saying? - With this, it's the 3rd murder. 230 00:15:32,965 --> 00:15:34,796 First was a viIIage administrative officer. 231 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:36,262 Second was a poIice inspector. 232 00:15:36,468 --> 00:15:38,368 Third victim now is corporation commissioner. 233 00:15:38,570 --> 00:15:40,629 AII three were kiIIed by the same person. 234 00:15:40,839 --> 00:15:42,966 We haven't made any headway with the heIp of finger prints. 235 00:15:43,175 --> 00:15:45,541 They aren't matching with any oId criminaI. 236 00:15:47,379 --> 00:15:49,472 CouId you find the motive for the murders? 237 00:15:49,682 --> 00:15:52,742 They didn't have enemies or enemity with anyone to kiII them. 238 00:15:52,952 --> 00:15:56,251 Okay, is there anything common between aII the three victims. 239 00:15:57,222 --> 00:15:59,952 AII three are government servants that's the onIy simiIarity. 240 00:16:03,295 --> 00:16:06,355 Same knife. Mr. Mehta says it may be an oIden time knife. 241 00:16:06,565 --> 00:16:07,589 An oIden time knife? 242 00:16:08,367 --> 00:16:10,631 We have recovered Iron oxide & Ferric oxide. 243 00:16:11,937 --> 00:16:14,030 Moreover we've recovered bits of animaI skin. 244 00:16:14,239 --> 00:16:15,297 It may be knife's sheath. 245 00:16:15,641 --> 00:16:16,608 That is aIso very oId. 246 00:16:17,276 --> 00:16:18,265 It may be from the beIt. 247 00:16:30,155 --> 00:16:31,986 You're taIking out a procession without permission. 248 00:16:32,191 --> 00:16:33,522 PIease disperse. 249 00:16:33,726 --> 00:16:34,886 Shooting orders have been given. 250 00:16:35,094 --> 00:16:40,396 We'II fight tiII we get justice. 251 00:16:40,599 --> 00:16:44,399 Down with poIice atrocities? 252 00:17:13,265 --> 00:17:14,391 Hubby. 253 00:17:34,720 --> 00:17:36,017 What's it boy? 254 00:17:46,899 --> 00:17:48,366 SIow. . 255 00:17:49,668 --> 00:17:52,501 Dog shouIdn't have onIy IoyaIty but shouId have dignity aIso. 256 00:17:53,105 --> 00:17:55,073 You mustn't puII the Ieash Iike this. 257 00:17:56,041 --> 00:17:57,668 You must waIk aIong with me Iike a good dog. 258 00:18:08,654 --> 00:18:10,315 Thank god, dog didn't die. 259 00:18:11,757 --> 00:18:13,190 BIoody rascaI. 260 00:18:13,926 --> 00:18:14,722 BIind man. 261 00:18:15,427 --> 00:18:16,291 Are you human? 262 00:18:16,695 --> 00:18:18,788 You've hurt a dog and speeding away without Iooking back. 263 00:18:19,798 --> 00:18:21,663 You'II have a break faiIure on the way. 264 00:18:22,301 --> 00:18:23,996 You'II stop onIy after hitting a tree. 265 00:18:27,773 --> 00:18:29,502 Krishna, what happened to you boy? 266 00:18:31,477 --> 00:18:32,444 Is it very painfuI dear? 267 00:18:34,813 --> 00:18:37,646 Poor dog, Iook how it has swoIIen. - Where? 268 00:18:37,950 --> 00:18:39,713 I toId you to see the dog? Where are you seeing? 269 00:18:44,490 --> 00:18:48,290 You're creating a traffic jam for a street dog getting hurt. 270 00:18:48,494 --> 00:18:50,826 Is a dog so cheap to you? 271 00:18:51,029 --> 00:18:53,122 Do you know who I am? I am a bIue cross member. 272 00:18:53,332 --> 00:18:54,230 Book a case. 273 00:18:54,633 --> 00:18:56,567 Under section 366 of IPC for hit and run case. 274 00:18:56,802 --> 00:18:57,928 Mark the accident spot. 275 00:18:58,137 --> 00:18:59,001 Where is the chaIk piece? 276 00:18:59,204 --> 00:19:01,638 Madam, it's peak hour C. M. is aIso passing from here now. 277 00:19:01,840 --> 00:19:03,603 Why're you putting me into a fix? 278 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:05,436 I wiII teII you the car number, take down. 279 00:19:05,644 --> 00:19:06,804 Lodge a compIaint at the poIice station. 280 00:19:07,012 --> 00:19:10,504 FiIe a case. I'II come to the court. Now, cIear this pIace. 281 00:19:11,383 --> 00:19:11,974 What's the car number? 282 00:19:17,422 --> 00:19:18,980 Aishu! What has brought you here? 283 00:19:19,424 --> 00:19:21,051 I've come to meet you on an urgent matter. 284 00:19:21,260 --> 00:19:24,252 Chandru, an inter-state transfer R. C book is Iost. 285 00:19:24,696 --> 00:19:27,688 It'II cost Rs. 1200. - Okay, no probIem. - Chandru, pIease come here. 286 00:19:28,367 --> 00:19:28,890 Just one minute. 287 00:19:29,101 --> 00:19:30,693 You come in the evening. - Okay. 288 00:19:37,676 --> 00:19:39,974 Chandru, this Karnataka number. Change it to T. N. 289 00:19:40,179 --> 00:19:42,204 Oh god! Change it to T. N immediateIy. 290 00:19:42,414 --> 00:19:44,609 They're throwing stones after the cauvery water dispute. 291 00:19:44,983 --> 00:19:48,419 Is it Rs. 260? Rs. 365. 292 00:19:48,987 --> 00:19:52,445 Why're you giving a Rs. 500 biII? Give me exact change. 293 00:19:53,425 --> 00:19:57,828 Aishwarya, what is this?- Yes, I want to know the owner of a car. 294 00:19:58,030 --> 00:19:59,930 Are Rs. 500 enough as your service charges? 295 00:20:01,200 --> 00:20:02,531 Hey, hoId this. 296 00:20:02,734 --> 00:20:04,463 Chandru, pIease they'II throw stones at us? 297 00:20:05,103 --> 00:20:07,128 Subbaiah, take care of them. 298 00:20:07,573 --> 00:20:09,097 Move... move man. 299 00:20:10,175 --> 00:20:12,735 What's this. You're insuIting me by paying money? 300 00:20:12,945 --> 00:20:14,503 Did I ever take money from you to do anything? 301 00:20:14,713 --> 00:20:19,446 I've been shouting your name Iike a street hawker. 302 00:20:19,751 --> 00:20:21,241 WiII you Iook up onIy if you see money? 303 00:20:21,653 --> 00:20:23,177 Have you become so money minded? 304 00:20:23,655 --> 00:20:25,054 Look you're insuIting me. 305 00:20:25,257 --> 00:20:29,023 I thought I can romance IeisureIy after disposing aII the cIients. 306 00:20:30,362 --> 00:20:32,193 Krishna was run over by a car. 307 00:20:32,397 --> 00:20:35,423 Krishna... our Krishnampettai KuIIa Krishna it'II Iook ugIy. 308 00:20:35,834 --> 00:20:37,062 Okay... beautifuI dog. 309 00:20:37,269 --> 00:20:40,363 Did it get hurt severeIy? - Its Ieg got severeIy hurt. 310 00:20:40,572 --> 00:20:41,698 Oh! Poor thing has onIy 4 Iegs. 311 00:20:41,907 --> 00:20:43,465 Was it the fore-Ieg or hind-Ieg? - Your head. 312 00:20:44,142 --> 00:20:46,633 I want to know the owner of that car. 313 00:20:47,079 --> 00:20:48,876 Red Maruthi Zen this is the number. 314 00:20:51,617 --> 00:20:52,106 Gone! 315 00:20:55,254 --> 00:20:58,883 Aishwarya don't pursue this matter Ieave it as it is. 316 00:20:59,291 --> 00:21:00,883 It's a IittIe dog. Don't make it a big issue. 317 00:21:01,093 --> 00:21:03,493 Even if we produce the accused in the court. 318 00:21:03,695 --> 00:21:06,562 Judge wiII Ievy a fine of Rs 500 saying it's just a dog. 319 00:21:06,765 --> 00:21:07,789 Why shouId we get tensed for this siIIy thing? 320 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:10,430 You are aIso taIking Iike others. 321 00:21:10,969 --> 00:21:12,300 Is a dog so cheap to you? 322 00:21:13,305 --> 00:21:14,829 Is it okay for you, if an animaI get hurts? 323 00:21:15,340 --> 00:21:16,170 Where can it go? 324 00:21:16,742 --> 00:21:19,768 Can it share it's agony? Can it teIephone & caII hospitaI emergency? 325 00:21:19,945 --> 00:21:21,503 How can it? It's Ieg is aIready hurt. 326 00:21:22,948 --> 00:21:24,575 What's this, take it easy? - Too difficuIt. 327 00:21:24,783 --> 00:21:26,910 She wants to know the owner of this car number. 328 00:21:27,286 --> 00:21:30,517 This car is our Sapna's... 329 00:21:30,889 --> 00:21:32,413 We don't know the owner of the car... 330 00:21:33,158 --> 00:21:33,852 I was teIIing her that onIy. 331 00:21:34,359 --> 00:21:35,951 It seems the car hit and injured her dog. 332 00:21:36,228 --> 00:21:37,195 WiII I teII a Iie? 333 00:21:37,462 --> 00:21:41,262 I was teIIing her it is very difficuIt to Iocate the owner. 334 00:21:41,466 --> 00:21:42,194 See if you can do it. 335 00:21:44,069 --> 00:21:45,093 Why are you making gestures with your eyes? 336 00:21:47,239 --> 00:21:48,672 Show me the number once. - Show him. 337 00:21:49,675 --> 00:21:50,869 Oh! This man. 338 00:21:51,076 --> 00:21:53,271 Do you know him? - I know him very weII. 339 00:21:53,879 --> 00:21:55,847 This bIoody bIaguard is here! 340 00:22:02,254 --> 00:22:02,879 TeII me, what's the matter? 341 00:22:03,488 --> 00:22:09,654 You had pIaced an ad for second marriage in sunday matrimoniaI, hadn't you? 342 00:22:09,895 --> 00:22:11,385 Yes, I didn't get any good response. 343 00:22:11,697 --> 00:22:15,963 Someone is here after seeing your ad. 344 00:22:16,735 --> 00:22:18,965 She's very beautifuI. 345 00:22:19,171 --> 00:22:24,268 I've brought her safeIy to the Iobby. - Where?- There. 346 00:22:31,149 --> 00:22:34,312 You needn't be so Ioud sign these papers. 347 00:22:50,068 --> 00:22:52,195 I have toId her a Iot about you. 348 00:22:52,604 --> 00:22:54,469 I have toId her that you own a house & a car, 349 00:22:54,673 --> 00:22:56,868 you just say yes to aII her question. 350 00:22:59,745 --> 00:23:02,646 You wiII not mind even if I pour 'PhenoI' in your mouth. 351 00:23:02,848 --> 00:23:03,644 BIoody scabies head. 352 00:23:07,953 --> 00:23:09,818 Didn't I teII you, she's that girI. 353 00:23:16,795 --> 00:23:17,727 Is it you? 354 00:23:18,397 --> 00:23:20,763 Watch! I wiII things too hot for you today. 355 00:23:21,633 --> 00:23:23,760 Her eyes are signaIing acceptance. 356 00:23:24,369 --> 00:23:25,961 I think I'm on the right side of Iuck. 357 00:23:26,705 --> 00:23:30,334 Isn't the car TN 09Z 751 1 yours? 358 00:23:36,782 --> 00:23:38,511 It was aII because of Chandru onIy. 359 00:23:42,888 --> 00:23:44,116 Where did he go? 360 00:23:52,497 --> 00:23:56,593 A man was mending shoes here. - Don't ask about him. 361 00:23:56,902 --> 00:23:58,767 He died in the poIice firing. 362 00:24:00,572 --> 00:24:01,368 Died? 363 00:24:03,442 --> 00:24:05,376 I had given my beIt for mending. 364 00:24:06,244 --> 00:24:08,212 Who shouId I ask about it? - You must ask his wife. 365 00:24:08,647 --> 00:24:10,171 She has aIso not come here for the past 10 days. 366 00:24:10,549 --> 00:24:14,451 C. M has announced Rs 10,000 compensation for those kiIIed in the firing. 367 00:24:14,653 --> 00:24:15,813 To coIIect the money she has gone to... 368 00:24:16,087 --> 00:24:18,385 What do they caII it... Treasury. 369 00:24:18,924 --> 00:24:20,551 She's spending aII her time sitting before that office. 370 00:24:20,859 --> 00:24:22,121 If you go there now you can meet her. 371 00:24:26,765 --> 00:24:28,562 PIease give me IittIe Iime. 372 00:24:31,603 --> 00:24:32,194 Which pIace are you from? 373 00:24:33,004 --> 00:24:34,733 SaIIadiyanpettai near VeIachery. 374 00:24:35,607 --> 00:24:38,667 They burnt my hut in the recent communaI cIashes. 375 00:24:39,177 --> 00:24:41,543 They promised to pay money to rebuiId my hut. 376 00:24:42,113 --> 00:24:43,410 So I am here to coIIect it. 377 00:24:43,682 --> 00:24:46,207 When?- They promised to pay today. 378 00:24:47,953 --> 00:24:50,581 Mad woman! You are too naive. 379 00:24:51,323 --> 00:24:53,621 My husband was mending shoes on the sidewaIk. 380 00:24:53,892 --> 00:24:55,917 He died in a poIice firing. 381 00:24:56,127 --> 00:24:56,593 Is it? 382 00:24:56,795 --> 00:24:59,195 They said don't worry we wiII pay you Rs 10,000. 383 00:24:59,798 --> 00:25:03,427 I have been running from piIIar to post but I didn't get even a penny. 384 00:25:03,635 --> 00:25:06,035 Is it? - TiII date I've spent Rs. 1000 385 00:25:06,471 --> 00:25:08,496 I've soId the spare sari I had. 386 00:25:09,140 --> 00:25:11,301 But stiII nothing has materiaIized. 387 00:25:11,510 --> 00:25:13,034 You mean to say I won't get money today? 388 00:25:13,478 --> 00:25:14,308 From this office? 389 00:25:15,146 --> 00:25:16,875 You can miIk a buII aIso. 390 00:25:17,482 --> 00:25:19,279 Innocent fooI! Come with me. 391 00:25:21,920 --> 00:25:26,550 The man is yeIIow shirt is one who receives Ietters. 392 00:25:26,992 --> 00:25:30,758 To get your petition registered, you must bribe him Rs 100. 393 00:25:31,162 --> 00:25:34,393 Is it?- Your petition wiII reach the next tabIe onIy after paying the bribe. 394 00:25:36,034 --> 00:25:38,798 The man sitting there is RajagopaI. 395 00:25:39,037 --> 00:25:40,971 RajagopaI?- He'II ask certificates from you. 396 00:25:41,339 --> 00:25:42,306 What certificates? 397 00:25:43,542 --> 00:25:47,638 That you're Kuppamma and residing at so & so address, 398 00:25:48,013 --> 00:25:51,813 Moreover he'II ask you to get certified that you're aIive by viIIage officer. 399 00:25:52,183 --> 00:25:53,775 I wiII get it. Next? 400 00:25:54,019 --> 00:25:55,816 WiII he be satisfied if you bring the certificate? 401 00:25:56,121 --> 00:25:59,181 He wiII find 1008 mistakes in it. 402 00:26:00,258 --> 00:26:04,160 If you bribe him Rs 200. He'II take care of everything himseIf, 403 00:26:04,362 --> 00:26:05,488 and your petition wiII go to the next tabIe. 404 00:26:05,797 --> 00:26:07,992 Then, bribe Rs 250 to the superintendent, 405 00:26:08,366 --> 00:26:10,163 Rs 150 to this despatch cIerk, 406 00:26:10,702 --> 00:26:13,000 Rs 100 to this yawing man! 407 00:26:13,572 --> 00:26:15,665 Rs 50 to this man munching something. 408 00:26:16,374 --> 00:26:20,105 Your petition wiII reach officer's tabIe onIy after bribing aII of them. 409 00:26:20,378 --> 00:26:23,836 You'II get money there. My petition has reached officer's tabIe today. 410 00:26:24,382 --> 00:26:26,612 Who's Kuppamma here?- It's me. 411 00:26:27,052 --> 00:26:28,110 Where aII shouId search you? 412 00:26:28,587 --> 00:26:29,952 Officer is searching you. 413 00:26:30,555 --> 00:26:32,853 Give me Rs 10 & go. - Get Iost rascaI! 414 00:26:37,562 --> 00:26:38,119 Greetings sir. 415 00:26:39,497 --> 00:26:40,623 Are you Kuppamma?- Yes. 416 00:26:41,833 --> 00:26:43,664 Your cheque for Rs 10,000 is ready. 417 00:26:43,902 --> 00:26:45,529 Very happy to hear, pIease give it to me, sir. 418 00:26:46,338 --> 00:26:48,602 Pay Rs 1000 and take it. 419 00:26:49,307 --> 00:26:50,296 Rs 1000. 420 00:26:51,242 --> 00:26:52,641 I have paid everyone. 421 00:26:52,911 --> 00:26:55,038 You didn't pay me anything. - What's this sir? 422 00:26:55,447 --> 00:26:57,881 Everything is ready! I was thinking of taking the cheque. 423 00:26:58,249 --> 00:27:00,080 SuddenIy you are demanding Rs 1000. 424 00:27:00,585 --> 00:27:01,483 Where am I to get that money from? 425 00:27:01,753 --> 00:27:02,947 You wiII not get the cheque without paying Rs 1000. 426 00:27:03,154 --> 00:27:04,644 PIease don't say Iike that sir. 427 00:27:05,090 --> 00:27:07,456 I had soId aII my possessions to pay the bribes. 428 00:27:07,759 --> 00:27:09,283 I don't have anything Ieft with me now. 429 00:27:10,328 --> 00:27:16,324 I've few coins to offer to the goddess as thanks giving. 430 00:27:16,635 --> 00:27:18,762 Take this & give me my cheque. 431 00:27:19,170 --> 00:27:21,070 Though you're poverty stricken you've sky high pride. 432 00:27:21,439 --> 00:27:23,771 Are you cursing my famiIy by giving money meant for goddess? 433 00:27:24,209 --> 00:27:25,574 You wiII not the cheque, get out. 434 00:27:25,777 --> 00:27:29,736 Why shouId I go out? I've submitted aII the certificates. 435 00:27:35,620 --> 00:27:36,314 Sir... sir. 436 00:27:36,521 --> 00:27:39,752 I am teIIing you that you are not Munusamy's wife but his concubine. 437 00:27:39,958 --> 00:27:41,425 What can you do now? Get out. 438 00:27:41,626 --> 00:27:43,753 What did you say, bIoody dog? - WiII you go out or shaII I have you thrown out 439 00:27:43,962 --> 00:27:46,430 Peon, throw her out. - Whom did you caII concubine? 440 00:27:46,631 --> 00:27:49,930 Don't hit the poor beIow the beIt. - Throw her out. 441 00:27:50,135 --> 00:27:51,762 Come out... Come out. - You wiII get ruined. 442 00:27:51,970 --> 00:27:54,939 The man who caIIed me a concubine wiII get ruined. 443 00:27:55,140 --> 00:27:57,768 You wiII never come good in Iife. 444 00:27:57,976 --> 00:28:01,434 For a paItry sum of Rs 10,000 you have insuIted me. 445 00:28:01,646 --> 00:28:04,114 WouId you say Iike this if you were born to good parents. 446 00:28:04,315 --> 00:28:07,614 WiII your wife be a good woman? WiII your son prosper? 447 00:28:07,986 --> 00:28:14,118 WiII my husband come back aIive for the Rs 10000 that you are paying? 448 00:28:14,325 --> 00:28:15,553 BIoody corpse eating dogs. 449 00:28:15,760 --> 00:28:18,627 BIoody dogs, you wiII steaI the rice offered to dead aIso. 450 00:28:18,830 --> 00:28:23,961 Why're you mad after money Iike this? Can't you beg? 451 00:28:24,335 --> 00:28:29,568 Aren't you getting saIaries? SiIIy woman! Why're you stiII here? 452 00:28:29,774 --> 00:28:34,302 They'II never give anything. I'm cursing you with hurt feeIings. 453 00:28:34,512 --> 00:28:37,481 Let the hands taking bribes get paraIyzed. 454 00:28:37,949 --> 00:28:40,816 Let the months asking bribes shameIessIy may go siIent. 455 00:28:41,019 --> 00:28:42,953 You wiII never have a naturaI death. 456 00:28:43,154 --> 00:28:47,147 You wiII be ruined. 457 00:29:24,229 --> 00:29:25,594 Hey! Who is that? 458 00:29:29,734 --> 00:29:31,634 EIderIy man! What are you doing there? 459 00:29:32,403 --> 00:29:36,362 Nobody has cIeared this pIace since independence. 460 00:29:36,741 --> 00:29:39,710 You don't appear Iike a sweeper. Which department do you beIong to? 461 00:29:42,580 --> 00:29:44,104 Weeding department. 462 00:29:45,750 --> 00:29:46,648 I didn't get you. 463 00:29:51,422 --> 00:29:53,720 Read it. You wiII understand. 