1 00:01:13,550 --> 00:01:16,910 I must say I'm honored you've chosen to spend your valuable Saturday night with 2 00:01:17,040 --> 00:01:20,880 me. What happened? Tom's parents send him off for more forty-watt bulbs? 3 00:01:21,370 --> 00:01:25,260 I was just craving a bit of sisterhood, so long as it doesn't involve my actual 4 00:01:25,360 --> 00:01:27,030 sister. What'd you do today? 5 00:01:27,280 --> 00:01:31,300 I actually accomplished something... I mean, other than getting up. I applied to 6 00:01:31,400 --> 00:01:33,090 Lawndale State and State University. 7 00:01:33,250 --> 00:01:37,170 Really? Why? I thought you wanted to go to Boston Fine Arts College? 8 00:01:37,340 --> 00:01:41,510 I do want to go to BFAC, but unlike Lawndale State and State U, you have to have 9 00:01:41,630 --> 00:01:45,590 talent to get in. So they give you extra time to put together a killer art portfolio. 10 00:01:45,940 --> 00:01:46,750 How's that going? 11 00:01:46,920 --> 00:01:50,150 Why, it's going so well that when you called to go out, I only cried tears of 12 00:01:50,280 --> 00:01:54,330 relief for ten minutes. What about you? Still thinking about... Bromwell? 13 00:01:54,740 --> 00:01:59,550 They don't really talk like that there... I hope. Anyway, I'm applying because 14 00:01:59,670 --> 00:02:03,220 it's an outstanding university, not because the students engage in the rectal 15 00:02:03,390 --> 00:02:04,830 transport of steel rods. 16 00:02:05,090 --> 00:02:07,260 The Equestrian Club must be in constant pain. 17 00:02:07,630 --> 00:02:08,630 What about your safeties? 18 00:02:08,770 --> 00:02:11,070 I've applied to Raft, Ellis, Lloyd... 19 00:02:11,200 --> 00:02:13,620 Raft's your safety? Gutsy, Morgendorffer. 20 00:02:13,750 --> 00:02:18,420 No, no, no. Raft's my second choice. My parents won't think I've sent out enough 21 00:02:18,560 --> 00:02:21,130 applications if I only get rejected from one place. 22 00:02:21,290 --> 00:02:24,480 Hey, Raft's in Boston, right? Wouldn't it be great if we went to college in the 23 00:02:24,620 --> 00:02:27,510 same town? We could meet on the weekends to eat pizza and complain. 24 00:02:27,670 --> 00:02:31,120 Well, they say college is all about broadening your horizons. 25 00:02:33,500 --> 00:02:38,400 Gaaaah! Six hundred dollars for shoes? That you walk in? On the ground? 26 00:02:38,560 --> 00:02:43,760 Relax, Jake. I'll take care of it. Quinn! I want you to come downstairs and 27 00:02:43,870 --> 00:02:44,650 explain yourself! 28 00:02:45,170 --> 00:02:47,030 Finally, the mystery will be solved. 29 00:02:47,220 --> 00:02:51,850 Sandi, I'm just saying tangerine isn't as orange as... call you back. 30 00:02:52,430 --> 00:02:54,030 Sorry, Fashion Club crisis. 31 00:02:54,180 --> 00:02:57,400 Never mind. What's this six hundred dollar charge at Cashman's? 32 00:02:57,510 --> 00:03:02,000 But Mom, I actually saved money by buying faux alligator instead of real alligator. 33 00:03:02,180 --> 00:03:05,660 Well, you can also save your excuses. The shoes are going back. 34 00:03:05,810 --> 00:03:09,810 But I can't return them. Final markdown. However, if it makes you feel better, 35 00:03:09,930 --> 00:03:11,760 I promise never to buy on sale again. 36 00:03:11,930 --> 00:03:14,820 You're not buying anything, period, until you pay off this bill. 37 00:03:15,020 --> 00:03:18,550 I understand. I shall require a substantial increase in my allowance. 38 00:03:18,760 --> 00:03:19,130 No! 39 00:03:19,310 --> 00:03:23,360 But you know I don't have any money. It's why I have to buy on credit. Let's 40 00:03:23,460 --> 00:03:26,540 work together, Mother, and attack the problem at its source. 41 00:03:26,730 --> 00:03:29,110 Good idea. You'll have to go out and get a job. 42 00:03:29,360 --> 00:03:32,460 Uh! Water. 43 00:03:32,930 --> 00:03:34,820 Hope she doesn't get any on the shoes. 44 00:03:34,930 --> 00:03:35,360 Gah! 45 00:03:35,470 --> 00:03:37,560 Sit down, Jake. She's not wearing them. 46 00:03:37,690 --> 00:03:40,020 Shouldn't you be working on your college applications? 47 00:03:40,210 --> 00:03:44,030 Hey, yeah! You know, Daria, I'd be happy to give your application to Middleton a 48 00:03:44,140 --> 00:03:47,850 quick going over. I think I know a thing or two about what they like at the old 49 00:03:47,950 --> 00:03:48,450 Alma mater. 50 00:03:48,630 --> 00:03:53,630 Ummm, gee, thanks. Yes... I... uh, you're right. I should be working on my 51 00:03:53,730 --> 00:03:55,580 applications. Right now. 52 00:03:56,700 --> 00:04:01,140 You know, Jake, just because we went to Middleton doesn't mean Daria will. She's 53 00:04:01,270 --> 00:04:02,940 applying to a lot of different places. 54 00:04:03,070 --> 00:04:06,810 Oh, sure. But why would she want to go to just any old college when she could 55 00:04:06,880 --> 00:04:10,000 follow in our footsteps? Middleton's a Morgendorffer tradition. 56 00:04:10,160 --> 00:04:11,430 So's military school. 57 00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:15,420 Bite your tongue, Helen. No daughter of mine is ever going to share a latrine 58 00:04:15,550 --> 00:04:19,170 with fifty hateful boys who can sniff out weakness like day-old cheese. 59 00:04:19,520 --> 00:04:20,640 Let's hope not, dear. 60 00:04:24,540 --> 00:04:28,590 Everyone hates the message board miscreant, but now you can do something about it! 61 00:04:28,770 --> 00:04:32,170 Flame wars: the next generation, tonight on Sick, Sad World! 62 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:34,210 Finish your college applications yet? 63 00:04:34,440 --> 00:04:37,710 All except Bromwell's. Mom and Dad want to want to review the alumni section to 64 00:04:37,790 --> 00:04:38,920 make sure I didn't leave anyone out. 65 00:04:39,120 --> 00:04:41,070 That shouldn't take more than a week or two. 66 00:04:41,240 --> 00:04:43,650 Did you ask about going up to Newtown to visit Bromwell with me? 67 00:04:43,820 --> 00:04:47,560 It's cool with my mother as long as your mother's definitely chaperoning and we 68 00:04:47,660 --> 00:04:51,120 can drive up to Boston afterwards to check out a couple of other colleges. 69 00:04:51,260 --> 00:04:53,480 That's the plan. Boston's where all my safeties are. 70 00:04:53,580 --> 00:04:55,020 Umm, mine, too. 71 00:04:55,220 --> 00:04:58,310 Hey, don't worry, Daria. You'll get into Bromwell with your incredible test 72 00:04:58,420 --> 00:05:01,650 scores and grades. I'll get in the old fashioned way: bribery and nepotism. 73 00:05:01,830 --> 00:05:05,310 Gee, when you put it that way, it all sounds so fair and just. 74 00:05:09,630 --> 00:05:12,370 Guys, it is so nice of you to take me out on my birthday. 75 00:05:12,590 --> 00:05:14,040 Our pleasure, Stacy. 76 00:05:14,290 --> 00:05:17,440 Just because the rest of us had dates on our birthdays... 77 00:05:17,650 --> 00:05:21,790 Oh, yes, Sandi. You mentioned that. Boy, I can't believe I'm another year older. 78 00:05:22,040 --> 00:05:23,460 Time goes by so fast. 79 00:05:23,720 --> 00:05:27,890 I know. Just yesterday I was playing with makeup starter kits, and today I'm 80 00:05:28,010 --> 00:05:32,170 being forced out in the working world. And I thought these were supposed to be 81 00:05:32,280 --> 00:05:33,430 the carefree years. 82 00:05:33,650 --> 00:05:37,200 I know, Quinn. Why don't you get a job here? There are lots of cute guys, and 83 00:05:37,330 --> 00:05:40,010 the hostesses get to dress up and wear hoopy earrings. 84 00:05:40,180 --> 00:05:44,600 Stacy! Are you suggesting that a Fashion Club member serve the public? 85 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:46,490 Stacy, tsk. 86 00:05:47,660 --> 00:05:52,660 Uh, geez, Sandi, it's not that bad an idea. This place is sort of fun, and it 87 00:05:52,820 --> 00:05:55,490 wouldn't be like the kind of job where you'd endanger your nails or anything. 88 00:05:55,820 --> 00:05:57,530 Mmmm... good point. 89 00:05:57,900 --> 00:06:00,530 Fine, if you want to sully the fine name... 90 00:06:00,700 --> 00:06:01,320 Surprise... 91 00:06:01,500 --> 00:06:02,430 Make a wish, Stacy! 92 00:06:05,540 --> 00:06:09,500 And don't worry. I'm sure that chocolate won't cause your sensitive skin to 93 00:06:09,630 --> 00:06:10,240 break out. 94 00:06:12,540 --> 00:06:13,240 Yay! 95 00:06:13,630 --> 00:06:14,310 Thanks, guys. 96 00:06:14,780 --> 00:06:15,800 What'd you wish for? 97 00:06:16,060 --> 00:06:17,400 Ummm; nothing. 98 00:06:17,540 --> 00:06:22,150 Come on, Stacy. Tell us! Don't be your usual drippy self. 99 00:06:22,400 --> 00:06:24,620 Nothing. Anyway, it didn't come true. 100 00:06:29,060 --> 00:06:30,630 How did your father's meeting at the bank go? 101 00:06:30,810 --> 00:06:34,360 Not good. My Dad says I can't go to Vance unless they give me a scholarship. We 102 00:06:34,470 --> 00:06:37,570 can only afford State University, and they don't even have a business school. 103 00:06:37,760 --> 00:06:40,820 Oh, Mack. You've worked so hard. You've just got to get that scholarship. 104 00:06:41,030 --> 00:06:43,070 What about you? How are your applications going? 105 00:06:43,420 --> 00:06:46,430 Well, I got the big ones in today. Turner and Crestmore. 106 00:06:46,750 --> 00:06:48,580 Crestmore... the dream of dreams. 107 00:06:49,020 --> 00:06:49,360 Hmmm. 108 00:06:49,740 --> 00:06:50,240 What's wrong? 109 00:06:50,620 --> 00:06:53,440 It's a top school and everything, but I'd really rather go to Turner. 110 00:06:53,720 --> 00:06:55,880 Your father's Alma mater? He must love that. 111 00:06:56,030 --> 00:06:57,190 He doesn't know I applied. 112 00:06:57,480 --> 00:06:57,820 Why? 113 00:06:58,060 --> 00:07:01,810 Because he wouldn't let me go anyway. He says not even a great African-American 114 00:07:01,880 --> 00:07:05,030 college like Turner can beat the Crestmore name on a resume. 115 00:07:05,210 --> 00:07:06,750 Oh, man. That sucks. 116 00:07:06,910 --> 00:07:10,110 You know, my grandmother was in the first Turner graduating class to admit 117 00:07:10,210 --> 00:07:14,000 women. I'd be carrying on a tradition. Plus, I'd finally get a break from having 118 00:07:14,110 --> 00:07:16,680 to be the perfect Jodie doll at a mostly-white school. 119 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:17,570 I hear that. 120 00:07:17,860 --> 00:07:22,180 I wish my father did. I can always transfer to Crestmore after a year or two. At 121 00:07:22,290 --> 00:07:25,310 least, I'd find what Turner's like. But his mind's made up. 122 00:07:25,460 --> 00:07:27,370 Well, Crestmore hasn't accepted you yet. 123 00:07:27,580 --> 00:07:31,080 Hey, maybe we should both go to State University. Then we wouldn't have to worry 124 00:07:31,220 --> 00:07:32,560 about how to get together on weekends. 125 00:07:32,790 --> 00:07:37,540 Hi, Jodie. Hi, Mack. You know, I applied to State University, too. They've one 126 00:07:37,690 --> 00:07:39,920 of the best cheerleading squads in the country. 127 00:07:40,040 --> 00:07:40,710 God help me! 128 00:07:40,850 --> 00:07:43,990 Ummm, that's nice, Brittany. Kevin, do you know where you're going? 129 00:07:44,130 --> 00:07:45,040 It's a secret, man. 130 00:07:45,220 --> 00:07:47,010 Why? Is the school embarrassed? 131 00:07:47,170 --> 00:07:50,780 Why would it be embarrassed? I'm a QB. It's not like I'm a brain or anything. 132 00:07:51,040 --> 00:07:52,620 Truer words were never spoken. 133 00:07:52,800 --> 00:07:53,400 Thanks, man! 134 00:07:54,920 --> 00:07:59,890 Tsk, tsk. Oh, Kevin. Well, maybe you'll find a job that doesn't require the 135 00:08:00,030 --> 00:08:01,440 ability to read and write. 136 00:08:01,730 --> 00:08:02,660 I'm so depressed! 137 00:08:02,810 --> 00:08:03,300 Janet! 138 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:07,850 Do you know what today is? D-Day, the fifth anniversary of my D-vorce. 139 00:08:08,140 --> 00:08:09,350 Janet, I'm sorry. 140 00:08:09,470 --> 00:08:13,840 You're sorry? You didn't spend years of your life telling him again and again to 141 00:08:13,940 --> 00:08:18,520 get his grubby hands off of the remote, quit his damned coughing, stop behaving 142 00:08:18,620 --> 00:08:22,990 like an imbecile, only to be tossed into the trash like a broken record! 143 00:08:23,140 --> 00:08:27,420 Um, Janet! I can certainly understand your, um, sadness. 144 00:08:27,730 --> 00:08:32,320 Why, marriage is a sacred union that's supposed to represent the love and trust 145 00:08:32,430 --> 00:08:33,120 two people... 146 00:08:33,220 --> 00:08:34,260 Skinny, what did you say? 147 00:08:34,520 --> 00:08:36,380 Marriage is a sacred union that... 148 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:37,130 Yeeees! 149 00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:38,720 Euh... yes? 150 00:08:38,860 --> 00:08:39,630 I accept! 151 00:08:40,130 --> 00:08:41,840 Um, hmmm, huh? 152 00:08:42,090 --> 00:08:48,170 My silly, silly Skinny. You don't have to ask again. Yes, I will marry you! 153 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:50,250 Oh, dear! 154 00:08:54,210 --> 00:08:55,550 Daria, the Sloanes are here. 155 00:08:55,750 --> 00:08:58,530 Hey, is Middleton is on this whirlwind college tour of yours, kiddo? 156 00:08:58,820 --> 00:09:00,450 Umm, not this trip. 157 00:09:00,600 --> 00:09:04,920 Oh, um, Daria, you know, some people just aren't cut out for military school. 158 00:09:05,170 --> 00:09:09,020 I know, Dad, but I think it's admirable the way you've managed to pull your life 159 00:09:09,130 --> 00:09:10,920 together despite that early trauma. 160 00:09:11,050 --> 00:09:13,310 Hey, thanks kiddo. I... What? 161 00:09:13,440 --> 00:09:18,040 Now Daria, when you meet the college representatives, please try to be enthusiastic! 162 00:09:19,770 --> 00:09:20,970 Less unenthusiastic...? 163 00:09:22,970 --> 00:09:25,260 At least promise me you won't physically assault anyone. 164 00:09:27,300 --> 00:09:30,310 Lindy, this is Quinn. I just hired her to be our new hostess. 165 00:09:30,520 --> 00:09:33,610 Great! I can really use the help. Have you done hostessing before? 166 00:09:33,870 --> 00:09:36,220 Actually, um, this is my first job. 167 00:09:36,540 --> 00:09:38,640 Really? Are you still in high school? 168 00:09:38,790 --> 00:09:41,950 Umm, yeah. Although, people say I dress like I'm older. 169 00:09:42,200 --> 00:09:45,020 Well, this isn't all that different from high school, except instead of telling 170 00:09:45,150 --> 00:09:48,110 teachers your homework isn't ready, you're telling customers their table isn't 171 00:09:48,230 --> 00:09:50,630 ready. And they can't take a single point off your grade. 172 00:09:53,970 --> 00:09:57,300 Tom, if I'd known you were going to wear those scuffed-up sneakers, I would have 173 00:09:57,410 --> 00:09:58,250 bought you new ones. 174 00:09:58,400 --> 00:09:59,550 But I just got new ones a year ago. 175 00:09:59,700 --> 00:10:03,550 That's exactly what your father would say. You two are so stuck in your ways. 176 00:10:03,810 --> 00:10:07,940 We're stuck in our ways? Two sugars, a tiny slice of lemon would be dreamy, just 177 00:10:08,050 --> 00:10:10,220 place it on the saucer, dear, I don't like it in the cup. 178 00:10:11,170 --> 00:10:15,010 I can't help if I'm particular about my tea. Oh, look. We're here! 179 00:10:19,300 --> 00:10:22,030 Boy, did I do well tonight. A lot of the guys trying to distract their dates 180 00:10:22,150 --> 00:10:23,810 from their toupees by leaving big tips. 181 00:10:24,020 --> 00:10:25,570 Hmm. Must be first dates. 182 00:10:25,780 --> 00:10:26,570 Really? Why? 183 00:10:26,770 --> 00:10:31,400 Well, not that I date inconsistent tippers, but some of my friends say that guys 184 00:10:31,510 --> 00:10:34,680 tip twenty percent on the first date, seventeen on the second, and fifteen on 185 00:10:34,800 --> 00:10:37,600 the third. Although to be fair, a lot of people order more food on the third 186 00:10:37,730 --> 00:10:39,870 date because they're not as worried about looking like pigs. 187 00:10:42,600 --> 00:10:43,980 Quinn, you're a riot. 188 00:10:44,130 --> 00:10:44,640 I know! 189 00:10:45,460 --> 00:10:48,380 Hey, I don't know if you guys are interested, but my roommate and I are having a 190 00:10:48,500 --> 00:10:49,420 party on Saturday. 191 00:10:49,570 --> 00:10:50,070 Sounds cool. 192 00:10:50,240 --> 00:10:50,910 I'd love to go! 193 00:10:51,120 --> 00:10:52,620 Great. Let me write down my address. 194 00:10:56,630 --> 00:10:59,870 You call that a tax cut? I've seen haircuts more drastic. 195 00:11:00,050 --> 00:11:02,110 Um, Dad? Could I talk to you a second? 196 00:11:02,320 --> 00:11:03,640 Sure! What's on your mind? 197 00:11:03,810 --> 00:11:07,110 Well, I've been thinking a lot about Crestmore, and a lot about Turner. 198 00:11:07,260 --> 00:11:10,710 Turner's a great school. Not nearly as elite as Crestmore, though. 199 00:11:10,910 --> 00:11:13,550 That's just it. I don't want to go to an elitist school. 200 00:11:13,700 --> 00:11:14,330 Sure you do. 201 00:11:14,470 --> 00:11:18,060 I want to go to a school where I fit in, where I can be myself and relax for 202 00:11:18,210 --> 00:11:22,200 once and really focus on learning. I want to go to Turner. At least for a year 203 00:11:22,310 --> 00:11:22,780 or two. 204 00:11:22,910 --> 00:11:26,910 You want to go to college to relax? That doesn't sound like my Honor Society daughter. 205 00:11:27,110 --> 00:11:31,120 Relax socially; stop being the black kid, and just being a kid. I'm tired of 206 00:11:31,210 --> 00:11:34,440 being in the extreme minority, and I don't want to go to a place where people 207 00:11:34,530 --> 00:11:37,290 might think I got in just because I'm African-American. 208 00:11:37,450 --> 00:11:39,170 Let people think what they want. 209 00:11:39,350 --> 00:11:42,750 But Dad, you don't know what it's like. You went to a black high school and then 210 00:11:42,850 --> 00:11:43,370 to Turner. 211 00:11:43,500 --> 00:11:47,640 Because I HAD to. If I had a Crestmore degree in my pocket... Jodie, their 212 00:11:47,790 --> 00:11:51,300 graduates are literally running this country. Think of how that degree can help 213 00:11:51,410 --> 00:11:54,410 you catapult ahead. Where is that Landon spirit? 214 00:12:00,040 --> 00:12:01,000 What's shaking, bacon? 215 00:12:02,200 --> 00:12:07,430 I don't smell anything. Hey, cool sculpture. It's like a comment on the 216 00:12:07,590 --> 00:12:10,040 underbelly of pain... or something. 217 00:12:10,180 --> 00:12:13,430 Actually, it's a comment on BFAC's incredibly high admission standards. 218 00:12:13,840 --> 00:12:17,980 Um, why do you want to go to art college? You're already an artist. 219 00:12:18,240 --> 00:12:22,100 I know. But I want to be a starving artist, so I need to ring up more debt. 220 00:12:22,360 --> 00:12:26,840 Well, I'd never go to music school. I wouldn't want any teachers trying to 221 00:12:26,950 --> 00:12:28,100 corrupt my vision. 222 00:12:28,320 --> 00:12:31,500 Can you imagine what Spiral would sound like if we were, like, 223 00:12:31,600 --> 00:12:35,130 forced to practice, even when we don't want to? 224 00:12:35,450 --> 00:12:37,620 Umm... oh, lookie, missed a spot. 225 00:12:39,850 --> 00:12:44,080 There it is, Tom: the place where your father and I met. I was a sophomore, 226 00:12:44,210 --> 00:12:47,660 Angier was a senior. It was a free concert by the Carpenters. 227 00:12:47,860 --> 00:12:50,840 Um, I hope you weren't injured in the ensuing riot. 228 00:12:51,460 --> 00:12:53,430 Well, I guess Daria and I better go in for our meetings. 229 00:12:53,730 --> 00:12:54,240 Good luck! 230 00:12:54,440 --> 00:12:54,980 Thanks. 231 00:12:56,350 --> 00:12:58,100 Hi. We have appointments to see Lisa Goldwin. 232 00:13:01,410 --> 00:13:04,850 So that's why the skating rink has that sign saying "clothes required." 233 00:13:05,060 --> 00:13:08,410 Well, according to my grandfather, anyway. Then again, his motto is, "never let 234 00:13:08,510 --> 00:13:10,020 the truth get in the way of a good story." 235 00:13:10,260 --> 00:13:11,880 Tom, it was really nice meeting you. 236 00:13:12,070 --> 00:13:14,880 You too, Lisa. Daria, I guess it's your turn. See you later. 237 00:13:15,510 --> 00:13:18,240 Come on in, Daria. Are you as full of Bromwell lore as Tom? 238 00:13:18,550 --> 00:13:21,640 Um, I doubt it. He seems to be really full of it. 239 00:13:23,910 --> 00:13:28,050 Daria, now that you've had a chance to drink in the campus, so to speak, what 240 00:13:28,210 --> 00:13:29,020 are your impressions. 241 00:13:29,130 --> 00:13:34,250 Talk about the atmosphere? No, that's frivolous. The resources? No, she'll think 242 00:13:34,370 --> 00:13:40,930 I mean money. The campus? No, shallow. Oh no, inappropriately long pause. Talk, 243 00:13:41,040 --> 00:13:42,230 say anything. 244 00:13:42,690 --> 00:13:49,820 Ummm, I like the campus, the dorms, and, um, libraries... the learning... feeling? 245 00:13:50,320 --> 00:13:53,330 The learning feeling? Could I be any less articulate? 246 00:13:53,590 --> 00:13:58,160 Yes, we like those things, too. Tell me, Daria, aside from gaining a first-rate 247 00:13:58,260 --> 00:14:02,220 education from one of the finest faculties around, why did you want to attend 248 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:02,870 Bromwell? 249 00:14:03,020 --> 00:14:06,750 Should I talk about wanting to be a writer and hoping Bromwell will help me find 250 00:14:06,870 --> 00:14:09,910 my voice? Oh, God, how pretentious can I get? 251 00:14:10,330 --> 00:14:15,530 Um, well, I guess I'm hoping that if I come here, I may be exposed to, um, 252 00:14:15,660 --> 00:14:17,840 points of view I never considered. 253 00:14:18,020 --> 00:14:22,810 Right, education. But what are you hoping to reap from your Bromwell experience? 254 00:14:23,020 --> 00:14:26,060 Reap? Reap... reap reap! 255 00:14:26,700 --> 00:14:28,120 Um, I hope to reap... 256 00:14:28,750 --> 00:14:30,190 God, what does she want? 257 00:14:30,340 --> 00:14:32,810 Ummm, a chance to grow...? 258 00:14:32,960 --> 00:14:34,210 I did not say that! 259 00:14:34,390 --> 00:14:35,240 You're asking me? 260 00:14:35,490 --> 00:14:39,710 Um, well, I think at Bromwell, I can, umm... 261 00:14:40,830 --> 00:14:41,940 Find your voice, perhaps? 262 00:14:42,220 --> 00:14:46,000 Hmm, yes, exactly. Find my voice. 263 00:14:46,380 --> 00:14:50,760 Note to self: stop thinking so much, Morgendorffer, you idiot! 264 00:14:51,340 --> 00:14:52,950 Daria, is everything all right? 265 00:14:53,180 --> 00:14:57,940 Ummm, do you think we might possibly start over, and this time, I'll just answer 266 00:14:58,060 --> 00:15:01,750 your questions instead of agonizing over them internally and then blurting out 267 00:15:01,900 --> 00:15:02,810 something asinine? 268 00:15:03,810 --> 00:15:04,330 Sure. 269 00:15:05,110 --> 00:15:07,910 And so I seated this one couple right next to this other couple, and all of a 270 00:15:08,040 --> 00:15:10,750 sudden, the guy at the first table started screaming at the girl at the second 271 00:15:10,850 --> 00:15:13,950 table. I mean, how was I to know that she dumped that guy for the other one? 272 00:15:14,210 --> 00:15:15,330 Quinn, that's terrible! 273 00:15:15,570 --> 00:15:19,510 I know! The first guy was a lot cuter. Hey Sandi! 274 00:15:19,610 --> 00:15:20,240 How are you? 275 00:15:21,440 --> 00:15:22,340 What did you say Sandi? 276 00:15:24,230 --> 00:15:25,060 Whaaat? 277 00:15:28,930 --> 00:15:33,920 Can't talk. Laryngitis. Sandi! You lost your voice! 278 00:15:36,420 --> 00:15:40,490 So once I stopped worrying about what to say and just said it, I thought the 279 00:15:40,600 --> 00:15:44,640 interview went okay, but by then, I'd used up five of my fifteen minutes. 280 00:15:44,950 --> 00:15:47,230 Your interview was only fifteen minutes? I mean... 281 00:15:48,240 --> 00:15:52,120 Ummm, we should probably be get going if we want to make Boston by dinner. 282 00:15:52,370 --> 00:15:54,140 Right. Mom? We should be... 283 00:15:54,320 --> 00:15:55,780 Look, Tom. It's Bill Woods. 284 00:15:56,060 --> 00:15:59,550 You're right. He's a lit professor here; he was also in the lawn tennis team 285 00:15:59,690 --> 00:16:00,260 with my father. 286 00:16:00,420 --> 00:16:01,030 Of course. 287 00:16:01,360 --> 00:16:05,410 Kay! Tom! I don't believe it! Why didn't tell me you were coming to town? 288 00:16:05,620 --> 00:16:09,380 Well, I knew we'd only be here for the day, but... please, Bill, do join us! 289 00:16:09,540 --> 00:16:13,790 Actually, I'm on my way to a meeting. MacArthur winners get so testy if they're 290 00:16:13,910 --> 00:16:15,770 kept waiting. How about lunch tomorrow? 291 00:16:16,750 --> 00:16:17,520 Umm, Mom? 292 00:16:17,660 --> 00:16:20,920 We'd love to, but I'm afraid we have to go to Boston and look at some other schools. 