464 00:29:56,361 --> 00:29:59,819 Earth has no pIace for man enters Iike you, Indian. 465 00:30:02,600 --> 00:30:03,396 Who are you? 466 00:30:11,442 --> 00:30:12,500 Taunting me. 467 00:31:28,920 --> 00:31:33,721 Treasury officiaIs murder. Murderer is Indian? 468 00:31:36,861 --> 00:31:40,160 Is Aunt not at home? - What is it Chandru? 469 00:31:40,365 --> 00:31:41,662 My room key, what eIse? 470 00:31:41,866 --> 00:31:44,664 Key? Your aunt and her daughters have taken it. 471 00:31:44,869 --> 00:31:46,996 Why shouId my aunt & her daughters take my room key? 472 00:31:47,205 --> 00:31:48,331 Aunt form your viIIage. 473 00:31:48,539 --> 00:31:50,097 My aunt?- Your aunt? You never toId me about her. 474 00:31:50,308 --> 00:31:50,831 Wait man. 475 00:32:02,387 --> 00:32:03,354 Are you the aunt? 476 00:32:03,554 --> 00:32:07,183 A bikini wearing aunt and a bunch of IoveIy daughters. 477 00:32:07,392 --> 00:32:11,351 2, 4, 6, 8, 12. - What are you counting? 478 00:32:11,562 --> 00:32:13,029 Sorry. I am IittIe weak. 479 00:32:13,231 --> 00:32:14,459 In what?- In Mathematics. 480 00:32:15,400 --> 00:32:16,526 What are you doing here? 481 00:32:18,736 --> 00:32:20,533 Did you find my house for it? - Yes. 482 00:32:20,838 --> 00:32:24,205 Dressing Iike this & rehearsing is banned in my house. 483 00:32:24,409 --> 00:32:26,036 TasteIess parents. . 484 00:32:26,244 --> 00:32:32,911 Dance as you wish, I wiII heIp you. - We need a maIe modeI. 485 00:32:35,086 --> 00:32:37,554 You've too much hair on your chest. Chandru is the right choice. 486 00:32:37,755 --> 00:32:40,724 Is this cotton candy. - She has insuIted me. 487 00:32:40,925 --> 00:32:42,392 Are you angry for that? 488 00:32:42,593 --> 00:32:44,220 You are not onIy creating a scene at 10 p. m. in my house, 489 00:32:44,429 --> 00:32:46,056 and you are asking me to join you aIso? 490 00:32:52,270 --> 00:32:53,737 You wiII remain a broker aII your Iife. 491 00:32:53,938 --> 00:32:56,736 Your Break inspector's job is your dream. 492 00:32:56,941 --> 00:32:58,738 So? 493 00:32:58,943 --> 00:33:00,069 Excuse me. - Shut up. 494 00:33:00,278 --> 00:33:02,576 Your job. - ShouIdn't I get angry on her? 495 00:33:02,947 --> 00:33:07,077 Don't I have that right? I wiII teII her not to dance here. 496 00:33:07,618 --> 00:33:09,745 You carry on dancing. This is your house. 497 00:33:09,954 --> 00:33:12,582 Look, her cheeks have turned red Iike appIes. 498 00:33:13,891 --> 00:33:17,588 Doesn't she Iook Iike Aishwarya with angry red cheeks? 499 00:33:17,795 --> 00:33:20,923 Our Aishwarya?- Isn't she Iike Miss WorId Aishwarya? 500 00:33:21,132 --> 00:33:23,430 Oh my god. - What are you searching? 501 00:33:23,634 --> 00:33:25,602 A man of character. Chandru was somewhere here. 502 00:33:25,803 --> 00:33:27,100 I am searching for him. 503 00:33:28,473 --> 00:33:30,941 You never repIied my question yet. - What? 504 00:33:31,142 --> 00:33:34,111 Isn't she Iike Miss. WorId Aishwarya? - Yes. 505 00:33:35,146 --> 00:33:36,272 What are you searching? 506 00:33:36,481 --> 00:33:38,608 A man of character Subbaiah was here, I am searching him. 507 00:33:38,816 --> 00:33:40,113 You wiII never find him. 508 00:33:40,651 --> 00:33:42,209 What do you want me to do now? 509 00:33:42,420 --> 00:33:43,887 If you want I'II wear a bikini aIso. 510 00:33:44,088 --> 00:33:45,953 Not just a bikini, he wiII do a somersauIt aIso. 511 00:33:48,993 --> 00:33:51,120 Wait, I change my dress & come. 512 00:33:51,329 --> 00:33:53,456 Look, her cheeks are stiII red Iike the appIe. 513 00:33:53,664 --> 00:33:54,631 ... In anger. 514 00:33:55,333 --> 00:34:00,965 I've seen great somersauIts, but this is one of it's own kind. 515 00:34:05,676 --> 00:34:45,714 AYNGARAN DVD 516 00:34:46,050 --> 00:34:51,317 lf we wear skimpy dresses and you consider is cheap, 517 00:34:51,522 --> 00:34:54,855 ... bannedl You are banned. 518 00:34:56,928 --> 00:35:05,802 lf we walk with pride, are you the Govt. to ban us? 519 00:35:07,872 --> 00:35:12,536 A woman walking with her chest held high is a sensation. 520 00:35:13,311 --> 00:35:18,078 Anyone will get tempted with the eyes that make gestures. 521 00:35:18,716 --> 00:35:24,018 Let's throw out all that is old. 522 00:35:24,222 --> 00:35:29,057 Raise our hands for the new style. 523 00:35:53,317 --> 00:36:35,187 AYNGARAN DVD 524 00:36:35,626 --> 00:36:40,086 lt's glamour everywhere you see. 525 00:36:40,932 --> 00:36:45,596 Everything is humour in your youth. 526 00:36:46,237 --> 00:36:51,641 Nobody has ever heard the adult jokes hat l have heard. 527 00:36:51,842 --> 00:36:57,007 The out-fits l wear even film stars never wore. 528 00:36:57,215 --> 00:36:59,809 Saris & Churidhars are old fashioned. 529 00:37:00,017 --> 00:37:02,542 Hollywood & Bollywood are gone. 530 00:37:02,753 --> 00:37:05,244 We have tried everything available. 531 00:37:05,456 --> 00:37:08,254 On the whole, poverty is no more here. 532 00:37:40,725 --> 00:38:24,461 AYNGARAN DVD 533 00:38:24,802 --> 00:38:29,637 Waist is like fine noodles, 534 00:38:30,241 --> 00:38:34,940 Like needle, it pricks heart & picture them. 535 00:38:35,846 --> 00:38:40,806 Even BBC never televised such news. 536 00:38:41,018 --> 00:38:46,285 Even MTV hasn't seen a beauty like me. 537 00:38:46,490 --> 00:38:48,958 l have dived deep into sea to fish out a pearl. 538 00:38:49,193 --> 00:38:51,753 lt's a challenge to everyone. 539 00:38:51,962 --> 00:38:54,362 ls there's anything wrong in what l said. 540 00:38:54,565 --> 00:38:57,466 lf there is, l'll give you coca cola. 541 00:39:56,961 --> 00:39:58,189 Who's that? 542 00:39:59,830 --> 00:40:00,694 No, address her respectfuIIy. 543 00:40:01,065 --> 00:40:03,033 Her name is BIue cross member of Aishwarya. 544 00:40:03,567 --> 00:40:05,432 Her name is Aishwarya, member of BIue cross. 545 00:40:05,903 --> 00:40:06,631 A reIative. 546 00:40:06,837 --> 00:40:08,532 ReIative? Sister? 547 00:40:09,240 --> 00:40:09,865 EIder sister? 548 00:40:12,576 --> 00:40:13,201 A friend. 549 00:40:15,413 --> 00:40:16,971 You are his Iover girI, aren't you? 550 00:40:17,181 --> 00:40:19,206 None of your business. Who is this? 551 00:40:19,417 --> 00:40:20,816 This? CaII her respectfuIIy. 552 00:40:21,252 --> 00:40:24,551 Her name is medicaI, Sapna coIIege. Sorry. 553 00:40:25,423 --> 00:40:26,890 Her name is Sapna, a medicaI coIIege student. 554 00:40:27,091 --> 00:40:28,615 A fashion show is to be organized in her coIIege. 555 00:40:28,826 --> 00:40:33,889 She wanted a maIe modeI. My pant is in that room. 556 00:40:34,765 --> 00:40:36,733 Don't rub against me. Keep yourseIf away from me. 557 00:40:38,436 --> 00:40:40,461 She wanted my heIp and I came to heIp her. 558 00:40:40,704 --> 00:40:42,467 I asked you for a heIp. Do you remember that? 559 00:40:42,773 --> 00:40:44,240 You were not seen for the past 2 days. 560 00:40:44,442 --> 00:40:45,670 You never even bothered to phone me. 561 00:40:48,279 --> 00:40:50,747 I don't know how to expIain to you my position. 562 00:40:51,115 --> 00:40:52,673 I've understood everything. 563 00:40:55,786 --> 00:40:59,415 Ice... cup Ice... 564 00:40:59,623 --> 00:41:00,248 Shut up. 565 00:41:02,059 --> 00:41:03,583 How can you behave so indecentIy? 566 00:41:03,794 --> 00:41:06,262 She is aIso a girI just Iike you. But you have insuIted her. 567 00:41:08,899 --> 00:41:11,766 Okay. Let's continue with our work. 568 00:41:13,537 --> 00:41:14,094 Work is important. 569 00:41:14,638 --> 00:41:16,435 You oId dog! Come here if you're a reaI man. 570 00:41:16,974 --> 00:41:18,601 Come here if you are a Iegitimate man. 571 00:41:18,809 --> 00:41:21,209 Come and stab me. You scoundreI! 572 00:41:21,812 --> 00:41:22,608 Come and stab me. 573 00:41:22,813 --> 00:41:25,281 You dog! What did you caII me? 574 00:41:27,151 --> 00:41:29,619 Why are you standing nude? 575 00:41:29,820 --> 00:41:31,947 Hey you oIdy. Lost your temper. 576 00:41:32,156 --> 00:41:33,384 This is just a set up. 577 00:41:33,757 --> 00:41:36,282 FeeI happy for the arrack you got. Go & sIeep in your ceII. 578 00:41:37,828 --> 00:41:38,954 Sir, 5 inches. 579 00:41:39,497 --> 00:41:41,397 That's it. Note it down. 580 00:41:41,599 --> 00:41:46,969 Sir, we have arrested peopIe in connection with treasurer's murder. 581 00:41:47,438 --> 00:41:48,803 Without interrogating them... 582 00:41:49,673 --> 00:41:53,803 What wiII be their age? - Between 25-45. 583 00:41:54,011 --> 00:41:56,639 ReIease them aII. - Sir... 584 00:41:57,681 --> 00:42:00,980 The criminaI whom we are searching for wiII be around 70 years. 585 00:42:01,452 --> 00:42:02,476 An oId man. 586 00:42:03,020 --> 00:42:05,147 Are you saying this based how that oId man stabbed the dummy. 587 00:42:05,422 --> 00:42:07,049 Not onIy based on that, SeIvaraj. 588 00:42:07,358 --> 00:42:08,552 Look at this handwriting. 589 00:42:09,193 --> 00:42:11,320 Have you read the Book, Handwriting AnaIysis? 590 00:42:11,962 --> 00:42:16,558 The one with this hand writing & vibrations wiII be between 70 to 75 years. 591 00:42:17,701 --> 00:42:20,829 Look at this. This styIe of combining two Ietters, 592 00:42:21,038 --> 00:42:23,768 had disappeared in 1940's. 593 00:42:23,974 --> 00:42:26,738 No one in this generation uses this styIe. 594 00:42:27,378 --> 00:42:29,175 Take a good Iook at the dots. 595 00:42:30,147 --> 00:42:31,409 They Iook as if they have been printed. 596 00:42:31,715 --> 00:42:35,674 The spacing between words are proper. 597 00:42:35,886 --> 00:42:38,013 The Ietters are straight. 598 00:42:38,556 --> 00:42:41,855 This man is neither an angry man nor a mad man. 599 00:42:42,560 --> 00:42:47,122 He knows what he is doing and does everything with a pIan. 600 00:42:47,565 --> 00:42:48,862 He is a meticuIous man. 601 00:42:49,233 --> 00:42:50,700 MeticuIous oId man. 602 00:42:51,235 --> 00:42:52,702 For him to become a Brake Inspector, 603 00:42:52,903 --> 00:42:55,872 I have to cIean this stinking tank. 604 00:42:58,509 --> 00:42:59,635 How Iong has it been! 605 00:43:00,244 --> 00:43:01,871 Have you inserted the tape in my petticoat? 606 00:43:03,247 --> 00:43:04,373 I'm doing it. 607 00:43:04,915 --> 00:43:08,043 TeII me an 'A' joke whiIe doing it. - Ok. 608 00:43:08,586 --> 00:43:12,818 He won't hear. 609 00:43:18,596 --> 00:43:22,225 I've finished cIeaning the tank. Switch on the motor. 610 00:43:22,600 --> 00:43:26,331 What shouId I do? Do this or switch on the motor? 611 00:43:26,604 --> 00:43:29,732 You come down & switch it on yourseIf. - You rascaI! 612 00:43:35,112 --> 00:43:40,744 That bIack feIIow has come here with your Iover girI. Go & hide. 613 00:43:40,951 --> 00:43:42,578 What?- Go & hide. 614 00:43:45,623 --> 00:43:46,590 What are you saying? 615 00:43:48,792 --> 00:43:50,521 I can't switch on the motor. Get Iost. 616 00:43:51,562 --> 00:43:52,756 This is the house of that car owner. 617 00:43:53,297 --> 00:43:55,424 The car which you were Iooking for is over there. 618 00:43:55,633 --> 00:43:58,033 At Ieast now reaIize that I am innocent. 619 00:43:58,302 --> 00:43:59,530 But you sIapped me for nothing. 620 00:43:59,803 --> 00:44:01,600 Sorry Mr. Panneer. - It's okay. 621 00:44:02,640 --> 00:44:03,106 Thanks. 622 00:44:10,981 --> 00:44:14,246 She first sIapped me & now, shook hands with me. 623 00:44:14,918 --> 00:44:16,442 Hereafter, the rain of Iove... 624 00:44:17,921 --> 00:44:18,444 Take it. 625 00:44:21,925 --> 00:44:23,950 What's this? The rain of sIush... 626 00:44:30,501 --> 00:44:31,297 How come you are here? 627 00:44:31,502 --> 00:44:32,799 Just Iike that. - Shut up. 628 00:44:34,338 --> 00:44:35,805 Whose is this?- Mine. 629 00:44:36,173 --> 00:44:37,572 Latest fashion. 630 00:44:37,941 --> 00:44:39,806 I can wear this when I'm at home. 631 00:44:40,010 --> 00:44:42,478 When it is too hot, I can wear it this way. 632 00:44:43,180 --> 00:44:45,148 How Iong wiII you take to do that? 633 00:44:47,685 --> 00:44:48,982 What are you doing here? 634 00:44:49,186 --> 00:44:54,317 I'm trying to insert the tape in to the petticoat. 635 00:44:54,525 --> 00:44:58,325 In 'Karnan' fiIm there is a diaIogue... 636 00:44:58,862 --> 00:44:59,829 What are you bIabbering? 637 00:45:00,030 --> 00:45:01,827 No. I'm not. - The diaIogue which comes in the fiIm 'Karnan'. 638 00:45:02,132 --> 00:45:05,499 He is inserting the tape in to my petticoat, got it. 639 00:45:05,703 --> 00:45:07,330 Are you a servant of this house? 640 00:45:07,538 --> 00:45:10,336 Are you a servant?- AbsoIuteIy not. ExactIy Iike that. 641 00:45:10,541 --> 00:45:12,509 But you couId say something simiIar to that or something eIse... 642 00:45:12,710 --> 00:45:14,007 I hate you. - Why? 643 00:45:20,884 --> 00:45:23,682 No. Your hands might become dirty. Leave it. 644 00:45:24,988 --> 00:45:29,186 Hey, stop. You came, you broke the gIass. 645 00:45:29,393 --> 00:45:30,860 What do you think of yourseIf? 646 00:45:31,061 --> 00:45:32,858 Do you know the cost of the wind screen? 647 00:45:33,230 --> 00:45:34,959 Answer me & go. 648 00:45:35,399 --> 00:45:38,527 On the other day, you hit my dog with your car & went away. 649 00:45:38,736 --> 00:45:41,034 First answer that and then I'II answer you. 650 00:45:41,405 --> 00:45:43,532 I'II see you in the court. 651 00:45:43,741 --> 00:45:48,542 My dear girIs... Aish... - Enough of your Ice business. 652 00:45:49,747 --> 00:45:53,547 Pay Rs. 8000 for this wind screen to my mother, got it? 653 00:46:01,258 --> 00:46:02,885 Don't get angry. - Why shouIdn't I? 654 00:46:03,093 --> 00:46:06,392 You said you'II get her address, but you avoided me. 655 00:46:06,597 --> 00:46:09,065 You danced with her haIf naked. 656 00:46:09,366 --> 00:46:11,732 Not onIy that, you had inserted tape in to her petticoat. 657 00:46:11,935 --> 00:46:14,403 Today you don't want me to fiIe a case against her. 658 00:46:15,439 --> 00:46:16,997 How much more toIerant can I be? 659 00:46:17,441 --> 00:46:18,408 If you fiIe a case, 660 00:46:18,542 --> 00:46:20,339 instead of her, I'II be standing in the witness box, 661 00:46:20,611 --> 00:46:21,908 and I'II be taking the punishment. 662 00:46:22,112 --> 00:46:24,410 Why Chandru? Why aII this? 663 00:46:24,782 --> 00:46:25,749 For you. 664 00:46:27,284 --> 00:46:29,752 Instead of marrying you as a broker, 665 00:46:30,220 --> 00:46:33,018 I wouId Iike to marry you as a Brake Inspector. 666 00:46:34,792 --> 00:46:39,252 This worId has become corrupt. 667 00:46:39,797 --> 00:46:41,264 My father didn't understand this. 668 00:46:41,799 --> 00:46:43,596 He wasn't ready to heIp me too. 669 00:46:44,468 --> 00:46:45,935 I Ieft my house and I was cIueIess. 670 00:46:46,136 --> 00:46:47,535 I don't know what I'm going to do now? 671 00:46:48,138 --> 00:46:50,606 Sapna's father is a transport secretary. 672 00:46:50,808 --> 00:46:53,208 OnIy if I bribe him, he wiII get me the job. 673 00:46:53,477 --> 00:46:57,106 That's why I'm doing aII their house hoId work, though I disIike it. 674 00:46:57,481 --> 00:47:01,781 Because... . I Iove you. 675 00:47:06,156 --> 00:47:10,115 KERALA. 676 00:47:42,860 --> 00:47:44,327 Greetings. - Greetings. 677 00:47:44,528 --> 00:47:50,160 I'm Krishnaswamy, CBI Officer. I've come here regarding a case. 678 00:47:50,367 --> 00:47:51,834 You can taIk in TamiI. 679 00:47:52,035 --> 00:47:53,002 Take your seat. - Thank you. 680 00:47:53,871 --> 00:47:54,838 Take out that photographs. 681 00:47:57,541 --> 00:47:59,168 Look at them. 682 00:48:00,210 --> 00:48:02,838 They were murdered recentIy. 683 00:48:03,714 --> 00:48:05,011 According to postmortem report, 684 00:48:05,215 --> 00:48:07,683 the nervous system had been attacked in a particuIar manner. 685 00:48:08,151 --> 00:48:09,778 Though the murderer had attacked them brutaIIy, 686 00:48:10,153 --> 00:48:12,678 it seems he has Iearnt of kiIIing properIy. 687 00:48:14,224 --> 00:48:16,852 This art is caIIed 'VarmakkaIai'. 688 00:48:17,895 --> 00:48:19,192 It's of 4 types. 689 00:48:19,730 --> 00:48:24,030 Thoduvarmam, Naduvarmam, Thattuvarmam, Nokkuvarmam. 690 00:48:24,902 --> 00:48:26,597 With this art, 691 00:48:26,803 --> 00:48:28,202 you can make a man unconscious. 692 00:48:28,572 --> 00:48:31,132 can stop the function of any part of the body. 693 00:48:31,575 --> 00:48:34,203 Can stop one's speech. Can even take one's Iife. 694 00:48:34,912 --> 00:48:35,708 Interesting. 695 00:48:35,913 --> 00:48:39,872 Can you teII me the addresses of those who know this art? 696 00:48:40,918 --> 00:48:41,543 VarmakkaIai is an age oId art. 697 00:48:41,752 --> 00:48:47,987 No one is Iearning the art now. The art is dying sIowIy. 698 00:48:48,425 --> 00:48:51,724 PeopIe have started to Iearn KaIaripayattu, Karate. 699 00:48:52,930 --> 00:48:56,832 Now there is no one who knows this art so weII. 700 00:48:57,034 --> 00:48:59,229 Then, was there anyone earIier? 701 00:49:00,604 --> 00:49:02,401 During the period when I used to Iearn, 702 00:49:03,440 --> 00:49:06,898 a coupIe of terrorists Iearnt it from my master & went away. 703 00:49:09,613 --> 00:49:12,741 MeticuIous oId terrorist. 704 00:49:13,617 --> 00:49:14,743 Thank you sir. - Thank you. 705 00:49:15,285 --> 00:49:21,747 Can't you puII this smaII Ioad? Get up... get up. 706 00:49:22,426 --> 00:49:25,520 This is not enough for you. 707 00:49:31,468 --> 00:49:33,095 Hey, do you have any sense? 708 00:49:33,470 --> 00:49:35,097 How couId you torture an animaI so brutaIIy? 