293 00:16:21,080 --> 00:16:25,080 How about a 7:30 breakfast? You can still make Boston by noon. What 294 00:16:25,220 --> 00:16:28,270 do you say, Tom? You can update me on your interview here. Maybe I can even 295 00:16:28,430 --> 00:16:30,980 throw a little influence your way. Not that you'll need it. 296 00:16:31,140 --> 00:16:33,180 That would be great. Daria had an interview, too. 297 00:16:33,530 --> 00:16:36,850 Then it's a date. I'll see everyone tomorrow in the faculty dining room. 298 00:16:37,800 --> 00:16:39,380 Daria, you don't mind, do you? 299 00:16:39,690 --> 00:16:41,520 Umm. No, it's fine. 300 00:16:48,980 --> 00:16:51,540 Mom, Bill was supposed to meet us at seven-thirty. It's eight. 301 00:16:51,780 --> 00:16:54,730 I promise. If he's not here in another... there he is! 302 00:16:55,200 --> 00:16:58,460 Sorry I'm a little late, but I just couldn't get my publisher off the phone. He 303 00:16:58,570 --> 00:16:59,430 does love to chat. 304 00:17:04,940 --> 00:17:08,620 Well, the worst of rush hour should be over, so with a little luck, we'll be in 305 00:17:08,720 --> 00:17:09,410 Boston by one. 306 00:17:09,560 --> 00:17:10,610 Yeah, that'll be plenty of time. 307 00:17:15,790 --> 00:17:16,390 Oh dear. 308 00:17:18,880 --> 00:17:19,770 Oh my. 309 00:17:21,560 --> 00:17:26,260 "And so, due to her inability to manage Fashion Club meetings and a minor 310 00:17:26,370 --> 00:17:30,260 part-time job, Quinn has been granted permission to take an officially 311 00:17:30,410 --> 00:17:36,250 sanctioned sabtical..." "sabbactical..." 312 00:17:38,570 --> 00:17:41,190 Let me help. "Saaaa..." 313 00:17:44,770 --> 00:17:46,870 "Vacation from her vice-presidential duties." 314 00:17:47,190 --> 00:17:47,930 Ooohhh. 315 00:17:52,540 --> 00:17:55,730 Daria, my sincerest apologies for arriving here so late. 316 00:17:55,920 --> 00:17:58,930 Mom, it's not your fault. It's raining, and there was that pile-up, and then 317 00:17:59,080 --> 00:18:00,060 that really slow truck. 318 00:18:00,210 --> 00:18:03,430 Daria, if you like, maybe we could stay on an extra day. 319 00:18:03,580 --> 00:18:06,820 Um, I don't think the Admissions Office is open on Saturday. 320 00:18:07,100 --> 00:18:10,720 Oh, dear. Well, let's at least drive through the campus and try to get some 321 00:18:10,840 --> 00:18:11,370 sense of it. 322 00:18:13,980 --> 00:18:14,950 Wow, deserted. 323 00:18:15,130 --> 00:18:17,370 Daria, just let me know if you want to pull over. 324 00:18:17,570 --> 00:18:19,480 Good thing we didn't get to Bromwell this late, huh? 325 00:18:22,280 --> 00:18:27,630 Janet, about our... situation, and all. I was thinking... things are moving 326 00:18:27,750 --> 00:18:28,870 awfully fast. 327 00:18:28,980 --> 00:18:33,930 Exactly. None of this long engagement crap. We've got to get cranking before my 328 00:18:34,040 --> 00:18:34,760 eggs dry up! 329 00:18:34,960 --> 00:18:36,830 Janet, we really have to talk. 330 00:18:37,040 --> 00:18:40,570 We'll live at my house. Your house, with all those plants and macramé... 331 00:18:40,720 --> 00:18:43,780 See, Janet, that's what I mean. This talk about moving in... 332 00:18:43,910 --> 00:18:47,370 Now, about the honeymoon, I've always had an itch to learn parasailing. 333 00:18:48,260 --> 00:18:48,680 Oh, dear! 334 00:18:51,240 --> 00:18:55,800 Absolutely, Eric! Accidents can happen. Listen, they're bound to have pictures 335 00:18:55,910 --> 00:18:59,420 of seagulls covered in oil; maybe we can have pictures of sailors covered in 336 00:18:59,550 --> 00:19:02,840 guano. Okay, Eric, bye. 337 00:19:03,470 --> 00:19:04,930 Daria, how was your trip? 338 00:19:05,210 --> 00:19:09,250 Let's see. We spent so much time at Bromwell that we only had time for the 339 00:19:09,410 --> 00:19:13,840 drive-by tour of Raft, but I can safely report it has nice smooth roads. 340 00:19:14,130 --> 00:19:17,930 Oh, that's a shame. But, at least you got to see Bromwell. What did you think? 341 00:19:18,210 --> 00:19:22,150 Well, it's pretty obvious you have to be in Who's Who to teach there, the 342 00:19:22,300 --> 00:19:26,210 libraries are big enough to park a jumbo jet in, and what can I say about the 343 00:19:26,320 --> 00:19:30,280 dorm room's high speed computer lines, except that hacking the Pentagon just got 344 00:19:30,400 --> 00:19:31,400 a whole lot easier. 345 00:19:31,520 --> 00:19:32,630 That sounds wonderful! 346 00:19:32,720 --> 00:19:37,060 Yeah. The only drawback is trying to find your classes through the fog of smugness. 347 00:19:37,310 --> 00:19:40,480 Yes, it's a small price to pay for a Bromwell education. 348 00:19:40,650 --> 00:19:43,210 So you don't care either that I never got to see Raft. 349 00:19:43,470 --> 00:19:43,930 What? 350 00:19:44,140 --> 00:19:48,410 Hey, Daria! Guess what came in the mail? The Middleton course catalog! And guess 351 00:19:48,530 --> 00:19:52,110 what? They've eliminated all the requirements, so you can take whatever you want! 352 00:19:52,350 --> 00:19:55,320 You know, Bromwell isn't the only university in the world. 353 00:19:55,600 --> 00:19:57,570 Bromwell? I was talking about Middleton. 354 00:19:58,930 --> 00:20:04,680 Wait a minute! Bromwell's not a military school! Yeah, Bromwell! Great idea, Daria! 355 00:20:04,850 --> 00:20:05,570 Leave me alone. 356 00:20:06,130 --> 00:20:06,940 What's the matter with her? 357 00:20:09,230 --> 00:20:12,780 "Will you accept our gift of a dollar just to answer a few simple questions 358 00:20:12,900 --> 00:20:14,770 about potency?" Yeah! 359 00:20:19,130 --> 00:20:22,180 Hey, Quinn, glad you could make it. These are my friends, Cain and Don. 360 00:20:23,310 --> 00:20:24,190 What's your major? 361 00:20:24,340 --> 00:20:28,110 Um, I don't have a major per se. I'm kind of still in high school. 362 00:20:28,220 --> 00:20:30,270 High school? Lucky... not! 363 00:20:31,730 --> 00:20:32,980 But I'm planning on going to college. 364 00:20:33,250 --> 00:20:36,890 College is absolutely essential. The concerts and parties are so much better. 365 00:20:37,070 --> 00:20:39,470 I know. I heard "Boys R Guys" are coming. 366 00:20:39,720 --> 00:20:41,850 Yeah. Can you believe it? Are they bad enough? 367 00:20:43,010 --> 00:20:43,380 Awful. 368 00:20:44,300 --> 00:20:48,490 Yeah! They're terrible! So, what bands do you guys like? 369 00:20:52,700 --> 00:21:00,330 I can't submit you to BFAC. You suck. You all suck, too. Or maybe it's time for 370 00:21:00,450 --> 00:21:01,500 Janey's sugar break. 371 00:21:03,130 --> 00:21:11,060 Oh, look, this month's mail. Wow, State University and Lawndale State. "We 372 00:21:11,200 --> 00:21:17,250 regret to inform you that..." "Due to an unprecedented number of 373 00:21:17,360 --> 00:21:19,560 applications..." Damn. 374 00:21:20,140 --> 00:21:20,640 Huh? 375 00:21:20,820 --> 00:21:24,170 Both the colleges I applied to rejected me. I knew I shouldn't have taken the 376 00:21:24,280 --> 00:21:25,810 math portion of my SATs. 377 00:21:26,100 --> 00:21:30,700 Oh. Hey, sorry. Wasn't there some other college? 378 00:21:31,000 --> 00:21:35,420 BFAC? They're waiting for my portfolio. Hmm. No point in busting my ass to 379 00:21:35,530 --> 00:21:36,150 finish that. 380 00:21:36,350 --> 00:21:40,310 No kidding. Who are these people to judge you, anyway? 381 00:21:40,540 --> 00:21:41,260 What do you mean? 382 00:21:41,510 --> 00:21:45,900 Hey Janey, if they could create art, they wouldn't be teaching it. 383 00:21:46,190 --> 00:21:50,260 You know, you're actually beginning to make sense. Why waste four years learning 384 00:21:50,400 --> 00:21:53,910 a bunch of useless technique and theory I'll probably just have to unlearn if I 385 00:21:54,040 --> 00:21:55,420 ever want to create my own style? 386 00:21:55,800 --> 00:21:58,230 I've come to a decision. I'm not going to college. 387 00:21:58,440 --> 00:21:59,450 Good plan. 388 00:21:59,640 --> 00:22:03,410 You and I will pursue our muse together, hunker down here in our creative 389 00:22:03,570 --> 00:22:07,510 bunker, periodically issuing forth new works that will invariably rock the art 390 00:22:07,610 --> 00:22:08,890 and music worlds, respectively. 391 00:22:09,360 --> 00:22:13,620 Hmmm. This isn't going to require of me to get up for breakfast, is it? 392 00:22:16,470 --> 00:22:20,710 And when my friend woke up, they had stolen his liver. That's what he said. 393 00:22:20,890 --> 00:22:23,740 Although the way he drinks, it's possible he just left it in a bar somewhere. 394 00:22:25,950 --> 00:22:27,710 I wonder who her designer is? 395 00:22:27,910 --> 00:22:29,710 I know, Alicia's dress is awesome! 396 00:22:30,020 --> 00:22:30,590 You like it? 397 00:22:30,910 --> 00:22:34,270 Sure. That's what you meant, right? You weren't trashing her? 398 00:22:34,430 --> 00:22:35,610 No, of course not. 399 00:22:35,720 --> 00:22:38,940 I didn't think so. You're not the type who has to build herself up by putting 400 00:22:39,040 --> 00:22:40,950 others down. I hate people like that. 401 00:22:41,210 --> 00:22:45,790 Yeah, me too. This mirror is so pretty. Where did you get it? 402 00:22:45,950 --> 00:22:46,450 I made it. 403 00:22:46,660 --> 00:22:48,560 Really? You know how to make glass? 404 00:22:48,690 --> 00:22:52,150 I bought the actual mirror, but I painted the tiles and put the frame together. 405 00:22:52,330 --> 00:22:53,750 I'll make one for you if you like. 406 00:22:53,990 --> 00:22:57,220 Lindy, that's really, really nice, but I can't pay you right away. 407 00:22:57,450 --> 00:23:01,890 Quinn, don't be silly! It's a gift. I make mirrors for all my good friends. I'm 408 00:23:02,040 --> 00:23:05,310 gonna grab another beer, and then you can tell me what colors of tiles you like. 409 00:23:05,470 --> 00:23:06,020 Okay. 410 00:23:11,210 --> 00:23:15,300 Huh? When will Ms. Li stop trying to collect fingerprint samples? 411 00:23:17,470 --> 00:23:17,880 Oh. 412 00:23:21,870 --> 00:23:22,900 The Liquid Dinner? 413 00:23:25,380 --> 00:23:27,170 I hate bad bang fluff days. 414 00:23:27,330 --> 00:23:30,130 Oh, Quinn! I have to talk to you about something just awful! 415 00:23:30,310 --> 00:23:33,400 Hum, Stacy, if this is about how your little toe is all knobbly... 416 00:23:33,550 --> 00:23:36,750 Not that. You know when I made that birthday wish at Governor's Park? Well, I 417 00:23:36,890 --> 00:23:39,930 didn't mean to, but Sandi was talking and it was ruining my concentration, and, 418 00:23:40,040 --> 00:23:43,040 well, I wished she'd just shut up and I blew out the candle and it was too late 419 00:23:43,170 --> 00:23:45,630 to take back the wish and then Sandi came down with laryngitis! 420 00:23:45,810 --> 00:23:49,800 That's terrible! It's like that movie where that lady put that curse on that guy 421 00:23:49,920 --> 00:23:52,740 and he kept losing weight, although I still haven't figured out what was 422 00:23:52,840 --> 00:23:53,940 supposed to be bad about that. 423 00:23:54,060 --> 00:23:56,550 I don't know what to do, and I don't want to tell Sandi, because you know how 424 00:23:56,650 --> 00:23:59,940 her eyes get all narrow and her lip curls and she gets that lizard face. 425 00:24:00,120 --> 00:24:02,900 Stacy, this is easily solved. Just lift the curse. 426 00:24:03,060 --> 00:24:05,730 But how do you do that? I didn't know I was cursing her! 427 00:24:05,800 --> 00:24:09,980 God, Stacy! What do I look like, a whodoo expert? I don't know how to lift a 428 00:24:10,100 --> 00:24:12,000 curse. You're gonna have to find someone who does. 429 00:24:14,820 --> 00:24:19,460 I'm so excited! I just found out I got in the Great Prairie State University! 430 00:24:19,700 --> 00:24:20,920 You did? Me too! 431 00:24:21,070 --> 00:24:21,490 So did I! 432 00:24:21,680 --> 00:24:22,120 Me, too! 433 00:24:22,270 --> 00:24:24,910 Wow! It was really nice of them to take all of us! 434 00:24:25,060 --> 00:24:26,140 Hey, how's it going? 435 00:24:26,260 --> 00:24:30,020 Kevvie! Guess what? Practically the whole cheerleading squad is going to Great 436 00:24:30,170 --> 00:24:31,560 Prairie State University. 437 00:24:31,910 --> 00:24:32,650 That's nice, babe. 438 00:24:32,960 --> 00:24:34,100 Wait, where are you going? 439 00:24:34,340 --> 00:24:34,870 Practice. 440 00:24:35,390 --> 00:24:36,070 Ooh! 441 00:24:36,510 --> 00:24:39,030 Brittany? Didn't you mean where's he going to college? 442 00:24:39,410 --> 00:24:40,270 Hey, yeah! 443 00:24:40,450 --> 00:24:42,330 Brittany, isn't football season over? 444 00:24:42,770 --> 00:24:45,010 Hey, yeah! Kevvie! 445 00:24:47,650 --> 00:24:50,340 Hey, shake the hand of a Vance University man. 446 00:24:50,540 --> 00:24:52,950 You got the scholarship? Oh, Mack! That's great! 447 00:24:53,360 --> 00:24:54,860 You're actually shaking my hand? 448 00:24:55,080 --> 00:24:55,720 Oh, Mack! 449 00:24:57,050 --> 00:24:57,810 Is something the matter? 450 00:24:58,090 --> 00:25:03,010 What could be the matter? Everything's perfect. I got into Crestmore. 451 00:25:04,520 --> 00:25:06,840 Crestmore took you when Turner didn't? That's weird. 452 00:25:07,000 --> 00:25:08,410 I got into Turner, too. 453 00:25:08,670 --> 00:25:11,130 What? But didn't you tell your father that's where you want to go? 454 00:25:11,300 --> 00:25:14,860 I tried, Mack, but he's right. Crestmore is gonna open doors for me that Turner 455 00:25:14,970 --> 00:25:17,130 never could. I think it's a better choice. 456 00:25:17,330 --> 00:25:19,530 No, you don't. Look at you! You're miserable! 457 00:25:19,680 --> 00:25:24,020 I don't want to talk about it anymore, okay? I told you, I want to go to Crestmore. 458 00:25:26,460 --> 00:25:30,970 This college waiting game sucks, although it does provide the unexpected benefit 459 00:25:31,090 --> 00:25:33,910 of taking my mind off of every other aspect of my life. 460 00:25:34,100 --> 00:25:36,310 I know the feeling. Well, I did know the feeling. 461 00:25:36,450 --> 00:25:37,750 Or, at least, kind of knew the feeling. 462 00:25:38,060 --> 00:25:39,650 Wait, you heard from BFAC? 463 00:25:39,880 --> 00:25:40,910 Um, no. 464 00:25:41,130 --> 00:25:42,810 When do you send in your portfolio? 465 00:25:42,970 --> 00:25:46,490 See, the thing is, Daria, after much thought and consideration, I decided not to 466 00:25:46,610 --> 00:25:48,580 bother. I don't need college to be an artist. 467 00:25:48,720 --> 00:25:49,470 You what? 468 00:25:49,580 --> 00:25:53,760 It's not completely my choice. I got rejected by Lawndale State and State University. 469 00:25:53,920 --> 00:25:58,750 Oh, sorry. But, you said yourself their art teachers couldn't even draw Spunky. 470 00:25:58,850 --> 00:26:01,900 Exactly, and if college is about placing your fate in the hands of such 471 00:26:02,030 --> 00:26:05,770 untalented dopes, it just seems like a colossal waste of time. Besides, you know 472 00:26:05,880 --> 00:26:07,110 me, I gotta be footloose. 473 00:26:07,290 --> 00:26:11,250 The phrase you're looking for is screw loose. You can't let two rejections from 474 00:26:11,370 --> 00:26:14,440 places you don't even want to go make you afraid to try again. 475 00:26:14,700 --> 00:26:18,500 You know, Daria, not everyone goes to college. In fact, get past the 476 00:26:18,600 --> 00:26:22,140 Sloane-esque snobbery, and you'll realize there are a lot of really successful 477 00:26:22,250 --> 00:26:24,870 people with mere high school diplomas, or no diplomas at all. 478 00:26:25,110 --> 00:26:29,620 I'm not saying everyone has to go to college. I'm saying old footloose Jane Lane 479 00:26:29,720 --> 00:26:33,460 doesn't know all there is to know yet about art or anything else, and may be 480 00:26:33,530 --> 00:26:37,340 making an ill-advised decision to end her education based on temporary, if 481 00:26:37,470 --> 00:26:39,340 admittedly justified, disappointment. 482 00:26:39,490 --> 00:26:43,400 Daria, you're so predictable. I knew you were going to try to talk me out of this. 483 00:26:43,520 --> 00:26:44,810 Is that why you brought it up? 484 00:26:45,020 --> 00:26:48,680 Look, Dr. Freud, I appreciate your concern and all, but our 45 minutes are up. 485 00:26:49,140 --> 00:26:49,750 See you later. 486 00:26:51,040 --> 00:26:52,670 "Sloane-esque snobbery?" 487 00:26:58,040 --> 00:27:00,730 "Welcome to Raft." Great, one down. 488 00:27:06,030 --> 00:27:10,840 "Thank you for your interest in Bromwell... record number of qualified applicants..." 489 00:27:11,360 --> 00:27:15,040 Waiting list! Well, I guess that's settled. 490 00:27:15,350 --> 00:27:16,780 Daria, is everything all right? 491 00:27:16,960 --> 00:27:18,180 I got into Raft. 492 00:27:18,320 --> 00:27:20,700 You did? Congratulations! 493 00:27:20,900 --> 00:27:24,680 Don't put on your party hat just yet. I've been wait-listed at Bromwell. 494 00:27:25,670 --> 00:27:30,900 Oh. Daria, I'm sorry. Although Bromwell's still not out of the question. 495 00:27:31,110 --> 00:27:34,970 You're right. The entire incoming class could still be stricken with a crippling 496 00:27:35,120 --> 00:27:38,120 disease, moving me up a couple of notches on the waiting list. 497 00:27:38,430 --> 00:27:43,040 Honey, I know you're disappointed, but Raft is a great university, and it's 498 00:27:43,130 --> 00:27:46,730 smaller the Bromwell so you'll probably get more individual attention. 499 00:27:46,860 --> 00:27:50,850 Says the woman who thinks Bromwell is a magic carpet ride to success. Don't 500 00:27:50,970 --> 00:27:51,780 patronize me. 501 00:27:52,160 --> 00:27:56,160 Don't patronize me, Daria. I haven't changed my opinion of Bromwell, but I 502 00:27:56,300 --> 00:28:00,000 haven't changed my opinion of Raft, either. It's a wonderful school. 503 00:28:00,140 --> 00:28:02,200 It's just not the wonderful school. 504 00:28:05,960 --> 00:28:06,530 One Mai Tai. 505 00:28:09,070 --> 00:28:09,780 Anthony? 506 00:28:09,930 --> 00:28:13,940 Timothy, forgive me if my actions are presumptuous, but I cannot stand idly by 507 00:28:14,100 --> 00:28:18,720 when a colleague and friend teeters on the precipice of unimaginable misery. 508 00:28:18,880 --> 00:28:22,630 Oh, really? It's very refreshing. The citrus adds a tang... 509 00:28:22,790 --> 00:28:26,820 I'm talking about your espousal to the she-devil who walks among us! 510 00:28:27,020 --> 00:28:27,960 Umm... huh? 511 00:28:28,220 --> 00:28:31,040 You... Barch... Engaged! 512 00:28:31,200 --> 00:28:34,440 Eep! You sent me the card! But, how did you know? 513 00:28:34,560 --> 00:28:35,420 What'll it be, bub? 514 00:28:35,600 --> 00:28:38,050 I'll have the same, whatever it is. 515 00:28:38,150 --> 00:28:40,160 We're keeping our engagement a secret because of 516 00:28:40,350 --> 00:28:42,400 Ms. Li's rule about faculty fraternization. 517 00:28:42,510 --> 00:28:47,670 Timothy, I cannot be silent! I'm going to help you, help you be strong, help you 518 00:28:47,780 --> 00:28:50,570 stand up for yourself, help you take back the night! 519 00:28:50,830 --> 00:28:57,630 You'd do that for me? Oh, Anthony, I felt so scared, so alone. You're my best 520 00:28:57,730 --> 00:28:58,900 friend in the whole world. 521 00:28:59,850 --> 00:29:04,280 Now, now, Timothy, there's no need for that. You'd do the same for me. Oh, God, 522 00:29:04,620 --> 00:29:06,350 I'm getting dewy-eyed. 523 00:29:17,030 --> 00:29:17,430 Hello? 524 00:29:17,640 --> 00:29:18,270 Hey, Daria. 525 00:29:18,450 --> 00:29:18,950 Hi. 526 00:29:19,090 --> 00:29:19,770 What's the matter? 527 00:29:19,900 --> 00:29:24,060 I can't do a thing with my hair. Oh, and I've been wait-listed at Bromwell. 528 00:29:24,170 --> 00:29:26,180 Wait-listed? Nobody gets in from the wait-list. 529 00:29:26,420 --> 00:29:28,390 Stop being so diplomatic, would you? 530 00:29:28,510 --> 00:29:31,300 God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blurt that out. I'm just shocked. 531 00:29:31,450 --> 00:29:33,020 I did get accepted to Raft. 532 00:29:33,160 --> 00:29:34,810 I can't believe it. I was sure you'd get in. 533 00:29:35,020 --> 00:29:37,040 Did I mention that I was accepted at Raft? 534 00:29:37,250 --> 00:29:38,870 Yeah. I mean, that's good. 535 00:29:39,130 --> 00:29:40,870 Try to control your enthusiasm. 536 00:29:41,070 --> 00:29:45,950 Hmm, what about you? You hear anything? You got into Bromwell. 537 00:29:46,470 --> 00:29:47,920 That's sort of why I was calling. 538 00:29:48,100 --> 00:29:51,560 Well, surprise of surprises. A Sloane at Bromwell. 539 00:29:51,810 --> 00:29:53,730 Hey, come on, Daria. It wasn't a sure thing. 540 00:29:53,850 --> 00:29:57,910 Your uncle built them a wing. The only thing that might have kept you out of Bromwell 541 00:29:58,050 --> 00:30:02,330 is a murder conviction, and even then, only if you'd killed the Dean of Students. 542 00:30:02,430 --> 00:30:04,420 Hey, it's not my fault you had a shaky interview. 543 00:30:04,530 --> 00:30:09,130 Yes, well, nothing like dropping a few ancestor anecdotes to convince them of 544 00:30:09,280 --> 00:30:12,950 your qualifications. I got into Raft without any interview at all. 545 00:30:13,150 --> 00:30:14,410 I'm not gonna touch that one. 546 00:30:14,540 --> 00:30:18,280 What are you saying? I got in because they didn't meet me? Screw you! 547 00:30:20,770 --> 00:30:24,470 Quinn, I'm so glad you wanted to see A Kiss Before Heaven. I can't help myself; 548 00:30:24,620 --> 00:30:26,250 I'm a sucker for those tear-jerkers. 549 00:30:26,410 --> 00:30:31,030 Are you kidding? I love hospital room movies. And I hate seeing them with guys. 550 00:30:31,130 --> 00:30:33,160 They always get mad because nothing blows up. 551 00:30:43,270 --> 00:30:45,780 Daria, can we finish our conversation? 552 00:30:46,010 --> 00:30:49,960 Tom got into Bromwell. So you see, they're not rejecting everyone. 553 00:30:50,210 --> 00:30:55,210 Oh, well, some people have a certain... edge over the rest of us. 554 00:30:55,460 --> 00:31:00,570 You don't say. Look, I didn't mean to snap at you, but you're the one who told 555 00:31:00,700 --> 00:31:03,500 me about the advantages of a Bromwell education. 556 00:31:03,660 --> 00:31:04,970 That doesn't mean Raft... 557 00:31:05,080 --> 00:31:08,510 I didn't get into the school that I wanted, and you wanted for me. What am I 558 00:31:08,580 --> 00:31:10,350 supposed to think about my prospects? 559 00:31:10,470 --> 00:31:14,760 Your prospects? Daria, you'll be going to your second choice college, not 560 00:31:14,830 --> 00:31:20,070 prison. Look at me: I went to Middleton. It's not half the school that Raft is. 561 00:31:20,360 --> 00:31:20,770 What? 562 00:31:20,960 --> 00:31:25,680 Middleton's not half the school that Raft is, as you know damned well. I applied 563 00:31:25,830 --> 00:31:29,210 to college during the height of the baby boom. Competition was so fierce I got 564 00:31:29,330 --> 00:31:33,720 rejected from my first and second choices. And, see, I lived to tell about it. 565 00:31:34,100 --> 00:31:34,460 Hmm. 566 00:31:34,640 --> 00:31:38,740 I made the most of the education I did get, and so will you. Raft is an 567 00:31:38,850 --> 00:31:42,850 excellent school. You should be very proud. I know I am. 568 00:31:43,160 --> 00:31:46,090 Um, Dad seems to think Middleton's hot stuff. 569 00:31:46,460 --> 00:31:50,250 Your father needs to maintain certain illusions about his youth in order to 570 00:31:50,360 --> 00:31:53,370 function. It's... cute. 571 00:31:53,610 --> 00:31:55,400 I hope I don't end up the same way. 572 00:31:55,640 --> 00:32:00,520 Daria, you're destined for great things no matter where you go to school. I know it. 573 00:32:01,100 --> 00:32:05,410 Hmmm. All right, then. I suppose I can stop worrying about getting into college 574 00:32:05,660 --> 00:32:09,340 and start worrying about this disgusting elitism I have managed to develop 575 00:32:09,430 --> 00:32:10,320 during the process. 576 00:32:10,500 --> 00:32:14,610 Good. That'll keep you from worrying about what kind of weirdo you'll get for a roommate. 577 00:32:16,750 --> 00:32:20,880 Quinn, didn't you love that movie? It was so sad when Eleanor died. 578 00:32:21,110 --> 00:32:24,370 Um, Eleanor didn't die. Her sister Eileen did. 579 00:32:24,580 --> 00:32:28,600 Oh, right. Eileen. What should we do now? Wanna to go clubbing? 580 00:32:28,860 --> 00:32:32,860 Um, thanks, but I'm still in high school. You know, underaged. 581 00:32:33,040 --> 00:32:34,280 Oh, yeah. That sucks. 582 00:32:34,530 --> 00:32:38,020 Well, look, it's so nice out, let's just pick up some wine and hang out in the park. 583 00:32:38,200 --> 00:32:41,820 Umm, Lindy, are you sure you want more to drink? It's getting kind of late. 584 00:32:42,010 --> 00:32:45,310 That's what the morning's for. Sleep. Now, where is my car? 585 00:32:45,550 --> 00:32:48,900 Lindy, maybe you shouldn't drive. Come on, I'll call us both a cab. 586 00:32:49,220 --> 00:32:52,660 Well, well, if it isn't Miss Morgendorffer the Younger. 587 00:32:52,910 --> 00:32:54,810 And who is your comely companion? 