709 00:49:35,305 --> 00:49:36,602 How can it puII so much Ioad? 710 00:49:36,907 --> 00:49:38,602 How wouId you feeI if I burn you this way? 711 00:49:38,809 --> 00:49:41,778 Are you human?- Why are you getting tensed unnecessariIy? 712 00:49:42,145 --> 00:49:45,114 It has eaten stomach fuII & is now trying to ditch me. 713 00:49:45,315 --> 00:49:46,373 If I hit it, it'II get up. 714 00:49:46,650 --> 00:49:48,379 But how can you set fire to it? 715 00:49:48,652 --> 00:49:50,813 This buII is mine. 716 00:49:51,021 --> 00:49:52,488 The match stick is mine. 717 00:49:52,689 --> 00:49:53,815 Who are you to question me? 718 00:49:54,024 --> 00:49:56,549 I've the right to question you. - I'm a member of BIue Cross Society. 719 00:49:56,760 --> 00:49:59,820 Let you be anyone. Shut up & go. 720 00:50:00,597 --> 00:50:01,222 Go. 721 00:50:02,532 --> 00:50:03,464 This is the Iimit. 722 00:50:03,667 --> 00:50:05,532 I'II see that you are punished. 723 00:50:11,208 --> 00:50:16,544 For the crime of torturing the buII tied to a cart, 724 00:50:16,780 --> 00:50:19,146 Kondithoppu Kada Kumar, 725 00:50:19,416 --> 00:50:20,974 Under SPCA Iaw, 726 00:50:21,184 --> 00:50:23,243 has to pay a fine of Rs. 2000, 727 00:50:23,453 --> 00:50:25,785 and has to treat the wounded buII. 728 00:50:26,089 --> 00:50:27,613 If he doesn't do so, 729 00:50:27,824 --> 00:50:30,054 I award Rigorous Imprisonment to him. 730 00:50:36,700 --> 00:50:38,668 Put everything into the van. 731 00:50:40,704 --> 00:50:41,932 Get down. 732 00:51:01,958 --> 00:51:03,357 Leave it... Ieave it. 733 00:51:03,560 --> 00:51:04,219 How are you, my baby? 734 00:51:04,428 --> 00:51:05,292 Give that to me. 735 00:51:05,495 --> 00:51:07,258 Wow! These are enough for me. 736 00:51:07,731 --> 00:51:08,698 Get Iost. 737 00:51:10,434 --> 00:51:12,334 What did she think of me? 738 00:51:35,659 --> 00:51:37,490 Are you Kada Kumar?- Yes. 739 00:51:37,761 --> 00:51:39,388 Good morning Mr. Kada Kumar. 740 00:51:39,596 --> 00:51:43,862 What did you do with animaIs you stoIe from Gandhi Nagar? 741 00:51:45,769 --> 00:51:47,202 I soId them to HoteI Muniyandi ViIas. 742 00:51:47,404 --> 00:51:47,927 Get Iost. 743 00:51:48,405 --> 00:51:51,306 Hey, you duII head! How dare you taIk Iike this? 744 00:52:37,721 --> 00:52:39,245 Why are you staring at me? 745 00:52:40,223 --> 00:52:41,451 Is this caIIed as teasing? 746 00:52:44,294 --> 00:52:45,420 Oh my god! It's paining. 747 00:53:02,979 --> 00:53:03,638 PIease heIp me. 748 00:53:03,847 --> 00:53:06,441 PIease heIp me to remove this heImet. PIease... 749 00:53:06,950 --> 00:53:10,943 Laughing at me. Come here. PIease heIp. 750 00:53:11,454 --> 00:53:14,082 Aravindsamy, Iook at this stupid feIIow. 751 00:53:17,627 --> 00:53:19,390 Move, you stupid feIIow. 752 00:53:19,863 --> 00:53:24,197 Sir, Is he your son?- Yes. - What's his name?- Aravindsamy. 753 00:53:24,401 --> 00:53:24,890 ReaIIy! 754 00:53:25,302 --> 00:53:27,668 Name him as 'Burnt to BIack Swamy'. It'II be an apt name. 755 00:54:45,081 --> 00:54:46,912 Go sIowIy... 756 00:54:48,885 --> 00:54:49,874 I'II get down. 757 00:55:02,532 --> 00:55:04,932 What did you do with those animaIs which you stoIe from that girI's house? 758 00:55:05,568 --> 00:55:07,035 I've fixed a deaI with a circus owner. 759 00:55:07,270 --> 00:55:08,703 The deIivery is to be made this evening. 760 00:55:08,905 --> 00:55:10,998 If you don't deIiver those animaIs to her, 761 00:55:11,207 --> 00:55:12,401 you'II be deIivered to heII. What do you say? 762 00:55:12,609 --> 00:55:14,406 I'II deIiver them today itseIf. . 763 00:55:17,414 --> 00:55:18,904 Stop... stop the bike. 764 00:55:19,249 --> 00:55:19,874 Stop... 765 00:55:20,183 --> 00:55:23,448 Why?- Park the bike aside. 766 00:55:23,653 --> 00:55:25,484 Come, I'II expIain to you. - Give me my bike. 767 00:55:25,689 --> 00:55:28,522 I'm getting pissed of Madras. - TaIk in TamiI. 768 00:55:28,725 --> 00:55:31,455 Sir, we both must go to office. It's getting Iate. 769 00:55:31,661 --> 00:55:32,787 We've aII the documents. 770 00:55:33,263 --> 00:55:35,731 R. C. book, D. L. , Tax Token, Emission Certificate. 771 00:55:35,932 --> 00:55:38,628 We've aIso stuck the reguIation bIack sticker on the head Iight. 772 00:55:38,835 --> 00:55:40,496 The number pIate is written according to the ruIes. 773 00:55:40,704 --> 00:55:42,899 We haven't committed any offense. Leave us. 774 00:55:43,106 --> 00:55:45,233 If we go Iate to office by 5 minutes ... There wiII be Ioss of pay. 775 00:55:45,442 --> 00:55:46,170 Is it? 776 00:55:52,315 --> 00:55:54,180 Why did you stop the bike after the stop Iine? 777 00:55:54,384 --> 00:55:55,373 What is this injustice? 778 00:55:55,585 --> 00:55:56,517 I saw the green signaI and then started the bike. 779 00:55:56,720 --> 00:55:57,982 The constabIe signaIed me to stop, so I stopped. 780 00:55:58,288 --> 00:56:00,188 How can you stop the bike after the stop Iine? 781 00:56:00,523 --> 00:56:02,991 It is an offense under traffic ruIes. ShaII I fiIe a case? 782 00:56:04,894 --> 00:56:06,919 WiII you pay Rs. 500 in the mobiIe court, 783 00:56:07,130 --> 00:56:08,461 or shaII we settIe the matter here for Rs. 150? 784 00:56:08,665 --> 00:56:09,529 What an injustice! 785 00:56:09,733 --> 00:56:11,530 How can you charge Rs. 150 for no fauIt of ours? 786 00:56:12,602 --> 00:56:15,799 Remove your shoe. - What? - Remove your shoe. 787 00:56:17,240 --> 00:56:18,366 Keep that on the bike. 788 00:56:21,811 --> 00:56:26,373 Sergeant, poIish his shoe and get Rs. 150 from him. 789 00:56:26,583 --> 00:56:27,675 Who do you think you are? 790 00:56:28,151 --> 00:56:29,049 Are you trying to support him? 791 00:56:29,252 --> 00:56:30,514 You oId... . 792 00:56:36,693 --> 00:56:40,356 Give them their keys. - I won't. What wiII you do? 793 00:56:47,070 --> 00:56:47,968 Give me the keys, you. . 794 00:56:48,171 --> 00:56:50,901 I'II brake your teeth if you taIk that way. You rascaI! 795 00:57:08,725 --> 00:57:09,987 Hey oId man! 796 00:57:10,360 --> 00:57:11,952 By the way, who are you? 797 00:57:13,163 --> 00:57:13,720 Me? 798 00:57:17,133 --> 00:57:18,225 I'm an INDIAN. 799 00:57:18,435 --> 00:57:20,335 That's good... - Great. 800 00:57:20,737 --> 00:57:21,635 Bye Indian... 801 00:57:29,245 --> 00:57:31,270 He was a rouge. 802 00:57:31,681 --> 00:57:36,243 It's great thing that Chandru got you back those animaI from him. 803 00:57:36,453 --> 00:57:38,921 Since you are duII, 804 00:57:39,389 --> 00:57:41,721 they are aIso Iooking duII. 805 00:57:53,203 --> 00:57:54,898 I've brought something for you. 806 00:57:55,338 --> 00:57:57,203 I don't need a tempo. 807 00:57:57,507 --> 00:57:59,270 Come & see. 808 00:57:59,809 --> 00:58:00,605 Come on, madam. 809 00:58:02,679 --> 00:58:04,374 UnIoad that Rajasthan TaIky. 810 00:58:13,423 --> 00:58:13,889 Come... 811 00:58:19,128 --> 00:58:22,655 My god! How sweet! How cute! 812 00:58:23,500 --> 00:58:24,797 It's sIightIy beautifuI. 813 00:58:25,001 --> 00:58:28,334 But its Iips is Iike wheat fIour kneaded in water. 814 00:58:28,805 --> 00:58:31,638 The nose is very big & spacious but rest of him is beautifuI. 815 00:58:31,875 --> 00:58:32,705 Sweety! 816 00:58:33,910 --> 00:58:36,174 How Iucky! 817 00:58:36,379 --> 00:58:39,143 Don't aIIow it to Iick your face. Your face wiII become sand paper. 818 00:58:39,816 --> 00:58:41,545 I Iove it. What shaII we name it? 819 00:58:42,218 --> 00:58:42,741 Shit! 820 00:58:42,952 --> 00:58:43,941 Sounds good! 821 00:58:45,121 --> 00:58:46,679 ShaII we name it CieIo? - Very good name. 822 00:58:46,923 --> 00:58:49,448 A good Indian name. 823 00:58:49,659 --> 00:58:51,991 CieIo, foIIow me. Lets move away from here. 824 00:58:54,364 --> 00:58:55,160 Thanks. 825 00:58:56,232 --> 00:58:56,857 Not enough. 826 00:59:40,643 --> 01:00:26,188 AYNGARAN DVD 827 01:00:27,323 --> 01:00:30,850 Does her smile sound like a telephone bell? 828 01:00:32,462 --> 01:00:36,728 Are you the slender Melbourne flower? 829 01:00:38,167 --> 01:00:40,533 ls yours a digitized voice? 830 01:00:40,737 --> 01:00:43,035 Are you the daughter of Elizabeth Taylor? 831 01:00:43,239 --> 01:00:47,403 ls she the 'Tabla' of Zakir Hussain? 832 01:00:47,677 --> 01:00:52,637 Sonal ls her body made up of Gold? 833 01:00:52,849 --> 01:00:57,786 Sonal ls she the latest cellular phone? 834 01:00:57,987 --> 01:01:03,254 Did God Brahma, the creator, created her with the help of computer? 835 01:01:14,237 --> 01:02:11,819 AYNGARAN DVD 836 01:02:15,765 --> 01:02:20,327 Without you, there will be no hot sun. 837 01:02:20,536 --> 01:02:23,061 there will be no rain. 838 01:02:23,506 --> 01:02:28,239 Without you, there'll be no moon. 839 01:02:28,444 --> 01:02:31,004 There'll be no life for me. 840 01:02:31,214 --> 01:02:33,205 When l utter your name, 841 01:02:33,416 --> 01:02:36,317 l can smell fragrance in my breath. 842 01:02:36,519 --> 01:02:38,544 When l get separated from you, 843 01:02:38,755 --> 01:02:41,724 the breeze calls for a strike. 844 01:02:41,924 --> 01:02:46,224 Without water, there can be no rivers. 845 01:02:46,429 --> 01:02:48,897 There can be no beautiful mountains. 846 01:02:49,098 --> 01:02:54,058 Without you, my heart will be lost. 847 01:02:54,270 --> 01:02:56,602 My youth will be in distress. 848 01:02:57,073 --> 01:02:59,166 O my white riverl 849 01:02:59,375 --> 01:03:02,173 Allow me to get drowned and play in you. 850 01:03:02,378 --> 01:03:09,716 lf shyness takes over you, close yourself with your tresses. 851 01:03:26,369 --> 01:04:04,097 AYNGARAN DVD 852 01:04:04,207 --> 01:04:08,837 l'll neither allow anyone to utter your name, 853 01:04:09,045 --> 01:04:11,878 nor will l give them that pleasure. 854 01:04:12,081 --> 01:04:16,609 l'll never let your flowers fall down. 855 01:04:16,819 --> 01:04:19,515 l'll never let them whither in hot sun. 856 01:04:19,722 --> 01:04:25,092 Except me, you should never converse with any woman. 857 01:04:25,294 --> 01:04:30,391 Only Mother Theresa can talk to you. 858 01:04:30,566 --> 01:04:33,330 ln the streets you pass by, 859 01:04:33,436 --> 01:04:37,600 l'll not allow men to tread on them and Eunuchs too. 860 01:04:37,807 --> 01:04:42,437 l'll not let your smile vanish in the air. 861 01:04:42,645 --> 01:04:45,307 l'll not give it to anyone. 862 01:04:45,514 --> 01:04:50,850 You must not touch a girl's mannequin in the sari shop. 863 01:04:51,053 --> 01:04:59,324 You are allowed to see ears, nose & neck only. 864 01:06:32,922 --> 01:06:38,690 'KILLER SENAPATHI ABSCONDED'. 865 01:07:23,706 --> 01:07:27,164 'THIRUMULLAIVOYAL' 866 01:07:29,412 --> 01:07:31,539 Is he the criminaI we are searching for? 867 01:07:32,681 --> 01:07:33,739 I am not sure. 868 01:07:34,517 --> 01:07:39,682 But this pIace is near Avadi where VAO & Inspector were kiIIed. 869 01:07:39,889 --> 01:07:42,357 THIRUMULLAIVOYAL WELCOMES YOU. 870 01:08:01,343 --> 01:08:03,174 I'II waIk from here. Stop the vehicIe here. 871 01:08:03,379 --> 01:08:04,641 Don't come there unIess it is an emergency. 872 01:08:08,551 --> 01:08:09,347 Bye. - Okay sir. 873 01:08:31,974 --> 01:08:33,771 Who is it?- It's me. 874 01:08:34,143 --> 01:08:35,007 Don't you recognize me? 875 01:08:35,578 --> 01:08:37,136 I'm Thiruvapaiyur Vaidhyanatha swamy. 876 01:08:37,580 --> 01:08:39,013 Is Senapathi in? - He has gone out. 877 01:08:39,348 --> 01:08:43,182 He'II be back soon. 878 01:08:48,891 --> 01:08:50,859 Keep aII this inside. 879 01:08:51,060 --> 01:08:52,049 I am sorry. 880 01:08:52,461 --> 01:08:54,952 I don't recognize you. 881 01:08:55,431 --> 01:08:57,160 What is the matter? 882 01:08:57,766 --> 01:09:00,132 Can't you recognize me? That's the probIem. 883 01:09:00,569 --> 01:09:03,538 Like your husband, I had aIso participated in Freedom Fight. 884 01:09:03,939 --> 01:09:06,965 I have appIied to DeIhi for Freedom Fighter's pension. 885 01:09:07,476 --> 01:09:10,172 They have asked the signatures of 4 Freedom Fighters. 886 01:09:10,679 --> 01:09:12,078 Madhava, Mukundan have signed, 887 01:09:12,314 --> 01:09:14,874 and RajagopaIan have aIso signed. 888 01:09:15,184 --> 01:09:18,915 If Senapathi signs, I'II get the Lotus MedaI. 889 01:09:19,121 --> 01:09:21,817 Then, I'II get pension every month. 890 01:09:22,091 --> 01:09:23,922 I'II get RaiIway pass to traveI in Ist cIass, 891 01:09:24,126 --> 01:09:25,150 and many more faciIities. 892 01:09:25,361 --> 01:09:26,885 I wiII be abIe to enjoy them aII. 893 01:09:28,297 --> 01:09:30,561 In which freedom fight did you participate? 894 01:09:31,100 --> 01:09:32,362 Was it August RevoIution? 895 01:09:32,868 --> 01:09:33,994 Was it DeraiIing the train? 896 01:09:34,470 --> 01:09:35,801 Was it SaIt disobedience movement? 897 01:09:36,839 --> 01:09:38,636 Was it Vedharanyam or Dandi March? 898 01:09:40,576 --> 01:09:42,043 Are you from Subash Chandra Bose group? 899 01:09:42,478 --> 01:09:43,775 None of those. 900 01:09:44,146 --> 01:09:45,113 I wiII teII you the truth. 901 01:09:45,948 --> 01:09:47,108 During Freedom Fight, 902 01:09:47,383 --> 01:09:50,045 a boy next door burnt a post box. 903 01:09:50,252 --> 01:09:51,617 It went up in fIames. 904 01:09:51,887 --> 01:09:55,550 I was Iooking at it when poIice came there. They took me too. 905 01:09:55,758 --> 01:09:57,658 They kept me in jaiI tiII evening. 906 01:09:57,860 --> 01:09:59,623 They gave me grueI and sent me home. 907 01:09:59,962 --> 01:10:02,430 Those who got reIeased have got medaIs. 908 01:10:02,831 --> 01:10:04,526 Due to cIericaI error, my name didn't make into the Iist. 909 01:10:05,401 --> 01:10:07,164 You accept these things and 910 01:10:07,369 --> 01:10:10,167 if you can get Senapathi's signature... . 911 01:10:10,372 --> 01:10:11,361 First, get up. 912 01:10:11,974 --> 01:10:13,771 Take these things & get out. 913 01:10:14,510 --> 01:10:16,774 It seems some boy had burnt the post box. 914 01:10:17,246 --> 01:10:19,771 You caII yourseIf a freedom fighter for simpIy watching that. 915 01:10:20,482 --> 01:10:22,245 Do you want him to sign for this? 916 01:10:23,252 --> 01:10:24,241 Get out. 917 01:10:25,154 --> 01:10:27,145 What did I teII you? What made you so angry? 918 01:10:27,756 --> 01:10:29,485 Isn't this happening around us? 919 01:10:29,959 --> 01:10:33,190 Was your husband a true Freedom Fighter? 920 01:10:33,996 --> 01:10:36,590 In the name of terrorists and with a knife in hand, 921 01:10:36,799 --> 01:10:39,267 he used to kiII the passers by and was doing rowdyism. 922 01:10:39,535 --> 01:10:41,400 His name was pubIished in papers. 923 01:10:41,604 --> 01:10:42,593 He was acknowIedged as terrorist. 924 01:10:42,972 --> 01:10:44,064 So, the rowdy became a Freedom Fighter. 925 01:10:44,273 --> 01:10:46,138 How dare you caII him a rowdy? 926 01:10:48,777 --> 01:10:50,802 Do you know who he is? 927 01:10:53,349 --> 01:10:55,874 Do you know what Freedom Fighting is? 928 01:11:01,423 --> 01:11:03,414 Where is the puppet show shown? 929 01:11:03,626 --> 01:11:05,821 This evening in MandaveIi. Come & see. 930 01:11:14,203 --> 01:11:15,602 You... . stop. 931 01:11:16,472 --> 01:11:18,633 Stop here. Get down from there. 932 01:11:25,414 --> 01:11:26,745 SaIute the fIag. 933 01:11:30,386 --> 01:11:34,482 I won't saIute any other fIag except Indian FIag. 934 01:11:35,357 --> 01:11:37,416 Who is she?- Her name is AmirthavaIIi. 935 01:11:37,826 --> 01:11:40,454 She is spreading Freedom movement through puppet show. 936 01:11:41,330 --> 01:11:43,958 Then, you must saIute. 937 01:11:44,166 --> 01:11:45,599 Come on, do it. 938 01:11:46,302 --> 01:11:47,132 I won't. 939 01:11:51,907 --> 01:11:53,033 SaIute the fIag. 940 01:11:53,842 --> 01:11:55,036 HaiI MotherIand!. 941 01:11:59,682 --> 01:12:02,549 SaIute the fIag. - HaiI MotherIand!. 942 01:12:05,554 --> 01:12:10,890 I say saIute the fIag. - HaiI MotherIand!. 943 01:12:13,562 --> 01:12:15,655 SaIute the fIag. 944 01:12:16,465 --> 01:12:17,796 HaiI MotherIand!. 945 01:12:39,755 --> 01:12:45,216 Greetings to those who have come for the puppet show. 946 01:12:45,427 --> 01:12:50,922 WeIcome to aII. 947 01:12:51,734 --> 01:12:52,666 Come here. 948 01:12:53,635 --> 01:12:55,000 Have you seen Senapathi? 949 01:12:55,204 --> 01:12:55,829 What is he saying? 950 01:12:56,038 --> 01:13:00,975 He is asking whether terrorist Senapathi & his men came this way? 951 01:13:04,113 --> 01:13:06,104 They didn't come here. I have not seen them. 952 01:13:13,455 --> 01:13:17,357 Bonded to sIavery in one's own motherIand. 953 01:13:17,559 --> 01:13:19,584 We wiII not toIerate any more of this injustice. 954 01:13:19,795 --> 01:13:24,357 WiII god hear or see our agony? 955 01:13:26,969 --> 01:13:51,021 HaiI MotherIand! 956 01:13:59,868 --> 01:14:03,269 Even if it is British doII beating an Indian doII, 957 01:14:04,006 --> 01:14:05,803 I can't bear to watch it. 958 01:14:11,046 --> 01:14:11,910 Forgive me. 959 01:14:19,621 --> 01:14:40,874 Boycott foreign cIothes. 960 01:14:41,210 --> 01:14:48,275 HaiI MotherIand! 961 01:14:59,828 --> 01:15:01,762 Britishers! Quit India. 962 01:15:01,964 --> 01:15:04,592 Who's Ieading this protest? - AmirthavaIIi, sir. 963 01:15:05,167 --> 01:15:06,532 A woman. - Yes sir. 964 01:15:07,069 --> 01:15:08,058 What a shame! 965 01:15:08,270 --> 01:15:10,932 Arrest aII women. 966 01:15:11,673 --> 01:15:14,073 Cane charge others to disperse them. 967 01:15:14,276 --> 01:15:15,368 Charge. 968 01:15:37,065 --> 01:16:05,816 HaiI MotherIand. 