588 00:32:56,020 --> 00:32:59,250 Upchuck, don't get any ideas or anything, but I need a ride home. 589 00:32:59,450 --> 00:33:00,340 No, you don't. 590 00:33:00,500 --> 00:33:04,830 Do my ears deceive me? A delectable damsel in distress reaching out to Senõr 591 00:33:04,940 --> 00:33:07,250 Suavicito in her hour of need? 592 00:33:07,490 --> 00:33:10,980 Lindy, it's no big deal, he just lives around the corner from me, that's all. 593 00:33:11,090 --> 00:33:14,600 In fact, why don't you come, too? We can pick up your car tomorrow. Do you mind 594 00:33:14,710 --> 00:33:16,000 driving my friend home, Upchuck? 595 00:33:17,050 --> 00:33:21,020 Quinn, the night is so young. I think I'm gonna hit a couple of clubs after all. 596 00:33:21,240 --> 00:33:21,970 See you tomorrow. 597 00:33:22,250 --> 00:33:25,540 Lindy, come on, we'll drive you to the clubs! Lindy! 598 00:33:25,780 --> 00:33:29,670 I don't understand the charade about being neighbors, my lissome enchantress, 599 00:33:29,770 --> 00:33:34,880 but it concerns me not. Come, allow me to escort you to my... chariot. 600 00:33:35,040 --> 00:33:38,010 Get away from me, you creep. Hello, Cabs 'n Stuff? 601 00:33:43,040 --> 00:33:43,450 Hello? 602 00:33:43,630 --> 00:33:45,820 That crack I made was stupid and completely out of line. 603 00:33:46,070 --> 00:33:48,600 Thank you for the bulletin, but I already knew that. 604 00:33:48,780 --> 00:33:49,480 Forgive me? 605 00:33:49,770 --> 00:33:50,950 What's in it for me? 606 00:33:51,110 --> 00:33:54,520 Let's say, for the sake of argument, that my family connections at Bromwell did 607 00:33:54,610 --> 00:33:57,900 help me get in. I'm sure that my parents would be happy to write a letter of 608 00:33:58,010 --> 00:33:59,420 recommendation for you. What do you say? 609 00:33:59,640 --> 00:34:04,660 Yes, Virginia, there really is such a thing as noblesse oblige. Thanks, but I'll 610 00:34:04,810 --> 00:34:08,690 pass. I'd rather get in on my own merits, and besides, I think I'm gonna like 611 00:34:08,790 --> 00:34:09,940 Raft just fine. 612 00:34:10,160 --> 00:34:10,610 You sure? 613 00:34:10,800 --> 00:34:12,440 Yeah, but thanks. 614 00:34:15,950 --> 00:34:16,950 Your eight o'clock is here. 615 00:34:17,240 --> 00:34:17,860 Send him in. 616 00:34:18,700 --> 00:34:21,730 Come in, Mack. Have a seat, and congratulations about Vance. 617 00:34:21,950 --> 00:34:24,250 Thank you. Thanks for squeezing me in before school. 618 00:34:24,400 --> 00:34:28,370 No problem, no problem. You said on the phone you wanted to talk about Jodie? 619 00:34:28,640 --> 00:34:29,010 Yeah. 620 00:34:29,130 --> 00:34:32,250 You're not gonna ask me for her hand in marriage, are you? Because I'm too young 621 00:34:32,400 --> 00:34:34,070 to be a grandfather, Mack, you understand? 622 00:34:34,230 --> 00:34:37,370 Grandfather? Ummm, no, Mr. Landon, it's nothing like that. 623 00:34:37,520 --> 00:34:41,900 Thank you, God! I mean... of course not. So, how can I help you? 624 00:34:42,150 --> 00:34:45,550 I hope you don't think I'm out of line, but Jodie's been acting really unhappy 625 00:34:45,650 --> 00:34:47,300 lately, and I think it's because of Crestmore. 626 00:34:47,430 --> 00:34:51,240 Impossible! We had a long talk about it and she's really looking forward to going. 627 00:34:51,430 --> 00:34:54,670 With all due respect, sir, I don't believe that's true. I think she really needs 628 00:34:54,770 --> 00:34:57,110 a different kind of environment. Like Turner. 629 00:34:57,620 --> 00:35:00,020 How is she gonna go to Turner? She didn't even apply. 630 00:35:00,750 --> 00:35:04,570 Look, Michael, if Jodie passes on Crestmore, she'll end up regretting it for the 631 00:35:04,720 --> 00:35:05,480 rest of her life. 632 00:35:05,770 --> 00:35:08,810 Anyway, if she really wanted to go to Turner, she'd have applied there. 633 00:35:09,050 --> 00:35:10,410 She did. She got in. 634 00:35:10,710 --> 00:35:11,060 What? 635 00:35:11,440 --> 00:35:13,320 She got in. She's afraid to tell you. 636 00:35:15,710 --> 00:35:18,640 Well, that was nice of Tom to offer to get his folks to write to Bromwell. 637 00:35:18,810 --> 00:35:22,940 It's just that the whole thing smacks of some crappy romance novel where the 638 00:35:23,040 --> 00:35:26,960 troubled young viscount decides the lowly stable girl is good enough for him 639 00:35:27,070 --> 00:35:27,650 after all. 640 00:35:27,760 --> 00:35:29,730 I always saw you as more of a scullery maid. 641 00:35:29,930 --> 00:35:31,960 And why should the Sloane's seal of approval 642 00:35:32,070 --> 00:35:33,990 matter more to Bromwell than my transcripts? 643 00:35:34,230 --> 00:35:38,160 "Dear Dean Skippy, please admit Daria. She's a fine young woman, even if she 644 00:35:38,260 --> 00:35:39,170 isn't one of us." 645 00:35:39,340 --> 00:35:43,620 Exactly. Besides, if they write a recommendation, it'll just make it that much 646 00:35:43,750 --> 00:35:45,710 worse when I do get that ultimate rejection. 647 00:35:45,960 --> 00:35:49,060 You are very wise for a humble laundress, and generous, too. 648 00:35:49,410 --> 00:35:50,520 How come you bought the pizza? 649 00:35:50,730 --> 00:35:54,310 To make you feel too guilty to storm off in a huff when I ask if you've sent 650 00:35:54,440 --> 00:35:56,150 your portfolio in to BFAC yet. 651 00:35:56,350 --> 00:35:57,820 Why bother? It's too late. 652 00:35:58,070 --> 00:35:59,470 Not for mid-year enrollment. 653 00:35:59,680 --> 00:36:02,430 Daria, I already told you. I'm just not the college type. 654 00:36:03,800 --> 00:36:08,430 Oooh, a cheeseless bell pepper pizza! And you don't even like cheeseless. 655 00:36:08,610 --> 00:36:10,460 Hey! Nothing but the best for my babe! 656 00:36:10,610 --> 00:36:14,370 I just love bell peppers. You can almost hear them ringing. 657 00:36:14,660 --> 00:36:18,520 Hey, Brit, even if you're gone away to Great Prairie State next year, you'll 658 00:36:18,650 --> 00:36:22,000 still be my babe, right? I mean, no matter where I go? Right? 659 00:36:22,240 --> 00:36:24,370 Um, sure. Why do you ask? 660 00:36:24,550 --> 00:36:28,400 I just wanted to see how deep is your love, babe. Hey, and speaking of deep, 661 00:36:28,500 --> 00:36:34,820 watch this! I'm a clown, I'm a clown, I'm a... Funny, huh babe? 662 00:36:37,330 --> 00:36:40,250 I couldn't paint anything decent with that application hanging over my head, 663 00:36:40,370 --> 00:36:44,200 anyway. Believe me, that portfolio would never have gotten me into BFAC. 664 00:36:44,610 --> 00:36:47,630 Que ironico, the minute the pressure was off, I started doing some really 665 00:36:47,760 --> 00:36:48,710 interesting stuff again. 666 00:36:48,970 --> 00:36:51,850 So it's the old "reject them before they reject me." 667 00:36:52,000 --> 00:36:53,800 Yeah, the same thing you're doing with Bromwell. 668 00:36:53,930 --> 00:36:55,840 I was already rejected by Bromwell. 669 00:36:56,060 --> 00:36:58,520 So was I. By State U and Lawndale State. 670 00:36:58,690 --> 00:37:02,820 But you told me you don't care what their sucky art departments thought of your work. 671 00:37:03,030 --> 00:37:05,330 Really. They're so sucky they didn't even ask to see it. 672 00:37:05,520 --> 00:37:05,960 What? 673 00:37:06,140 --> 00:37:09,230 They didn't ask to see any of my stuff, so I didn't send any. 674 00:37:09,410 --> 00:37:13,540 Wait. You get rejected by schools that don't care if you have artistic talent, 675 00:37:13,670 --> 00:37:16,340 but the one that does care, you decide not to go for? 676 00:37:16,640 --> 00:37:19,590 For the same reason you're not gonna let the Sloanes write a letter that might 677 00:37:19,710 --> 00:37:22,500 get you into Bromwell, even though you wouldn't have to lift a finger. Rejection 678 00:37:22,610 --> 00:37:24,250 sucks. You said so yourself. 679 00:37:25,870 --> 00:37:30,560 I'll make you a deal. If I prostrate myself before the Sloanes and ask them for 680 00:37:30,670 --> 00:37:34,100 that letter, will you finish your portfolio and send it to BFAC? 681 00:37:35,170 --> 00:37:37,510 God, Daria! You must really think I have a shot. 682 00:37:38,060 --> 00:37:41,130 You drive a hard bargain, Morgendorffer, but you've got yourself a deal. 683 00:37:47,560 --> 00:37:48,010 Hello? 684 00:37:48,450 --> 00:37:50,790 Hey. You know that letter we talked about? 685 00:37:51,000 --> 00:37:53,000 Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. 686 00:37:53,150 --> 00:37:53,720 Great. 687 00:37:53,850 --> 00:37:56,500 I'll ask my parents right now. I'm sure they do this kind of things all the time. 688 00:37:56,910 --> 00:37:59,660 Oh, good. Then they can just send out the form letter. 689 00:37:59,810 --> 00:38:02,710 The good form letter. Let me catch them before they go out. Call me later? 690 00:38:03,070 --> 00:38:05,300 Sure. Um, thanks. 691 00:38:06,580 --> 00:38:06,990 Damn. 692 00:38:10,100 --> 00:38:13,590 Yo, Trent! You're just in time to run me down to Package-Air. I want to get my 693 00:38:13,720 --> 00:38:14,960 portfolio off to BFAC. 694 00:38:15,160 --> 00:38:18,230 Whoa. I thought you weren't going to college. 695 00:38:18,380 --> 00:38:21,200 I changed my mind, although first, I kind of have to get them to take me. 696 00:38:21,440 --> 00:38:23,470 What about focusing on your art? 697 00:38:23,760 --> 00:38:27,340 See, I can do that at Boston Fine Arts College. That's why they put in the word 698 00:38:27,450 --> 00:38:28,950 "arts." Come on, let's go. 699 00:38:29,210 --> 00:38:33,720 I don't know. I have to get used to this whole selling out thing first. 700 00:38:33,920 --> 00:38:37,310 Trent, I'm not selling out. I'm attempting to acquire the skills and knowledge 701 00:38:37,430 --> 00:38:40,720 that will allow me to sell out. Now, are you gonna give me a ride, or do I have 702 00:38:40,830 --> 00:38:43,090 to throw fear into the hearts of pedestrians by myself? 703 00:38:45,800 --> 00:38:47,550 Huh. See you later. 704 00:38:48,650 --> 00:38:50,030 Yeah... later. 705 00:38:53,690 --> 00:38:55,020 Hi, Jodie. What are you doing? 706 00:38:55,200 --> 00:38:56,700 Do you need me something? I'll get up. 707 00:38:57,140 --> 00:38:59,150 We just want to talk to you. About Mack. 708 00:38:59,540 --> 00:39:00,160 What about him? 709 00:39:00,310 --> 00:39:01,920 He came to see me at my office. 710 00:39:02,100 --> 00:39:03,810 What? Without telling me? Why? 711 00:39:04,020 --> 00:39:07,790 He's got quite an imagination. He seems to think you want to go to Turner so 712 00:39:07,920 --> 00:39:09,870 much you applied there behind our backs. 713 00:39:12,120 --> 00:39:15,740 "Curse Begone. For the reversal and elimination of curses, spells and 714 00:39:15,900 --> 00:39:19,610 incantations. No animals were harmed to make this product, other than the ones 715 00:39:19,710 --> 00:39:23,350 we sacrificed." Boy, I hope this stuff works, or Sandi will never talk to me 716 00:39:23,470 --> 00:39:30,220 again. Actually, she'll never talk to anyone again. That's not funny, Stacy! 717 00:39:34,120 --> 00:39:37,320 Sandi, I'm so sorry it took me so long, but I wanted to make sure the ice in 718 00:39:37,470 --> 00:39:40,410 your soda was crushed enough because I know how you hate big or even medium 719 00:39:40,530 --> 00:39:44,290 chunks of ice. You know, my Mom says soda rots your teeth, but if it were really 720 00:39:44,420 --> 00:39:46,530 true, wouldn't you see a lot more people in high school with dentures or no 721 00:39:46,650 --> 00:39:48,020 teeth at all, just tiny little stubs? 722 00:39:48,360 --> 00:39:50,750 Stacy. Eww... 723 00:39:50,850 --> 00:39:54,810 Sorry. So, how are the sodas? I mean, not that they shouldn't be okay. 724 00:39:56,610 --> 00:39:58,750 Ewww. What's in this? 725 00:39:59,440 --> 00:40:02,680 Oh, no! I must have given you the one with the potion. 726 00:40:06,520 --> 00:40:10,390 Oh, Sandi, I am so sorry. See, when I was blowing out my birthday candles, I 727 00:40:10,510 --> 00:40:13,510 accidentally wished you'd be, well, quiet, and then you lost your voice and I 728 00:40:13,640 --> 00:40:16,850 was afraid to tell you so I got this curse undoer stuff over the Internet and I 729 00:40:16,970 --> 00:40:20,120 guess I used too much because I really wanted you to be cured, and then Tiffany 730 00:40:20,220 --> 00:40:22,720 got it by mistake and I am so sorry! 