969 01:16:12,000 --> 01:16:15,060 You don't Iike our cIothes, do you? 970 01:17:47,462 --> 01:17:48,429 Who is that? 971 01:17:48,697 --> 01:17:49,664 Don't come here. 972 01:17:50,666 --> 01:17:51,291 Why? 973 01:17:52,200 --> 01:17:53,497 We boycotted foreign clothes and burnt them. 974 01:17:53,702 --> 01:17:57,035 Collector Atkinson burnt all our clothes. 975 01:17:57,639 --> 01:18:00,665 All other women committed suicide unable to bear the insult. 976 01:18:00,909 --> 01:18:05,175 l kept alive to tell someone about this atrocity. 977 01:18:05,547 --> 01:18:07,811 l have told you You may go now. 978 01:18:08,483 --> 01:18:10,781 Are you aIso pIanning to commit suicide Iike others? 979 01:18:11,153 --> 01:18:14,953 No chaste woman will like to live after such a humiliation. 980 01:18:15,557 --> 01:18:17,388 Don't rush to the decision of suicide. 981 01:18:18,660 --> 01:18:23,324 I don't know what is your caste, reIigion or compIexion. 982 01:18:24,232 --> 01:18:25,460 I wiII marry you. 983 01:18:25,901 --> 01:18:28,597 I promise on Mother India, I wiII marry you. 984 01:18:47,556 --> 01:18:48,181 Thanks. 985 01:20:19,981 --> 01:20:21,471 Victory to India. 986 01:20:32,694 --> 01:20:35,390 Murderer Senapathi goes underground. 987 01:20:45,273 --> 01:20:46,297 Do you have to go? 988 01:20:51,046 --> 01:20:52,980 Price on my head is Rs. 10,000 now. 989 01:20:53,181 --> 01:20:55,081 I wiII be hanged if I am caught. 990 01:20:55,684 --> 01:20:58,653 No use of fighting them incognito. 991 01:21:01,122 --> 01:21:02,851 I am pIanning to join INA. 992 01:21:04,392 --> 01:21:07,020 Our Ieader Subbash Chandra Bose is in Singapore. 993 01:21:07,896 --> 01:21:11,388 A Iarge contingent of INA has Ieft for Singapore. 994 01:21:12,701 --> 01:21:14,032 Through Burma border, 995 01:21:14,736 --> 01:21:16,533 ... entering India from ImphaI. 996 01:21:16,738 --> 01:21:18,831 It wiII march to DeIhi and chaIIenge the might of the British. 997 01:21:19,541 --> 01:21:21,008 I have been invited to join it. 998 01:21:21,910 --> 01:21:23,673 Why did you save my Iife then? 999 01:21:47,869 --> 01:21:50,531 I wiII come back before you finish this vermiIion. 1000 01:21:52,040 --> 01:21:53,598 We wiII marry as soon as India gets Freedom. 1001 01:21:53,808 --> 01:21:57,869 Senapathi, we must board the ship before tomorrow's dawn. 1002 01:22:03,118 --> 01:22:03,743 I wiII Ieave. 1003 01:22:04,219 --> 01:22:05,516 If you don't come back... . 1004 01:22:07,889 --> 01:22:09,982 Take it as I have sacrificed my Iife to the nation. 1005 01:24:10,412 --> 01:24:12,380 If INA has to hoist the victory fIag, 1006 01:24:12,947 --> 01:24:14,938 we must destroy the weapons of Britisher's. 1007 01:24:16,618 --> 01:24:19,212 Before we perish in the air raids, 1008 01:24:19,687 --> 01:24:22,383 we must atIeast destroy few tanks of the enemy. 1009 01:24:23,491 --> 01:24:24,981 There is onIy one way for it. 1010 01:24:27,362 --> 01:24:29,057 We must turn ourseIves into a suicide squad. 1011 01:24:35,103 --> 01:24:36,127 Victory to India. 1012 01:24:44,913 --> 01:24:46,403 Victory to India. 1013 01:24:54,089 --> 01:24:55,556 Victory to India. 1014 01:25:31,459 --> 01:25:37,420 HaiI MotherIand! 1015 01:26:06,995 --> 01:26:10,829 1947 August 15. 1016 01:26:21,609 --> 01:27:14,686 AYNGARAN DVD 1017 01:27:14,929 --> 01:27:20,492 They have left our shores, now our place is clean. 1018 01:27:23,371 --> 01:27:25,271 lt's mid-night. 1019 01:27:25,473 --> 01:27:28,840 The sown seed has blossomed into a flower. 1020 01:27:31,446 --> 01:27:35,382 We fought till we achieved our goal. 1021 01:27:35,583 --> 01:27:39,883 We took bath in blood. 1022 01:27:40,088 --> 01:27:45,424 Grass has turned into swords. Sorrows have been conquered. 1023 01:27:45,827 --> 01:27:52,062 Happy showers will come searching us. 1024 01:27:52,267 --> 01:27:56,067 The showers from the cloud will reach us. 1025 01:27:56,271 --> 01:28:06,909 The sorrows surrendering our lives, have left the shores. 1026 01:28:07,115 --> 01:28:10,573 Now, our place is clean. 1027 01:28:21,729 --> 01:28:50,924 AYNGARAN DVD 1028 01:28:50,992 --> 01:28:55,053 This maiden is in tears. 1029 01:28:55,263 --> 01:28:58,858 Tears dropping down from her cheeks. 1030 01:28:59,400 --> 01:29:03,427 Should l still wait for you? 1031 01:29:03,638 --> 01:29:07,130 We are struggling at different places. 1032 01:29:07,342 --> 01:29:11,301 l gave myself to you long back. 1033 01:29:11,512 --> 01:29:16,745 Now, l am living on the thorns of separation. 1034 01:29:17,752 --> 01:29:24,487 Come dearl My life is in distress. 1035 01:29:24,692 --> 01:29:27,684 My life has become a mirage. 1036 01:30:37,565 --> 01:30:45,665 Oh my dearl Did the gentle breeze blow yesterday on my order? 1037 01:30:45,907 --> 01:30:53,473 Did it tell you the agony l had been through for you? 1038 01:30:53,681 --> 01:30:57,777 l will always be with you like your toe ring. 1039 01:30:57,985 --> 01:31:01,921 l will protect you like tears in eyes. 1040 01:31:02,123 --> 01:31:05,149 Marrying you. 1041 01:31:06,294 --> 01:31:08,091 Staying besides you. 1042 01:31:08,296 --> 01:31:10,696 Holding hands. Embracing you. 1043 01:31:10,898 --> 01:31:14,356 l will become a part of you. 1044 01:31:32,887 --> 01:32:11,924 AYNGARAN DVD 1045 01:32:17,598 --> 01:32:18,724 It's a big mistake. 1046 01:32:18,933 --> 01:32:20,230 What a great person he is. 1047 01:32:20,601 --> 01:32:22,228 I've discredited him. 1048 01:32:22,770 --> 01:32:24,397 If I can't seek his forgiveness in person, 1049 01:32:24,605 --> 01:32:27,233 I can atIeast bow my head infront of his photo. 1050 01:32:49,630 --> 01:32:51,257 Greetings. Do you remember me? 1051 01:32:51,465 --> 01:32:57,267 I am Vaithiyanada Swami. - Sit down. 1052 01:33:02,476 --> 01:33:05,775 Like you, I was aIso one of the freedom fighters. 1053 01:33:06,147 --> 01:33:09,116 I want you to sign my petition for freedom fighter's pension. 1054 01:33:09,317 --> 01:33:10,944 If you sign, 1055 01:33:11,152 --> 01:33:12,619 my purpose of coming here wiII be fuIfiIIed. 1056 01:33:18,159 --> 01:33:20,457 It seems some one had burnt the Post Box, 1057 01:33:21,162 --> 01:33:24,620 and he was onIy a spectator. And he wants fighter's pension. 1058 01:33:49,190 --> 01:33:52,489 So V. A. O, Inspector, 1059 01:33:53,060 --> 01:33:55,324 Corporation Commissioner, Treasurer, 1060 01:33:55,529 --> 01:33:58,657 were murdered by you. Do you agree? 1061 01:34:00,368 --> 01:34:01,164 That, I had stated cIearIy in writing. 1062 01:34:03,871 --> 01:34:04,667 Can we go? 1063 01:34:06,540 --> 01:34:07,837 CertainIy, you can go. 1064 01:34:09,610 --> 01:34:13,842 You're oIder than me, that's why, I'm giving respect to you. 1065 01:34:14,048 --> 01:34:16,846 Otherwise, the respect which a kiIIer deserves, 1066 01:34:17,051 --> 01:34:18,678 I shouId give you & drag you. 1067 01:34:19,053 --> 01:34:23,854 What I'm doing is a crime according to you. 1068 01:34:25,893 --> 01:34:28,862 But according to me, it is''farming. '' 1069 01:34:30,064 --> 01:34:30,530 Did you get me? 1070 01:34:32,400 --> 01:34:33,196 I'm removing the weeds. 1071 01:34:36,737 --> 01:34:41,197 I've Iot of work. You can go. 1072 01:34:47,081 --> 01:34:51,211 Every criminaI has an excuse for his crime. 1073 01:34:51,419 --> 01:34:52,716 I am not concerned about it... 1074 01:34:53,087 --> 01:34:55,885 For me, you are a criminaI 1075 01:36:54,675 --> 01:36:56,768 Hey, who is caIIing me by my name? 1076 01:36:56,977 --> 01:36:57,773 ShaII I caII you Broker? 1077 01:36:58,012 --> 01:37:02,608 Hey, you caII me decentIy. DeaIer or master of brokers 1078 01:37:02,817 --> 01:37:04,284 What do you want? - I want Iicense. 1079 01:37:04,485 --> 01:37:06,282 Is it urgent or ordinary? - It's very urgent. 1080 01:37:06,554 --> 01:37:10,456 Hey! why are you in such a hurry? 1081 01:37:10,658 --> 01:37:12,785 I have seen you somewhere. 1082 01:37:12,993 --> 01:37:14,119 Hey! show your face. 1083 01:37:18,699 --> 01:37:21,133 Hey! Parthasarathy! 1084 01:37:21,669 --> 01:37:23,967 You're the one who wanted to write in Sun T. V. & Ind T. V. 1085 01:37:24,171 --> 01:37:24,796 Sir, pIease forgive me. 1086 01:37:25,005 --> 01:37:26,472 UnknowingIy, I've invited your wrath. 1087 01:37:26,674 --> 01:37:28,801 Without Iicense, I am mooning around. 1088 01:37:29,009 --> 01:37:30,806 You shouId heIp me to get a Iicense. 1089 01:37:31,011 --> 01:37:32,137 Whatever money you want, I'II give you. 1090 01:37:32,346 --> 01:37:33,813 It's not the question of money, 1091 01:37:34,048 --> 01:37:36,312 it's the criteria of job satisfaction 1092 01:37:36,684 --> 01:37:39,312 Do what I say. You'll get 100% discount 1093 01:37:39,520 --> 01:37:41,488 What do I have to do, deaIer? - You go upstairs. 1094 01:37:41,689 --> 01:37:47,150 There, you'II find a dark coIoured Hippopotamus. 1095 01:37:48,596 --> 01:37:50,154 Hey! I meant EIephant in EngIish. 1096 01:37:50,397 --> 01:37:54,333 You hit that Hippopotamus on his head. 1097 01:37:54,535 --> 01:37:56,799 I shouId hear his cry. 1098 01:38:02,776 --> 01:38:04,971 Hey! I haven't seen you for a Iong time. 1099 01:38:05,179 --> 01:38:07,079 You've forgotten us, after becoming Brake Inspector. 1100 01:38:07,381 --> 01:38:09,246 What happened to your ''A'' jokes? 1101 01:38:09,817 --> 01:38:12,843 Look Sapna, I'm busy in the office. Don't disturb me. 1102 01:38:13,053 --> 01:38:15,180 What sort of a taIk is this? 1103 01:38:15,389 --> 01:38:18,654 He got this job on my father's recommendation. 1104 01:38:20,327 --> 01:38:24,195 To get this job, he worked Iike a servant in my house. 1105 01:38:24,498 --> 01:38:26,329 Now, he is teIIing me to come Iater. 1106 01:38:28,235 --> 01:38:30,635 He bathed my dog & he... - Yes. I did aII that. 1107 01:38:30,971 --> 01:38:32,063 Now, I've got the job. Leave me. . 1108 01:38:32,273 --> 01:38:34,434 TeII me one ''A'' joke. I'II go. 1109 01:38:34,775 --> 01:38:37,403 My stock of ''A'' jokes is exhausted. 1110 01:38:37,912 --> 01:38:38,879 If you want, keep this. 1111 01:38:39,079 --> 01:38:41,843 I have been teIIing you aII those jokes from this book 1112 01:38:42,049 --> 01:38:43,812 I'II give you this as a present. 1113 01:38:44,084 --> 01:38:47,178 You read this daiIy and enjoy them. Leave me. 1114 01:38:48,889 --> 01:38:51,084 I know how to handIe you. 1115 01:38:55,329 --> 01:38:57,354 What is she doing here? 1116 01:38:57,798 --> 01:38:59,629 Chandru, got the job because of me. 1117 01:38:59,833 --> 01:39:02,893 Look! Don't interfere in my affairs. 1118 01:39:03,337 --> 01:39:05,737 You have chatted with him and sang duet songs- 1119 01:39:05,940 --> 01:39:07,498 And you have charmed him. 1120 01:39:07,708 --> 01:39:11,838 You stop aII your pIoys now. 1121 01:39:12,046 --> 01:39:15,243 On February 30, Chandru & I are going to get married 1122 01:39:15,516 --> 01:39:17,177 And same day we wiII have our nuptiaIs. 1123 01:39:17,384 --> 01:39:19,352 This book is a guidance for that. 1124 01:39:24,325 --> 01:39:27,021 Oh! what a joke! What a joke! 1125 01:39:27,227 --> 01:39:30,685 If I read these jokes, even my dog wiII feeI shy. 1126 01:39:35,669 --> 01:39:38,263 Chandru, what's aII this? Why was she taIking Iike this? 1127 01:39:38,939 --> 01:39:40,167 You have to take the decision. 1128 01:39:40,874 --> 01:39:43,138 If you need her for your career, marry her. 1129 01:39:44,378 --> 01:39:47,313 But, don't pIay doubIe games Iike this with two girIs. 1130 01:39:49,450 --> 01:39:52,248 Oh! Do you beIieve her? She is a big Iiar. 1131 01:39:52,453 --> 01:39:54,284 How do you know? 1132 01:39:54,488 --> 01:39:59,983 Oh! God, everyday she wouId ask me to teII her ''A'' jokes, 1133 01:40:00,194 --> 01:40:00,785 I couIdn't bear her torture. 1134 01:40:00,995 --> 01:40:02,553 So I presented her that book itseIf. 1135 01:40:02,763 --> 01:40:03,559 She has twisted that point Iike this. 1136 01:40:03,764 --> 01:40:05,129 She said marriage is on February 30th. 1137 01:40:06,033 --> 01:40:08,058 February 32nd. Are you a fooI? 1138 01:40:08,302 --> 01:40:10,065 Is there 30th. in the month of February? 1139 01:40:16,744 --> 01:40:18,336 Are you going to say sorry? 1140 01:40:20,614 --> 01:40:22,639 If you Ieave me aIone, I can do my work. 1141 01:40:22,850 --> 01:40:24,374 This is my first day at work. 1142 01:40:24,585 --> 01:40:28,112 You are cIosing the button. Everybody is watching. 1143 01:40:30,157 --> 01:40:32,955 What you shouId do... Move away a IittIe 1144 01:40:33,861 --> 01:40:36,728 You come to the theatre at 5. 30 p. m. 1145 01:40:37,264 --> 01:40:38,925 The fiIm is''SchindIer's Iist''. 1146 01:40:39,266 --> 01:40:40,756 Good movie. There won't be many peopIe in the Theatre. 1147 01:40:40,968 --> 01:40:42,230 There won't be more than 10 persons. 1148 01:40:42,436 --> 01:40:44,427 We'II meet there. Keep your hand on the tabIe. 1149 01:40:49,710 --> 01:40:51,940 Madam, have coffee? - It's aIright 1150 01:40:52,513 --> 01:40:54,310 I have a smaII doubt. - What is it? 1151 01:40:54,548 --> 01:40:56,448 What has he got that I haven't got? 1152 01:40:58,152 --> 01:41:00,382 If you teII me, I'II incorporate it. 1153 01:41:00,621 --> 01:41:03,021 PIease, teII me cIearIy. 1154 01:42:05,519 --> 01:42:08,511 There's stiII Iife in his PupiI. He can be saved. 1155 01:42:29,376 --> 01:42:33,904 In my Iife, I have not seen such an expert in ''Varma KaIai''. 1156 01:42:34,548 --> 01:42:37,608 If he had gone a step further, it wouId have cost him his Iife. 1157 01:42:38,619 --> 01:42:42,885 The opponent was very carefuI in safeguarding his Iife. 1158 01:42:57,371 --> 01:42:58,633 Take rest. 1159 01:43:01,942 --> 01:43:04,843 Did you catch that oId man? - Not yet. 1160 01:43:05,045 --> 01:43:06,945 I have sent messages to aII the check points. 1161 01:43:07,181 --> 01:43:09,012 They are aII on high aIert. 1162 01:43:09,216 --> 01:43:12,185 TiII now, those two have not Ieft this district. 1163 01:43:12,386 --> 01:43:14,616 Then, don't Ieave any Iodge or hoteI unchecked. 1164 01:43:14,821 --> 01:43:16,721 Even the hospitaIs, orphanages, oId age home. 1165 01:43:16,924 --> 01:43:18,050 Don't Ieave any pIace. 1166 01:43:18,358 --> 01:43:23,057 TeII them to inform the poIice if they see any new oId man & oId Iady. 1167 01:43:58,999 --> 01:43:59,829 What are you Iooking at? 1168 01:44:01,602 --> 01:44:05,265 From now on, this vehicIe is everything to us. 1169 01:44:06,406 --> 01:44:08,101 PoIice won't suspect it. 1170 01:44:14,448 --> 01:44:17,781 BIack vehicIe. Mortuary Van. 1171 01:44:17,985 --> 01:44:21,978 A Murderer chased by the poIice. 1172 01:44:23,257 --> 01:44:24,918 Are you worried by aII these? 1173 01:44:28,328 --> 01:44:31,456 I have understood. You've again started your struggIe. 1174 01:44:32,299 --> 01:44:35,735 Instead of Britishers, It's against our peopIe. 1175 01:44:37,938 --> 01:44:45,276 Our destinies became one the day you saved my Iife. 1176 01:44:45,646 --> 01:44:47,671 Your way has become my way. 1177 01:44:52,119 --> 01:44:56,715 Aren't you scared? - You are with me. 1178 01:45:03,930 --> 01:45:04,954 If I die? 1179 01:45:08,268 --> 01:45:09,860 You wiII never die. 1180 01:45:32,059 --> 01:45:33,219 Brother, sign here. No Iicense 1181 01:45:38,899 --> 01:45:40,025 Sign on this. 1182 01:45:48,241 --> 01:45:49,367 Unfit. No Iicence. 1183 01:45:49,576 --> 01:45:51,771 Sir, I did everything correctIy. 1184 01:45:52,012 --> 01:45:55,038 Like Traffic ruIes, Ieft turn No parking, Right turn... 1185 01:45:55,248 --> 01:45:56,613 You asked me to do 8, I did that aIso. 1186 01:45:57,250 --> 01:45:59,775 Isn't that enough?- It's not. 1187 01:45:59,986 --> 01:46:02,955 You shouId do 1 1. - How to do 1 1? 1188 01:46:03,156 --> 01:46:03,952 Teach him. 1189 01:46:05,092 --> 01:46:10,462 Look! Take your bike Iike this and go straight. 1190 01:46:10,697 --> 01:46:12,221 Then jump with your bike Iike this. 1191 01:46:12,432 --> 01:46:16,391 Again you come straight you can do 1 1. 1192 01:46:16,603 --> 01:46:18,798 But you shouId not get down from the bike. 1193 01:46:19,005 --> 01:46:20,666 If you can do Iike this you wiII get the Iicense. 1194 01:46:20,907 --> 01:46:23,501 In Government office, you are doing injustice? 1195 01:46:23,710 --> 01:46:26,907 The amount which is given in the enveIope is caIIed as''GOVERNMENT''. 1196 01:46:27,114 --> 01:46:28,741 If you have understood that you'II get the Iicense. 1197 01:46:28,949 --> 01:46:32,646 If you haven't, you are useIess. Now get out. 1198 01:46:33,420 --> 01:46:35,684 Chandru, sign in this FC form. 1199 01:46:35,889 --> 01:46:38,016 For which vehicIe? - For that bus 1200 01:46:39,159 --> 01:46:43,391 TraveIs. Good condition. If you paint it, it wiII Iook good. 1201 01:46:43,830 --> 01:46:44,819 Okay. 1202 01:46:45,265 --> 01:46:46,129 It's a ''3 star bus''. 1203 01:46:51,805 --> 01:46:53,170 For this vehicIe, you want FC? 1204 01:46:53,507 --> 01:46:54,735 It's Iooking Iike a disgusting stray dog!! 1205 01:46:55,709 --> 01:46:56,801 Who is owner?- It's him. 1206 01:46:57,010 --> 01:46:57,635 Greetings! 1207 01:46:57,878 --> 01:47:00,813 Tonight itseIf, I'II change the engine and paint it afresh. 1208 01:47:01,181 --> 01:47:03,672 Okay. You change everything, bring it tomorrow. I sign the papers. 1209 01:47:04,918 --> 01:47:06,510 Government offices wiII be cIosed for next 5 days. 1210 01:47:06,720 --> 01:47:09,484 Sir, we can't pIy the vehicIe without FC. 1211 01:47:09,689 --> 01:47:11,452 I'II Ioose money for 5 days. 1212 01:47:11,858 --> 01:47:14,122 If you sign it, I'II take care of your formaIities. 1213 01:47:14,327 --> 01:47:14,952 Sign it. 1214 01:47:16,029 --> 01:47:18,020 My conscience is not agreeing to do it. 1215 01:47:18,465 --> 01:47:20,592 See, whether, that vehicIe is having atIeast brakes? 1216 01:47:20,801 --> 01:47:25,363 He is having big notes. Currency notes. Their smeII is unique. 1217 01:47:25,572 --> 01:47:29,508 PIease sign it... . sign it. 1218 01:47:33,146 --> 01:47:34,807 I am taking risk at your bidding. 1219 01:47:35,148 --> 01:47:38,709 After the vehicIe is done up show m it's condition. - DefiniteIy. 1220 01:47:40,353 --> 01:47:43,288 Madam, are they giving Iicense to the cameI in R. T. O. ? 1221 01:47:43,490 --> 01:47:44,514 Is it L. M. V. or heavy duty? 1222 01:47:44,724 --> 01:47:45,884 Good for nothing, go away. 1223 01:47:48,462 --> 01:47:49,952 Why have you brought this cameI here? 1224 01:47:50,163 --> 01:47:51,494 It has got indigestion. 1225 01:47:52,699 --> 01:47:54,633 I took him for a waIk & I came to meet you aIso. 1226 01:47:55,902 --> 01:47:58,530 Why, he is making such sounds? 1227 01:47:59,206 --> 01:48:02,369 Do you want to pass''chucha'' or ''Kakka''? 1228 01:48:02,742 --> 01:48:03,538 What is ''Chucha'' & ''Kakka''? 1229 01:48:03,743 --> 01:48:05,335 Hey! you'II ask the meaning for everything. 1230 01:48:05,545 --> 01:48:07,775 Oh that! I thought, she is asking whether it'II have sweets! 1231 01:48:08,148 --> 01:48:11,447 PIease, take him to a corner. - Okay 1232 01:48:11,651 --> 01:48:13,812 You take him that side. I... . 1233 01:48:14,020 --> 01:48:17,353 No, you don't have to expIain it. You go! 1234 01:48:17,557 --> 01:48:19,252 For this, I couId have worked in the corporation. - Go. 1235 01:48:19,893 --> 01:48:25,229 Pass urine. Pass it. 1236 01:48:26,766 --> 01:48:27,790 WiII you pass urine or not? 1237 01:48:33,807 --> 01:48:37,971 Oh! I am not abIe to bear it. 1238 01:48:38,178 --> 01:48:40,237 What happened? Your cameI has biten me! 1239 01:48:40,447 --> 01:48:41,846 You couId have toId me earIier that the cameI wiII bite. 1240 01:48:42,048 --> 01:48:43,447 Where?- In the ''stomach''. 1241 01:48:43,650 --> 01:48:45,049 Why did you show your stomach to him? 1242 01:48:45,252 --> 01:48:49,188 Did I show him intentionaIIy!? It just bit me! 1243 01:48:49,389 --> 01:48:53,155 What happened? - Officer, that cameI has biten me. 1244 01:48:53,360 --> 01:48:55,419 The cameI wiII not bite. It is an animaI! 1245 01:48:55,629 --> 01:48:59,395 AnimaI! It has strong teeth. - Is it paining? 1246 01:48:59,599 --> 01:49:01,658 Do you want to share it? What a question! 1247 01:49:02,969 --> 01:49:04,903 Look, Is there any hospitaI nearby? - We'II go 1248 01:49:07,841 --> 01:49:09,331 You have said sorry so easiIy. 1249 01:49:09,709 --> 01:49:11,336 A person dies within a week if a Iizard bites. 1250 01:49:11,545 --> 01:49:12,978 I don't know how many days it wiII take for cameI bite? 1251 01:49:20,854 --> 01:49:23,823 In the history of this hospitaI, there is no such precedence. 1252 01:49:24,090 --> 01:49:29,824 We had seen cases biten by cat, monkey, stung by scorpion and even human bites, 1253 01:49:30,063 --> 01:49:31,223 but cameI bite... . 1254 01:49:34,568 --> 01:49:37,093 Everyone is seeing. I am feeIing shy. 1255 01:49:37,904 --> 01:49:38,427 Who is that? 1256 01:49:40,907 --> 01:49:44,001 Doctor, cameI is bigger than dog. 1257 01:49:44,210 --> 01:49:46,701 And it has stronger teeth. 1258 01:49:47,013 --> 01:49:49,072 So, you have to put more injections. 1259 01:49:49,282 --> 01:49:51,978 I think we've to inject him aII over his stomach. 1260 01:49:52,185 --> 01:49:56,383 You are going to give 128 injections aII over my smaII stomach. 1261 01:49:56,656 --> 01:50:00,114 These peopIe wiII make my stomach a magnifying Iens. 1262 01:50:00,493 --> 01:50:02,461 Chandru, ask them to Ieave me. 1263 01:50:02,662 --> 01:50:05,961 I'II go to some petty shop smear some Iime and run away. 1264 01:50:06,166 --> 01:50:08,134 Keep quiet! it may Iead to septic. 1265 01:50:08,501 --> 01:50:10,969 Sapna! Are you studying in this hospitaI? 1266 01:50:11,171 --> 01:50:12,468 You have come here at a very good time. 1267 01:50:12,672 --> 01:50:13,969 They are aII taIking strange things about me. 1268 01:50:14,174 --> 01:50:15,471 TeII me cIearIy. 1269 01:50:15,842 --> 01:50:17,309 This is aIso Iike a dog's bite. 1270 01:50:17,510 --> 01:50:19,569 We can come to a concIusion onIy after a week. 1271 01:50:20,013 --> 01:50:23,244 TiII such time, nothing shouId happen to that cameI. 1272 01:50:23,683 --> 01:50:26,481 Oh! God Chandru!. WiII my cameI die? 1273 01:50:26,686 --> 01:50:28,654 Oh! It's very important. 1274 01:50:28,855 --> 01:50:34,316 I am crying with pain and you are more concerned about cameI's death. Is it good? 1275 01:50:34,694 --> 01:50:37,663 Chandru! I am feeIing as if my neck is getting eIongated. 1276 01:50:37,864 --> 01:50:39,661 My mouth wants to ruminate. 1277 01:50:40,200 --> 01:50:42,964 I feeI the God of death is coming in search of me. 1278 01:50:43,536 --> 01:50:45,504 Chandra Bose, Break Inspector! Is he here? 1279 01:50:45,705 --> 01:50:47,263 Chandra Bose? No one is here by that name. 1280 01:50:47,874 --> 01:50:50,741 His father's name is Senapathi! Mother's Amritham. 1281 01:50:51,211 --> 01:50:52,337 He is from ThirumuIIaivoyaI. 1282 01:50:52,545 --> 01:50:55,013 Oh! It's our Chandru!- Yes Chandru. Where is he? 1283 01:50:55,215 --> 01:50:59,015 Regarding an Incident he's gone to Egmore Govt. hospitaI. 1284 01:51:01,554 --> 01:51:02,680 The matter is very urgent. 1285 01:51:02,889 --> 01:51:06,757 Can you come with us and identify him? 1286 01:51:07,394 --> 01:51:09,021 Are you from Anti-corruption Bureau? - No. 1287 01:51:09,229 --> 01:51:10,196 Then, I'II come with you. 1288 01:51:35,422 --> 01:51:39,051 Sir! where can I find the Dean? - He has gone on rounds. 1289 01:51:39,592 --> 01:51:42,390 He may be in the Cardiac care on the IInd fIoor. 1290 01:51:59,612 --> 01:52:01,011 Are you taking the stretcher to the ICU? 1291 01:52:01,614 --> 01:52:02,911 No. It's for you. 1292 01:52:03,616 --> 01:52:05,243 Hey oId man, are you joking? 1293 01:52:29,309 --> 01:52:30,037 Start crying!. 1294 01:52:30,643 --> 01:52:33,942 By seeing this idiot, onIy anger is surfacing in me. 1295 01:52:37,984 --> 01:52:40,384 Go backwards. - What? - POLICE. ! 1296 01:52:42,322 --> 01:52:44,051 Where do I find this CameI Bite ward? 1297 01:52:46,826 --> 01:52:48,191 Go upstairs by Iift. I'II join you. 1298 01:53:05,845 --> 01:53:06,402 Mother! 1299 01:53:09,015 --> 01:53:10,642 When did you come? Where's father? 1300 01:53:12,352 --> 01:53:15,321 It's a Iong story. I'II teII you Iater. 1301 01:53:17,357 --> 01:53:19,985 She is Aishwarya. Didn't I teII you? 1302 01:53:20,693 --> 01:53:21,318 You didn't. 1303 01:53:23,363 --> 01:53:24,159 I wouId've forgotten... 1304 01:53:24,697 --> 01:53:26,494 Where are you going? - Downstairs. 1305 01:53:27,200 --> 01:53:29,168 Don't go downstairs. - Why? 1306 01:53:29,369 --> 01:53:30,836 There are poIicemen there. 1307 01:53:55,061 --> 01:53:57,120 TeII me what happened? Whatever has happened, I'II take care of it. 1308 01:53:57,397 --> 01:53:58,591 What can I say? 1309 01:53:59,065 --> 01:54:02,034 Hey! who is that? You have kept a body on the stretcher, 1310 01:54:02,235 --> 01:54:03,532 and Ieft it unattended. 1311 01:54:03,736 --> 01:54:05,863 Remove it. if Dean sees he'II shout! - He'II not shout! 1312 01:54:06,072 --> 01:54:08,700 No... He won't shout. I'II remove it. - Remove it immediateIy! 1313 01:54:13,413 --> 01:54:15,881 Mother! you don't have to get scared by seeing the poIice. 1314 01:54:16,082 --> 01:54:18,050 I know a Iot of peopIe in the Commissioner's office. 1315 01:54:18,418 --> 01:54:20,716 Don't taIk without knowing the probIem. 1316 01:54:20,920 --> 01:54:23,047 What's the probIem? Have you kiIIed anyone? 1317 01:54:23,423 --> 01:54:24,048 YES! 1318 01:54:26,759 --> 01:54:27,487 Not me. . 1319 01:54:31,097 --> 01:54:31,722 Your father! 1320 01:54:33,600 --> 01:54:35,568 Chandru, where did you go? 1321 01:54:35,768 --> 01:54:36,894 The poIice came here searching you. 1322 01:54:37,770 --> 01:54:39,635 Me... ? Why?- Not you... 1323 01:54:48,781 --> 01:54:50,908 Sapna, this is my mother. 1324 01:54:51,117 --> 01:54:53,312 Is it! Mother-in-Iaw! BIess me. 1325 01:54:53,786 --> 01:54:54,411 You do aII this afterwards. 1326 01:54:54,954 --> 01:54:57,582 Hide my mother in your coIIege tiII poIice Ieaves. 1327 01:54:57,790 --> 01:54:59,758 After that take her to your friends house, make her stay there. 1328 01:54:59,959 --> 01:55:01,085 I'II see her Iater. 1329 01:55:01,294 --> 01:55:01,760 Oh god! 1330 01:55:03,796 --> 01:55:06,264 Subbaiah, shaII I pIace the Bed-Pan? 1331 01:55:07,467 --> 01:55:08,525 Yes. Pick it up. 1332 01:55:10,637 --> 01:55:11,103 Take it. 1333 01:55:13,973 --> 01:55:16,441 You Gypsy! Is it a Bed-Pan or a bomb you want to Keep. 1334 01:55:20,813 --> 01:55:26,445 You are Mr. Chandra Bose... - Yeah... - I'm Krishnaswamy, Crime Branch. 1335 01:55:26,819 --> 01:55:31,620 We are suspecting your father committing few murders in the recent past. 1336 01:55:32,492 --> 01:55:34,460 I want to ask you a few questions. 1337 01:55:35,161 --> 01:55:36,958 If you come to the D. C. 's office... 1338 01:55:37,163 --> 01:55:41,122 D. C. is Mr. Muthukrishnan, I know him very weII. 1339 01:55:41,501 --> 01:55:42,365 That is irreIevant. 1340 01:55:44,170 --> 01:55:45,034 You come with me. 1341 01:55:47,840 --> 01:55:48,363 Excuse me. 1342 01:55:49,008 --> 01:55:50,305 Don't worry. It's just an enquiry. 1343 01:55:50,510 --> 01:55:51,477 I'II come back. Look after him. 1344 01:56:08,361 --> 01:56:10,989 Hey driver, air in the Tyre is getting Iess? 1345 01:56:11,197 --> 01:56:13,165 In another 5 minutes, It'II become fIat. 1346 01:56:25,211 --> 01:56:27,179 Oh God! He's going away aIone! 1347 01:56:28,548 --> 01:56:30,846 Aunt! stop. . stop. 1348 01:56:33,219 --> 01:56:34,345 Don't worry about your husband. 1349 01:56:34,554 --> 01:56:36,522 He'II be aIright. If he takes the medicine which I gave. 1350 01:56:40,560 --> 01:56:42,460 Oh god!- Don't go! You'II get caught. 1351 01:56:42,895 --> 01:56:44,021 He'II go away! 1352 01:56:44,230 --> 01:56:45,857 Oh god no... I'II Iook after you. Come. 1353 01:58:10,149 --> 01:58:12,049 Greetings to everyone with regret. 1354 01:58:13,486 --> 01:58:16,614 TiII now, Cricket matches, RepubIic day ceIebration, 1355 01:58:17,323 --> 01:58:19,450 PoIiticians, Government instaIIation, 1356 01:58:19,826 --> 01:58:21,521 interviews with FiIm stars, 1357 01:58:22,161 --> 01:58:23,628 You might have seen onIy these things. 1358 01:58:23,996 --> 01:58:26,464 Now, you are going to see a murder. 1359 01:58:28,167 --> 01:58:28,963 A reaI murder. 1360 01:58:30,670 --> 01:58:34,197 ChiIdren, Pregnant women and Heart patients, 1361 01:58:35,007 --> 01:58:36,634 change this channeI and watch some other programme. 1362 01:58:40,179 --> 01:58:44,639 Lakhs of criminaIs are ruining India. One of them is... 1363 01:58:46,686 --> 01:58:47,152 This MAN! 1364 01:58:48,354 --> 01:58:52,654 One among crores affected by this Virus is... . 1365 01:58:54,026 --> 01:58:54,492 ME! 1366 01:58:57,530 --> 01:58:58,155 INDIAN. 1367 01:59:04,370 --> 01:59:07,168 Sir, Are you going to kiII me reaIIy. 1368 01:59:10,209 --> 01:59:12,006 No, you wiII not. 1369 01:59:13,045 --> 01:59:17,175 You are an eIderIy person and seem to be a good man. 1370 01:59:17,550 --> 01:59:18,517 PIease, Ieave me. 1371 01:59:18,718 --> 01:59:21,186 I have aIready been scared to death 8 times. 1372 01:59:22,388 --> 01:59:25,016 The 9th time you'II reaIIy die. 1373 01:59:25,224 --> 01:59:28,193 Leave me! What crime have I committed? 1374 01:59:32,732 --> 01:59:34,359 Before you became Dean, 1375 01:59:35,234 --> 01:59:38,465 and when you were an ordinary doctor at Avadi HospitaI. . 1376 01:59:40,406 --> 01:59:41,703 you committed many mistakes, do you remember? 1377 01:59:41,908 --> 01:59:44,138 What big mistake wouId I have committed? 1378 01:59:45,745 --> 01:59:48,475 I wouId have taken Rs. 50-Rs. 100 from the patients. That's aII. 1379 01:59:48,748 --> 01:59:49,874 Was it a Big mistake? 1380 01:59:51,417 --> 01:59:58,050 You have got so used to mistakes that you have become insensitive towards them. 1381 01:59:58,257 --> 02:00:01,226 Who is not taking bribes? Everyone is taking. 1382 02:00:01,761 --> 02:00:03,888 WiII their Iife be ruined if I take those Rs. 50-Rs. 100 1383 02:00:09,602 --> 02:00:10,728 Yes!! RUINED!! 1384 02:00:12,772 --> 02:00:14,069 My Iife was ruined. 1385 02:00:15,441 --> 02:00:17,409 For my weaIth a Son and for my happiness a Daughter. 1386 02:00:17,610 --> 02:00:22,309 I was Iiving HappiIy. My Happy Iife was ruined. 1387 02:00:25,618 --> 02:00:29,076 You didn't see my Kasturi's face before she was burnt? 1388 02:00:43,970 --> 02:00:47,337 lt's a happy occasion. 1389 02:00:52,144 --> 02:00:55,341 lt's a happy occasion. 1390 02:01:00,152 --> 02:01:03,952 lt's a happy occasion. 1391 02:01:08,327 --> 02:01:11,296 lt's a happy occasion. 1392 02:01:21,507 --> 02:01:23,634 Green parrots on the shoulder. 1393 02:01:23,843 --> 02:01:26,141 The singing cuckoo on the lap. 1394 02:01:26,512 --> 02:01:29,970 The earth is the extreme limit for happiness. 1395 02:01:30,182 --> 02:01:34,482 Tears are not related to this ''Earth''. 1396 02:01:49,201 --> 02:01:53,160 The Heaven is in the ''Small Companionship''. 1397 02:01:53,539 --> 02:01:58,169 Because of such small affections ''Life still exists''. 1398 02:01:58,377 --> 02:02:02,507 ''Butterfly'' needs no identification for titles. 1399 02:02:02,882 --> 02:02:05,350 ''Affection'' is more then enough. 1400 02:02:05,551 --> 02:02:07,678 Why we should give importance to ''Money''. 1401 02:02:23,803 --> 02:03:11,612 AYNGARAN DVD 1402 02:03:11,951 --> 02:03:13,748 The Happiness is in the ''Sky''. 1403 02:03:13,953 --> 02:03:16,421 The Happiness is on the ''Earth''. 1404 02:03:16,622 --> 02:03:20,752 The earth which bears the grass gives happiness. 1405 02:03:20,960 --> 02:03:22,928 The Sun gives happiness. 1406 02:03:23,295 --> 02:03:25,263 The sound of rain gives happiness. 1407 02:03:25,965 --> 02:03:29,924 Even in rain, unfaded Rainbow gives happiness. 1408 02:03:30,136 --> 02:03:32,263 Life is fuII of ''Happiness''. 1409 02:03:32,471 --> 02:03:34,598 Happiness is Life. 1410 02:03:34,807 --> 02:03:37,776 By drawing one's own image in grey hair. 1411 02:03:37,977 --> 02:03:40,138 That affection gives happiness. 1412 02:04:00,132 --> 02:04:29,850 AYNGARAN DVD 1413 02:04:30,529 --> 02:04:32,497 lf l live in your breath. 1414 02:04:32,698 --> 02:04:34,996 My old age gives happiness. 1415 02:04:35,201 --> 02:04:39,331 lf you get me in the next birth it will give me more happiness. 1416 02:04:39,872 --> 02:04:43,831 ln the month, when dew falls. Your shyness gives happiness. 1417 02:04:44,543 --> 02:04:48,502 When you cover me with blanket your kindness gives happiness. 1418 02:04:48,714 --> 02:04:50,841 Relationship gives happiness. 1419 02:04:51,050 --> 02:04:53,177 Affection gives happiness. 1420 02:04:53,385 --> 02:04:56,354 lf your eyes shed tears for others, 1421 02:04:56,555 --> 02:04:58,546 even your tears give happiness. 1422 02:05:40,766 --> 02:05:43,564 I wiII not. I am scared. 1423 02:05:43,769 --> 02:05:45,896 You are putting father's signature on your progress report. 1424 02:05:46,105 --> 02:05:46,730 Not Iike that brother. 1425 02:05:47,273 --> 02:05:49,070 For my progress... . onIy this time. 1426 02:05:49,275 --> 02:05:51,573 You put father's signature on this cheque. 1427 02:05:51,777 --> 02:05:55,235 It was okay if it was 5 or 10 but the amount is Rs. 20,000. 1428 02:05:56,115 --> 02:05:58,913 If father comes to knows he'II smash us. 1429 02:05:59,618 --> 02:06:02,416 Why do you need so much amount? 1430 02:06:04,290 --> 02:06:04,915 For Job. 1431 02:06:05,457 --> 02:06:07,755 They wiII ask onIy certificates for job. 1432 02:06:08,627 --> 02:06:09,924 Why do you need Rs. 20,000? 1433 02:06:10,296 --> 02:06:14,255 To change the registration date in EmpIoyment Exchange. 1434 02:06:14,800 --> 02:06:20,432 You want a job spoiIing the IiveIihood of the person who registered earIier. 1435 02:06:21,807 --> 02:06:23,934 These days, this is the onIy way to get a Job. 1436 02:06:24,476 --> 02:06:26,944 You don't need such jobs which comes in IIIegaI way. 1437 02:06:27,479 --> 02:06:29,276 For your aims & for your truth, 1438 02:06:29,481 --> 02:06:31,278 why are you spoiIing my future? 1439 02:06:31,483 --> 02:06:32,450 In your ''Freedom Fighters''quota. 1440 02:06:32,651 --> 02:06:34,619 I had asked you to get a MedicaI or Engineering seat. 1441 02:06:34,820 --> 02:06:35,787 But you refused. 1442 02:06:35,988 --> 02:06:38,115 That is meant for poor freedom fighter's chiIdren! 1443 02:06:38,324 --> 02:06:39,120 Take away your hand. 1444 02:06:40,326 --> 02:06:41,293 What is it that you don't have? 1445 02:06:41,994 --> 02:06:43,461 I've given you aII the comforts. 1446 02:06:43,829 --> 02:06:46,627 You shouId've secured more marks. 1447 02:06:46,832 --> 02:06:49,460 I can get onIy DipIoma in AutomobiIe Engineering. 1448 02:06:50,002 --> 02:06:51,128 Give me an idea for that. 1449 02:06:51,337 --> 02:06:54,306 Try and get a job according to your quaIification. 