731 00:40:25,750 --> 00:40:30,080 No, Sandi, I swear! I didn't try to kill you! See, it's only Cayenne pepper, 732 00:40:30,230 --> 00:40:33,970 cooking oil, and some big long name. Sandi, you know I would never hurt anybody, 733 00:40:34,070 --> 00:40:38,010 especially not you. I mean, I really, really care about people. Please, I'll do 734 00:40:38,110 --> 00:40:40,730 anything to make it up to you! Just tell me what to do. 735 00:40:43,050 --> 00:40:47,510 Now, here is my kind of credit card bill. No Cashman's, no Doo Dads, just a 736 00:40:47,640 --> 00:40:53,030 single two-hundred dollar charge to Bulk Cat Food dot com. Cat food? This isn't 737 00:40:53,130 --> 00:40:56,720 our address... this isn't my name! Damn idiot mailman! 738 00:40:56,910 --> 00:41:01,900 Jake, settle down! Hmmm, from Bromwell. Daria, look what just came in. 739 00:41:02,120 --> 00:41:06,220 Either that's a rejection, or they printed the registration forms on microfilm. 740 00:41:06,430 --> 00:41:08,060 Now, don't jump to any conclusions. 741 00:41:10,740 --> 00:41:14,280 Well, the freshman class is full. I won't be going to Bromwell. 742 00:41:14,710 --> 00:41:15,320 Oh, honey. 743 00:41:15,530 --> 00:41:19,420 That sucks, Daria! Passing on a smart kid like you! They're idiots! 744 00:41:19,760 --> 00:41:21,590 You know what? I'm not even sorry. 745 00:41:21,760 --> 00:41:23,430 You have nothing to be sorry about. 746 00:41:23,750 --> 00:41:30,650 Stuffy arrogant... "Oh, look at us, we're Bromwell!" But listen, Middleton is a 747 00:41:30,740 --> 00:41:35,810 very good school. Well, a pretty good school. Well, anyway it was good enough 748 00:41:35,930 --> 00:41:36,620 for your mother and me. 749 00:41:36,750 --> 00:41:37,190 Jake... 750 00:41:37,340 --> 00:41:39,970 Um, Dad... about Middleton... I didn't apply there. 751 00:41:40,180 --> 00:41:44,510 You didn't? So... you're going ahead with this crazy notion about military school? 752 00:41:44,720 --> 00:41:45,850 Military school? 753 00:41:46,010 --> 00:41:49,410 Jake! What are you talking about? Daria is going to Raft. 754 00:41:49,620 --> 00:41:54,700 Raft? You mean, no barracks? No buzzcut? No inspection time? Latrine duty? 755 00:41:54,860 --> 00:41:56,490 Training marches at 0600 hours? 756 00:41:56,730 --> 00:42:01,320 Hmmm, if Raft has those things, it was pretty crafty of the brochure just to 757 00:42:01,430 --> 00:42:04,020 show kids on the quad hanging out and throwing frisbees. 758 00:42:04,180 --> 00:42:09,140 Oh, thank God! My daughter, going to college instead of a military academy. Hey, 759 00:42:09,250 --> 00:42:14,100 Raft is a damned good school. Daria, you won't be sorry you did this. There'll 760 00:42:14,210 --> 00:42:15,480 always be time for the army later! 761 00:42:16,580 --> 00:42:20,320 You'll understand when I don't invite my roommate home for Thanksgiving, right? 762 00:42:22,140 --> 00:42:23,050 How long is the wait for two? 763 00:42:23,250 --> 00:42:24,340 Table twenty-one is ready. 764 00:42:24,480 --> 00:42:25,510 I'll seat you right now. 765 00:42:27,170 --> 00:42:29,130 I'm sorry. Is there a problem here? 766 00:42:29,300 --> 00:42:31,510 That hostess seated those people who just came in, 767 00:42:31,610 --> 00:42:33,060 and we've been waiting forty minutes. 768 00:42:33,260 --> 00:42:36,440 My apologies. Let me see what I can do, and dessert's on me. 769 00:42:47,110 --> 00:42:50,790 Folks, we've been holding a table for six we can split up. Please, come with me 770 00:42:50,900 --> 00:42:54,200 and I'll get you settled right away. Then the three of us are gonna have a 771 00:42:54,350 --> 00:42:54,900 little talk. 772 00:42:56,050 --> 00:42:56,960 What's that about? 773 00:42:57,110 --> 00:42:59,110 Oh, Quinn, I'd never thought he'd find it there. 774 00:42:59,320 --> 00:42:59,840 Find what? 775 00:43:00,020 --> 00:43:00,830 My screwdriver. 776 00:43:01,130 --> 00:43:02,550 Lindy! You've been drinking?! 777 00:43:02,740 --> 00:43:06,450 Just a little hair of the dog. I wouldn't have done it except I'm really hung over. 778 00:43:06,650 --> 00:43:07,680 But we're at work! 779 00:43:07,840 --> 00:43:12,520 I know. Damn, damn, damn! Quinn, listen to me. Normally, I would never, ever ask 780 00:43:12,670 --> 00:43:16,060 you to do something like this, but I'm in college, I'm broke, I really need this 781 00:43:16,180 --> 00:43:19,260 job. Maybe if we said we think one of the bus boys left it there or something? 782 00:43:19,370 --> 00:43:20,900 But then, won't they get in trouble? 783 00:43:21,090 --> 00:43:23,860 Ladies, Shawna's gonna man your post for a while. Come with me. 784 00:43:29,730 --> 00:43:32,870 Okay, I want to know whose cup this is. Quinn? 785 00:43:33,470 --> 00:43:35,000 Umm, it's not mine. 786 00:43:35,210 --> 00:43:36,430 We don't know whose it is. 787 00:43:36,540 --> 00:43:39,010 Then explain to me why this smudge here matches your lipstick. 788 00:43:39,210 --> 00:43:40,580 That could be anybody's lipstick! 789 00:43:40,700 --> 00:43:41,250 Not really. 790 00:43:41,390 --> 00:43:44,770 For instance, Quinn asked me if she could try my lipstick... not that I'm saying 791 00:43:44,910 --> 00:43:45,840 it's hers, of course... 792 00:43:45,980 --> 00:43:46,950 Oh, Lindy... 793 00:43:48,070 --> 00:43:48,690 Come on, Lindy. 794 00:43:49,260 --> 00:43:52,910 Please, Michael, I've never done anything like this before, I swear. I don't 795 00:43:53,030 --> 00:43:55,130 even like to drink. It's just I have this migraine... 796 00:43:55,750 --> 00:43:56,820 I'm gonna have to let you go. 797 00:44:02,050 --> 00:44:03,430 Damn! You know what I've just realized? 798 00:44:03,610 --> 00:44:05,640 The phrase "chicken fingers" is misleading ? 799 00:44:05,850 --> 00:44:08,440 Besides that. We forgot to check out the pizza in Newtown. 800 00:44:08,600 --> 00:44:12,120 Oh. Well, I guess you'll just have to send mine Package-Air to Boston. 801 00:44:12,310 --> 00:44:15,860 Won't that be a little messy? Oh, Daria! No! 802 00:44:16,010 --> 00:44:18,870 Yep. It's official. I didn't get into Bromwell. 803 00:44:19,210 --> 00:44:22,960 I'm really sorry. And after my parents wrote such a glowing recommendation, too. 804 00:44:23,160 --> 00:44:27,440 Shocking, isn't it? I'm such a loser, even a nod from the Sloanes couldn't help me. 805 00:44:27,650 --> 00:44:28,560 That's not what I meant. 806 00:44:28,710 --> 00:44:33,080 Good. Because I'm not a loser, and even if I didn't go to the right prep school, 807 00:44:33,220 --> 00:44:35,510 or pull the right strings, or donate a wing... 808 00:44:35,660 --> 00:44:36,470 It was my uncle! 809 00:44:37,670 --> 00:44:42,010 Listen. You're a smart guy and a good student. I'm sure you deserve to get into 810 00:44:42,110 --> 00:44:44,410 Bromwell, and I wish you every success there. 811 00:44:44,590 --> 00:44:47,980 Well, that's a nice thing to say, even if that Daria voice of yours makes it 812 00:44:48,080 --> 00:44:50,060 sound like a kiss off... wait... 813 00:44:50,230 --> 00:44:51,320 I think we should break up. 814 00:44:51,500 --> 00:44:52,900 What? When did you decide this? 815 00:44:53,120 --> 00:44:53,850 Just now. 816 00:44:54,020 --> 00:44:57,110 Because I got into Bromwell and you didn't? That's not fair, Daria. 817 00:44:57,300 --> 00:44:59,300 It's got nothing to do with Bromwell. 818 00:44:59,460 --> 00:45:01,810 Well, if it's not about Bromwell, then what? Why? 819 00:45:03,070 --> 00:45:05,560 Because you're going one place and I'm going another. 820 00:45:05,740 --> 00:45:07,500 So what? We won't be that far away. 821 00:45:07,660 --> 00:45:11,840 I don't mean physically. I mean you're from one place and I'm from another, and 822 00:45:11,960 --> 00:45:14,000 college is going to make it even more obvious. 823 00:45:14,150 --> 00:45:14,840 I don't believe that. 824 00:45:15,000 --> 00:45:19,430 Tom... we have little enough in common as it is. Now we won't see each other for 825 00:45:19,530 --> 00:45:23,130 months at a time, and every time we do, it'll be more difficult to pick up where 826 00:45:23,260 --> 00:45:24,060 we left off. 827 00:45:24,180 --> 00:45:25,200 Not if we work at it. 828 00:45:25,320 --> 00:45:27,580 Why should we work at it when we are already getting bored? 829 00:45:27,760 --> 00:45:29,130 Who's bored? I'm not bored. 830 00:45:29,280 --> 00:45:32,480 Really? Or are you just upset that I admitted it first? 831 00:45:34,760 --> 00:45:37,580 You'll get over it. We both will. 832 00:45:37,870 --> 00:45:39,250 Hey, kids! What's new? 833 00:45:40,740 --> 00:45:43,330 Oops, sorry. Wrong table. 834 00:45:52,200 --> 00:45:52,520 Hi. 835 00:45:53,030 --> 00:45:53,370 Hmm. 836 00:45:54,130 --> 00:45:54,930 TV's off. 837 00:45:55,340 --> 00:45:57,840 Yeah. Want something? 838 00:45:58,220 --> 00:46:02,780 No. Just... if you had a friend and you knew she had a problem but she didn't, 839 00:46:02,900 --> 00:46:03,830 would you tell her? 840 00:46:04,060 --> 00:46:04,620 Huh? 841 00:46:04,800 --> 00:46:08,710 This girl I was working with... I think she has a drinking problem. If I don't 842 00:46:08,810 --> 00:46:12,020 say anything, I'm afraid she'll get an accident or something, but if I do say 843 00:46:12,120 --> 00:46:15,440 something, she'll probably never speak to me again. Not that she is now. 844 00:46:15,820 --> 00:46:20,440 I don't really feel qualified to give any advice on interpersonal relationships today. 845 00:46:20,770 --> 00:46:21,250 Why not? 846 00:46:21,450 --> 00:46:25,730 I just broke up with my boyfriend. It's kind of a first for me. So's this 847 00:46:25,840 --> 00:46:28,420 feeling in my stomach like it's been through a paper shredder. 848 00:46:28,550 --> 00:46:29,660 You broke up with Tom? 849 00:46:29,810 --> 00:46:31,830 You sound almost surprised as I was. 850 00:46:31,960 --> 00:46:32,540 Why? 851 00:46:32,720 --> 00:46:36,620 Because I felt we'd come to the end of our relationship, for a bunch of reasons, 852 00:46:36,710 --> 00:46:38,040 and we should both move on. 853 00:46:38,150 --> 00:46:40,000 So you said that to him, just like that? 854 00:46:40,200 --> 00:46:44,520 For some reason, I continue to opt for honesty, despite mounting evidence that 855 00:46:44,680 --> 00:46:49,160 it's inexorably transforming me into an old woman alone in a one room apartment 856 00:46:49,300 --> 00:46:51,660 filled with thirty year old newspapers and cats. 857 00:46:51,810 --> 00:46:55,920 Oh, Daria, that's not gonna happen to you. I was at a college party. I know what 858 00:46:56,020 --> 00:46:57,920 goes on there. People are smart and nice. 859 00:46:58,130 --> 00:46:59,750 So it's the opposite of high school? 860 00:46:59,930 --> 00:47:02,840 You're gonna have friends and everything. I know it sounds hard to believe. 861 00:47:03,010 --> 00:47:05,490 Gee, thanks. But, um, thanks. 862 00:47:06,300 --> 00:47:08,690 You were right to be honest. That's what I'm gonna do. 863 00:47:08,870 --> 00:47:11,040 Good. You can help me feed the cats. 864 00:47:14,720 --> 00:47:19,470 Daria, your face at the pizza place. Your face now... did that bastard dump you? 865 00:47:19,780 --> 00:47:21,450 I was always afraid he'd do that! 866 00:47:21,610 --> 00:47:23,000 No, I dumped him. 867 00:47:23,210 --> 00:47:26,520 You dumped... you're the bastard? Whoa. 868 00:47:26,620 --> 00:47:30,190 Yes, I'm the bastard, and the bastard is hurting like hell. 869 00:47:38,550 --> 00:47:41,250 Oh, hi. I didn't think I'd ever see you again. 870 00:47:41,530 --> 00:47:43,500 Why not? We're friends, right? 871 00:47:43,810 --> 00:47:47,510 I mean, that was a really crappy thing I said about you borrowing my lipstick. I 872 00:47:47,610 --> 00:47:49,650 can't believe I did it. I was desperate. 873 00:47:49,830 --> 00:47:50,330 I know. 874 00:47:50,490 --> 00:47:53,810 It was, like, the worst thing I've ever done in my life, and I'm really sorry. 875 00:47:54,000 --> 00:47:57,510 Lindy, I know I'm only in high school and I'm not really used to be around 876 00:47:57,620 --> 00:48:00,850 people who drink except for my father, but that's only when he's really mad and 877 00:48:00,950 --> 00:48:04,490 talking about military school and even then... and okay, my mother had a few too 878 00:48:04,640 --> 00:48:07,410 many at this wedding, but if you knew my aunt Rita, and I think you have a 879 00:48:07,520 --> 00:48:08,150 drinking problem. 880 00:48:10,540 --> 00:48:13,240 All right, I hurt you, you hurt me, fair enough. 881 00:48:13,440 --> 00:48:17,010 I'm not trying to hurt you, Lindy. You really need to think about your drinking. 