1450 02:06:54,506 --> 02:06:57,304 Or eIse, In our fieIds, do AgricuIture. 1451 02:06:57,676 --> 02:07:00,304 Father, I can't. AgricuIture won't suit me. 1452 02:07:00,512 --> 02:07:03,970 You are stiII in 1940's. But the worId is moving fast. 1453 02:07:04,183 --> 02:07:05,480 Don't raise your voice. 1454 02:07:06,518 --> 02:07:07,644 Father, I can't. 1455 02:07:08,354 --> 02:07:11,050 Can you give me Rs. 20,000 or not? 1456 02:07:12,858 --> 02:07:15,486 I wiII not give money to go in an improper way. 1457 02:07:20,366 --> 02:07:20,991 Brother. 1458 02:07:22,034 --> 02:07:26,664 What are you doing? Don't be hasty. Listen to me. 1459 02:07:27,706 --> 02:07:30,004 Son! what's aII this? - I am going to Madras. 1460 02:07:30,209 --> 02:07:33,178 If I conform to his aims I wiII go mad. 1461 02:07:33,712 --> 02:07:35,339 He is Iike an oId Antique. 1462 02:07:35,714 --> 02:07:37,841 It Iooks nice if gIass is kept in the gIass box. 1463 02:07:38,050 --> 02:07:40,177 Like oIden days Transistor. I am Ieaving... 1464 02:07:40,719 --> 02:07:44,018 Listen to me. - Brother don't go. 1465 02:07:44,390 --> 02:07:46,517 Listen... . - Stop. 1466 02:07:47,059 --> 02:07:48,526 WiII you Iisten to me? 1467 02:07:48,894 --> 02:07:51,692 You aIso don't stay here. Marry someone and run away. 1468 02:07:51,897 --> 02:07:54,695 Otherwise, he wiII search for a Groom according to his aim. 1469 02:07:55,567 --> 02:07:57,535 UItimateIy you'II become oId Iike her. 1470 02:07:59,071 --> 02:08:01,369 Brother don't Go. 1471 02:08:12,751 --> 02:08:16,710 Kasturi, you've got a letter from your brother. 1472 02:08:34,940 --> 02:08:40,901 In Madras, your son has got a temporary job in front of R. T. O. 1473 02:08:42,781 --> 02:08:45,579 He has asked you aIso to come there. 1474 02:08:52,958 --> 02:08:53,754 Are you going? 1475 02:08:56,795 --> 02:08:59,593 No, father. I'II not Ieave you & go. 1476 02:09:37,669 --> 02:09:42,470 Don't worry, you'II be aIright if doctor treats you. 1477 02:09:55,521 --> 02:09:56,146 It's a PoIice case. 1478 02:09:56,688 --> 02:09:59,657 You go straight to the poIice station. 1479 02:09:59,858 --> 02:10:01,325 And register FIR. 1480 02:10:01,693 --> 02:10:03,320 Otherwise even its number is aIso enough. 1481 02:10:03,695 --> 02:10:10,999 I'II do aII that. First, treat her burns. She's struggIing. 1482 02:10:12,037 --> 02:10:15,006 Look, these are 3rd degree burns. 1483 02:10:15,207 --> 02:10:16,674 It is very difficuIt to save her. 1484 02:10:18,710 --> 02:10:22,168 How do we know whether it is an accident or suicide case? 1485 02:10:23,215 --> 02:10:26,673 Can't you get me? Go and bring FIR number. 1486 02:10:27,052 --> 02:10:29,680 Otherwise, poIice wiII question us. - Sir... . 1487 02:10:30,556 --> 02:10:32,183 I think, he is unaware of aII these formaIities. 1488 02:10:32,391 --> 02:10:34,188 ExpIain them to him. 1489 02:10:37,229 --> 02:10:40,858 OId man. Come this side. 1490 02:10:41,567 --> 02:10:44,695 She seems to be your onIy daughter? Unmarried too! 1491 02:10:46,238 --> 02:10:48,365 Where wiII you go at this time? 1492 02:10:48,740 --> 02:10:51,368 Better you give Rs. 500. Doctor wiII treat her. 1493 02:10:52,244 --> 02:10:55,042 Why Rs. 500?- Asking me why? 1494 02:10:55,247 --> 02:10:56,714 In which era, are you Iiving OId man? 1495 02:10:56,915 --> 02:10:59,042 He gave 5 Iakhs and become a Doctor. 1496 02:10:59,251 --> 02:11:00,718 He shouId get them back, isn't it? 1497 02:11:00,919 --> 02:11:03,547 Government is paying him for it, isn't it? 1498 02:11:03,755 --> 02:11:08,055 Oh! oId man... - Leave it. He seems to be a troubIesome man. 1499 02:11:08,594 --> 02:11:12,724 Questioning us? OId man, pIease go & fiIe an FIR in the poIice station. 1500 02:11:12,931 --> 02:11:14,057 Next minute, I'II attend her. 1501 02:11:14,433 --> 02:11:17,561 This case Iooks Iike suicide, - Sir pIease, don't say Iike that. 1502 02:11:17,769 --> 02:11:19,737 She used to be very active, roaming here & there. 1503 02:11:19,938 --> 02:11:23,567 A IittIe whiIe ago aIso she said that she'II not Ieave me & go. 1504 02:11:30,616 --> 02:11:32,584 She was smiIing and Iaughing... 1505 02:11:32,784 --> 02:11:34,752 Give Rs. 500 & finish the matter. - Why? 1506 02:11:34,953 --> 02:11:38,411 Get Iost! you won't understand. Come with the FIR, go. 1507 02:11:38,624 --> 02:11:40,592 Ask them, to push this stretcher outside. 1508 02:11:40,792 --> 02:11:42,919 Hey, push this stretcher outside. 1509 02:11:51,303 --> 02:11:54,431 Father. - My chiId. 1510 02:12:16,995 --> 02:12:17,962 Sir, Greetings. 1511 02:12:18,664 --> 02:12:24,796 My daughter met with a fire accident. She's struggIing for Iife in the hospitaI. 1512 02:12:25,003 --> 02:12:28,632 They are not attending to her without FIR. 1513 02:12:29,174 --> 02:12:32,302 If you register it and give me its number. 1514 02:12:32,511 --> 02:12:33,808 They'II start their treatment. 1515 02:12:34,346 --> 02:12:36,644 Which area?- V. O. C. Nagar. 1516 02:12:36,848 --> 02:12:40,978 Does V. O. C. nagar, comes under our jurisdiction?- Yes sir. 1517 02:12:41,186 --> 02:12:46,488 During new division, they have given this pIace to us and taken Kamaraj nagar. 1518 02:12:46,858 --> 02:12:49,827 OId man, you have come to the wrong poIice station. 1519 02:12:50,362 --> 02:12:53,160 From 1st onIy, that pIace is coming under our section. 1520 02:12:53,865 --> 02:12:57,494 So, we can't heIp you. - Any one can register in an emergency. 1521 02:12:58,036 --> 02:13:01,164 PIease, heIp me. - Then, you do one thing. 1522 02:13:01,707 --> 02:13:06,167 Bring a Ietter from V. A. O. - What is that? 1523 02:13:06,378 --> 02:13:09,347 ViIIage Administrative Officer... A Revenue dept. person. 1524 02:13:09,881 --> 02:13:13,180 One Naicker is in your area. Very good man. 1525 02:13:13,552 --> 02:13:18,683 Introduce yourseIf to him and teII him she is your daughter & your address. 1526 02:13:18,890 --> 02:13:20,858 It's not a case of suicide or murder. 1527 02:13:21,059 --> 02:13:22,686 It's an accident. Bring a certificate to that effect. 1528 02:13:23,061 --> 02:13:24,358 ImmediateIy, I'II register the FIR. 1529 02:13:25,230 --> 02:13:28,859 Sir. Why aII this wiId goose chase? 1530 02:13:29,067 --> 02:13:30,034 This is the ruIe. 1531 02:13:30,902 --> 02:13:32,028 There is no other way? 1532 02:13:32,404 --> 02:13:36,864 There is. Give Rs. 250 to him. He'II arrange for the certificate. 1533 02:13:38,410 --> 02:13:40,207 What for Rs. 250? 1534 02:13:40,412 --> 02:13:44,781 If you want the to be attended, 1535 02:13:44,983 --> 02:13:47,042 according to ruIe, you shouId give something to the Government. 1536 02:13:50,589 --> 02:13:55,390 A Government Officer asking money to do his duty is unfair. 1537 02:13:55,594 --> 02:13:57,562 Oh! We shouId do our duty! 1538 02:13:57,929 --> 02:14:02,059 Okay get me the VAO certificate, then, I'II do my duty. 1539 02:14:43,308 --> 02:14:46,277 OId man, you're right, but, there is procedure. 1540 02:14:46,645 --> 02:14:52,106 Tomorrow I'II send my assistant to enquire whether it's true. 1541 02:14:52,484 --> 02:14:54,281 ImmediateIy, I'II send a report to the PoIice Station. 1542 02:14:58,657 --> 02:15:00,784 Sir, there is no time for aII these things. 1543 02:15:01,159 --> 02:15:02,956 If you want it now, pay Rs. 150. 1544 02:15:05,997 --> 02:15:10,798 Oh god. For everything money For what? For what? 1545 02:15:11,002 --> 02:15:13,971 Why're you asking money to do your duty? 1546 02:15:14,506 --> 02:15:17,304 I can give it but those who can't, what wiII they do? 1547 02:15:17,509 --> 02:15:19,807 Who is bothered whether those have nots Iive or die. 1548 02:15:31,523 --> 02:15:39,988 Doctor, he hasn't yet come. Keep these bangIes & save my daughter pIease. 1549 02:15:40,198 --> 02:15:43,167 Take away your jeweIs. Am I a pawn broker? 1550 02:15:43,535 --> 02:15:46,003 Your husband is a stickIer for ruIes. 1551 02:15:46,204 --> 02:15:48,001 If he compIains I'II Iose my job then. 1552 02:15:48,206 --> 02:15:52,666 Doctor, don't Iet your wrath on my husband jeopardize my daughter's Iife. 1553 02:15:53,044 --> 02:15:54,511 If we give importance to Iife we can't exist in our Profession. 1554 02:15:54,713 --> 02:15:56,180 In a day 100's of peopIe are born and 100's die. 1555 02:15:56,548 --> 02:15:57,515 Let him come we'II attend to her. 1556 02:16:02,721 --> 02:16:04,518 Is she your daughter? 1557 02:16:05,223 --> 02:16:07,851 She is getting drenched in rain without any cover on her. 1558 02:16:42,427 --> 02:16:47,558 What's this in the rain... ? Why are you crying? 1559 02:16:47,933 --> 02:16:52,734 Why did you cover her? What's this man? 1560 02:16:52,938 --> 02:16:56,066 OId man why ask now? You couId've given the amount. 1561 02:16:56,274 --> 02:16:58,742 If PoIice doesn't sign, you can't take the body. 1562 02:16:58,944 --> 02:17:00,411 If you don't pay they won't keep the body in Morgue. 1563 02:17:00,612 --> 02:17:02,739 Body?- You're responsibIe for it. 1564 02:17:03,782 --> 02:17:06,580 Was it because of me? 1565 02:17:08,119 --> 02:17:12,579 Was it because of me? 1566 02:17:14,292 --> 02:17:23,758 Kasturi, was it because of me? 1567 02:17:23,969 --> 02:17:43,311 What I did was wrong? 1568 02:18:04,342 --> 02:18:04,967 Stop it. 1569 02:18:06,678 --> 02:18:08,475 What right do you've to Iight the pyre? 1570 02:18:10,015 --> 02:18:11,312 You made her suffer and kiIIed her. 1571 02:18:11,683 --> 02:18:14,311 If you had given that paItry amount of Rs. 500, She wouId have been saved. 1572 02:18:15,687 --> 02:18:16,984 Why are you so obstinate? 1573 02:18:18,023 --> 02:18:21,322 You taIked about honesty & justice & ruined my career. 1574 02:18:22,193 --> 02:18:24,821 Was that not enough? Now, you've taken her Iife aIso. 1575 02:18:27,699 --> 02:18:29,667 ShameIessIy you've come to Iight her pyre. 1576 02:18:30,368 --> 02:18:32,336 Her souI wiII definiteIy not rest in peace if you Iight the pyre. 1577 02:18:32,704 --> 02:18:36,003 Go away! Why have you Ieft that oId Iady aIive? 1578 02:18:36,374 --> 02:18:40,504 Take her Iife too, and Iive with your rusted fossiIized principIes. 1579 02:18:43,381 --> 02:18:45,849 Go away father. Go. 1580 02:19:00,231 --> 02:19:03,200 What I did was not wrong? 1581 02:19:36,267 --> 02:19:40,567 That day. We weeded the British weeds and packed them off in Ships. 1582 02:19:42,941 --> 02:19:44,067 WheeI out the stretcher. 1583 02:19:44,609 --> 02:19:48,238 You go to the VAO & get the certificate we'II send the report. 1584 02:19:48,446 --> 02:19:50,073 If you want immediateIy it'II cost you Rs. 150. 1585 02:19:52,784 --> 02:19:56,413 Today the Govt. Officers, who shouId've been the greenery. 1586 02:19:56,955 --> 02:19:58,923 Have sprouted Iike weeds. 1587 02:19:59,958 --> 02:20:02,586 If you want this Country to change you have to weed them out. 1588 02:20:03,795 --> 02:20:05,592 Honesty. Justice... . God's peopIe. 1589 02:20:05,797 --> 02:20:06,764 Of aII the Countries of the WorId, India Is Great. 1590 02:20:06,965 --> 02:20:08,933 Sweets on Independence day... Victory to India. 1591 02:20:09,134 --> 02:20:09,930 AII this wiII not heIp. 1592 02:20:11,636 --> 02:20:13,263 The onIy weapon for us is ''Fear''. 1593 02:20:15,140 --> 02:20:17,768 Fear of Punishment. Fear of Death. 1594 02:20:18,643 --> 02:20:19,940 This is the need of the hour. 1595 02:20:48,173 --> 02:20:50,141 You joined MiIitary & escaped from me. 1596 02:20:51,843 --> 02:20:52,639 Today you've been caught. 1597 02:20:53,011 --> 02:20:54,979 I accept that what I had done was a mistake? 1598 02:20:55,346 --> 02:20:56,711 Some thing Iike a fine or suspension, 1599 02:20:57,015 --> 02:20:58,983 or one year jaiI term wouId have been apt. 1600 02:20:59,350 --> 02:21:01,477 Was it such a grave crime that I shouId be stabbed to death? 1601 02:21:04,856 --> 02:21:06,983 The crime that you have committed isn't ordinary. 1602 02:21:07,692 --> 02:21:08,818 It's a Treason. 1603 02:21:10,028 --> 02:21:13,486 Since you take bribe, everyone working under you foIIows suit. 1604 02:21:14,199 --> 02:21:16,667 Just Iike this PubIic works Dept. Transport Dept. , Finance Dept. , 1605 02:21:16,868 --> 02:21:19,837 EIectricity, Food, PubIic HeaIth Education, Law & Order, Industries. 1606 02:21:20,038 --> 02:21:21,665 AII the departments are taking bribes fearIessIy. 1607 02:21:21,873 --> 02:21:24,501 And ruining this Country, hampering progress & deveIopment. 1608 02:21:26,544 --> 02:21:29,012 There's no fresh air, there are no good things. 1609 02:21:29,214 --> 02:21:30,681 There is not good food. 1610 02:21:31,049 --> 02:21:34,507 Even after having abundant naturaI resources Country remains poor. 1611 02:21:35,386 --> 02:21:37,513 Every Indian, has been become a debtor. That's aII. 1612 02:21:37,889 --> 02:21:40,357 The neighbouring smaII IsIand Nations have deveIoped & become big Nations. 1613 02:21:40,558 --> 02:21:41,354 How?... Why? 1614 02:21:42,060 --> 02:21:44,358 There, don't they take bribes? 1615 02:21:45,563 --> 02:21:48,191 They do. 1616 02:21:49,067 --> 02:21:55,529 There, they take bribes onIy if they exceed the Iimit of their duty. 1617 02:21:55,907 --> 02:21:57,704 But here they take bribes to do their duty itseIf. 1618 02:21:58,576 --> 02:21:59,873 Bribe, to get Ration cards. 1619 02:22:00,245 --> 02:22:01,712 Bribe, to get your ChiIdren admitted in a SchooI. 1620 02:22:01,913 --> 02:22:03,210 Bribe to get a RaiIway Ticket. 1621 02:22:03,414 --> 02:22:05,211 Bribe, for the agricuIturist to get a Ioan. 1622 02:22:05,416 --> 02:22:06,383 From Birth to Death, 1623 02:22:06,584 --> 02:22:07,881 from Maternity HospitaI to BuriaI Ground. 1624 02:22:08,086 --> 02:22:10,213 It's bribe aII the way. 1625 02:22:11,089 --> 02:22:15,549 Our NationaI Integration is confined onIy to taking bribes. 1626 02:22:16,928 --> 02:22:17,895 Because they are onIy smaII bribes, taking them is justified. 1627 02:22:18,096 --> 02:22:21,554 Just because everyone is giving everyone has become indifferent to it. 1628 02:22:21,766 --> 02:22:23,393 InvisibIe to our eyes. 1629 02:22:23,601 --> 02:22:28,231 Like Cancer this bribe is spreading aII over the Country & ruining it. 1630 02:22:31,776 --> 02:22:33,243 To take bribe is a crime. 1631 02:22:33,444 --> 02:22:34,411 And to give bribe is aIso a crime. 1632 02:22:34,612 --> 02:22:36,910 To make everyone understand this point cIearIy. 1633 02:22:38,950 --> 02:22:40,076 This symboIic kiIIing is necessary. 1634 02:22:41,619 --> 02:22:44,747 Sir! WiII aII the probIems end with my kiIIing? 1635 02:22:44,956 --> 02:22:48,084 They wiII... they shouId... 1636 02:22:50,795 --> 02:22:52,763 I am not advocating that everyone shouId foIIow my path. 1637 02:22:54,132 --> 02:22:57,101 Stop giving, stop giving bribes. 1638 02:22:57,302 --> 02:23:00,100 Bribes shouId vanish tiII such time my struggIe wiII continue. 1639 02:23:01,139 --> 02:23:05,269 Sir, just connect a phone number. 1640 02:23:05,476 --> 02:23:07,444 In 1 hour, I'II arrange whatever amount of money you need. 1641 02:23:07,645 --> 02:23:11,604 PIease show mercy and Ieave me. 1642 02:23:17,655 --> 02:23:19,122 You'II never change. 1643 02:23:22,660 --> 02:23:24,628 Taking a weapon in my hands is not at aII a mistake. 1644 02:23:50,355 --> 02:23:52,152 When Foreigners pIundered this country. 1645 02:23:52,357 --> 02:23:54,985 These are those hands which chased them away. 1646 02:23:56,194 --> 02:23:59,163 WiII these stay put if our peopIe start pIundering? 1647 02:24:01,032 --> 02:24:05,492 If anyone in a Govt. Office even utters the word ''BRIBE'' I'II stab him. 1648 02:24:07,705 --> 02:24:09,002 I'II stab you even if you give bribe. 1649 02:24:10,041 --> 02:24:13,010 I'II stab him even if anyone deIays to do his work expecting a bribe. 1650 02:24:15,046 --> 02:24:16,343 VICTORY TO INDIA. 1651 02:24:22,887 --> 02:24:24,514 Quick, Iet's go to the Q TV. 1652 02:24:26,557 --> 02:24:27,353 Then what about Chandru? 1653 02:24:27,558 --> 02:24:30,527 Send him away! He has bared everything on T. V 1654 02:24:30,895 --> 02:24:32,362 What's there Ieft to enquire from him? 1655 02:24:35,733 --> 02:24:37,530 StiII send someone to keep a watch over him 1656 02:24:43,908 --> 02:24:47,366 That night he entered the studio somehow, after we had cIosed it. 1657 02:24:47,912 --> 02:24:51,040 The songs cassette which was ready to be sent to Singapore. 1658 02:24:51,249 --> 02:24:52,216 He took that and recorded the kiIIing, 1659 02:24:52,417 --> 02:24:53,884 and repacked and kept it here! 1660 02:24:54,085 --> 02:24:55,882 It went straight to Singapore through courier 1661 02:24:56,421 --> 02:24:58,889 They teIecast it thinking that it was a Songs Cassette. 1662 02:24:59,590 --> 02:25:01,080 When you reaIized that correct programme was not being teIecast, 1663 02:25:01,325 --> 02:25:02,417 you couId have stopped it. 1664 02:25:02,593 --> 02:25:04,561 Sir, the person on duty was a PhiIippines NationaI. 1665 02:25:04,762 --> 02:25:06,059 Before we couId get him on phone and expIain to him. 1666 02:25:06,264 --> 02:25:07,561 The programme was over. 1667 02:25:08,266 --> 02:25:10,734 Sir, we have found some tyre marks in the backyard. 1668 02:25:25,783 --> 02:25:26,249 What was the type of VehicIe? 1669 02:25:26,617 --> 02:25:29,916 Sir may be an OId Matador or a Standard Van was here. 1670 02:25:30,121 --> 02:25:31,748 After seeing the amount of oiI that Ieaked, 1671 02:25:31,956 --> 02:25:34,424 the VehicIe must've been parked here for 2 to 3 hrs. 1672 02:25:34,625 --> 02:25:36,923 Most probabIy it might be the vehicIe used by the murderer. 1673 02:25:37,128 --> 02:25:39,926 Sir, there a body in the drainage. 1674 02:25:40,131 --> 02:25:41,758 Take it out. - Take it out. 1675 02:25:45,303 --> 02:25:50,104 Bring the man who had pasted this poster to my office. - Yes sir. 1676 02:25:50,808 --> 02:25:52,105 Do you want anything eIse? 1677 02:25:52,310 --> 02:25:55,768 Hai. Didn't you bring your monkey with you? 1678 02:25:56,147 --> 02:25:58,445 You are here. That's why I thought why another one, so I Ieft it behind. 1679 02:25:59,484 --> 02:26:02,453 Aunt. Take my pet Parrot. Name is Tommy. 1680 02:26:02,987 --> 02:26:05,956 Some days back it got Iost but came back. 1681 02:26:06,157 --> 02:26:07,784 I've brought it to keep company with you. 1682 02:26:07,992 --> 02:26:11,120 It'II scream if someone approaches. You can become aIert. 1683 02:26:11,662 --> 02:26:13,960 You don't have to worry about your husband aIso. 1684 02:26:14,332 --> 02:26:17,961 Let the PoIice search him everywhere. He has fuII pubIic support. 1685 02:26:18,336 --> 02:26:19,633 No one wiII betray him. 1686 02:26:19,837 --> 02:26:21,634 I am not at aII bothered about him. 1687 02:26:22,173 --> 02:26:24,801 Even the British couIdn't catch him. 1688 02:26:25,510 --> 02:26:27,637 Some how he'II dodge them & come here. 1689 02:26:31,015 --> 02:26:33,142 I'm worried onIy about Chandru. 1690 02:26:33,851 --> 02:26:36,979 He shouId get a good job & get married. 1691 02:26:37,188 --> 02:26:41,147 Aunt! Don't worry on both counts when I am around. 1692 02:26:41,359 --> 02:26:44,988 I toId my father & got him a Brake Inspector's job, you know. 1693 02:26:45,696 --> 02:26:47,994 Rs. 4000 SaIary & Dearness aIIowance of Rs. 1000 1694 02:26:48,199 --> 02:26:51,168 Did you get him that for free? You took Rs. 1, 50,000 for it. 1695 02:26:51,369 --> 02:26:54,668 Aunt! We shouId teII UncIe and ask him to stab their entire famiIy. 1696 02:26:54,872 --> 02:26:58,171 Not onIy they took money, they troubIed him a Iot. 1697 02:26:58,376 --> 02:27:03,507 They made him to bring from MiIk Powder to Sanitary Napkins. 1698 02:27:03,714 --> 02:27:06,182 This sinner had made him to put tape in her under-skirt. 1699 02:27:06,717 --> 02:27:09,515 Aunt! Is it wrong to do that for the future wife? 1700 02:27:09,720 --> 02:27:16,353 What's wrong in that? Even my husband does it. 1701 02:27:17,061 --> 02:27:19,529 Is she going to marry him? She is Iying. 1702 02:27:20,064 --> 02:27:20,860 She is a bundIe of Iies. 1703 02:27:21,065 --> 02:27:22,191 Go off, you jeaIous cock. 1704 02:27:22,567 --> 02:27:28,369 I am going to marry him, that is why he has sent his mother with me. 1705 02:27:29,073 --> 02:27:32,042 Hai Chandru. - Chandru! Look at her? 1706 02:27:32,243 --> 02:27:33,870 Why did you send your mother with her? 1707 02:27:34,245 --> 02:27:36,372 Yuck. Do you know, what is she taIking about? 1708 02:27:36,581 --> 02:27:38,378 First, come to my house with your mother. 1709 02:27:38,583 --> 02:27:41,711 PoIice are after me. They know I've been coming to your house reguIarIy. 1710 02:27:41,919 --> 02:27:43,216 How can I ask my mother to stay at your pIace? 1711 02:27:43,588 --> 02:27:45,055 That's why under Sapna's care, 1712 02:27:45,256 --> 02:27:46,553 I made my mother stay at her friends house. 1713 02:27:46,924 --> 02:27:49,722 Hey. You monkey. Can't you keep your mouth shut? Go, inside. 1714 02:27:52,096 --> 02:27:54,564 Sapna. Sinner. Sapna Sinner. 1715 02:27:54,765 --> 02:27:58,394 Is it? I'II see to your end, come. 1716 02:28:00,438 --> 02:28:01,905 At this age does he need this? 1717 02:28:02,440 --> 02:28:04,738 He is roaming Iike a madman with a knife saying he'II change the Nation. 1718 02:28:05,276 --> 02:28:07,073 Is it possibIe for a Ione man? 1719 02:28:07,778 --> 02:28:10,406 Without adjusting to Iive with time he ruined my and Kasturi's Iife. 1720 02:28:10,615 --> 02:28:12,082 I have been Iiving aIone teIIing him that I don't need him. 1721 02:28:12,283 --> 02:28:13,910 Look, how many difficuIties I have to face because of him. 1722 02:28:14,118 --> 02:28:17,246 Just because I am his son the PoIice are after me. 1723 02:28:17,455 --> 02:28:19,923 DaiIy they are taking me under the pretext of enquiry for 3 hrs. 1724 02:28:20,124 --> 02:28:22,092 I have to inform them if I want to Ieave town. 1725 02:28:24,295 --> 02:28:26,092 TeII me where is he? 1726 02:28:26,464 --> 02:28:30,594 Look, if you don't Iike my staying here I'II go away. 1727 02:28:30,801 --> 02:28:32,598 Oh mother! 1728 02:28:32,803 --> 02:28:34,930 Do you think TamiI Nadu PoIice is incompetent? 1729 02:28:35,139 --> 02:28:36,436 How many days he can hide from them? 1730 02:28:36,641 --> 02:28:38,438 They are 80,000 strong and he is aIone. 1731 02:28:38,643 --> 02:28:41,111 That too 75 yrs oId. They'II catch him easiIy. 1732 02:28:43,147 --> 02:28:47,948 No one can ever touch even his shadow. 1733 02:28:48,319 --> 02:28:48,944 Look. 1734 02:28:52,657 --> 02:28:56,115 Behind the QTV Office, you had pasted the Posters, hadn't you. - Yes sir. 1735 02:28:57,161 --> 02:29:00,130 Was there any vehicIe parked nearby at that time? 1736 02:29:02,166 --> 02:29:05,624 A BIack standard Van was parked there for a Iong time. - BIack Van? 1737 02:29:05,836 --> 02:29:07,804 That one that takes dead bodies. 1738 02:29:08,005 --> 02:29:10,030 Mortuary Van. - Yes, the same one. 1739 02:29:12,677 --> 02:29:13,302 BriIIiant. 1740 02:29:48,879 --> 02:29:51,006 What's this, sir at such a time you are cutting the current. 1741 02:29:51,215 --> 02:29:54,514 You pay the money or eIse I wiII cut the current. 1742 02:29:55,886 --> 02:29:57,080 Oh my God. BeIt. 1743 02:30:00,558 --> 02:30:03,026 FREE FOR OLDIES. 1744 02:30:04,061 --> 02:30:05,358 Hai, what is this latest suit? 1745 02:30:05,563 --> 02:30:07,531 This is Grandpa ''lndian's style''. 1746 02:30:07,732 --> 02:30:09,962 How smart they are looking. 1747 02:30:12,737 --> 02:30:14,295 Madam... madam. . 1748 02:30:17,408 --> 02:30:18,432 I have come from the Treasury. 1749 02:30:18,909 --> 02:30:21,434 Here is the money due to you. Rs. 10,000. 1750 02:30:29,920 --> 02:30:31,717 AII this is for me?- Yes madam. 1751 02:30:33,591 --> 02:30:35,388 I shaII go now, shaII I? 1752 02:30:35,593 --> 02:30:38,391 Just wait, I'II get you some butter miIk. Drink it & go. 1753 02:30:38,596 --> 02:30:41,064 Oh No! No madam I wiII go. 1754 02:30:43,601 --> 02:30:46,570 Sir teII the oId man to stand in the eIection. 1755 02:30:46,771 --> 02:30:48,136 My vote wiII be for him. 1756 02:30:57,114 --> 02:30:58,479 'Students got admission in coIIege without bribe'. 1757 02:31:00,451 --> 02:31:02,578 Hey you snouty! - What did you say? 1758 02:31:02,787 --> 02:31:03,754 Are you mighty? 1759 02:31:03,954 --> 02:31:05,922 Before this you used to address me as Officer. 1760 02:31:06,123 --> 02:31:07,750 Now you are caIIing me disrespectfuIIy. 1761 02:31:07,958 --> 02:31:10,426 So far I carried out your commands. 1762 02:31:10,628 --> 02:31:13,096 Haven't you seen the oId man's message on TV. 1763 02:31:13,297 --> 02:31:15,094 Now I wiII give the order & you carry it out. 1764 02:31:15,299 --> 02:31:17,267 Why shouId I carry out your orders? I am an Officer. 1765 02:31:17,468 --> 02:31:19,936 I am PubIic. You're a PubIic Servant. 1766 02:31:20,137 --> 02:31:21,934 You have to Iisten to what I say. 1767 02:31:22,139 --> 02:31:24,107 How much you have bossed over us? 1768 02:31:24,642 --> 02:31:29,272 To put an iIIegibIe Signature you'II take bribes from aII sides. 1769 02:31:29,480 --> 02:31:31,778 You must respect them and do their work. 1770 02:31:31,982 --> 02:31:35,110 That oId man has given a big joIt to aII of you. 1771 02:31:35,319 --> 02:31:36,115 We took because you gave us. 1772 02:31:36,320 --> 02:31:37,446 We had given because you asked for it. 1773 02:31:37,655 --> 02:31:38,781 We had taken because you had given us. 1774 02:31:38,989 --> 02:31:40,456 Look! We had given because you asked for it. 1775 02:31:40,658 --> 02:31:41,454 We had taken because you gave us. 1776 02:31:41,659 --> 02:31:44,457 Hey! WiII you take anything which we'II give?- We'II take. 1777 02:31:44,662 --> 02:31:45,458 WiII you take?- Yes, we'II take. 1778 02:31:45,663 --> 02:31:46,789 Come on take it... . Come on take it. 1779 02:31:46,997 --> 02:31:47,793 How dare you hit me? 1780 02:31:47,998 --> 02:31:49,625 Hey! Why are you shouting at the top of the voice? 1781 02:31:50,501 --> 02:31:52,628 Who are you to boss over me? Who is he? 1782 02:31:52,837 --> 02:31:53,963 Warn him aIso otherwise he'II aIso get beatings. 1783 02:31:54,338 --> 02:31:55,635 Who is there at this opposite tabIe? - He is aIso an Officer. 1784 02:31:56,907 --> 02:31:58,636 Hey! Sign the papers. - What's this? 1785 02:31:58,843 --> 02:31:59,901 My Driving Iicense. 1786 02:32:00,111 --> 02:32:01,078 You didn't have a Iicense aII this time? 1787 02:32:01,345 --> 02:32:03,040 We shouId aIso reform ourseIves. 1788 02:32:03,314 --> 02:32:05,441 TiII now, I was a broker. Hereafter I'II become a driver. 1789 02:32:05,783 --> 02:32:07,444 Okay, You may go now & come after 4 days. 1790 02:32:07,818 --> 02:32:09,581 Don't get too smart with me. 1791 02:32:09,920 --> 02:32:12,650 If you deIay in signing aIso you'II get the beatings. 1792 02:32:12,857 --> 02:32:13,653 Sign it before you Iose your respect. 1793 02:32:13,858 --> 02:32:15,985 Yes PubIic. - Sign it. 1794 02:32:16,527 --> 02:32:18,995 Hey, what's this, I toId you to sign & you're behaving Iike a Monkey. 1795 02:32:19,196 --> 02:32:24,828 Sign it, sign it... Turn it the other side. Sign it... . 1796 02:32:25,436 --> 02:32:25,993 I have signed it. 1797 02:32:28,105 --> 02:32:30,835 Aunty! ShaII I serve you some more soup? 1798 02:32:31,041 --> 02:32:31,507 Oh No! Enough. 1799 02:32:31,709 --> 02:32:33,768 What's this Aunt? You aIready started having your Iunch. 1800 02:32:35,279 --> 02:32:42,412 I have brought for you some exotic dishes. 1801 02:32:42,853 --> 02:32:47,552 Sapna prepared meat dishes & asked me to eat... that's why! 1802 02:32:47,925 --> 02:32:51,122 This is not ordinary non-veg food, but speciaI. 1803 02:32:51,495 --> 02:32:52,757 Aunt is having Asthma compIaint. 1804 02:32:52,963 --> 02:32:54,624 So if Parrot's bIood is smeared on the Iungs, 1805 02:32:55,065 --> 02:32:56,293 and if soup is prepared from its fIesh, 1806 02:32:56,634 --> 02:32:58,033 Asthma wiII be cured, it seems. 1807 02:32:58,502 --> 02:33:02,563 That's why I prepared the soup from the fIesh of the Parrot you gave. 1808 02:33:02,773 --> 02:33:04,798 I pIucked the feather and stuck it on my cap. 1809 02:33:06,143 --> 02:33:08,441 You sinner. WiII you ever come good? 1810 02:33:09,880 --> 02:33:11,472 Are you a human or a deviI? 1811 02:33:12,249 --> 02:33:15,013 You have kiIIed the Parrot which was dear to my heart. 1812 02:33:16,353 --> 02:33:23,156 Come this side. Get up... Get up - I'II kiII you. 1813 02:33:23,460 --> 02:33:26,588 Are you educated? Is it good to fight Iike street dogs. 1814 02:33:26,897 --> 02:33:27,693 What eIse to do Aunt? 1815 02:33:27,998 --> 02:33:29,556 How mean of her to train the Parrot, 1816 02:33:29,767 --> 02:33:31,394 to say 'Sapna UseIess... Sapna UseIess. ' 1817 02:33:31,602 --> 02:33:33,229 Yes, I had trained that Parrot. 1818 02:33:33,437 --> 02:33:35,564 Did you have to create a confusion between me and my Iover. 1819 02:33:35,773 --> 02:33:37,331 Both of you together are confusing me. 1820 02:33:37,775 --> 02:33:39,640 Which one of you is reaIIy in Iove with Chandru? 1821 02:33:40,144 --> 02:33:42,612 I want to know who is going to marry him? 1822 02:33:44,281 --> 02:33:47,580 Hey! Sapna teII me the truth? I have doubts on you. 1823 02:33:47,918 --> 02:33:49,749 You are aIways teasing her and making her cry. 1824 02:33:50,020 --> 02:33:52,079 Come on teII me, do you Iove Chandru? 1825 02:33:52,456 --> 02:33:52,945 No. 1826 02:33:53,224 --> 02:33:55,089 No?... . Then... 1827 02:33:55,593 --> 02:33:58,528 Chandru Ioves her. How can I Iove him? 1828 02:33:59,096 --> 02:34:00,620 Then, why are you after him? 1829 02:34:01,298 --> 02:34:02,629 Don't you have any other boy friend? 1830 02:34:03,000 --> 02:34:04,092 I can get 1000 PeopIe. 1831 02:34:04,602 --> 02:34:07,435 But the moment I am a IittIe sociaI with them, 1832 02:34:07,871 --> 02:34:09,998 they'II be waiting to put their hands on my ShouIder. 1833 02:34:10,708 --> 02:34:12,539 If I take it sportingIy as a friend, 1834 02:34:13,077 --> 02:34:14,510 They'II go out and teII everyone that I am a ''Case'' . 1835 02:34:15,212 --> 02:34:16,270 But Chandru isn't Iike that. 1836 02:34:16,480 --> 02:34:19,916 He didn't misbehave and didn't Iet others misbehave with me. 1837 02:34:20,117 --> 02:34:21,277 What sort of a reIationship is this? 1838 02:34:22,820 --> 02:34:24,253 If its Iove its Green signaI. 1839 02:34:24,788 --> 02:34:26,119 If its friendship its Red signaI. 1840 02:34:26,590 --> 02:34:29,616 There is a boundary for it. In between there is a yeIIow Iine. 1841 02:34:30,728 --> 02:34:31,786 I Iike this yeIIow Iine. 1842 02:34:31,996 --> 02:34:34,191 How many more days are you going to continue Iike this? 1843 02:34:35,266 --> 02:34:38,758 It'II end with either Chandru's marriage or my Marriage. 1844 02:34:39,536 --> 02:34:41,003 What's the meaning of aII this? 1845 02:34:43,607 --> 02:34:48,704 FroIic. - FroIic?! 1846 02:34:50,781 --> 02:34:54,581 It's safe! Hey Stick Ice cream! Take your Parrot. 1847 02:35:01,558 --> 02:35:06,996 'Aishu Ioves Chandru, Aishu Ioves Chandru'. 1848 02:35:09,233 --> 02:35:55,836 AYNGARAN DVD 1849 02:35:56,280 --> 02:36:01,274 Ohl Magician Machindral Have you come to see the mole? 1850 02:36:05,856 --> 02:36:11,055 Showing magic and deceiving me. Oh Great Warriorl 1851 02:36:15,632 --> 02:36:21,161 l am a great artist on the bed. 1852 02:36:22,272 --> 02:36:23,830 A love expertise. 1853 02:36:25,075 --> 02:36:30,308 Tonight, let the hands of the King play magic on my body. 1854 02:36:31,115 --> 02:36:33,709 My secret night loverl 1855 02:36:35,119 --> 02:36:39,351 Changing shapes in search of my dream girl. 1856 02:36:39,923 --> 02:36:44,223 l'll come and reward you beautiful. 1857 02:36:44,695 --> 02:36:46,822 Over coming obstacles, Oh great commanderl 1858 02:36:47,164 --> 02:36:48,927 Will you wear me as your garment? 1859 02:36:49,133 --> 02:36:53,092 You are a Great Musician of Tampura 1860 02:36:54,371 --> 02:36:58,603 Till l don't get and possess you my eyes will not rest. 1861 02:36:59,510 --> 02:37:02,343 You are like Percussion Kanjira Shall l play on it. 1862 02:37:03,614 --> 02:37:08,347 l am the Magician Machindra Who has come to see the mole. 1863 02:37:23,033 --> 02:37:46,516 AYNGARAN DVD 1864 02:37:46,857 --> 02:37:55,925 lf l meet you my heart dances in a joyous tune. 1865 02:37:56,500 --> 02:38:00,937 The sweetness generated by your thoughts, 1866 02:38:01,605 --> 02:38:05,735 l have kept it safely in my lips. 1867 02:38:06,076 --> 02:38:10,342 What if you give me all that sweetness you have? 1868 02:38:10,881 --> 02:38:15,045 What if you kiss and empty your stock? 1869 02:38:15,686 --> 02:38:20,180 Shall l come everyday and give it in lnstallments. 1870 02:38:20,524 --> 02:38:23,891 Tell me my sweet ''Sonpapdi''. 1871 02:38:25,429 --> 02:38:27,329 Get into the Arena immediately. 1872 02:38:27,698 --> 02:38:29,689 Are you waiting for the auspicious time? 1873 02:38:30,067 --> 02:38:33,867 Chew me... Come on eat me. 1874 02:38:49,253 --> 02:39:22,942 AYNGARAN DVD 1875 02:39:23,320 --> 02:39:25,117 Ohl My love, what is my name? 1876 02:39:25,322 --> 02:39:27,586 What is the name of this place where l am staying? 1877 02:39:28,025 --> 02:39:31,961 l had asked when l was alone with you. 1878 02:39:32,563 --> 02:39:37,091 Oh my lovel Where is my voice? Where is my breath? 1879 02:39:37,668 --> 02:39:41,866 Oh my dearl l am distressed without knowing about it? 1880 02:39:42,239 --> 02:39:46,437 Don't ask questions in love? 1881 02:39:46,977 --> 02:39:51,175 Love Goddess cannot tolerate delays in Lovel 1882 02:39:51,748 --> 02:39:53,875 Shall we get dissolved like dew in sea? 1883 02:39:54,151 --> 02:39:56,278 Shall we write Poetry while getting dissolved? 1884 02:39:56,653 --> 02:40:00,020 My Sweet Oyster, my lovely Calf. 1885 02:40:01,358 --> 02:40:09,527 Shall we weave together and give a perfect picture of the World. 1886 02:40:34,891 --> 02:40:54,699 AYNGARAN DVD 1887 02:42:35,212 --> 02:42:38,579 Subbaiah! We have committed a very great mistake. 1888 02:42:40,684 --> 02:42:41,616 So many ChiIdren... 1889 02:42:44,087 --> 02:42:46,453 You said he'II get the bus ready in 2 days and show. 1890 02:42:47,424 --> 02:42:51,258 Now, you see... What's the use of cursing you? 1891 02:42:51,762 --> 02:42:52,786 Where did aII my inteIIect go? 1892 02:42:53,830 --> 02:42:57,459 Okay Ieave it, come Iet's see what has to be done? Come. 1893 02:42:58,101 --> 02:42:59,625 There was no probIem with the vehicIe which preceeded. 1894 02:43:00,036 --> 02:43:01,594 There was a faiIure of Brakes in this bus. 1895 02:43:01,905 --> 02:43:03,304 Even though they have done F. C Iast week onIy. 1896 02:43:03,573 --> 02:43:05,040 I don't know which idiot had given F. C for this. 1897 02:43:05,675 --> 02:43:07,973 WiII you come with me for a moment? I want to taIk you aIone. 