882 00:48:17,350 --> 00:48:20,900 Quinn, I'm in college. Everybody drinks. If I had a problem, it would be 883 00:48:21,020 --> 00:48:23,210 affecting my schoolwork or personal life, wouldn't it? 884 00:48:23,360 --> 00:48:24,920 But you got fired because of it! 885 00:48:25,070 --> 00:48:28,820 I got fired because Michael's a jerk. And guess what? I already found another job. 886 00:48:29,010 --> 00:48:32,440 But you just said that what happened in Michael's office was the worst thing you 887 00:48:32,580 --> 00:48:35,560 ever did in your life. Doesn't that mean it's affecting you? 888 00:48:35,700 --> 00:48:39,230 That was out of panic, and now with your nasty little accusations, you've gotten 889 00:48:39,410 --> 00:48:42,680 me back for. Which is what I guess you came over in the first place. So, we're 890 00:48:42,780 --> 00:48:43,950 even, okay? So goodbye. 891 00:48:44,270 --> 00:48:44,830 Goodbye? 892 00:48:45,150 --> 00:48:48,320 I've got a paper due tomorrow and I've got a lot of writing left to go. You 893 00:48:48,420 --> 00:48:51,460 noticed I said writing, not drinking. You'll noticed I've a got a book opened, 894 00:48:51,640 --> 00:48:54,270 not a bottle And now the door's open, too. 895 00:49:10,710 --> 00:49:11,110 Hello? 896 00:49:20,130 --> 00:49:22,390 All right! Last day of school. No more classes. 897 00:49:22,530 --> 00:49:23,090 Or homework! 898 00:49:23,250 --> 00:49:24,620 Or those things with the pages! 899 00:49:25,370 --> 00:49:25,740 Books? 900 00:49:25,960 --> 00:49:26,690 Yeah, that's it. 901 00:49:27,630 --> 00:49:29,370 I want to talk to you. Alone. 902 00:49:30,720 --> 00:49:33,160 Okay. Obviously, you found out that I went to see your father. 903 00:49:33,360 --> 00:49:35,010 And told him what I confided in you. 904 00:49:35,250 --> 00:49:36,650 Look, I was just trying to help. 905 00:49:36,830 --> 00:49:41,750 Yeah? Well, as a result of your butting in... I'm going to Turner! I'm going to Turner! 906 00:49:41,920 --> 00:49:42,930 You are? That's great! 907 00:49:43,110 --> 00:49:46,240 My parents said that if I was so upset about Crestmore that I applied to Turner 908 00:49:46,310 --> 00:49:49,850 behind their backs, they had to respect my feelings. They told me I'd earned the 909 00:49:49,960 --> 00:49:51,300 right to be treated like an adult. 910 00:49:51,480 --> 00:49:52,450 I knew you'd work it out. 911 00:49:52,630 --> 00:49:56,720 I wouldn't have worked it out without you. Did I ever tell you how lucky I am to 912 00:49:56,820 --> 00:49:57,430 have you? 913 00:49:58,580 --> 00:50:01,030 Jodie! Mack! Have you seen Mr. O'Neill? 914 00:50:01,520 --> 00:50:02,560 Nope, haven't seen him. 915 00:50:02,780 --> 00:50:05,970 Oh sure. All you males stick together! 916 00:50:09,800 --> 00:50:12,970 Kevvie, do you want to go to the place we have to go to get the cap and gown 917 00:50:13,110 --> 00:50:13,610 with me? 918 00:50:13,790 --> 00:50:16,280 Mmmm, nah! But, you go ahead. 919 00:50:16,430 --> 00:50:18,420 Why? Did you already get yours? 920 00:50:18,650 --> 00:50:22,400 Um, Brit... remember when you said you'd still be my babe, no matter where I 921 00:50:22,510 --> 00:50:23,010 went to school? 922 00:50:23,360 --> 00:50:25,260 Umm... I think so. 923 00:50:25,420 --> 00:50:26,280 But you will, right? 924 00:50:26,420 --> 00:50:28,210 Sure! Where are you going? 925 00:50:28,840 --> 00:50:29,610 Right here, babe! 926 00:50:30,020 --> 00:50:30,400 Huh? 927 00:50:30,810 --> 00:50:36,130 Right here. Lawndale High. See, um, my grades were so good, they want to see if 928 00:50:36,250 --> 00:50:36,900 I can do it again. 929 00:50:37,110 --> 00:50:43,270 Ohhh. Wait a minute... your grades aren't good... Kevvie, you flunked! 930 00:50:43,420 --> 00:50:45,740 No, no, no! I just, um, didn't pass. 931 00:50:46,000 --> 00:50:49,340 But, see, if I repeat this year, then my grades will be really good. 932 00:50:49,560 --> 00:50:52,310 Mr. O'Neill says I can go away to any college in the country! 933 00:50:52,440 --> 00:50:52,940 Really? 934 00:50:53,080 --> 00:50:57,630 Or did he say some college way out in the country? Anyway, we're still, like, 935 00:50:57,770 --> 00:50:58,820 boyfriend and girlfriend, right? 936 00:50:59,170 --> 00:51:00,800 Ummm, sure. 937 00:51:04,130 --> 00:51:09,310 Timothy, you've got to be firm. Now, repeat after me: "Barch, it'll be a cold 938 00:51:09,410 --> 00:51:14,430 day in hell before I kiss my common sense and will to live goodbye, and enter 939 00:51:14,560 --> 00:51:19,890 the bonds of unholy matrimony with such a shrew!" Now, you! 940 00:51:20,110 --> 00:51:23,400 Um, Janet, it'll be a chilly day in Hades... 941 00:51:23,530 --> 00:51:24,080 LOUDER! 942 00:51:24,280 --> 00:51:25,280 Uh, Janet... 943 00:51:25,550 --> 00:51:29,510 There you are. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were hiding from me! 944 00:51:29,690 --> 00:51:31,150 Oh. Me? Hiding? 945 00:51:32,450 --> 00:51:36,700 Madam? Timothy has something he'd like to say to you! Don't you, Timothy? 946 00:51:36,960 --> 00:51:40,650 Well, what is it? And make it snappy, Skinny, we have to go pick our honeymoon 947 00:51:40,800 --> 00:51:41,420 cruise wear. 948 00:51:41,600 --> 00:51:45,120 Um, Janet, about the wedding, well, um, you see... 949 00:51:45,310 --> 00:51:49,060 There's not gonna be a wedding, so you can dig your talons into the flesh of 950 00:51:49,240 --> 00:51:50,220 some other prey! 951 00:51:50,340 --> 00:51:50,820 WHAT? 952 00:51:50,900 --> 00:51:51,550 You heard him. 953 00:51:51,670 --> 00:51:55,870 Uh, you see, Janet, It's not that you wouldn't make a very desirable life partner... 954 00:51:56,080 --> 00:52:01,540 All right then, Mr. Gigolo, you hear this: if there's no wedding, then that's 955 00:52:01,650 --> 00:52:06,940 it. It's over, buster. We will never play farmwife and National Geographic 956 00:52:07,050 --> 00:52:08,410 photographer again. 957 00:52:09,220 --> 00:52:10,090 Timothy? 958 00:52:11,210 --> 00:52:12,020 As you wish. 959 00:52:12,220 --> 00:52:12,850 Aargh! 960 00:52:13,170 --> 00:52:16,340 Congratulations! You stood up to her like a man! 961 00:52:16,480 --> 00:52:17,350 Exactly! 962 00:52:18,720 --> 00:52:22,050 Ow! My good eye! Aaaaaah! 963 00:52:28,690 --> 00:52:32,190 Stacy, of course Sandi didn't say anything about being mad at you. 964 00:52:32,310 --> 00:52:33,560 She can't talk, remember? 965 00:52:36,220 --> 00:52:41,520 Stacy, I've got to call you back. Um, hi, Lindy. Come in! How are you? 966 00:52:41,800 --> 00:52:45,730 I'm just fine, really great. Um, I forgot to give this to you when you came over 967 00:52:45,870 --> 00:52:46,330 the other day. 968 00:52:47,420 --> 00:52:50,140 Lindy! The mirror; it's beautiful! 969 00:52:50,310 --> 00:52:51,220 You really like it? 970 00:52:51,330 --> 00:52:52,850 I love it! Thank you! 971 00:52:53,800 --> 00:52:58,820 Um, listen, about our conversation. Maybe every now and then I do go a little 972 00:52:58,950 --> 00:53:03,190 overboard when I drink, but that doesn't mean I've got a problem. Believe me, I 973 00:53:03,320 --> 00:53:05,540 you'd had my mother, you know how the real problem looks like. 974 00:53:05,820 --> 00:53:06,240 Oh. 975 00:53:06,420 --> 00:53:09,420 You know how I'm sure I can handle it? Whenever I think I'm drinking too much, I 976 00:53:09,560 --> 00:53:11,700 stop for a week, just to prove to myself that I can. 977 00:53:11,950 --> 00:53:12,320 Really? 978 00:53:12,500 --> 00:53:14,870 Yeah. I do it all the time. So you see? 979 00:53:15,130 --> 00:53:16,950 Yeah, that's great, Lindy. 980 00:53:17,670 --> 00:53:19,520 Anyway, I'm glad you like the mirror. 981 00:53:19,690 --> 00:53:20,880 It's beautiful. 982 00:53:21,080 --> 00:53:22,270 Thanks. I'll see you around. 983 00:53:23,200 --> 00:53:25,710 Um, Lindy? Do you want to go to a movie or something? 984 00:53:25,930 --> 00:53:28,140 I can't today, but I'll give you a call, okay? 985 00:53:28,770 --> 00:53:29,970 Okay, sure. 986 00:53:34,390 --> 00:53:34,760 Hey. 987 00:53:35,110 --> 00:53:37,340 Wow, you're talking to a sellout like me? 988 00:53:37,540 --> 00:53:38,510 About that... 989 00:53:38,740 --> 00:53:39,210 Yes? 990 00:53:39,410 --> 00:53:41,840 I don't really think you're a sellout. 991 00:53:42,040 --> 00:53:45,640 Well, that's not exactly an apology, but you know what they say about beggars. 992 00:53:45,900 --> 00:53:48,120 That they only spend it on booze? 993 00:53:48,270 --> 00:53:48,900 Never mind. 994 00:53:49,100 --> 00:53:50,470 Um, Janey? 995 00:53:50,750 --> 00:53:51,680 Um, Trent? 996 00:53:51,860 --> 00:53:57,720 This college thing... I gave it... thought... and, um, I kind of understand if 997 00:53:57,820 --> 00:53:58,680 you want to go. 998 00:53:58,930 --> 00:54:01,660 What I don't get is why you were so against it in the first place. 999 00:54:01,840 --> 00:54:06,870 I guess I didn't want you to go because... well... you would be there... 1000 00:54:07,070 --> 00:54:08,850 Admirable grasp of the situation. 1001 00:54:09,070 --> 00:54:10,580 ...and I would be here. 1002 00:54:10,930 --> 00:54:13,450 Oh. You're worried about losing me? 1003 00:54:13,860 --> 00:54:19,530 Well, the house gets kind of spooky at night. Maybe I should get a puppy. 1004 00:54:19,840 --> 00:54:22,830 Hey, Trent, do you really think I'm gonna let you slack off being my brother 1005 00:54:22,930 --> 00:54:24,300 just because of an address change? 1006 00:54:24,480 --> 00:54:25,160 Hmm. 1007 00:54:25,260 --> 00:54:28,940 Now, listen. My guess is Mom and Dad won't be back from the Azores until monsoon 1008 00:54:29,060 --> 00:54:32,220 season's over. You want to represent the Lane family at my graduation? 1009 00:54:32,880 --> 00:54:35,550 I didn't even go to my own graduation. 1010 00:54:35,800 --> 00:54:36,930 So you did graduate. 1011 00:54:37,120 --> 00:54:38,330 I'm pretty sure... 1012 00:54:44,130 --> 00:54:47,820 Hmm. What's Tom doing out there? He looks unhappy about something. 1013 00:54:48,020 --> 00:54:50,720 He's probably mad at those stuck-up Bromwell goons, too! 1014 00:54:50,970 --> 00:54:53,500 Lousy, tea-drinking, pinky-raising... 1015 00:54:53,610 --> 00:54:57,310 Jake! Tom got into Bromwell. Oh! 1016 00:55:02,060 --> 00:55:03,150 Um, hello. 1017 00:55:03,320 --> 00:55:03,880 Hey, Daria. 1018 00:55:04,040 --> 00:55:05,450 I'm not getting into that car. 1019 00:55:05,670 --> 00:55:08,000 That's how all this trouble started in the first place. 1020 00:55:08,210 --> 00:55:10,500 Trouble? Is that how you think of our relationship? 1021 00:55:10,710 --> 00:55:12,120 I'm just kidding. What's up? 1022 00:55:12,670 --> 00:55:16,650 Oh, Jake! I think something bad is happening! And she's already had one 1023 00:55:16,800 --> 00:55:20,010 disappointment. Oh, no! I was dreading this day! 1024 00:55:20,210 --> 00:55:23,050 Sounds like I should do something! I think I'll go clean the attic! 1025 00:55:23,210 --> 00:55:23,650 Jake! 1026 00:55:26,020 --> 00:55:29,550 Um, I've been thinking a lot about why you said we should break up, and I don't 1027 00:55:29,730 --> 00:55:33,080 disagree. I just wanted to know: you liked me for a while, right? 1028 00:55:33,240 --> 00:55:38,360 Tom, come on. I still like you. You're a good guy. A little spoiled, a hair 1029 00:55:38,500 --> 00:55:40,120 smug, a triffle egotistical... 1030 00:55:40,290 --> 00:55:41,700 This isn't going quite the way I hoped. 1031 00:55:41,820 --> 00:55:45,420 ...but a smart, funny guy who's basically very caring and sensitive in the 1032 00:55:45,530 --> 00:55:49,610 not-pukey way. I'm glad we went out. It was a really good experience. 1033 00:55:49,860 --> 00:55:50,360 You mean that? 1034 00:55:50,600 --> 00:55:53,010 Yeah, of course. What's the matter with you? 1035 00:55:53,320 --> 00:55:57,630 Nothing. It's just... I really look up to you, and your opinion's important to me. 1036 00:55:57,730 --> 00:55:59,430 You look up to me? Huh. 1037 00:55:59,610 --> 00:56:02,850 Do you think next year I could call you from school, and we could compare notes 1038 00:56:02,990 --> 00:56:06,130 on our lives in a completely non-romantic fashion? You know, like friends? 1039 00:56:06,310 --> 00:56:10,830 Hmm, yeah. Yeah! That's a good idea. Call me. That'll be nice. 1040 00:56:11,060 --> 00:56:13,830 OK. I'm starting to feel a little better. How about you? 1041 00:56:16,030 --> 00:56:18,880 I've got one more bed of hot coals to walk through first. 1042 00:56:21,840 --> 00:56:25,570 Daria! Hi! How was the last day of school? Do you want to lie down? 1043 00:56:25,750 --> 00:56:27,280 I have an announcement to make. 1044 00:56:27,430 --> 00:56:30,250 Oh, God, Daria! It'll be all right, I promise! 1045 00:56:30,470 --> 00:56:32,610 I have broken up with my boyfriend. 1046 00:56:32,840 --> 00:56:36,790 Yes, it hurts, but it was my idea, and despite the pain I feel, 1047 00:56:36,910 --> 00:56:38,960 I remain convinced it is for the best. 1048 00:56:39,140 --> 00:56:41,990 I am looking forward to summer, and, to my amazement, 1049 00:56:42,170 --> 00:56:43,920 excited about college next year. 1050 00:56:44,150 --> 00:56:46,680 Now I shall go to my room without taking questions. 1051 00:56:47,310 --> 00:56:50,780 Ignore any muffled screams you may hear, especially if they're Quinn's. 1052 00:56:51,940 --> 00:56:55,650 She and Tom broke up? Just like that? No clues, no warning signs? I'd better go 1053 00:56:55,770 --> 00:56:59,100 talk to her! This could drive her back to military school! What should I say? 1054 00:56:59,420 --> 00:57:01,740 Damn it, Helen! Where's our copy of Mr. Spock? 1055 00:57:02,160 --> 00:57:06,300 Jake, your concern is very sweet, but I think she's going to be okay. 1056 00:57:08,710 --> 00:57:12,510 Just tell me what I did to make you drag me to Jodie's graduation party? 1057 00:57:12,710 --> 00:57:15,850 You need a break from the break-up. One more night with those whose stupidity 1058 00:57:16,000 --> 00:57:20,370 has so tormented and entertained us, lo, these many years. A farewell to dopes! 1059 00:57:24,150 --> 00:57:28,730 Andrea, my dark-eyed mistress of sweet, sweet pain. Are you, like me, finding 1060 00:57:28,840 --> 00:57:33,900 this party a bit too... festive? Let us depart for a darker place, where we can 1061 00:57:34,020 --> 00:57:38,770 explore the melancholia that always accompanies true, unbridled passion! 1062 00:57:38,960 --> 00:57:40,470 You're hitting on me? 1063 00:57:40,850 --> 00:57:41,290 Um... 1064 00:57:41,970 --> 00:57:42,340 Okay. 1065 00:57:42,720 --> 00:57:47,420 Really?! I mean, say no more, my raven-haired ravisher! 1066 00:57:48,800 --> 00:57:51,590 Behold, Daria! The group dynamic you crave so much! 1067 00:57:51,850 --> 00:57:56,000 I suppose pulling out a can of mace right now would be considered bad form. 1068 00:57:56,310 --> 00:57:57,510 Hey, guys. Thanks for coming. 1069 00:57:57,720 --> 00:57:58,470 No Tom tonight? 1070 00:57:58,840 --> 00:58:00,600 Um, no Tom no more. 1071 00:58:00,920 --> 00:58:03,140 What? He dumped both of you? I mean... 1072 00:58:03,320 --> 00:58:05,740 Au contraire! Tom was the dumpee! 1073 00:58:05,940 --> 00:58:06,350 Wow! 1074 00:58:06,500 --> 00:58:11,360 Yes, I terminated the relationship so I could indulge my compulsive need to play 1075 00:58:11,540 --> 00:58:12,010 the field. 1076 00:58:12,230 --> 00:58:14,920 Hi, Daria! Hi, Jane! Where's Tom? 1077 00:58:15,320 --> 00:58:16,730 Um, covert mission. 1078 00:58:16,940 --> 00:58:19,440 Really? I didn't know he was religious. 1079 00:58:19,650 --> 00:58:21,380 Hey, Daria! Where's that guy you know? 1080 00:58:21,610 --> 00:58:22,840 He joined a mission! 1081 00:58:23,110 --> 00:58:24,820 Really? He's going to Mars? 1082 00:58:27,100 --> 00:58:30,540 So, once I paid off my credit card bill, I just quit. My friend was already 1083 00:58:30,690 --> 00:58:34,550 gone, and I mean, who works in the summer? Puh-lease! 1084 00:58:34,710 --> 00:58:36,140 You're so good with money, Quinn! 1085 00:58:36,260 --> 00:58:37,380 Could you balance my checkbook? 1086 00:58:37,520 --> 00:58:38,720 You've got fiscal smarts! 1087 00:58:39,120 --> 00:58:43,540 Well, I see I'm the only one who still believes in arriving fashionably late. 1088 00:58:43,750 --> 00:58:45,560 Sandi! You got your voice back! 1089 00:58:45,740 --> 00:58:47,040 That's great, Sandi! 1090 00:58:47,200 --> 00:58:48,950 Yeah... great... 1091 00:58:49,350 --> 00:58:54,400 Stacy, you'll be happy to know I figured how you can almost make it up to me for 1092 00:58:54,520 --> 00:58:56,590 the physical and emotional anguish you caused. 1093 00:58:56,710 --> 00:59:02,370 You have? Oh, Sandi, thank you! Organize your Waif magazine inventory, ironing 1094 00:59:02,510 --> 00:59:05,950 any and all wrinkled pages... take over babysitting your brothers all summer... 1095 00:59:06,100 --> 00:59:07,270 clean your lipstick tubes... 1096 00:59:07,480 --> 00:59:10,670 Whoa, Stacy... I pity you. 1097 00:59:10,770 --> 00:59:14,210 Um, Sandi, I'm really, really sorry about what happened and all, but this seems 1098 00:59:14,320 --> 00:59:18,920 kind of... unfair. I mean, we don't know if I really made you lose your voice, right? 1099 00:59:19,130 --> 00:59:23,150 Are you saying you don't care if you jeopardize your status in the Fashion Club? 1100 00:59:24,090 --> 00:59:28,140 Sandi, if this is what it'll take to keep me in the Fashion Club, maybe I'm 1101 00:59:28,260 --> 00:59:30,140 better off taking a sabbatical like Quinn. 1102 00:59:30,960 --> 00:59:36,510 Um... fine. But you're missing out, because Quinn is coming back. Right, Quinn? 1103 00:59:36,830 --> 00:59:41,030 Um, actually, Sandi, the time off was a nice change of pace. I'm thinking of 1104 00:59:41,160 --> 00:59:42,310 extending my sabbatical. 1105 00:59:42,490 --> 00:59:42,990 What? 1106 00:59:43,220 --> 00:59:46,710 Huh. I think I'll take a sabbatical, too. 1107 00:59:49,960 --> 00:59:54,910 Well, that is certainly an amusing coincidence, because tonight I was going to 1108 00:59:55,070 --> 00:59:59,200 announce my sabbatical from the Fashion Club. Yes, I find that your precious 1109 00:59:59,390 --> 01:00:03,980 club no longer serves my needs as a multi-faceted young woman of today. It's 1110 01:00:04,120 --> 01:00:05,400 just too confining. 1111 01:00:05,750 --> 01:00:08,640 Gosh! Does this mean there isn't any more Fashion Club? 1112 01:00:09,370 --> 01:00:11,090 I guess it's time to move on. 1113 01:00:11,320 --> 01:00:12,700 It's like the end of an era. 1114 01:00:13,510 --> 01:00:14,330 I'm gonna miss it. 1115 01:00:14,710 --> 01:00:15,660 Me, too. 1116 01:00:20,110 --> 01:00:24,740 You want to come over tomorrow and discuss what we'll do with all our new free time? 1117 01:00:25,090 --> 01:00:26,670 That's a great idea, Sandi! 1118 01:00:26,820 --> 01:00:28,440 I'll bring some magazines to look at. 1119 01:00:28,620 --> 01:00:31,210 I can't wait to brainstorm. 1120 01:00:31,450 --> 01:00:32,390 Then it's a date. 1121 01:00:35,210 --> 01:00:36,230 He said he looked up to you? 1122 01:00:36,520 --> 01:00:39,160 Isn't that weird? Flattering, but weird. 1123 01:00:39,500 --> 01:00:42,070 Well, I kind of take what you say seriously. 1124 01:00:42,220 --> 01:00:46,160 That's why, after your constant haranguing and brow-beating, I went ahead and 1125 01:00:46,310 --> 01:00:48,710 sent my portfolio to BFAC... and got in. 1126 01:00:49,570 --> 01:00:51,830 Jane Lane! What did you say? 1127 01:00:52,110 --> 01:00:56,470 You. Me. College. Same town. Be ready to have your ass dragged to more parties. 1128 01:00:56,700 --> 01:00:58,310 I knew you could do it. I knew it! 1129 01:00:59,120 --> 01:01:00,510 Why the hell didn't you tell me? 1130 01:01:00,770 --> 01:01:04,650 I just found out today. Besides, you know what a drama queen I am. So, what do 1131 01:01:04,740 --> 01:01:07,820 you say? Make a pledge right now to go up there and get separate boyfriends? 1132 01:01:09,500 --> 01:01:10,830 Thanks for talking me into applying. 1133 01:01:11,380 --> 01:01:13,230 Thanks for helping me get through high school. 1134 01:01:14,040 --> 01:01:18,150 Me at BFAC, you at Raft. You think it's true that things happen for a reason? 1135 01:01:19,020 --> 01:01:19,520 Naah! 1136 01:01:21,410 --> 01:01:24,810 ... for today we leave the days of our youth behind and begin our journey into 1137 01:01:24,910 --> 01:01:28,480 adulthood. Many years from now, I'm sure we will look back on our days at 1138 01:01:28,590 --> 01:01:33,020 Lawndale High with a great fondness, for what once was, and will never be again. 1139 01:01:33,390 --> 01:01:34,970 That last part sounded good. 1140 01:01:35,220 --> 01:01:35,710 Thank you. 1141 01:01:39,540 --> 01:01:43,580 Thank you, Jodie Landon, valedictorian of the graduating class of Laaawndale 1142 01:01:43,710 --> 01:01:47,140 High. And remember, parents, your child doesn't have to be a current student for 1143 01:01:47,250 --> 01:01:52,140 us to accept your generous donations. And now, people, and now... and now, 1144 01:01:52,260 --> 01:01:56,020 awards time! We'll do the sports and other good prizes after I get these 1145 01:01:56,170 --> 01:02:00,200 academic jobbies is out of the way. Now, as you know, at Lawndale High we prefer 1146 01:02:00,330 --> 01:02:04,150 to reward students for both their scholarship and contribution to student life. 1147 01:02:04,360 --> 01:02:08,170 But, occasionally, a student does so well in one area that we are forced to 1148 01:02:08,320 --> 01:02:12,350 recognize him or her despite crippling deficiencies in the other. And so, I give 1149 01:02:12,460 --> 01:02:16,060 you the winner of this year's Lawndale High School Diane Fossey Award for 1150 01:02:16,220 --> 01:02:20,770 dazzling academic achievement in the face of near-total misanthropy... 1151 01:02:21,210 --> 01:02:23,000 Ms. Daria Morgendorffer! 1152 01:02:24,760 --> 01:02:26,220 Bravo, bravo! 1153 01:02:26,500 --> 01:02:28,570 Very good, Daria! You go, girlfriend! 1154 01:02:28,860 --> 01:02:30,090 Brav... oh! 1155 01:02:30,290 --> 01:02:34,320 All right, Timothy! This is it! You've gone this far; you can't turn back now! 1156 01:02:34,790 --> 01:02:36,170 Anthony! Where are you going? 1157 01:02:36,320 --> 01:02:38,560 Sorry, but that right hook is a killer! 1158 01:02:38,930 --> 01:02:40,950 Now, Janet, I know you're disappointed... 1159 01:02:41,100 --> 01:02:43,560 No, I'm not! I'm intrigued... 1160 01:02:43,670 --> 01:02:48,660 ...but as the poet said, time will heal thy wounded heart in... you're what? 1161 01:02:48,860 --> 01:02:52,970 Intrigued by this alluring new backbone of yours. Where have you been hiding 1162 01:02:53,110 --> 01:02:56,200 that erogenous chutzpah all these years, you big lug? 1163 01:02:56,390 --> 01:02:57,850 Oh, well, I... 1164 01:03:08,900 --> 01:03:14,250 Um... thank you. I'm not much for public speaking, or much for speaking, or, 1165 01:03:14,400 --> 01:03:18,570 come to think of it, much for the public. And I'm not very good at lying. So let 1166 01:03:18,680 --> 01:03:23,520 me just say that, in my experience, high school sucks. If I had to do it all 1167 01:03:23,620 --> 01:03:27,520 over again, I'd have started advanced placement classes in preschool so I could 1168 01:03:27,640 --> 01:03:29,510 go from eighth grade straight to college. 1169 01:03:30,130 --> 01:03:35,080 However, given the unalterable fact that high school sucks, I'd like to add that 1170 01:03:35,190 --> 01:03:39,120 if you're lucky enough to have a good friend and a family that cares, it doesn't 1171 01:03:39,220 --> 01:03:40,550 have to suck quite as much. 1172 01:03:41,210 --> 01:03:46,210 Otherwise, my advice is: stand firm for what you believe in, until and unless 1173 01:03:46,310 --> 01:03:50,800 logic and experience prove you wrong; remember, when the emperor looks naked, 1174 01:03:50,910 --> 01:03:55,520 the emperor is naked; the truth and a lie are not "sort of the same thing"; and 1175 01:03:55,650 --> 01:04:01,140 there's no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza. 1176 01:04:02,020 --> 01:04:02,630 Thank you. 1177 01:04:13,910 --> 01:04:17,390 So, dazzling academic achievement, eh? What a sellout. 1178 01:04:17,650 --> 01:04:22,190 I know. And then I had the perfect opportunity to beat Ms. Li senseless with my 1179 01:04:22,300 --> 01:04:25,220 trophy, and what do I do? Give a heart-warming speech. 1180 01:04:25,500 --> 01:04:27,640 You're getting soft around the edges, Morgendorffer. 1181 01:04:27,840 --> 01:04:30,090 Maybe, or maybe you've got glaucoma. 1182 01:04:31,010 --> 01:04:34,700 To college! I can't wait! What do you think we'll find when we get there? 1183 01:04:34,900 --> 01:04:39,470 Hmm. That the students are shockingly ignorant, the professors self-centered and 1184 01:04:39,580 --> 01:04:43,320 corrupt, and the entire system geared soley to the pursuit of funding? 1185 01:04:43,500 --> 01:04:46,430 Hmmm, yes. You know that thing I said about you getting soft? 1186 01:04:46,660 --> 01:04:47,240 Yeah? 1187 01:04:47,710 --> 01:04:48,600 I take it back.