1898 02:43:08,178 --> 02:43:08,803 Are you from the Press? 1899 02:43:09,079 --> 02:43:12,173 I don't have time to taIk to you. 40 chiIdren! AII are dead. 1900 02:43:12,382 --> 02:43:14,475 Don't reveaI it! My name is Chandra Bose. 1901 02:43:15,185 --> 02:43:16,675 So, it's you who had given FC for this vehicIe. 1902 02:43:17,020 --> 02:43:19,284 Sir come. . - Sir, I won't come with you aIone. 1903 02:43:19,489 --> 02:43:20,979 The country is in a very bad state. - Come. 1904 02:43:21,191 --> 02:43:23,056 Why do you give certificate to such condemned vehicIes? 1905 02:43:23,660 --> 02:43:25,821 Look! Brake oiI has spiIIed for over a kiIometer. 1906 02:43:26,029 --> 02:43:27,496 Is it the way you are inspecting the vehicIes? 1907 02:43:28,365 --> 02:43:30,390 You are a Govt. servant. I am aIso a Govt. servant. 1908 02:43:30,767 --> 02:43:32,166 Accidents happening Iike this is normaI. 1909 02:43:32,369 --> 02:43:33,700 Why are you making a big fuss about it? - That's it! 1910 02:43:34,771 --> 02:43:37,501 You co-operate with us, We'II do the necessary formaIities. 1911 02:43:37,707 --> 02:43:40,005 Take this sir. - Are you pIaying the fooI with me? 1912 02:43:40,210 --> 02:43:41,507 The situation now is not Iike what it used to be. 1913 02:43:41,711 --> 02:43:43,679 PeopIe are being stabbed by the 10th minute of their taking bribe. 1914 02:43:44,648 --> 02:43:46,013 Okay. Leave it, I'II give it in kind. 1915 02:43:46,550 --> 02:43:50,179 I'II pack it and without anyone's knowIedge, I'II deIiver it. 1916 02:43:50,387 --> 02:43:53,185 Unpack it after a month and use it. What do you say? 1917 02:43:53,390 --> 02:43:54,516 What do you want me to do? 1918 02:43:55,725 --> 02:43:57,022 The driver was under the infIuence of Liquor. 1919 02:43:57,227 --> 02:43:59,252 That's why the vehicIe turned turtIe. Issue a certificate to that effect. 1920 02:43:59,496 --> 02:44:02,397 First Iet the T. V. come I'II see to it Iater on 1921 02:44:03,967 --> 02:44:04,695 What? Are you pIaying the fooI with me? 1922 02:44:05,001 --> 02:44:05,695 For the person who died in the accident, 1923 02:44:05,902 --> 02:44:07,870 are you asking me to say that he was drunk in the post mortem report! 1924 02:44:08,071 --> 02:44:08,867 That was done in the past. 1925 02:44:09,072 --> 02:44:10,972 Now, even if I utter the word bribe they wiII chase me & beat me. 1926 02:44:12,142 --> 02:44:13,541 PIease, show mercy. 1927 02:44:14,044 --> 02:44:15,807 I have cajoIed the Inspector aIso. 1928 02:44:16,313 --> 02:44:17,473 Have you cajoIed the inspector? 1929 02:44:17,914 --> 02:44:19,006 He has aIready taken. - Cash?! 1930 02:44:19,416 --> 02:44:19,882 In kind. 1931 02:44:22,085 --> 02:44:23,780 Mister you are a big botheration to me! 1932 02:44:23,987 --> 02:44:25,011 TeII me, what do you want? 1933 02:44:27,457 --> 02:44:30,255 Sir, you were putting 5 signatures for Rs. 500. 1934 02:44:30,627 --> 02:44:31,924 Is it sin to take a LD? 1935 02:44:32,329 --> 02:44:35,298 Rs. 35,000 and odd. Pictures wiII be crystaI cIear. 1936 02:44:35,565 --> 02:44:38,056 Now, even waIIs have ears. If the news reaches''Indian''. 1937 02:44:38,301 --> 02:44:39,233 Don't worry about it. 1938 02:44:39,436 --> 02:44:41,666 The way we had deIivered to the Inspector's house without anyone's knowIedge, 1939 02:44:41,938 --> 02:44:45,066 We'II pack it and deIiver it in the backyard of your house. Okay? 1940 02:44:45,275 --> 02:44:46,765 You are forcing me to take risk. 1941 02:44:47,611 --> 02:44:49,738 I'II sign after I receive the Laser Disc. 1942 02:44:49,980 --> 02:44:54,314 How wiII you convince other Doctors that this driver was drunk? 1943 02:44:54,517 --> 02:44:55,575 We'II take care of that. 1944 02:45:20,143 --> 02:45:20,939 Fantastic! 1945 02:45:22,812 --> 02:45:24,473 After traveIIing on the iIIegaI path, 1946 02:45:26,583 --> 02:45:29,347 AtIast you have reached the pIace where you shouId have been. 1947 02:45:37,193 --> 02:45:39,491 I foIIowed Chandru and reached G. H Mortuary. 1948 02:45:39,796 --> 02:45:41,457 INDIAN. - OId man aIso foIIowed him and has came here. 1949 02:45:41,665 --> 02:45:44,293 Both of them are inside. - What did you do? 1950 02:45:44,668 --> 02:45:48,195 I have Iocked it from outside. - Guard them carefuIIy. 1951 02:45:48,672 --> 02:45:49,468 I'II come there immediateIy. 1952 02:45:50,073 --> 02:45:53,736 You had accused me of kiIIing my daughter by not giving a bribe of Rs. 500. 1953 02:45:54,577 --> 02:45:57,444 You took a bribe of Rs. 5000 and kiIIed 40 peopIe today. 1954 02:45:57,647 --> 02:46:00,639 AII of them are ChiIdren. What a merciIess kiIIer you are? 1955 02:46:02,852 --> 02:46:04,581 First, I'II have to kiII you. 1956 02:46:06,589 --> 02:46:09,023 Are you joking with me? I am your onIy son. 1957 02:46:11,061 --> 02:46:11,755 WiII you stab me? 1958 02:46:12,696 --> 02:46:15,324 Yes, I was weeding out the weeds from aII over the pIace. 1959 02:46:16,933 --> 02:46:19,094 A weed has grown under my own feet. 1960 02:46:20,537 --> 02:46:22,664 As far as I am concerned weed is a weed. 1961 02:46:24,040 --> 02:46:25,837 My next errand wiII be onIy after I stab you. 1962 02:46:26,343 --> 02:46:27,833 Father, Ieave me. 1963 02:46:28,111 --> 02:46:29,578 Father, I did it unknowingIy. 1964 02:46:29,946 --> 02:46:32,244 This is the excuse everyone in this Country gives. 1965 02:46:33,550 --> 02:46:34,448 UnknowingIy done. 1966 02:46:35,251 --> 02:46:36,343 Was this was done unknowingIy? 1967 02:46:37,153 --> 02:46:39,678 There shouIdn't be any accidents due to brake faiIure thereby kiIIing peopIe. 1968 02:46:39,889 --> 02:46:41,686 For that purpose onIy, there is a Brake Inspector. 1969 02:46:42,759 --> 02:46:45,694 How did this happen? 1970 02:46:45,996 --> 02:46:49,022 I never expected the end resuIt wiII be so disastrous. 1971 02:46:49,432 --> 02:46:52,697 Father, after seeing that ghastIy sight I have changed. 1972 02:46:53,036 --> 02:46:56,028 I am your father. Don't try to fooI me. 1973 02:46:56,606 --> 02:46:57,402 If you had reaIIy changed. 1974 02:46:57,674 --> 02:47:00,040 After the accident you shouId have surrendered to the PoIice. 1975 02:47:00,410 --> 02:47:04,039 But you didn't. T. V for Inspector, Laser Disc for the Doctor. 1976 02:47:04,247 --> 02:47:05,805 This time You bribed them. 1977 02:47:06,549 --> 02:47:08,210 The 2 peopIe who have taken wiII become 4. 1978 02:47:08,418 --> 02:47:09,544 4 wiII become 8, 8 wiII become 16. 1979 02:47:09,753 --> 02:47:12,153 So this bribe wiII continue to spread Iike cancer through out the Country. 1980 02:47:14,424 --> 02:47:15,220 I'II not aIIow this. 1981 02:47:15,625 --> 02:47:17,923 Think for a whiIe father... 1982 02:47:18,595 --> 02:47:21,086 You and mother didn't have chiIdren for 15 yrs after your marriage. 1983 02:47:21,531 --> 02:47:24,398 After visiting many tempIes and doing penance I was born to you. 1984 02:47:25,035 --> 02:47:26,195 Kasturi is gone. 1985 02:47:26,403 --> 02:47:29,099 Now in your Iives I am the onIy one Ieft to Iight your pyre. 1986 02:47:29,339 --> 02:47:31,239 You are saying that you'II kiII me. 1987 02:47:31,441 --> 02:47:32,567 Don't you have any mercy for me? 1988 02:47:32,776 --> 02:47:33,902 Father, don't you have any affection for me? 1989 02:47:36,780 --> 02:47:39,613 For the Inspector, it was CoIour TV. 1990 02:47:40,683 --> 02:47:41,877 For your father is it ''Affection''? 1991 02:47:42,619 --> 02:47:44,746 It wasn't meant that way father. 1992 02:47:44,954 --> 02:47:47,582 To escape you had bribed in cash, kind and... 1993 02:47:48,291 --> 02:47:50,691 now are you paying me with your affection? Stop there. 1994 02:47:52,262 --> 02:47:54,127 You are not a Weed! You are a Poisonous PIant. 1995 02:47:55,298 --> 02:47:56,094 Father, PIease forgive me. 1996 02:47:56,299 --> 02:47:58,324 There is no forgiveness in the Court of this Senapathi. 1997 02:48:00,670 --> 02:48:01,762 You'II be sentenced. 1998 02:48:01,971 --> 02:48:03,438 You'II have ready made answers for everything. 1999 02:48:05,208 --> 02:48:06,470 You have become a KiIIer Maniac. 2000 02:48:19,889 --> 02:48:21,356 Senapathi! Drop the knife. 2001 02:48:51,855 --> 02:48:54,187 Catch him... Catch him. 2002 02:48:54,390 --> 02:48:56,551 He is a Rabid dog! Catch him and hang him. 2003 02:48:57,160 --> 02:48:58,991 He has become oId and gone mad and roaming with a knife. 2004 02:48:59,195 --> 02:49:00,184 Break his hands and Iegs. 2005 02:49:00,463 --> 02:49:03,330 WiII any father kiII his own progeny? OId... 2006 02:49:23,887 --> 02:49:24,353 Move. 2007 02:49:24,754 --> 02:49:26,346 Won't you Iisten when I say? 2008 02:49:26,556 --> 02:49:29,525 Why have you Ieft the rogues in the town and taking away this eIderIy person. 2009 02:49:29,926 --> 02:49:32,622 In 50 yrs. of ruIe what no one had achieved. 2010 02:49:32,962 --> 02:49:34,361 This eIderIy person has achieved. 2011 02:49:34,564 --> 02:49:35,531 Are you not abIe to toIerate it? 2012 02:49:40,336 --> 02:49:40,995 Don't Ieave that oId man aIive! 2013 02:49:41,137 --> 02:49:42,502 If he remains aIive we can never make money. 2014 02:49:43,373 --> 02:49:46,240 HeIIo! Is it DGP? I am MaIayappan from Secretariat. 2015 02:49:46,809 --> 02:49:48,868 Whom have you posted as guards for the oId man who in custody? 2016 02:49:49,946 --> 02:49:51,777 What's this man you have posted weakIings. 2017 02:49:52,649 --> 02:49:54,048 Without any further deIay change them. 2018 02:49:54,250 --> 02:49:56,218 And post our DiIIi Babu and Parandhaman. 2019 02:49:57,220 --> 02:49:59,245 Yes man for that reason onIy. 2020 02:50:00,089 --> 02:50:02,785 Are you happy? I'II come to meet you personaIIy. 2021 02:50:06,229 --> 02:50:08,561 You both are reIieved. From now they'II take over. 2022 02:50:10,600 --> 02:50:12,067 Sir, I have come on duty just now, suddenIy... 2023 02:50:12,268 --> 02:50:13,565 Hey! It's an order from the Secretariat. 2024 02:50:14,070 --> 02:50:16,402 I thought it'II become another Veerapan case but you have caught him. 2025 02:50:17,507 --> 02:50:18,906 What next? It's promotion for you. 2026 02:50:27,517 --> 02:50:29,485 What Parandhaman, it'II go off, isn't it? - Yes sir! 2027 02:50:29,686 --> 02:50:30,710 By night 10'cIock. 2028 02:50:38,194 --> 02:50:39,491 How the heII you are doing your duty? 2029 02:50:39,796 --> 02:50:41,593 Each one of you go and search him in each direction. 2030 02:50:41,798 --> 02:50:43,095 I'II dismiss aII of you. 2031 02:50:43,299 --> 02:50:45,494 Hey! You have missed him. Why are you shouting at them? 2032 02:50:45,768 --> 02:50:47,030 First you shouId be dismissed. 2033 02:50:47,337 --> 02:50:48,634 Its not just enough to catch? 2034 02:50:49,138 --> 02:50:51,663 If you can't keep a man safeIy in custody. You are unfit to be a poIiceman. 2035 02:50:57,380 --> 02:50:58,642 Some how, I'II catch that oId man. 2036 02:50:59,148 --> 02:50:59,614 Go away! 2037 02:51:12,895 --> 02:51:16,228 What Senapathi you want break the handcuffs with 'Nokku Varmam'. 2038 02:51:21,738 --> 02:51:23,899 I shouId have been served with prison food. 2039 02:51:24,941 --> 02:51:28,570 But you are serving a RoyaI meaI. 2040 02:51:30,513 --> 02:51:34,074 What Mr. Krishnasamy, have you defected and changed your party? 2041 02:51:34,817 --> 02:51:37,718 I was aIways your supporter. What you did was right? 2042 02:51:38,755 --> 02:51:41,315 There are peopIe in my house itseIf who worship you Iike God. 2043 02:51:42,058 --> 02:51:43,389 I'II aIso take an Autograph from you. 2044 02:51:44,227 --> 02:51:45,216 As ordinary Krishnasamy. 2045 02:51:47,230 --> 02:51:51,064 But, Krishnasamy IPS wiII never go against his duty. 2046 02:51:51,868 --> 02:51:53,233 Even now, I am doing my duty. 2047 02:51:55,405 --> 02:51:58,568 If you are aIive many peopIe's prestige in Govt. wiII be in doIdrums. 2048 02:51:59,008 --> 02:52:03,172 That's why they have pIanned to kiII you before you are produced in the Court. 2049 02:52:04,347 --> 02:52:06,508 As it was my duty to arrest you? 2050 02:52:07,050 --> 02:52:11,646 Likewise, It is my duty to produce you in the court. 2051 02:52:13,122 --> 02:52:16,057 Today is Saturday, the Court wiII function onIy on Monday. 2052 02:52:16,759 --> 02:52:21,594 TiII such time, this VIP wiII be my guest. 2053 02:52:21,898 --> 02:52:27,700 ExceIIent Krishnasamy... ExceIIent. Give me your hand. 2054 02:53:49,685 --> 02:53:51,778 Get going! You are going to Bombay immediateIy. 2055 02:53:52,088 --> 02:53:55,819 This is your fIight ticket. - To Bombay? But why? 2056 02:53:57,160 --> 02:54:00,027 Your father has escaped from the PoIice custody. 2057 02:54:05,535 --> 02:54:08,436 I have brought my father's car. You go upto the Airport in it. 2058 02:54:08,805 --> 02:54:12,969 I have arranged for you to go on board without being spotted by the PoIice. 2059 02:54:13,176 --> 02:54:14,803 Hey! What nonsense are you taIking? 2060 02:54:15,011 --> 02:54:18,310 Fearing this Mad oId man do you want me to roam in Bombay Iike a beggar? 2061 02:54:18,681 --> 02:54:20,945 Chandru, for how many days? May be a day or two? 2062 02:54:21,551 --> 02:54:24,543 Somehow they'II arrest him. Or eIse they'II shoot him to death... 2063 02:54:31,260 --> 02:54:32,522 Instead of going to Bombay because of his dread. 2064 02:54:32,728 --> 02:54:34,195 Is it not better to stay here with PoIice protection? 2065 02:54:34,664 --> 02:54:38,828 Hey! He has aIready escaped from the PoIice custody. Go. 2066 02:54:40,870 --> 02:54:42,929 Take this, start quickIy. 2067 02:55:11,067 --> 02:55:14,127 Where is he? - Chandru has... 2068 02:55:20,076 --> 02:55:22,203 Where is he? - I don't know! 2069 02:55:26,682 --> 02:55:31,278 You can't Iie, don't make a useIess effort. 2070 02:55:32,321 --> 02:55:35,518 Where is he? - I don't know! 2071 02:55:35,725 --> 02:55:37,386 Now, its no more important whether he is the son or Husband. 2072 02:55:38,528 --> 02:55:40,621 Its more important whether it is Country or your Home. 2073 02:55:41,230 --> 02:55:44,256 Where is he?- I don't know! 2074 02:55:52,408 --> 02:55:53,966 We are calling from lndian Airlines. 2075 02:55:54,310 --> 02:55:57,245 The flight going to Bombay is delayed by 1 hour. 2076 02:55:57,446 --> 02:55:59,414 Please inform the Passenger. 2077 02:56:04,587 --> 02:56:06,578 What my wife didn't teII me Phone has toId me. 2078 02:56:08,090 --> 02:56:09,580 The fIight is deIayed by 1 hour. 2079 02:56:10,826 --> 02:56:11,292 Oh god! 2080 02:56:18,134 --> 02:56:21,934 Look at her face she is going to marry Chandru. 2081 02:56:23,472 --> 02:56:25,633 Don't ruin her Iife. 2082 02:56:32,114 --> 02:56:33,445 Is Chandru your Iife? 2083 02:56:37,486 --> 02:56:38,612 From how many years do you know him? 2084 02:56:39,822 --> 02:56:40,618 2 years. 2085 02:56:46,162 --> 02:56:48,528 I know him for 30 years. 2086 02:56:50,633 --> 02:56:52,965 My sorrow is more painfuI than yours. 2087 02:56:54,937 --> 02:56:57,064 He was born after many years of marriage. 2088 02:56:58,741 --> 02:57:00,265 I was very attached to him. 2089 02:57:01,544 --> 02:57:03,978 When I used to hoId him in hands to cuddIe and kiss him. 2090 02:57:05,581 --> 02:57:06,878 He'II cry saying that my moustache was pricking him. 2091 02:57:08,818 --> 02:57:11,378 So That he shouIdn't suffer the pain, 2092 02:57:11,587 --> 02:57:13,316 this Senapathi Iost his moustache. 2093 02:57:13,889 --> 02:57:15,322 Today he is ready to Iose him aIso. 2094 02:57:20,529 --> 02:57:22,759 My Ioss is more grave than yours. 2095 02:57:23,399 --> 02:57:24,832 Even then taking a Iife is wrong... 2096 02:57:25,034 --> 02:57:26,092 Are you saying it is wrong? 2097 02:57:27,903 --> 02:57:30,565 You feeI bad even if an animaI gets hurt. 2098 02:57:33,542 --> 02:57:37,171 40 young chiIdren! Wasn't it wrong? 2099 02:57:38,681 --> 02:57:42,583 The mind knows it but the heart is not accepting it. 2100 02:57:44,687 --> 02:57:46,678 For me mind and heart are one and the same. 2101 02:57:48,858 --> 02:57:50,348 I'II be more happy if you become a daughter, 2102 02:57:51,927 --> 02:57:54,259 to her than a daughter-in-Iaw. 2103 02:58:11,881 --> 02:58:15,044 Don't try to act inteIIigent and pray that both shouId be aIive. 2104 03:00:16,939 --> 03:00:18,497 Father, Listen me! 2105 03:00:19,975 --> 03:00:32,683 Father! Father! 2106 03:01:17,933 --> 03:01:19,924 Ask them to forward it. - PIease forward it. 2107 03:01:25,474 --> 03:01:26,736 Rewind it... sIowIy 2108 03:01:37,786 --> 03:01:38,411 Who is that? 2109 03:01:41,123 --> 03:01:41,817 INDIAN 2110 03:01:43,325 --> 03:01:48,490 You... You... are... - I am aIive. 2111 03:01:51,700 --> 03:01:56,933 By kiIIing your own son you have instiIIed a permanent fear in everyone. 2112 03:01:59,675 --> 03:02:01,666 Where are you caIIing from? 2113 03:02:02,845 --> 03:02:04,073 From very near onIy! 2114 03:02:05,948 --> 03:02:08,178 My taIk which you are recording now. 2115 03:02:09,485 --> 03:02:10,850 You broadcast it on Radio! 2116 03:02:11,687 --> 03:02:15,384 They wouId have recorded my escape from the ControI Tower. 2117 03:02:16,992 --> 03:02:18,459 TeIecast it on T. V. 2118 03:02:19,828 --> 03:02:21,762 The peopIe shouId know that I am aIive. 2119 03:02:22,531 --> 03:02:24,795 Wherever mistakes are committed I wiII definiteIy come. 2120 03:02:26,835 --> 03:02:28,462 There is no death to ''I-N-D-I-A-N''. 2121 03:02:30,506 --> 03:02:31,200 VICTORY TO INDIA. 2122 03:02:31,300 --> 03:02:40,000 Subtitles by -=|MaGeSh|=-